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Table of Contents

A WORLD OF DARKNESS ............................................................................................... 1

THROUGH A LOOKING GLASS DARKLY ................................................................................. 1
GAMEPLAY ................................................................................................................... 3
SCENES ....................................................................................................................... 3
ACTION ROUNDS ........................................................................................................... 3
DICE AND ROLLS ............................................................................................................ 5
SOCIAL CONFRONTATION ............................................................................................. 8
SOCIAL APPROACHES ...................................................................................................... 8
SOCIAL ACTION ROLL ...................................................................................................... 9
COMPELS ....................................................................................................................10
ATTACKS .....................................................................................................................10
COMMANDS ................................................................................................................11
SOCIAL ZONES ..............................................................................................................12
TACTICAL PLOTTING ....................................................................................................14
ENGAGEMENT PLANS .....................................................................................................14
PLAN PROGRESSION ......................................................................................................15
FLASHBACKS ................................................................................................................16
FLASHBACK COST ..........................................................................................................16
COMBAT ......................................................................................................................17
ACTIONS .....................................................................................................................17
ROUNDS .....................................................................................................................18
COMBAT ZONES ...........................................................................................................19
MOVEMENT ................................................................................................................19
MELEE COMBAT ...........................................................................................................20
RANGED COMBAT .........................................................................................................22
INTERACTIVE COMBAT .......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
COMBAT MODIFIERS .....................................................................................................24
HIT LOCATION ..............................................................................................................25
DAMAGE AND HEALING ..............................................................................................26
DAMAGE ....................................................................................................................26
HEALTH ......................................................................................................................30
HEALING .....................................................................................................................31
EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................32
MONEY ......................................................................................................................32
PROTECTION ................................................................................................................40
ITEMS ........................................................................................................................42
VEHICLES ....................................................................................................................43
CHARACTERS ...............................................................................................................46
ROLEPLAYING ...............................................................................................................46
CHARACTER CREATION ...................................................................................................51
CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT ............................................................................................66
ATTRIBUTES .................................................................................................................67
SKILLS ........................................................................................................................73
WILLPOWER ................................................................................................................83
MORALITY ..................................................................................................................84
MERITS ......................................................................................................................86
FLAWS .......................................................................................................................93
STORYTELLERS .............................................................................................................98
BE A FAN OF THE CHARACTERS .........................................................................................98
RUNNING THE GAME .....................................................................................................98
CREATING A WORLD OF DARKNESS.................................................................................. 103
CREATING YOUR CHRONICLE .......................................................................................... 106
ENDING YOUR CHRONICLE ............................................................................................ 107
CRIME AND INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................... 108
CONSPIRACY AND INTRIGUE ........................................................................................... 110
DARKNESS AND HORROR .............................................................................................. 113

Version 2023.05.31
A World of Darkness
Everyone has had the sense at least once in their lives that They eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and waste
things are not right with the world, that not everything is at it time watching the same stupid TV shows. And yet, in the World
seems. We sometimes feel that sinister truths hide behind a of Darkness, shadows are deeper, nights are darker, fog is
facade of normality, veiled partially by the rational, orderly thicker. If, in our world, a neighborhood has a rundown house
"natural laws" taught to us by science. We're told that that gives people the creeps, in the World of Darkness, that
medieval beliefs in monsters and magic were merely primitive house emits strange sighs on certain nights of the year, and
superstitions. We're too wise for that sort of foolishness these seems to have a human face when seen from the corner of
days. Or so we assure ourselves. But at night, when the one's eye. Or so some neighbors say. In our world, there are
shadows grow long and the wind whistles through the trees, urban legends. In the World of Darkness, there are urban
we shudder and remember older truths, the truths of our legends whispered into the ears of children by invisible spiders.
ancestors, who were right to fear the dark.
In the world you're about to enter, the horrors and nightmares
We know deep down that the world is a far more terrifying place of legend aren't just scary bedtime stories they’re real, even
than we allow our rational minds to acknowledge. To accept this though most people don't realize it. The truth, or at least some
subconscious truth is to invite madness, to succumb to the raw of the truth about this world's hidden terrors, is revealed in
chaos that lurks at the edges of our perception. Best to shut our other books. But you don't need all the answers to begin
eyes, pretend it's not there. If we don't see it, it might not see exploring. This book gives you everything you need to create
us. Pretending something is not there, however, does not make your own collaborative tales. Horror stories, ghost stories,
it go away. It only helps it to hide better and predators like to wonder tales, adventures or mysteries. Stories of people who
hide from their prey, lest it be scared away. suspect the truth about what lurks in the shadows, perhaps
only after getting an unwelcome glimpse of it.

You'll find that this game challenges your ability to inhabit a

A world where such predators truly existed is a conspiracy
character who is as real and believable as you can make him.
theorist's worst nightmare. In such a reality, unseen beings
The true measure of success in a Storytelling game is how
hatch incognito plots against us, pulling our strings like
much your character interacts with the imaginary world he
puppeteers looming above us, hidden in the darkness beyond
inhabits. Remember: this isn’t a game to be won or a character
the stage lights. Our only protection is our ignorance, the
to level up. It’s a series of forbidden veils you are pulling back
obliviousness that allows us to keep going day by day, building
to reveal a truth and both parts beautiful and horrific for the
toward "something meaningful a career, a home, a family.
truths and reality it embodies. Maybe the character you create
Allegations about secret masters or creatures lurking in the
will uncover some secrets of his shadowed world. Maybe he'll
night simply lack evidence. If these things are real, why don't
become one of those secrets. Time will tell.
we see them on the evening news? Even Internet sites
dedicated to exposing unknown forces in our lives can't
produce a single, verifiable picture. It's hard to believe in The Elements of Stylish Horror
something we can't see. This book presents rules for playing a type of roleplaying game
called Storytelling. In this type of game, the traditional elements
Maybe they want it that way. of a story: theme, mood, plot and character are more important
than the rules themselves. The rules serve to help you tell stories
Welcome to the World of Darkness. about your characters in an interactive experience. They help
prevent arguments and provide a solid basis for handling
elements of chance, but they don't overshadow the story itself.
Midnight Stories
The triumphs and tragedies of your characters as they try to
We can't know when humans first started telling stories, or
survive and even thrive in the World of Darkness are the main
why. But it's a safe bet that the first tale tellers used their craft
focus, not dice rolls or lists of traits.
to explain the mysteries going on around them. Indeed, some
of the most ancient stories that are still told today grapple with
Storytelling games involve at least two, although preferably four
the biggest mysteries of all - life, death, creation, redemption
or more players. Everybody involved in the game participates in
and the ongoing struggle of good versus evil. We call the game
telling a group story the players create and act out the roles of
you hold in your hands a Storytelling game, because it's an
their characters, and the Storyteller creates and reveals the plot,
opportunity for you to participate in the deeply human
introducing allies and antagonists with which the players'
endeavor of telling stories.
characters interact. The players' choices throughout the course
of the Storytelling experience alter the plot. The Storyteller's job
The stories told in this game are set in the World of Darkness.
isn't to defend his story from any attempt to change it, but to
It's a place very much like our world, sharing the same history,
help create the story as events unfold, reacting to the players'
culture and geography. Superficially, most people in this
choices and weaving them into a greater whole, introducing
fictional world live the same lives we do.
secondary characters and exotic settings.

Here are some of the key elements that both Atmosphere - Threatening
players and Storytellers should keep in mind Symbolism Combine theme and mood in the fogbound streets,
when telling stories in the World of Darkness. rave clubs, towering penthouses, midnight woods and
cloistered sanctums of the World of Darkness. Add a hint of
Theme - Dark Mystery the otherworldly bleeding through the walls of reality now and
Every story has its own theme, a summation of what it's about. then, and you've got the perfect atmosphere for chilling horror
Sometimes called the "moral" or "lesson" of the story, a theme Storytelling. Everything in the World of Darkness has
doesn't have to involve a definitive answer to the questions foreboding significance. Nothing is necessarily what it seems.
raised. Merely asking overarching questions is enough to A dead tree might secretly harbor a bitter spirit. A car might be
capture a theme. The overall theme of the World of Darkness a reservoir for magical energies that could kill the unwary.
is "dark mystery." The world is one of shadows within Everything is a cipher for something else, lending mysterious
shadows. Those who participate in these conspiracies should significance to otherwise coincidental events.
uncover as much of them as they can, lest investigators
become unwitting pawns in the games of greater forces. But Is it just chance that you receive a letter from a schoolmate
drawing back the curtain on one mystery reveals even more you haven't seen or heard from in years, and you read the next
curtains, each hiding new secrets. It's not possible to uncover day about his horrifying death by exsanguination? Dare you
them all. Yet, characters can certainly work to reveal more open the letter? The World of Darkness rarely communicates
than would otherwise be known, and so free themselves from its secrets directly. Instead, mysteries can be read in places and
these dark influences. While each story has its own central things all around symbols of deeper, unsettling truths. It's
theme, the looming theme behind them all explores the easier to ignore these signs than to face them. Many people
dramatic ramifications of a world of supernatural secrets. are willfully blind to these messages, fearing what they reveal.
Storytellers and players alike should be mindful of this theme "It's just coincidence. Meaningless happenstance." Just keep
when they feel the need to return to the roots of the game. telling yourself that.

Mood - Dread Setting - A Sense of Place

People fear what they don't know or understand. On some The World of Darkness is not about someplace long ago and
level, most people suspect that things aren't far away. It's our world today, but different. Looked at from a
right, that they're being lied to. Rather global perspective, it seems the same. Looking closer, though,
than confront this terrible truth the details differ. That house down the street isn't just
("Who's lying to me? Where are abandoned, it's haunted. Nobody goes to the old quarry
they?"), they choose to repress it. anymore. Some teenagers didn't come back.
People pretend nothing is out of
order and go about lives as usual. That new nightclub is so cool, but creepy. Did you see that guy
Whether this behavior can be who kept staring last night? The advantage to playing a game
traced back to the ancient of contemporary horror is that it can take place in your own
depredations of supernatural backyard, literally. You can populate your hometown with all
creatures or to fear of the manner of secret terrors, imagining how the local convenience
occult, people refuse to store clerk might really be the thrall of a supernatural creature.
recognize it. They are asleep to Perhaps he helps his master to feed by collecting the corpses
the realities around them and of the homeless people who sleep in the bushes out back. Or
refuse to open their eyes. your blowhard mayor might be a member of a secret society
Even those who do confront dedicated to keeping the spoils of power within a small clique,
the shadows do so with a preventing others from awakening to their true potential.
sense of dread. Exploring the Characters in the World of Darkness can blur the line between
unknown promises rewards, reality and the occult. Indeed, that's what it's all about.
but also risks unforeseen Exploring a world of mystery that tries to keep itself hidden. A
consequences. Are the world that punishes those who look too deep. But those who
potential rewards worth refuse to look suffer even worse.
the risks? Every step into
mystery is onto unsafe They're rocked on seas of conspiracies of which they go
ground, and few unaware. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. There are no
march boldly into easy answers, and knowing is not half the battle.
the night.
It's only the first shot in a long, grinding war against the shadows.

World of Darkness is played in two main conventions: Scenes
and Action Rounds. These can be switched between freely as There are several types of Actions that can take place in rounds
the Storyteller keeps pacing for the game. Typically the game that take place in the game each one has its own timeframe,
is played in Scenes a majority of the time, but Action Rounds duration and rules. The players will draw Action cards to
are great for high energy combat, chases, or even some back establish initiative and roleplay the fiction in that order. If the
and forth high-stakes social drama. Action turns into full blown combat, go into 1 second Combat
Rounds (see Combat: Rounds section for details), otherwise
In any given Scene or Action Rounds the players and the the duration of each action is up to the scene fiction.
storyteller are working together to describe what each actor is
doing, who else is there, what the scene surroundings look like, Storytellers, remember to ask your players how their character
and any other details that would be helpful to make the scene is actually doing their action. Open ended questions and
more interesting or interactive. But not every single detail asking what items they are using can help. Make sure the
needs to be there from the start. Describe as much as you scene and the location are well described to them, maybe even
need to get the drama going and then run with it, adding in use a simple diagram to show major/obvious item and
details as each person adds their narrative to the scene. character locations. You don’t have to draw a cartography
map, but a few illustrations can save a dozen questions or a
Pacing of Scenes or Action Rounds should use the rules of hundred misconceptions.
Tactical Plotting when a series of events needs some
amount of planning or precreation. And they should use Players, you must describe the action with enough detail and
Flashbacks whenever a player wants to establish new narrative so that everyone has a clear mind’s eye picture of
elements into the game at that time. what they are doing. You can’t just say “I pick the lock”. Try to
say something more along the lines of, “I pull out a small
leather wrap, unfold it and pick through a few slender shiny
silver picks before choosing one, then kneeling before the lock.”
And maybe add some dialog in there to bring your characters’
These are actions that are defined by a particular scene in the personality to life, “Damn these Edmondson locks! They are
game. Their duration is variable and based entirely on the always rusting if not regularly oiled. Hey John, toss me that
events of that one scene that they are activated in. So they lantern oil you have in your sack, I have an idea…” Hell, now
might start in the ‘chase scene’ but end when the chase scene the character can even have a +1 to their roll for cleverly using
ends – however long or short that may be – the scene is over. an item to help and they made the scene more interesting!

They are narrative based, and so any abilities used are

seamlessly roleplayed along with whatever is currently
happening in the fiction. Rolls can be made, but should be kept
brief, and poignant. Let players run away with the in character
first person roleplay here before you pick up the dice. Just
because someone commits a violent action does not mean you
have to jump into Action Rounds. If it can be resolved in 1 or
2 quick dramatic actions, leave in Scene narrative and keep the
intensity high. But if things get messy or complicated, feel free
to jump into Action Rounds.

There are several types of Actions a character can take. Each HELD
is broken down into narrative types to give an impression of These are actions that are contingent on another action
how long or how complex an action is. happening first. This might be to hold an action to shoot
someone as you aim at a corner, waiting for them to peek
 See Action Cards under the Combat chapter around the corner. Or waiting to hit the button to detonate
for taking Actions in Combat Rounds. the bomb until your friend has run far enough away. An action
that is Held takes place when the stated event occurs, right
ONE ATTEMPT before the event is executed. On your Action Card, state what
In most situations characters are limited to a single attempt to you are waiting for to happen, and make it fairly specific. Then
complete an action. Make the roll and deal with the consequences. If play continues while you hold onto your Action Card. If the
the character really wants to make another attempt they will need to round goes by and the expected action never happened, you
do something that changes the fiction in a way that will allow them to can act at the end of the Turn, or, instead of drawing a card
find a new approach to the problem. next round, keep the one you have Held and as normal based
on when the Action Card you Held is called.
Free actions are ones that happened either so fast they are as If you are holding your action until someone is about to punch
near instant as does not matter, or they are so simple to you, you use your Held action to strike them first when their
Action Card is called.
perform they do not interrupt any other action taking place.
This might be shouting commands in combat, hitting a button,
or activating an innate power. EXTENDED
These are also not determined by a single roll as all the others
INSTANT are. The player rolls their dice pool once for each increment
These actions take 1 Action Card to use when in combat, and of time as specified by the Storyteller (which may be in rounds
typically a few seconds at most when not in combat. When in or hours, or days, or months - so not all Extended actions can
combat, they take place when that actin card is called. This be done in Action Rounds). The player is attempting to gain a
might be something like shooting gun, punching someone, or number of successes equal to the target amount specified by
activating a discipline power. the Storyteller.

This would be used for things like picking a lock. If the lock need
REFLEXIVE 15 successes, and each attempt takes 1 minute – the player rolls
These are opposed dice pools roll in reaction to someone or Dexterity + Larceny until they have accrued 15 successes. The
something else’s action. Maybe someone is trying to cast a number of times they rolled is the number of minutes it took them
strange power over you, or perhaps they are simply to pick the lock.
performing some action that is causing reaction in your
character. Most often the attacker will have skill or ability that Finally, some Extended rolls also have a terminus—a limit
tells you what to roll in response to their action. In that case, (usually time-based) on how much time the character can put
simply roll the dice pool as specified. If not, or if the Storyteller into the effort before overall success or failure is determined.
determines a different set of Attribute and Skill is more An extended roll’s terminus is the number of rolls the
appropriate, then roll that instead. character can make before time is up. Not all Extended rolls
have a terminus, but most will. It may be from danger
oncoming, or it may simply be due to exhaustion.

Extended actions are only used if you want there to be a series of

Complications or Storyteller Actions. If there isn’t a chance for
drama or dangerous complications, then don’t roll the dice at all,
just use the character’s skill dots as a gauge of how long the task
narratively took.

When everyone is trying to get a task or result, everyone does
not roll. Instead, the character with the lowest dice pool
makes the roll. So if the group is trying to run away from a
gang, only have the character with the lowest Wits +
Streetwise roll and narrate the results starting from them and
possibly affect or encumber the rest. If characters are split or
can suffer effects of a scene in separate ways or locations then
have them roll separate.

Bonus and Negative dice
World of Darkness is a Narrative game. This means that the stats on Bonuses and Negative dice are listed as +1, +3 or -2 and that is the number
your character sheet describe a person and their abilities at most all of d10s they add or subtract from your pool before you roll. These can
given activities. As you play the game, narrate out in first person what come from useful equipment, other characters aiding your attempt, or
maybe there are problems in the scene that are complicating matters
you do and talk and discuss and debate with the other characters and
such as house fires or thick smoke. Scene bonuses should be +1 or +2, and
storyteller characters to create an involved and responsive scene –
complications or dangers in a scene should be between -2 and -5.
just like you might see in a movie or a play. When it comes time to
see if chance has a role to play in the outcome of events, it’s possibly
time to roll some dice and let fate take over.
At any time, the Storyteller may give a +1 to a players’ dice pool if they
gave a thoughtful and interesting narration of their action, or they pulled
extra meaning or emotion from the scene and added to the drama.
The Dice Pool
Whenever you want your character to do something for which the
outcome isn’t certain, the first thing you do is state narratively to the SITUATIONAL AND CONTEST MODIFIERS
ST and the other players what your hero is trying to do, make it sound Any time your character is going to perform and action, there will
dramatic, make it sound atmospheric and interesting. Describe the likely be modifiers to reduce their dice pool. These modifiers indicate
character, how they interact with the environment and any other the difficultly of what they are doing and what opposes them. There
pertinent details. A roll is then made by taking a number of d10s are two ways a dice pool will typically be reduced: when an NPC
equal to the number of dots in the one or two traits the Storyteller opposes you with their own Skills and Abilities. Or when the narrative
called for which were based on your described action. This will often situation or your actions describe complex or difficult actions.
be two stats added together, but can also be only one. It might be an Narrative situation modifiers typically range from -1 to -5.
Attribute plus a Skill or two Attributes, or two Skills or any other mix,
or just a single stat; plus any Bonuses or minus any situational or Examples of situational dice pool modifiers are:
contest Modifiers then adding them together. Situation Modifier
Unfavorable (distracting events around you, environmental or
This is called the Dice Pool. Once you’ve added dice to the pool, it no weather obstructions, someone spoke out against you)
longer matters where they came from; you don’t need to keep track Difficult (locating the source of a whisper, creating a memorable piece
of art, walking a tightrope, you don’t have the related Skill Specialty) -2
of which dice came from what Skill or Attribute, for instance. Roll your
Challenging (locating the source of a whisper, creating a memorable
dice, right out there in the open, and leave them on the table for the piece of art, getting out of a burning house)
time being. It may be helpful to arrange them in groups; 1’s, 8’s and Hard (convincing a cop that this isn’t your cocaine, rebuilding a
above, and 2’s through 7’s. A roll of 8, 9 or 10 is a success. Set aside wrecked engine block, reprogramming a computer)
all of the dice that come up 1 for now; we want to keep track of them. Nearly Impossible (finding one specific homeless person in Los
Angeles in one night, flawlessly reciting a long text in a language you -5
don’t speak, running blindfolded through forest and not hitting a tree)
Sometimes you have a few allies with you, they are not sure how to
help, or are not skilled in the task at hand – but they want to help. Automatic Successes
Once you have described what you are doing the Storyteller will Any time a power or ability would grant you automatic successes to a roll,
determine if anyone can aid you in your task. Each person the these are treated differently than Bonus dice. Instead you make your
Storyteller says can aid you narrates out how they are helping then normal dice pool roll as usual and determine the results of that. If that
makes the skill roll for your task. Their successes are added to your
roll had 1 or more successes and did not Botch, then the Automatic
dice pool as bonus dice, so once they are done rolling, you make your
Success points are added in as additional successes. However, if the roll
roll, adding in the bonus dice from their help.
itself only generated a single success, then it still is a Success with
Complications. If the roll Botched or Failed, then those Automatic
Botches successes are lost and the roll is treated like a Botch or Fail as appropriate.
A roll where you get 0 successes - no dice come up 8’s; and you got at
least a single die that came up as a 1, is a Botch. A botch represents Willpower Dice
a moment in the fiction where the unexpected happens. This could Willpower may be spent to gain bonus dice to your dice pool as long
be anything from the action not going as planned, or it failing in some as you have at least a dice pool of 1 after any subtractions. Willpower
harmful way, or simply to the action succeeding with unforeseen gains you +2 dice for each point spent. You may spend a point of
consequences. The botch is a complication meant to insert drama into Willpower after you roll and can keep spending until you either
a scene as determined by the Storyteller (see Storyteller Actions succeed as you wish or are out of Willpower.
below), the results of a Botched roll may never be simply that the
characters’ action fails and nothing more. A Botch always results in
added strife, even if it’s off screen or the advancement of an enemy Don’t Repeat Actions!
agenda. All scenes should be interesting and dynamic. A Storyteller is encouraged to
apply penalties to dice pools to a character that keeps doing the same action in
a scene over and over. In combat, try different attacks and moves. In social
Chance Roll scenes, don’t just roll Persuade over and over as you chat up partygoers. Think
Sometimes it’s not about the odds or about how well your plan was of different approaches and ways to go about the scene that expresses different
executed. Sometimes, luck (good and bad) befalls you, and you find what aspects of your character and opens up new opportunities within the scene. This
goes double for Botched and Failed rolls. Any Botched or Failed roll requires a
you were looking for or succeed where there seemed no chance at all.
character to not use that same action or skill again in that scene (unless some
Should your dice pool be reduced to exactly 0 dice, then the ST can offer other change in the scene make sit available again). Your character failed their
that you succeed at a cost. Name what you are willing to lose, sacrifice, action as planned (even if you still hit or got a beneficial result). So whatever you
or suffer and the ST will tell you what you can achieve despite it. This is do next, change it up keep all of your characters abilities and goals in mind.
not a complication, this is a dramatic moment where the Tides intervene Extended actions handle multiple same rolls differently, as they represent effort
and your story grows greater for the loss you suffer. over time. See Action Rounds: Extended for more.

A roll of 8, 9 or 10 is a Success. Set aside all of the dice that come up 1 they are Botch dice; we want to keep track of
them. After you roll the dice, the Storyteller (ST) or another player may roll their dice in response to see who got the
most successes; but most of the time it’s just your roll, then the Storyteller narrating the results. Any time there’s a
meaningful choice to make, you can bring out the dice. Not every situation needs you to “roll the bones,” however.

You don’t always roll dice. So, how do you narrate out the results of a character’s actions in game if the player doesn’t
roll dice? Well sometimes the drama doesn’t come from the success or failure of a character’s single action, but from
the repercussions of their actions. If what the player wants their character to do with this action will certainly lead to
drama or danger – just let them go for it! The ST can narrate out the world’s response according to the scene fiction
and introduce complications or danger as appropriate.

When there is little chance of failure and they have time to do the task the skill dots say they know how to do, you can
simply narrate out the results of the action using their Skill dots as a guide for their Degree of Success. Let characters
shine when they have the time to do so. The Storyteller can narrate out the results or let the player do so and add their
own take to the scene they are playing out. This can even be done in stressful times when the outcome can be built
narratively by the group of players and the Storyteller. In general its best to let the Storyteller narrate the results, and
the player narrate out the attempted actions.


 You want to try something that’s bold, challenging, or dangerous  The outcome isn’t an interesting part of the story.
and the challenge is enough to cause concern for drama in failure.  There’s no risk, challenge, or threat involved.
 You want to oppose, challenge, or thwart another player character.  If the Storyteller says you can succeed based on the merit of your
 The fiction dictates that your actions will likely result in interesting narration alone. In which case you auto succeed at the narrative
drama. description based on the dots you have in that skill or attribute.

Roll Results
At 5 or more successes the character succeeded so well they not only should narrate how
they did amazingly, the Storyteller or Player can narrate something additional – and
always beneficial and more interesting - this is not an automatic win.

2 to 4 successes means the character succeeded as they intended to, and the story should
quickly move on. The only drama here is from what happens next.


1 success. The Storyteller will narrate that the character still succeeded, but with an
interesting complication from Soft Storyteller Actions below.
Remember that the character succeeded at their intended action, the Storyteller must
acknowledge that despite added drama. The Storyteller should not bury the characters in
complications – keep the scene moving!

0 successes and no 1’s. This means the character failed to do what they were attempting.
The character must change their approach, and may not repeat this action again unless
they do something new in the fiction to allow them to try again.

More 1’s than successes. The character may have succeed at their efforts or not, either
way their actions are bent or altered by the Storyteller to create a dramatic narrative to
the scene. Botched rolls are usually a Hard Storyteller Action – be prepared for the worst!

These can be “soft” actions or “hard” actions. This terminology refers to the immediacy and severity of the effect on the characters. However,
this is a continuum, not a binary. In general, you should introduce a situation with soft actions, and then apply gradually harder actions as
the situation builds towards a climax. In the least; move the narrative forward and keep pacing and progress going. Letting them succeed
while making the world confronting them more dangerous and complicated is far better than them simply failing roll and having to try again.

 A Soft action has a mild effect, affect something minor, or sets up future danger and consequences.
 While a Hard action applies that danger directly and immediately and makes it hit big or take away something significant.

The Storyteller makes one of these narrative actions when:

 The story or situation dictates added complications would be interesting
 They have no idea what to do and need dramatic direction
 A player gets a Success with Complications or Botched roll result


Take a moment and narrate out the visuals and setting Think about the strengths and proclivities of the Counter their action with a narrative action made in
and how they are affecting the characters based on a individual party members, and choose one as the basis. kind. They ambush the leader, but an NPC companion
specific theme of your game, and apply emotional Then give them a new clue or hook where there was not is captured; they steal an item, but later the party
feelings or sensations on them. If it’s a horror, make it one before – that puts them in even greater danger discovers their base has been ransacked.
thunder and rain suddenly. If it’s a mystery, have a mist should they go for it. Its benefit must be real and useful,
roll in and obscure things. If it’s a romance, describe make the bait worth the pain! USE UP THEIR RESOURCES
powerful emotions. If it’s the apocalypse, reveal the They need their stuff to survive, and their stuff is
hopelessness. REVEAL AN UNWELCOME TRUTH limited. You might break an unreliable piece of gear,
To their dismay, something is not as it seemed. The gold drop/lose a helpful or plot related item, decide that
ADVANCE A PLOT is iron pyrite; that wound becomes infected; the prisoner rations have spoiled, or batteries or ammo is out.
When the events seem to be leading towards the is someone else in disguise.
actions of an antagonist or a plot event, it may be a COMPLICATE MATTERS
good time to say that this players’ roll represents the ENDANGER THEM Present a new obstacle or complication for outside that
advancement of a plot point. If the characters would When the time is right—or when it’s all wrong—confront scene or area; that they must deal with now or in the
be aware of the event, describe what they know; them with a threat that they are not able to handle: and near future. Choose it based on established
otherwise, just let them know something happened let them know: “It’s time to run!” information, enemies or plot threads.
offstage. Choose it based on established information, enemies or
plot threads. This may make for a good chase/escape DEAL DAMAGE
ACTIVATE ENEMIES scene… Someone suffers a physical blow, or mental stress.
When the situation warrants, make a move belonging Notice how this is last in the list? This is the least
to a relevant antagonist in that scene. This is not to PUT SOMEONE IN A TIGHT SPOT interesting option, so try some of the others first. But
advance a plot. This is to give immediate action and Yes, they can do that thing, but there’ll be a price to pay. if the characters are in a knife fight, well… someone’s
agency to an NPC that will cause direct impact on the Tell them what it is, and let them decide whether it’s gonna’ get stabbed.
scene. This is not to deal damage, that’s a different worth it. Force them to make a tough choice by putting
action; this is to do drama: take an item, kidnap a someone or something they care about in a dangerous or
person, or activate a bomb; something to dramatically difficult position.
escalate the scene.

Social Confrontation The means by which this change can be affected are as
Social Confrontation is the ultimate reminder that battles limitless as the possibilities of human interaction. If an
are not only won by bullets or blades. They are more often Federal Agent needs someone to believe something to be
won (and lost) by minds and hearts, and if you can shatter true (or at least act as if it were), for example, then it’s
their morale then your victory is no less assured than if their choice whether to employ direct methods like
you had broken their bodies. The Social Confrontation persuasion, deception, and torture, or indirect methods
system also extends itself throughout the complex, multi- like spreading rumors, issuing official propaganda, or
layered society of the World of Darkness. You’ll find it in planting false information on their social streams.
corporate boardrooms, on street corners, at high-stake
hostage negotiations, and in romantic first dates. Doing this requires:
Advertising and propaganda seek to shape the mind, the  Gaining knowledge of your target, their connection,
allies, assets, and desires
threat of punishment influences the behaviors of many
 Gaining either direct or indirect access to your target
would-be criminals, while spies and confidence tricksters via Social Zones
use the greed and preconceptions of others to achieve  Making Social actions in order to create Compels,
their goals. It is, at heart, the relationships between Attack their resolve, or Command their actions
people. More so than any other action scene, therefore,
you’ll find the principles of Social Confrontation
permeating every aspect of your game.
There are many ways to play the game of intrigue and
A lot of every day interactions don’t require the full might manipulation in World of Darkness. Be it direct, from the
and majesty of the Social Confrontation rules. This is shadows, or affecting their connections – you can impact
particularly true of simple, face-to-face conversations. the lives of those you set your sights on. What follows is a
Just as you wouldn’t hack a government server to search basic list of typical ways someone might go about trying to
for some piece of trivia on cats, you wouldn’t use the use the Social Confrontation rules. They are by no means
Social Confrontation rules when asking someone if the exhaustive, they are simply to remind players of the myriad
seat next to them is taken. Some complexity and of ways the world manipulates your characters.
structure can be introduced to these interactions by
requiring a character to inflict a Compel to achieve a Persuasion
desired result, but a single Persuasion or Subterfuge roll Persuasion ultimately lays at the center of most social
will often suffice for determining whether or not a interactions. It can be achieved through personal magnetism
character can convince or coerce a particular target. (And, and charisma, by use of compelling arguments or rhetorical
similarly, an Empathy roll can quickly determine if techniques, or by exploiting emotional connections, but it all
someone is withholding information, or secretly in love comes down to one person trying to convince another to
with their commanding officer.) take an action that they might not ordinarily take. Context is
vital to persuasion. Everyone can be persuaded if the time,
Just as with martial combat, the lives of many can be place, and lies they have been fed all add up to them.
decided with words as powerful as any sword or spell.
Below is listed the basic rules for social confrontation; Deception
Compels, Attacks and Commands. This is a characters’ A lot of social conflict can be overcome through the careful
ability to manipulate, intimidate or cajole someone into use of deception. Deception itself isn’t a method of
doing as they wish. These are not a set of superpowers, confronting a target directly; rather, it serves as a means of
nor are they a guarantee of an action being carried out shaping the conflict in the deceiver’s favor. No deception, no
unerringly. However it will grant you control over your matter how skilled the deceiver, can completely change a
foes if used wisely. These rules are to can be used when person’s beliefs, or make them believe something that runs
players either chose not to roleplay out the social scene completely counter to their perceptions and expectations.
for whatever reason, or there is a meaningful possibility Deception isn’t that overtly powerful. Deceiving someone
that despite what the player says/acts on behalf of their works most effectively when the deception plays into that
character, they may still fall under sway or manipulate person’s existing beliefs, or does not challenge their
someone else. When in doubt, roleplay it out and then perception of the world around them—the lie appears
reasonable in context. Skilled deceivers capitalize on this,
decide if rolls are needed from there. Not all players
often by keeping their lies close to the truth, or by studying
know exactly what their character might say, and not all
the target to learn what lies are more likely to go
people are as suave or gullible as their character. unchallenged. Deception is a form of social manipulation. A
Characters in World of Darkness are complicated and good lie opens doors, but the lie alone cannot achieve the
nuanced people who have seen some crazy shit in their liar’s goals. Instead, the lie serves as a foundation upon
lives. So it’s not going to be just as simple as saying a few which other techniques can be used. Lies can be
pretty words or snarling to get your way. Characters can problematic, however. A failed attempt can jeopardize
attempt at any time to try and influence someone in future attempts to lie; or even future attempts to act in good
whatever way they narratively see fit. faith. Once trust is broken, it can be hard to rebuild.

A useful way to make persuasion work is to offer something First, choose which Social action you will take:
else in return. Negotiation is, in this case, the process of Compel, Attack, or Command.
determining what people want in exchange for some favor,
service, decision, or action. Some targets may be reluctant As with all dice pools, most often an Attribute is paired
to reveal the price of their compliance, but everyone has a with a Skill minus the target’s relevant Attribute or Skill;
price. Determining this may require investigating the target plus any other situation modifiers which are appropriate.
to uncover their secrets. Or it may be the result of back- This defines the tactic the person is approaching the
and-forth conversation—which can potentially be a long scene and the way the scene will play out. (See Compels,
and arduous process in its own right, with a series of offers Attacks, or Commands for the results of the roll.)
and counter-offers. The price does not necessarily need to
be large—it could be something small and personal, but Thus a person using Manipulation + Persuasion is using
very specific; or it could be assistance in the fulfilment of a idle threats, blackmail, or suggestion to give their subject
dream or desire; or even the promise of affection and fear of not doing what they ask. If a person is using
intimacy (i.e., a seduction). Any price, of course, can be a Charisma + Persuade with a specialty of Intimidation they
false promise based on deception. might be smashing tables, shouting or giving their target
the “evil eye.”
Effective in combat and other high-tension situations, The target’s relevant Attribute or Skill subtracted from
intimidation is simple, straightforward, and decisive, but it the attackers’ dice pool is based on their reasoning or own
is also quite likely to backfire against determined, social skills. This may be their Resolve to hold their cool,
disciplined, or confident foes. Threatening someone with a their Intelligence to figure out what is really going on, or
weapon is an easy option. This might be holding a foe at possibly even their Empathy to realize the subtleties in
knifepoint or gunpoint, or it might be a warning shot or your turn of phrase or inflection.
suppressive fire. Alternatively, intimidation may include
the threat of losing something (or someone) important, or
the threat of revealing some incriminating or embarrassing Resolving Social Confrontation
facts as blackmail or extortion. (This, of course, requires When a roll is declared and made, the results effects are as real
as a wound from a sword strike. You can no more say
that the intimidator actually possess such proof… or is
“I disagree” then you can say “your sword missed me”.
capable of convincing their target that they do.)
Remember, this is an attempt to summarize the effectiveness
of your character’s abilities to either express something or
Rumor manipulate someone or to resist such effects. While you might
Spreading rumors can be effective by either damaging the be able to see through the manipulations, your character may
not. So if the attacker wins the roll, the Compel tells them how
reputation of a target or by manipulating their perception
much control they have over the defender and everyone should
of a situation (and, thus, the actions they take in response
move along with the scene likewise.
to that information). This means you need to know where
the target sources their information from, and how to Unlike a wound, this can lead to characters committing actions
seed those sources with rumors. This can also be planting they never intended by their player. While this is a real threat
evidence or altering facts and files with false accusations. that is meant to be portrayed here, it’s not meant to ruin
anyone’s fun. This requires team-work on the compelled
character’s part and the ST’s part. The compelled character
Seduction should play up the scene as determined by the Compel as best
Seduction is the art of turning someone’s desires to act in they can. Even if it means going against their own desires. The
harmony with your own hungry wants. It is the promise player should be honest with the challenge set before them and
of intimacy, the creation of carnal desire, or the offer to make it feel like they were really cowed or convinced or
fulfil the same. Most often associated with gaining a whatever the Compel was.
reciprocal level of sexual activity or aroused interaction
where their affections can be shown off or indulged. This is not to say that this social confrontation is like a mind
control device. It will not force a person to do whatever you
tell them. But it will change a characters’ goals or reasoning in
Sedition many situations. You are still free to play your character as you
Sedition is the actions that encourage those who follow see fit, only now the attacker’s words are your truths or your
or are employed by someone to rebel, act out, or rage fears. Keep in mind, that just like with a sword, the results of a
against their leader. It can be done in many ways, and is social confrontation are not predictable. And just because you
won may not indicate you completely get your way, or that
often overt - such as speeches and organization of rallies.
things go according to plan perfectly. As with all things social
Sedition often includes subversion of established rules or confrontation is best when used in appropriate situations.
laws, and incitement of discontent toward, or
insurrection against, established systems of conduct.

Social Situational Modifiers
Situational Modifiers can reduce your dice pool based on You are able to compel this person and the narrative fiction
the target’s current state or relationship towards you or via your knowledge of what motivates them or influences
your goals. It’s easier to convince people to do some things their desires. State what emotion or state of mind you are
than it is others. (For example, convincing someone to loan trying to compel the character to have in a short phrase (i.e.
you some money is probably easier than convincing them ‘trusting’, or ‘aroused’, or ‘panicked’, or ‘supportive’, or
to kill someone for you.) The difficulty can also vary ‘dreamy’). This is not a specific command to action or getting
depending on the individual. The unwillingness of a them to say something specific. This is simply to compel them
particular target to do a particular thing is measured by to behave or look at things how you want to them to. The
their Situational Modifier based on the fiction. Most of the Storyteller will help you determine your dice pool based on
time, the social situation will be Unfavorable. Some your approach and which aspect of the character you are
situations in which it might be harder to affect a target are using to compel them. The number of successes on the roll
as follows, but by no means an exhaustive list. determines the strength of the Compel.
(i.e. You got 2 successes to make someone ‘Fearful of guns’,
Flipping any of these by roleplaying and making them on then they now have a Compel - Fearful of guns 2).
your side, or beneficial to you, or secrets known to you, can
make these modifiers into bonuses. Anytime the character acts in a way that this Compel could
apply, the number is subtracted from their dice pools if it
ACCESSIBILITY conflicts or limits their action. Or it adds to their dice pool if
they go along with the Compel and let it guide their actions.
Social zones modelling private or secure groups, events,
and locations (i.e., social zones which do not belong to a
specific character). Removing Compels
A Compel goes away once the character has acted in
ANTAGONISTIC accordance with the Compel and the scene is over.
Characters who enter, pass through, or start their turn in
an antagonistic social zone must make a social skill roll. During that scene, the fiction may allow for the
Failure on the test means that the character suffers some Compelled character to spend 1 point of Willpower to
form of consequence. Antagonistic social zone effects make 1 action disregarding the Compel (or in some cases
represent the abstract, general activity taking place which to remove the Compel altogether). This typically takes
are counter to your character or your goals. something to jar them to their senses or jog their memory
or to dangerously challenge their actions. Something that
gives the player a reason to regain control over their
character by force of will alone.
Some individuals and communities are secretive and
resistant to interacting or cooperating with outsiders.
(Examples can include sectarian organizations,
intelligence agencies, and parochial settlements.) Sometimes you just want to break someone. You don’t
care much what they do after you are through with them –
LOYALTY/ENMITY and hopefully they will be too addled to think straight or
A social zone’s Loyalty or Enmity, if any, is directed at the oppose you. Roleplay out the exchange, likely involving
target or group important to the target. If a Social shouts, or threats, or blackmailed evidence given by
Confrontation attack would harm, hinder, or otherwise be grandstanding before an audience. Or possibly even a
against the wishes of the person or organization that a series of Social Confrontations you set up from the
zone has Loyalty to, the Situational Modifier will apply. shadows to slowly wear the target down or make them
paranoid and afraid. Then roll dice based on your approach.
Anytime the target you are going after isn’t known to you, If you gain 1 to 2 successes, they lose 1 point of Willpower.
or you know little to nothing about their Vice, Virtue, 3 to 4 successes and they lose 2 points of Willpower. And
Concept, or Script Lines. It’s really hard to convince 5+ successes and they lose 3 points of Willpower. If the
someone or manipulate them if you don’t know anything target is reduced to 0 Willpower, then they suffer a
about them. Meltdown. The target then choses to suffer one of the
following which is narratively influenced by their Vice:
ALLIES  Blather your Defense, saying anything that comes to mind;
If a fellow of yours is being compelled, you can join in give everyone there an additional Compel over you.
their social defense, roleplay how you do so. This treats
their Resolve as +1 higher for this one defense.  Break down Emotionally, and reveal your fears or
However, if the roll still succeeds, you too suffer the same weakness; commit a regrettable action based on your Vice.
Compel, Attack, or Command, if applicable. Multiple
defenders do not increase this bonus.  You get Taken Out; it may be violent, it may simply be to
faint or something else, the Storyteller will tell you how.

When trying to get another character to do what you wish to do in fairly direct terms, roleplay the exchange then roll
dice based on the relevant approach you are using to get them to do you bidding. This is most often to get someone to
perform a specific action for you, but can also be to give up information or change sides. A perfectly reasonable request
that a friendly target can easily carry out will have only you roll and the results are what they are. If the target has
reasons to be unwilling to comply, or dislikes the character, or the request is something dangerous, against the target’s
morals or ethics, or liable to come with personal consequences, then additional dice penalties may be applied.

This can be for more than an in-the-moment command or persuasion. It could be also to convince a character to take
care of or address some problem meaningful to the plot off-screen. Acting in that case as an extension of your own
character and your desires or abilities.

When a Player Character is the Target

If you succeed at your Command roll: if the PC target goes against what you wanted them to do, those successes are
subtracted from their rolls. If they go along with your demands, then they gain those dice as a bonus to their rolls. This
lasts until your demands are fulfilled or the scene ends – whichever makes more sense for the fiction. If the player
whose character is being imposed upon goes along with the other player’s character’s demands, they gain +1XP for
going along with the demands, especially if they were in some way detrimental or burdensome to the character.

When an NPC is the Target

In the case of most NPCs the storyteller can use the following chart to assume how the NPC might act out you winning
a social roll over the NPC. If your character has been commanded by someone else, you can use this as a guide for how
you might succumb to the demands of another.

1 or 2 Successes
Lie/Persuade: You convinced the target, but they still have doubts. They will obey your words, but they
might be easily convinced otherwise or if they come into hardship due to your words they may simply
abandon your request or betray you.

Intimidate/Interrogate: They are shaken by your words or actions. You might get a bit more information
out of them, or they might be at a -1 to fight you.

3 or 4 Successes
Lie/Persuade: The target mostly agrees with on all the major points and maybe a few of the finer details
as well. They will go through a fair amount to complete the task you set before them, and they might
even try to convince others to do the same. However they still retain the inkling of doubt from their
original beliefs and will likely revert back to that if confronted with moral or physical threats.

Intimidate/Interrogate: The target is afraid of you and will obey or avoid you as best they can. They won’t
even try to attack you unless bodily threatened and even then they might be hesitant. They might be at
-2 dice to all actions around you.

5+ Successes
Lie/Persuade: The target whole heartedly believes you. In fact they likely are willing to convince others
to join your cause and will fight for your beliefs as their own. They would have to suffer quite a lot or be
confronted with overwhelming evidence to go against your will.

Intimidate/Interrogate: You have broken them, their will is utterly destroyed and they fear you as god
himself. They will act irrationally to flee or supplicate to you. They might be at -3 to all their action around

Lie/Persuade: The attempt may indicate that the target is willing to do what they’re being asked… for a
price. Or that they do what you ask now, but stab you in the back or sell you out later on. Or the target’s
attitude towards the deceiver being permanently turned to the worse.

Intimidate/Interrogate: They may take you where you want to go but lead you into a trap, or give you
the information that is laced with just the right lies to get you into trouble.

Social interaction does not stop when each party leaves
They can include formal organizations (including
the room. You don’t need to be face to face to influence
corporations, clubs, political movements, unions, NGOs,
or manipulate someone. With Social Confrontations, the
educational institutions, and the like) and informal
same concept of range zones are used to model the
communities (including cultural groups, social circles, and
target’s interaction with the world. Each social zone
casual online groups). While Connections to people make
represents either a social actor or the means by which
up Groups, what Groups really represent is the overall
social actors connect with each other. These can include
effect that Group and its goals, ideals, and assets as
(but are not necessarily limited to):
related to the target. No one person in the group is
 Personal
important. Only the Group’s actions as a whole.
 Connections
 Groups
 Locations LOCATIONS
 Events These are places of importance to the target. Locations
of work, living, social play, and so on. The people or the
These social zones are connected by social links— the group who use these places are not important. The
emotional, professional, practical, familial, or Location’s function, usefulness, and assets the target has
coincidental ties which bind people together. The exact access to - is what matters here.
nature of each link isn’t specifically important (and, in
fact, most people are bound together by a complicated EVENTS
weave of interests and mutual experience); what’s Events create opportunities between everyone who
important is that those links can be navigated and attends them. Some events are recurring (on either a
manipulated in order to access and influence people. regular or irregular schedule), but others may be one-
time-only affairs. Events usually force specific timing on
During a Social Confrontation, you can roll Investigation those using them. The Connections, Groups, and Location
to “see” any of the social zones they’re aware of in the of the event is not important. The theme and activity of
social network. (i.e. You can become aware that so-and- the event and how effective its draw is - letting them
so is talking to such-and-such, or that Laura is the person directly interact or be accessed is what matters here.
spreading rumors about you, but you can’t see Sebastian
loading his gun in the privacy of his own room.) Zone Ranges
Social Zones range is not based on physical relation of you
Social Zone Types to the target. It is instead the amount of Zone Types you
As noted above, there are four broad types of social zones. have available to you. Moving into a social zone often
means framing a new scene: How are the characters
PERSONAL approaching that person, organization, location, or event?
When you want to influence someone’s thoughts or actions
– you need to know what makes them tick. This comes from CLOSE
learning about their Script Lines, Virtue, Vice, or their You are considered to be Close to your target, and able to
Concept. But you don’t get to know these out of hand. You affect the target directly if you have 3 or more of the Zone
must roleplay with your target in person, such that you learn Types together in one scene. You gain a +2 to all Social
what motivates them. State which aspect of the character Confrontation rolls at Close range. However, any
you wish to discover, and then begin roleplaying with your attempts for the target to detect you manipulating them
target. Should you make some intuitive Empathy rolls or the gain a +1 since you are a part of so many elements of their
like, you will learn what one of those defining aspects is (i.e. social network (i.e. if you have Personal Vice
they have a Vice of Greed) and the relevant narrative details opportunities the target indulges in at an Event the target
around it (i.e. they are sate their greed on trying to acquire enjoys going to which is at a Location the target finds
all local business in a given area or market). Only then can useful in their life).
you use these Personal aspects of Virtue, Vice, Scripts, and
Concept to influence the target. NEAR
You are considered to be Near to your target and able to
CONNECTIONS influence their life, but not they themselves. If you have 2
These are direct links to people. It may be employees, Zone Types together in one scene. You gain a +1 to all
family, friends, lovers, etc. What Connections represent Social Confrontation rolls at Near range. However, your
are people who have rapport with the target and already target can choose to investigate the rumors or influences
can influence them greatly with their actions, words, or you have had on their social network since your actions
emotions. Connections also gives you a glimpse into the are coming up in multiple zones. (i.e. you are working with
type of person the target is. Who they surround one of the target’s Groups at a Location the Target gains
themselves with, and who they care about tells you a lot benefit from)
about how to engage and manipulate them.
You are considered to be Far to your target and able to A character or organization can attempt to detect other
influence if you have only 1 Zone Type in the scene. There characters targeting them (or others) for a Social
are no bonuses for being Far range other than having the Confrontation using the normal rules for actively
opportunity affect your target from such a degree of detecting stealthy characters. When trying to figure out
separation. However, the benefit of being at a Far social how suspicious a particular group is (i.e., whether they’re
zone is that unless you roll a Complication, the target has performing counterintelligence activities) or how
little chance to know it was you doing anything and can’t pervasive their surveillance is (i.e., how often they’re
make a roll unless the fiction points them at your making counterintelligence checks) the Players or
interaction. (i.e. you are talking to a Connection Storyteller can roll Intrigue to scrutinize their social
important to the target.) network for anomalies or influencers.


At the beginning of a Social Confrontation, a character When attempting a hidden or masked Social
may make a Stealth roll and enter a hidden state (i.e., Confrontation, a player can have their character roll a
their target doesn’t know they’re poking around yet). Subterfuge social action to add a false lead or
Social Confrontation does not differ from combat when it complication for anyone trying to detect their activities in
comes to stealth because many Social Confrontation their social network. Their successes create a Situational
actions are inherently “noisy” actions that may Modifier against the target’s attempts to detect them.
automatically result in detection (you can spread rumors This lasts for one scene or one action, whichever makes
about someone but who you talked to may tell your more sense in the fiction.
target it was you they got the rumor from).

Tactical Plotting The Detail
When you choose a plan, you provide a missing detail, like
Too many times have games gone into the most tedious and the point of attack, social connection, etc. If you don’t
boring of events – planning the ‘big hit’. Maybe you are know the detail, you can fist run a scene to roleplay
thieves trying to plan a heist, or maybe you are thugs gathering information in some way to discover it.
planning a hit on a rival gang. Or maybe you are government
agents who are planning complicated espionage in enemy
territory. Or maybe you are trying to make a deal at a
Approach Roll
complicated social event. Sure the idea is that your crew Once the players choose a plan and provide its Detail, the
spends time planning each score. They huddle around a storyteller cuts to the action— describing the scene as the
flickering lantern in their hideout, looking at scrawled maps, crew starts the operation and encounters their first
whispering plots and schemes, bickering about the best obstacle. This is established by the storyteller narrating
approach, lamenting the dangers ahead, and lusting after out the results of the Approach Roll.
wealth and glory. But the reality is that players spend several
tedious hours arguing and debating ideas with other players Storytellers: Don’t make the approach roll and then
to try and plan for, and counter, every possibility the plot and describe the characters “approaching the target”. It’s the
Storyteller can throw at them. approach that the roll resolves. Cut to the action that results
because of that initial approach—to the first serious
So let’s not do that. obstacle in their path from the Plan Progression below.

Instead you, the players, don’t have to do the nitty-gritty BONUSES AND NEGATIVES
planning. The characters take care of that, off-screen. All you Sometimes there will be narrative plots that led to this
have to do is choose what type of plan the characters have
plan, or maybe it is the culmination of other plans coming
already made. There’s no need to sweat all the little details
to fruition. You can roleplay out scenes to gain these
and try to cover every eventuality ahead of time, because the
bonuses or incorporate some of the negatives based on
Approach rolls ultimately determine how much trouble
prior events and plots.
you’re in when the plan is put in motion. And the Flashbacks
show character competency and forethought. No plan is
+ Is this operation particularly bold or daring? Add an additional
ever perfect. You can’t account for everything. This system
1 die.
assumes that there’s always some unknown factors and - Is this operation overly complex or contingent on many
trouble—major or minor—in every operation; you just have factors? Subtract 1 die.
to make the best of it.
+ Does the plan’s detail expose a vulnerability of the target or hit
them where they’re weakest? Add an additional 1 die.
- Is the target strongest against this approach, or do they have
particular defenses or special preparations? Subtract 1 die.
There are six different Engagement Plans, each with a
Missing Detail you need to provide. Simply choose the plan + Can any of your allies or contacts or equipment provide special
and supply the missing detail and make the roll. The aid or insight for this operation? Add an additional 1 die.
engagement roll assumes that the characters are - Are any enemies or rivals interfering in the operation? Subtract
approaching the target as intelligently as they can, given the 1 die.
plan and detail they provided, so we don’t need to play out
tentative probing maneuvers, special precautions, or other ROLL RESULTS
ponderous non-action. The engagement roll covers all of Each player makes an individual Approach Roll to see how
that. The characters are already in action, facing the first their character is starting off in the plan.
obstacle - up on the rooftop, picking the lock on the window; Willpower may not be used here.
kicking down the door of the gang lair; maneuvering to speak
with a lord at the masquerade party; etc.
 The dice pool is the Engagement Stat + Wits.
Successes Results
Plan Detail Engagement Stat 5+ Exceptional result. You’ve already overcome the first
ASSAULT Do violence to a target. Strength obstacle and you’re in a controlled position for what’s
Detail: The point of attack. next.
DECEPTION Lure, trick, or manipulate. Manipulation
2-4 Good result. You’re in a controlled position when the
Detail: The method of deception.
action starts.
STEALTH Trespass unseen. Dexterity
Detail: The point of infiltration. 1 Mixed result. You’re in a risky position when the action
OCCULT Engage a supernatural power. Intelligence
Detail: The arcane method. Botch Oh Shit result. You’re in a desperate position when the
action starts.
SOCIAL Negotiate, bargain, or persuade. Charisma
Detail: The social connection.

TRANSPORT Carry items through danger. Perception

Detail: The route & means

After the approach roll to see how things got started, the
storyteller will provide several additional scenes to fully
narrate out the plan through completion. The storyteller can
break out the plan into however many action and drama
points they desire, but in general there should at least be at
least one each of the following drama scenes to play out and
one or more characters should be posed with roleplaying a
single action to resolve these short vignettes that will add up
to completing the plan – maybe they are together, maybe
they are separate; based on the player’s narratives of their
character locations.

And don’t forget to use Flashbacks to keep the action going!

This takes some getting used to. Players, you may balk at
first, worried that you’re skipping over important things
that you want to do. But jumping straight into the action
of the plan is much more effective once you get used to
it. When you see the situation you’re in, you’re “planning”
via flashbacks; will be focused and useful, rather than
merely speculations on circumstances and events that
might not even happen.


security systems, traps, labyrinthine layouts, and more.

