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Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.

1, Mei 2019


Lalu Bohari
English Teacher, SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya
This study was aimed at finding the effect of small group discussion in improving speaking
skills at the seventh year students of SMA Plus NW. This research was conducted as quasi-
experiment using a quantitative approach with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. The
population of the research was the eleventh-grade students of SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW
Praya in academic year 2018/2019. Each class consists of 28 students. The total population
was 95 students. In this study, the researcher took one class as a sample. The class was
eleventh Grade of MIPA 1 consisting of 28 students as the experiment. The researcher gave
treatment to the experimental group and it used Small Group Discussion as the treatment of
teaching speaking. The purpose of using the Small Group Discussion was to give new
inspiration that can be applied in teaching speaking. Referring to the result pre-test and post-
test showed that the sig (2 tailed) > 0.05, it means that the null hypothesis (H 0) is rejected
and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So the use of Small Group Discussion in
teaching speaking is effective. The value of t-test was higher than the t-value of t-table (t-test
8.5148 > t-table 2.006). It showed that teaching speaking using small group discussion has a
positive effect to improve students' speaking skill. Besides that, the result of the mean of
post-test was higher than the mean of pre-test (M2 = 18.43 > M1 = 14.25). It means that
teaching speaking by using small group discussion was more effective than teaching
speaking without using small group discussion. In addition, small group discussion can
improve students' speaking skill in the eleventh-grade students of SMA Plus Munirul Arifin
NW Praya.
Key Words: Small Group Discussion and Speaking Skills
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pengaruh diskusi kelompok kecil dalam
meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada siswa kelas tujuh SMA Plus NW. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dalam eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan dengan desain One-Group Pretest-
Posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW
Praya tahun akademik 2018/2019. Setiap kelas terdiri dari 28 siswa. Total populasi adalah
95 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil satu kelas sebagai sampel. Kelas ini
adalah kelas XI MIPA 1 yang terdiri dari 28 siswa sebagai eksperimen. Peneliti memberi
perlakuan kepada kelompok eksperimen dan menggunakan Diskusi Kelompok Kecil
sebagai perlakuan mengajar berbicara. Tujuan menggunakan Small Group Discussion
adalah untuk memberikan inspirasi baru yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengajaran berbicara.
Mengacu pada hasil pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa sig (2 tailed) > 0,05, itu
berarti bahwa hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima. Jadi
penggunaan Diskusi Kelompok Kecil dalam mengajar berbicara efektif. Nilai tcount lebih
tinggi dari t-nilai ttable (tcount 8.5148 > t-table 2.006). Itu menunjukkan bahwa mengajar
berbicara menggunakan diskusi kelompok kecil memiliki efek positif untuk meningkatkan
keterampilan berbicara siswa. Selain itu, hasil rata-rata post-test lebih tinggi dari rata-rata
pre-test (M2 = 18,43> M1 = 14,25). Ini berarti bahwa mengajar berbicara dengan
menggunakan diskusi kelompok kecil lebih efektif daripada mengajar berbicara tanpa
menggunakan diskusi kelompok kecil. Selain itu, diskusi kelompok kecil dapat
meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa pada siswa kelas sebelas SMA Plus Munirul
Arifin NW Praya.
Kata Kunci: Diskusi Kelompok Kecil dan Keterampilan Berbicara

INTRODUCTION whole skills. However, it is not easy to

In the ELT Curriculum in 2006 and master all the skills. There are so many
its supplement, the ELT teachers should difficulties in mastering each skill. and
facilitate students to be able to English as a foreign language is the most
communicate in English by mastering the difficult thing for the students to expand is

