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VAC Practical

Self Awareness
EI talks a lot about self-awareness.

In fact, it’s one of the building blocks of EI. we need to know ourselves, we should
recognize our feelings, the roots of every emotion

So, we must start from asking ourselves the question that “WHO AM I?”

But do we really know who we are? I mean is it possible to know

We say that I am this, I am that………but basically we just want to make a certain

image of ourselves and accordingly we claim that look this is me…

In psychoanalysis, it is said that what we know about us that is our conscious self
that is only the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath that is the unconscious mind &
that is not possible to track only our dreams reflect that unconscious self.
From there the famous book of Sigmund Freud came that is The Interpretation of

I’m sure all of you had some very weird dreams. Actually we have seen ourselves in
certain colors, certain shades that we couldn’t have thought of in our conscious

But psychoanalysis is not in our syllabus. So let’s not get into that.

Suppose in love we say i can’t live without you. We think that. But when time comes
we act differently. We do live. Think about the movie Titanic and the character of
Rose. what Rose did after Jack died and that also while saving her?

Now, suppose you are Rose how would you act? How would you justify your move?
Sharing vs. Holding the power
Which one do you think is more important? ‘

Imagine yourself as a CEO of an enterprise how will you operate that enterprise?
Being an authoritative boss or ensuring huge democracy up to the grass root level
of workers? Talk about your preference and reason behind choosing that way.

Why not removing the employer/employee distinction? As long as this distinction

will be there there will be no democracy rather only exploitation. Once people
couldn’t think about a world without the monarchs, but today we have such a world
devoid of them. Similarly, we today need a world devoid of any separate group or
class called entrepreneur or capitalist because this group thinks about its own
profit & gains neglecting the interest of the huge mass of workers. So, conflict
Personal relationship management: Toxic relationship but can’t get over this
because of attachment & the habit. But there’s no respect that you deserve

What would you do?

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