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Explanation pur com.

An academic research paper is a formal writing that dives deep into a specific topic. It
analyzes, interprets, and argues a point based on evidence gathered through research.
Think of it as a detective story for the academic world, but instead of crimes, you're
solving knowledge gaps.

Here's the gist:

 Focus: One specific topic.

 Goal: Analyze, interpret, or argue a point.
 Evidence: Backed by research (sources and data).
 Structure: Typically follows a format like Introduction, Literature Review,
Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

A research article is a scholarly report aiming for publication in a peer-reviewed

journal. It presents original research on a specific topic, following a standard structure. It
is adding up new knowledge and studies.

An academic research report is a formal document that explains a systematic

investigation. It dives into the why, what, and how of the research, presenting the
findings in a clear and objective way. Think of it as a detailed explanation of the
research process, from the question it asks to the answers it uncovers.

A commissioned research report tackles a specific issue for a paying client. It's like a
customized research project to answer their burning questions. Here's the short version:

 Focus: Client-defined problem or question.

 Goal: Provide insights and recommendations for the client.
 Research: Conducted by experts based on agreed methods.
 Delivery: Formal report tailored to the client's needs.

Think of it as a consultant using research to solve a particular problem for a business or


Reasearch title it should be short, clear, and instantly tell what the research is about.
Ideally, write it after your research is complete to best capture the main focus.

After your research title, you'll have an abstract: a short, single paragraph summarizing
your entire project. This is followed by 3-6 keywords that act like search tags. These
keywords shouldn't repeat words from the title or abstract, but capture the essence of
your research for easy discovery.
Policy research is basically investigating the impact of government policies.
Researchers analyze existing policies or predict the results of proposed ones. They
often work for government agencies and conduct studies like:

 Cost analysis: Figuring out how much a policy will cost.

 Cost-benefit analysis: Weighing the pros and cons (costs vs. benefits) of a
 Program evaluation: Seeing how well a policy is working.
 Needs analysis: Identifying what problems a policy should address.

Imagine researching how vaccine distribution policies affect rural areas. This could help decide
where to set up free clinics, ensuring everyone gets access to vaccines.

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