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

speaking. ketika saya ngomong macet dan itu yang

Argawati (2014: p.74) states that membuat saya takut salah dalam
speaking is an activity used by someone to berbicara”. This implies that the difficulty
communicate with other(s). Meanwhile, of mastering speaking is due to his lack of
Mart (2012: p.91) defines speaking is vocabularies. However, the students have
being capable of speech, express or already memorized many vocabularies but
exchange thoughts through using language. they also need to know how to make the
It takes place everywhere and has become sentence grammatically and other students
part of our daily activities. When someone feel the lack of their fluency,
speaks, he or she interacts and uses the pronunciation, and comprehension, of
language to express his or her ideas, course, it will be a problem for the students
feeling and thought. He or she also shares to speak up.
information with other(s) through It is supported by the data from their
communication. achievement of English lesson during the
Gani, Fajrina, and Hanifa (2015: first semester in 2018/2019. It shows that
p.20) defines speaking skill is an ability to their achievement is still low though there
orally express opinions, thoughts, facts, are some students who have got the good
and feelings to other people. It is partly a achievement. From 33 students, there are
reflection of someone whether he/she just four students who got 8, six students
masters this language or not. Speaking is who got 7, and the others got 6. This result
one of the main purposes of language is far from satisfaction for their
learning in that it is an ability to transfer achievement in language learning. Thus,
some ideas to other people clearly and the problem inspires this study on the
correctly. In other words, he or she can selected method of teaching speaking skill
communicate his or her ideas well to other indicated by low achievement by students.
people. Based on the problems found, the
Therefore, speaking skill is one of researcher offered a technique that enables
the skills which is very important to be to overcome the speaking problems,
learnt, but however teaching and learning namely is Small Group Discussion. SGD is
English has been teaching for many years, one of the techniques of learning speaking
but the students still don't master yet, in a foreign language. It helps the students
especially in the speaking skill, the to improve their speaking skill. In a group,
students are still less of their speaking due the students will have the opportunity to
to some problems as what the writer use English among themselves and
observed during teaching and learning practice each other with their friends.
process at eleventh grade students of SMA Practicing speaking with their friends or in
Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya. Some of a group will improve their vocabularies
the students said that speaking is the most mastery, comprehension, fluency, and
difficult skill to master because It requires grammar. Besides, learning in a group will
five aspects of speaking in terms of also improve the student's confidence and
mastering vocabulary, grammar, fluency, the student's leadership.
comprehension, and pronunciation. Orlich et .al (1985) as quoted by
The writer asked some students, their Antoni (2014: 56) proposes that "small
reasons are various. Some students said group discussion could improve the
that they can't speak because they lack student„s speaking skill. There are 3
vocabularies. As one of the student namely reasons why we can use small group-
Lalu Bayu Ali Haikal is one of the 2nd- discussion in improving speaking skill.
grade students of SMA Plus Munirul The first discussion is used to increase
Arifin NW Praya, stated, "saya tidak teacher-student interaction and student-
menghafal banyak kosa kata sehingga student verbal interaction in the classroom.

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

Second, the discussion is used to promote Aspects of Speaking

meaningful personal interaction and Learning to speak is an important
learning. The learning may be of contents, aspect of language. Tuan and Mai (2015:
skills, attitudes or processes. Third, it is p.18), there are many factors affecting
used to help students adopt a more students‟ speaking as follow: (1) topical
responsible and independent mode of knowledge; (2) motivation to speak; (3)
learning". teachers‟ feedback during speaking
activities; (4) confidence; (5) pressure to
perform well and (6) time for preparation.
Teaching Speaking Skill
Considering the factors above, Ahyak and
According to Khamkhien (2010:
Indramawan (2013: p.19) speaking
p.184), teaching and learning in class
develops to acquire speaking skill students
should not emphasize speaking phrases or
must have many aspects of speaking such
everyday expression, but also we have to
as pronunciation, structure, vocabulary,
focus on communication in the real
content, and fluency. Moreover, Rahman
situation. A speaking lesson as Hadfield
and Deviyanti (2012: p.3) speaking must
(1999) in Setiyadi (2007: p.6-11) notices is
fulfill these following aspects, they are
a kind of bridge for learners between the
fluency, accuracy (grammar and
classroom and the world outside.
pronunciation), and comprehension while
Therefore, there are three features of
Brown, 2004: p.172-173) states that
speaking activities to bridge the classroom
speaking skill must have five aspects they
and the real world (1) practice
are vocabulary, grammar, fluency,
opportunities for (2) purposeful
comprehension, pronunciation.
communication in (3) meaningful
In this research, the researcher uses
situations. Hadfield in Setiyadi (2007:
five aspects of speaking skill based on
p.6.11) also stated that there are three
(Brown, 2004: p.172-173)
stages to develop speaking competencies
Vocabulary: One of the linguistic factors
that may meet, they are setting up, practice
in which it is a number of words with the
speaking, and feedback. As a teacher, we
role of combining them to make up the
should prepare what material and topic that
language in speaking. Vocabulary is very
we will give the students. And after that,
essential but it is not the first thing to be
the teacher gives opportunities to practice.
Then the students are given feedback as a considered if speaking takes place is a very
early stage. Vocabulary is a total number
correction or give a conclusion of the
of words, which a make up a language.
Grammar: Grammar is the rule in spoken
As speaking in oral production, it
language and written language. The
cannot be separated from producing
students' must obey the rules of grammar
sounds (Setiyadi, 2007: p.6.13). This
to obtain a good result, the students' can
implies that pronunciation keeps a crucial
also find the grammar rule in
part in the process of teaching speaking.
pronunciation, morphology, and syntax. In
Learning English in Senior High School
speaking ability, sometimes the speaker
focuses on in speaking ability in order that
and the listener do not care about the
the graduate can get the functional level in
grammar itself. But at this time the writer
speaking. In this level, they are hoped to be
does not discuss the grammar so far.
able to use their ability for giving a speech
Fluency: It shows that people are able to
and talk. And in starting for speaking
communicate well because it consists of
English, structure, and grammar from the
the case and speed of the flowing speech.
sentences mustn't be emphasized because it
Someone who can communicate fluently
just makes the students feel difficult to
but she may be able to use the language
speak English.
fluently. Someone can be said fluent if she

