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Tatiane Bezerra - - IP: 179.214.167.

published: 09 November 2009
HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE doi: 10.3389/neuro.09.031.2009

The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain

Suzana Herculano-Houzel*
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Edited by: The human brain has often been viewed as outstanding among mammalian brains: the most
Andreas Jeromin,
cognitively able, the largest-than-expected from body size, endowed with an overdeveloped
Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA
cerebral cortex that represents over 80% of brain mass, and purportedly containing 100 billion
Reviewed by:
Karl Herrup, neurons and 10× more glial cells. Such uniqueness was seemingly necessary to justify the
Case Western University, USA superior cognitive abilities of humans over larger-brained mammals such as elephants and whales.
Robert Barton, However, our recent studies using a novel method to determine the cellular composition of the
University of Durham, UK
brain of humans and other primates as well as of rodents and insectivores show that, since
different cellular scaling rules apply to the brains within these orders, brain size can no longer
Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Laboratório
de Neuroanatomia Comparada, be considered a proxy for the number of neurons in the brain. These studies also showed that
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, the human brain is not exceptional in its cellular composition, as it was found to contain as many
Universidade Federal do Rio de neuronal and non-neuronal cells as would be expected of a primate brain of its size. Additionally,
Janeiro, Rua Carlos Chagas Filho 373,
the so-called overdeveloped human cerebral cortex holds only 19% of all brain neurons, a
21950-902 Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. fraction that is similar to that found in other mammals. In what regards absolute numbers of
e-mail: neurons, however, the human brain does have two advantages compared to other mammalian
brains: compared to rodents, and probably to whales and elephants as well, it is built according
to the very economical, space-saving scaling rules that apply to other primates; and, among
economically built primate brains, it is the largest, hence containing the most neurons. These
findings argue in favor of a view of cognitive abilities that is centered on absolute numbers of
neurons, rather than on body size or encephalization, and call for a re-examination of several
concepts related to the exceptionality of the human brain.
Keywords: brain scaling, number of neurons, human, encephalization

INTRODUCTION to such great lengths to affirm, and teach, that evolution is the
THE HUMAN BRAIN AS A SPECIAL BRAIN origin of diversity in life, and to find trends and laws that apply to
What makes us human? Is our brain, the only one known to study kingdoms, phyla and orders as a whole, why then insist that what-
other brains, special in any way? According to a recent popular ever scaling rules apply to other primates must not apply to us?
account of what makes us unique, “we have brains that are bigger than In view of the vexing size inferiority in brain size and of the lack
expected for an ape, we have a neocortex that is three times bigger of information about what our brains are actually made of – and
than predicted for our body size, we have some areas of the neocortex how that compares to other brains, particularly those of whales and
and the cerebellum that are larger than expected, we have more white elephants – resorting to a quest for uniqueness may have seemed
matter” – and the list goes on (Gazzaniga, 2008). Most specialists as a necessary, natural step to justify the cognitive superiority of
seem to agree (for example, Marino, 1998; Rilling, 2006; Sherwood the human brain.
et al., 2006). Since ours is obviously not the largest brain on Earth, our Recently, a novel quantitative tool developed in our lab
superior cognitive abilities cannot be accounted for by something as (Herculano-Houzel and Lent, 2005) has finally made the num-
simple as brain size, the most readily measurable parameter regarding bers of neurons and non-neuronal cells that compose the brains
the brain. Emphasis is thus placed on an exceptionality that is, curi- of various mammals, humans included, available for comparative
ously, not brain-centered, but rather body-centered: With a smaller analysis. This review will focus on such a quantitative, compara-
body but a larger brain than great apes, the human species deviates tive analysis, with emphasis on the numbers that characterize the
from the relationship between body and brain size that applies to human brain: what they are, how they have been viewed in the past,
other primates, great apes included, boasting a brain that is 5–7× too and how they change our view of where the human brain fits into
large for its body size (Jerison, 1973; Marino, 1998). Recent efforts the diversity of the mammalian nervous system.
to support this uniqueness have focused on finding genetic differ-
ences between humans and other primates (reviewed in Vallender, THE HUMAN BRAIN IN NUMBERS
2008), as well as cellular particularities such as the presence and How many neurons does the human brain have, and how does
distribution of Von Economo neurons (Nimchinsky et al., 1999; but that compare to other species? Many original articles, reviews and
see Butti et al., 2009; Hakeem et al., 2009). textbooks affirm that we have 100 billion neurons and 10 times
To regard the human brain as unique requires considering it more glial cells (Kandel et al., 2000; Ullian et al., 2001; Doetsch,
to be an outlier: an exception to the rule, whatever that rule is. 2003; Nishiyama et al., 2005; Noctor et al., 2007; Allen and Barres,
This makes little sense, however, in light of evolution. If we go 2009), usually with no references cited. This leaves the reader with

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Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

Herculano-Houzel The human brain in numbers

the impression that the cellular composition of the human brain has However, the correlation between absolute brain size and
long been determined. Indeed, an informal survey with senior neu- cognitive abilities breaks down when species of similar brain size are
roscientists that we ran in 2007 showed that most believed that the compared across orders. Monkeys, for instance, possess brains that
number of cells in the human brain was indeed already known: that are much smaller than those of ungulates, but the higher cognitive
we have about 100 billion neurons, outnumbered by about 10 times and behavioral flexibility of monkeys over ungulates is anecdotally
more glial cells – but none of the consulted scientists could cite an evident to any observer who compares the ingenious and complex
original reference for these numbers (Herculano-Houzel and Lent, abilities of macaques to those of cows or horses, even though the
unpublished observations). Curiously, the widespread concept that latter have 4–5× larger brains than macaques. For similar-sized
neurons represent about 10% of all cells in the human brain might brains, rodents also perform more poorly than primates: With a
be one of the arguments behind the popular, but mistaken, notion brain of only 52 g, the behavioral, social and cognitive repertoire of
that we only use 10% of our brain (Herculano-Houzel, 2002). the capuchin monkey is outstanding compared to the capybara, a
The reason for such lack of references is that indeed there was, giant Amazonian rodent (MacDonald, 1981), even though the latter
to our knowledge, no actual, direct estimate of numbers of cells has a larger brain of 75 g. This is reminiscent of the most striking and
or of neurons in the entire human brain to be cited until 2009. troubling discrepancy regarding brain size and cognitive abilities:
A reasonable approximation was provided by Williams and Herrup that between humans and larger-brained species such as whales and
(1988), from the compilation of partial numbers in the literature. elephants. If the latter have brains that are up to six times larger than
These authors estimated the number of neurons in the human brain a human brain, why should we be more cognitively able? Answering
at about 85 billion: 12–15 billion in the telencephalon (Shariff, this question requires a direct examination of the numbers of neu-
1953), 70 billion in the cerebellum, as granule cells (based on Lange, rons that compose the brains of humans and other species.
1975), and fewer than 1 billion in the brainstem. With more recent
estimates of 21–26 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex (Pelvig BRAIN AND BODY SCALING: THE TRADITIONAL VIEW
et al., 2008) and 101 billion neurons in the cerebellum (Andersen ASSUMPTION 1: BODY SIZE MATTERS
et al., 1992), however, the total number of neurons in the human If the smaller size of the human brain compared to elephant and
brain would increase to over 120 billion neurons. whale brains (Figure 1) translates into a smaller number of neu-
As to the 10 times more numerous glial cells in the human rons in the human brain than in the latter, then what makes the
brain, that seems to be the case only in subcortical nuclei such as human brain outstanding in its cognitive abilities? In the absence
the thalamus (17 glial cells per neuron) and the ventral pallidum of direct estimates of numbers of neurons in these and other spe-
(12 glial cells per neuron; Pakkenberg and Gundersen, 1988). In the cies, the search for a neural correlate for human capacities has
gray matter of the cerebral cortex, glial cells outnumber neurons placed emphasis on the characteristic that most undisputedly places
by a factor of <2 (Sherwood et al., 2006; Pelvig et al., 2008). Given humans above other mammals: the EQ (Jerison, 1973). This meas-
the relatively small number of glial cells reported for the human ure is based on the observation that, across species, brain size cor-
cerebellum, where they are outnumbered by neurons by at least relates with body size in a way that can be described mathematically
25:1 (Andersen et al., 1992), the only possible explanation for the with a power function, thus allowing the predicted brain mass to
ubiquitous quote of 10 times more glial than neuronal cells in the be calculated for any species. EQ indicates how much the observed
entire human brain would be the presence of nearly one trillion brain mass of a species deviates from the expected for its body
glial cells in the remaining structures alone – an unlikely scenario, mass: an EQ of 1 indicates that the observed brain mass matches
since these structures represent <10% of total brain mass. the expected value; an EQ >1 means that brain size in that species
is larger than expected for its body mass.
WHY BOTHER WITH CELL NUMBERS? Compared to mammals as a whole, humans have the largest EQ
Across species, the number of neurons and their relative abundance found for any mammal, of between 7 and 8 (Jerison, 1973); even if
in different parts of the brain is widely considered to be a determi- compared to anthropoid primates only, humans still have an EQ
nant of neural function and, consequently, of behavior (Williams of over 3, a value that is larger than that obtained for any other
and Herrup, 1988). Among mammals, those species with the largest
brains, such as cetaceans and primates, have a greater range and
versatility of behavior than those with the smallest brains, such as
insectivores (Jerison, 1985; Marino, 2002). Among birds, those that
are larger-brained (corvids, parrots and owls) are also considered
the most intelligent (Lefebvre et al., 2004). A recent comparison
of several parameters, including brain size, relative brain size,
encephalization, conduction velocity and estimated numbers of
neurons led two authors to conclude that the “factors that correlate
better with intelligence (across species) are the number of corti-
cal neurons and conduction velocity, as the basis for information FIGURE 1 | The human brain is not the largest. Brains of a human and of
processing” (Roth and Dicke, 2005). Indeed, within non-human an African elephant are depicted here at the same scale. Drawings by
primates, a recent meta-analysis concluded that the best predictor Lorena Kaz based on images freely available from the University of
Wisconsin and Michigan State Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections
of the cognitive abilities of a species is absolute brain size, not rela- (
tive size nor encephalization quotient (EQ; Deaner et al., 2007).

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primate or cetacean (Marino, 1998). The position of the human of brain allometry, as if their brains were built according to
species as an outlier in the body × brain comparison is made clear the same scaling rules (for example, Haug, 1987; Zhang and
if one considers that although gorillas and orangutans overlap or Sejnowski, 2000).
exceed humans in body size, their brains amount to only about Comparisons across orders that seem to invalidate the correla-
one-third of the size of the human brain. tion between numbers of neurons and cognitive ability, such as
There are, however, several problems with the notion that between monkeys and ungulates, or rodents and primates, also bear
the explanation for the superior cognitive abilities of the human this hidden caveat: the assumption that brain size relates to number
species lies in its large EQ. For one, it is not obvious how larger- of neurons in the brain in a similar fashion across orders. This
than-expected brain mass would confer a cognitive advantage. In assumption, which was justifiable by the lack of direct estimates
principle, this advantage would rely on the availability for cognitive of the neuronal composition of the brain of different species, is so
functions of whatever brain mass exceeds what is necessary to proc- widespread that it implicitly or explicitly underlies most compara-
ess body-related information. However, according to this notion, tive studies to date (for example, Haug, 1987; Finlay and Darlington,
small-brained animals with very large EQs should be expected 1995; Barton and Harvey, 2000; Clark et al., 2001). The very concept
to have more cognitive abilities than large-brained animals with of encephalization presupposes that not only the brain scales as a
smaller EQs. Capuchin monkeys, for instance, have much larger function of body size, but that all brains scale the same way, such
EQs than gorillas (Marino, 1998), but are outranked by these in cog- that the only informative (and sufficient) variable is brain size and
nitive performance (Deaner et al., 2007). Absolute brain mass and its deviation from the expected. However, our quantitative studies
number of neurons, left out of the encephalization equation, must on the cellular scaling rules that apply to different mammalian
clearly be taken into consideration, since the “exceeding number of orders have shown that this assumption is invalid and therefore
neurons” in a large brain should necessarily be larger than that in should no longer be applied (see below).
a smaller brain of same EQ (Herculano-Houzel, 2007).
Another problem with the utility of the EQ is that the body– ASSUMPTION 3: PROPORTIONS AND RELATIVE SIZE MATTER
brain mass relationship from which expected brain mass is derived An often cited argument in favor of the uniqueness of the human
depends on the precise combination of species computed (Barton, brain is its relatively large cerebral cortex, which accounts for 82%
2006; Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007). We have recently found that, of brain mass. Within this large cerebral cortex, a relative enlarge-
compared to the linear brain × body relationship that applies to ment of the prefrontal cortex was once considered a hallmark of
the primate species in our sample (which consisted of simian and the human brain, but this view has however been overthrown by
prosimian primates; Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007), the human modern measurements (Semendeferi et al., 2002). Still, the distri-
brain deviates by only 10% from its expected size (Azevedo et al., bution of cortical mass in humans may differ from that in other
2009). This conformity to the body × brain relationship that applies primates, endowing particularly relevant regions such as area 10
to non-anthropoid primates is consistent with the observation that, with relatively more neurons in the human cortex (Semendeferi
like in other non-anthropoid primates, the human brain mass rep- et al., 2001).
resents about 2% of body mass. Given the sensitivity of EQ to the Relative size is supposed to be a meaningful indicator of relative
species included and our finding that the human brain conforms functional importance of a brain structure based on the assumption
to the scaling rules that apply to other primates (see below), we that it is a proxy for relative number of neurons. For instance, the
have suggested that, rather than humans having a larger brain than increase in relative size of the cerebral cortex with increasing brain
expected, it is the great apes such as orangutans and, more notably, size simultaneously with no systematic change in the relative size of
gorillas that have bodies that are much larger than expected for the cerebellum has been used as evidence that these structures are
primates of their brain size (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007). functionally independent and have been evolving separately (Clark
This latter possibility of a dissociation between brain and body et al., 2001). Such discrepancy would support the popular notion
development in evolution (which might be only circumstantially, that brain evolution equates with development of the cerebral cor-
and not causally, related) constitutes a final criticism to the useful- tex, which comes to predominate over the other brain structures.
ness of the EQ as an index of “brain” evolution in comparative However, analysis of absolute, rather than relative, cerebral cortical
studies: indeed, the emphasis on the body-centered EQ overlooks and cerebellar volumes in the same dataset leads to the opposite
the observation that, compared to other mammalian orders, primate conclusion: the coordinated scaling of these volumes, as well as of
encephalization is the result of a shift in postcranial growth proc- the surface areas of these structures, would be evidence that the
esses, not a modification of brain growth (Deacon, 1997). In the cerebral cortex and cerebellum are functionally related and have
words of Deacon, “if primates have big brains merely because they been evolving coordinately (Barton, 2002; Sultan, 2002).
have small bodies, we cannot presume that this represents an evolu- As it turns out, however, the underlying assumption that the
tionary trend driven by cognitive demands”(p. 343). In this scenario, relative size of a brain structure reflects the relative number of
however, the human brain exhibits a further modification in that it brain neurons that it contains is flawed.
continues to grow as though in a larger body (Deacon, 1997). Now that numbers of neurons are available across rodents, pri-
mates and insectivores, we find that the cerebral cortex, despite
ASSUMPTION 2: BRAIN SIZE MATTERS varying in relative size from 42% (in the mouse) to 82% of brain
Brain size varies across mammals by a factor of approximately mass (in the human), contains between 13 and 28% of all brain
100,000 (Tower, 1954; Stolzenburg et al., 1989). Different mam- neurons in 15 of 18 species studied, ranging between 13% (in
malian orders have traditionally been pooled together in studies moles) and 41% (in the squirrel monkey; Herculano-Houzel et al.,

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Herculano-Houzel The human brain in numbers

2006, 2007; Sarko et al., 2009). Most importantly, this fractional orders, considers solely how brain size changes as a function of
number of neurons in the cerebral cortex relative to the whole its number of neurons within a given order, irrespective of body
brain is not correlated with the relative size of the cerebral cortex size, and without any concerns regarding phylogenenetic effects
(Figure 2). Instead, the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex within that order, or even whether evolution of the extant species
increases coordinately with the number of neurons in the cerebel- has involved an expansion of brain size, a reduction, or both. In the
lum (Herculano-Houzel, submitted). particular case of primates, we have recently extended our analysis
to another set of five primate species (Gabi et al., submitted), and
A NEW VIEW: SCALING OF NEURONAL NUMBERS found that the same cellular scaling relationships apply to the origi-
CELLULAR SCALING RULES FOR RODENT, INSECTIVORE, nal dataset (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007), to the second dataset,
AND PRIMATE BRAINS and to the combined, extended dataset. This is evidence that the
Our group has been investigating the cellular scaling rules that cellular scaling rules considered here from a set of primate species
apply to brain allometry in different mammalian orders using the also extend to primates as a whole, and can be used to infer the
novel method of isotropic fractionation, which produces cell counts expected cellular composition of the human brain – even though
derived from tissue homogenates from anatomically defined brain small variations may occur across species that might, indeed, be
regions (Herculano-Houzel and Lent, 2005). Through the estima- due to phylogenetic interdependencies.
tion of absolute numbers of neuronal and non-neuronal cells in In the order Rodentia, we find that the brain increases in size
the brains of different mammalian species and their comparison faster than it gains neurons, with a decrease in neuronal densities
within individual orders, we have been able to determine the scal- which, in the presence of constant non-neuronal cell densities,
ing rules that apply to the brains of species spanning a wide range implies that average neuronal size increases rapidly as neurons
of body and brain masses in rodents (Herculano-Houzel et al., become more numerous (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006). The
2006), primates (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007) and more recently increase in numbers of neurons in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum
in insectivores (Sarko et al., 2009). A comparative overview of brain and remaining areas is concurrent with an even greater increase in
mass and total number of neurons for these species can be seen numbers of non-neurons, yielding a maximal glia/neuron ratio that
in Figure 3. increases with brain size (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006). These
A recent issue in comparative studies of brain scaling has been findings corroborated previous studies describing neuronal density
the examination of how residual variation in different parameters decreasing and the glia-to-neuron ratio increasing with increasing
relate to phylogenetic relationships once shared evolutionary com- brain size across mammalian taxa (Tower and Elliot, 1952; Shariff,
monalities in body or brain size are accounted for (Harvey and 1953; Friede, 1954; Tower, 1954; Hawking and Olszewski, 1957;
Pagel, 1991; Nunn and Barton, 2000). Although such analyses of Haug, 1987; Reichenbach, 1989; Stolzenburg et al., 1989).
independent contrasts are instrumental for identifying evolutionary In contrast to rodent brains, which scale hypermetrically in
correlations across taxa while taking into account this phylogenetic size with their numbers of neurons, primate brain size increases
nonindependence, they overlook the very issue at hand here: how approximately isometrically as a function of neuron number, with
the size of the brain reflects the number of neurons that it contains, no systematic change in neuronal density or in the non-neuronal/
regardless of body size and of any other shared characteristics. neuronal ratio with increasing brain size (Herculano-Houzel et al.,
For this reason, the analysis reviewed here, referred to as unveiling 2007). Across insectivore species, on the other hand, the cerebellum
the “cellular scaling rules” for the brain of different mammalian increases linearly in size as a function of its number of neurons (as
in primates), while the cerebral cortex increases in size hypermetri-
cally as it gains neurons (as in rodents; Sarko et al., 2009). In view
of the similar non-neuronal cell densities across species, hyper-
metric scaling of brain structure mass as a function of its number
of neurons implies a concurrent increase in the average neuronal
size (which, in the method’s definition, includes not only the cell
soma but also the entire dendritic and axonal arborizations as well
as synapses; Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006). As a consequence of
these different cellular scaling rules, shown in Table 1, a 10-fold
increase in the number of neurons in a rodent brain results in a
35-fold larger brain; in contrast, a similar 10-fold increase in the
number of neurons in a primate brain results in an increase in
brain size of only 11-fold.


FIGURE 2 | Relative size of the cerebral cortex does not inform about the
relative number of neurons in the cortex compared to the whole brain. NUMBERS OF NEURONS
Each point indicates, for a given species, the average relative cortical mass as The different cellular scaling rules that apply to rodent, primate
a percentage of total brain mass (X-axis) and the average relative number of and insectivore brains show very clearly that brain size cannot be
cortical neurons as a percentage of the total number of neurons in the brain used indiscriminately as a proxy for numbers of neurons in the
(Y-axis). Data from Herculano-Houzel et al. (2006, 2007); Azevedo et al. (2009);
and Sarko et al. (2009).
brain, or even in a brain structure, across orders. By maintaining
the average neuronal size (including all arborizations) invariant

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Herculano-Houzel The human brain in numbers

FIGURE 3 | Brain mass and total number of neurons for the mammalian their bluish hue (due to illumination conditions). All images shown to the same
species examined so far with the isotropic fractionator. Brains are arranged scale. Primate images, except for the capuchin monkey and human brain, from
from left to right, top to bottom, in order of increasing number of neurons the University of Wisconsin and Michigan State Comparative Mammalian Brain
according to average species values from Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006 Collections ( Insectivore images kindly provided by
(rodents), Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007 (non-human primates), Sarko et al., Diana Sarko, and human brain image by Roberto Lent. Rodent images from the
2009 (insectivores) and Azevedo et al., 2009 (human brain). Rodent brains face author. Notice that some rodent brains, such as the agouti and the capybara,
right, primate brains face left, insectivore brains can be identified in the figure by contain fewer neurons than primate brains that are smaller than them.

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Herculano-Houzel The human brain in numbers

as brain size changes, primate brains scale in size in a much more larger-brained capybara (3.7 billion against 1.6 billion), and also
space-saving, economical manner compared to the inflationary about four times more neurons in the cerebral cortex (1.1 billion
growth that occurs in rodents, in which larger numbers of neurons against 0.3).
are accompanied by larger neurons. The significance of the difference in scaling rules for building
The cognitive consequences of this difference, which allows brains with large numbers of neurons becomes even more obvi-
primate brains to enjoy the benefits of a large increase in numbers ous if one considers the expected number of neurons for a generic
of neurons without the otherwise associated cost of a much larger rodent brain of human-sized proportions, weighing 1.5 kg: such
increase in overall brain volume, can be glimpsed by returning to a brain would have only 12 billion neurons, and a much larger
the comparison between rodents and primates of similar brain size. number of 46 billion non-neuronal cells. This number of neurons
Now that absolute numbers of neurons can be compared across is smaller than the number of neurons estimated to exist in the
the similar-sized brains of agoutis and owl monkeys, and of capy- human cerebral cortex alone (Pakkenberg and Gundersen, 1997;
baras and capuchin monkeys (Figure 4), the expected correlation Pelvig et al., 2008), and about seven times smaller than the number
between cognitive ability and numbers of neurons is actually found of neurons predicted for a 1.5-kg brain built with the scaling rules
to hold: with 1468 million neurons, owl monkeys have almost twice that apply to primates (see below).
as many neurons in the brain as agoutis (which hold 857 million),
and about four times more neurons in the cerebral cortex than the THE CELLULAR COMPOSITION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN
agouti (442 million versus 113 million). Likewise, the capuchin The determination of the cellular scaling rules that apply to pri-
monkey brain has more than twice the number of neurons of the mate brains (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007) enabled us to predict
the cellular composition of the human brain. According to these
Table 1 | Power law exponents that apply to the scaling of brain mass, rules, a generic primate brain of 1.5 kg should have 93 billion
or structure mass, as a function of the number of neurons they contain neurons, and 112 billion non-neuronal cells: glial cells, thus, should
in rodents, insectivores and primates. constitute at most half of all brain cells. This generic primate brain
should have a cerebral cortex of about 1.4 kg, containing 25 bil-
Rodents Insectivores Primates lion neurons, and a cerebellum weighing 120 g, with 70 billion
neurons (Table 2).
Brain mass × neurons MBR ∼ NBR1.550 MBR ∼ NBR1.016 MBR ∼ NBR1.056
Establishing whether the human brain indeed conforms to
Cortical mass × neurons MCX ∼ NCX1.744 MCX ∼ NCX1.520 MCX ∼ NCX1.077
the scaling rules that apply to other primates, however, required
Cerebellar mass × neurons MCB ∼ NCB1.372 MCB ∼ NCB1.028 MCB ∼ NCB0.990
determining its cellular composition using the same method. This
Remaining areas MRA ∼ NRA1.153 MRA ∼ NRA0.926 MRA ∼ NRA1.013
was accomplished by Azevedo et al. (2009), who found that the
mass × neurons
adult male human brain, at an average of 1.5 kg, has 86 billion
neurons and 85 billion non-neuronal cells – numbers that devi-
Data are from Herculano-Houzel et al. (2006), Sarko et al. (2009) and Herculano-
Houzel et al. (2009). Scaling laws for primate brains do not include human ate from the expected by 7 and 24% only. The human cerebral
values. cortex, with an average 1233 g and 16 billion neurons, is slightly

FIGURE 4 | Brain size is not a reliable indicator of number of neurons across orders. Because of the different cellular scaling rules that apply to rodent and
primate brains, primates always concentrate larger numbers of neurons in the brain than rodents of a similar, or even larger, brain size. Data from Herculano-Houzel
et al. (2006, 2007). Illustration by Lorena Kaz.

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Table 2 | Expected values for a generic rodent and primate brains of 1.5 kg, and values observed for the human brain (Azevedo et al., 2009).

Generic rodent brain Generic primate brain Human brain

Brain mass 1500 g 1500 g 1508 g

Total number of neurons in brain 12 billion 93 billion 86 billion
Total number of non-neurons in brain 46 billion 112 billion 85 billion
Mass, cerebral cortex 1154 g 1412 g 1233 g
Neurons, cerebral cortex 2 billion 25 billion 16 billion
Relative size of the cerebral cortex 77% of brain mass 94% of brain mass 82% of brain mass
Relative number of neurons in cerebral cortex 17% of brain neurons 27% of brain neurons 19% of brain neurons
Mass, cerebellum 133 g 121 g 154 g
Neurons, cerebellum 10 billion 61 billion 69 billion
Relative size of the cerebellum 9% of brain mass 8% of brain mass 10% of brain mass

Notice that although the expected mass of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum are similar for these hypothetical brains, the numbers of neurons that they
contain are remarkably different. The human brain thus exhibits seven times more neurons than expected for a rodent brain of its size, but 92% of what would
be expected of a hypothetical primate brain of the same size. Expected values were calculated based on the power laws relating structure size and number of
neurons (irrespective of body size) that apply to average species values for rodents (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006) and primate brains (Herculano-Houzel et al.,
2007), excluding the olfactory bulb.

below expectations for a primate brain of 1.5 kg, while the human hominin lineage before humans, should also conform to the same
cerebellum, at 154 g and 69 billion neurons, matches or even slightly cellular scaling rules. An examination of the cellular composition
exceeds the expected (Table 2). of the cerebellum of orangutans and one gorilla shows that the
Although not observed in the comparatively small rodent species sizes of the cerebellum and cerebral cortex predicted for these spe-
analyzed, the enlargement of the cerebral cortex is not, in principle, cies from the number of cells in the cerebellum match their actual
an exclusive feature of the human brain: a similar expansion of the sizes, which suggests that the brain of these animals indeed is built
mass of the cerebral cortex, relative to the whole brain, is predicted according to the same scaling rules that apply to humans and other
by both the rodent and primate cellular scaling rules, irrespec- primates (Herculano-Houzel and Kaas, in preparation). In view of
tive of the number of neurons contained in the cortex (Table 2). the discrepant relationship between body and brain size in humans,
Remarkably, the human cerebral cortex, which represents 82% of great apes, and non-anthropoid primates, these findings suggest
brain mass, holds only 19% of all neurons in the human brain – a that the rules that apply to scaling primate brains are much more
fraction that is similar to the fraction that we observed in several conserved than those that apply to scaling the body. This raises the
other primates, rodents, and even insectivores (Figure 1). The possibility that brain mass and body mass across species are only
relatively large human cerebral cortex, therefore, is not different correlated, rather than brain mass being determined by body mass,
from the cerebral cortex of other animals in its relative number as presumed in studies that focus on the variation of residuals after
of neurons. regression onto body size. Supportive evidence comes from the
It should be noted that the unchanging proportional number dissociation between brain and body growth in development, in
of neurons in the cerebral cortex relative to the whole brain does which the former actually precedes the latter (reviewed in Deacon,
not contradict an expansion in volume, function and number of 1997), and from our observation that body mass seems more free to
neurons of the cerebral cortex in evolution: the absolute number vary across species than brain mass as a function of its number of
of neurons in the rodent and primate cerebral cortex does increase neurons. In this view, it will be interesting to consider the alternative
much faster in larger brains compared to the number of neurons hypothesis that body size is not a determining variable for brain
in the combined brainstem, diencephalon and basal ganglia, and is size in comparative studies of brain neuroanatomy, and particularly
accompanied by a similarly fast increase in the number of neurons not an (independent) parameter for assessing quantitative aspects
in the cerebellum (Figure 5). of the human brain.
Because of the diverging power laws that relate brain size and
number of neurons across rodents and primates, the latter can DO WE HAVE THE MOST NEURONS? PREDICTIONS FOR OTHER LARGE-
hold more neurons in the same brain volume, with larger neuronal BRAINED MAMMALS
densities than found in rodents. Since neuronal density does not The different cellular scaling rules that apply to rodents and pri-
scale with brain size in primates, but decreases with increasing mates strongly indicate that it is not valid to use brain size as a proxy
brain size in rodents, the larger the brain size, the larger is the for number of neurons across humans, whales, elephants and other
difference in number of neurons across similar-sized rodent and large-brained species belonging to different mammalian orders.
primate brains. One consequence of this realization is that sheer size alone, or in
relation to body size, is not an adequate parameter to qualify, or
PREDICTIONS FOR GREAT APES disqualify, the human brain as “special”.
The finding that the same cellular scaling rules apply to humans A comparison of expected numbers can nevertheless be very illu-
and non-anthropoid primate brains alike, irrespective of body size, minating. For instance, given the cellular scaling rules that we have
indicates that the brains of the great apes, which diverged from the observed for rodents (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006), a hypothetical

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FIGURE 5 | Numbers of neurons increase faster in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum than in the remaining brain areas (the combined brainstem,
diencephalon and basal ganglia). Data points indicate average values for individual species of rodents (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006), primates (Herculano-Houzel
et al., 2007), including humans (Azevedo et al., 2009), and insectivores (Sarko et al., 2009).

rodent brain with 86 billion neurons, like the human brain, would THE HUMAN BRAIN IS A LINEARLY SCALED-UP PRIMATE
be predicted to weigh overwhelming 35 kg – a value that is way BRAIN IN ITS NUMBER OF NEURONS. WHAT NOW?
beyond the largest known brain mass of 9 kg for the blue whale, COGNITIVE ABILITIES, BRAIN SIZE AND NUMBER OF NEURONS
and probably physiologically unattainable. As mentioned above, a To conclude that the human brain is a linearly scaled-up primate
generic rodent brain of human-sized proportions, weighing 1.5 kg, brain, with just the expected number of neurons for a primate
would have only 12 billion neurons: in this sense, therefore, being brain of its size, is not to state that it is unremarkable in its capabili-
a primate endows us with seven times more neurons than would ties. However, as studies on the cognitive abilities of non-human
be expected if we were rodents. Notice that this remarkable differ- primates and other large-brained animals progress, it becomes
ence does not rely on assumptions about how brain size or cellular increasingly likely that humans do not have truly unique cognitive
composition relate to body size in the species. abilities, and hence must differ from these animals not qualita-
A burning question is now whether cetaceans and elephants, tively, but rather in the combination and extent of abilities such
endowed with much larger brains than humans, also have much as theory of mind, imitation and social cognition (Marino et al.,
larger numbers of neurons than humans. According to one estimate, 2009). Quantitative changes in the neuronal composition of the
the false killer whale and the African elephant would have about 11 brain could therefore be a main driving force that, through the
billion neurons in the cerebral cortex, despite their large size – and exponential combination of processing units, and therefore of
fewer neurons than the 11.5 billion estimated by the same method computational abilities, leads to events that may look like “jumps”
for the human cerebral cortex, though only marginally so (Roth and in the evolution of brains and intelligence (Roth and Dicke, 2005).
Dicke, 2005). These estimates, however, were obtained by simply Such quantitative changes are likely to be warranted by increases
multiplying cerebral cortical volume and the neuronal densities in the absolute (rather than relative) numbers of neurons in rel-
determined for a few cortical areas, which probably do not reflect evant cortical areas and, coordinately, in the cerebellar circuits
average neuronal density in the entire cortex. that interact with them (Ramnani, 2006). Moreover, viewing the
Although direct measurements of cellular composition are not human brain as a linearly scaled-up primate brain in its cellular
yet available from whole elephant and whale brains, it is illumi- composition does not diminish the role that particular neuro-
nating to consider how their cellular compositions would differ anatomical arrangements, such as changes in the relative size of
depending on whether predicted from the scaling rules that apply functional cortical areas (for instance, Semendeferi et al., 2001;
to rodent or to primate brains. As shown in Table 3, the difference Rilling and Seligman, 2002), in the volume of prefrontal white
in numbers of neurons predicted to compose the brains of the false matter (Schoenemann et al., 2005) or in the size of specific por-
killer whale and of the African elephant is 10-fold depending on tions of the cerebellum (Ramnani, 2006) may play in human
the scaling rules employed. Speculatively, the estimate of neuronal cognition. Rather, such arrangements should contribute to brain
density in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex of the whale and the function in combination with the large number of neurons in the
elephant at a low figure of about 7000 neurons/mm3 (Tower, 1954) human brain. Our analysis of numbers of neurons has so far been
suggests that these brains conform to scaling rules that are much restricted to large brain divisions, such as the entire cerebral cortex
closer to those that apply to rodents than to the primate scaling and the ensemble of brainstem, diencephalon and basal ganglia,
rules. It may turn out, therefore, these very large brains are com- but an analysis of the cellular scaling of separate functional corti-
posed of remarkably fewer neurons than the human brain, despite cal areas and the related subcortical structures is underway. Such
their size, thanks to the distinct, economical scaling rules that apply data should allow us to address important issues such as mosaic
to primates in general (and not to humans in particular). evolution through concerted changes in the functionally related

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Table 3 | Predicted cellular composition of whale and elephant brains if they scaled according to rodent or primate cellular scaling rules.

Predicted from rodent rules Predicted from primate rules


Neurons, whole brain 21 billion 212 billion
Mass, cerebral cortex 3000 g 3655 g
Neurons, cerebral cortex 3 billion 55 billion
Neuronal density, cortex 1000 neurons/mg* 30–80,000 neurons/mg**
Mass, cerebellum 304 g 279 g
Neurons, cerebellum 19 billion 140 billion
Neuronal density, cerebellum 63,500 neurons/mg* 400–600,000 neurons/mg*
Neurons, whole brain 23 billion 241 billion
Mass, cerebral cortex 3488 g 4245 g
Neurons, cerebral cortex 3 billion 62 billion
Neuronal density, cortex 960 neurons/mg* 30–80,000 neurons/mg***
Mass, cerebellum 347 g 318 g
Neurons, cerebellum 21 billion 159 billion
Neuronal density, cerebellum 61,200 neurons/mg* 400–600,000 neurons/mg*

Neuronal densities (*) predicted from the rodent scaling rules apply to the whole structures, including white matter. Neuronal densities predicted from the primate
scaling rules are the range observed in primate gray matter (**) (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2008), and in the primate cerebellum including white matter (***), since
neuronal density does not covary with structure size in primates (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007). Notice the difference in predicted numbers of neurons depending
on the scaling rules applied. Given the low neuronal densities observed in the whale and elephant gray matter, of about 7000 neurons/mm3 of gray matter, it is
reasonable to speculate that the scaling rules that apply to whale and elephant brains are closer to the rules that apply to rodent brains than to the rules that apply to
primate brains. Notice also that the actual size of the elephant cerebellum, at about 1 kg (Hakeem et al., 2005), is much larger than the predicted here.

components of distributed systems, and the presumed increase in across individuals of the same species. Not only the extent of
relative number of neurons in systems that increase in importance intraspecific variation is much smaller (on the order of 10–50%)
(Barton and Harvey, 2000; Barton, 2006). than interspecific variation (which spans five orders of magnitude
If cognitive abilities among non-human primates scale with abso- within mammals; Tower, 1954; Stolzenburg et al., 1989), but also the
lute brain size (Deaner et al., 2007) and brain size scales linearly across mechanisms underlying interspecific and intraspecific variation are
primates with its number of neurons (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2007), also likely to differ. Our own preliminary data suggest that, indeed,
it is tempting to infer that the cognitive abilities of a primate, and of variations in brain size across rats of the same age are not correlated
other mammals for that matter, are directly related to the number with variations in numbers of neurons (Morterá and Herculano-
of neurons in its brain. In this sense, it is interesting to realize that, Houzel, unpublished observations). There is no justification, there-
if the same linear scaling rules are considered to apply to great apes fore, to extend the linear correlation between brain size and number
as to other primates, then similar three-fold differences in brain size of neurons across primates to a putative correlation across persons
and in brain neurons alike apply to humans compared to gorillas, of different brain sizes (which might be used, inappropriately, as
and to gorillas compared to baboons. This, however, is not to say grounds for claims that larger-brained individuals have more neu-
that any cognitive advantages that the human brain may have over rons, and are therefore “smarter”, than smaller-brained persons).
the gorilla and that the gorilla may have over the baboon are equally In fact, although men have been reported to have more neurons in
three-fold – although these differences are difficult to quantify. Since the cerebral cortex than women (Pakkenberg and Gundersen, 1997;
neurons interact combinatorially through the synapses they establish Pelvig et al., 2008), there is no significant correlation between brain
with one another, and further so as they interact in networks, the size and general cognitive ability within families (Schoenemann
increase in cognitive abilities afforded by increasing the number of et al., 2000). Across these individuals, other factors such as varia-
neurons in the brain can be expected to increase exponentially with tions in number and identity of synaptic connections within and
absolute number of neurons, and might even be subject to a threshold- across structures, building on a statistically normal, albeit variable,
ing effect once critical points of information processing are reached. number of neurons, and depending on genetics and life experiences
In this way, the effects of a three-fold increase in numbers of neurons such as learning, are more likely to be determinant of the individual
may be much more remarkable when comparing already large brains, cognitive abilities (see, for instance, Mollgaard et al., 1971; Black
such as those of humans and gorillas, than when comparing small et al., 1990; Irwin et al., 2000; Draganski et al., 2004).
brains, such as those of squirrel monkeys and galagos.
INTRASPECIFIC VARIABILITY IN SIZE, NUMBERS AND ABILITIES Novel quantitative data on the cellular composition of the human
One final caveat to keep in mind when studying scaling of numbers brain and its comparison to other primate brains strongly indicate that
of brain neurons, particularly in regard to cognition, is that rela- we need to rethink our notions about the place that the human brain
tionships observed across species need not apply to comparisons holds in nature and evolution, and rewrite some of the basic concepts

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that are taught in textbooks. Accumulating evidence (Deacon, 1997; Other “facts” that deserve updating are the ubiquitous quote
Roth and Dicke, 2005; Deaner et al., 2007) indicates that an alterna- of 100 billion neurons (a value that lies outside of the margin of
tive view of the source of variations in cognitive abilities across species variation found so far in human brains; Azevedo et al., 2009), and,
merits investigation: one that disregards body and brain size and more strikingly, the widespread remark that there are 10× more glial
examines absolute numbers of neurons as a more relevant parameter cells than neurons in the human brain. As we have shown, glial cells
instead. Now that these numbers can be determined in various brains in the human brain are at most 50% of all brain cells, which is an
and their structures, direct comparisons can be made across species important finding since it is one more brain characteristic that we
and orders, with no assumptions about body–brain size relationships share with other primates (Azevedo et al., 2009).
required. Complementarily, however, it now becomes possible to Finally, if being considered the bearer of a linearly scaled-up
examine how numbers of neurons in the brain, rather than brain size, primate brain does not sound worthy enough for the animal that
relate to body mass and surface as well as metabolism, parameters considers himself the most cognitively able on Earth, one can note
that have been considered relevant in comparative studies (Martin, that there are, indeed, two advantages to the human brain when
1981; Fox and Wilczynski, 1986; MacLarnon, 1996; Schoenemann, compared to others – even if it is not an outlier, nor unique in any
2004), in order to establish what mechanisms underlie the loosely remarkable way. First, the human brain scales as a primate brain:
correlated scaling of body and brain. this economical property of scaling alone, compared to rodents,
According to this now possible neuron-centered view, rather assures that the human brain has many more neurons than would
than to the body-centered view that dominates the literature (see fit into a rodent brain of similar size, and possibly into any other
Gazzaniga, 2008, for a comprehensive review), the human brain similar-sized brain. And second, our standing among primates as
has the number of neurons that is expected of a primate brain of the proud owners of the largest living brain assures that, at least
its size; a cerebral cortex that is exactly as large as expected for a among primates, we enjoy the largest number of neurons from
primate brain of 1.5 kg; just as many neurons as expected in the which to derive cognition and behavior as a whole. It will now be
cerebral cortex for the size of this structure; and, despite having a interesting to determine whether humans, indeed, have the largest
relatively large cerebral cortex (which, however, a rodent brain of number of neurons in the brain among mammals as a whole.
1.5 kg would also be predicted to have), this enlarged cortex holds
just the same proportion of brain neurons in humans as do other ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
primate cortices (and rodent cortices, for that matter). This final Thanks to Roberto Lent and Jon Kaas for continued support and
observation calls for a reappraisal of the view of brain evolution encouragement, to Bruno Mota for insightful discussions, and to
that concentrates on the expansion of the cerebral cortex, and its the colleagues who participated in the quantification of the cel-
replacement with a more integrated view of coordinate evolution lular composition of the brain of various species. Supported by
of cellular composition, neuroanatomical structure, and function CNPq-Ed. Universal and FAPERJ-Jovem Cientista do Estado do
of cerebral cortex and cerebellum (Whiting and Barton, 2003). Rio de Janeiro.

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21–32. ous mammals. Glia 2, 71–77. Sultan, F. (2002). Analysis of mamma- tion, and reproduction in any medium,
Marino, L., Connor, R. C., Fordyce, R. E., Rilling, J. K. (2006). Human and lian brain architecture. Nature 415, provided the original authors and source
Herman, L. M., Hof, P. R., Lefebvre, nonhuman primate brains: are they 133–134. are credited.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience November 2009 | Volume 3 | Article 31 | 11

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Poo et al. BMC Biology (2016)4:
DOI 10.1186/s12915-016-0261-6

FORUM Open Access

What is memory? The present state of

the engram
Mu-ming Poo1*, Michele Pignatelli2, Tomás J. Ryan2,3, Susumu Tonegawa2,3*, Tobias Bonhoeffer4, Kelsey C. Martin5,
Andrii Rudenko6, Li-Huei Tsai6, Richard W. Tsien7, Gord Fishell7, Caitlin Mullins7, J. Tiago Gonçalves8,
Matthew Shtrahman8, Stephen T. Johnston8, Fred H. Gage8, Yang Dan9, John Long7, György Buzsáki7
and Charles Stevens8

connections due to correlated activities during memory ac-

quisition. The discovery of activity-induced long-term po-
The mechanism of memory remains one of the great tentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of central
unsolved problems of biology. Grappling with the synapses in the 1970s and 80s further sparked the interest of
question more than a hundred years ago, the German a whole generation of neurobiologists in studying synaptic
zoologist Richard Semon formulated the concept of plasticity and its relationship to memory. There is now gen-
the engram, lasting connections in the brain that eral consensus that persistent modification of the synaptic
result from simultaneous “excitations”, whose precise strength via LTP and LTD of pre-existing connections
physical nature and consequences were out of reach represents a primary mechanism for the formation of mem-
of the biology of his day. Neuroscientists now have ory engrams. In addition, LTP and LTD could also lead to
the knowledge and tools to tackle this question, the formation of new and elimination of old synapses and
however, and this Forum brings together leading thus changes in structural connectivity in the brain. Indeed,
contemporary views on the mechanisms of memory early development of neural circuits, whereby neural activity
and what the engram means today. sculpts synaptic connectivity [2], depends on processes simi-
lar to that associated with LTP and LTD in the adult brain
and could be considered as the imprinting of memory en-
The cellular basis of memory grams generated by early experience.
Mu-ming Poo In this Forum, a group of experts on the cellular mecha-
Neurobiological studies of memory over the past century nisms of memory were invited to present their views on
have progressed along two relatively independent lines of “what is memory”, including where and how memory en-
inquiry: the top-down approach examines the animal’s be- grams are stored, consolidated, and retrieved. Drawing on
haviors associated with memory acquisition, consolidation, an elegant set of studies, Michele Pignatelli, Tomás Ryan,
and retrieval, as well as the brain regions underlying these and Susumu Tonegawa illustrate how recently developed
processes, whereas the bottom-up approach explores the techniques to tag and manipulate neurons have begun to
cellular and circuit mechanisms of memory encoding and establish a causal link between neuronal activity, persistent
storage by examining the patterns of neuronal firing and the synaptic changes, and an animal’s memory-associated be-
efficacy of synaptic transmission. In his monumental treatise haviors. The theme of persistent synaptic changes and their
[1] The Organization of Behavior (1949), Donald Hebb causal role in memory is taken up by Tobias Bonhoeffer,
made a bold attempt to link these two lines of inquiry by who summarizes the evidence that dendritic spines, where
postulating that perceptual memory resides in specific “cell excitatory synapses are located, represent the basic cellular
assemblies” formed by the strengthening of interneuronal unit for memory; long-term memory is stored in a set of
spines that are formed or modified during learning and
* Correspondence:; these changes may persist throughout the animal’s life.
Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at the Picower Institute for Based on the findings of activity-induced transcrip-
Learning and Memory, Department of Biology and Department of Brain and tional activation and synapse-specific local translation of
Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA proteins, Kelsey Martin expands on the idea that the
02139, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article basic building block of memory is the synapse, where

© 2016 Poo et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

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Poo et al. BMC Biology (2016)4: Page 2 of 18

both pre- and postsynaptic elements together with circuits store and recall the temporal sequence of informa-
associated glial processes form an integral unit with an tion up to seconds and longer, periods often associated
individual identity and distinct “neighborhood”. Andrii with episodic memory. A compression of the temporal
Rudenko and Li-Huei Tsai redirect attention to the nu- sequence of events such as occurs during sharp wave-
clei of engram cells, discussing the evidence that epigen- ripples in the hippocampus and neocortex offers a
etic alterations of the neurons activated during memory potential solution.
acquisition may be involved in the long-term retention The contributing articles of this Forum reflect the
of memory. They propose that such epigenetic modifica- tremendous progress made in our understanding of the
tion represents a priming event during the initial phase cellular building blocks of memory. There is a clear con-
of memory formation; memory retrieval would then sensus on where the memory engram is stored—specific
trigger the expression of the primed genes, leading to assemblies of synapses activated or formed during mem-
protein synthesis and synaptic modification at individual ory acquisition—and a substantial body of knowledge on
synaptic units. how the engram is generated and maintained in the
Depending on the availability of cellular resources, brain. However, knowing the building blocks and their
immediate modifications (LTP and LTD) and long-term properties is far from understanding the architecture of
turnover (formation and elimination) of individual syn- the “memory palace”. As Charles Stevens indicates in his
aptic units are bound to influence other units on the epilogue, and the readers will soon discover, many new
same postsynaptic cell. Richard Tsien, Gord Fishell, and territories are now open for exploration.
Caitlin Mullins focus on the important issue of lateral
synaptic interaction and redistribution of synaptic Engram cell connectivity as a substrate for
strength associated with LTP and LTD, from the point of memory storage
view of cellular homeostasis as well as the normalization Michele Pignatelli, Tomás J. Ryan, and Susumu Tonegawa
and signal-to-noise ratio of neuronal activities, and The storage of information refers to the systematic
propose a conceptual scheme to address the underlying process of collecting and cataloging data so that they
mechanisms. can be retrieved on request.
The hippocampus is unique in being a key brain re- One of the most enlightening conceptualizations of
gion for memory formation and a region in which adult the neural representation of stored memory information
neurogenesis occurs. Associated with hippocampus- was developed by Richard Semon, who conceived the
dependent spatial memory, Tiago Gonçalves, Matthew Engram Theory, a theory of memory traces [4]. Accord-
Shtrahman, Stephen Johnston, and Fred Gage discuss an ing to this theory, as fortified by contemporary know-
intriguing new dimension in the cellular mechanisms of ledge, learning activates a small ensemble of brain cells,
memory formation, whereby continuous addition of inducing in these cells persistent physical/chemical
newborn dentate gyrus neurons in the adult hippo- changes. In addition, reactivation of these cells by
campus, with their enhanced synaptic plasticity, may relevant recall cues results in retrieval of the specific
contribute significantly to establishing the engram for memory. The theory poses an important question: what
spatial memory. is the nature of the persistent changes?
As proposed by David Marr in his model of In his seminal book published in 1949, Donald Hebb
hippocampus-dependent memory [3] and supported by proposed a mechanism based on synaptic plasticity as a
many experimental and clinical studies, episodic memor- substrate of memory [1]. With an example of two cells
ies are transferred after acquisition from the hippocampus connected by an excitatory synapse, if the activation of
to the neocortex for long-term storage. The mechanisms one cell leads to the activation of the second one, the
underlying the transfer and consolidation of spatial mem- connection between the two cells is reinforced, a
ory are discussed by John Long and György Buzsaki in the postulate that has been confirmed experimentally [5–8].
context of hippocampal and entorhinal sharp wave- The increase in connectivity strength within a diffuse
ripples. These activity patterns occur during sleep or non- group of cells in a more complex feedforward circuit re-
attentive brain states and are replays of neuronal firing sults in the emergence of an engram cell ensemble.
sequences triggered by recent experience, for example The systematic dissection of the molecular mecha-
they can be temporally compressed replayed versions of nisms involved in synaptic plasticity has revealed that
the sequential neuronal firing seen as the animal traverses the cascade of events underlying the plastic changes
through a particular environment. As discussed by myself requires two distinct phases [9, 10]. In the encoding
and Yang Dan, although spike timing-dependent plasticity phase, also known as early long-term potentiation
could offer a synaptic mechanism for storing sequence (E-LTP), an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration
information with intervals up to a few hundreds of mediated by post-synaptic NMDA receptors elicits a
milliseconds, it remains largely unknown how neural change in synaptic weight by increasing the insertion and

