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China, US race to unleash killer AI robot

soldiers as military power hangs in balance:

AI technology is the new arms race pitting the world's powers
against each other, experts agree
By Michael Lee Fox News
Published October 17, 2023 2:00am EDT
China and the U.S. are locked in a race to develop new weapons controlled
by artificial intelligence, a battle that could determine the world's balance of power.
"The race with China to build autonomous weapons systems is the defining defense
challenge of the next 100 years," Christopher Alexander, chief analytics officer at
Pioneer Development Group, told Fox News Digital.

The comments come as a Reuters report last month detailed the ongoing struggle
between the U.S. and its allies and China over the development of AI weapons, a
competition that has only become increasingly heated as the world observed the
successful use of technologies to resist an invasion of seemingly superior Russian
forces for over a year.
The report, which relied on research from the Special Competitive Studies Project,
noted that China has aggressively pursued advancement in its AI arms, something that
could cause a "shift in the balance of power globally, and a direct threat to the peace
and stability that the United States has underwritten for nearly 80 years in the Indo-

But like the nuclear arms race before it, the AI arms race comes with constant
dangers. The report warns of "killer robots" — AI weapons such as subs, warships,
fighter jets, drones and combat vehicles that can operate autonomously. While such
technology has the potential to be a force multiplayer on the battlefield, its ability to
make decisions independent of human input also poses serious risks.
One such system being developed by the Australian Navy in partnership with the
U.S., called Ghost Sharks, is an unmanned AI-powered submarine the size of a school
bus that can patrol oceans and survive maneuvers that would be impossible for
conventional military vehicles.
"The United States is currently in yet another arms race, except this time it is against
China, instead of the Soviet Union." Ziven Havens, policy director at the Bull Moose
Project, told Fox News Digital. "Military technology powered by artificial intelligence
is going to forever change warfare."

Havens argued that the stakes couldn't be higher, saying that allowing China to be the
leader in the development of such technology would lead to a more dangerous world
for the U.S. and its allies.

"The current state of the world, paired with a potential military conflict in Taiwan,
further proves that the U.S. being anything but the leader of this technology will make
America and our allies less safe," Havens said.

Phil Siegel, founder of the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response
Simulation, told Fox News Digital that it is likely that virtually "every well-
funded military power" is involved in the race to develop AI weaponry, though he
pointed out that international treaties could lead to the weapons being regulated.
"I also expect that all use of unmanned weapons will be negotiated under the
international articles of war like nuclear weapons and chemical weapons and certain
tactical weapons," Siegel said.

In the meantime, the development race continues and could lead to lethal capabilities.
In one example cited in the Reuters report, lethal drones with AI systems capable of
evaluating surveillance imagery could allow for something called "micro-targeting,"
looking to strike entire groups such as the entire military-aged male population of a
certain town.

The lethality of such technology makes it all the more important that the U.S. remain
on the cutting edge, Alexander argued, noting that winning this arms race will give
U.S. a "dynamic new form of deterrence."

"The United States will make the cost of conflict, in human and financial terms, so
costly as to be an unrealistic option for near-peers like Russia or China," Alexander
said. "The U.S. military is plagued by recruiting problems and that is not likely to be
solved soon, if ever. The faster we move to primarily autonomous force, the better for
our global military standing."

Source :
This article from Fox News discusses the race between China and the United States to develop
AI-controlled weapons, highlighting the potential global impact and risks associated with
autonomous military technology. Here's my critique of the article:
1. Title and Introduction: The title is attention-grabbing and clearly conveys the main
point of the article. The introduction provides a good overview of the topic, setting the
stage for the reader.
2. Quotes from Experts: The article includes quotes from experts, such as Christopher
Alexander and Ziven Havens, which help provide different perspectives on the issue.
This adds credibility to the reporting.
3. Background Information: The article gives some context by mentioning the previous
nuclear arms race and comparing it to the current AI arms race, making it easier for
readers to relate to the importance of the situation.
4. Use of Sources: The article mentions a Reuters report, which provides additional
context and evidence to support the claims. Citing external sources helps bolster the
article's credibility.
5. Potential Risks: The article appropriately highlights the potential risks associated with
AI weapons, such as "killer robots" and the use of AI for micro-targeting. This adds
depth to the discussion.
6. Policy and Regulation: The article mentions the possibility of regulating AI weapons
through international treaties, which is a crucial aspect of the conversation about AI in
7. Clear Language: The article is generally well-written in clear and concise language,
making it accessible to a broad audience.
8. Global Implications: The article effectively conveys the global implications of the AI
arms race and how it could shift the balance of power. It connects the issue to real-
world situations, such as the potential military conflict in Taiwan.
9. Balance: The article maintains a balanced perspective by presenting both the potential
benefits of AI weaponry and the associated risks. It also highlights the importance of
the United States staying competitive in this field.
10. Future Implications: The article touches on how AI technology can reshape the nature
of warfare and deterrence, providing a glimpse into the potential future implications
of the AI arms race.

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