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

can require some criteria or categories where we place the stress and how we use
those are the students can say the words pitch and intonation to show how we are
fluently with good pronunciation. The feeling and what we mean ( Harmer, 2017:
students have many vocabularies so they p.281). Therefore it is also very important
can say the words fluently and they know to be improved, the students must have
what they will say then. They know the good pronunciation to give very clear
rule in the language (grammar). They can words or speaking that will make others
put on the word spelling correctly in any can be easy to be understood.
situation it makes the communication
Assessments of Speaking
among them can be easier to be understood Speaking is a complex skill requiring
although it does not use grammatical the simultaneous use of different ability
language. which often develops at different roles.
Comprehension: In speaking the speaker Speaking skill is generally recognized in
and the listener must have a good
analysis of speech processes that are
understanding so that the conversation pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
certainly requires a subject to respond to fluency, and comprehension. Here the
speech as well as to initiate it. But in this band achievement of oral proficiency
research, the researcher will call the scoring categories in speaking skill
comprehensibility. (Brown, 2004: p.172-173). It can be seen
Pronunciation: Pronunciation is the way as follows.
we make a sound of the language how and

Table 1. Oral Proficiency Achievement of Grammar

Achievement Proficiency Description
1 Errors in grammar are frequent, but the speaker can be understood by a native
speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his language.
2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately but does not have
thorough or confident control of the grammar.
3 Control of grammar is good, able to speak the language with sufficient structural
accuracy to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on
practical, social, and professional topics.
4 Able to use the language accurately on all levels normally pertinent to
professional needs. Errors in grammar are quite rare
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker

Table 2. Oral Proficiency Achievement Category Vocabulary

Achievement Proficiency Description
1 Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the most elementary
2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express him simply with some
3 Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary to participate effectively in
most formal and informal conversations on practical, social and professional
topics. Vocabulary is broad enough that be rarely has to grope for a word.
4 Can understand and participate in any conversation within the range of his
experience with a high degree of precision of vocabulary
5 Speech on all levels is fully accepted by educated native speakers in all its
features including breadth of vocabulary and idioms, colloquialisms, and pertinent
cultural references.

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

Table 3. Category Comprehension

Achievement Proficiency Description
1 Within the scope of his very limited language experience, can understand simple
questions and statements if delivered with slowed speech, repetition, or
2 Can get the gist of most conversations of non-technical subjects (i.e., topics
that require no specialized knowledge)
3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of speech.
4 Can understand any conversation within the range of his experience.
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.

Table 4. Category Fluency

Achievement Proficiency Description
1 No specific fluency description refer to other four language areas for an
implied level of fluency)
2 Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social situations,
including introductions and casual conversations about current events, as well
as work, family and autobiographical information.
3 Can discuss the particular interest of competence with reasonable ease. Rarely
has to grope for words.
4 Able to use the language fluently on all levels normally pertinent to
professional needs. Can participate in any conversation within the range of this
experience with a high degree of fluency.
5 Has complete fluency in the language such that his speech is fully accepted by
educated native speakers.

Table 2.5: Category Pronunciation

Achievement Proficiency Description
1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be understood by a native
speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his language.
2 An accent is intelligible though often quite faulty.
3 Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native
speaker. An accent may be obviously foreign.
4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare
5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speakers.

