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Auth token and client id client


And send it server

Server validates with oauth server

If the

Bearer token
Once we get

Comparator<Employee> cmp = (i1, i2) -> i1.getSal().compareTo(i2.getSal());

This I for list

ArrayList<Emp> emplist=new ArrrayList<Employee>();

Copy to hashset and if add return false – take that element as duplicate


Stream to map
And then filter to find the char exists

In that array

Create a class and extend with string class

We can override t
he merh
we can use global exception handler

by define a error class with error code, identifier

and send that by prepareing the error object as list

try with resruce

Completable future by breaking
down the list
Or pagination concept with offset and limit



In java we create a datasource

By readig it from ccm

We connect

Jpa spring jpa

Not inj aca

Tell about US and CA code base and deployments and debug and modify with county specific

Its not tennant based

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