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Cieative Thinking

Iueas }ouinal

L|m nu| I|e
A201112 11

lnsLrucLor ur Coh 8an Lng
Module MCM1 004 CreaLlve 1hlnklng
Class C4

Table of Contents

% 9lezoLlecLrlc ClLy 2
2% 8AW1Lle 3
3% Cow larL AccumulaLor 4
4% -$L 3
3% AP 6
6% A8CeL 7
7% Llcky 1yres 8
8% oveMeLre 9
9% CA8u8oard 0


% 9lezoLlecLrlc ClLy
1he 9roblem
As Lhe world populaLlon lncreases and counLrles modernlse our demand for elecLrlclLy lncreases Loo
uesplLe efforLs made Lo develop renewable energy sources as of Loday our world sLlll remalns
heavlly dependenL on fossll fuel for elecLrlclLy generaLlon ln 200 fossll fuel accounLs for more Lhan
60 of Lhe LoLal elecLrlclLy produced by Lhe world As fossll fuel ls a perlshable source of energy
Lhere wlll come a day when Lhere are no longer any fossll fuel for us Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy wlLh As
menLloned prevlously efforLs have been made Lo develop renewable energy sources buL Lhese
renewable energy soluLlons are plague wlLh problems such as Lhe permanenL desLrucLlon of hablLaLs
(PydroelecLrlclLy% and unslghLllness (Wlnd Lurblne% ln recenL Llmes proponenLs of nuclear power as
Lhe energy soluLlon for Lhe fuLure were dealL a blow afLer Lhe unforLunaLe lukushlma lncldenL
1he oluLlon
1he soluLlon Lo Lhls problem ls Lo lnserL plezoelecLrlc cells under any surface on whlch human moves
and ln Lurn creaLlng a 9lezoelecLrlc ClLy 8e lL roads or pedesLrlan paLhs no maLLer humans cars
Lralns or even peLs where Lhere ls movemenL Lhere ls elecLrlclLy Lo be generaLed LssenLlally
plezoelecLrlclLy ls elecLrlclLy generaLed from pressure and pressure can easlly be generaLed from Lhe
movemenL of any ob[ecLs 9lcLure a man walklng down rchard 8oad Lvery sLep he Lakes applles
pressure onLo Lhe Llles of Lhe pavemenLs 1hese bouLs of pressures can be harnessed lnLo elecLrlclLy
by addlng a layer of plezoelecLrlc cells under Lhe Llles 1he plezoelecLrlc cells wlll be connecLed Lo Lhe
power grld and Lhe elecLrlclLy generaLed can Lhen be dlsLrlbuLed Lo every household ln Lhe clLy for
9lezoelecLrlc cells are hldden under surfaces Lhus lL wlll noL wasLe space and aL Lhe same Llme be
an awful slghL AddlLlonally lL ls enLlrely renewable as long as humans need movemenL 1hls would
also mean LhaL Lhe concepL of a 9lezoelecLrlc ClLy encourages physlcal acLlvlLles such as [ogglng as lL
requlres movemenL from ob[ecLs ln order Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy 1he reason for Lhls ls slmple
because before you consume elecLrlclLy you need Lo creaLe lL flrsL by [ogglng around your
nelghbourhood so as Lo apply pressure onLo Lhe plezoelecLrlc cells LhaL are hldden under your usual
[ogglng rouLe Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy Cars wlll be able Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy Lhls way Loo wlLh
plezoelecLrlc cells lnserLed underneaLh our Lar roads
As Lhe saylng goes you reap whaL you geL lsn'L lL a greaL ldea for humans Lo generaLe Lhe elecLrlclLy
Lhey consume Lhemselves?


