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1) Kiyomizu-dera Temple (must see)

Kiyomizu-dera is an independent Buddhist temple in Kyoto associated with the Hosso sect
of Buddhism. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

The original temple was built in 778 by the Buddhist monk Enchin in honor of the
Bodhisattva of mercy and compassion, Kannon Bosatsu. The present building,
commissioned by the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu, dates back to 1633. Kiyomizu-dera means
“Temple of the Pure Water” and gets its name from the location near the Otowa Waterfall.
Today, many parts of the temple have been renovated.

The Kiyomizu-dera Temple is unique because it is constructed without using a single nail.
The street leading to the temple is flanked by shops selling handicrafts and sweets. The
gates have statues of Deva Kings and Korean Dogs that are believed to protect the temple
from damage. The main hall features the design typical of the Haien era. The outer
sanctuary is decorated with paintings donated by local tradesmen, and the inner sanctuary
carries gold leaf images carved on lacquer. Also, within the complex there is a shrine
dedicated to the Shinto deity of love. The wooden terrace of the temple offers spectacular
views across Kyoto.

Why You Should Visit:

Multiple Shinto-style temples and buildings are well kept and positioned up a hill giving
access to the great surrounding scenery.
Despite a large number of visitors, the site is spacious enough to accommodate the volume.
Lots of walking to do, but the uphill road, leading towards it, is lively and packed with
interesting souvenir shops.

Some shops let you try the foods/delicacies they sell, which is always helpful, given a wide
array of products to choose from.

Perched high above the sight-dense Southern Higashiyama district, Kiyomizu-dera stands as a
timeless emblem of Kyoto, seamlessly blending the sacred with the secular. Beyond the throngs
of visitors lies a remarkable temple offering panoramic vistas of the city below. And if you dare
to brave the crowds during cherry blossom season, the nighttime illumination of the surrounding
trees is a sight to behold.

The temple's genesis is intertwined with the Otowa Spring, aptly named Kiyomizu, or "Pure
Water." In 778, monk Enchin Shonin, guided by a divine vision, discovered this sacred spring.
Inspired by this revelation, an aristocratic benefactor bestowed a grand hall upon the site,
modeled after noble palaces rather than traditional temples, and featuring a regal shingled roof.
Within resides a revered 1,000-armed Kannon, unveiled to the public only once every 33 years.

A precipitous viewing platform, originally a stage for sacred dances, offers vistas over the
verdant slopes. Supported by colossal pillars without a single nail, the platform's edge plunges 13
meters (43 feet) below. Once a tragic endpoint for desperate souls, it now serves as a vantage
point for admiring southern Kyoto's scenic splendor.

Jishu Shrine and the temple's verdant grounds harbor secrets and traditions. Expectant mothers
seek solace at the pagoda, praying for safe childbirth, while the Otowa Spring draws pilgrims
lining up to sip its healing waters. Divided into three streams, each purportedly bestowing health,
longevity, or success, visitors must choose wisely—a tradition upheld for over 1,200 years.
2) Ninen-zaka & Sannen-zakaa Streets (must see)
The Ninen-zaka & Sannen-zaka are two parallel streets in the Historical Preservation
District of Kyoto. They retain the environment of old Japan with traditional Japanese
wooden houses flanking a stone paved street.

The Ninen-zaka means Two Year Hill & Sannen-zaka means Three Year Hill. They are
located at the foot of the Higashiyama Mountains. The streets are popular with tourists
because they are located near famous Kyoto landmarks including the Kiyomizu Dera
Temple, the Kodai ji Temple and the Yasaka shrine. Visitors also come to pay homage to
the famous Japanese portrait artist, Yumeji Takehisa whose house is located here.

The shops that line the streets sell traditional arts, crafts and products like incense sticks,
fans, textiles, candles, confectionary, souvenirs and intricate tableware. Some of the houses
are restaurants and tea houses where weary tourists and shoppers can rest their feet. The
two streets are steep slopes and can be difficult for some visitors to climb. The Ninen-zaka
& Sannen-zaka Streets give visitors a sense of what streets were like during the Haien era
in Kyoto.

Behold the quaintness of Kyoto's eastward lanes, where flagstones pave the way to a journey
back in time. These lanes, steeped in history and tradition, stretch like ancient veins connecting
the city's revered temples, serene gardens, and “ryokan” inns.

As you meander along, revel in the absence of unsightly overhead wires—oh, the luxury! And
fear not, for rickshaw rides await, manned by eager lads donning traditional attire, while colorful
yukata-clad maidens add a splash of festival flair. Truly, it's a time warp back to yesteryear,
complete with throngs of fellow time travelers.

