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2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th

IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering

A Novel Method for Detecting Image Forgery Based on

Convolutional Neural Network

Na Huang Jingsha He Nafei Zhu

Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Information Technology
Beijing University of Technology Beijing University of Technology Beijing University of Technology
Beijing 100124, China Beijing 100124, China Beijing 100124, China

Abstract—Detection of image forgery is an important part of Deep learning has been applied to forensic detection of
digital forensics and has attracted a lot of attention in the past image forgeries in recent years. Among the techniques,
few years. Previous research has examined residual pattern CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) has demonstrated
noise, wavelet transform and statistics, image pixel value remarkable performance in visual recognition [4,6].
histogram and other features of images to authenticate the Nevertheless, it has been pointed out that hierarchical
primordial nature. With the development of neural network features extracted by CNN could represent not only the
technologies, some effort has recently applied convolutional visual concept for recognizing objects, but also the re-
neural networks to detecting image forgery to achieve high- sampling or noise changes caused by tampering operations
level image representation. This paper proposes to build a
convolutional neural network different from the related work
This paper proposes a novel method for detecting image
in which we try to understand extracted features from each
convolutional layer and detect different types of image tampering based on CNN. The work involves implementing
tampering through automatic feature learning. The proposed a network based on CNN to automatically learn feature
network involves five convolutional layers, two full-connected representations that can adapt itself to multiple tampering
layers and a Softmax classifier. Our experiment has utilized manipulations. Three commonly used optimizers, i.e., Adam
CASIA v1.0, a public image set that contains authentic images (adaptive moment estimation), RMSProp and SGDM
and splicing images, and its further reformed versions (stochastic gradient descent with momentum), are tested in
containing retouching images and re-compressing images as the training stage. The work also includes experiment in
the training data. Experimental results can clearly which the performance is compared between Softmax and
demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed SVM to demonstrate the advantage.
network. The reminder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the architecture of the implemented
Keywords-digital forensic, image forgery, tempering network. Section 3 presents the results of the experiment.
detection, deep feature, convolutional neural network Finally, Section 4 concludes this paper in which some future
work is also discussed.
Image editing has become more convenient along with
the fast development of digital technology. It also has A. Architecture of the constructed network
become more difficult for humans to identify image editing
as digital images present themselves in the form of two- Our proposed method involves the construction of an
dimensional matrix. image-forgery-detecting network, that has a total number of
In recent years, many incidents of image tampering have nine layers including input layer, five convolutional layers
appeared in the fields of science, media, etc., incurring for extracting representative features of images with feature
tremendous cost to judicature and social order. Given their fusion and max-pooling, two fully connected layers and a
easiness and effectiveness, copy-move [1], seam carve [2], Softmax classifier. This architecture follows the existing
re-compress [3] and retouch [4] are currently the most networks that has been widely verified of good performance.
common techniques involved in image forgery, making them a) Input setup
the main focus of forensic detection of image forgery. Deep neural networks need representative data sets for
Forgery detection based on textual features of images is one learning. Therefore, we need a massive set of image samples
of the most popular approaches. PRUN (photo-response non- that can provide the features of multiple clusters, e.g., spliced
uniformity) noise is another commonly used feature for images, and rotated images. In the constructed network, the
detecting image forgery because the tampering manipulation input layer is designed to accept RGB images each of which
can cause inconsistencies in terms of the noise of the target has the size 227×227×3. Original images could be resized to
images [5]. conform to this requirement.