There are five components usually become involved in an alternative

used to analyze speech performance, they instructional approach”. In addition,
are grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, according to Gulley (1960: p.62), as
fluency, pronunciation. The researcher quoted by Hastoyo (2010: p.33), a group is
used those speaking scoring rubrics to more than a collection of individuals
collect data. assembled in the same place. He adds that
the accomplishment of the group tasks has
Small Group Discussion in Teaching
involved interaction. From the explanation
above, it can be concluded that small group
According to Kindsvatter (1996: 242), discussion is the technique which consists
the small group discussion is “a small of two or more persons in small group for
group of students to achieve specific exchange of thought orally to achieve a
objectives permits students to assume more result in teamwork, and they can take
responsibility for their own learning, assume more responsibility for their own
develop social and leadership skills and learning, develop social and leadership

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

skills and become involved in an and group observers. The leader is

alternative instructional approach. So, this responsible for getting the discussion
method is better used in the learning started. He sets the stage for a meeting of
process. minds by encouraging full participation.
Dobson (1981: p. 62- 63) as quoted There may be times when the verbose
by Antoni (2014: p. 56) explains that individual must be ignored, to allow a shy
discussion techniques for use in small individual to make a contribution. The
group discussion are outlined as follows. leader also builds a broad outline of the
(1) The class is divided into the small problem under discussion. Besides, the
group of three to six students each. Give major responsibilities of the leader are
each group a different discussion topic that getting the discussion going, keeping the
will necessitate outlining of several discussion on the topic, and developing
important points. Have one student in each time to periodic summaries.
group to write down these points as they The roles of the recorder are to keep
emerge from discussion by group a record of discussion content. His job is to
members. (2) Allow the groups to discuss make a record of the important aspects of
their respective topic for at least 10 the discussion. One of his major
minutes. When group member have responsibilities is to report to the group
finished their discussion, they should when requested. The observer is one of the
divide part of the study to every member in members in other groups or one of which
that group and give chance to report or is usually the instructor. The observers are
explain. (3) After giving the presentation given time at the end of each session to
(six to ten minutes ), class members should offer evaluations of group progress. The
question him or anyone else in the group in observer tries to observe what goes on in
viewpoint expressed. You can help the an objective manner and identifies the role
general discussion along by addressing which each member of the group is
your own questions to members of the playing. The teacher as the instructor has a
group. role as a consultant, guide, and resource
The Characteristics of Small Group person. The instructor„s energies are used
Discussion in creating and maintaining a mutual
feeling of responsibility to achieve group
Martha in summary of citing
internet sites said that the goals.
During the actions which the
characteristics of small group discussion
students are divided into some groups to
are used to generate ideas in preparation
discuss speaking material, the teacher will
for a lecture, film, etc.; summarize main
ask the group to share the role of each
points in a text or reading; assess levels of
member in the group. Some of the group
skill and understanding; reexamine ideas
members will be pointed as one recorder
presented in previous classes; review
and one reporter. However, the most
exams, problems, quizzes, and writing
important is the activeness of the group
assignments; process learning outcomes at
members to participate during the lesson.
the end of class; compare and contrast
How they contribute their speaking to
theories, issues, and interpretations; solve
solve the problem during the discussion.
problems that relate theory to practice; and
Here, the teacher„s role is as the instructor
brainstorm applications of theory to life.
and the resource person who guides the
According to Hoover (1964: p. 235)
students and give needed explanation
as quoted by Hastoyo (2010: p.50-52)
dealing with the material.
states each member in a group discussion
has different roles to keep the discussion RESEARCH METHOD
flowing well. Roles in a group discussion Research Setting
include discussion leader, group recorder, The researcher held the research at

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya, controlled one or more independent

