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Dang 1: Advantages and Disadvantages

Type 1:

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school
and starting university studies.

Discuss (What are) the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to this.

Type 2:

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school
and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

Type 3:

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school
and starting university studies.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for young people who decide to do this?


A benefit A drawback
A Positive (aspect) A Negative (aspect)
An Upside A Downside
Plus points Minus point
Merits Demerits
Pros Cons

I. HOW TO WRITE THE INTRODUCTION (at least 2 sentences)

Sentence 1: write something about the GENERAL CONTEXT (ngữ cảnh)
Time expressions:

– Over the last few years, present perfect

– In the last decade, present perfect
– Recently, present perfect
– In recent years, present perfect
– Today, present simple/continuous
– Nowadays, present simple/continuous
– These days, present simple/continuous

Useful expressions:

– It has become evident that....

– It has become apparent that.....
– It is clear that.....
– There is no doubt that.....
– It is undeniable that....

– It is a common trend that......
– In many/certain countries around the world.......

Paraphrase the question (express the question in another way):

Question: Nowadays, more people would rather purchase food than cook at home. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of this trend?

Sample Context 1: In recent years, it has become evident that people are consuming more processed food
instead of cooking food themselves due to the busy lifestyle.

Sample Context 2: People hold different views about whether or not consuming more processed food instead
of cooking food at home is a good choice.

Sentence 2: state the purpose of the essay: THESIS STATEMENT (câu luận đề)
Type 1,2:

This essay will analyze/examine the benefits and drawbacks of ….. (this issue/a gap year) before reaching a
conclusion/ suggesting my own perspective.

Note: "before reaching a conclusion"  optional for type 1 but compulsory for type 2.

Type 3:

– While it is widely accepted/acknowledged that... …(a gap year) bring(s) some advantages, this essay
believes/ maintains/ would argue that it is likely to have more detrimental impacts.
– While there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this issue, this essay believes/
maintains /would argue the positive aspects outweigh/prevail over/ overshadow/eclipse the negatives.


Type 1,2,3:

On the one hand, there are numerous merits of.....(a gap year).

The main advantage of ....(a gap year) is+ N/that clause_________2,3 supporting sentence.

One additional upside is +N/that clause + __________ 2,3 supporting sentence.

Another positive aspect of …….. ( a gap year) is N/that clause _____________ 2-3 supporting sentences.

Type 1,2:

On the other hand, ___________(a gap year) brings about some noteworthy demerits/negative,

Firstly, (main idea) (2-3 supporting sentences).

Secondly (main idea). (2-3 supporting sentences).

Finally, (main idea).(2-3 supporting sentences).


Type 1,2

However, _______(a gap year) is not completely beneficial; there are some negative aspects that should be
taken into consideration.

Firstly, ___ (main idea)____ + (2-3 supporting sentences).

Furthermore, ___ (main idea)____ + (2-3 supporting sentences)

Last but not least, ___ (main idea)____ + (2-3 supporting sentences)

Type 3

On the other hand, it would be argued that these benefits/upsides/pros/positives are outweighed/ eclipsed/
overshadowed by the drawbacks/downsides/cons/ negatives. One negative is that.... An additional downside
is ……


Type 1+2+3

In conclusion, there are both positives and negatives/ pros and cons/ merits and demerits/ upsides and
downsides/ benefits and drawbacks of.... (a gap year). In spite of the fact that it....(summarize the
advantages), it.....(summarize the disadvantages).

Personally, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh/eclipse/overshadow/ prevail over the advantages
(RED SENTENCE optional for type 1 out compulsory for type 2+3)

Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however,
believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion,
do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

Video games have become an integral part of modern entertainment. While some perceive them as
innocuous sources of entertainment or valuable educational resources, others caution against their
disadvantageous effects on players. This essay believes that the negative aspects eclipse the positives.

On the one hand, there are two main reasons why people think that video games are beneficial. The
first positive is that video games help people to release their stress, in the sense that they also improve
players’ mood, promote relaxation and alleviate anxiety. For example, the players can enjoy the stories,
music throughout the game, or even chat with their friends. The second reason is that these games can be
used as educational tools to motivate children in understanding difficult fields like languages and math.
Specifically, since most children prefer playing games rather than studying, adding games into the lesson
helps draw students' attention and make it more enjoyable.

On the other hand, I would argue that drawbacks are outweighed by the benefits. Gaming can be
highly addictive because users are constantly want to enhance high scores, new targets. Many children now
spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their
friends. At the same time, playing games adversely affect player’s health issues. Excessive gaming can lead
to sedentary lifestyles, potentially causing health problems like obesity or eye strain.

In conclusion, although video games offer numerous benefits to players, I believe that their
drawbacks far outweigh the potential advantages.

Two – Questions Essay
Example 1:

Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However,
one day we will reach a point when all the world's fossil fuels have been depleted.

How can we conserve these resources?

What are some alternatives to fossil fuels?

Example 2:

Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want.

Is this a good way to raise children?

What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?


1. Introduction
– Context: paraphrase the question
– Thesis statement: state your answer to both questions

2. Body paragraph 1 - Answer question I

– Topic sentence-state your answer
– Explanation develop the idea
– Example - give an example

3. Body paragraph 2 - Answer question 2

– Topic sentence - state your answer
– Explanation - develop the idea
– Example give an example

4. Conclusion
– Restate the thesis statement
– Summarise main points of both questions
– Comment/recommendation/suggestion/advice/warning



The world is currently reliant on oil, coal and natural gas for the majority of its energy requirements but
there will come a time when these run out.

