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(50 MARKS)



Let me die alone

(1) Write briefly on the Character of Madam Yoko

Answer - Madam Yoko is one of the Thirty seven wives of Chief Gbanya and the most cherished of all by the
Gbanya wives. She is:

 A considerable loving wife - she shows concern of a loving wife when she asks Gbanya, "But why, my Love,
what is this sickness that will plague my husband's mind?
 Insensitive -Just as men have expressed their fears about the inability of a woman to rule effectively, Yoko
shows her insensitiveness by the way she handles the affairs of the kingdom
 Madam Yoko is also a confused woman who later regrets her action of denouncing her womanhood. She
tells Fanneh and Musa that, I would have very much liked to have my children
 Brave and courageous - It takes a brave and courageous woman to challenge a man when it comes to the
issue of power. Her bravery and courage make her challenge Musa who thought she cannot succeed chief

(2) What are some of the literary Devices used in LET ME DIE ALONE


i. ----- Foreshadowing

Some of the characters, especially Yoko and Gbanya, said some words that later come to pass in their lives. When
Guard comes to deliver the Governor's speech of his proposed visit, Chief Gbanya expresses his fears through his
dream. The playwright uses dreams to foreshadows future events or occurrences, Gbanya says, "Just as in the
dream of last night the Governor himself comes to humiliate me in the eyes of my people

ii. ---- Uses of Traditional Element

Some of the traditional elements that the playwright uses in the play include music, drumming, dancing and
proverbs. At the beginning of the play, singing and 'Sande' drums are heard offstage. Shrine which is a traditional
element is also used. Throughout the play Sande girls are busy singing, dancing and drumming.

iii. ----Local Colour

The playwright uses some expressions of the people of Mende land in Sierra-Leone where he came from
especially those of Serehum and Moyanba people copiously in the play. Some local expressions are used in the
iv.---- Comic Relief

There are a few scenes in the play that make us laugh from the tensed atmosphere. An example is between
Gbanya and Yoko. Gbanya is desperately in need of sex. Yoko tells him to wait little till the dancing is over. Gbanya
however, insists that "When loins of a husband catch fire, that fire must be quenched instantly!"

The Lion and the Jewel

(3) Discuss in details the discussion between Lakunle and Sidi.
"Their discussion opens the play opening session "Morning”

Their discussions have these details: The play opens with Lakunle seizing the pail from Sidi telling her to listen to
his advice not to carry loads on her head "so that it will not shorten her neck.

Lakunle complained about Sidi leaving her shoulder uncovered so that she will not attract the comment of
'Shameless men casting their lustful eyes where they have no business'

Lakunle reveals good plans he has for Sidi. He promises to take her to places where women are civilized, but Sidi
objected his idea and consistently called him mad man of Ilujinle as the people call him.

-Lakunle and Sidi continue their argument on the practice of the payment of the bride price, Lakunle is
determined to distance himself from bride price payment, but Sidi insisted on it.

These discussions clearly show the interest of the two characters. While Lakunle represents modernity and
defends it vehemently, Sidi represents the illiterate populace of the community and she defends their interest as

(4) Disuss Lakunle as a character in the -play - The Lion and the Jewel and show how his role promotes modernity
in the Ilujinle.


- Lakunle is a 23 year old man. He is a school teacher and the only educated man in the community who embraced
western values, - Lakunle is too showy in his use of heavy vocabulary to show his educational status He scoffs at
anything that has to do with tradition. He wants the people of Ilujinle to embrace western (modern) way of life.
He has a sense of humour. He dislikes the customs of his village. He deems them as backward, this he does by
using synonymous words to justify his disregard of the traditional practices of his village. He terms the custom of
his village as “savage”, “barbaric”, “outdated”, “rejected” which must be stopped.


Look back in anger
(5) Analyze and discuss Jimmy Porter's anger in ‘Look Back in Anger'


Many of Jimmy's impressive tirades are no doubt concerned with the debased values of modern life, but the
action of the play is only very indirectly influenced by such social questions as the class-system

Jimmy's anger is not superficial, it has deep roots. Jimmy is capable of suffering on behalf of others and of living in
other people's lives. As a boy, he had suffered at the bedside of his dying father that was his initiation into

Jimmy is infuriated by the lack of imaginative response he encounters everywhere "Jimmy asks Alison and Cliff,
and he goes on to say that there is no point in his asking such question because he knows that they have not read
that piece.

Jimmy seeks from women much more than he could ever hope to get from them and when he is disappointed
turns on them with savage resentment

He wants release from his tormenting consciousness.

(6) Describe the relationship between Jimmy and his wife Alison in “Look Back in Anger"
Alison is born into wealth, she is part of what Jimmy hates in the establishment. She married Jimmy in rebellion
against her parents. But she end up annoying Jimmy by her refusal to take side on any issue.

- Jimmy insults Alison very often

Jimmy is aghast that Alison doesn't condescend to respond to his rants. He wants her to drop her good breeding
and give him a genuine response. When she fails to do this, he lashes out at her, saying she had not had an
independent thought for years,

Jimmy is hoping that Alison will give him the emotion that he craves, but she remains in control.

By comparing curfon in drawing to a battleship, Jimmy disrupts traditional gender roles Alison is like a soldier and
when she puts on make-up, she is like a surgeon. Jimmy's need to point out the ways that his wife would fail in
these traditional male roles is a way for him to claim his own masculinity.

(7) Discuss Symbolism in Fences and its messages.

The playwright uses fences, death, devil, baseball etc. to epitomize some of the prevailing issues in the American

Fence - A fence is literally a wall that separates two sides, on one side of the fence are the blacks and on the other
are the white racists

Devil -There is also the use of ‘devil' as a symbol. Troy described his father as a devil. According to him "he stayed
out there with his family. But he was just as devil as he could be. The devil here symbolizes white racist American

His own father had maltreated and divorced his mother, this also accounts for his dropping his father's name and
adopting his mother's surname of Wilson.

