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USED TO- DIDN'T USE TO school--free--sports--have--used to Man: Do you play Woman: | used to play sports in high _. Man: Yeah, | Woman: Why did you stop? Man: No time | guess. Woman: Yeah, | used to have so much Man: Me too! | miss those days. didn’t--used to--fun--speak--really Man: Do you speak French? Woma it a little. |used to use it all the time, _ why is that? __. work for a French company, know that. Woman: Yeah, it was alotof_______. oLIVEWORKSHEETS USED TO- DIDN'T USE TO never--used to--party— Man: Are you coming to the Woman: No, I have to Man: Work! What happened? You used to party! Woman: True, but | also __ have a stressful job. Man: True, you _ be poor, but you were fun! Woman: Yep! _ _ to be fun! (Sigh!) used-—-miss---used to---she--- used to--- too Man: Hey, you_______ have a Spanish coworker, right? Woman: Yeah, Maria, but _ _ moved. Man: Really! that’s _____ bad. Woman: Yeah, I really _ Man: Yeah, | liked her. She laugh. Woman: | know. We to have such fun together. working with her. ___~ always make me voLIVEWORKSHEETS

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