GETTING THE GOODS: This could be hacking a computer,

stealing a crown jewel, or rescuing the kidnapped victim or
whatever else the plan calls for them taking from the


them assassinating a key antagonist, or it could be neutralizing
a threat from the current plot greater story arc.

GETTING OUT: This is a chance for chase scenes, explosions in

the background, or harrowing combat through armed ranks
and file minions of the antagonist.

For Social Engagements you might try something like:

MAKING AN ENTRANCE: This can be getting legitimate access
to an exclusive club or party. Or it could be entering with a
needed amount of reputation or status. This likely deals with
all those people who would either see you excluded or arrive
as a nobody …or worse.

WORKING THE CROWD: This is dealing with all of the side

actors to the social event, trying to get them on your side or
get information or gossip out of them.

MAKING THE DEAL: This is the major confrontation and goal

of the night. It might be to get someone powerful to do your
bidding, or to gain a powerful ally, or to elevate your standing
across an organization. This could also be to bring down a
social rival or to ruin their reputation.

LEAVE ON YOUR TERMS: Get out while you are still loved. Or
at least before anyone is angry enough to start a fight. This is
for not only leaving the situation, but also for tying up loose
ends, or ensuring there won’t be any retaliation (not too soon

Sometimes some additional drama or added element is Limits of Flashbacks
needed in a scene and we just don’t want to have to plan A flashback isn’t time travel. It can’t “undo” something
for everything before entering into a new scene, that’s that just occurred in the present moment. For instance, if
tedious. A player might think the narrative would be Inspector Helker confronts you about recent thefts of
benefited by an NPC who was not established to be in the occult artifacts when you’re at Lady Bowmore’s party, you
scene, arriving just in the nick of time. Or perhaps when can’t call for a flashback to assassinate the Inspector the
the gun got kicked out of their hand and they were night before. He’s here now, questioning you—that’s
punched to the ground, there just so happened to be the established in the fiction. You can call for a flashback to
knife they hid under the table edge earlier that night - show that you intentionally tipped off the inspector so
now within grasp for them to turn and surprise stab their she would confront you at the party—so you could use
attacker with. If the players want to include a that opportunity to impress Lady Bowmore with your
remembered secret, or special preparation, or clever aplomb and daring.
setup, or added helpful item that would aid them in a part
of the scene they are currently in, they can do so with And of course, if any flashback item or narrative
Flashbacks. There is no limit to how far back the Flashback addition or person you are trying to add simply makes
can go in time. If your character is over 800 years old, no sense to the Storyteller, they can always decline
then the Flashback can be from 800 years ago! The player the flashback as being just too unlikely or impossible.
pays the Flashback Cost and narrates out in a cutaway
flashback vignette how the item or person, etc - got there.
Flashback Examples
Once any scene is started, especially for Tactical Plotting She consorted with her friend to agree to arrive
scenes, you can invoke a Flashback to add info, an item, at the dice game ahead of time, to suddenly
or person to a scene from the past that impacts your spring out as a surprise ally.
current situation. When the Storyteller describes the If this needs to have a value assigned to it, then it
current scene, they will give details on how might the offers 1 automatic success to relevant rolls.
strange, occult, or horror, social tension and so on;
present a stressful position for characters. The Storyteller
sets a Stress rating of the scene based on how unlikely Earlier he stashed his pistols into a hiding spot
the past events are related to, or you were able to near the card table so he could retrieve them
prepare for this current scene. Stress determines how after the pat-down at the front door.
many points of Temporary Willpower must be spent to If this needs to have a value assigned to it, then it
activate a Flashback. This spent willpower does not grant offers 2 automatic successes to relevant rolls.
the normal bonus dice gained from spending a point of
Willpower. Once the Stress is paid, the item or narrative 3 Stress: AN ELABORATE ACTION INVOLVING SPECIAL
addition is in place and works as the player needs it to.
It’s as simple as that. She has already studied the history of the property
and learned of a ghost that is known to haunt its
In some cases, the Storyteller may call for you and other ancient canal dock—a ghost that can be compelled
characters to narratively describe or roleplay out the to reveal the location of the hidden vault.
Flashback scene. Any rolls or drama in the flashback cannot If this needs to have a value assigned to it, then it
offers 3 automatic successes to relevant rolls.
cause the Flashback scene to fail to render its benefit, even
if there’s some danger or trouble involved; we are doing
this because we just need to find out how things went.

Storyteller: Use this opportunity to show how the

characters are dangerous and capable. Don’t
resolve a Flashback as useless to the characters,
or they won’t trust the technique in the future.
They paid the willpower, so let them use it!

Combat should not always be broken out into rounds. If
it’s a quick scuffle or three guys jumping you by surprise
in a dark ally, you may not ‘go into rounds’. Sometimes
you should just narrate out how you ‘shrug one guy off
into a dumpster, head butt the other guy, and kick the last
guy in the junk.’ And maybe you make a few rolls to
determine how that goes or if there are complications.

A Storyteller always has the prerogative to narrate out an

effect if it makes logical sense for it to have occurred.
Maybe, after failed perception rolls or the like you were
caught unaware and someone shot you in the back of the
head. No roll is used for this. You are shot. In the head.
You die. Or maybe you’re an undead vampire and this just
pisses you off as you spend Vitae to heal and then tear
this thug a new one. Either way, this is still a part of the
Narrative play that World of Darkness represents. Work
with the Storyteller to narrate out an interesting and
passionate combat scene, back and forth as you build on
what each other said. A good storyteller will make it
dangerous but ultimately, winnable. A good player will
make it interesting and ultimately, memorable.

Be prepared to get hurt!

There is always more than one way to end a fight. If things

are not going your way, or you are getting bloody and
backed against the wall – try a different approach! Throw
money at the problem, beg for mercy, offer a deal, try to
bluff or intimidate the antagonists. Remember, this is
your character’s story, so think of something interesting!

Bloody Their Faces

Nothing says you are willing to go for broke like shooting
a guy in the face while surrounded by his compatriots.
Making a quick Wits + Athletics roll might be just the trick
you need to getting your gun out first and their assess
diving for cover. Don’t just say “I shoot them”. Make it
interesting and see if you can use the elements of the
scene to make your attack even more effective. Don’t
forget your allies, sometimes a well-timed attack can give
you a one-two punch to drive the enemy back. Narrate
your attack with style and let the dice fall where they may.

Even the Odds

Or better yet, put them in your favor. Dive for cover,
throw up sand, or cut the lights. If you got caught off
guard or by surprise, think of something that mixes things
up. If they have to shoot though their own men, then
maybe they will hesitate just enough for you to break free
or get a few shots off. Narrate your idea and how it gets
you out of a tight spot or causes havoc in your favor.
Never forget the surrounding environment, it can be your
best weapon.

A round represents approximately 1 second of time. A round HOLDING ACTIONS
is broken up into Actions by drawing a number of poker Sometimes you might want to wait until someone does
cards per character (usually just 1, but some powers allow something before you take your action. Say you know some
you to draw more). There are two full 54 card decks (that’s slavering beast is about to burst into your fallout shelter and
52 + red and black jokers). Players draw from the Protagonist you want to blast a hole in it the moment it comes crashing
deck, as do their allies. And the Storyteller draws from the through.
Antagonist deck.
The way to do this is by “holding” and keeping a single card
Once everyone has their Action cards, the Storyteller starts as Held Action. When the card you have would normally be
counting down from an Ace, then King, Queen, all the way played, tell the storyteller what you’re going to Hold that
down to 2. Suits matter. When multiple characters have the action for and turn the card sideways. You can only ever have
same order card, such as a King or a 4, then who goes in that one card held.
segment is ordered by suit starting with Spades, then Hearts,
then Diamonds, and lastly Clubs. When the conditions of the Held card are met, whip it out,
show it to the ST, take your action, and discard it. If you want
When one of your cards is called, toss it into the discard pile to interrupt someone else’s action with a held card, you will
and narrate to the group and the Storyteller what your likely have to beat him in an opposed Wits+Dexterity match.
character is doing that segment. Be descriptive, mention the You’re never guaranteed to beat someone just because
environment, and if you can - add in some first person dialog you’ve got a held card, but at least you’ve got a chance. You
or interesting narration to bring the action to life. can hold a card from this round to the next, but you do not
draw cards that next round. Assuming you don’t use it, you
NOTE: Don’t use the same action over and can hold on to your held card until the fight is over, anyone
over. Each round you need to use a different draws a Black Joker, or an opponent forces you to discard it
action and if possible, a different skill. through an attack Effect or some such.

Once everyone has played their card that round, a new JOKERS
Round starts, everyone draws and new card(s) and actions Jokers are fate, destiny, random chance, or plain ol’ luck
start again. Do not reshuffle the deck at all during a game sticking its nose into everyone’s pie. A joker is a Disruptive
night unless a Joker was pulled. event. It does not end a scene, but it certainly should
complicate it. Jokers should always make a scene more
interesting and dramatic. From sudden monster attacks, to
Action Cards
sudden explosions, to sudden allies or incredible feats of
Each Round each player draws 1 Action card from the
bravery, skill, and daring.
protagonist card deck for player character and their allies, or
the antagonist deck for Storyteller actors. Players may get
 Black Jokers cause a player to lose all cards drawn
additional cards if they have special powers, abilities or
immediately and a tragic accident befalls them that round.
events. This may not mean their death, and it may not mean their
current action fails (though usually it does). It simply means
 Always reshuffle the action card deck after a joker is pulled. that something went majorly wrong, or something majorly
got in their way and complicated or ruined their efforts or the
The storyteller draws 1 Action card for each group of NPCs scene as a whole. This is always more impacting than a mere
from the antagonists’ deck following the same rules as for gun jam or a trip and fall. This is a major event that turns the
players. Special NPCs get their own cards drawn separately tides of battle or screws up all your plans or possibly even
from the general minions. causes great harm or adds an item or situation to make the
characters’ life harder (or the bad guys’ life easier). The
events of the Black Joker occur as soon as possible, or
whenever the Storyteller feels they best can. They are
narrative events, and have nothing to do with dice pools (and
For the basic suits, you would use Swords as Spades, Cups as
Hearts, Pentacles as Diamonds, and Wands as Clubs. Use 2 through might negate dice rolls altogether).
Ace as normal. Discard the High Arcana and the Paige cards. Then
use the Fool as the Red Joker and Death as the Black Joker. A note  A Red Joker drawn means fate is on their side. They can go
on the Fool and Death: the Fool represents Fate leading the at any time in the combat round, before any suit and gain a
character on. So when this card is pulled, add the extra narrative benefit that the player gets to suggest. Ultimately
interpretation on the Fool as the Red Joker as some aspect of the it’s still up to the storyteller to decide the effects of a Red
character’s destiny coming to light or being realized or revealed. As
Joker. Just like the Black Joker, this is a game changer – but
for Death, that represents change, transition, and external
influence. So when this card is pulled and tragedy falls, bring in in the favor of who drew it. It’s never an automatic win, or
narrative elements from external sources. Or have something automatic kill. But it might be an affliction or crippling effect,
external to the current scene become darkly affected. Use it to or a huge lucky event or action that turns the tide in their
cause change or bring something to an end – which may or may not favor or maybe an item or part of the scenery can be used to
result in harm or death. great effect.

World of Darkness uses 3 range increments called Range A character can move around in a Close Range Zone once
Zones: Close, Near, Far. You might have a couple of as a part of their Action card.
modifiers to your Attack roll. These things come up often
in a fight. Sometimes even stranger things can happen. If you want to move from Close to Near, it takes the use
Then it’s up to the Storyteller to figure out a modifier for of 1 Action card in which all you do is move to your new
that particular situation. location. While this makes that Near location now your
character’s Close location zone, it does not make you any
Zone Ranges closer to a Far zone. You are still Near allies in the zone
you left, and you can move back on subsequent Actions if
CLOSE needed.
Close range describes anyone within physical striking
range of your character. Be it a sword or a fist, you can During combat rounds, you may not move to a Far
reach out and hit someone. This also includes short quick location zone unless you have some quick means to do so
movement within that area, maybe 10 or 20 feet or so. that make sense for the fiction (i.e. a car, a jetpack, a
About the distance you can cover in 1 second or less. superpower, etc). Otherwise, Far range zones are just not
reachable in the few seconds a round takes.
Near range is the next Zone away. So maybe it’s across
the street, or the window a floor above you, or the guy in
Whenever your character is running they are at a -2 to all
the outfield. Typically this is far enough away that you
actions, including combat attacks. Whenever your
would have to dedicate you whole Action Card to just
character targeting someone running the Storyteller
getting Close to the target. This might be as far away as
might consider them to be Dodging for how hard it is to
50 yards or so.
hit them.

Far range is the furthest attacks in Rounds get typically.
All Out Movement
Anything further away is purely narrative and based on If they are sprinting or swimming, or otherwise using all
the fiction you have established. In game terms Far range of their ability to move as fast and best as they are able,
zone is something that likely you would have trouble they can take no other actions at all that turn they move
reaching on foot during a combat, and may not even be all out.
possible to reach on foot in time. This could be the sniper
on top of a 5 storey building, a car several blocks away, or Dodging
a deer on the other side of the valley. This might be a A player may discard their highest action card to perform
couple hundred yards away. a full body dodge. This is effectively the character bodily
throwing themselves aside as quickly as possible, hoping
Maximum Range to remove themselves from the area of the attack or dive
Every weapon has a maximum effective range. Beyond this it is for cover. This doubles their base defense value, before
unlikely that the projectile will do any damage or hit at all.
any modifiers are deducted. Some special powers, such
as Celerity may also be added in (see whichever power
ZONE SCALE you are using for details). The character is then
Sometimes you are not fighting on the streets with knives considered to be at a disadvantage for a counter attack
and pistols. Sometimes you are on starships with Close and quite often too far away for any physical combat on
range weapons that measure in the hundreds of miles. their attacker. They may need to regain their footing or
The above zone regions still are used, they simply refer to close the distance if they wish to fight.
a completely different set of weapons, all of which must
be narratively effective in the same range scale. (Ok, so It’s also likely this is not possible if the character is
sure, maybe your plasma sword can cut a ship’s hull, but surrounded or in such a circumstance that they cannot
if a Close zone target is eighty miles away, you are not move far enough to avoid the attack. Typically a 5 foot
gonna be cutting anything anytime soon.) Let the step or full run is needed to successfully Dodge. Any
narration of scale guide movement and action and dodge should be narrated by the player just in case the
determine if an attack is effective and can be used in a action is not possible or effective as determined by the
Close or Near zone. storyteller.

Dodging Ranged Items

Unlike the standard defense that is ignored by firearms and
other ranged weapons like bows – a Dodge is assumed to
preempt the firing of the weapon, and thus the player gets their
doubled defense against the ballistic attack.

This applies to all non-ranged attacks. So knives, swords, CHARGING
fists, grappling, and more. In general it means you are up This includes ramming, and other similar actions like
close and in the face of your attackers. jousting from a mount. In order to initiate a charge you
must have a straight line to your target for a distance of
The Melee Attack Roll greater than 10ft, or greater than 20ft for any kind of
Making attack rolls is a lot like making other rolls. You use mounted charge. You can’t have anything in your way
your Strength + Brawl or Strength + Weaponry for your that might make you jump, swerve or otherwise slow you
attack pool (plus any Specialties you might have). down. This is a somewhat reckless attack and so you
Subtract the target’s Defense, and if they have a weapon don’t get your Defense the turn you Charge, though you
that gives them a defense bonus, subtract that too. do count as Sprinting and get the +2 to your Defense due
to moving so fast. The on foot Charge attack uses a dice
The damage dealt is Bashing damage, unless you are pool of your Size + your Strength +1 for every 10ft you
wielding a Lethal weapon (knife, sword, spear, etc). covered in that single move, up to +3. The mounted
Charge uses your Dexterity + Athletics +1 for every 20 feet
As long as the attack gets at least 1 success, the attack hit. your mount ran, up to +3. The attack is resolved as
Roll on the Hit Location Chart for details. normal. Damage is applied evenly to across all areas as
Bashing damage, be it yours or your mount’s body
slamming into theirs. It may be Lethal if you were using a
Special Melee Maneuvers weapon that can be used for charging, like a Lance.
Many times in a combat one or both combatants might
Additionally the target may be knocked over (or off their
be trained in melee or physical fighting. Any special mount), they must make a Dexterity + Strength roll
moves are purchased as part of a Merit package. (Such as needing a number of successes to stay standing greater
Boxing or Marital Arts of Fencing, see Merit section for
than the number of successes you got on your attack, or
more) However it can be assumed that in a combat each
else they tumble to the ground, and lose 1 Action that
fighter is dodging, ducking weaving parrying and so on.
The rolls that are made and any resulting damage can be
considered the high points of the fight, or simply the
attacks that actually drew blood or caused an effect more GRAPPLING
than cuts and minor bruises. Thus it is sufficient to Grappling, wresting, pinning and most all forms of
describe parries, weaves and ripostes in the resulting unarmed attempts to subdue or hold an opponent. First
contact that occurred on a successful hit. The maneuvers the attacker makes a Strength + Brawl roll to get a hold of
below help guide those attacks, however... their target. This is like any other attack (Strength + Brawl
– Targets Defense). If successful, the target is grabbed by
 Most of the time an attack for Effect is the attacker, but not pinned or held in place yet. When
what you should be using. the opponent gets their next chance to go, they may opt
to break free of the grapple or they may instead attack as
DISARMING normal. If they chose to attack, it is resolved as normal
When attempting to knock or pull a weapon from an except that the attacker gets only half their defense
enemy’s hands there are two steps involved. First, you rounded down.
must be able to hit that location. Use the Targeting
Locations rules as normal. Once you have hit the location If the defender didn’t try to break the grapple, the
and item, if your successes were greater than the target’s attacker gets a second chance to initiate the pin on their
Strength, it’s knocked out of their hands. If it was equal turn. They make another Strength + Brawl roll minus the
to or less, then the target rolls their Strength to keep a targets Defense + Strength. If they succeed then the
hold of the item, needing more successes than you got on target is held firmly but not helpless. At this point, the
your attack roll. When performing a Disarm, no damage target may not move or attack, they may only fight to free
is done. If you wanted to attack their hand, do damage themselves. If the attacker succeeds a third and final
and hope they drop their weapon, then the ST may make time, the target is rendered helpless in a pin or chokehold
them roll Strength, Stamina, or Resolve needing to get or some such.
equal to your damage or greater to keep a hold of their
weapon. Disarmed weapons fall to the ground 5 feet If the defender is trying to break free (and not yet
away from the target in a random direction. rendered helpless) then it is simply an opposed Strength +
Brawl roll against the attacker. Succeeding means they
break free of the grapple. Failure means they do not
break free, and a botch means they are automatically
pined and helpless.

A character may attack multiple targets with a single
Action card. You simply take your attack pool and split it
however you want between targets. All targets must be
in range. Each target’s Defense is subtracted from the
amount of dice you allocated to that target. Both attacks
are resolved on the same Action Card.

(i.e. if you have a Strength of 4 and a Weaponry of 3 and

a specialty in longswords, which grants a +2; you have an
attack dice pool of 9 dice. If you are attacking two targets
you can split dice between them. So perhaps you assign 4
dice to go to target A and 5 dice go to target B. When you
roll to attack target A you subtract his Defense (which for
this example is 2) from your 4 dice you allocated to him,
leaving you with 2 dice to roll you attack on him. Same
then goes for target B (who also has an example Defense
of 2) with your 5 dice, bringing your attack on him to 3

Note that you may also do this against a single target.

Splitting your attacks against a single target works the
same way as two targets, as you subtract their Defense
for each attack. And if the target Dodged, then their
Dodge action affects all of your attacks.

 You may only split your Attack dice pool a maximum

number of times equal to your Dexterity.

Small weapons like pistols and SMGs only require one
good arm. Heavier firearms like rifles, shotguns, and
machine guns, and hand weapons like big axes and
chainsaws, need a good, two-handed grip, but sometimes
you just can’t manage that.

Anytime your character is forced to use a two-handed

weapon with one hand, subtract –2 from the attack roll.

However, when a weapon calls for two hands, you get a

bonus from the heft of the swing. When attacking with a
melee weapon with two hands, you get +1 damage bonus
to successful hits.

There often comes a point when you need to turn some Special Ranged Maneuvers
dastardly villain’s head into mulch. This section tells you Ballistics attacks have a variety of typical special actions
how to do just that. you can use, though some may only be available based on
certain weapon types.
The Ranged Attack Roll
There are two types of ranged attacks: Ballistics and CALLED SHOTS
Athletics. Ballistics represents a tool or weapon, like a See Hit Locations for more.
gun or a bow or a sling. Generally these offer mechanical
advantage over just chucking a sharp thing at your target. AIMING
Athletics represents the stuff you throw, knives, axes, A normal shot assumes your character aims his gun only
spears, grenades etc – they hit only as hard as you throw for a heartbeat before squeezing off a round. If a
them and go only as far as you can chuck them. character spends an entire Action card “drawing a bead,”
she can shift the first location for free the next firing
Ballistics Attacks action. She may spend a further round aiming to shift two
There are lots of tools made by man to say “Hey, I want locations. Gun-toting killers can never draw a bead when
to stab that guy, but only when he is way over there.” fanning or firing bursts. Lead showers are just too erratic.
Ballistics is used for tools that do the throwing for you, Likewise pain and sensory shock can ruin your aim, if you
guns, rocket launchers, bows, slings, and more. take damage or your senses are affected (bright light,
blast concussion, loud noise, etc) you lose the Aim bonus.
Your Ballistics Attack Dice Pool is Dexterity + Ballistics
All you need is one success and you hit, then roll hit Drawing a weapon takes an action, as does cocking and
location as normal. The ballistic weapon’s damage is then firing. What if you don’t have that kind of time? A skilled
applied to the target. Many weapons have special rules gunfighter can whip out his pistol, cock it, and plug a
attached to them. Bows need time to nock another arrow, werewolf in the eye all in one action. How can someone
guns may have full-auto fire modes and so on. See the pull that off? Easy. The quick draw action not only lets you
Equipment section for details on each. draw a weapon as a simple task, it also lets you cock it if
needed. If the roll is made, the weapon is drawn—or
drawn and cocked if needed.
Any attack with a Ballistics weapon is generally too fast to just  Roll Dexterity + Perception to Quick Draw and cock a
move out of the way of. In this case, people don’t get their weapon.
Defense, though they might get a running Modifier or Cover
Modifier. You can’t dodge a bullet, but you can make yourself The penalty to Quick Draw a weapon is based on the
a harder target! Some special powers might override this. weapons size and complexity. A simple 9mm pistol
imposes -1, while a rifle might impose a -2, and a heavy
double barrel shotgun impose -3. Typically it’s broken
down into two categories:
Athletics Attacks
There are two ways to chuck stuff, Thrown and Lobbed.
 Small Weapon (pistol, uzi, sawed off shotgun) is a -1
 Medium Weapon (rifle, shotgun, machine gun) is a -2
Your Athletic Attack Dice Pool is Strength + Athletics
 Large Weapon is anything bigger than a rifle, in which
minus the Targets’ Defense.
case it can’t be Quick Drawn.
If you get at least 1 success you hit, roll hit location as
normal. The ballistics weapon’s damage is then applied. RELOADING
Sooner or later, your piece is going to run out of ammo smack
Thrown weapons are ones where, like a baseball or a in the middle of a firefight. It happens to the best of us. So
knife, you are aiming for a target location - either way, many people; such small magazines. Fortunately, it only
this kind of attack is done the same. takes a little reloading to get the bad guys dying in bloody
droves again. It typically takes one full action to put a single
bullet into a pistol or rifle, or a single shell into a shotgun, or
If you are just Lobbing the grenade or item at a general
a pre-loaded clip in a magazine-fed weapon (typical
area then you can chuck it a lot further, but with less handguns and semi-auto rifles). Reloading any kind of
accuracy and will suffer Deviation. weapon can be hastened with the speed-load action. A
 Lob Deviation: When most ranged attacks miss their target, you can skilled speed-loader can get his gun smoking again much
usually forget about them. For some weapons, however, like faster than some other person fumbling through his spare
grenades, missiles, or even area-effect spells that have a chance to “change” for just the right size bullet. Speed Reloading and
miss their target, you need to know just how far the shot deviates.
Lobbed items use the Deviation Hit Location Chart instead of the Body
chambering a round/clip requires a Dexterity + Wits roll
Hit Location Chart. needing 2 successes.

Sometimes a glowing, three-eyed, liver-eating monster Multiple targets can be hit by a multi-shot burst - here’s
isn’t going to wait for you to ready your weapon and take how. Choose a primary target. The first bullet hits this
a shot at him. They’re rude that way. If not, you have to unfortunate fellow as normal. For each number of
shoot from the hip. Single-action revolvers, rifles, and successes after the first, if they equal the next target’s
other weapons with a Speed of 2 can fire faster by Defense, they hit them too. You may repeat this until you
sacrificing a little aim. This is called “shooting from the run out of unused successes. Targets can be no further
hip” and subtracts –2 from the shooters Firearms roll. than 3 meters apart from the previous target. Determine
each target’s hit location and damage separately.
THE TWO-GUN KID (i.e. Assuming your weapon has Rate of Fire of 3 or more
Some folks have too much ammo and like to fire two guns …If you get 4 successes on your attack roll, then you hit
at once. They usually don’t hit much, but they sure make the first target, down to 3 successes, then you keep your
a lot of noise. If you are wielding a weapon in each hand gun arm moving and hit the second target whose Defense
that are both considered to be one-handed weapons, you is 2; down to 1 success left. Since the 3rd target has a
are considered to be dual wielding. To be used a character Defense of 2, you don’t have enough successes to hit them
must be dual wielding two pistols or the like. as well so the bullet goes wide.)
 For Ballistics attacks: the character splits their dice pool as
per Split Attacks above dice pool for each attack but still
gets the -6 to your off-hand and -4 to your main-hand.

When you are attacking someone you may want to create Each of these modifiers may apply to either melee or
some kind of narrative effect or result. Maybe you want ranged combat.
to shove them over the ledge, tie them up, scare them off,
or create some blinding or distracting effect. Narrate Bound
what you want to do and the Storyteller will consider the Be you tied up, grappled by someone, or pined by debris,
target’s skills and abilities and reduce your dice pool by it’s harder to get a swing in. This can vary by situation,
the relevant counter Attribute or Situational Difficulty but in general will be a -1 to a -5 depending on just how
which best matches to your effect. caught up you are. -1 might be for when you are in a
For example, you may want to trip someone, so you may tussle but nobody has a good hold on you yet. -3 might
have your Strength + Brawl be reduced by the target’s be for when a couple big guys have a hold of you. -5 might
Defense + Athletics dots; which if you are successful, they be for when you are fully bound in rope and can barely
are tripped and hit the dirt hard. If you want to shoot their hold the knife in your hand.
rifle and make it go off in the person’s hands, then you
would roll your Dexterity + Ballistics with dice pool
reduced for how small the gun trigger is. Maybe you want Distance Modifiers
to throw a dagger at an awning above someone to make it Which Range Zone you are targeting determines your
fall on them, you might roll Dexterity + Athletics minus the Distance modifier.
target’s Perception + Wits to see if you hit the awning and
catch them underneath it, entangling them. If you make  Close zone: no distance penalty
your roll, you do the thing and they have to deal with it.
 Near zone: -2 when you are attacking anyone with a ranged attack
who is in a Near zone.
Compels as Attacks
Wily characters can use their words or skills to trick,  Far zone: -5 when you are attacking anyone with a ranged attack
who is in a Far zone.
disorient, confuse, or otherwise hinder a target, leaving
them vulnerable. The target of an Interactive Attack must
be within range to be affected. The range required Moving
depends on the type of Interaction Attack attempted. It’s a lot harder to hit a target when you’re on the move.
This isn’t for Dodging, this is for when you or your target
Roleplay your interaction then choose an Attribute and is simply already in motion more than the other (the
Skill as your approach dice pool, and minus the target’s target is already running away, you are in a car trying to
Resolve. If your Effect attack roll succeeds, then the take a swing at a stationary target, etc) Any turn in which
target gains a Compel equal to your successes. This your character runs, he suffers a –2 penalty to any other
Compel will affect any relevant dice pool the target has – things he might try to do; like shooting whatever’s chasing
including reducing Defense or Attack if it applies. him. Any time a target is moving faster than a walk;
subtract the same.
Or you can use an environmental effect or hazard to add
to the chaos of the combat. Success on such a roll means
Target’s Size
it occurs as you expect and the Compel does not affect
If a target is half the size of a man, subtract a penalty of
you or your allies. A failed or complicated roll indicates
–1. If it’s one-quarter the size of a man, subtract –2, and
that something has gone wrong in your attempt. Your
so on. The opposite is also true. A target that is twice as
dice pool to trigger the item as you expect may be
big as a man gives the character a +1 bonus, a target three
reduced by scene difficulties or the target’s Wits score.
times the size of a man has a +2 modifier, and so on, up
Some suggested Skills to use are:
to a maximum of +6.
Skill Result
to push your enemy or cause them to move Cover
in a direction you wish Use the Cover rules and the Hit Location Table when a
to feint, bluff, or trick your enemy into a target is partially concealed.
poor position
to throw your enemy off balance with
Intrigue Lighting
careful words
to use nearby equipment to confuse or It’s hard to shoot something you can’t see.
weaken your enemy  Low Light (moonlight): -1
to cause your enemy to misstep or reveal  Darkness (very little ambient light): -3
their plans  Pitch Black (no light whatsoever): -5 but only after
To make or modify an item that when you have an indication you are even firing in the right
Crafts interacted with by the target it harms or direction at the target.
weakens, or hinders them
Persuasion to menace your enemy, cowing them

Once you have successfully hit your target, you roll to see Cover indicates the target is hiding behind some kind of barrier
between them and the attacker. Cover only comes into play for
where the strike landed. Roll 1d10.
ranged attacks; it cannot be used for melee. If the defender
peeks out from cover on their action card, their cover amount
Roll Location changes to however much they peek out (more so if they want
1 Head to attack, less so if they just want to take a look). This changes
2-3 Right Arm their cover until their next action card which they can then use
4-5 Left Arm to duck back behind cover as much or as little as they like. The
6-8 Torso defender simply announces how much of their body is covered,
9 Left Leg and the attacker will have to Shift Locations to successfully hit a
location not behind cover. The defenders’ Defense is still
10 Right Leg
subtracted if applicable. If the hit cannot reach an exposed
location by the Location roll or by Shifting Locations, then the
Shifting Locations shot misses (hitting the cover). Note that the Storyteller can
For each success you got on your Attack Roll you may spend a override the players’ exact specification of how much they are
number of your successes to move up or down a number of exposing to enemy attack should the scene and description and
locations to better aim your attack. This reduces the number of location and cover items alter things. (i.e. Gaining cover from
successes as the end result of your attack in exchange for letting wooden crates might only offer a reduction in damage as
your adjust where your attack has struck. You may never have opposed to a missed shot as many bullets can pass through such
less than 1 success remaining. items.)

1 Success = Up or Down 1 location Deviation Hit Location

3 Successes = Up or Down 2 Locations Some weapons are just less accurate than others. For all
5 Successes = Up or Down 3 locations weapons that call for the Deviation Hit Location table, roll once
each on the tables below to determine deviation distance and
For example: If on your attack you get 4 successes – and your
roll for Hit Location is a 7: you hit the target’s Torso. If you spend
1 success you can move 1 location “up” to the Left Arm, or Deviation Range
“down” the Right Leg. Hitting that location with the remaining Target location for these weapons uses the following Launcher
3 successes. If you spend 3 of your successes you can move the Hit Location Chart. Roll a 1d10 as normal to determine hit
location of the attack to “up” the Right Arm or “down” the Left location. Note that explosive weapons still follow the rules for
Leg. Which leaves you with only the 1 remaining success to explosive damage allocation as outlined in the hit location
determine damage, etc. section. This hit location chart is for the projective itself or if the
projectile is not explosive.

Targeting Locations Roll** Location

You can also spend your successes to target specific areas within 1-5 Within 10 meters of target
a location you just rolled and hit based on their size. To narrow 6-7 Within 5 meters of target
down to a specific spot in that location see the chart below: 8-9 Within 1 meter of Target
10 Target Hit*
Successes Needed Location Size
1 Shin/Forearm/Belly * If you roll Target Hit, you may then spend 1 success to
3 Gun/Fist/Foot/Sword move the hit to the targets Torso location. From there use
5 Ear/Eye/Finger/Pendant successes to navigate the hit location chart as normal.
** The above chart applies to targets of size 6 or smaller.
For example, if you hit the Torso with 4 successes, then you can For each size increment your target is above 6, add 1 to
spend 1 success to hit the Belly (half the size of the torso your launcher hit location roll to a max of 10.
overall), or 3 to hit a Lung (about the size of a hand), or 5 to hit
a Golden Lapel Pin (about the size of an eye). Deviation Direction
Now that you know how far it deviated from the target, you
The effect of this targeting is only to create a special effect with must find out which direction it went. Roll 1d10. The direction
the attack. This might be to knock a weapon out of the of the Target from the attacker represents ‘North’ on this chart.
opponent’s hand, knock the wind out of someone, or to put out Thus if you roll a 1 on this chart it means the missile sailed past
their eye. This is drama driven so the effects will vary for each the target by the number of meters as determined above.
attack. The damage, however, is applied to the location as
normal. Thus 3 Lethal knife damage to the eye means you still
Roll Location
did 3 lethal damage to the head, but now the eye is cut badly, 1-2 North
Bashing damage to the eye is a black eye possibly swollen shut 3 North-West
for a day or so, and Aggravated damage to the destroys the eye 4 North-East
utterly. In any case, the person’s eye is no longer useable for at 5-6 South
very least that scene, possibly longer. 7 South-West
8 South-East
9 East
10 West

Damage and Healing COLD
World of Darkness is a narrative storytelling game, and as Trudging through deep snow for hours on end, or facing
such first and foremost the rules are meant to aid that biting, bitter winds, can dehydrate and fatigue a character
immersion. Damage is one of those major ways in which the as quickly as blazing deserts. Every four hours spent in
narrative is affected viscerally. When your attack hits, make weather below freezing (32° F), a character must make a
sure to describe what that attack looks like, how you moved, Stamina roll. Failure means the victim subtracts 1 from
the sound and colour of the action. the victim’s Stamina roll for every 20 degrees below
freezing to a maximum of –3. The roll assumes the
character is wearing warm clothing. If not, subtract an
There are three main types of damage World of Darkness additional 2 from the dice pool. Modern winter gear adds
tracks. Use your own judgement as to which one your attack +1, and advanced gear (arctic suits) add at least +3 or
does, but most weapons will be listed in this book to give you more depending on the setting.
an idea of what kind of damage they do and how much.
See Wound Penalties for taking Damage and roll modifiers. Effects of Freezing: Make a Stamina roll, a success means
you are dying and have severe frostbite in extremities.
Failure means the same as above but you also
(-1 die) Bruises, blunt damage, falling harm, minor cuts, etc.
permanently lost toes or fingers. Botch means you are
(-2 dice) Knife stabs, bone breaks, gunshots, stuff that hurts Recovery: Warmth and shelter from the elements allows
but a human body will heal back to normal in time. a character to recover in a few hours.

(-5 dice) Burns, loss of limbs, artery cuts, explosions, stuff
that will cripple you forever or you will die from if you don’t Diseases cover a wide range of maladies, from long-term
see a surgeon or good horse doctor. debilitating illnesses to those which might cause
immediate spasms or death. To handle such a diverse
range of diseases, we’ve broken them down into those
Situational Damage most likely to come into play in a typical game or
All situational damage should first fall under the sway of campaign session. If you’re trying to model a specific
the narrative. These situational damage effects can be disease, you’ll want to adjust the rules to better reflect
added to any attack as a part of the narrative damage or that illness’ symptoms.
they can be outside of combat based on environmental or
situational happenings. The storyteller should come up Recovery: Unless the disease description says otherwise,
with a good scene or set of scenes to describe the harm it can only be treated with specific medicines or very
affecting the character and narrate out effects and allow powerful magic. If the proper medicine is available, all the
the character or others to roleplay out finding cures, victim’s ailments vanish in 3d10 days minus his Stamina
doing field surgery, making serums and more. So what dots, to a minimum of one day. If not, healers can make
follows is a set of guidelines for the storyteller and group the victim more comfortable but have no further effect
to use which describe the general effects and dangers of on his condition.
situational damage and offers suggested rolls in case you
want to determine a chance of failure or complication or Effects of Disease: As per Disease Type.
miraculous recovery. Contracting Diseases
Diseases may be acquired in one of the following ways:
BLEEDING  Airborne: The toxin is in the air. If a character is aware of the
Anytime your character is shot by a gun, is stabbed by a toxin he can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to
his Stamina dots, or half that if he wasn’t prepared. If in
knife, or some other similar lethal weapon, they are very
combat or physically exerting himself then it is holding his
likely Bleeding. The Storyteller will announce if the breath for 2 round plus his Stamina dots. After that he must
weapon causes Bleeding, or not if it’s not obvious. If the breathe and automatically contracts the disease. If the victim
attack causes Bleeding then you have only a number of is surprised by the release of the disease (such as a creature
with exploding spores), he must make a Wits roll to hold his
combat rounds equal to your Stamina + Resolve before
breath before the tainted air enters his lungs.
you fall unconscious from blood loss. Out of combat this  Touch: The victim must make a Stamina roll immediately on
time is in minutes. Stopping Bleeding takes a minimum of being touched. If successful, the disease didn’t manage to
1 minute to make an Intelligence + Academics with a “take” and there is no effect. Failure means the disease takes
specialty in First Aid roll wrap the wound, staunch the immediate effect as described below.
 Induction: The disease must enter the bloodstream, most
blood flow and cut off most of the blood flow to that area. typically by an animal’s bite, or a cut by an infected weapon.
This is not a long term fix, but will get you to the doctor In these cases, if a victim is wounded by such an attack, he
who can clean and stich the wound. Until stitches are must make a Stamina roll. If failed, he contracts the disease.
If successful, the disease didn’t manage to get into the
applied (and possibly more in the case of gunshot
bloodstream and there is no further effect.
wounds) you will not heal the area that was Bleeding and
could even lose the limb or die!

 Majorly Debilitating, Fatal: These diseases cause Lightning strikes, a live wire hits your character or he
constant irritation and exhaustion and eventually end touches a conducting item. Some supernatural beings
in death. Leprosy, untreated tuberculosis, and similar even possess mastery over electricity and can direct it at
fatal diseases fall into this category. Victims have your character. Electrocution automatically causes
frequent spasms and coughing fits. At the start of every Bashing damage per turn of exposure. No attack roll is
game session, the character must make a Stamina roll. made. If harm from electricity is more than just
If botches that roll, he’s going to pass away before the instantaneous - there's a constant flow such as through
end of that session. The Storyteller is encouraged to let power cables - a victim may not be able to escape. His
the character go out with style if possible, but he will muscles contract, which can prevent him from pulling
perish before the game ends this time. away. Roll Strength as a reflexive action in each turn of
 Long-Term Chronic, Debilitating: This works exactly as contact. Failure means your character is still connected to
above except the unfortunate character is constantly the source and suffers its damage each turn until a
fatigued at -2 dice to all rolls. Examples of this kind of successful roll is made. Worn armor may or may not
disease include malaria, fantasy diseases such as the provide protection against electrocution.
touch of certain undead, or living in a foreign and
slightly toxic environment. Source Description Damage
 Short Term: These are extremely rare in the real world Wall socket Minor 4 (B)
Protective fence Major 4 (L)
but are very appropriate for fantasy or science-fiction
Junction box Severe 3 (A)
settings. They are typically acquired from the scratch of Main line feed or
a creature or breathing air laden with toxins (see subway rail Fatal 5 (A)
Airborne and Induction, above). A victim who fails his
Stamina roll and contracts the disease begins to cough FALLING
and wretch uncontrollably. Once he recovers from
Falling damage is Bashing damage equal to (Feet Fell *
being sick he may act normally but the disease remains 1/3). Round all fractions up. The total Bashing damage is
for 2d10 days while the sickness works itself out. evenly distributed between each body location. (i.e. If you
 Lethal: Even more rare are diseases that can kill in fell 10ft you would take about 3 points of Bashing
seconds. Treat this exactly as Lethal Poison (see damage). This is not a hop down or a controlled drop, this
Poison). If a character survives the poison, it lasts 2d10
is uncontrolled, hit the ground hard falling.
Sometimes a character is falling in such a way that they
DROWNING have time or ability to tumble with the impact of the fall.
Water is deadly to those who aren’t prepared for it. Here In this case they subtract their successes from a Dexterity
are some standard water hazards and how often a + Wits roll from the damage dealt to them.
character must make an Athletics (swimming) roll.
Other times a character might be in a vehicle during a fall
 A character with at least 1 dot in Athletics does not have to (like a plane or an elevator). In which case the damage is
roll when in calm water. the same, but there may be reduction in damage based
 In rough water, all characters must make an Athletics roll
on the vehicle and its crash site. Such as crashing a plane
every minute.
 In white water rapids, the character is swept into eddies and
into water or an elevator into its crash pad shocks and fall
whirlpools (hydraulics) and rolls Athletics every round. brake pads. In general, if an item is majorly designed to
 A character forced to tread water for long periods without a survive a fall specifically (like an elevator), then damage
flotation device must roll Stamina once every hour. should be capped at 40 Bashing damage. If it only has a
few counter measures (like a plane), then cap the damage
Modifiers: at 70.
 Subtract –2 from a character’s Athletics rolls if he is trying to
hold something up, including another character. Anything else should be narrative and likely result in
 Add +2 to the roll if he’s wearing a life vest. death, severe damage, permanent scarring or
Recovery: Once a character is out of the water, he
recovers in about five minutes.

Effects of Drowning: Death in a number of minutes equal

to the victim’s Stamina dots minus 10. If someone can get
to the victim within five minutes of the end of this time,
he can be resuscitated with CPR, an Academics roll at –1
per minute past.

The damages here reflect only a momentary contact with Humans need approximately one pound of food every 24
the fire. This damage is dealt each round (3 seconds) the hours. If sufficient sustenance isn’t available, a character
subject is in contact with the fire. Anything that is begins to suffer from severe hunger. Starting the first day
Flammable is automatically “caught on fire” and cannot after the meal was missed, the character must make a
be put out by simply rolling around or blowing it out. Stamina roll. Subtract 2 if the character has less than half
Chemicals or water must be used to douse the flames. the required amount of food. Failure means the character
begins to starve. After the first day, the character must
 Torch: 1 point of Lethal roll for hunger every 12 hours, and thirst every 6 hours.
 Bonfire: 2 points of Lethal
 Inferno: 8 points of Lethal Starvation Effects: A starving character by hunger dies
 Welding Torch: 3 points of Aggravated 3d10 hours later.
 Chemical / Molten / Surgical Laser burn: these are
mostly situational but for the most part they instantly Recovery: At least a pound of decent food allows a
destroy the area they hit, doing likely 7+ points of character to recover in about 5 days minus their Stamina
Aggravated damage in a single hit, slicing off the limb, dots (minimum 1 day).
vaporizing the limb or burning it to the bone nearly
instantly. POISON
Poisons can be delivered many ways. If ingested, its
Smoke Inhalation: Fires in confined areas produce deadly smoke. effects occur automatically. If a victim is wounded by a
Every round a character is in such an environment, he must make
a Stamina roll. A wet cloth over the face adds +2 to the roll, and a bite or weapon coated in poison, he must make an
gas mask negates the need for the roll entirely. If the roll is failed, immediate Stamina roll against the type of poison listed
the character starts to suffocate and choke and get a cumulative - on the Poison Effects Table below. If the poison has a
1 to their Stamina roll. Once their Stamina reaches 0 they pass out modifier associated with it for potency (such as
and start to suffocate and die.
Venomous [–2]), the victim’s Stamina roll is modified
appropriately. The Storyteller must decide which
HEAT category is appropriate based on the poison. Most real-
Intense heat, typically that over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, world animals are Venomous with only a few falling in the
can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both of which Lethal category. Fantasy Ghouls might have paralyzing
are very dangerous. The actual danger is from poison in their claws, while spies might use Knockout
dehydration, so well-supplied and conscientious poison in drinks or gases.
characters can greatly improve their chances in extreme
heat simply by carrying a good amount of water and  Characters who suffer Paralysis or a Knockout are
drinking frequently. When the temperature reaches 90 unconscious until they recover.
degrees or more, the storyteller should pay attention to
how much water characters are able to drink. If they are Treatment: To treat a poisoned victim, the healer can try
able to drink at least four quarts of water a day, they may an Academics roll minus the strength of the poison itself
be tired and sunburned, but are in no immediate danger. (found in the poison’s description). If successful, the
If that amount of water isn’t available, characters must victim’s life is saved and the poison no longer has any
make Stamina rolls every four hours. Failure means the effect—paralyzed victims can move and those rendered
character starts to fall unconscious and suffer heat stroke, unconscious wake. Characters may only attempt one
another few hours out there and they likely die. Academics roll per incident to cure the poison, another
character with dots in Academics may make a second
 Subtract 2 from the roll if the character has half the water attempt only if they have more dots than the previous
he needs, and subtract 4 if he has less than half. person who attempted, and so on.
 Subtract 1 from the roll for each additional 5 degrees above
90 degrees Fahrenheit.
 Add +1 if the character stops all physical activity. Recovery: Differs per poison, usually a serum or anti-
 Add +1 to the roll if the character has substantial shade. venom is needed for recovery and that can take hours to
days to recover from.
Heat Stroke Effects: If a character suffers heat stroke and
may suffer brain damage. Make a Stamina roll. If the roll Poison Effects Table
is failed, the victim’s Intelligence and Strength decrease Type Failure Success
by one dot permanently (to a minimum of 1). Lethal Death in 2d10 1 Bashing wound per
rounds round / 3 seconds
Venomous Death in 2d10 1 Bashing wound per
Recovery: A victim who receives sufficient water recovers
minutes round / 3 seconds
in 5 days minus their Stamina dots (to a minimum of 1 Paralysis Paralyzed for Paralyzed for 1d10 rounds
day). 2d10 minutes
Knockout Knocked out Knocked out for 1d5
for 2d10 hours minutes

Radiation sickness can be acute, happening soon after Most people need a minimum of six hours sleep out of
exposure, or chronic, where symptoms appear over time every 24. A character who goes without this amount of
or after some time, possibly years later. A person who sleep must make a Stamina roll at a cumulative –2 every 12
experiences an atomic explosion will receive two doses of hours thereafter (maximum penalty of –6). A large amount
radiation, one during the explosion, and another from of coffee, soda, or other stimulant adds +2 to the roll.
fallout, when radioactive particles float down after the
explosion. The effects of radiation are cumulative. Effects of Exhaustion: A character who suffers this much
Damage to cells is irreversible. simply falls into a deep sleep for 2d10 hours.

 Below 30 rads: Mild symptoms will occur in the blood Recovery: Every four hours of restful sleep removes a
 From 30 to 200 rads: The person may become ill. Stamina -2 penalty.
 From 200 to 1,000 rads: The person may become seriously
 Over 1,000 rads: This will be fatal.
The need to breathe is essential for most all living beings,
taking this away will cause incapacitation and eventually,
The signs and symptoms of acute radiation poisoning are:
death. Panic and fear can cause a person to choke and
 Vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea
 Loss of appetite
lose their breath even faster. Any time you character
 Malaise, or feeling unwell cannot take a breath, be it from being under water or
 Headache from being strangled, you are in a suffocation situation.
 Rapid heartbeat In combat or other high exertion situations you can hold
your breath a number of rounds/seconds equal to your
Symptoms depend on the dose, and whether it is a single character’s Size + Stamina. (Fortitude multiples this per
dose or repeated. dot in Fortitude). If you take damage during this time you
must make a Wits + Stamina to not lose all of your
A dose of as low as 30 rads can lead to: remaining breath. One this time is out (or you took
 Loss of white blood cells damage and failed your roll), you are choking, gasping and
 Nausea and vomiting blacking out. Each turn/second you make a Stamina roll
 Headaches to not pass out.

A dose of 300 rads dose may result in: Effects of Suffocation: While suffocation your character is
 Temporary hair loss in a panic situation and is at a -4 to all actions that are not
 Damage to nerve cells simply trying to escape to where they can breathe. Once
 Damage to the cells that line the digestive tract unconscious they go limp and are unable to do anything.
 There may also be skin redness, cataracts, and heart
problems. Recovery: If the person or creature is no longer in a
situation that would prevent them from taking a breath
If the whole body is exposed to, say, 1,000 rads within a (not under water anymore or being strangled anymore),
short time, this could be fatal. then after 5 seconds goes by they may make a Stamina
roll to regain consciousness. This roll may be made each
A person who is exposed to 3,000 rads will experience second for 60 seconds. If the victim has not made this roll
nausea and vomiting, and they may experience confusion by then they are dead.
and a loss of consciousness within a few hours. Tremors
and convulsions will occur 5 to 6 hours after exposure. THIRST
Within 3 days, there will be coma and death. An average-sized man requires two quarts of water a day.
This requirement is doubled in both very dry conditions
Different doses, different effects (such as the desert) and areas of high humidity (the jungle)
The risk of illness depends on the dose. Very low doses of
as the character perspires constantly and begins to
radiation are all around us all the time, and they do not have
any effect. It also depends on the area of the body that is
dehydrate. If enough water isn’t available, the character
exposed. If the whole body is exposed to, say, 1,000 rads begins to suffer from dehydration. Starting the first day
within a short time, this could be fatal. However, far higher after the water runs out, he must make a Stamina roll.
doses can be applied to a small area of the body with less Subtract 2 if the character has less than half the required
risk. After a mild dose, the person may experience amount. Failure means the character suffers Incapacitation
symptoms for just a few hours or days. However, a repeated effects below. After the first day, the character must make
or even a single, relatively low dose that produces few or the required Stamina roll every 6 hours.
no visible symptoms around the time of exposure may
cause problems later on. Localized exposure may lead to
Effects of Severe Dehydration: Death in 2d10 hours.
changes in the skin, loss of hair, and possibly skin cancer.
Exposure to certain parts of the body is more dangerous
than others, for example, the intestines. Recovery: Two quarts of water allows a character to
recover in a few hours.
The Health dots track is a representation of how big and Taken Out
or tough your character is, how much punishment they When all of your total wounds Penalties are equal to or
can take before they are Taken Out or Dead. greater than your character’s Health dots – you are down
and out of the fight. Maybe you had the wind knocked out
Wounds of you really bad, or you got beaten half to death or shot and
To represent damage, the game uses a description of the are in shock. You will narrate the way your character is
attack along with how much damage it did for healing struggling to stay conscious or bleed out as they die. You
purposes and how much your character is negatively cannot make any actions with your character at this point
affected with dice pool modifiers. except to writhe in agony, try to stay conscious, or babble
semi-coherently. If you wish to act, you must spend 1 point
When an attack successfully hits, write on the character of Willpower, in which case you may make 1 action at no
sheet a brief Wound Description of the damage. penalties. Depending on the action, the storyteller may claim
(i.e. gunshot, knife stab, 3-storey fall, fire burns, etc). it causes your wound to worsen or you to need a Stamina +
Resolve roll to not pass out after this desperate action. As
Then along with that description you will note the long as the fiction allows, you may continue to spend
Amount of damage it did and Type; (B) Bashing, (L) Lethal, Willpower to act.
(A) Aggravated.
(i.e. gunshot 5L, 3-storey fall 5B, fire burns 6A, etc).
Soaking Damage
WOUND PENALTY Any item or ability that can Soak damage simply reduces the
The Type of damage it did will determine the Wound amount of damage by that value (to a minimum of 0). So if a
Penalty type you character suffers from pain, debilitation bullet proof vest has 6 Lethal Soak, and your character takes 5
points of Lethal damage – that damage is reduced to 0. If you
or overall damage to the wounded area. These wound
had instead taken 7 points of Lethal damage, then the armor
penalty types are dice pool modifiers. Each one will stay reduces it by 6, leaving you still taking 1 point of lethal damage.
with your character until all points of damage from that
attack wound have been healed. Some attacks can do
different types of damage based on the fiction in the Burning Dots
Attribute dots, as well as Willpower Dots, are never spent as a
scene. For example, a character getting hit by a bus could
part of typical play. However, some supernatural powers or
result in 6 Bashing (they got sideswiped), 6 Lethal (they horrific experiences, or terrible damage can permanently take
got hit full on), or 6 Aggravated (it hit them at high speed dots away from your character’s Attributes or Willpower. A
and flung them into a wall). power or storyteller Move will explicitly call this out as Burning
a Dot, in which case it is reduced by 1 and can only be gained
Bashing -1 back by experience.
Lethal -2
Aggravated -5
These dice pool Penalties do not stack for each wound
your character successively takes. You only apply the
single highest wound Penalty. So if you get shot for Lethal
damage and are at -2; then you get hit with a baseball bat
for Bashing damage -1: you are still at -2 to all actions
from the pain, bleeding, shock, broken bones, etc.
Note that the amount of damage you took does not
affect the modifier. (i.e. if you took 5 Lethal, and then
took 3 Lethal from a second hit, both are a -2 because
Lethal, so you are at a -2 for actions, but you have gone
down by 4 on your Health track, -2 from each wound.)

Instant Death
If a person was to take over double their Health dots in a
single Wound, there is a good chance it killed them outright.
The typical character has 7 Health; which means that 15+
damage in a single wound should kill them. If the Storyteller
thinks there is a reasonable chance they are hanging on by
the thread, or had a ‘lucky bounce’ – they can call for a
Stamina only roll (Willpower may be spent as normal) to be
narratively still alive but at deaths door. If the roll is made,
then roleplay how someone or something comes to their aid
and their slow recovery.