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the conductance of AMPA receptors [11]. The dendritic feedforward excitatory engram cell circuit. Remarkably,
spines that support the post-synaptic machinery rapidly this preferential connectivity was maintained in mice
increase in number [12]. In a second phase lasting a few rendered amnesic by treatment with PSI within the con-
hours after the initial encoding period, the increased syn- solidation window, suggesting that memory storage may
aptic weight is maintained by a protein synthesis- survive retrograde amnesia in the form of a neural con-
dependent process known as cellular consolidation, during nectivity pattern. Indeed, optogenetic stimulation of DG
which the steady state synthesis of AMPA receptors is engram cells in vivo elicited similar cellular reactivation
shifted to a higher level. This second phase is known as patterns not only in the CA3 region but also in the
late LTP (L-LTP) [9, 10] and is sensitive to protein synthe- amygdala for both control and amnesic groups, thus
sis inhibitors (PSI). confirming the persistence of engram cell connectivity.
To date, memory storage has mainly been investigated These observations support the concept of preferential
by pharmacological or molecular manipulation and by connectivity of engram cell ensembles distributed across
correlating synaptic changes with the strength of memory multiple brain regions, which is established during learn-
recall. Only recently has it become possible to specifically ing and persists despite disruption of consolidation and
tag cells activated by learning. The demonstration that thereby provides a lasting substrate for memory storage.
these cells are part of a memory engram ensemble was These data also suggest that the synaptic potentiation
provided by a series of “optogenetic” experiments where a observed in consolidated engram cells is necessary for
learning-induced tagging strategy was employed to memory retrievability and not for storage [17]. While
express channelrhodopsin [13] in a small population of regulation of synaptic weight provides a scalar quantity
learning-activated cells [14, 15]. The opsin allowed for the to control information retrieval, synaptic connectivity
artificial light-induced reactivation of the cellular popula- holds the information specificity. This is because synap-
tion labeled during learning and resulted in memory ses that are activated during the encoding stage will dic-
retrieval. The same tagging strategy also verified the tate the eventual pattern of cellular connectivity of the
reactivation of tagged cells upon presentation of upstream and downstream engram cell ensembles. This
retrieval cues. notion is compatible with the broad view that synapses
Tagging “engram” cells offers a straightforward oppor- are the basic units of information storage (see Bonhoeffer,
tunity to investigate the nature of the persistent changes this Forum).
that occurred in these cells in response to learning. In a
recent study [16], “engram cells” were compared to How would the specific connectivity pattern between
“non engram cells” (non-tagged cells) by ex vivo patch engram cell ensembles be formed by specific learning?
clamp recordings after contextual fear conditioning Neural connections are formed during development and
(CFC). Engram cells displayed changes in synaptic weight certain circuits hold the innate capability to elicit complex
typical of LTP such as high current amplitude, insertion of behavioral reactions in response to specific perceptual cues
AMPA receptors, high spontaneous excitatory post- [18]. However, this does not seem to be the case in the hip-
synaptic current frequency and amplitude, and increased pocampal formation because inactivation of the down-
dendritic spine density. These changes were blocked by stream CA1 region before CFC results in anterograde
the systemic injection of PSI specifically within the amnesia which cannot be bypassed by direct optogenetic
consolidation window. Therefore, it is now clear that cells stimulation of DG engram cells [16]. Thus, the memory cir-
recruited by learning display synaptic changes typical of cuit is not configured under anterograde amnesic conditions
LTP and are reactivated by retrieval cues, and their and is not, therefore, genetically determined but requires
reactivation can elicit memory recall. Remarkably, how- hippocampal activity during memory encoding. As reported
ever, protein synthesis-dependent L-LTP seems to be dis- by Ryan et al. [16], learning-induced changes in connectivity
pensable for memory storage because direct optogenetic patterns are insensitive to PSI. So is E-LTP [9, 10] and this
activation of the engram cells in PSI-injected mice elicited early phase of plasticity may provide a framework to in-
full memory recall under a variety of conditions. vestigate the formation of new connections. For instance,
blocking NMDA receptor function should impair the
If L-LTP is dispensable for memory storage, what emergence of learning-induced connectivity patterns.
mechanism is responsible? During the induction of LTP, existing connections can
An integral memory engram may consist of preferential be potentiated [19] but new connections can also emerge
connectivity between engram cell ensembles distributed [20]. A hypothetical way this might happen is through the
across multiple brain regions. In the same report [16] it activation of silent synaptic connections [21]. These
was shown ex vivo that engram cells from the dentate synapses expressing only NMDA receptors and not
gyrus established preferential connections with engram AMPA receptors can become unsilenced through AMPA
cells in the downstream hippocampal CA3 region in a receptor insertion, a mechanism that could, in principle,

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support the formation of learning-induced changes in en- persist through unsilenced synaptic connections of basal
gram cell connectivity. Another possibility is that local unpotentiated strength (Fig. 1). Consistent with this per-
dendritic protein synthesis contributes to the rapid syn- spective, it has been recently shown that optogenetically
apse formation on engram cells, independently of its role induced long-term depression (LTD) of amygdala cells
in synaptic potentiation (see Martin, this Forum). impaired existing conditioned fear responses but subse-
quent optogenetically induced LTP of the same cells
What then maintains the learning-induced engram cell could restore optogenetic cue-evoked recall of the fear
connectivity that is initiated during encoding? memory [22].
Although learning-induced synaptic potentiation would The ability to tag cells activated by learning has
be suppressed by PSI, the new connectivity pattern could opened up new horizons in the investigation of memory

Fig. 1. Synaptic connectivity between engram cells as a mechanism for memory storage. a Cellular connectivity in a feedforward excitatory
circuit, b synaptic configuration, c dendritic spine density, and d protein synthesis state, shown in a naïve circuit, a circuit during encoding, a
circuit after consolidation, or a circuit in an amnesic condition. Engram circuit, cells, and synapses are displayed in green, non-engram in gray. In
the naïve state, the circuit displays a variety of synaptic patterns, including strong (thick gray lines) and weak synapses (thin gray lines) as well as
silent synapses (dotted lines) exclusively expressing NMDA receptors. During encoding, a network of engram cells is recruited. The preferential
connection between engram cells occurs either by potentiation of existing connections (blue dotted circles) or by unsilencing synapses (red dotted
circles). A spine density increase supports the synaptic changes. During consolidation, the steady state synthesis of AMPA receptors is shifted to a
higher level and the disruption of consolidation with protein synthesis inhibitors (PSI) results in retrograde amnesia. However, during PSI-induced
amnesia, memory storage persists within an engram-specific set of weak synaptic connections

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by revealing the role of the engram-specific connectivity was then performed a second time, much later in life,
in the storage of information. when normally this procedure has only a very limited
effect (if any), substantial adaptation still takes place
Spines and synapses as basic elements of memory because of the early experience that the animal has had.
storage Importantly, this savings effect could be related to new
Tobias Bonhoeffer spines that emerged during the first plasticity episode
In his seminal work, Donald Hebb [1] proposed that the and persisted [25]. The fact that there was no growth of
basic mechanism by which memories are stored in the additional spines during the second plasticity period,
brain is the enhancement of synaptic strength and, in while the functional adaptation occurred much faster
connection with that, morphological changes of the re- and more reliably, suggests that the persistent spines
spective synaptic contacts. In other words he proposed facilitate the second adaptation [25]. Therefore, these
that synapses and not cells are the basic building blocks spines serve to “remember” the previous sensory experi-
of memory, from a theoretical perspective a reasonable ences the animals had. Two subsequent studies [28, 29]
suggestion as there are approximately 10,000–100,000 further bolstered the case by showing that also in the
times more synapses in the brain than neurons. motor cortex the generation of new spines forms the
By now it is well established that morphological basis of learning motor tasks of different sorts. Interest-
changes at the synaptic level occur in conjunction with ingly, in one of these studies [28] it was also found that
stimuli that are thought to mimic learning events. In relearning a task occurred faster and did not involve the
vitro experiments [12, 23] have shown that long-term generation of new spines, again arguing for persistent
potentiation results in the addition of dendritic spines, spines “memorizing” specific motor tasks. Furthermore,
tiny protrusions which harbor synaptic contacts. Tens of this study demonstrated that learning different tasks
thousands of these spines decorate the dendrites of most involves different sets of spines, providing a strong
excitatory cells in the hippocampus and the neocortex. argument for spines and not cells being the relevant
And indeed, further studies showed that spines not only entity for information storage in the brain.
come and go but also change their shape during putative These three papers were among the first to make a
learning events [19], a suggestion that had been put for- strong case for a causal relationship between new
ward in a purely theoretical paper by Francis Crick [24]. (or changing) spines and learning or information storage
So, it is well established that spines emerge, disappear, in the brain. Subsequently, a number of studies further
and change with cellular events thought to underlie strengthened this hypothesis. Some of them used fear con-
learning processes. But is this merely a correlation or are ditioning to show that also in this paradigm learning is
there ways towards showing that these events really lie paralleled by structural changes: fear extinction and fear
at the basis of learning and memory storage in the brain? conditioning are marked by the generation or removal of
Recent experiments have made substantial progress in spines in the frontal association cortex [30] and the
this respect. auditory cortex [31]. One particularly interesting finding
The first study that made a clear case that spines are in this context is that extinction induces appearance of
important for the long-term storage of information was spines that were eliminated upon the original fear
done in the visual cortex of mice [25]. In the visual cor- conditioning to the same stimulus but not to a distinct
tex it is well known that synaptic connections are estab- conditioned stimulus, suggesting that the spines are again
lished or modified with changes in visual experience, specifically associated with extinction of one specific asso-
like the temporary closure of one eye. These plastic ciation [30]. Interestingly, also in a completely different
changes are often used as a proxy for what happens dur- animal model—song learning in zebra finches—it was
ing memory formation since they share key features: it shown that new spines are generated in the forebrain
is, for instance, a universally accepted fact in memory re- nucleus HVC when an animal learns a new song from a
search that information that has been acquired early in tutor [32].
life can be learned much more easily a second time, even Finally, what about the experiment that has long been
if it had been “completely forgotten” in the meantime. on the agenda [33], namely to specifically ablate spines
This effect has been called “savings” [26] and is a hall- that have been generated during learning? If the above
mark of most memory processes. It has been shown that interpretations are true, spine ablation should lead to
the same effect occurs in the visual system [27]. Mice forgetting of the information that was learned when the
were monocularly deprived for a couple of days early in new spines were generated. First important strides in
life so that the visual system adapted to this change of that direction have been made in a recent experiment by
the visual environment. Subsequently, animals were sub- the group of Haruo Kasai [34], who specifically labeled
jected to normal vision again so that their visual cortex spines that were generated at a particular time window
reverted to normal function. If monocular deprivation immediately after learning. When these spines were later

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ablated or at least reduced in size, the animal indeed Studies of memory in rodents and goldfish performed
forgot the previously learned information. The learning in the 1960s and 1970s demonstrated that long-term
paradigm is so far relatively simple (rotarod learning) memory required protein synthesis whereas short-term
but it provides a very nice indication that the generation memory did not [35]. Subsequent studies of learning-
of new spines or their enlargement is truly causal at least related plasticity in organisms ranging from Aplysia
in some forms of learning. sensory-motor synapses to rodent hippocampal synapses
Taken together, there is now considerable evidence similarly demonstrated that long-lasting forms of plasti-
from different species as well as from different learning city can be differentiated from short-term plasticity by
paradigms that spines, and thus synapses, change when their dependence on RNA and protein synthesis [36].
an animal learns. Furthermore, there are convincing in- Molecular biological approaches led to the identification
dications that the maintenance of previously established of many genes that contribute to long-term plasticity
structural connections on the level of dendritic spines and memory and to the elucidation of specific patterns
explains the memory phenomenon of savings. Finally, if of neuronal activity and specific signaling pathways that
spines are ablated, an animal forgets what it has learned trigger changes in RNA and protein synthesis within
through the addition of new or stronger spine synapses. neurons. These findings gave rise to the idea that activity-
All of these experiments seem to point strongly towards dependent changes in the neuronal transcriptome and
the notion that spines or synapses (and not entire cells) proteome mediate and/or maintain the changes in neur-
may be the smallest unit of memory storage in the brain onal structure and physiology that result in persistent
and it may, therefore, be most appropriate to say that changes in synaptic strength.
the “engram” of a memory is laid down in the set of Initially, studies of gene expression underlying mem-
spines or synapses that are changed when specific infor- ory focused on activity-dependent changes in transcrip-
mation is stored. This is of course not to say that tion in the nucleus. The discovery of immediate early
engrams are not visible on the level of single cells genes, such as c-fos, arc, and zif268, that were induced
(see preceding contribution to this Forum by Pignatelli, during memory formation implied that the neuron was
Ryan, and Tonegawa); after all, the activity of cells is the unit of long-term plasticity and memory [37]. Imme-
determined by the complement of their synapses. Yet, the diate early genes are now widely used to map neurons
finest resolution of the engram may only become apparent involved in memory formation, in line with the idea that
if one truly considers everything on the basis of the memories are encoded within networks of discrete neu-
pattern of synapses or spines which are changed during a rons in the brain.
particular memory event. In contrast to this neuron-centric view of memory
formation, studies of learning-related plasticity revealed
A cell biologist’s view of memory: revisiting the that plasticity was synapse-specific, that is, it could occur
neuron doctrine at some but not all synapses made by an individual
Kelsey C. Martin neuron [38]. This finding raised questions about how
Over a century ago, the anatomist Ramon y Cajal used the products of gene expression, synthesized in the nu-
the Golgi staining method to visualize individual cells in cleus, could be targeted to alter structure and function
the brain. He observed that the brain was composed of at subsets of synapses within a single, highly polarized
discrete cells rather than of a “reticular network” of and compartmentalized neuron. One solution to this
interconnected cells (as was commonly believed at the question came from findings that mRNAs localized to
time). Cajal’s observations provided critical support for distal dendrites and synapses [39], where their transla-
the neuron doctrine, which postulates that the neuron is tion could be regulated by activity. These findings in-
the central unit of the brain. At the same time, his cluded detection of polyribosomes at the base of
drawings revealed the beautiful complexity, polarity, and synapses as well as the identification of a subset of
compartmentalization of neurons: cell bodies elaborating mRNAs that localized to distal dendrites. Studies from
axonal and dendritic processes, forming up to thousands several labs have identified hundreds to thousands of
of synapses with one another. With a remarkable amount dendritically localized mRNAs [40–42] translation of
of prescience, Ramon y Cajal also speculated that which could alter the structure and function of synapses,
memories were stored as increases in the numbers of thereby making the synapse (or neighborhood of synapses),
connections between neurons. This idea forms the rather than the entire neuron, the unit of plasticity.
basis of learning-related synaptic plasticity—the idea Local translation at synapses has been shown to regu-
that memories are stored as changes in the number late translation in a synapse-specific manner [43, 44]
and strength of synapses between neurons—a frame- and inhibiting local translation at synapses in a variety of
work that has endured as a model for understanding in vitro preparations has been shown to block long-term
the biology of memory. learning-related plasticity [45, 46]. In one of these

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preparations, the Aplysia sensory-motor culture system, by transfer of genetic information from cell to cell. As
we directly tested the relationship between trans- such, the idea of “local” translation serving to alter the
criptional regulation in the nucleus and translational structure and function of synapses encoding a memory
regulation at the synapse during synaptic plasticity and suggests that “synaptic maps” of memory are not encoded
found that stimulus-induced newly transcribed localized by discrete synaptic compartments of individual cells but
mRNAs were delivered throughout the neuron but were rather by complex fluid synaptic neighborhoods. These
only translated at locally stimulated synapses [47]. The neighborhoods include not only the products of gene
implication of this finding is that activity-dependent expression that are made in the nucleus of the neuron the
transcription sets the entire neuronal arbor in a state of synapse belongs to but also signals (including RNAs) from
readiness to respond to local cues via regulated transla- neighboring neurons and glia.
tion of localized mRNAs. From the perspective of To add an additional layer of complexity onto this view
activity-dependent gene regulation, this idea shifts the of memory, single cell RNA sequencing experiments have
focus from the neuron as the unit of plasticity to the uncovered remarkable complexity in the nerve cells and
synapse (or neighborhoods of synapses). In so doing, it glia within the brain [49]. These findings indicate that syn-
underscores the need to refine the current neuron-based aptic neighborhoods are not just comprised of common
maps of memories by developing synaptic maps of modules of pre-synaptic, post-synaptic, and glial compo-
memory in the brain (Fig. 2). nents but that they also exist in a multitude of distinct fla-
The focus on the synapse as the unit of plasticity calls vors or “ethnicities” as neighborhoods. A recent electron
into question aspects of the neuron doctrine. Thus, microscopic reconstruction of a small volume of mouse
while the neuron doctrine assumes that neurons are neocortex revealed that the formation of synapses between
separate, autonomous units, cell biological studies of neurons is more dependent on cell identity than on prox-
synapses indicate that all components of the synapse are imity [50]. The diversity of cell identities, in combination
intimately interconnected, including not only the pre- with the idea that cell identity drives synapse formation,
and post-synaptic compartments but also glial processes. indicates that generating a synaptic map of memory will
For example, in one study of local translation at Aplysia require understanding the distinct identities of the partici-
sensory-motor synapses, we found stimulus-induced pating cells as well as the details of their cell-to-cell
local translation of a reporter depended on trans- interactions.
synaptic signals from the post-synaptic motor neuron As a cell biologist interested in understanding mem-
compartment to the presynaptic sensory neuron com- ory, the challenges moving forward include identifying
partment [44]. Taking the idea of non-cell autonomy to conserved local processes that persistently alter synaptic
an extreme, recent studies have reported that neurons function and developing methods to manipulate these
and/or glia can transfer mRNAs and microRNAs to processes in order to test their function in the formation
neighboring neurons and/or glia [48]. This finding raises and storage of memory. Possibilities include local mech-
the provocative idea that gene expression can be regulated anisms of translational regulation at synapses, trans-

Fig. 2. Neuron versus synaptic maps of memory. The Golgi method used by Ramon y Cajal at the turn of the 19th century revealed that the
brain consisted of individual nerve cells, leading to the formulation of the neuron doctrine. In modern neurobiology, expression of soluble
fluorescent proteins allows visualization of individual neurons in the brain or, as shown here, in a hippocampal pyramidal neuron in dissociated
culture (blue) (a). Identification of immediate early genes, such as cFos, provides a means of labeling the nuclei of individual neurons that are
activated to undergo transcription following neuronal activity (violet) (b). This provides a neuron-level map of activity. However, each neuron
forms thousands of synapses, shown in c by labeling a single neuron with presynaptic (green) and postsynaptic (red) markers (yellow where the
pre- and post-synaptic elements are adjacent to one another). Note that this neuron is connected to other neurons in the culture that are not
shown. Developing a synaptic rather than a neuron-wide map of memory requires obtaining activity-dependent markers that label the activated
synapses rather than nuclei. Understanding synaptic maps will not only require understanding the identity of individual neurons but also the
details of their cell-to-cell interactions

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synaptic signaling pathways (including the transfer of per se, in the absence of neural stimulation, produced very
RNAs via extracellular vesicles), interactions between limited results [63, 64]. Thus, HDAC inhibition appears to
synaptic cell-adhesion molecules, and even extracellular convey its effects on learning and memory via facilitating
matrix dynamics. As an example of the latter, Roger gene expression elicited by neural activity, a phenomenon
Tsien has proposed that memories may be stored in the known as epigenetic priming [65, 66].
pattern of holes formed within the perineuronal net, a As discussed earlier in this Forum by Pignatelli, Ryan,
specialized extracellular matrix structure that is formed and Tonegawa, a recent study by Ryan et al. [16] has
at the end of critical periods in the brain [51]. Taken to- elegantly demonstrated that inhibiting protein synthesis
gether, recent lessons learned suggest that elucidation of during the memory consolidation window does not dis-
these local processes requires consideration of the syn- rupt memory retrieval by means of engram activation.
aptic compartment as a local environment rather than as This exciting observation suggests that while augmented
a collection of separate and autonomous membrane synaptic strength may be critical for memory encoding,
bound compartments. While morphology, from Golgi some other mechanisms, potentially involving epigenomic
stains to electron microscopy, emphasizes the boundar- modifications in engram neurons, appear to be necessary
ies between cells in the brain, molecular cell biological for memory trace storage. The recent discovery that long-
studies uncover a fundamental role for local cell–cell term memory can be re-instated following erasure of its
interactions and interconnections in the encoding of synaptic expression strongly supports this idea [67]. We
memories. propose that, mechanistically, the engram cells are
marked, or tagged, not only synaptically [68] but also at
Memory as a functional consequence of the epigenetic level, be it histone acetylation, methylation,
epigenetic priming in engram neurons DNA methylation, or Topoisomerase IIβ-dependent topo-
Andrii Rudenko and Li-Huei Tsai logical changes of the DNA/chromatin, as recently sug-
Memory formation, storage, and recall constitute the gested by our work [62, 69]. Specifically, the initial phase
essence of human nature. The search for the mecha- of memory formation would cause changes in the epigen-
nisms underlying learning and memory has revealed the etic state of the engram cells through a priming event
importance of a number of molecular and cellular which may be protein synthesis-independent (for example,
processes, such as activity-dependent gene expression, epigenetic modifications to make specific genomic regions
intracellular signaling cascades, and synaptic plasticity poised for efficient transcriptional activation). Such
[52, 53]. The long-lasting attempts to characterize mem- changes may also lead to long-lasting alterations in chro-
ory localization recently resulted in identification of matin structure and function underlying the memory
specific neuronal populations—so-called engrams—that consolidation process. Finally, memory retrieval would
provide a physical location for the storage and retrieval signal the engram cells potentiating initial epigenetic
of memory traces [14, 15, 54, 55]. Despite discovery of priming, including molecular events such as generation of
the engram cells, molecular mechanisms of memory DNA breaks within the promoter areas of early response
storage remain unclear. We propose that epigenetic genes such as c-Fos, Npas4, Nr4a1, and Egr1 [69],
alterations taking place in these cells may represent a triggering expression of the primed genes leading to pro-
critical process involved in the long-term retention of tein synthesis and increases in the number and strength of
memory traces. the synapses. Such a chain of events may explain why,
One well-studied example of such alterations is histone even after considerable neurodegeneration, HDAC inhib-
acetylation, a covalent mark of active chromatin. Muta- ition coupled with behavioral training is capable of re-
tions in CBP, a gene product necessary for the acetylation instating learning and retrieval of long-term, and even
of multiple memory genes, result in severe intellectual dis- remote, memory [59, 70]. This scenario may be possible if
ability in humans as well as in mice [56–58]. Conversely, engram cells, epigenetically primed by the initial learning
histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) were shown to re- experience and capable of re-engaging in the chain of mo-
store histone acetylation and ameliorate cognitive deficits lecular events leading to memory retrieval, still remain in
in a CBP-deficient mouse model [56, 57]. Moreover, the brain after neurodegeneration.
HDACi have been found to ameliorate memory deficits in We should note that in these early days of functional
mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease [59, 60]. In addition memory engram investigation, we still do not have
to histone acetylation, several other epigenetic mecha- satisfactory answers to many important questions. For
nisms, including DNA methylation and hydroximethyla- example, the exact molecular and structural features of
tion, have also been demonstrated to regulate memory engram-containing networks, or potential mechanisms
function [61, 62]. that might allow participation of a specific neuron in
While inhibiting HDACs was found to be effective in different engram ensembles, currently remain unknown.
enhancing synaptic plasticity and memory, such inhibition Moreover, although there is accumulating evidence of

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the epigenetic marks/tags that would prime engram cells it is likely no accident that the same set of functions
for an efficient transcriptional response, the exact nature loom large in current thinking about memory. Indeed,
of those marks remains unclear. Deciphering such prim- consideration of ASD and other neuropsychiatric dis-
ing signatures will help us immensely in understanding eases provides fresh perspective on the basic underpin-
the mechanistic basis of memory processing. nings of memory. From this viewpoint, we offer some
thoughts about the relationship between LTP and LTD
Memory mechanisms: LTP and LTD in partnership, and the way that information in the brain may be stored
not merely in opposition and retrieved.
Richard W. Tsien, Gord Fishell, and Caitlin Mullins In an intriguing study published in 2012, Bourne and
How memory is stored in the brain can be effectively Harris used serial section electron microscopy to com-
queried by examining how this process is affected in pare dendrites receiving either theta burst LTP or
neuropsychiatric conditions. To this end, many aspects control stimulation [72]. As expected for LTP [34, 73],
of the emerging pathophysiology of autism spectrum they found single spines with increased postsynaptic area
disorders (ASD) may provide insight into the tuning of by 2 h. Surprisingly, however, this occurred concomitant
synaptic strength in memory [71]. In ASD and related with a remarkable reduction in the number of small
intellectual disability (ID), gene discovery points to dys- spines, leaving the total postsynaptic area per unit den-
regulation of interrelated neuronal functions, including dritic length unchanged compared with control (Fig. 3a).
control of nuclear gene expression, local protein synthe- The constancy of total postsynaptic area per unit den-
sis in dendrites, and excitation:inhibition (E:I) coordin- dritic length fits well with prevailing concepts about
ation. These functions are linked together in feedback homeostasis and normalization, but it also raises pro-
loops involving electrical or chemical sensors, termed vocative questions about the neurobiological mechanism
“homeostats”. The feedback loop may malfunction as a and organization of memory.
result of disease-causing mutations in any of the compo- Two previously proposed and rather different hypoth-
nents. Given the effects of these disorders on cognition, eses considered here might explain the underlying basis

Fig. 3. Possible mechanisms of synaptic modification in memory storage. a Structural synaptic scaling is analyzed by serial section electron microscopy
in hippocampal tissue under control and LTP (induced via theta burst stimulation) conditions. Control and LTP dendrites have equal postsynaptic areas
(red outline) despite differences in synaptic density and size. Adapted from [72], with permission. b Representation of metaplasticity occurring, shifting
the plasticity threshold (θm). The graphs on the top row depict the distribution of synaptic responses, red shading indicating LTP and white shading LTD.
The four synapses illustrated (bottom row) reflect how the shifting of θm would impact the strength of individual synapses (intensity of red shading
correlating to strength). Stage 1 depicts a saturating event, where all of the synaptic strengths have been excited to levels above θm. Stage 2 shows a
metaplastic response to the activity levels reached in stage 1. In stage 2, θm has shifted such that some synapses are below the new threshold and
weaken in stage 3. This changed θm leads to a new stable state, illustrated in stage 4. Reproduced from [75], with permission. c Synaptic potentiation at
one spine (center, upward-pointing black arrow added for emphasis) is predicted to temporarily increase activity at adjacent spines. In response to the
increased activity, homeostatic plasticity weakens the entire area (negative feedback arrows), with closely neighboring spines being disproportionately
weakened (downward-pointing white arrows). The weakened spines allow the overall dendritic length to maintain a constant level of activity with the
central spine still maintaining a level of potentiation. Adapted from [76], with permission

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of Bourne and Harris’ observations. In reviewing elsewhere [71], mutual inhibition between such
evidence for a “sliding threshold” concept [74], synaptic translational programs could help enforce a sharp
plasticity with flexible rules (metaplasticity), Deisseroth threshold dividing LTP and LTD, whereby local
et al. [75] discussed a scheme that could fit with Bourne signals mediate LTP proximally and LTD at a
and Harris’ results (Fig. 3b). If a stretch of dendrite distance. Interestingly, defects in either program
receiving strong inputs undergoes LTP but then autore- can give rise to ASD.
gulates the threshold dividing LTD and LTP, it would 3. βCaMKII (beta calcium/calmodulin-dependent
attain a new equilibrium that fractionates the synapses protein kinase II) is well-suited to serve as a local
into stronger and weaker subpopulations (Fig. 3b). Also sensor of activity-dependent rises in Ca2+ because
pertinent to Bourne and Harris’ results, Rabinowitch of its high Ca2+/CaM sensitivity. Hence, βCaMKII
and Segev [76] focused on lateral coordination of synap- can also serve as an arbiter, dictating the decision
tic strength, invoking unknown mechanisms of local between exo- and endocytosis of AMPARs to pro-
regulation on dendritic branches. In their hypothesis, mote LTP/LTD. High [Ca2+] activates βCaMKII,
LTP at spines receiving strong synaptic input is yoked increasing AMPAR exocytosis [77]. In contrast,
together by a compensatory mechanism that weakens, or low [Ca2+] leads to CaM-free, kinase-deactivated
even eliminates, nearby neighbors (Fig. 3c). βCaMKII interacting with Arc, facilitating AMPAR
Although these papers make no reference to each other, endocytosis [78].
they converge on a shared view of synaptic plasticity, 4. AMPA receptors can also be redistributed along the
jointly supported by biological evidence and theoretical dendritic length by coordination of exocytosis of
rationale: a synapse may undergo Hebbian strengthening AMPARs and LTP at one site with endocytosis of
or weakening as an individual entity but, over time, it can AMPARs and LTD in flanking regions. A frank
also behave as a connected entity, operating in coordin- lateral transfer of AMPARs [79] could support a
ation with other synapses in the same neuron or dendritic coupling of LTP/LTD at nearby dendritic spines.
branch. Further, LTP and LTD can cooperate to redis-
tribute synaptic weight. This notion differs from the trad- Many studies on the cell biology of the dendrite take
itional analogy between synapses and digital information on different meaning if considered in this light. Also, an
storage devices, in which bits are stored and retrieved organizational principle of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”
independently. On the other hand, coordination amongst might engender marked strengthening of some synapses
multiple synapses, made by different inputs, provides (rich getting richer) at the expense of others (poor
benefits with regard to issues of normalization and signal- getting poorer), thus contributing to empirical observa-
to-noise. tions of a highly skewed distribution of synaptic weights
What can be said about the molecular mechanism(s) [80–82]. It remains to be seen, however, whether the
that might allow or even drive the coexistence of LTP observations of Bourne and Harris are relevant to
and synaptic weakening in close proximity along a behavioral memory in vivo and whether the tradeoff of
stretch of dendrite? This question has received much synaptic strength is predominantly a local, dendritic
less attention than strengthening and weakening of the branch-based phenomenon as suggested by Rabinowitch
same synapses (see, for example, an elegant demonstra- and Segev [76] or also strongly dependent on regulation
tion of LTP and LTD in direct opposition [22]). In the at the neuron-wide level [75, 83]. We have spoken little
spirit of this Forum, we list here multiple possibilities for about the temporal dimension but the static snapshots
such lateral interaction: in Fig. 3 are clearly shorthand for complex dendritic dy-
namics. Whatever the molecular/subcellular mechanism
1. Concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter and dynamics, tradeoffs in synaptic strength will have a
glutamate ([Glu]) must fall off with increasing distance strong influence on the way that memory traces are
from a strong input and could play some role in stored and retrieved. As the debate continues about
lateral interactions. Whereas NMDA receptors are memory engrams and persistent changes at the level of
essential for most forms of postsynaptically expressed synapses, synaptic neighborhoods, ensembles of cells,
LTP and are driven by high [Glu], lower levels of [Glu] and even whole circuits, we would do well to consider
would be sensed by the more sensitive metabotropic redistribution in net synaptic strength as an underlying
glutamate receptors (mGluR) at nearby synapses and mechanism, rather than merely net increases or de-
could foster LTD mechanisms. creases. Perhaps we should modify silicon-based notions
2. Different programs of local protein synthesis may of memory units with independent read-write capabil-
be triggered by NMDARs and mGluRs and support ities and embrace assemblies—not just “cell assemblies”
LTP (e.g., increased synthesis of AMPA receptors) [1, 17] but also “synaptic assemblies”—in their full
or LTD (e.g., upregulation of Arc). As we propose spatiotemporal glory.

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A role for adult-born neurons in pattern in humans and studies of “behavioral pattern separation”
separation in rodents [93, 94], where subjects discriminate between
J. Tiago Gonçalves, Matthew Shtrahman, similar environments or sensory stimuli presented at dif-
Stephen T. Johnston, and Fred H. Gage ferent times.
Memory involves the complex interplay between form-
ing representations of novel objects or events and devel- What mechanistic role do adult-born DGCs play in
oping generalizations of similar experiences. Distinct behavioral pattern separation?
instances of similar events must be discriminated—for Although the gross anatomical connectivity of the DG
example, being able to find your car at work despite suggests a role in pattern separation, the DG’s ability to
parking in a different spot every day—but, at the same perform this function appears to be further enhanced via
time, experiencing just a fragment of a familiar experi- its ability to incorporate new neurons. Adult-born DGCs
ence, such as a particular smell, can trigger specific undergo a lengthy process of morphological and physio-
memories from your childhood. The interplay between logical maturation before they fully integrate into the
forming distinct memories and generalizing events is local hippocampal network [95]. Each immature DGC
conceptualized to involve two separate processes: pat- enters a critical period of greater plasticity approximately
tern separation and pattern completion. 4 to 6 weeks after it is born. These immature DGCs ex-
The dentate gyrus (DG) is the information gateway of hibit greater excitability [96], receive less inhibition from
the hippocampal formation and as such plays a crucial local interneurons [97], are more broadly tuned to input
role in hippocampal function, including the formation of stimuli [98], and exhibit greater synaptic plasticity [99]
episodic memories. Additionally, the DG is one of only than mature cells. Therefore, immature adult-born
two regions within the mammalian brain that generates DGCs may perform unique computational tasks critical
new neurons throughout the life span of an individual in for hippocampal function, in particular behavioral pat-
both rodents and humans [84–86]. There is increasing tern separation [87, 100].
evidence that adult-born dentate granule cells (DGCs) The physiological properties of immature neurons at
are important for fine pattern separation of similar but the single-cell level, however, might yield counterin-
distinct events [87, 88]. tuitive predictions at the circuit level. While hyperexcit-
ability and broad tuning of immature neurons may allow
The DG as a pattern separator the hippocampus to encode novel stimuli, their broad
The elegantly delineated anatomy of the hippocampus tuning would also seem to suggest that a hippocampal
has long served as a substrate for theories about circuit rich in immature neurons would fire more fre-
memory formation. It is grossly delineated into a series quently and indiscriminately to various environmental
of interconnected loops within four major subregions. inputs. Yet, this explanation appears to conflict with the
Specifically, the DG of the hippocampus receives excita- role of the DG in pattern separation. Therefore, it has
tory input from the entorhinal cortex (EC) via the per- recently been proposed that, though hyperexcitable
forant path [89]. The DG then projects through the themselves, these immature neurons’ key contributions
mossy fiber tract to form powerful synaptic connections could be to suppress overall DG activity, maintain net-
with CA3 neurons, which in turn project to CA1, form- work sparseness, and thereby decrease interference be-
ing the classic trisynaptic pathway. In addition, the DG tween memory representations [101–103] as illustrated
projects to and receives input from local inhibitory inter- in Fig. 4. Individual immature neurons may be more
neurons, most notably from the hilus. excitable and broadly tuned but it is hypothesized that
In rodents, the DG contains approximately four- to these cells in turn activate inhibitory interneurons in the
fivefold more neurons than up- or downstream EC and DG and hilus, resulting in greater inhibition of mature
CA3, respectively. Thus, input from relatively few cells is DGCs. Developing a unified picture of how single-cell
processed by a much larger neural network within the physiological features combine to determine circuit-level
DG before generating a condensed output. However, responses and behavior presents a great challenge for
only a small percentage of DGCs is activated in response future work.
to a given event [90, 91]. Based on these characteristics,
modeling studies postulate that the DG is a competitive Future steps for understanding the role of adult-born
network that can function as a pattern separator by par- neurons in the DG
tially de-correlating inputs [3, 92]. One prediction from Previous efforts to link DG function to cellular and mo-
this theory is that the DG is critical for forming memor- lecular mechanisms have been hindered by technical
ies of events that are similar but not identical to each limitations. First, although extracellular recording of
other. This prediction is supported by accumulating evi- DGCs has been used to monitor the dynamics of neur-
dence from both high-resolution functional MRI studies onal firing patterns, sparse activity within the DG makes

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Without Neurogenesis With Neurogenesis

EC inputs Event 1 Event 1

(Molecular Layer) Event 2 Event 2

(Granule Layer)
newly born
(Hilus/Sub-granular zone)

Output to CA3
(Mossy fibers)

Improved Pattern Separation

(decreased overlap)
Fig. 4. Immature adult-born neurons improve pattern-separation in the DG by enhancing feedback inhibition. Two events are encoded in separate
but partially overlapping populations of activated DGCs in the DG (red and green, with overlap in yellow). DGCs receive strong inhibitory
inputs from interneurons (purple) in the hilus and sub-granular zone. It is hypothesized that hyperactive immature adult-born DGCs (blue)
drive these interneurons, enhancing feedback inhibition from the hilus, which results in decreased overlap of activated DGCs and output to CA3,
thereby improving pattern separation

it difficult to locate neurons, identify neuronal subtypes, memory storage, then the challenge is to understand
and monitor the activity of a large population of DGCs how distributed synaptic changes within neural circuits
[104]. Second, immunohistochemical analysis of imme- represent the sequence and interval of previously experi-
diate early gene expression, such as c-fos, can assess ac- enced sensory or motor events.
tivity across a large population but only at limited time In his physiological postulate for perceptual memory,
points, providing a limited snapshot of DG activity. Hebb [1] proposed that reverberating activity generated
Nevertheless, advances in in vivo recording techniques by perceptual experience along distinct neuronal path-
promise to eventually enable the monitoring of DG cells ways could provide temporary storage of the experience.
during behaviorally relevant tasks. In vivo imaging Repeated firing of a specific assembly of neurons in a
methods [105] in particular would be perfectly suited for particular temporal sequence could then serve to im-
recording DG activity—hundreds of cells can be moni- print the memory by modifying synaptic connections
tored simultaneously and cellular subtypes identified among the cells and re-activation of the assembly in this
through the use of genetic markers. Combined with sequence represents recall of the memory.
modern techniques to manipulate activity in adult-born The popular version of Hebb’s postulate refers to synaptic
neurons, imaging large populations of neurons in vivo modifications based on correlated pre- and postsynaptic fir-
would permit testing the hypothesis that immature and ing (“cells that fire together wire together”), and it received
mature DGCs work cooperatively to maintain the nor- experimental validation with the discovery of long-term po-
mal sparse network activity of the DG. These methods tentiation (LTP) [5] and long-term depression (LTD) [106]
also have the potential to provide further insights into the induced by high- and low-frequency presynaptic stimula-
mechanisms behind memory formation and recall, revolu- tion, respectively—high-frequency stimulation results in
tionizing our understanding of the features encoded by postsynaptic spiking and thus LTP due to correlated
both mature and immature DGCs and of how responsive- activity, whereas low-frequency stimulation fails to do so,
ness to those features changes with learning. leading to LTD. The discovery of spike timing-dependent
LTP and LTD [107, 108] led to further revision of Hebb’s
Mechanisms for memorizing temporal sequence learning rule—the sequence of pre- and postsynaptic spik-
and interval ing, rather than simple coincidence of activity, is critical
Mu-ming Poo and Yang Dan for determining whether the synapse is strengthened or
The temporal sequence and interval of events are weakened. The defined time windows for spike timing-
essential elements of episodic and procedural memories. dependent plasticity (STDP) [8, 109, 110] and its presence
Where and how sequence and interval information is at many excitatory synapses [111] suggest that temporal
stored in the brain remains a mystery. If modifications information may be stored via STDP, and Hebb’s assembly
of synaptic connectivity are the cellular substrates for could be established by sequence-dependent synaptic

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strengthening or weakening. In addition to the well- The underlying circuit mechanism and the location of
studied sequence replay in the hippocampus (see memory storage in this case remain unknown.
contribution by Long and Buzsáki in this Forum), this Remembering the association between events sepa-
hypothesis was supported by a finding that repetitive rated by intervals ranging from seconds to tens of sec-
visual stimulation with a unidirectional moving spot that onds has been referred to as temporal associative
evokes sequential spiking of the cortical neurons enhances learning, and has been found in recent studies to depend
their sequential firing in response to a flashed stimulus, in critically on entorhinal cortex (EC)–hippocampal circuits
a manner that depends on the speed of the conditioning [119–121]. Pathway-selective inhibition and optogenetic
stimulus and activation of NMDA receptors in the visual activation of the EC–hippocampal circuit showed that
cortex [112]. layer II “island cells” and layer III neurons of the EC con-
The time window for STDP, normally quite narrow trol temporal associative learning [119, 120]; in particular,
(~20 ms) for LTP and wider and more variable (~20– persistent activity of medial EC layer III neurons may play
100 ms) for LTD, also imposes a limit on the time inter- a key role [121]. Recent studies have also shown the exist-
vals between pre- and postsynaptic spiking that can leave ence of hippocampal “time cells” that fire at particular mo-
a long-term imprint at the synapse. Could the interval be ments in a temporally structured experience [122–124],
extended via polysynaptic excitation within a network? A suggesting a function that parallels that of place cells in
simple test of this idea was performed in a random synap- spatial memory. The sequential activation of such time
tic network formed by dissociated hippocampal neurons cells in the hippocampus may reflect temporally struc-
in culture. Repetitive pair-pulse stimulation at a fixed tured inputs from the cortex and other brain regions or
interval was applied to a single input neuron and changes alternatively firing chain generated within local hippo-
in the efficacy of polysynaptic connections within the net- campal circuits by repetitive sequential activity-induced
work were measured. The result showed that intervals up strengthening of synaptic connections.
to a few hundred milliseconds could lead to distributed Theories and models of sequence learning and interval
long-term modifications (both LTP and LTD) of polysyn- timing have been proposed [125–127] but very few
aptic pathways within the network [113]. While this study studies have directly addressed the circuit and synaptic
provides proof of principle for encoding long intervals mechanisms [128, 129]. Since the cellular and synaptic
through polysynaptic delays, does the natural neuronal building blocks of memory are increasingly well charac-
network in the brain contain serially connected groups of terized and the technology for manipulating specific cells
synchronously firing neurons (synfire chain) [114] to is becoming available (see other contributions to this
encode long sequences and temporal intervals? The find- Forum), the storage mechanisms for sequence and inter-
ing of sequential firing of neurons in the premotor area val information are now amenable to fruitful exploration.
HVC of songbirds during each song syllable (which Understanding these mechanisms is a pre-requisite for
lasts >100 ms [115]) indicates the existence of synfire further studies of circuit mechanisms underlying higher
chains in the brain, the formation of which underlies song cognitive functions involving complex temporal informa-
learning [116]. Spike sequences lasting for several seconds tion processing such as human language, the ultimate
have also been observed in the mammalian neocortex [117]. challenge to neuroscience.
In addition to STDP in polysynaptic networks, mem-
ories of time intervals on the order of seconds are also Hippocampal sharp wave-ripple: a repetitive
likely to involve other mechanisms. In a study in zebra- mechanism to support single trial learning
fish larvae, Sumbre et al. [118] applied a unidirectional John Long and György Buzsáki
moving visual stimulus repeatedly at a fixed temporal Memories are not “imprinted” immediately but evolve
interval (several seconds) and recorded the population over time. Memory has many forms and supportive
activity of tectal neurons with Ca2+ imaging. They found brain mechanisms. While learning complex skills and
that following cessation of the visual stimulation, se- habits, such as walking elegantly in high-heel shoes or
quential firing of the tectal neurons resembling that riding a unicycle, may require tens to thousands of repe-
evoked by the moving stimulus reappeared at the same titions, consciously remembering episodic information,
time interval as the conditioning stimuli, and this such as recalling one’s first date, often requires only a
rhythmic reappearance lasted for up to 20 s. This post- single trial. The brain can achieve such a feat by deploy-
conditioning spontaneous rhythmic firing of tectal neu- ing a mechanism that repeats segments of the original
rons reflects short-term memory of a specific rhythm episode subconsciously hundreds to thousands of times
with time intervals of seconds. Interestingly, since the after the experience. Such repetitions occur during non-
tectal activity did not persist continuously through the attentive, off-line states of brain operation in the form of
several seconds of interval, it is unlikely mediated by hippocampal sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs). SPW-Rs
reverberation of activity in the polysynaptic network. operate as a time-compressing mechanism, which can

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transfer information from the hippocampus to numerous and their increased SPW-R-related recruitment during
regions of the neocortex. SPW-Rs also serve as a pre- sleep following waking experience [134]. These sequences
conscious “mixer” of existing knowledge and recently are not confined to the hippocampus–entorhinal system;
acquired information. Thus, acquiring episodic memory the SPW-R output also brings about sequential activations
is a two-stage process, initiated by a rapid encoding in neocortical circuits, such as the prefrontal cortex [135],
mechanism during attentive waking and followed by a leading to systems-level consolidation of the memory
protracted consolidation process during “off-line” states trace. Even more direct evidence for the role of SPW-R
of the brain [130]. sequences in memory consolidation is provided by close-
loop truncation of SPW-Rs. Selective elimination of the
SPW-Rs are self-generated hippocampal patterns hundreds of SPW-R-assisted replays of recently learned
The SPW-R complex is the most synchronous and sequences during post-learning sleep prevented rats from
phylogenetically preserved pattern in the mammalian becoming proficient at a spatial-reference memory task
brain, associated with enhanced transient excitability in [136]. This supports the hypothesis that single-trial learn-
the hippocampus and its partner structures. These ing is made possible by repeated off-line SPW-R replays of
super-synchronous bursts arise when the release of the wake-experienced episode.
subcortical neuromodulators within the hippocampus is
decreased—for example, during consummatory behav- Memory and planning: retrospective and prospective roles
iors and slow wave sleep. A SPW-R is a superposition of for SPW- R
two events, the sharp wave-related population burst A particularly striking feature of SPW-Rs is that the
(SPW), which emerges in the strongly recurrent system neuronal sequences contained in them can propagate
of the CA2/3 regions, and the fast ripple oscillation, both forward and backward (Fig. 5) relative to waking
which is dominant in the CA1 output circuit of the experience. Before the beginning of a journey upon a fa-
hippocampus. The synchronous discharge of CA3 pyr- miliar maze, the upcoming sequences are preplayed dur-
amidal cells excites primarily the mid-apical dendrites of ing SPW-Rs in a forward manner; that is, prior to a run,
the CA1 region and the inward currents brought about the CA1 pyramidal cells fire in a sequence consistent
by this transient depolarization process (40–150 ms) with the upcoming trajectory of the animal in the maze.
manifest extracellularly as the local field potential SPW. At the end of the journey, again, the same neurons are
The response of target circuits to the strong SPW- reactivated during SPW-Rs but now in a reversed direc-
related depolarization is a fast oscillatory balancing act tion as the hippocampus recapitulates the landmarks
between principal cells and perisomatic inhibitory passed by the animal, though in a time-compressed
interneurons, resulting in the LFP ripple and the phase- manner. These findings support the hypothesis that for-
locked discharge of sequentially active neurons [130]. It ward replay events play a role in “planning” upcoming
is this waking history-dependent, sequential firing of a trajectories [137]. This hypothesis is further supported
large fraction of hippocampal cells, and consequent re- by several recent experiments that demonstrate that the
cruitment of neocortical neurons, that makes SPW-Rs a routes chosen by the animal in two-dimensional envi-
candidate biomarker for memory consolidation. ronments or between maze corridors can be predicted
by the spike sequence content of SPW-Rs [138]. The
Compressed replay of experience during SPW-Rs subconscious route-priming role of SPW-Rs is also sup-
serves memory ported by other experiments, which show that truncat-
The restructuring of hippocampal–cortical networks ing SPW-Rs prior to a choice results in a spatial working
through synaptic plasticity is necessary for the formation memory deficit [139]. Because the neurons participating
of new episodic memories. Neurons participating in in SPW-Rs sequences are drawn from a diverse pool of
SPW-R events are organized to fire sequentially and the log-scale firing rate distributed neurons, with varying
orderly structure of these events reflects a temporally coding, biophysical, circuit, and plasticity properties,
compressed version of the sequential neuronal firing pat- these events can transit a vast array of preexisting and
terns observed in the waking animal [131, 132] (Fig. 5; new information to downstream cortical partners [134].
“replay”). For example, the sequences of “place cells” To date, memory mechanisms in experimental animals
[133] in a novel environment are formed from a combin- are typically studied in the framework of spatial naviga-
ation of relatively fast-firing and slow-firing groups of tion [133]. However, it is important to emphasize that
pyramidal neurons. Conspicuously, the former neurons mechanisms of memory and planning have evolved from
exhibit relatively unchanging temporal dynamics while mechanisms of navigation in the physical world. There-
the latter are highly plastic. The greater plasticity of fore, neuronal algorithms underlying navigation in real
slow-firing pyramidal neurons is evidenced by their and mental space, as well as place memory and episodic
greater gain in place specificity during maze exploration memory, are fundamentally the same [140].

