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Actividad No.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Facultad de Estudios a distancia
Programa De Administración de empresas
Teorías de la Administración
Administración 3 Primer Corte

Con el estudio y análisis de los procesos se pretende fundamentar sobre la participación de los
procesos dentro de la empresa, los diferentes tipos de procesos y que etapas particulares forman
parte de cada uno de ellos.
Proceso metodológico:
A partir del análisis de un proceso, el estudiante identificará su tipo o clase de proceso las etapas
que en particular forman parte del mismo y finalmente graficar este proceso de forma clara para su
posterior estudio y análisis.
Toda la información necesaria para el desarrollo de esta actividad, se encuentra en el material de
la asignatura, videos, y explicación en las charlas virtuales programadas.
1er. Caso de estudio.


1. Entradas y Salidas.
2. Secuencia e interacción.
3. Criterios y Métodos.
4. Recursos.
5. Responsables.
6. Riesgos y Oportunidades.
7. Evaluar.
8. Mejorar.
9. Graficar el proceso Grafica del proceso.

i. Ejemplo

2do. Caso de estudio.



1. Entradas y Salidas.
2. Secuencia e interacción.
3. Criterios y Métodos.
4. Recursos.
5. Responsables.
6. Riesgos y Oportunidades.
7. Evaluar.
8. Mejorar.
9. Graficar el proceso Grafica del proceso.

3ro. Esta parte debe ser contestada en el idioma inglés.

Read the following article (mercantilism), it is in the (material de apoyo), and answer these


And answer the following questions:

1. What is mercantilism?

2. What is was the cultural factor that promoted mercantilism?

3. Why was given a great importance to precious metals?

4. Why the natural resources were only allowed to be sold to the mother country?

5. What were the three main factor of production?

Thanks - Gracias

Indicadores de evaluación:

- Detalle de las etapas del proceso

- Pertinencia y uso de la información sobre el análisis de los procesos.
- Claridad y contenido de las gráficas presentadas.
- Gramática, contenido y uso del idioma inglés en contexto.

Peso de la actividad:
Esta actividad tiene un valor del 10% del primer corte, el cual tiene un valor del 30% del total de la
Procedimiento de entrega:
Utilizar el medio para envió de documentos del aula virtual y asegurarse que el mismo quedo
correctamente enviado.
Hugo Fernando Jaramillo Pérez
Docente Universitario
FAEDIS Facultad de Educación a Distancia.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Km 2 de la vía Cajicá-Zipaquirá
PBX: 650 00 00 ext. 8068


1. What is mercantilism?

Determining the etymological origin of the term mercantilism is the first thing we are going to do,
before fully entering into the analysis of its meaning. Specifically, we would have to say that it is a
word that comes from Latin, and more exactly is the result of the sum of the following Latin
components: "mercari", which is synonymous with "trade"; “-il”, which comes to indicate a “quality”,
and the suffix “-ism”, which is equivalent to “system”.
Mercantilism is an economic system that is based on the development of trade and exports. Its
doctrines were developed between the 16th and 18th centuries in Europe.
Mercantilism can also be defined as the set of economic ideas that consider that the prosperity of a
State depends on the capital it may have, and that the global volume of world trade is unalterable.
Capital, which is represented by the precious metals that the State has in its possession, is
increased above all by a positive balance of trade with other nations (or, what amounts to the same
thing, that exports exceed imports). Mercantilism suggests that the leading government of a nation
should seek to achieve these objectives through a protectionist policy on its economy, favoring
exports and discouraging imports, especially through the imposition of tariffs. Idea-based economic
policy is sometimes called the "mercantilist system."

2. What is was the cultural factor that promoted mercantilism?

Mercantilism was born in full renaissance, around the middle of the 16th century and is defined
with a philosophy of commerce where supply and demand are structured subject to a state policy
that regulates commerce (protectionism), and a fluidity of money and investment in the companies
in a rational way skipping the ethics of the medieval period. In more technical words, the
mercantilist doctrine comes to point out that a greater advantage of the State's commercial surplus
was possible through the application of an intervened economic system (export monopolies) and a
protectionist commercial policy (obstructing imports through real and monetary restrictions -
exchange control- and promote exports) to stimulate production and give it an outlet.

3. Why was given a great importance to precious metals?

• The economy must be regulated at all times by the State.

• The wealth of a country is determined by the amount of gold and silver it has within what would be
its borders.
• In order to accumulate more silver and more gold, two things are necessary: decrease imports and
increase exports. The latter, for their part, should be encouraged by promoting manufacturing.
• It is essential that in the relevant country companies are created that depend on the State in order
to improve trade.

4. Why the natural resources were only allowed to be sold to the mother country?
The mercantilists wanted to make the best use of all natural resources to increase production,
increase exports, and reduce imports. They also give importance to agriculture to solve the food
problem. Colonies were developed to provide the necessary raw materials. Furthermore, the
colonies were not allowed to export directly to foreign countries. All products must be exported only
to the country of origin.

5. What were the three main factor of production?

The 3 main factors of production that William Petty enunciated were: the land surplus theory, the
labor theory of value, and the quantity theory of currency.

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