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Cardiac Risk of Extreme Exercise

Zarina Sharalaya, MD and Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD


Abstract: Habitual moderate intensity exercise is a vital component ADAPTATION
of a healthy lifestyle. For most of the population, increasing exercise
duration and intensity beyond current recommendations appears to Regular intense exercise results in a variety of struc-
impart additional cardiovascular benefits; however, recent data has tural, functional, and electrical adaptations specific to the
raised the possibility of an inflection point after which additional cardiovascular system. Cardiac output increases on the
exercise no longer imparts benefit and may even result in negative order of 3- to 6-fold to meet the heightened oxygen demands
cardiovascular outcomes. Exercise at the extremes of human during exercise via increased heart rate, stroke volume, and
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endurance places a large hemodynamic stress on the heart and peripheral vasodilation. The resultant increase in preload
results in occasionally profound cardiac remodeling in order to and wall stress results in an adaptive increase in size of all 4
accommodate the huge increases in cardiac output demanded by chambers of the heart and a balanced increase in left ven-
such endeavors. These changes have the potential to become mal-
adaptive and heighten the risk of various arrhythmias, influence the
tricular (LV) wall thickness known as eccentric hypertrophy
rate of coronary atherosclerosis, and alter the risk of sudden cardiac (Fig. 1). The heart becomes increasingly compliant to allow
death. Herein, we will discuss the potential negative impact of more efficient filling during exercise. Cardiac enlargement
extreme exercise on cardiovascular risk. and structural remodeling can begin as soon as 90 days after
starting a fixed and intense exercise regimen.4 Electrical
Key Words: athlete, cardiac, athlete’s heart, sports cardiology remodeling is also expected with regular intense exercise
(Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2019;27:e1–e7) training which can manifest in numerous ways on the resting
electrocardiogram (ECG) (Fig. 2). These changes are a
result of a combination of the structural cardiac changes
described above along with an altered balance within the
T he long-term health benefits of regular moderate exercise
has been documented in multiple large-scale epidemio-
logic studies. As a result, governing health organizations
autonomic system, specifically heightened parasympathetic
or vagal tone and lower sympathetic tone. As extreme
exercise can induce these expected cardiac changes, it is
throughout the world are unanimous in encouraging the important to be able to distinguish normal adaptation from
general population to engage in regular exercise. Partic- underlying pathologic disease.
ipation in organized sporting activity continues to rise. It is
estimated that over 50 million Americans under the age of
35 years participate in regular, organized sporting EXERCISE AND SCD IN ATHLETES WITH
activities.1 Perhaps the most rapidly expanding population UNDERLYING CARDIAC PATHOLOGY
of sporting enthusiasts are the over 35 year age group par- It is well recognized that, despite the long-term benefits
ticipating in endurance sports such as the marathon and of exercise, participation in sporting activity can transiently
triathlons.2,3 increase the risk of an adverse cardiac event, particularly in
Unfortunately, for those with subclinical cardiac dis- those with certain underlying cardiac pathologies. This
ease the risk of an adverse cardiac event during strenuous phenomenon is known as the “sporting paradox.” The
exercise is heightened. This usually occurs in the context of incidence of sports-related SCD is difficult to truly define
an unrecognized congenital cardiomyopathy or channelop- and has ranged from 0.12 to 13 per 100,000 person-years in
athy or as a result of an unrecognized acquired cardiac past studies.5 Mohananey et al5 conducted a recent meta-
insult such as myocarditis. This causal association between analysis, including 21 studies encompassing 1994 SCDs over
strenuous exercise and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in those 437,156,081 person-years of study, ultimately revealing a
with underlying cardiac disease has been recognized for fairly low incidence of SCD in athletes of 1 per 138,889
many years and has resulted in large-scale efforts to reduce person-years. The etiology of SCD does vary greatly with
the risk of SCD in athletes through the implementation of age. For those under the age of 35, the most common eti-
preparticipation screening and eligibility/disqualification ologies of SCD in athletes are inherited cardiomyopathies or
guidelines. However, more recently, concern has been raised channelopathies. The most common cause of sports-related
about the potential adverse effect of long term, strenuous SCD in the older athlete, traditionally defined as over the
exercise on the cardiac structure and function of otherwise age of 35, is coronary artery disease (CAD), involved in
normal hearts. Herein, we will discuss the current available > 80% of cases.6 Sports-related SCD is also higher in men
literature on the impact of extreme exercise on cardiac risk. compared with women, black compared with white race and
increases with age. There have been a number of studies
looking at the incidence of SCD in extreme endurance
events. A study of 10.9 million marathon runners revealed
From the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Sports Cardiology an incidence of SCD of 1 per 259,000 participants with
Center, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or possible hypertrophic
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Reprints: Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD, Desk J1-5, Cleveland Clinic, 9500
cardiomyopathy being the most common cause.7 The inci-
Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH, 44195. dence of SCD was 1.45 per 100,000 person-years in partic-
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. ipants of triathlon events over the course of 31 years. In this