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Fig. 5. Place cell sequences experienced during behavior (middle panel) are replayed in both forward (left panel) and reverse (right panel) direction
during awake SPW-R. The rat is moving from left to right on a familiar track. Spike trains for place fields of 13 CA3 pyramidal cells (color ticks, spikes
of individual neurons) on the track are shown before (forward replay; left red box), during (middle), and after (reverse replay; right blue box) a single
traversal. The CA1 local field potential is shown on top (black traces) and the animal’s velocity is shown below. Reproduced from [137]

Where is the study of Hebbian memory As with any novel finding at odds with current know-
mechanisms going? ledge and concepts, Bliss and Lomo’s LTP paper [5] did not
Charles F. Stevens make an immediate splash. Indeed, during the next decade
BMC Biology brought together some of the leaders in only a hand-full of researchers worked on LTP. But over
the learning and memory field to identify, from eight the succeeding decades the study of LTP grew explosively
separate perspectives, some of the currently most im- to become a large and important sub-field of neuroscience,
portant questions and approaches for understanding some would even say a preoccupation. As this Forum
memory formation, consolidation, and retrieval. My job shows, we have learned an enormous amount about synap-
is to relate the current state of the field to how, in my tic plasticity in the two-thirds of a century since Hebb’s The
opinion, it might evolve. Organization of Behavior. But where will we go now?
With rare, and highly valued, exceptions, a field de- First, I need to confess that my record for predicting
velops organically from where it started and from the the future is abysmal: I have failed close to 100 % of the
questions that grew out of each advance along the way. time. This time, however, I am trying a new strategy to
Although several of the contributions to this Forum re- see if I can move up from abysmal to, say, just terrible.
late key ideas from earlier eras (Cajal, Golgi, and Semon) This new approach is to see where the questions that
to modern views, my starting point for the questions drive our research have come from and then ask what
that drive learning and memory research will be Hebb’s we might have missed in asking these questions. Because
1949 “firing - > wiring” proposal [1] for learning (cited in of space constraints, I will focus on a single question:
the introduction to this Forum and in four of the what might Hebbian learning be missing?
contributions). Although Behaviorism is pretty much dead [142], there
Although Hebb’s book was always well known to is absolutely no question that reinforcement plays a key
psychologists, it had essentially no impact on neurophysi- role in what behaviors an animal selects. And, as anyone
ology (as neuroscience was known in those days) for about who has experienced a traumatic event can tell you, the
a quarter of a century because the longest lasting form of circumstances associated with the event are committed
synaptic plasticity known before 1973 (the date of Bliss and to an enduring memory (what were you doing when you
Lomo’s LTP paper [5]) was post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) heard about the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks in the United
and this form of plasticity lasted, at most, only a few States?). Of course, everyone is aware of this, yet the
minutes. The only suggested brain mechanism for memory focus on Hebb’s rule tends to neglect these other types
storage had been “reverberating circuits” and Von of learning. Major exceptions to this are the climbing
Neumann gave a compelling argument against the plausi- fibers in the cerebellum and the mossy fibers in the CA3
bility of this idea in his 1957 lectures at Yale on “The region of the hippocampus, where a single impulse or
computer and the brain” [141]. Neurophysiologists were all brief burst will fire the target neuron and is believed to
very interested in the cellular basis of memory—everyone potentiate the other synapses that are active at the same
agreed it was a central problem—but no one had any idea time. For both of these cases, Hebb’s rule is sufficient to
how to study it. determine what needs to be learned.

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So my specific prediction is that future scientists work- Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 6Picower Institute for Learning and Memory,
ing on LTP/LTD (or STDP) will also include reward Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of
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(positive or negative) related mechanisms in their inves- of Medicine and Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York,
tigations of synaptic plasticity at the molecular, cellular, NY 10016, USA. 8Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Laboratory of Genetics,
circuit, and behavioral levels. 10010 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. 9HHMI, Department of
Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Where can we look to get guidance on wedding Hebb’s
rule to reinforcement learning? One of the simplest and
best studied examples of alternative learning rules is the
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Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus



Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology 1, Department of Oncology2, Department of Pathology3,

Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 41345 Göteborg, Sweden
Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla,
California 92037, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to F.H.G.

The genesis of new cells, including neurons, in the adult human brain has not yet been demon-
strated. This study was undertaken to investigate whether neurogenesis occurs in the adult
human brain, in regions previously identified as neurogenic in adult rodents and monkeys.
Human brain tissue was obtained postmortem from patients who had been treated with the
thymidine analog, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), that labels DNA during the S phase. Using im-
munofluorescent labeling for BrdU and for one of the neuronal markers, NeuN, calbindin or neu-
1998 Nature America Inc. •

ron specific enolase (NSE), we demonstrate that new neurons, as defined by these markers, are
generated from dividing progenitor cells in the dentate gyrus of adult humans. Our results further
indicate that the human hippocampus retains its ability to generate neurons throughout life.

Loss of neurons is thought to be irreversible in the adult human one intravenous infusion (250 mg; 2.5 mg/ml, 100 ml) of bro-
brain, because dying neurons cannot be replaced. This inability modeoxyuridine (BrdU) for diagnostic purposes11. One patient
to generate replacement cells is thought to be an important diagnosed with a similar type and location of cancer, but with-
cause of neurological disease and impairment. In most brain re- out BrdU treatment, was included as a control. A thymidine ana-
gions, the generation of neurons is generally confined to a dis- log, BrdU is incorporated into the DNA of dividing cells and can
crete developmental period. Exceptions are found in the dentate be detected immunohistochemically in their progeny5,12,13.
gyrus and the subventricular zone of several species that have
been shown to generate new neurons well into the postnatal and Cell genesis and survival in the adult human dentate gyrus
adult period1–6. Granule neurons are generated throughout life The number of surviving labeled, proliferating progenitors was
from a population of continuously dividing progenitor cells re-
siding in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus in the rodent a b
brain5. ‘Newborn’ neurons generated from these progenitor cells
migrate into the granule cell layer, differentiate, extend axons
and express neuronal marker proteins7–10.
We examined whether progenitor cells reside in the adult
human hippocampus and whether new neurons are born within
the dentate gyrus of the adult human brain. Postmortem tissue
from the hippocampus and the subventricular zone of caudate
nucleus was obtained from cancer patients (n = 5) who received
c d
Fig. 1 Newly generated cells can be detected in the adult human brain in
patients previously treated with BrdU. a, The hippocampal region of the
adult human brain immunoperoxidase-stained for the neuronal marker
NeuN. b, The hippocampal dentate gyrus granule cell layer (GCL) visualized
with immunoperoxidase staining for NeuN. c, Differential interference con-
trast photomicrograph showing BrdU-labeled nuclei (arrows) in the dentate
granule cell layer (GCL). d, Differential interference contrast photomicro-
graph showing a BrdU-labeled nucleus (arrow) in the human dentate GCL.
BrdU-positive nuclei have a rounded appearance and resemble the chro- e f
matin structure of mature granule cells and are found within the granule cell
layer. e, Differential interference contrast photomicrograph showing BrdU-
positive cells (arrows) adjacent to the ependymal lining in the subventricular
zone of the human caudate nucleus. Cells with elongated nuclei resembling
migrating cells are in the rat subventricular zone (SVZ). f, Differential inter-
ference contrast photomicrograph showing BrdU-positive cells (arrows) with
round to elongated nuclei in the subventricular zone of the human caudate
nucleus. All scale bars represent 50 µm.


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a Number of BrdU-labeled cells in SGZ

b Number of BrdU-labeled cells in GCL

BrdU-labeled cells (mm3)

BrdU-labeled cells (mm3)

Days post- Days post-

BrdU injection BrdU injection
Age at death (years) Age at death (years)

Fig. 2 Quantitation of newly generated cells in the adult human hip-

pocampus. The density of BrdU immunoperoxidase-stained cells in the sub- c Number of BrdU-labeled cells in hilus
granular zone (SGC) (a) and the granule cell layer (GCL) (b) and the hilus

BrdU-labeled cells (mm3)

(c) was determined in 5 to 7 sections per patient (mean number of BrdU-
positive cells per mm3 sample volume ± s.e.m.) The corresponding patient’s
age at the time of death and interval as BrdU infusion are given for each
BrdU-treated patient (n = 5).
1998 Nature America Inc. •

quantified using immunohistochemical staining for BrdU and

unbiased counting techniques14,15,16. BrdU-labeled cells were Days post-
quantified in the granule cell layer and the subgranular zone of BrdU injection
the dentate gyrus and in the hilus (area CA4; Fig. 1a). In all Age at death (years)
BrdU-treated patients, the granule cell layer contained BrdU-pos-
itive, round- to oval-shaped nuclei with the typical morphology cence in the human tissue by directly imaging untreated sections
of granule cell neuron nuclei (Fig. 1b–d). The morphological ap- and sections from the control patient both with and without the
pearance and localization of these nuclei were similar to those of pretreatment for BrdU-immunohistochemical detection in the
the nuclei of cells found in the dentate gyrus of adult mouse, rat absence of antibodies against BrdU. The autofluorescence was
and marmoset monkey5,6,17. No BrdU-immunoreactive profiles present even in completely untreated sections and was restricted
could be detected in the control patient that had not received to the cytoplasm of neuronally marked cells or to endothelial
BrdU. The presence of BrdU-positive nuclei in a brain region that cells and red blood cells and could be clearly distinguished from
is neurogenic in many other mammalian and primate species in- BrdU-immunoreactive profiles (Fig. 3). The majority of the
dicates that proliferating neural progenitor cells are present in NeuN-positive neurons that double-labeled with BrdU were lo-
the adult human dentate gyrus. cated within or near the granule cell layer and had the morpho-
The number of BrdU-positive cells in the granule cell layer, the logical characteristics of granule cell neurons: round or oval
subgranular zone and hilus varied between individuals, as may nuclei with small- to medium-sized cell bodies (Fig. 3). Confocal
be expected because of the varying post-infusion intervals and microscopic Z-series analyses of BrdU-positive nuclei unambigu-
different ages of the patients (Fig. 2a–c). There is an apparent de- ously identified double-labeling with NeuN and demonstrated
cline in the number of cells that are detected in the patients that the existence of newly generated (BrdU-labeled) granule cell neu-
had the longest interval between BrdU treatment and histologi- rons in the dentate gyrus of the adult human brain (Fig. 3d–h).
cal assessment. This decline may indicate a progressive death of The phenotypic expression of these BrdU-positive neurons in
the newly generated cells over time. However, the small sample adult humans was equivalent to the expression found in adult
weakens any quantitative conclusion. rodents5,10,12,17 (Fig. 3i–l). The average fraction of BrdU-NeuN dou-
ble-labeled cells in the granule cell layer was 22.0 ± 2.4% among
BrdU-labeled cells co-express neuronal markers the BrdU-treated patients.
To determine the cell fate of the BrdU-immunoreactive cells, we Neurons double-labeled with BrdU and NSE could also be de-
did triple immunofluorescent labeling for BrdU and cell-specific tected in all BrdU-treated subjects (Fig. 4e–f). The average frac-
markers, including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker tion of BrdU-labeled cells that were also NSE-labeled in the
for astroglia, and one of the neuronal markers, NeuN 18,19, cal- granule cell layer was 22.7 ± 2.8%. Cells that double-labeled for
bindin20 or neuron specific enolase21 (NSE). Confocal microscopy BrdU and calbindin were also observed and provided further sup-
was used to determine the phenotype of the BrdU-positive cells port for the occurrence of neurogenesis in the adult SGZ, GCL
(Figs. 3 and 4). No evidence for cross-reactivity between GFAP- and hilus (Fig. 4a–d). The average fraction of BrdU-labeled cells
immunoreactivity and any of the three neuronal markers was that were also calbindin-positive in the granule cell layer was 7.9
detected in these sections. GFAP-immunopositive processes were ± 2.2% among the BrdU-treated patients. The dentate gyrus from
observed to surround neurons and their processes, but did not all individuals contained a fraction of BrdU-positive cells that
co-express in the same cell (Fig. 3e–h). Autofluorescence was ob- were also GFAP-positive, 18.1 ± 1.8%, and had the typical mor-
served in this tissue, but the nonspecific emission artifact was phology of star-shaped glial cells with small, irregularly shaped
easily detected by its contribution to multiple wavelengths (Fig. nuclei and small cell bodies with thin, GFAP-positive processes
3a–d). We took care to evaluate potential sources of autofluores- (Fig. 4c–d). The dentate gyrus from all subjects contained BrdU-


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Fig. 3 Newly generated cells

in the adult human dentate a b c d
gyrus can express a neuronal
phenotype. Simultaneous de-
tection of immunofluorescent
labels for NeuN (a; scale bar
represents 25 µm), BrdU (b)
and GFAP (c) for detection of
astrocytes and a merge of
these signals in x-, y- and z-
registration (d) examined by
confocal microscopy showed e f g h
that BrdU-labeled nuclei could
specifically co-express NeuN
without expressing GFAP (ar-
rows in a–d). In addition to
specific BrdU-labeling, some
neurons contained nonspecific
fluorescence in the green and
red emission, reflecting their
accumulation of lipofuchsin
granules (arrowheads in a–d). i j k l
Red blood cells and endothelial
cells, present in several small
1998 Nature America Inc. •

blood vessels, also emit non-

specific green and red fluores-
cence (small blood vessel
indicated by arrowheads,
larger blood vessels indicated
by asterisks in e–h). The speci-
ficity of BrdU-NeuN co-expres-
sion in three-dimensions is demonstrated by a series of focal planes above human dentate gyrus is equivalent to BrdU-labeled neurons in the adult
(e,f) and below (g, h) the focal plane shown in d (arrows indicate the rat dentate gyrus (i–l; scale bar represents 25 µm). The rat tissue (i–l) is at
same cell as in d). The appearance of adult BrdU-positive neurons in the a different magnification than the human tissue (a–h).

positive cells that were immunonegative for both neuronal and bling that of progenitor cells in the rat SVZ (ref. 5). This finding
glial markers. These immunonegative cells likely represent quies- supports the idea that the human SVZ contains progenitor cells
cent undifferentiated cells, newborn cells of a phenotype not ex- and that these cells are required to migrate from the SVZ before
amined here and/or a pool of asymmetrically dividing they differentiate22. We were unable to detect any BrdU-im-
progenitor cells. These cells were characterized by small, round- munoreactive cells in tissue from the control patient who had
to-oval BrdU-positive nuclei and the absence of cell-specific im- not received BrdU treatment, supporting the interpretation that
munoreactivity. the BrdU staining we report here reflects the persistence in the
To further confirm the presence of neurogenesis, we double-la- adult human brain of cell genesis.
beled using antibodies against BrdU and either NSE, calbindin or
NeuN with chromagens for brightfield optics (alkaline phos- Discussion
phatase (Vector Blue) for BrdU and 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole Our study demonstrates that cell genesis occurs in human brains
(AEC) for the neuronal markers). Although confocal microscopy and that the human brain retains the potential for self-renewal
could not be used for imaging, the brightfield chromagens had throughout life. Although earlier studies in adult primates have
the advantage of not fading with examination and not con- been unsuccessful in showing neurogenesis in the dentate
tributing autofluorescence to the image. Examination of bright- gyrus23,24, a recent report has demonstrated neurogenesis in
field staining confirmed that BrdU-positive cells in the adult three-year-old marmoset monkeys6. Although the number of
human hippocampus could express a neuronal phenotype (Fig. BrdU-labeled cells entering the neuronal lineage seems to be
5a–e) morphologically indistinguishable from adult rodent lower in the human hippocampus than in marmosets, those
BrdU-positive neurons (Fig. 5f and g), strongly supporting our monkeys6 were considerably younger, even in relative terms,
conclusion that neurogenesis occurs in the dentate granule cell than the humans examined here (average age of 64.4 ± 2.9
layer of the adult human brain. years). Therefore, we conclude that, as in rodents5,25, neurogene-
sis in the human dentate gyrus continues throughout life.
BrdU labeling in the subventricular zone of adult human brain Although our results demonstrate that cells in the adult brain
Another neurogenic region, the subventricular zone (SVZ) adja- undergo cell division and that some of the newly generated cells
cent to the caudate nucleus, was examined for the presence of can survive and differentiate into cells with morphological and
BrdU-positive cells. Tissue samples from all BrdU-treated pa- phenotypic characteristics of neurons, we have not proven that
tients contained BrdU-positive cells within the SVZ (Fig. 1e–f). these newly generated cells are functional. We also do not yet
BrdU-positive cells did not co-express the cell-specific markers know the biological significance of cell genesis in the adult
GFAP and NeuN (data not shown). The morphology of BrdU-la- human brain. However, this does provide a basis to investigate a
beled nuclei within the SVZ was small and round-to-oval, resem- newly discovered type of ‘neuroplasticity’ in humans, one based


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Fig. 4 Newly
generated cells in
a b c d
the adult human
dentate gyrus can
express additional
neuronal pheno-
types. The cal-
protein, calbindin,
is expressed by
certain neuronal
populations, in-
cluding dentate granule neurons, in vivo. a, Fluorescent labeling of calbindin (red) e f
and GFAP (blue) discriminated between granule neurons and astrocytes. Scale bar
represents 10 µm. The arrow indicates a newly generated, BrdU-labeled calbindin-
positive neuron shown with the label-colors merged in b. c, Another calbindin-posi-
tive neuron (arrow) that co-expresses BrdU (d). Newly generated cells may also
differentiate into astrocytes (c,d; arrowheads). BrdU-labeled cells can also express
neuron specific enolase (NSE, shown in red; arrows in e and f) without expressing
GFAP (blue).
1998 Nature America Inc. •

on addition of neurons, that has not been previously considered. saline and given as an intravenous infusion (2.5 mg/ml, 100 ml). The BrdU
Studies in rodents have shown that the adult hippocampus con- was given to the patients to assess the proliferative activity of the tumor
tains progenitor cells that can be expanded in vitro and grafted cells, expressed as BrdU-labeling index. No signs of macroscopic or micro-
back into the adult brain, where they can respond to regional scopic metastases were found in autopsy material from the cerebrum in any
of the patients. No anti-cancer therapy was administered before or during
cues by differentiation into site-specific phenotypes, including
BrdU administration to any of the patients.
neurons26,27. The presence of progenitor cells in the human den-
tate gyrus, reported here, indicates that these cells also may be Tissue preparation. The hippocampal formation and ventricular zone were
used for in vitro and in vivo studies of cell differentiation and pos- dissected out and post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 hours and then
sibly subsequent transplantation studies. Furthermore, environ- transferred into 30% sucrose solution until equilibrated. The hippocampi
mental stimulation can influence the rate of neurogenesis in the were sectioned (slices 40 µm in thickness) in the coronal plane on a sliding
adult and senescent rodent dentate gyrus 12,17. The potential to reg- microtome and stored at –20 °C in a cryoprotecting buffer containing 25%
ethylene glycol, 25% glycerin and 0.05 M phosphate buffer. For compari-
ulate human neurogenesis should prove to be an interesting area
son, sections derived from BrdU-injected adult rats and mice that had been
of investigation.
intracardially perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde were processed in paral-
lel with the human tissue.
Autopsy material. Human hippocampal tissue was obtained at autopsy Histology. Immunohistochemical detection of BrdU requires a pre-treatment
with the full consent of each family. All patients were diagnosed with squa- of the sections to denature DNA (ref. 5). All staining was done on free-floating
mous cell carcinomas at the base of the tongue, in the larynx or in the phar- sections and the blocking buffer contained both 3% normal donkey serum
ynx. All patients received bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) (250 mg) dissolved in and 3% normal human serum (Sigma). For sections stained only for BrdU, a

Fig. 5 Brightfield
a b d e
tochemical demon-
stration of neuronal
phenotype. a, Stain-
ing with the neu-
ronal marker NeuN c
labels both dentate
granule cells (top
inset, shown in b)
and hilar neurons
(bottom inset,
shown in c). Scale bar represents 100 µm. Combining NeuN staining with differential f g
interference contrast optics demonstrated that NeuN labeling included the entire nu-
cleus and perikaryal cytoplasm and extended into proximal portions of major den-
drites (arrowheads) in both granule cells (b; scale bar represents 20 µm) and hilar
neurons (c, scale bar represents 20 µm). Newly generated cells could be found in the
dentate granule layer when detected with antibodies against BrdU in conjunction
with NeuN staining (d, scale bar represents 25 µm). Dark blue-stained BrdU-labeled
nuclei can co-express the neuronal marker NeuN shown in red (e, scale bar represents
10 µm). The appearance of BrdU-labeled cells in adult human dentate gyrus is equiv-
alent to that of the adult rat dentate gyrus (f, scale bar represents 25 µm; and g, scale
bar represents 10 µm.).


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mouse-anti-BrdU antibody (Boehringer; diluted 1:400) was used in combina- Research Council (project no. K98-12X-12535-01A), Faculty of Medicine,
tion with the avidin-biotin complex method using a biotinylated donkey anti- University of Göteborg, the Gunvor and Josef Anérs Stiftelse, the John and Brit
mouse-IgG antibody (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, California; diluted Wennerströms Stiftelse for Neurologisk Forskning, the Rune and Ulla Amlövs
1:167) and reacted with a diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromagen. Stiftelse for Neurologisk and Reumatologisk Forskning, NHR-fonden, Stiftelsen
Immunofluorescent double- and triple-labeling was done as de-
Göteborgs MS förenings forsknings och byggnadsfond, Stiftelsen Handlanden
scribed5,12. For multiple immunostaining, BrdU was detected with a rat anti-
Hjalmar Svenssons Forskningsfond, Göteborgs Läkaresällskap, Hjärnfonden,
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and visualized with a FITC-conjugated secondary donkey anti-rat antibody The Swedish Society of Medicine, Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne, Stiftelsen Assar
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cell layer (GCL) and two cell diameters below the granule cell layer, ignor- 20 Sloviter, R.S. Calcium-binding protein (calbindin-D28k) and parvalbumin immuno-
ing the cells in the uppermost focal plane and focusing through the thick- cytochemistry: localization in the rat hippocampus with specific reference to the se-
lective vulnerability of hippocampal neurons to seizure activity. J. Comp. Neurol.
ness of the section (optical disector principle; refs. 14,15,16) to avoid
280, 183–196 (1989).
oversampling errors. The subgranular zone (SGZ) was defined as the area 21. Schmechel, D., Marango, P.J., Zis, A.P., Brightman, M. & Goodwin, F.K. Brain eno-
from one cell diameter within the GCL from the hilus-GCL border and two lases as specific markers of neuronal and glial cells. Science 199, 313–315 (1978).
cell diameters below the hilus-GCL border (Fig. 1). Quantitative analysis of 22. Kirschenbaum, B. et al. In vitro neuronal production and differentiation by precur-
BrdU immunoperoxidase-stained sections was done on a Nikon microscope sor cells derived from the adult human forebrain. Cereb. Cortex 4, 576–589 (1994).
23. Rakic, P. Limits of neurogenesis in primates. Science 227, 1054–1056 (1985).
equipped with a video camera. The results are expressed as BrdU-positive
24. Eckenhoff M.F. & Rakic, P. Nature and fate of proliferative cells in the hippocampal
cells per sample volume per section. dentate gyrus during the life span of the rhesus monkey. J. Neurosci. 8, 2729–2747
25. Kempermann, G., Kuhn, H.G. & Gage, F.H. Experience-induced neurogenesis in
the senescent dentate gyrus. J. Neurosci. 18, 3206–3212 (1998).
We thank G. Kempermann, T. Palmer, E. Brandon, M.-C. Senut, K. Sakurada, 26. Gage, F.H. et al. Survival and differentiation of adult neuronal progenitor cells trans-
L. Chehabeddine and M. L. Gage for their comments, and H. van Praag for the planted to the adult brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11879–11883 (1995).
27. Suhonen, J.O., Peterson, D.A., Ray, J. & Gage, F.H. Differentiation of adult hip-
contribution of rat tissue. In addition, we thank L. Kitabayashi for technical as- pocampus-derived progenitors into olfactory neurons in vivo. Nature 383, 624–627
sistance. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical (1996).


Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

An in vivo correlate of exercise-induced neurogenesis
in the adult dentate gyrus
Ana C. Pereira*†, Dan E. Huddleston*†, Adam M. Brickman*†, Alexander A. Sosunov‡, Rene Hen§, Guy M. McKhann‡,
Richard Sloan§, Fred H. Gage¶, Truman R. Brown储, and Scott A. Small*†**
*The Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain, Departments of †Neurology, ‡Neurosurgery, §Psychiatry, and 储Radiology,
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY 10032; and ¶The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037

Contributed by Fred H. Gage, December 30, 2006 (sent for review November 26, 2006)

With continued debate over the functional significance of adult establish how hippocampal CBV maps change during physical
neurogenesis, identifying an in vivo correlate of neurogenesis has exercise, a potent stimulant of dentate gyrus neurogenesis (28), and
become an important goal. Here we rely on the coupling between tested whether CBV changes correlate with postmortem measure-
neurogenesis and angiogenesis and test whether MRI measurements ments of neurogenesis. Once these findings were established in
of cerebral blood volume (CBV) provide an imaging correlate of mice, we were interested in determining how exercise affects the
neurogenesis. First, we used an MRI approach to generate CBV maps hippocampal CBV maps of humans. To accomplish this goal, we
over time in the hippocampal formation of exercising mice. Among all first optimized an MRI approach (29) previously shown to be
hippocampal subregions, exercise was found to have a primary effect capable of generating hippocampal CBV maps in non-human
on dentate gyrus CBV, the only subregion that supports adult neu- primates (30) and then charted exercise-induced CBV changes in
rogenesis. Moreover, exercise-induced increases in dentate gyrus CBV the human hippocampal formation.
were found to correlate with postmortem measurements of neuro-
genesis. Second, using similar MRI technologies, we generated CBV Results
maps over time in the hippocampal formation of exercising humans. Exercise Selectively Increases Dentate Gyrus CBV in Mice and Corre-
As in mice, exercise was found to have a primary effect on dentate lates with Neurogenesis. In designing our experimental protocol, we
gyrus CBV, and the CBV changes were found to selectively correlate were guided by the observation that angiogenesis-induced sprout-
with cardiopulmonary and cognitive function. Taken together, these ing of new blood vessels progresses through different stages,
findings show that dentate gyrus CBV provides an imaging correlate forming gradually over time (9). Accordingly, mice were allowed to
of exercise-induced neurogenesis and that exercise differentially exercise for 2 weeks, the period during which neurogenesis reaches
targets the dentate gyrus, a hippocampal subregion important for its maximum increase, and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a marker of
memory and implicated in cognitive aging. newly born cells, was injected daily during the second week. To
capture the predicted delayed effect in CBV, mice were kept alive
hippocampus 兩 in vivo imaging 兩 cerebral blood volume 兩 angiogenesis for 4 more weeks, then killed and processed for BrdU labeling.
Hippocampal CBV maps (Fig. 1b) assessing the entorhinal cortex,
the dentate gyrus, and the CA3 and CA1 subfields were generated
T he hippocampal formation, a brain circuit made up of separate
but interconnected subregions (1), is vital for memory function
(2) and is targeted by the aging process (3). The dentate gyrus is the
four times over the 6-week experiment: at preexercise baseline and
at weeks 2, 4, and 6. A control group following the identical protocol
but without exercise was imaged in parallel.
only hippocampal subregion that supports neurogenesis in the adult
A repeated-measure ANOVA was used to analyze the imaging
brain (4–6). Nevertheless, because neurogenesis can only be as-
data set (Fig. 1a). A group–time interaction was found only for the
sessed in postmortem tissue, its functional significance remains
dentate gyrus, showing that exercise was associated with a selective
undetermined. With this limitation in mind, we have explored
increase in dentate gyrus CBV (F ⫽ 5.0, P ⫽ 0.034). As shown by
different imaging approaches applicable to rodents and humans
simple contrasts, the effect was driven by a maximum increase that
that might provide an in vivo correlate of neurogenesis.
emerged 2 weeks after the cessation of exercise, from week 2 to
Although imaging radioligands designed to bind newly dividing
week 4 (F ⫽ 5.9, P ⫽ 0.021) (Fig. 1a). The entorhinal cortex was the
cells is an attractive approach, positron emission tomography
only other hippocampal subregion whose CBV increased appre-
imaging suffers inherently poor resolution and cannot visualize the
ciably over time, although not achieving statistical significance (Fig.
dentate gyrus. Additionally, radiolabeling newborn cells introduces
1a). Although exercise might potentially affect CBV by increasing
potential safety concerns. For these reasons, we have focused on
metabolism and cerebral blood flow, previous studies (31, 32) have
MRI technologies instead. Notably, a coupling has been established
shown that exercise-induced changes in metabolism should mani-
between neurogenesis and angiogenesis (7, 8). The process of
fest during, not after, the exercise regimen. Thus, the observed
angiogenesis, in turn, gradually gives rise to the formation of new spatiotemporal profile with which CBV emerged fits better with a
blood vessels, increasing regional microvascular density (9–12). model of exercise-induced angiogenesis in the dentate gyrus.
Importantly, vascular density can be measured in vivo with imaging In agreement with previous studies (33), the exercise group was
techniques that map regional blood volume. Numerous studies have found to have greater BrdU labeling compared with the nonexer-
established a tight relationship between angiogenesis and regional cise group (F ⫽ 9.8, P ⫽ 0.004) (Fig. 2a). More than 90% of
blood volume (13–17), including in the brain where regional
angiogenesis is coupled to regional cerebral blood volume (CBV)
(18–26). Author contributions: G.M.M., R.S., F.H.G., and S.A.S. designed research; A.C.P., D.E.H.,
Because CBV can be measured with MRI, we hypothesized that A.M.B., and A.A.S. performed research; R.H. and T.R.B. contributed new reagents/analytic
a regionally selective increase in hippocampal CBV might provide tools; and A.C.P., F.H.G., and S.A.S. wrote the paper.

an imaging correlate of neurogenesis. This hypothesis was tested in The authors declare no conflict of interest.
mice in which in vivo imaging and postmortem analysis can be Abbreviation: CBV, cerebral blood volume.
performed on the same subjects. We used an MRI approach that **To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
can generate hippocampal CBV maps repeatedly and safely over This article contains supporting information online at
time in mice while simultaneously assessing multiple hippocampal 0611721104/DC1.
subregions (27). We exploited the capabilities of this approach to © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

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Fig. 1. Exercise selectively increases dentate gyrus CBV in mice. (a) Exercise had a selective effect on dentate gyrus CBV. Bar graphs show the mean relative CBV
(rCBV) values for each hippocampal subregion in the exercise group (filled bars) and the nonexercise group (open bars) over the 6-week study. The dentate gyrus
was the only hippocampal subregion that showed a significant exercise effect, with CBV peaking at week 4, whereas the entorhinal cortex showed
a nonsignificant increase in CBV. (b) An individual example. (Left) High-resolution MRI slice that visualizes the external morphology and internal architecture
of the hippocampal formation. (Center) Parcellation of the hippocampal subregions (green, entorhinal cortex; red, dentate gyrus; dark blue, CA3 subfield; light

blue, CA1 subfield). (Right) Hippocampal CBV map (warmer colors reflect higher CBV).

BrdU-positive cells colabeled for NeuN, a neuron-specific marker only for the dentate gyrus (F ⫽ 7.6, P ⫽ 0.04), showing that
(Fig. 2a). To examine the relationship between neurogenesis and irradiation blocked the exercise-induced increases in CBV [sup-
CBV, the repeated-measures model was again used and included porting information (SI) Fig. 5].
BrdU as a covariate. A significant time-by-BrdU interaction was
observed only for dentate gyrus CBV (F ⫽ 3.3, P ⫽ 0.039), driven Exercise Selectively Increases Dentate Gyrus CBV in Humans and
primarily by changes from week 2 to week 4 (F ⫽ 8.8, P ⫽ 0.006). Correlates with Aerobic Fitness and Cognition. Once we established
As shown by a direct analysis, this effect reflected a positive that dentate gyrus CBV provides a correlate of exercise-induced
correlation between BrdU and changes in CBV from week 2 to neurogenesis, we were interested in testing whether this effect is
week 4 (␤ ⫽ 0.58, P ⫽ 0.001) (Fig. 2b). Of note, when BrdU was observed in exercising humans. CBV maps of the human hippocam-
included as a covariate in the ANOVA, the group–time effect pal formation were generated by using our previously reported
observed in the dentate gyrus was no longer significant, confirming MRI approach, specifically tailored for imaging the primate hip-
that neurogenesis accounted for the exercise effect on CBV. Visual pocampal formation (30). Eleven healthy subjects (mean age ⫽ 33,
inspection of the relationship between changes in dentate gyrus ranging from 21–45 years; two males and nine females) participated
CBV and BrdU (Fig. 2b) suggested that a quadratic vs. a linear in the study, completing a 3-month aerobic exercise regimen.
model better characterized the relationship, which was confirmed Hippocampal CBV maps were generated before and after exercise.
by curve estimation analysis (linear model, R2 ⫽ 0.34 and P ⫽ 0.001; CBV values were reliably measured for all hippocampal subregions,
quadratic model, R2 ⫽ 0.59 and P ⬍ 0.0001). Thus, the association except the CA3 subregion (Fig. 3b). Compared with experimental
between changes in dentate gyrus CBV and BrdU exists primarily animals, in humans it is impossible to control the interindividual
when CBV increases with exercise (Fig. 2b). Finally, to test whether differences in physical activity performed during daily life. There-
neurogenesis was required for the observed increases in dentate fore, before and after exercise, we measured the maximum volume
gyrus CBV we relied on a previously described x-irradiation ap- of oxygen consumption (VO2max), the gold standard measure of
proach that selectively blocks dentate gyrus neurogenesis (55). Four exercise-associated aerobic fitness (34, 35) to quantify individual
mice received x-irradiation, and three mice were sham controls. differences in degree of exercise. Cognitive performance was
After a 3-month recovery period, all mice were imaged by using the assessed by using a modified Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
exercise protocol. A repeated-measure ANOVA applied to the (36), whose design allows cognition to be tested across different
CBV data set revealed a group (x-ray vs. sham)-by-time interaction learning trials and during delayed recall, recognition, and source

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Fig. 2. Exercise-induced increases in dentate gyrus CBV correlate with neurogenesis. (a) (Left) Exercising mice were found to have more BrdU labeling compared
with the no-exercise group. (Right) As shown by confocal microscopy, the majority of the new cells were colabeled with NeuN (red, BrdU labeling; green, NeuN;
yellow, BrdU/NeuN double labeling). (b) (Left) A significant linear relationship was found between changes in dentate gyrus CBV and BrdU labeling. (Right) A
quadratic relationship better fits the data. The vertical stippled line in each plot splits the x axis into CBV changes that decreased (left of line) versus those that
increased (right of line) with exercise.

memory. Ten subjects were cognitively assessed after exercise, eight Finally, we examined the relationship between cognition and
of whom were assessed at preexercise baseline. CBV. Among all hippocampal subregions, the correlation between
A repeated-measures ANOVA used to analyze the imaging data improvements in trial 1 performance and increases in dentate gyrus
showed that the dentate gyrus was the only hippocampal subregion CBV was the only one that trended toward significance (␤ ⫽ 0.62,
whose CBV significantly increased over time (F ⫽ 12, P ⫽ 0.006) P ⫽ 0.052). Because of the missing preexercise data, we repeated
(Fig. 3a). As in mice, the entorhinal cortex was the only other all of the analyses comparing changes in CBV with postexercise
hippocampal subregion whose CBV increased appreciably over cognition, finding an exclusive correlation between postexercise
time, although not achieving statistical significance (F ⫽ 4.3, P ⫽ trial 1 learning and dentate gyrus CBV (␤ ⫽ 0.63, P ⫽ 0.026)
0.064) (Fig. 3a). As a group, VO2max values significantly increased (Fig. 4b).
over time (F ⫽ 11.6, P ⫽ 0.007) (Fig. 4a), and, to confirm that the
imaged changes were directly related to exercise and not simply Discussion
caused by a test–retest effect, we found that individual differences Taken together, our findings show that, within the hippocampal
in dentate gyrus CBV were correlated to individual changes formation, exercise targets the dentate gyrus with regional selec-
in VO2max (␤ ⫽ 0.662, P ⫽ 0.027) (Fig. 4b). Importantly, tivity. In addition, our results identify that, in mice, dentate gyrus
a correlation between CBV and VO2max was not observed for CBV is an imaging correlate of exercise-induced neurogenesis.
any other hippocampal subregion, including the entorhinal cortex Because of its pleiotropic effect on the brain (37, 38), the
(Fig. 4b), confirming that exercise has a selective effect on dentate subregional selectivity that exercise was found to have within the
gyrus CBV. hippocampal formation was an unexpected finding. This observa-
Cognitively, individuals performed significantly better on trial 1 tion is particularly interesting in light of studies suggesting that the
learning (F ⫽ 7.0, P ⫽ 0.027) after exercise, with a trend toward dentate gyrus is a hippocampal subregion differentially vulnerable
improvement on all-trial learning (F ⫽ 5.0, P ⫽ 0.053) and delayed to the aging process, as shown in humans (39, 40), nonhuman
recall (F ⫽ 5.0, P ⫽ 0.057). There was no effect on delayed primates (30, 41), and rodents (30, 42), and that dentate gyrus
recognition (F ⫽ 0.19, P ⫽ 0.67) or source memory (F ⫽ 0.15, P ⫽ dysfunction contributes to cognitive aging (30, 40). Interestingly, a
0.25) (Fig. 4a). To test that cognitive improvement was related to growing number of studies have established that exercise amelio-
exercise per se, we found that individual changes in trial 1 learning rates age-related cognitive decline (43–46). Thus, the effect that
were correlated with individual changes in VO2max (␤ ⫽ 0.660, P ⫽ exercise was observed to have on the dentate gyrus likely contrib-
0.037). However, because only 8 of the 10 subjects completed utes to the reported cognitive benefits exercise has on the aging
preexercise cognitive testing, we repeated the analysis with postex- brain.
cercise cognitive performance scores. Again, we found that changes Because neurogenesis couples with angiogenesis (7, 8) and
in VO2max correlated exclusively with postexercise trial 1 learning angiogenesis, in turn, couples with CBV (18–26), we hypothesized
(␤ ⫽ 0.70, P ⫽ 0.026) (Fig. 4b). Additional analyses showed that the that measures of CBV might provide an in vivo correlate of
correlation between changes in VO2max and cognition was selec- neurogenesis. This hypothesis is based in part on our previous
tive to trial 1 learning (Fig. 4b), thereby confirming that, despite findings that exercise increases both neurogenesis and angiogenesis
apparent increases in other cognitive measures (i.e., delayed rec- in young adult rodents (43). We have confirmed this prediction with
ognition, as shown in Fig. 4a), this particular measure was selec- our high-resolution MRI techniques, which are capable of assessing
tively influenced by exercise. individual hippocampal subregions, showing that dentate gyrus

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Fig. 3. Exercise selectively increases dentate gyrus CBV in humans. (a) Exercise had a selective effect on dentate gyrus CBV. Bar graph shows the mean relative
CBV (rCBV) values for each hippocampal subregion before exercise (open bars) and after exercise (filled bars). As in mice, the dentate gyrus was the only
hippocampal subregion that showed a significant exercise effect, whereas the entorhinal cortex showed a nonsignificant increase in CBV. (b) An individual
example. (Left) High-resolution MRI slice that visualizes the external morphology and internal architecture of the hippocampal formation. (Center) Parcellation
of the hippocampal subregions (green, entorhinal cortex; red, dentate gyrus; blue, CA1 subfield; yellow, subiculum). (Right) Hippocampal CBV map (warmer
colors reflect higher CBV).

CBV selectively correlates with underlying neurogenesis in mice. Human. Eleven subjects (mean age, 33 ranging from 21–45 years; 2
Blocking the exercise-induced CBV effect with irradiation, a neuro- males and 9 females) who fulfilled the American Heart Association
genesis suppressant, further confirms that neurogenesis underlies criteria for below-average aerobic fitness (VO2max, ⬍43 for men
the observed increases in CBV. However, in the absence of direct and ⬍37 for women) were recruited (51). The 11 enrolled subjects
measurements, we have not confirmed that angiogenesis is engaged in an exercise training protocol for 12 weeks at Columbia
the intermediate factor that accounts for this relationship. Mech- University Fitness Center at a frequency of four times a week. Each
anistically, there are many molecules that may be mediating exercise session lasted ⬇1 h: 5 min of low-intensity warm-up on a
the exercise-induced coupling between neurogenesis and angio- treadmill or stationary bicycle, 5 min of stretching, 40 min of aerobic
genesis (47), including VEGF (8) or exercise-induced changes in training, and 10 min for cool down and stretching. During the 40
BDNF (48). min of aerobic activity, subjects were permitted to select from
The remarkable similarities between the exercise-induced CBV cycling on a stationary ergometer, running on a treadmill, climbing
changes in the hippocampal formation of mice and humans suggest on a StairMaster, or using an elliptical trainer.
that the effect is mediated by similar mechanisms. Of course, in VO2max was measured by a graded exercise test on an Ergoline
contrast to mice, it is impossible to directly confirm whether the 800S electronic-braked cycle ergometer (SensorMedics, Anaheim,
changes in dentate gyrus CBV observed in humans are a reflection CA). Each subject began exercising at 30 W for 2 min, and the work
of neurogenesis. Nevertheless, previous rodent studies have shown rate was continually increased by 30 W each 2 min until VO2max
that levels of neurogenesis are coupled with individual differences criteria (respiratory quotient of ⱖ 1.1, increases in ventilation
in degree of exercise (28). Therefore, together with the cross- without concomitant increases in VO2, maximum age-predicted
species similarities on hippocampal CBV, the observation that heart rate, and/or volitional fatigue) were reached. Minute venti-

exercise-induced changes in dentate gyrus CBV correlate with lation was measured by a pneumotachometer connected to a FLO-1
VO2max supports the interpretation that the human effect is volume transducer module (Physio-Dyne Instrument Corporation,
Quogue, NY). Percentages of expired oxygen (O2) and carbon
mediated, at least in part, by neurogenesis.
dioxide (CO2) were measured by using a paramagnetic O2 analyzer
In any case, our results show that in vivo imaging can predict levels
and an infrared CO2 analyzer connected to a computerized system
of neurogenesis in living mice. Furthermore, as demonstrated, the
(MAX-1; Physio-Dyne Instrument Corporation). These analyzers
MRI technologies used in these studies are capable of measuring
were calibrated against known medical grade gases. The highest
meaningful changes in dentate gyrus CBV over time in both
VO2 value attained during the graded exercise test is considered
humans and mice. By providing evidence in support of exercise- VO2max.
induced neurogenesis and by introducing the tools needed to
achieve this goal, this study shows that it is possible to isolate the In Vivo Imaging. Mice. Mice were imaged with a 9.4-T Bruker
specific profile of cognitive changes that are neurogenesis- scanner (AVANCBV 400WB spectrometer; Bruker NMR, Bil-
dependent. Furthermore, the imaging tools presented here are lerica, MA) by following a previously described protocol (27).
uniquely suited to investigate potential pharmacological modula- Briefly, axial T2-weighted images were optimally acquired with a
tors of neurogenesis, testing their role in treating depression (49) fast sequence (time to repeat/effective echo time ⫽ 2,000 ms/70 ms;
and in ameliorating the cognitive decline that occurs in all of us as 30-mm i.d. birdcage radio frequency probe; shielded gradient
we age (43, 50). system, 100 g/cm; rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement
factor, 16; field of view, 19.6 mm; acquisition matrix, 256 ⫻ 256; no.
Methods of slices, 8; slice thickness, 0.6 mm; slice gap, 0.1 mm; number of
Exercise. Mice. A total of 46 C57BL/6 mice (7 weeks old) were used excitations, 28). Five sets of images were acquired sequentially, each
(23 exercising and 23 nonexercising animals). The experimental requiring 16 min. The first two sets were precontrast. Gadodiamide
mice were placed in cages with running wheels (Lafayette Instru- was then injected (13 mmol/kg i.p.) through a catheter placed
ment Company, Lafayette, IN). The animals ran voluntarily for intraperitoneally before imaging. The last three sets corresponded
2 weeks. MRI images were acquired at the following time points: to the postcontrast images. To prevent head motion and reduce
week 0 (baseline), week 2 (when exercise was stopped), week 4, anxiety, the animals were anesthetized with isoflurane gas [1.5%
and week 6. The thymidine analog BrdU marker was injected i.p. (vol/vol) for maintenance at 1 liter per minute of air flow) via a nose
for 7 consecutive days (60 mg䡠kg⫺1䡠day⫺1) during the second week cone. Isoflurane was chosen because it induces minimal cerebral
of the experiment. At week 6, the animals were anesthetized and hemodynamic change (52). Monitoring of the heart rate, respira-
killed in accordance with institutional guidelines. tory rate, and oxygen saturation was performed during the whole

Pereira et al. PNAS 兩 March 27, 2007 兩 vol. 104 兩 no. 13 兩 5641

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a 40 20


T o ta l C o rre c t

pre post

Learning Learning Recall Recall Delay Delay
(trial 1) (all-trial) (5 min) (90 min) Recog Source

b 10 10 2.5
VO2max (diff)

DG CBV (diff)
8 2.0
VO2max (diff)

6 6 1.5
4 4 1.0
2 2 0.5
0 0 0.0
-2 -2 -0.5
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
DG CBV (diff) Trial 1 learning (post) Trial 1 learning (post))
10 10
VO2max (diff)

8 8
VO2max (diff)

EC CBV (diff)

6 6 1.0
4 4
2 2 0.0

0 0 -1.0
-2 -2

-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

EC CBV (diff) Delayed recog (post) Trial 1 learning (post)
Fig. 4. Exercise-induced increases in dentate gyrus CBV correlate with aerobic fitness and cognition. (a) (Left) VO2max, the gold-standard measure of
exercise-induced aerobic fitness, increased after exercise. (Right) Cognitively, exercise has its most reliable effect on first-trial learning of new declarative
memories. (b) (Left) Exercise-induced changes in VO2max correlated with changes in dentate gyrus (DG) CBV but not with other hippocampal subregions,
including the entorhinal cortex (EC), confirming the selectivity of the exercise-induced effect. (Center) Exercise-induced changes in VO2max correlated with
postexercise trial 1 learning but not with other cognitive tasks, including delayed recognition. (Right) Postexercise trial 1 learning correlated with exercise-
induced changes in dentate gyrus CBV but not with changes in other hippocampal subregions, including the entorhinal cortex.

procedure. Relative CBV was mapped as changes of the transverse thickness, 4 mm) were acquired oriented perpendicular to the
relaxation rate (⌬R2) induced by the contrast agent. When the hippocampal long-axis before and 4 min after i.v. administration of
contrast agent reaches uniform distribution, CBV maps can be the contrast gadolinium (0.1 mmol/kg). The difference between
measured from steady-state T2-weighted images as CBV ⬁ ⌬R2 ⫽ precontrast and postcontrast images was used to access the regional
ln(Spre/Spost)/TE, where TE is the effective echo time, Spre is the CBV map. To control for differences in levels of contrast admin-
signal before the contrast administration, and Spost is the signal after istration, cardiac output, and global blood flow, the derived differ-
the contrast agent reaches steady-state. To control for differences ences in signal intensity were normalized to the maximum 4-pixel
in levels of contrast administration, cardiac output, and global blood signal value of the sagittal sinus (29). For each subject, the pre-
flow, the derived maps were normalized to the maximum 4-pixel contrast scan was used to identify the slice with the best visualiza-
signal value of the posterior cerebral vein. Visualized anatomical tion of the external morphology and internal architecture of the
landmarks were used together with standard atlases to identify hippocampal formation. Visualized anatomical landmarks were
the localization of four hippocampal subregions: the dentate gyrus, used together with standard atlases to identify the general locale of
the CA3 subfield, the CA1 subfield, and the entorhinal cortex (53). four subregions: the dentate gyrus, the CA1 subfield, the subicu-
The normalized CBV measurements from each subregion were lum, and the entorhinal cortex (30). The normalized CBV mea-
used for group data analysis. surements from each subregion were used for group data analysis.
Human. Subjects were imaged with a 1.5-T scanner Intera scanner
(Philips, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). As previously described Microscopy. Immunohistochemistry. Free-floating, 40-␮m coronal
(30), coronal T1-weighted images (repetition time, 20 ms; echo sections were used in the determination of BrdU labeling. DNA
time, 6 ms; flip angle, 25°; in-plane resolution, 0.86 ⫻ 86 mm; slice denaturation was conducted by incubation for 1 h at 2 M HCl at

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37°C, followed by washing in boric buffer (pH 8.5). After washing, Cognitive testing. Declarative memory was measured with a version
sections were incubated for 30 min in 10% H2O2 to eliminate of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (36) modified to increase
endogenous peroxidases. After blocking with 3% normal donkey variability in memory performance among healthy young adults.
serum in 0.2% Triton X-100, sections were incubated with mono- Twenty nonsemantically or phonemically related words were pre-
clonal anti-BrdU (1:600; Roche, Basel, Switzerland) overnight at sented over three learning trials in which the test administrator read
4°C. Sections were then incubated for 1 h at room temperature with the word list and the subject free-recalled as many words as possible.
the secondary antibody (biotinylated donkey anti-mouse; Jackson Administration of the three learning trials was immediately fol-
ImmunoResearch Laboratories, West Grove, PA) followed by lowed by one learning trial of a distracter list and then a short
amplification with an avidin–biotin complex (Vector Laboratories, delayed free recall of the initial list. After a 90-min delay period,
Burlingame, CA), and visualized with diaminobenzidine (Sigma, St. subjects were asked to freely recall words from the initial list and
Louis, MO). For double-immunolabeling, free-floating sections then to freely recall items from the distracter list. After a 24-hr delay
were incubated in a mixture of primary antibodies, anti-BrdU
period, subjects were contacted by telephone and asked to freely
(1:600; Roche), and anti-NeuN (1:500; Chemicon, Temecula, CA),
recall items from the initial list and then from the distracter list.
raised in different species overnight. For visualization, Alexa Fluor-
conjugated appropriate secondary antibodies (1:300; Molecular They were then administered a forced-choice recognition trial in
Probes, Eugene, OR) raised in goats were used for 1 h at room which they were required to identify the 20 words from the initial
temperature. Blocking serum and primary and secondary anti- learning trial among semantically and phonemically related words,
bodies were applied in 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS. Sections as well as words from the distracter trial. Finally, a source memory
for fluorescent microscopy were mounted on slides in trial was administered in which subjects were read a list containing
VECTASHIELD (Vector Laboratories). For control of the spec- only words from the initial learning list and from the distracter list
ificity of immunolabeling, primary antibodies were omitted and and were asked to identify from which list each word came. Two
substituted with appropriate normal serum. Slides were viewed with forms of the verbal learning test were created, and the administra-
a confocal microscope [Radiance 2000 (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) tion order was counterbalanced. As in previous studies (54), we
mounted on a E800 microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan)]. The measured words correctly recalled on the first trial of the initial
images presented are stacks of six to 16 optical sections (step, 1 mm) learning trials, the average number of words recalled across the
that were collected individually (in the green and red channels) or three learning trials, the number of words from the initial learning
simultaneously with precaution against cross-talk between chan- trial that were correctly recalled after a short delay (⬍5 min), the
nels. The images were processed with PhotoShop 7.0 (Adobe number of words from the initial learning trial that were correctly
Systems, San Jose, CA) without contrast and brightness changes in recalled after a 90-min delay, the number of items correctly
split images. identified on the recognition trial, and the correct number of items
Quantitation of BrdU labeling. Every sixth section throughout the identified on the source memory trial.
hippocampus was processed for BrdU immunohistochemistry. Ten
sections were used for each animal. All BrdU-labeled cells in the We thank Kenneth Hess and Fan Hau for help in mouse imaging and Clay
dentate gyrus (granule cell layer and subgranular zone) were Lacefield for helping deliver x-irradiation. This work was supported by
counted under a light microscope by an experimenter blinded to the grants from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National
study code. The average number of BrdU-labeled cells was then Institutes of Health (AG025161), the New York Heart Association, the
derived for each animal. Lookout Foundation, and the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

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Shadows Cast by Retinal Blood nance columns. The relevance of these

experiments, however, can be questioned

Vessels Mapped in Primary on the grounds that suture of the eyelids is

an artificial manipulation, creating an ex-
treme imbalance in the stimulation of each
Visual Cortex retina. It has not been shown that under
natural circumstances, competition be-
Daniel L. Adams* and Jonathan C. Horton tween the two eyes has an important influ-
ence on the appearance of the ocular dom-
The mammalian eye is a remarkable optical device, but its design is not inance columns.
perfect. The blood vessels that supply the inner retina are located in front Cortical representation of retinal ves-
of the photoreceptor layer, blocking access to light. Their shadows create sels. We now show that visual deprivation
a pattern of blindness in the field of vision that corresponds precisely to the occurs routinely in normal primates, affecting
location of the largest vessels in the eye. We show here that in squirrel ocular dominance patterns. Helmholtz dis-
monkeys, focal deprivation by blood vessels leads to rewiring of the eye’s covered while plotting his blind spot that he
geniculocortical projections, imprinting an image of the retinal vascular tree could discern the proximal stumps of large
onto the primary visual cortex. This process illustrates vividly that local blood vessels emerging from the optic disc
imbalances in neuronal activity can influence column formation during (15). With refinement of perimetric tech-
normal development. niques, subsequent investigators have plotted
these so-called angioscotomas over wide por-
In many higher species, the geniculate affer- geniculate afferents driven by each eye. tions of the visual field (16, 17). The hemo-
ents serving right and left eyes are segregated These small imbalances may be amplified by globin in red blood cells absorbs light, cast-
in the brain in layer 4 of primary (striate, V1) competitive synaptic interactions between ing a shadow from blood vessels in the inner
visual cortex into a mosaic of interdigitated geniculocortical afferents to generate a ma- retina onto photoreceptors located under-
inputs called ocular dominance columns (1). ture system of ocular dominance columns neath. We have found a representation of
The formation of these columns has been (6–9). angioscotomas in striate cortex of the squirrel
scrutinized in the hope of elucidating the Doubt has been cast on this explanation monkey (Saimiri sciureus).
processes that guide the development of the for column development by recent experi- The squirrel monkey was reported original-
cerebral cortex (2). Some experiments show ments showing that ocular dominance ly to lack ocular dominance columns (18, 19).
an essential role for neuronal activity, be- columns appear in ferrets despite early bi- They are present, in fact, but often appear poor-
cause infusion of tetrodotoxin into both eyes lateral enucleation (10). This finding sug- ly developed and irregular (20). To examine
seems to prevent the emergence of ocular gests that column formation is ordained by their pattern more closely, we enucleated one
dominance columns (3). According to this intrinsic molecular cues, and not by pat- eye and stained striate cortex for the mitochon-
idea, the correlated discharge of neighboring terns of neuronal activity. Although neuro- drial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) (21–
ganglion cells, perhaps generated by sponta- nal activity has a disputed role in column 23). The ocular dominance columns are re-
neous waves of retinal activity (4, 5), induces induction, it certainly can influence column vealed by this approach because metabolic ac-
local cortical imbalances in the density of morphology at a later stage in development. tivity is reduced in the missing eye’s columns.
Raising a newborn animal with monocular After perfusion, striate cortex was stripped from
eyelid suture, to mimic congenital cataract, the white matter, flattened in a single piece, and
Beckman Vision Center, University of California, San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143– 0730, USA.
causes shrinkage of the deprived eye’s sectioned tangentially to the surface. Flatmount
columns and expansion of the normal eye’s preparations enhance the likelihood of detecting
*To whom correspondence should be addressed at
Beckman Vision Center, University of California, San
columns (11–14 ). Here, an imbalance in subtle metabolic patterns, such as the optic disc
Francisco, 10 Kirkham Street, San Francisco, CA neuronal activity has a profound influence representation, which lies buried in the calcar-
94143– 0730, USA. E-mail: on the shape and size of the ocular domi- ine sulcus (24).