Amidst the historical façades, modernity peeks through in the form of upgraded shops and
eateries—because who wouldn't want a Starbucks nestled within an ancient wooden house? Step
into shops, and you'll find yourself surrounded by tantalizing treats like Japanese sweets, pickles,
and souvenirs galore. Fancy a tea ceremony or perhaps renting a kimono? Look no further, for
this is the ultimate destination for all your cultural cravings.

For those seeking respite from the daytime crush of tourists, a strategic visit during the early
morning or evening hours is advised. Sure, the shops may be closed, but the subdued lighting
only adds to the enchantment of the ancient surroundings.

3) Kodai-ji Temple Updated version. Please refer to the original text on the app.
More than your average temple, Kodai-ji is like a cultural treasure chest curated by none
other than Japan's widow-turned-nun extraordinaire, Nene. After her powerful husband,
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, shuffled off this mortal coil in 1598, she planned her getaway and was
fortunate to receive some major patronage from the new shogun. The result? A Zen temple
dripping with style.

Before you even step foot in the gardens, brace yourself for an eyeful indoors. Painted
'fusuma' (sliding screens) and a dry landscape that morphs into different designs throughout
the year will have you scratching your head like a Zen master pondering a puzzling koan.

Once you hit the gardens, get ready for some serious sensory overload. The upper and
lower ponds are like nature's own Instagram filters, reflecting cherry blossoms or maple
leaves in a dance of color and light. As you wander up the garden path, you'll stumble upon
a memorial hall for Hideyoshi and Nene, while Hideyoshi's love for tea is on full display with
two historical tea houses at the top of the hill. On your way back, don't miss the bamboo
grove and the jaw-dropping Ryozen Kannon statue, standing tall as a war memorial since

Nearby, you'll find the subtemple of Entoku-in, where Nene spent her golden years. It may
be smaller in scale, but it's big on elegance, with narrow passages and fusuma paintings
that'll transport you back in time. And the cherry on top? The option of a green tea set in
front of one of Japan's most dynamic rock gardens, ready to soothe your soul after a day of

Why You Should Visit:

Because Kodai-ji isn't just a temple—it's a whole day's worth of adventure wrapped in a
kimono of ancient charm. And while you're at it, you can take a stroll around the neighboring
street to soak up Kyoto's timeless atmosphere.

Admission gets you into a small museum down the hill, so don't miss it! And be prepared to
climb more stairs than you can shake a stick at—just think of it as your daily workout with a
side of enlightenment.

4) Nene-no-Michi Lane
Nene-no-Michi Lane is a path that runs by Kodai-ji Temple, and is named for the widow of
the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was known as Nene. The temple was found by Nene
herself, hence the name of the path. Pretty much a pedestrian-only zone, this path is a
perfect place for a stroll and gets particularly picturesque in spring when the cherry trees
are in blossom, which in turn also makes it just as crowded. At this time, amid the ambling
masses of tourists you can meet many people wearing kimonos and yukatas, creating the
feel of ancient Japan.

This flagstone walkway passes by many important sights in the Southern Higashiyama
area, linking Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka with the Kodai-ji Temple and Maruyama-koen
Park along the way. One of its highlight attractions is the Gionkaku tower of the Daiun-in
Temple – a somewhat queer looking structure resembling a wooden float like the ones used
in the Gion Festival.

Normally closed to the public, the Gionkaku tower is open in summer, but do remember to
check online if it is indeed open before going. The 36-meter tall tower offers a spectacular
view, but no photos are allowed, unfortunately.
Along the Path of Nene there are many signs and lanterns with the words “Nene no michi”
written in Japanese. Taking a photo at such signs is a popular joyful activity.
There are also a number of Buddha statues allowed to be touched, so feel free to do that.
Among them there is one of Hotei, a Buddhist figure with a big belly. See if you can find it!

Meandering through the historic wonders of Southern Higashiyama, this scenic flagstone
pathway connecting key landmarks with the grace of a feudal lord's consort. Named after the
wife of warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, it links the Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka lanes with iconic
landmarks such as Kodai-ji Temple and Maruyama-koen Park.
While the occasional taxi or rickshaw may attempt to navigate through the sea of wandering
tourists, fear not—this sanctuary is primarily reserved for foot traffic, offering an idyllic setting
for leisurely strolls, especially during cherry blossom season, when the path is adorned with
nature's finest blooms. And come evening, the tranquility is yours to savor, away from the
daytime buzz.

Nestled within this serene enclave lies the quaint Ishibe-koji alley, where time seems to stand
still amidst the rustic charm of wooden homes, traditional restaurants, and cozy ryokan inns—a
true embodiment of "wabi-sabi", Kyoto-style, where imperfection exudes its own unique allure.

Venturing further along, one encounters the enigmatic Gionkaku Tower of the Daiun-in Temple
—an architectural oddity resembling a whimsical wooden float from the famed Gion Festival.
While typically off-limits to the public, this towering structure opens its doors during summer,
offering splendid panoramic views—just remember, no photos allowed!