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Sharalaya and Phelan Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 27, Number 1, March 2019

FIGURE 1. Serial cMR images in an endurance athlete showing the dramatic effects of training on left ventricular size. Images are steady-
state free precession images taken at the level of the base of the left ventricle from the short axis stack. The athlete was training for the
Ironman event in Kona at the time of the cMR in August 2016 which shows a severely dilated left ventricle (left ventricular end diastolic
diameter of 73 mm). The images from January and December were preseason and postseason when training duration and intensity was
significantly reduced (left ventricular end diastolic diameter of 63 mm). cMR indicates cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.

study atherosclerotic coronary disease was the most frequent a modifiable risk factor for SCD. For most cardiac con-
cause of SCD. ditions, this assumption has been largely unproven and
The tragic, unexpected death of an athlete during a based on expert opinion. As newer and more robust data
sporting event has a particularly profound emotional effect have become available these guidelines have altered over
on, not only the athlete’s family and friends, but society at time. For example, a large registry of young athletes who
large. This has resulted in attempts to perform large-scale continued to compete with an implantable cardioverter
screening of athletes in attempts to identify subclinical car- defibrillator in situ demonstrated no increased risk of SCD
diac abnormalities before participation in extreme exercise. resulting in modification of the guidelines with removal of
There remains debate as to the optimal means of screening the global disqualification of such athletes.9 Similarly,
athletes. Pelliccia et al8 used a very comprehensive screening patients with long QT syndrome were previously dis-
strategy which included an ECG, exercise stress test, and an qualified from most competitive sporting activities until
echocardiogram to examine the presence of cardiac abnor- convincing data demonstrated very low risk of cardiac
malities in a group of 2352 Olympic athletes under age 35. events in those who are asymptomatic receiving adequate
The prevalence of cardiovascular abnormalities was found treatment.10,11 In contrast, certain pathologies have clear
to be 3.9%. Therefore, the rate of detection/existence of evidence that continued exercise will result in progression of
cardiovascular abnormalities is incrementally higher than the disease along with increased risk of SCD. Robust animal
the risk of SCD. and clinical/epidemiologic studies have proven the sig-
The question then arises: what is the risk of partic- nificant adverse effect of exercise on the natural history of
ipating in extreme exercise with a known cardiac abnor- arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC).
mality? Eligibility/disqualification guidelines have been Therefore, it would appear justified and in the best interest
devised largely predicated on the assumption that exercise is of the athlete with ARVC to recommend significant exercise

FIGURE 2. Representative electrocardiogram of an elite endurance athlete showing typical findings in this cohort including profound
sinus bradycardia, borderline first degree heart block and early repolarization.

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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 27, Number 1, March 2019 Cardiac Risk of Extreme Exercise