572 18 OCTOBER 2002 VOL 298 SCIENCE

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Ocular dominance is expressed most strong- sively from the right eye. Once the baby blind spot representation (Fig. 2C). This exper-
ly in layer 4C of striate cortex. CO montage of monkey opens its eyes (Fig. 2B), light enters iment proved that cortical angioscotoma repre-
this layer revealed a fuzzy pattern of fine ocular through the pupil and shadows are cast by sentations are generated by anatomical rear-
dominance columns (Fig. 1). The left eye’s retinal blood vessels. Ganglion cells in the rangement of geniculocortical inputs. It should
optic disc representation appeared as a large, left eye that receive input from photorecep- be emphasized that in three control animals,
homogeneous zone of CO activity in the right tors beneath blood vessels are not driven with intact vision in both eyes, no CO pattern
cortex. It stained darkly, because the left eye effectively by visual stimulation. In turn, was visible in layer 4C. Removal of one eye is
was enucleated in this animal. In the periphery, these ganglion cells fail to activate lateral required to reveal the cortical angioscotoma
a large pale zone corresponded to the represen- geniculate neurons. Consequently, the axon representations with CO.
tation of the far nasal retina of the left eye terminals of these geniculate fibers retract in Angioscotomas were represented in stri-
(monocular crescent). striate cortex, and the territory they relinquish ate cortex of 9 of 12 squirrel monkeys.
Radiating from the optic disc representa- is taken over by afferents serving the right Shadows generated in the contralateral eye
tion were more than a dozen, thin, dark pro- eye. After the critical period, geniculocortical
files. They represented the blood vessels em- afferents become frozen in place. When one
anating from the optic disc of the left eye. eye is enucleated (Fig. 2C), CO reveals the
This was confirmed by matching each ele- ocular dominance columns, which have been
ment in the cortical pattern to its correspond- rearranged to correspond to the cortical rep-
ing retinal blood vessel (Fig. 1, C and D). resentation of retinal blood vessels.
How do angioscotoma representa- To confirm this hypothesis, we double-la-
tions form? Angioscotoma representations beled the ocular dominance columns in this
cannot form before birth, because the uterine animal (and two others) by injecting an anatom-
environment is dark. We propose that after ical tracer, [3H]proline, into the remaining right
birth (Fig. 2A), the right cortex, for instance, eye (25, 26). The proline and CO patterns were
receives binocular input organized into nas- identical (compare Figs. 1A and 3). As expect-
cent columns, except at the representation of ed, the angioscotoma representations in striate
the left optic disc, where input comes exclu- cortex were solidly labeled, as intensely as the

Fig. 2. CO staining of angioscotoma repre-

sentations. (A) At birth, CO staining is uni-
form. Angioscotomas are absent, but the
right eye already monopolizes the left eye’s
blind spot representation. (B) After light ex-
posure, vessels begin to cast shadows, gen-
erating angioscotoma representations. Their
pattern becomes immutable at the end of the
critical period. (C) Removal of one eye induc-
Fig. 1. Representation of angioscotomas in striate cortex. (A) Flatmount montage stained for es an undulating pattern of CO activity, cor-
CO after removal of the left eye to reveal the ocular dominance columns. The dark lines responding to the ocular dominance columns.
emerging from the central dark oval correspond to the blood vessels of the left eye. (B) Fundus The angioscotomas appear silhouetted
photograph showing optic disc and retinal blood vessels. (C) Drawing of vessel representations, against this textured background, because
color-coded to match the retinal drawing. Dashed line denotes circumference of retinal they stain solidly. Note the tendency for the
photograph in (B), projected onto the cortex. MC, monocular crescent; BS, blind spot. (D) other eye to “frost” the vessel and blind spot
Drawing of retina, with represented portions of vessels coded by color. Star denotes the fovea. representations. SCIENCE VOL 298 18 OCTOBER 2002 573

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
predominated, because blood vessels are angioscotomas in the same cortex, because highlighting each vessel representation. Ap-
generally larger in nasal retina, especially they originated from the temporal retina of parently, when retraction of geniculate affer-
near the optic disc. A few vessel represen- the ipsilateral eye. ents occurs during the critical period, the
tations, however, could be traced across the Each angioscotoma representation was displaced afferents form a solid phalanx
vertical meridian (V1/V2 border) and into fringed by cortex that exhibited opposite CO along the edges of the representation of each
the opposite cortex (Figs. 3 and 4). Their contrast (Fig. 5). This “frosting” enhanced angioscotoma. The displaced afferents dom-
contrast was reversed, compared with other the visibility of the angioscotoma pattern by inate in these flanking zones, expelling those
from the other eye. This is noteworthy, be-
Fig. 3. Autoradiograph pre- cause neither eye enjoys any obvious com-
pared after tracer injection into petitive advantage in visual stimulation right
the remaining right eye, show- next to an angioscotoma.
ing label (bright regions) dis- Precision of the visual field represen-
tributed in a pattern identical
to that in Fig. 1A. The congru- tation. The biggest vessels represented in
ence of the patterns confirms the cortex were retinal veins near the optic
that CO staining after monoc- disc. They attained a diameter of nearly 100
ular enucleation precisely re- ␮m (0.62°). The smallest were vessels ap-
flects the distribution of proaching the fovea, less than 30 ␮m wide
geniculocortical inputs. The an- (0.17°). To calculate shadow widths, we mea-
gioscotomas and the blind spot
are solidly labeled, as predicted sured exit pupil diameter, distance from exit
in Fig. 2C. Arrow denotes an pupil to retinal vessel, retinal vessel diameter,
unlabeled angioscotoma, aris- and distance from retinal vessel to photore-
ing from a temporal vessel in ceptors (27, 28). Many smaller vessels failed
the right eye. to eclipse the pupil completely and therefore
produced no umbra. For example, a 28-␮m-
diameter vessel 7.5° from the fovea cast only
penumbra, measuring 83 ␮m in width (Fig.
6). From an expression for cortical magnifi-
cation factor along an isoeccentricity ring

Fig. 4. Vessels in nasal,

compared with temporal,
retina are represented
more extensively. (A) Ret-
inal photomontage. (B)
CO staining after enucle-
ation of the right eye.
Most angioscotomas are
dark, because they repre-
sent vessels of the right
eye’s nasal retina, but a
few are pale, representing
the left eye’s temporal
retina. (C) Drawing of the
right fundus. The dotted
lines outline the left eye’s
blind spot and major infe-
rior fundus vessels (see
retinal montage, inset).
Their temporal segments
account for the two pale
angioscotoma representa-
tions visible in the lower
left cortex. (D) Drawing of
CO pattern. Abbreviations
as in Fig. 1.

574 18 OCTOBER 2002 VOL 298 SCIENCE

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
(derived below), we calculated that an 83-␮m ⬃50% of the shadow was sufficiently dense posed to visuotopic, and therefore immune to
shadow should produce a cortical representa- to induce remodeling of geniculocortical af- errors introduced by eye movements or inac-
tion 737 ␮m wide. In fact, the vessel’s corti- ferents. This portion of the shadow was only curate plotting of receptive fields (30).
cal profile measured only 350 ␮m (see vessel three to four cones wide. Areal cortical magnification factor, Ma,
11, Fig. 4D), indicating that just the central Generation of a retinotopic map. The was derived by measuring the area (mm2 ) of
angioscotoma representations provided a each compartment in the map and dividing by
simple means for construction of a visual the area (degrees squared) of its correspond-
field map in striate cortex (Fig. 7). First, ing visual field zone. The data were plotted as
dozens of prominent landmarks, such as ves- a function of eccentricity (Fig. 7D) for four
sel crossings or bifurcations, were identified hemispheres from two monkeys. Cortical
in the retina and projected onto a tangent magnification factor in the squirrel monkey
screen to determine their eccentricity. These was similar to the value reported in the ma-
data were used to calibrate a system of rings caque (31), showing that these evolutionarily
and rays, which was superimposed on an divergent primate species emphasize macular
image of the nasal retina. This image was vision to the same extent.
transformed by computer to match retinal Discussion. Retinal blood vessels give
features precisely to their cortical representa- rise to angioscotomas in the visual field, just
tion (29), thereby generating a retinotopic as the optic disc creates a blind spot. How-
map. This map is truly retinotopic, as op- ever, the mechanism is quite different. The

Fig. 5. Vessel representations are flanked by

CO activity of opposite contrast. A vertically
oriented dark angioscotoma representation
(Fig. 4D) is surrounded by pale staining. Mean
optical density of each column of pixels is
plotted below.

Fig. 6. Optics of shadow formation. Toluidine

blue–stained retinal cross section (Fig. 4C),
showing the shadow cast by a blood vessel in
the ganglion cell layer with a 28-␮m lumen
diameter, when fully inflated. Pairs of lines,
projected from opposite margins of a 1.9-mm
pupil located 8.4 mm in front of the retina,
show the boundaries of the shadow obscuring
photoreceptors. The umbra (gray triangle) Fig. 7. Generation of a retinotopic map. Ring and ray pattern is superimposed on the right retina,
does not reach the photoreceptor layer in using landmarks plotted in vivo. Correspondence points (yellow squares) are placed on matching
this example, because the vessel is too small. features of the retina and cortex. Blue lines are placed on segments between correspondence
Gradient indicates penumbra, which reached points. They include blood vessels, vertical meridian (V1/V2) border, horizontal meridian, and the
a maximum optical density of 0.45. Open boundary between binocular and monocular cortex (measured in vivo at 72°). Warping of the retina
arrow shows the light-recipient boundary be- onto the cortex produces a retinotopic map. Areal cortical magnification factor (mean ⫾ SEM) for
tween cone inner and outer segments. four cortices is graphed versus eccentricity. SCIENCE VOL 298 18 OCTOBER 2002 575

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
optic disc produces a hole, devoid of gangli- keys, the fine grain and weak segregation of the monkeys from the California Regional Primate Cen-
on cells, in the fabric of the retina. The other ter, Davis, CA. All procedures were approved by the
ocular dominance columns create perfect University of California, San Francisco, Committee on
eye fills in the cortical gap, visible as a solid conditions for the formation of angioscotoma Animal Research. Each animal was anesthetized with
oval amid a sea of ocular dominance col- representations. 2% isoflurane and paralyzed with succinylcholine (45
umns. This occurs in utero, before visual Amblyogenic shadows just a few cones mg/kg, intravenously). The animal was placed in a
experience has any influence (32). stereotaxic frame mounted on a tripod to orient the
wide were represented in the cortex, reflecting
visual axis perpendicular to a large tangent screen.
Angioscotomas, on the other hand, arise the remarkable precision of the visual field map Photographs were taken of both retinae and land-
because a few photoreceptors are condemned in layer 4C (37). In other layers, angioscotomas marks were projected onto a tangent screen with a
to a life of idleness owing to their location were not visible, because of the coarser resolu- fundus camera to pinpoint their eccentricity. Retinal
beneath blood vessels. The retina is otherwise tion of the visual field map and the intermin- magnification factor was 161 ␮m per degree in the
central 24°. One eye was then enucleated under
normal. Deprivation by vascular shadows gling of ocular channels. The representation of sterile conditions. Buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg) was
induces local remodeling of geniculate affer- angioscotomas was most extensive at eccentric- administered for 48 hours after surgery for analgesia.
ents, in a cortical distribution that corre- ities from 4° to 30°. Within this range, an ideal After a survival time of at least 10 days, the animal
sponds to the trajectory of blood vessels with- balance exists between cortical magnification was killed with sodium pentobarbital (150 mg/kg)
and perfused with 1% paraformaldehyde. Flatmounts
in the retina. The process is analogous to factor and blood vessel size. Beyond 30°, vessel were cut at 30 to 40 ␮m, air-dried on slides, reacted
amblyopia induced by a congenital cataract. size and magnification factor both decrease, so for CO, and montaged with Photoshop 6.0.
A lens opacity, however, provokes global most angioscotoma representations disappear. 22. M. T. T. Wong-Riley, Brain Res. 171, 11 (1979).
23. J. C. Horton, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 304,
shrinkage of geniculate afferents in the cortex Toward the fovea, blood vessels rapidly taper. 199 (1984).
(33). Our results show that amblyopia can be Their reduction is offset by a steep rise in 24. J. C. Horton, D. R. Hocking, J. Neurosci. 16, 7228
exquisitely focal within an eye. It probably cortical magnification factor, but nevertheless, (1996).
25. Two millicuries of L-[2,3,4,5-3H]proline were recon-
occurs underneath retinal blood vessels in angioscotoma representations abruptly peter out stituted in 20 ␮l of saline and injected into the
primates other than squirrel monkeys, includ- at 3° to 4°. This occurs because vessels near the vitreous of one eye. Alternate cortical sections were
ing humans. fovea contain too little blood to cast a suffi- processed for CO or autoradiography.
26. T. N. Wiesel, D. H. Hubel, D. M. K. Lam, Brain Res. 79,
Angioscotoma representations in the cor- ciently dense shadow. 273 (1974).
tex provide a natural example of how visual Angioscotomas are rarely noticed in 27. R. A. Applegate, A. Bradley, W. A. van Heuven, Invest.
activity can influence the pattern formed by our vision because they are filled in perceptual- Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 31, 2088 (1990).
ocular dominance columns. They are essen- ly, just like the blind spot. Remarkably, an- 28. Entrance pupil size was measured by photography
with a 100-mm macro-lens in five squirrel mon-
tially nothing more than long, threadlike oc- gioscotomas amount collectively to a greater keys aged 1 week; it was 1.9 ⫾ 0.03 mm (SEM),
ular dominance columns, generated because portion of the visual field than the blind spot. with a range of 1.7 to 2.0 mm. This value was used
deprivation in one eye tips the local compe- Nature has struck a compromise in the design of for exit pupil size, because for small pupils, the
tition for cortical territory in favor of the the eye, by allowing blood vessels to obscure difference between entrance and exit pupil size is
negligible. Distance from pupil to retina was mea-
other eye. The deprived eye is compensated some photoreceptors. At least the largest vessels
sured in three newborn squirrel monkeys with A-
by preferential assignment of the closest ad- in the retina are prohibited from approaching the mode ultrasound; it was 8.4 ⫾ 0.12 mm (SEM).
jacent territory—as reflected by the “frost- fovea, so that we are scarcely aware of their Adult retinae were sectioned at 1 ␮m in Epon-
ing” lining the angioscotoma representations presence. Araldite and the lumen diameter of identified
blood vessels was measured. Distance from retinal
(Fig. 5). This phenomenon presumably re- vessel to photoreceptors was also measured in
flects an innate tendency to allot cortical References and Notes these sections. Correction was made for retinal
territory in a reciprocal manner (6–8, 34, 35). 1. D. H. Hubel, T. N. Wiesel, Nature 221, 747 (1969). growth and tissue shrinkage.
2. L. C. Katz, C. J. Shatz, Science 274, 1133 (1996). 29. About 50 to 100 correspondence points were used to
The global periodicity of the columns result- warp the nasal retina onto the cortex, using Elastic
3. M. P. Stryker, W. A. Harris, J. Neurosci. 6, 2117
ing from this process is probably under ge- (1986). Reality 3.0 ( No angioscotoma repre-
netic control (36). However, our data show 4. M. Meister, R. O. L. Wong, D. A. Baylor, C. J. Shatz, sentations were present centrally, so points were
Science 252, 939 (1991). obtained from Cowey’s microelectrode mapping of
that local imbalances in neuronal activity can the central 4° (30). Linear cortical magnification fac-
5. R. Mooney, A. A. Penn, R. Gallego, C. J. Shatz, Neuron
determine the precise layout of the columns 17, 863 (1996). tor along polar rays (Mp) and along eccentricity rings
in any given region of cortex. 6. C. von der Malsburg, D. J. Willshaw, Exp. Brain Res. (Me) were calculated independently: Mp ⫽ 9.5
We have searched in vain for angioscotoma Suppl. 1, 463 (1976). (0.95 ⫹ E)⫺1.03 and Me ⫽ 188 (6.45 ⫹ E)⫺1.85, where
7. N. V. Swindale, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B 208, 243 E is eccentricity.
representations in striate cortex of the macaque 30. A. Cowey, J. Neurophysiol. 27, 366 (1964).
and human. In general, these species have larg- 8. K. D. Miller, J. B. Keller, M. P. Stryker, Science 245, 605 31. D. C. Van Essen, W. T. Newsome, J. H. Maunsell,
er ocular dominance columns than squirrel (1989). Vision Res. 24, 429 (1984).
9. G. J. Goodhill, Network 9, 419 (1998). 32. J. C. Horton, D. R. Hocking, J. Neurosci. 16, 1791
monkeys. In the macaque, we have projected
the retinal vasculature onto striate cortex, to 10. J. C. Crowley, L. C. Katz, Nature Neurosci. 2, 1125
(1999). 33. 㛬㛬㛬㛬
, J. Neurosci. 17, 3684 (1997).
compare the predicted size of individual vessel 11. D. H. Hubel, T. N. Wiesel, S. LeVay, Philos. Trans. R. 34. D. G. Jones, R. C. Van Sluyters, K. M. Murphy, J. Neu-
Soc. London Ser. B 278, 377 (1977). rosci. 11, 3794 (1991).
representations with the width of ocular domi- 35. G. J. Goodhill, Biol. Cybern. 69, 109 (1993).
12. C. J. Shatz, M. P. Stryker, J. Physiol. (London) 281, 267
nance columns. The ocular dominance columns (1978). 36. M. Kaschube, F. Wolf, T. Geisel, S. Löwel, J. Neurosci.
are much larger. We speculate that because the 22, 7206 (2002).
13. N. V. Swindale, F. Vital-Durand, C. Blakemore, Proc.
37. G. G. Blasdel, D. Fitzpatrick, J. Neurosci. 4, 880
columns are larger, their pattern is resistant to R. Soc. London Ser. B 213, 435 (1981).
the influence of angioscotomas during develop- 14. M. C. Crair, E. S. Ruthazer, D. C. Gillespie, M. P.
Stryker, Neuron 19, 307 (1997). 38. This work was supported by the National Eye Institute
ment. In the macaque, the amount of cortex 15. H. von Helmholtz, in Handbook of Physiological Op- (grant R01 EY10217 and core grant EY02162), That
deprived by angioscotomas is simply too small tics (Optical Society of America, Menasha, WI, 1924), Man May See, The Bunter Fund, and a Lew W. Wasser-
vol. 2, p. 28. man Merit Award from Research to Prevent Blindness.
to compel the rearrangement of ocular domi-
16. J. N. Evans, Am. J. Ophthalmol. 9, 489 (1926). We thank D. Hocking and I. Wood for help with tissue
nance columns. Nonetheless, shouldn’t an an- 17. U. Schiefer et al., Vision Res. 39, 1897 (1999). processing and R. Troyer for assistance with animal care
gioscotoma carve a narrow swath through any 18. M. S. Livingstone, J. Neurosci. 16, 2086 (1996). and surgery. We thank the California Regional Primate
column, no matter how big? Apparently, this is 19. A. E. Hendrickson, J. R. Wilson, M. P. Ogren, J. Comp. Research Center, which is supported by NIH Base Grant
Neurol. 182, 123 (1978). RR00169. L. Sincich, N. Swindale, and G. Westheimer
prevented by the higher degree of segregation provided valuable comments on the manuscript.
20. J. C. Horton, D. R. Hocking, J. Neurosci. 16, 5510
of geniculocortical afferents in macaques, com- (1996).
pared with squirrel monkeys. In squirrel mon- 21. Experiments were performed on 12 adult squirrel 10 June 2002; accepted 29 July 2002

576 18 OCTOBER 2002 VOL 298 SCIENCE

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Shadows Cast by Retinal Blood Vessels Mapped in Primary Visual
Daniel L. Adams and Jonathan C. Horton
Science 298, 572 (2002);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1074887

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Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 13(l): 87-103

Plasticity in the Frequency Representation of Primary Auditory

Cortex following Discrimination Training in Adult Owl Monkeys

G. H. Recanzone,’ C. E. Schreiner, and M. M. Merzenich

Coleman Laboratory, Departments of Otolaryngology and Physiology and Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience,
University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143-0732

Previous studies have shown that the tonotopic organization tial cochlear lesions(Robertson and Irvine, 1989; Irvine et al.,
of primary auditory cortex is altered subsequent to restricted 1991). Tuning properties of single cortical neurons have been
cochlear lesions (Robertson and Irvine, 1989) and that the shownto be altered by conditioning paradigms(Olds et al., 1972;
topographic reorganization of the primary somatosensory Disterhoft and Stuart, 1976; Kitzes et al., 1978; Ryugo and
cortex is correlated with changes in the perceptual acuity Weinberger, 1978) and pharmacological manipulations (Ashe
of the animal (Recanzone et al., 1992a-d). Here we report et al., 1989; McKenna et al., 1989; Metherate and Weinberger,
an increase in the cortical area of representation of a re- 1990; seeWeinberger et al., 1990, for review). Although the
stricted frequency range in primary auditory cortex of adult cortical tonotopic map wasnot explicitly studied, the functional
owl monkeys that is correlated with the animal’s perfor- plasticity at the singleneuron level suggeststhat the tonotopic
mance at a frequency discrimination task. representation of the cochlea in the cortex may be altered as a
Monkeys trained for several weeks to discriminate small result of the behavioral training.
differences in the frequency of sequentially presented tonal Reorganization of cortical representationshasbeenarguedto
stimuli revealed a progressive improvement in performance be continuous throughout life and to reflect an individual’s abil-
with training. At the end of the training period, the tonotopic ity to acquire new skills and behaviors (Merzenich et al., 1988,
organization of Al was defined by recording multiple-unit 1990). Improvements in performance have been demonstrated
responses at 70-258 cortical locations. These responses for both simple auditory detection and discrimination tasks
were compared to those derived from three normal monkeys (Zwislocki et al., 1958;Sinnott et al., 1985; Prosenet al., 1990),
and from two monkeys that received the same auditory stim- and similar improvements in performance on tactually based
uli but that were engaged in a tactile discrimination task. taskshave recently beendemonstratedto parallel changesin the
The cortical representation, the sharpness of tuning, and the functional organization of somatosensorycortical areas3a and
latency of the response were greater for the behaviorally 3b (Recanzone et al., 1992a-d). The demonstrationsthat au-
relevant frequencies of trained monkeys when compared to ditory cortical neurons can alter their frequency-specific re-
the same frequencies of control monkeys. The cortical area sponseproperties by either peripheral dennervation or behav-
of representation was the only studied parameter that was ioral conditioning suggestedto us that the types of cortical
correlated with behavioral performance. These results dem- reorganization seenin the somatosensorycortex also occur in
onstrate that attended natural stimulation can modify the primary auditory cortex. Specifically, we hypothesized that the
tonotopic organization of Al in the adult primate, and that functional organization of AI is altered as a consequenceof an
this alteration is correlated with changes in perceptual acu- animal’s improvement in auditory discrimination ability. To
ity. test this hypothesis, three adult owl monkeys were trained at
[Key words: auditory cortex, primate, plasticity, behavior, an auditory frequency discrimination task for several weeks.
physiology, discrimination training] The tonotopic representationofthe primary auditory cortex was
defined electrophysiologically after significant improvements in
Studieswithin the somatosensorysystemhave shown that par-
performance were measured.The responseproperties of these
tial peripheral dennervation and restricted natural stimulation
neurons were then compared to those of normal monkeys, as
can result in a reorganization of the topographic representation well asto thoseof monkeys that had received the sameauditory
of the body surfacein the cerebral cortex (seeMerzenich et al.,
stimulation but were engagedin an unrelated tactile task. The
1990; Recanzone and Merzenich, 1992). Similarly, reorgani-
electrophysiologicaldata were then analyzed to determineif any
zation of the topographic representation of the cochlea in the
simple measureof the cortical representationof the frequencies
primary auditory cortex has been demonstrated following par- used in the behavioral paradigm was correlated with the im-
Received Nov. 27, 1991; revised June 23, 1992; accepted July 9, 1992. proved behavioral performance.
We thank G. T. Hradek, M. L. Sutter, and R. E. Beitel for their important
contributions to this work, W. M. Jenkins for insightful discussions regarding the Materials and Methods
behavioral procedures, and Bret E. Peterson for the computer software used in
the data analysis. Funding was provided by NIH Grants NS-10414, GM-0774, Anima/s. Ten adult owl monkeys ofboth sexes were used. Animals were
and ONR NO00 14-9 I-J- 13 17, Hearing Research Inc., and the Coleman Fund. judged to have normal hearing based on evoked potential recordings
Remint reauests should be addressed to M. M. Meaenich at the above address. (ABR). The outer ear canal was determined to be free of obstruction
Ali o;her co;espondence should be addressed to G. H. Recanzone, Laboratory and infection. Monkeys were given free access to water and were food
of Sensorimotor Research, Building 10, Room lOClO1, National Institutes of deprived for a 21-22 hr period prior to each psychophysical testing
Health, Bethesda, MD 20892. session. Supplemental fruit was given at the end of each testing session
Copyright 0 1993 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/93/l 30087-17$05.00/O to maintainbodyweightbetween85-95%adlib. Thecareandtreatment

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

88 Recanzone et al. * Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

of these monkeys were in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care after the 12th stimulus always resulted in a reward; however, the per-
and Use of Laboratory Animals (revised 1987). formance at any given frequency was comparable regardless of the stim-
Psychophysics. The psychophysical apparatus and methods have been ulus presentation bin. On 0.5-l .O% of the trials, the S2 stimulus gen-
described in detail (Recanzone et al., I99 I). Five monkeys were trained erated by the computer had a delta frequency of zero (S I = S2). Monkeys
to detect a difference in the frequency of sequentially presented pairs of under stimulus control never responded in this condition. Finally, mon-
tone pips. Monkeys were trained in an acoustically transparent test cage keys did not respond on trials in which the speaker was disconnected
housed within a single-walled acoustic chamber lined with echo-atten- yet all other aspects of the trials were identical.
uating foam. Auditory stimuli were delivered in the free-field from a In order to prevent intensity cues as a function of frequency conse-
single speaker (Realistic model l4- 1996) located directly over the ani- quent to changes in the location of standing waves present in the free
mal’s head. All aspects of the stimulus generation and data collection field, the intensity of each tone pip was varied independently over a
were automated and under the control of a microcomputer. IO-I 2 dB range. The intensity of the stimuli centered in this range was
Monkeys were trained to initiate a trial by contacting a hand mold measured at three or four different frequencies at I2 separate locations
(monkeys OMI, OM2, OM3, CMI) or bar located outside of the test throughout the sound field for each of the four tasks (Table I). These
cage (OM4 and OM5), or by pulling a lever located inside the test cage locations were chosen to sample the area occupied by the monkey’s
(CM2). In each case, this observing response located the animal’s head head during a session and formed a cube of approximately 5 cm/side,
in a stereotyped location and orientation. Head position was monitored with four additional measurements within this cube. There was no
continuously with a video camera. Tone pip pairs were presented every statistically significant difference in the intensity measured throughout
650 msec. Each tone pip had a duration of I50 msec (3 msec rise/fall), the sound field between any of the four tested frequencies for each task
with the onset of the second pip occurring 50 msec after the offset of (two-tailed t test; p > 0. IO). Furthermore, repeated measures throughout
the first. The frequency of the first tone pip was constant for a given the course of this study showed no statistical differences over time. The
frequency discrimination task. Four different frequency ranges were spectral content of these signals was measured in the free field to de-
tested: 2.5 kHz task (25 I I Hz standard), 3 kHz task (3 I88 Hz standard), termine the potential contributions of each harmonic of the signal. The
5 kHz task (4765 Hz standard), and 8 kHz task (7950 Hz standard). highest-intensity harmonics were always 40-50 dB less than the intensity
Each monkey was extensively trained on at least one of these four tasks, of the fundamental. Finally, the head position of each monkey was
and most were also tested on at least one other task on a few sessions viewed continuously with a video camera on each session, and analysis
spaced throughout the training period. The comparison, or Sl, stimulus of head position with the behavioral response was made from several
consisted of both tone pips of the pair being equal in frequency (the videotaped sessions in each monkey. This analysis showed no consistent
standard). For the target, or S2, stimulus, the frequency of the second relationship between the location or small movements of the monkey’s
tone pip was different from the frequency of the standard. Monkeys head with the presentation of stimuli or with the behavioral response.
were required to maintain contact with the mold, bar, or lever through- In addition to the five monkeys trained at the auditory frequency
out the presentations of the SI stimuli, and to release contact upon discrimination task, one monkey (CMI) was trained to detect a change
detection ofthe S2 stimulus within a 450 msec reward window beginning in the frequency of a sinusoidal tactile stimulus (monkey E-2 of Re-
100 msec after S2 stimulus onset. Failures to release within this reward canzone et al., 1992a+l). The same auditory stimuli as used in the 8
window were scored as a “miss” and were punished by a l-5 set time- kHz task were presented simultaneous to the presentation of the tactile
out. Releases before this time were scored as a “false-positive” and also stimulus, but did not give any indication of reward availability. Monkey
resulted in a time-out. Releases within the reward window were scored CM2 was trained to perform a tactile vibration detection task in the
as a “hit” and the monkey received a 45 mg banana-flavored food pellet presence of the same auditory stimuli used in the 5 kHz task. These
(Bio Serve). Six to ten different S2 stimulus frequencies were presented monkeys represent passive-stimulation controls.
on at least 20 trials during a given session. These frequencies were chosen Electrophysiology. The primary auditory cortex was defined electro-
such that the monkey received a reward on 65-75% of all trials. Each physiologically in the seven monkeys trained in a psychophysical task
monkey would perform 400-750 trials in a daily session. and in three normal owl monkeys (N I, N2, and N3) that had not been
The number of Sl stimulus presentations (bins) on a given trial was trained at any task. Anesthesia was induced with a halothane (3%) : nitrous
pseudorandomly determined to be between 2 and I I. The probability oxide (72%) : oxygen (25%) gaseous mixture. The femoral vein was can-
that the next stimulus would be an S2 (approximately 0.3) did not vary nulated and sodium pentobarbital was given intravenously to maintain
during the course of a single trial. In the condition that I I Sl stimuli an areflexic state of anesthesia (28 mg/kg induction, l-5 mg/hr main-
were presented, the 12th stimulus was always the S2. These trials were tenance). Penicillin G (30.000 U/24 hr) and atronine sulfate (0. I me/
not included in the data analysis, as they were predictably the S2 based kg/ I2 hi) were given i&ramuscularly. kctated R’inger’s solution wirh
on time alone. Trials in which the monkey made a response in bins I 5% dextrose was continuously infused (2-5 ml/hr). Heart rate, respi-
and 2 were similarly omitted as they were always the S I. The perfor- ration rate, and other vital signs were monitored. Core body temperature
mance (P) for each S2 frequency was defined by was maintained at 37°C with a thermostatically controlled heating blan-
ket. A craniotomy exposed the relevant cortical region, the dura was
P = H.S.
removed, and a well of silicon oil was constructed to bathe the cerebral
where H is the hit rate for that frequency (H = # correct responses/# cortex continuously. A 40x image of the cortical surface was taken
presentations) and S is the safe rate correction factor (S = I ~ false- either photographically or with a digitized video image. All electrode
positive rate). The psychometric function for each session was deter- penetrations were parallel to each other. The electrode insertion points
mined by plotting P as a function of the frequency difference between were reproduced onto the image of the cortical surface with reference
the Sl and S2 stimuli (delta frequency: AF). Threshold was defined from to the vasculature. Electrode penetrations away from the sulcus were
this function as the S2 frequency at which P = 0.50. This is a reliable made only to a single depth corresponding to the middle cortical layers
measure for discrimination performance that is essentially unaffected (500-900 pm below the cortical surface).
by false-positive rates below 15% (see Recanzone et al., 199 I, 1992a). The stimulus generation and data acquisition methods have been
The slope of the psychometric function was defined as the slope of the described in detail elsewhere (Schreiner and Mendelson, 1990). Briefly,
line connecting the data points immediately above and below threshold. single tone pips of 50 msec duration (3 msec on/offramp) were generated
Threshold was defined in all sessions in which at least one S2 stimulus by a microprocessor (TMS32010, I6 bit D/A converter at 120 kHz,
had a performance value below 0.50 and the false-positive rate for the low pass filtered at 35 kHz) and presented monaurally via a calibrated
session was below 15%. The psychophysical data for several different headphone (STAX 54) connected to a sound delivery tube sealed into
S2 frequencies were subjected to signal detection analysis as described the contralateral ear canal. Characteristic frequency (CF’) and threshold
by Green and Swets (I 966) for five consecutive training sessions spaced were defined audiovisually at all recording locations in all monkeys.
throughout the total training period (see Results). This analysis measures Frequency-response areas (FRAs) were defined for all locations in mon-
the difference in the response between the Sl and S2 stimuli in units of keys OMI, OM3, and CMI, and in all three normal monkeys. FRAs
standard deviation and is independent of changes in the subject’s in- were reconstructed from the response to a single stimulus at each of 45
ternal criteria. frequencies spanning a 2-5 octave range centered at the approximate
Three classes of control trials vertified that responses were based on characteristic frequency (CF) and equidistant on a logarithmic scale.
the perception of the frequency of the auditory stimulus. On approxi- Each frequency was presented at each of I5 levels spanning a 70 dB
mately 2% of the trials, the S2 stimulus was not presented until after range in 5 dB steps (675 total stimuli). QlOdB and Q40dB were defined
I I S I presentations (described above). On these trials, a release response from these frequency response areas as the CF divided by the bandwidth

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 13(l) 89

Table 1. Mean and SD of sound intensities (dB SPL) measured at 12 locations within the sound field
of the apparatus

Task S I stimulus Below threshold Near threshold Above threshold

2.5 kHz 64.27 k 2.1 64.44 YE2.89 64.17 zk 2.93 65.21 f 2.93
3 kHz 57.65 i 3.97 59.55 i 3.01 60.16 f 2.90 57.15 f 3.78
5 kHz 54.12 i 2.93 55.39 k 3.08 56.51 f 3.41 53.55 f 3.88
8 kHz 71.60 & 4.69 71.81 f 4.35 73.13 f 4.71

Measurements were taken at the mid-range intensity used in the behavioral task. In the 2.5 kHz, 3 kHz, 5 kHz, and 8
kHz tasks, the frequencies measured under “SI stimulus” were 251 I Hz, 3188 Hz, 4765 Hz, and 7950 Hz; “Below
threshold” were 2527 Hz, 3275 Hz, 4849 Hz, and 8036 Hz; “Near threshold” were 2534 Hz, 3367 Hz, 4939 Hz; and
“Above threshold” were 26 13 Hz, 364 I Hz, 52 12 Hz, and 837 I Hz, respectively

10 dB and 40 dB above minimum threshold, respecttvely, tollowmg 5 12 +. The specific statistical test was an unpaired one-tailed I test unless
methods described by Schreiner and Mendelson (1990) and Sutter and otherwise indicated. p values ~0.05 were considered to be statistically
Schreiner (199 1). The minimum latency was defined as the time from significant.
stimulus onset to the earliest consistent response for all 15 intensity
levels presented for the three frequencies nearest CF (45 stimuli total).
Electrodes were parylene-insulated tungsten wires with impedances Results
of approximately 1 MR at 1 kHz (Microprobe, Inc). Neural signals were
amplified, band-pass filtered (I-10 kHz), and displayed on an oscillo- Psychophysics
scope and audio amplifier. Spike activity was isolated from this signal Improvement in performance with training. The auditory fre-
with a window discriminator (BAK DIS- 1) set to accept all waveforms quency discrimination abilities of each of the five trained mon-
greater than two times the neural noise level with the time window set keys improved progressively with training. The improvement
for the peak of the largest responses. This eliminated evoked potentials
in threshold with training is shown for two representation mon-
and included approximately one to five independent waveforms of neu-
ral origin. The number and arrival time ofeach event relative to stimulus keys in Figure 1. This improvement was characterized by a
onset were recorded and stored in a computer (DEC 1 l/73). relatively short and steep phase in which large improvements
At the start of each experiment, the angle of the electrode was set to were recorded between sessions, followed by a longer period in
be approximately parallel with the angle of the sulcus. Our objective which smaller gains were observed. These observations are sum-
was to define tuning curves limited to neurons in the middle cortical
layers, which characteristically have the “best” responses as defined by marized for each of the five monkeys in Figure 2. The discrim-
vigorous activity with a short latency and well-defined tuning curves. ination threshold was averaged over five sessions at different
Three long penetrations were made approximately 300 pm apart and periods roughly equally spaced throughout the several week
located along a line perpendicular to the sulcus. In these penetrations, training period. In almost every case, the largest gains were
the neural response to acoustic stimuli was defined audiovisually in 500 measured between the initial five sessions and the five sessions
wrn steps. By comparing the neural responses at equivalent distances
along these three tracks, we were able to verify that the angle of the taken after approximately one-third of the total number of ses-
penetration was roughly parallel to the sulcus. Electrode tracks near the sions. The decrease in threshold was generally less throughout
sulcus were continued until an unambiguous border with another cor- the remainder of training, although significant decreases were
tical field (marked by an abrupt shift in characteristic frequency) was measured in every monkey (p < 0.05). Final mean discrimi-
encountered, or until neural activity could no longer be evoked with
acoustic stimuli. These penetrations were commonly 3-4.5 mm in length. nation thresholds were slightly better for the 2.5 kHz task than
At the conclusion of the electrophysiology experiments, electrolytic the 8 kHz task (see Table 2). By contrast, the final thresholds
lesions were made at selected locations by passing 10 FA ofdirect current for the 5 kHz and the 3 kHz tasks in monkeys OM4 and OM5
for 1O-20 sec. Carbon particle marks were made by insertion of a tung- were much greater, even though these monkeys also showed
sten electrode that had been coated with india ink at four to seven
locations surrounding the investigated cortical tissue. The animals were significant improvements with training.
given a lethal injection of barbiturate, and then perfused intracardially Previous studies in owl monkeys on tactile frequency dis-
with normal saline at 37°C followed by one oftwo fixatives in phosphate crimination performance have shown that improvements in
buffer: 10% formalin or 1.5% paraformaldehyde with 1.5% glutaral- minimally detectable frequency differences resulted from (1) a
dehyde. Frozen sections were cut at 100 pm thickness in the frontal leftward shift in the psychometric function and (2) an increase
plane. The sections were parallel to the electrode penetrations as indi-
cated by the carbon particle marks. Alternate sections were stained with in the slope of the psychometric function (Recanzone et al.,
cresyl violet or for endogenous cytochrome oxidase activity (Wong- 1992a). Representative psychometric functions from one ses-
Riley et al., 1978). The angle of the electrode penetrations and the sion within each of the four periods of auditory training shown
distances between recording locations were reconstructed with reference in Figure 2 are reproduced for monkeys OM 1 (A) and OM3 (B)
to the electrolytic lesions and carbon particle marks. AI maps represent in Figure 3. Consistent with the results from the tactile task, the
reconstructions of all recording locations that corresponded to the mid-
dle cortical layers III and IV, approximately 500-900 pm below the pial performance at each S2 frequency increased in a roughly se-
surface. These maps are presented in two dimensions by projecting the quential fashion, with the performance at large frequency dif-
location of the recording site along the radial direction to a point where ferences improving before the performance at smaller frequency
it intersected an imaginary line drawn 700 pm below the cortical surface. differences. For example, delta frequencies (AF values) above
This technique limits the distortion that results from projecting record-
ing sites to the surface of the crown of the sulcus. Results from recording 300 Hz for OM 1 had improved to near maximum performance
locations in other cortical layers are not reported here. by session 36, whereas the performance at the AF of 80 Hz did
Cortical areas of representation were measured by defining borders not begin to improve until after this session. Similar examples
as equidistant between neighboring recording locations. The approxi- could be cited for each monkey.
mate error in these area measurements at interpenetration distances The slope of the psychometric function also increased
used in these experiments is on the order of lo-20% (see Merzenich et
al., 1987; Recanzone et al., 1992b). Statistical analysis of all behavioral throughout the training period. The average slopes of the psy-
and electrophysiological data was done using the software STATVIEW chometric function at threshold over five sessions are shown

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

90 Recanzone et al. - Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

1000 .12

OMI 8 kHz Task 0 Initial

.lO 1 n Mid 1
0 Mid 2


0 20 40 60
400 Monkey

300 -
1 OM5 3 kHz Task Figure 2. Decrease in frequency discrimination threshold with train-
ing. The discrimination thresholds taken over five continuous sessions
are shown (mean and SE) for each monkey trained at the auditory
frequency discrimination task. Units are given in AFIF. Initial sessions
are taken as sessions l-5; Final sessions are the five sessions immedi-
ately preceding the electrophysiology experiment. Mid I and Mid 2 were
l 3 kHz Task chosen to divide the total training period into four roughly equal periods.
g 0 5 kHz Task Error bars not drawn were smaller than the symbol size. Stars indicate
statistically significant differences between the starred symbol and the
9 immediately preceding training period. OMZ-2.5 kHz is shown in two
2 200 - periods because training at the 2.5 kHz task was interrupted by training
on the 8 kHz task (see Fig. 6). Sessions shown for this monkey are l-
5, 30-34, 57-61, 88-92, and 107-l 11.
E performance at each S2 frequency and an increase in the slope
100 - of the psychometric function at threshold.
One way in which decreases in threshold could occur is by a
shift in the monkey’s internal criteria by which it makes a re-

1 I I I I Table 2. Final thresholds measured for all behaviorally trained
0 20 40 60 80 monkeys
Session Task Monkey # Sessions AFIF
Figure Progressive improvement in the frequency discrimination
1. 2.5 kHz OM2 61/24 0.005/0.010
threshold measured on daily sessions. The delta frequency with a per- 2.5 kHz OM3 97 0.013
formance of 0.50 is plotted for all sessions in which at least one S2
frequency had a performance below 0.50 (minimum 20 presentations), 3 kHz OM5 80 0.028
and the overall false-positive rate was below 15%. Solid circles denote 3 kHz OM4 6 0.045
the frequency range tested on repeated sessions (8 kHz and 3 kHz for 5 kHz OM4 75 0.038
A and B, respectively), and open circles represent sessions using an
5 kHz OM5 2 0.040
untrained frequency range (5 kHz in B).
8 kHz OM1 61 0.015
8 kHz OM2 26 0.016
for each monkey in Figure 4 for the same training periods as
8 kHz OM3 4 0.041
shown in Figure 2. These slopes increased significantly between
Passive, 8 kHz CM1 131 -
at least two of the training periods measured, and between the
Passive, 5 kHz CM2 75 -
slopes measured in the initial and final training sessions for all
monkeys except OMS, which did not reach statistical signifi- Threshold measurements reoresent the mean of the final five sessions for trained
cance (p = 0.091). Thus, consistent with observations in the tasks, or all sessions for tadks with six or less total training sessions. The two
measurements for OM2 represent the two training periods for the 2.5 kHz task
tactile frequency discrimination task, the improvement in per- that bracketed the training at the 8 kHz task. No auditory thresholds were derived
formance was marked by a roughly sequential increase in the in the passive-stimulation animals.