As you stroll along the lane, be sure to capture the essence of the journey with joyful snapshots
at the signs and lanterns bearing the inscription "Nene-no-Michi" in Japanese. And don't hesitate
to reach out and touch the Buddha statues along the way, including the jolly figure of Hotei with
his ample belly—see if you can spot him amidst the surroundings!

5) Yasaka-jinja Shrine
The Yasaka Shrine is a Shinto temple located in the Gion District of Kyoto, and is famous
for being the venue of the Gion Matsuri Summer festival celebrated in July. In 869, portable
shrines, called the Omikoshi, were paraded through the streets of Kyoto as an appeal to the
deity for relief from a deadly epidemic that ravaged the city. Since then it has become an
annual tradition in Kyoto.

The Yasaka Shrine was built in 656 AD and was dedicated to the God of prosperity,
Susanoo-no-Mikoto, his wife and 8 children. The present shrine is the result of a
reconstruction of the original buildings carried out in 1654.

The entrance to the Yasaka Shrine is through a red two-storey gate, called the Ro-Mon,
flanked by statues of Shinto guardian Gods, while the steps to the shrine are guarded by
figures of Korean Dogs. The Honden is the main hall where the Deity is worshiped.
Worshipers ring the bell at the entrance to wake the Deity up before praying. To the left of
the Honden is the hall for offerings, and to the right is the hall where religious ceremonies
are performed. Kyoto residents flock to the shrine on a New Year Day to pray for prosperity
in the coming year. The Maruyama Park near the shrine is Kyoto’s most famous venue for
cherry blossom viewing in spring.

Why You Should Visit:

One of the sites worth exploring in the Gion part of Kyoto, and a great starting point for a
walk to Kiyomizu-dera.
You can visit the shrine at any time as the gates are never closed. It is free to enter to
wander around the grounds.
There are some decent street food options within and plenty of vending machines around
so you won't go hungry/thirsty.

Try visiting in the evening when the lanterns are illuminated everywhere in the shrine
surroundings. The view on the city from the main gate is also particularly nice at this time.
If you go in the late afternoon, just before sunset, you'll find lots of girls wearing traditional
clothes. If you are polite, they will probably love to smile for your picture.

At the eastern edge of Gion's main street looms a magnificent vermilion gate, the steps leading to
it serving as a popular backdrop for countless snapshots. Beyond lies a pathway lined with
tempting food stalls, guiding the way to Yasaka Shrine. Amidst this spectacle sits a stage with a
triple row of lanterns, casting a glow that transforms the scene into a fairy tale come to life.

Yasaka Shrine takes center stage as the proud host of the renowned Gion Festival each July, a
lively spectacle drawing throngs of revelers with its array of side events and delectable food
offerings. The festival's roots trace back to the year 869, a time of dire epidemic, when portable
shrines paraded through the streets in a plea for relief. Since then, it has blossomed into an
annual tradition, yet Yasaka Shrine remains a captivating destination year-round, beyond the
festival fervor.

Marvel at the Main Building's resplendent cypress bark roof, last rebuilt in 1654, while exploring
the precincts teeming with sub-shrines honoring revered "kami" (gods) from across the nation.
Unsurprisingly, Utsukushi Gozensha, a sub-shrine devoted to beauty, often sees the presence of
geisha paying homage.

Adjacent lies Maruyama Park, crafted by Meiji-era gardener Ogawa Jihei, who artfully
harnessed the waters of Lake Biwa to breathe life into its serene landscape. Here, picturesque
arched bridges span tranquil carp ponds, imbuing the surroundings with an unmistakably
Japanese ambiance. While cherry blossom season in early April draws crowds, evenings in the
park offer a serene retreat, seamlessly blending with the shrine's lantern-lit allure.

6) Chion-in Temple
The Chion-in temple is one of the most sacred sites in Japan. This is the main temple of the
Jodo-Shu or “Pure Land” sect of Buddhism, and was built in 1234 by a Buddhist monk,
named Genchi. The latter was a disciple of the founder of the Pure Land sect, Honen. It was
built on the location where Honen preached his philosophy to the common people and
where he fasted unto death in 1212. The Jodo-Shu teachings became the most widely
accepted Buddhist teachings in Japan. The Hollywood movie, 'The Last Samurai', was
filmed at the Chion-in Temple. Most of the buildings were destroyed by fires and the present
complex was built in the 17th century.

Visitors enter the Chion-in Temple through the largest gate in Japan, the 79-foot high San
Mon. The large main hall can hold up to 3,000 people. The corridor behind the main hall,
that leads to an Assembly Hall, has a nightingale floor that makes a squeaking noise when
a person walks on it. The 74-ton temple bell of the Chion Temple is the heaviest in Japan. A
small shrine within the complex, called the Mei-Do, houses a statue of Honen. The statue is
designated as one of the National Treasures of Japan.