(8) Discuss the Character of Raynell Maxson


Raynell is Troy's daughter whom he fathered out of wedlock. Troy's unfaithfulness leads him to Alberta who gives
birth to Raynell

Raynell is raised by Rose because she consider her innocent

Her innocent need for care and support convinces Rose to take Troy back into the house

Raynell is the only Maxson who hasn’t been hurt by Troy

Raynell's garden is symbolic for new hope for the future.


(9) Give the detail account of the setting of the poem. "The Leader and the Led - by Niyi Osundare


The setting of the poem talks about the place, time and period in which a particular work of art is set. The setting
of this poem is:

The poem mirrors the prevailing struggle and scramble for political power in Africa. So the setting could be said to
be Africa. The names of the different criminals in the poem buttress the fact the poem is set in Africa.

The setting could as well toe the forest as the characters used in the poem are animals in the forest
(10) Discuss the theme of 'slavery’ in the "The Grieved Land of Africa.


The land of Africa is aggrieved by two major reasons, ‘Slavery' and Racism

Africans were dehumanized through Slavery

The dreams of the affected Africans were shattered

The African slaves were deprived of their rights,

Slavery lead, to the death of many Africans whose body were thrown into the Atlantic.


Buchi Emecheta - Second Class Citizen

1. Discuss the background of Adah Obi and how it assisted her to achieve her goal.


 Adah Obi (nee Ofili) was born into the family of Ma and Pa Ofili.
 She was born into an Igbo family where women are not considered fit for education.
 Adah's poor background and the Igbo culture which prefers educating a boy instead of girl nearly
prevented her from going to school.
 Adah is determined within herself to be educated and even travelled abroad for further studies.
 Adah’s dream was reinforced by the arrival of Dr. Nweze who has just returned from England after his

2. Asses Francis as a husband in Second Class Citizen.


Francis Obi is Adah's husband and they got married when they were very young
Francis however, failed as a husband because he gives Adah little attention
He allowed Adah to play the role of bread winner for the family.
He does not assist Adah to take care of their children
He fails to support Adah when she was pregnant and cares less about how she feels!

Unexpected Joy at Dawn—Alex Agyeii

3. Give the account of Marshack visit to Miliki.

On entering Marshak's room he finds her ready to make love to him. Both of them are in earnest.
 Suddenly, a knock by a young boy disturbs them
 Nii is both surprised and enraged. He charges at Marshak who is pleading with him not to leave. He
accuses her of humiliating him describes her as disgrace which he quickly regret
 Coincidentally, another knock comes again. Nii feels cold rage and his thirst for her body. Nii declares the
experience as a complete disgrace and storms out of the room.

4. Discuss the character of Amos Tsru


 He is a graduate of the University of Ghana

 He once lectured at the University of Ghana before losing his job.
 On losing his job he becomes a taxi driver
 Amos and other immigrant face humiliation after being caught. He dies when he falls from an
uncompleted building while running away from a neighbourhood.

The Invisible Man -- Ralph Ellison

 The narrator has a specific instruction from his grandfather not to be friendly with the whites.
 He was invited to present a speech at the battle royal because of his sterling performance of his high
school graduation.
 The narrator and other eight students were forced to watch a nude white woman dance.
 The narrator and others were ordered to participate in the battle royal before he could present his speech
and they were all blindfolded.
 They were made to scramble for gold pieces, coins and crumple bills after the game. The narrator was
defeated in the end by that.

6. Who is Dr. Bledsoe, narrate his role in the play?


 Dr. Bledsoe is the president of the college the narrator attends.

 From being a shop dispenser he becomes the office boy of the founder.
 He succeeds in transforming the college from an institution with fifty faculties to that
with two hundred faculties.
 He represents the dream of every college boy as one of the upwardly mobile civilized
 He is skilled in diplomacy and deceit. He knows what to say and how to say it.
 He is the first person to give the narrator a lecture on his invisibility.

Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte

7. Discuss Wuthering Heights as a gothic novel.
Gothic fiction is a literary genre which combines horror elements and romantic ones.

 A very first feature of Gothic novel present in the novel is the Gothic architecture of the house.
 Characters trapped in a helpless situation and trying to escape or waiting to be rescued is a common
feature of Gothic novel. Incidents of Isabella and the young Cathy being forcefully held by Heahcliff in
Wuthering heights are example.
 A prominent feature of Gothic fiction is often a ruined invasion or castle in an exotic settings isolated in
time or space for contemporary life.

8. Who Is Mrs. Catherine Heathcliff Cathy?

Cathy is the only child of Edgar Linton and Catherine Earnshaw
 Through the nurturing by Edgar Linton, Cathy becomes inquisitive, intelligent and keen to know
 Her naivety makes her fall into the trap of Heathcliff, she agrees to marry Linton to save him from the
future of his father but ends up realizing that Linton is not good.
 When Heathcliff succeeds in dispossessing her of her inheritance of both houses she stands up to
remind him of how miserable and lonely he is.
 Her generation brings about redemption to both houses, she demonstrates the qualities that were
lacking in her mother.

(A) Let me die alone
(b) The lion and the Jewel
20 marks for any one of the questions answered here


(A) Look back in anger
(b) Fences
20 marks for any one of the questions answered here

(A) The Leader and the Led
(B) The Grieved Lands of Africa
20 marks for any one of the questions answered here

(A) Second class citizen
(B) Unexpected joy at dawn
20 marks for any one of the questions answered here

(1) The Invisible Man
(1) Wuthering Heights
20 marks for any one of the questions answered here

20 marks x 5 = 100marks

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