2% AW1Lle (oLLle And WaLer1lghLconLalnert|e%
1he 9roblem
l was a commander who Lralned obese soldlers durlng my Llme ln Lhe army As such l undersLand
Lhe lmporLance of hydraLlon salL ln faclllLaLlng safe Lralnlngs due Lo slgnlflcanL amounLs of fluld and
Lhus salL lons losL durlng Lhe Lough physlcal Lralnlngs Whlle Lhe supply of hydraLlon salL was rarely
an lssue Lhe Llmely dlsLrlbuLlon and consumpLlon of hydraLlon salL can be a huge loglsLlcal headache
for commanders fLen we would have a hard Llme ldenLlfylng soldlers who are ln urgenL need of
hydraLlon salL and when we do ldenLlfy Lhem reLrlevlng Lhe hydraLlon salL can be a wasLe of
preclous Llme
1he oluLlon
AW1Lle a boLLle wlLh lnbullL waLerLlghL comparLmenL LhaL can sLore hydraLlon salL can solve Lhe
problem aL hand Whenever a soldler needs rehydraLlon salL all he needs Lo do ls
% 8elease Lhe hydraLlon salL from lLs waLerLlghL comparLmenL lnLo Lhe boLLle's maln body
2% hake Lhe boLLle Lo mlx Lhe salL properly
3% Consume!
WlLh Lhe new deslgn preclous Llme can be saved ln helplng over exhausLed soldlers recover as Lhe
hydraLlon salL wlll be readlly avallable MlllLary funcLlons aslde Lhere are many poLenLlal commerclal
appllcaLlons for Lhls lnvenLlon porLs man can sLore Lhelr supplemenLs properly wlLhln Lhe
waLerLlghL comparLmenLs LhaL are ln Lhe boLLle lnsLead of carrylng Lhelr supplemenLs separaLely ln
plasLlc bags or large conLalners lor offlce workers Lhey can carry around Lhelr favourlLe beverage ln
syrup or powder form wlLhln Lhe waLerLlghL comparLmenLs everywhere wlLh Lhem wherever Lhey go
Lo en[oy LhroughouL Lhe day
-o maLLer where you are your nexL cup of 8lbena can be made on Lhe spoL ln your AW1Lle
wlLhouL you ever needlng Lo carry Lhe huge 8lbena syrup boLLle around anymore


3% Cow larL AccumulaLor
1he 9roblem
Across Lhe world cows are a ma[or source of food for humanlLy as Lhey provlde us wlLh mllk and
meaL 1hroughouL hlsLory manklnd has been lnnovaLlng new Lechnlques Lo geL more food from
Lhem ln recenL Llmes however we should be paylng loL more aLLenLlon Lo Lhe oLher ouLpuL of cows
namely Lhelr flaLulence
n an average a cow releases beLween 70 Lo 20 kg of MeLhane (CP
% a year !usL llke Carbon
uloxlde (C
% MeLhane ls a greenhouse gas Lhough an even deadller verslon LhaL has 23 Llmes Lhe
negaLlve effecL of C
LhaL conLrlbuLes adversely Lo global warmlng

1he oluLlon
!usL as lLs name sLaLes Lhe Cow larL AccumulaLor accumulaLes cow farL Lhrough a devlce LhaL ls
aLLached onLo Lhe cow's back 1he devlce ls dome shaped and lL works based on Lhe prlnclple LhaL
MeLhane rlses when exposed Lo aLmospherlc alr due Lo Lhe facL LhaL lL has lower denslLy Lhan our
aLmospherlc alr 1hls ls how Lhe collecLlon process ls llke
% When Lhe cow farLs meLhane rlses and wlll be Lrapped ln Lhe dome shaped devlce as lL
2% A fllLer wlll Lrap meLhane whlle leLLlng oLher gas molecules escape
3% A machlne wlll auLomaLlcally suck Lhe meLhane ouL of Lhe dome whenever Lhe cow
reLurns Lo barn for mllklng
WlLh Lhe Cow larL AccumulaLor global warmlng due Lo cows' flaLulence wlll no longer be a
headache for CovernmenLs around Lhe world AddlLlonally meLhane collecLed from Lhe cows can
also be used for elecLrlcal generaLlon or plped lnLo homes for domesLlc heaLlng durlng wlnLer Llme
solvlng anoLher one of governmenLs' common headaches power generaLlon 1hls lnnovaLlon can
even be modlfled Lo collecL Lhe flaLulence of oLher common domesLlc anlmals such as goaLs
WlLhouL a doubL Lhls ls one of Lhe besL lnnovaLlons ln Lhe 2


