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be supplemented by furosemide, because spironolactone alone is a weak diuretic.

K+ levels. Therefore, the aldosterone antagonist spironolactone is the drug of choice. It can
14. Hepatic cirrhosis is associated with raised aldosterone and low plasma
of effort. Taken on a regular schedule they decrease frequency of attacks and increase exercise
10. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker: reduction in cardiac work and exercise tolerance.

2010 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 201001 Reg. No.: …………………
there fore reduces frequency and severity of angina. All blockers benefit angina

Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations

July 2023
Pharmacology - Paper I
Time: 2 Hours Max Marks: 40
 Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between
answers • Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
 Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers
 Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary

Essays: (2x6=12)
1. Classify antihypertensive. Explain the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects
of ACE inhibitors. (3+3)
2. A 25-year-old male with symptom of excessive fatigue and lack of sleep was brought to
the clinic. His relatives say that he is socially withdrawn and has made two attempts of
suicide. He was prescribed tab fluoxetine.
 Explain the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of fluoxetine.
 Classify other drugs useful in the above condition. (3+3)
Short Notes: (5x3=15)
3. Ezetimibe

4. Special drug delivery systems

5. Mannitol
6. Carbamazepine
7. Drug Antagonism
9. L-dopa is a dopamine precursor while carbidopa is a peripheral carboxylase inhibitor.

Write the Pharmacological basis for the use of: (3x1=3)

of LAs by decreasing their rate of removal from the local site into the circulation.

8. Adrenaline with lignocaine for tooth extraction

2. Enhances the intensity of nerve block. 3. Reduces systemic toxicity of LAs:
8. Addition of a vasoconstrictor, e.g. adrenaline, 1. Prolongs duration of action

rate of absorption is reduced and metabolism keeps the plasma concentration

9. Levodopa and carbidopa in parkinsonism

10. Amlodipine and metoprolol in angina
Write two uses and two adverse effects of the following drugs: (3x1=3)
Vertigo, Morning sickness. Dryness of mouth, alteration of bowel movement, urinary hesitancy and blurring of
11. Cinnarizine vision.
12. Risperidone atypical antipsychotic; Postural hypotension, agitation.
c.o. and may precipitate arrhythmia.
producing tachycardia, increased contractility and
sympathetic stimulation of heart predominates
does not depress SA node or A-V conduction. Reflex
effective. Nifedipine too is a calcium channel blocker but it
Adenosine and verapamil are more
15. In supra-ventricular arrhythmia,

13. Heparin Lipaemia clearing, anti-coagulant; Bleeding, thrombocytopenia.

Choose the appropriate drug and Justify: (2x1=2)
lower. 4. Provides a more bloodless field for surgery.

14. Furosemide/Spironolactone in cirrhosis liver Spironolactone.

15. Verapamil/Nifedipine in supra ventricular arrhythmias Verapamil.
Name the following (Two examples for each): (5x1=5)
16. Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor Aspirin, Mephenamic acid.
17. Mucolytics Bromhexine, Carbocisteine.
18. Fibrinolytics Streptokinase, Urokinase
19. Plasma expanders Human Albumin, Dextran
20. Mast cell stabilizers Sodium cromoglycate, Ketotifen

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