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Name: Briones, Mark Fruelan, D.

Date: September 22, 2022

Course & Year: BEEd-3 Subject: GEC-LP - Literacies of the Philippines

Research Activity: Literary Devices

Instruction: Research and study the meaning and examples of these ten (10) literary
devices. Place your findings in a document. Define the literary devices and give one (1)
example each. Cite your sources properly using APA 7 citation format.

1. Alliteration - A literary device known for the use of words with the same initial
consonant in a phrase or in a poetic line.
Example: Peter piper picked a pickled pepper.
2. Assonance - A literary device known for the use of words with the same vowel or
vowel sounds in a phrase or in a poetic line.
Example - The dumber plumber plucks the planted plums.
3. Apostrophe - A literary device in which the speaker tries to speak to a
nonhuman/inanimate object as if it was not there/absent.
Example - My blade, you are my only friend in this cruel war.
4. Antithesis - A literary device that uses two contrasting or opposing ideas adjacent
to each other in a phrase or in a poetic line.
Example: Everyone can hear you, but not everyone will listen.
5. Allusion - A literary device that cites a reference to a famous person, figure, place,
literary works or event.
Example: Even Captain Jack Sparrow can't navigate this life of mine.
6. Hyperbaton - A literary device that utilizes the inversion, reorganization, or
variations of the normal word order in a phrase or poetic line, to emphasize or give
an aesthetic impression.
Example: To the God belongs this soul of mine.
7. Litotes - A literary device that utilizes the use of negative words to create a
positive impression, or imply a positive meaning to a negative thought, in a phrase
or in a poetic line.
Example - The bulwark provided by the king was not useless for the warriors in
the front field.
8. Meiosis - The opposite of hyperbole, a literary device used to understate the
subject of the given phrase or in a poetic line to minimize the importance of that
thing. (Also utilized litotes.)
Example: A grease monkey fixed my car yesterday. (Grease monkey - Mechanic)
9. Periphrasis - A literary device that utilizes the use of words, a lot of words, in a
phrase or poetic line, that could have been delivered easier with fewer words. It is
to give emphasis and create a grander or aesthetic impression.
Example: I am totally delighted to see you here, complete with arms, bones, teeth,
standing in front of me and I am happy to feel your presence. (Meaning: I'm happy
you're alive.)
10. Prolepsis - Also referred as "flash forward." It takes the narrative to an assumed
event that may happen in the future.
Example: "Will the person that I currently admire notice me in the days ahead?",
the man said. "Oh, do you mean your wife?", the psychic answered.


Lindsay Kramer, 2021, All About Alliteration, Grammarly Blog,
7esl, 2021, Assonance: Definition and Useful Examples of Assonance,
KidsKonnect, 2017, Apostrophe Examples and Worksheets, <a
href="">Apostrophe Examples and
Worksheets:</a> - KidsKonnect, August 22, 2017
Chris Banks, 2020, Antithesis,
Ann Arbor, 2017,Allusion: Definition and Examples of Allusion in Conversation &
Sara Jakiel, 2015, Hyperbation by Sara Jakiel,
Tina Benson, 2012, Litotes,
Kenneth McGrath, 2017, Meiosis Prezi,
Kyara Serrano, 2016, Periphrasis by Kyara Serrano,
Alannah Chu, 2021, Prolepsis and Analepsis,

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