Why You Should Visit:

The main building walk-up is a highlight as not many temples have the same size, nor are
they open for visits.
The grounds are well preserved, making the visit enjoyable and even serene despite the
number of tourists flocking here.
There is also access to the Kyoto Trail up into the hills at the back of the complex.

It is possible to weave through the surrounding neighborhoods and see Kiyomizu-dera,
Kodai-ji, Chion-in, and Nanzen-ji, among others, all in one day.
Keep in mind, however, that the area is quite hilly and that Chion-in will have lots of steps.

Just north of Yasaka-jinja and Maruyama Park, and a brisk 8-minute stroll north of Kōdai-ji, lies
the colossal temple known colloquially as the "Vatican of Pure Land Buddhism". As the head
temple of the Jōdo sect, this grand complex, a National Treasure of Japan, rivals its Roman
Catholic counterpart in sheer scale.

The monumental front staircase has graced the silver screen, making notable appearances in both
"The Last Samurai" and "Lost in Translation". But the true marvel awaits at the impressive
Sanmon gate, where visitors can admire an unparalleled display of joinery. Standing tall at 24
meters and spanning a colossal 50 meters wide, it reigns as the country's largest wooden gate, a
true architectural marvel.

Beyond the gate lies the heart of the temple, a sprawling courtyard crisscrossed by intricate stone
pathways. The Miei-dō, or Main Hall, welcomes all with its free admission, housing an
impressive effigy of Hōnen, the revered priest who laid the foundations of the Jōdo sect. Nearby,
the Amida-dō, or Amida Hall, showcases a splendid visage of the central figure in Pure Land
Buddhism, revered for creating a celestial realm where faithful chanters are warmly embraced.
Further exploration within the temple's confines requires admission fees.

Delve deeper, and you'll encounter two hidden treasures. Yūzen-en, a serene rock garden with a
tranquil pond, graces the southeast of the Sanmon gate, while Hōjō-en, a timeless landscape
garden dating back to the mid-17th century, lies east of the Main Hall. For an immersive
experience, visitors can opt to explore both gardens (open until 4 PM) at a discounted rate.

7) Shoren-in Temple
The Shoren-in Temple is managed by the Tendai sect of Buddhism. It is a beautiful and
tranquil temple set amid green surroundings at the foot of the Higashiyama Mountains near
Kyoto. It is one of the Monzeki temples in the city where the head priest was a member of
the Imperial Family.

The Shoren-in Temple was built by the retired Emperor Toba for Gyogen, the head priest of
the Enryaku-ji Temple and his seventh son who was Gyogen’s student. Until the Meiji era,
only members of the Imperial Family could become head priests of the temple. When the
Imperial palace burned down in the Shogun era, the Shoren-in temple served as the
temporary residence of the Empress Gosakuramachi.

Visitors to the Shoren-in pass through the entrance to a drawing room with beautiful
paintings covering the walls and sliding doors. The largest building within the complex is the
Shinden. Another notable structure is the Shijokodo Hall that has two rare paintings, one
featuring a Mandala or traditional Buddhist geometric painting, and the other – a drawing of
the Deity Fudo Myoo. The gardens surrounding the temple have old and large camphor
trees, and are illuminated at night during spring and autumn.
Looking for a hideout from the tourist stampedes? Shoren-in might just be your ticket. With a
rich and prestigious history, its former head priests hailed from the imperial family. Originally an
imperial residence, this temple still exudes the elegance of palace architecture.

As you enter, you'll be greeted by ancient camphor trees, standing sentinel for over seven
centuries. Inside the Kacho-den, admire paintings of lotus flowers and the esteemed 36 Immortal
Poets. And don't miss the expansive tatami room, where visitors can unwind while gazing upon
the serene pond garden, crafted by the master artist Soami (d.1525). With a moss garden, dry
landscape garden, and azalea garden also on offer, this is indeed a paradise for garden lovers.

Traverse the covered corridors reminiscent of Heian palaces, leading to the main hall featuring a
rather unusual object of worship: a mandala. Noteworthy too is the Kobun-tei tea house that rose
from the ashes after a fire in 1993. Inside, you'll find paintings by Uemura Atsushi, a Kyoto artist
known for his depictions of birds and flowers.

Spring and autumn? That's when Shoren-in flips the switch and becomes the Vegas of temples
with its dazzling illuminations. With the deity Shijoko Nyorai associated with light, the temple's
luminous events evoke a sense of sacred wonder. Indeed, experiencing Shoren-in's ethereal
beauty is an opportunity not to be missed.

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