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Safe Internet Usage

Dear UJ Student,

In an era where digital threats are ever-evolving, it’s crucial that you stay vigilant
about safe internet usage. As part of UJ’s commitment to cybersecurity, we want to
share some best practices that can help protect both personal and university data.

Recognise Phishing Attempts: Be wary of emails asking for sensitive information.

For example, your ID number or bank card number.

Use Strong Passwords: Ensure your passwords are complex and unique. Do not
use the same password for your gmail, ulink and facebook account for example.

Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your operating system and applications
to protect against the latest security vulnerabilities.

Secure Your Devices: Use antivirus software on your personal computer.

And don’t leave devices unattended in public spaces.

Be Cautious on Public Wi-Fi: Avoid accessing sensitive information when

connected to public networks. Such as your banking apps.

Educate Yourself and Your Friends: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity
trends and threats. Knowledge is your best defense.

Let’s work together to create a secure digital environment for our university

Stay Safe.

Information and Communication Systems (ICS)

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