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Professional Growth Plan Final Report (EDUC 429)


1. What did you do to build your professional background knowledge related to the domain
and component you selected? Did you add any new professional learning opportunities
during your internship? Describe four specific articles, books, webinars, podcasts, etc.
that helped build your professional background knowledge.

- In order to build my professional background knowledge related to Domain 2d in order

to achieve my goal I read articles/books about classroom management and ways that
helped me succeed in that. Some of the books I read were Comprehensive Classroom
Management by Vern and Louise Jones another one is Teach like a Champion by Doug
Lemon. These helped me with techniques to become a better teacher and have better
classroom management.

- Another thing I did while in student teaching was attended workshops and meeting after
school. I feel like these workshops and meetings were a great way to learn and grow as a
teacher. I would love to do some more classroom management workshops because they
would be beneficial for me as that is my main goal.

- Another thing I did was interview and observe my teacher. I find myself doing informal
interviews with my teachers constantly. I am always wanting to learn new things and that
comes with many observations and questions. I think this is an important to thing to do to
learn and grow, so this is something that I did, and it helped me a great amount in my
goal of classroom management. I was able to not only see certain things but talk through
them as well.

- Lastly, I did continuous reflection of myself and my teaching. This is such a crucial step
in order to know what I was doing and reflecting on whether it is working or if it needs to
be changed to benefit both myself and my students.

2. What specific activities/actions did you implement to help attain your goal? Describe at
least four specific activities. Connect each activity to a reading, webinar, podcast, etc.
listed in question 1.

- The first thing that I did is administer a student interest inventory at the beginning of my
internship. I had done this in the past and I felt that is has helped me get to know the
students more and this helps me do more things that they enjoy and that makes them feel
seen and heard by me. All of this leads to a respectful environment. I felt that this helped
me get to know the students right away and I could talk to them about things they liked or
incorporated it in my lesson plan, and it overall helped create a relationship with the
student which leads to respect on both ends.

- The second thing that I did was develop lessons that include multiple project options for
students. I loved when my professors or teachers did this, and I feel that is a perfect way
to get the students excited. It took me a little to get comfortable with being funny and
silly with the students and really find things that they enjoyed throughout my lessons.
When I found the rhythm, I saw a dramatic change in engagement and participation. They
loved hands on activities, funny and silly lessons, and times when they were just up and

- The third thing I did is establish procedures for the distribution and collection of
materials. This is something that also took me a while to get down but eventually I. was
able to find the right words and be able to communicate with my students what was
expected of them in so many ways and their response to it was a lot better than in past
internships when I constantly had students asking what they should do with their papers
or if they needed certain materials and when they should use them. This is something that
helped lessons go smoother.

3. Did you meet your intended goal? Why or why not?

Yes, I believe that I met my intended goal of classroom management. I went in there
wanting to be fair, firm, and fun and I feel that after a lot of trial and error I made a lot of
progress on this goal.

Describe the evidence and artifacts that demonstrate the professional learning goal was
met. Two pieces of evidence must be the focused observations by your cooperating
teacher in your selected area of growth (attach the feedback provided by your cooperating
teacher). Label and describe each piece of evidence and explain why each piece
helps meet your intended goal. Attach the artifacts to the end of the report.

Artifact 1& Artifact 2: Attached at the end of the document.

4. How did you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?

I collaborated with other professionals to meet my goal in many ways. I collaborated with
my cooperating teacher observed and learned from their classroom management skills. I
discussed and sleeked out advice with peers as well as my cooperating teacher. I also
learned from my professors. I will meet with my professors for advice, and critic on my
teaching and classroom managements. All of these are ways that I collaborated with other
professionals to meet my goal of better classroom management.
5. What new learning did you acquire as a result of the professional learning opportunities
in which you engaged?

I learned that it is ok to try new things no matter what. It is ok to make mistakes. I learned
to just have fun with what you are doing and to really show passion and love towards
what you're doing because it reflects onto the kids as well. I learned to step out of my
comfort zone, I learned to make learning fun and engaging for both you and the kids.
There are so many things that I learned from this experience that I will be taking with Mr.
in the future.

6. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on you as a professional?

The impact that these changes in instructional proactive had on me as a professional was
that I learned a lot, I grew so much as a teacher and a person. I was able to step out of my
comfort zone and try things that before I wouldn’t have done. Overall, I feel that I have
become a better teacher and better professional and will continue to grow on this journey.

7. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on your students’ learning?

The impact that these changes in instructional practice had on my students learning was
so important. It is so crucial to be aware of how your kids learn and what things are going
to get them engaged even if it means to step out of your comfort zone and that it was, I
had to do and I saw more participation, engagement, and overall success from the

8. How will you continue to develop in this area?

I will continue to incorporate things that I have learned from this teaching experience and
take it with me. I will also try new things to help with classroom management behavior
management etc. I will continue to reflect, meet with peers, attend workshops etc

PGP Part 1
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