Characters who face danger and who live to tell the tale
still need time to recover physically. They need to heal
their injuries. If your character does not have a Specialty
in some field of medicine, then the Storyteller is
encouraged to impose harsh Situation Modifiers. Not just
anyone can pick up a scalpel and perform open heart

Once a character’s Wound damage value has been

reduced to 0, the wound is gone. If they do get into
vigorous activity too soon after being patched up or they
get wounded again; all those old wounds come back with
a Storyteller Hard Move.

Healing Actions Natural Healing

To heal someone up, look at the damage types below and With not too much exertion, the body will heal on its own
see which skills are need to aid someone. These are nasty from many wounds – but not all.
wounds that almost always kill someone if they don’t see
a proper doctor, and even then if the doc doesn’t have BASHING DAMAGE
proper tools and a clean place to work, you still might die. Each day 1 point of Bashing damage goes away.

Botched rolls indicate complications in the attempt to heal

someone. It may be accidentally breaking a bone that was
only cracked when trying to set it. It make be cutting and Each week 1 point of Lethal Damage goes away as long as
artery when trying to remove a bullet. It may be the patient you go easy on that wound.
going into cardiac arrest from the shock.
BASHING You cannot naturally heal Aggravated damage unless you
Intelligence + Academics will reduce Bashing damage to 1 have a supernatural ability to do so.
location down to 1. It takes about 30 minutes per location
to apply patches, salves, braces, or bandages. You may
attempt this roll once per location, per day. Healing Aids
None of the following items can be combined, they simply
LETHAL do what they do on their own. All of them are 1 time use.
Intelligence + Academics will turn all Lethal damage in 1 Though with roleplay you may be able to restock or clean
location to Bashing damage of its original amount. It takes and reuse them.
about 2 hours per location of light surgery or stitching and
to apply patches, salves, braces, or bandages. You may FIRST AID KITS
attempt this roll once per location, per day. You may not Having some kind of equipment to help heal someone up
attempt any further rolls to heal that location and remove can provide +1 to +3 dice depending on what it does and
the Bashing, it must now heal the mended wounds, what components it has (or what’s left).
internal and externa, in due time.
AGGRAVATED Typical around military encampments, this has most of
Intelligence + Academics will stabilize an Aggravated what a medic would need out in the field. Trauma kits,
wound, which will turn all Aggravated damage in 1 doping drugs, sterile equipment and so on. It’s typically
location to Lethal damage of its original amount. Though the size of a backpack or so. These allow all Academics
any bleeding or other ongoing harm is halted. After the rolls to gain +2 automatic success on a successful
initial surgery is successful, a number of days later equal Academics roll.
to the damage value of the Aggravated wound you can
attempt a Lethal healing roll to further aid the patient.
Note that certain effects or scars may remain even after
This is a clean room that has access to all manner of
the damage is healed. It’s even likely that this limb is
surgical tools, sutures, stabilizing equipment and so on.
completely maimed and destroyed and all the doc could
The nature and makeup of the room is determined by the
do was sew you up and seal the stump.
Storyteller and the era you are in. Regardless, it typically
provides +3 dice to all Academics rolls, and 1 Botch die is
ignored on all Healing rolls.
Enemies lurk in the shadows. Killers hide in the closet, under
the bed. Foes wait beneath pale streetlights, hungry for
blood on their knuckles, claws and teeth. It’s certainly Money is greatly abstracted in World of Darkness. You
possible for a character to survive and dominate her can roleplay in-character using terms of dollars or yen or
opponents with nothing more than her own bare hands and franks to help set the theme and plot setting. But in
bared teeth. A commitment to such hostile asceticism speaks actual rules, you never keep track of money amounts.
to a kind of purity. Unfortunately, her enemy might be armed Instead the game uses relative buying power as a way to
with tooth, claw and a .308 sniper rifle with an infrared inform the players and storyteller if there should be
scope. People can say equipment gives characters an edge drama around you acquiring items or pure wealth.
against the night, but it would be a lie. The truth is,
This is done by using the Resources Merit as your measure
equipment barely levels the playing field. This is the World
of buying power on a scale of 0 to 5 dots. Unless you have
of Darkness, and the threats lurking in the uncertain distance
put points into the Merit: Resources, all characters start
are often larger than they seem. Best be prepared. with 0 in Resources. Essentially they have no money to
spend and likely are doing all they can to not be homeless
No character can prepare fully for the dangers the World of and starving. See the Merit: Resources for details.
Darkness will throw at him, but a smart and resourceful one
can make a brave attempt. Herein are presented a wide You must have the Merit: Resources equal to or greater
variety of equipment, useful in all sorts of situations, from a than the item’s Cost. If no drama is likely, you simply
desperate brawl in a tool shed to an escape from an obtain the item – no rolls needed.
archeological expedition’s collapsed excavation tunnel. They
are still, however, only general examples. The action and If there is some possible drama or danger in purchasing
pacing should never slow down to look up the caliber of a an item, Then roll your Merit:Resources dots (You may
gun, or the stopping power of a cast iron skillet. Whether an treat this value as 1 Higher if, in picking up the item, you
item is listed here or not, the players can add whatever will be harmed or under danger in some meaningful way
makes sense to the fiction and the ST can assign it a typical (and thus have to play out that scene of danger).
value of up to +3 or down to -3 and in-between. Items can
ignore the effects or protections of others if the fiction has
2+ successes and the item is yours as fast as the fiction
built up to that. Remember, it’s about a good story, not a
can get it to you. 1 Success and the item comes to you
simulation of reality.
but with a complication of some sort. 0 Successes and the
ST will offer you a Devil’s Bargain to obtain the item, as
there is some hidden cost involved. If you Botch, there is
some problem with your finances, perhaps they are under
attack. The ST will let you know how and what you need
to do to get your Resources back.
Equipment, weapons and items throughout these
rules are assigned costs in dots, 1 through 5. The
Storyteller will assign dots to items during play for
anything not listed in this book.

Your character's Resources dots aren't ‘spent’ and don't

go away. They represent available cash at any given
moment. The only means by which your character's
Resource dots might decrease is if story events conspire
against them to remove that job or monetary asset from
your character. Perhaps your character's fortune is wiped
out, he loses his job or his company is subjected to a
hostile takeover. The story therefore influences how your
character's dots might decrease, and whether they can be
salvaged. Increasing is more player directed. You roleplay
out how you are building a steady flow of income or
acquiring a massive haul in cash or assets and that opens
the doors for you to spend XP on increasing your dots in
the Merit: Resources.
If something is important to the plot or story, then likely it
should always be role-played to acquire. Just remember to
keep it interesting. Hand waive details on getting jobs or
saving cash or making deals to sell stuff if these scenes are
not going to lead to interesting drama and danger.

The weapons chart listed below is just a suggested
guideline for the storyteller and players to have a base
idea of what damage a given weapon does. The charts
are not meant to be realistic or representative or real
world physics. They are simply a basic rules set to
represent the additional damage done by a given
weapon, the rest should be narrated out by the

 Note that some weapons and armour listed

in this section are fictional and may not be
available to any given chronicle.

Weapon Attributes


For the most part, ranged weapons can hit most targets Rate of Fire (RoF) applies to firearms, bows, and other
in a Close zone. And many more can hit targets quite such weapons. Rate of Fire is the amount of Shots per
easily in a Near zone. The Range numbers given for each Action Card and how many actions it takes to reload. Any
item are only used when some specific measurement of weapon that fires more than 1 Shot per Round suffers
distance is needed. Refer to Distance combat Modifiers from Recoil.
for attack rolls. And make sure to note the size of each (i.e. a 9mm pistol has a RoF of 3(1). This means that it can be
zone as that may determine a weapon’s effectiveness. fired up to 3 times on a single Action Card, and it takes 1 full
action card to reload it.)

Weapon damage is added to the successes of an attack BURST FIRE
roll. There must be at least 1 success, and you may not Some weapons can fire three-round bursts or fully
have botched, in order for you to deal a weapon’s automatic firing (the gun keeps firing as long as you hold
damage. the trigger and it has ammo). One Burst represents a
(i.e. When using a pistol - which has Damage of 4 Lethal; you roll number of shots automatically fired very, very quickly in
your Dexterity + Ballistics. If you had 2 dots in each that’s 4 dice. a single pull of the trigger, on a single Action Card. Every
success on an Attack Roll represents 1 bullet that hit, up
If these dice came up a: 2, 5, 4, 8 = then you got 1 success. You to the Burst Fire number; doing damage and rolling
would do 5 points of Lethal damage: 1 for success and 4 for the location separately for each. Roll the weapon’s full
pistol. damage for each bullet that hit. Any weapon that fires
more than 1 Burst per Round suffers from Recoil.
If you instead rolled: 3, 5, 4, 6 = no successes. Then you did 0
(i.e. If a machine gun has a Burst Fire Rate of 5, and you got 4
damage as the shot missed. Likewise if you Botched the roll as
successes on your to hit roll, then 4 bullets hit.)

Improvised Weapons Firing off a hail of lead is hard to control. Each Shot or
Any item not listed in the Weapons sections is Burst fired after the first in the same Round suffers a
considered an Improvised weapon and is at a -2 to cumulative –2 recoil modifier.
use and -1 damage. This is typically for things like (i.e The third burst suffers a –4; or a third Round fired would be
bottles, chairs, rocks, and other such unbalanced, at a -4, and so on)
oddly shaped items.

Archaic Weapons Recurve Bow
This is the bow made famous by the Turks, for being re curved.
ARCHAIC WEAPONS CHART It is short as a short bow, but more powerful than a long bow.
Damage: B=Bashing, L=Lethal, A=Aggravated
The range, while possible to go longer than a long bow, is
Ranged Weapons Damage Rate of Fire Range
Shortbow 4L 1(1) 10m/30m denoted for the effective kill range these bows are created at.
Longbow 3L 1(1) 100m/300m Someone could make a long range recurve bow, but it would be
Recurve Bow 4L 1(1) 20m/60m very, very hard to pull back as you have less pull leverage than
Compound 5L 1(2) 20m/80m with a long bow.
Crossbow 3L 1(2) 30m/60m
Heavy Crossbow 5L 1(3) 40m/80m
 These must be wielded two handed.

Knife 2L
Short Sword 3L These have a hand pull to so they can be shot one handed
Long Sword 3L but have to use both hand to reload and pull back. They
Great Sword 4L
Battle Axe 3L
were intended for militia men who had no time to learn
Great Axe 3L to shoot a bow and so sacrifice arrow speed and power
for point and shoot ease of use.
Javelin 3L
 These may be fired from a mounted, riding or sitting
Spear 3L position.
Halberd special
Lance special
Heavy Crossbow
Bludgeons These were mostly used on the field of battle to bring
Sap 3B
Club 2B
down horses or heavily armored enemies. They require
War Hammer 3B putting your foot in a stirrup and pulling back hard to set
Great Hammer 4B the bolt. They require two hands to fire as they are very
War Pike 4 L or B
heavy, and they require hands and feet, or a crank to pull
Exotic Weapons back.
Katana 3L  These must be wielded two handed.
Scythe 2L
Tiger Claws 2L
Main Gauche 2L Arrow and Bolt Ammunition
Whip 1L
Flail 2L
For bows and crossbows different types of ammunition
Rapier 2L can be purchased. Each of the items below can be made
Mace special for either bows or crossbows.
Garrote Wire special

Mounted Weapons Damage Rate of Fire Range Arrow quivers can hold up to 10 arrows of any type, but
Ballistae 5A 1/5 100m/500m mixing types can be a terrible idea in the heat of combat,
so it is highly suggested a quiver holds 10 arrows of the
RANGED WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS same type or at least 5 of each. Also note that arrows for
Most of these weapons require a young adult or greater Compound bows are not compatible with recurve or
strength to operate. Some weakened or injured or very young long/short bows (While they may fire, they will likely
characters may not be able to use them. greatly divert from the target due to opposite layout of
Short Bow
This is an old world straight bow that has no recurve. They were  All arrows cause Bleeding, excepting Blunted and
often used mostly for rabbits and other small game. Noisemaker arrows.
 These may be fired from a mounted, riding or sitting position.  Noisemaker: makes a loud whistling noise audible to all
 These must be wielded two handed. within 30 meters. These are non-lethal and cannot do harm.
 Piercing: Cuts armor and natural Fortitude values in half but
Long Bow range is halved and maxes out at 30 yards
This refers mostly to a tall straight bow that has no recurve and  Bloodletting: Does normal damage, plus additional 3 points
was mostly just use en-masse on the field of battle to fire big of lethal when removed that is unable to be soaked.
arrow as far as possible to land in a huge group to kill bunched  Blunted: damage done is non-lethal Bashing damage.
up enemies. This would make an average to poor bow for
hunting or short range.
 These must be wielded two handed.

Compound Bow
A modern bow using cams to create even faster arrow flight and
higher damage hits. These require a trigger release to use as
pulling one back with your fingers could cause permanent nerve
damage or loss of fingers.
 These must be wielded two handed.

 No blade weapon except the Dagger may be used in All Bludgeon weapons only do Bashing damage.
a grapple.
 All Blade weapons cause Bleeding Sap
 This weapon deals no damage. Instead, when this
Dagger weapon is used to attack, the attacker must do equal
These represent most any sharpened item held in one to or greater than the targets Size in a single swing.
hand typically from a bread knife size to a bowie knife  The attack must be made upon an unaware or
size. helpless target in which case the attack would
 These may not be wielded two-handed. automatically hit the targets head and they would get
no defense.
Short Sword
 These may not be wielded two-handed. Staff
 This weapon must be wielded two handed.
Long Sword  When splitting dice to attack twice you gain 1 bonus
 These may be wielded one or two handed. die to each attack pool.

Great Sword War Hammer

 These must be wielded two-handed  This weapon may be wielded one or two handed.
 These require minimum 3 dots strength to use  These require minimum 3 dots strength to use

Great Axe Great Hammer

 These must be wielded two-handed  This weapon may only be wielded two handed
 These require minimum 3 dots strength to use  These require minimum 3 dots strength to use


 The damage for these only applies to stabbing or  This weapon is a War Hammer on one side and a Pike
piercing motions. on the other. Treat the pike as a Short Sword for
 These may be used to keep an enemy at bay, damage and rules.
imposing a -2 to attacker’s trying to get close enough
to attack the spear-wielder. EXOTIC WEAPONS DESCRIPTIONS
Halberd  This weapon must be used with 3 successes on a targets
 This weapon must be wielded two handed head. This attack is a Dexterity + Brawl attack vs. the
 It may be used with Spear profile or Battle Axe targets defense. If the location attack is successful then the
target begins to suffocate. After 1 round per point the
target has in Size, they pass out for 10 to 30 seconds. Each
 These require minimum 3 dots strength to use
round the target can make a Stamina + Brawl roll vs the
attackers Strength + Brawl. It takes two successive rounds
Lance to get free. Each round the defender wins the roll, it
 A Lance may only be used in a Charge special reduces the number of Size choke successes the attacker
maneuver, see Charging for more. got by 1.
 Lances may be Blunted or Pointed.
o Blunted Lances do +4 Bashing damage Katana
o Pointed Lances do +3 Lethal damage  This weapon will do no damage to heavy armor and
 Lances are made of wood, metal, or metal braced has a 5+ chance of shattering if used against a solid
wood. metal object.
o Wood lances, if they hit their target they are  This weapon reduces all Leather and Natural Soak
broken upon impact. values by half, round down.
o Metal-Braced wood lances roll 2d10 and are  It may be wielded one or two handed
broken if either die is a 1.  Causes Bleeding
o Metal lances do not break unless the Storyteller
calls for it. Scythe
 This item must be wielded two-handed.
 This item may not be used against an unarmed Brawl
opponent who is attacking the wielder.
 This item has a normal reach plus 3ft.
 Causes Bleeding

 This item uses an attackers Brawl stat. Ballistae
 This item may be used in a Grapple.  These weapons use the Deviation Hit Chart and
 This item grants a +1 die to Climb rolls. cause are effect damage
 This item cannot be Disarmed
 Causes Bleeding

Main Gauche
 This item grants a Short Sword or Long Sword or
Rapier user a +1 to defense against Brawl and
Weaponry attacks
 Causes Bleeding

 This item has a reach of +10ft .
 This item may not be used if target is 5ft or closer to
attacker. (note that this 5ft range is the typical sword
attack range. So assume that if the enemy is within
sword striking range, they are too close for you to use
this whip)
 This item grants a +1 to Climb rolls if the terrain has
limbs or outcroppings the whip can wrap onto.
 Besides making big red welts, whips and lariats can
be used to entangle and trip a person too. Tripping is
an opposed roll of the attacker’s Dexterity +
Weaponry skill versus the opponent’s Strength +
Athletics. The ST should feel free to apply modifiers
according to the situation. Obviously, if your lassoed
character is being dragged behind a motorcycle
(ouch!), it’s going to be a bit tougher to break free
than it might normally be.

 This item may not be used to Aim at specific target
 This item does its Lethal damage first, then adds that
same damage again as Bashing damage
 Causes Bleeding

 This item grants +2 to location adjustments.
 It may only be wielded one handed
 Causes Bleeding

 They require a minimum Strength of 3 dots to wield
 They are one-handed weapons but may also be used

These can be one of three types, Blunt, Bladed, or Spiked.

 Blunt: 2 lethal damage forces opponent to roll
Dexterity to stay standing or be knocked over. Only 1
or more successes needed.
 Bladed: 3 lethal damage, causes Bleeding
 Spiked: 2 lethal damage, ignores 1 point of armor,
causes Bleeding

There are two types of firearms for this setting, the Reliability
Matchlock and the Flintlock. Both work under the same Neither of these are reliable. Many things can go wrong,
premise, only the firing mechanism differs. sparks may not be enough ignite the powder, the powder
might be wet and unable to be lit at all, the bullet might
 All black powder weapons do Lethal damage and cause get loose in the barrel and fire poorly and more. When
Bleeding firing the gun roll 1d10 before you roll to hit your target.
 All weapons use approximately the same charge (for If the roll is equal to or above the gun’s Reliability Rating,
simplicity purposes) which is 70 grains or about 4.5 then the shot goes off as normal. If it is below that
grams of gunpowder number, then the gun misfires, roll on the misfire table
 Black powder can never get wet, if it ever does, the
below to see what happened.
powder is useless and is never able to be used again.

Loading Misfire Table

Roll Result
All guns work by adding a pinch of gunpowder to the flash 1 Explosion! The barrel of the gun bursts and hot shards of steel and
pan chamber. There is a sliding cover for the flash pan so lead blast you in the face, chest and hands. You take 1d10+2 points
of lethal damage (spread the damage evenly across each arm, the
as to be able to set a charge and hold it there until ready chest and head)
to fire. This cover is not waterproof, but it will prevent 2-3 Puff! Nothing but gun smoke. The powder is wasted and a new
charge must be loaded.
accidental firing of the gun even if the trigger is pulled. 4-5 Snap! Nothing happens. Relight the Match Cord or scrub the flint
and try again. This requires one Action to do this.
Once the gunpowder is loaded, a round lead bullet about 6-7 Boom! The gun fires, but a second after you expected it to. -2 to hit
your target.
the size of the tip of your finger is loaded into the barrel 8-10 Click! Nothing happens, you may try to fire again on your next action
from the muzzle. A rod that is held underneath the barrel
is used to gently tap the bullet into place, unless the gun Rifles and Pistols
is violently bumped, the bullet won’t fall out too easily There are two types of firearms that can be found, rifles
(but it can!). and pistols. Both work the same way but have differences
in accuracy. These weapons are not accurate weapons.
Firing Each Range increment is a cumulative -2. Additionally
The gun is now ready to fire. This process of loading a gun black power firearms have a max effective range of 240ft.
is called Rate of Fire (RoF) and determines how often you
can fire the gun. Typically it takes 30 to 45 seconds to load Black Powder Firearm Table
a black powder gun. This means that it will take about 10 Gun Type RoF Range Damage Reliability
to 15 consecutive action to reload one of these guns. Each Matchlock Pistol 1/15 30ft 4 5
Matchlock Musket 1/15 50ft 7 5
action you must be able to perform the some part of the Flintlock Pistol 1/10 30ft 4 4
reloading task. You cannot do this while being hit with Flintlock Musket 1/10 50ft 7 4
melee weapons or being grappled. Flintlock Rifle 1/10 100ft 7 4

For Matchlock guns there is still one more step – lighting

the Match Cord, a rope of hemp or flax that fits into a
pinch holder on the trigger mechanism. Once lit, this rope
burns with embers slowly and needs to be manually fed
into the pinch holder as it burns down. You then open the
flash pan slider and take aim. Once the trigger is pulled,
the hot Match Cord slaps down onto the black powder
and ignites it, sending a blast into a small breech hole in
the barrel behind the bullet, firing the gun.

Flintlocks are a bit easier to use. They have a small tile of

flint and a raw steel striking pin then when the trigger is
pulled it causes a spark to fall into the flash pan with the
black powder and make the gun fire.

Modern Weapons Launchers
By no means is this a comprehensive list. It is meant to only Grenade launchers, rocket launchers and other such massive
illustrate the typical weapons found in drama films and settings. caliber projectile weapons fall into this category. Be they
mounted or held, they all share one main rule = they never roll
for a body part hit location. These weapons, even with the best
MODERN WEAPONS CHART of targeting systems and practice, are inaccurate and highly
Damage: B=Bashing, L=Lethal, A=Aggravated affected by wind and range drop off.
Hand Carried Weapons Damage Rate of Fire Range
Taser 1*** 1(1) Contact/20ft
Flare Gun *** 1(1) 30/300yds  They use the Deviation Hit Location Chart.
Pistol (Small Caliber) 4L 3(1) 10/100yds
Pistol (High Caliber) 6L 3(1) 20/100yds
Machine Gun (Small Cal) 5L 10(3) 10/100yds Machine Guns
Flame Thrower (Gas) 5L 1(1) 10yds These are very heavy weapons that must be mounted as they
Flame Thrower (Liquid) 6L 1(1) 20yds weigh 40lbs empty and their ammo will weigh another 20 to
Rifle (Standard Caliber) 7L 3(1) 100/1000yds
Rifle (High Caliber) 10 L 3(1) 100/2500yds
Shotgun (Spread) 5* 2(1) 40/40yds
Shotgun (Slug) 6* 2(1) 20/100tds  Machine Guns use Burst Fire as their main attack. Some may
have the option for single fire, but most do not. Typical
Mounted Weapons Damage Rate of Fire Range
7.62mm machine guns have a Burst Fire Rate of 100.
Machine Gun (High Cal) 10 L 30(3) 500/8000yds
Canon (Ball) ** 1/2(varies) 200/1600yds
Canon (120mm shell) ** 1 15mi Rifles
Missile (Explosive) ** 1 20mi
Missile (Incendiary) ** 1 20mi
Rifles can have multiple ammo magazine sizes.
* At close range, under 5m, add +2 to this value.  If the rifle has no scope, its max effective range is 300 yards
** See Explosive Weapons chart for damage and each range increment is -2 instead of -1.
*** See Weapon Description for damage  If the rifle is bolt action, its default magazine size is 3+1(in
chamber) rounds
 If the rifle is a semi-automatic rifle, its default magazine size
is 30 rounds.
Shotguns  Some rifles can do full auto or three round burst fire, they use
Shotguns and scatterguns unleash a hail of tiny balls, filling the Burst Fire Rate of 3 (three round burst) or 10 (full auto). Larger
air with lead. This makes them ideal for unskilled shooters, magazines can be found for each rifle type, some weapons,
though they cause less damage as the buckshot spreads. Anyone such as bolt action rifles, may have to be modified to
firing a shotgun adds +1 to her Firearms roll. Its damage accommodate a larger magazine.
decreases the further it travels. Each range increment the target  For some very high caliber sniper rifles, they require a long
is from the shooter decreased the damage dealt from a range scope, range finder, wind meter, and spotter person or
successful hit by -1 to a minimum of 1. DOPE (Data on Previous Engagements) book to be used at full
1 mile distance effectively.
 Slugs: Both shotguns and scatterguns can also fire slugs, which
are basically huge, hunks of lead. Slugs subtract -1 from the
attacker’s to-hit roll because of their poor rifling. On the plus side, MODERN WEAPON ACCESSORIES
they do an additional +2 damage regardless of range. Pintle Mount
This is a hard mount to either a heavy metal tripod stand, a
Tasers vehicle, or emplacement. It reduces the recoil of a weapon
Also known as a “Gentle Reminder”, this simple device produces under full-auto fire to a max minus of -1.
.04-.08 amps and about 4-8 joules of power delivering around
50,000 volts to the assailant. Target takes its 1 point of Bashing Long Range Scope
damage and is paralyzed while in contact. No matter how many This gives you your first range increment for no minus.
times struck or any other damage the target has taken, the
“Gentle Reminder” cannot do any damage type other than
Night Vision Scope
Bashing. Taser damage never wraps to a higher damage type. If
This allows for sighting a target at night with no lights at a -2
the assailant comes into contact with the user, the charge is
modifier to hit up to ¼ the weapons max effective range.
diverted grounding the effect harmlessly. Contact will have to
be disengaged to re initiate the attack.
This reduces muzzle noise by 50%. All chances to detect your
Flare Guns
location at close range are at a -1. At long range they are at a -3.
These burn with a phosphorus powder slugs at around 2600
degrees Fahrenheit. They often bounce off a target with a
harmless hiss. But the wad can ignite and become a sticky slug Flash Suppressor
that hits and burns on its target with aggravated damage. When This prevents muzzle flash but makes the gun an extra 8” longer.
a flare slug hits roll 1d10. On a 1-3 the flare bounces off the
target harmlessly. On a 4-10 the slug hits and burns long enough
to do at least a 1 point of Aggravated damage. It can then be
knocked off (usually by falling to the ground and rolling and
flailing around). If it sticks it will also ignite any flammable items
it is in contact with. Also note that these are not accurate items.
They suffer a -2 to hit when firing at a specific target.

Explosives Explosive Weapons Chart
Grenades Damage Blast Area*** Force AP
There are few things as much fun as blowing stuff up. Frag 40 10m / 15m 3 -
Here’s how to handle what happens to all those Pipe Bomb 45 5m / 7m 2 -
unfortunate enough to be nearby something that goes Stun * 10m / 12m 1 -
Thermite** 70 5m / 10m 4 4
boom. There are two types of Area damage delivered in White Phosphorus** 48 5m / 10m 4 1
an explosion, Blast and Force. Molotov Cocktail** 20 5m / 10m 0 -
Smoke * 10m / 20m 0 -
Tear gas * 10m / 20m 0 -
Blast Area represents someone caught in the effect zone
of the explosion, the area where the explosion is designed Rockets/Cannon Shells Damage Blast Area Force AP
to do the most damage. Anti-Tank 288 10m / 25m 15 -
Anti-Tank, HE** 303 5m / 20m 13 -
White Phosphorus** 282 10m / 25m 14 4
Force Area is everything just outside the main area of the Illumination - 500m / 800m 0 -
Cannon (12lb ball) 40 10m 5 -
explosion, but still close enough to be affected by the
Canon (120mm explosive) 280 10m / 25m 23 2
blast. (Generally from debris, flame or concussion and the Missile (Explosive) 540 20m / 40m 30 8
like) Missile (Incendiary)** 500 10m / 40m 28 4

Explosives Damage Blast Area Force AP

Damage from explosives is taken differently than other Nitroglycerin, 1 oz. * .5m / .5m 0 -
weapons, and most of the time it’s going to be Aggravated Dynamite, 1 stick 100 10m / 15m 12 1
TNT, 1 stick 160 10m / 15m 14 2
damage type. A location is never rolled and successes to C-4, 1.25 lb. block 200 20m / 30m 20 4
hit never add to damage. Instead damage is spread C-4, .5 lb. sheet 100 10m / 20m 20 3
evenly across each body part location, with any odd ANFO, 1 gal. 100 10m / 20m 20 4
Semtex, 1 lb. 100 10m / 20m 20 4
remaining damage being applied to the location that was
closest (or possibly even touching) the explosion point of Demolition Charges Damage Blast Area Force AP
origin. Also, all explosives cause Bleeding. Satchel Charge 88 10m / 20m 40 8
Cratering Charge, 40 lbs. 590 50m / 80m 100 40
Shaped Charge, 15 lbs. 400 20m / 40m 40 25
 Primary Blast Area: The diameter of the main Breeching Charge, .25 lb. 200 10m / 20m 40 20
explosion in meters. Those caught in the Primary (P) * See weapon description for effect.

Blast Area the full damage as Lethal. Armor soaks this ** These items also set the target ablaze with flame. Each turn after the first,
as normal. anything still in the blast area continues to suffer fire damage equal to the
explosive’s Force.

 Secondary Blast Area: Bystanders caught in the *** The first number is the Primary Blast Area, the second number is the
Secondary Blast Area
Secondary (S) Blast Area take only half the Lethal
Damage. Armor soaks this as normal.

 Force Area: In addition to the damage from being in

either the Primary or the Secondary blast area
anything considered ‘alive’ takes concussive force
damage as Bashing damage. To determine how
much, roll Strength + Stamina – Force (if you are
reduced to 0 or less dice, you automatically take full
damage). With 1 or more successes you were able to
hit the ground, tumble or otherwise roll with the
blasts’ force. If you fail or botch the roll you take
1/10th the explosion damage as Bashing.
o Armor does not soak this, but Cover does.
o The amount taken is the same for those in both
the Primary and Secondary Blast Areas.
o Victims are thrown a number of feet equal to the
Force (minus 1 for every point of Size they are
over 5).

Protection can come in the form a suit of armor or a police
officer’s riot shield. Armor can range from simple vests to
full suit-like armor that requires a second person to help
you put it on. In general, armor is something typically only
found when people are ready to go into a combat
situation. Armor is heavy, stiff and awkward to function
in and can get in the way of many menial tasks. So
typically it is not worn all the time, but only put on in
preparation of a combat.

If you are wearing armor it will have a rating for each type
of damage it can Soak. That number is subtracted from
Most armor can be repaired, but not always to its original
the Damage from the attack, to a minimum of 0. If any
condition. Here are the general guidelines for armor
damage still makes it through the armor, it is applied to
the character - then at the end of the scene the armor is
considered ‘broken’ it must be repaired before it can be
 Archaic Armor Repair Rule: All Archaic armor (made of
used again.
cloth, metal, and/or wood) can be fully repaired to its
original condition, however this requires a forge /
ARMOR MOVEMENT PENALTY blacksmith / leatherworker. It takes 1 day (8 hours) per
The Defense Penalty is the amount your Defense and Hit Point restored up to its original max.
Dexterity are reduced while wearing that armor. This can
go into negative values, indicating you are moving so slow  Modern Armor Lethal Repair Rule: Modern armor can
and cumbersome you are an easy target or are just be repaired to one less than its previous maximum Hit
stumbling along. And it applies to all rolls and actions that Points. After enough repair attempts the armor will be
use either Dexterity or Defense. rendered useless. It takes a modern armor company
about 2 days per Hit Point restored to repair.
 The Defense Penalty applies even if only one body location or
more is armored with that type of protection.
 Aggravated Repair Rule: Armor cannot be repaired if it
 If your Defense becomes a negative value, then that many
dice are added to the attackers dice pool. took Aggravated damage. Any armor that suffered
 Note that armor does not soak falling damage and other types Aggravated damage is unable to be repaired.
of environmental damage.
 The values given below are for Torso and Leg armor values.
Arms and Head reduce each damage soak type by 1.
 The weight represents a full suit that covers arms, legs and
torso but not the head.

Armor Soak (B/L/A) Defense Weight
Leather (soft) 1/1/0 0 3lbs
Leather (hard) 2/2/0 1 11lbs
Steel (chainmail) 1/3/0 2 30lbs
Steel (half-plate) 5/4/0 3 75lbs
Steel (full-plate) 7/5/1 4 150lbs

Armor Soak (B/L/A) Defense Weight
Bomb Suit 80/40/40 No 90lbs
Bullet Proof Vest I (soft) 5/6/0 2 11lbs
Bullet Proof Vest III (plate) 10/9/1 3 21lbs
Bullet Proof Vest V (plate) 15/10/6 4 45lbs
Flak Jacket 3/4/1 1 17lbs
Police Riot Suit 12/9/2 4 65lbs

Shields Kite Shield
A shield is essentially like portable cover. Depending on their These are typically about 18 inches wide and about two feet
size and use and technique they simply add to the long, often in a diamond shape or an upside-down-tear
character’s Defense value if used against physical attacks, shape. They give better cover, usually the head, chest and
and against ranged attacks. Certain circumstances may shield arm are easily guarded.
negate or alter the way the shield works, so it’s best to be
descriptive with your actions with a shield.  Forearm goes through strap and hand holds shield, so the shield-
hand may only be used to hold shield.
 Dexterity is reduced by 1 while wielding a Kite shield.
Damage taken while using a shield works differently than Tower Shield
normally. When you take damage from an attack while using These are massive walls of reinforced wood or plated steel.
a shield, it provides Soak against the attack. Your character They are heavy and awkward to fight with. Usually they offer
takes no damage unless the attack did over the shield’s Soak protect to the entire body, even allowing the user to hide
in a single strike, in which case you take any damage in completely behind it or to make a mobile wall with
excess of the shield’s Soak. companions with tower shields.

Broken Shield  Forearm goes through strap and hand holds shield, so the shield-
Shields are typically plates of material built with hand may only be used to hold shield.
reinforcements in order to withstand multiple attacks.  Dexterity is reduced by 2 when wielding a Tower Shield
Even still, they can break, the arm strap can tear off, or  May not be used mounted (on horse or otherwise)
holes can be pierced though them. A shield can break
anytime the Storyteller makes a Storyteller Action move, Riot Shield
or it takes Aggravated damage. Riot shields are similar to the Tower shields of old. But
instead of heavy metal for protection they are made with
SHIELDS AND BALLISTICS modern anti-ballistics and anti-explosive compounds which
are often clear to see through or have view ports. Typically
All shields, when used for defense, allow a defender to
they cover the whole body.
get their Defense against Ballistic attacks. Throwing
away a card to Dodge doubles their base Defense then
 Forearm goes through strap and hand holds shield, so the shield-
the Shield Defense is added to that value.
hand may only be used to hold shield.
 Dexterity is reduced by 1 when wielding a Tower Shield
Shields are cumbersome to attack with; and a swing with a
sword, baton, or shot from a gun is hampered by their use. SHIELD SPECIAL ATTACKS
Thus any turn in which the character used their shield to
Shield Breaker
defend (i.e. an enemy attacked them and they used the
Skilled opponents know how to get around even the best
shield’s Defense value against that attack) – their attack dice
defense. When attacking someone who is using a shield you
pool is reduced by 0 (Buckler) or 1 (all others) for each can try to get them to let their guard down or to get inside
attack any enemy took against them that they used their
their shield or move around to their off-shield arm and
shield against - Reducing their dice pool (to a minimum of
attack. This is done by rolling your Dexterity + Athletics –
0).These modifiers remain until the character takes one Defenders Wits. A success indicates you successfully moved
action to Reset Their Stance. No other action may be taken around the shield or feinted in some fashion – the soak the
on the card they reset their stance with. shield offers is negated. This takes one full action card to
perform and goes away if the opponent choses to reset their
SHIELD LIST stance. Note, this would not count against the shield
Shield Defense Soak Bash Weight opponents minuses for blocking attacks.
Buckler 1 1 0 3 to 5lbs
Kite (wood) 2 2 1 8 to 11lbs Shield Bash
Kite (steel) 2 3 2 15 to 20lbs
Tower (wood) 3 4 2 18 to 24lbs
Shields are heavy objects. This makes them excellent for
Tower (steel) 3 5 3 45 to 60lbs knocking opponents around. You may use your shield to
Riot (polymer) 3 6 3 15 to 20lbs knock an opponent off their feet or shove them around. A
roll of Strength + Shield Bash Bonus (see each shields
SHIELD DESCRIPTIONS description); is made. The number of successes reduces the
targets defense by one for each success. Reducing the
targets defense to -1 or lower means they are knocked off
These are metal banded wooden plates, sometimes square
their feet and fall to the ground or are otherwise knocked
sometimes circle. They are about one foot in diameter and
back some five feet in distance.
they buckle to the forearm. They typically only give
protection to the head and shield arm and perhaps a bit to
the chest.
 Covers shield arm and head
 May still use hand that shield is buckled to

Most objects in World of Darkness have generic stats that Locks
can be assumed to be often close to what you are This is the list of typical locks, they may vary from this
encountering in game. These are: Durability and Structure. within reason. The task is an Extended Action using
Dexterity + Crafts, requiring a number of successes based
Durability is the objects ability to absorb or resist damage. on the toughness and sophistication of the lock. Typically
the roll is not even allowed if the character has no tools
Structure is the function and shape of the item before it is to crack the lock. And unless the ST allows it, simply
rendered unusable or compromised. Each time the object is shooting or blasting the lock won’t work – leaving the lock
hit and takes any amount of damage its structure is reduced
sealed shut (but might work fine for simple doors,
by 1. Once at 0, it is broken, damaged, punched or cracked
padlocks, and the like.)
through, and otherwise no longer works or offers protection.
Certain attack types my do more than 1 structure point of
Any lock could be a Mastercrafted Lock doubling its
difficulty back in to represent its excellent work, silent
movement and sturdy construction.
Not always can a character don special armor to avoid
damage. Sometimes they will have to duck behind a table or
hide behind a wall or door. Here is a list of typical materials Mechanical locks are the most common type, found in
and their average soak values. most homes, cars, warehouses. These require physical
Item Durability (B/L/A) Structure keys to operate. And either simple lockpicks or
Car door 100 / 25 / 5 6 locksmith’s tools to crack.
Bank Vault door 100 / 25 / 5 100 Lock Difficulty Typical Type of Lock
House interior wall 100 / 25 / 5 8 2-3 Suitcase or diary lock
Coffin 100 / 25 / 5 5 4-7 Padlock or a house lock
Metal chair 100 / 25 / 5 4 10-15 Combination lock
Wooden table 100 / 25 / 5 4

Materials Digital locks are ones that don’t use physical keys. They
These are raw materials and their values, they are mostly may be biometric scanners (fingerprints or facial
to factor into the construction of an object or structure. recognition), or they may be number pad coded and the
These do not correlate to an object or structures like. No lockpick or toolset will typically bypass these as
Durability or Structure points directly, as joints, shape, they are often magnetic or robotically locked. Instead you
and function will alter that dramatically. Some materials may need special NFC (near field communication) or case
might have special properties such as heat absorption or cracking drills, and wire-tapping with a pc coded to send
elasticity. The values given here are for a 1’x1’x1” ‘plank’ false signals to circuit boards. Either way, this is a
of the item. complicated process that very few know how to do or
have the tools for. The difficulties below represent the
Material Durability (B/L/A) Structure
Glass 1/-/- 1 sturdy and technical complexity of the digital lock. Rolls
Wood 4/1/- 3 should not even be allowed without the correct
Plastic 6/1/- 4 equipment.
Aluminum 20 / 5 / 1 5
Lock Difficulty Typical Type of Lock
Steel 30 / 10 / 3 10
2-3 Home door, keypad
Cement 15 / 3 / 1 5
4-7 Commercial security door; NFC
Brick 12 / 3 / 1 4
10-15 Military or Advanced modern tech; biometric
25-50 Bank vault; multi-layer embedded robotic
deadbolts behind reinforced hidden hinge door

Now you know how to shoot, stab, drown, and blow up your Movement
fellow human beings. Let’s focus all that destructive energy Unlike pedestrians, vehicles are not broken out into a walk,
on vehicles. run, sprint speeds. Instead they are given as Accelerate, and
Brake. Obviously there are a great number of vehicles and
Attributes eras of vehicles as well. What we give here is simply a most
common type typically found on the streets in most cities
Most all vehicles are just what the base model is and does.
around the world from about 1990 to now. The Storyteller
But some can be modified or come with special functionality.
When roleplaying acquiring a vehicle, or using Merit: will adjust values for cars older or of a special type or
capability using Vehicle Attributes as above.
Resources or Merit: Belongings to get a vehicle discuss with
the Storyteller how many Attributes your vehicle will get
Accelerate is typically for a vehicle starting from a dead stop
(normally 0 to 5). An attribute is a narrative aspect of the
and then going as fast as it can. It can also mean cruising
vehicle which can come into play at any time in gameplay. If
down the road and then suddenly going full throttle. The
a vehicle Attribute seems to apply to the fiction at hand, then
it grants either a bonus die or a narrative opportunity. Some value used is in feet from a standstill and in miles per hour
vehicle Attributes might be: armored, fast, flashy, blacked- (mph) increments per Action card for increasing speed once
going. A vehicle can only accelerate once per round
out, off-road, maneuverable, etc.
regardless of how many action cards you have.

Ground Vehicles Brake is typically for a vehicle going at some speed and trying
Vehicles are split into two types of action: Combat Rounds to stop as fast as it possibly can. You will make a typical
(Usually because some number of combatants are still on Dexterity + Athletics roll to keep control of the vehicle as you
foot) and Narrative (usually for a chase or race scene). The mash on the brakes. More importantly, not all vehicles stop
Storyteller will reduce your dice pool if the vehicle is in some as quickly as others. The value in the Brake column is for
way damaged, you are panicked or hurt, rain, difficult about how short a distance a vehicle will come to a complete
terrain, and the like, or has very poor handling. stop in. These are not meant to be used as exact values in
roleplay, but simply to inform the narrative as to how close
Air Vehicles or far away you might be when you desperately need to stop.
For all intents and purposes any time characters get into
any kind of flying craft, it is a narrative event. Beyond  Note that it will take about 1 second (1 round) per 30 feet
of brake distance for how long it takes to stop. That
their rolls to be able to fly it and maneuver it, treat
means that a car with a 120ft stopping distance at 60mph
everything else as only in Narrative scenes. will come to a complete stop in 4 seconds, or 4 rounds.


For chase or race scenes the Storyteller will determine how Type Movement
hard it is to beat your opponent(s). This will be chosen as Accelerate Brake
either by 3 (quick/easy) or 5 (long/difficult) successes. Car 0-30 = 30ft 30-0 = 30ft
10mph 60-0 = 120ft
The Fleeing party makes a Wits + Streetwise roll comparing 100-0 = 400ft
Truck 0-30 = 25ft 30-0 = 30ft
successes against the Pursuer’s Perception + Streetwise.
8mph 60-0 = 120ft
Whoever got the most successes gets 1 point towards their 100-0 = 400ft
goal of 3 or 5 to win. Motorcycle 0-30 = 50ft 30-0 = 30ft
Sport 15mph 60-0 = 120ft
If someone gets 5 or more successes over their opponent 100-0 = 400ft
then the ST will either award them 2 points or allow them to Motorcycle 0-30 = 30ft 30-0 = 30ft
Cruiser 10mph 60-0 = 120ft
add a complication or to harm their opponent. If someone
100-0 = 400ft
botches a roll, then the ST will make a Narrative Move which
may, but not always, end the chase/race (more likely the
botch will be interpreted as damage, or careening out of CRASHING
control or some other cinematic moment.) Every once in a while, a vehicle whacks into something it
shouldn’t have. When this happens, the vehicle takes 1d10
Bashing damage (adding up the values) for every 20 miles an
hour it was moving. Damage is spread evenly across all

In the real world cars don’t explode. They catch on fire,
but even then it’s not common. Only on a Botch with a
crash or weaponized explosion or the like should a vehicle
explode or erupt into flames. If the fiction seems right, or
you just want a damn big boom, then go for it!

Sailing Ships
Each ship will have the same stats as a mortal in World of
Critical Hit Effects
Darkness. Here is the interpretation of each stat: Chart (roll
 Strength = Number and quality of cannons the ship can bring 1 Mizzen mast hit! Speed reduced to half
2 Crew Hit! 1d5 members slain or sent overboard (on a roll of
to bear 10(5) a “named” crew member is one of the victims.
 Dexterity = the ships ability to maneuver in rough 3 Hull Hit! Ship is taking on water (each successive Hull Hit result
waters/coral reefs/alcoves/shorelines requires 1 additional crew member to pump/haul buckets of
water out of the hull, for each hit not attended by a crew
 Stamina = the duration the crew can stay at sea and function member, the ship gains 1 Sinking! Point. If the Sinking! Points
at full capacity equal the ships Size = the ship is sunk! It takes 4 hours for the
 Intelligence = the navigators ability to chart the seas and stay ship carpenter to repair 1 Hit. Once all hits are repaired – all
the course in a storm Sinking! Points are removed.
4 Hull Hit!
 Wits = the crews ability to take orders and obey them 5 Hull Hit!
correctly 6 Sail Hit! One of your sails has a huge tear and is no longer
 Perception = the crow’s nest ability to spot rocks, reefs/ships functional. Movement is reduced to 1mph till it is repaired (if
all sails are hit, then movement is 0)
7 Gun hit! One of the cannons is hit and destroyed (if the ship has
 Charisma = the crew’s ability to intimidate or impress others no cannons treat this as a Hull Hit!)
 Manipulation = the captains ability to maneuver the ship in a 8 Rudder hit! Ship may no longer turn by the rudder, manual
sea battle rudders with oars is the only way to steer – may not steer in
combat or in stormy weather.
 Resolve = the crews ability to withstand fear from storms, 9 Main mast hit! You main hast has gone down, assuming you
pirates/attacks, bad omens, too long at sea, have any other masts you will only move 1 mph till you get to
 Willpower = the crews ability to push themselves/ship port to get it fixed
10 Gunwale hit! No appreciable effect
beyond their abilities
 Health* = the number of points of structural damage a ship
can take before it’s sunk or dead in the water. The ships Ship Types Size Average Speed (knots)
Health is ONLY equal to the ships Size. (Health)
Sloop 8 13
 Morality = the overall crew/captain morality and what crimes Schooner 8 10
they are willing to commit Pink 9 16
 Speed = a ships type determines its base speed in mph Brig 10 11
 Size = a ships size is determined by its type Galley 10 2 (up to 7 for short burst)
Clipper 12 19
Galleon 11 8
*Most damage a ship takes will be Lethal. For each point of Aggravated Junk 10 5
damage the ship takes – roll on the Critical Hit Chart below. Thus the Modern Frigate * 14
ship never marks “aggravated” damage on their health chart, each hit * This is a modern ship made from steel and modern structure so its Health is not
that would cause aggravated damage, regardless of number of damage equal to its size, as it would be a narrative vessel. It is only listed here for speed
points = equals only one roll on the critical hit chart. The ship has no
natural healing, the ship carpenter must repair the ship, and some Ship Cannons Range Damage
repairs may require the ship put into port. 3 lb
4lb +1
Merits ships can take: 8lb +1
12lb +2
 Swift (bonus to Speed) 18lb +3
 Ironclad (soak lethal) 24lb +3
 Matchstick men (crew trained to use firearms) 32lb +4
42lb 300ft +5
 Boarding Gear (able to board other ships against
their will)
 Ramming Prow (able to ram other ships and take
less damage)

Additional Ship Combat Rules:

 Every Critical Hit requires a Crew Morale roll
 Enemy ships can be intimidated, each degrees of
success you beat them by reduces their crews moral and
orders rolls for one turn. If you get 5 successes over
them, they are broken and will run or give up. This can
only be done before fighting begins.
 A crew may board and attack another ship. Combat is
resolved as normal, however the main bulk of each
ship’s crew is rolled as if it were 1 character – each lethal
point removing someone from the fight, and each
aggravated point kills a crew member. Dice are gained
or lost only if the crew is outnumbered /out numbers
the other crew by 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 and so one gaining 1
bonus/minus die for each outnumbering category.

Animal Mounts whatever the storyteller feels represents the creature’s
Perception in game.
Hit Points: Animals have only a single Health Track and
Animal Traits are relative, so don’t worry about your
they will have as many hit points as the Storyteller feels
trusty mount outsmarting your character. A horse with a
represents the animal best. A cat might have 3 or 4, a dog
3 dot Intelligence knows a few simple commands and can
might have 5 or 6, and a bear might have 15 to 20.
figure out a new rider’s instructions, but he won’t be
performing simple math any time soon.
Athletics: Animals have Athletics comparable to the stats
used for humans. Which means that a 2 dot animal has
Strength: Animals have Strength comparable to the stats
roughly the same Athletics as a 2 dot human. A dog like a
used for humans. Which means that a 2 dot animal has
beagle might have an Athletics of 2 or 3. A chimpanzee
roughly the same Strength as a 2 dot human. A dog like a
might have an Athletics of 6 or 7. Unlike humans which
Doberman might have a strength of 1. A bear might have
may only have a max of 5 dots in Athletics, animals have
a Strength of 5 or 6. Unlike humans which may only have
whatever the storyteller feels represents the creature’s
a max of 5 dots in Strength, animals have whatever the
Athletics in game.
storyteller feels represents the creature’s Strength in
Brawl: Most animals can’t really fight per-se. But they can
bite, maul, gore, or trample just fine. These dots
Dexterity: Animals have Dexterity comparable to the
represent two things, how easy it is for the animal to
stats used for humans. Which means that a 2 dot animal
inflict damage, and how likely they are to be an attack
has roughly the same Dexterity as a 2 dot human. A dog
type animal. A horse might be 1 or 2 dots as they are not
like a retriever might have a Dexterity of 1. A parrot might
aggressive animals and can only trample or kick. Whereas
have a Dexterity of 2 or 3. Unlike humans which may only
a bear might be 3 or 4 as it is a predator and has many
have a max of 5 dots in Dexterity, animals have whatever
means (claws and powerful jaw and sharp teeth) to attack
the storyteller feels represents the creature’s Dexterity in
with. Animals tend to never have more than 4 dots in
Brawl, but it is possible should the storyteller be
attempting to depict a one-of-a-kind natural real beast or
Stamina: Animals have Stamina comparable to the stats
a supernatural beast of some sort.
used for humans. Which means that a 2 dot animal has
roughly the same Stamina as a 2 dot human. A dog like a
Speed (walk/run/sprint): just like normal characters
Labrador might have a Stamina of 2 or 3. A horse might
animals have a mph speed for each for out of rounds
have a Stamina of 4 or 5. Unlike humans which may only
movement and a feet per card for each for in rounds
have a max of 5 dots in Stamina, animals have whatever
movement. Animals with flight will have speeds for both
the storyteller feels represents the creature’s Stamina in
walking and flying separately.

Intelligence: Intelligence for all animals including mounts EXCEPTIONAL MOUNTS

is not equivalent to human intelligence. A 5 dot creature Exceptional mounts can be found on occasion, if the
intelligence would equal a 1 dot human intelligence. A 4 character knows where to look or maybe even just gets
dot creature intelligence would be as smart as a chimp, a lucky. If the character roleplays finding an exceptional
3 dot intelligence would be as smart as a dog, a 2 dot mount, then they may buy it with Merit: Resources or the
intelligence would be as smart as a parrot or rat, and a 1 Merit: Belongings. Below are a few qualities that might
dot creature intelligence would be as smart as a rabbit. be found among uncommon stock. Many more are
Wits: Animals tend to be strongly Fight or Flight instinct
based. Wits represents an animal’s ability to not panic  Brave: This mount stands fast even in the face of extreme
danger. The animal has a Wits of +2.
and enter their fight or flight mode. Typically no animal  Fast: Too bad the Pony Express didn’t get a hold of this animal.
has over 3 Wits, as they are more about preservation that The mount has a Movement of 1.2 normal.
tactical thought. But it is possible should the storyteller  Smart: The animal responds exceptionally well to its master’s
be attempting to depict a one-of-a-kind natural real beast commands. The mount’s owner can add +2 to her Empathy rolls
when directed at this mount.
or a supernatural beast of some sort and give them a  Strong: Strap this mount to a plow and he’ll make any farmer
higher Wits. A tiger might have a 3 wits, and a horse might proud. Huge and burly, the mount has +2 dots in Strength.
have a 1 or 2 wits.  Surly: The mount is ill-tempered to those he isn’t used to. He
kicks and bites with only a little provocation to anyone but his
owner. This animal has +1 dot in Brawl.
Perception: Animals have Perception comparable to the  Tough: The mount is made of tougher stuff than normal, and has
stats used for humans. Which means that a 2 dot animal +5 hit points.
has roughly the same perception as a 2 dot human. A dog
like a bloodhound might have a perception of 4. A crow
might have a Perception of 2 or 3. Unlike humans which
may only have a max of 5 dots in perception, animals have
Characters So display your talents, your traits, your weaknesses, your
connections. Take every opportunity to show, and not tell,
Listed in this section are rules for playing characters and the other people at the table what your character is about.
character creation.
THREE. Don’t try to stop things.
There are fundamental questions you have to ask yourself Negating another player’s actions is fairly useless play; it
when creating a character for a storytelling game. These takes two possible story-changing elements and prevents
are things that will guide in working with the others to anything interesting happening. For example, their fighter
create an interesting and rich gaming experience. In wants to punch some jerk, but your monk’s against it, so he
storytelling, all forms of character drama is expected. grabs the fighter’s hand. In game terms, nothing’s
From love interests, to rivalries, to achieving grand goals. happened. All you’ve done is waste time, and we don’t
This is not game about defeating an evil lord, or about have infinite supplies of that.
saving the world, or going on adventures. Those things
might happen, but they are all just chapters in the great Instead, go with the flow. Build. Yes And. If the fighter
story that is your characters life. wants to break someone’s nose, what happens after that?
Does your monk rush to help the jerk up? To admonish the
fighter? To apologize to the jerk’s friends, before shit really
kicks off? To save the fighter in the big brawl that ensues,
These are the 16 requirements for roleplaying in a World even though he was going against your will? Or to throw
of Darkness game. You must do each of these each game: the biggest guy in the tavern right at him, to really teach
him a lesson? Those are all examples of interesting stories.
ONE. Do stuff. Stopping him from doing anything whatsoever isn’t.
Job One for you as a player is to do stuff; you should be
thinking, at all times – “What are my goals? And what can Don’t negate, extrapolate. (See, that rhymes, so it’s easier
I do to achieve them?” You are the stars of a very personal to remember)
universe, and you are not going to get anywhere by sitting
on your arse and waiting for adventure to come and FOUR. Take full control of your character.
knock on your door. “My character wouldn’t do that” is a boring excuse, a
massive NO to the game’s story on a fundamental level.
Investigate stuff. Ask questions. Follow leads. No-one It’s a point-blank refusal to participate.
needs you to point out that this is an obvious plot thread
while you do it. Mix up scenes, talk to people, get up in Instead of being bound by pre-conceived notions of what
their grill. If you’re not playing the sort of character that your character would and would not do, embrace
would do such a thing, find something you can affect, and complications and do it, but try to work out why. Why is
affect it. your Rogue doing this mission for the church? Does he
have ulterior motives? Is it out of a sense of
If you keep finding yourself pushed to the back of scenes companionship with the rest of the party? Characters in
and twiddling your thumbs – why is such a boring character uncomfortable situations are the meat and drink of
hanging around with the sort of people that Get Shit Done? drama. (Do you remember that great story about that
hobbit who told Gandalf to fuck off, and sat at home
Be active, not passive. If you learn nothing else from this picking his hairy toes all day before his entire village was
section, bloody learn this. swallowed up by the armies of darkness? No. No you
bloody don’t. So put on your backpack and get out there)
TWO. Realize that your character does not exist outside
of the things you have said. If you keep finding yourself having to explain your actions,
You can write as many pages of backstory as you like, or not wanting to go along with group decisions because
mate, but they don’t factor in one bit to the game unless of your character’s motives… well, sweetheart, maybe
you show them happening. Are you a shrewd your character’s motives are wrong. They’re not written
businessman? Cool. Do some business, shrewdly, in front in stone. The group’s the thing, not your snowflake
of everyone else. Are you a hot jazz saxophonist? Play the character, and if they’re not working, drop them off at the
saxophone. Are you a wild elf struggling through social next village and maybe try playing someone more open
interactions with civilized people? Struggle through those to new ideas. Maybe work with the group to build a
interactions! Don’t go off and sit in a tree, you prick! character that fits in.