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 73(l) 91

A OMI 8 kHz Task

1001--o---0- Session 3
Session 36
Mid 1
Mid 2
80 I Session 61

lb0 Id00
Delta Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4. Slope ofthe psychometric function at threshold in all trained
monkeys. The mean and SE of the slope of the psychometric function
B at threshold are shown for the four training periods as defined in Figure
OM3 2.5 kHz Task 2 for all monkeys. Stars indicate statistically significant differences.

of 20-90%) in any of the five owl monkeys studied (p > 0.05

in all cases).Finally, the measureof d’ for at least three S2
frequencieswasanalyzed over the four training periods for each
monkey. In every monkey there was at least one statistically
significant increasein the measureof d’ betweentraining periods
for each frequency tested (and no significant decreases).The
- ---- results from the two monkeys that had the highest discrimi-
nation thresholdsare shownin Figure 5. Even in thesemonkeys,
there wasa sequentialincreasein the measureof d’ with training.
-O- Session 5 These results indicate that the improvements in performance
m- + Session 27 as reflected in the measuresof threshold and d’ reflect a true
20 * Session 58 increasein perceptual acuity with training.
+ Session 95 Transference. Previous studieshad indicated that training one
sensorysurfacein a perceptual task conferslimited gainsin that
o-1-o IO0 1006
task to nearby sensory surfaces(seeJames, 1890; Craig, 1988;
Recanzone et al., 1992a). In each monkey excluding OM 1, the
performance at one other frequency rangewas testedat various
Delta Frequency (Hz) times throughout the training period (Table 2). The most ex-
tensively studied animal wasOM2, which wastrained initially
Figure 3. Representative examples of psychometric functions taken on the 2.5 kHz task, was then shifted to the 8 kHz task, and
during the training periods (see Fig. 2). The broken line defines threshold
(50% performance). Psychometric functions shifted to smaller frequency was finally returned to the 2.5 kHz task (Fig. 6). The charac-
differences and appeared to become steeper during the course of training teristic decreasein threshold wasobserved for both the 2.5 kHz
in all studied monkeys. task (solid circles)and the 8 kHz task (open circles).The thresh-
olds measuredon the 2.5 kHz task increasedduring the course
of training at the 8 kHz task. The thresholds then decreased
sponse(seeGreen and Swets, 1966; Recanzoneet al., 1992a). again when the task was shifted back to 2.5 kHz. A second
The increasedslopeof the psychometric functions arguesagainst feature to note is that the 8 kHz task does not show a rapid
this explanation. A second line of evidence is that the false- improvement in performance at the initial period of training
positive rate was maintained below 15% and did not signifi- (compare Fig. 6 with Fig. 1, and seeFig. 2).
cantly change over the course of training. Furthermore, there If a particular frequency outside the normal training range
was no significant correlation between the false-positive rate wastested on two or three individual sessionsthat were widely
and the hit rate measuredfor any AF near threshold (hit rates spacedin time, there was no improvement in performance for

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

92 Recanzone et al. - Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

A 1000
OM2 Decrease in Threshold
OM4 5 kHz Task

303 Hz
+ 2.5kTask
2 181 Hz --o- 8kTask

151 Hz

0 I r I I
110 20 40 60 80 100 120
Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions
l-5 23-27 48-52 71-75 Figure 6. Improvement in frequency discrimination threshold at two
different Sl frequencies for monkey OM2. OM2 was initially trained at
the 2.5 kHz task (solid circles), then changed to the 8 kHz task (open
B circles), and finally returned to the 2.5 kHz task. The 2.5 kHz task was
tested intermittently during the consecutive training sessions at the 8
5 kHz task and vice versa.
OM5 3 kHz Task
in frequency than the first. The psychometric functions from
4 thesethree sessionsare shownin Figure 8 (left), alongwith three
305 Hz functions usingan increasedfrequency S2 stimulus(+aF, right)
taken at a similar period of training in the samemonkey. The
3 183 Hz
122 Hz
d’ 100 OM4 3 kHz Task


1 I

SeAions Sessions Sessions Sessions

5-9 25-29 51-55 76-80
Figure 5. Measures of d’ for three frequencies as a function of training.
The points for a single frequency are connected by a solid line. Error
bars indicate SE; stars indicate statistically significant differences from
the preceding measure.

+ Session 27
that frequency. This is shown by the performance at 5 kHz in 20 -CF Session 49
a monkey trained at the 3 kHz task (OM5; open circles, Fig.
-C Session 71
lB), and by the psychometric functions derived at 3 kHz for a
monkey trained at the 5 kHz task (OM4; Fig. 7). In every ex-
ample, even though there was a significant improvement be-
tween thesesessionsfor the trained frequencies,there waslittle 0 I 1
differencein the performanceat frequenciesthat werenot trained. 30 100 1000
Essentially all training wasconducted with the S2 frequencies
above the S1 frequency (+ AQ. A somewhatdifferent effect was Delta Frequency (Hz)
observedby occasionallytestingthe performancewith decreased Figure 7. Psychometric functions at three 3 kHz task testing sessions
S2 frequencies(-AFs). On three sessions,OM4 waspresented for the monkey trained on the 5 kHz task (OM4). The broken line
with S2 stimuli in which the secondtone of the pair was lower represents performance of 50% (threshold).

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 73(l) 93

OM 4 5 kHz Task



Session 35 -0- -U Session 25

Session 59 -O- + Session 52
Session 70 -M- t Session 72
Figure 8. Representative psychomet-
ric functionsfor +AF (right) and -AF
(left) tasksfor the 5 kHz standardfor
1 monkevOM4. Thev-axisintercentsthe
-I+ 1000 delta frequencyof -+50 Hz. N&e the
-1000 -300 -100 50 100 300
increasein performancefor the +ti
task and the decrease of performance
Delta Frequency (Hz) for the -AF taskwith training.

functions for the +AF values show the improvement in per- and CM2, and in three behaviorally naive owl monkeys (Nl,
formance as seen in other monkeys. The functions for -AF N2, and N3). Neural responsesin laminae III and IV of AI were
values, however, show a worsening of performance and an in- marked by short-latency (approximately 1O-l 2 msec)responses
crease in threshold as a function of session. The worst perfor- to a relatively narrow band of frequencies.In general, the low
mance at the -AF task was seen on session 70, in which there
were 10 intervening sessions using the increasing delta frequen- Effects of Intensity on Threshold
cies. This greatest decrease in performance coincides with an
increase in the performance for the +AF stimuli. The same test 200 f
on the 3 kHz task was done in monkey OM5 near the end of
the training period, and the threshold for the -AF’ task (AFIF
= 0.035) wasgreater than that observedfor the +aFtask (U/F
= 0.028).
1 1
Efict of stimulus intensity. The effects of transference for
other frequencies raise the question of how the performance
would be affected for other intensitiessincethe training occurred
within a limited intensity range of only lo-12 dB, To address
this question, psychometric functions were derived at different
intensities in monkeys OM4 and OM5 near the end of the ii! 50 - -O- OM4-5kHz
training period. There was a slight decreasein frequency dis-
g -O- OM5-3kHz
crimination thresholds with increasesin intensity (Fig. 9) but
these two parameters were not correlated (p > 0.15 in both

Electrophysiology 30
Functional of AZ. Basic aspectsof the functional
organization Intensir Level “YdB SP:
organization of AI were determined for both the left and right Figure 9. Thresholdmeasured at the trainedfrequencies
asa function
hemispheresin behaviorally trained monkey OMl and in one of stimuluslevelfor two monkeys,OM4 (solid circles) andOM5 (open
hemisphere of monkeys OM3 and OM4. Sufficient electro- circles). All dataweretakenfromsinglesessions.Theintensityrepresents
themeanintensitymeasured in thesoundfieldoccupiedby themonkey’s
physiological data were not obtained from trained monkeys head(seeMaterialsandMethods).Stimuluslevelvariedindependently
OM2 and OM5 and will not be discussedfurther. AI was also for eachtonepip over a rangeof approximately15-20%of the mean
defined in the two passively stimulated control monkeys CM1 valueplotted.

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

94 Recanzone et al. - Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

frequencies were represented on the crown of the gyrus and the task than in any other monkey. The same was true for the
higher frequencies were represented down the lateral bank of frequency range used in the 5 kHz task (Fig. 1lc).
the sulcus. Neural responses were clustered into “isofrequency The larger number of cortical locations that represented the
bands” where all neurons had similar CFs. These bands were trained frequencies could not be explained by an increase in the
usually oriented oblique to the sulcus but could also be roughly sampling density over that region, as the representation of these
parallel to it. Within the depths of the sulcus, the neural re- frequencies and surrounding areas was defined at equivalent
sponses would either become very broadly tuned with a higher density in all monkeys. This increase was better explained by
threshold and longer latency, or become unresponsive to acous- an increase in the cortical area of representation of those fre-
tic stimulation. These regions corresponded with the cytoar- quencies. Figure 12 shows the cortical areas associated with each
chitectonic borders of AI as seen histologically, and were char- of the three different frequency ranges for all monkeys. In every
acteristic of other auditory cortical fields in this primate species case, the area of representation for the behaviorally relevant
(see Imig et al., 1977; Merzenich et al., 1991). frequencies for a trained monkey (solid bars) was significantly
A central finding of these studies is that the number of re- greater than the cortical areas for those frequencies in all other
cording locations and the cortical area of representation for the monkeys, including those that were passively stimulated (hatched
frequencies used in the behavioral task were both increased bars).
when compared to those frequencies not used in the training. Response properties at individual locations. The tuning prop-
The reconstructed frequency representations from four owl erties of the neurons at each recording location were investigated
monkeys are shown in Figure 10. Recording locations at which by recording FRAs at all AI recording locations of monkeys
the CF was within the range of frequencies presented in the OMl, OM3, CMl, and in each of the three normal monkeys.
behavioral tasks are indicated by frequency-specific shading. Measures of QlOdB were made at each location; examples are
The total cortical area representing these frequency ranges var- plotted in Figure 13. In every monkey, the values for QlOdB
ied from animal to animal. Some but not all of the differences tended to increase with increasing frequency, consistent with
appeared to be related to the training task. A given frequency reports from other species (see Pelleg-Toiba and Wollberg, 1989;
was usually represented in a relatively restricted region, but not Schreiner and Mendelson, 1990). There was a considerable range
necessarily continuously. For example, the representation of the of QlOdB values for any given frequency in all monkeys. The
frequencies used in the 2.5 kHz task occupied several patches Q 1OdB measures for neurons in trained monkeys were greater
in the trained monkey OM3. By contrast, only a few locations (tuning bandwidths were narrower) for the behaviorally trained
represented these specific frequencies in monkeys not trained frequencies when compared to normal or passive stimulation
at that frequency. Similarly, the greatest representation of the control monkeys. The mean Q 1OdB and Q40dB for all monkeys
frequencies used in the 5 kHz task were seen in OM4, even over the frequency range used in the 2.5 or 8 kHz tasks are
though there was only a limited improvement in performance shown in Figure 14A. The left and right hemispheres of OMl
and a relatively small cortical area of representation (Fig. 1OD). are considered independently, and the data from the three nor-
This effect was not seen in the passively stimulated monkey mal monkeys are pooled. Measures of Q 1OdB were statistically
CM2, which received the same acoustic stimulation as OM4, significantly greater over the behaviorally trained frequencies
where only a single cortical location represented the frequencies in trained monkeys when compared to the three normal con-
used in the 5 kHz task at CF (Fig. 1Oc). No more than two trols. The QlOdB of the passive control animals was also ele-
locations with a CF of 5 kHz were encountered in any of the vated over that of normal control monkeys. Statistically signif-
other monkeys. icant increases in Q40dB were noted only in the right hemisphere
The tuning curve data are summarized for all monkeys by of OMl for the 8 kHz frequencies.
plotting the number of cortical locations having a CF within a In addition to the increase in QlOdB, there was also an in-
500 Hz range (Fig. 11). In Figure 11, the bin size was adjusted crease in the minimum latency of the response for the behav-
to include all the frequencies used in the behavioral tasks (in- iorally trained hemispheres in each of the three cases (Fig. 14B).
dicated by arrows). In normal owl monkeys, even though all Response latencies in the passive stimulation monkey were not
frequencies are represented, there is a consistent underrepre- significantly different from those in control monkeys. The vari-
sentation of frequencies between 3 and 8 kHz (Fig. 11A) and ance of the latencies was very low in all monkeys, as indicated
most monkeys showed a relatively large number of recording by the small SE bars. The distribution of the variance in the
locations with CFs above 15 kHz. These monkeys also had a latency measure was not statistically significantly different be-
large number of locations with a CF near 2 kHz, but those CFs tween the normal monkeys and any others (p > 0.1).
were not in the range used in the 2.5 kHz behavioral task. Each Correlation of behavioral performance with neural responses.
individual monkey showed idiosyncratic increases of particular The main objective of these studies was to determine (1) if the
frequencies, for example, approximately 10 kHz for monkey functional organization of the primary auditory cortex was al-
N2, or approximately 2 kHz for monkey N3. tered consequent to training the animal in an acoustic discrim-
By contrast, the numbers of locations with CFs in the range ination task, and (2) if the resulting cortical representations were
of frequencies used in the behavioral task were greatest in mon- correlated with the behavioral performance. The three measures
keys trained at that frequency range. In the trained monkey, the showing significant changes in trained monkeys described above,
number of locations near 8 kHz was approximately 3-l 0 times the increased cortical area, increased QlOdB (narrower band-
greater in both hemispheres compared to normal and control widths near threshold), and increased latency, were subjected
monkeys (Fig. 1 IB). Monkey CMl, which received the same to regression analysis. For these analyses, behavioral perfor-
acoustic stimuli as OM 1 but was not required to attend to these mance was taken as the threshold measured at the end of the
stimuli, had an essentially normal representation of these fre- training sessions for the trained monkeys, and paired with the
quencies. The frequency range used in the 2.5 kHz task was electrophysiological measures derived from those same mon-
represented by more locations in the monkey trained at that keys. To estimate the behavioral performance of “untrained”

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 13(l) 95

Normal Owl Monkey CM2 Passive Stimulation at 5 kHz

l-2 kHz

c 2-4KHZ
, 4-a kHz

: e 6-16kHz



l :: :$a
m 16-32kHz16

B OM3 Trained on 2.5kHz Task

O-1 kHz l
OM4 Trained on 5 kHz Task

24 kHz \

’ 16-32 kHz

. .

2.5k frequencies
5k frequencies
6m 8k frequencies

Figure 10. Cortical representations of CF in AI of four adult owl monkeys. Thin lines define boundaries of cortical locations with CFs within one
octave. Stippled regions encircle cortical locations where neurons were recorded with CFs in the frequency range used in the 2.5 kHz task, solid
regions represent frequencies used in the 5 kHz task, and hatched regions represent the frequency range used in the 8 kHz task. The cortical areas
representing a given frequency range were approximated by connecting the 50% distance values to the neighboring recording sites with CFs outside
the given frequency range. P/uses denote recording sites with neuronal responses not consistent with properties of AI neurons. A is from a
representative normal owl monkey (N2), B is from a monkey trained at 2.5 kHz (OM3), C shows the monkey passively stimulated with the
frequencies used in the 5 kHz task (CM2), and D shows the representation of the monkey trained at the 5 kHz task (OM4).

monkeys, the meanthreshold of training sessions5-l 0 for mdn- kHz and 5 kHz tasks, the mean thresholdsfor the two and six
keys OM3 and OM 1 were usedfor the 2.5 kHz and 8 kHz tasks, sessionsat thesetasks for monkeys OM4 and OMS were used,
respectively. Thesesessionswere usedbecausethey showedless respectively. These“untrained” behavioral measureswere con-
variability than the initial five sessions
(1-5) and probably better sidered with the electrophysiological results pooled from the
reflect the monkey’s true initial discrimination abilities (seeDis- untrained monkeys. The values of QlOdB, Q40dB, and mini-
cussion).For the “untrained” behavioral performance of the 3 mum latency showed no significant correlation with these be-

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

96 Recanzone et al. - Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

A 30:

n Nl
. N2
. N3

Characteristic Frequency (kHz)

w OMl Rightt 8kHz Trained

l OMl Left 8kHz Trained
* CM1 8kHz Passive

Characteristic Frequency (kHz)


v) 25 :
6 l OM3 2.5kHz Trained
‘fij 20 - n OM4 5kHz Trained
;: 15 : A CM2 5kHz Passive

-2 10 -
#!!fJ :
Figure II. The number of cortical lo-
cations plotted by CF in 500 Hz bins. 0 -
Bin size was adjusted to incorporate all
frequencies used in the behavioral task
into a single bin (indicated by arrows).
The three normal monkeys are shown
in A, the two hemispheres from monkey
OM 1 and the passive-stimulation con-
trol monkey CM1 are shown in B, and
the monkeys trained at the 5 kHz and
2.5 kHz task (OM4 and OM3) and the
passively stimulated monkey CM2 are
shown in C. Characteristic Frequency (kHz)

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 13(l) 97

u 20- Normal
2.5 kHz Task $ 18-
g 16-
g 14-
4 12-
-0 lo-
- 8

.l 1 10 100
OM3 OWL OMlR OM4 CM2 CM1 Ni N2 N3 Mean
2.5k 8k Sk 5k Untrained Characteristic Frequency (kHz)

-cl 20
2 18 3 Trained + ‘:
8 kHz
Oh43 OWL OMlR OM4 CM2 CM1 Nl N2 N3 MeWl IO
2.5k 8k Bk 5k untrained
8 kHz Task 4
.l 1 10 100
Characteristic Frequency (kHz)

- X
OM3 OMlL OMlR OM4 CM2 CM1 Nl N2 N3 Mean
2.5k Bk Bk 5k untrained Passive .
Monkey Stimulation 0
Control a
Figure 12. Cortical area of representation of the frequency ranges used
in the behavioral study. Solid bars indicate the area of representation
of the trained frequency for that particular monkey; hatched bars rep-
resent areas of the frequencies presented to the passive-stimulation con-
trol monkeys. Crosses represent hemispheres where no cortical locations
were recorded with a CF within that frequency range. The column
“Mean Untrained” represents the mean and SD for all hemispheres
excluding the trained hemispheres.

havioral measures(JJ= 0.44, 0.21, and 0.91, respectively). By

contrast, the correlation analysis of behavioral threshold with -.i i ld 106
cortical area revealed that these two parameters were signifi- Characteristic Frequency (kHz)
cantly correlated (Fig. 15; Y= 0.88; p < 0.01; df = 6).
Figure 13. Values of Q 1OdB as a function of CF. Normal owl monkeys
Discussion N 1, N2, and N3 are pooled and shown in the top panel, both hemi-
spheres of trained monkey OMl in the middle panel, and the passive
Improvements in behavioral performance in an auditory fre- stimulation control monkey CM 1 in the bottom panel. Each point rep-
quency discrimination task wererecordedin five adult owl mon- resents the CF and Q 1OdB at a single recording location.
keys. There was a roughly sequentialimprovement in perfor-
mance at individual S2 frequencies, which was expressed in a
shift of the psychometric function and an increasein the slope a largercortical areaof representationof the behaviorally trained
of the function near threshold. The improvement in perfor- frequencies, sharper tuning as measuredby Q 1OdB but not
mance was much lessfor untrained frequency ranges,and the Q40dB, and longer responselatenciesover the frequency range
performance wasindependent of stimuluslevel between 25 and used in the behavioral task. The cortical area of CF represen-
65 dB SPL. Electrophysiologicalmapping experiments revealed tation was the only measuredparameter that was significantly

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

98 Recanzone et al. * Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

A 0.70
Sharpness of Tuning
10 0.60 . 0

Trained-Left Hemisphere m
Trained-Right Hemisphere
Normal Owl Monkey Control c]
Passive-Stimulation Control m ; 0.40 y = -12.591x + 0.641
ps 0.05 *
: 0.30
2 6- -F!
F 0.20
0 - s
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Behavioral Threshold (AF / F)
Figure 15. Correlation analysis of the cortical area of representation
ofthe behaviorally trained frequencies at CF with the behavioral thresh-

2.5k 8k
h2.5k 8k
old. The equation describes the line with the root meansquare
to the data (r = 0.882, P < 0.01, df = 6).

correlated with behavioral frequency discrimination perfor-

QlO dB Q40 dB mance.
Behavioral thresholdsmeasuredin this study were similar to
those described for other nonhuman primates for the 2.5 kHz
B Minimum Latency at CF and 8 kHz tasks(Sinnott et al., 1985, 1987; Prosenet al., 1990)
137 but were higher than those recorded in humans (Wier et al.,
1977; Sinnott et al., 1985, 1987). The frequency discrimination
12 - thresholdsmeasuredfor the 3 kHz and 5 kHz taskswere greater
ns than those measured for this frequency range in Old-World
11 - monkeys. That may be the result of an attenuation of these
middle frequencies in this particular species,for example, by
physical constraints imposedby the outer or middle ear. These
10 - higher-frequency discrimination thresholds are consistentwith
the relatively high behaviorally measureddetection thresholds
g 9- in the frequency rangeof 3-6 kHz in this species(Beecher, 1974),
E the relatively smallcortical representationof this frequency range
a- in AI of normal owl monkeys (Imig et al., 1977; presentresults),
and the higher responsethresholds of AI neurons over this
7- frequency range in this and other New-World monkey species
(Aitkin et al., 1986; Merzenich et al., 1991).
6- The electrophysiologicalexperiment revealed a tonotopic or-
ganization of owl monkey AI similar to that previously shown
5- - - in this species(Imig et al., 1977) as well as other primates
(Merzenich and Brugge, 1972; Aitken et al., 1986). The re-
2.5k 8k sponsesof neuronal clusters to these tonal stimuli were com-
Figure 14. Comparison of sharpness of tuning (A) and minimum la- monly very brisk, with an initial short-latency burst of activity.
tency (B) for different training conditions. Data from each experimental In spite of the globally smooth tonotopic organization in AI,
and passive-stimulation hemisphere are shown as a single bar, with the the representationof very smallfrequency rangeswasoften seen
data from the three normal monkeys combined (open bars). Stars in-
dicate statistically significant differences from the normal hemispheres. to be patchy for both the experimental and control hemispheres.
Data are pooled for all recording locations with CFs between ! .9-3.1 Part of the explanation is that we were basing the area mea-
kHz (2.5 kHz task) and 6.6-9.9 kHz (8 kHz task). A, Mean and SE of surementson the CF at threshold, and considered only a very
Q 1OdB (left) and Q40dB (right) for all studied monkeys. B, Minimum small frequency range.It is likely that this patchy representation
latency of the response for the 2.5 kHz (left) and 8 kHz tasks (right). would be more continuous if consideredfrom the view of either
a higher-intensity stimulus or over a larger frequency range.
However, the presenceof patches of representation of some
frequenciesmay accurately reflect the tonotopic organization at

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 13(l) 99

this level of detail, as a similarly discontinuous representation 199 l), and preliminary data suggest that this is also the case in
of restricted frequency ranges can be seen in the detailed maps the owl monkey (Merzenich et al., 1991). It is plausible that
of AI described in the marmoset (Aitkin et al., 1986). only a subset of the total area of representation is contributing
Neural mechanisms of frequency discrimination. The finding to the processing of frequency distinctions, while other parts of
that the cortical area of CF representation was correlated with the representation are processing other stimulus parameters.
the behavioral performance does not restrict the site of fre- Finally, the neural responses were not tested with respect to the
quency discrimination to that location. Most nuclei throughout their temporal representation of the stimuli. Studies in somato-
the central auditory pathways could contribute to these percep- sensory cortex have shown that the occurrences of neural dis-
tual distinctions. Studies have indicated that large lesions that charges are temporally more coherent in monkeys trained at a
include AI do not effect learned frequency discriminations in tactile frequency discrimination task when compared to unstim-
cats (Butler et al., 1957; Goldberg and Neff, 196 l), but deficits ulated and passively stimulated monkeys (Recanzone et al.,
have been shown in other behavioral paradigms (Meyer and 1992d). The temporal coding of the stimuli could provide ad-
Woolsey, 1952; Thompson, 1960). These studies suggest that ditional information regarding frequency.
the sequence and timing of stimuli, or perhaps the difficulty of The finding that Q 1OdB did increase significantly was unex-
the task, affect the necessary contribution of auditory cortical pected, as the behavioral stimuli were not presented at these
fields regarding this behavior. The behavioral task used in these low intensities. The disparity between Q 1OdB and Q40dB sug-
experiments cannot be directly compared to those cited above, gests that these two parameters are not equivalent, consistent
yet were considered by human observers to be quite difficult with observations in cat (Schreiner and Mendelson, 1990; Sutter
and to require vigilant attention in order to perform correctly. and Schreiner, 199 1). QlOdB measures have been reported to
An alternative view is that the pairs of tone pips presented covary with latency, and both were observed to increase in the
sequentially in the present study more closely match auditory trained monkeys. The longer latencies in the trained monkeys
pattern discrimination paradigms, which do show deficits fol- may have resulted from increased neural processing at subcor-
lowing auditory cortical lesions (Diamond and Neff, 1957). A tical levels, or perhaps from a suppression of normally shorter-
third point to bear in mind is that the limited data available latency inputs that are involved in processing other aspects of
suggest that thalamic areas with frequency-specific responses the acoustic signal. These two parameters were not correlated
(ventral medial geniculate nucleus) are less affected by classical with the behavioral performance, as the higher Q 1OdB (narrow-
conditioning paradigms than the cerebral cortex, although the er bandwidths) and latency measures were not matched with
responses of the more broadly tuned neurons located in the the lowest thresholds.
magnocellular division of the medial geniculate are affected by Finally, both hemispheres were investigated in only one mon-
classical conditioning paradigms (see Weinberger et al., 1990, key. The hemisphere studied in each of the other trained mon-
for review). The cortical representations described in this report keys was selected as the hemisphere contralateral to the ear
may be a reflection of tonotopically reorganized subcortical nearest the speaker in the behavioral apparatus. In most cases,
regions, partially reorganized subcortical and cortical areas, or the monkey oriented its head either directly toward the speaker,
resulting from reorganization only at the cortical level. in which case the ears were at an equivalent distance, or toward
Regardless of the fact that we cannot identify the site(s) of the food hopper, which would slightly favor one ear over the
reorganization, the differences in the response properties of AI other. Both hemispheres of OM 1 had similar areas of represen-
neurons between trained and untrained monkeys do provide tations; however, there were significant differences between the
some insights into plausible neural mechanisms of frequency right and left hemispheres with respect to both QlOdB and
discrimination. Frequency discrimination abilities could poten- Q40dB. It is unclear at present how these binaural stimuli are
tially be based on either the rate of neuronal discharge, the processed by the two hemispheres.
temporal information encoded within the discharge, and/or the Comparisons with earlier studies. The caveats discussed above
spatial location/distribution of the neurons responding to the do not detract from the findings that there is a significant im-
different frequencies. Our finding of an increased spatial rep- provement in behavioral performance at the frequency discrim-
resentation of behaviorally relevant frequencies suggests that ination task with training that was significantly correlated with
the spatial distribution of central neurons at least contributes the spatial representation of the trained frequencies in primary
to this behavior. One simple hypothesis is that the separation auditory cortex. Improvements in performance at a perceptual
in the spatial locations of appropriately tuned neurons could or motor skill have been well documented for a variety of tasks
provide the necessary information to form the basis of the dis- (see Volkmann, 1858; James, 1890; Gibson, 1953; Fitts, 1964)
crimination. Increases in the representation of a frequency range including relatively simple sensory discrimination tasks in adult
would increase the spatial resolution of those frequencies. The primates (Sinnott et al., 1985; Prosen et al., 1990; Recanzone
fact that the bandwidth of the tuned response was not signifi- et al., 1992a), and have been shown to continue for up to several
cantly different at 40 dB above threshold suggests that this larger years of continuous practice. The initial, rapid component of
representation was maintained at higher intensities, for exam- the improvement probably represents a “conceptual” learning
ple, those used in the behavioral paradigm. However, the cor- of the task and development of the most appropriate strategies
tical area measure at CF described here is almost certainly an (see deJong, 1957; Crossman, 1959; Seibel, 1963; Recanzone et
oversimplification. By combining the several islands of cortical al., 1992a). This is supported by the large variability in the
representation into a single measure, we may have diluted the performance between these early sessions, and by the fact that
contributing portion. Studies in the cat have shown that several it was not seen when the task was changed to different frequen-
different parameters of both tuning and timing of the neural cies in well-trained monkeys (e.g., 2.5 kHz to 8 kHz in OM2).
response are topographically organized along the isofrequency The second stage of learning was characterized by an im-
axis (Mendelson et al., 1988; Schreiner et al., 1988; Schreiner provement in performance at each S2 frequency in a roughly
and Mendelson, 1990; Imig et al., 1991; Sutter and Schreiner, sequential fashion, and an increase in the slope of the psycho-

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100 Recanzone et al. * Auditory Cortex Plasticity with Training

metric function at threshold. This improvement has been hy- Weinberger, 1990) and changesin the tonotopic representation
pothesized to result from an enhancement of the central rep- of AI after restricted cortical lesionsin the adult guinea pig and
resentation of the appropriate stimulus parameters (Recanzone cat (Robertson and Irvine, 1989; Irvine et al., 1991). In contrast
et al., 1992a,d). The psychophysical results derived in these to the conditioning studies,there wasno obvious changein the
monkeys are in agreement with this hypothesis. For example, overall responsivenessof neurons representingthe frequencies
there was little transference of the improvement in performance usedin behavioral training, and there wasno significant change
when untrained frequency ranges were tested in widely separated in the tuning of theseneuronsat intensitieswell above threshold.
sessions, consistent with studies on absolute auditory detection Similarly, severalmonths after restricted lesionsin the cochlea,
thresholds (Zwislocki et al., 1958) or tactile frequency discrim- the overall activity of neurons in the expanded zone of CF
ination thresholds (Recanzone et al., 1992a). Improvements were representation in AI is similar to neurons in the adjacent, un-
only recorded when training was continuous for several days. affected region. These differencesmay reflect differencesin the
The representations of these untrained frequencies were com- comparison between short-term effects as in the conditioning
parable to those of normal monkeys. An interesting observation studiesand the long-term effectsasin this and the lesionstudies,
was the apparent decrease in performance for decreasing S2 in the anestheticstateof the animal, or in the differencesbetween
frequencies (-AF values) with training at increasing S2 fre- the conditioning and discrimination behavioral paradigms.
quencies (+AF values). The thresholds for -AF values have Several models advanced to account for cortical plasticity
been reported to be slightly lower in humans but vary depending have proposedthat synaptic efficaciesare altered consequentto
on the species for Old-World monkeys (Sinnott et al., 1987). In the temporal correlation of pre- and postsynaptic activity by a
those experiments, the behavioral performances were reported Hebbian mechanism(e.g., seeEdelman, 1987; Merzenich et al.,
following training at both increasing and decreasing AF tasks. 1988, 1990; von der Malsburg and Singer, 1988; Palm, 1990;
In OM4, where several measuresof -AF threshold were made, Singer, 1990; Weinberger et al., 1990). Thesemechanisms,al-
there were no cortical locations observed where the CF was though presentedwith respect to the cerebral cortex, could be
centeredin the rangeof thesedecreasingS2 frequencies.Finally, equally effective for representationalchangesin subcortical ar-
our psychophysicalresultssuggestthat there is little, if any, effect eas. Computer models using these types of synaptic efficacy
of stimulus level on discrimination performance. There was a changesresult in changesin topography similar to those ob-
slight decreasein threshold with increasingstimulus level, but served in the somatosensory(Pearsonet al., 1987; Grajski and
this difference wasnot statistically significant. Increasinginten- Merzenich, 1990) and visual cortices (Miller et al., 1989). The
sity can increasefrequency discrimination ability in humans, present results are consistent with models of this class,as the
but decreasesperformance in macaquemonkeys (Sinnott et al., increasedarea of representationand the increasedsharpnessof
1987). Our results suggesteither that frequency discrimination tuning could result from the strengtheningof the synapsesrep-
performance is normally independent of stimulus level in this resentingthe behaviorally trained frequencies,and a weakening
species,or that the performance at the trained stimulus level of synapsesrepresenting other, neighboring frequencies. The
improved to match that for lower stimulus levels. The effects unaffected representationsin the passive stimulation monkeys
of stimulus amplitude on frequency discrimination in a naive suggestthat attention to the stimulus enhancesthe response,
animal of this specieswould provide further information on this perhaps via neuromodulators such as ACh or norepinephrine
issue. (seeSinger, 1990; Weinberger et al., 1990).
The electrophysiological resultsare consistentwith a variety The inverse relationship between receptive field size and the
of preparations in the somatosensorysystem (for reviews, see cortical area of representation describedin the visual and so-
Merzenich et al., 1988, 1990; Kaas, 1991) and with the hy- matosensorysystems(Hubel and Wiesel, 1974; Sur et al., 1980)
pothesisthat the functional organization of the cortex changes is thought to ariseby competitive interactions of excitatory and
in parallel with perceptual changes(seeMerzenich et al., 1988, inhibitory inputs between cortical neurons comprising a hori-
1990; Recanzone et al., 1991b,d; Recanzone and Merzenich, zontally oriented network (seeEdelman, 1987; Merzenich et al.,
1992). The finding that the large cortical representation of the 1990). Theselocal interactions between cortical neuronswould
behaviorally trained receptor surfacewasonly seenin monkeys also restrict the improvement to the behaviorally trained and
trained to discriminate those frequencies,and not in monkeys immediately surrounding frequencies,and thus only limited ef-
trained at an unrelated task, is consistentwith resultsfrom the fects on either the cortical representationor behavioral perfor-
somatosensorysystem (Jenkins et al., 1990; Recanzone et al., mance for other frequenciesare expected. The decreasingper-
1992b-d). This representationalplasticity occurredeven though formance at -AF frequenciesobserved in this study suggests
the monkeys in this study were acoustically stimulated for ap- that these horizontal influencesdegrade the representation of
proximately 15-20 min during the 2 hr sessioneach day, and unused neighboring frequencies, perhaps by “borrowing” ter-
were allowed to hear other auditory stimuli, someof which were ritory from the representation of those frequencies.The local
presumably behaviorally significant, for the remaining 22 hr interactions would also be expected to sharpen the temporal
each day. Thus, it is not necessaryto present the behaviorally cohesivenessof the responsesover a wider area, as has been
important stimuli to the exclusion of all other stimuli for these demonstrated in the somatosensorycortex (Recanzone et al.,
effects to occur, and consistent with reports on the effects of 1992d), which would result in a stronger representationof the
classicalconditioning on responsesof auditory cortical neurons, stimulus in both spaceand time that could then be transmitted
behavioral relevance of the stimulus is necessary. to other areasfor further processing.
The demonstration that there is a larger CF representationin Technical considerations. Several technical considerations
trained monkeys is not altogether unexpected given the fre- must be rememberedwhen attempting to correlate data derived
quency-specific changesin neural responsesof other auditory by presentingsingletone bursts in a closedsound systemin an
cortical areasfollowing classicalconditioning paradigmsin the anesthetizedmonkey with behavioral measuresperformed using
cat (Diamond and Weinberger, 1986)and guineapig (Bakin and sequential tone bursts in the free field. The barbiturate anes-

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The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1993, 73(l) 101

thesia may have masked differential neuronal responses to be- of owl monkeys trained in the behavioral task. Obviously, if
haviorally relevant stimuli. The effects of barbiturate anesthesia one had trained monkey N2 on a 10 kHz task, they may have
on tuning properties of cells in AI of the monkey are not well been misled by the preexisting large representation of those
described; however, comparison of our data with that of others frequencies. By the same logic, the probability of matching the
derived in awake animals (i.e., Funkenstein and Winter, 1973; frequency in the behavioral paradigm with the idiosyncratically
Pelleg-Toiba and Wollberg, 1989) suggests little effect on mea- overrepresented frequency in each of the studied individual
sures of CF or temporal response properties of cortical neurons. monkeys is remote.
In this study, all of the comparisons of the neural responses One potential inadequacy of the data is that frequency re-
were made between monkeys anesthetized in a similar manner; sponse areas, and hence the measures of QlOdB and Q40dB,
thus, all anesthetic effects are constant and do not differentially were based on the single presentation of each of the 675 stimuli.
affect one set of monkeys. Spontaneous activity occurring in the 50 msec time window of
A second consideration is that the stimuli used in generating data collection could artificially broaden the response area, and
the cortical maps were shorter in duration (50 msec vs. 150 only stimuli that evoke a response on several repeated trials
msec) and were presented through a closed sound system. The might be consistently considered within the response area. How-
acoustic environment in the free field and the resonance prop- ever, this method has been shown to be a reliable measure of
erties of the external ear may have distorted the stimuli in the multiple-unit responses. The objective criteria used to define
behavioral condition. The definition of response properties of QlOdB and Q40dB take into account the rate of spontaneous
AI neurons using a closed sound system has the advantage of activity as well as the consistency of the response latency, and
better control of the stimulus intensity within and between in- have been argued to accurately reflect the tuning and timing
dividual experiments. Direct comparisons can also be made properties of the neurons under study (see Schreiner and Men-
between these results and those of others. If the electrophysi- delson, 1990; Sutter and Schreiner, 199 1). The minimum la-
ological experiments were performed in the free field, idiosyn- tency estimate was based on all 15 levels at three frequencies,
cratic distortions of the stimulus could occur between individual and therefore represents 45 separate measurements.
monkeys due to variations in head size and location and pinna Concluding remarks. The demonstration that the extent of
morphology. To match the acoustic environment of the behav- the cortical area of representation of a specific frequency range
ioral apparatus in the electrophysiology experiment, it would is correlated with the behaviorally measured discrimination per-
have been necessary to perform both in the same apparatus, formance represents a first approximation for determining the
which was not possible. Finally, the technique we have used is neural correlate of this perceptual judgement. The results of
appropriate to achieve the primary goal of the study, namely, these experiments are consistent with hypotheses that auditory
to define alterations in the tonotopic organization of AI con- cortical representations are modifiable and that this plasticity
sequent to the behavioral training. reflects the acquisition of skills and behaviors throughout life.
A third potential problem is in correlating the pooled data A key prediction from these hypotheses is that the changes in
from normal monkeys with the behavioral results from other cortical representation should occur in parallel with the behav-
monkeys either early in training or when tested on untrained ioral gains, and repeated measures of these representations should
frequencies. This method increased the number of data points correlate with the repeated measures ofbehavioral performance.
such that reasonable correlation analysis between physiological A second prediction is that inactivation of restricted areas of
and behavioral data could be performed, but is based on the the central representation of these stimuli should result in re-
assumption that the physiological and behavioral measures are stricted behavioral deficits. Finally, the effects of interrupting
representative for all monkeys. The estimates of “untrained” the normal release of putative neuromodulators during the pe-
behavioral performance are probably reasonable because the riod of acquisition of this behavioral improvement could begin
thresholds for sessions 5-10 in monkey OMl were within 15% to reveal the pharmacology of this representational plasticity as
of the initial five sessions for OM2 at the 8 kHz task, as were has been done in other systems (i.e, Kasamatsu and Pettigrew,
the measures for sessions 5-l 0 for monkeys OM2 and OM3 in 1979; Bear and Singer, 1986). Such studies would provide key
the 2.5 kHz task. These differences were not significantly dif- evidence in extending these hypotheses and models of cortical
ferent, and all of our data for both auditory and tactile frequency function.
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Current Biology 21, 2109–2114, December 20, 2011 ª2011 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2011.11.018

Acquiring ‘‘the Knowledge’’
of London’s Layout
Drives Structural Brain Changes
Katherine Woollett1 and Eleanor A. Maguire1,* disposing individuals to being taxi drivers [2–4, 19, 20]. As well
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, Institute of as displaying a specific pattern of hippocampal GM volume,
Neurology, University College London, 12 Queen Square, qualified taxi drivers have been found to display better memory
London WC1N 3BG, UK for London-based information, but surprisingly poorer learning
and memory for certain types of new visual information (e.g.,
delayed recall of complex figures), compared with control
Summary participants, suggesting there might be a price to pay for the
acquisition of their spatial knowledge, perhaps linked to their
The last decade has seen a burgeoning of reports associ- reduced anterior hippocampal volume (see [3, 4, 20] for more
ating brain structure with specific skills and traits (e.g., on this). Interestingly, the opposite pattern of hippocampal
[1–8]). Although these cross-sectional studies are informa- GM volume and memory profile has been described in retired
tive, cause and effect are impossible to establish without taxi drivers, hinting that any changes acquired through learning
longitudinal investigation of the same individuals before might be reversed or ‘‘normalized’’ when the call on stored
and after an intervention. Several longitudinal studies have memory representations lessens [21].
been conducted (e.g., [9–18]); some involved children or London taxi drivers are therefore a useful model of memory,
young adults, potentially conflating brain development with illuminating the role of the hippocampus and intrahippocam-
learning, most were restricted to the motor domain, and all pal functional differentiation and potentially informing about
concerned relatively short timescales (weeks or months). whether hippocampal structure and memory capacity are
Here, by contrast, we utilized a unique opportunity to study hardwired or amenable to change. Given current economic
average-IQ adults operating in the real world as they learned, imperatives and increasing longevity, the need to keep re-
over four years, the complex layout of London’s streets while training and learning throughout adulthood has never been
training to become licensed taxi drivers. In those who quali- more acute. Direct evidence for hippocampal plasticity in
fied, acquisition of an internal spatial representation of response to environmental stimulation could allow us to
London was associated with a selective increase in gray understand the boundaries within which human memory op-
matter (GM) volume in their posterior hippocampi and con- erates and the scope for improving or rehabilitating memory
comitant changes to their memory profile. No structural brain in educational and clinical contexts. Moreover, given the
changes were observed in trainees who failed to qualify or dearth of longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
control participants. We conclude that specific, enduring, structural association studies focusing on higher cognitive
structural brain changes in adult humans can be induced functions in average adults engaged in truly naturalistic
by biologically relevant behaviors engaging higher cognitive behaviors, taxi drivers could contribute new information to
functions such as spatial memory, with significance for the the wider debate about whether key aspects of cognition
‘‘nature versus nurture’’ debate. are fixed or malleable.
The above aspirations are predicated upon hippocampal
Results and Discussion plasticity in adult humans, evidence for which remains sparse
[10, 18]. We therefore conducted a longitudinal study exam-
In order to qualify as a licensed London taxi driver, a trainee must ining 79 male trainee London taxi drivers at the start of their
learn the complex and irregular layout of London’s w25,000 training (T1, time 1) and then again 3–4 years later just after
streets (Figure 1) within a 6-mile radius of Charing Cross train qualification (T2, time 2), as well as 31 male control partici-
station, along with the locations of thousands of places of pants, with two aims. First, given that the PCO suggests that
interest. This spatial learning is known as acquiring ‘‘the Knowl- typically 50%–60% of trainees fail to qualify, we anticipated
edge’’ and typically takes between 3 and 4 years, leading to having three groups of participants: trainees who qualified
a stringent set of examinations, called ‘‘appearances,’’ which (Q), trainees who failed to qualify (F), and the controls (C).
must be passed in order to obtain an operating license from With this design, we could retrospectively examine whether
the Public Carriage Office (PCO, the official London taxi- MRI and/or neuropsychological findings at T1 could predict
licensing body). This comprehensive training and qualification who would eventually qualify 3–4 years later at T2. Second,
procedure is unique among taxi drivers anywhere in the world. we sought to ascertain whether the pattern of hippocampal
Previous cross-sectional studies of qualified London taxi GM volume and memory profile observed in previous cross-
drivers documented more gray matter (GM) volume in their sectional taxi driver studies would be induced and observable
posterior hippocampi and less in their anterior hippocampi within the same participants as a result of acquiring ‘‘the
relative to non-taxi-driving matched control participants [2–4]. Knowledge.’’
Moreover, correlation of hippocampal GM volume with years Of the 79 trainees, 39 went on to qualify as licensed London
of taxi driving suggested that structural differences may have taxi drivers, while 20 did not qualify (ceased training or failed
been acquired through the experience of navigating, to accom- their appearances) but agreed to return for testing at T2. Of
modate the internal representation of London, and were not the other 20 trainees who did not wish to return at T2, two
merely due to preexisting hippocampal GM volume patterns had qualified, and the remaining 18 decided to stop training
or made no appearances. Thus in our sample, 51.9% of
trainees qualified, in line with PCO figures. All 31 control
*Correspondence: participants returned for testing at T2.

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Figure 1. Central London

Trainee taxi drivers must acquire ‘‘the Knowledge’’ of London’s layout within a 6-mile radius of Charing Cross train station. This map shows just a part of the
total area that must be learned. Map reproduced by permission of Geographers’ A-Z Map Co. Ltd. ª Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. License
number 100017302.

Time 1 at qualification. In particular, hippocampal GM volume, both

We first focused on the data acquired at T1 and examined the anteriorly and posteriorly, was indistinguishable between
status before training occurred of those trainees who subse- those who would qualify, those who would not, and the con-
quently qualified or not, as well as the control participants. trols. This means that the groups started out on equal terms
There were no statistically significant differences between and that any changes that subsequently emerged would be
the three groups on a range of background measures such due to acquiring ‘‘the Knowledge.’’
as age, handedness, education, and IQ [F(8,166) = 1.81; p =
0.07; see Table 1]. We next looked at their performance at Time 2
T1 on a battery of tests assessing working and long-term In the first instance, we compared the two trainee groups on
memory, recognition and recall, and visual and verbal material a range of training-related variables (see Table 1). There was
(see Supplemental Experimental Procedures and Table S1A no significant difference between those who qualified and
available online). There were no statistically significant differ- those who did not in terms of the total time they had spent in
ences between the three groups for any of the memory training [t(57) = 0.67; p = 0.5]. There was a difference, however,
measures [F(18,158) = 1.33; p = 0.18]. Finally, we examined in the number of hours per week the groups spent training, with
the structural MRI brain scans of participants acquired at T1, the trainees who qualified spending twice as many hours per
before training. An automated whole-brain analysis method, week training compared to the group who failed to qualify
voxel-based morphometry (VBM; [22, 23]) implemented in [t(57) = 6.62; p = 0.001]. Unsurprisingly, the two groups differed
SPM8, was used to compare GM volume between the groups. also in the number of appearances that they made, with the
No significant differences were found, even with a liberal failed candidates making hardly any [t(57) = 13.1; p = 0.001].
statistical threshold (p < 0.005 uncorrected for multiple Finally, there was no significant difference in the time elapsed
comparisons). between testing at T1 and testing at T2 for the Q, F, and C
Our data therefore showed that at T1, before acquisition of groups [F(2, 86) = 1.27; p = 0.28].
a detailed internal spatial representation of London’s layout, We next examined performance at T2 on parallel versions
there was no general intellectual, mnemonic, or structural of the memory tests that had first been employed at T1 (see
brain difference that was associated with subsequent success Table S1B). Whereas at T1 there were no differences between

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Hippocampal Changes in Trainee London Taxi Drivers

Table 1. Background Characteristics of the Participants scans, total GM volume, and participant age were modeled as
confounding variables. Given our a priori interest in the hippo-
Qualified Failed to Qualify Controls campus, the significance level was set at p < 0.001 corrected
Measure (n = 39) (n = 20) (n = 31)
for the volume of the hippocampus; otherwise the significance
Age (years) 37.97 6 7.96 40.50 6 5.27 35 6 8.99 level was set at p < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons
Age left school 16.66 6 1.32 16.75 6 1.40 16.77 6 1.30 across the whole brain. We first looked at the scans of the qual-
ified trainees and found that GM volume had increased in the
Estimated verbal IQ 97.72 6 6.29 98.66 6 3.49 100.79 6 3.79
Matrix reasoning 11.89 6 2.06 12.20 6 1.98 11.83 6 2.39
posterior hippocampi bilaterally (30, 242, 1, z = 5.44; 20, 237,
(scaled score) 10, z = 5.64; 24, 239, 7, z = 4.02; 229, 242, 3, z = 5.91) at T2 rela-
Handedness 87.97 6 24.09 88.10 6 21.50 71.74 6 38.69 tive to T1 (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). The opposite comparison
(laterality index) (T1 > T2) did not show any significant differences, nor were
Total training time 38.84 6 7.02 35.80 6 10.32 – there any significant differences in GM volume anywhere else
in the brain for either contrast. Similar analyses were performed
Training time per 34.56 6 12.40 16.70 6 8.21 –
week (hours)a
for the trainees who failed to qualify. No significant differences
Number of 15.64 6 3.66 2.60 6 3.45 – in GM volume were found anywhere in the brain, including the
appearancesa hippocampi, for T2 > T1 or T1 > T2. When the data from the
Time between T1 35.28 6 8.19 36.15 6 8.53 32.8 6 7.37 two time points of the control participants were compared,
and T2 testing again no significant differences in GM volume emerged.
As with the memory data, the structural MRI brain data
Measurements are given in means 6 SD. replicate and extend the cross-sectional taxi driver studies
Significantly more for trainees who qualified compared to trainees who [2–4] by showing that the increased posterior hippocampal
did not qualify.
GM volume previously observed most likely occurred as a result
of acquiring the detailed spatial representation of London’s
the groups, at T2 this was no longer the case: significant differ- layout. Importantly, the posterior hippocampal change in GM
ences between the three groups now emerged [F(18,158) = volume cannot be attributed to the qualified trainee taxi drivers’
2.35; p = 0.004], driven by two main effects. A significant dif- training procedures, methods, or general attempts to learn,
ference was found between the groups on the London land- as the trainees who failed to qualify were exposed to the
marks proximity judgments test [F(2,87) = 8.09 p = 0.001], same milieu. Although the posterior hippocampal increase
with trainees who qualified being significantly better at judging accords with previous findings, we did not observe a decrease
the spatial relations between London landmarks than the in anterior hippocampal GM volume. This is interesting,
control participants (p = 0.003), as were nonqualified trainees because it may provide an insight into the time frame of the
(p = 0.003). The groups also differed on the delayed recall of hippocampal structural changes. It could be that they occur
the Taylor complex figure [F(2,87) = 4.38; p = 0.015], with qual- serially, with the increase in posterior hippocampus happening
ified trainees being significantly worse at recalling the complex first and within 3–4 years. We speculate that the anterior hippo-
figure after 30 min delay than the control participants (p = 0.01). campal GM volume might then decrease subsequently and in
By contrast, the performance of the nonqualified trainees response to the posterior increase. In fact, the poor perfor-
was not significantly different from that of control participants mance of the qualified trainees on the delayed recall of the
(p = 0.14). complex figure at T2 may be an indication that changes are
The memory profile displayed by the now qualified train- already afoot in the anterior hippocampus but are not yet
ees mirrors exactly the pattern displayed in several pre- detectable with MRI.
vious cross-sectional studies of licensed London taxi drivers That acquiring ‘‘the Knowledge,’’ which encompasses
[3, 4, 20] (and that which normalized in the retired taxi drivers spatial learning and memory, can drive changes in posterior
[21]). In those studies also, the taxi drivers displayed more hippocampus illustrates the close relationship between this
knowledge of the spatial relationships between landmarks region and spatial navigation [25–27] and suggests that the
in London, unsurprisingly, given their increased exposure to hippocampus acts as a storage site for the spatial information
the city compared to control participants. By contrast, this acquired during ‘‘the Knowledge,’’ or as a processing hub for
enhanced spatial representation of the city was accompanied detailed navigational information. Our results underline the
by poorer performance on a complex figure test, a visuospatial existence of functional differentiation in the hippocampus,
task designed to assess the free recall of visual material after with anterior and posterior regions diverging in their response
30 min. Our findings therefore not only replicate those of to spatial memory [28, 29]. The hippocampal plasticity we have
previous cross-sectional studies but extend them by showing observed in vivo in adult humans parallels the effects reported
the change in memory profile within the same participants. in nonhumans where intraindividual hippocampal volume
That the only major difference between T1 and T2 was acquiring changes occur in response to demands placed on spatial
‘‘the Knowledge’’ strongly suggests that this is what induced memory [30, 31]. Having documented this hippocampal
the memory change. change, the question is what mechanism underpins this
We then turned to the structural MRI brain scans acquired at process.
T2 and compared them to the scans acquired in the same indi- Using standard structural MRI scanning in humans, it is not
viduals at T1 in order to assess whether acquiring ‘‘the Knowl- possible to address this question directly, but based on work
edge’’ had any impact on GM volume. This was accomplished in nonhumans, there are several candidates. Studies in ro-
by implementing high-dimensional warping (HDW) in SPM8. dents have demonstrated that when learning requires cogni-
HDW safeguards against nonspecific subtle differences that tive effort and where learning actually takes place (i.e., where
may arise between the first and second scans within subjects material is remembered after a delay), there is an effect on
in a longitudinal study (see Supplemental Experimental the rate of hippocampal neurogenesis [32]. Moreover, the
Procedures and also [24] for full details). The time between animals that learn best have more new neurons after training

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Current Biology Vol 21 No 24

Figure 2. Gray Matter Volume Changes between T1 and T2 in Qualified Trainees

Gray matter (GM) volume increased in the most posterior part of the hippocampus bilaterally between T1 and T2 as a result of acquiring a detailed
representation of London’s layout. This change was only apparent in the trainees who qualified. The upper row shows axial views, and the middle and lower
rows show sagittal views through the right (R) and left (L) sides of the brain, respectively, that encompass the GM changes (shown in orange and yellow) in
the peak voxels detailed in the text.

than those who do not learn, or do not learn efficiently [33, 34]. To conclude, we have shown that there is a capacity for
If neurogenesis is what underpins the hippocampal volume memory improvement and concomitant structural changes
change in qualified taxi drivers, it may be related to recruitment to occur in the human brain well into adulthood. That there
of new neurons following neurogenesis [35, 36] that are are many thousands of licensed London taxi drivers shows
pressed into the service of spatial memory. The development that acquisition of ‘‘the Knowledge,’’ and presumably the brain
of greater communication between neurons in the form of changes that arise from it, is not uncommon, offering encour-
increased synaptogenesis [37, 38] might also be involved, agement for lifelong learning, and possibly a role in neuroreha-
and proliferation in dendritic arborization, augmenting con- bilitation in the clinical context. However, this needs to be
nectivity between neurons, could in turn increase memory balanced by our finding that memory improvement in one
capacity and also lead to volumetric changes [39]. Glial cells, domain may come at the expense of memory performance
which continue to be produced, albeit at a slow pace, through- elsewhere. One final point to consider concerns the PCO fig-
out adulthood [40], could also be implicated and have been ures and our data showing that only half of trainees who under-
shown to increase in volume with the addition of synapses take ‘‘the Knowledge’’ actually qualify. The reasons we were
following learning [41]. In the future, new approaches to human given for ceasing training included the time commitment being
brain scanning in vivo may eventually be able to provide more too great, financial imperatives, and family obligations. Very
direct insight into the key mechanisms supporting human few trainees reported ceasing because they found the spatial
hippocampal plasticity [42]. memory demands to be too great, although it is possible, or

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Hippocampal Changes in Trainee London Taxi Drivers

Deichmann, Amanda Brennan, John Ashburner, Jenny Crinion, Alex Leff,

Ric Davis, and Chris Freemantle.