4% -$ (-olse bllLeraLor $ ound llmlnaLor%
1he 9roblem
Are you lrrlLaLed by people Lalklng on Lhe phone ln clnemas? Are you lrrlLaLed by Lhe facL LhaL you
cannoL answer a poLenLlally urgenL phone call properly ln Lhe clnema? Are you lrrlLaLed by your
slbllngs pracLlslng on Lhelr muslcal lnsLrumenLs maklng nolse lnsLead of melodlous muslc whlle you
are sLruggllng wlLh your homework aL home? Are you lrrlLaLed LhaL you cannoL have a proper
conversaLlon wlLh Lhe glrl you are courLlng on Lhe Lraln [usL because lL ls Loo nolsy? -olse polluLlon
has become a noLeworLhy lssue ln Lhe 2
CenLury Lher Lhan Lhe llbrary Lhere are hardly any
oLher places LhaL can offer you quleL places for conversaLlons and selfreflecLlon
1he oluLlon
uLlllslng Lhe laLesL nolse cancellaLlon Lechnology -$L ls Lhe soluLlon Lo eradlcaLe nolse polluLlon
ln essence nolse cancellaLlon Lechnology works by deLecLlng surroundlng sound waves and Lhen
emlLLlng correspondlng waves wlLh lnverLed phase 1he waves wlll cancel ouL each oLher due Lo an
effecL called phase cancellaLlon Lhrough a process called lnLerference -$L works ln Lwo ways
% users wlll begln by selecLlng Lhe sound waves Lhey would llke Lo cancel 1hls can be done
be speaklng lnLo Lhe 8ecelver/ ConLroller seL -$L wlll only cancel LhaL parLlcular
2% users begln by selecLlng sound waves noL Lo cancel lmllarly Lhls can be done be
speaklng lnLo Lhe 8ecelver/ ConLroller seL -$L wlll Lhen cancel ouL all amblenL nolse
excepL for Lhe speclfled sound waves
-$L ls Lwo dlrecLlonal as lL can cancel sound waves emlLLed from wlLhln a cerLaln radlus comlng
from Lhe user Lo prevenL hls volce from belng heard by people who are ouL of Lhe radlus as well as
cancel amblenL sound waves whlch are noL emlLLed by Lhe user
WlLh -$L conversaLlons can be held easlly by selecLlng sound waves noL Lo cancel (parLlclpanL's
volces% and leLLlng -$L cancel ouL Lhe surroundlng amblenL nolse AlLernaLlvely users can also
use -$L Lo cancel Lhelr volce whlle speaklng on Lhe phone ln clnemas Lo prevenL Lhemselves from
dlsLurblng oLher clnemagoers ln facL Lhe uses of -$L are llmlLed only by Lhe creaLlvlLy of users
WlLh -$L nolse polluLlon wlll be a Lhlng of Lhe pasL


3% An (AuLomaLlc nalr oluLlons%
1here are many Llmes when we go Lo Lhe halr saloon Lo geL our halrs cuL LhaL we are noL saLlsfled
wlLh Lhe end resulL of Lhe halrcuL 8arely when we geL our halrs cuL wlll we geL Lhe halrsLyle LhaL we
wanL 1hls ls noL Lo say LhaL Lhe halr sLyllsL ls lousy 8uL as Lhe quallLy of our halr such as lLs LexLure
dlffers lL ls very hard Lo repllcaLe Lhe cool halr sLyle you saw a model sporLlng ln a fashlon magazlne
AuLomaLlc Palr oluLlons (AP% ls an amalgamaLlon of new Lechnologles lL uses Lhe laLesL lmaglng
sofLware Lo analyse scanned lmages and compose 3u verslons of Lhese lmages 8ase on Lhe
composed 3u lmage lL wlll uLlllses 3u prlnLlng Lechnology Lo cuL Lhe user's halr 1hls ls how
everyLhlng works
% can Lhe plcLure of a model sporLlng Lhe halrsLyle you wanL uslng AP
2% AP wlll analyse Lhe lmage and compose a 3u plcLure of Lhe lmage focuslng prlmarlly on Lhe
halr Lo gaLher more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe halrsLyle
3% lL wlll Lhen scan and check Lhe user's halr condlLlon
4% 8ase on Lhe laLesL 3u prlnLlng Lechnology along wlLh Lhe analysls of Lhe user's halr condlLlon
lL wlll cuL Lhe user's halr accordlng Lo Lhe halrsLyle of Lhe model whose lmage you have [usL
3% Ilola a greaL halrcuL
lmage ls geLLlng lncreaslngly lmporLanL ln Lhe modern world and Lhls ls Lhe reason why modern day
people are paylng lncreaslng aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr halr WlLh AP we no longer need Lo worry abouL
bad halr days so you can look presenLable any and every Llme ln Llme Lhe confldence of user wlll be
greaLly boosLed by Lhe greaL looks of Lhelr halr so lf you ever need a confldence boosL AP ls Lhe
soluLlon for you