which is located on Jalan Basuki Rahmat variables and observed the dependent
Kamp. Rabitah Praya, Central Lombok variable or variables for variation
West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. SMA Plus concomitant to the manipulation of the
MunirulArifin NW Praya is One of the independent variables (Ary, 1985: p.26).
formal Institution under of Islamic Quasi-Experiment research can be done
boarding school YANMU NW Praya in the laboratory, in the class, and in the
which has other formal institutions such as field.
TK Plus, SMP Plus, SMK Plus, and MA Quasi-experiment research is
Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya. This unique in two very important respects, It
school has contributed for many years is the only type of research that directly
because most of the graduation are attempts to influence a particular
intellectual and successful. The variable, and when properly applied, it
researcher did the research in the eleventh one or more dependent variables. An
grade of SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW experiment usually involves two groups
Praya in the second semester 2018/2019. of subjects, an experiment group, and a
The population of the research was comparison group, although it is
the eleventh-grade students of SMA Plus possible to conduct an experiment with
Munirul Arifin NW Prayain academic year one group (by providing all treatments
2018/2019. Each class consists of 28 to the same subjects) or with three or
students. The total population was 95 more groups (Frankle and Wallen, 1996:
students. According to Sugiyono (2009: p.264).
p.118), the sample is some part of the total This research used pre-experiment
and characteristic that is has of the with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design.
population. In this study, the researcher This research was classified as a pre-
took one class as a sample. The class was experiment design because it was little or
eleventh Grade of MIPA 1 consisting of 28 no control of extraneous variables. In the
students as the experiment. One-Group pretest-posttest design, a single
group was measured or observed not only
Research Design
after being exposed to a treatment of some
This research was conducted as
sort but also before. According to Ary et
quasi-experiment using a quantitative
approach with One-Group Pretest- al. Introduction to Research in Education
(2010, 2006: p.303-304), the design of One
Posttest design. Quasi-experiment
Group Pretest-Posttest is as follows.
research is a scientific investigation in
which an investigator manipulated and

Table 5. One Group Pretest-Posttest Design

One Group Pretest-Posttest Design

Prior technique Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Research Procedure teaching speaking. The first, the researcher

The researcher gave treatment to the chose the teaching material and composed
experimental group and it used Small the lesson plan for teaching-learning
Group Discussion as the treatment of activity. In this case, the researcher chose
teaching speaking. The purpose of using to speak to teach. Like the first meeting,
the Small Group Discussion was to give the researcher divided the class in to some
new inspiration that can be applied in groups consist of 5 to 6 students, then the
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

researcher gave and explained about some researcher used oral proficiency scoring
topics to be discussed then ask them to categories from Brown (2004: 172-173).
chose one of the topic which was decided The scoring consists of five items:
best on the group decision, then gave them grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,
chance to discuss about their own topic, fluency, and pronunciation. Achievement
every group had to chose a leader and the is reported in the range from 1-5. To
members all at once they had to divide conduct the oral test, the researcher gave
their part to be presented. instructions to the students about the step
The 2nd meeting was conducted of being test such as (1) ask the students to
where the students were accustomed to choose a topic to be presented from ten
sharing their feelings, ideas, and opinions topics; (2) Give them chance for about two
in their own group. They learned to share or three minutes to prepare their argument
the information about the idea, discussed of the topic; (3) Ask the student to present
the topic given, and they also helped each their argument or opinion for about two or
other when they had difficulties in three minutes; (4) Give one or two
understanding the topic making some ideas questions from audiences or other friends;
Thus, the students felt easier in doing with and (5) Give every presenter achievement.
a group because they could help each The scoring rubric which is used to
other. As like Stewart (2004: 8) state that measure the students speaking test consists
small group discussion can help the student of five aspects or elements (1) Grammar,
to motivate others and also solve the (2) Vocabulary, (3) Comprehension, (4)
problem in teams work. Fluency and (5) Pronunciation.
Research Instrument RESEARCH FINDING AND
An instrument is needed to collect DISCUSSION
the data collection. The instrument of the Research Finding
research played an important role in the Referring to the result pre-test and
research project. The instruments were post-test that was stated in Table 3.7.2
used to achieve the accuracy of the data showed that the sig (2 tailed) > 0.05, it
and can indicate that the researcher was means that the null hypothesis (H0) is
successful in this research. The researcher rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
used an oral test an instrument to get the is accepted. So that the use of Small Group
data. To collect the data, the researcher Discussion in teaching speaking is
gave students two tests i.e pre-test and effective. The value of t-count was higher
post-test. The pre-test was aimed at than the t-value of t-table (t-count 8.5148 > t-
measuring the students‟ preliminary their table 2.006). It showed that teaching
speaking knowledge and achievement speaking using small group discussion has
before they entered the experiment circle. a positive effect to improve students'
The post-test was aimed at finding out the speaking skill. Besides that, the result of
data needed to evaluate after they got the the mean of post-test was higher than the
experiment. mean of pre-test (M2 = 18.43 > M1 =
The form of the speaking test was to 14.25). It means that teaching speaking by
express students' performance. The student using small group discussion was more
discussed in the group and presented their effective than teaching speaking without
idea. Then, the researcher got the using small group discussion. In addition,
achievement from grammar, vocabulary, small group discussion can improve
comprehension, fluency, and students' speaking skill in the eleventh-
pronunciation. The researcher gave ten grade students of SMA Plus Munirul
minutes to student's group to present their Arifin NW Praya.
idea in front of the class. Before treatment by using small
In giving the achievement, the group discussion, the students speaking