Received: September 8, 2011

Revised: October 26, 2011
Accepted: November 8, 2011
Published online: December 8, 2011


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17. Bezzola, L., Mérillat, S., Gaser, C., and Jäncke, L. (2011). Training-
This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust. We thank all participants induced neural plasticity in golf novices. J. Neurosci. 31, 12444–12448.
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Said. Thanks also to the Knowledge Schools, the Physics and Imaging Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory.
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Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of

Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult
Highlights Authors
d Intermittent stimulation of nucleus basalis (NB) improves Ruifeng Liu, Jonathan Crawford,
working memory performance Patrick M. Callahan, Alvin V. Terry, Jr.,
Christos Constantinidis, David T. Blake
d Continuous NB stimulation degrades performance in young
adult monkeys Correspondence
d Donepezil provided no greater improvement than intermittent
In Brief
d Effects were blocked by nicotinic and muscarinic receptor Liu et al. show that an intermittent train of
antagonists electrical stimulation in the nucleus
basalis improves working memory in
adult monkeys. The improvement
depends on cholinergic receptors. The
finding reveals a new mechanism to
improve cognitive performance in
conditions that compromise cholinergic
action, including aging and Alzheimer’s

Liu et al., 2017, Current Biology 27, 1–7

September 11, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Ltd.

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

Current Biology


Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis

of Meynert Improves Working Memory
in Adult Monkeys
Ruifeng Liu,1,2 Jonathan Crawford,2 Patrick M. Callahan,3 Alvin V. Terry, Jr.,3 Christos Constantinidis,4
and David T. Blake2,5,*
1State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
2Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, 1120 15th Street,
Augusta, GA 30912, USA
3Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, 1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
4Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
5Lead Contact


SUMMARY the stimulus that was initially presented (Figure 1). Once the
animals were proficient with the task, they were implanted bilat-
Acetylcholine in the neocortex is critical for executive erally with NB stimulation electrodes. Placement and anatomical
function [1–3]. Degeneration of cholinergic neurons verification are described in STAR Methods. The zone of stimu-
in aging and Alzheimer’s dementia is commonly lation was broad, on the order of a 4-mm-diameter sphere [15],
treated with cholinesterase inhibitors [4–7]; however, and the accuracy of placement of the electrode tip within the
these are modestly effective and are associated with nucleus was not critical in this experiment. Experiments in the
first two animals (K and S) primarily guided proper positioning
side effects that preclude effective dosing in many
of stimulation leads in the next three (CH, DI, and PU). No histo-
patients [8]. Electrical activation of the nucleus basa-
logical confirmation of electrode placement occurred in these
lis (NB) of Meynert, the source of neocortical acetyl- three animals, and electrode positioning is presumptive based
choline [9, 10], provides a potential method of on stereotaxic targeting.
improving cholinergic activation [11, 12]. Here we
tested whether NB stimulation would improve perfor- Effects of Electrical Stimulation Parameters
mance of a working memory task in a nonhuman pri- We initially tested the hypothesis that NB stimulation improves
mate model. Unexpectedly, intermittent stimulation working memory performance by applying a continuous train
proved to be most beneficial (60 pulses per second, of stimulation pulses in blocks of 100 trials interleaved with
for 20 s every minute), whereas continuous stimula- blocks of 100 trials without stimulation. Contrary to our expecta-
tion often impaired performance. Pharmacological tions, we found that continuous stimulation always impaired per-
formance, and effects were larger at higher stimulation rates
experiments confirmed that the effects depended
(Figure 2A). Results for continuous stimulation at 80 Hz reached
on cholinergic activation. Donepezil, a cholines-
statistical significance (binomial tests; animal CH: n = 800 trials,
terase inhibitor, restored performance in animals p < 0.0001; animal DI: n = 1000, p < 0.001).
impaired by continuous stimulation but did not In an effort to determine whether stimulation during a partic-
improve performance further during intermittent ular interval of the task was disrupting working memory, the
stimulation. Intermittent stimulation was rendered task was altered to stimulate only during the inter-trial period
ineffective by either nicotinic or muscarinic receptor or to stimulate only during trials. Unexpectedly, either condition
antagonists. In the months after stimulation began, resulted in supranormal performance. We established an inter-
performance also improved in sessions without stim- mittent stimulation condition that provided 20 s of pulses at a
ulation. Our results reveal that intermittent NB stimu- rate of 60 per second followed by 40 s without pulses. Results
lation can improve working memory, a finding that from this condition are shown in Figure 2B. Trials with stimulation
resulted in better performance than trials with no stimulation in
has implications for restoring cognitive function in
the animals tested (binomial test, n = 1000, p < 0.01). Note that
aging and Alzheimer’s dementia.
a longer delay period was used in Figure 2B than in Figure 2A
to avoid ceiling effects. We conclude that intermittent stimulation
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION results in supranormal working memory performance.
We explored the parameters for optimal stimulation in two
Five adult Rhesus monkeys were trained with a delayed match- ways. First, the number of pulses per minute was fixed, and
to-sample task, requiring them to remember a stimulus pre- the duration and rate of stimulation were altered. The 1,200
sented on a touch screen and, after a delay period, to select pulses per minute were delivered in 10 s (i.e., at a rate of

Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Ltd. 1
Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

Figure 1. Task Paradigm and Electrical

Stimulation Position in the Brain
(A) Macaque monkeys were trained to interact with
a touchscreen. The first step in the task is touching
the cue.
(B) After the cue is touched, the screen blanks
during the delay period, followed by presentation
of two potential matches. Three colors were used
in training, and two were randomly selected as
cue/match and distractor on each trial.
(C) Stimulation of the nucleus basalis (NB) of
Meynert was used in experimental sessions. The
position of the nucleus is shown by the dotted
yellow rectangle, with the curved arrows approxi-
mating the pathways from the nucleus to neo-
cortices [13].
(D) An MRI coronal section of a Rhesus monkey
brain with the implantation target outlined in red.
The MRI was taken from the Macaque Scalable
Brain Atlas [14] (M.F. Dubach, and D.M. Bowden,
2009, Soc. Neurosci., abstract).
See also Figures S1 and S2.

mance change caused by stimulation as

a function of delay length, we converted
these percent change differences to
changes in signal size using the signal
detection theory metric d’ (see STAR
Methods), which measured how far
above the noise the signal size, or mem-
120 Hz), 20 s, 40 s, or 60 s. Results are shown in Figure 2C for ory, rose. This metric inferred the signal size from the behavioral
animals CH and DI. A two-way ANOVA found a significant effect responses, and it was normalized by the noise standard devia-
of these conditions on performance (test for animal number and tion. Using either signal detectability metrics or percent correct,
condition, F(4,4) = 12.92 for main effect of condition, p < 0.02; no statistically significant changes in stimulation effect were
F(1,4) = 1.48 for main effect of animal, p > 0.2). Post hoc compar- found as a function of delay length using ANOVAs (p > 0.1).
isons showed that performance was significantly better at the Stimulation improved performance across the entire working
10 or 20 s period than the 60 s condition of continuous stimula- memory delay curve, and the change in d’ ranged from 0.13 to
tion (binomial statistic, 1,050 trials for each condition, Bonfer- 0.39, with an average at the longest delay of 0.16. Alternately,
roni-corrected p < 0.005). if the animals were at zero delay and 96% correct, improvements
In a second experiment, the rate of stimulation was fixed at were 1.4%–1.7%, while at longer delays animals improved
80 pulses per second but the duration was varied to 10 s, 3.6%–4% above 75%. Changes of this magnitude reached
20 s, 40 s, or 60 s per minute (Figure 2D). A two-way ANOVA statistical significance in two to four behavioral sessions.
found a significant effect of condition and animal (F(1,4) = Insight into the speed with which these effects occurred after
15.09 for animal, p < 0.02; F(4,4) = 8.48 for condition, stimulation began was determined by analyzing the perfor-
p < 0.04). The highest performance occurred for the 20 s stim- mance shortly after a condition change. If effects appeared
ulation condition, which was significantly better than the 60 s slowly, then performance shortly after stimulation began should
stimulation in post hoc tests (binomial statistic, 1,350 trials be lower than performance later in the trial block. Similarly, if
each, Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.005). The significant ANOVA the effects decreased slowly once stimulation stopped, the
finding on the animal variable occurred as animal CH averaged no-stimulation blocks should have had lower performance later
higher performance in the 80 Hz stimulation conditions than in the block. Performance compared to trial position in the block
animal DI. These parametric tests revealed that the condition is shown in Figures S3A and S3B for continuous and intermit-
of 1,200 pulses being delivered 15–20 s per minute was optimal tent stimulation. No significant trends based on position within
within the parameters tested. the blocks were found, which indicated that effects occurred
The effect of intermittent stimulation across varying delay in less than 3 min, which was the average time to complete
periods can be seen in Figures 2E and 2F. The performance ten trials.
change, expressed as change in percent correct, was larger
for longer delays, up to 5% improvement, than for shorter delays. The Interactions of Stimulation Effects with Cholinergic
However, the variability of the measure is a function of the Pharmacology
percent correct, and if the percent correct is closer to 100, the To test the hypothesis that the improvement of working
variance is lower. To enable a fair comparison of the perfor- memory performance after intermittent stimulation depended

2 Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

A 90 B 90 parisons relative to the control condition were significant (bino-

CONTINUOUS STIM INTERMITTENT STIM mial test, n > 3,000 for each condition, p < 0.005 each). The result
Performance (%)

Performance (%)
suggested that intermittent stimulation achieved a ceiling effect
on cholinergic pathways. It also suggested that continuous stim-
80 80 ulation degraded behavior by decreasing acetylcholine levels.
A further test of the cholinergic basis of effects was conducted
using acetylcholine receptor antagonists. Mecamylamine was
70 70 used to block nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in one set of
Ctrl StimCtrl Stim Ctrl Stim Ctrl Stim experiments, and scopolamine was used to block muscarinic
Monkey CH Monkey DI Monkey CH Monkey DI acetylcholine receptors in the second set of experiments. In
either case (Figure 3B), intermittent stimulation did not improve
82 1200 TOTAL PULSES 82 80 PULSES/SEC performance (p > 0.1). The result suggested that both receptor
Performance (%)

Performance (%)

subtypes were necessary for the performance increase caused

78 78 by intermittent stimulation. As shown in Figure 3C, administra-
tion of mecamylamine and scopolamine alone reproduced
74 74 known effects [16, 17]. Scopolamine impaired working memory
(binomial test, n = 550, p < 0.001). Mecamylamine, at the dose
70 70 tested, improved working memory (binomial test, n = 2,700,
p < 0.001).
10 20 40 60 10 20 40 60
Stimulation period Stimulation period Donepezil is reported to cause side effects including nausea,
per minute (s) per minute (s) which limits its clinical efficacy in some patients [8, 18, 19]. We
plotted food consumption of the animals under control condi-
Monkey CH Monkey DI tions, days in which intermittent stimulation was delivered in
100 100
blocks, and days in which Donepezil was given. The results (Fig-
Performance (%)

Performance (%)

90 Control 90 Control ure 3D) showed a significant effect of condition (unbalanced

Stim Stim ANOVA; F(2,56) = 3.4 for condition, p = 0.04; F(1,56) = 1.85 for
80 80 animal, p = 0.179). Post hoc testing found that monkeys
consumed less food on days in which Donepezil was given rela-
70 70
tive to days in which stimulation was given (t test, t = 2.81,
60 60 df = 35, p < 0.009).
0 3 10 20 0 1 3 5 The reaction times of animals CH and DI to the cue and match
Delay time (s) Delay time (s) are shown in Figure S4. These reaction times were measured in
the same data shown in Figures 2E and 2F. Under no conditions
Figure 2. Effects of NB Stimulation on Working Memory Behavior were there significant effects of stimulation on reaction times
(A) The impact of continuous stimulation on performance. Monkeys performed (paired t tests, p > 0.1 for all), which argued against stimulation
the task with concurrent 80 Hz continuous stimulation or under a control
causing a general effect on arousal or alertness.
(B) The impact of intermittent stimulation on performance. The gray bars
Prior work stimulating NB in anesthetized animals has demon-
indicate an intermittent stimulation condition distinct from the continuous strated consistent spectrum shifts of cortical electroencephalo-
stimulation condition indicated by empty bars in (A). gram (EEG) recordings [20–23]. The low-frequency portions
(C) Both monkeys were tested with 1,200 stimulation pulses per minute, of the EEG, under 12 Hz, tend to decrease in energy, or de-
delivered in 10 s (120 Hz), 20 s (60 Hz), 40 s (30 Hz), or 60 s (20 Hz). The synchronize, while the higher-frequency gamma range increases
performance under the control (no stimulation) condition for this week is
under some experimental conditions. We recorded the subcor-
indicated with the dashed line, and its standard error is 1.8%.
(D) Performance as both monkeys were tested with 80 pulses per second for
tical local field potential (LFP), via the stimulating electrode,
different fractions of a minute. The standard error in control condition is 1.7%. immediately before and after stimulation during periods of inter-
(E) Delay performance curve with and without intermittent stimulation in mittent and continuous stimulation in the awake animal. As
animal CH. shown in Figures S2A–S2D, consistent reductions in LFP power
(F) Delay performance curve with and without intermittent stimulation in animal spectrum occurred as a result of intermittent stimulation. Similar
DI. Up to 1,000 trials were used to determine each point. effects occurred after continuous stimulation at 80 Hz, shown in
Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. See also Figures S3 and S4.
Figures S2E and S2F. All effects were significant (t tests,
p < 0.001, frequency bands <4 Hz, 4–8 Hz, 8–12 Hz, 12–20 Hz,
on cholinergic pathways, stimulation was delivered with and 20–40 Hz).
without the cholinesterase inhibitor Donepezil. When the Done-
pezil dose was combined with intermittent stimulation, perfor- Long-Term Changes Caused by Stimulation
mance was no different from Donepezil alone, or stimulation Unexpected improvements in working memory performance
alone, as shown in Figure 3A. The impact of combining Donepezil were observed in the three animals that were tested with stimu-
with 80 pulses per second continuous stimulation is shown on lation of NB for months. In each animal, the delay interval was
the right in Figure 3A. Continuous stimulation significantly adjusted to maintain performance between 75% and 80%. The
impaired performance, but Donepezil reversed this impairment first indication of this change is shown in Figure 4A, in animal
and resulted in supranormal performance. In Figure 3A, all com- CH. The working memory delay duration had been increased

Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017 3

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

A B 90 the ensuing 5 months, the working memory delay increased from

3 s to 10 s, which is shown in Figure 4B. Under the null hypoth-
Performance (%)

esis that working memory ability was stable, this change

80 80
was highly significant (binomial model, see STAR Methods,
p < 105). Animal PU (Figure 4C) performed the task for 17 weeks
70 prior to initiating stimulation. Its performance was stable in this
pre-stimulation period. In the following 7 weeks, the 1.5 s delay
70 60 increased to 8 s, more than 5-fold, which again was significant
er n th t n th Mec Mec+St Sc Sc+St
Int Do Bo Con Do Bo (p < 105). The results from animals DI and PU showed that stim-
ulation increased working memory duration. All of the perfor-
C D mance data used in this analysis were collected under control
Food consumed
conditions, i.e., without the acute boost in performance shown
Performance (%)

in Figure 2B. For all data shown in Figure 4, the stimulation deliv-
ered in the several-month-long period of stimulation was mixed
80 1
while the experiments of Figures 2, 3, and 4 were conducted.


The delayed match-to-sample task was used because it is a

well-studied test of executive function in the nonhuman primate
Figure 3. Pharmacological Interactions with Stimulation, and
Effects on the Animals’ Appetites [24]. It embodies several mnemonic processes that are critical to
(A) On the left, the experimental conditions of intermittent stimulation (Inter) are human cognition, including attention, stimulus discrimination,
compared to control (dashed line), Donepezil (Don), and both stimulation and encoding, and memory for recent events [25]. The task is sensi-
Donepezil (Both). On the right, in a separate experiment, the same compari- tive to cholinergic modulation, as indicated by its enhancement
sons are applied with continuous stimulation (Cont). The gray bars indicate by cholinesterase inhibitors [26, 27], and to cholinergic receptor
intermittent stimulation involved. Standard errors for control conditions
agonists [28, 29], and it is sensitive to impairments of perfor-
(dashed lines) on the left and right are 1% and 1.1%, respectively.
(B) Effects of stimulation and acetylcholine receptor blockers. Mecamylamine
mance by cholinergic antagonists [17, 30]. Intermittent stimula-
(Mec) was given to animals prior to behavior, and working memory perfor- tion of NB led to short-term improvement in the task, whereas
mance was assessed during intermittent stimulation and without stimulation. continuous stimulation suppressed performance. Pharmacolog-
Scopolamine (Sc) was similarly tested. Average of the two animals tested in ical administration of cholinesterase inhibitors and acetylcholine
each condition is displayed. Dashed line shows the baseline performance in receptor blockers demonstrated that the effects occur through
control condition, and standard error is 1.6%.
modulation of acetylcholine levels and require activation of
(C) Effects of Mecamylamine and Scopolamine. Animals performed behavior
in control condition (left Ctrl), then were given Mecamylamine (Mec), or
both classes of acetylcholine receptors. Unlike cholinesterase
Scopolamine (Sc). Then animals performed washout behavior (right Ctrl, 72 hr inhibitors, appetite is not suppressed by cholinergic modulation
after drug application). through deep brain stimulation. Even though stimulation was
(D) Effects of stimulation and Donepezil on appetite. Individual animal con- delivered in varied amounts each week, each of three animals
sumption under all conditions was normalized by mean control consumption increased their working memory delay duration 3- to 5-fold in
to allow pooling across animals for this plot. Food consumption data were
the months after stimulation began. Two of those animals had
collected from animals CH and DI.
extended periods of stable task performance before stimulation
Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
began. Future work may address the specificity of these effects,
because working memory only comprises one component of
from 6 s to 30 s over 9 weeks. Animal CH was improving shortly executive function.
before stimulation was introduced, so further improvement could A major unexpected finding in this study is the form of stimu-
have been caused by a long-term stimulation effect or a contin- lation that produced optimal results: 60 pulses per second deliv-
uation of an improvement trend. ered for 20 s and followed by 40 s without stimulation. Deep brain
Figures 2E and 2F give a chance to convert stimulation effects stimulation’s mechanisms have been a subject of debate [31].
into equivalent changes in delay length. If the working memory Locally, a depolarization block and possibly activation of local
delay chosen caused an animal to perform close to 75% correct, inhibitory circuits dominates to prevent somatic activation,
and the delay were halved, performance would have increased whereas recording and imaging evidence suggests that axonal
5%–6%. This increase is slightly larger than the impact of inter- efferent outflow is activated by each stimulation pulse. Accord-
mittent stimulation shown in Figure 2B. A 5-fold decrease in the ingly, the NB axons should be activated each time a pulse is
length of the delay period corresponds to a 12%–14% increase delivered. Why the intermittent pattern results in more cortical
in percent correct. In signal-detection terms, a 14% increase in acetylcholine, as inferred from pharmacological experiments,
performance, from 75% to 89%, corresponds to a d’ change of than continuous stimulation is an obvious question for subse-
0.78, which is 4.9 times greater than the average acute d’ change quent studies. We speculate that intermittent, not continuous,
caused by stimulation at long delays in Figures 2E and 2F. neuronal stimulation results in higher levels of acetylcholine
Animal DI was allowed to reach asymptotic performance in the synthesis and release. The rate-limiting step in acetylcholine
absence of stimulation for a longer period, and performance was synthesis is the uptake of choline from the synaptic cleft via
stable over 11 weeks with a working memory delay of 2–3 s. Over the high-affinity choline transporter hCHT [32]. Before release,

4 Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

A B Figure 4. Changes in Working Memory over

Monkey CH Monkey DI Time
50 100 15 100
(A) The working memory delay and performance

Performance (%)
Performance (%)
40 80 12 80 for animal CH. Delay and performance are plotted

Delay time (s)

Delay time (s)

against time relative to initiating intermittent

30 60 9 60 stimulation. The delay was chosen to maintain
performance range. The vertical line before week 6
20 40 6 40 indicates when intermittent stimulation was intro-
duced. Left axis illustrates the delay, which is
10 20 3 20 marked by circle symbols, while the right axis
illustrates the performance, plotted as triangles. All
0 0 0 0 data in this figure are defined under no-stimulation
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
control conditions.
Time(week) Time(week)
(B) Data for animal DI.
15 Monkey PU 100 (C) Data for animal PU.
Performance (%)

12 80
Delay time (s)

9 60
the improved cognitive performance. In
6 Delay Time 40 the brain, acetylcholine is acting on both
Performance (%) neurons and glia adjacent to blood ves-
3 20 sels [44, 45]. Cholinesterase inhibitors in
humans cause an increase of 10%–15%
0 0
0 1 10 15 20 25 in cerebral blood flow [46], and this blood
Time(week) flow is typically reduced in Alzheimer’s
patients [47–49]. Reductions in cerebral
blood flow likely contribute to the cogni-
the proton-exchanging acetylcholine transporter VAChT brings tive impairments [50]. Future work may shed light on the relative
more acetylcholine into the vesicle, and the high-affinity choline contributions of neural modulation and blood flow regulation in
transporter, which would transport choline to the cytosol, is these effects, as well as on the question of their independence.
turned off by the low vesicular pH [33, 34]. After release, the The long-term effects observed indicate that working memory
vesicular membrane becomes part of the cell membrane, and duration is increased 3- to 5-fold in each of three animals tested
the decreased proton concentrations turn the acetylcholine over periods of up to 5 months. The changes even occurred after
transporter off and the choline transporter on. If frequent vesic- long stable performance periods prior to stimulation. These re-
ular release from high-frequency stimulation alters post-release sults suggest that cholinergic modulation combined with execu-
activation of the high-affinity choline transporter by changing tive function behavior causes brain plasticity to support behavioral
local pH, overall acetylcholine synthesis and release could be improvements. Prior work has associated phasic stimulation of
reduced. NB with neural plasticity in the sensory cortex [20, 22, 51].
A similar curiosity is that the stimulation does not have any Several clinical trials have been conducted on deep brain stim-
temporal relation to the behavioral task or to known cholinergic ulation of cholinergic pathways [52, 53]. None have found
kinetics other than the recycle time [35, 36]. Donepezil’s effects consistent cognitive improvement using continuous stimulation.
on behavioral performance are arguably boosting the efficacy Similarly, animal work with continuous stimulation finds weak to
after normal cholinergic release, which would preserve the no effects on learning and memory [11]. We measured analogous
normal temporal function of acetylcholine [26]. However, some effects using continuous stimulation, which also suggest that
experiments with subtype-selective agonists also improve work- high-frequency continuous stimulation suppresses acetylcho-
ing memory function [37–39], and these would similarly lack any line levels. Our data show that making the stimulation intermit-
temporal specificity. tent is critical to turning cognitive suppression into cognitive
Improvement in cognition from cholinergic system activation enhancement. Animals had stronger appetites while receiving
could be caused by cholinergic modulation of neurons or by stimulation than while receiving Donepezil. The use of the inter-
cholinergic-induced increases in blood flow, and these mecha- mittent stimulation parameters outlined in this work reach effi-
nisms are not mutually exclusive. In the neocortex, cholinergic cacies as high as those of high doses of cholinesterase inhibitors
activation of neurons leads to increased thalamic input into layer without peripheral side effects and point toward new candidates
IV while suppressing other cortical inputs [40, 41]. This, at least for therapeutic treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia.
partly, explains how the activation of the cholinergic system
desynchronizes the EEG and local field potential (Figure S2), STAR+METHODS
which was also reported by previous studies [21, 22, 42, 43].
The coupling of desynchronization to behavioral improvements Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
suggests that direct cholinergic modulation of neurons improves and include the following:
the behavior.
At the same time, we cannot exclude the possibility that indi- d KEY RESOURCES TABLE
rect mechanisms such as increases of blood flow played a role in d CONTACT FOR REAGENT AND RESOURCE SHARING

Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017 5

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

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Current Biology (2017),

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Current Biology 27, 1–7, September 11, 2017 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),




Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Donepezil Hydrochloride Memory Pharmaceuticals, N/A
Montvale, NJ
Scopolamine Hydrobromide Sigma Aldrich CAS # 114-49-8
Mecamylamine Hydrochloride Sigma Aldrich CAS # 826-39-1
Deposited Data N/A N/A
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
Macaca mulatta Mannheimer Foundation N/A
Software and Algorithms
MATLAB R2016a MathWorks N/A
DTS_Gracewood PBTLI
d’ calculation Smith and Duncan 2004 N/A
Binomial model This paper


Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to, and will be fulfilled by, the Lead Contact, David
T Blake (


Animal Model
Five rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were used in this study. Two initial animals (K and S) were used to optimize the placing of the
stimulation electrodes. These were a 7 years old male and a 12 years old female weighing 7 and 6 kg. The three subsequent animals
(animals CH, DI, and PU), used for data in Figures 2–4, were male, 6 years old and weighed 8 11 kg. The monkeys were pair-housed
in 12-h light/dark cycle rooms. All monkeys were task naive at the start of the experiments. All animals were chaired during task
performance, with one arm restrained to both establish consistency in the arm used to perform the task, and to prevent spinning
in the primate chair. Animals were not head fixed during task performance.
All animal studies comply with the Guide for the Care and Use of Animals, 8th Edition, and were approved by the IACUC at Augusta


Behavioral Task
All behavioral software was based on prior work [28], and available from PBTLI Prime Behavior Testing Laboratories, Inc, http://www., Augusta, GA. The behavioral task, shown in Figure 1, initiated with a colored square cue in the center-top part of the
touchscreen. After the animal touched the square, the cue disappeared, and the screen remained blank for the delay period. In
the match phase, two colored squares were presented in the lower right, and lower left, of the touchscreen. One of the two squares,
randomized in location, had the same color as the cue square. Correctly touching the target square resulted in delivery of food slurry
reward, while incorrect responses resulted in doubling the inter trial period as a brief timeout. The animal reaction times were not
strongly constrained. Animals had 10 s to make a response. Percent correct and reaction times were recorded. Animals required
several months of daily training to achieve stable performance at the task. Three colors (red, blue and yellow) were used. In each trial,
two were randomly chosen as cue/match, and as the distractor.
Dates of data collection for each animal for each figure.

e1 Current Biology 27, 1–7.e1–e4, September 11, 2017

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

Experiment Animal CH Animal DI Animal PU

Figures 2A, 2B, and S3 8/15-10/15 11/15-1/16
Figures 2C and 2D 6/16-7/16 6/16-6/16
Figures 2E, 2F, and S4 10/15-11/15 11/15-12/15
Figure 3 2/16-8/16 6/16-8/16 8/2016
Figure 4 7/15-11/15 3/15-11/15 12/15-8/16

Surgery and Deep Brain Stimulation

Surgery was performed in a sterile surgical suite under isoflurane anesthesia monitored by a clinical veterinarian. Stereotaxic
measurements were made to target implantation. In our first two animals, targeting was 8mm lateral, 12 and 14 mm anterior interaural
respectively, and 29 mm below the cortical surface in a vertical penetration. The final three animals were implanted at 16 mm anterior
interaural with the same lateral and depth coordinates. The final lateral and anterior coordinates, and depth, were chosen to corre-
spond to the center of the anterior portion of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert, which would contain the highest density of projections to
the prefrontal cortex [10, 54, 55]. At the targeted brain position, the stimulation region, which is estimated to be a 4 mm diameter
sphere [31], should include the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert as well as portions of the anterior amygdala including the central nucleus,
the anterior commissure, and the inferior internal globus pallidus [56]. A skin flap was performed, and two holes were drilled above the
location of each implant. A small cylindrical titanium chamber (5-mm inner diameter and 7-mm outer) was mounted on the cranium
and the skin was sutured into place leaving the chamber exposed. A 26 ga. hypodermic guide tube was lowered and the tip advanced
5 mm below the dura mater. The electrode was inserted into the guide tube, and a stylus was used to push it to the appropriate depth.
The use of the guide tube and stylus followed published methods [57, 58], which are analogous to methods used in human neuro-
surgical deep brain electrode implantation. The guide tube was then raised while the stylus depth maintained. The chamber was
evacuated of fluid, flushed with ceftriaxone, and thereafter fluid evacuated a second time. Silicone was poured into the chamber
to seal the fenestrations in the skull and the inside of the chamber. The electrode was fixed in depth with a drop of cyanoacrylate,
and its rear wire was stripped and soldered to a connector that was fixed on the chamber outer wall. One week after the surgery,
the animals returned to behavioral studies.
The stimulation pulses were created by a multiple functional I/O device (USB-6211, National Instruments, Austin, TX), which was
controlled by a custom programed software. Impedances of electrodes were checked daily prior to each behavioral session so that
stimulation voltages could be tailored to deliver the appropriate currents (200 mA). Continuous stimulation was performed from
20 pulses per second to 120. Intermittent stimulation was initially applied at 60 pulses per second only in-between trials, or only
during trials, which were roughly 3 and 5 s periods. Thereafter, experiments standardized on intermittent stimulation using a one-min-
ute cycle length, and stimulation for 20 s at 60 pulses per second, followed by 40 s with no stimulation. In these one-minute cycle
stimulation experiments, no attempt was made to synchronize the stimulation with the behavioral trials.
Electrodes were custom manufactured in our laboratory based on published specifications [57, 58]. Conductors were 50 mm Pt/Ir,
Teflon-insulated wire (A-M systems, Seattle, WA) embedded within a 30 ga. hypodermic tube, which was encased in a 28 ga. poly-
imide sheath. The wire extended from the end of the sheath into the brain tissue by roughly 1 mm, and the last 0.7 mm of insulation
was stripped to achieve impedances of 5-10 kOhm at 1 kHz. The far end of the electrode was soldered to an extracranial connector
fixed on the chamber outer wall. Preliminary experiments on electrode placement in the two pilot animals tested the effects of short
periods of stimulation on EEG desynchronization. Stimulation was delivered with biphasic, negative first, unipolar 200 mA pulses with
100 mS per phase, and 10 pulses were delivered in 100 msec. Under anesthesia, this resulted in EEG desynchronization when aver-
aged over 10 trials when the electrode was at a depth corresponding to the atlas position of Nucleus Basalis. EEG was recorded with
3 1000 gain from two bone screws at the same M-L position, with one near vertex, and one lateralized. An electrode movement verti-
cally in either direction of more than 1 mm was adequate to make desynchronization not possible using the same protocol. After our
second pilot animal, we determined the depth for our A-P and M-L coordinates was 29 mm below the cortical surface. We further
recovered our electrode track from our second pilot animal, shown in Figure S1. It was implanted 2 mm more caudally than the elec-
trodes from the three monkeys presented in the results. The tip of the electrode was centered 1 mm medial to Nucleus Basalis at
14 mm anterior interaural. After our pilot animals, we implanted to the same depth in all animals, and 2 mm more rostrally, for the
current study, and measured LFP desynchronization in the awake animals using the stimulation electrode as the positive lead
(Figure S2).
In these first two pilot animals, we frequently moved electrodes vertically to new positions. At this point in the study, we understood
that the electrode depth at which EEG desynchronization occurred after brief phasic stimulation precisely matched that at which
80 Hz continuous stimulation resulted in significant performance decrements. The rear ends of the electrodes were always visible,
protruding from the implanted titanium cylinder, which gave an absolute depth measurement.

Pharmacology and Stimulation Studies Administration

We used donepezil, mecamylamine and scopolamine (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) in this study. The drugs were dissolved in a
0.5 cc saline vehicle to an amount specified by the experiments (donepezil: 200 mg/kg, mecamylamine: 300 mg/kg and scopolamine:

Current Biology 27, 1–7.e1–e4, September 11, 2017 e2

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

6.2 mg/kg). Donepezil was given via I.M. administration 15 min before behavior testing on the mornings in which data was collected.
The rationale for the doses selected for Donepezil was based on previous behavioral and functional brain imaging data (dose range
50-250 mg/kg) in rhesus monkeys [27, 59]. Data from days without donepezil were at least 72 hr after the last administration. Doses
higher than 200 mg/kg could not be used in this study, as the animals administered these doses refused to engage in behavioral trials
for food reward. Nausea is a well-known, clinical side effect of the drug in humans. Each week, control performance was evaluated.
Then, performances under the intermittent stimulation alone, donepezil alone, and donepezil+stimulation were evaluated on succes-
sive days. Similar weekly plans were used for continuous stimulation, and mecamylamine (300 mg/kg) and scopolamine (6.2 mg/kg)
testing. This weekly testing schedule was chosen over an intraday comparison because an intraday design would compare drug
versus no-drug conditions at different times, and with different appetitive motivations. The recovery test sessions from drug were
recorded 72 hr after drug application. The doses of mecamylamine and scopolamine used in this study refer to previous publications
[16, 30].
Initial deep brain stimulation studies, shown in Figures 2A and 2B, provided stimulation in blocks. For continuous stimulation, 100
trials without stimulation were interleaved with 100 trials with stimulation. For intermittent stimulation, blocks were 50 trials. For Fig-
ures 2C and 2D, all stimulation conditions were executed randomly block by block and interleaved with each other. Each block also
contained 50 trials. For Figures 3A–3C, we collected animals’ performance data in control conditions for 1-2 days first, then collected
performance data after administering pharmacological agents. Drug and Stim+Drug conditions were interleaved with each other in
blocks of 50 trials. The recording procedures for the pharmacology experiments were 2-3 times to improve statistical power. For Fig-
ures 2E, 2F, and S4, which includes performance at different delays with and without stimulation, we tested the animals’ performance
with interleaved blocks in control and stimulation conditions. In each block, variable delay times were pseudo-randomly chosen and
arranged in the test sequence. Software was administered directly from PBTLI software while a second computer was used to
generate stimulation pulses. Data for Figure 4 were selected from all available data in which no drug or stimulation condition
Delay times used in each experiment.

Experiment Animal CH Animal DI Animal PU

Figures 2A & S3A 10 s 3s
Figures 2B & S3B 13 s 3s
Figures 2C and 2D 6s 7s
Figures 2E, 2F, and S4 0 s, 3 s, 10 s, 20 s 0 s, 1 s, 3 s, 5 s
Figure 3A left 6s 5s
Figure 3A right 6s 10 s
Figure 3B 8s 8s
Figure 3C 10 s 3s


d’ Calculation
The signal detection theoretic d’ is the salience of the target relative to the distractor as inferred from the animals’ behavioral choices.
In our two alternative forced
ffiffiffi framework, d’ is calculated using only the percent correct with the MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick,
MA) norminv function, as 2  norminvðHit RateÞ [60, 61]. This metric measures the amount of the memory that is retained, on
average. It assumes the memory can be measured in terms of a mean and a noise standard deviation. As time passes, that
mean, or memory, regresses toward zero. The metric measures the magnitude, normalized by the noise standard deviation, of
the mean at the end of the delay period. The following table details how d’ relates to percent correct in the task.

d’ Percent Correct
0.25 57
0.5 64
0.75 70
1.0 76
1.25 81
1.5 85
1.75 89
2.0 92

e3 Current Biology 27, 1–7.e1–e4, September 11, 2017

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
Please cite this article in press as: Liu et al., Intermittent Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Improves Working Memory in Adult Monkeys,
Current Biology (2017),

Binomial Statistical Model

We relied on a binomial statistic model to test if Nucleus Basalis stimulation, over weeks and months, produced long-term improve-
ments in working memory that could be measured which resulted in ability to perform the task at high performance with a longer delay
interval (Figure 4). Prior to stimulation, animals performed 3000 trials weekly at a performance level averaging 78% correct, with a
delay interval ranging between 1.5-6 s for the three animals. For each animal, we asked what performance improvement would occur
if the delay, at which performance level is 78% correct, were doubled? In each animal’s delay curves, shown in Figures 2E and 2F,
halving the delay would result in changes in percent correct of 5.4 and 5.1 percent. In other words, if we time scaled the graphs in
Figures 2E and 2F to the same percentage correct at twice the delays, animal performance at the original delay would be predicted,
based on the delay curves in Figures 2E and 2F, to increase by just over 5%. We conservatively rounded this percentage to a
5 percent change. Next, the two-tailed probabilities were calculated that a binomial process with a fraction correct of 0.78 over
3000 trials could result in more correct trials than a process with a fraction correct 5 percent higher or lower. This probability is
less than 105. The implication of the binomial model is that if an animal performs at 78% correct for duration 2X, then it would
be expected to perform at 83%, or higher, at duration X, and that this performance would be significantly better than its pre-stimu-
lation performance of 78% at duration X.


Data used to generate these figures are archived at

Current Biology 27, 1–7.e1–e4, September 11, 2017 e4

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
14442 • The Journal of Neuroscience, December 26, 2007 • 27(52):14442–14447


Focusing Effect of Acetylcholine on Neuroplasticity in the

Human Motor Cortex
Min-Fang Kuo,1 Jan Grosch,1 Felipe Fregni,2 Walter Paulus,1 and Michael A. Nitsche1
1Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Georg-August-University Göttingen, 37075 Göttingen, Germany, and 2Harvard Center for Noninvasive Brain
Stimulation, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Cholinergic neuromodulation is pivotal for arousal, attention, and cognitive processes. Loss or dysregulation of cholinergic inputs leads
to cognitive impairments like those manifested in Alzheimer’s disease. Such dysfunction can be at least partially restored by an increase
of acetylcholine (ACh). In animal studies, ACh selectively facilitates long-term excitability changes induced by feed-forward afferent
input. Consequently, it has been hypothesized that ACh enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of input processing. However, the neurophys-
iological foundation for its ability to enhance cognition in humans is not well documented. In this study we explore the effects of
rivastigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, on global and synapse-specific forms of cortical plasticity induced by transcranial direct current
stimulation (tDCS) and paired associative stimulation (PAS) on 10 –12 healthy subjects, respectively. Rivastigmine essentially blocked
the induction of the global excitability enhancement elicited by anodal tDCS and revealed a tendency to first reduce and then stabilize
cathodal tDCS-induced inhibitory aftereffects. However, ACh enhanced the synapse-specific excitability enhancement produced by
facilitatory PAS and consolidated the inhibitory PAS-induced excitability diminution. These findings are in line with a cholinergic
focusing effect that optimizes the detection of relevant signals during information processing in humans.
Key words: neuroplasticity; acetylcholine; transcranial direct current stimulation; paired associative stimulation; motor cortex; human

Introduction rent synapses but not afferent fiber synapses (Hasselmo and
Extensive evidence concerning cholinergic modulation of several Bower, 1992; Hasselmo et al., 1995; Vogt and Regehr, 2001). This
cognitive functions supports an important role of acetylcholine suggests a differential, activity-dependent cholinergic modifica-
(ACh) in arousal, attention, learning, and memory formation tion of neural networks in which ACh facilitates the detection of
(Gold, 2003; Sarter et al., 2003). In Alzheimer’s disease, enhanc- incoming afferent inputs, whereas it decreases intrinsic feedback
ing cerebral ACh level has been shown to improve impaired excitability, thereby focusing the encoding of relevant, associated
learning and memory functions caused by cholinergic dysfunc- information processing (Blokland et al., 1992; Winters and Bus-
tion. With regard to its specific functional properties, neurophys- sey, 2005).
iological data from animal studies reveal dual neuromodulatory To test the focusing action of ACh on neuroplasticity in hu-
effects of ACh on cortical excitability and synaptic plasticity (Ras- mans, two protocols of brain stimulation were introduced in the
musson, 2000; Gu, 2002). Cholinergic blockade has been shown present study. In the paired associative stimulation (PAS) proto-
to reduce long-term potentiation (LTP), whereas cholinergic col, repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation is paired with trans-
agonists enhance LTP in the hippocampus, piriform cortex, and cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the human motor cortex
neocortex (Blitzer et al., 1990; Brocher et al., 1992; Hasselmo and (Stefan et al., 2000). It is postulated that PAS-induced excitability
Barkai, 1995). In humans, use-dependent plasticity of the motor changes share the features of associative synaptic LTP and LTD,
cortex is facilitated by an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and depending on the sequence of the near-synchronous pair of stim-
blocked by a cholinergic antagonist (Sawaki et al., 2002; uli from different stimulation modalities in the motor cortex
Meintzschel and Ziemann, 2006). However, it is also reported (Stefan et al., 2000; Wolters et al., 2003), which parallels the spike-
that ACh enhanced long-term depression (LTD) induced with timing-dependent rule for Hebbian LTP and LTD induction in
paired-pulse stimulation in the rat visual cortex (Kirkwood et al., animal studies (Dan and Poo, 2004). Facilitatory PAS (PAS25)
1999). Furthermore, it suppressed excitatory glutamatergic syn- with peripheral nerve stimulation applied 25 ms earlier than TMS
aptic transmission via presynaptic inhibition at intrinsic, recur- pulse in M1 results in synchronous activation of motor cortical
neurons by the afferent somatosensory stimulus and motor cor-
Received May 17, 2007; revised Oct. 18, 2007; accepted Nov. 1, 2007. tex TMS and thus enhances cortical excitability. However, inhib-
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Program “Nicotine (SPP 1226).” M.- itory PAS (PAS10) diminishes cortical excitability with the inter-
F.K. was supported by European Graduiertenkolleg 632, “Neuroplasticity: From Molecules to Systems,” which was stimuli interval 10 ms, with which the somatosensory input
funded by DFG. reaches the motor cortex relevantly later than the TMS pulse,
Correspondence should be addressed to Michael A. Nitsche, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Georg-
August-University Göttingen, Robert-Koch-Strasse 40, 37075 Göttingen, Germany. E-mail:
thereby inducing asynchronous stimulation on motor cortical
DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4104-07.2007 neurons. PAS should specifically induce neuroplasticity in
Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/07/2714442-06$15.00/0 somatosensory-motor cortical synapses. In contrast, transcranial

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direct current stimulation (tDCS) encompasses the global mod- effectively. The experimental sessions were performed in a randomized
ulation of cortical network plasticity by application of weak direct order and were separated by at least 1 week to avoid cumulative drug or
currents through the surface of the scalp. Anodal tDCS enhances stimulation effects.
cortical excitability, whereas cathodal tDCS diminishes it for up Measurement of motor cortical excitability. TMS-elicited muscle-
to 1 h after the end of stimulation (Nitsche and Paulus, 2000, evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded to measure excitability changes
of the representational motor cortical area of the right ADM. Single-
2001; Nitsche et al., 2003a). The primary mechanism is a modu-
pulse TMS was conducted by a Magstim 200 magnetic stimulator (Mag-
lation of the resting membrane potential, and the resulting
stim Company, Whiteland, Dyfed, UK) with a figure-eight-shaped mag-
polarity-specific excitability changes subsequently induce netic coil (diameter of one winding, 70 mm; peak magnetic field, 2.2
changes of synaptic strength, which are, however, not restricted tesla). The coil was held tangentially to the skull, with the handle pointing
to specific synaptic connections (Bindman et al., 1964; Purpura backward and laterally at an angle of 45° from midline. The optimal
and McMurtry, 1965). Both plasticity-inducing protocols ac- position was defined as the site at which stimulation resulted consistently
complish long-lasting, NMDA receptor-dependent excitability in the largest MEPs. Surface EMG was recorded from the right ADM with
changes (Liebetanz et al., 2002; Stefan et al., 2002; Nitsche et al., Ag-AgCl electrodes in a belly-tendon montage. The signals were ampli-
2003b). The main difference lies in the synapse-specific focal ef- fied and filtered with a time constant of 10 ms and a low-pass filter of 2.5
fects of PAS: whereas the plasticity induced by tDCS is relatively kHz and then digitized at an analog-to-digital rate of 5 kHz and further
nonfocal and not synapse-specific because it is thought to change relayed into a laboratory computer using the Signal software and CED
cortical excitability under the whole area covered by the relatively 1401 hardware (Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK). The
large stimulation electrode, the plasticity induced by PAS is re- intensity was adjusted to elicit baseline MEPs of, on average, 1 mV peak-
to-peak amplitude and was kept constant for the poststimulation assess-
stricted to the intercortical connections between the somatosen-
ment unless adjusted (see below).
sory and motor cortex. According to the focusing hypothesis of Experimental procedures. The experiments were conducted in a re-
ACh, it should selectively enhance and consolidate specific syn- peated measurement design. For the tDCS experiment, a complete cross-
aptic modifications induced by PAS, while depressing global ones over design was chosen. For the PAS experiments, separate subject
accomplished by tDCS, to sharpen the signal-to-noise ratio in groups participated in the PAS10 and PAS25 experiments. Subjects were
human cortical networks. seated comfortably in a reclining chair. First the optimal position of the
magnetic coil for eliciting MEPs in the resting ADM was assessed over the
left motor cortex, and 20 MEPs were recorded for the first baseline. Two
Materials and Methods hours after intake of the medication, a second baseline was determined to
Subjects. Ten to twelve healthy subjects [tDCS experiment: six men, six control for a possible influence of the drug on cortical excitability and
women, aged (mean ⫾ SD) 24 ⫾ 3 years; PAS25 experiment: four women adjusted if necessary. Subjects were not aware about and could not dis-
and six men, aged 28 ⫾ 4 years; PAS10 experiment: 5 women and 5 men, tinguish between the specific stimulation protocols used, nor were they
aged 27 ⫾ 4 years], without receiving acute or chronic medication, par- informed about the medication administered in a specific session.
ticipated in each experiment. The groups did not differ significantly with In experiment 1 with tDCS, one of the DC electrodes, to which in the
regard to age and gender. Both studies were approved by the ethics com- following the terms cathodal or anodal tDCS refer, was fixed at the cor-
mittee of the University of Goettingen, and we conform to the Declara- tical representational area of ADM as defined during the first baseline
tion of Helsinki. All subjects had given written informed consent. Be-
recording, and the other one was fixed at the contralateral forehead area
cause we were interested primarily in the physiological effects of ACh in
above the right orbit. Direct currents were applied on 12 subjects for 9
this study, we recruited relatively young subjects to guarantee the com-
min (cathodal) or 13 min (anodal). After cessation of tDCS, 20 MEPs
parability of the results with former pharmacological studies on neuro-
were recorded at 0.25 Hz every 5 min for half an hour and then every 30
plasticity and to avoid including subjects with subclinical (e.g., microvas-
min until 2 h after the end of DC stimulation, because tDCS-induced
cular) brain lesions, which might have influenced our results
aftereffects without medication will not last longer than this period of
time (Nitsche and Paulus, 2000; Nitsche et al., 2003a). Because of the
Transcranial direct current stimulation. tDCS was performed with a
relatively diurnal stability of corticospinal excitability, we did not expect
pair of saline-soaked surface sponge electrodes (35 cm 2) with one of the
electrodes placed over the representational area of the right abductor additional excitability changes after MEPs returned to baseline level
digiti minimi muscle (ADM), as determined by TMS, and the other again. Only for the rivastigmine conditions, TMS recordings were per-
electrode above the right orbit as reference. The currents ran continu- formed at four additional time points: same day evening, next morning,
ously for 13 min (anodal tDCS) or 9 min (cathodal tDCS) with an inten- next noon, and next evening.
sity of 1 mA. In previous studies, these stimulation durations have been In experiment 2 with PAS, the interventional PAS protocol as de-
shown to induce aftereffects of tDCS lasting for ⬃1 h (Nitsche and Pau- scribed above was used on 10 subjects. TMS recording procedures were
lus, 2001; Nitsche et al., 2003a). the same as described above.
Paired associative stimulation. Peripheral nerve stimulation was ap- Data analysis and statistics. MEP amplitude means were calculated first
plied on the right ulnar nerve at the level of the wrist with a Digitimer individually and then interindividually for each time bin including both
D185 stimulator (Digitimer, Welwyn Garden City, UK). Single-pulse baseline values. The postintervention MEPs were normalized and are
TMS was delivered over the representing area of the right ADM. Each given as ratios of the baseline determined immediately before interven-
TMS pulse, at an intensity eliciting a muscle evoked potential of ⬃1 mV tion (tDCS/PAS).
peak-to-peak amplitude, was preceded by an ulnar nerve stimulus with In the tDCS experiment, a repeated-measure ANOVA for the time
an interval of 25 ms (PAS25) or 10 ms (PAS10) using a standard stimu- bins up to 120 min after tDCS was calculated with the within-subject
lation block (cathodal proximal) at a stimulation width of 200 ␮s and factors time course, current stimulation (anodal and cathodal tDCS),
stimulation intensity of 300% of the perceptual threshold, defined as the drug condition (rivastigmine vs placebo), and the dependent variable
lowest intensity of the stimuli that is perceivable by the subject. Ninety MEP amplitude. For PAS experiment, we performed a repeated-measure
pairs were applied at 0.05 Hz over 30 min, which has been shown to ANOVA with PAS (PAS25 and PAS10) as between-subject factor and
induce long-lasting excitability changes in the motor cortex (Stefan et al., within-subject factors drug condition (rivastigmine vs placebo) and time
2000). course for MEPs up to 120 min after intervention. If appropriate, post hoc
Pharmacological interventions. Rivastigmine (3 mg) or equivalent pla- Student’s t tests (paired samples, two-tailed, p ⬍ 0.05, not adjusted) were
cebo drugs were taken by the subjects 2 h before the start of the interven- performed to determine whether the MEP amplitudes before and after
tion (Kennedy et al., 1999). This dose was chosen to minimize drug- the interventional brain stimulations differed in each intervention con-
induced side effects, but to enhance the cholinergic level of the CNS dition and whether those differences depended on the drug conditions.

