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The Role of Marketing on Commercial Banks Performances in Mogadishu


Article in Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun · December 2023


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1 author:

Mohamed Garane Osman

University of somalia


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Journal Name
Published online MM DD 2022

The Role of Marketing on Commercial Banks Performances

Mohamed Garane Osman
Master of Business Administration MBA, Kesmonds International University (KIU) with Collaboration Green Hope University
Email address:
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To cite this article:

Mohamed Garane Osman, Role of marketing on commercial bank performance International Journal

Abstract: Marketing in banking should enable target market identification, determining the needs and desires that govern
service creation and pricing, developing an effective marketing communication plan, and bringing the service closer to
customers through an appropriate distribution network. These problems include the bank losing credibility due to customers
ceasing to use their accounts and a growing number of customers switching to other commercial banks, which could result in
the bank performing poorly financially. The bank's subpar performance presented a risk to the development of the banking
sector to examine the role of product strategy on commercial bank performance in Mogadishu. to investigate the role of price
strategy on commercial bank performance in Mogadishu. to establish the role of promotion strategy on commercial bank
performance in Mogadishu.
The study's target population one hundred 100 respondents from a few private banks in Mogadishu make up the study's
population. One hundred 100 personnel, comprising top management, middle management, supervisors, and non-managerial
staff, were the study's accessible population the sampling the survey included 80 respondents from various branches of
commercial banks in Mogadishu the primary data collection method for this study was a questionnaire
the researcher received a letter of authorization from the Kesmonds International University, KIU America School of business
Management Science (SBMS)Following the study's data collection, there are multiple steps in the data analysis process,
including data cleaning and explanation Data entry, followed by data preparation, analysis, and interpretation (steps three
through four) The correlation analysis between the two variables and the independent three particular objectives—price
strategy, promotion strategy, and product strategy—is displayed in Table 4.9 below. The findings indicated a favor able
correlation (r=.807and p<0.00) between marketing and bank performance. The study also discovered that there was a positive
correlation between marketing and bank performance at (r=.909 and p<0.00), and finally, it found that there was a positive
correlation at (r=.935 and p<0.00). the dependent variable (bank performance) and the independent variable (marketing).

Keywords: Role Marketing Commercial Banks performance

1.0 Introduction

utilize a good or service because they need it or

A company with a market-focused approach first
because they believe it will benefit them is the
ascertains the needs of potential customers before
foundation for marketing theory and practice
developing its offerings. the idea that consumers
(Kotler and Keller, 2006).The acquisition of new
clients and the maintenance and growth of services, and ideas. They also match products and
relationships with current clients—known as base services with the requirements and wants of clients.
management—are two of the primary components Whether the company is attempting to reach out to
of marketing. The four "Ps" must be combined in a current clients or draw in new ones, as well as
way that best represents the needs and preferences whether the product or service is brand-new or
of the target market's customers for the marketing well-established, will determine the strategic
plan to be effective. It is very costly and rarely approach.
successful to try to get a certain portion of the As middlemen in the financial system, commercial
market to purchase something they do not desire. banks move money from ultimate savers to ultimate
To find out what customers want and are ready to users. In order to perform this duty, banks must
pay for, marketers rely on formal and informal retain financial assets for one type of customer and
insights from marketing research. Marketers invest those assets in other types of consumers in
anticipate that this procedure will provide them order to generate further wealth. Commercial banks
with a long-term edge over their competitors typically operate in three different business
(Meldan, 1984). categories: deposit taking, loan making, and capital
movement services.
Marketing strategies determine where and when to
sell, distribute, market, and set prices for goods,

