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Genesis Terrazas

Dr. Jason Dew

ENGL 1302-283

27 February 2024

Gentle Parenting

The foundation of gentle parenting, frequently seen as an understanding and sympathetic

method of childrearing, creates a loving bond between parents and their children. This method

strongly emphasizes being sensitive to a child's feelings, promoting honest communication, and

refraining from using harsh punishment in favor of positive discipline. According to proponents,

gentle parenting fosters a healthy parent-child bond, improves emotional intelligence, and gives

the kid a sense of security and trust. Positively, it is seen to reduce power clashes and promote

independence and self-discipline. Critics worry that too much tolerance might result in

permissiveness and a lack of limits, making it more difficult for kids to deal with the difficulties

of the real world. Gentle parenting is an ongoing task that involves striking a balance between

hard limits and caring instruction. Opinions on this approach's efficacy can be rather diverse.

Gentle parenting primarily promotes positive conduct in kids by emphasizing

understanding and communication rather than harsh punishment, which builds a sense of security

and trust. This method aids in a child's development of emotional intelligence and improves their

ability to handle difficulties by recognizing and affirming their feelings. By focusing more on

polite instruction than harsh punishment, parents and children may develop a cooperative and

respectful relationship that will eventually pave the way for responsible and thoughtful conduct.

According to the article " The Effect of Parenting and the Parent-Child Relationship on a Child's

Cognitive Development: A Literature Review," the child's maturity and cognitive growth depend
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on sensitive parenting and caregiving. It has been noted that the media has a critical role in

enhancing parenting techniques. Children raised by strict, violent, and invasive parents have both

internalizing and externalizing symptoms.

Gentle parenting is commended for emphasizing empathy and constructive

communication, yet others contend that a strictly gentle approach may have disadvantages,

especially regarding conduct. Some worry that permissiveness might result from a lack of

constant, defined boundaries. Children may find it challenging to comprehend society's standards

and norms if there is a formal framework for conduct expectations. Critics contend that an

excessively forgiving approach may lead to a lack of accountability and discipline, impeding a

child's capacity to learn self-control and deal with the difficulties of adulthood. They contend

that the secret is to identify a well-balanced strategy that blends protective guidance with the

essential framework for raising kids who behave responsibly. Since strict parenting establishes

clear and consistent limits and fosters discipline, accountability, and a structured awareness of

societal standards, it may be advantageous for a child's conduct. Strict parenting frequently

fosters a feeling of responsibility and self-control in kids, which aids in developing critical

abilities needed to overcome obstacles and make moral decisions in various spheres of life

(Kuppens, Ceulemans).

Gentle parenting is essential to assisting a child's academic performance by creating a

setting that emphasizes emotional health and enjoyable learning experiences. In article, “Parental

Burnout and Adolescents’ Development: Family Environment, Academic Performance, and

Social Adaptation,” adolescents who struggle academically may feel less supported by their

parents and find it difficult to ask for assistance, which might lower their grades. Interestingly,

teenage athletes' performance is also negatively impacted by parental exhaustion. Children may
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freely share their ideas, worries, and inquiries when their parents practice gentle parenting, which

fosters open communication and sympathetic understanding. A child's mental health benefits

from this emotional comfort since it lowers stress and anxiety, two conditions that are known to

impede learning. Moreover, gentle parenting promotes a sincere interest in learning by

emphasizing cooperation and intrinsic motivation instead of pressure. This method gives kids the

tools to succeed academically by fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and independence.

It also promotes a love of learning beyond conventional classroom' walls. Ultimately, a child's

academic growth and entire educational journey are greatly aided by the emotionally stable and

intellectually challenging atmosphere of gentle parenting. Ultimately, a child's academic growth

and entire educational journey are greatly aided by the emotionally stable and intellectually

challenging atmosphere of gentle parenting.