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14444 • J. Neurosci., December 26, 2007 • 27(52):14442–14447 Kuo et al. • Acetylcholine Focuses Neuroplasticity

Table 1. Results of the ANOVAs

Parameters df F value p value
Experiment 1 (tDCS) TDCS 1 40.585 ⬍ 0.001*
Drug 1 3.650 0.082
Time course 10 1.700 0.099
tDCS ⫻ drug 1 3.417 0.092
tDCS ⫻ time course 10 1.868 0.066
Drug ⫻ time course 10 0.290 0.976
tDCS ⫻ drug ⫻ time course 10 4.206 ⬍ 0.001*
Experiment 2 (PAS) PAS 1 73.006 ⬍ 0.001*
Drug 1 0.140 0.712
Time course 10 1.556 0.123
Drug ⫻ PAS 1 23.886 ⬍ 0.001*
Time course ⫻ PAS 10 9.934 ⬍ 0.001*
Drug ⫻ time course 10 2.207 0.019*
Drug ⫻ time course ⫻ PAS 10 3.208 0.001* Figure 1. Cholinergic modulation of global cortical plasticity induced by tDCS. Rivastigmine
In both experiments, the ANOVAs encompass the time course up to 120 min after tDCS or PAS, because the remaining abolished the induction of anodal tDCS-elicited excitability increases, as recorded by TMS-
time points were only measured for the rivastigmine conditions. ⬙Drug⬙ represents rivastigmine and placebo, evoked MEP amplitudes. Additionally, rivastigmine initially diminished the excitability reduc-
whereas ⬙tDCS⬙ indicates anodal and cathodal polarity, and ⬙PAS⬙ represents PAS25 and PAS10. p ⱕ 0.05. tion induced by cathodal tDCS under rivastigmine. However, the respective excitability diminu-
tion was later consolidated. Filled symbols indicate significant deviations from baseline with
Additional post hoc tests (Student’s t tests, p ⬍ 0.05) were performed to regard to each drug condition. Hash symbols indicate significant differences in anodal tDCS-
explore whether rivastigmine modified baseline MEPs. induced excitability changes between placebo and rivastigmine conditions; asterisks represent
significant differences in inhibition caused by cathodal stimulation between the placebo and
Results rivastigmine medication conditions (Student’s t test, two-tailed, repeated measures; #p ⬍
Three subjects experienced prominent side effects under rivastig- 0.05). a, Anodal; c, cathodal; plc, placebo; riva, rivastigmine; se, same evening; nm, next morn-
ing; nn, next noon; ne, next evening. Error bars indicate SEM.
mine (nausea, vomiting, and dizziness) and were excluded from
the experiment. Two of the participating subjects complained
about slight nausea after taking rivastigmine, but the symptoms
subsided before the neuroplasticity-inducing intervention. Base-
line MEP amplitudes did not differ significantly before and after
drug intake in all conditions. Absolute baseline MEP amplitudes
were not different in all medication and stimulation subgroups
(Student’s t tests, paired, two-tailed, p ⬎ 0.05).

Effects of rivastigmine on tDCS-induced motor cortex

excitability shifts (experiment 1)
The ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of tDCS (F ⫽
40.585; p ⬍ 0.001) and tDCS ⫻ drug ⫻ time course (F ⫽ 4.206;
p ⬍ 0.001) (Table 1). In the PLC conditions, the anodal tDCS-
induced excitability increase stayed significant until 30 min after
tDCS, and the cathodal tDCS-induced inhibition lasted until 60
min after DC stimulation. As revealed by the post hoc t tests Figure 2. The PAS25-induced synapse-specific excitability enhancement is facilitated by
(paired, two-tailed, p ⬍ 0.05), rivastigmine initially abolished the ACh. The PAS-induced excitability enhancement was increased and prolonged under rivastig-
induction of both the anodal tDCS-elicited excitability enhance- mine until 30 min after PAS, whereas MEP amplitudes returned to baseline 25 min after PAS in
ment and the cathodal tDCS-elicited excitability diminution. the placebo condition. Hash symbols represent significant differences between placebo and
However, a delayed, consolidated inhibition induced by cathodal rivastigmine conditions; filled symbols indicate significant deviations from baseline with regard
tDCS was observed in the rivastigmine condition, compared with to each drug condition (Student’s t test, two-tailed, repeated measures; #p ⬍ 0.05). plc, Pla-
placebo conditions. The decrease of excitability generated by cebo; riva, rivastigmine; se, same evening; nm, next morning; nn, next noon; ne, next evening.
Error bars indicate SEM.
cathodal tDCS under rivastigmine remained significant for 2 h
after tDCS, whereas it returned to baseline level after 60 min in
the PLC condition (Fig. 1). the inhibitory effect without medication lasted for half an hour.
Rivastigmine further enhanced and prolonged the inhibition un-
Effects of rivastigmine on PAS-induced motor cortex til the same day evening after intervention (Fig. 3).
excitability shifts (experiment 2)
The ANOVA displayed a significant main effect of PAS (F ⫽ Discussion
73.006; p ⬍ 0.001). The interactions between drug ⫻ PAS (F ⫽ The present study demonstrates that ACh enhances the synapse-
23.886; p ⬍ 0.001), time course ⫻ PAS (F ⫽ 9.934; p ⬍ 0.001), specific cortical excitability increase induced by PAS25 and con-
drug ⫻ time course (F ⫽ 2.207; p 0.019), and drug ⫻ time solidates the PAS10-induced reduction of motor cortical excit-
course ⫻ PAS (F ⫽ 3.208; p ⬍ 0.001) were also significant (Table ability, whereas it prevents global excitatory aftereffects produced
1). In the PAS25 experiment, the excitatory shift of MEP ampli- by anodal tDCS. ACh also delayed the induction of the cathodal
tudes returned to baseline 25 min after PAS in the placebo med- tDCS-elicited excitability decrease and slightly prolonged its
ication condition, as revealed by Student’s t tests (paired, two- overall duration. Because MEP amplitudes were not modified by
tailed, p ⬍ 0.05), whereas rivastigmine enhanced and prolonged rivastigmine in the dosage applied alone, we have no evidence for
the excitatory effects of PAS25 (Fig. 2). In the PAS10 experiment, a direct cholinergic influence of the drug on corticospinal excit-

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ergic facilitation of LTP was attenuated in the presence of random

background noise (Desai and Walcott, 2006).
However, ACh revealed a tendency to consolidate excitability-
diminishing aftereffects generated by cathodal tDCS, although it
abolished its initial induction phase. The biphasic effect of riv-
astigmine on cathodal tDCS-induced plasticity can also be ex-
plained by a cholinergic regulation of different neurons within
different temporary profiles. The initial blockade could be be-
cause of the fast negative modulation of inhibitory neurons (e.g.,
inhibitory interneurons) known to be induced by ACh (Ji and
Dani, 2000), whereas the late-onset and prolonged excitability
diminution can be explained by the inhibitory modification of
excitatory neurons with the combination of ACh and cathodal
tDCS. Further studies are required to test this hypothesis.

Cholinergic consolidation of PAS-induced cortical plasticity

Figure 3. The PAS10-induced synapse-specific excitability diminution is consolidated by
The PAS experiment demonstrates a positive cholinergic modu-
ACh. In the placebo condition, the inhibitory effect of PAS10 lasted for approximately half an
hour, whereas rivastigmine enhanced the inhibition and further prolonged it until same day lation of PAS-elicited synaptic-specific plasticity. ACh seems to
evening of the intervention. Significant differences between placebo and rivastigmine are enhance specifically the ability of synchronous motor cortical
shown with asterisks. Filled symbols indicate significant deviations from baseline with regard to input to enhance excitability, whereas the excitability diminution
each drug condition (Student’s t test, two-tailed, repeated measures, p ⬍ 0.05). plc, Placebo; accomplished by asynchronous input is prolonged. It is suggested
riva, rivastigmine; se, same evening; nm, next morning; nn, next noon; ne, next evening. Error that PAS25/PAS10 relates to associative LTP/LTD in the human
bars indicate SEM. motor cortex (Stefan et al., 2000, 2002; Wolters et al., 2003; Stefan
et al., 2006). Because ACh has been shown to facilitate cortical
sensory plasticity by enhancing sensory input processing (Ras-
ability. The results support the hypothesis of a focusing effect of musson and Dykes, 1988; Tremblay et al., 1990; Patil et al., 1998)
ACh on neuroplasticity of cortical networks. ACh not only in- and suppressing irrelevant input (Hasselmo and Barkai, 1995),
creased selectively the efficacy of synapse-specific excitability- one might further speculate that rivastigmine specifically im-
enhancing neuroplasticity, but also prolonged the excitability proved the efficacy of PAS by (1) enhancing the signal-to-noise
diminution in case of asynchronous synapse-specific inputs and ratio, thereby facilitating meaningful information processing as
suppressed global excitability enhancements. By these mecha- represented by synchronous input; and (2) suppressing non-
nisms, ACh is well suited to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and meaningful input as represented by asynchronous stimulation
to refine information processing in neural networks. within neural networks.
Thus, the results of our study are in accordance with the re-
ACh diminishes tDCS-driven neuroplasticity spective animal experiments (Blitzer et al., 1990; Hasselmo and
At first glance, the inhibitory effect of rivastigmine on facilitatory Barkai, 1995; Kirkwood et al., 1999). Moreover, they are concor-
neuroplasticity induced by anodal tDCS seems contradictory to dant with the results of recent behavioral studies in the human
the results obtained from animal studies in which LTP was facil- motor cortex exploring the effect of ACh modulation on use-
itated by cholinergic stimulation (Brocher et al., 1992; Abe et al., dependent plasticity, which was blocked by the ACh antagonist
1994; Hasselmo and Barkai, 1995; Patil et al., 1998). The major scopolamine (Sawaki et al., 2002) and enhanced by an acetylcho-
conceptual difference between these studies and our tDCS exper- linesterase inhibitor (Meintzschel and Ziemann, 2006). There-
iment is the manipulation applied for neuroplasticity induction. fore, our results offer a neurophysiological mechanism of how
In slice preparation, the plastic changes induced with either ACh might improve behavioral plasticity.
paired or high-frequency suprathreshold electrical stimulation It is also notable that the duration of cholinergic effects on
are caused by synchronous activation of synaptic connections. In cortical plasticity induced by PAS25 and PAS10 is asymmetric.
contrast, tDCS-elicited neuroplasticity is a consequence of in- ACh was more effective in stabilizing the PAS10-generated excit-
creasing general, asynchronous network activity, possibly added ability reduction than the PAS25-induced excitability enhance-
by modification of the postsynaptic resting membrane potential ment. This might be because of the generally less efficient PAS25
(Bindman et al., 1964; Purpura and McMurtry, 1965). The dim- protocol, as revealed in the placebo condition in the present
inution of the anodal tDCS-induced excitability enhancement study, which might have limited the ability of ACh to stabilize
might thus be because of an ACh-induced decrease of general neuroplasticity. Alternatively, it was suggested that the direction
excitation within global neuronal networks, probably modulated of cholinergic modulation on synaptic plasticity could be deter-
via the cholinergic presynaptic inhibition of excitatory feedback mined by ACh concentration and subtype receptors activation
potentials or excitatory transmission at recurrent connections. (Kuczewski et al., 2005), which could also explain an asymmetry
Moreover, evidence reveals that the suppression of synaptic of ACh effects on different PAS protocols.
transmission is selective for recently modified synapses (Linster
et al., 2003) but does not apply to silent synapses (Fernandez de Summary of cholinergic modulation in human
Sevilla et al., 2002). Thus it is probable that synapses that are cortical plasticity
globally modified by tDCS in the present study are more suscep- The results of the present study suggest that ACh has fairly spe-
tible to cholinergic suppression of synaptic transmission during cific effects on cortical plasticity. Rivastigmine selectively en-
plasticity induction. A similar effect is also demonstrated by a hanced the efficacy of PAS25, a synchronous associative stimula-
recent study using a dynamic clamp system to mimic in-vivo-like tion protocol, to increase excitability, whereas it shifted the
background activities in motor cortical slices, in which cholin- effects of the remaining plasticity-inducing protocols in an inhib-

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A recently conducted study revealed similar effects of L-dopa 15:6592– 6604.
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European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 41, pp. 1358–1371, 2015 doi:10.1111/ejn.12897


Differentiating neural systems mediating the

acquisition vs. expression of goal-directed and
habitual behavioral control

Mimi Liljeholm,1,2 Simon Dunne1,3 and John P. O’Doherty1,3

Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, 2312 Social & Behavioral Science Gateway Building, Irvine,
CA 92697, USA
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences and Computation and Neural Systems Program, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

Keywords: action–outcome, functional magnetic resonance imaging, habit formation, human, stimulus–response

Considerable behavioral data indicate that operant actions can become habitual, as demonstrated by insensitivity to changes in
the action–outcome contingency and in subjective outcome values. Notably, although several studies have investigated the neural
substrates of habits, none has clearly differentiated the areas of the human brain that support habit formation from those that
implement habitual control. We scanned participants with functional magnetic resonance imaging as they learned and performed
an operant task in which the conditional structure of the environment encouraged either goal-directed encoding of the conse-
quences of actions, or a habit-like mapping of actions to antecedent cues. Participants were also scanned during a subsequent
assessment of insensitivity to outcome devaluation. We identified dissociable roles of the cerebellum and ventral striatum, across
learning and test performance, in behavioral insensitivity to outcome devaluation. We also showed that the inferior parietal lobule
(an area previously implicated in several aspects of goal-directed action selection, including the attribution of intent and aware-
ness of agency) predicted sensitivity to outcome devaluation. Finally, we revealed a potential functional homology between the
human subgenual cortex and rodent infralimbic cortex in the implementation of habitual control. In summary, our findings sug-
gested a broad systems division, at the cortical and subcortical levels, between brain areas mediating the encoding and expres-
sion of action–outcome and stimulus–response associations.

Habitual action selection is defined by insensitivity to changes in use of overtraining to induce habitual responding in these studies
the causal efficacy with which actions produce rewards and to the confounds well-trained performance with habitual control. In the
current subjective value of those rewards (Balleine & Dickinson, current study, in order to discriminate between neural substrates sup-
1998). Neuroscientific research on humans and rodents has demon- porting the acquisition vs. expression of habits, we scanned human
strated that the brain areas mediating habitual performance are disso- participants with functional magnetic resonance imaging as they per-
ciable from those supporting more deliberate, goal-directed, action formed a novel instrumental task (see Task section in Materials and
selection (Balleine & Dickinson, 1998; Yin et al., 2004, 2005; Val- methods), designed to rapidly induce habitual responding without
entin et al., 2007; Tricomi et al., 2009). Intriguingly, work in the potentially confounding process of overtraining.
rodents also suggests that distinct neural substrates make specialized Pharmacological disruptions and electrophysiological recordings
contributions to the development vs. deployment of habits (Killcross of the rodent brain have strongly implicated the dorsolateral striatum
& Coutureau, 2003). In contrast, in humans there has been no clear in the acquisition of habits. Pre-training lesions of the dorsolateral
differentiation between brain areas that support habit formation and striatum abolish habit formation (Yin et al., 2004), and distinct
those that implement habitual control. Although a couple of neuroi- changes in neuronal activity patterns (Jog et al., 1999), including
maging studies have demonstrated increases in neural activity con- substantial decreases in firing rates (Carelli et al., 1997; Tang et al.,
comitant with the development of habits in a posterior area of the 2007), have been demonstrated in this area across the development
lateral striatum (Tricomi et al., 2009; Wunderlich et al., 2012), the of habitual responding. In contrast, the infralimbic region of the pre-
frontal cortex has been suggested to support an executive control
system that facilitates the expression of habits. Post-training musci-
Correspondence: Mimi Liljeholm, 2Department of Cognitive Sciences, as above. mol-induced inactivation of the infralimbic cortex disrupts habitual
E-mail: performance (Coutureau & Killcross, 2003; Haddon & Killcross,
Received 3 October 2014, revised 6 March 2015, accepted 12 March 2015
2011), and changes in neuronal ensemble activity patterns in this

© 2015 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1359

area occur very late in training and closely track the behavioral each rewarded action was paired with a specific antecedent cue, but
manifestation of habitual control (Smith & Graybiel, 2013). Further was decorrelated from the refilling of any particular beaker. Con-
evidence for the involvement of the infralimbic cortex in the expres- versely, in a Response–Outcome (R-O) condition, each instrumental
sion of habits comes from studies in which optogenetic perturbation action refilled a particular beaker, regardless of which abstract cue
of this area disrupts well-ingrained habitual behavior (Smith et al., was presented, such that identification of the relevant subgoal (e.g.
2012). Based on these findings in rodents, we hypothesized that refilling beaker 1), combined with knowledge about specific action–
human homologs of the dorsolateral striatum and infralimbic cortex outcome contingencies (i.e. action 1 refills beaker 1), indicated
would be involved in the formation and expression of habits respec- which action would restore system balance. To ensure that discrimi-
tively, such that behavioral insensitivity to outcome devaluation natory neural activity was not due to differences in the visual pro-
would correlate with neural activity during learning in the dorsal pu- cessing of abstract cues vs. beakers, a matching task was interleaved
tamen (Carelli & West, 1991; Draganski et al., 2008), but with with the instrumental task (see Fig. 1B).
activity during actual test performance in the subgenual cortex (On- The persistent execution of an action after its outcome has been
gur & Price, 2000; Ongur et al., 2003). devalued is a defining feature of habitual performance (Adams &
Dickinson, 1981; Adams, 1982). In the current study, following
acquisition of the instrumental task, we devalued one of the four
Materials and methods beakers by degrading its relationship to monetary gain, such that
system balance was maintained, and continued to yield points
even when the liquid in this beaker dropped below threshold.
Twenty volunteers (mean age 21.4  2.63 years, range 19– Because there was a small cost for regulating the system, attempts
28 years; 11 males) participated in the experiment. Due to technical to refill this beaker now resulted in a net loss (see Fig. 1A and
problems (loss of power to the stimulus computer), one of the sub- Experimental Procedure section for details). Based on the notion
jects was excluded, yielding a total of 19 participants. All partici- that failure to associate alternative actions with distinct outcome
pants were healthy and were recruited locally from the city of states obstructs goal-directed encoding, we predicted that the S-R
Dublin, Ireland. The study was approved by the Trinity College condition would bolster habit formation during acquisition and
Dublin School of Psychology research ethics committee, and all par- bias participants towards habitual action selection, defined as
ticipants gave informed consent. The study conformed to the guide- responding to refill the devalued beaker, in subsequent test perfor-
lines set out in the 2013 World Medical Association Declaration of mance. Note that, in both conditions, distinct features of the stim-
Helsinki. ulus environment can enter into S-R associations. Whereas, in the
S-R condition, each rewarded action was reliably preceded by a
particular arbitrary cue, rewarded actions in the R-O condition
were reliably preceded by the emptying of a particular beaker.
Goal-directed actions, defined by their sensitivity to changes in both However, critically, it was only in the R-O condition that alterna-
action–outcome contingency and outcome value, have been pro- tive actions could be associated with distinct outcome states.
posed to depend on an internal model of the world that explicitly Consequently, we expected performance in this condition to be
relates alternative actions to future environmental states (Doya goal-directed.
et al., 2002; Daw et al., 2005). Consistent with this theoretical
framework, data from rodent studies suggest that reliance on a goal-
Experimental procedure
directed vs. habitual strategy might depend on the ease with which
alternative actions can be associated with distinct outcomes; goal- We scanned participants as they acquired and performed the instru-
directed performance appears to dominate, in spite of overtraining, mental task, as well as during a subsequent devaluation test phase.
when alternative actions yield distinct sensory-specific outcomes Each subject participated in both the R-O and S-R condition, with
(e.g. grain vs. sucrose pellets) (Colwill & Rescorla, 1985; Holland, conditions being run in separate, immediately consecutive, sessions
2004), as well as when the rate of outcome delivery depends on the (order counterbalanced across subjects) and with a novel set of
rate of responding, rather than on a particular time interval passing four instrumental actions being used in each condition. Each condi-
between successive reinforced responses (i.e. ratio vs. interval tion included a response pre-training phase, learning phase, devalu-
schedules of reinforcement) (Dickinson et al., 1983). The current ation phase, and final test phase as described below. The response-
task was structured on these potential bases of behavioral control, training phase of the first condition was conducted outside the
in that external contingencies either facilitated or impeded a reliable scanner (in a separate testing room), before participants were trans-
mapping of alternative actions to distinct sensory-specific outcome ferred to the scanner in which they remained throughout all subse-
states. quent stages of the experiment. Before being transferred to the
Participants were required to maintain the balance of a system of scanner, participants were presented with a cover story describing
fluid-filled beakers (see Fig. 1A for details). As long as all beakers the beaker system and task. They were told that they would be in
had sufficient fluid, system balance was maintained and randomly one of two possible conditions (one in which each instrumental
occurring balance checks yielded monetary reward. However, on action refilled a particular beaker regardless of which cue was pre-
each trial, one of the beakers would be emptied causing ‘system sented, and another in which the identity of the cue determined
imbalance’, with balance checks resulting in monetary loss until the which of the four actions was required to refill an emptied beaker,
participant refilled the beaker by performing a particular instrumen- regardless of the identity of that beaker) and that part of their task
tal action. The emptying of a beaker was always accompanied by was to determine which of the two conditions they were in. The
the onset of one of four abstract cues. In the Stimulus–Response (S- entire experiment lasted for approximately 2 h, with 1.5 h being
R) condition, the identity of the presented cue determined which spent in the scanner, and with approximately 60 min of active
instrumental action would refill the emptied beaker, regardless of scanning during the learning phases and devaluation tests in each
which of the beakers had lost its fluid. Consequently, across trials, condition.

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1360 M. Liljeholm et al.

Fig. 1. Illustrations of instrumental learning and matching control tasks. (A) Instrumental learning. Participants are required to maintain the balance of a system
of fluid-filled beakers using a set of four instrumental actions (each a three-press sequence, see Materials and methods). During the inter-trial interval, the liquid
in the beakers continually fluctuates but remains high, and ‘balance checks’, occurring at brief random intervals, yield points for system balance (1). At the trial
onset, one of four abstract cues appears, the liquid in one of the beakers drops to its bottom, and balance checks begin to indicate a loss of points due to system
imbalance (2). Points are continually lost until the participant successfully refills the emptied beaker using one of the four actions. Following completion of the
correct action (3), the abstract cue disappears, the beaker is refilled, a small fee is charged for regulating the system, and balance checks again yield points for
system balance. If the correct action is not performed within 7 s, the beaker is automatically refilled, in which case there is no charge for system regulation. (B)
Matching task. The inter-trial interval (1) and trial onset (2) were as in the instrumental task but were followed, at 1500 ms after trial onset, by a blank screen
for 700 ms (3). The subsequent, final screen (4) showed a matching/non-matching stimulus together with a query about the match. In the S-R condition, the
final screen always showed one of the abstract cues (top); conversely, in the R-O condition, the stimulus to be matched was always a set of beakers (bottom).

Response pre-training at least five times without any prompts, again with feedback given
at the completion of each sequence. Participants were allowed to
Prior to the instrumental learning phases, participants received pre-
repeat these two phases as many times as they wanted to, knowing
training on the four instrumental actions (each being a three-press
that they would have to use the actions to earn monetary reward in
sequence). During this training, key-press sequences were illustrated
a subsequent phase.
by a white dot moving across three gray squares, horizontally
aligned at the center of the screen. Initially, participants viewed and
then immediately attempted to replicate each sequence, with feed-
Instrumental learning phase
back (i.e. correct/incorrect) given on each trial. After a total of five
correct replications of each response sequence, they proceeded to a The instrumental task was as illustrated in Fig. 1A. Note that, in
retrieval phase, in which they had to generate each unique sequence addition to the increase or decrease in monetary points based on

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1361

system balance, there was a small cost for regulating the system. Test phase
This response cost was included to ensure that, during test, partici-
Having correctly identified the devalued beaker, participants were
pants would not respond simply based on any reinforcement intrin-
again given the opportunity to regulate the system for personal mon-
sic to executing the correct response. The response cost message
etary reward. During this phase, all text messages indicating gains
(screen 3 in Fig. 1A) also served to inform participants that their
or losses were covered up, in order to prevent additional learning
action had successfully regulated the system, rather than the system
(i.e. simulating extinction). Participants were instructed that, in spite
having self-regulated (in which case no response cost was charged)
of these gray strips, they should assume that all was exactly as they
due to failure to perform the correct action within 7 s of trial onset.
had learned before, i.e. they would still lose points whenever the
Participants were allowed to perform as many key-presses as they
system was not balanced, there was still a cost for regulating the
wanted during system imbalance (i.e. during the 7 s following trial
system, and the previously identified irrelevant beaker was still irrel-
onset), with the correct sequence of three consecutive key-presses
evant for system balance. Importantly, because there was a small
immediately restoring system balance and terminating the trial.
charge for each instrumental regulation of the system, refilling the
There was no constraint on the temporal spacing between key-
now irrelevant beaker resulted in a net monetary loss. The test phase
presses, as long as all three presses were performed consecutively
consisted of a single instrumental block with 44 randomly ordered
within the trial window.
trials, i.e. 11 trials with each beaker, including the devalued (i.e.
Critically, the stimulus materials presented in Fig. 1A were identi-
irrelevant) one. We operationally defined devaluation insensitivity,
cal across the two conditions; our manipulation consisted entirely of
our assay of habitual performance, as the proportion of the 11 deva-
differences in the contingencies between cues, actions and beaker
lued trials on which participants initiated a response to refill the bea-
outcomes. To rule out visual processes involved in selectively
ker. Thus, if a participant initiated a response on two of those 11
attending to the abstract cues vs. the beakers as a source of any
trials, their devaluation insensitivity score would be 0.18.
imaging effects, a matching task was block-interleaved with the
instrumental task during instrumental learning (see Fig. 1B). Briefly,
in matching blocks, the inter-trial intervals and trial onsets were Pay-off structure
exactly as in the system balance task, except that the words ‘Match-
ing trial’ were displayed center screen. Without this indication, Throughout the instrumental task, system balance checks occurred
matching trials would be identical to instrumental trials during the on average every 3 s. During the inter-trial interval (mean 5 s), the
relevant trial period, and thus could not have served as controls. system was always balanced, with each check yielding a reward of
Following the appearance of the abstract cue and emptying of the 0.5 points. At each trial onset, the system became imbalanced, with
relevant beaker, a white masking screen was displayed, followed by each balance check resulting in a loss of 0.5 points, and would
a depiction of either an abstract cue (S-R condition) or a set of remain so for 7 s unless regulated by the participant. Thus, if no
beakers (R-O condition), together with a query about whether the action were taken to balance the system, each trial would entail an
currently shown cue/beaker set matched that on the previous screen. average loss of 1.17 points. If the system was balanced immediately,
In each condition, the instrumental learning phase consisted of four no points were lost due to system imbalance, but there was a
blocks of trials, with each block being further divided into one sub- response cost of 0.1 points (this cost was only applied to correct
block of 24 instrumental trials, followed by a sub-block of eight responses resulting in system regulation). Thus, the average gain of
matching trials, and with the order of trials randomized within each responding to balance the system was 1.07 points. After beaker
sub-block. devaluation, during the test phase, this was still the case for regula-
At the end of the instrumental learning phase, participants were tory responses refilling non-devalued beakers; however, responding
asked whether they felt confident that they had learned how to regu- to refill the devalued beaker now resulted in a net loss of 0.1 points
late the system or whether they wanted to receive an additional set (the response cost).
of 20 training trials (five with each action). Five participants (two in
the R-O and three in the S-R condition) requested and received
Imaging acquisition and analyses
additional training. No scanning was conducted during additional
training, nor were the added trials included in assessments of accu- A 3 Tesla scanner (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens) was used to
racy and response times during acquisition. acquire structural T1-weighted images and T2*-weighted echoplanar
images (repetition time, 2.65 s; echo time, 30 ms; flip angle, 90°;
45 transverse slices; matrix, 64 9 64; field of view, 192 mm; thick-
Devaluation phase
ness, 3 mm; slice gap, 0 mm) with blood oxygenation level-depen-
Following instrumental learning, participants were instructed that dent contrast. To recover signal loss from dropout in the medial
the system had changed such that one of the beakers was no orbitofrontal cortex (O’Doherty et al., 2002), each horizontal section
longer relevant for system balance, which would be maintained, was acquired at 30° to the anterior commissure–posterior commis-
and continued to yield points even when the liquid in this beaker sure axis. Image processing and statistical analyses were performed
dropped below threshold. They then observed as the system regu- using statistical parametric mapping (SPM)8 (http://www.fil.ion.u-
lated itself (i.e. no actions were performed) across 16 trials (four The first four volumes of images were discarded to
with each beaker) in order to discover the identity of the devalued avoid T1 equilibrium effects. All remaining volumes were corrected
beaker. Participants were told that they would not lose or gain for differences in slice acquisition, realigned to the first volume, spa-
any of the displayed points during this phase. In the imaging tially normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute echoplanar
experiment, two participants failed to correctly identify the deva- imaging template, and spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel
lued beaker after this devaluation procedure, which was therefore (8 mm, full width at half-maximum). We used a high-pass filter
repeated once for these participants. All other participants success- with a cutoff of 128 s.
fully identified the devalued beaker at the end of the devaluation As previously noted, instrumental conditions were run in separate
procedure. consecutive sessions, with the acquisition phase of each condition

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consisting of interleaved instrumental and matching block, and with Small volume corrections (SVCs) were performed on several a-
active scanning occurring only during the acquisition and test phase priori regions of interest using a 10 mm sphere, with center coordi-
of each condition (i.e. the scanner was off during response pre-train- nates obtained from highly relevant studies. Specifically, in an anal-
ing and devaluation phases), for a total of four active scanning peri- ogous study on observational learning (Liljeholm et al., 2012), we
ods per subject. For each subject, we constructed a design matrix found selective recruitment of the extrastriate cortex (45, 72, 9),
that included the acquisition and test phases of both experimental the tail of the caudate nucleus/thalamus (21, 30, 9) and the lin-
conditions. For each of the two instrumental acquisition phases (i.e. gual gyrus (12, 69, 0) by the S-R condition during acquisition.
R-O and S-R), stick functions modeled the trial onsets in each block Conversely, areas selectively recruited by the R-O condition in that
of instrumental learning and in matching blocks. In addition, three same observational learning study, and also identified in our other
regressors, respectively modeling the onsets of error trials, the times work on goal-directed performance (Liljeholm et al., 2011), include
of all individual key-presses and the times of all point displays (i.e. the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) (51, 52, 33) and anterior cau-
gains and losses), were entered as regressors of no interest, together date nucleus (16, 8, 19). Finally, several human neuroimaging
with six regressors accounting for the residual effects of head studies have implicated a posterior region of the putamen (33,
motion. For each of the two test phases, two stick functions respec- 24, 0) in habit formation (Tricomi et al., 2009; de Wit et al.,
tively modeled non-devalued and devalued trials. Again, for each 2012; Wunderlich et al., 2012; Lee et al., 2014), and the ventrome-
instrumental condition, additional regressors modeling the onsets of dial prefrontal cortex (4, 55, 7) in goal-directed processes
error trials and the times of all key-presses were added together with (Hampton et al., 2006; Tanaka et al., 2008; Liljeholm et al., 2011).
six regressors accounting for the residual effects of head motion as It should be noted that, although specified a priori based on a clo-
regressors of no interest. All regressors were convolved with a sely related literature, effects in several of these regions survived
canonical hemodynamic response function. whole-brain cluster-size thresholding (CST) correction, as well as
Group-level random-effects statistics were generated by entering SVC, in the current study.
contrasts of parameter estimates for the different regressors into As noted, the putamen, considered a human homolog of the
between-subjects analyses of variance (ANOVAs). Specifically, to rodent dorsolateral striatum based on its afferent and efferent projec-
delineate neural substrates engaged during early acquisition vs. tions (Carelli & West, 1991; Draganski et al., 2008), has been
during expression, contrasts of parameter estimates for the first implicated in habitual performance in several human imaging studies
two blocks of instrumental learning, and for the devaluation test (Tricomi et al., 2009; de Wit et al., 2012; Wunderlich et al., 2012;
phase, were entered for each instrumental condition into a 2 9 2 Lee et al., 2014). In contrast, the role of the infralimbic cortex in
(condition by experimental phase) ANOVA. Contrasts of parameter instrumental performance has been exclusively demonstrated in
estimates for all learning blocks and for matching blocks were rodents (Killcross & Coutureau, 2003; Haddon & Killcross, 2011;
entered into a separate 2 9 2 (stimulus by task) ANOVA to compare Smith et al., 2012; Smith & Graybiel, 2013). Consequently, and
differences between instrumental conditions during learning with based on anatomical and functional evidence for a homology
those between matching control conditions. An analogous ANOVA between the rodent infralimbic cortex and the human subgenual cor-
was performed using contrasts of parameter estimates for devalua- tex (Ongur & Price, 2000; Ongur et al., 2003; Drevets et al., 2008),
tion test trials and matching trials. Finally, a 4 9 2 (acquisition predictions regarding this area were tested using an anatomical mask
block by instrumental condition) ANOVA assessed training-related of the subgenual cortex (Brodmann area 25), defined using the
changes in neural activity, with contrasts of parameter estimates Wake Forest University Pickatlas (Maldjian et al., 2003). All other
for each of the four blocks of instrumental learning, for each effects were reported at P < 0.05, using CST of SPM t-maps to
instrumental condition. Following estimation of the second-level adjust for multiple comparisons (Forman et al., 1995). AlphaSim
model, F-tests were specified by adding linear weights to each (Ward, 2000), a Monte Carlo simulation, was used to determine
block of learning (e.g. [ 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.5] for increases across cluster size and significance. Using an individual voxel probability
blocks and [1.5 0.5 0.5 1.5] for decreases) in each instrumen- threshold of P = 0.005 indicated that using a minimum cluster size
tal condition. of 111 Montreal Neurological Institute transformed voxels resulted
To assess whether neural discrimination between instrumental in an overall significance of P < 0.05.
conditions correlated with the degree of devaluation insensitivity, a To eliminate non-independence bias for plots of contrast values, a
simple t-test was performed on first-level interaction contrasts [S- leave-one-subject-out (Esterman et al., 2010) approach was used, in
R > R-O 9 Instrumental > Matching] of parameter estimates from which 19 general linear models were run with one subject left out
the learning phase, with the degree of devaluation insensitivity in each, and with each general linear model defining the voxel clus-
entered as a covariate. An analogous t-test using interaction con- ter for the left-out subject. Using rfxplot (Glascher, 2009), mean
trasts of parameter estimates from the devaluation test phase was contrast values were extracted from spheres (10 mm) centered on
also performed, and exclusive functional masks were used to assess these leave-one-subject-out peaks (identified within regions of inter-
the specificity of neural effects, such that all voxels that reached sig- est for SVCs) and were averaged across subjects to plot overall
nificance at a threshold of P < 0.1 when assessing correlates of effect sizes.
devaluation insensitivity during the test phase were removed from
the effects observed during learning, and vice versa. Exclusive func-
tional masks were also used to assess the directions of simple effects Results
underlying the Instrumental Condition by Experimental Phase inter-
Behavioral results
action. Finally, we used exclusive functional masks to selectively
assess training-related increases vs. decreases in neural activity, such The results from the test phase indicated that our manipulation did
that, for example, when testing for increases in neural activity across indeed produce differences in devaluation sensitivity. Having cor-
blocks of training in the R-O condition, voxels were removed rectly identified the devalued beaker, participants initiated a response
that reached significance at P < 0.1 for the same test in the S-R on a significantly greater proportion of devalued trials in the S-R
condition. condition (mean proportion 0.43, SEM 0.09) than in the R-O

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1363

condition (mean proportion 0.19, SEM 0.09) [t18 = 2.3, P < 0.031]. difference for R-O first 0.08; mean difference for S-R first 0.01;
Indeed, whereas only five of 19 participants initiated a response on significance test for R-O vs. S-R with both first, P = 0.26 and for
any devalued trials in the R-O condition, 15 of 19 participants initi- R-O vs. S-R with both second, P = 0.90). Consequently, we can
ated a response on at least one devalued trial in the S-R condition rule out counterbalancing order as a source of our behavioral and
(v2 = 10.56, P < 0.005). imaging effects of interest.
Note that devaluation insensitivity was defined such that a There were no differences between instrumental conditions in the
response to obtain the devalued outcome (i.e. to refill the devalued number of requested repetitions of response pre-training phases [R-
beaker) was counted even if the entire three-press sequence was not O: mean 1.98, SEM 0.29; S-R: mean 1.75, SEM 0.18; t18 = 0.72,
completed on that trial. Indeed, in the S-R condition, when a partici- P = 0.48], or in the total number of key-presses executed during
pant responded to fill up the devalued beaker, they often did so instrumental learning [R-O: mean 470.63, SEM 32.14; S-R: mean
without completing the entire three-press sequence, consistent with 503.74, SEM 31.63; t18 = 0.85, P = 0.40] or on non-devalued tri-
evidence from the rodent literature that the response most proximal als during test [R-O: mean 121.84, SEM 4.57; S-R mean: 125.53,
to reward remains sensitive to devaluation long after more distal SEM 4.53; t18 = 1.34, P = 0.57]. Finally, there was no difference
responses have become habitual (Killcross & Coutureau, 2003). In between instrumental conditions in the total number of points earned
contrast, those few participants that responded on devalued trials in during instrumental learning [R-O: mean 33.6, SEM 3.61; S-R:
the R-O condition did so on most or all devalued trials and com- mean 33.4, SEM 3.33; t18 = 0.071, P = 0.94]. This allowed us to
pleted all three key-presses whenever initiating a response, suggest- rule out the number of motor responses as well as total earnings as
ing a more deliberate decision to respond. sources of the difference in devaluation performance.
Importantly, during the test phase, whereas in the R-O condition
participants could determine both the accuracy and value of a partic-
Neuroimaging results
ular action solely by identifying the emptied beaker, in the S-R con-
dition, determining the value and accuracy of a given response Our primary objective was to investigate whether neural discrimina-
required identification of both the abstract cue and the emptied bea- tion between the two instrumental conditions differed across the
ker. It is possible therefore that the differences in devaluation perfor- acquisition and expression of behavioral control, particularly with
mance were due to this additional aspect of the S-R condition. The respect to blood oxygenation level-dependent activity predictive of
overall pattern of behavioral results, however, strongly suggests that individual differences in devaluation insensitivity (see Table 1). To
this was not the case, and generally rules out task difficulty as the rule out the possibility that differences between our instrumental
source of our effects. First, there were no significant differences conditions were due to differences in the processing of relevant
between conditions in the percent of incorrect responses, during visual features (i.e. of abstract cues in the S-R condition and of the
either acquisition [R-O: mean 14%, SEM 3; S-R: mean 11%, SEM set of beakers in the R-O condition), additional analyses formally
2; t18 = 1.1, P = 0.30] or test performance [R-O: mean 4%, SEM 1; contrasted such differences with those emerging between matching
S-R: mean 4%, SEM 2; t18 = 0, P = 1.0]. Likewise, response times control conditions (see Table 2). Unless otherwise noted, all effects
did not differ between conditions during either acquisition [R-O: reported below survived the subtraction of matching control condi-
mean 1482 ms, SEM 62; S-R: mean 1393 ms, SEM 78; t18 = 1.95, tions. All of the results described below survived correction for mul-
P = 0.21] or test performance [R-O: mean 1258 ms, SEM 54; S-R: tiple comparisons at P < 0.05 using either whole-brain CST or
mean 1361 ms, SEM 68; t18 = 1.52, P = 0.15]. The fact that there SVCs based on coordinates from relevant previous studies. Notably,
were no significant differences between conditions in either accuracy many of the areas specified a priori as targets of SVC, including
or reaction times during test makes it highly unlikely that differ- the lingual gyrus, extrastriate cortex and IPL, also survived correc-
ences in devaluation sensitivity reflected differences in task diffi- tion using whole-brain CST, as indicated in the fourth columns of
culty. Perhaps most pertinently, differences in devaluation Tables 1 and 2.
insensitivity were not correlated with differences in accuracy
(P = 0.5) or reaction times (P = 0.8), nor did individual differences
Discrimination between instrumental conditions during
in accuracy or reaction times predict neural effects in any of the
acquisition vs. performance
areas identified by our imaging analyses.
To assess the influence of counterbalancing order, we performed To delineate the neural substrates engaged during early acquisition
order-by-condition analyses of variance on response times and accu- vs. during expression of operant behavior, we entered the imaging
racy scores during the learning and test phases, as well as on the data from the first two blocks of instrumental learning together with
devaluation insensitivity scores. There was no significant interaction that from the subsequent test phase, for each instrumental condition,
between order and condition for devaluation insensitivity into a 2 9 2 (condition by experimental phase) ANOVA (see Table 1).
(F1,17 = 0.55, P = 0.47), or for either response times (F1,17 = 0.89, Although processes supporting acquisition should certainly dominate
P = 0.36) or accuracy scores (F1,17 = 0.07, P = 0.79) during the during the first two blocks of instrumental learning, we cannot com-
test phase. In contrast, during training, there was an anticipated pletely rule out the possibility that some element of expression was
interaction for both response times (F1,17 = 5.96, P < 0.03) and also present during this phase. Inclusion of only the very earliest
accuracy scores (F1,17 = 23.01, P < 0.001), such that response times learning trials would not eliminate this possibility, but would intro-
were longer and the percent incorrect was greater for whichever duce dramatically different error levels and severely reduce the statis-
condition came first. Thus, whereas the difference in response times tical power. We note, however, that the presence of processes related
between instrumental conditions differed across the two orders to expression during the early stages of instrumental learning should
(mean difference for R-O first 0.19; mean difference for S-R first reduce, rather than enhance, discrimination between the levels of the
0.32), there was no difference between instrumental conditions ‘experimental phase’ variable. Thus, in areas where we did observe a
when compared for a given order (i.e. for R-O vs. S-R with both significant difference in discriminatory activity across the different
first, P = 0.84 and for R-O vs. S-R with both second, P = 0.71). A phases of the experiment, such differences were probably attributable
similar pattern was observed for percent incorrect scores (mean to the differential effects of acquisition vs. expression.

© 2015 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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1364 M. Liljeholm et al.

Table 1. Imaging results from a 2 9 2 ANOVA contrasting instrumental conditions and training phases

Test Area x, y, z T at peak level Correction* Cluster size at P < 0.005*

Main effects
S-R > R-O Inferior occipital 36, 85, 8 6.33 CST 859
Middle occipital 36, 85, 7 6.82
Superior occipital 27, 67, 28 5.16
SPL 18, 61, 52 4.22
R-O > S-R DMPFC 18, 56, 25 3.62 CST 843
VMPFC 3, 41, 1 3.25 CST
IPL 60, 55, 28 3.99 CST 187
Posterior cing. 3, 34, 43 3.13 CST 190
Insula 39, 14, 41 3.89 CST 157
Acq. > Perf. VMPFC 3, 62, 4 6.12 CST 2181
DMPFC 3, 47, 37 5.65
VS 6, 5, 8 4.90
aCN 9, 20, 7 3.53
VLPFC 45, 32, 11 5.46 CST 354
IPL 51, 64, 34 4.76 CST 200
Perf. > Acq. Cerebellum 27, 61, 26 9.17 CST 9773
SMA 0, 8, 46 5.15
Insula/putamen 33, 8, 4 5.69
Post-central S. 42, 37, 58 6.33
Pre-central S. 30, 4, 52 5.97
Calcarine 24, 58, 10 4.94
SPL 15, 64, 49 5.31
S-R > R-O (Perf.>Acq.) Occipital 33, 79, 19 5.10 CST 859
SPL 24, 52, 46 3.58
R-O > S-R (Perf.>Acq.) DMPFC 9, 41, 40 4.26 CST 168

*The absence of an entry in the ‘correction’ and ‘cluster size’ columns indicates that the relevant cluster is continuous (at the P < 0.005 threshold) with that
listed above it. Acq., Acquisition; Perf., Performance; SPL, superior parietal lobule; DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; aCN, anterior caudate nucleus;
cing., cingulate; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; S., post-/pre-central sulcus.

Table 2. Imaging results from 2 9 2 ANOVAs contrasting instrumental and matching tasks, and from tests of neural correlates of devaluation insensitivity

Contrast Area x, y, z T at peak level Correction* Cluster size at P < 0.005*

Learning phase
S-R > R-O (instr. > ctrl) EBA 39, 79, 10 4.09 SVC 45
R-O > S-R (instr. > ctrl) IPL 57, 58, 31 4.41 CST 275
Insula 33, 14, 4 3.57 CST 421
Precuneus 6, 70, 37 4.28 CST 395
Post. cing. 9, 31, 43 3.36
aCN 12, 2, 16 3.40 SVC 18
Test phase
S-R > R-O (instr. > ctrl) Occipital 30, 79, 19 5.30 CST 1153
SPL 24, 62, 49 4.47
R-O > S-R (instr. > ctrl) IPL 57, 46, 37 3.09 SVC 18
Insula 42, 1, 5 4.06 CST 383
DMPFC 6, 41, 40 3.87 CST 382
Matching effects
S-R control > R-O control Lateral LG 24, 91, 8 5.20 CST 198
R-O control > S-R control Medial LG 9, 76, 8 5.15 CST 1541
Cuneus 9, 91, 19 5.01
Correlates of devaluation insensitivity
Positive correlation CRBL/LG 6, 52, 8 5.06 CST 125
tCN/th 12, 28, 10 4.19 SVC 21
Subgenual 15, 23, 14 5.24 CST 224
VS 9, 5, 14 8.47
Negative correlation IPL 45, 43, 34 4.62 SVC 54

*The absence of an entry in the ‘correction’ and ‘cluster size’ columns indicates that the relevant cluster is continuous (at the P < 0.005 threshold) with that
listed above it. Instr., instrumental; ctrl, control; Post. cing., posterior cingulate; aCN, anterior caudate nucleus; SPL, superior parietal lobule; DMPFC, dorsome-
dial prefrontal cortex; tCN/th, tail of the caudate nucleus/thalamus; CRBL, cerebellum; LG, lingual gyrus.