1.1 Statement of Problem

In developing nations, commercial bank commercial banks' performance. Numerous articles
performance may encounter significant obstacles and studies that have been published recently
and may not operate effectively. Given the high (Hassan, 2000; Suleiman et al., 2020; Sandra, 2019)
costs and inadequate financial frameworks, it may reflect this. The precise mechanism by which a
not be possible for these economies to foster strong fit between marketing and bank performance
economic progress. The banking industry's inferior enhances the advancement of the banking sector as
marketing tactics and lack of innovation in digital a whole and sophisticated marketing tactics is not
marketing compound these issues. The bank sector sufficiently explored by the studies that are now
is viewed by the Somalia government as being available.
essential to the country's long-term economic Some commercial banks, however, consistently
success. The main issue facing the bank business is struggle with poor financial performance; as a
the small number of commercial banks that are result, their financial performance is still subpar
listed This makes it one of the most important compared to Performa Financial Statement, and the
elements for the growth and sustainability of any results are predictable given the rising concerns
financial system. about employee turnover, poor pricing strategies, a
One of the most important tools that commercial lack of product innovation strategies, and improper
banks can use to increase their market share of bank management of promotion strategies. The bank's
customers is marketing approaches. Numerous marketing efforts are driven by problems that could
studies have examined the connection between result in underperformance. These problems include
marketing and bank performance, highlighting the the bank losing credibility due to customers ceasing
critical role that marketing tactics play in the to use their accounts and a growing number of
competitiveness and response that support customers switching to other commercial banks,
which could result in the bank performing poorly Mogadishu, Somalia, specifically in relation to
financially. The bank's subpar performance product pricing, product strategy, promotion plan
presented a risk to the development of the banking development, and the performance of commercial
sector. Thus, the purpose of this study was to look banks.
at how marketing affected bank performance in

1.2 Research objectives 2- To investigate the role of price strategy on

commercial bank performance in Mogadishu.
1- To examine the role of product strategy on
commercial bank performance in Mogadishu. 3- To establish the role of promotion strategy on
commercial bank performance in Mogadishu.