Although there are benefits to gentle parenting, there are also some disadvantages that

might hinder a child's intellectual progress. According to article, “Authoritative parenting

stimulates academic achievement, also partly via self-efficacy and intention towards getting good

grades,” when compared to their counterparts who have neglectful parents, adolescents who view

their parents as authoritative are more likely to acquire high efficacy beliefs and greater

intention, which in turn increases the likelihood that they would perform well in school. The

impact of parenting on academic success was not mitigated by sociodemographic factors. The

potential for a lack of precise and consistent limits is one worry. With its focus on empathy and

understanding, gentle parenting may occasionally be indulgent, which impedes the development

of essential routines and study habits. Furthermore, focusing less on avoiding conflict or

discomfort might make parents reluctant to establish high standards for their children's academic

achievement, lowering their drive and sense of responsibility. Additionally, the focus on
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cooperation and compromise may impede the development of the self-control and time-

management abilities required for success in the classroom. To guarantee that gentle parenting

enhances a child's academic journey, balancing fostering emotional well-being and imparting

academic responsibility is imperative.

Gentle parenting is constructive in helping a child become competent in many areas of

life. Emphasizing understanding, empathy, and constructive communication, this method fosters

a safe space where kids may explore and grow into their potential. Gentle parenting promotes

autonomy by letting kids make decisions rationally instead of enforcing strict rules. Empowering

children to actively participate in decision-making processes, assume responsibilities, and

overcome obstacles fosters a sense of competence. Healthy parenting is a long-term predictor of

healthy child socio-emotional functioning, which includes prosocial conduct and a knowledge of

social interaction, as well as favorable academic, cognitive, and physical health outcomes over

the course of a child's development (Chaplin, Mauro, and Niehaus). Furthermore, a child's

resiliency and sense of self-worth are fostered by gentle parenting, which emphasizes positive

reinforcement over harsh methods. Children are more likely to confidently tackle new activities

when they feel appreciated and encouraged, which helps them acquire vital life skills and a solid

basis for competence in various areas of their lives.

Although there are benefits to gentle parenting, there may also be disadvantages that

might affect a child's maturity in specific circumstances. The development of crucial discipline

and responsibility may unintentionally be hampered by overemphasizing permissiveness and a

refusal to establish clear limits. According to article, “Emotional competence, attachment, and

parenting styles in children and parents,” it has been argued that inadequate emotion

management is linked to a gentle parenting approach. A child may find it challenging to make
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decisions and solve problems independently if there are inconsistent expectations. Sometimes, a

too-nurturing approach might unintentionally protect kids from experiences that help them build

coping skills and resilience—two things that are essential for handling life's challenges.

Achieving a harmonious equilibrium between giving chances for autonomous decision-making

and offering caring support is necessary to guarantee that gentle parenting enhances a child's

competence in several areas of development.

In summary, gentle parenting is an effective strategy that encourages positive behavior

understanding, communication, and emotional intelligence. Its fundamental goal is to strengthen

the bond between parents and children and create a safe, nurturing atmosphere where kids feel

important and safe. Embracing children's feelings gives them the tools to express themselves and

be resilient. Prioritizing courteous instruction above punitive measures fosters a cooperative

connection and promotes empathetic, good conduct. It's essential to be aware of any possible

drawbacks, such as how a child's comprehension of society's standards may be hampered by a

lack of limits that result in permissiveness. Finding the right mix between providing caring care

and the essential structure is essential to successful implementation. The benefits of gentle

parenting are in developing positive conduct, improving communication skills, and promoting

emotional well-being. Parents must successfully manage the complex relationship between

empathy and punishment to ensure that their children receive the right kind of support for their

whole development.
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Works Cited

Chaplin, Tara M, et al. “Effects of Parenting Environment on Child and Adolescent Social-
Emotional Brain Function.” Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, U.S. National
Library of Medicine, Mar. 2022,

Hayek , Joyce, et al. “Authoritative Parenting Stimulates Academic Achievement, Also Partly
via Self-Efficacy and Intention towards Getting Good Grades.” PloS One, U.S. National
Library of Medicine, 30 Mar. 2022,

Kuppens, Sofie, and Eva Ceulemans. “Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known
Concept.” Journal of Child and Family Studies, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 Jan.

Lanjekar, Purva, et al. “The Effect of Parenting and the Parent-Child Relationship on a Child’s
Cognitive Development: A Literature Review.” Cureus, Oct. 2022,

Mortazavizadeh, Zeinab, et al. “Emotional Competence, Attachment, and Parenting Styles in

Children and Parents.” Psicologia, Reflexao e Critica : Revista Semestral Do
Departamento de Psicologia Da UFRGS, Mar. 2022, .

Wang, Wei, et al. “Parental Burnout and Adolescents’ Development: Family Environment,
Academic Performance, and Social Adaptation.” International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 4 Feb. 2023,

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