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Alumno: Kevin Hernández Negrete UEA: inglés intermedio 1


Irland Exercises

Checking your understanding

Pages 1-9 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)

1. There are a lot of lakes and rivers in the middle of Ireland.

2. People on the Aran islands all speak English.
3. The Gaelic Word for woman is bean.
4. The church is not very important in Ireland.
5. Brendan was a Viking boat
6. Henry ll was the first King of England and Ireland.
7. After 1690, most of the important people in Ireland were Protestants.
8. In the 1840s, a lot of poor Irish people died because they didn´n like potatoes.
9. Thousands of Irish people went to live in America.

Pages 10-19 Write answers to these questions

10. What did Sir Edward Carson want?
He wanted to keep the Act of Union
11. What did Patrick Pears want?
He wanted Ireland to be free from Britain
12. What was the name of the Sinn Féin army?
The Irish Republican Army, or IRA
13. ¿Do most of the people in Northern Ireland want to be British?
About sixty per cent of the people of Northern Ireland were protestant, and about forty
per cent were Catholic. Most of the Protestants want to be British, most of the Catholics
want to be Irish.
14. What do the IRA and Sinn Féin want?
They want the British to leave Ireland
15. How many people in Northern Ireland vote for Sinn Féin?
Only fifteen per cent of the people in Northern Ireland vote for Sinn Féin
16. Where can you find the Book of Kells?
In Trinity College
17. Which is the largest park in Europe?
Phoenix Park
18. What are the names of some of Ireland’s most famous writers?
Jonathan Swift, James Joyce and Samuel Beckett
Alumno: Kevin Hernández Negrete UEA: inglés intermedio 1

19. How many Irish people are under twenty five years old?
It is a country of Young people: nearly fifty per cent of its people are under twenty five

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