2324-9013/18/31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1702

DOI 10.1109/TrustCom/BigDataSE.2018.00255

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b) Convolutional layer element, r be the rth cluster, r ę (1,k). For x, activated
The major function of the convolutional layer is to function of Softmax is expressed in Eq. (3).
extract features and to initialize fixed-size kernels to scan the exp(c r ( x))
ϕ r ( x) =
¦r =1 exp(c r ( x))
input matrix. The size of the kernels and the stride of sliding ί (3)
are set when a network is to be constructed. Let aij denote the where cr(x)=ln(P(x|cr)P(cr)), P(x|cr) is the conditional
pixel at the ith line and the jth column of a feature map, probability that x belongs to the rth cluster, P(cr) is the cluster
computing of which follows Eq. (1).
M N prior probability, ϕ r (x) is the output of the operation
a i , j = f ( ¦¦ wm ,n x i + m, j + n + wb ) Softmax, 0 ≤ ϕ r ( x) < 1 . In the case of binary classification, the
m =0 n=0 (1) value of k is set to be 2 according to the number of clusters.
where xij denotes the pixel at (ith, jth) of the input image B. Network Training
and wm,n denotes the shared weight at the corresponding Different variants of stochastic gradient descent can be
position of filters, wb is the bias of filters and f denotes the used to train the network. Three commonly used optimizers
activated function. The size of the kernel is M×N, meaning are tested, i.e., Adam (adaptive moment estimation),
that m ranges from 0 to M while n ranges from 0 to N. RMSProp and SGDM (stochastic gradient descent with
The activated function used in the constructed network is momentum). Comparison of the performance of the three
ReLU to introduce nonlinear factors into linear convolutional optimizers is shown in figure 1 using two datasets with 200
operations so as to remove the redundancy in data, maximize images and 120 images, respectively.
the retention of characteristics of data and construct a sparse
matrix. Function ReLU performs a threshold operation on
each element expressed in Eq. (2), where x denotes the input
­ x, x ≥ 0
f ( x) = ®
¯0, x ≤ 0 (2)
The standard function for an analog neuron output is
generally tanh() or sigmoid() in which the output is basically
unchanged even if the input data varies wildly in size. ReLU
is a nonlinear, non-saturated function, which executes much
faster than saturated functions during training. Moreover,
this distorted linear function preserves not only the nonlinear
expressive capability, but also the linear property, i.e., the
(a) Training accuracy
positive value. Applying ReLU as the solution of the
problem of Gradient dispersion enables the training of deep
c) Feature fusion
The goals of pooling are to reduce the dimension of
features and retain effective information to avoid over-fitting.
Besides, pooling can resist rotation, translation, expansion,
etc. The common operations adopted at the pool layer
include maximum value sampling, average value sampling,
summation area sampling and random area sampling. The
pooling method utilized in this paper is maximum value
sampling to reduce the offset of the estimated mean value
caused by parameter errors in convolution layers and to
retain more texture information of images. (b) Training loss
d) Fully-connected layer Figure 1. Comparison of three optimizers in the training procedure
The fifth convolutional layer is followed by two fully-
connected layers that are responsible for logical inference. Finally, we adopt the SGDM optimizer to train the
The first fully-connected layer has a convolutional kernel to network for its superior performance. The update rule of the
turn a three-dimensional matrix, an input of this layer, into a stochastic gradient descent with momentum is set in Eq. (4)
two-dimensional vector. Dropout is also employed in this θ ς +1 = θ ς − α∇E (θ ς ) + γ (θ ς − θ ς −1 )
layer to ignore random neurons and to resist over-fitting. ς α > 0
where stands for the iteration number, is the learning
e) Output layer
rate, θ is the parameter vector and E (θ ) is the loss function.
Softmax is used in this layer as a classifier after the
The gradient of the loss function, ∇E (θ ) , is evaluated using
fully-connected layers. The images are classified into the
authentic cluster or the forged cluster. Let x be an input the entire training set and γ determines the contribution of
the previous gradient step to the current iteration.


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A. Image datasets
We utilized a public dataset, CASIA v1.0 [12], which is
widely used for research in forgery detection. This dataset
contains two types of images, authentic images and spliced
images, both in JPG format. To test the performance of
detecting some other tampering operations, i.e., retouch and
re-compress, we further manipulate the authentic images Figure 2. Performance of the training using CASIA v1.0.
with these two kinds of tampering. Table 1 shows the
number of images in each dataset. CASIA v1.0 contains 800
authentic images and 921 spliced images and the other three
datasets that we generated each contains 800 authentic and
800 tampering images.
Authentic Spliced Re-
Image Set Retouch
images images compress
CASIA v1.0 800 921 h h
Figure 3. Performance of the training using CASIA-Un.
CASIA-Cv 800 h 800 h
CASIA-Rc 800 h h 800
B. Experiment using the implemented network Number of Training : Accuracy
We used in the experiment the Neural Network Toolbox images Testing (%)
60 8:2 98.50
of Matlab 2018b in the Window 10 environment. We build Splice 200 9:1 100
five convolutional layers together with max-pooling, two 1721 9:1 96.71
fully connected layers and one Softmax layer. The input 60 8:2 100
layer accept images of the size [227 227 3] (227×227 patch, Retouch 200 9:1 83.13
3 RGB channels). The first convolutional layer has 96 1600 9:1 93.13
kernels with a sliding-window of size [11 11] and stride [4 4]. 60 8:2 71.02
The basic setting of other layers was also done when created. Re-compress 200 9:1 68.15
The two fully connected layers each has 50% dropout 1600 9:1 64.44
function. These layers constitute our CNN network called TABLE III. COMPARISON BETWEEN SOFTMAX AND SVM
DTnet for detecting universal tampering of images.
Number of Training : Accuracy
C. Performance Dataset Classifier
images Testing (%)
We used the datasets to train DTnet. Taking splice 60 8:2 75.00
Softmax 200 9:1 96.00
detection as an example, Figures 2 and 3 show the process of 1721 9:1 100
training of DTnet using CASIA v1.0 and CASIA-Un, CASIA 60 8:2 55.00
respectively, from which we can see that the training v1.0 SVM 200 9:1 94.00
accuracy reaches 100% and the training loss closes to 0 1600 9:1 93.02
eventually. Table 2 shows the performance of detecting In the constructed network, authentic images are labeled
different kinds of image tampering in which three groups of with ‘Au’, splicing images with ‘Sp’, retouching images with
experiment were performed through using different numbers ‘Rt’, and re-compressing images with ‘Rc’. After training is
of images as the training data and as the testing data. For completed through using the corresponding datasets, we can
universal detection, we modified the output-size in the use the trained network to detect some images. Figure 4
classifying layer, which is the number of clusters, from 2 to 4 shows the examples of tempering detection with the
(Au, Sp, Rt and Rc). appropriate labels on the results.
To compare the difference between the Softmax classifier
and the SVM classifier in the classification layer, we
extracted the output features of CASIA v1.0 from the second
fully connected layer and passed them into a SVM classifier.
The results are presented in Table 3 from which we can see
that the Softmax classifier achieves better performance in
testing accuracy though the training accuracy of both
classifiers eventually reaches 100%. Figure 4. Forged images with the appropriate label as the title.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENT IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The work in this paper has been supported by National Workshops, pp.1881-1889, 2017.
Natural Science Foundation of China (61602456) and by


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