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Revision worksheets Answer Key

Unit 1 Vocabulary
1. Possible answers
1 alcohol, perfume, electrical products
2 fridge magnets, ornaments, pictures, arts and crafts
3 It’s mountainous, with beautiful lakes and valleys.
4 in July and August
5 Yes – I like trying new food, experiencing new cultures;
No – I take food from home, I prefer the way of life in my country.
6 the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower
2 1 cheap 6 way
2 budget 7 move
3 deal 8 halfway
4 glance 9 control
5 surrounded 10 trap

Unit 1 Grammar
3. 1 have been 5 had cancelled
2 have been sightseeing 6 had been sitting
3 had planned / 7 had forgotten
were planning / 8 had been waiting
had been planning 9 had stopped
4 hasn’t rained 10 have eaten

4 1 a had left b have left

2 a have been looking forb had been looking for
3 a had been writing b have written
4 a had arrived b had been arriving
5 1 He has just left.
2 He has been calling all morning.
3 Have you (ever) been here before?
4 I have been playing in a band for five years.
5 I had been saving for months before I was able
to buy a car.
6 By the time we arrived, she had left.

Unit 2 Vocabulary
6. 1 on a crash diet 4 takes pride in
2 gain weight 5 on the verge of
3 played a big / 6 can’t come round
an important role
7. 1 shape 4 tax 7 impact
2 ban 5 increase 8 protection
3 demand 6 quit 9 control
Unit 2 Grammar
8 a We would have had a better holiday
b We would have better holidays
c We will have a better holiday
2 a I wish I hadn’t eaten so much
b I wish I didn’t eat so much fast food
3 a I will (I’m going to) join the gym
b I would have joined the gym
c I would join the gym
9 1 I had learned / had learnt another language
2 the only one in the area, it wouldn’t be
3 be a school trip unless 20 students sign up to go on
it / if fewer than 20 students sign up to go on it
4 our school organised / would organise exchange visits
5 I had listened to my parents’ advice
6 hadn’t been cold, I would have gone

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