2.0 Literature Review typically the foundation of the marketing mix today.
Its simplicity and its limitations notwithstanding,
The foundation of this study was the Marketing Mix
this framework is still widely used, and numerous
hypothesis, which was developed by Borden (1965)
marketing textbooks are structured on it.
and expanded upon by Kotler & Keller (2006). The
This viewpoint takes the "4 Ps" philosophy of
approach is predicated on the idea that the target
marketing into account. The first P is product,
market's behaviours, wants, and psychology inform
which considers its features, design, and rivals.
every element of the marketing strategy. To make
Price, the second P, is a variable that may be
crucial choices that result in the implementation of
changed to control market share, regulate demand,
a marketing strategy, the idea is still applied today.
and establish profit margin. The third P is
The Marketing Mix Theory integrates several
promotion. It looks for the correct media to work
elements to fortify and establish a product's brand
with to spread the word about the advantages of the
and facilitate its sale. The elements that come
product to the appropriate audiences as well as the
together to make the Four Ps are products, pricing,
slogans, taglines, and logos that appeal to the target
promotion, and place. Subject to the internal and
external limitations of the marketing environment,
the marketing manager can control these four Ps. In The fourth P, placement, decides how and where
order to produce perceived value and elicit a potential buyers can obtain the goods. The younger
favourable response, the objective is to make generation could wish to shop, pay, and browse
decisions that centre the four Ps on the target online. Some might favour the one-on-one attention
market's clients. of a skilled salesman. (Išoraitė, 2016).
When physical goods made up a bigger share of the A more consumer-focused variant of the four Ps,
economy in the early days of the marketing idea, the four Cs categorization was later proposed by
the marketing mix framework was very helpful Robert (2000) in an effort to better reflect the shift
(Gronroos, 1994). from mass marketing to niche marketing. The Cs
Some authors have tried to expand the utility of stand for customer, cost, communication, and ease
marketing by putting out a fifth P, such as of use. First of all, a business should only sell items
packaging, people, process, etc., in light of the that customers specifically want. Therefore, in order
greater diversity of products and markets as well as to draw customers one at a time with products they
the increased integration of marketing into wish to buy, marketers need research the needs and
businesses today. Nonetheless, the 4 Ps are still wants of their target audience. Second, the price
only represents a portion of what it will cost to (2015) assert that price promotions have a
fulfill a need or a want. The entire cost included significant impact on consumers. It persuades
expenses such as time spent finding a good or consumers to buy a specific brand over another and
service, guilt from consuming it, or even expenses to acquire it in larger numbers. However, Wang-
related to "not treating the kids. The whole cost of ondu (2016) clarifies that a price discount is the act
ownership is reflected. Cost is influenced by a of providing customers with things at a lower cost
variety of elements, such as the customer's expense than the standard price of the product.
for altering or implementing the new good or
The author makes the argument that businesses
service and the customer's expense for passing on a
utilize price breaks to entice consumers—both new
good or service offered by a rival (Richard, 2009).
and old—to try new products and make repeat
Thirdly, communication is cooperative and comes
from the buyer with the intention of starting a
According to Taylor (2018), Businesses in urban
conversation with potential customers based on
areas outperform those in rural areas in terms of
their needs and lifestyles; it reflects a broader
returns. According to Paulin et al. (2018), an
emphasis, whereas advertising is manipulative and
organization's geographic location is crucial to its
comes from the seller. Public relations, personal
ability to survive. The impact of clusters on the
selling, viral promotion, advertising, and any other
performance and innovation of small and medium-
type of contact between the business and the
sized technology enterprises in Europe was studied
customer are all considered forms of
by Edidijus and Per Von (2015). It was determined
that performance and a firm's geographic proximity
According to Matan (2016), Businesses who want were positively correlated. A study on the
to offer their goods or services for less than their relationship between customer patronage and
typical cost do so by using the penetration pricing business location was carried out by Eze et al.
approach. By doing this, a company can broaden its (2015). The research design was survey-based. A
market share, win over new customers, or deter new sample of 100 responders was used. Utilizing a
rivals from joining the market. According to Marn standardized questionnaire, data was gathered. The
et al. (2003), using extremely cheap prices forces findings showed that a company's performance is
businesses to pass up possible profits and gives significantly impacted by its location. The study
consumers the impression that the product is of found that a company's closeness to its clients
poor quality, making it difficult for businesses to affects their likelihood to make additional
raise the price of a product. Furthermore, extremely purchases. Kotler and Armstrong (2012) contend
cheap prices for goods or services make it harder that in order to ensure accessibility, retailers ought
for them to become popular.(Golder &Tellis, 2004). to be situated close to their intended clientele.
Mwaawaaru (2019) According to her, money-off Customers' propensity to make a purchase is
coupons, penny-off flash sales, buy one, get one negatively impacted by retail locations that are
free offers, and extra fill packs are examples of remote from them. It lessens the number of times
price promotions. Additionally, clients that are people visit a store.
sensitive to price are becoming more proactive in Krüger et al., (2011) carried out a study on location
their hunt for price promotions and more conscious decision-making techniques to enhance the
of promotional activity. Zoellner and Schaefers performance of SMEs. The Nelson Mandela
Metropole's SMEs were the focus of the study. ever-higher revenue targets. These factors make it
According to study result number 23, location and necessary to take a more rigorous and data-driven
business success were positively correlated. approach to basic sales procedures including
Festus (2016) also studied how Ghana Breweries strategic planning, territory allocation, resource
Limited's organizational effectiveness was affected planning, and pay programming in order to
by sales promotion. It was discovered that maximize sales success in the economy.
performance and sales promotion had a strong and
Increasing sales and gaining a long-lasting
favourable correlation. Likewise, Tandoh and
competitive advantage are the main objectives of
Sarpong (2015) conducted research on how sales
marketing strategy (Silva, 2016). All fundamental,
promotions affected Auto-Mobile Industries'
short- and long-term marketing activities that deal
performance in Ghana. It has been demonstrated
with analyzing a company's strategic starting
that sales marketing improves the performance of
position and developing, assessing, and choosing
organizations. Furthermore, Dangaiso (2014)
market-oriented strategies that support the
studied how sales promotion tactics affected the
organization's goals and marketing objectives are
performance of Auto-Mobile Industries in Ghana.
included in marketing strategy. (Gituma, 2017).
The study's findings showed that using sales
Businesses can create a plan using marketing
promotional tactics like prizes, bonuses, and contest
strategy that enables them to provide the right
sweepstakes had a favourable impact on the
product to the right market in an effort to obtain a
performance of the company. 27, In their 2019
competitive edge. According to Heiner and
study, Ibojo and Ogunsiji examined the impact of
Muhlbacher (2010), a marketing strategy offers a
sales promotion as a tool on organizational
broad overview of how to appropriately position
performance and discovered that it positively
items in the market while taking both internal and
affects both the organization's sales volume and
external restrictions into consideration.
performance. Syeda et al., (2018) carried out
Marketing strategy, according to Muthengi (2017),
research on how sales promotions affect Pakistani
is a way to concentrate an organization's efforts and
consumers' perceptions and the profitability of
resources on a course of action that can result in
businesses. According to the study, sales promotion
higher sales and market dominance in a specific
increases brand loyalty, which in turn boosts
niche. A marketing strategy describes the
organizational profitability. Additionally, Adeniran
company's marketing goals and explains how they
(2016) conducted research on the impact of sales
were attained, ideally within a certain timeline. It
promotions on sales turnover in Nigeria's aviation
incorporates product development, promotion,
sector. It has been determined that incentives for
distribution, pricing, and relationship management,
sales promotions have a favourable effect on sales
among other components. Furthermore, Kasiso
turnover in the airline business.
(2017) contends that the selection of target market
A study on the impact of advertising on segmentation, positioning, marketing mix, and
organizational profitability was undertaken by resource allocation are all influenced by marketing
Osogbo (2014). According to the study, advertising strategy. It works best when it is a crucial part of
affects an organization's profitability. the company's overall strategy, outlining how the
Businesses are becoming more bullish about growth company will engage clients, prospects, and rivals
prospects, which put pressure on sales teams to hit in the marketplace through corporate strategies,
missions, and goals. relationship marketing emerged in the 1980s as an
Since sales are a company's primary source of alternative to the dominant view of marketing as a
income, marketing strategy and sales are intimately series of transactions (Berry, 1983; Dwyer et al.,
related. Maintaining marketing alignment with a 1987; Grönroos, 1994; Gummesson, 1994; Sheth
company's main purpose statement is frequently a and Parvatiyar, 2000). Relationship marketing in
crucial aspect of marketing strategy (Pembi et al., the context of retail banking is defined by Walsh et
2017). al. (2004) as "the actions taken by banks to draw in,
Since many exchanges, especially in the service engage with, and keep more profitable or high net-
industry, are by their very nature relational, worth customers."
circumstances. This type of study is suited for the
3.0 Methodology questionnaireapproach since it offers a quantitative

