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2B Unit test

Vocabulary 4 Use the prompts to write questions with will.

Then write affirmative () or negative () short
1 Complete the sentences with geographical
1 I / win / the painting competition? ()
1 We live in a v __ __ __ __ __ between two
2 When we go to the b __ __ __ __, we always
2 Miguel and Clara / study / in the U.S.? ()
swim in the ocean.
3 I like climbing on large r __ __ __ __ at the
3 you / enjoy / your flight to Canada? ()
4 We can walk up to the top of the h __ __ __.
5 California is on the west c __ __ __ __ of the
___ / 5 4 the weather / be / cold / next weekend? ()
Grammar ______________
2 Complete the text with the affirmative or 5 we / work / in offices / in the future? ()
negative of the future with will. _______________________________________
In the future, there 1______________ (be) fewer ______________
trees on the planet than there are now because ___ / 5
humans ______________ (need) forest land for 5 Complete the sentences with will or be going to
farms, so you 3______________ (see) large forests, and the correct form of the verbs in
like in the Amazon. I think people 4______________ parentheses.
(go) on vacation very much, because they 1 There’s a lot of food on my plate. I
______________ (have) virtual vacations. ____________________ (not finish) it.
___ / 5 2 In 2050, everybody ____________________
3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or (speak) the same language.
negative of the future with will and the words in 3 The teacher is holding a DVD. We
parentheses. ____________________ (watch) a movie.
1 There’s never any snow in August, so we 4 It’s summer, so I ____________________
______________ go skiing then. (definitely) (not need) a sweater.
2 Hannah is often sick, so ________ she 5 Be careful! You ____________________ (walk)
________ be at school. (maybe) into that tree!
3 I have a lot of homework this evening, so I ___ / 5
______________ have time to play volleyball.
4 Dad loves all kinds of music, so he
______________ enjoy the concert. (definitely)
5 Amelia doesn’t eat a lot, so she
______________ want a big breakfast.
___ / 5

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2B Unit test

6 Use the prompts to write sentences and Trending topics

questions in the first conditional.
1 if you / not run fast / you / not win / the race!
8 Imagine you are planning a walk in the
mountains. Write a paragraph about your
_______________________________________ preparations for the trip. Include information
_______________________________________ about …
2 you and Harper / be / tired tomorrow / if you /  what you will need in the mountains.
not go / to bed soon.  what the walk will be like.
_______________________________________  what you will do if you get lost.
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
3 you / help / me with my homework / if I / _________________________________________
not understand / it? _________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
4 if Ella / not have / your address / how / she / _________________________________________
find / your house? _________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
5 we / not wait / for Luke and Matt / if they / be / _________________________________________
late. ___ / 10
_______________________________________ TOTAL ___ / 50
___ / 5

Let’s talk about …

7 Complete the dialogue with the words in the

way often take right run leave at it how


Bella Hello. 1_________ you tell me the best

_________ to get downtown, please?
Assistant You can 3_________ the subway or
the bus.
Bella Oh, OK. How 4_________ do the
buses 5_________?
Assistant _________ now, the buses run every
30 minutes.
Bella _________ much is a ticket?
Assistant _________’s $4.
Bella What time does the next bus
Assistant _________ 4:15 p.m.
Bella That’s great. Thanks.
___ / 10

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