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Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of kansas C|ty North|and M|ssour|

8r|ngs ou art 1wo of "Mov|ng Iorward w|th A|zhe|mer's

Sponsored by Sen|or ne|pers A|zhe|mer's Assoc|at|on of Amer|ca

When Monday November 21 2011
1|me 1100 AM ac|f|c ] 1200 M Mounta|n ] 100 M Centra| ] 200 M Lastern
rereg|ster Now hLLps//www3goLomeeLlngcom/reglsLer/490043742
About th|s Ser|es
Alzhelmer's and demenLla awareness has Laken greaL sLrldes ln Lhe pasL 10 years 1here ls a
wealLh of lnformaLlon avallable for famlly careglvers and healLh care professlonals carlng for
and LreaLlng Lhose wlLh Lhese dlseases buL lL can be dlfflculL Lo plnpolnL Lhe meLhods LhaL wlll
make Lhe mosL dlfference 1hls LhreeparL weblnar serles bolls down Lhe overwhelmlng amounL
of lnformaLlon avallable Lo brlng you sallenL meanlngful resources Lechnlques and ldeas LhaL
you can lmmedlaLely lmplemenL wlLh people you meeL and work wlLh everyday who are llvlng
wlLh Alzhelmer's and demenLla
1h|s Web Sem|nar
Cver Lhe pasL 10 years slgnlflcanL progress has been made ln dlfferenLlal dlagnosls and Lallorlng
LreaLmenLs and lnLervenLlons Lo each Lype of demenLla 1hls web semlnar wlll provlde speclflc
and dlsLlngulshlng characLerlsLlcs of some of Lhe more common forms of demenLla lncludlng
Alzhelmer's dlsease vascular demenLla Lewy body demenLla and fronLoLemporal demenLlas
arL of Lhe sesslon also focuses on how care and expecLaLlons may need Lo be changed for each
condlLlon as well as for Lhose lndlvlduals wlLh mlxed plcLure demenLla
art|c|pants |n th|s Web Sem|nar W|||
- Learn Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween normal and abnormal changes ln braln funcLlons
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe aglng process
- Compare varlous demenLlas regardlng lnlLlal sympLoms progresslon paLLerns and
managemenL and LreaLmenL sLraLegles
- ulscuss Lhe lmporLance of Lhe role of Lhe care parLner ln helplng Lo effecLlvely
manage Lhe care plan and LreaLmenL of lndlvlduals llvlng wlLh varlous demenLlas
Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of kansas C|ty North|and M|ssour|
8r|ngs ou art 1wo of "Mov|ng Iorward w|th A|zhe|mer's
1eepa Snow ls an occupaLlonal LheraplsL worklng as a demenLla care and demenLla educaLlon
speclallsL She has over 31 years of cllnlcal experlence ln Lhe fleld of gerlaLrlcs and demenLla
care CurrenLly she has an lndependenL pracLlce as well as cllnlcal appolnLmenLs wlLh uuke
unlverslLys School of nurslng and unCChapel Plll's School of Medlclne She provldes
lnLeracLlve and creaLlve educaLlonal and Lralnlng sesslons Lo organlzaLlons and provlders
LhroughouL Lhe uS Canada She has been acLlvely lnvolved ln Leachlng and cllnlcal research
pro[ecLs LhroughouL her pracLlce career
About Sen|or ne|pers
Senlor Pelpers provldes many lnhome careglvlng servlces for Lhe elderly ln Lhe kansas ClLy
norLhland area lncludlng CladsLone norLh kansas ClLy LlberLy SalnL !oseph klrksvllle Lxcelslor
Sprlngs and Maryvllle We offer exLenslve lnhome care servlces for senlors who value
embrace Lhelr lndependence and Lhe personal dlgnlLy LhaL goes wlLh lL Cur lnhome care
servlces are provlded by bonded and lnsured careglvers all of whom pass a naLlonal background
lf a senlor famlly member needs lnhome care servlces ln kansas ClLy norLhland and
surroundlng areas we are an excellenL cholce wlLh exemplary references lnhome care ls Lhe
compasslonaLe cholce for your elderly loved ones conLlnued lndependenL llvlng We promlse
we wlll do our besL Lo make lL a poslLlve experlence for Lhem and you lor more lnformaLlon
please vlslL hLLp//senlorhelperscom/locaLlon/2907

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