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Underline the conjunction in each sentence.

1.The United States sends cooking oil and powdered milk to third world countries.
2.Goodwin, the magician, needed a black cape and a rabbit.
3.The skillful but careless chess player lost her game.
4.Athletes walk or run around the larger track.
5.Mexican food is tasty but spicy.
5.Phil could not go to the game nor to the picnic.
6.The sky is grey, yet the sun is shining.
7.Maria went shopping so Ciara went bowling.
8.Water and wind do not exist on the moon.
9.Beth seems excited but nervous about moving to a new neighbourhood.

Instructions: select the correct conjunction for each sentence/phrase.

1.We can go out for dinner now … to the beach.
a) or b) and c) yet d) for e) but
2. I have some free time … an extra later. ticket. Do you want to see a movie?
a) and b) yet c) for d) but e) yet
3. John can’t speak Japanese, … he can speak Spanish.
a) so b) nor c) but d) yet e) and
4. I’m not really hungry, … that apple can speak Spanish. pie looks delicious!
a) so b) so c) nor d) yet e) but

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