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Welcome to Utopia!
U‧to‧pi‧a (noun)

1. an ideal place or state

2. an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More’s Utopia (1516) as enjoying perfection in law, politics, etc.
What are the elements of a perfect world? People do not always agree!

Directions: For each statement, decide whether or not this would, in your opinion, be an element of your
Utopia—your perfect world. Write the pros and cons of including this element and decide whether it
would be an element of your perfect world.

Element Pros Cons/Possible Effects Would this be an element

of your perfect world?
Why or why not?
I wouldn’t have to worry about The world would probably get Yes, because scientists could
my family’s health. We could go overpopulated because there wouldn’t probably find ways for our Earth
Disease would be as many deaths per year. It would
wherever we want and do to accommodate more people if
be nonexistent. whatever we want and not have lead to more pollution and global we utilize more environmentally-
to worry about getting sick. warming. Earth may not be able to friendly energy sources in the
handle the increase in the population. future.




No one would have more money
than another.

War would not exist.

Inclement weather (rain, snow,

sleet, etc.) would be eliminated.

Everyone would be given similar

clothes to wear.

There would be no unemployment.

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