restrictions. In those athletes with preexisting CAD, guide- calcification (CAC)16 and may accelerate plaque formation
lines recommend regular moderate or vigorous exercise to in athletes with established CAD, possibly through
improve physical fitness for secondary prevention.12 How- increased arterial shear stress in coronary arteries with
ever, vigorous exercise has been shown to increase the risk of existing plaque along with increased oxidative stress and
a cardiac event acutely;13 several studies have explored the inflammation with intense exercise.17 Long-term endurance
impact of extreme exercise in patients with underlying CAD. training has been associated with higher risk of a variety of
For example, Williams and Thompson14 reported an conduction disturbances, atrial fibrillation (AF) most
incremental reduction in CVD-related mortality with commonly.18,19 Structural remodeling due to extreme exer-
increasing levels of physical activity up to a certain point, cise can also present itself in the form of maladaptive RV
though above some level (30 mile/wk runs) there is a sig- remodeling20 causing RV hypertrophy and fibrosis, which
nificant increase in CVD mortality (P = 0.009). Another can subsequently lead to higher risk of ventricular
study of over 1000 patients with CAD revealed an inverse arrhythmias.21 The rate of diagnosis of ARVC has been
J-shaped association between physical activity and car- growing in athletes and it is possible that the higher work-
diovascular mortality, with increased cardiovascular mor- load of exercise would worsen RV function.22 Extreme
tality in patients who undertook daily strenuous physical exercise may cause aortic root remodeling due to repetitive
activity.15 hemodynamic overload in the longer term.
It is clear that the risk of exercising with underlying
cardiac disease is dependent on the type and severity of the
Conduction Disease and AF
condition and that recommendation with regard to exercise
activity in such athletes is nuanced and often requires shared Risk of AF in Different Populations of Athletes
decision making. AF is commonly associated with other cardiovascular
disease states such as hypertension, valvular disease, and
EXTREME EXERCISE AS THE ETIOLOGY FOR THE coronary disease among others, but can also occur in
healthy individuals. The influence of exercise on the inci-
dence of AF is complex (Fig. 4). There is increasing recog-
Although the holistic benefits of regular moderate nition that long term, endurance athletes are at higher risk
intensity exercise are well defined, recently, there has been for the development of AF. It has been proposed that elite
some concern with regard to the potential adverse cardiac athletes who perform years of regular exercise as well as
effects of extreme exercise (Fig. 3). Vigorous exercise has nonelite athletes who partake in a high volume of endurance
been associated with higher levels of coronary artery exercise have higher rates of AF.18 A study of 252 male
marathon runners revealed that they had a higher risk of AF
[hazard ratio (HR), 8.8] compared with a sedentary control
group over 11 year follow-up.24 Andersen and colleagues
examined the association between endurance exercise and
incidence of arrhythmias in a group of skiers competing in
the 90-km cross-country event in Sweden, Vasaloppet. Data
were compiled over 10 years yielding 52,755 participants
(90% male; mean age, 38.5 y) without known cardiovascular
disease. Arrhythmias were noted in 17.9% of all competitors
—a higher incidence of arrhythmias was noted with
increasing number of races [HR, 1.30; 95% confidence
interval (CI), 1.08-1.58; for ≥ 5 vs. 1 completed race] and by
faster finishing time (HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.04-1.62; for 100%-
160% vs. > 240% of winning time). AF was the most
common arrhythmia occurring in 681 skiers (13.2%; 95%
CI, 12.3-14.3/10000 person-years at risk). Another study of
cross-country skiers (age 65 years and older) who participate
in the Norwegian Birkebeiner race revealed a prevalence of
AF in skiers of 13% compared with 9.8% in the general
population, after excluding those patients with CAD.25
Furthermore, it was determined that AF increases with
years of endurance training; skiers had an odds ratio (OR)
of 1.16 for AF per 10 years of experience in comparison with
a sedentary population.25 Another study examining 78 male
skiers in the race showed AF prevalence of 12.8% compared
with the general population.26 Aizer et al27 analyzed data
from the Physicians’ Health Study and described an
increased risk of AF in those who exercised vigorously (7 d/
wk) compared with all other groups. Finally, a meta-anal-
ysis revealed that the risk of AF in endurance athletes was 5
times higher than in nonathletes (OR, 5.29; 95% CI, 3.57-
FIGURE 3. Proposed cardiovascular risks of extreme exercise. AF In contrast to the higher rates of AF noted in endur-
indicates atrial fibrillation; OR, odds ratio; RV, right ventricle; VF, ance athletes, population-based studies in those who engage
ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia. in regular light-moderate physical activity have revealed

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Sharalaya and Phelan Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 27, Number 1, March 2019

FIGURE 4. The relative risk of AF as related to increasing level of physical activity23—permission was obtained from the publisher to
reprint this figure. AF indicates atrial fibrillation. Copyright Sage Publications, Newbury Park. All permission requests for this image should
be made to the copyright holder.