This ties back into the first point, really; you only exist Your character is part of the story; this is not your
through your actions. It is not the responsibility of other character’s story alone.
players to read your backstory, and their characters
cannot read minds. Well. Some of them can, but you
know what I mean. They shouldn’t have to.

FIVE. Don’t harm other player characters. from the game. You are draining the group with your very
Oh ho, here’s a jolly thief that nicks stuff from the other presence. I would rather have an empty chair than
party members! And their Sleight of Hand roll is so high someone who wasn’t paying attention, because I don’t
that no-one will ever notice! Gosh, what a jape. have to entertain an empty chair.

Fuck that guy. No-one likes that guy. (That guy generally And of course, it’s up to the Storyteller to offer an
plays Kender, and I am fully of the opinion that Kender entertaining game. This is not one-sided. But going back
should be promptly genocided out of all RPGs. I don’t to point one, act whenever you can. Give them something
think genocide is a crime if we’re talking about Kender.) If to work with. Unless you’re paying them money to do
you steal from other players, you are exerting power over this, they are under no obligation to dance like a monkey
them in a really messy, underhanded sort of way. If they for you just because they’re behind the screen.
find out, what are they going to do? Are you going to force
them to escalate? Is it fair if they kill you for it? Is that fun EIGHT. If you make someone uncomfortable, apologize
for them? and talk to them about it.
I have a rule in my games, and that rule is: “Nothing fucks
Similarly, attacking other player characters is awful, too. anything else.” Simple. Clean. Elegant. No sexual conduct;
It’s ok if that is what the drama and fiction calls for, and if it’s weird, often. I’ve had seduction attempts, obviously,
both players want this fight for their characters. Then let and that’s fine. I’ve had characters deeply affected by
it ride. But don’t attack someone who hasn’t given the ok rape. I’ve even had someone negotiate time with a skin-
first. Heck, don’t even seriously threaten them with bodily thief alien to reanimate a cat for the purposes of sexual
harm. These are the main people you can rely on and pleasure as part of a heist. But, and this is the crucial thing
work with, to threaten them is to spit in the face of that here, nothing fucked anything else “onscreen.” And if
camaraderie – however tenuous it is. you’re thinking, “Ha ha, okay then, but is fisting all right?”
then fuck off out my game, sunshine.
There are a whole load of things out there to steal from
and beat up and kill that won’t get offended when you do And that’s the point; in situations like the ones we find
it to them, so go bother them first. ourselves in on a weekly basis, it’s easy to make people
feel uncomfortable. Maybe it’s as blatant as discussing
SIX. Know the system, don’t be a dick about it. dead babies or bestiality; maybe it’s something much
If you know a system, you are easier to GM for, because more benign, like being rude or chatting them up in-
you know your character’s limitations. You can calculate character.
the rough odds of a particular action succeeding or failing,
just like in real life. You can make prompt assessments of If you think you might have upset someone, then ask ‘em,
situations and act accordingly, because you understand quietly. And if you have, apologize, and stop talking about
the rules of the world. (New players, of course, get a free that particular thing. It’s not rocket science; that’s how
pass on this one. But do make an effort to learn the rules, existing as a functioning social human being works, and
obviously.) somehow because we’re pretending to be a halfling for a
bit, we often forget how to do it.
But for the love of God, don’t rules-lawyer. Do not do that.
It is not hard to work out, because here is a simple guide – So, you know, be nice. Be extra nice. No-one’s going to
if you are arguing over a rule for more than ten seconds, think any less of you for it.
you are a rules lawyer. You are the Health and Safety
Inspector of roleplaying games, and you need to stop NINE. Be a Storyteller.
talking, because you are sucking the fun out of the game. The World of Darkness books call their GM a Storyteller,
because they are very obviously unable to call a spade a
There are times when the rules are wrong, and that’s fine, spade. But they have a point; a GM is telling stories. It’s
but I’m hard-pressed to think of that time the guy easy to forget that the players are doing that too. So put
remembered the rule and we all laughed and had a great some effort in, eh? Say some words. Develop a character
time because he made the Storyteller change it. voice and stance. Describe your actions. Work out a level
of agency with the GM so you can chip into wider
SEVEN. Give the game your attention. If you can’t give descriptions, or just make assumptions and describe it
your full attention, step away from the table. and see if it sticks. A good GM should go with what you’re
Hey! What’s that you’re playing, on your phone there? saying, anyway, unless it really goes against their plan.
Oh, is it Candy Crush Saga? That’s funny, all these dice and
character sheets gave me the impression that we were Similarly, brevity = soul of wit, and all that. A good GM
playing Dungeons and Fucking Dragons, I must be terribly doesn’t monologue, or have their NPCs have long
mistaken. It is hard to think of a way to be more dismissive discussions, or make players sit back and watch while
of someone’s game than playing a different game during their world plays out. So know when to shut up, and to
it. If you find yourself getting so bored by what’s going on, keep your descriptions short – unless you’re an incredible
you’re resorting to playing a game on your phone, or storyteller, of course. But short and punchy is always
reading a book, or checking Facebook, then step away better than long and flowery.
say “No.” There are plenty of guides that can help you
TEN. Embrace failure. improvise more satisfying stories, and I suggest that you
Failure can be embarrassing. I know that I get pretty read them.
heated up when the dice don’t favour me – when I’ve
spent ages waiting to have my turn in a large game, say, A lot of Player’s Handbooks talk about separating your
or when I’m using some special power, or when I’ve been character from yourself; they are not you, and vice versa.
talking a big talk for a while or described some fancy Mainly this comes under the advice of not getting pissed
action – and I use some pretty bad language, too. And not off when the ST beats your character up with one of their
“fun” bad language, like we all do when we’re gaming. characters, or when another character is rude to you. But
Like threatening “is this guy okay” bad. there’s more to it than that. Your character is just a mask;
your character is a story construct, not a person with
And that’s not cool. I need to learn to treat failure as a thoughts and feelings and emotions. They are fully under
story branch, not a block. Why did I miss? Why didn’t my your control. It is your responsibility to use that control
intimidation roll work? Why didn’t I pick the lock? Why not only over their thoughts, feelings and actions, but
was I seen? Who worked out that I’m the traitor? What their position in the story.
other options can I explore?
I’ve given advice that advocates ceding control of your
Some systems build this in by default – Apocalypse World, character, in the past – things like going along with plots
for example – and they give you the ability to somehow even though your character wouldn’t enjoy doing so,
affect the world whenever you roll the dice, not just fail letting other characters act against your will, and so on.
to affect someone’s Hit Points. That’s great! We need to And there seems to be a lot of argument against that
get ourselves into that mindset by default. We need to advice, too. What I’m encouraging here is meta-gaming.
view failures as setbacks and explain why our character
didn’t achieve their goal, and we need to understand that THIRTEEN. Meta-gaming is not a dirty word
failure is not the end of the world. I don’t mean “meta-gaming” in the sense that you’re
flicking through the Monster Manual to discover what
ELEVEN. Play the game. gorgons are weak versus, or having your character act on
This is a game. This is not a challenge that exists solely in knowledge that they don’t have. I’m saying… well, I’ll say
the head of your GM. This is not your character’s personal it with an example.
novel. This is not your blog. This is not an excuse to chat
up one of the other players. This is not a table to sit at in Let’s say your Thief needs to steal something vital for your
silence. This is a game. save-the-world plot from the house of a wealthy
collector. He could do it fine by himself, but he notices
We have set aside time to play a game together. We are that the Cleric’s player hasn’t been up to much this game
all telling a story with each other, to each other, and the and is sitting quietly while the other players plan. Your
story comes first. Step back from the heat of combat; step character – a construct that doesn’t exist, that you made
back from your character’s difficult relationship with their up, – sure as shit wouldn’t want the Cleric to come along.
half-Drow mother; step back from the way that the She’s noisy. She frowns on theft. She gets on your
Paladin’s player keeps stealing your dice. character’s nerves.

This is a game. Respect the other players. Respect the So what’s a better story? Is it the story of the time your
story, and act in service of it. Respect that you will not Thief went off on his own and achieved the objectives
always get your way, and that not getting your way can quickly and cleanly? Or is it the story that you told after
be interesting. you asked the Cleric’s player if she can come up with a
way for the pair of you to go together, and you end up
Do what is best for the game. Do what is best for the odd-coupling your way through the mission? Maybe the
story. Be active! Be positive! Be interesting! Change Cleric insists that she comes with you to keep an eye on
things! If you can’t walk away at the end of the night with your light hands. Maybe she wants to learn how to be
a good memory, with something that you could talk about stealthy. Maybe she wants to learn more about the
in the pub in years to come, then everyone at the table collector’s motivations. Cracking. Whatever. You have
has failed. two characters not entirely in their element together. Go
tell some stories.
TWELVE. You are not your bloody character
Good roleplaying requires you, as a player, to be aware You haven’t made your character any less of a character
that you are in a game; and not just in a “I don’t want to by doing so. All you’ve done is use your full control over
be Elfstar any more” sort of way. It means you have to them to put them in a more interesting position.
understand what’s best for the story as a whole, because
we are all performing for one another whether we want
to or not. Just because our audience is small doesn’t mean
it shouldn’t be catered to. This is all basic improv stuff that
I’m cribbing, here. Say “Yes and,” or “Yes but,” and don’t
FOURTEEN. Play your PC like an NPC listen to her? Does she call the church? Do you try and
If you’ve never NPC'd in someone else’s game, do it. Do it abscond with the prisoner?
as soon as you can. There is no better way to understand
what the hell I’m talking about here. That’s a conflict I can buy into. That hasn’t weakened
either of your character motivations, but pushed a
As an NPC, you’re freed from long-term considerations of negation into a full-blown conflict because Bad Things
your actions. You’re an element of the plot. Your Have Already Happened. Both of your characters get to
development is secondary to that of the PC’s. You’re not do what they want and hold true to their morals, but both
only thinking about how you would react to any given of the players realise that it’s more interesting for this to
situation that comes up, but you’re trying to let the PCs happen after the torture has begun. “Yes and,” not “No.”
shine. You’re steering them towards trouble, towards
entertainment, towards adventure. You don’t have to SIXTEEN. Imagine the stories
worry about the grand motivations of being a GM; you are Remember that time you had fought your way down to
playing that character in that moment in that situation, the bottom of the dungeon, and you were low on healing
you are using them as a tool to help the players tell potions and all injured and you saw a dragon in front of
stories. you, laying on its hoard, eyes glinting through the thick
darkness? And collectively, even though your characters
I guarantee you that if you begin to treat your PC in the and tired and beaten up and abused and could easily go
same way – separating them from yourself, acting with home, hire an army, come back and kill this thing with
one eye on being entertaining and story-focused and the minimum risk, you say – “Fuck it, let’s do this. Imagine the
other on playing them as a story tool – then you’ll start stories.”
having more fun. You’ll find yourself in more difficult
situations, interacting with characters you might not Strive to be like that at all times. Imagine the stories, great
otherwise interact with. You will push up against your and small, and help each other tell them.
own comfort zone AND their comfort zone. You will
triumph over adversity, or fail to triumph, and that’s what
you’re after, right?

FIFTEEN. Don’t compromise your character’s

motivations, but DO get them into trouble
Throughout all this, I don’t want to encourage people to
destroy the core of their characters. I don’t want them to
become faceless, motivation-less, shifting bags of rules
that merely follow the whim of the GM. I do want people
to realize that what’s much more exciting than the
“traditional” method of roleplaying is to position their
character in difficult situations and role-play
appropriately. To be aware of their existence within a
game and control them appropriately.

Imagine your Thief needs to get information about saving

the world from a prisoner, and he decides that torture is
the way forward. Imagine the Cleric is against this. If you
say – “Right, to hell with this, I’m torturing the guy.” The
Cleric could stop you then and there, saying that she
overpowers you and ties you to a post overnight until the
guard come to collect the prisoner. If she succeeds, no-
one gets any information; you don’t get to act.

Or! The Cleric’s player realises that this is an interesting

thing to happen, for their morals to get in the way of the
investigation, so they have their Cleric arrive halfway
through your torture, rather than turn up before it starts.
Maybe she’s got God stuff to do. Or she can’t make up her
mind on it. Or she’s trying to persuade herself that it’s for
the good of the world, but she just can’t. By the time she
arrives, the guy’s a mess; but the GM realises that this is
a good opportunity for some roleplaying, so he has the
prisoner tell you half of what you need to know. Is the
Cleric going to let you finish, now you’ve started? Does
she heal away the pain you’ve inflicted? Are you going to
Game Scenes Generally the rule of thumb is that if the Storyteller
Sitting back and letting the Storyteller create all of the created the scene for everyone to act in, then it does not
plot and all of the drama is a great way to let them tell count towards your character creating a scene at all.
their story and move through the scenes in the game.
But if you took the time to create a scene, usually aside
But it’s no longer your story too. from the direct interaction of the game world plot, then
you get bonus XP. See Character Advancement: Gaining
Instead it would be just your character doing whatever Experience for XP values.
the Storyteller decided for the night.
To create a scene and get the XP bonus, your scene must
Boring! Uncreative! Not Interactive enough! include the following:
 Have an interesting problem to solve which includes drama
Players are expected to put in effort to make each game (even if it’s just a long discussion about morals, philosophy,
religion, or life goals.)
as much fan as it can be, and that applies to them and the
 Have a 100% solution to that problem (do not put players
others players at the table. You are all there to enjoy in a situation where their dice rolls determine if they
gaming together, so it’s expected that everyone work succeed at the problem. Its ok to use dice to see how well
together to make the night engrossing and fun for all. they succeed, but dice must never be used for a pass/fail
The Storyteller will always do the vast majority of the  Have one or more tools to solve that problem (the more
work. They will come up with a story, add scenes and tools and things to interact with the better!)
create NPCs and plots to drive it all along in a detailed  Don’t make up a way to solve a problem that requires
world. And they will do their best to make it all interactive specific actions, just have the problem be there, and have
the tools be there and then give the players the
and fun for the types of players and characters they have
information on how to solve the problem and how to get
in the game. the tools. Let them decide how to use the tools to solve
the problem.
It then falls to the players to bring their characters to life  Have one or more ways to get those tools (don’t just dump
in the game. everything in the players lap, make them search for a few
of the tools!)
Players must find things in each scene in game that gives  Make sure you include as many of the other characters as
their character a voice and adds to the events in a you can – all if possible. (try to make scenes where
meaningful manner. It must follow the guidelines of the whatever has to be done can be done by everyone or can
use a bit of unique help from each character)
tone of the scene and take into consideration the
 Make sure the organizations and other NPCs involved in the
atmosphere and theme of the game.
scene that night are doing everything they are capable of
to solve the problem (if they are good) or make the
You don’t get any XP for this. problem happen (if they are bad)
 Also make sure the characters are the best solution for this
These are all things you must do in order to simply play a problem. If there is some NPC who could do it
good and interesting character in these games. better/easier, then you need to re-do your problem.

CREATING SCENES Most of the time when you create a scene for your
While these are things the players must do in every scene, character it will be something personal. Either a self-
there is also the opportunity to create their own scenes in discovery scene, or a practice scene or a love or
order to gain XP. philosophy discussion scene.

Just like the Storyteller, the player can come to game with
some thoughts in mind for a scene they want their
character to go through. Something that highlights their
current dilemmas or adds to their personality and
description. Times when you should consider making a
scene are things like:

You gained a new power and need to learn to used it or need to

consider the moral ramifications of it.
You lost a loved one
You suffered a tragedy or heartbreak
You learned something new and important about your past or your
You have a moral or philosophical quandary about the plot.
You want to celebrate a success or victory.

 Bon Vivant: The purpose of existence is pleasure. Any
time that joy may be gone, you still try to recapture it.
When making a character you will complete these steps:
1. Select Character Concept Only those who have known the kind of pain and
2. Select Virtue and Vice suffering you have can find pleasure in the simplest
things. If you are dragged back down into anguish and
3. Detail out Relationships
4. Create Scripts torment, then everything you have fought for will be for
5. Write up Milestones nothing, so enjoy life! You may have serious matters to
6. Fill in Character Sheet with Beginning Stats take care of, but there's nothing that says you can't
have some fun along the way.
o Regain Willpower when you truly enjoy yourself
Concept and can share your joy with others.
A character's Concept is their basic personality, their  Bravo: "The meek will inherit the Earth?" Not if you
fundamental behavior and perception of the world. When have anything to say about it! The meek don't get
a character acts according to their Concept, they regain anything in this world except grief. The strong take
Willpower. For example, a character with a Concept of what they want, when they want. Might makes right,
Child would regain Willpower in situations where he gets which is good for you, since your know how to use your
someone to nurture or protect him. His Concept could strength to get what you want. You respect strength in
manifest through a high degree of dependency, such as others when you see it, but weakness is just an
by partying until passed out and depending on someone opportunity for you to exploit. You do what it takes to
to walk him home, provide a ride, or the like. get ahead.
o Regain Willpower when you achieve success
Here is a list of Concepts, chose one or make up a new through the application of force. This doesn't
one and write it at the top of your character sheet. This have to be physical force; it could just as easily
is the general nature and demeanor of your character that be intimidation or social pressure.
shapes most of their actions and choices.  Caregiver: You fight and suffer because you care too
much, for humanity, for society and for their friends.
 Addict: There's something (or maybe someone) that For some, nothing can extinguish their compassion for
you've just got to have. It's a driving passion — some other creatures. They are always there when someone
might say obsession — in your life. It takes precedence needs comfort or aid. For others, the appearance of
over everything else. Your addiction might be drugs, or caring is a useful tool. Empathy can earn you a way into
it could be any other sort of activity. Some people a person’s heart, and gratitude can be a heady reward,
become addicted to the various pleasures of the flesh, whether your succor was offered genuinely or not.
from eating to drinking to sex. Others are addicted to o Regain Willpower when you successfully comfort
collecting (everything from cult knowledge to or aid someone else.
"trophies" of their successes) or obsessed with a  Child: Some people are children at heart, but some are
particular mortal. Addiction to mortal faith, in more childlike (or childish) than others. The true child is
particular, is common among the people. an innocent, inexperienced in the ways of the world
o Regain Willpower when you give in completely and untouched by knowledge of good and evil. They
to your addiction and sate it. are rare indeed. The other side of the child is a constant
 Architect: Above all else, Architects want to create need for attention. The child's demands must be
something lasting. As an Architect, you have a vision satisfied and satisfied now. Children have no control
that you work toward making a reality. It might be a over their passions, and they seek others to help care
physical creation, or it might be more metaphorical, for them.
such as creating an institution or a lasting idea. There o Regain Willpower when you convince someone
are some demons who have not people so far as to else to care for you or help satisfy your needs
forget the glories of Creation and their former role in without any reward.
designing and sustaining it. They seek to recapture  Competitor: All creatures are not created equal. Some
some of that lost glory through their efforts. are destined for greatness, while others are not. You
o Regain Willpower when you create something of have the ability to rise to the challenge and prove your
lasting importance. greatness through competition. You see everything in
 Autocrat: There are two ways to do things: the wrong life as a challenge to be overcome and an opportunity
way and your way. Some might say this attitude reeks to show just what you can do. You may prefer a friendly
of pride, even hubris, but let them. You see that things competition or a cutthroat struggle where anything
get done, and there's no denying that. Someone has to goes.
take charge, and you're the one to do it. It's not o Regain Willpower when you win a competition.
necessarily because you're the smartest or the most
knowledgeable (although that may be true, too). You
just know how to take responsibility for getting things
o Regain Willpower when you take control of a
situation or group.
 Conformist: You know your place in the grand scheme  Gallant: You find yourself uplifted by the adoration and
of things or, at least, you believed that you did once. attention of others. You are a being of glory, and you
You were content to do as you were instructed until cannot hide your light under a bushel. Instead, you
wiser and more convincing voices said otherwise. You would rather show people the wonders you are capable
need direction and leadership, the opportunity to be of and bask in their worship and admiration. Nothing
part of a group again and to offer your own abilities to excites you as much as a new potential person to
that group. impress and win over. Each one makes you feel a little
o Regain Willpower when your group achieves its more alive and whole.
goal with your aid. o Regain Willpower when you truly impress
 Conniver: The way you play the game, your marks have someone.
no idea that you already own their lives and they're  Gambler: Life is risk. It involves taking a chance;
thanking you for the opportunity to do exactly what you perhaps even a leap of faith, hoping things will turn out
want. After all, why struggle and risk your own hide for the best. People who are afraid to take chances lead
when you can get others to do it for you? You simple, dull lives, but you're not like that. You're willing
understand the power that a carefully crafted lie gives to risk it all for the hope of something better. You're not
you, especially when it's mixed with just the right foolhardy, but you're willing to take chances some
amount of truth. people call foolish, if that's what it takes.
o Regain Willpower when you trick someone into o Regain Willpower when you take a chance and
giving you something you want. come out ahead.
 Curmudgeon: Humanity was given free will, and look  Judge: There is an order to society and understanding,
what they've done with it. Is it any wonder that you're and perhaps improving upon, that order is the key to
more than a little jaded and cynical about it all? You success. You're a believer in systems for getting things
tend to see the worst in everything, picking out every done: legal systems, logical systems and bureaucratic
flaw, pointing out every way things could go badly, and systems. You believe in doing things "by the numbers"
never missing an opportunity to say "I told you so" although there's nothing wrong with innovation, as
when they inevitably do. long as it improves the system.
o Regain Willpower when something bad happens o Regain Willpower when you use careful and
just as you said it would. systematic reasoning to solve a problem.
 Deviant: Some people just don't fit into the nice, neat  Loner: You're on your own most of the time, and you're
categories society creates. That’s you. You refuse to be okay with that. The truth is, you prefer your own
pigeonholed or labeled, just as you refuse to conform company. You may have habits or mannerisms that put
to what everyone expects of you. You are who you are. other people off, you may not feel worthy of being
If someone else can't deal with that, fuck 'em. You're around other people, or maybe you don't like company.
no longer bound by the restrictions of any social mores, You go your own way, working with others when it suits
or by anything else, for that matter. you before taking your leave.
o Regain Willpower when you break with or ignore o Regain Willpower when you accomplish
convention. something on your own that benefits someone
 Director: Perfect precision and balance, everything in else.
its place, the ultimate machine; all are joy to you. When  Martyr: You were made to suffer, it seems. You accept
things are rundown, out of whack or simply not working your burden with dignity and determination, knowing
right, and chaos is growing - you can't tolerate that. that your suffering has meaning, either in the
Nothing is more important to you than restoring and statement it makes or in the benefit it brings to others.
maintaining order and organization, within a group or You may be truly sincere in your beliefs, or you may
in the world. exaggerate your sacrifices for the attention and
o Regain Willpower when you use organization to sympathy they bring you.
accomplish a difficult task. o Regain Willpower when you sacrifice yourself for
 Fanatic: You have a cause, and nothing or no one can your ideals or the good of someone else.
sway you from it. You devote yourself entirely to your  Masochist: They think they can break you? They think
cause, surrendering all else to its higher purpose. The you'll crack under the pressure? Bring it on! You're
ends justify the means, and everything (and everyone) willing to pit your ability to endure against anything the
else can and will be sacrificed in the name of the cause, world can dish out. Not only are you proud of your
if needs be. Your cause may be in tune with the agendas ability to overcome pain, you actually enjoy it. You're
of any of the factions of the people, or it may be the driven to the extremes to test your limits and push
cause of a group or your own personal crusade. them a little farther each time. Maybe you'll eventually
Whatever it is, you will see it through to the end. run into something you can't handle, but you haven't
o Regain Willpower when you do something that yet.
directly furthers your cause. o Regain Willpower when you suffer in a way you
never have before.

 Monster: Demon? You'll show them what a real demon  Survivor: What doesn't kill you only makes you
is. They have no idea of the depths of what you've stronger. Where others meekly accept their fate, you
endured, but you're going to show them. All of struggle against it. Nothing can bring you down, and
humanity's myths and parables, even their mass media you always find a way to win in the end. You're
horror shows, are only pale reflections of what you disappointed with everyone else's willingness to give
have become. You are evil incarnate, free to stalk the up and take the easy way out, something you'd never
world. No atrocity is beyond your reach, as the world do.
will soon discover. o Regain Willpower when you endure hardship or
o Regain Willpower when you commit a terrible encourage others to do the same.
act of evil.  Thrill Seeker: You live for the thrill of danger, knowing
 Pedagogue: Knowledge is the only thing of real worth that you're risking your life is what makes you feel the
in life, and the one thing you value, but knowledge is most alive. You're a daredevil, looking for the most
useless unless it is shared somehow. It is your dangerous thrills you can find to keep things
responsibility to take what you know and teach others interesting. There's almost no challenge you won't at
so they can understand and pass the knowledge on. The least consider, and odds are that you'll try most of
more everyone knows, the better things are. Some them. You want to feel your heart pounding, the blood
might call you a know-it-all, but that's usually only rushing through your veins. Even death doesn't scare
because you do know it all. you anymore.
o Regain Willpower when someone benefits from o Regain Willpower when you succeed at a
the wisdom you've shared with him. dangerous task you've deliberately undertaken.
 Penitent: You are a sinner, among the most terrible of  Traditionalist: In a world that changes so quickly, the
sinners. You committed crimes against God or society, one thing you can rely on is tradition. You respect
and you have been rightly punished for them. Even the history and the traditional way of doing things is clearly
burden of guilt you feel is a part of your punishment. the best. If it wasn't why would it have lasted so long?
You have seen the error in your ways, and you only It's important to maintain traditional ways and values,
hope that you can be forgiven for what you have done. and you're against changing them unless it's absolutely
All you can do now is try as best you can to make up for necessary. Tradition equals comfort, predictability and
your past mistakes and make them right. stability.
o Regain Willpower when you feel that you have o Regain Willpower when time-honored ways of
made a step toward redemption. doing things turn out to be the best.
 Perfectionist: You don't ask any more of anyone than  Trickster: There are times when you just have to laugh
you ask of yourself, but since you expect only at the absurdity of it all, the whole cosmic drama of
perfection from yourself, most people don't see the existence. You often suspect that the whole thing is
distinction. You demand only the best, and you're not some sort of grand joke and you're the only one who
willing to settle for anything less. Others may not gets the punch line. No matter how bad it gets, you
appreciate your exacting standards or attention to manage to find the humor in every situation, and you
detail during the process, but they certainly appreciate do your best to lighten the mood. You'd much rather
the results. That's what drives you, the satisfaction of a laugh than cry, and you share your insights with others
job well done. through humor and satire.
o Regain Willpower when you perform a task o Regain Willpower when you managed to lift
perfectly. others' spirits or deny your own pain through
 Rebel: You were one of the first rebels, and you still humor.
wear the title proudly. Authority must be challenged, or  Visionary: Some see the way the world is and ask,
it becomes nothing more than mindless obedience. You "Why?" You see the way the world might be and ask,
take every opportunity to buck the system because "Why not?" You have a vision of something more,
that's how things change for the better, or just to prove something greater than what already exists. You
how bogus it all is. challenge the limits of society in hope of finding
o Regain Willpower when you successfully weaken something better, rarely satisfied with the status quo.
authority. Naturally, those interested in keeping things the way
 Rogue: You look out for Numero Uno. Nobody else is they are find you threatening, but you don't care about
going to do it, and everybody else would be better off the opinions of others. You follow your vision with the
taking care of themselves. You don't want to owe conviction that you can do more, that there's always
anyone anything. You take care of your own problems hope.
and let them take care of theirs. You have your own o Regain Willpower when you inspire others to
best interests at heart, although there's nothing wrong follow their dreams or ideals.
with a little enlightened self-interest that benefits
everyone, as long as you don't get too entangled in
someone else's business,
o Regain Willpower when your self-centered
attitude brings you success.

Virtues and Vices someone could have Charity in an ideal like communism
Each person is said to have a primary Virtue and and want nothing more than to help others with those
Vice. These are the main ways that they tend to act out ideals, even when they are challenged by society. This is
their most emotional and sometimes desperate desires not to say that I suggest everyone bend one of the virtues
and needs. On a fundamental level every person has all or vices to fit into an alternate ideal. But if that helps you
seven virtues and vices. What we are attempting to do find which one works better for you, then go for it.
here is pick the ones that are most commonly acted upon
by ourselves, as well as these ones that make us feel the On a final note, virtues and vices are meant to be natural
best (be it selfishly or selflessly). While Concept is “who” parts of your character’s lifestyle and personality. Even if
your character is, Virtues and Vices are the motivations they never got into massive adventures or esoteric battles
behind the way they go about goals and activities in life. they would still act out their virtue and vice. These are
the things that help define who they are and what role
As you read through these know that these are all they play in life on a fundamental level. So try to pick a
intended to have in game consequences and responses, virtue and a vice that fit into your character’s daily
both positive and negative. These are not meant to be activities seamlessly.
quick momentary actions, but instead they often take full
scenes to complete - perhaps more (people have been
known to indulge their Sloth vice for weeks). Changing Virtues or Vices
You can change which Virtue or Vice your character has
anytime the fiction calls for it. But these are always going
There are caveats to each. For Virtues, in order to
to be life-changing events (or likely a series of events that
actually claim a virtue was successfully used, you must slowly built up to change in self). Changing a Virtue or a
have accomplished something that required giving more Vice is the same as changing a fundamental part of your
than you had to offer. Going above and beyond the need, personality or way of thinking. It’s major and likely had a
or giving what last little bit you had to someone in need lot leading up to it. These should not change often, if
or possibly sacrificing a part of your life to make ever really. Trauma and lifestyle changes do not
someone’s life better. automatically necessitate a new Virtue or Vice. What
causes the change is ultimately up to you. Just
The Vice caveat is that it must hurt someone, be it remember, that your Virtue and your Vice are the core
yourself or someone else. 'Hurt' can be defined a lot of foundations of what motivates your character.
ways, just as 'help' can be defined a lot of ways. But when
it boils down to it, your vice is the selfish little part of you
that just wants to do 'something' to feel better.

Most often it is our vices we turn to when we are sad or Choosing Virtues and Vices
depressed or angry or frustrated, but they never quite Once you have chosen which Virtue and Vice your
fulfill us completely. That's where the virtue comes in. An character has, write that down on your character sheet
activity that makes us give a little of ourselves and in along with a single word or short phrase of what that
return we get lasting happiness. In game terms this is all Virtue and Vice mean to you.
based around the Willpower to continue on in the face of
adversity. These games will push a person far beyond For example. If you chose Faith, then you would put
what the average Joe is accustomed to. And though we something like Faith: Catholicism, or Faith: God, or Faith:
play dangerous situations, we are expected to carry on Mankind. If you chose a Vice of Wrath, you might write
when things get sideways. And they will. So, when Wrath: Warmonger, or Wrath: Anger, or Wrath: Father’s
picking your Virtue and Vice, keep in mind the general abandonment.
activities that you will be able to accomplish with that
Virtue or Vice. Try to think over some situations where Keep them short and broad so that they can fit into a large
you can roleplay out each to ensure the virtue or vice you number of situations. They are not limiters on your Virtue
chose fits your personality - your ‘in game’, somewhat or Vice, they are simply guides to help define the reason
idealized personality. or nature of those traits.

Lastly, they can be played upon in alternate ways. For As well in the Virtues section, some Virtue Scenes are
example: Someone can have Gluttony for Theft. They suggested to help with ideas.
don't care about the value of the item; they just want to
steal as much as they can. Perhaps they get a kick out of Conditions
the act of stealing. Or perhaps someone has a Lust for And in the Vices section there are some Conditions that
violence. They don't necessarily partake or commit help choose what your vice might be like.
violent actions, but they seek it out whenever they can, if
only to watch. Someone can have a virtue of Justice, but
for street justice in gang activity. Their gang’s ideals being
upheld by whatever criteria they have set up. Or

When your character is at their best, or when they just Those with Faith know that the universe is not random,
need to feel like they are effecting positive change in the meaningless chaos, but ordered by a higher power. No
dark world around them, they will turn to their Virtue. matter how horrifying the world might be, everything has
This means they are looking to make a selfless and its place in the Plan and ultimately serves that Purpose.
positive action that make the world a little less shitty. This Virtue does not necessarily involve belief in a
Your character’s Virtue is a fundamental part of who they personified deity. It might involve belief in a Grand
are and how they act and what goals they have. So it must Unified Theory whereby the seeming randomness of the
be a part of them all the time, counterbalancing their universe is ultimately an expression of mathematical
selfish Vices in the eternal struggle of the Id. precision. Or it might be a view that everything is ‘One’
and that even evil is indistinguishable from good when all
Charity dis-criminating illusions are overcome.
True Charity comes from sharing gifts with others, be it
money or possessions, or simply giving time to help Your character regains all spent Willpower points
another in need. A charitable character is guided by her whenever he is able to forge meaning from chaos and
tragedy in regards to the basis of your faith.
compassion to share what she has in order to improve the
plight of those around her. Charitable individuals are
guided by the principle of treating others as they would Example: Kevin stood at a precipice. Images flashed
be treated themselves. By sharing gifts and taking on the through his mind: his wife’s bulging eyes, his son’s
role of the Samaritan, they hope to cultivate goodwill in mutilated body, his daughter’s pink pajamas shredded
others, and the gifts they give will eventually return to and matted with hair and blood. Despair and rage whirled
them in their hour of need. up from the psychological chasm before him. He had only
to take a step into the cold comfort that the world was
Your character regains all spent Willpower points
meaningless, random and violent, that there could be no
whenever she helps another at the risk of loss or harm God if such evil could come to pass.
to herself. It isn’t enough to share what your character
has in abundance. She must make a real sacrifice in No! He didn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe it. Something
terms of time, possessions or energy, or she must risk had done this. Something sick and twisted. Something in-
life and limb to help another. human. Kevin would find it. God give him strength, he
would find it and stop it.
Example: Deloris could see her dad losing his mind if he knew
his little girl was driving around a south-side neighborhood so By not being crushed and helpless but instead dedicating
late at night. But if she wanted to be a top investigative reporter, himself to finding the meaning of the crime, knowing that
she had to take some risks, even if it meant tracking down clues there must be a reason for the madness, Kevin regains any
on a serial killer in a slum.
spent Willpower points.
She’d been the one to dub him “Tommy 10 Tongues” in her first
cover story. Now he was up to 12 tongues, and she was Virtuous Scenes: Expression of Belief, conviction,
determined to catch him before he harvested another. She knew humility, loyalty
the police had no idea how to decipher the bloody hieroglyphs at
the crime scenes, or why the victims were all missing their Possessed by: Detectives, philosophers, priests, scientists,
tongues. But the police didn’t have an ex-lover who was a true believers
linguistics professor.

Then Deloris passed the other motorist. A white man with a cast
on one arm struggling to change a flat. If Tommy 10 Tongues Fortitude
didn’t get him, the locals surely would. And yet, Deloris wasn’t A person’s ideals are meaningless unless they’re tested.
born yesterday. The cast could have been a fake. The killer could When it seems as though the entire world is arrayed
have used such tricks to lure his victims in. She didn’t want to be against him because of his beliefs, a person possessing
the next one, but she couldn’t bear the thought of writing the Fortitude weathers the storm and emerges with his
morning headline, “Stranded Motorist 13th Victim.” So, she convictions in-tact. Fortitude is about standing up for
pulled over to do the charitable thing. one’s beliefs and holding the course no matter how
tempting it may be to relent or give up. By staying the
Deloris gains all spent Willpower for her act of charity. Her
course - regardless of the cost - he proves the worth of his
willingness to risk herself for someone else validates her defining
Virtue. ideals.

Virtuous Scenes: Compassion, mercy, sacrifice Alternately Fortitude can be about your character’s sense
of Duty. This means sticking up for and defending your
Possessed by: Philanthropists, saints, soup-kitchen sacred duty no matter the odds or loss. This duty should
workers, patrons of troubled artists be based on service to others, and as altruistic and
positive as possible.

Your character regains all spent Willpower points There’s something there, something bigger than any of us
whenever he withstands overwhelming or tempting that needs to be protected. All I came here to say is don’t
pressure to alter his goals. This does not include lose hope. I’ll feed you what information I can from the
temporary distractions from his course of action, only inside to keep you one step ahead of them. If you give up
pressure that might cause him to abandon or change now, there’ll be nothing left to save.”
his goals altogether.
By supporting the activists at her own personal expense
Example: Noel was absorbed in reading the newspaper and risk, Eva regains any spent Willpower.
when the stranger walked in. The town was opening its
eyes to the corruption; his campaign to oust the criminal Virtuous Scenes: Dreamer, optimist, utopian
who called himself ‘mayor’ was working. The stranger
dropped some photos on the desk, breaking Noel’s Possessed by: Anti-globalization activists, entrepreneurs,
concentration. They were of Noel 15 years before. The martyrs, visionaries
alcoholic years. “I suggest you drop your high and mighty
crusade unless you want these on the front page.”
Noel instantly recognized that his political career hung in
Wrongs cannot go unpunished. This is the central tenet of
the balance. Was this how it started? Was this how they
the just, who believe that protecting the innocent and
got their hooks into you? “Run them,” he said. “I don’t
confronting inequity is the responsibility of every decent
care. You can tell your boss he’s through. He has more to
person, even in the face of great personal danger. The just
lose than I do.”
believe that evil cannot prosper so long as one good
person strives to do what is right, regardless of the
By refusing to budge and pressing on in the wake of
scandal, Noel behaves in a way that validates his defining
Virtue and he regains any spent Willpower points.
However, Justice can also easily fit into the concept of
Truth. Someone who fights against those who hide the
Virtuous Scenes: Courage, integrity, mettle, stoicism
truth, who twist and manipulate the truth into their own
selfish ends.
Possessed by: Dictators, fanatic cultists, gumshoes
Your character regains all spent Willpower points
whenever he does the right thing at risk of personal
Hope loss or setback. The “right thing” can be defined by the
Being hopeful means believing that corruption and letter or spirit of a particular code of conduct, whether
misfortune cannot prevail, no matter how grim things it be the United States penal code or a biblical
become. Not only do the hopeful believe in the ultimate Commandment.
triumph of morality and decency over malevolence, they
maintain stead-fast belief in a greater sense of cosmic Example: For five years Malcolm watched the bastard
justice - whether it’s Karma or the idea of an all-knowing, parade into court, smiling through appeal after appeal.
all-seeing God who waits to punish the wicked. All will His gold-plated lawyers ran circles around the district
turn out right in the end, and the hopeful mean to be attorney. Then they settled the class-action suit at such a
around when it happens. ridiculously low payment that Malcolm had to wonder
how far the bribes went. And the bastard was going free.
Your character regains all spent Willpower points Hundreds had been driven insane by the drug he
whenever she refuses to let others give in to distributed. It made him rich even while it made
despair, even though doing so risks harming her Malcolm’s sister a corpse and then a ghost. It was only
own goals or wellbeing. then that Malcolm realized why she always appeared
outside his hall closet. That’s where he kept his gun.
This is similar to Fortitude, above, except that your
character tries to prevent others from losing hope in their If Malcolm takes the law into his own hands and makes
goals. She need not share those goals herself or even be himself a criminal as a result, he acts in a way that
successful in upholding them, but there must be a risk validates his defining Virtue and he regains any spent
involved. Willpower.

Example: The activists’ anger was palpable as Eva entered Virtuous Scenes: Condemnatory, righteous
the room. “I know you see me as the enemy - Trent
Thorson’s daughter. The truth is, I may own Thorson Possessed by: Critics, judges, parents, role models
Lumber, but I don’t control it or I’d shut it down. If my
uncle has his way, I’ll never have that chance.” I know his
lawyers and thugs are pressuring you to stop the protest,
but you can’t give up. You feel the power of that forest.

Prudence Temperance
The Virtue of Prudence places wisdom and restraint Moderation in all things is the secret to happiness, so says
above rash action and thoughtless behavior. One the doctrine of Temperance. It’s all about balance.
maintains integrity and principles by moderating actions Everything has its place in a person’s life, from anger to
and avoiding unnecessary risks. While that means a forgiveness, lust to chastity. The temperate do not believe
prudent person might never take big gambles that bring in denying their urges, as none of it is unnatural or un-
huge rewards, neither is his life ruined by a bad roll of the holy. The trouble comes when things are taken to excess,
dice. By choosing wisely and avoiding the easy road he whether it’s a noble or base impulse. Too much
prospers slowly but surely. righteousness can be just as bad as too much wickedness.

Your character regains all spent Willpower points Your character regains all spent Willpower when
whenever he refuses a tempting course of action he resists a temptation to indulge in an excess of
by which he could gain significantly. The any behavior, whether good or bad, despite the
“temptation” must involve some reward that, by obvious rewards it might offer.
refusing it, might cost him later on.
Example: Michael pressed Rivera to the pavement and
Example: “Miss Hernandez, you’re an intelligent woman cuffed him. For half his years on the force, Michael had
and a beautiful one, I might add. There are so many been trying to bring Douglas Rivera to justice. How many
benefits available to the people who contribute to our kids had died from Rivera’s peddled junk? How many
family business. The least of them is the considerable fee times had Michael’s family received death threats? How
we’re offering for your services in this matter.” many times had Rivera been collared only to walk on a
technicality? Michael’s mind kept turning back to the
“Your offer is generous,” Louise replied, “and I thank you unregistered .38 stashed in his patrol car. He could fire
for it. But the types of offshore transactions you propose some rounds into the car door and put Rivera’s prints on
are tantamount to money laundering and tax evasion. It the weapon. Who would doubt that Michael had to kill
wouldn’t be prudent for me to jeopardize my legal career him in self-defense? “No,” Michael muttered to himself.
by being party to this.” He couldn’t lower himself to the same level as this
criminal, no matter how tempting. He’d be no better.
“You think you know, Miss Hernandez, but I assure you, Instead, he hauled Rivera into the back of the car and
you have no idea what you’re passing up.” slammed the door.

If Louise passes on the possibility of riches to preserve her By refusing to give in to extreme and compelling impulses
job and name, she acts in a way that validates her defining but still completing the arrest; remaining centered
Virtue and regains any spent Willpower. instead, Michael acts in a way that validates his defining
Virtue and he regains any spent Willpower.
Virtuous Scenes: Patience, vigilance
Virtuous Scenes: Chastity, even-temperament, frugality
Possessed by: Businessmen, doctors, priests, scientists
Possessed by: Clergy, police officers, social workers

VICES “Kick-off is in five minutes, Hughes. You want to be the
Below are the selfish motivations that drive a character. star tonight? Then drink up. You want Montgomery to get
Many people have multiple vices, but the one you pick for the headlines tomorrow, then call security.” Hughes
your character is their defining, most common, most considered a moment, then took the vial and downed it.
fallen to vice. These must be a typical part of the Bitter, thick, cold and powerful - so very powerful. Screw
character’s personality. A character with Pride would the consequences, he was going to have the game of his
have people calling him a ‘prideful son of a bitch’ fairly life.
often, even when not trying to get willpower back. It a
mark of who you are at your most selfish and self-serving. By taking the drink, Hughes indulges his defining Vice and
regains one point of spent Willpower.
While this list cannot be changed, you can work with the
Storyteller to tweak the way a Vice is acted out for your Conditions: Covetousness, jealousy, paranoia,
character. Thus a gluttonous person might have an dissatisfaction, prejudice, resentment, rivalry
insatiable, Gluttonous, desire to gain power (only to
squander it), or a Lust for approval the forces them to act Possessed by: Celebrities, executives, politicians
in any debased manner as long as it gets them praise.
Typically though, it’s best to try and just find a Vice that Gluttony is about indulging appetites to the exclusion of
naturally fits your character’s most selfish and criminal everything else. It’s about dedicating oneself to sensual
actions. If you want to be wealthy, pick Greed. If you pleasures or chasing the next high. A glutton makes any
want to have power, take Envy or Pride. If you want to sacrifice to feed his insatiable appetite for pleasure,
just party and consume, take Gluttony, and so on. regardless of the cost to himself or those around him. He
might be considered a junky or even a kleptomaniac (he
Envy steals things he doesn’t need just for the thrill of it).
An envious person is never satisfied with what she has.
No matter her wealth, status or accomplishments, there Your character regains 1 spent Willpower point
is always someone else who seems to have more, and it’s whenever he indulges in his addiction or appetites at
coveted. Envious characters are never secure or content some risk to himself or a loved one.
with their place in life. They always measure themselves
against their rivals and look for ways to get what they Example: They’d come for his dad. They’d hauled his ass
deserve. They might be considered paranoid or just into the bedroom, brought in the power tools, and then
consumed by a self-loathing that they project onto the screaming started. James thought about protesting,
others. but what good would it do? He decided to drown it all out,
instead. He dropped the heroine needle and tipped back
Your character regains one Willpower point whenever the whiskey. Sure, he’d gotten involved with them, and
she gains something important from a rival or has a maybe that was a mistake, but he told his dad to keep out
hand in harming that rival’s wellbeing. of it. James took another drink. The whiskey trailed fire
down his throat and dulled his senses. They didn’t tolerate
OR people interfering in their business. And so, James took
another drink as the world faded away.
Your character regains one Willpower point whenever
she gains a major achievement in game, then tries to
push past it unsatisfied that it is enough. She may not
By overwhelming his senses with drugs and booze rather
benefit from this achievement at all from that point than helping his father, James indulges in his defining Vice
forward. and regains a point of spent Willpower.

Example: Hughes watched the reporters; sponsors and Conditions: Addictive personality, conspicuous
women flock to Montgomery like moths to a flame. One- consumer, epicurean, debauchery, lack of moderation
tenth of a second in the 40 meter and a couple slick moves
on the field were all that made Hughes the low-paid Possessed by: Celebrities, junkies, thieves
fullback and Montgomery the star tailback. Now it was
the big Monday-night game and the attention was all on
Montgomery. “Drink this and you’ll be MVP tonight.”

At first, the voice seemed to come out of nowhere, but

then there he was, one of the ugliest guys Hughes had
ever seen, sitting right there in the locker room, grinning
like the Cheshire Cat. “Who the hell are you? How’d you
get in here?”

Greed since she’d come on to him on the second day. It might
Like the envious, the greedy are never satisfied with what have meant compromising the witness and her life, but
they have. Where they differ is that the Greedy are all this chick worth it. He tried not to think about the
about the “count” – more than the next guy; whereas the possibility of infection, the blackouts might have worried
Gluttonous are all about the “amount” of the action – the him, but he didn’t want to think about it. She was here,
value does not matter, they not even have anything to he was here and the sex was worth it.
show for it afterwards. The greedy want more - more
money, a bigger house, more status or influence - no By risking the girls life just for sex, Aaron indulges in his
matter that they may already have more than they can defining Vice and regains a point of spent Willpower.
possibly handle. Everything is taken to excess. To the
greedy, there is no such thing as having too much. If that Conditions: Lasciviousness, impatience, impetuousness,
means snatching someone else’s hard-earned reward just fetishized craving, irrational excitement, non-consensual
to feather one’s own nest, well, that’s the way it goes.
Possessed by: Movie producers, politicians, rock stars
Your character regains one Willpower point
when-ever he acquires something at the
expense of another. Gaining it must come at Pride
some potential risk (of assault, arrest or simple Pride is the Vice of self-confidence run amok. It is the
loss of peer respect). belief that one’s every action is inherently right, even
when it should be obvious that it is anything but. A
Example: Gregor scanned down the list of names. It read prideful person refuses to back down when his decision
like a small-town telephone book. He signed the cover or reputation is called into question, even when the
sheet, ending the employment of several hundred people. evidence is clear that he is in the wrong. His ego does not
“Such is the way of capitalism,” he mused. The press accept any outcome that suggests fallibility, and he is
wouldn’t believe there was synergy to the merger unless willing to see others suffer rather than admit that he’s
the two companies’ duplicated human resources weren’t wrong.
eliminated. Progress had its price. He once again
skimmed the magazine list of the world’s 500 wealthiest Your character regains one Willpower point
men, and eyed the meager difference between his fortune whenever he exerts his own wants (not needs)
at number 20 and that of number 19. Then he imagined over others at some potential risk to himself. This
next year’s poll. Progress had its rewards, too. is most commonly the refusal to accept fault for
anything and the attempt to place it upon others.
By engineering the hostile takeover that costs hundreds of
jobs, all for petty personal gain, Gregor indulges his Example: There she was, crying again. Jesus fucking Christ
defining Vice and regains a point of spent Willpower. this was so stupid. “You should have never hugged him,
then I wouldn’t have had to hit his stupid face.”
Conditions: Avarice, parsimony, irrational longing,
selfishness, stingy, cheating “I’m sorry,” She whimpered and sobbed into a napkin, “He
just came up to me, *sniff* I mean. I never meant
Possessed by: CEOs, lawyers, stock brokers anything by it, I was just being polite.” Then she fell into a
crying fit again.

Lust “Yeah well, I don’t give two shits. You shouldn’t have done
The Vice of Lust is the sin of uncontrolled desire. A lusty that. It was obvious that he was coming on to you and
individual is driven by a passion for something (usually you ran with it! I saw it, I saw the look on his face, why
sex, but it can be a craving for virtually any experience or didn’t you? If I can see it, then you could have. Fuckin
activity) that he acts upon without consideration for the idiot…”
needs or feelings of others. A lusty individual uses any
means at his disposal to indulge his desires, from By refusing to back down and admit he overreacted and
deception to manipulation to acts of violence. Your make sure she is the one at fault, Fabrice indulges his
character is consumed by a passion for something. defining Vice and regains a point of spent Will-power.