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

achievement was taken by oral-Test. The And then, there were 18 students with a
lowest achievement of Students' speaking percentage of 64% got 3. Moreover, there
skill in Pre-Test was in Grammar with the were 3 students with a percentage of 11%
mean achievement 2.71, followed by got 4 respectively. The highest
Fluency with the mean achievement 2.75, achievement of the five elements of
Comprehension with the mean speaking obtained by the students in Pre-
achievement 2.82, vocabulary with the Test was Pronunciation. There were 7
mean achievement was 2.86, and the students with a percentage of 25% got 2. In
highest achievement was pronunciation addition, there were 11 students with a
with the mean achievement 3.11 percentage of 39% got 3. The higher
respectively. To know more in detail about achievement of Pronunciation was 4
the students' achievement before treatment obtained by 10 students with a percentage
by using SGD in pre-test is presented of 36% respectively.
below based on the students lowest To conclude this, the result of post-
achievement each of the elements of test which is calculated by the result of
speaking. SPSS application calculation,
The lowest achievement of Students‟ Pronunciation was the highest achievement
speaking skill in Pre-Test was in Grammar with the mean achievement 3.11 with a
with the mean achievement 2.71. There standard of deviation .786. The second was
were 9 students with a percentage of 32% Vocabulary with the mean achievement
got 2. Meanwhile, there were 18 students was 2.86 with a standard of deviation .591.
with a percentage of 64% got 3. The The third was Comprehension with the
highest achievement of Grammar was 4 mean achievement was 2.82 with a
obtained by 1 student with a percentage of standard of deviation ..612. The fourth was
4%. It was obvious that Grammar was the Fluency with the mean achievement was
most complicated element of speaking. It 2.75 with a standard of deviation .701. and
was in line with the students' achievement the lowest achievement was Grammar with
of it. the mean achievement was 2.71 with a
The second lowest element of standard of deviation .535.
speaking obtained by the students in Pre- The Gradation of speaking aspects after
Test was Fluency. The mean achievement treatment
of Fluency was 2.75. In this element of After the treatment ( SGD ) given,
Speaking, there were 11 students with a the test was conducted to examine
percentage of 39% got 2. In addition, there students‟ speaking skill. The test covered
were 13 students with a percentage of 46% five elements of speaking: (1) Grammar,
got 3. Likewise, the higher achievement of (2) Vocabulary, (3) Comprehension, (4)
Fluency was 4 obtained by 4 students with Fluency, and (5) Pronunciation as well.
a percentage of 14% respectively. The result of students‟ achievement after
Higher than Fluency, the element of the implementation of SGD was called
Speaking obtained by the students in Pre- post-test. Table (Achievement of
Test was Comprehension. Appendix 4 Post-test) showed that the five elements of
showed that the lowest achievement was 2 speaking had the improvement compared
obtained by 8 students with a percentage of with the students' achievement of pre-test
29%. Additionally, the achievement 3 (before treatment) in table The
obtained by 17 students with a percentage result of Post-test calculated with SPSS
of 61%. There were 3 students with a 16.0 calculated that lowest achievement
percentage of 11% got 4 respectively. of Students‟ speaking skill in Post-Test
In the fourth position, the element of was in Grammar with the mean
Speaking was Vocabulary. There were 7 achievement 3.32, followed by
students with a percentage of 25% got 2. Pronunciation with the mean achievement