Outline statement:

This essay will discuss how we can help to prevent our non-renewable resources from becoming depleted
and it will suggest some natural forces that can be harnessed to generate power.

Body paragraph 1:

There are several measures we should take to conserve our energy sources. One possible approach would be
for the government to encourage the developments of renewable energy. For example, the government can
invest more money in the infrastructure for the solar, wind, hydraulic or geothermal energy. Another feasible
approach would be for every individual to use more energy-efficient means of transport. The easiest way to
do this is to leave the car at home and walk or cycle to our destination if it isn't too far away. We can take
public transport or have carpooling for longer journeys.

Body paragraph 2:

There are some natural forces that can be exploited to produce energy. The most sustainable alternatives to
fossil fuels are the generation of power from natural forces such as the sun and the wind. For example, solar
and wind power are already widely used in many countries across the world. Some other alternatives include
wave power, geothermal energy and tidal energy. These energy sources have the greatest untapped potential
to provide for our energy needs in the future. Nuclear energy may be another option to replace fossil fuels.
This source provides massive amount of energy, yet poses lethal threats to human life if something goes


In conclusion, our earth's reserves of fossil fuels will not last forever and we should take proactive action to
prevent the depletion. In the meantime, we should develop new technologies to produce renewable energy
from alternatives sources such as the sun, wind, water or others.

Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while
others require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school.

What are the benefits of each system?

Which is better?

Read the 5 thesis statements below and choose the best thesis statement:

1. Each of these options has its own benefits which require students to conduct exhaustive research on which
one is better for their career.

2. This essay will brief the benefits of each system and point out which system is more advantageous.

3. Although each type of curriculum has its own advantages, I would argue that following an education
program with a wide range of subjects carries more benefits for students

4. In this essay I will discuss the advantages of both systems and provide my perspective in this matter.

5. In my point of view, the latter opinion would be a persuasive decision.

Analyze the topic (phân tích đề):

What are the benefits of each Analyze the benefits of both education systems
system? (phân tích lợi ích của cả 2 hệ thống giáo dục)

Which is better? Clearly state the candidate's personal opinion on "which system is
(nêu rõ quan điểm cá nhân của thí sinh về việc hệ thống nào tốt hơn)

Thesis sentence (câu luận đề)

Answer 1: Both systems have their own advantages, but

Answer 2: I think system A is superior to system B (ưu việt hơn)

Error analysis:

1. Each of these options has its own benefits which require students Didn't answer question 2, "pushing"
to conduct exhaustive research on which one is better for their career. (chưa tl cả 2 – đùn đẩy)
2. This essay will brief the benefits of each system and point out Question 2 has not been answered
which system is more advantageous (chưa tl câu hỏi số 2)
3. Although each type of curriculum has its own advantages, I would Answer both questions
argue that following an education program with a wide range of
subjects carries more benefits for students.
4. In this essay I will discuss the advantages of both systems and Question 2 has not been answered
provide my perspective in this matter
5. In my point of view, the latter opinion would be a persuasive Question 1 not answered
 Câu 2 và 4 chưa thể hiện rõ quan điểm

Thesis sentence:

What are the benefits of each system? Although each type of curriculum has its own advantages,

Which is better? I would argue that following an education program with a wide
range of subjects carries more benefits for students
 Mở bài thích hợp cho đề này là số 3:

Although each type of curriculum has its own advantages, I would argue that following an education
program with a wide range of subjects carries more benefits for students.

Body 2 (answers question 2: "Which is better?")

What is the writer's point of view: Which of the two education systems is better? What is the reason given?

(quan điểm của nười viết là gì?: trong 2 hệ thống hệ thống nào là tốt hơn? Lý do đưa ra là gì?)

Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while others require
students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school.

(1) In my opinion, at the age of 15, it is too early to determine a future career. (2) High school students
possess insufficient real-life experience and are incapable of making an informed decision about their life-
long career. (3) Focusing on certain subjects at such a young age might not only narrow down their career
selections but also make them more vulnerable because the job market is unpredictable. (4) For example,
thirty years ago the coal miners were sought after and often compensated with a handsome salary. (5) Many
boys who joined the industry from a young age expecting a permanent career have now lost their jobs
because of the shrinking coal Industry. (6) Finding a new job is not easy especially for these skilled but rigid

Which is the better? (1) In my opinion, at the age of 15, it is too early to determine a future career

determine a future career  Focus on certain subjects

Có liên quan nhưng không phải là một.

(1)In my opinion, at the age of 15, it is too early to determine a future career.

(2) High school students possess insufficient real-life experience and are
incapable of making an informed decision about their life- long career

"choose jobs"

"Should I study widely or deeply"

(3) Focusing on certain subjects at such a young age might not only narrow down their
career selections but also make them more vulnerable because the job market is unpredictable.

"focus on certain subjects" "limit career options"  "students suffer in a busy volatile job market"

(4) For example thirty years ago the coal miners were sought after and often compensated with a handsome
salary (5) Many boys who joined the Industry from a young age expecting a permanent career have now lost
their jobs because of the shrinking coal industry. (6) Finding a new job is not easy especially for these
skilled but rigid employees

 chứng minh cho sự thiệt thòi bằng cách lấy ví dụ về nghề thợ mỏ.

Analyze the consequences of "learning few subjects from the beginning"

Explain the consequences of "entering the profession early"

Main point Should not focus on certain subjects at young age

Supporting idea I Limit career choices
Explanation 15-year-olds = low self-awareness likely to make poor choices
Supporting idea I Vulnerable to unpredictable job market
Explanation Limited subjects = limited skill set hard to change careers


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