He regains one Willpower point whenever he Conditions: Arrogance, ego complex, vanity, abusive
satisfies his lust or compulsion in a way that honor, self-aggrandizing, megalomania
victimizes or objectifies others.
Possessed by: Corporate executives, movie stars, street
Example: For two weeks, Aaron had been holed up with thugs
the star witness, “protecting” her. That his previous
girlfriend had tested positive for HIV hadn’t stopped
Aaron from banging this chick seven ways to Sunday, ever
Sloth Wrath
The Vice of Sloth is about avoiding work until someone The Vice of Wrath is the sin of uncontrolled anger. The
else has to step in to get the job done. Rather than put in wrathful either look for ways to vent their anger and
the effort - and possibly risk failure - in a difficult situation, frustration on people or objects at the slightest
the slothful person simply refuses to do anything, provocation, or if they are provoked they go way too far
knowing that someone else will step in and fix the and end up really hurting someone. In most cases the
problem sooner or later. The fact that people might reaction is far out of proportion to the perceived slight. A
needlessly suffer while the slothful person sits on his wrathful person cut off on the freeway might try to force
thumbs doesn’t matter one bit. another driver off the road, or a wrathful cop might
delight in beating each and every person he arrests,
Your character regains one Willpower point regardless of the offense.
when-ever he successfully avoids a difficult task
but achieves the same goal nonetheless. Your character regains one spent Willpower
point whenever he unleashes his anger in a
Example: Catherine pretended to listen as the fourth situation where doing so is dangerous. If
tenant that day called to tell her, the superintendent, that something like a fight is actually life-threatening,
the security lights were out. Some asshole had gone and no Willpower points are re-gained if you hurt or
broken all the lights around the apartment building. Sure, kill the attacker. It must take place in a situation
she’d heard stories about the Harcourt building, where where anger is unwarranted or inappropriate.
the lights were shattered one night and there were break-
ins the next. Depending on who was telling the story, Example: As April staggered in, Rebecca surprised her at
some weird shit happened over there. But the afternoon the door, demanding the month’s rent. April had gotten
was really hot outside, and Catherine decided the hooked on the new drug that had hit the streets. She had
Harcourt stuff was just rumors. Besides, she had her spent most of her time day-tripping and having paranoia
cellphone in case any prowlers came around. She turned attacks about “things eating through the walls of the
off phone and let her ass warm the couch. The lights could world.” Rebecca didn’t care anymore, and when the usual
wait another day. litany of excuses began, Rebecca hit her. Blood ran from
April’s nose and down her mouth. “I want the damn rent!”
By avoiding work despite the repercussions, Catherine Rebecca yelled, punctuating each statement with another
indulges her defining Vice and regains a point of spent blow until April was on the ground, balled up and crying.
By beating the money out of April, Rebecca indulges her
Conditions: Apathy, cowardice, ignorance, lax standards, defining Vice and regains a point of spent Willpower.
listlessness, abusive delegation, uncaring
Conditions: Antisocial aggressiveness, hot-headedness,
Possessed by: Couch potatoes, trust-fund heirs, welfare poor anger management, sadism, gas-lighting, explosive
cheats irritability

Possessed by: Bullies, drill sergeants, street thugs

Relationships Now that you have all of these Relationships, once the
World of Darkness depicts dramatic plots. Drama occurs game begins, things are allowed to change, grow or fade
between people, some of whom may be intimately tied to away. The hooks are in place for great stories with these
your character. When two people interact, they create, people and you must lean into interacting with them
reinforce, or change a relationship. By detailing out your based on your Relationships you established with each.
Relationships, you can bring personal plots to the Be prepared for the Storyteller to make life hard if you let
forefront, keep track of supporting characters you’ve these people go, suffer, or become your enemies.
neglected, and provide both Storyteller and players with
emotional meat for those interpersonal scenes that make As you describe connections between your character and
games really matter. these new NPC people, the Relationships of your
chronicle takes shape, and your game takes on life and
You must begin the game with 3 people who are interesting possibility. As more supporting characters
important in your life. appear and as relationships change, you scribble in new
names and cross out old truths. Update the Relationships
The first is someone who knows you for who you are, and as allies become adversaries following a failed
they mean a lot to you. Maybe it’s a lover, or your child, negotiation. Soon enough, the map becomes a mess of
or your best friend since middle school. Heck, it could scribbled notes about the characters, Post-its with
even be your drug dealer. Doesn’t matter who they are – pictures, memorable quotes, wine stains, and sketches.
only that you want them in your life, and you would never Your Relationships becomes your mad conspiracy wall or
want to lose them. Think about those around you and your pictures-and-string investigation board. Use it not
about whom of those you most love. If becoming a just to drive drama, but also to keep track of the tangled
monster pushed them away, who would you risk web of deception. Keep it near the table where you can
everything to see again? read it. Its form is up to you: a big sheet of butcher paper,
a digital mind map, a presentation deck, a printout of the
The second person is someone who complicates your life. map of your city with domain boundaries drawn in, a
They may or may not be an enemy. It could simply be bullet point list of names and places.
your overbearing parents, a jealous spouse, or your
coworker who is always dragging you into their problems. Designers Note
The tie to this person is about how they complicate your Do this as a group. Sure, a few relationships can be kept
secret. But most don’t need to be kept from the other
life, and why you can’t escape them.
players. In fact, it’s suggested that as NPC are created,
players attempt to share NPCs. Having two characters
The third person is someone who connects you to the with different relationships to the same NPC is the best
game’s overall plot. The Storyteller doesn’t get to pick way to keep the group interacting together, even during
this person for you – you pick who they are. But the personal plots! And it may not be the same NPC, it
Storyteller must give you a list of places, factions, might simply be the same organization each of your
organizations, or whatever will bridge the gap between NPCs both work within. Opposed or allied, how the
your character and the world plot. This relationship NPCs relate can be just as important.
should never be a “I get my orders from person X”. This
is a relationship, not a job. You need this person, or love
them, or have like ideals, or are part of the same
conspiracy society, a mentor, etc.

Scripts have told the story, pull from it one detail or action that
Playing a character in a Storytelling game is a challenging you still do to this day, something you still do every night
task. And it can require a great number of touch points - that is your first Script Line, your personal script.
between your character, the other characters, and the Something like “Dire Curiosity,” or “Honorable Boy Scout.”
story plot. In order to keep track of all these touch points
in a complex game, each character must have a set of Example of a Script Line
Script Lines. Annie’s character’s first story is of her character Flynn, who was raised
in a small town by only his mother. She is the leader of a gang of thieves
and criminals, which naturally influenced him into deeds of theft and
Script Lines are a set of actions that the character must crime. So she chooses a script of ‘raised and trained thief’. Which is her
attempt to insert into narrative play just about every first Script Line, and something she can insert narratively into roleplay
single game night. They bring life to your character and most nights in some manner.

they remind you of all the assets, abilities, quirks and past Adam then picks up her story and inserts his character Uther, who is a
events of your character. local town deputy. He complicated Flynn’s life by helping the cops arrest
him for a crime that Uther investigated on. However, while arresting and
incarcerating Flynn, Uther gets to know him and finds out he has a heart
Social Compels with Scripts of gold. They bond over ideals and fast become close friends despite
You can use a Script Line to compel a fellow character being on opposite sides of the law. Annie then chooses “Ideals of
make a choice on a particular line of action or recall a Brotherhood” as her second Script Line she can insert or play out during
relationship and leverage that in the fiction narration. play.

CREATING SCRIPT LINES Player Character Script Creation

A character will have 4 Script Lines. Each Line describes in Now go around the table for 2 other player characters.
brief detail what the character must do when certain The first person will pick up where you left off in your
situations arise. These Script Lines will change over time story. Maybe literally the next scene in that story, or
as the character grows as a person and advances in the maybe years later – use whatever timeframe makes
plot. All Script Lines should be able to be done almost sense. They will then describe that continuation and how
every single game. If a Script Line is part of a bigger plot their character interacted with yours in the next major
and will take time to complete – change it. drama or life event or intrigue.

 Script Lines are meant to be simple, quick and fun things They can choose to complicate your continuing story or to
you enjoy doing with your character every single game. have solved some need or problem you had at the time.
While the other player is adding to your story, you should
Note that most of these involve some amount of risk on feel free to insert your own ideas and any tone or conflict
the character’s part. That’s ok! You don’t need to risk life suggestions or corrections as they tell the continuation of
and limb for these, but don’t shy away from danger or your story. Then, when they have told their addition to
complications. Dangerous or negative Script Lines can be your story, you will pull from it one detail or action that
great ways to build your character in the nightly drama. still to this day, your character does or interacts with or
holds in their heart (for good or for ill) – that is the second
You will have 1 Script Line that highlights your character’s Script Line, which should tie you narratively that player
personality, quirks, or curious habits. Something like your character.
character is a “nervous smoker”, “depressed drinker”,
“shameless flirt”, or the like. This isn’t a flaw or special The next player will then pick up where the previous
ability, it’s something that brings them to life at the table. player left off in your story, again as much or little time
passing as needed. Each player must advance the story,
Additionally you will have 1 Person Script Line from your they cannot simply modify a previous story.
first drama and 1 Character Script Line per each player in
the group.  This is your character, your story. Speak up and let
players know if there are concepts or strife that you are
uncomfortable with, that’s fine. If you only want players
Personal Script Creation to add solutions and positive interactions with your
This is where you set the stage of the dramatic and character, then let them know so.
interesting character you are playing. What shaped you
and made you who you are today? What defining event
Storyteller Tenant Script Line
made your character willing step into the darkness and
Lastly the storyteller will give everyone the same single
challenge or dominate what they find there? Tell
script. This is going to be one based on the main theme
everyone else the story of some danger or intrigue your
of the game. So if the story is about star crossed lovers,
character faced that set them on the path this game will
then the ST might give everyone a theme of “True Love”.
pick up on and the others will interact with. You don’t
How the characters play that out is up to each player and
never every detail, and it does not need to be long, just
their character’s own take on that theme.
enough to give everyone an impression of who you are
and what motivates you. Use your Concept and Virtue
and Vice to help you create this tale. Then, when you
Milestones  Research: The world is big and full of lies, and it’s up to you
Milestones are distinct points in a characters life that are to find the truth. From data warehouses, hacking, blogs,
noteworthy. These range from simple defining moments to libraries, case files, and other media objects – to talking
life goals. with elders, historians, politicians or local wisemen. Find
some bit of info and go find out more about it.
Each character must come up with three Milestones = one
milestone for each XP category. There are three XP
categories: 1XP, 3XP, 10XP  Hobbies: Have a lot of guns? Make a scene about fixing
one, buying a new one, modifying an old one. Have your
You may only achieve each milestone once, but they do not character try their hand at painting, read some poetry to
need to be achieved in order. You may not achieve the 1XP the group (and laugh at their agony), work on your
or 3XP milestones again until you have achieved the 10XP transport, practice your athletics or a sport. Whatever it
milestone and gotten a new set of milestones.
is, go practice it or work on it – try to make some progress
that everyone can understand each game.
Once you achieve your 10XP milestone, all of your
milestones go away, and you must create 3 new ones. If you
didn’t achieve the 1XP or 3XP milestone before achieving the  Make Machiavelli Proud: The world may be full of lies,
10XP, then they are lost and still must be changed. so why not control the liars. Your character must
interact with any type of NPC that might have a way for
An example 1XP milestone is of something interesting and you to manipulate the world around you. It might be in
small. It could be having a discussion with a hated enemy.
a small way, like simple gambling bribes, or it might be
Or it could be aiding an ally in a side project of theirs.
in major ways – setting up assassinations. Have a goal
An example of a 3XP milestone is of something to make a political or social or criminal event happen.
noteworthy and large. It could be making a new ally, join
an organization, or maybe when you complete a plan of  Humanitarian Works: Go save the day! Maybe it’s
attack in an enemy compound. simple things like feeding the hungry, helping the
homeless or working with your junkie buddy to get off
An example of a 10XP milestone is of something life
smack. Whatever your idea of helping others is, go out
changing and epic. It could be the death of a loved one,
turning into the evil you always fought against, losing a and make a difference in someone’s life.
power or making a longtime ally a dire enemy. These can
be pretty rough and certainly change a character’s  Fuck the Police: Being a hero is for chumps – go rob a
outlook on life. So all the details may not be listed in the bank! Go commit a petty crime or make progress
milestone. Maybe you are not sure if your loved one will towards a major crime. Pick pockets, rob a vendor,
die, but you want that chance, that threat. For example: hack a bank, fight a bouncer, kill a hooker. However
you simply put in your 10XP milestone that “the loss of a
much a bad guy you are, go be it.
loved one or ally due to tragedy.”

MILESTONE THEMES  Play out your Fatal Flaw: Every character in World of
It’s a good idea to theme your Milestones, have a Darkness has a Fatal Flaw. Vampires have the Beast,
common idea for them a cohesive picture of your Werewolves have Lunacy, Demons have Torment and
character’s goals. Examples of Millstone themes are: Novas have Taint. This is how this Fatal Flaw affects you
and the stages with which it evokes change in your life.
 Playing out a Character Quirk: A noticeable habit such as It might start as a long hard philosophical talk about it
smoking, always cracking dad jokes, wearing fine clothing with others, and might lead up to pleading for help as
and complaining when they are a mess, or drinking heavily you teeter on the edge of madness. Or it might be
and commenting on lack of booze at times. having it prick at you, make you edgy or fearful or act
out in some way until you no longer recognize the
 Making Friends: Like attracts to like. If you are a dwarf, person you have become.
seek out other dwarves and get their life stories, if you
are a pop culture junkie, seek out news and gossip on  Become Battle Brothers: This is a focus on the other
the latest trends or celebrity drama. Whatever your player characters and making goals to build relationships
interest or lifestyle or physical makeup – you must go and bonds with them. From simply asking about who they
talk to people about it like you, or argue with people are, to resolving a major interpersonal crisis between the
who disagree with you. Start a bar fight or get everyone characters. This is a great way to char the journey of deep
singing holding arms. friendships, dire loyalty or bitter rivalry.

Choosing Merits
Merits represent another color, another type of paint, for MERITS AS STORY
your palette. Just as with other Traits, you should strive It’s been hinted at, but let’s explicitly state it: each Merit
to achieve two things with chosen Merits. First, they represents a story. A small story, to be sure, but a tale
should reflect your character concept, and moreover, add nevertheless. If your character has a Retainer, who are
to the concept (as in the way an extra swipe of paint on they? How did she get them? Every Merit comes with an
the canvas creates a shadow over a figure’s brow or unspoken question, so speak those questions aloud and
reveals broad and powerful shoulders). Second, Merits answer them. Who taught her Level-Headed? Tell a story
should be fun and useful. Merits have purpose; they of when she was beaten so bloody that she realized that
aren’t just for flavor. When tying both your character’s she had to be better, meaner, faster. Has she always had
deeper meaning with the cool mechanical advantages Eidetic Memory? Did it develop at a young age, or could
Merits provide, you’ve selected your dots appropriately. it have possibly come into being obsessed with study
while in prison? And Fame? Well, there has to be a story
SHAPING CHARACTER in there somewhere. Fame isn’t a throwaway Merit, it
When selecting a Merit, ask yourself, does it reflect your comes with history — even if it was made overnight, that
character? Is it believable? If your character grew up in one night tells a powerful story. Maybe she inadvertently
the Midwest and didn’t have much worldly experience, stopped a small town crime in progress and got in good
then why does he have Multilingual? A bookish student with the locals (and the fact she refuses to be
with a preponderance of Mental Traits might not be likely photographed for it only deepens the mystery). Maybe
to have a hell of a lot of Physical Merits, will she? Maybe she’s some famous singer-songwriter whose haunting
she has some physical ability — but Fighting Style: Jiu- lyricism has earned her quite the reputation and
jitsu? Iron Stomach? Do these make sense for her? recognition. Point is, Merits mean something about your
character, so tell the other players and Storyteller exactly
They might. The intersection of two unlikely Traits can what that “something” is.
reveal (or inspire) a lot about a character. How do we
even know if two Traits don’t make sense together MERITS AS WORLD-BUILDING
without the context of a character concept to tell us? So This is just an addendum to the above point, but Merits
you can take Merits that seem unexpected or out of place. help deepen the game world as well as your own
Just be prepared to explain them. Better than that — be character. In describing your haven or herd, tell the
eager to explain them. Be excited to reveal what two troupe about the neighborhood in which it sits. Paint the
Traits, together, reveal about your character that neither picture, and it’ll give the Storyteller some help as well as
would reveal alone. make for a more vivid location when it’s described. Having
a Mentor, be it your parent or some corporate bigwig,
If the story of how your character learns a Merit is going drops another character into the game — a character who
to be interesting, why not make it a part of her future in means something to your character and is connected to
play? Merits, especially, can reveal the growth and the larger picture. With Merits, you add to the world.
change of a character over time. That’s half the point of a
chronicle: watching your character change over time. THE SANCTITY OF MERITS
Your character should always change more after Expect that the money can be taken away, or that the job
character creation than before. can lead to dismay, poverty or outright horror. Whether
they are spent on things you acquire before or during the
Merits are cheap to buy with experience points but game, they may end up as sacrifices on the altar of good
harder to explain without stories (and Storyteller stories. Merit dots represent a protective fence, but that
approval). This is by design. Learning Dirty Fighting during fence is only as good as the story needs it to be. Paying
play may be as simple as spending a few scenes describing XP for a Merit requires the ST work into the story, reasons
the character finding a trainer or practicing the tricks. why it could be taken from you. And if the plot goes pear-
Finding new Allies may just require the Storyteller to sign shaped, the ST can remove Merits from a character who
off on it in the space between stories. Developing a failed to protect them. These things should be negotiated
relationship with a new Mentor may demand a character between the player and ST. This is to ensure everyone is
to seek one out during play, and not just fill in dots on the on the same page about the stakes and what could
character sheet. Acquiring these Merits can be cheap with transpire should failure occur.
experience points, but they should be tales in their own
right — tales worth telling.

Your Merits aren’t meant to just be thrown into a dark

cellar, never to see the light. Pick Merits that represent
your active character and their Milestones. Pick Merits
that you as a player find intriguing and want to see use in
play immediately.

Character Beginning Stats
These are chosen after you have gone through the
narrative process of creating a character and backstory
outlined above. Don’t spend too much time worrying
over how many points to put into any given stat. The
fiction you created about your character should inform
what stats you have a dot or two in and what merits you
should have to act out your character relationships.

Attributes*: 5/4/3 Size: 5

There are 3 groups to place dots into your Attributes: Unless merit or flaw changes this.
Physical (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina), Social (Charisma,
Manipulation, Resolve), and Mental (Intelligence, Health: Stamina + Size
Perception, Wits). Each Attribute starts with the first dot As their Stamina or possibly Size increases, their Health
free to represent the base ability for a person to function at will increase.
an inadequate or crippled level. You may distribute 5 dots
within one group. You may distribute 4 dots in a second Defense: Lowest of Wits or Dexterity
group. And lastly you may distribute 3 dots in the last group. As their Wits or Dexterity go up, this Defense value may
Max dots in any Attribute is 5, and minimum is 1. increase.
 Note that any Attributes at 1 dot may not be raised later in game
with XP. 1 Dot attributes represent a character who is in some way Merits: 10 points
born with a disability they cannot overcome without specific game Merit points may be used at creation to buy the following
plot events.  Merits: See Merits list for details and cost
 Skills: 1 Merit point buys you a Skill Dot
Skills: 11/7/5  Attributes: 3 Merit points buy you 1 Dot in an Attribute
There are 3 groups to place dots into your Skills: Physical,  Specialty: 1 Merit points buy 1 additional Skill Specialty
Social, and Mental. Skills start with 0 dots to represent no
knowledge or experience in that Skill. You may distribute 11 Flaws: Up to 7 points max
dots within one group. You may distribute 7 dots in a second Character Flaws may be taken, they do NOT gain you
group. And lastly you may distribute 5 dots in the last group. bonus dots; instead they gain bonus experience at the
Max dots in any Skill is 5. end of each story arc for role-playing them out. See Flaws
for details.
 Max dots in a given skill a character may start with is 3. While 4 dots
may be allowable with Storyteller approval.
Starting Equipment and Wealth
All characters start out with nothing more than the bare
Skill Specialties: 3
minimum to define who and what they are.
The lines between each Skill and its dots are for a single
word called a Specialty. This represents a very specific
 You start with 0 dots in the Merit: Resources
activity or item for which you are specialized in that skill.
You gain 3 Specialties to write in (note that it does not
So if you are a beat cop in Detroit, then you likely have a
matter which groups the skills you choose to place these
small poor apartment and little to no spending money,
into, you simply have 3 to allocate).
and an old dented up car. You were issued a gun and
 These may only be placed in skills that you have at least 1 dot in. uniform from the department, and little else.

Morality: 7 If you want to have a life where you can buy things, gear
All characters start with a Morality of 7 unless a flaw up, have a nice home, live in a better area – you need to
dictates otherwise. put dots into the Merits: Resources.
If you want any special items, you need to put dots in the
Willpower: Wits + Resolve Merit: Belongings.
Characters start with their Willpower pool at full.

 Note that Willpower does not go up as Wits or Resolve dots go up

after creation. This is only for initial setup.

Advancement XP Costs
Characters can gain better stats, new powers and even some  Attributes: New dots times 5
new or improved Merits. These all must be represented in  Skills: New dots times 3 (note that some may require
roleplay and have been portrayed by the character. being taught)
 Skill Specialties: 5xp each
Level Up Locked!  Merits: Most require being gained via role play. If
Until you have completed 4 Links, you cannot spend purchasable, they cost 5 times their dots.
your XP to level up. See Links for details.  Morality: 1 per completed morality based 10XP
 Willpower: 1 per completed Chronicle
Gaining Experience
Experience is not something that is automatic. It indicates
that enough time has passed that the actions your character Links
has performed has garnered them some noteworthy gains or These are bonding and social building points between
accomplishments. Skills and powers and a variety of other players characters.
things can be improved, honed and learned anew
throughout a characters life. This growth is encouraged by In most games it will be the group of player characters against
the actions your character performs in game as well as your the world. If your group chooses to have an adversarial game
where much of the drama and plot will come from player
involvement with the game overall. characters attacking or backstabbing and betraying other player
characters – then you can ignore this section. But for all other
 You get XP once per game session per item below games, this must be used.

At any time players can initiate a scene between their

character and any number of other characters. NPCs can be
A scene involves one or more of your flaws in which someone
involved too, but the focus should be on the player character
suffers the full brunt of the flaw.
interactions. The initiating player must then choose to
 You get XP equal to the Flaw point’s value.
engage in Camaraderie, Support, or Cede Spotlight with
 You gain +1XP when you go along with a Social Compel
their fellow player character. Upon the completion of this
or Command
scene, the initiating player gains 1 Link point. Ideally you
should gain a Link point from each other player character,
MEMORABLE SCENES EXTERNAL TO THE PLOT but in some cases the Storyteller may allow you to gain a Link
You make a memorable or eventful scene, something that from the same character twice. After they gain 4 Link points
goes above and beyond interacting with the plot. See they may create a scene to show some amount of growth
Roleplaying: Game Scenes for details. and camaraderie with any of their fellow player characters.
 You get +2XP This resets their Links to 0 and unlocks their XP so they can
 Participating player characters gain +1XP level up their character.


Once your character has played out all 4 Script Lines. See This should be to acknowledge the pain or loss or suffering
Script Lines for details. of a fellow player character. This is a moment of empathy
 You gain +1XP to understand what the other person is going through and to
try and bond over it. This is never pity, it is an attempt to
BOTCHED ROLLS assuage pain with understanding. This is more than a cheer
When you Botch a roll (When you roll the dice and more 1’s or a backrub. This is to genuinely bond with the other player
come up than successes), the Storyteller will typically make character and acknowledge their accomplishments in their
a Hard Action against your character. And like in real life, struggles by your side. Your buddy just did a grand thing, so
people learn from hardships and mistakes. celebrate their victory in their honour! Make them feel like
 You get +1XP you not only care about them but you also admire them.


This is to lend a hand in helping another player character
Each milestone is only gained once, and when you complete
with one of their personal goals or 3XP or 10XP Milestones.
you 10XP milestone all Milestones clear out, and a new set
These scene are meant to show how your character can be
much be created. See Milestones for details.
relied upon and offer a selfless hand to those who you have
 You gain XP once per Milestone equal to its value (1,
built relationships with.
3, and 10).

COMPLETE CHARACTER LINKS Whenever you narrate the way your character behaves in a
When you complete all 4 Links via scenes with other player
scene to set up one of the other players to complete the task,
characters. See Links for details.
get the kill, or otherwise be the focus of the scene. Don’t
 You get +1XP
just make them do the task, narrate how your character
highlights what they do and help them succeed.

Finesse is a measure of your character’s capacity to interact with
Characters are made up of Attributes and Skills that define then the world and influence others. The higher his score, the
as a person. Who they are, what they are capable of and what craftier, more delicate and more influential he is. Wits, Dexterity
they have been trained in. Any supernatural aspects come after and Manipulation have bearing when your character tries to
this, are in many ways – less important than these defining anticipate and react to his environment, and to coordinate
characteristics of the person you will be roleplaying. Think others.
about who they are, think about who they will become, and
certainly, think about how they fit into this story. People have Resistance indicates how well your character copes with
the inherent capacity to act, behave and think. We can perform influences from both without and within that might affect him
actions and have intuitive talents such as running, theorizing adversely. The higher his score the more staunch, sturdy or
and persuading others. So does your character. His basic, dignified he is. Wits, Stamina and Resolve apply when your
fundamental capabilities are represented with Attributes, which character responds to coercion, injury and influence. Wits tests
are the foundation of all the acts that he performs. These traits his ability to resist efforts to direct his mind, Stamina helps him
are classified into three categories (Mental, Physical and Social) shrug off physical trauma, and Resolve helps him recover from
and are rolled to determine how well your character horrifying experiences or social tension and still maintain
accomplishes efforts in the game. control.
Mental Attributes suggest how insightful, clever and Thus, you don’t usually check Strength when your character is
determined your character is. They are Intelligence, Wits and challenged in a social situation, because brute force doesn’t
Perception. apply where Wits (social recovery) is concerned. Similarly,
Dexterity doesn’t typically have bearing when interpreting a
Physical Attributes indicate how strong, graceful and enduring foreign language. That act calls upon the power of the mind and
your character is. They are Strength, Dexterity and Stamina. is the purview of Intelligence.
Social Attributes determine how imposing, magnetic and
dignified your character is. They are Charisma, Manipulation and Attribute Dots
Resolve. Attributes are rated 1 to 5 for ordinary people, and each
score suggests the degree of your character’s raw
In general, the three groupings of traits to guide which are used capability in that area.
based on the circumstances: Mental, Physical and Social. For
example, there are Mental Attributes (Perception, Intelligence,
and Wits), and Mental Skills (Academics, Crafts, Intrigue, etc). Dots Ability
These groupings are there to suggest which Attribute and Skill  Poor. Unexercised, unpracticed or inept.
to pair when making an action (in this case a Mental action). But  Average. The result of occasional effort or
the player may describe the approach to the action at hand in a application.
different way, so it is not required to pair Mental Attributes with
Mental Skills.  Good. Regular practice or effort, or naturally
The Attributes of ordinary people are rated from 1 to 5. It’s
 Exceptional. Frequently applied, tested and
possible for someone to have more dots, but these individuals
honed, or naturally gifted.
are typically beyond the human ken, partially or fully a part of
the mysterious supernatural world. Perhaps they’re touched by  Amazing. The peak of normal human capability.
spirits or born to a legacy of service to unseen beings. Continuously exercised or naturally blessed.

When your character performs an action, the Attribute most

appropriate to the effort is referenced. If he tries to remember Normally, it’s not possible for a character to have 0 dots in an
what he read during library research last week, you look to his Attribute. That suggests the absolute vacancy of any capability
Intelligence dots. If he tries to jump a chasm, you check his in the trait in question. Now, a person could be physically,
Strength. If he tries to make a good first impression on a group mentally or socially disabled or crippled. Those conditions are
of people, you apply his Charisma score. Your character’s dots reflected with Flaws, however, not through zero-rated
are usually rolled as part of a dice pool. Attributes are Attributes.
sometimes combined and rolled to see if an action can be
accomplished, but they are more often combined with Skills. Just about the only instance in which an Attribute can be
The Storyteller will tell you what Attributes are applicable to reduced to zero (and usually temporarily) is by supernatural
your character’s actions, and what rolls you can make. means. A spell, curse or affliction is imposed on your character
that eliminates all of the dots in his trait. In these cases, no roll
Another guideline for knowing which traits to roll is tied to your can be made at all whenever the Attribute in question would
Attributes themselves. The general concepts of which Attribute normally be called for. So, if your character is afflicted with total
to use to attack, defend, or test ability: Power, Finesse, and loss of bodily control (zero Dexterity), you make no rolls for any
Resistance. Just like Mental, Physical and Social groupings, they situation that calls for Dexterity in a dice pool, even if he has
have no in game mechanical effect – they are just guidelines. dots in a pertinent Skill or has access to tools that would be
helpful. Your character can’t even hope to aim a gun or direct
Power is the degree of effect that your character has on others his movements. In essence, the action fails outright.
and his surroundings. The higher his score, the smarter, more
potent or more imposing he is. Intelligence, Strength and
Charisma therefore apply when your character seeks to force
himself on his environment.
“I’m sick of this,” Becky announced in frustration. She Martin had accepted some weird jobs, but this one took Lucasz sat on the leather divan, jacket
immediately regretted her outburst as her words the cake. He’d installed or repaired plumbing across the unbuttoned, hands in his lap, waiting for his odd
echoed throughout the musty old library. Fortunately, city. host to enter the room. Above the musky scent
this late at night, even during exams, no one else was
of the leather, Lucasz caught a whiff of…
there to hear. She had been working on her thesis for He liked the work; jobs could be challenging and fun.
weeks without getting anywhere. Once again, she poppies? ...and heard the clink of glass on glass.
wondered if a degree in Linguistics was a good choice. Busting open drywall and messing with pipes was like
tinkering with the skeleton of a building. You got to see A stooped man with a beak-like nose – probably
Her research was simply not panning out as she hoped, straight into people’s private worlds. Sometimes you even Barzeski’s servant – limped into the room, a
but after another pep talk, she forced herself back into got to peek at the skeletons in their closets. fluted glass on a silver service tray in his hand.
the stacks. What other choice did she have? It was “An aperitif while the lord dresses, dear guest?”
when reaching for a book on Sanskrit that she made her But why be hired to do a full re-pipe at this place and be the servant rasped.
real discovery. A dusty old volume that seemed to have told not to go on the top floor? Martin had to know. So,
fallen between bookcases. It was bound in leather, or when the greasy guy who hired him caught him at the top
“If it’s all the same to you, I prefer my wine
something like it, and had no publication date. Indeed, of the stairs, Martin had to think fast.
the book was nothing like she had ever seen before. No
without laudanum,” answered Lucasz.
end papers. No table of contents. It just launched into “Yeah, I tried to find you. It’s uh… it’s what I was afraid
some strange text. of. An old building like this, the fittings have given way The servant blanched.
from wood rot or something. We’re, uh… we’re gonna
The next thing she knew, Becky had passed hours need to re-route all the pipes upstairs instead of running Perception measures a character’s ability to observe
studying the book. It had characters reminiscent of the same lines.” Damn, that was good, he thought. Might his environment. This may involve a conscious effort,
Latin and Greek, yet different, with odd pictographs be able to squeeze some extra bucks out of this job. such as searching an area, but it’s more often
throughout. As near as she could tell, it was dedicated intuitive, as the character’s keen senses notice
to a religion or to ceremonies of some kind, but from The other man didn’t seem convinced.
something out of the ordinary. Perception is a
what culture she had no idea. She did know that if she
was ever going to find out, she would need more time sensitivity to the character’s surroundings, and is
The ability to think on one’s feet, under pressure or duress, seldom present in the cynical or jaded. Perception is
with it. without letting them see you sweat. Wits also used to determine whether or not a character notices
encompasses an eye for detail, the ability to absorb what’s a given sensory detail or detects an environmental
The raw power of the mind. Cognitive capacity. The going on in the environment, and to react to events. It
inherent capability to digest, comprehend and remember stimulus. It can warn a character ambushes, help a
might mean recognizing that the temperature in a room character identify a metaphor, distinguish a clue from
information, and to learn more. Intelligence is a direct slowly drops, that a landscape painting incorporates a
measure of how smart your character is. She may be dull- a pile of refuse, or uncover any other hidden or
disguised human face, or that a trap is about to be sprung. overlookable detail, whether physical or otherwise.
minded or have narrow-vision. She may be book-smart, or Wits involves the powers of perception and response. Your
she may simply be able to grasp concepts, interpret Aspects of a highly perception character might
character may be oblivious, dumbfounded, quick-eyed or describe them as; Attentive, Insightful, Careful,
situations and solve problems quickly. Intelligence is wary. The trait is useful for entrepreneurs, charlatans,
valued by planners, theorists, scholars, white-collar Discerning, or Detail Oriented.
athletes, tacticians, lawyers and criminals.
employees and leaders.

Martin was stunned. He wasn’t sure how long he stared at “What the fuck am I doing?” Joshed wondered as he picked “Do you understand now?” the priest asked.
the blood on his hand, bewildered by what it might mean. his way down the trash-strewn hallway. “This is exactly
Was the guy who owned the place some kind of psycho, where I didn’t want to go.” He had evaded the homeless Becky was in shock. Moments before, she’d stormed to her
killing people and pouring their blood down the drain? He people in the alley, but then had nowhere to go except into door, ready to unleash her frustration on whomever had
wasn’t sure, but he finally decided that he didn’t want to one of the old tenements. His leg burned from the long dared to interrupt her. Her research had not gone well. The
find out. It was weird, though. It was like he couldn’t think scratches the fence left him. He hoped his tetanus shot was meaning or purpose of the book still eluded her, and she
straight. This should have scared the shit out of him, and up to date; he couldn’t remember. The place smelled like was at the end of her rope.
here he was kind of out of it, like he’d had a few. When he piss. He could hear music blaring somewhere, and a baby
got upstairs, he realized the lights were on. It was already crying. “Who could raise a kid here?” he wondered. Once she recovered sufficiently from the shock of finding a
dusk outside, given the last light coming in through the priest at her door, she answered. “What?” “Do you
windows. “When did that happen,” he wondered. He didn’t have time to think about the answer, though. His understand now? About the book? About what it says?”
eyes were suddenly drawn from the stained carpet to the Becky continued her look of disbelief. How could this
“I meant to…” His thought went unfinished. Standing before light at the end of the hall. Three shapes filled it. Two more perfect stranger and a man of the cloth know anything
him at the foot of the stairs was the most beautiful woman turned the corner behind him. They were the people from about her, or more importantly the book? “I see,” he
he’d ever seen. Normally, he didn’t go for brunettes. They outside. Maybe they weren’t so homeless, after all. continued as he let himself in and shut the door.
reminded him of his ex-, but somehow this one made it
work. Did she ever. “What was I doing?” Martin muttered, On the verge of panic once again, Josh recognized one of the Becky didn’t object. She could scarcely complete a thought.
but no answer came. men. “Hey, Eddy, it’s me, Josh. What’s going on?” The five
dirty, disheveled men stopped a few feet away, with “You might be confused. I understand. Rest assured,
The woman’s dark eyes contrasted her pale skin, and menacing looks on their faces. “What are you doing here, though, you’re the one. The book chose you. It knows
focused intently on the blood on Martin’s hand, on the blood Josh?” Eddy asked. you’re ready. Well, almost. That’s why I’m here. I’m here
that he’d absently smeared across his shirt. “Did you hurt to help open your eyes.” And with that, everything Becky
yourself?” the woman asked. “Here, let me make it better.” “I was looking for something… a guy. I thought I saw him go had stared at and studied moved about in her mind like the
in here. Maybe you could help me find him? I think I got a pieces of a puzzle. They spun, crisscrossed and overlapped
Bearing. Stature. Assertiveness. Charisma suggests the power couple bucks.” and finally formed a complete picture. Looking at it was
of your character’s very identity. Your character may be jaw- like looking at the sun. It was like staring into the void and
dropping gorgeous, plain-Jane or downright ugly, but her “We don’t want your fucking money.” For a second, Josh knowing that the void stared back. In that moment,
Charisma means much more. It reflects her sheer command wondered if he saw that same bestial look that he’d seen Becky’s mind snapped.
over the attention of others. It’s her capacity to impose her earlier that day but this time in Eddy’s eyes.
will on others by being socially aggressive or powerful; a Poise. Dignity. Determination. The capacity to remain
veritable paragon or someone who simply doesn’t accept no Persuasiveness. Doublespeak. Guilt trips. The capacity to play calm and appear, and actually be, unfazed in social and
for an answer. This attribute is essential to leaders, enforcers, upon the desires, hopes and needs of others to influence threatening situations, usually harrowing ones. Your
interrogators, models, politicians and salespeople. You can’t them. Manipulation reflects your character’s finesse in social character might lose his temper at the slightest perceived
force someone to think a different way or to make them like situations. How well he can appeal to, gain the favor of, and insult, collapse emotionally under a mere pretense,
you then they have many reasons to not do so. But you can generally coerce others. Using Manipulation is using logic, weather a storm of verbal (or literal) slings and arrows, or
influence opinions, give enemies pause, or get that chance to reason, knowledge, or emotional connection to coerce or have the nerve to look unspeakable horror in the eye. This
persuade someone who otherwise might not even give others create doubt in others that give you an edge over the debate. trait is a measure of emotional fortitude, restraint and
the time of day. This is your ability to use your personality, You don’t need to be likeable to be manipulative, you just calm. It’s ideal among leaders, soldiers, moderators and
social graces and precise gestures to garner the emotional need to know the right things to say to make others think anyone whose movements are public consumption.
response from a subject. Even with simple words, the way agreeing with you is the best course of action. Cold logic can Resolve is vital to resisting social influence and pressure,
you say them and the way you present yourself overrides be a common part of it, but so can veiled hypocrisy too. overt, covert or otherworldly. Resolve is pivotal to
nuances and bends people to your will. You may be making Where Charisma deals in social force, Manipulation focuses resisting supernatural forms of emotional control; it acts
sense and using logic, or not, it doesn’t really matter because on social subtlety. It’s the tool and trade of businesspeople, as a veritable emotional defense. The trait is also vital to
you are so convincing the way you say it and how you act politicians, sales folk and publicists. efforts among supernatural beings such as vampires and
around the target. werewolves to restrain themselves when their blood is
raised and frenzy threatens.

Josh had retraced his steps back to where he fell, to where Becky thanked the pizza guy absently as she closed her
STRENGTH he saw that thing. He turned on the sidewalk, surveying apartment door. His nose wrinkled in distaste, not
“God damn,” Martin grunted as he pulled on the drain
his neighborhood. It wasn’t the best place to live, but he because she failed to tip him but because of the smell
cover in the basement. Somehow, water was still
couldn’t afford any better. The worst of it was the bums of her room, because of her greasy hair and because of
backing up in the system. Everything else checked out,
and homeless, but they left him alone if he gave them her clearly unwashed appearance.
so it had to be a clog in the outtake to the sewer. The
some change.
building was so old that it still had a dirt-floor
Becky never noticed the silent insult. She hadn’t really
basement, yet the drain cover was stuck like a son of a
Josh snapped out of his daydream and realized that he’d noticed anything for weeks. In fact, eating had become
been staring glassy-eyed at the alley across the street. something that she had to remind herself to do. Now it
There was something about it. He shook his head to clear was the book that consumed her. Even as she pushed
“I could dig around it,” Martin thought, “but that would
it and waited for a couple cars to pass. aside scattered and wadded up papers to sit down, she
take time.” This was the last place he wanted to be
kept her nose in the book. It demanded every ounce of
pulling late hours. The whole building and the guy who
The alley lay between rundown tenements and ran past her attention.
hired him really gave him the creeps. It was like the guy
an old parking lot. No one parked there anymore.
resented Martin being there, as if the plumber was
Cardboard boxes and scattered blankets used by bums Translating and understanding it had become her
intruding on something the guy wanted for himself.
blocked the way. Josh almost turned back, not wanting to obsession.
piss off the street people, but then he remembered how
“Fuck it,” Martin thought, and went to his truck to get
angry he got back home. It superseded sleep, food, even her thesis. At first, she
a crowbar. Jamming it between grilles, he pried with
hoped the book would be invaluable to her research.
everything he had. He pushed so hard he thought he
He steeled himself and headed down the alley. Almost Now she pored over it for its own sake. If she kept
was going to piss himself, when the cover cracked loose
immediately, open hands reached out from what looked studying, kept interpreting.
with a clang.
like heaps of trash or discarded clothing as the homeless
muttered for money. After a moment, their pleas turned She knew comprehension would come.
Aiming his flashlight down the hole, Martin saw
to angry shouts as Josh ventured further into their
something he couldn’t explain. Like a man who’d done
territory. Panicking, Josh jumped up the chain-link fence As the night wore on, Becky continued to work. The
this work for years, he reached down the pipe to his
next to him. It was the closest escape route. He wished he pizza box went unopened.
hadn’t when he got to the barbwire at the top, but forced
himself upward and over. Sturdiness. Steadfastness. Sheer physical resilience.
When he pulled his arm free, his hand was coated red.
Stamina is a measure of how tough your character is. It
He didn’t quite make it, and the rusted steel tore through indicates how far she can push her body, and how much
Physical might. Sheer bodily power. The capacity to lift his pants and into his leg. physical abuse she can endure. Your character might be
objects, move items, hit things and people, and do
sickly and frail, or hardy and unstoppable. Bouncers,
damage. Strength is a measure of muscle. Your character Agility. Quickness. Response time. A delicate touch. brawlers, triathletes, survivalists, heavy lifters and
could be 98-pound weakling, he could carry a spare tire, or Dexterity indicates how quickly and with how much workaholics thrive on Stamina.
he could be lean and cut or bulky and brawny. Your finesse your character responds to his physical world.
character’s Strength score is used in hand-to-hand While high Wits dots helps your character spot trouble,
combat. This trait is instrumental to laborers, thugs, high Dexterity dots help him react to it, whether with a
athletes, brawlers and law-enforcement agents. Strength counteraction or to simply get the hell out of the way.
is also added to Brawl or Weaponry attacks to determine Dexterity also helps with hand-eye coordination, be it to
the amount of harm your character inflicts in combat. fire an accurate shot, to juggle objects or to perform
delicate jobs such as handle explosives. Your character
might be sluggish, clumsy, slight, quick or nimble.
Dexterity is invaluable to criminals, sports stars, surgeons
and dancers.

DEFENSE SPEED General Movement Rates Chart (average values)
Each character will have a Walk, Run, and Sprint speeds. How fast a human walks = 3mph
This represents a characters ability to move out of the way
How fast can a human jog/run = 6 mph
of danger. It’s not literally dodging bullets or catching These are used for scenes where it matters how fast you are How fast a human can sprint = 15mph
arrows. It is more of your general ability to make yourself going, or how quickly you can get there. Refer to Movement How fast can a human swim = 2mph
a hard target to hit. See Combat section for details. for simply getting around a combat Range Zone. There are How long can a human walk = about 8 to 12 hours with basic
two values for each: Feet values for when in Rounds, and How far can a human standing Long = 7ft
Miles Per Hour when out of Rounds. Flying characters will jump
HEALTH have separate stats for flying and walking. For all intents and How far can a human running long = 12ft
This is not a set of hitpoints until your character is out of purposes these are the movement values that will be used in jump
the fight. There are conditions that will cause your How high can a human standing high =16inches (no leg bend)
World of Darkness games as a base. They are fairly simple and jump
character to pass out, become dizzy or disoriented or even represent the most common forms of movement. For a How high can a human running high =24inches (no leg bend)
start to bleed out from blood loss and more. In general, it standard size human (16 year old child to average adult): jump

is best to look at your character’s health track as just how How fast can a horse walk = 3mph
much pain they can handle and how big they are When In Action Rounds When Not in Rounds How long can a horse walk = 17 hours
physically. See Damage and Healing section for details. (Per Action Card) How fast can a horse trot = 8mph
Walk: 5ft Walk: Dexterity = mph How long can a horse trot = 2 hours
* Run: Dexterity x3ft * Run: Dexterity x 2mph How fast can a horse gallop = 30mph
SIZE ** Sprint: Dexterity x7ft ** Sprint: Dexterity x 5mph How long can a horse gallop = 1 min
** Swimming: 3ft ** Swimming: Dexterity = mph How fast can a horse drawn carriage = 20mph
Size is a relative concept in World of Darkness. Most of the go
time a character is trying to get enough gas to fill a room, *All actions taken during this kind of movement are at a -2. How fast does a horse drawn carriage =2mph
**No other actions may be combined with this movement travel at normal speed
or cast a spell over an orc, or a dozen orcs for that matter.
unless a special rule or the storyteller states otherwise. How long can a horse pull an average = 4 hours, rest for hour or two,
Maybe they are trying to target a small pistol on a table or full carriage then 4 more hours
maybe they need a bomb big enough to take down the
How fast can a sailboat sail = 7mph
Manhattan Visa credit card building. Thus the sizes listed How fast can a sailing ship go = 10mph
below are mean to be visually evocative of a rough area LIFTING AND CARRYING How many hours a day does a ship = 12 hours (a bit more or less
and/or possibly weight too (if relevant). These concepts The chart indicates how much a character can lift, but that sail by the wind and crew due to weather and crew)
amount represents a focused, one-time act. That weight How far can a sailing ship go in a day = 100 to 140 miles (depending
are similar to the way the mind typically relates things, so (fair winds, galleon size ship) on winds and sails)
don’t get hung up on length times width times height isn’t what he can walk around holding and wearing, day to
calculations. Find a description from the chart below that day. Birds fly (cruise) = about 30mph
Strength Feat Lift Birds fly (flapping hard) = about 60mph
is roughly as big as
Description Size 1 Lift a chair 20 lbs.
Rat 1 the item or area you 2 Lift a large dog 80 lbs. How far can a bird go in a day
House Cat* 2 need to affect and 3 Lift a dirt bike 250 lbs. Small birds tend to not go further than 50 miles a day in a given area. If
Human child (5 to 7 years old) 3 trying to migrate, small birds can go up to 500 miles a day; while large
move on, no more 4 Lift a coffin 400 lbs.
birds can cover up to 1500 miles in a day; especially with a tailwind. A day
Wolf 4 5 Lift a truck engine 650 lbs.
Human (180lbs) 5 detail is needed. And being 8 to 10 hours daylight, birds tend to not fly at night
Cow (500lbs) 6 if it really, really is,
Horse (1000lbs) 7 just narrate and Your character can realistically carry/tote 25 pounds per
Elephant (4.5 tons) 8 dot of Strength without penalty. If he attempts to carry
Garbage Truck (18 tons) 9
roleplay it out.
House (100 tons) 10 more, every action involving physical exertion incurs an
Galleon Ship (1,000 tons) 11 automatic -1 penalty for every 25 pounds of excess gear
Aircraft Carrier (50,000 tons) 12 that he has. Furthermore, every 25 pounds he piles on
Skyscraper (Empire State Building) 13
Mountain 14 beyond what he can carry reduces his speed. Perhaps he
City* 15 can actually lift everything he’s wearing and holding, but
* Beyond that we get into things that are only he can’t go anywhere with it. The Storyteller makes the
really in the realm of more or less
"descriptive sizes" - in other words; there is
final call on what your character may realistically carry.
no size value associated with say, an orbital
moon or a microscopic germ.

Supernatural Attributes
These are applied by system and are here as a reference
for the terms and function of each when mentioned.

Each dot of Potence grants the character 1 additional a Each dot of Alacrity grants the character the following
success on any physical roll that uses Strength. It also benefits:
adds +1 multiplier to their lifting amount (i.e. Potence 1 =
2x lifting amount, Potence 3 = x4 Lifting amount, etc.)  +1 attack for the Action Card they chose to attack on. This may
only be used if attacking (not to run and attack for example)

Potence and Ranged Weapons  +1 to their base Defense for Dodging (throws away their
Any ranged weapons that use the characters Strength as highest card)
motivation for the projectile, Bows, Thrown items, and
the like; will benefit from massive inhuman strength. It
adds Potence damage to the weapon’s attack and it adds
a number of additional range increments to the weapon’s FORTITUDE
max range equal to the character dots in Potence. (i.e. if Each dot of Fortitude grants the character 1 additional a
base range for the weapon is 20 yards and its max range success on any physical roll that uses Stamina. It also adds
is 100 yards, and the character has 3 dots in Potence; +1 multiplier to their duration of running, holding breath,
then the max range is increased by 20x3 or 60 yards.) going without food, water, or sleep. Wounds are healed
at a rate of 10% faster per dot in Fortitude (up to a
maximum of 90%).
CELERITY Additionally it makes them harder to harm as below:
Each dot of Celerity grants the character the following  3 points of Bashing soak
benefits:  2 points of Lethal soak
 1 point of Aggravated soak
 1 additional Action Card in combat.

 Adds +1 multiplier to their speed in all actions that involve

Dexterity (i.e. Celerity 1 = 2x move speed, Celerity 3 = x4 HEIGHTENED SENSES
move speed, etc.) This allows characters to see in low light like a cat, hear as
well as an elephant and smell as well as a hound. This
 1 additional success on successful Dexterity rolls
gives them +2 dice on all Perception rolls and likely the
 +2 per dot to their Defense for Dodging (throws away their possibility of hearing things or seeing or smelling things
highest card). only an animal with that exceptions sense might.
 Also, normally no defensive bonus is given to any creature
against ballistic attacks; such as guns. However with at  Note: These senses cannot be turned “off”.
least 1 dot in Celerity they get their Defense subtracted
from ballistic attacks.

Skills are broad categories of activities that indicate a characters Specialties
competence in a given area. These differ from Attributes in the Skills represent broad bases of knowledge and physical training
definitions of the dots. A character's Attributes measure his in a given subject. An auto mechanic doesn't just know about
innate physical, mental and social qualities - how strong he is, fixing engines, for example, but is versed in repairing tires,
how quick he thinks on his feet, and how well he interacts with replacing windows and painting the body. In addition to this
other people. The different ways in which a character can apply broad foundation of knowledge, characters can specialize in a
these Attributes are determined by his Skills. A character's Skills particular aspect of a Skill, giving them an edge in a particular
reflect the education, experience, and training he's acquired application due to their increased training.
over the course of his life, and are a reflection of his origins and
interests. Skills can be acquired in any number of ways, from  You may only have 1 Specialty per skill.
institutionalized learning to hard, hands-on experience. A young
recruit at the police academy is trained to use a handgun, while  Rolls involving a Skill Specialty gain +1 die to their roll
a criminal learns to shoot as a matter of survival. when using that skill in a way that utilizes that specialty.

Like Attributes, Skills are broken down into three general  Rolls that need a Skill Specialty you don’t have may impose
categories: Mental, Physical and Social. If a player can describe a -2 penalty to the roll or not let you roll at all.
an action where one skill may apply in a different situation
(maybe using Athletics to Socially impress someone for
So, if your character has Crafts, but also has a Specialty in
example), then that is fine! These are just guideline categories.
Automobiles, you gain a +1 bonus when he works on cars. You
are limited only by your imagination when naming your
Mental skills are ones that task a person’s ability to reason out
character's Skill Specialties, although it should be specific. A
logic problems or make connections between points of data and
character possessing the Streetwise skill might focus on racing
or getaway driver. Typically only 1 or two words are used to
label the Specialty. Each skill listed has a number of suggested
Physical skills are ones that task a person’s body, fitness, and
Specialties to give you an idea of the possibilities.
coordination. A person uses physical skills typically for general
mobility, delicate handling, or trained action. They are

Social skills are ones that help a person control or influence a Skill Equipment
social situation. They are used to get people to do things, think Having the proper equipment for a task can often mean the
things, or otherwise consider your characters words more than difference between success and failure. In addition to
the gun in their hand. situational modifiers and Specialties, Skill rolls gain bonus
dice if your character uses high-quality or specialized
Unskilled Actions equipment when performing a feat. For example, a driver
Any roll that requires a Skill a character has no dots in may not with a high-performance sports car has an edge in a race
be possible at all and, as determined by the Storyteller; the over someone in an old pickup. Each task presented lists a
character may not get to roll at all if they just have no idea what variety of tools that could provide bonus dice to your Skill
they are doing or even looking at. Other times, the player can roll. These lists are by no means exhaustive. You're
roll (typically just an Attribute), but their successes can never be encouraged to employ other types of tools or equipment to
considered higher than 1 success, no matter how many were assist in performing a task, but the Storyteller is the final
rolled. This may apply to actions that need Skill Specialties too. arbiter on what bonus, if any, gear provides. It's possible that
using poor-quality tools might even make a task more
Skill Dots difficult to perform, so choose wisely.
Skills are rated from 0 to 5, with each score suggesting your
character's level of proficiency and knowledge in that area.

Dots Proficiency Level

Zero None. Never seen or done this before, or otherwise has no
knowledge of what it takes to perform this task adequately

 Novice. Basic knowledge and/or techniques. Your character is
familiar with this skill or task.

 Practitioner. Solid working knowledge and/or techniques. Your

character could do this as a job or make money at it or compete at it.

 Expert. Broad, detailed knowledge and/or techniques. Your character

is likely the best at his workplace, or locally at this.

 Master. Exceptional depth of knowledge and/or techniques. Your

character is likely the best in the industry at this, or best in most
places. They could have won international competitions at it.

 Legend. Unsurpassed depth of knowledge and/or techniques. A

leader in the field. Your character is the best in the world at this and
will likely be so for years to come and will be remembered for the
achievements they have done.

Skill List Crafts
Howard pressed the carving tool gently against
the smoothly spinning wood, shaving off a steady
Mental Skills are applications of a character's insight,
curl of pine with the whispery, scratching sound
acumen and focus, such as examining a crime scene for
that he once loved. He hadn't been down in his
clues, unraveling an enigma or diagnosing an illness.
workshop since Angela died. He'd forgotten how
These Skills are almost entirely gained from a period of
much he enjoyed working with his hands.
formal education, and most characters with high Mental
Skills can claim a degree or even a doctorate in their field
He heard the basement door open, and Martha's
of study. These traits are generally associated with your
voice, heavy as lead, sank down the stairs. "Dad?
character's Mental Attributes, but can also be paired with
What are you doing down there?”
Physical Attributes for hands-on applications such as
performing surgery (Dexterity + Academics) or computer
"Just a quick project, hon," he called back over his
repair (Dexterity + Crafts).
shoulder. "Should be done in a few more
Untrained Skill Use: If your character doesn't have the
necessary Mental Skill required for an action, she can still
"Okay. Listen, I'm going to start cleaning out
make the attempt. Roll her Attribute alone, but with a -3
mom's stuff. I could use some help.”
Howard put down the carving tool and switched
Academics off the lathe. He tried to keep his voice even. "I've
Doctor Carlton's library was a shambles. got to go out for a while today. Can it wait till I
Bookshelves leaned on broken supports as if get back?”
drunk, and piles of antiquated tomes lay
scattered amid bits of broken glass and ceramic Not waiting for an answer, he undid the clamps
on the carpeted floor. Julia picked her way and pulled the chair leg from the lathe. The end
through the debris to Carlton's desk and was now tapered to a fine, strong point.
examined a large, leather-bound book resting on
the ink-stained blotter. "It's his journal," she said, From woodworking to professional gamblers, this skill
running a slim finger over the careful lines of covers all forms of learned talents typically associated
script. "The last thing he wrote looks like Latin: with gaining income or making items. Crafts represents a
'mali principii malus finis.'“ character's training or experience in a profession or
specific talent. This is not the skill for making art (That
"The bad end of a bad beginning," Stapleton would be under Expression.) You would pick this if your
translated, bleakly surveying the damage from character is a welder as simple job (crafts). If he mostly
the doorway. "I told him that damned idol would uses his welding for making art, then use the Expression
be the death of him.” skill.