Research Design account of the attitudes, experiences, and views of

the sample population. Additionally, the design was
This study usedquestionnaire the arrangement of
cross-sectional, which examines individuals who
conditions for data collection and analysis in a
vary on a single, important attribute at a particular
manner that aims to combine relevance to the
moment in time. Nonetheless, this study employed
research purpose with economy in procedure" is the
a quantitative strategy, which is defined as any
definition of research design. This study used a
method of gathering data (like a questionnaire) or
questionnairedesign, which is concerned with
method of analyzing data (like graphs or statistics)
features specific to the study population. According
that results in or makes use of numerical data
to Saunders et al. (2003), a descriptive study
(Saunders et al, 2009)
accurately presents a profile of people, things, or
N Categories PopulationSize SampleSize
1 Salam Bank 30 24
2 IBS Bank 20 16
3 Premier Bank 20 16
4 Dahabshiil Bank 30 24
Total 100 80

Table4.6Product strategy

Statement Mean Deviatio Interpretation

Effective product strategy leading to increase profitability

of the bank. 3.44 1.590
Very Good
Innovation of banking product which have appositive
Significant on the banks ‘profits. 3.66 1.414 Very Good
Products strategies in commercial banks are developed
from customers need perspective. 2.69 1.279 Good
The base the product strategy on making the customers
happy with their purchases by satisfying their needs 2.81 1.323
Product designing strategy reduces operational cost for
3.45 1.606
both the client and the banks. Very Good

3.21 1.442 Good

Total Average
Source :( Primary Data, 2022)

The level of product strategy's impact on bank of banking product which have appositive
performance was evaluated as follows: average Significant on the banks 'profits," has a mean
mean (M=3.21) overall and standard deviation score of 3.66, indicating Very good performance.
(SD=1.442) overall, as shown in table 4.6 above. from customers need perspective" was the third
This suggests that the overall impact of product question in Objective 1. The typical score for this
strategy on bank question is 2.69, which is good. "The base the
performance in these commercial banks was product strategy on making the customers happy
good. The first objective one question, "Effective with their purchases by satisfying their needs"
product strategy leading to increase profitability was the fourth question in Objective 1. The mean
of the bank," had a mean score of 3.44, indicating score for this question was 2.81, indicating a good
extremely strong performance. result.
The second objective one question, "Innovation

Table4.7Price strategy

Statement Mea Deviatio Interpretatio
n n
Competitive pricing technique was implemented by
commercial banks. 3.51 1.441 Very Good
The bank's performance is positively impacted by the
price of its financial services.