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

3.68, Fluency with the mean achievement And then, there were 21 students with a
3.71, Vocabulary with the mean percentage of 75% got 4. The highest
achievement was 3.75, and the highest achievement of the five elements of
achievement was Comprehension with the speaking obtained by the students in Post-
mean achievement 3.96 respectively. Test was Comprehension. There were 7
To know more in detail about the students with a percentage of 25% got 3. In
students' achievement after treatment by addition, there were 15 students with a
using SGD in pre-test is presented below percentage of 54% got 4. The higher
based on the students lowest achievement achievement of Comprehension was 5
each of the elements of speaking. The obtained by 6 students with a percentage of
lowest achievement of Students‟ speaking 21% % respectively.
skill in Post-Test was in Grammar with the To conclude this, the result of post-
mean achievement 3.32. There was a test which is calculated by SPSS
student with a percentage of 36% got 2. application calculation, Comprehension
Meanwhile, there were 18 students with a was the highest achievement with the mean
percentage of 64% got 3. There were 8 achievement 3.96 with a standard of
students obtained 4 with a percentage of deviation .693. The second was
29%. The highest achievement was 5 Vocabulary with the mean achievement
which was obtained by one student with was 3.75 with a standard of deviation .441.
the percentage 36%. It was obvious that The third was fluency with the mean
Grammar was the most complicated achievement was 3.71 with a standard of
element of speaking. It was in line with the deviation .810. The fourth was
students' achievement of it. Pronunciation with the mean achievement
The second lowest element of was 3.68 with a standard of deviation .772.
speaking obtained by the students in Post- and the lowest achievement was Grammar
Test was Pronunciation. The mean with the mean achievement was 3.32 with
achievement of pronunciation was 3.68. In a standard of deviation.
this element of Speaking, there were 2
students with a percentage of 71% got 2. In After Pre-test and Post-test analyzed
addition, there were 8 students with a by using SPSS Application, it was
percentage of 29% got 3. Then there were obtained that SGD can improve students'
15 students got 4 with a percentage of speaking skill. It implies that the use of
54%. Likewise, the higher achievement of SGD has a significant effect on teaching
pronunciation was 5 obtained by 3 students speaking in the classroom. It is in line with
with a percentage of 11% respectively. Hoover (1964: 250) states that " SGD
Higher than Pronunciation, the increases students' interaction and
element of Speaking obtained by the socialization".
students in Post-Test was Fluency. In addition, Ur (1981: 7) believes
Appendix 10 showed that the lowest SGD brings some advantages in a group
achievement was 2 obtained by 1 student discussion: (1) Increasing participation. If
with a percentage of 36%. Additionally, we have five or six groups then there will
the achievement 3 obtained by 11 be five or six times the amount of talking.
students with a percentage of 39 %. There (2) Being useful in terms of the ratio of
were 11 students with a percentage of 11% teacher or student-effort and time to actual
got 4. The highest achievement was language practice. (3) Being relatively
5obtained by 5 students with a percentage efficient.
of 18% respectively. The research aimed at examining
In the fourth position, the element of whether Small Group Discussion can
Speaking was Vocabulary. There were 7 improve the students‟ speaking skill and
students with a percentage of 25% got 2. also to examine whether there is any

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

improvement between the students‟ class XI IPA 1 and it was conducted on

speaking skill before they are taught March 13th, 2019. The first, the researcher
speaking by using small group discussion chose the teaching material and composed
and after they are taught by using small the lesson plan for teaching-learning
group discussion. After getting the result activity. In this case, the researcher chose
of the data collection, the researcher to speak to teach.
discussed the implication of the research. Like the first meeting, the researcher
Based on the result above, the use of divided the class in to some groups consist
small group discussion in teaching of 5 to 6 students, then the researcher gave
speaking was effective. It was the same and explained about some topics to be
with previous research done by Ningtyas discussed then ask them to chose one of
Original Argawati (2014) that the use of the topic which was decided best on the
small group discussion in teaching group decision, then gave them chance to
speaking was a success. In the other hand, discuss about their own topic, every group
the use of small group discussion can be had to chose a leader and the members all
used in a different area of teaching. at once they had to divide their part to be
presented. As the 2nd treatment was
The gradation of speaking aspects
conducted on March 16th, 2019.
before and after the implementation of
The students were accustomed to
sharing their feelings, ideas, and opinions
In order to obtain the answer of
in their own group. They learned to share
second research question in this research,
the information about the idea, discussed
the gradation of speaking aspects: (1)
the topic given, and they also helped each
Grammar, (2) Vocabulary, (3)
other when they had difficulties in
Comprehension, (4) Fluency, and (5)
understanding the topic making some ideas
Pronunciation analyzed as well. Hence, the
Thus, the students felt easier in doing with
students' achievement of pre-test and post-
a group because they could help each
test of the five speaking aspects compared
other. As like Stewart (2004: p.8) state that
in order to obtain the graduation.
small group discussion can help the student
The pre-test was conducted without
to motivate others and also solve the
giving treatment to the students. In other
problem in teams work.
words, SGD was not taught. The purpose
of pre-test was to obtain the students' After the students finished the
treatment. They were motivated to do their
preliminary speaking skill. Some topics
best presentation. Then, they did the post-
presented by the students in front of the
test. Post-test was conducted on March
classroom. The title of the topics was
20th, 2019. The researcher asked every
chosen by the students independently.
group to present a discussion in front of the
First activities in the experiment
class while other groups gave them some
group were doing pre-test was conducted
questions. It showed that the students felt
on March 10th, 2019. The pre-test was
easier to present than pre-test. Although,
conducted before treatment. As an
there were some students still face
experiment group, the treatment was taught
speaking using small group discussion.
The result of post-test was higher
From the result of pre-test; it showed that
than pre-test although there were some
students faced many difficulties in oral test
students got an unsatisfactory achievement
in presenting idea or argumentation. They
or the same achievement. It was caused
couldn't speak clearly and they also afraid
that taught by using small group discussion
if they made mistakes in their
helped the students' speaking skill. Stewart
pronunciation when they presented their
(2004: p.8) states that Small Group
idea. Then the researcher did the first
Discussion helps students to improve their
treatment of quasi-experiment group in