Academics is a broad-based Skill that represents a Characters possessing this skill typically have the tools or
character's degree of higher education and general facilities to make use of their capabilities. A character
knowledge in subjects that are typically taught in a might be an exceptional mechanic, for example, but still
classroom or by some sort of mentor or instructor - needs to sweet-talk his boss into opening up the garage
everything from English to history, economics to law, war after-hours to work on his friend's car. Crafting a piece of
to politics. Dots in this skill do not directly correlate to a art or creating an object is almost always an extended roll,
given level of education. Your character could have with the length of time and number of successes required
entered a doctorate program but spent more time determined by the complexity of the piece. The
partying than studying, resulting in low dots. Conversely, Storyteller has final say on the time required and the
a self-taught individual who read voraciously and studied number of successes needed for a particular item.
intensively could have high dots without ever earning a
diploma. Possessed by: Contractors, mechanics, plumbers, sculptors,
Possessed by: College graduates, executives, lawyers,
librarians, scholars, students Specialties: Automobiles, Aircraft, Forging, Jury-Rigging,
Architecture, Sewing
Specialties: Occult Lore, Anthropology, Art, English,
History, Law, Religion, Military Tactics, Medical Doctor,
Engineering, Sciences

Intrigue Investigation
Edgar Young spread his pasty, perfectly manicured All the other detectives were convinced. An arsonist
hands and gave Wilson one of his trademark grins. "Mr. had set the hotel fire and vandalized the fire
Wilson, I'm the governor's political advisor, not a hydrant out front so firefighters couldn't put out the
member of the Public Health Service. I don't have the blaze. But Janet wasn't so sure. The hydrant was
authority to do what you're asking.” literally ripped from of its moorings.

"No, but the Public Health Commissioner is a political Who could do that without something like a truck
appointee, and if memory serves, he's one of the and tow chains? Who could do that so quickly,
governor's golf buddies," Wilson replied. "I'm sure if you without being seen? She contemplated the answer
made a suggestion to the governor - and pointed out to as she picked through the building's smoldering
him the risks of being implicated in a criminal cover-up remains. When she stumbled across a charred
- he'd persuade the commissioner to close the wooden stake, she knew something was not as it
orphanage. Then we can relocate the kids until we finish seemed.
investigating the disappearances.”
Investigation is the art and science of solving mysteries,
The condescending smirk melted from Young’s face. examining seemingly disparate evidence to find a
connection, answering riddles and overcoming
"Let me make a few calls," he said coldly. paradoxes. It not only allows your character to get into
the head of a killer to grasp his motives or plans, it allows
Intrigue is a proactive skill which shows your character’s her to look beyond the mundane world to guess at
competence in affecting all of the mysteries and answers to mysterious problems, or to have a "eureka"
connections and influences of the world they are in. moment that offers insight into baffling circumstances.
When you want to set up a scheme, get others to react to Your character might realize that all murder victims have
your plans, or to cause certain behaviors – this is the skill the same digits jumbled in their phone numbers, she
that determines how good you are at that. It can span might interpret a dream that has striking similarities to
anything from a high class soiree to a political convention events in the real world, or she could recognize why an
to a criminal faction planning their next move. For intruder took the time to paint a room red. Certain
example, characters possessing this skill are not only individuals such as law-enforcement officers, forensic
familiar with the way the political intrigue process works, specialists, scientists and investigators are trained in the
they're experienced with bureaucracies, laws, legislation art of examination, while others simply develop the knack
and can deduce who to call in a given situation to get through years of practice.
something done. Someone well versed in Intrigue keeps
track of who's in power and how she got there, along with Investigation-based rolls are typically made when a
her potential rivals and their likely moves against her. He character actively studies a situation. Dots in Investigation
has a grasp of the issues of the moment and how they don't give a character sudden insight or capability in the
affect social or power structures. realms of other skills (i.e. if you have no dots in Crafts with
a Specialty in Auto Mechanics, then you may not
This skill also applies to any interactions your character is understand what you are looking at in this place).
involved with which involves her managing the Typically if the act is looking for an item or footprint or
proceedings or dealings between two factions or some physical clue, then it might be Perception +
organizations. Be they rival street gangs, to college facility Investigation. Whereas if it’s going over evidence and
boards, or even two clandestine cults. She will know how trying to put clues together in a meaningful way, or
to pick up on cues and techniques or goals of each and debating the merits of clues, then it might be Intelligence
how that can inform her manipulations. + Investigation. And if it’s a process of going over a list of
clues or trying to think of what might be a clue, then
Intrigue is not a skill for research of analyzation. If you perhaps Wits + Investigation would be used to indicate
need to understand connections or find clues as to why something that was seen but discounted or forgotten.
things are happening – use Investigation instead.
She can't miraculously identify changing brushstrokes in a
Possessed by: Bureaucrats, journalists, lawyers, lobbyists, painting, for example. That would be the realm of
secret agents, police Academics or Crafts. But she might identify how the
placement of paintings throughout a house creates a
Specialties: Bribery, Social Butterfly, Federal, Local, State, pattern and imparts a message.
Scandals, Planting Evidence, Social Engineering
Possessed by: Criminals, doctors, forensic examiners, police
officers, scientists, scholars, soldiers

Specialties: Artifacts, Crime Scenes, Cryptography, Dreams,

Autopsy Diagnoses, Puzzles, Riddles, Scientific Experiments

The photo was a grainy digital reproduction, but
the faces of the uniformed men were clear
enough to be recognizable.

Carla pointed a trembling finger at one of them.

"That's Mr. Denisov. Oh my God, where did you

get this?”

As grim as the situation was, Robert couldn't help

but smile. "There's a newsgroup dedicated to
supernatural research conducted by the Soviets
during World War II. You can find damn near
anything on the net if you know where to look.”

Characters possessing this skill have the necessary

training or experience to do more than merely operate a
cellphone. At high levels (3 or more), a character can
create his own computer programs, alter settings on any
digital device, know how to operate or take readings from
most science devices, or how to alter tech to perform new
or similar tasks.

Possessed by: Engineers, scientists, programmers,


Specialties: Artificial Intelligence, Data Retrieval,

Graphics, Hacking, Monitoring Systems. Robotics,

Physical Skills are applications of a character's might, Athletics
endurance and coordination, such as climbing a John made it onto the balcony just as the hotel
mountain, driving a car or shooting a gun. They are most room door opened. There wasn't time to close the
often paired with a character's Physical Attributes in elegant French doors to the patio, and the breeze
various combinations, but can also be paired with Mental already ruffled the drapes.
Attributes when the character tries to draw on his Skill to
identify an object or answer a question. Intelligence + It wouldn't be long before Logan - or worse, one of
Firearms is required to identify a particular rifle, for his pale-faced bodyguards - noticed and checked
example, or Intelligence + Streetwise to read a map. outside.

There was nowhere to hide. John looked about

Physical Skill scores represent a combination of personal
frantically and saw that the balconies to either side
experience and/or formal training rather than extensive
were at least 12 feet away - too far to risk a jump
schooling. You can't earn a degree in fist-fighting, but you
at 20 stories up.
can graduate at the top of your class in the school of hard
knocks. John stared down at the balcony below and tried
not to think about how small the cars looked. He
swung his legs over the railing, taking all his weight
on his arms, and hoped that all the rock climbing
he'd done last summer would pay off.

Athletics encompasses a broad category of physical

training, from rock climbing to kayaking to professional
sports such as football or hockey. The Athletics Skill can
be applied to any action that requires prolonged
physical exertion or that demands considerable
agility or hand-eye coordination. Examples
include climbing a high wall, marching long
distances and leaping between rooftops. In
combat, the Skill is combined with Dexterity to
determine the accuracy of thrown weapons.

Possessed by: Professional athletes, police officers,

soldiers, survivalists, physical trainers

Specialties: Acrobatics, Climbing, Kayaking,

Long- Distance Running, Sprinting, Swimming,
Throwing, Archery

Brawl Firearms
He was the stereotypical biker: big and broad- Theodore Logan was a well-protected man. His
shouldered, the sleeves of his T-shirt straining around hillside mansion was surrounded by a high stone
muscled, tattooed arms. He loomed over Miles. "You and wall, topped with barbed wire and sensitive motion
me are gonna have a little fun, college boy," he said detectors. Cameras covered every inch of his
through yellow teeth. "And then me and your girlfriend property. Armed guards patrolled the grounds 24
here are gonna have a little party.” hours a day, accompanied by huge dogs.

Miles leaned back and the biker took the bait, bending And then there was the fortress-like manor itself.
down to glare at the young history student. Miles' first
punch struck the biker square in the Adam's apple. The Simon checked the wind speed once more and
gag reflex doubled the man over, and Miles followed up noted it on his homemade range card. It had taken
with a shot to the ear. him almost a week to find the perfect vantage point
on a hilltop nearly a mile from Logan's property.
The biker hit the floor like a sack of wet cement. "Party From here, he had a clear view of the man's heated
on, asshole," Miles said in the silence that followed, and pool. Logan was a creature of habit. He liked his
then took Angela's hand. "Let's get out of here.” nightly swim. And habits, as Simon had learned in
sniper school, could get you killed.
Brawl defines your character's prowess at unarmed
combat, whether he's a black belt in karate, a hard-bitten Reaching into his pocket, Simon pulled out the
street tough or a college student who's taken a few self- heavy, silver-tipped bullet, carefully loaded the
defense courses. Characters with this Skill know how to scope-sighted rifle, and raised the stock to his
hit an opponent, where to hit for maximum effect and shoulder. The night-vision sight revealed the
how to defend themselves from attack. It can mean using poolside in eerie shades of green. Logan was
climbing from the pool as Simon settled the
fists, but also elbows, knees, shoulders, head butts
crosshairs over the man's heart.
wrestling, joint locks and choke holds. Characters with a
several dots could be familiar with multiple techniques of
Firearms allows your character to identify, operate and
unarmed combat. Expertise in such techniques is
maintain most types of guns, from pistols to rifles to
reflected in the Fighting Style Merit, which are based on
military weapons such as submachine guns, assault rifles
and machine guns. This Skill can represent the kind of
formal training provided to police and the military, or the
Brawl is added to your character's Strength to battle
basic, hands-on experience common to hunters, criminals
people in unarmed combat.
and gun enthusiasts. Firearms also applies to using bows.
Your character can use guns and bows equally.
Possessed by: Bikers, boxers, gangsters, police officers,
Note that dots in Firearms do not apply to manually fixing
or building guns, only to wielding them. Construction and
Specialties: Boxing, Grappling, MMA, Throws, Karate,
repair is the province of the Crafts Skill.
Kung Fu
Possessed by: Criminals, gun dealers, hunters, police
officers, soldiers, survivalists

Specialties: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Sniping, Trick Shots

The trick was to keep his weight evenly
distributed, gliding across the floor rather than
taking unbalanced steps.
mask. He raised a long-bladed hunting knife. "I'm not
John moved soundlessly down the hall, slower going to hurt you unless I have to, honey," he whispered.
than he'd have preferred, but speed and silence "We're gonna to take a little walk somewhere private,
simply didn't mix. He never let his entire weight and then we'll go our separate ways.”
come down on either foot, and the old hardwood
floor never uttered a creak of protest. It took a Lydia set her jaw and took a half-step forward, bending
few minutes to reach the dark kitchen, and then her knees into a fencer's stance. She raised the umbrella
point even with her assailant's nose.
he was through the door and gone with no one
the wiser.
"What the fuck you think you're going to do with that?”
the man snarled, swiping at the umbrella with his free
The Stealth Skill represents a character's experience or hand.
training in avoiding notice, whether by moving silently,
making use of cover or blending into a crowd. When His snarl turned to a shriek as Lydia flicked the umbrella
attempting to sneak silently through an area or to use the under his hand and stabbed the metal point neatly
local terrain as concealment, roll Dexterity + Stealth + through the mask's right eye hole.
equipment. When trying to remain unseen in a crowd,
Wits + Stealth is appropriate. If your character attempts As the name implies, the Weaponry Skill represents your
to avoid notice by a group of alert observers, a contested character's experience or training in fighting with
roll versus the observers’ Wits + Perception is required. everything from beer bottles to pipes, knives to swords.

Stealth can also represent your character’s ability to While formal instruction in Weaponry is uncommon
manipulate others from the sidelines. Being able to (restricted to military and law-enforcement training and a
spread a rumor is one thing, but being able to hide few martial arts), any character who has grown up on the
yourself as the source requires an understanding of being street or spent a lot of time in seedy bars has had ample
able to socially cover your tracks (and sometimes opportunity to learn this Skill. A character's Weaponry is
physically covering them too). Stealth can be used to added to his Strength to stage armed attacks.
obfuscate yourself when making Social Confrontation
rolls by making it harder to find out it was you snooping Note that dots in Weaponry do not apply to manually
around or inciting people to violence. fixing or creating weapons, only to wielding them.
Construction and repair is the province of the Crafts Skill.
Possessed by: Criminals, hunters, police officers, private
investigators Possessed by: Bikers, criminals, martial artists, police
officers, soldiers
Specialties: Larceny, Camouflage, Crowds, Moving in
Darkness, Moving in Woods Specialties: Knives, Swords, Staves, Clubs, Fencing

Lydia's books dropped to the pavement as the dark-
clothed man stepped from the bushes. Her hand
tightened on the haft of her umbrella. The man smiled,
his teeth gleaming white through the hole in his black ski
Social Skills are applications of your character's bearing, charm and poise, such as negotiating with a bank robber,
wooing a crowd or telling a faultless lie. These Skills most commonly represent innate capabilities honed by years of
experience rather than by any formal training. You can teach someone the basic principles of Persuasion, but true
leaders are born rather than made. These Skills are generally paired with your character's Social Attributes, but can
also be used with Physical and Mental Attributes in cases such as bodily threats (Strength + Persuasion) or
orchestrating a complex deal (Wits + Persuasion). Untrained Skill Use: If your character doesn't have the necessary
Social Skill required for a feat, he can still make the attempt. Roll his Attribute alone at a -1 penalty.

Empathy Expression
The crime scene was the usual mix of order and chaos. Irish clubs weren't supposed to be this quiet. Daniel
Detective Wagner pushed his way past the news hounds stepped up onto the stage, feeling every eye in the place
and under the yellow police tape. "Where is she?" he said bore a hole in him. The crowd looked him over him
to the first officer he found. suspiciously while Daniel took a shot of whiskey. The
tension was tightening around him like a noose.
"Over there, Lieutenant." The cop pointed at the open rear
door of a squad car. "Don't know how much you're going Daniel took a deep breath, raised the glass and turned
to get out of her. She's messed up pretty bad.” to the staring crowd. "May Ireland's enemies never
meet a friend!" he cried, and tossed back the whiskey.
Wagner headed for the car, stepping around the form "Now who'll drink with me?” The crowd cheered and
splayed out on the asphalt, which was only partly covered raised their glasses as he began to sing. It was the
by a blood-soaked tarp. He saw Dr. Feingold a few yards passion of the freedom fighters he sang, it was the
away, kneeling by the parked car, playing a small tremor in his eyes of his brothers’ murder, and it was the
flashlight over what looked like a severed hand. song of the Irish he sang.

The girl was curled up in the fetal position in the back of And it was the hearts of the crowd he won. Such a
the squad car, pulling a blanket around her shoulders as if passionate voice they had not heard in a long, long time.
it could shut out the world. There was matted blood - her
fiancé’s blood - in her hair. Her white-knuckled hands Expression reflects your character's training or experience in
trembled. the art of music, dance, instruments and the like. This Skill
covers both the written and spoken word and other forms of
Wagner closed the rear door of the car and got into the entertainment, from journalism to poetry, creative writing
front seat, putting a barrier between the two of them. He to acting, music to dance. Characters can use it to compose
was going to have to play this very carefully if he hoped to written works or to put the right words together at the spur
get any useful information from his one and only witness.
of the moment to make a memorable song.
This Skill represents your character's intuition for reading This is not the skill for pretending to be someone else - that
people's emotions, state of mind, or intentions. For some, falls under Subterfuge. Though this skill could be used first
it's a matter of observing body language and non-verbal to create a convincing disguise.
cues. Others employ charismatic interactions that help
them divine a person's true mood. As the name implies, This skill can be for swaying opinions, conveying specific
Empathy also involves the capacity to understand other information or charming a crowd even if only to entrance
people's views and perspectives, whether your character them with your performance. Typically that would be paired
agrees with those positions or not. This is useful in with Charisma, but some hidden meanings or personal
everything from negotiations and crisis counseling to slights could use Intelligence or Manipulation.
reading faces in a crowd and looking for potential trouble.
If a subject actively conceals his emotions or motives, make When composing a poem or writing a novel, roll Wits +
a contested roll versus the person's Wits + Subterfuge. This Expression. When reciting to an audience, roll Charisma +
will often also help inform your character for any Social Expression. Playing an instrument involves Intelligence +
Confrontations they want to impose on someone. Expression for a known piece, and Wits + Expression for an
improvised one. Dance calls for Dexterity + Expression.
Possessed by: Counselors, diplomats, entertainers,
profilers, psychiatrists, police officers Possessed by: Actors, ballet dancers, musicians, poets,
rock stars, writers
Specialties: Reading emotions, Detecting Lies, Known
Motives, Judge Personalities, Body Language
Specialties: Classical Dance, Acting, Musical Instrument,
Painting, Sculpture,

Persuasion Streetwise
Melissa put on her best "Please?" face, the one There were four kids playing a pick-up game at
that always worked on her father. She needed the basketball court across the street from the
access to the stacks in the basement library, the tenements. Lisa eyed the neighborhood warily as
old archives that were reserved for "special Gabriel stepped up to the edge of the court.
studies." She now recognized that meant "the "How exactly is this supposed to help?" she asked
coven's rituals," but she couldn't let on. worriedly.

She found the head librarian Mister Richards in "Chill out," Gabriel said and turned. "Hey,
the Humanities section and pleaded her Carlos!”
desperate case. "If I don't do well on this paper,
I'll flunk Philosophy. Professor Ingram talked He raised his hand and waved at one of the kids.
about some first editions in the archives. If I can Carlos stopped and tossed the ball to a friend
quote them, maybe I'll get extra credit.” before trotting over.

The kindly old librarian's eyes seemed to soften Lisa's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me? This
with pity. "All right, my dear. Let me get the key," kid's 12 years old!”
he said.
"It's not him we're dealing with, it's his brother,”
Persuasion is the art of inspiring or changing minds
through logic, charm or sheer, glib fast-talking. Though it Gabriel whispered as the boy approached.
can be taught to varying degrees of success, most "Carlos is the cutout. We tell him what we need
characters with the skill possess a natural talent and have and he names a price.
honed it over years through trial and error, practicing
their delivery until it rolls effortlessly off the tongue. Watch and learn.”
Persuasion is the skill of convincing others by logic and
discussion; making one's point through carefully chosen Characters possessing this Skill know how life on the
words, body language and emotion. streets works and are adept at surviving by its harsh rules.
Streetwise characters can gather information, make
This is not the skill for lying. That falls under Subterfuge. contacts, buy and sell on the black market, and otherwise
This is also not the skill for disguises, which also falls under make use of the street's unique resources. The Skill is also
Subterfuge or Expression. important for navigating urban dangers, avoiding the law,
and staying on the right side of the wrong people.
Possessed by: Con artists, executives, generals, lawyers,
politicians, salesmen, sexual predators Possessed by: Criminals, gangsters, homeless people,
private investigators, police officers
Specialties: Intimidation, Fast-Talking, Inspiring Troops,
Motivational Speeches, Sales Pitches, Seduction Specialties: Black Market, Gangs, Rumors, Undercover

Simon stepped into the lobby, a bored look on his

He ignored the cameras and the security guards

near the elevators. Guards expected people to
behave like sheep, unknowing and unaware of
what was going on around them.

Overly alert, fidgety sorts were the kind of people

who drew their attention.

The guard at the reception desk glanced at Simon

as he stepped up to the sign-in book. "Can I help
you, sir?”

"I'm here to see Mr. Moran in suite 702," Simon

said, scrawling a name in the register. He briefly
made eye contact with the guard. "Busy day," he
said noncommittally.

The guard nodded and reached for a visitor pass.

"The third elevator on the left will take you right

"Thank you," Simon replied, clipping the badge to

his lapel and joining the crowd of other
businessmen congregating at the elevators. The
worst was over.

Subterfuge is the art of deception. Characters possessing

this skill know how to lie convincingly, pretend to be who
they are not, or spread false information. Subterfuge is
used when telling a convincing falsehood, hiding one's
emotions or reactions, or trying to pick up on the same in
others. Which Attribute you pair with this skill determines
the methods and nature of the falsehoods you are

This skill is not for determining if you are being tricked or

lied to- that falls under Empathy or Intrigue.

It is also not for trying to persuade someone to do an

action. You may use Subterfuge to get someone to listen
or believe you – but if you need them to go do something,
use Persuasion instead.

Possessed by: Actors, con artists, grifters, lawyers,

politicians, teenagers

Specialties: Con Jobs, Hiding Emotions, Embellishment,

Misdirection, Doublespeak

Willpower measures your character's self-confidence, Typically there are a few ways you can and cannot spend
determination and emotional resilience. A character with Temporary Willpower:
a high Willpower is focused, driven to achieve his goals,
and capable of resisting his dark impulses. It would be  Temporary Willpower points may be spent on a single given
tempting to call such a character virtuous, but Willpower roll up to a number of times equal to the characters Resolve
doesn't equate to altruism. A criminal mastermind or a Attribute.
serial killer could possess an iron will just as easily as could  Spend 1 Willpower point to gain +2 dice on any roll. These
dice are added to the dice pool, and may be added (and
a saint. The first two are ruthless in their ambitions, and
rolled) after the initial roll is done in case the player wants to
determined to see them through. generate more successes.
 Some rolls may be ruled as ‘no willpower spending allowed’
Note that Resolve is your character's ongoing focus. Think by the Storyteller, these are typically ones where extra ‘force
of it as his long-term purpose, like a career plan. of Will’ has no impact on the meaning of the roll.
Willpower reflects your character's short-term highs and  Willpower may never be spent to add dice to any
lows, his ability to dedicate himself in brief efforts to Supernatural Power roll unless that powers’ rules state
overcome challenges. Resolve does contribute to your specifically otherwise.
character's overall Willpower dots at character creation
only, though. As resolve goes up, Willpower does not. OUT OF WILLPOWER
Characters with no Willpower points left are exhausted -
Willpower is rated on a scale from 1 to 10 and has both physically, mentally and emotionally. They've used up
permanent dots and temporary points. Your character's their reserves of determination and tend to be selfish and
permanent score is filled in on the dots on your character depressed. Until your character regains at least 1 point of
sheet. temporary Willpower, your characters’ Vice is applied as
a Condition. Your character must indulge in their Vice as
 Their temporary points are recorded in the much as they are reasonably able. Each Vice has a list of
corresponding boxes below that, one temporary per suggested Conditions.
each permanent.
 When a temporary point is spent, just erase a check off
a box starting from the right. When you erase your last
Regaining Willpower
Your character can recover lost Willpower through any
temporary willpower check, your character is Out of
one of four ways, detailed below. Willpower points can
never exceed your character's Willpower dots.
 When your character regains a Willpower point (see
Recovering Willpower is usually a matter of reaffirming
below), a check is added to one of the boxes on your
your character's sense of confidence and wellbeing, so
sheet starting from the left.
certain actions and situations may allow her to recover
Willpower Descriptions
Willpower. Ultimately, it's up to the Storyteller to decide
1 Spineless when characters recover Willpower during a story.
2 Weak Storytellers should tailor recovery to suit the story,
3 Timid keeping in mind that it's a powerful and useful trait.
4 Certain
5 Confident
Characters shouldn't be allowed to regain it too quickly,
6 Resolute or else players may abuse its effects. Dragging other
7 Driven player character along into your Virtue or Vice scene is
8 Determined always the best way to regain Willpower, as it brings a
9 Iron-willed
10 Implacable
dynamic to the actions in the scene and highlights your
Note: Willpower is not to be confused with Resolve.
Virtue or Vice to another player character.

 Your character may regain 1 Willpower point per scene if her

Spending Willpower actions play out in a manner appropriate to suffering her Vice
Temporary points are spent for various effects, mostly  Your character may regain all spent Willpower point if her
actions play out in a manner appropriate to her Virtue
representing sheer determination in overcoming
 Your character may regain 1 Willpower point when you
obstacles in your character's path. They can also be spent accomplish some goal or activity regarding your Concept.
to gain bonuses to resist forces applied against your  Permanent dots of Willpower are only gained by completing
character. Permanent willpower is never spent, it simply a full chapter in a game as determined by the Storyteller, in
which case 1 is gained for free at no XP cost
represents the maximum Temporary Willpower your
character can have. Permanent Willpower can be lost,
but only in the most dire and soul-crushing of story plot

 Permanent or Temporary Willpower is never rolled.

It is up to the Storyteller if the action was sufficient in
Each step of morality denotes a degree of self-control and
comparison to the sin. If it was, then a roll is made with a
sanity. Each dot represents a degree of understanding
number of dice as listed on the chart below.
and wisdom. The loss of morality reduces your ability to
make rational decisions and to comprehend the
magnitude of your actions consequences. A character can  Willpower may not be spent on this roll, and there
lose morality in a variety of ways. The best way is to show are never any bonuses.
callous or brutal behavior. As well as enacting harm or  When a character botches one of these rolls he not
torment on another. only loses a point of Morality but he may gain a Flaw
or Madness
 If you succeed the roll, your character feels
Note: The character becomes unplayable at 1 Morality.
ashamed and penitent for their actions and they do
not lose a dot of Morality.
Losing Morality
Morality may be lost whenever the character commits a
Regaining Morality
‘sin’ equal to or lower than their current Morality
Morality is not something easily regained. But it can be
Threshold. Whenever a character commits a sin they
done by actions that prove to the story and to the
have two choices: justify the action or act out contrition.
character that they are not ok with the sins they have
You are not often, unless the Storyteller says otherwise,
required to lose Morality if you are committing a sin
This is more than just a balancing of some kind of moral
against what might be considered a ‘monster’. This can
scales. This is the attempt to create a story with your
be defined many ways, so check with your ST. But in
character that shows how much they are sorry for what
general it means that you are being attacked, oppressed,
they have done, how they wish they never had to do it,
or otherwise accosted by something that is its self,
and how they want to make the world better for having
outside of morals or possibly even your characters
committed those sins.
This is purely a role-play situation, and must be arranged
with the Storyteller. Once a general idea of what needs
To justify an action means that for any reason
to be done is decided upon, then the player can roleplay
whatsoever, be it real or imagined, your character is ok
out the scenes.
with the action they did. An example of this might be a
religious person killing in the name of their faith. Or it
These should be significant scenes. Returning stolen
might be a victim killing a robber in a home invasion.
money or apologizing for a crime is never enough. The
character must go above and beyond the crime they
Regardless of what the rationalization is, your character
committed to make things right.
has the chance to become callous, cruel, or maddened by
the act.
This is as much for the people they wronged to find
justice, but it is far more for the character to go through
If you chose to rationalize this your character loses a dot
the healing steps of being humane, kind, and selfless.
of Morality. This might mean the religious person become
less compassionate and enforces their religion more
Once the scene is over, a single dot of Morality is
strictly, overly so. For the victim of the home invasion, it
regained. No more than one dot of Morality can be
might mean they think the world is out to get them or that
gained per story arc, and likely no more than one per time
they could be attacked again at any time, they become
period in game terms. A good base is at least 6 months to
paranoid or violently fearful.
year between regaining Morality dots.
And the lower your Morality, the more actions it might
If you decide your character is not ok with this action and
take to regain that Morality Dot.
that they would avoid it at all costs had it been possible,
then you can choose to act out contrition. An act that has
the ability to heal your emotional and mental state by
being one of kindness, grace, or penance. If you character
acts out a scene they initiated on their own in order to do
something that will in no way justify the sin they
committed, but instead highlight their sorrow and pain at
having to commit it at all, how they plan to avoid such
actions in the future and how they acknowledge the pain
and suffering they caused to the world around them,
however slight.

MORALITY AND DEGRADATIONS CHART Characters succeed for long. Often times a character
Morality Sin Dice Rolled Example eventually loses control and sins, and then sins again and
Threshold again.
10 Roll 5 dice Selfish thoughts (e.g., hurting
someone’s feelings)
9 Roll 5 dice Minor selfish acts (e.g., cheating on Morality 7-6
taxes) At this Morality, Characters have ethical standards like
8 Roll 4 dice Injury to another, accidental or those of most people. They feel that killing, theft and
otherwise (e.g., physical conflict) cruelty are wrong, but they don’t go all weepy if they
7 Roll 4 dice Petty theft (e.g., shoplifting)
6 Roll 3 dice Grand theft (e.g., burglary)
shade the truth a little, hit someone who tried to hit them
5 Roll 3 dice Intentional mass-property damage first, or take opportunities for a little fun that don’t really
(e.g., arson) hurt anyone else. Such a character has a Vice that she
4 Roll 3 dice Impassioned crime (e.g., probably indulges in small ways with only minimal
3 Roll 2 dice Planned crime (e.g., murder)
2 Roll 2 dice Casual/callous crime (e.g., torture,
serial murder, rape) Morality 5
1 Roll 2 dice Utter perversion, heinous acts It’s a tough world, and Characters with this Morality score
(e.g., combined rape, torture and accept that they need some toughness as well. Such
mass murder)
characters can recognize and reject deliberate atrocities…
Note: Morality rolls are not needed when killing any undead creature,
or monstrous creature. but shit happens. If some happens to them, they throw it
right back. Why should they act better than anyone else?
As your character lowers or rises in Morality so too does At this Morality, a Character starts to show the eerie
their ability to reasons and comprehend their actions and unpleasantness that puts others on their guard – harder
the results of their choices. features, slower to show sorrow or humility in crimes or
immoral actions.
Morality Wisdom Modifiers
Morality 4
Score Most Characters don’t fall below this Morality. Characters
8-10 You are fully able to understand right and wrong, and with Morality 4 become genuinely callous and selfish.
you can easily see the consequences of your actions. Murder no longer shocks them. Violence, theft, treachery,
The ST may suggest alternate courses of action that
will prevent Morality loss or produce unwise results.
lies — these are all just tools to help a Character get what
6-7 You are able to understand most of your actions as he wants, to gain power and to protect his all-important
right or wrong, although you likely justify them with self. Expedience becomes sufficient justification for
not-so-wise reasoning. nearly anything. A character suffers from his Vice and
There are no scene modifiers to your actions.
indulges it with little restraint. He can still recognize the
4-5 You are rather rash in your actions, you tend to not
think about consequences before doing, and often practical, legal consequences if the world discovers his
get into trouble for it. Sometimes it’s hard for you to crimes, however, so he takes care to hide his offenses.
determine if your course of action may be worth the
What happens at Morality 3 and Lower
The ST will often disallow time for debate or they
may require you take an action that is utterly selfish. Once a character’s Morality has gotten low enough, he
3 You are so callous and selfish that it’s likely you can begins to have trouble distinguishing right from wrong,
justify any action you do, even if it brings you to the humane from inhumane. At 3 points of Morality the
brink of ruin. character is barely a shadow of their former selves. They
You may not be able to do many moral actions or pre-
meditated plans. still act and think well enough, but their judgment is
1-2 You are completely psychotic and are at the mercy of entirely selfish and they never consider the moral
your mad whims. You might be so calm as to prevent repercussions of their actions. At 2 points of Morality
action or so addled that you jump off the first cliff they are mostly a ravaging monster. Out only to indulge
you come across.
their vice or depraved ideals, but with great effort they
can be reminded of their former life and the events that
Descriptions of Morality Levels happened, maybe even recall some people they knew
Morality 10-8 and loved. It is possible to salvage the life that was lost;
Characters with Morality scores this high can seem “more through therapy and constant vigilance they might
human than human.” Characters might recoil from their regain their way on the path of Morality. At 1 point of
own lives and take up ethical codes stricter than any they Morality they have all but lost all control. They have no
followed in the past. They don’t have to act preachy or concept of who they were, and any memories they have
passively accept everything that life and their fellow of their former life are only there to serve them in their
Characters throw at them, but they must work hard to depredations. The personality is lost forever and can
avoid harming anyone else and to atone for any sin they never be recovered.
commit. Interaction with others often matters a great
deal to such Characters, as interacting with the world
helps them remember how precious life is. Few people
can maintain such high ethical standards, and even fewer
(1 to 3 Points)
Merits represent narrative benefits to your character. Choose
This is a one-time use Merit. After use, this Merit goes away.
ones that make your character function better in the areas you
It is a narratively significant and powerful event or action that
want them to be social or competent at.
provides benefit 1, 2 or 3 dots worth of effect. A powerful
person owes you a favor because of something either you or
Allies your family once did for them. The extent of the boon owed to
(1-3) you depends on how many points you spend. 1 point would
The amount of points spent on the allies merit determines how indicate a relatively minor but very helpful favour, while 3
much the specified ally can help you. Essentially it represents points would indicate that the person probably owes you his
their power and influence level. These are taken when you life.
need something done ‘outside the usual channels.’ 1 might be
a beat cop, 2 might be a police chief, and 3 might be the city
Code of Honor
(1 Point)
You have a personal code of ethics to which you strictly adhere.
Ambidextrous Even when you are in frenzy, you will attempt to obey it (and
(3 Points) thus get two extra dice to your Morality rolls when in danger of
You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform violating your code). You can automatically resist most
tasks with the ‘off’ hand at reduced penalty. In drama terms temptations or Social Compels that would bring you in conflict
this means you can write, play an instrument, or use an item with your code. When battling supernatural persuasion that
that required manual dexterity equally well with either hand. would make you violate your code, you either gain 2 extra dice
In combat when splitting your attack dice pool, you gain +1 to to resist supernatural persuasions, or the opponent's dice pool
each pool. is reduced by 2 (Storyteller's choice). You must construct your
own personal code of honor in as much detail as you can,
Belongings outlining the general rules of conduct by which you abide.
(1 to 3)
This merit indicates the value and quality of the items and Combat Dodge
property you own. They are non-liquid assets that cannot be (3 points)
easily sold or traded. This might be anything from a chemistry Whenever your character performs a dodge (see Dodge rules),
lab to an old musty library, a set of collectibles, a rare weapon you can choose to add his Weaponry or Brawl Skill dots to his
or any other type of item that is of use to your character. This Defense instead of doubling his Defense. You must chose at the
is a merit intended to be taken by a character who has a time of taking this merit which will be used; your Brawl or your
signature item, special tools, plot-related relic or weapon. Weaponry skill. And in order for this merit to work, your
Choose a single word or short phrase that sums up the function weapon or brawl must be able to effectively interfere with the
of the item. Any time this description relates in an obvious and attack (for example, this would not be effective against
meaningful way to what your character is doing they gain a firearms). He essentially draws on his training in parrying and
number of bonus dice. The dots in this merit indicate the bonus evading attacks rather than relying on his raw dexterous ability
dice this item grants. alone. While this might provide little benefit to a novice, it can
give the advanced fighter an edge. Combat Dodge applies
Berserker against incoming Brawl and Weaponry-based attacks, against
(3 Points) thrown-weapon attacks, and against Firearms attacks made
In combat you are a madman, and are thus able to ignore your within his fist or weapon striking range.
wound penalties for being Taken Out only, and you gain +1 to
Strength, and you are fearless, and you cannot be fooled by Concentration
illusions or mind or emotion affecting abilities or spells. (1 Point)
However, you must pay the consequences of your actions while You have the ability to focus your mind and shut out any
in this state of frenzy. Your chance of flying off the handle and distractions or annoyances. Any penalty to a Dice Pool arising
going into a blind rage increases as well. After the combat from a distraction, chaos, or some other inauspicious
scene is over simply roll Morality, should you still be alive. circumstance is limited to a maximum of -1.
With 2+ successes you calm down just fine after a few hours of
peace and quiet. 1 success means you gain a Flaw: Madness for
a week. Or that an existing Madness becomes extremely severe
(1 Point)
for a week. No successes mean you gain a Madness for a year
Each point spent in Contacts buys a new source of information.
and a day, or that an existing Madness becomes extremely for
These Contacts will not help you in times of need, but they will
a year and a day. A Botch indicates a new Madness is
provide information related to their area of influence,
permanent or that an existing one is forever extremely
sometimes at a price. Example Contacts: Police, Hospitals,
Mafia, Press, etc.

Daredevil Dual Nature
(2 Points) (2 Points)
You are good at taking risks, and are even better at surviving You have two distinct Virtues, both of which have an influence
them. Whenever you add an extra complication or hardship to on your personality and behavior. When you pick these Virtues,
your character to act in a scene, and your action is somewhat be careful to choose ones that are somewhat compatible. Dual
over the top and particularly dangerous, you can ignore one Nature does not mean schizophrenia (that is a Madness). This
botch die on such actions. Though this complication will likely Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Virtues.
reduce your dice pool or cause you physical harm.
Eidetic Memory
Destiny (3 Points)
(1 to 5 Points) You can remember things seen and heard with perfect detail.
You have a great destiny, though you may well not realize it. Your By gaining at least one success on an Intelligence + Perception
destiny will become more and more apparent as the chronicle roll, you can recall any desired sight or sound accurately, even
continues. Prophecies and dreams guide your way, and grant you if you heard it or glanced at it only once (though the difficulty
clues to your ultimate goal. The sense of direction and security of such a feat would be high). Five successes enable you to
granted by this feeling of destiny helps you overcome fear, recall an event perfectly: the Storyteller relates to you exactly
depression and discouragement caused by anything not relevant what was seen or heard.
to your destiny. Until your destiny is fulfilled, you may suffer
setbacks, but nothing will thwart you permanently. In game terms
this means that any scene your character comes into Fame
insurmountable conflict, or possibly even dies, or their goals are (1 to 3 Points)
forever ruined by a recent action – they may spend one of their Your character has a measure of recognition in today’s media-
Destiny points (the level they bought the Merit at determines how saturated society, possibly as a performer, athlete, politician or
many destiny points they have) Once spent, fate intervenes on other sort of public personality. He's frequently identified and
their behalf, miraculous recovery, second chances or massive slip- can often get star treatment. On the other hand, it's difficult
ups by their foes allows them to regain that which they might have for your character to go places without being recognized, and
lost. Once a Destiny point is spent, it’s forever gone, they do not the media watches him carefully. Each dot adds a +1 modifier
refresh. Every destiny has a Bane. Work with the Storyteller to find to your character's Social skills rolls among those who are
out what the one thing might be that could prevent you from impressed by his celebrity status.
accomplishing your destiny. In scenes that your Banes is involved
the number of Botch dice (1's) is doubled on every roll you make!
Drawback: The more famous your character is, the more easily
he is recognized by the public. The Storyteller should apply the
Determination same +1 modifier per dot to a general Wits + Resolve roll to see
(3 Points) if he is recognized by anyone on the street. An exceptional
When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can success indicates that one or more people are loyal fans who
thwart you from your goals. You gain +3 dice when spending approach him for autographs, pictures and long conversations.

Dirty Fighting
(Cost 2)
Sometimes it’s not enough to pummel the other guy with your
fists, sometimes, you are the little guy in the fight, or maybe you’re
just a low down jerk. Either way, you utilize any number of off-
putting, stunning, tripping, awkward angles and feints in order to
get your target to low their defense. When you buy this Merit you
must have an open slot in Subterfuge for a specialty. This merit
then is now your Specialty for Subterfuge. When attacking you
may once a round make a roll against one target to attempt to pull
a dirty trick on them, sand in the eyes, yank their tie, pull down
their pants, whatever. You roll your Subterfuge +2 (for the
specialty in dirty tricks.) the number of successes is subtracts from
the opponents defense bringing them down to a minimum of 0.

Fighting Style Grit
(3 points) (1 to 3)
Chose one fighting style below. This merit may be taken “Grit” is a measure of your character’s bravery and his exposure to
multiple times, choosing a new fighting style each time, up to a the darker areas of the world. After he’s battled blood wolves,
number of times equal to the characters Intelligence score. walking dead, vampires, cyber psychos or whatever; he gains some
resistance to fear and terror. Every time your character defeats (or
Sword and Shield: Whenever your character fights with a sword and shield takes part in the defeat of) a Fearmonger, he may buy another dot
they may reset their stance at the beginning of each round without spending in Grit to a maximum of 5. Every point of Grit adds +1 to the
an action. character’s Fear checks, steeling him against any horrors the
World of Darkness has to offer. That doesn’t mean the horrors of
Jiu-jitsu: You are trained in grappling and subduing opponents. Anyone you
have successfully grappled may not use a weapon against you, regardless of
the night don’t put a chill up even a veteran survivor’s spine. He’s
type. If you maintain your hold on your opponent for a number of rounds equal just not as shocked as someone who’s never seen them before. No
to their Stamina + Size, without them breaking or slipping from your grasp at one has to tell the tale or sing your character’s praises for him to
all; you may choose to render your opponent unconscious or to paralyze them gain Grit. As soon as the Fearmonger goes down, the character
by yanking a leg and arm out of joint. realizes he’s fought a creature beyond imagining and won. This
gives him the strength to keep fighting.
Improvised Weapons: You can turn nearly any object into a deadly weapon,
from a razor-sharp chair leg to a sack of flour. You do not suffer any penalties
for using an improvised weapon. This also adds +1 damage to such improvised Guardian Angel
weapons. (Typically non-weapon items are a +1 Bashing (if blunt) or Lethal
damage (if particularly sharp).) (5 Points)
Someone or something watches over you and protects you
Line Bowman: You are used to battles and wars where your ranged bow from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an
attacks struck enemies dead before they ever hit your lines. When shooting a idea that someone is looking out for you. In times of great need
target with your bow that is over 50 yards away, you gain a +2 to hit. Range
modifiers still apply. you may be supernaturally protected. However, one can never
count upon a guardian angel. The Storyteller must decide why
Dualist: You are so used to competition or one on one dueling that your nerves you are being watched over, and by what (not necessarily an
are hardened. You gain a +2 to all Wits or Resolve rolls when in a one-on-one angel, despite the name).
fight. If the target is using a similar weapon to your own, you may use an Action
Card you have to roll Wits + Weaponry to Parry any successful attack they made
on you, if your successes are equal to theirs – their hit is a miss. Or you may Huge Size
Riposte and attack them if your Wits + Weaponry parry successes are greater
than theirs. (4 Points)
You are abnormally large in size, possibly over seven feet tall
Cavalier: While atop a mount which you have trained for battle, you gain +1 and 400 pounds in weight. You are size 6, therefore have one
defense to your mount, and you do +1 damage while mounted with any additional Health Level, and are able to suffer more harm
Weaponry attack. You may also charge an enemy or line of enemies, and you
do double damage to anyone struck by your weapon on that attack plus your before you are knocked out unconscious.
mount soaks 2 points of damage (any) from any attacks made to it on that
charge action.
Iron Will
Florentine Swordfighter: This represents all fighting styles that have mastered (2 Points)
the art of dual wielding weapons. For this style to be used a character must be Insults and emotions roll off your heart like water off a duck’s back.
dual wielding two blade weapons (or in the case of guns: two pistols). For When someone tries to use a Social Attack on you and damage
blades; one must be no larger than a long sword or katana. The other must be
your Willpower, they do 1 less point of Willpower damage to you
no larger than a short sword, wakizashi, or dagger. If these conditions are met
then when splitting attack pool dice, you gain +1 to each pool. due to your mental and emotional fortitude.

Fire Walker Iron Gut

(4 Points) (3 Points)
Your character has a stomach made of cast iron. His constitution
Pain is your friend, it makes you feel like you are alive. You are so
is so robust that ingested or inflicted poisons have a reduced
hardened to the sensations of torment and suffering that mere
chance of affecting him with anything more than bad gas. You gain
gunshot wounds or axe wounds to the head are little more than
+2 dice to avoid the effects of poison or disease, and you can
momentary distractions. You gain your single highest wound
modifier as bonus damage to any successful attack. This cannot be happily eat anything that is nourishing, no matter how rotten or
paired with Unshakeable Merit. bland.

Gallows Humor
(2 Points)
You are able to smile and laugh in the face of death, maybe even
go down with a witty quip or two. In situations where death seems
certain, you are able to get a free point of Willpower to spend if
you are able to bring a laugh to all those around you (allies and
enemies alike).

Level-Headed Mentor
(3 Points) (1 to 5 Points)
Veterans claim speed and skill are vital, but they’re overrated This Merit gives your character a friend and teacher who
compared to keeping your cool, aiming at your target, and putting provides her with advice and guidance. Your character's
it down. A hothead who empties his pistol too fast soon finds mentor acts on her behalf, although the Storyteller determines
himself taking root in the local graveyard. Immediately after exactly how. A mentor usually offers advice, allowing the
drawing Action Cards in combat, a character with this Merit can Storyteller to use him to help guide your character through
discard his lowest card and draw another. If the character draws a tough situations. A mentor may also use his influence or
black Joker on the first draw, he’s out of luck and can’t draw again. abilities to help your character out, although he probably wants
to see his charge do things for herself. A mentor is likely to give
Lightning Calculator up in disgust on a pupil who constantly asks for aid. Mentors
(1 Point) may also ask for something in return for their assistance, which
You have a natural affinity with numbers and a talent for mental can lead your character into some interesting situations. The
arithmetic, making you a natural when working with computers or number of dots purchased in this Merit determines the relative
betting at the racetracks. Another possible use for this ability, power, knowledge and experience of your character's teacher.
assuming you have numbers on which to base your conclusions, is 1 dot indicates a mentor with one or more specialized Skills and
the ability to calculate the probability of certain tasks or events. a small amount of experience in your character's field of
Any time you attempt to crunch the numbers or run the interest. 2 dots indicate a mentor with a wide range of
calculations or formulas or analyze the data, you gain automatic 2 capability and experience in your character's field of interest. 3
successes on these calculation rolls, added to the results of your dots indicate a mentor possessing a broad range of Skills, years
dice pool roll. of experience and significant influence in your character's field
of interest. 4 dots indicate a mentor who not only possesses a
Luck broad range of Skills and decades (or in some cases, centuries)
(3 or 5 Points) of experience, he is also a preeminent figure with major
You were born lucky - or else the Devil looks after his own. Either influence in your character's field of interest. 5 dots indicate a
way, you can repeat 1 failed roll per game night (if you bought mentor with towering influence and power in your character's
the merit at 3 points) or 3 failed rolls per game night (if you field of interest. A five-dot patron watches over your character
bought the merit at 5 points). Only one repeat attempt may be and influences her life in ways both obvious and subtle, and
made on any single roll. The situation has to be one in which likely has an agenda in which your character is pivotal.
chance could play some part. Trying to remember some item of
information the character has never heard of does not allow a Multilingual
Luck roll. But pressing buttons at random and actually hitting the (Variable)
right sequence does. Most of the time Luck will come into play, Your character knows an additional language besides his own.
but it is entirely up to the storyteller when it may or may not. The first Merit point you place into this gives you a number of
languages you can speak, read and write fluently equal to your
MacGyver Intelligence dots (including your own native language). Each
(3 Points) additional language you want to know fluently costs 1 Merit
You could build a makeshift prop plane given enough time in an point. Narratively this is for characters who grew up in a
old farm shed. This merit is about improvising a solution when a multilingual household and society. If you are playing a
tool or key or weapon is needed and you don’t have this needed character who, later in life, is learning a new language, and
item. This is not about talking your way out of something or about likely only the one, then simply take this Merit at 1 dot when
making a cake with a few missing ingredients. This merit describes you get to the point in the story that you should be able to
a person who has been in a great many situations and can twist, speak that new language. You will then have your native
bend, weld, rivet, bolt or wire together something they need from language and this new one you speak fluently (essentially
various parts they have at hand. This does not guarantee a useful
ignoring any additional languages from Intelligence dots). And
item is made. If you need to make a radio call and you have
you can buy more languages at later times at 1 Merit point
absolutely no items that can make electrical pulses or receive
short wave frequencies, then you are shit up shits creek.
Whenever a character has access to plausibly useful components,
and the player can narrate out how they are using them to create Occult Library
the item needed for a task, then they roll Intelligence + Crafts +2 (1 to 3)
dice to attempt to make the item. Botch indicates the parts are You possess a library of occult materials. You are not
ruined, failure means time is simply wasted and they can try again. necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of
Successes means the item works somewhat and they can use it knowledge (that is a function of your Skills), but in time of need
(usually just the once). The storyteller will indicate how long each your library can be an invaluable source for research. The
roll takes in time (usually hours) and if the item is more or less number of merit points used to purchase this library indicates
useless after the first successful use (usually it is, we are talking the amount of the items found therein, and their bonus to dice
cobbled junk here).
pools if necessary. Having a Specialty in Academics(Occult Lore)
would pair well with this.

Poise Resources
(2 Points) (1 to 5 Points)
The world is full of those who will manipulate and cajole you into This Merit measures your character's material resources, both
doing their bidding or reacting how they want you to react. Social possessions and wealth. Dots in this Merit represent income, and
Compels are harder to press impress upon you, all rolls to Socially assets that can be liquidated for more money in case of emergency.
Compel you are at a -1. Additionally, all rolls to Socially Command
you are at a -1.  Zero dots suggests you are abjectly poor. You don’t have enough money
for anything really. In most cases you are scraping by and likely still
falling behind. You have to roleplay in-character to get anything outside
Professional of a run-down place to live and the most simple and cheap of meals.
(1 to 3 Points)  One dot suggest low income class. You have enough to just pay your
Most characters in the World of Darkness have a career, though bills, have a place to live, a car to drive and some spending cash to go out
for drinks every so often – but never anything fancy.
not all careers are applicable to the strange and dramatic events
 Two dots suggest average middle class. You have a nice place to live, a
going on in their lives. In your chronicle if you think there is a new car, some nice art on the walls and once a year you can afford to
standout reason why your character’s profession would be useful, take a vacation for a week somewhere in the world, but nothing really
give it a one or two word name and buy the merit at the dots which expensive. You have enough spending cash to buy most any middle class
represent your character’s years of experience, talent, and items.
available tools. This profession must be specific, so ‘soldier’ is not  Three dots suggest upper class income. You are not considered rich, but
you are better off than most people in the city. You live in a nice area,
acceptable. Whereas ‘surgeon’ is.
with a very fine home full of high quality items and art. You have enough
spending cash to throw nice parties, go on month’s long vacations, rent
1 Dot might indicate entry level knowledge and a handful of typical yachts (or own a modest one of your own).
tools. 2 dots represent someone who is a seasoned leader in their  Four dots suggest you are thought of by everyone as wealthy. You don’t
field and has access to most tools needed, if not also a place to do worry about money unless you are making very large investments, and
the job. At 3 dots you are the best in the world at this job, and you you can make very large investments. Buying a restaurant, a partnership
in a resort, owning thousands of acres of wilderness, all are within your
have performed the hardest of tasks this profession could call
means. You have enough disposable income to buy most any item you
upon – possibly even the most difficult of situations. Each dot in want and stay at the finest places on earth.
this merit allow you to re-roll that many dice on any roll which  Five dots suggest you are the top 1%. There are only a few dozen people
directly applies to your profession and uses any of its tools. (i.e. at in the world wealthier than you. You don’t worry about money anymore,
2 dots you can re-roll 2 dice, even if they are 1’s) You must accept specific values to you are measured in terms of entire corporate or
country gross profits, and even then it’s just for sport. You could likely
the new result, and they may not be re-rolled again.
not spend all your money in a normal lifetime.

Some suggested professions are: Surgeon, Programmer,

Architect, Mechanic, Smith, Artist, Cat Burglar, Navy SEAL Retainer
(1 to 5 Points)
Reputation Your character has an assistant, aide, indentured servant or fanatical
(1 to 3) follower on whom she can rely. You need to establish how this
companion was acquired. He may be paid exorbitant amounts of
This is about a reputation that you have that your character
money that buy his unwavering loyalty. He might owe his life to your
may or may not want. They may be known as a cold hearted
character (or to your character's predecessors). Your character
killer or a maniacal mad scientist. Choose a single word or a
might blackmail this person or threaten his family with harm if
short phrase which is your reputation (i.e. Negotiator, Butcher, services are not rendered. Or your character might have a
Hunter, Dominator, etc). Regardless of the validity of the supernatural hold over this poor person. Regardless of the
Reputation, your character suffers the responses from such a circumstances, this person is constantly loyal and follows almost any
reputation. Each dot in this merit adds to your social dice pools order without question unless they are subjected to abuse by you.
in situation where your reputation is respected or positive. As
well these points act as a minus if the situation has negative or A retainer can be called upon to perform many duties as best they
detrimental response to the reputation. are able. A bodyguard might be willing to hurt other people on a
mere command. A dedicated street kid might hang on your
character's every word and get her information or contacts without
being asked. Unless your character has direct control over a
retainer's mind, however, this person can't be made to perform any
task. He performs the task requested, unless subjected to repeated
abuse or an utterly intolerable assignment as best he is able (as
decided by the Storyteller based on the assistant’s personality and
abilities). He might not risk his own life unduly or perform a task
that violates his own morals. You or the Storyteller should detail
your retainer with an identity, and background of his own. The
Storyteller usually plays your character's retainer.

Each acquisition of this Merit grants your character one Retainer.