6% AkCeL (AuLomaLlc kearranglng ChesseL%
Chess ls an lnLellecLual game en[oyed by mllllons all around Lhe world ln facL as a LesLamenL Lo Lhe
lnLellecLual aspecL of Lhe game Chess was chosen as Lhe medlum for Lhe ulLlmaLe Man vs Machlne
compeLlLlon durlng whlch Chess CrandmasLer Cary kasparov plLLed wlLs wlLh l8M's supercompuLer
ueep 8lue 8uL whlle Chess ls deflnlLely fun Lo play Lhe same cannoL be sald of Lhe arranglng of
chess pleces aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe game lL ls boLh Lroublesome and Ledlous wasLlng preclous Llme LhaL
could have been used Lo play more games
A8CeL uLlllses malnly magneLs ln rearranglng Lhe chess seLs 1o rearrange Lhe chess seL Lhe only
Lhlng players need Lo do ls Lo press a buLLon 8uL how does Lhe sysLem work?
% Lvery Chess 9lece has a unlque elecLronlc recelver whlch wlll acLlvaLe Lhe magneL wlLhln Lhe
chess plece 1helr correspondlng poslLlon on Lhe Chess 8oard wlll have a slmllar recelver and
2% 1he 8oard wlll have a maln LransmlLLer devlce whlch wlll conLlnuously emlL varylng radlo
slgnals Lo acLlvaLe Lhe magneLs of Lhe respecLlve Chess 9leces and Lhelr correspondlng
poslLlons on Lhe board aL dlfferenL lnLervals vla Lhe elecLronlc recelver on Lhe Chess 9leces
and Lhelr correspondlng poslLlons on Lhe Chess 8oard 1hls wlll so as Lo prevenL colllslons
beLween chess pleces and Lo ensure accuracy of Lhe arrangemenL
3% LvenLually Lhe magneLs wlll aLLracL Lhe chess pleces lnLo Lhelr proper places
4% -ow we play!
WlLh Chess belng such a popular game Lhe accumulaLed human hours saved from Lhls lnvenLlon wlll
go a very long way ln maklng our world more efflclenL ln any case Lhe Llme users saved from
rearranglng Chess 8oards can now be used Lo play more Chess games lsn'L LhaL [usL greaL?


7% Llcky 1yres
1here were more Lhan 6 mllllon road accldenLs ln Lhe unlLed LaLes ln 2009 ln whlch abouL 30000
people were kllled Whlle governmenLs around Lhe world have lmplemenLed counLless measures Lo
lmprove road safeLy Lhe perllous road remalns one of Lhe mosL dangerous places for humans Lo be
on lndublLably mosL accldenLs were caused by human errors buL lL ls also wlLhouL a doubL Lrue
LhaL had moLor vehlcles been more responslve Lo danger some road accldenLs can be prevenLed
Many road accldenLs happen because drlvers were unable Lo sLop Lhelr vehlcles on Llme and Lhls can
be due Lo mulLlple reasons such as buL noL llmlLed Lo laLe breaklng and LallgaLlng 8y reduclng Lhe
breaklng dlsLance needed for Lhe car Lo come Lo a compleLe sLop many accldenLs can be prevenLed
When Lhe Llcky 1yres sysLem deLecLs a poLenLlal accldenL Lhe Llcky 1yres wlll melL and sLlck onLo
Lhe road lncreaslng Lhe frlcLlon beLween Lhe road and Lhe car 1he maLerlal used for Llcky 1yres ls a
modlflcaLlon of Lhe sofL Lyres used by lormula Cars WlLh Llcky 1yres Lhe breaklng dlsLance wlll
be greaLly reduced 1hls ls how Llcky 1yres work
% ensor lnsLalled ln Lhe car bumper senses poLenLlal danger by comparlng Lhe speed of Lhe
car and Lhe dlsLance beLween lL and Lhe car ln fronL
2% 1he change ln dlsLance beLween Lhe car and car ln fronL ls classlfled lnLo 3 zones afe Zone
AlerL Zone and Lhe uanger Zone ne Lhe car enLers Lhe AlerL Zone le Lhe change ln
dlsLance ls Loo rapld Lhe car rlm wlll be sllghLly heaLed up ln anLlclpaLlon of poLenLlal danger
3% ln case of emergency Lhe drlver wlll applled Lhe brake fully and Lhe sensor wlll calculaLe Lhe
posslblllLy of colllslon base on car speed and dlsLance lf Lhere ls any posslblllLy of colllslon
Lhe already parLlally heaLed up wheel rlm wlll be heaLed up even more unLll lL ls aL Lhe
melLlng polnL of Lhe Lyre ln Lurn melLlng Lhe Lyre
8educLlons ln breaklng dlsLance wlll deflnlLely go a long way ln prevenLlng road accldenLs MosL
accldenLs happen because drlvers are unable Lo sLop ln Llme buL Lhls wlll no longer be Lhe case wlLh
Llcky 1yres Pavlng Lo replace your Lyres afLer lL melLed ls deflnlLely beLLer Lhan havlng Lo replace a
llmb or Lwo afLer an accldenL


