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NAME : ‘A. CALWIN RICHARD. DoB 30/09/2002 EMAIL: ADDRESS ; — 71/3MARKET LANE, KALADIPET, CHENNAI -19. PHONE 8939265733 SUMMARY. Python development for freshers involves learning the basics of Python programming, understanding data types, control structures, and functions. Familiarize yourself with popular libraries and frameworks like Django for web development or Flask for smaller projects. Learn about version control with tools like Git, and practice writing clean, efficient code. Explore basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and how they apply to Python. Additionally, understand basic database interactions, as well as testing and debugging techniques. Regularly practice coding through projects to gain hands-on experience and build a strong foundation for Python development. ACADEMIC PROFILE SSLC SCHOOL 1 DHARAM HINDUJA MATRIC HRSEC.SCHOOL UNIVERSITY/BOARD : STATE BOARD PERCENTAGE : 50 YEAROFPASSING : 2018 Hsc SCHOOL 1 DHARAM HINDUJA MATRICHR.SEC.SCHOOL UNIVERSITY/BOARD : STATE BOARD PERCENTAGE 1 52 YEAROFPASSING : 2020 BCA COLLEGE 1 PATRICIAN COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY/BOARD : MADRAS UNIVERSITY cGPA 1 696 YEAROF PASSING : 2023 LANGUAGE KNOWN 2 ENGLISH, TAMIL CERTIFICATES AUG 2023 - OCT 2023 PYTHON DEVELOPMENT ITC CLOUD TECH - IT TRAINING SOLUTION SKILLS + Operating Microsoft Excel * Good communication skill * Structured Query Language (SQL) * Able to work in a team * Statistics * Great problem solving skill

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