Dots spent in the trait indicate the training, capability or flexibility
of the aide. One dot suggests a child, an automaton or a madman
with limited capabilities and freedom of thought. Two dots
indicate an ordinary person over whom your character has sway.
The servant is completely mundane and has no particular training results. Subordinates or co-workers might resent their assignments,
above the human norm. Three dots represent a capable employee dislike your character or have personal agendas that interfere with
with a range of training at his disposal. Four dots represent a your character's needs. Efforts to get things done through official
valued, experienced and irreplaceable assistant. Five dots indicate channels still call for Manipulation + Persuasion or Intrigue rolls,
an extraordinary follower. He is exceptional in many ways - he may whichever Skill is appropriate to the request, circumstances and
even be capable of supernatural feats. your character's standing within the organization. Bonus dice are
equal your character's Status dots. Penalties might apply if your
 Drawback: If your retainer is ever hurt he may be incapable of character browbeats someone (-1), uses threats (-2), skirts the limits
service while recovering. If he is killed, he's lost forever unless of his authority (-2) or exceeds his authority (-3 to -5). Some sample
supernatural in origin. A retainer who possesses his own will and who organizations and the basic benefits, perks and privileges of standing
is forced to perform a duty that offends his sensibilities or defies his in them are listed below.
morals may abandon your character, temporarily or permanently.
Points spent to acquire a retainer who is killed or driven off are lost.
City Police: A patrol officer has legal powers of search, seizure and
arrest, is permitted to carry a firearm at all times and has access to a
Sand wide range of local databases. High-ranking officers (+) can initiate
(1 to 2 Points) investigations, coordinate with neighboring county or state police, and
Your character is tough. Be it through years of martial training call in urban-assault teams.
or just having a thick hide you have become tough as nails.
Clerical Standing: Your character is a licensed minister, gaining access to
Each dot in Sand you take gives you 1 natural soak point
people and places such as accused criminals, hospital patients, crime
towards Bashing damage. and accident scenes, and restricted areas in religious institutions.
Prerequisite: Academics Skill Specialty: Religion.
(1 to 5 Points) Corporate Executive: A low-level corporate executive has access to
much of the company's resources, including corporate credit cards,
Your character has standing, credentials, authority or respect within
vehicles, cell phones and computer equipment. Depending on the
an organization, group, company, religion or social body. He might
company, he can also access sources of information and influence not
have an official position or title, or might simply be revered and available to the general public. Executives (+) have larger salaries,
honored within the group and therefore accorded a degree of expense accounts, and hiring and firing powers, not to mention social
authority. Your character might be a company vice president, a perks and access to connected political figures and/or celebrities.
police sergeant or lieutenant, an army corporal or a nurse at a
hospital. Or he could be a lowly member of the group whom Diplomat: Your character is a registered diplomat for a sovereign
everyone likes or who has won some acclaim and is allowed more country. If he works in a foreign country he has free lodging, access to
standing than he is officially entitled. Each acquisition of this Merit his country's embassy and immunity from foreign criminal prosecution.
is dedicated to one group of authority, whether in an organization, Prerequisites: Manipulation  and Persuasion .
society or circle. Examples include police, City Hall, criminals, unions,
banks, a university faculty, a cult, or hospital staff. In order to have Licensed Professional: Your character is licensed in a recognized
authority in more than one group, you need to purchase this Merit profession that affords him privileges unavailable to most civilians. He
multiple times. Thus, your character might have Status (Police) , might be a private investigator and authorized to carry a concealed
Status (Criminals)  and Status (City Hall) . You would need to weapon and to have access to restricted databases and government
explain how he reconciles all this authority in the setting. The files, or he could be a building contractor and be authorized to own and
aforementioned character might be a dirty police sergeant who has use explosives for professional applications. Prerequisite: Academics
Skill Specialty: Law (private investigator), Crafts skill Specialty:
paid his dues in civil elections and gained some recognition among
Demolitions (building contractor).
city officials.
Medical: Your character is licensed to practice medicine. He can write
Status represents the privileges and liberties that your character is prescriptions, access medical records and gain access to restricted areas
authorized to take within the confines and definitions of his group. such as crime and accident scenes.
Increasing dots reflect increasing clout. A cop with Status 1 can enter
the suspect lockup and interrogation rooms, while a cop with Status 4 Military: An enlisted soldier has a monthly stipend, is permitted to
can enter the evidence locker without supervision or get involved in a possess military-grade firearms and has access to restricted sources of
crime scene investigation without specifically being called in. The information and equipment. If he is an active-duty soldier he receives
phrase within the confines and definitions of his group is emphasized free room and board and medical care. High-ranking soldiers are officers
above because Status operates exclusively through official channels. who can command units, requisition military equipment and perhaps
A surgeon might have one patient seen or operated on before even initiate foreign insurgencies.
another, because that's within the official confines of his authority.
Exceeding the confines of authority or proper channels transcends the Rotary Club: A basic member in good standing has access to the local
limits of the Status Merit. Going above and beyond to ask for favors meeting hall and a network of members who can provide club-related
rather than give orders or to requisition an official request enters the information or perform club-related duties. A basic member can also
realm of the Allies or Boon Merit. So, a police detective who gets a benefit from the organization's emergency fund in times of need. High
lower-ranking officer to investigate a case may do so with Status. ranking members have access to other clubs around the country, and
have sway over connected civic groups and political figures. Drawback:
That request is conducted through proper channels. Meanwhile, a
Your character's standing in a given organization is dependent on the
police detective who asks another officer to overlook some evidence
fulfillment of his duties and on abiding by the regulations required of
or to delay an investigation does so with Allies. The favor is asked
outside official channels. While Status might allow your character to
give orders to underlings, the Merit doesn't automatically get
Striking Looks Trained Soldier
(2 or 3 Points) (3 Points)
Your character is exceptionally attractive by modern standards; You have been trained as a soldier in a military unit. You are used
heads turn and conversations stop when she enters a room. For two to taking orders, and giving them. You have been trained to work
dots, your character gets +1 die to all Charisma or Manipulation rolls with the support of a team and understand how to maneuver a
when she attempts to use her looks to entertain, persuade, distract combat situation utilizing other trained soldiers. This merit could
or deceive others. For three dots, your character's looks are angelic; also apply to Roman Legionaries, SWAT forces, or many other
she gets +2 dice. army or military specific organizations. This is not a merit for lone
heroes or mad dogs of war, this is for those who fight alongside
Drawback: The more attractive your character is, the harder it is battle brothers and gain benefit from such situations. Note: there
for her to avoid notice in public. Witnesses to any criminal acts are no benefits to this merit when fighting without any other
are much more likely to remember your character's appearance, characters or NPCs that have this merit. (Assume that all NPC
and easily recognize her in a lineup. Your character is also likely soldiers have this merit.)
to receive a great degree of unwanted attention in social
situations. When not in combat you gain:
 +1 per other character that also has the Trained Soldier Merit to
Academics rolls for the purpose of tactical planning or analyzing
Survivalist enemy weaknesses or battle plans.
(1 to 3 Points)
Survivalist represents your character's experience or training in When in combat you gain:
 +1 to your base defense per other character that also has the Trained
"living off the land", or possibly surviving in a hostile environment
Soldier Merit who uses their action to lay down cover fire, use a
like a battlefield or nuclear wasteland. He knows where to find shield along your side, radio in enemy locations, or otherwise offer
food and shelter, and how to endure harsh environmental distraction or protection or information, up to +3 max.
conditions, how to deal with common threats and enemies when
taking the defensive. This does not allow planning for offensive or In any situation you gain
 +1 to your Wits + Perception rolls against situations that might catch
attack, this is for defending and surviving a harsh resource
you off guard, surprise you or otherwise catch you unaware - per
deficient environment. other character that also has the Trained Soldier Merit, up to +3 max.

Each dot in Survivalist will allow you to roll Intelligence + Crafts,

which each success gaining you 1 days’ worth of food per person Trained Warrior
you are providing for (up to a max of your Stamina dots). It also (4 Points)
can be used to make tools for survival. You can find your way You have been the champion of your tribe or perhaps the
towards a destination if lost, have the Storyteller give you a knight marauder of your legion, you are used to combat, alone
number between 1 and 10 of how far away or lost you are. Once or with others, it does not matter. Since birth you have been
per day you can roll Perception + Investigation; where successes trained with weapons and armor, you have forged ahead on
are applied towards that destination number. Once your successes your own and survived enough times to be considered a stand
reach that number, you have arrived. Work with the Storyteller out fighters, above all others.
for any other survival situations which you are likely to be
competent on and what rolls would be needed. The more capable
 When you apply Warpaint, wear a skull balaclava, or some form of
your character is, the fewer resources he needs in order to prevail. ritual or terror obviously visual item; using a Charisma + Expression
At 1 point you know how to make a shelter and a decent number roll: if you get at least 1 success you gain +1 to Persuasion if trying to
of poisonous plants not to eat. A 3 point master survivalist can intimidate, and enemy Defense is treated as 1 lower to a minimum of
walk into a forest, warzone, desert or mountainous region with 1 for the remainder of the scene. This may not be combined with any
little more than a pocketknife and the clothes on his back and other such merit, such as Dirty Tricks.
survive for weeks if necessary.
 When you Study your enemy for two or more rounds of combat
instead of attacking, you may make an Intelligence + Enemy Attack
Note that Survivalist is not synonymous with Streetwise or terror
Type (Brawl, Weaponry, Ballistics, etc); if you get 1 or more successes
tactics. Survivalist helps your character stay alive in the situation, on your roll, you gain a +1 defense against them for the remainder of
living off the land and hiding with whatever supplies he has the scene.
brought with him. Your character could be knowledgeable in
creating shelter and gathering plants to eat (Survivalist), but might  When you fight with weapons which are specific items you always
know nothing about training a wolf to hunt by your side (that battle with. (i.e. Not just any longsword, but the Grimfang bastard
would be Empathy with a specialty in Animal Ken). sword given to you by your father; for example) Your first Hit Location
Shift is free. Location shifts after that cost as normal.

Time Sense
(1 Point) Unshakable
You have an innate sense of time and are able to estimate the (4 Points)
passage of time accurately without using a watch or other Pain? What Pain? Pain is only an illusion of the mind, a tool to
mechanical device. You can accomplish this whether you are use or ignore as you see fit. Your total wound penalties never
concentrating or not. You can estimate the time of day to within a reduce your dice pool more than -1. This cannot be paired with
minute or two, and the passage of time with the same accuracy. Firewalker Merit.

(1 Points)
Character Flaws are aspects of a persona that come up every night
You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself or
of gaming that are intended to get in the way or hinder the
your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may
character. Make sure to pick Flaws you can have fun with!
someday come back to haunt you. (You can, if you wish, take up
to five points of other Flaws without specifying what they are, and
Flaws have dots from 1 to 3. This is a measure of how much it
leave it to the Storyteller to detail them. Over the course of the
affects your character. A 1 point flaw has only a minor effect or
chronicle, you and your character will slowly discover them.)
only comes up rarely. A 2 point flaw majorly affects your character
or it comes up all the time. A 3 point Flaw likely will kill your
character, is killing them or will utterly ruin their plans. Big Mouth
(1 Points)
Flaws are meant to be problems. They are meant to mess things A little lip-flapping can cause a whole passel of trouble. Your
up; they are meant to be a stumbling block. The more dots, the character’s lips are looser than a whore’s knickers. He always
worse they are. speaks before he thinks. Worse, he’s constantly blurting out the
group’s plans or telling the bad guys what they want to know. The
The upside is, Flaws make for great drama. It’s one thing to be the character also manages to put his boot in his mouth fairly often.
perfect hero, but it’s much more interesting and beneficial to the No one ever trusts this habitual gossip twice.
story to have Flaws. The change the plot dynamic, they create
depth in the story and they create depth in the character. Once
per game, if your Flaw bites you in the ass, ruins a plan or
otherwise causes significant complications; you will then gains its (2 or 3 Points)
value in XP for the night. (i.e. a 2 point Flaw is worth 2xp). At 2 points you are an ornery son of a bitch. You constantly get into
fights, you bully everyone you meet and you never back down once
Flaws can be ‘bought’ off by spending XP equal to 5x the points the a fight is started. You get a -2 in all Social situations, and whenever
Flaw is worth. But this may only be done after roleplaying out the you are insulted or mocked or in danger – you must fight, even if it
process of whatever might get rid of the Flaw – if anything. Check means you throw punches first. You won’t stop fighting until one of
with your Storyteller, not all Flaws can go away. you goes limp or passes out. At 3 points you are a heartless killer,
even the most trivial things set you off and you will go to extremes.
Any situation where your character is challenged or threatened –
Addiction however trivial, you must make a Morality roll at -2 dice. If you fail
(1 or 2 Points) you fly into a murderous rage. If you succeed you become verbally
You are addicted to some substance or activity. If a drug or other belligerent but otherwise in control. If you botch, you not only fly in
substance, you must find substance and partake of it regularly. If a murderous rage, but you also gain a mental illness. On a slightly
you are addicted to an activity, you must seek it out and perform beneficial note, you are utterly fearless and focused. You are
it as much as you can. For each day you go without sating your immune to all forms of intimidation, fear, or mind affecting powers,
addiction you gain a cumulative -2 to all dice pools. If you are spells or anything of the sort.
forced to go without this object or activity then you become irate
(reduced social abilities), paranoid, scatterbrained (reduced
mental abilities), and sickly (reduced health) - until you get this
object back or are able to partake once again. Drugs or other (3 Points)
chemically addictive substances are 2 point flaws, and activities of You were a small child at the time of the game start. Although time
any sort are 1 point flaws. and experience may have changed your outlook, you are stuck
with a child's body for the duration of this game (or most of it
anyway). You find it difficult to be taken seriously by others (-2
Ailing penalty to all relevant rolls). Because, having never undergone the
(1-3 Points) experience of puberty, you are ill suited to withstanding the
A major body part is injured or otherwise prevented from demands of any Setting Flaw (Vampire Frenzy, Werewolf Rage,
working effectively. This can come in many forms, for example: Mage Hubris, etc) - the difficulties of all such rolls are 2 greater.
Bad Sight (2 Points): Your sight is defective. The pools of all dice rolls related to vision are
decreased by two. This Flaw is neither nearsightedness nor farsightedness; it is a minor
form of blindness, and is not correctable. You may not take Acute Vision if you take this Cowardice
Color Blindness (1 Point): You can only see in black and white. Color means nothing to you,
(3 Point)
though you are sensitive to color density, which you perceive as shades of gray. This will You usually get shot in the backside and you’ve got the stitches to
affect color based powers as well. prove it. Cowards don’t have the heart for combat and try to avoid
Crippled (3 Points): You are missing one leg or foot, missing arm or hand. You suffer a
three-dice penalty to all dice rolls related to movement or using that limb. it whenever possible. “Real” men don’t like them much unless
Disfigured (1 Point): A hideous disfigurement makes you ugly and easy to notice as well as they’re female, in which case they might actually be more
remember. You therefore have -2 to all social interactions, much like the Nosferatu (who appealing. You get a -4 to any dice pool when someone uses Fear,
cannot take this Flaw).
Hard of Hearing (1 Point): Your hearing is defective. The difficulties of all dice rolls related Persuasion, or Intimidation rolls against you, you even easily break
to hearing are increased by two. You may not take Acute Hearing if you take this Flaw. under even the threat of torture. In combat your character will do
Mute (3 Points): Your vocal apparatus does not function, and you cannot speak at all. You their best to avoid direct action. They will hide, cower, and
can communicate through other means - typically writing or signing. This also may lead to
many social gathering being less accepting of your charms. attempt to throw themselves at the mercy of their attackers. In
Speech Impediment (1 Point): You have a stammer or some other speech impediment order to act in combat directly (to attack or the like,) it requires
which hampers verbal communication. The difficulties of all relevant rolls are increased by
the character spend a Willpower point.

Cursed gambling debt, something 3 to 5 times a decent annual income
(1-3 Points) value. At 3 dots you owe your life to someone. And they regularly
You have been cursed by someone or something with take it out in tough favours, dangerous jobs or humiliating ways.
supernatural or magical powers. This curse is specific and
detailed, it cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and it Diminutive
can be life-threatening. Some examples follow: (2 Points)
You are well below average height, and have trouble seeing
 (1 pt) If you pass on a secret that was told to you, your betrayal will later over high objects and moving quickly. Or maybe you are twig
harm you in some way. thin and have no muscle on your bones. Either way, your
 (1 pt) You stutter uncontrollably when you try to describe what you have
seen or heard.
stature is much slighter that others, your Size is reduced by 1.
 (1 pt) Tools often break or malfunction when you attempt to use them.
 (2 pt) You are doomed to make enemies of those to whom you become
most attached (applies to NPCs only)
 (3 pt) Every one of your accomplishments or achievements will eventually, (1-3 Points)
inevitably, become soiled and fail in some way. You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to
harm you. The value of the flaw determines how powerful these
enemies are. The most powerful enemies (Methuselahs or
Damned Archmages, or the FBI) would be 3-point Flaws, while someone
(2 Points) nearer to your own power would be worth only 1 point. You must
Your character is destined to become a monster, only the decide who your enemy is and how you became enemies in the
deepest pits of hell await you. Your character gets 1 less die to first place. The second part of this flaw is how widespread this
roll when making Morality Checks. enemy is. They will not hunt you or chase you to the ends of the
earth, and possibly not even into the next county. But if you are
Dark Fate ever on their turf, then you had better watch out. For large
(3 Points) organizations, like the FBI, they do have global networks which can
track you anywhere. However this flaw assumes they are only
You are doomed to experience a most horrible demise or, worse,
suffer eternal agony. No matter what you do, someday you will be looking for you in a certain area or certain like of work (possibly
out of the picture. In the end, all your efforts, your struggles, and illegal work).
your dreams will come to naught. Your fate is certain and there is
nothing you can do about it. Even more ghastly, you have partial Sleeping With the Enemy
You have some sort of intimate connection with a member of an
knowledge of this, for you occasionally have visions of your fate -
opposing sect or organization. You may have a lover, a child, a friend, or
and they are most disturbing. The malaise these visions inspire in a contact working the other side of the fence, but regardless of politics
you can only be overcome through the use of Willpower, and will you retain a friendly (or more than friendly) relationship with your
return after each vision. At some point in the chronicle, you will putative foe. Your close ties to someone on the other side would be
indeed face your fate, but when and how is completely up to the regarded as treason by your superiors, and if you are discovered, the
penalty will surely be death.
Storyteller. Though you can't do anything about your fate, you can
still attempt to reach some goal before it occurs, or at least try to
make sure that your friends are not destroyed as well. This is a Fortunes Fool
difficult Flaw to roleplay; though it may seem as if it takes away all (2 or 3 point)
free will, we have found that, ironically, it grants freedom. Calamity Jane’s got nothing on you. At 2 points, if you pull a
Black Joker, whatever your character is doing has the absolute
Dark Secret worst effect possible. At 3 points not only do Black Jokers to
(2 Points) their worst, but 1’s rolled you roll negate successes.
You have some sort of secret that, if uncovered, would be of
immense embarrassment to you and would make you a pariah in
the characters’ community. This can be anything from having
(1 or 3 points)
murdered an elder to having once been a member of a sacrificial
You may not have teeth, but you’ve still got a bite. You’re
cult, or many others.
practically a fossil in the World of Darkness, and most people call
you “old timer”. You’ve got one foot in the grave and the other in
Debt Hell. Not all older characters have this Flaw—some folks are old at
(1-3 Points) 40 and others are still young at 90. For 2 points, reduce your
You are up to your ears in debt and there ain’t no getting out quick. grandpa’s Stamina by 1 (you must have already had 2 or more dots
Maybe you owe a life debt to someone for saving your hide, heck, in Stamina to take this flaw), and their max Stamina is 4. On the
maybe you didn’t even deserve to be saved. Maybe you gambled plus side, you get an extra 3 Merit points to buy only Skill dots
away your life savings, your wife’s life savings, your kid’s life during character creation. For 3 points, reduce the character’s
savings, the house, the farm and the cat. Either way, you got Stamina, Strength and Dexterity by 1 (All of which must have been
problems that need more than a few coins to solve. This might at 2 or higher to take this flaw), all of which are capped at 4 dots.
resolve over time as cash payments, or maybe as favours. Or But you get an extra 5 Merit points which may be used on anything
maybe at some point you need to save a life too – and maybe it except Strength, Stamina and Dexterity.
won’t be a life worth saving, and maybe it could cost you your own
life. At 1 point this might be owing a friend the price of a car or a
large down payment on a house. At 2 dots this might be a large
Haunted Illness
(3 Points) (1 through 3 points)
You are haunted by a ghost that only you (and Mediums) can Illness characters are affected by their ailments, depending on
see and hear. It actively dislikes you and enjoys making your life the severity and the symptoms of their affliction. It’s assumed
miserable by insulting, berating and distracting you - especially these ailments aren’t temporary. Your character has tried
when you need to keep your cool. Yelling at the ghost can conventional cures, and they just didn’t take. Even
sometimes drive it away, but it will confuse those who are supernatural cures may not do any good. If your character
around you. The Storyteller will likely personify the ghost in takes this Flaw, it means he’s already attempted to heal the
order to make things all the more frustrating for you. It also has illness by any means and failed. He’s stuck with it, buddy.
a number of minor powers it can use against you (once per
game night for each power): At the start of each game session, roll Stamina against the
number of successes listed with each type of ailment on the
 Hide small objects Illness Table below. Add +2 dice if a doctor is treating your
 Bring a "chill" over others, making them very ill at ease with you character. If the roll is failed, your character suffers the
 Cause a loud buzzing in your ear or the ears of others
 Move a small object such as a knife or pen
associated penalty to all Skill and Aptitude checks for the rest
 Break a fragile item such as a bottle or mirror of this game session. If you botch the roll, your character’s
 Trip you or knock something out of your hand affliction increases to the next level of severity for this game
 make eerie noises such as chains rattling session. Botching at the Fatal level means he’s dying. (See
 On rare occasions you have done something to aggravate it - howl with
an unearthly high pitched scream audible to all those around causing a
chart below)
Panic in everyone requiring a Wits + Resolve roll needing more
successes than the ghost got (Ghost rolls 3d10 and add 1 success to Flaw Success Penalty Ailment
whatever they rolled, successful or not. The Ghost cannot fail or botch 1 1 Minor: (Recurrent allergies, asthma, cold, or hives) Your
character has a minor but incurable ailment that causes him
this roll)
to cough, get the squirts, etc.

2 3 Chronic: (Early stages of fatal diseases, black fever, or

radiation sickness) Your character has a chronic illness that
High-Falutin’ causes constant agony and may someday kill her.

(1 Point) 3 5 Fatal: (AIDS, cancer, neural disease, etc) Your character is in

Rich snobs turn up their noses so high they usually drown when the final stages of a chronic illness that can kill him at any time.

it rains. Your character has no tolerance for those of a lesser

class or places of less propriety and status than you are used Intolerance
to. Those who notice your upturned nose don’t like you. (1 Points)
Subtract –2 from all rolls to interact with people below your You have an unreasoning dislike of a certain thing. This may be
rank, station, wealth, or locations and scenes where you are an animal, a class of person, a color, a situation, or just about
forced to dwell, stay, interact with locations that are below anything at all. The dice pools of all rolls involving the subject
your wealth and means. are decreased by two, and your chances to Frenzy, Rage, freak
out, act rude or otherwise - are increased. Note that some
Illiterate dislikes may be too trivial to be reflected here - a dislike of
(1 Point) Playboy Magazine or tissue paper, for instance, are not
Through lack of education or as the result of a condition like appropriate choices. You may even constantly pursue
dyslexia, you are unable to read or write. opportunities to harm the hated object or to gain power over
it. The Storyteller is the final arbiter on what you can pick to

Madness Miser
(1 to 3 Points) (1 Points)
You suffer from a belief in something that is patently untrue. A miser knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
There is no way to prove it, nor could it exist outside the most Miserly characters must always buy the “cheapest” goods
wild fever dreams. However that does not stop your character available and haggle incessantly over everything. Because of this,
from pursuing study or interaction with whatever made-up she can only buy second-hand, used equipment. And she will insist
lunacy they have. on doing everything herself even if the quality is poor. If she does
have to hire someone, she haggles for low wages.
Every scene you must in some way roleplay out how its events
or setting, or items are related to your madness, if it is not, or Mistaken Identity
if the connection is weak. If for some reason you cannot make (1 or 2 Points)
any madcap connection, then you will ignore the events of the You look similar to another infamous character, and are mistaken
scene to go and pursue the activities of your madness for her, much to your chagrin. This individual's allies will approach
elsewhere. you and tell you things you do not want to hear, her enemies will
attempt to do away with you, and others will treat you in odd
Every new scene make a Resolve roll. If you botch you must ways. Ultimately you might be able to sort out things, but it will
attempt to inflict your madness upon the scene, possibly with take tremendous effort. At 1 point it is a minor inconvenience, at
violence if you cannot easily perform mad acts. If you fail the 2 points it’s downright dangerous to yourself and your allies.
roll, the character simply wanders off or gets lost in their
madness until an outside source snaps them back into reality,
allowing you to interact with the scene at a -2 to all rolls. If you
succeed your addled mind has found a way to relate the events
to your madness and you can proceeded as "normal"...

See the Storyteller section on Curing the Insane for the only
ways to remove this Flaw.

Absent Minded (1 Point): The character tends to forget everything but his work. He might forget to wear his pants one
day or eat raw coffee the next. Whenever he needs to remember an important detail, he should make a Wits roll. If he
fails, he can’t remember it.

Compulsion (1 Point): You have a psychological compulsion of some sort which can cause you a number of different
problems. You compulsion may be for cleanliness, perfection, bragging, stealing, gaming, exaggeration or just talking. A
compulsion can be temporarily avoided for the scene at the cost of a Willpower point, but is in effect at all other times.

Delusion (2 Point): The character’s mind snaps and he comes to believe something that is patently untrue. Maybe he
thinks he’s a werewolf, or the sky is blue because the “Moon People” paint it that way every morning. Or perhaps he
believes he’s not a living person, but a character in some strange game.

Eccentricity (1 Point): The character becomes eccentric. Maybe he smothers his food in vinegar or eats lots of bran to
keep his digestive system clear (ugh). The condition is basically harmless and amusing, though occasionally annoying.

Evil Deeds (2 Point): An insidious spirit (real or imagined) convinces the character that someone or something is evil and
must be stopped. At first he may only talk badly about his “enemies.” Later on he might attempt to ruin or even kill them.

Minor Phobia (1 Point): The character develops a strange fear of something. He suffers a –2 penalty to his actions
whenever the source of the phobia is present.

Major Phobia (3 Point): As above, except the character is at –4 to his actions when in the presence of the feared object
or environment.

Mumbler (1 Point): The character talks to himself constantly, and his sentences often taper off into meaningless drivel.
While working, he might occasionally hear “voices” talking back. The frightening truth is, the voices are real.

Paranoia (2 Point): Everyone’s out to get the character or steal his ideas, or so he believes. Or maybe sinister creatures
from “Dimension X” are lurking just outside his home, waiting to steal his amazing accomplishments so they can conquer
the Earth.

Schizophrenia (3 Point): The character adopts drastically different attitudes from time to time. At one moment he might
be passive and restrained. Later on he’s a raving madman. If he gets this result multiple times, he develops entirely new
personalities who might have different names, mannerisms or Hindrances. In fact, they might not even be of the same
race or gender.

Megalomania (2 Point): The character must be the greatest in the world as something major, be it ruler of the world,
greatest wizard of all, lord commander of the entire fleet. Whatever it is, you have to be the master and commander of
it, and you demand all the respect it garners, even if you haven’t achieved it yet. The character must attempt to achieve
it with all they do.

Nightmares are alone. Your character will likely never gain any real respect
(3 points) from local “pillars of the community” or be able to hold a position
You wake every night with sweats. Your rest during the day is not of authority if your sordid past becomes known. It’s not fair, but
as others (character does not dream or have any consciousness that’s just how it is.
during their slumber). You instead are plagued with nightmares
about your past or about those whom you have wronged, even Soft-Hearted
slightly. Your addled mind warps your past into a macabre dance (1 Point)
of horror and suffering - all tailored to you. Make a Wits roll. If You cannot stand to watch others suffer - not necessarily because
you Botch you gain the Madness Flaw for 1 week, if you fail, you you care about what happens to them, but simply because you
lose a point of Willpower, if you succeed you are fine... for now. dislike the intensity of emotion. If you are the direct cause of
suffering, and you witness it, you will experience nights of nausea
Notoriety and grief. You avoid situations where you might have to witness
(1 or 2 Points) suffering and will do anything you can to protect others from it.
Whenever you must witness suffering, dice pools of all rolls are
You have a bad reputation among the people of your chosen city.
decreased by two for the next scene.
This must be your own reputation, it may not be derived from your
sire or other organizations. There is a -2 penalty to all dice rolls for
social dealings with that group. A character with this Flaw may not Vengeance
take the Merit of Reputation. At 1 point this flaw acts only (1 Point)
occasionally. At 2 points it happens to screw you over almost You have a score to settle. You are obsessed with wreaking
every single gaming session. vengeance on an individual (or perhaps an entire group), and make
revenge your first priority in all situations. The need for vengeance
Obese can only be overcome by spending Willpower points, and even
(2 Points) then it only temporarily subsides. Someday you may have your
revenge, but the Storyteller won't make it easy.
You are huge, and not in a good way. The amount of fat on you
could burn for years to come. You have to buy two plane tickets
for yourself alone, and you require special seats at the movies. Ward
Eating is not a requirement in your life, it’s a major portion of your (1 Points)
day, as you consume upwards of 10lbs of food and drink in a day, You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. You may describe
well over 20,000 calories – and it shows. Your character is your ward, though the Storyteller will actually roleplay him/her.
unmistakably fat, not big boned, not brawny – but blubbery, ripply, This character may be a friend or relative, or simply a person you
always-winded - fat. Your size goes up by 1 and your Stamina is admire and consider important. Wards have a way of getting
reduced by 1 and your Speed is halved, and when you Dodge you caught up in the action of stories, and are frequent targets of a
only get +1 to your Defense instead of doubling it. In addition there character's enemies.
many places you cannot fit, and cannot hide. You will likely never
win a foot race, nor will you climb many mountains. It’s also
possible you may suffer social issues in certain vain circles. Weakness
(1 or 2 Points)
There is something that will kill you faster than you can blink. This
Overconfident would be in addition to anything your character type might already
(1 Point) be weak against (i.e. silver for werewolves or sunlight for
You have an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own vampires, or holy water for the undead). Whatever it is, it
worth and capabilities-you never hesitate to trust your abilities, supernaturally is your bane and can be used to harm or capture or
even in situations where you risk defeat. Because your abilities incapacitate you. The points of this flaw depend on the scarcity of
may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. the bane and the effect it has on you. 1 point might be a -1 to all
When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to actions while in the area of the subject of your Weakness. (area
blame. If you are convincing enough, you can infect others with should be at least 30m in diameter, if not bigger). At 2 points this
your overconfidence. Your character may never turn down a causes you harm and does 1 point of Bashing damage if you are in
dangerous situation and they may never turn down a personal the area per round, and 1 point of Lethal if pressed against your
challenge. body.

Randy Weak-Willed
(2 Points) (2 Points)
If it moves… You are highly susceptible to domination and intimidation by
Prudish folks run in terror at the sight of your drooling lech. Your others; you are, in fact, unable to use your Willpower freely.
character wants sex and lots of it. He or she hits on every
You can employ your Willpower only when physical harm or life
reasonably good-looking member of their preferred gender in
and death is at stake. And you count your Resolve as 1 lower
sight, usually more than once. Your character may be well-known
when anyone uses a Social Attack or Influence against you.
in every brothel in the area. Polite society thinks you’re a pig, and
“clean living” folks avoid you like the plague. The lecherous
character has a –3 to any Social rolls made to influence
“respectable” folks. You suffer no penalties with people of lesser
morals, but resists their charms at –3 - especially if the two of you

In a game where there is no main villain, where the characters
are in a world where there are machinations that function with Or better put – helping facilitate the cooperative telling of a
them involved or not – how does one run such a game? The story.
term Storyteller is used for a strong reason – this person should
have a story to tell. Not just the tales of the lives of the odd World of Darkness is run unlike most other games. It is not
people the game will follow as player characters, but of a larger based around a central plot to which the characters do not
and more engrossing story that brings the world to life, question or deviate. That is to say, this is never a game about
highlights the themes of the game, and shows off the world in everyone gearing up to go slay the evil dragon and just do what
logical detail. it takes to get there along the way.

What follows is a few sections to guide someone in making a It’s not a game of random, non-sequitur moments strung
story that will not just tie together a rag tag group of characters, together with no concern for mystery, plot cohesion, or
but also unfold for them in a tale that will make their character growth either.
imaginations run and their ideas flow. These sections will also
help make storytelling easier as they offer structure to games It’s closer to a group of people co-writing a novel or co-scripting
and plots so you can not only keep track of the world and story a movie – and one person in either case acting as the lead author
events, but also generate new ones that give the feeling of a or director. Everyone gets their input, but there must be a
cohesive and thoughtful plot. Random is fun in the moment, person with a unifying concept in mind. So let’s talk about this
but a story should have purpose and an ideal it is building lead author/director – this Storyteller. The role of the
towards. This ideal needs to be a mystery that the characters Storyteller is one of mystery and exploration. To run World of
interact with, making their lives more dynamic and fulfilling – Darkness as a Storyteller you will be doing four main things:
because when the story is bigger than them, their setting the scene, creating a living and logical world the players
accomplishments are so much bigger as well. can explore, instigating a themed story, and listening to the
players and their characters.
World of Darkness is not a player character generated game, nor
is the world or story a player character generated plot. The
Setting the Scene
characters will add their own rich layer of detail and drama to a
First let’s talk about how to start roleplaying at all. It’s hard for
plot that is already unfolding in the world around them. And
actors to act without a stage and props – so give them a bunch!
they will be pressed to interact with it, change it, flow with it, or
When you set up this scene and interact in it or narrate it – you
let it run them over. Let players have their ties to your world,
should think of items or locations details or NPC actions which
let them build their own ideas into the setting – but don’t let
highlight the theme and establish the plot of the night. Always
them start with a blank slate. Give them a sandbox with
start the first scene of the night in media res – in the middle of
structure and some interesting castles to explore – or knock
the action. This can be any kind of action, social, mysterious,
dangerous, etc. Never start with an empty scene of “What are
you doing?”. Have some established action for them.
In the end, you are the Storyteller, so have a tale to tell!
It may be the characters in the middle of a heated conversation
as they walk up three flights of stairs. Give the players a pitch
based on your plot and theme needs and let them roleplay out
This is a story. And a story can’t be told without interesting
the results however they may. In this example it might be to
characters and NPCs. When responding with Storyteller pitch to the players, “One of you just got a parking ticket for a
Actions (See Drama and Dice Rolling section for details), you bad parking habit and now there is a debate as to the threat
must attempt to keep the scene interesting and exciting for written on the back.” The players then roleplay their characters
everyone. This means that before you narrate Actions causing debating conspiracy theory of the symbol on the ticket,
problems or taking things away – think about how much more harraging each other about being cautios enough, or waxing
cool it would be if that character performed the action the philosophical about the parking ticket and fate. Or you might
player wanted in in some dramatic way with the twist your start them off with a big bang: in the middle of a gunfight, the
narrative move added to it. As the Storyteller you are not the sounds of intruders in their home, or a growl of a terrifying beast
enemy, you are not the antagonist. You are there to help make stalking them.
the story great. To pull on heart strings, to give hope, and to
bring them to the brink of fear and madness – and only then Whatever it is you do, make sure to describe the pertinent parts
those who want to have that character end, fall, or fail. of their surroundings, the general mood of the scene and
atmosphere of the area they are in, and any other NPCs in the
scene as well. Let them place themselves wherever they think
they might likely be and they pick up from there, in character, in
first person narrative.

Any follow on scenes from that point on for the rest of the game Instigation
night can start however makes the most sense. Sometimes it Let’s look at this idea of a themed story. As you think over the idea
might be simply knocking at the door of a rival, kicking in the of what you want the game to be about (true love, vengeance,
door to a threat, or getting into the car to go make a visitation. redemption, etc.), think about the events that truly highlight that
These scenes can start with action or they can start with a theme. You can make a rough outline of the several ideas you have
simple ‘scene cut’ or ‘fade to black’ from one to the next. about what someone might do or experience to bring the theme to
life and place it before the players and their characters.
While you got to choose the first scene of the night to kick things
off, likely it will be the players who tell you where they want to Don’t worry overly much about the order of this outline, just note
go and what they want to do with their characters next. Try to the main things that you want to bring to the table for this theme.
address the player’s character and not the player – it helps with You can sequentially build to a crescendo, but the middle bits need
immersion and gets people thinking about what their character to stay flexible for which order they come in. In a way, this isn’t any
would do – not what they would do. different than a player thinking up ideas of things they want to do
with their character in this world during game. If your story was
These scenes and the way you frame them and how they lead your character, then your themed events are that character’s
from one into the next will be your key to inserting your story actions imposing themselves upon the world and others.
into the game, and not just forcing players to do what you want
their characters to do over and over again. This leads to the next You have a lot of ways you can insert your story and plot into any
way you run a World of Darkness game – listening to the players given scene. Remember to use NPCs, from dangerous thugs, to
and their characters. silver tongued rats, to nervous mooks. Sometimes a threat goes as
far as a gunshot. Nothing puts the fear in a character’s heart more
than a threatening letter pinned to their loved one’s front door.
You might have a few ideas of what events you want to add to And don’t forget bait! Always remember the bait.
the game. You might have dozens. But you can’t just tell the
players “you are going to do this next.” They need to be able Let the badguy falter, let his minions fail, let the players find that
to explore the world and uncover the mysteries, or step on the opening they need. The story has room for drama on all sides, and
landmines - all of their own accord. And as they talk to each failure is a major part of that – the characters and the NPCs alike.
other, as they interact with NPCs, and as they ask around about Even good intentioned allies can screw things up for the characters,
mysteries or follow up on clues – they will leave themselves and now they got to be bailed out.
open to a variety of drama and danger.
The world and plot should be logical in that it follows what a
rational thinking person and prepared organization would do.
This may be as easy as you wanting to have a shoot out to
Everyone has assets and allies and favours owed. So don’t forget
highlight danger with a rival faction being fed up with the player
to let the world utilize these assets, even if they are super powers
character’s antics. And you wanted it at a flashy, public place -
or just a simple cellphone call. This will allow you to instigate your
full of shattering glass and screaming bystanders as possible.
events outside of what the players are doing with their characters.
Don’t tell the players they stop at a diner on the way to their Then as news makes it to the player characters, they will decide
destination. Listen for them to tell you they are headed how and when they will address this new development. And if you
somewhere public. Or at most, hint at them maybe being have built in heartfelt reasons why they should care, and you have
hungry, it has been many hours since they ate after all. Then if let them set the conditions of their victory – they will know the
they go to the diner to eat, great – you got your set scene. If stakes if they chose to let this go instead of addressing it
they go home, that’s fine too – keep that scene in your pocket, themselves.
they will hit somewhere public soon enough! Be patient but
don’t be afraid to remind them of their obligations, jobs, loved Adapt, update, or let it die. If an event you wanted to see happen just
ones, or basic needs. Then let them set the timeline and agenda. doesn’t fit – change it. Adapt it to the new perspective you have on the
characters and move on. If that loses the sense of the event, update it
Use NPCs to encourage player characters to set their own
to consider any new desires or ideals the character may have. And if that
conditions for success or victory. The more the character talks, all fails – let it die. Just because you thought it was cool, does not mean
the more tools you have to build your story into theirs. it won’t end up on the editing room floor.

And be ready to re-write your scene. Maybe they know they are
being followed or watched. Maybe they know the hit is coming.
So instead, reveal the car full of gangsters and machine guns
across the street – then have them drive away making ominous
eye contact. Don’t worry, the guns will blaze later on – but right
there – with that show of passive aggression, the players and
their characters feel the danger – and that was your goal all

The pace of the story is the rate at which story problems #3 – Be aware of who can really add to a scene. Players are fully
establish and relieve tension, and how engaging that is for required to insert themselves into the scenes and find purpose
players. Pace is not as simple as "the faster the better," or else I and activity within the plot. But not all scenes are that straight
would just tell you to throw life or death situations at the players forward, and not all scenes are meaningful to all characters. So
until they pass out from too much fun. There are a few major assuming the players are doing their job to stay proactive, it’s
concepts in keeping a game from bogging down, getting your job to make sure that nobody is rendered useless or
tiresome, or being boring. Even the best plots can seem tedious unnecessary. While one or two characters might carry the scene
if there is little to do, less to feel important about, and too many or have the spotlight, be aware of the difficulty the other
steps to get things done. characters have in staying engaged and make sure they get
choices to make, and drama to interact with.
#1 – The Storyteller must have a good idea of what number one,
main thing it is that they want to happen that night. Then they Sometimes it’s ok to have other characters sit out a scene and
can dictate the game pacing by putting a number of more or less wait for their compatriots to resolve their drama on their own.
steps to achieving that - and more or less opportunities for This is a good time to keep complications to a minimum and
players to initiate their own scenes with their own goals aside investigations short. Nothing makes a game seem more boring,
than having to constantly fight for things to do, or reasons to be
to the plot. If it’s needed, you can have up to three main scenes,
in a scene when they are only relevant to others. So make all
or concepts you want to do in a single night. Generally any more characters important or as involved as is reasonable in each
than that, and you run the risk of not getting most of them done, scene they are in, or cut them out and resolve it quick.
or blasting past player initiated scenes and goals. Stay away
from requiring player characters do a specific action to trigger #4 – Nothing never happens. Take any given roll, especially
your special scenes for the night. Be flexible and alter your
failed or botched rolls, and narrate the results in line with the
scenes location, NPCs or whatever else the fiction will allow so player's narrative approach and goals - then add in your own
that they can be easily inserted at a variety of times. bits to subtly guide the results into the direction you need the
scene to continue to progress. Keep the fiction moving forward.
Know when to end the scene. Make sure each scene has a fairly clear
goal before you start it. You can clarify out of character ahead of time if
Don’t let multiple failed rolls bring the scene or the game to a
it’s too fuzzy, but otherwise keep it brief. Once the characters more or slow halt! And don’t forget that rolls are not always needed!
less achieve the goal of the scene, even if only partially or screwing up World of Darkness uses a scale of 1 to 5 for a reason – you can
and chasing off their chances - give a narrative hint or scene description use that as a guide to simply let a character narrate success
that indicates there is little more to do here unless they decide they
need more. But do make sure they are aware the goal is already met (or
when failure isn’t interesting or good for pacing.
failed), and it might be a better to start a new scene to follow up or carry
out some new goals, and thus move the fiction forward. When you do enter a scene, consider opening it with the action
or as close to the interesting drama or danger as you can. And
#2 – Don’t kill the story’s momentum. Pacing for a given scene is by that same token, end the scene when the interesting parts
based on how quickly you let the player achieve the goal of any are done. If the players are still having fun in the scene, great
let them do so - but make sure on some level they are aware the
given scene. (Get the info, kill the bad guy, plant the bomb, etc).
main drama is resolved unless they kick up some more.
This can be made faster by letting the players succeed in a single
roll or narrative exchange. And it can be made longer by putting
multiple complications/rolls in front of the characters that they #5 – Track character Goals. When a player states they have a
must address to advance towards their goal. If they fail a roll, goal for a character, set up a 5 dot goal tracker. Each time they
sometimes it’s best to let them get what they wanted then end complete a scene in the game that narratively advances that
the scene with a complication for later. This goes for combat goal, fill in a dot. Once all 5 dots are filled in, the character
too. How tough your bad guys are, how many there are, etc – achieves that goal. Dots can never be removed from this
will determine if this is a long or a short fight – and not all fights tracker. This kind of pacing is to ensure the players are getting
need to be a major affair. Sometimes just a quick and clever a sense of accomplishment in the game, and can end up being
skirmish is all you need to set the tension! the most important aspect of a game story. Make sure to help
players pick goals that are in line with group play and the main
It’s not exact math, but consider that each complication or each extra
plot as much as possible, this will help merge goal achievement
challenge you make the players interact with will take 15 to 20 minutes scenes with plot and other character scenes.
to resolve. This is for any number of reasons; from players taking time to
roleplay, to combat actions just taking time, to players adding in their own The Storyteller can introduce any number of obstacles to
drama or narrative perspectives. So making one scene with 3 things the
achieve a dot, but typically 1 obstacle is plenty (there is always
players have to overcome will likely take 45 minutes to an hour to
complete. other drama surrounding goals so only add more if plot
demands it).

COMBAT PACING Trigger could be something like; suffering a type of emotional
NPC Actions stress, or condition. It might be to lose an ally or have plan
Antagonists represent all kinds of opposition to the player ruined. It could the loss of an item or asset. When the Resolve
characters and their agendas. They are never evil, mindlessly Trigger is activated, it means the scene has a chance to go back
insane, or without a self-serving goal. If there is not some area into narrative mode. Give the players a chance to talk to each
of contention that they have no other option but to accost the other, assess the situation and address their enemy – but make
character, only then will they do so. But World of Darkness is as sure it fits within the fiction of the scene, and have reactions be
much about shadow moves and preparedness as it is about dark based on the training and abilities of the antagonists involved.
powers. Remember, when dealing with player characters, most Some characters, when their Resolve Trigger is met, may still
antagonists have both prepared for the assault, and thought of attempt to goad or intimidate the characters, they just won’t
at least a few ways out if things go to shit. risk more harm to themselves or their agenda.

When running NPCs in a game, you must have prepared the Mass Combat
following before accosting the player character: Antagonist A massive combat or battle scene is a great thing to have in a game,
Goals and Resolve Triggers. but we don’t want to bring the game to a grinding halt as we roll
for dozens or more nameless enemies. This can even apply to large
social gatherings where many people could potentially have sway
Antagonist Agendas
over events and characters.
People who are opposed to the player characters or their goals
are going to have thought things through, at least a little. They For large combats, wars, or big events - the players will work with the
are not prepared for every circumstance, but they at least have Storyteller to come up with 1 to 3 Objectives for the scene. This may
a goal in mind. There can be some wiggle room in the agenda, be to take a specific bunker, then clear a path to the fortress, then
so don’t make it too specific. If the thugs just want to rob the find the main antagonist and confront them. Or it may be to get into
characters of money, then a gold watch thrown at them as the the soiree, then rile up two social opponents, and finally to call for a
characters run away might just be good enough. Consider the duel. Don’t just make a long list of baddies for the characters to cut
Intrigue Pyramid and where this dangerous confrontation fits in. their way through – each round the characters actions should be
Antagonist Agendas can also be used for social scenes as well. against an interesting obstacle in achieving that Objective. Only if
Giving the NPC a goal of what Compels they want to inflict will their rolls fail or if Complications arise would it take more than one
give the scene some texture and more avenues to maneuver round to achieve. While the battle rages around them, the storyteller
socially. Some typical goals that are interesting to play through can narrate explosions, battle cries, bullets flying all over the place
are: and so on.

 Payback for some past slight done to them or their organization. When dealing with large numbers of NPCs involved in the combat
 Threats of violence in order to get the characters to do or event, don’t roll for each individual. First give each group of mass
something for them. NPCs (usually one group on PCs side and one on the Antagonists
 A quick attempt to try and get some item or valuables from the side) one main Objective for the fight. Then the ST will assign that
characters. Objective a scale of 2 to 5 for how quickly they could achieve it. The
 A show of force to denote claim to an area. ST will roll once per round for the Antagonist’s NPC group, and one
of the players will roll once per round for NPCs on their side.
If at any time the scene looks like the antagonists are not likely Whoever gets the most successes makes 1 progress towards their
to get their goal, or their goal was destroyed or ruined, then that goal. Don’t track how many people die on each side, that’s always
hits a Resolve Trigger and likely they call things off, back away a waste of time, just narrate how it sounds like things went and let
or bargain. the Player Characters be the highlights of the battle.

Dice pools for each NPC group are based only on their description and major
Resolve Triggers assets. A suggestion for the single dice roll might be as follows: Side A has a trained
All antagonists in World of Darkness have an agenda. It may be force (+2), they have a good leader (+1) and they have already set into position
as simple as to detain you, or to steal and item, or to take (+2). Side B has an untrained force (+1) but they have a brilliant leader (+3) and
something from you and so on. When you do something that they have explosives to crack the defenders bunkers (+2). Side A has 5 dice versus
Side B who has 6 dice. Let the players put in a few comments towards general
ruins the plans or causes a hard block to an antagonist obtaining battle tactics, possibly adding a die or two to their side if they are clever and
their objective – they are narratively defeated. A fight will only prepare well.
continue if the players want it to at that point. And most
antagonist will fight for their life, but they might try to bargain
or flee or even give in to you a bit. The way this is set up is with
antagonist Resolve Triggers. This means typically they are
required to roll a Resolve check, and if they fail they are
desperate to end things. And if they succeed they may try to
still bargain their way for what they want, but will likely give in
or just try to cut their losses and run.

Each antagonist will have 1 or more Resolve Triggers. A Resolve

Trigger is a condition that when met, will cause the Antagonist
to retreat, bargain, or abandon this effort – for now. The
Nemesis Combat
Your Nemesis is the NPC who is the main Antagonist of the Plot.
They are important enough that you may want them to take on
the entire character group in combat. But they don’t have to
be, some antagonists are quite easy to kill, it’s getting to them
that’s the hard part. In the case of a set-piece, final boss,
supernaturally powerful antagonist; here are guidelines for
creating and running that kind of fight. Note that this fight
should still be one that is done for plot reasons, and if the
players out-thought the antagonist and one-shot killed them –
that’s fine, their plotting and planning was good enough.