8% ovemeLre
1he 9roblem
1here are Llmes when you wlsh you know whaL your oLher half ls Lhlnklng abouL your relaLlonshlp lf
lL ls golng well or lf lL ls golng downhlll Whlle beLLer communlcaLlon has a chance of solvlng Lhe
problem lL depends heavlly on Lhe honesLy of boLh parLles Lo share and solve Lhe problem LogeLher
8uL Lhls Lakes Llmes and lf your relaLlonshlp ls rocky you may noL have Lhe luxury of Llme Add Lhe
hecLlc and sLressful modern llfe lnLo Lhe equaLlon and lL ls noL hard Lo see why dlvorce raLes are
lncreaslng LhroughouL Lhe world
1he oluLlon
9heromones are enzymes whlch are secreLed by humans 1hese enzymes serves mulLlple funcLlons
one of whlch ls Lo serve as a chemlcal vecLor of aLLracLlon beLween males and females Whlle Lhls
fleld of sLudles ls relaLlvely new researcher have only recenLly found llnk beLween love and
pheromones Lhere ls poLenLlal LhaL furLher sLudles of pheromones wlll be able Lo glve love a
sclenLlflc form 1he reason ls slmple pheromones are secreLed by humans and Lhus Lhey are unlque
Lo each lndlvldual as every human has dlfferenL u-A When couples fall ln love lL wlll be reasonable
Lo assume LhaL boLh parLles wlll be lnfluenced more by Lhelr parLner's pheromones Lhan anyone
else's 1he ovemeLre works by measurlng Lhe degree of responslveness each half of Lhe couple ls
Lo Lhe oLher half's pheromones Lhrough a capsule llke devlce LhaL Lhe user puL ln hls/her mouLh
whlle klsslng hls/her oLher half A hlgh readlng on Lhe capsule wlll mean a hlgh degree of
responslveness whlch wlll suggesL LhaL Lhe couple ls deeply ln love whlle a low degree of
responslveness wlll suggesL oLherwlse
1he ovemeLre wlll make Lhe world a beLLer place by helplng couples malnLaln sLronger
relaLlonshlps MosL relaLlonshlps fall because problems are deLecLed only when Lhe relaLlonshlp ls
falllng aparL WlLh Lhe ovemeLre cracks ln Lhe relaLlonshlp can be deLecLed earller glvlng couples
chances Lo make up even before Lhere are any serlous cracks and Lhls wlll go a long way ln
malnLalnlng healLhy relaLlonshlps WlLh Lhe ovemeLre Lhe problem of dlvorce wlll be greaLly
reduced due Lo a beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe psyche of Lhe oLher parLy AL Lhe end of Lhe day more
marrlages wlll succeed and Lhe world wlll become a happler place
CovernmenLs re[olce for we have found Lhe soluLlon Lo broken famllles!


