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Chapter 3


3.1 Implementation
The Phenomena behind implementing such Ideas lies in the Method one tries to
approach. In our case, the Process is a Multi-factor Scheme meaning there are Multiple
Methods of Approach and Stages for every type of Authentication.

3.1.1 Problem Statement

To understand the thought process that lies in these Authentication Techniques, Consider an
ATM (Automated Teller Machine). The default method of Authenticating a User and letting
him/her use the designated application further the System had to verify the Credentials
associated with the Bank Records to that of the User entered at the time of the Transaction.
For Instance, To Debit a Cash amount first the user has to Insert the Debit card and Enter the
PIN details and if verified successfully the Session will continue without any hassle and if
the wrong PIN is entered then the Session shall Terminate releasing the Card.

The Credibility of the User could not have been verified, As anyone with that Card and the
PIN could have accessed the Bank Transaction. So to address this issue the Working Strategy
reveals that these Transactions can only be performed under the vision of the User alone and
no one from elsewhere by Introducing the 3D Password (Three Dimensional Password)
Technique. Structuring the Levels of Authentication to Base, Intermediate and Advanced.

Fig. 3.1 Featuring a 2D Transaction at the Point of Sale Terminal

Authentication using 3D Password

3.1.2 Working Mechanism

The Basic Level of Authentication could include Smart Cards, Debit Cards and Access Cards
that is used to Enter Authorized Premises at Work Places. Making sure that the User is using
his/her Designated Card.

The Second Phase is the Intermediate Level, this could be processed with the Password
entered by the User to that of the Passwords held in the Index System or the Unique
Identification Number stored under UIDAI.

The Advanced or the Third Level of Authentication shall use the Personal Data with respect
to their Bio-metrics, Iris and Face Recognition. So this makes any kind of Transaction or
Entry legit and Fool Proof System.

3.1.3 Applications

The Proposed Technology is not just meant for theory and Research but is also usable by
every Individual in day-to-day life.

In the field of Personal Identification can be used in

• PC Login
• Electronically maintained Door
• Biometric Attendance System

In the field of Banking Transactions, it can be used in

• High-Level Security Lockers (Bank Vaults)

• Withdrawal or Point of Sale Terminals

3.2 Demonstration

3.2.1 Virtual Demonstration

The Following is an Instance of Logging in as a User into the Microsoft Account page using
a PC with an in-built Finger Print Scanner.

Although there exists a saved Password linked to the Mail Address the System validates the
Fingerprint of the User to make sure that the session is carried out by an Authentic User.

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Authentication using 3D Password

Fig. 3.2 Level 1 Scrutiny of Mail ID.

Fig.3.3 Sign-in options available for the Test Case PC

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Authentication using 3D Password

Fig. 3.4 Prompt to scroll the Finger across the Reader

Fig.3.5 White LED beside the Fingerprint Reader blinking to show it was Successful

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Authentication using 3D Password

Fig. 3.6 Screen Depicting Successful Login

The above is a working Example of using a 3D Password as a Fool-Proof System Approach

in a Virtual Environment, which implies that only the User can log in and No one else be it
a Potential Hacker / Intruder or a Twin Sibling can break the Chain.

3.2.2 Physical Demonstration

Physical Validation plays a vital role in Authentication using 3D Password, As Multiple

Phases of Verification have to be carried out in a fraction of a Second making it a Time
Constraint situation. The Following is a Real-Life Task and Withdrawing cash from an ATM
System with the Authentication of 3D Password.

Fig. 3.7 Use Case Diagram for Bank Transaction Instance

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Authentication using 3D Password

Fig.3.8 Inserting a Debit Card Fig.3.9 Choosing Fingerprint Mode of Choice

Picture 3.8 depicts Level 1 Phases of Scrutiny by asking the User to Insert a Debit Card and
In the background Cross verifies If the Inserted Card is Registered under an Account Holder
or If it is a Faulty one. Picture 3.9 Obtains the Choice of Mode as to verify the credibility of
the User by either a Four or Six-digit PIN or by Biometric Fingerprint.

Fig.3.10 Prompt to verify the UID Fig.3.11 Requesting for Fingerprint recognition

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Authentication using 3D Password

Picture 3.10 Shows a Prompt over the Screen asking the Account Holder to verify their UID
i.e. The Unique Identification Number also known as the Aadhar Number that is linked
across the Data Index System of India, which is relatively linked to PAN – Permanent
Account Number with the Bank Account Credentials. This Phase acts as a 2D Layer.

Picture 3.11 depicts the Machine is ready for Fingerprint Recognition of the Account Holder
and this is the Final Phase of Scrutiny where the Fingerprint Reader examines If the Scanned
Biometrics match to that of the Records maintained in the Index System.

Fig. 3.12 Fingerprint Recognition in Progress Fig. 3.13 Entering the Withdrawal Amount

Picture 3.12 Shows that the Account Holder is Placing the Left Thumb Finger against the
Reader as it is considered to be the most Unique Fingerprint that could be obtained in Human
Biometrics. This shall now validate and if found true it will go further, if not it will Terminate
the Session by throwing a Warning Message saying that the Biometrics didn’t match the

Picture 3.13 Prompts the Account Holder after successful Authentication of all Three Phases
of Scrutiny to Enter the Amount he/she would wish to Withdraw from the Account.

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Authentication using 3D Password

Fig. 3.14 System Processing the Transaction Fig. 3.15 Cash is Dispensed by the ATM

Picture 3.14 Screen Shows the System Processing the Transaction in the Background and
Picture 3.15 depicts Cash being dispensed by the Automated Teller Machine. This turning
out to be a Successful Transaction Authenticated by 3D Password.

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