Rounds of Combat How You Defeat Them

Combat is handled the same as normal with the following Combat proceeds as normal with Imitative alterations. ST must
changes. Location is important here, so make sure your be very descriptive of their actions and the environment.
antagonist is at the place they need to be if at all possible.  Attacking them: (They have Hitpoints, which apply
to Bashing and Lethal attacks. Aggravated attacks do
 Initiative: Draw cards or Players choose who goes double HP damage. If reduced to 0, they are dead
first if not using cards. (or nearly so as drama dictates)
 Actions: The Antagonist gets 1 Action (card) per  Removing their Defenses (If any of these is reduced
Player character. If not using cards, Antagonist to 0 for a duration of more than 2 rounds, that
gets to use only 1 Action after each player Defense is defeated and no longer can be used)
character does. (i.e. you go, he goes, you go, he  Arguing their Ideals (these are reduced by Compels,
goes, etc.) Antagonist may throw away an action instead of applying Compel, it reduces the Ideal by
to use Special Attack or Dodge, etc that amount)
 Applying Limits Against their attacks and Actions
Antagonist 5 Attributes (When you attack them to limit them you don’t do
Instead of a full character sheet, a major Nemesis will have just HP, you minus dice pool of an attack Main or Special,
these 5 stats. Any relevant Attributes needed should be made if any of those dice pools is reduced to 0 for a
up in the moment by the ST as pertains to that Antagonist’s duration of more than 2 rounds, that Attack is
themed abilities. defeated and no long can be used. This can also
1. Defenses (each one is on a scale of 1 to 5: reduce the number of actions they get per round to
represents armor, dodge, soak, negate single a minimum of 1)
attack type. Enemy always has base Defense of 3)
2. Hitpoints (they have 10 +5 HP per player character NOTE: If you defeat their Hitpoints before you
and main NPC there: represents general health remove their Ideal, One of their lackeys or such has
and bodily functioning) that Ideal blaze in their heart and mind and it will
3. Ideals (on a scale of 1 to 10 for: 1+ = how strong come back to haunt you later as they plot revenge or
they believe +1-3, how close they are to achieve advancement of that ideal
+1-3, and how widespread the ideal is +1-3)
4. Main Attacks (they have a dice pool of 10 to 15 to Example Condition Limits
do Lethal, and can have an item or weapon to  Poisons
modify that)  Slow
5. Special Attacks (they have a dice pool of 5 to 10:  Entangled
these limit or complicate you, same as Conditions  Heartbroken
below. Each one must have a way to be  Confused
destroyed/deactivated/removed for the battle.  Blind
That means when creating the Nemesis, you need  Enraged
to specify the source of the Special attack that can
be targeted)
Example Special Actions
 Activate attack or event or status with “timers”
 go into “invulnerable mode” if hit too hard too
fast…too many loss of HP in one attack
 Regenerate/Regain on Botch roll

but tarnish their own reputations and souls through violence,
Storytelling isn't about standing before an audience and reciting lying and theft, do they really win?
memorized lines. It's a shared experience in which every player
is involved in creating the story as it unfolds. Unlike interactive This theme gives the Storyteller a tool by which to focus any scene
computer games, there is no prewritten script - players don't on the overriding purpose or vision of his story. Perhaps he expects
just stumble along triggering occasional video playbacks. They the players' characters to be tempted to mete out their own style
create events as they go, in cooperation with the Storyteller. of justice, but to ultimately take the thugs they capture to jail.
Instead, the characters succumb to temptation and take the thugs
out to the desert and bury them up to their necks in sand, leaving
The only limit is your imagination. This has been said many times
them to bake, ripening for a confession. The Storyteller didn't
before about many different media, but roleplaying is the truest
expect this, but, remembering his theme, he knows just how to run
example of it. Since Storytelling takes place in a collaborative with it. When the players return, they find one thug dead of
imagined space, uninhibited by the limits of screen pixel count exposure, another half dead from scorpion poison, and the third
or broadband connection speed, anything can happen as long delirious and raving out of his mind. The characters' own actions
as it's agreed upon by the players and Storyteller. There are have led them into the trap of being corrupted by their own crime
certainly some rules, but they're intended to aid consistency fighting zeal.
and believability. They can always be thrown out if the
Storyteller thinks they impede the actual story. The parts of a
story help to organize the roleplaying experience and give it
Just as important as theme for organizing a story is mood, or
cohesion over a series of game sessions. The meaning of a story
atmosphere. Keeping a story cohesive over the course of many
reveals what the story is about - not what happens in it (that's
different sessions is made easier if a consistent mood is evoked.
the plot, described below), but how events matter.
Each scene, chapter, story and chronicle can have its own mood.
Mood isn't the atmosphere of the actual gaming environment
Monsters (that's covered below under "How to Tell Stories"). It's the key
You must remember the number one inviolate rule of World of images, symbols and even tension that the Storyteller
Darkness - It not about the monsters. consistently invokes to set the stage for the story. Mood
reinforces theme.
These are stories of people. And they are wrapped in layers of
mystery and the macabre. The term ‘Through a Mirror Darkly’ is
Our crime fighting chronicle might have a mood characterized
more important than any power, any creature, or any supernatural
as "dark and gritty" or "film noir." Things are described in
event. You must paint a believable and realistic world that is many
blurred contrasts, in grays rather than in black and white. For
shades darker than our own, but still recognizable as our own. In
the best stories, it’s never about being a vampire, it’s not about the
example, the night is often fogbound and full of shadows rather
powers of mages or strangeness of changelings. It’s about the lives than clear. This mood implies that answers never come easily
the people those monsters once were. So never let the players and that choices are never simply right or wrong. Or the
forget, make them remember – they are the monsters. The people Storyteller might go for something more subtle, such as
they are, not just the creature they have become. "ominous significance,” wherein everything hints at a darker
meaning beneath the surface, much like the mood evoked in the
Isolate them. Confront them with their Beast. Remind them of what Twin Peaks television series. Threats lurk everywhere. Nothing
they love. Give them Hope. Then shove them out into the darkness! and no one can be trusted. Even the swish of pine trees in the
wind seems to forebode a sinister revelation.
Mood isn't as easy to orchestrate as theme. It's more ephemeral
Stories and chronicles have themes (sometimes chapters can
and requires some off-the-cuff creativity to implement,
also have themes). A theme sums up what a story is about, the
especially when players surprise you by taking their characters
so-called moral or lesson it tells. It might be "Crime never pays,
to places you weren't ready to introduce. But don't sweat it.
“Violence begets violence," or "A hero shall rise." Theme is
Consistent mood is just a tool, not a requirement. It's there to
useful in reminding the Storyteller where he stands as events
help you focus on the theme through imagery and other sensory
unfold. The wild give and take of ideas and events in a game can
data - sounds (moaning wind, piercing screams), tactile
often be overwhelming, and the Storyteller might find that his
sensations (greasy, sharp) and even smell (peppermint, rotten
story takes a direction he didn't anticipate or doesn't even
eggs). If your mood is "film noir," you might avoid describing
understand. The best way to get back on solid ground is to
smells or tactile sensations and concentrate solely on sight and
remember the theme and steer events back to it. It doesn't
sound, to reinforce the stark nature of the story, devoid of any
matter what happens, as long as events illustrate the theme.
real human touch.
For example, in our crime fighting chronicle, the theme might
Ultimately, mood makes it seem like your story's theme
be "Crime corrupts even the just." In other words, it's about the
pervades every part of the world. Not even the night sky, wind
characters' struggle to remain moral when confronting
or the shadows appear to escape the significance of the story's
corruption. They'll be tempted to resort to all sorts of expedient
events or meaning.
but unjust (even sadistic) methods of overcoming their enemies.
The bottom line is they must follow the law lest they risk
becoming as bad as their rivals. If they destroy the crime empire

What Happens in a Story? Conflicts
Apart from the meaning you impart in a story, you must It's been said before and it's worth repeating: Conflict is the
consider what happens in a story. Everything is tied essence of drama. Conflict does not have to be physical
together; the theme and the events that evoke it. (although it quite often is in roleplaying games).
Considering the events of your story as separate units
which can be inserted at any time is a useful means of It can be as simple as a character striving to discover the location
getting this story told. In the end, they form an unbroken of a store in downtown New York. The conflict is represented by
continuum. It doesn’t matter when they happened only the obstacles he encounters, even if they're merely other
that they did happen. shoppers or the temptations of other, easier to find stores. This
is perhaps the most boring example possible, but it shows that
Setting conflict is simply about setting an obstacle before the
The locales in which your stories take place are characters, too. characters, giving them some challenge that bars their way to
easy victory.
They may not walk and talk, but they still communicate
messages, whether it's the safe vibe of a sanctum or the bone
chilling fear of a tomb. Of course, the most popular and ready conflict for a story
involves action and adventure. In other words, combat. Scenes
The World of Darkness is our world as seen through a gloomy of physical prowess and ‘daring do’, clever escapes and close
and twisted lens. This perspective allows you to mine inspiration misses are the gold in the treasury of Storytelling. They rarely
get tiresome, although it's still wise to vary them as much as
for stories from your own neighborhood, or to even set your
possible. Too many bold swings on frayed vines and the shtick
stories there. You can reimagine the gas station attendant as the
servant of a vile, unseen monster, or the college dean as the gets repetitive.
thrall of some otherworldly horror.
The best form of conflict is characters themselves, both
There are strange legends in real life that we've all heard, places Storyteller controlled and player controlled. Stirring up the
hornet's nest of envy and pride among the players' characters is
around town that seem tailor-made for supernatural stories.
often enough conflict to fill an entire chapter. Think of
You know that old barbershop supply store downtown with the
D'artagnan's first meeting with the Three Musketeers. A series
creepy owner who doesn't like customers? Some say he sells
of misunderstandings results in a grand sword duel. But that
black magic supplies in the back - just ask him and he'll show
encounter forges an alliance of heroes whose like has rarely
you. This kid went back there once, but he won't talk about what
he saw. What's really going on there? Providing an interesting been seen since.
and believable setting relies on balancing the real and unreal.
Urban legends mixed with real places - actual houses you've Storyteller controlled characters are the ultimate paragons of
conflict. What fun is it destroying a crime empire if you never
walked past at dusk, the alley near your workplace that nobody
wants to go down, the old lagoon in the woods that everyone's get to take on the boss himself? Would we know the name of
Elliot Ness without his rival Al Capone? Robin Hood without the
afraid to swim. In a sense, this is a re-enchantment of the world,
although in the World of Darkness the effect is more often Sheriff of Nottingham? Woodward and Bernstein without
chilling and terrifying than awe-inspiring. Nixon? Encountering a Storyteller rival is one of the most
memorable events in any story. While letting your characters
defeat the main Antagonist is not required, it can be used from
time to time to give the players a real and true sense of
accomplishment. Don’t throw every lead villain to their doom
at the players’ hands, but don’t be afraid of when it does
happen. Sometimes you have to let the players ‘win’ and that’s

To sum up, conflict - overcoming obstacles, whether they are

people, things or even one's own conscience (think of Hamlet) -
provides fun and engaging drama.

Non Player Characters NPCs and Social Confrontation
The most important part of running a good storytelling game is NPCs should be acting towards their Agenda. If this Agenda is
the people who live in it. You can never spend too much time compromised or thwarted, they should start acting with intent
making each Non Player Character (NPC) have a personality, a to leave and regroup or find a bargain to get what they want.
backstory, and above all else – a good reason, that includes self- When Compelled they will immediately act on the Compel,
preservation, for their actions. unless something in the fiction gives them immediate reason to
work against it. The same is true if they suffer a Command.
Whether we are talking about minor actors such as the
bartender of the local dive, to the major antagonist that is NPCs and Failed rolls
plotting the characters’ deaths – they all need to have assets When a NPC has to a make a roll, it better be because there was
available to them, personalities and reasons for why they are an interesting reason to do so. Which means if they fail, there
doing what they do. is drama in an interesting failure. Maybe they did the work, but
it screws the characters later. Maybe they took longer and
In rules terms NPCs break down into two categories: Plot some clock advances. Treat it like any other Storyteller Move.
Characters and Supporting Cast.
NPCs and Botch Dice
SUPPORTING CAST NPCs that are Supporting Cast do not bother to count botch dice.
Supporting Cast NPCs are the folks who make up the bulk of If they botch a roll it simply means they were unable to
your game world. From people at the local diner, to patrons at complete the task and the storyteller moves on in the scene (see
your favorite pub, to the soldiers or minions of an organization. failed above). The only time a Storyteller bothers to let the NPC
These NPCs may or may not have names, though do be prepared botch and miserably fail their roll is if it serves the scene or plot
to give them a culturally appropriate one when a Player asks. in some interesting way.
They don’t get full stats like a Player Character gets. Instead
they simply get a general “Competency Level” in regards to the NPCs and Willpower
task at hand they are forced to perform. Just like the normal NPCs that are Supporting Cast do NOT get Willpower Points to
description of stats, NPCs go by the same qualifiers, the only spend to enhance a roll or resist an attack or power – treat any
difference is that they make up a single dice pool the NPC uses, loss of Willpower they suffer as having a Social Attack:
and not a skill by skill dice pool. Meltdown. They may get to roll willpower to resist an attack
but they can’t spent Willpower Points. Supporting Cast NPCs
Use the chart below to generate the NPCs dice pool for any roll should have Willpower dots ratings from 2 to 4.
they have to make, and be quick about it, the exact dice they get
is not important! You pick an Attribute number of dice and a PLOT DRIVEN CAST
Skill number of dice. Plot NPCs are always named; full name, first and last. They must
have a backstory, and they must have a role to play in the plot
Attributes: the game is set under. These might be Vampire Princes who rule
 = Below Average the city your Characters are in, it might be the Great Wizard who
 = Average is causing the strife your Characters are battling against. This can
 = Above Average be main helpers to these big guys. It might be the Police Captain
 = Amazing who is always helping your characters, or it might be the main
 = One of the best in the world right hand man who is helping the King who is invading your
 = Knows the task at hand but not really well Whoever they are, they must have details. Why are they doing
 = Knows the task at hand averagely well this? What would it take for them to quit doing this? What are
 = Very good at the task at hand they getting out of this? What are their tools, assets and
 = Amazing at task at hand resources to do all that they do?
 = One of the best in the world at this task
These NPCs need to have a character sheet just like a player
For example: Players go to a mechanic and want him to fix their character – this means that they suffer Botches and may use
getaway car after their run in with the cops. The NPC is a mechanic so Willpower Points just like player characters. Any powers or
this is his job. If there is no pressure and no time limit, then he just does special items they have must be detailed in full on their
it, check to see if any of the characters have Resources to pay the character sheet.
mechanics. If they need the work rushed, hidden from the cops, or
custom or other, then a roll may be needed. He is an average guy, so
he gets average stats. That gives him 2 dice in an Attribute + 2 dice in
the Skill needed to do the task at hand (fix the car). Roll 4 dice and the
number of successes indicates how well he did under these trying

The Chronicle’s Plot is the Goal of the game. Characters act out
a series of events that, considered as a whole, tells a story from
beginning to middle to end. No Storyteller is completely in
charge of their plot; the players provide many twists. However,
a basic plot is helpful when presenting a story, even if it's
doomed to be derailed, hijacked or shanghaied into new
directions. Setup is done by choosing Plot Type and defining 5
Plot NPCs.

Choose Chronicle Plot Type Step 3

There are 2 types of plots in World of Darkness: Train and Define the Setting. Give details on the location, manner of
Sandbox. Pick one: governance, enforcement of law/order, cultural details, and a few
 Train plots are ST created, mostly linear, plots where the goal is told important things to the area of contention which are not
to the characters in character some way, and they are unified in controlled or influenced by any NPC.
achieving that ST defined goal.  Location
 Sandbox plots are Player created plots, without defined steps. The  Manner of Governance
players must find their own reasons to work together on a singular  Enforcement of Law/order
plot Goal, and the ST reacts to their actions with interesting drama  Culture
until it is achieved.  Area of Contention areas or assets
Step 1
A Chronicle needs main Plot NPCs who will be the main Step 4
Antagonists, and a Central Point of Contention that these NPCs Go back and now fully flesh out each NPC. Give full details for
are trying to control. each category. Don’t forget names of anyone/organization tied
to the main 5 NPCs. This step and those above are done in secret
 4 of them are open actors by the Storyteller.
 1 of them is a shadow agent nobody, not even the
other NPCs are aware of
Step 5
Define each Plot NPC with their personality, desires, flaws, Write up Player Characters. This step is done as a group, with
assets and ambition. What powers do they possess (if the game the Storyteller only revealing non-secret, and publically known
has supernatural powers). You don’t have to go into full detail info on the world and NPCs. Come up with their personality,
yet, but a simple concept for each category is all you need at this desires, flaws, assets and ambition. What powers do they
step. possess (if the game has supernatural powers). Then tie each
 Personality: who are they as a person? Why do some people like one to the 5 NPCs (Mix it up however it makes sense.
them? Why do some people hate them? What would draw the Remember the Shadow Agent is secret, so anyone tied to that
characters to like them or at least want to interact with them on a
NPC does not know it, or who the Shadow is. So as ties are
personal level?
 Desires: What motivates them as person? What makes them get made, the Storyteller may make some of these ties secretly on
excited or highly interested? What do they want, that even if they their own).
have, they want more of?  Personality: who are they as a person? Why do some people like
 Flaws: What causes them to stumble? What blind spots do they them? Why do some people hate them? What would draw the
have? What are things that they suffer from? other player characters to like them or at least want to interact
 Assets: Who are their lovers/family? Who are their employees? with them on a personal level?
What places do they own, operate or influence? Where does their  Desires: What motivates them as person? What makes them get
wealth come from? excited or highly interested? What do they want, that even if they
 Ambition: Why do they want the Area of Contention? How will it have, they want more of?
benefit them if they get it? How will it benefit their allies if they  Flaws: What causes them to stumble? What blind spots do they
get it? What will they lose or suffer if they don’t get it? What have? What are things that they suffer from?
events or actions have they already completed/set in motion to  Assets: Who are their lovers/family? Who are their employees?
control the area of contention? What places do they own, operate or influence? Where does their
 Powers: How do they rely on these powers to get what they want wealth come from?
or protect themselves?  Ambition: Pick a personal goal in this setting which is ambitious
and large (but is not the area of contention). What does the Area
Step 2 of Contention have to do with your own personal goal? Which
NPC will be the most beneficial to the PC if they attain the Area of
Define the central Area of Contention. Each NPC must have a
Contention? Some ideas for personal goals are:
reason to want to win this area of contention and they are o Run an interesting operation as its leader
actively trying to do so. Define what that thing is; which may be o Defeat a rival or enemy
an item, a place, a person, a governing body, an ideal, etc. And o Fix a problem that plagues you and all those you love
give it a Strength to function and a Weakness to exploit it. Some o Attain a spiritual or philosophical truth through/with others.
ideas for contention are:  Powers: How do they rely on these powers to get what they want
 Control something  Change minds or protect themselves?
 Destroy something  Change culture/government

If you write from harsher themes, at least be consistent. If this
Don’t play the wishing game, hoping it will simply work itself out means everyone dies, or the villain wins, or the characters fell prey
when the time comes. to the plot – make sure everyone is clear they are on that train. So
Whether you’re a meticulous outliner or run game plots by the when it gets to its stop, they are excited to experience the tragedy,
seat of your pants, have an idea where your story is going and and not blindsided by it. That said, some stories end too neatly and
think about your ending every day. How you expect the story then appear contrived. Build on character relationships so that
to end should inform every game scene, every session. It may emotions play a big part of how the game ends. Why you kill the
change, evolve, and grow as you and the players experience the villain is always more important than how you kill them.
inevitable plot arcs, but never leave it to chance. And if you get
near the end and worry something’s missing — that the punch Don’t Forget the Characters
isn’t there or that it doesn’t live up to the power of the other This may seem obvious, but it’s all too often violated. The player
elements of your game — don’t rush it. Give yourself padding characters should be center stage at the end. Everything they
by bringing up relationships or personal character goals that learned throughout all the complications that arose from them
could add power and emotion to the ending. trying to fix the terrible trouble you plunged them into should
by now have made them the dramatic protagonists who rise to
Keep the End in Sight the Whole Way the occasion. Maybe at this point they are flawed, weak,
Read through everything you’ve written. Take a long walk. Think defeated. But it’s their character story that is about to resolve
on it. Sleep on it. Jot notes about it. Let your subconscious work and become complete - so empower them and make it great!
on it. Play what-if games. Be outrageous if only to see what
potentials your plots have. Think about what the players are The action must happen “on stage”, not just be about or
saying about the ending, and use their ideas to make that ending remembered or simply narrated. It can’t be resolved by a
to sing. Make it unforgettable by fulfilling their hopes, even ones miracle or because he realizes something. It must be the
they don’t know they have. player’s choices that drive the ending home! That’s what
Musts makes a player respond emotionally, if it’s their agency that won
 Be generous with your players. They have invested in you and the day, it will move them exponentially more than whatever
your game the entire way. Give them a proper payoff. Don’t contrivances you could have simply narrated out for them.
allow it to be rushed by just ending in unemotional combat.
 Make it unpredictable but fair. You want players to feel they Final Considerations
should have seen it coming — because you planted enough When it comes to gaming creativity, there’s no black-and-white,
hints — but not feel hoodwinked. Don’t make up new plot right or wrong. You can end your game in any number of ways. So
points that only serve to trick players. If they figure it out, experiment. Read a lot in your games’ genre so you’re familiar with
that’s fine! the conventions, for example: romance gamers expect personal
 If you have too many ideas for how it should end, don’t emotional endings, mysteries serve up clues that lead to a logical
despair. When in doubt, players long to be moved. Go for the reveal, sci-fi and horror reward perseverance and valor.
heart before the blade.
 Rewrite it until it shines. All gaming is improv, and this is never Finally, consider the emotional impact you want to leave your
more true than at the end of your game. Have an idea of how readers with:
it will end, but don’t set it in stone. Lean into the emotional  In a sweet ending, characters get both what they want and
plots of the player characters and let those inform your what they need.
ending.  A semi-sweet ending delivers only what your characters need.
 Always lean into relationships. NPCs are the life blood of your  A bittersweet ending gives them only what they want.
game, so make their connections to characters matter and full  In a bitter ending, characters get neither.
of emotional bonding.
 Don’t rush it. This can’t be said often enough. End your game well, but don’t feel like you have to end it
perfect. As Stephen King says, “…in real life, endings aren’t
Nothing Can Follow the End always neat, whether they’re happy or sad.”
This goes without saying. But I say it anyway, why? Because too
many storytellers think it appears sophisticated to leave things
nebulous, and they want to save something crucial for the epilogue.
Avoid that mistake. The ending is for your players, not for your
epilogue narration. Take the time to invent a story world for your
players and deliver a satisfying experience for them. They have
invested their time and creativity, believing you will uphold your
end of the bargain — and that means an ending which fulfils the
hopes of their characters. One that satisfies. That doesn’t mean
every ending is happily-ever-after, everything tied in a neat bow.
And it doesn’t mean the characters get all they wanted. It means
the players know what happened, puzzles are solved, and the
mystery feels like it was revealed. Maybe they won, maybe they
failed. Regardless – all of the reasons why it ended the way it did
are clear.
When running World of Darkness, there are often times where A character who wishes to hide an item or cover her tracks after
you want to get into the details of the world – especially the a crime can do so with a conceal evidence action, rolling usually
gritty ones. When players are looking to either commit a crime Intelligence + Stealth as a dramatic action. The Storyteller
or investigate a mystery – help the players make their should note how many successes they roll, and apply it as the
characters competent and wise as they can be (taking into any negative modifier anytime someone else attempts to search for
Flaws they have of course). the evidence. To save time, the Storyteller does not need to roll
for evidence concealed by NPCs, but can simply assume the
When doing this, have the player narrate what their character difficulty is equal to that character’s Stealth rating.
is doing to investigate or who they are talking to and then roll
the attribute that best represents their approach Attribute + DISGUISE
Investigation skill. A character can roll Intelligence + Crafts to create a disguise that
masks her true identity. Doing so requires about an hour or
Each success allows the player to as the ST one question from three spent in costuming, applying make-up, dying hair, and
below, in which the ST will provide information or answers getting in character. She may take penalties on the roll if her
based on what the character could reasonable perceive or what fake identity is in some way hard to fake, complicated, rushed,
the NPC could have known. They are not required to pick from or you are interacting with someone who has good reasons to
this list only, they may have some other more specific question notice you are a fake (family, lovers, etc). On a successful roll,
in mind. Regardless this list should be provided to the players the disguise works for the remainder of the scene.
to look at first and attempt to pull from it before any other. The
ST can always declare any question simply not reasonable given Once per scene, anyone who interacts with the disguised
the scene and fiction of what could be determined – or they can character for around five minutes or more is entitled to a
give an answer of “You don’t have the ability to determine that Perception + Empathy – successes on your disguise roll to
as you have done so for, but perhaps some further use of your notice that there is something not quite right about the way you
skills could reveal what you asked.” look.

 Where would I find __? LOCKPICKING

 How secure is __? Picking locks or bypassing other mechanical security devices
 Who or what is related to __? requires a successful Dexterity + Crafts roll. The Locks section
 Who owns or is employed by __? details out what kinds of locks characters will encounter. Take
this as a suggestion to consider the type of lock you put in front
 Who or what is __ most valuable to?
the characters. The type of lock says two things to players: how
 What is the relationship between __ and __?
serious this location is about security, and how much you don’t
 What potential complication do I need to be wary of? want them to bother trying this course of action. So don’t go
 Who or what is my biggest threat in this situation? putting back vaults on every millionaire’s home stash.
 Who or what is in control here?
 What do I know about someone influential here? PICKPOCKET
Stealing an item from another character’s person is a Dexterity
Once they have asked the question, you can either simply + Stealth roll opposed by the targets’ Perception + Awareness.
answer it as best the fiction allows or you can take it as a note If the thief’s roll succeeds, he is able to retrieve the item without
and roleplay the scene with the character looking around and his victim noticing. If it fails, the ST is encouraged to make a Hard
narrate out what they see or what someone they are talking to Action against the character. It is impossible to pickpocket items
has to say in answer to the question. that are in active use by a character, nor is it generally possible
to steal clothing, armor, or any other item too bulky to feasibly
remove without its wearer noticing. These rules can also be
Crime used to steal unattended items from a store without the
This section considers the game played from the perspective of shopkeeper noticing. Again, like with locks, the amount of
a criminal, or at least someone committing a crime or engaging security, how observant an NPCs and what other items in the
in criminal activity. Let the scenes player out with players scene may cause complication for the character should be taken
narrating out how their character commits the crime. Here are into consideration as they will send a message to players on how
things you should prompt them for should they be important to secure an area or clever an NPC is. Don’t make every location
the plot or details the characters ought to know (especially if Fort Knox.
they live a life of crime or interact with it often.) The ST can
outright ask the characters how they are doing each of these
things, or the ST can be more subtle and hint at potential threats
to the crime at hand by highlighting items or events which
would leave evidence or lead back to the character or be
potential threats at the time.

Characters will at times need to dig into the world and
interact with the people within to find clues surrounding
mysteries or events that confront them. Whenever this
happens, a character will often investigate an area or
interrogate suspects, or question witnesses. What
follows then are suggestions to both the ST and the
players for the typical things that characters can to do
find clues in a mystery or study an area for evidence.
Make these suggestions to the players – especially if any
of them are experienced investigators or the like.

A character can use a case scene action to search an area
for anything of interest that might be hidden: an
incriminating letter hidden in a police sergeant’s office,
the concealed lever that reveals a secret safe, or a cache
of contraband on a smuggler’s boat. The player usually
rolls Perception + Investigation narrating how they are
searching. The amount deducted from the character’s
investigation roll is determined by the Storyteller based
on the fiction at hand (location, NPC type, and plot), and
possibly even the Conceal Evidence action as well. On a
success, the character finds anything hidden. This is not
a guessing game! Don’t make the player try to guess
what to look for – ever! Just let them narrate the kinds
of things or concepts their character is looking for or
doing and then if they make the roll – given them what
they were hoping to find.

The case scene action can also be used to uncover clues

when pursuing a mystery or solving a crime. The
character must actually be in a location relevant to his
case in order to do so, and must have at least some idea
of what he’s trying to find. A successful roll uncovers a
piece of information at the site that will somehow
advance the investigation, allowing him to proceed to a
new scene. The Storyteller should narrate the
character’s deductions, rather than just giving him the
clue itself. Instead of telling a player “You find a smear of
yellow mud,” tell him “You find a smear of yellow mud—
whoever did this must have come from the docks!”

The profile character action can be used to read people,
examining them for any clues in their posture,
demeanor, or appearance. After spending at least five
minutes interacting with or observing the person he
wishes to profile, the player rolls Perception + Empathy
minus the target’s Subterfuge if actively lying or Wits if
simply naturally hiding their secrets. On a success, the
Storyteller should give the player a brief rundown of basic
facts about the character that aren’t immediately obvious—
social class, occupation, mood or demeanor, where he was an
hour ago, or similar. This isn’t mind reading or magical
divination, but it will allow a character to get a basic idea of what
someone does, and possibly notice some incongruous details.
This can also be used to interrogate witnesses to try and gain
clues from people around.

A great way to get at their prey, is to take out their support. In
games where the characters are part of an organization, the
There are lots of ways to build a story, hook characters into a
antagonist will more often approach or threaten sources of
plot and resolve the drama. In general, this is a dark game,
stability, network contacts, and other established “friendly”
which builds its story on a foundation of themes that can run
NPCs. Sometimes the antagonist is referred to as the
the gamut from horror, to dread, to black deeds, to simply crime
“conspiracy”, this typically means the organization or asset
ridden life. In general though, there should be progress. Maybe
structure of the antagonist. Rarely if ever does the “man at the
toppling a villain is not the ultimate goal (and in most overall
top” manage all of the details of his schemes threats, he has
plots it shouldn’t be!), but there should be moments in time
people for that. So sometimes, low level leaders or bosses will
where the players feel a sense of accomplishment towards a
be the ones orchestrating the threats to the characters.
larger goal for their own lives or the setting. What follows is a
suggested outline for how to set up a plot of intrigue and
The antagonist responses move up the Intrigue Pyramid as the
mystery by giving a suggested set of actions to whoever or
characters’ investigation begins to impede or interfere with the
whatever your plays the part of your antagonist. antagonist conspiracy. An action by the characters against one level

The Intrigue Pyramid

The Intrigue Pyramid provides a dramatic
response algorithm for the antagonists, guiding
their reactions to the characters’ assault on
their security and their plans. It creates a more
natural-seeming story than just a storm of
attacks or overly escalated reactions; it helps
drive the narrative along an organic arc,
providing story momentum in between the
characters’ active plans. Its personalized
responses give the characters a little more skin
in the game than simply busting up random
one-off human trafficking rings or terror cults.

By creating more antagonist actions, it also

opens up the space for more personal drama,
clues, forensics, witnesses, and intel-gathering
opportunities. The Storyteller can use the
Intrigue Pyramid constantly, for a brief story
arc, or solely for inspiration. All of these rules,
options, and actions are general in nature: if
you have a better specific idea, or a twist to
pull, or just want to ignore or skip something, do it! of the Intrigue Pyramid “unlocks” the corresponding row of the
Intrigue Pyramid: (e.g., once the characters begin taking care of 2
The antagonist’ response begins with any one of the options or 3 antagonist actions from Level 3 of the Intrigue Pyramid, the
along Row One: Reflex. The Storyteller can select whichever antagonist escalates up to the options on Row 4 of the Intrigue
sounds the most intriguing, or one that best fits her sense of the Pyramid.)
conspiracy’s methods or current events. From that option, the
lines lead toward the most natural escalations. The antagonist can always use an option on Row 1, regardless of
whichever rows have already been “unlocked.” Once an option is
used, cross it off: multiple attempts to frame a character (or
You don’t have to follow the lines, they simply offer generally whatever) become boring.
similar themed escalation.
Again, typically the next row up should not be unlocked until at
A conspiracy that begins with an attempt to frame a character least 2 or 3 antagonist actions at the current level have been dealt
will likely move into either killing the character’s enemy with or mostly completed by the characters. Note that some
(probably under very suspicious circumstances) or isolating the actions, Double Agent can come from a plot such as, “Suborn a
character from his allies. Although the sections below refer to Network Contact”. And Threaten Safety could come from a plot
“the character” for simplicity’s sake, almost all of these options like, “Rat the character out to the Authorities”. So consider the
can be carried out against either one character or the characters pyramid overall themes, not exact detailed responses.
as a group, or against their associates.

In personal plots that are born from a single characters’ background, the
antagonist will usually only operate against that one character – but not
always! Drag characters into each other’s plots!

This represents the initial and almost reflexive reactions Here the antagonist uses simple bully tactics to drive off
of the antagonist. The antagonist may not even know if all but the most stalwart of threats to them. This is where
the characters yet, or how much a threat they are, so they you really get to show off how well prepared and
will test and find out, or send minor threats in hopes the observant the antagonist is. The older the organization,
problem just goes away as most small problems tend to. the more established, the better and more effective this
level should be.
Offer Payoff: Some seemingly unconnected part of the
conspiracy offers the character a handsome payoff to walk Kill Enemy: The conspiracy just goes ahead and kills an enemy of
away. This also provides the players with a clue to another the character. This might be intended to frame the character, to
stir up a vendetta, as a gruesome bribe, or just to create the
part of the conspiracy.
illusion of some third force at work. If the character already
strongly dislike an NPC, kill that one. (Even if he’s a conspirator,
Frame Character: The conspiracy frames the character for the antagonist might consider him an acceptable sacrifice.) An
some crime, in whatever fashion seems believable. antagonist hit squad are reliably capable of killing just about any
Characters with amnesia or dark pasts are perfect for this. enemy the characters might have, and might leave really
interesting forensic evidence behind to drive the investigation
Shadow Character: The conspiracy shadows the character, forward.
attempting to discover his patterns, associates, safe
Isolate Character: The conspiracy isolates a character, either by
houses, resources, etc. This sets up a contest of
ruining his reputation with his contacts, killing members of his
surveillance; the antagonist may not particularly care if organization until he refuses to risk any others, or by driving
their surveillance is noticed. If they do care, using double- wedges between one character and the others. In a deep
blinds and dead drops keeps things on the down low. machination game, the conspiracy might arrest or kidnap a
character, hold him for 24 hours, and then release him just to
Shadow Source: The conspiracy shadows a character’s make the other characters suspicious. A more subtle conspiracy
source of stability or network contact, almost always might just jam contacts’ cell phones, have the police deport them,
obviously. This is an attempt to drive them into panic, or otherwise drive the characters’ resources away. A skilled field
operative of the antagonist is usually the point man for such an
allowing the conspiracy to map the characters’ threat
attempt; beating him restores the characters assets to previous
routines. The fear might remove a contact, or make a safe functionality.
place unable to be used.
Threaten Safety: The conspiracy threatens a character’s place of
Contract Hit: The conspiracy sends a genuinely safety, either overtly (with a raid or search) or subtly (by buying
unaffiliated attacker after the character: a contract killer, the neighboring property, or suborning its caretaker). If the
the cops, a gang working on a malevolent tipoff, or some conspiracy cannot realistically know any character’s place of
other independent agent. The goal is to get the character safety, they threaten the characters’ known hangouts or meeting
places. They may hint that their own organization contact who set
embroiled in a fight with some other force, allowing the
them up in it is unreliable, send in a black-bagger, or simply order
conspiracy to monitor their skills and attack a weakened a SWAT team into it guns blazing.
foe later. Characters’ investigative abilities may let them
track their attackers back to the conspiracy anyhow. Red Herring: The conspiracy plants a lead pointing to someone
else as the locus of the mystery: the Vatican, the CIA, a perfectly
Probing Attack: The conspiracy’s street-level soldiers innocent street gang. Make sure that the lead can point back to
ambush and attack the character. This probably won’t kill the conspiracy after the characters have triggered the trap or
the target, but will help the conspiracy assess the threat, otherwise discovered their error. With deft roleplaying, the
characters may even get an ally or two out of the process.
and possibly identify sources of weapons or special gear.
An antagonist agent may be tasked to observe the fight to Hard Feint: The conspiracy strikes at a character to provoke a
perform just such an assessment; the characters’ Sense response — one coordinated to distract the characters from a
Trouble may make them aware of that observer. conspiracy operation elsewhere. Ideally, the response also gets
the characters in trouble with the local authorities or their own
organization, raising other drama for them.

At this point the characters are a real problem for the Last resorts. The character is too close, and they know
antagonist. And all of their most common and subtle too much. They are either join the antagonist or have to
methods are just not getting the job done. But perhaps be destroyed – there are just no other options left. The
still the characters are only a possible opportunity for the antagonist might even expose something of great value
antagonist. With the right bribe or red herring, they just they possess in order to give the character a truly hard
might take the teeth out of this tiger. choice, because there are benefits to joining the
antagonist, real and powerful ones.
Offer Protection: The conspiracy offers the character a problem
removed, protection from his other enemies, or even from the Lure Character: The conspiracy lures the characters to their
conspiracy its self. The conspiracy conveys this offer through a capture. At this stage of the game, this usually involves actually
trusted associate: an old handler, a family member, or fellow exposing some important target — a legendary crypt, the true
organization member. vault, the alien craft — and loading it up with possibly even
supernatural puissance. Then the character is given “an offer they
Double Agent: The conspiracy plants a double agent in the cannot refuse”, and it should be a good one, one that makes the
character’s circle: possibly a previously created contact, a plant player and character think “maybe I should take this offer…”
“rescued” from some conspiracy brothel, or someone who
approaches the characters with meaty intel on the conspiracy’s Hunt Character: The conspiracy hunts the characters down with
plans. the intent of killing them. The conspiracy tries to time this for a
period when the characters are exposed, deep in unfamiliar
Bait And Switch: The conspiracy leaves a trail false of intel and country, and under heavy threat. Then the antagonist unleashes
leaves the character holding the bag and overextended: a shipping all they have based on all that they have learned about the
container that contains dead goats instead of sex trafficking characters. If the characters survive the ambush, they have major
victims; a tempting contact who turns out to be a deluded leverage and the campaign moves into its end game.
wannabe; a nonexistent Russian mafiyoso “Keyser Söze’d” into
existence by rumor and mesmerism. This might be intended to
make the characters doubt their best clues, their deductions, or
each other. It may be combined with an attempted ambush or
arrest. As with the red herring, the moment the characters realize
their error should also point them in a useful direction: the supplier
of the goats, or the wannabe’s “psychiatrist. The antagonist decides this shit needs to end – now.

Haunt Character: The conspiracy puts the full court press on a Kill Character: As the characters prepare their final assault on the
character. Every supernatural trick in the book gets unleashed in an antagonist (be that a court case, gunfight, or social character
attempt to simply drive the character into retirement or insanity or assassination or whatever), the conspiracy gets inside their
both. (This may be accompanied by rumors spread through the decision loop and strikes first with all the might they can muster.
characters’ contacts that they’ve gone around the bend.) A ghostly (i.e. If the characters plan to hit the ceremony on Halloween, a
asset is ideal for this assignment; something the characters can’t thug firebombs their ammo stockpile at noon on October 29 and
simply shoot off their back. the antagonist attacks that night.) Reach to the utmost in planning
the preemptive assault of a competent and prepared antagonist.
Make the players feel like they’ve earned that hit on Halloween,
either by driving off every single assault on their preparations, by
keeping letter-perfect tradecraft and operational security (lots of
ROW FOUR: EMBRACE contests of surveillance and infiltration), or by weathering the
This is where the antagonist shows a few of their play worst the antagonist can throw at them.
cards, they stretch their muscles. This level is gonna hurt
the character and remind them just what a massive threat
this antagonist is. Nobody gets out of this level
unscathed. Here is where blood is spilled and vengeance
is sworn.

Offer Milestone: The conspiracy offers to fulfill one character’s

personal Milestones, resolve their story arc, or otherwise take
them off the board happy and well-rewarded. Refusal might lead
to deliberate attack on their Milestone; or refusal might still lead
to rewards only to then to mess with the characters’ teammates.

Double Cross: If the conspiracy has a double agent from Row

Three, the traitor leads the characters into an ambush or lets a
major target get away. If the characters are down on funds, the
conspiracy hires them to do a false-flagged job and then reveals
who they’ve been suckered into working for again.

Kill /Ally: The conspiracy kills an ally or loved one right front of
him. Using a pack of uniformed dead-end thugs sends exactly
the right message of horror and helplessness.

World of Darkness is nothing if not macabre tales and
Supernatural Fear is done by area, and by level. Looking
sorrowful partings. While a storyteller will have to use intrigue
and character plots to create emotions of love and loss, hate at this from the Fearmonger’s perspective they have to
and envy and more. These are the rules by which they can get a number of narrative accomplishments based on the
break a character’s resolve and drive them mad. You don’t size of area they want to instill Fear in. This is a sustained
have to use them, but if you do, they can convey a real sense effort, and does not include rolls. They either completed
of dread and ominous terror to a location or story. There are the task they needed to increase the Fear Level in the area
two ways, compatible to use together, but not mutually or they wasted of time and effort or exposed themselves
required – that the storyteller can bring elements of horror or and their plot.
simple dread to a story. Fear and Madness are the tools by
which both the players and storyteller will gauge how dark the Successful Tasks Size of Area
world is, and how much the characters have fallen from their 1 Bedroom
typical sane and stable selves. Many things can bring fear and 5 City Block
15 Small Town
madness to a character, not just what it listed below, but these 25 Full City
are good tools by which everyone can have an understanding
as to just how fucked up this story is getting.
Generating successes is done by enacting scenes of terror
and fright upon the inhabitants of that location. Attacks,
Fear robberies, murders, mutilations, maniacal ranting
While a character is generally able to fend off the effects of scrawled on walls, dark rituals, and so on. Each action
terror or fright with a good strong set of Wits and Resolve, generally takes a full scene to complete, and only should
there are supernatural powers that can break even the be done once every 24 hours or so.
hardiest of people.
Once the number of successful tasks has been garnered,
FEARMONGERS the Fearmonger now increases the Fear Level in that
The worst of the abominations of the World of Darkness are area by 1. Levels range from 1 to 5 and can be raised only
the “Fearmongers,” powerful creatures radiating a palpable by supernatural rituals each taking at least a full scene or
aura of fear in an area. Defeating one of these suckers comes several hours to perform, some taking days or months.
with a lot of rewards, but first you need to know a little more This is done somewhat unique to each Fearmonger but in
about just what a fearmonger is and isn’t. Fearmongers are general it follows along the lines of one of the following
not common, and they’re not easy to defeat. It’s the most examples:
unnatural thing in an area. An ancient vampire, lich, or other
powerful monster is commonly a fearmonger as well.
 Sacrifices to a dark entity
Sometimes a fearmonger is a group committing horrors  Black Magic rituals to warp minds and perceptions
instead of a single monster. A pack of cultists terrorizing an  Empowerment of negative emotion/concepts in area
area might be the fearmonger instead of a single powerful  Summoning a supernatural beast
individual. Of course, if they’re led by an ancient vampire,  Murdering a local pillar of the community
 Destroying or Desecrating holy or peaceful places
they’re just its minions, and the vampire is the fearmonger.
The threat has to be one that locals fear and dread more than
anything else in the area, and even then, the threat must REDUCING FEAR LEVELS
break a certain threshold. If the locals are scared to death of There are two main ways to reduce the Fear Level in an
pink flowers, they’re just wacky (unless we’re talking about area. Firstly is defeating or destroying the Fearmonger.
carnivorous flowers slowly growing towards their town, and Not all Fearmongers must be destroyed to be defeated,
then they’re just really observant wackos). Finally, don’t some merely need their plans foiled to the point they
expect every chronicle to even have a fearmonger. If you’re cannot recover (maybe they had an auspicious night to
fighting mutants or an outlaw biker gang, they’re probably
sacrifice a specific child and you prevented the events of
just typical antagonists. They might be plenty dangerous and
that night, thus until a new night comes and special child
even scary, but they’re not horrific.
are born, the fearmonger must leave). Defeat, or
The point is that a fearmonger must be very powerful, Destruction causes the Fear Level in the area to drop by 1.
supernatural, and horrific. Lesser threats certainly
contribute to the overall Fear Level, but defeating the local The second way is that each Fearmonger has a Sigil. What
bully just isn’t a big enough deal to lower an entire Fear this Sigil is must be determined by the Storyteller. It may
Level. Even fending off Arch Magos Throckmorton’s goons is be an item, a person, a song, etc. It must be a specific
inspiring, but doing so can’t cause a Fear Level to drop singular thing. Once this Sigil is either ‘purified’ or
because you’re not fighting against that kind of fear. Still, destroyed then the Fear Level in the area is dropped by 1.
such tasks are a great way to get warmed up for tougher
foes. In any event, your storyteller determines what a Any remaining Fear Levels are left in that location forever.
Fearmonger is and what’s not, so you don’t really have to
worry about it. We just wanted you to have some idea what’s
worth getting killed over and what you should probably run
screaming from.
In general it will be listed in the Fearmonger’s powers
what level they may raise the Fear to. But as a common
theme the following are examples of each Fear level: note
that each Fear level stacks its effects upon all the previous

Level Effect
1 Shadows seem darker, rocks seem sharper, and trees have
claws for branches. The victim jumps at anything that might
look odd or dark. This might give away their hiding place, or
they might start to spout gibberish about something they
saw reminding them of some nightmare.
2 Inhabitants are moodier, more prone to violence. Things
that would normally evoke a negative emotion or a fearful
one are acted upon by the victim with unusual reckless
3 There is a pervading dread about the location, you are never
quite able to settle down and feel comfortable or relax. The
victim cannot stay put for longer than a few moments before
pacing and leaving for a supposedly better location (often
4 All victims are prone to sudden panic from reflections,
shadows, or predator animals. They may attack recklessly or
flee with no thought to caution or where they are going. The
victim is good and unsettled, they see danger in all things,
smashing creepy plants, attacking stray dogs or shattering
mirrors that seem to reflect only the Fearmongers face in
their own. With no hesitation things may spark the victim to
strike out.
5 All victims see everyone else as the enemy, and will stop at
nothing to kill them in desperate hopes of ending the Horror.
There are slim chances a loved one or friend or family
member can talk them out of their homicide - but not likely,
suicides are also quite common, and always grizzly in how
they are carried out. The victims now actively seek out a way
to end the nightmare. They attack anyone how does not
earnestly follow their flawed logic thinking of them as an
agent of the Fearmonger, they may not be able to cope with
situation, or it may have been going on for days and they
become hopeless, thinking the only way to end it all is to
sacrifice themselves in the most horrific way.

Effects of Fear Levels

Anyone not a Fearmonger must make a Wits + Resolve
roll upon first entering the area, they are at a -1 die
penalty equal to the Fear Level. And they must make
another check each new scene they encounter the
Fearmonger or its agents within the area. The number of
successes determines the victim’s state of panic:

Successes Actions
5+ Nerves of steel and chalk full of grit the victim is
unaffected by the Fear.
3-4 The victim is shaken, but otherwise acts as normal, they
are at a -1 die penalty to all actions.
1-2 The victim keeps their wits about them, but they are
rattled. They are at a -2 die penalty to all actions.
0 The victim acts out the Effect of the Fear Level in their
own manner, if they are able to find a place that is calm
and full of light and clean they might work their bravery
up enough to try and go back outside (and thus roll again)
Botch The victim is hopelessly broken and is unmanageable for
a number of hours equal to the number of botch die.
They act out the worst parts of the Effects of the Level
during this time. After this period ends, they may
attempt to roll again by suppressing the horror and
knowledge of what broke them: for example, burning
books or clues, stopping rituals (be they to make the Fear
less or worse), or killing someone who also knows the

Madness Madness Effect Table
1 Uneasy: The character stares for a moment at the
War, abuse, hardship, loss, encounters with the unknown, scene and loses his next Action Card.
or any other strong personal experience can scar feelings. 2 Queasy: The victim stares in horror at the scene, loses
his next Action Card, and subtracts –2 from
What we believe to be the immutable laws of time and any rolls made the rest of the round.
space are valid only locally, and only partly are true. 3 The Willies: The character staggers back and stares in
Beyond our ken are infinities where greater realities hold horror, missing his turn for the round. His
actions are at –2 until he succeeds a
sway. To emphasize certain aspects of fear and the Willpower check, which he may attempt as an
unknown, Madness is used to show what a character has action.
4 The Heebie-Jeebies: The character turns white as a sheet and loses
gone through and how well they have taken all that his entire turn. All actions are at –2 for the
trauma. Characters can gain madness through in game next few days.
trauma. This Madness may be temporary or it may be 5 Weak in the Knees: At grotesque scenes, he loses his lunch and
staggers away. At terrible scenes, he puts his
permanent. See the Flaw: Madness for more details. tail between his legs and gets the hell out of
there. In either case, he is completely
ineffectual until the scene is over. He remains
EXAMPLES OF THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE MADNESS at –2 for the remainder of the next few days.
See a stream flow with blood 6 Dead Faint: The Character makes a Stamina roll, if she
Find mangled human corpse fails she faints away until she recovers. She
Awake trapped in a coffin must make a Resolve roll immediately
Witness a friend’s violent death needing at least 1 success. If she fails, she
See a monster loses 1 dot of Willpower permanently as she
Meet someone you know to be dead slowly recovers from the shock.
Undergo severe torture 7 Minor Phobia: The character goes Weak in the Knees as
See a corpse rise from its grave above and gains a permanent
See gigantic severed inhuman head fall from sky Flaw:Madness(Minor Phobia) associated with
the current event or environment. She suffers
a –2 penalty to any actions when the stimulus
When a character encounters a situation similar to one of of her fear is present.
those above, they make a Wits + Resolve roll needing a 8 Major Disorder: The character suffers “Weak in the Knees”
and gains a major Disorder. This is the same
number of successes chosen by the Storyteller based on as a permanent Flaw:Madness(Minor Phobia)
the situation at hand (typically 2 to 5). If they succeed except the penalty when the feared item,
environment, or thing is present, the penalty
that roll then all is well and they are just a little shaken is doubled.
from the experience. If they fail that roll then they gain a 9 Corporeal The character gains a permanent
Alteration: Flaw:Madness(Minor Phobia) and suffers a
Temporary Madness - roll 1d10 +1 for each 1 rolled. (i.e. physical defect of some kind, such as a streak
if you got two 1’s on your failed roll, then rolled a 7 for of white hair, his voice box contracts and he
Temporary Madness, add +2 (one for each 1) resulting in can only speak in whispers, etc.
10 The “Shakes”: The character gets a permanent
9 on the chart below). Flaw:Madness(Major Phobia) and must make
a Wits + Resolve roll or reduce Dexterity by
one dot permanently. If the roll is made,
Dexterity is reduced only for the next 1d10
11 Heart Attack: The poor sap’s heart skips a beat. He must
make a Resolve + Stamina roll. If successful,
he gains a permanent Flaw:Madness(Major
Disorder). If failed, his Stamina is
permanently reduced by one dot, If botched,
he has a heart attack and dies unless
someone else can get him to a doctor in less
than one hour.
12+ Corporeal Aging: The character suffers “Heart Attack” as above
and ages 1 year.

In World of Darkness there are two ways to cure Barbiturates: introduced in 1903 as a sedative. Hypnotic
characters of the Flaw: Madness. The first is more drugs of first choice until the 1960s, when
dramatic and tends to flow well in dark stories where the benzodiazipines were introduced. Barbiturates have a
madness is brought on by the supernatural – this is high potential for abuse. Used for anxiety, insomnia, and
Traumatic Catharsis. Then there are stories that may call apprehension. Overdoses are frequently fatal.
upon more realistic and long term cures that speak to Intoxication symptoms include confusion, drowsiness,
realistically dealing with trauma and mental illness. These irritability, hyporeflexia, ataxia, and nystagmus.
are called Traditional Cures. Of course, there is no
guarantee of cure, but there can be a path to some degree Reserpine: historically, the first antipsychotic drug. It is a
of recovery. constituent of the shrub rauwolfia, which is native to
India, Africa, and South America, and used in folk
medicines for centuries. It was used in the 1920s, but the
Traumatic Catharsis paper describing its effectiveness in treating mania and
This is the movie scene coping mechanism of the insane hypertension was written in 1931.
where the only way for them to find peace and stability
again is to destroy, hide or encrypt all that which made Antipsychotics: a variety of drugs used for the treatment
them go mad in the first place. For each item they destroy of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Drugs
that contains truth or reveals a mystery they relates to include chlorpromazine, thioridazine, haloperidal, and
(typically) the supernatural event or creature that made newer or specialized ones such as risperidone and clozap-
them go mad – they gain 1 Recovery point. Every time ine. These drugs are also called neuroleptics, and they can
they encrypt or encode or otherwise obfuscate the truth have motor abnormality side effects such as restlessness
of what drove them to madness, they gain 1 Recovery and erratic body movements. They take a few weeks to
point. Every time they attack someone and forcibly begin to reverse the psychosis, but any sedational effects
prevent them from learning a truth about what made are dose-dependent from the beginning. Stopping the
them go mad, they gain 1 Recovery point. Every time they drug in a chronic psychotic condition results in the patient
take a crucial item that led to the truth of their madness re-entering the psychotic state.
and what caused it and they hide it in a meaningful and
dramatic location, they gain 1 Recovery point. Antidepressants: used to treat depressive symptoms,
usually in major depressive episodes. These include Elavil
Once they reach 10 Recovery points they feel that their and other tricyclic drugs, Parnate and other monoamine
madness has been destroyed, hidden, beaten down, and oxidase inhibitors, and Prozac and other selective
forgotten. They no longer suffer their madness unless serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It often takes a month or
they are once again confronted with what made them six weeks to begin to treat a major depressive episode. If
mad in the first place. In which case they make a Wits + the drug is stopped before the episode is over (six months
Resolve roll. If they succeed the roll, they have overcome to a year), the patient re-experiences the symptoms.
this Madness and it is gone forever. If they fail - it comes
roaring back and they much gain Recovery points all over Mood Stabilizers: used in bipolar disorders, especially in
again…. manic phases, these drugs acts as an umbrella to prevent
the moods of a person with this illness from swinging too
high or low. The classic drug is lithium, followed by
various anticonvulsants such as carbamazapine, valproic
Traditional Cures
acid, and gabapentin. Lithium can be very toxic, and if
This is just a suggested list of things that you can use to
cure the insane or inspire you to think up other paths back taken as an overdose (or if a per-son becomes
dehydrated, etc.), the person can enter into seizures and
towards sanity in your setting. They are narrative and
have no set rules for when or if they cure the madness.
But if you want a simple rule, consider giving the
Anxiolytics: sedatives used to treat anxiety symptoms.
character 1 Recovery point each month they continuously
The first ones used were barbiturates such as
partake in the traditional cure. Once they reach 10
secobarbital, but they were highly addictive. They were
months they are no longer dependent on the cure for
abandoned for benzodiazipes (Valium, etc.), which are
their sanity and no longer suffer the Madness – unless
addictive as well, but to a lesser degree, and without so
what made them go mad confront them again…
many side effects. These drugs are often sold as street
drugs, under many names (“Red Devils” is a street term
Medications for secobarbital).
Paraldehyde: a cyclic ether, introduced in 1882 as a
hypnotic. It is an effective treatment for alcohol Many Others: for movement disorders, beta-blockers,
withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia. It is anticholinergics; for dementia, Aracept; for eating
metabolized in the lungs, and has an offensive taste and disorders, mood stabilizers and antidepressants; for
ubiquitous odor. opioid addiction, methadone weaning; and so forth.

Acupuncture: an ancient Chinese treatment, acupuncture Electroconvulsive Therapy: seizure inducements have
is the stimulation of specific points of the body with a been used to treat psychosis since the 16th century.
twisting needle. The stimulation is associated with Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was introduced in 1934,
specific points which relieve certain symptoms and are first with injections of camphor to produce seizures, and
identified with certain organs. Chinese doctors have then with electrically induced seizures in 1938.
sworn this treatment is effective for a variety of dis- Alternating currents of electricity are passed through the
orders, and modern psychiatrists say it may have some patient’s head between two electrodes that are placed
effect in treating some depression and substance over the temples. This causes unconsciousness and
dependence (e.g., nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, heroin). seizures. Though ECT produced good results, it also
produced such violent seizures as to routinely fracture
Insulin Coma Therapy: introduced in 1933. It was thought patients’ bones! With the advent of anaesthesia and
that some schizophrenics who went into a coma paralysis drugs in the modern era, patients avoid this
appeared to have decreased symptoms. Insulin was used problem. In the United States, ECT treats depressive
to induce a coma lasting 15-60 minutes. The risk of death disorders, manic episodes, and other serious disorders in
or cognitive impairment was high. The treatment was 50,000 to 100,000 patients annually. The main side effect
abandoned in the 1950s, with the introduction of is that patients suffer from short-term memory loss, and
antipsychotic medication. often they entirely lose the memories of the hours or days
connected with ECT.
Carbon Dioxide Therapy: introduced in 1929. Patients
inhaled car-bon dioxide, resulting in abreaction (verbal Light Therapy (Phototherapy): used to treat mood
discharge of emotion) with severe motor excitement after symptoms coinciding with seasonal changes. A bright
removing the breathing mask. The treatment was used artificial light bathes the patient every day as long as the
for neurotic patients. It was always considered a dubious symptoms last. Response occurs in a few days, the only
treatment, and was soon abandoned. side effects being occasional headaches, eye strain, or
Continuous Sleep Treatment: a symptomatic method of
treatment in which the patient is sedated with a variety Psychosurgery: surgical modification of the brain,
of drugs in order to induce twenty hours of sleep a day, including lobotomies and cingulotomies. This extreme
sometimes for as long as three weeks in severely agitated procedure was widespread in the 1940s and 1950s, then
patients. Klaesi introduced the name in 1922 and used nearly abandoned when antipsychotic drugs were
barbiturates to obtain deep narcosis. The treatment is no introduced. It is resorted to now only when all else fails.
longer used.
Treatments by Time Period
Hypnosis: originated by Mesmer (1734-1815). The term 1936: Frontal lobotomies (Moniz).
hypnosis originated with Baird, in the 1840s. In the late 1938: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) begun (Cerletti and Bini).
1940: Phenytoin introduced as an anticonvulsant (Putnam).
19th century the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot 1943: Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) synthesized (Hofmann).
studied it further. Sigmund Freud, who studied with 1949: Lithium introduced as mood stabilizer.
Charcot, used hypnosis early in his career to help patients 1952: Chlorpromazine introduced as antipsychotic.
recover repressed memories. He noted that patients 1955-1958: Tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors introduced as
relive traumatic events while under hypnosis, a process 1960: Chlordiazepoxide introduced (minor tranquilizers, benzo-
known as abreaction. Freud later replaced hypnosis with diazipines).
the technique of free association. 1960-present: Introduction of newer and target anxiolytics,
antipsychotics, antidepressants, light therapy, and a plethora of other
Today: New drugs constantly are being moved through the R&D,
testing, and approval process. These new therapies are big business.


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