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Data vs.

Understanding the
Key Characteristics
Data vs. Information
Data is a collection of facts, figures, and
statistics, while information is processed data
that has meaning. Data on its own has no
context or interpretation, while information
provides insights and understanding. In this
presentation, we will explore the key
characteristics of data and information.
Data Characteristics
Data is objective, quantitative, and
measurable. It can be structured or
unstructured and can come from a
variety of sources. However, data on its
own is meaningless without proper
interpretation and context.
Information Characteristics

Information is subjective, qualitative, and

interpreted. It provides insights and
understanding by putting data into context.
Information can be presented in various
formats, such as reports, charts, and graphs.
Data Processing

Data processing involves transforming

raw data into a more useful format. This
can include cleaning, organizing, and
analyzing data. Data processing is
necessary to turn data into information
that can be used for decision-making.
Information Processing

Information processing involves taking

data and turning it into insights and
understanding. This can include
interpreting data and putting it into
context. Information processing is
necessary to turn data into something
that can be used for decision-making.
Data Visualization
Data visualization is the process of
presenting data in a visual format, such
as charts, graphs, and maps. This can help
make data more understandable and
accessible. Data visualization is an
important part of turning data into
Information Presentation

Information presentation involves taking

insights and understanding and presenting
them in a clear and concise manner. This can
include reports, presentations, and dashboards.
Effective information presentation is important
for decision-making.
Data and information are both important, but they
are not the same thing. Data is raw and unprocessed,
while information is processed and has meaning.
Understanding the key characteristics of data and
information is important for effective decision-

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