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Unit 5 – Ambition

Page 54: 5C Changing jobs

1 gardener
2 estate agent
3 surfing instructor
4 pizza delivery man / woman
5 photographer
6 locksmith
7 police officer
8 stunt performer
9 video game developer
10 builder
11 journalist

1 as I see it
2 such as
3 although
4 in spite of this
5 that’s because
6 What is more,

1 it can be very rewarding.

2 it’s often very tiring.
3 he couldn’t afford to get the qualifications.
4 she worked as a cleaner every evening.
5 he did a variety of different jobs during his life.
Page 56: 5E Prefixes

2 underperformed
3 ex-school friend
4 post-war
5 mistyped
6 resold
7 co-wrote

indoors: hairdresser, programmer, receptionist

activities: answer the phone, serve customers
outdoors: gardener, lorry driver, paramedic
describing: badly-paid, repetitive, tiring, well-paid

Page 57: 5F The worst jobs in the world

1 a job
2 an
3 an application
4 a job
5 a team
6 a degree
7 the job
8 the day


1 sewers
2 light
3 fishing boat
4 job
5 the internet
6 long hours

Page 58: 5G Choosing a job

1 patient
2 good at
3 physically fit
4 honest
5 friendly
5 enthusiastic
7 flexible
8 reliable

1 However,
2 even though
3 Although
4 Nevertheless,

Page 59: 5H An application letter




1 recepcionist
2 on a website
3 languages
4 waiter
5 friendly
6 reliable
7 CV
8 1 July

Pages 60-61: Review Unit 5

1 architect
2 receptionist
3 cleaner
4 sales assistant
5 pilot
6 sports coach
7 paramedic
8 dentist
9 travel agent

1 stressful
2 badly-paid
3 tiring
4 repetitive
5 rewarding
6 creative
7 well-paid

1 travel, earn
2 answer, deal
3 wear, work
4 on my feet, earn

1 estate agent
2 builder
3 journalist
4 groundskeeper
5 stunt performer
6 photographer
7 police officer
8 video game developer
9 pizza delivery man

1 looking for
2 noticed
3 sent in
4 offer
5 join
6 take
7 have

1 ex-husband
2 co-workers
3 mini-bus
4 microprocessor
5 misinterpret
6 multitalented
7 redo
8 overwork

1 is going to rain
2 will answer
3 am going to travel
4 will regret
5 will text
6 am going to tell

1 I will be so happy if I get the job.

2 If it’s badly paid, I won’t take the job.
3 If he has to move to London, will he accept the job?
4 You will have your own office if you get a promotion.
5 If your parents give you some money, will you buy a house?
6 She’ll find a better job if she leaves the company.


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