9% CAkDoard (CenLrallsed AuLomaLed kecordlng Devlceoard%
1he 9roblem
A whlLeboard always comes ln handy durlng pro[ecLs as lL faclllLaLes group dlscusslons ldeas can be
qulckly scrlbbled onLo or erased off Lhe whlLeboard easlly and lL also allows mulLlple users Lo share
Lhelr ldeas aL any one Llme Powever unllke worklng on Lhe compuLer or on paper whaLever
conLenLs LhaL are scrlbbled onLo Lhe whlLeboard go as easlly as Lhey come due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhere
ls no easy and effecLlve way Lo record Lhe dlscusslon Lven lf members do wrlLe down Lhe deLalls of
Lhe dlscusslon Lhe Llme Laken Lo record ldeas spun durlng dlscusslons wlll glve rlse Lo a problem call
cognlLlve lag whlch wlll be llkely Lo lmpalr Lhe quallLy of Lhe dlscusslon CognlLlve lag ls deflned as Lhe
commonly experlenced phenomenon durlng whlch a person losL hls Lraln of LhoughL [usL as he had
come up wlLh a brllllanL ldea due Lo Lhe Llme lag beLween Lhlnklng and acLually sharlng Lhe ldea wlLh
hls group maLes
1he oluLlon
CA8u8oard ls creaLed wlLh sensors LhaL can ldenLlfy words belng wrlLLen on lL and converL Lhe
conLenLs whlch are wrlLLen on Lhe board lnLo a dlglLal documenL LhaL can Lhen be processed by Lhe
user Iolce recognlLlon sysLems can be puL lnLo place such LhaL whenever a member LhoughL of an
ldea and vocallses lL Lhe ldea wlll appear on Lhe CA8u8oard 1he member can Lhen drag hls ldea
and arrange lL ln whaLever way he llkes
CA8u8oard wlll deflnlLely lmprove Lhe quallLy of dlscusslon of whlchever group LhaL uses lL and Lhus
CA8u8oard could poLenLlally end up belng a worldchanglng lnnovaLlon lnnovaLlons LhaL are
LhoughL of durlng dlscusslons faclllLaLed by CA8u8oard would never have been LhoughL off lf CA8u
8oard was noL belng used Lven lf Lhese lnnovaLlons were lndeed belng LhoughL off lL would have
Laken humanlLy decades longer lf Lhey dld noL have CA8u8oard Lo faclllLaLe Lhe dlscusslon

0%1ACup (1oLally fflclenL Awesome Cup%
lL ls a common slghL ln lngapore Lo see people en[oylng a cup of coffee or Lea ln coffee shops
around Lhe counLry MosL of Lhe Llme for example when we drlnk coffee we have Lo sLlr Lhe coffee
ourselves Whlle a spoon ls ofLen provlded for us Lo sLlr Lhe coffee wlLh lL ls a Lroublesome Lo have
Lo sLlr Lhe coffee and Lhen puL Lhe spoon aslde before en[oylng Lhe brew
1LACup ls a cup LhaL wlll allow users Lo sLlr Lhelr drlnks wlLh Lhe push of a buLLon 9ushlng Lhe
buLLon on Lhe cup wlll spln Lhe magneL hldden lnslde Lhe base of Lhe cup Lhrough a compllcaLed
comblnaLlon of gears 1he hldden magneL wlll spln Lhe sLlrrer also magneLlc LhaL ls lnslde Lhe cup
along wlLh Lhe beverage As Lhe sLlrrer ls magneLlc lL wlll be held onLo Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe cup so
fears of swallowlng Lhe sLlrrer may be dlsmlssed 1he Llrrer ls also easlly removed from Lhe cup Lo
be washed as lL ls only held ln Lhe cup by Lhe hldden magneL so hyglene ls deflnlLely noL a problem
WlLh 1LACup people no longer have Lo sLlr Lhelr drlnks wlLh an exLra spoon All Lhey need Lo do ls
Lo push a buLLon lmllar concepLs can be applled Lo waLer boLLles WlLh Lhe lnbullL sLlrrer users wlll
be able Lo mlx Lhelr beverages properly and easlly Cone are Lhe days when you see people shake
Lhelr boLLles ln a desperaLe aLLempL Lo mlx Lhelr beverage properly
1LACup wlll make our world a llLLle cleaner (no more dlrLy spoons on Lhe Lable% a llLLle quleLer (no
more sound from Lhe conLacL beLween spoon and cup whlle sLlrrlng% and a llLLle more convenlenL
buL alLogeLher a much beLLer place Lo llve ln

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