lower rates of AF compared with sedentary controls AF in people with structurally normal hearts,31 which is
(Fig. 1).18 The amount of activity necessary to decrease this likely a contributor to higher risk of AF in athletes.
risk seems to be low recreational walking, cycling, or other Excessive exercise may lead to tissue injury, inflammation
physical activity for > 4 hours per week which reduced the and release of inflammatory cytokines which has also been
risk of AF by 25%.23 Another study demonstrated that postulated to increase the risk of AF, as evidenced by higher
walking for 20 minutes per day is protective against AF in CRP and interleukins in those with paroxysmal and per-
comparison with very sedentary people.28 A study of over sistent AF.32 The lower risk of AF in those who undertake
36,000 women (median age, 60 y) revealed that leisure-time light-moderate physical activity may be influenced by
exercise of 1 to 4 hours per week or daily walking/bicycling improvement of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity,
for at least 20 to 39 minutes per day was associated with a hypertension, and diabetes which are also risk factors for
lower risk of AF.29 Overall the literature supports a higher AF, though data are mixed.18
risk of AF in athletes, while light and moderate physical
activity reduce AF risk; the mechanisms underlying AF in Conduction Disease in Athletes
these 2 populations may be different as will be discussed.18 Athletes can also be subject to conduction disease
leading to a variety of bradyarrhythimas, which have been
Mechanisms of AF in Endurance Athletes hypothesized to result from high vagal tone and possibly ion
The mechanism behind higher rates of AF observed in channel remodeling within the sinus node.33 In the study of
individuals undertaking vigorous exercise is not completely cross-country skiers by Andersen et al,19 bradyarrhythmias
understood. Suggested hypotheses include maladaptive left (mainly grade II and III AV block and sick sinus syndrome)
atrial remodeling with fibrosis and enlargement, high occurred in 2.3% of skiers (95% CI, 1.9-2.8/10000 person-
parasympathetic tone, oxidative stress, undiagnosed hyper- years at risk), and ventricular tachycardia/ventricular
tension, atrial ectopy, exercises-induced sympathetic nerv- fibrillation/cardiac arrest occurred in 90 participants but
ous system surges, or the effect of alcohol or caffeine.7 Left notably there was no association with finishing time or
atrial size, an independent risk factor for AF, is usually number of races as with the risk of AF. It is important to
increased in athletes though cannot explain the association consider if bradyarrhythmias persist in former athletes who
between extreme exercise and AF entirely. A study of 107 are now elderly. Baldesberger et al34 examined this issue in
patients partaking in moderate and heavy physical activity 62 former professional cyclists who were at least 60 years of
had higher rates of AF even after controlling for LA size.30 age and discovered that compared with age-matched con-
Increased parasympathetic activity has been associated with trols, the former athletes were more likely to have signs of

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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 27, Number 1, March 2019 Cardiac Risk of Extreme Exercise

