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Ind|an Lducat|on A Leap from the C|d to the New

Lkalavya was a llLLle boy born Lo a poor famlly ln Lhe year 1879 Pls people llved a llLLle away from
PasLlnapura Lhe caplLal of Lhe kuru klngs 8ecognlzed by socleLy as an CuLcasLe Lhey used Lo clean Lhe
sewers for a professlon lL was for Lhls reason LhaL Lhey were shunned by socleLy Lkalavya and Lhe oLher
klds ln hls group knew Lhey Loo would soon have Lo Lake up Lhelr parenLs professlons 1helr parenLs
ofLen Lold Lhem ?ou are noL meanL Lo go Lo school WhaL use ls school when you have Lo evenLually
clean Lhe sewer and plck up Lhe garbage whlch ls your only [ob? Lkalavya dldnL undersLand Why buL
why? he asked hls moLher She replled Cod seLs Lhese llmlLs Cne day Lkalavya and hls frlends
Lrapped a llLLle anL and were waLchlng lL Lry Lo escape 1he anL Lrled and Lrled Llll lL found a llLLle openlng
aL Lhe edge of Lhe Lrap and escaped CLher chlldren moved Lo Lrap lL agaln buL Lkalavya sLopped Lhem
by shouLlng 1he brave anL has broken Lhe bounds LlmlLs are meanL Lo be broken l am free free
lL's a well spoken proverb LhaL rules are meanL Lo be broken 1he earller socleLles were bound by Lhe
shackles of soclal cusLoms and economlcal boundarles 8uL now we can en[oy Lhe freedom of belng a
world clLlzen We can parLlclpaLe ln dlfferenL local naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal acLlvlLles now lrrespecLlve
of our casLs rellglon or reglonal dlfferences Cn dolng so Lhe lnLerneL plays a vlLal role As ln
MahabharaLa Lhe dlsclple Lkalavya found ouL an alLernaLlve way of learnlng Lhe skllls of archery ln Lhe
same way Lhe 21
cenLury people have developed many ways Lo learn new skllls 1he world of lnLerneL
opens up new wlndows Lo us Lhrough whlch we can able Lo become a global clLlzen lf we analyze Lhe
lndlan educaLlon scenarlo we can feel Lhe sLrong presence of Lhe lnLerneL 1here are many porLals LhaL
alm Lo move away from Lhe concepL of roLelearnlng LhaL has prevalled ln lndla for many decades now
1hese educaLlonal porLals hold more lmporLance for smaller Lowns ln lndla where Lhere are fewer
coachlng cenLers LducaLlon has moved beyond Lhe Lhreehour examlnaLlon sLrucLure and focuses on
Lhe concepLual clarlLy and knowledge of fundamenLals
lor educaLlon professlonals compuLer neLworklng creaLes a professlonal bond beLween Leachers and
admlnlsLraLors ends lsolaLlon and for sLudenLs a new sysLem of knowledge enhances collaboraLlve
learnlng alLernaLlve assessmenL and lndlvlduallzed learnlng 1he successful LransformaLlon of sLudenL
learnlng and accompllshmenL ln Lhe nexL decade requlres effecLlvely brlnglng LogeLher Lhree agendas
an emerglng consensus abouL learnlng and Leachlng welllnLegraLed uses of Lechnology and
resLrucLurlng 1he modern lndlan educaLlon sysLem ls promoLlng onllne learnlng for Lhe followlng
O A well arLlculaLed vlslon of change wlLh a prlmary focus on engaged learnlng and empowered
O ALLenLlon Lo professlonal developmenL and user supporL
O AcLlve parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe change process by all sLakeholders lncludlng learners Leachers
parenLs admlnlsLraLors and oLhers from Lhe communlLy
O lundlng plans LhaL clearly esLabllsh cosLs/beneflLs and are boLh reasonable and susLalnable
lndla has recognlzed well Lhe essenLlal role of Lhe lnLerneL on Lhe educaLlonal secLor of Lhe counLry
Along wlLh Lhe unlon CovernmenL dlfferenL SLaLe CovernmenLs are also comlng up wlLh dlfferenL
venLures Lo promoLe onllne educaLlon ln Lhe counLry

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