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Literature Organizer

Title of Reading Citation Summary Date Read in Class

How Do Children Learn Llewellyn, D. (2007). The text covers different ways to 1/20/2024
Science? Inquire within (2nd ed.). incorporate science teaching in the
Chapter 4: How do classroom as well as certain strategies
children learn science? that help students learn science
Thousand Oaks, CA: successfully.
Corwin Press.

Next Generation Science Read the Standards | The NGSS are k-12 science content 1/30/2024
Standards Next Generation Science standards. They set the expectations for
Standards. (n.d.). what students should know and be able
https://www.nextgenscien to do regarding science.

NCDPI Standards Science | NC DPI. (n.d.). NCDPI standards provide the right 1/30/2024 content standards for each grade level
tricts-schools/classroom-r and provide a set of learning standard
esources/academic-stand for all the public schools in North
ards/standard-course-stud Carolina.

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