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For several years, it is believed that education tends to be a hot topic for arguments.

‘opinions are divergent regarding whether starting school at an older or early age is useful for
children. Begging at the early age is generally beneficial and necessary for child development
provided sufficient parental supervision.

 Câu đầu ko cần thiết lắm, nếu vẫn muốn viết thì nên sửa thành: For many years, it has
been posited that education consistently emerges as a subject of considerable debate.
 Begging => Beginning education (chú ý lỗi chính tả)
 Early age => earlier age
 Useful for children => conducive to children’s cognitive development

On the one hand, there are strong arguments in favor of the notion that students should come to
school late. A key aspect of this perspective is that there is a certain maturity of their child. In
that period, they could distinguish which is right or wrong, there are not effects of harmful
information. Moreover, children will highly concentrate on the lesson and try to get the best
performance in school. Besides, students could not rely on their parents more than that they
could do some part time job for more experiments.

 strong arguments favor the notion that students should start school later => begin their
schooling at a later age.
 A certain maturity of their child => the level of maturity that children attain
 distinguish which is right or wrong, there are not effects of harmful information => they
can better distinguish right from wrong and are not as affected by harmful information
 Do some part time job => engage in some part-time jobs
 Experiments => Experience

On the other hand, there are more convincing reasons to justify the other side of the debate.
One fundamental reason for this viewpoint is that early age is the most suitable time for
learning. In that period, children just like a white paper, they own the best receptive ability in
their life, so everything they are teached in school will be theirs. In addition, in the early age
period, children could easily find their strength by trying all jobs. Starting school at the early age
which lead to the solid foundation of children

 early age is the most suitable time for learning => early childhood represents the optimal
period for cognitive acquisition.
 everything they are teached in school will be theirs => everything taught in school can be
effectively absorbed
 Starting school at the early age which lead to the solid foundation of children => Starting
school early can lead to a solid foundation for children’s development.

In conclusion, all things considered, it is evident that although both aforementioned arguments
can be justified to certain extents, it is more reasonable to say children should go to school at
the early age.

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