sinus node dysfunction with bradycardia <40 bpm, atrial Relevant to this issue is the impact of cardiorespiratory
flutter, or prior pacemaker insertion for bradyarrhythmias fitness on risk of cardiovascular events particularly in patients
at a rate of 18% compared with 2% (P = 0.004). There was with high CAC, Radford et al45 conducted an interesting study
also a trend toward more AF and ventricular arrhythmias in of 8425 men without clinical CVD attending a preventive
the former athlete group compared with controls. medicine clinic in the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study.
Treadmill testing was used to quantify cardiorespiratory fitness.
Extreme Exercise and Risk of CAD It should be acknowledged that this study was not conducted in
Habitual exercise reduces the risk of developing CAD elite athletes; however, this was the first study to date to eval-
and improves symptoms in those with established disease. uate the interaction between CAC and fitness levels. After an
Encouraging people with CAD to be physically active is the average of 8.4 years of follow-up they demonstrated that across
cornerstone of cardiac rehabilitation with demonstrable and all levels of CAC, better fitness levels was associated with lower
dramatic improvements in outcomes for those that risk of CVD that persisted even after controlling for traditional
participate.35,36 In 2008 Mohlenkamp et al16 noted higher CVD risk factors and use of statins.43 These data strongly
coronary artery calcium scores in German marathon run- supports the benefits of high cardiorespiratory fitness across all
ners than sedentary controls. Since the publication of this degrees of CAC to reduce adverse events.
study the hypothesis that exposure to intense, long-term
endurance exercise may hasten coronary atherosclerosis has
been hotly debated. Mechanisms that have been proposed to Right Ventricular Remodeling
support this idea are that regular exhaustive exercise may Exposed to the lower pressure pulmonary circulation,
induce oxidative stress due to a high-flow and high-pressure the RV is a thin-walled structure and thus more susceptible
state,37 and the release of inflammatory cytokines impairs to the greater hemodynamic load imposed by strenuous
microvascular integrity and accelerates atherosclerosis.38 exercise.46 The RV dilates in response to exercise rather than
Although rare, SCD can certainly affect athletes and CAD undergoing hypertrophy which usually occurs con-
and coronary ischemia are the most common causes in this comitantly with LV dilation—isolated RV dilation is usually
population.39 abnormal in athletes and should warrant further
investigation.47 Balanced RV dilation is common in endur-
CAC ance athletes and usually does not require further evaluation
A major topic of this discussion is CAC which is a quan- unless associated with systolic dysfunction or other struc-
titative manner of assessing plaque burden and has been well tural abnormalities.48 Several studies have revealed acute
correlated with cardiovascular disease.40 Data have been con- RV dilation following endurance exercise (cycling, mar-
tradictory; in a study of young individuals, over the course of athon running, triathlon) which is associated with cardiac
15 years those with moderate to high cardiorespiratory fitness biomarker release, is transient and fully reversible after
had OR of 0.8 and 0.59, respectively for having CAC as opposed recovery.49–51 On a more chronic timeline, a study of com-
to those with low cardiorespiratory fitness.41 The most recent petitive rowers revealed an increase in RV size after 90 days
studies on this topic are somewhat opposing in their results as of intense training.52 In comparison with the LV, the RV
they relate to athletes. Merghani et al42 studied 152 competitive appears to be more susceptible to sustained intense exercise
cyclists and runners with an average age of 55 and compared with greater degrees of RV hypertrophy and dilation com-
them with a control group without CAD or cardiovascular risk pared with the LV noted in studies of endurance
factors. 60% of athletes and 63% of control subjects did not have athletes.53,54
any CAC though very high CAC scores ( > 300 Agatston units) The question remains whether RV structural remodel-
or coronary artery luminal stenosis of ≥ 50% were only seen in ing leads to clinically significant myocardial damage and
the athletic group (11.3% and 7.5%, respectively) both of which fibrosis over time. Some authors have raised the possibility
were associated with years of training. It was interesting to note of an “exercise-induced” ARVC phenotype based on a study
that athletic men were more likely to have purely calcified pla- associating structural RV changes with higher risk of
ques as opposed to sedentary males with mixed morphology inducible ventricular arrhythmias with left bundle branch
plaques suggesting potentially differing mechanisms for plaque morphology (suggesting RV origin).55 Some magnetic res-
formation in the 2 groups. It is widely held that calcified plaques onance studies of endurance athletes have suggested in
are more stable in nature and less prone to rupture than mixed increased prevalence of myocardial delayed gadolinium
plaques which are lipid rich and more vulnerable to fissuring and enhancement (DGE), suggestive of myocardial fibrosis,
possible thrombosis.43 In a similar study of Dutch men in the usually at the RV insertion point.49,56,57 The reason for this
MARC study (Measuring Athletes Risk of Cardiovascular nonischemic pattern of DGE has been proposed to be
Events), 53% of athletes in the highest exercise dose group had related to mechanical stress on the RV during strenuous
CAC and were also noted to have higher CAC scores and more exercise. The concern is that this could potentially be an
calcific plaques than those who exercised less.44 The conclusion arrhythmogenic substrate. It should be noted that several
of these 2 studies suggest that a large minority of long-term other studies have not found any significant correlation
endurance athletes will develop calcified atherosclerotic plaques between endurance exercise and DGE.58–60
that are not easily attributable to traditional atherosclerotic risk RV dilation is also frequently associated with repolari-
factors. It is unclear, however, whether these differences are zation abnormalities on the 12 lead ECG. In one study of 675
explained by their exercise habits or other confounding factors elite athletes in Britain, RV dilation sufficient to fulfill task
that were not measured and may play a significant role in CAC force criteria for ARVC was seen on ~50% of athletes. The
development such as genetics, illicit performance enhancing combination with ECG abnormalities and RV dilation can
drugs, anti-inflammatory medication use or poor dietary habits, make differentiating normal RV adaptation in elite athletes
which are surprisingly frequently seen in such athletes. It is also from AVRC challenging; however, to meet task force criteria
important to point out that no clinically relevant negative out- for ARVC the RV dilation must be accompanied by regional
comes of these findings have been demonstrated. dyskinesia, akinesia, or aneurysm.

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Sharalaya and Phelan Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 27, Number 1, March 2019

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