Pricing is thought to have an impact on the bank's market

share. 3.74 1.430 Very Good
Pricing is considered as a factor that affects the market
share of the bank. 2.81 1.397
Pricing strategy improves client satisfaction and the
efficacy and efficiency of volume service delivery for the 2.81 1.323
bank. .
Solution personalization for specific buyer personas is
facilitated by the focus product approach.. 3.44 1.590 Very Good
3.26 1.436 Good
Total Average 2

Source :( Primary Data, 2022)

The level role of price strategy on bank strategy on bank performance in these commercial
performance was scored as follows: average mean banks was positive. The first query in goal one was,
(M=3.262) overall and standard deviation "Commercial banks implemented a competitive
(SD=1.436) overall, as shown in table 4.6 above. pricing strategy." The mean score for this question
This suggests that the overall impact of price is 3.51, which is considered very good. "Pricing
financial services of the bank has positively effect effectiveness and efficiency of volume service
on the performance of the bank" was the second delivery and satisfaction of the bank's customer"
objective one question. It had a mean score of 3.74, was the fourth question in objective one.This
indicating Very well. "Pricing is considered as a question had a mean score of 2.81, which is
factor that affects the good."The focus product strategy helps personalize
Market share of the bank" was the third question in solutions for particular buyer personas" was the
objective one.This question had a mean score of final goal one question. It had a mean score of 3.44,
2.81, which is good. "Pricing strategy increases indicating really nice
4.0 Discussion
The role of marketing on commercial bank for data representation and analysis under this
performance In Mogadishu – Somalia" was the heading.
subject of this study. The statistical software for The background information of the respondents who
social science, SPSS version 20.0, was used as the took part in the study is presented in this section
data analysis tool for the analysis of the data. The with the aim of identifying the characteristics of the
analysis's findings are shown in this chapter's tables, respondents. In addition, the respondents guaranteed
which also include the types of responses, their that their identities would be kept private and that
frequencies, percentages, and the study participants' any information they submitted would only be
actual responses to the statements in the utilized for academic research. Eighty people in all
questionnaire. The focus of this chapter is on the responded to the survey, which was distributed to
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. the private banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. The
analysis and interpretation of data depending on the demographic component of the questionnaire looks
goals and research objectives. The full research data at factors including gender, age, marital status,
obtained from the target population was then used degree of education, and experience.

5.0 Conclusion
According to the input from the respondent’s cross-sectional and descriptive design.
comments, this study assumes that marketing Lastly, the analysis shows the relationship between
strategies this study looked at how marketing the two variables—banking and marketing. The
affected the performance of four commercial banks two-tailed Pearson's correlation approach is used
in Mogadishu: Salam Bank, IBS Bank, Premier to quantify performance, and the results showed a
Bank, and Dahabshil Bank. The study's target substantially positive connection between the two
population consisted of 100 different employees from variables: marketing and bank performance. by R-
each of these four banks. The sample size was also value (r=.935)andp-value(p= 0.000).
eighty employees. This study had a questionnaire as
its instrument, and it was carried out using both a

5.3 Recommendations
The researcher offers the following suggestions in overarching bank strategy.
light of the study's findings and conclusion in  The findings of this study suggest that commercial
order to guarantee that the financial innovation banks should implement phonological digital
used by Mogadishu's commercial banks, marketing. In order to promote performance,
 Commercial banks should create unique, efficient commercial banks are advised to implement new
marketing plans that complement their financial services products.
 The report suggests that since new products performance. Commercial banks must therefore
influence commercial banks' performance, they implement new pricing and product strategies.
should implement new product strategies. The Since clients no longer need to visit banking
study has specifically shown a positive correlation halls to obtain financial services, digital marketing
between digital marketing and commercial banks' helps commercial banks reduce expenses.
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