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

academic achievement, such as: the achievement 104 (3) Pronunciation

Developing self-awareness, managing with the mean achievement 103 and (4)
personal stress and solving problems Grammar with the mean achievement 93
analytically and creatively. It is clear that respectively. To conclude this,
Small Group Discussion is an effective comprehension is the highest gradation of
technique that a teacher can apply in the the five speaking aspects. On the other
classroom. hand, Grammar is the lowest graduation.
In every activity in the treatments, Based on the achievement of the
they learned together and if they had some student namely Lalu Muhammad jaera
difficulties to understand a topic, the other Almawan, before conducting the treatment
students helped and gave information he got the achievement of pre-test was 16
about it in detail so that they did not feel and after he was taught by using SGD he
difficult to learn and practice it in front of got achievement 22 in the post-test and He
their friend. As like Stewart (2004: 8) was the highest achievement among
states that small group discussion can build others.and also it happened with other
effective teams and teams work. Besides, students that their speaking was improved
the students did not feel bored and they by conducting the SGD.
were interested in the classroom Based on the discussion above, it can
atmosphere that was made by the be concluded that the use of small group
researcher. They also can share their ideas, Discussion in teaching speaking was quite
opinion and express their feeling to their success/effective. Therefore, the students'
friend. speaking skill after they were taught by
Thus, they were not ashamed to give using small group Discussion was better
their ideas. It helped them before they than students' speaking skill before they
performed it in front of the class. As like were taught using small group discussion.
Daniel Muijs and David Reynold (2005: In other words, the use of small group in
p.8) state that the use of small group teaching speaking had a significant effect
discussion can use as sharing experience on the students speaking skill on the
that makes enjoyment in playing and seventh semester of the eleventh grade of
learning together. SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW Praya.
After the treatment ( SGD ) given,
the test was conducted to examine The researcher can conclude the
students' speaking skill. The test covered result of the study showed that the use of
five elements of speaking: (1) Grammar, SGD was effective. It was proved by the
(2) Vocabulary, (3) Comprehension, (4) obtained achievement of t-test.The sig (2
Fluency, and (5) Pronunciation as well. tailed) > 0.05, it means that the null
The result of students', achievement after hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the
the implementation of SGD was called alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So
post-test. that the use of Small Group Discussion in
Table 3.2 (Achievement of Post-test) teaching speaking is effective. The
showed that the five elements of speaking students of SMA Plus Munirul Arifin NW
had the improvement compared with the Praya who were taught before using small
students' achievement of pre-test (before group Discussion got the mean
treatment). The most improvement of the achievement of pre-test was 14.25. On the
five elements of speaking in post-test was other hand, the mean achievement of Post-
Comprehension with the mean Test was 18.45. It means that the students
achievement 111 after Comprehension of the experiment after taught by using
element, the four elements of speaking Small Group Discussion had an
were: (1) Vocabulary with the mean improvement of 4.18. It can be calculated
achievement 105 (2) Fluency with mean from 18.43 – 14.25 = 4.18.

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 7 No.1, Mei 2019

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