Stimulus–Response-related activity
superior parietal lobule. Interaction tests and (exclusively masked)
Activity that was greater in the S-R than the R-O condition (Fig. 2) tests of simple effects revealed that activity in the superior parietal
emerged in the middle and superior occipital cortex, and in the lobule and superior occipital cortex was significantly greater in the

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1365

Fig. 2. Areas selectively involved in the S-R condition. Statistical maps show main effects of the S-R > R-O contrast, in the middle occipital cortex (top row),
and an interaction effect {i.e. [S-R > R-O (performance > acquisition)]} in the superior occipital cortex, extending into the superior parietal lobule (middle and
bottom rows). Bar plots show contrast values estimated at leave-one-subject-out coordinates for each instrumental condition, during both acquisition and perfor-
mance, and for matching controls. Error bars = SEM. a.u., arbitrary units.

S-R than the R-O condition only during test performance, but not changes in neural activity, by adding linear weights to blocks of
during early acquisition (Table 1). Moreover, during early acquisi- instrumental learning. An interaction test assessing neural activity
tion, only a small area of the middle occipital cortex, the extrastriate that increased in the R-O condition and decreased in the S-R condi-
body area (EBA; SVC), survived subtraction of corresponding tion yielded significant effects throughout the right putamen and glo-
matching controls (Table 2). In contrast, S-R selective activity bus pallidus (CST, 33, 7, 5) and in the right IPL (CST, 63,
throughout the occipital cortex, including the EBA, survived sub- 31, 37). The reverse interaction contrast, assessing neural activity
traction of matching controls during the test phase. that decreased in the R-O condition and increased in the S-R condi-
tion, did not reveal any significant effects. Specific assessments of
increases vs. decreases revealed decreases across training blocks in
Response–Outcome-related activity
the S-R condition, but not in the (exclusively masked) R-O condi-
Activity significantly greater in the R-O condition than the S-R condi- tion, throughout the right putamen and globus pallidus (Fig. 4A). In
tion (Fig. 3) was observed throughout a fronto-parietal network, contrast, significant increases in activity across blocks in the R-O
including the dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), condition, but not in the (exclusively masked) S-R condition,
IPLs, posterior cingulate and bilateral insula. Interaction tests and emerged in the right IPL (Fig. 4B).
(exclusively masked) tests of simple effects revealed that, in the dorso-
medial prefrontal cortex, discrimination between instrumental condi-
Neural correlates of devaluation insensitivity
tions occurred during test performance only (Table 1). Analyses
assessing differences between conditions relative to matching controls To relate the neuroimaging data to our behavioral effects, we tested
also revealed R-O selective effects in the dorsal anterior caudate, but whether neural discrimination between instrumental conditions cor-
did not yield significant effects in the VMFPC (Table 2). related with differences between conditions in the degree of devalua-
tion insensitivity. This was indeed the case. Participants with
stronger activation of the tail of the caudate nucleus/thalamus and of
Discrimination between conditions across blocks of acquisition
the cerebellum, extending into the lingual gyrus, in the S-R relative
To further assess differential activity related to acquisition processes, to the R-O condition during the first two blocks of instrumental
we tested for differences between conditions in training-dependent learning responded on a greater proportion of devalued trials in the

© 2015 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Fig. 3. Areas selectively involved in the R-O condition. Statistical maps show main effects of the R-O > S-R contrast in the posterior ventral IPL (top) and
insula (middle), as well as an interaction effect {i.e. [R-O > S-R (performance > acquisition)]} in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (bottom). Bar plots show
contrast values estimated at leave-one-subject-out coordinates for each instrumental condition, during both acquisition and performance, and for matching con-
trols. Error bars = SEM. a.u., arbitrary units.

S-R condition relative to the R-O condition during the subsequent functional magnetic resonance imaging as they learned and per-
test phase (Fig. 5A). These effects all survived exclusive masking formed a novel task designed to encourage either goal-directed
by an identical contrast applied, with a threshold of 0.1, to the imag- encoding of the specific outcomes of instrumental responses (R-O
ing data from the test phase, suggesting that, in these areas, discrim- condition), or a habitual mapping of responses to antecedent cues
inatory activity during early acquisition, but not during test (S-R condition). In a subsequent test phase, participants were more
performance, predicted differences in devaluation insensitivity. likely to respond for a devalued outcome, indicative of habits, in the
Conversely, during the test phase, differences in neural activity S-R condition. We found that neural activity in striatal and cortical
between the S-R and R-O conditions in the subgenual cortex (region areas (i) discriminated between our two instrumental conditions, (ii)
of interest) and ventral striatum (VS) were positively correlated with predicted individual differences in devaluation insensitivity and (iii)
the difference between conditions in devaluation insensitivity did so differentially across acquisition and test performance.
(Fig. 5B), i.e. greater subgenual and VS activity in the S-R relative Our results identified several areas in which the degree of neural
to the R-O condition predicted greater devaluation insensitivity in discrimination between instrumental conditions predicted differences
the S-R than R-O condition. We also found a negative correlation in devaluation insensitivity. Specifically, S-R selective activity in the
with test performance in the right IPL (SVC), such that lesser IPL tail of the caudate nucleus and cerebellum during learning, but not
activity in the S-R relative to the R-O condition predicted greater during test performance, predicted greater devaluation insensitivity
devaluation insensitivity in the S-R than R-O condition. Again, the in the S-R, relative to the R-O, condition. The cerebellum has been
specificity of these results was confirmed using exclusive masking strongly implicated in response automatization (Doyon et al., 1998,
by an identical contrast, at a threshold of 0.1, applied to the imaging 2002; Lang & Bastian, 2002; Balsters & Ramnani, 2011), a resis-
data from the training phase. tance to dual-task interference postulated to be closely related to,
and sometimes treated as synonymous with, habitual performance.
Indeed, in the rodent literature, the cerebellum has been directly
implicated in habit formation, such that cerebellar lesions abolish
In this study we explored the neural substrates of goal-directed and devaluation insensitivity in overtrained rats (Callu et al., 2007).
habitual action selection, with a focus on how the recruitment of rel- However, to our knowledge, no previous study has directly linked
evant brain areas might differ across acquisition and implementation the cerebellum to outcome devaluation insensitivity in humans.
of behavioral control. We scanned human participants with As with the cerebellum, the tail of the caudate nucleus has been

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1367

Fig. 4. Discrimination between conditions across blocks of acquisition. (A) Statistical map showing results from disjunction tests assessing decreases across
blocks of acquisition in the S-R but not the R-O condition with effects emerging in the right putamen/globus pallidus. (B) Results from a disjunction test of
increases across blocks in the R-O but not the S-R condition yielded effects in the IPL. Bar plots show contrast values estimated at leave-one-subject-out coordi-
nates for each instrumental condition in each training block, as well as for matching control conditions. Error bars = SEM. a.u., arbitrary units.

implicated in skill learning (Poldrack & Gabrieli, 2001; Yamamoto As with the subgenual cortex, activity in the VS during the test
et al., 2013). Moreover, single neuron recordings in the monkey tail phase, but not during acquisition, predicted devaluation insensitivity.
of the caudate nucleus have revealed that, relative to the body and The VS has been frequently shown to support both the acquisition
head of the caudate, this area is specifically involved in encoding and expression of Pavlovian (stimulus–outcome) associations (Day
stable, non-flexible, values of visual cues (Kim & Hikosaka, 2013; et al., 2007; Blaiss & Janak, 2009), and to mediate the general
Yamamoto et al., 2013; Hikosaka et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2014), motivational influence of such associations on instrumental perfor-
consistent with its role in devaluation insensitivity demonstrated mance, a phenomenon referred to as Pavlovian-instrumental transfer
here and elsewhere (Valentin et al., 2007; Liljeholm et al., 2012). (Corbit & Balleine, 2011). Of particular importance for interpreting
In the subgenual cingulate (Brodmann area 25), S-R selective the current findings is the fact that, in rodents, Pavlovian-instrumen-
activity during test performance, but not during learning, correlated tal transfer appears to selectively influence habitual, rather than
with behavioral devaluation insensitivity. Based on its cytoarchitec- goal-directed, responding, i.e. the greater the degree of insensitivity
tonic subdivisions and connections, this area has been identified as to outcome devaluation, the greater the general motivational influ-
homologous to the rodent infralimbic cortex. The rodent infralimbic ence of Pavlovian cues on instrumental performance (Holland, 2004;
and human subgenual areas both project heavily to the shell of the Balleine & Ostlund, 2007). We interpret the currently observed
nucleus accumbens, and both are agranular, relatively poorly lami- activity in the VS as reflecting a greater influence of Pavlovian cues
nated areas located ventrally on the medial wall (Gabbott et al., on instrumental responding in the S-R than the R-O condition, and
1997; Ongur & Price, 2000; Ongur et al., 2003). In rodents, the in- conjecture that this selective engagement of Pavlovian processes
fralimbic cortex has been shown to make specialized contributions supported our behavioral effect.
to executive control processes facilitating the deployment of habits Contrary to our predictions, we did not find a correlation between
(Coutureau & Killcross, 2003; Haddon & Killcross, 2011; Smith activity in the dorsal putamen during early learning and subsequent
et al., 2012; Smith & Graybiel, 2013). Consistent with such find- devaluation insensitivity. We did, however, find S-R selective
ings, our results suggest that a putative human homolog of this area decreases in right putamen activity across blocks of training, an
does indeed play selective roles in the expression of habits. It should effect that is consistent with a substantial literature demonstrating a
be noted, however, that the rodent infralimbic cortex is primarily decreased dependence on the putamen with extended (Ungerleider
known for its involvement in the extinction of Pavlovian responses et al., 2002; Poldrack et al., 2005; Turner et al., 2005; Ashby et al.,
(Milad & Quirk, 2002; Rhodes & Killcross, 2004, 2007; Santini 2010), as well as intermediate (Brovelli et al., 2011), levels of train-
et al., 2008), whereas the human subgenual cortex has predomi- ing. Taken together, these results suggest that the contributions of
nantly featured in studies on depression (Greicius et al., 2007; the putamen to automatic and habitual behavioral control may take
Drevets et al., 2008; Johansen-Berg et al., 2008; Matthews et al., place early in acquisition, with long-term storage and mediation of
2009; Keedwell et al., 2010). Future work is needed to reconcile well-trained performance occurring elsewhere (Orban et al., 2010).
these apparently divergent functions and their potential homology However, some neuroimaging studies have found increases in puta-
across species. men activity with extended training (Floyer-Lea & Matthews, 2004;

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1368 M. Liljeholm et al.

A habitual learning paradigm allowed us to do so. It is also worth not-

ing, that, whereas Tricomi et al. (2009) reported effects in a small
area in the very far posterior putamen, our effects extend throughout
the right putamen and globus pallidus.
One feature of the present results is that areas in which discrimi-
natory neural activity was correlated with between-subject variation
in devaluation insensitivity did not also show differential main
effects in a comparison of S-R and R-O conditions. This may be
due in part to the fact that our efforts to differentially encourage S-
R and R-O learning resulted only in relative differences in devalua-
tion insensitivity, with the majority of participants showing some
degree of sensitivity even in the S-R condition. Thus, neural pro-
cesses directly related to the degree of habitual responding might
B not be discernable in analyses that categorically compare conditions.
However, not all aspects of encoding S-R associations necessarily
contribute to the dominance of such associations over performance.
For example, the S-R selective decreases in neural activity across
blocks of acquisition, found throughout the right putamen and glo-
bus pallidus, may reflect a gradual disengagement of processes that
provide critical support during the early development of S-R associ-
ations (such as the maintenance of relevant representations, the
encoding of discrepancies between attempted and accurate map-
pings, or the retrieval of response alternatives) but that are sup-
planted during subsequent performance by processes mediating
behavioral control.
We also found selective recruitment by the S-R condition of a lat-
eral middle occipital area that overlaps closely with what has been
termed the ‘EBA’ (Downing et al., 2001). As the name implies, this
region is known for its responses to images of human body parts,
and has also been frequently implicated in action observation as
well as execution (Astafiev et al., 2004; Kuhn et al., 2011; Lilje-
holm et al., 2012). Notably, studies assessing the role of the EBA
in action execution have employed visually guided actions, such that
an arbitrary visual stimulus indicates either the location towards
which a movement should be directed (Astafiev et al., 2004), or
which one of alternative actions should be performed (Kuhn et al.,
2011). It is possible therefore that this area is specifically involved
in limb movements that are largely stimulus-driven. In the current
Fig. 5. Correlations between contrast values for the [S-R > R-O (instrumen- study, the S-R condition was designed to encourage a mapping of
tal > control)] contrast and behavioral differences between the S-R and R-O responses to arbitrary antecedent visual cues by decorrelating actions
conditions in the proportion of devaluation insensitive responses. Contrast from sensory-specific outcome features (and indeed from any visual
values are extracted from 8 mm spheres centered on the peak voxel in each
area. (A) Correlation between contrast values from the first two blocks of features that were intrinsically related to the goal of maintaining
instrumental learning (x-axis) and differences between instrumental condi- beaker fluids). Thus, one possible explanation for the selective
tions in the proportion of devaluation insensitive responses (y-axis), showing recruitment of EBA by the S-R condition is that this area mediates
effects in the cerebellum. (B) Correlation between contrast values from the the detection and mapping of arbitrary stimuli to behavioral
test phase (x-axis) and concurrent differences between instrumental condi-
tions in the proportion of devaluation insensitive responses (y-axis), showing
a positive correlation in the subgenual cortex (top) and a negative correlation The VMPFC has been implicated in goal-directed performance in
in the right IPL (bottom). numerous human neuroimaging studies, and is a proposed homolog
of the rodent prelimbic cortex (Balleine & O’Doherty, 2010), lesions
Tricomi et al., 2009; Wunderlich et al., 2012). For instance, Tri- of which disrupt the acquisition, but not the expression, of goal-
comi et al. (2009) found an increase in activity with overtraining in directed performance (Ostlund & Balleine, 2005). Although we did
a far posterior region of the right putamen, concomitant with the find selective recruitment of the VMPFC by the R-O condition dur-
development of habitual performance. One key difference between ing learning, this effect did not survive the subtraction of matching
the study of Tricomi et al. (2009) and the present one is that the S- control conditions. It is possible, of course, that the process sup-
R condition in the present study is optimized to generate the rapid ported by the VMPFC, for example assigning values to subgoals,
acquisition and expression of habitual behavior, whereas in the was elicited by the relevant stimuli in the matching task as well as
study of Tricomi et al. (2009), behavioral expression of habits (and the instrumental task. Another possibility, given our robust effect of
perhaps also acquisition) emerged much more slowly, becoming evi- experimental phase in the VMPFC, such that activity was greater
dent in behavior only after several days of training. Thus, if the during early acquisition than during test in both conditions, is that
involvement of the putamen in S-R learning dissipates after a period the goal-directed function supported by the VMPFC was present in
of stable habitual performance, Tricomi et al. (2009) may not have both instrumental conditions during early acquisition. Further work
sampled behavior beyond that stable period, whereas our accelerated is needed to arbitrate between these possibilities.

© 2015 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
European Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 1358–1371

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Acquisition and expression of habitual control 1369

Further dissociating the contributions of medial prefrontal areas, mediation of executive function (Friedman & Goldman-Rakic,
we found that activity in a more dorsal medial prefrontal region was 1994). Further determination of the exact contributions of the IPL to
greater in the R-O than the S-R condition during test performance, goal-directed action selection, its role in corollary attentional pro-
but not during early acquisition. This region, along with the adjacent cesses, and in representations of outcome divergence, is an impor-
dorsal anterior cingulate, has been implicated in tasks in which the tant avenue for future work.
attainment of goals and rewards requires high levels of cognitive In summary, our results are novel in several critical ways. To our
control, such as when monitoring for unfavorable outcomes, and knowledge, we are the first to dissociate the roles of the tail of the
during response conflict and decision uncertainty (Ridderinkhof caudate nucleus and VS, across learning and test performance, in
et al., 2004a,b). The currently observed pattern of activity in this behavioral insensitivity to outcome devaluation. We are also the
area may reflect a decrease in performance monitoring and outcome first to demonstrate that activity in the IPL, an area that has been
evaluation during habitual relative to goal-directed control. previously implicated in several processes closely linked to goal-
In our novel task the stimulus materials were identical across S-R directed action selection, including the attribution of intent and
and R-O conditions, but the instrumental contingencies encouraged awareness of agency, predicts sensitivity to outcome devaluation.
participants to attend to different visual features (cues vs. beakers). Finally, we reveal a potential functional homology between the
Although we used a simple match-to-sample task to rule out visual human subgenual and rodent infralimbic cortex in the implementa-
processes involved in selectively attending to such features as a tion of habitual control. Taken together, our findings suggest a
source of any imaging effects, there may be aspects of visual atten- broad systems division, at the cortical and subcortical levels,
tion that are intrinsically related to instrumental responding. For between brain areas mediating the acquisition and expression of
example, we found greater activity in the R-O than the S-R condi- action–outcome and S-R associations. Notably, a fundamental issue
tion in a posterior ventral region of the IPL during both the learning in the search for treatments of behavioral disorders is how to both
and test phase; during test, discriminatory activity in this area pre- facilitate the automatization of actions that lead to healthful conse-
dicted greater sensitivity to devaluation. The posterior ventral region quences and abolish well-established deleterious habits. An
of the IPL has been proposed to function as a ‘circuit break’ that improved understanding of how distinct neural substrates in the
redirects attention towards behaviorally relevant information that is human brain mediate the acquisition vs. expression of habitual con-
either exogenously presented (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Corbetta trol, the aim of the present study, is therefore of significant clinical
et al., 2008; Cabeza et al., 2012) or retrieved into working memory interest.
(Cabeza et al., 2012). Importantly, substantial evidence also indi-
cates that the posterior ventral region of the IPL is deactivated when Acknowledgements
the new information is not relevant to the current task (Shulman
et al., 2003). As can be seen in Fig. 3 (top), activity in the posterior This work was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust and by an
NIH grant (DA033077-01) to J.P.O’D. There are no conflicts of interest.
ventral region of the IPL appears to be deactivated in both instru-
mental conditions relevant to the matching control, but markedly
more so in the S-R condition. A possible explanation for this pattern Abbreviations
of results is that greater suppression was required in the S-R condi-
CST, cluster-size thresholding; EBA, extrastriate body area; IPL, inferior
tion because the sensory features of the beaker subgoal, although parietal lobule; R-O, Response–Outcome; S-R, Stimulus–Response; SVC,
ultimately irrelevant for response selection, was intimately related to small volume correction; VMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; VS, ven-
the trial outcome. Indeed, this augmented suppression of sensory- tral striatum.
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Review in Advance first posted online

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Psychology of Habit
Wendy Wood and Dennis Rünger
Access provided by University of California - Santa Barbara on 09/13/15. For personal use only.

Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,

California 90089-1061; email:,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67. Downloaded from

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016. 67:11.1–11.26 Keywords

The Annual Review of Psychology is online at automaticity, dual-process models, goals, behavior change, model-free
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev-psych-122414-033417 Abstract
Copyright  c 2016 by Annual Reviews. As the proverbial creatures of habit, people tend to repeat the same behaviors
All rights reserved
in recurring contexts. This review characterizes habits in terms of their cog-
nitive, motivational, and neurobiological properties. In so doing, we identify
three ways that habits interface with deliberate goal pursuit: First, habits
form as people pursue goals by repeating the same responses in a given con-
text. Second, as outlined in computational models, habits and deliberate goal
pursuit guide actions synergistically, although habits are the efficient, default
mode of response. Third, people tend to infer from the frequency of habit
performance that the behavior must have been intended. We conclude by
applying insights from habit research to understand stress and addiction as
well as the design of effective interventions to change health and consumer


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PS67CH11-Wood ARI 1 September 2015 12:57

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2
HABIT AUTOMATICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4
Automatic Cuing of Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4
Habit Automaticity and Deliberation About Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5
HABIT FORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6
Associative and Reward Mechanisms in Habit Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6
Measures of Habit Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7
COMPUTATIONAL MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8
NEUROBIOLOGY OF HABITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.10
Access provided by University of California - Santa Barbara on 09/13/15. For personal use only.

Neural Systems Associated with Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.10

Neural Systems that Integrate Habit and Goal-Directed Action Control . . . . . . . . . . .11.12
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67. Downloaded from

AND DELIBERATE GOAL PURSUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.12

Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.13
Addiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.14
CHANGING HABITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.16
Interventions to Impede Unwanted Habit Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.17
Interventions to Promote Formation of Desired Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.17
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.18

The yin and yang of the history of habits is closely tied to broader trends in the history of
psychology. William James’s (1890) view that “habit covers a very large part of life,” necessitated
that we “define clearly just what its limits are” (p. 104). Psychology complied, and the habit
construct acquired specific meanings in the behaviorist traditions of Thorndike’s (1898) law of
effect, Hull’s (1943) formalized drive theory, and Skinner’s (1938) operant conditioning. However,
these reinforcement-based models of habit were soon supplanted as the field embraced more
purposive and cognitive perspectives. To Tolman (1948), repeated behaviors reflected learning
of internal representations and maps, and Miller et al. (1960) argued that habits be replaced
with information-processing mechanisms of goal pursuit. Accordingly, cognitive psychology and
decision-making research in the 1960s and 70s developed largely separately from research on habit.
More recent theories have captured the complexity of action control and enabled integration
of these opposing conceptualizations. The concept of automaticity (Shiffrin & Schneider 1977)
and theories of dual information processing (Wason & Evans 1975) provided frameworks
inclusive of habits and thoughtful decision making. Through procedural memory, habits could be
cognitively represented as distinct from other types of implicit processes as well as from explicit,
declarative memories (Squire & Zola-Morgan 1991). Reinforcement learning (RL) research with
animals identified a behavioral criterion for detecting habit performance, involving insensitivity
to changes in rewarding outcomes (Dickinson 1985), and neuroscience began to identify the brain
regions and circuits involved in habitual behavior (Graybiel 1998). Social-cognitive approaches
outlined a variety of ways in which habits interface with goals (Verplanken & Aarts 1999, Ouellette
& Wood 1998), and computational models included goal pursuit and prospective planning as

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well as habit-like mechanisms of stimulus-driven or model-free action control (Cooper et al.

2014, Daw et al. 2005). Empirical fuel for the study of habit was provided by evidence of the high
levels of repetition in daily activities (Khare & Inman 2006, Wood et al. 2002). Further framing
these developments is the reading public’s interest in understanding their own habits (e.g.,
Rubin 2015).
In this article, we take stock of the fast-growing research on habits. Our review is necessar-
ily wide reaching, covering a variety of behavioral domains, cognitive tasks, and neuroscientific
findings. We also consider animal learning research when relevant, given that habit learning
mechanisms are largely conserved across mammalian species and do not appear to be degraded
in humans or replaced by higher cortical functions (Bayley et al. 2005). Across these diverse re-
search paradigms, the common elements are habit learning through repeated responding so as
to form context-response associations in memory, and automated habit performance that is rel-
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atively insensitive to changes in the value or contingency of response outcomes. As we explain,

these definitions of habit learning and performance capture the cognitive and neural mechanisms
involved in habit memory and are reflected in characteristic patterns in habitual responding.
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The schematic in Figure 1 provides a framework for this review by depicting three ways in
which habits interface with goals to guide behavior. Goals energize and direct action by defining a
desired end state. In our three-pronged model, habits and goals interact through habit formation,
habit performance, and inferences about the causes of behavior. First, goals influence habit for-
mation by initially motivating people to repeat actions and to expose themselves to performance
contexts (see Habit Formation section). This is illustrated by the arrows from goal system to con-
text cues and habitual response in Figure 1. Once habits form, context cues come to automatically
activate the habit representation in memory (see Habit Automaticity section). Second, people act
on the habit in mind as well as on their prevailing goals by tailoring their behavior to the current
circumstances (see Computational Models section). External factors such as stress and distraction
influence the impact of these two processes by reducing the motivation or ability to deliberately
pursue goals and increasing reliance on habits (see section Factors that Shift the Balance Between
Habits and Goals section). As outlined in dual-process frameworks, habits provide a sort of de-
fault response unless people are sufficiently motivated and able to tailor their behavior to current
circumstances. Finally, people make inferences about their goals based on observing their own
frequent behavior, as reflected by the double-headed arrow in Figure 1 between the habitual
response and the goal system (see Inferences about the Causes of Habit Performance section).

system Inference

Activation or
Exposure inhibition

Context representation of Habitual Outcome
cues habitual response response

Figure 1
Schematic of three ways in which habits interface with deliberate goal pursuit: through initial repetition and
exposure to contexts during habit formation (illustrated by the arrows from goal system to context cues and
habitual response), through activation or inhibition of the habitual response, and through inferences about
the probable causes of habit responding (reflected by the double-headed arrow between habitual response
and goal system). • Habit 11.3

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To conclude the review, we apply insights from basic research on habit to understand stress and
addiction and to design successful behavior-change interventions (see Changing Habits section).

The terms habit and automaticity are sometimes used interchangeably. Like other automatic re-
sponses, habits are activated in memory in an autonomous fashion without requiring executive
control (Evans & Stanovich 2013). Habits, however, are not synonymous with automaticity but
are best understood as learned automatic responses with specific features (Wood et al. 2014).
Two defining features of habit automaticity are (a) activation by recurring context cues and
(b) insensitivity to short-term changes in goals (a.k.a., not goal dependent), including changes
in the value of response outcomes and the response-outcome contingency. Additional features
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that apply to most habitual responses include speed and efficiency, limited thought, rigidity, and
integration of sequences of responses that can be executed as a unit (Seger & Spiering 2011,
Smith & Graybiel 2013). However, each of these additional features may not be assessed in all
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67. Downloaded from

habit research paradigms. Instrumental learning studies, for example, often do not evaluate re-
sponse speed, whereas learning of motor sequences in cognitive-experimental research is assessed
primarily via changes in response latency.
Habits differ from other automatic, implicit processes including priming, classical conditioning,
and nonassociative learning (Evans & Stanovich 2013, Squire & Zola-Morgan 1991). For example,
the priming of goals, attitudes, or concepts can activate a range of responses, not only the repetition
of a particular well-learned response (see Wood et al. 2014). Even strongly desired goals that stably
characterize people’s motives do not necessarily yield stability in the particular means of goal
pursuit. In contrast, habit automaticity applies to a specific response. Furthermore, unlike habits,
automated goals (e.g., implementation intentions) influence behavior primarily to the extent that
they are consistent with people’s explicit motivations (Sheeran et al. 2005).

Automatic Cuing of Habits

A variety of cues might trigger habit performance, including aspects of physical environments,
other people, and preceding actions in a sequence. Once habits form, perception of the relevant
context cues automatically activates the mental representation of the habitual response. Exposure
to cues might be deliberate, as when sitting at a computer in order to activate thoughts of work.
Or exposure can be inadvertent, as when a chance sighting of a fast-food outlet activates thoughts
of eating. We assume that the memory representation of a habit response is cognitively richer
than a mere motor program that controls response execution. Given that human cognition is
based on integrated sensorimotor units (Hommel 2009), a habitual response will be represented
in terms of response features as well as perceptual features. Specifically, the sensory feedback while
making a response, which gives rise to the experience of performing the action, is included in the
mental representation. As a consequence, a habit cue not only triggers a motor program, it also
activates a multimodal representation, or thought, of the habitual response. Consistent with this
view, Neal et al. (2012) found that runners with strong running habits automatically brought to
mind thoughts of running and jogging when exposed to words designating the physical locations
in which they typically ran.
Once habitual responses are activated, people can act on the response in mind without making
a decision to do so. That is, habit performance follows relatively directly from the perception of
context cues and thoughts about the behavior, reflecting the tight linkage between an internal
action representation and the action itself ( James 1890). For example, when students who

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frequently went to the sports stadium on campus were incidentally exposed to an image of the
stadium, they raised their voices as they would habitually in that context, despite no change in
their motivation to speak loudly (Neal et al. 2012). Also, in a study conducted in a local cinema,
participants with stronger habits to eat popcorn at the movies consumed more than those with
weak habits, even when they disliked the popcorn because it was stale and unpalatable (Neal et al.
2011). However, when in a campus meeting room watching music videos, participants with strong
cinema-popcorn eating habits were guided by their preferences and ate little stale popcorn.
Habit performance is typified by the insensitivity to outcomes apparent in speaking loudly
in a quiet laboratory setting and eating popcorn despite disliking it. This insensitivity has been
demonstrated directly in instrumental learning experiments in which participants were first trained
extensively to choose a reward to a certain image cue (e.g., Tricomi et al. 2009). Participants then
ate as much of the reward as they desired, so that they did not want any more of that specific
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food. Nonetheless, when tested again, extensively trained participants in this paradigm continued
to make the habitual but unwanted choice to the associated image (see also Hogarth et al. 2012b,
Schwabe & Wolf 2010).
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Triandis’s (1977) early work on behavior prediction sparked social psychologists’ interest in
the idea that repeated behavior becomes more habitual and less dependent on goal pursuit. In
prediction studies, behavioral intentions and habit strength (usually operationalized as frequency
of past performance) are used to predict future performance. In a meta-analysis of 64 such studies,
Ouellette & Wood (1998) found that intentions were stronger predictors of actions that were
performed only occasionally (e.g., getting flu shots) than actions that could be repeated more
regularly (e.g., wearing seat belts). Actions performed regularly apparently became habitual and
persisted with little guidance from intentions (see also Gardner et al. 2011). In addition, habits and
intentions interact in guiding daily variations in behavior. For example, on days when participants’
intentions to engage in physical activity were weaker than usual, they fell back on their exercise
habits and worked out only to the extent that exercise was habitual (Rebar et al. 2014). Also, in
a longitudinal test, habit strength to donate blood determined the relation between intentions
and actual donations (P. Sheeran, G. Godin, M. Conner, and M. Germain, unpublished data).
That is, for participants with weak donation habits, increasingly favorable intentions predicted a
greater number of future donations. However, as habit strength increased, the predictive power
of intentions diminished, and participants with the strongest habits simply repeated their past
donations without input from intentions.
When acting out of habit, the ready response in mind reduces deliberation and narrows focus
even when some explicit decision making is required. In a multiattribute choice task involving a
series of travel mode decisions, participants with stronger habits to ride a bike or drive their car
conducted less extensive information searches, considered fewer action alternatives, and biased the
searches toward their habitual choice (Aarts et al. 1997; see also Betsch et al. 2001). Experimentally
enhancing attention to the decision process temporarily increased alternative choices, but the
habitual choice reemerged with continued decisions (Verplanken et al. 1997). These results may
in part reflect that the repeated activation of one response in a context reduces the cognitive
accessibility of alternatives (Danner et al. 2007). Essentially, people with strong habits process
information in ways that reduce the likelihood that they will consider acting otherwise.

Habit Automaticity and Deliberation About Action

Dual-process theories of decision making and judgment outline the mechanisms that lead people
to respond automatically or to engage in deliberate information processing that draws on the
limited-capacity resource of working memory (Evans & Stanovich 2013). From this view, people • Habit 11.5

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often act habitually in the interests of efficiency (Wood et al. 2014). When motivated and able to
engage in deliberate goal pursuit, however, they might identify desired outcomes, set and initiate
behavioral intentions, end actions, and evaluate outcomes (Gollwitzer & Brandstätter 1997).
Dual-process models in psychology often specify that automatic and deliberate systems in-
teract through a default-interventionist architecture (Evans & Stanovich 2013) so that responses
are largely habitual unless the deliberative system intervenes to impose an alternative. In con-
trast, reinforcement-learning computational models of routine behavior and decision making (see
Computational Models section) often invoke the less psychologically plausible parallel-competitive
form of dual-process architecture, in which planning proceeds in parallel with habitual control.
As Evans & Stanovich (2013) point out, parallel processing assumes that a costly central executive
is almost continuously ready to be engaged in planning and deliberation. More recently, some
computational models have adapted a more default interventionist approach in which planning
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intervenes to alter habits only when necessary (e.g., Pezzulo et al. 2013). It is useful to note that, al-
though we invoke the dual-process framework in this review, action control is influenced by more
than two processes, including automated goal pursuit (Sheeran et al. 2005) as well as Pavlovian
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conditioning of incentive motivation (Balleine & O’Doherty 2010).

In summary, perception of habit cues automatically activates habit representations, and people
typically carry out the habit in mind. Thus, behavior prediction studies reveal that people often
act out of habit, even when it is in conflict with their intentions. In dual-process models depicting
the ways that habits integrate with goals in guiding behavior, habits are a ready default unless
people are motivated and able to intervene and engage in more deliberate goal pursuit.

Given that everyday habits develop as people go about pursuing life goals, habit formation is closely
intertwined with goal pursuit. Nonetheless, an implication of the basic context-response mecha-
nism underlying habits is that behavior becomes less responsive to current goals and planning as
habit associations strengthen.
Habits develop through instrumental learning and build on the fundamental principle that
rewarded responses are repeated (Thorndike 1898). When repeatedly pursuing a goal such as
making coffee, people experience covariations between context cues (e.g., coffee filter) and ac-
tions (e.g., measure grounds) that lead to goal attainment. Daily life is full of such repetition. In
experience-sampling research in which people recorded once per hour what they were thinking,
feeling, and doing, about 43% of actions were performed almost daily and usually in the same
context (Wood et al. 2002; see also Khare & Inman 2006). Particular actions, such as types of
food eaten, also tend to be performed in particular physical locations (Liu et al. 2015). Typically,
the learning of context-response associations is an unintended consequence of this repetition.
Suggestive of this automaticity, participants in Wood et al.’s (2002) study often reported that they
did not think about repeated behaviors during performance.

Associative and Reward Mechanisms in Habit Learning

Habits strengthen through associative and reward-learning mechanisms that capture the slow,
incremental nature of habit formation. With each repetition, small changes occur in the cognitive
and neural mechanisms associated with procedural memory. Through Hebbian learning of re-
peated connections, cognitive associations between context cues and a response are strengthened
gradually so that people are prepared to repeat performance when the context cues are encountered
again (called direct cuing by Wood & Neal 2007).

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The strength of context-response associations is further modulated by the reward following

the response. At a neural level, midbrain dopamine systems support this reinforcement process. By
signaling reward prediction errors, or the discrepancy between an anticipated and actual reward,
a phasic dopamine response acts as a teaching signal for habit learning in the striatum (Balleine &
O’Doherty 2010). Specifically, the dopaminergic signal that is triggered by an unexpected change
in reward magnitude works retroactively to stamp in associations between the still-active memory
traces of the response and the cues in the performance context (Wise 2004). Thus, dopamine
signals promote habit learning as people initially repeat responses to a reward, but the signals
become less active with repetition, as the reward recurs.
In computational RL models, habit formation is conceptualized as the learning of value signals
that represent the expected future rewards for the different response options in a given context and
provide the basis for selecting an action (see Computational Models section). Value-based selection
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of habitual responses can be can be regarded as a form of motivated cuing (Wood & Neal 2007).
Another way in which habitual responding continues to be influenced by motivational processes
is through context cues that have become associated with the reward that follows an action. As
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learned predictors of reward, such Pavlovian context cues can cause the habitual response to be
performed with increased vigor (Balleine & O’Doherty 2010). Of note, the motivational effect of
such Pavlovian predictors of rewarding outcomes is distinct from the motivational value of the
outcome itself. Holland (2004), for example, found that responses extensively trained into habits
were insensitive to changes in outcome value but continued to be influenced by reward-related cues.
A standard finding from animal learning is that habits develop most readily when rewards are
provided on interval schedules, meaning that responses are rewarded only after a time has elapsed.
Such rewards mimic natural resources that are replenished over time. With these schedules,
changes in response rate during the time interval do not change the amount of reward deliv-
ered, reducing the experience of instrumental contingency between the response and the reward
(Dickinson 1985). Thus, interval rewards likely promote habit learning because context-response
associations can form without including a representation of the goal or outcome of the action.
As a caveat to the principle that habits form from repetition, habits do not always emerge with
complex tasks in which different response choices lead to different rewards. In animal research,
even after extensive training at a task involving a lever press (yielding sucrose) or chain pull (yielding
a food pellet), rats failed to form habits—they continued to be sensitive to reward value and ceased
responding for one of these rewards after it had been paired with a toxin (Colwill & Rescorla 1985).
Perhaps in an analogous fashion, decision making in humans impedes habit formation. In a repeated
sequential choice task, participants failed to form habits to the extent that they spontaneously used
a planning strategy and based their choices on the value and probability of response outcomes
(Gillan et al. 2015). Similarly, habit formation was hindered when an instrumental task promoted
planning compared with mapping of responses to cues (Liljeholm et al. 2015). It appears, then,
that deliberative decision making is protective against habit formation even when people respond
repeatedly to particular cues.
In summary, habits are likely to form from responses repeated contiguously with context
cues, especially when responses are rewarded on an interval schedule. Through the activation of
dopamine systems, habits form that are insensitive to current shifts in reward value and structure.
However, planning and making deliberate choices during responding can hinder habit formation.

Measures of Habit Strength

Habitization is a process, with no clear demarcation point when strong habits have formed.
Nonetheless, instrumental learning tasks provide a clear behavioral criterion. That is, habits have • Habit 11.7

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formed when participants continue to repeat a well-practiced response after the reward has been
reduced in value (e.g., for food rewards, after consuming to satiety) or is no longer tied to the
response (Dickinson 1985). In these paradigms, habitual responding is evaluated during a subse-
quent extinction phase (rewards withheld) in order to preclude additional learning based on the
changed reward values.
Behavioral indicators of habit strength are captured in a variety of experimental paradigms
beyond the simple motor responses often thought emblematic of habits. Habit strength has been
manipulated in experimental paradigms involving word-association tasks (Hay & Jacoby 1996,
Quinn et al. 2010), choice tasks involving pictorial and other judgment stimuli (de Wit et al.
2009, Gillan et al. 2015), two-stage decision-making tasks (Daw et al. 2011), and problem-solving
tasks such as tower building (Patsenko & Altmann 2010). Strong habits also have been formed
as humans repeatedly navigate through virtual mazes (Marchette et al. 2011) and rats through
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actual mazes (Packard & Goodman 2013). Echoing insensitivity to reward, strong habits in these
paradigms often emerge as errors, reflecting persistent responding despite task changes in the
correct, rewarding outcome. Habits also emerge as chunked responses into a unit (Dezfouli &
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Balleine 2013, Graybiel 1998), which is related to the performance gains (reduced response time,
increased accuracy) in many sequential learning tasks (e.g., Lungu et al. 2014). In addition, eye-
tracking measures have been used to capture visual attention to task structures triggering habitual
responses (Patsenko & Altmann 2010).
The strength of everyday habits is typically assessed from people’s self-reports. One method
is to combine self-reported ratings of behavioral frequency with ratings of the stability of the
performance context, reflecting the logic that habits represent the repeated pairing of responses
and recurring context cues (Galla & Duckworth 2015, Wood & Neal 2009). Using an alternative
approach, the Self-Report Habit Index estimates habit strength from a questionnaire measure of
the experience of automaticity and frequency of past performance (Verplanken & Orbell 2003),
which has further been streamlined to measure only automaticity (Gardner 2014, Gardner et al.
2012). However, as Labrecque & Wood (2015) noted, experienced automaticity measures often
fail to assess triggering contexts and may capture automation more generally, as opposed to habit
automaticity that guides performance with limited input from current intentions. However, these
measures can successfully capture habit strength when triggering cues are present (P. Lin, W.
Wood, and J. Monterosso, unpublished data). Perhaps the most valid assessments of everyday
habit strength involve reaction time measures of the accessibility of the habitual response given
exposure to associated context cues (e.g., Neal et al. 2012).
In summary, assessments of habit formation rest most importantly on evidence that responses
are insensitive to changes in rewarding outcomes. Habit formation has been documented in a
variety of laboratory tasks using a variety of behavioral assays. For everyday habits, self-report as-
sessments can capture habit strength, although direct assessment of context-response associations
is probably most effective.

Computational models offer detailed accounts of the cognitive processes that support habit
learning and performance. We selectively focus on models that incorporate habit-like control
systems as well as deliberate goal pursuit. Instead of making the simplified assumption that a
behavior is either goal directed or habitual, these models explore how adaptive behavior can
emerge from the interplay of different models of action control. Competing ideas have been
proposed about how the different action controllers work together to produce a response.
In Cooper et al.’s (2014) goal circuit (GC) model, goals structure the learning of habits and
control their expression. The GC model is an artificial neural network composed of two interlinked

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habit and goal subnetworks. The habit system, which was originally proposed by Botvinick & Plaut
(2004), selects actions in a bottom-up manner based on the current stimulus environment and on
internal feedback about the network’s previous state. This response selection process is biased by
input from the goal system. A habit develops gradually as the network repeats the same sequence
of responses while learning to attain goals in a particular environment. Eventually, the habit
system becomes capable of performing a sequence autonomously without goal input. In addition
to guiding learning in the habit system, the goal network enables top-down control over habitual
action sequences, as when a person deliberately overrides a habitual response.
Taatgen et al. (2008) developed a model within the ACT-R (adaptive control of thought–
rational) cognitive architecture that shows how behavioral control shifts from an internal, declar-
ative task representation to environmental cues when acquiring a new action routine. Initially,
explicit task knowledge is used to control behavior in a goal-directed manner. With practice, ex-
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plicit memory retrieval is gradually transformed into a process by which perceptual cues trigger the
relevant action directly. This proceduralization of explicit knowledge accounts for performance
improvements during skill learning. Additional learning is possible by combining stimulus-cued
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productions of sequences into a single new production. The creation of new, specialized knowl-
edge structures or chunks that can be used more efficiently is a central element in cognitive theories
of skill acquisition (Newell 1990).
In cognitive neuroscience, the prevalent theoretical perspective is that goal-directed actions and
habits can be described by different classes of RL (Daw et al. 2005, Dolan & Dayan 2013). Goal-
directed, or model-based, learning is a computationally demanding process of mental simulation
and planning. Using this approach, an agent computes on the fly which action maximizes long-
run cumulative reward. Habit formation, in contrast, relies on model-free RL involving trial-
and-error learning to estimate and store the long-run values of actions that are available in the
different states or contexts. Actions are then chosen based on the stored or cached action values,
reflecting predictions about future reward. Model-free control lacks the flexibility of model-based
learning because short-term changes in the reward value of an action outcome have only limited
effect on the cached value. Thus, model-free RL theoretically captures a key property of habits—
insensitivity to changes in reward. Both types of learning are driven by prediction errors, with
model-based learning capturing the discrepancy between the current state and the expected one
and model-free learning capturing the difference between predicted and experienced reward.
In an initial dual-system RL model, Daw et al. (2005) assumed a competitive, winner-take-all
mechanism in which the habit system or the goal system gained control over action, depending on
which system provided the more reliable estimates of action values. However, subsequent investi-
gations favor a more dynamic integration in which both systems contribute to the computation of
action values according to their relative reliabilities (Lee et al. 2014). A related proposal involves
Bayesian model averaging that takes into account prediction accuracy and model complexity. In
this view, with experience, goal-directed actions are replaced by habits because the habit system
becomes increasingly reliable and favored over the computationally more complex goal-directed
system (FitzGerald et al. 2014). Furthermore, is it likely that model-based judgments are imple-
mented only selectively, given the psychological costs of planning (see Habit and Deliberation
section)? In recognition, a number of contingent RL systems engage model-based processing con-
ditional on trade-offs between accuracy and efficiency (Keramati et al. 2011, Pezzulo et al. 2013).
Beyond integrating independently computed action values, some RL models assume a direct
influence of goal values on habit learning. For example, in Gershman et al.’s (2014) two-step de-
cision task, participants changed their choice preferences in the first task step after independently
learning about second-step reward contingencies. To account for this finding, Gershman and col-
leagues argued that the model-based system simulated a complete two-step decision process, and • Habit 11.9

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the model-free system learned from the simulations. Similarly, Pezzulo et al. (2013) proposed that
model-based planning can update and improve the value estimates of the model-free system. By
enabling goals to influence the action values represented in habit learning, these models promote
the formation of habits compatible with goals.
The RL approach can account not only for the insensitivity of habits to changes in reward
value but also for the chunking feature of habit automaticity. Theories of hierarchical RL show
that it can be advantageous to concatenate individual actions and treat the sequence as a single
response unit or chunk (Botvinick & Weinstein 2014) because the faster responding enabled by
chunking can lead to greater average reward (Keramati et al. 2011). The chunked units could be
deployed in a goal-directed (Dezfouli & Balleine 2012) or model-free manner on the basis of the
reward history (Botvinick et al. 2009).
Questions remain, however, about the appropriateness of equating model-free learning with
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habit processes. Dezfouli & Balleine’s (2012) proposal that habits are action chunks that are ac-
quired and controlled through model-based processes marks a radical departure from the common
RL assumption that habits are the result of model-free learning. Even more significant, individual-
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difference studies have reported that the strength of model-free learning was unrelated to habit
formation and insensitivity to the value of the task outcome (Friedel et al. 2014, Gillan et al. 2015).
Instead, outcome insensitivity was greater among participants evidencing little model-based learn-
ing. It is possible that the standard two-stage RL decision task does not capture the process that
produces outcome-insensitive habits, perhaps because participants have to choose between multi-
ple outcomes with varying reward rates (see discussion in the Associative and Reward Mechanisms
in Habit Learning section). Thus, model-free learning in these tasks might reflect other stimulus-
driven strategies such as simple decision heuristics instead of habits. Future research on model-free
processes may need to develop new experimental tasks to better capture habits.
In summary, habits form as a product of repeated behaviors in the service of goal pursuit.
Learning in the habit system may proceed independently or be guided by the goal system. Recent
theories suggest that rather than being independent action controllers, habit and goal systems
integrate in ways that reflect the reliability of each system and the costs of planning. In some
contingent RL models, the habit system serves as an efficient default, and people plan only when
motivated and able.

From a dual-system perspective, a fundamental objective is to identify brain regions whose activity
is uniquely associated with habitual and goal-directed behavior, respectively. Current neuroscien-
tific research is guided, to an increasing extent, by the computational RL models that we discussed
in the previous section. Thanks to the rapid advancement of functional neuroimaging with hu-
man subjects, it is now possible to relate computational dual-process models to brain functioning
at increasingly fine-grained levels of analysis. The emerging picture is one of a neurocognitive
system that integrates the computations of partially overlapping neural systems of habitual and
goal-directed control.

Neural Systems Associated with Habits

Research conducted with rodents, monkeys, and humans has provided converging evidence that
habitual and goal-directed behaviors are mediated by neural circuits that link cortical brain ar-
eas and the basal ganglia (BG), a collection of subcortical nuclei. These circuits are organized
as anatomically separate reentrant loops, two of which are essential for deliberate and habitual
responding (Burton et al. 2015, Yin & Knowlton 2006). The associative cortico-BG loop supports

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working memory functions and goal-directed actions and links the prefrontal cortex (PFC) with
two striatal BG regions, the caudate nucleus and the anterior putamen. The sensorimotor loop
underlies automatic, habitual behaviors and connects the somatosensory and motor cortex with
the medial and posterior putamen. Though anatomically separate, the two loops can interact, for
example, through spiraling dopaminergic connectivity (Haber et al. 2000).
Animal learning studies have demonstrated the importance of the sensorimotor loop for habit-
ual responding. Rats do not acquire a lever-pressing habit when their dorsolateral striatum (DLS),
the equivalent of the primate putamen, is lesioned prior to lever-press training for sucrose. Even
after extended training, these rats continued to be goal directed and pressed the lever less fre-
quently when sucrose was devalued (Yin et al. 2004). Furthermore, when the DLS was inactivated
pharmacologically after a lever-pressing habit was acquired, outcome sensitivity was reinstated
(Yin et al. 2006).
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Suggesting that the DLS is involved in the chunking of individual actions into a sequence,
electrical recordings from neurons in the DLS of rats exhibited a task-bracketing pattern of
activity during habitual runs through a maze—high neuronal activity at the beginning and end of
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a run, with lower activity in-between. Task bracketing emerged when the learned behavior was
still goal directed (Smith & Graybiel 2013), which indicates that habits develop in parallel with
goal-directed learning but do not influence overt behavior early in training. By contrast, when
goal-directed control is abolished by lesioning associated brain regions such as the rodent posterior
dorsomedial striatum (DMS, corresponding to the caudate nucleus in primates) or the prelimbic
medial PFC, behavior immediately comes under habitual control (Killcross & Coutureau 2003,
Yin et al. 2005).
Neuroimaging research with human participants implicates similar networks of brain regions.
Practicing sequences of finger movements for days or weeks decreased brain activation in areas
associated with goal-directed control [e.g., premotor and prefrontal cortical areas, anterior cin-
gulate cortex (ACC), and associative BG territories] and increased activation in the sensorimotor
network, including the putamen (e.g., Lehéricy et al. 2005, Steele & Penhune 2010). Participants
who developed a lever-pressing habit for potato chips and candy over three days of training showed
similar increases in activity in the sensorimotor striatum (posterior putamen) both within prac-
tice days as well as across days (Tricomi et al. 2009). Neuroimaging studies of motor sequence
learning further confirmed the role of the sensorimotor striatum in chunk formation, along with
a frontoparietal network and the mediotemporal lobes (Lungu et al. 2014).
The sensorimotor loop is critical for habit learning, and an extended network of brain regions
modulates its activity. Motivational influences on habit acquisition are mediated by ascending
dopamine projections from the substantia nigra pars compacta to the dorsal striatum that modulate
habit plasticity at corticostriatal synapses (Balleine & O’Doherty 2010). Lesioning this nigrostriatal
pathway in rats disrupted habit formation (Faure et al. 2005). Habit acquisition also was impeded
by lesions of the amygdala central nucleus, most likely due to its effect on substantia nigra pars
compacta function (Lingawi & Balleine 2012). Finally, rodents’ infralimbic cortex, a medial PFC
region, directly participates in the formation of a habit and is required for its expression (Killcross
& Coutureau 2003, Smith & Graybiel 2013).
Whether the sensorimotor loop is responsible for long-term habit storage remains unclear. Af-
ter six months of practicing sequences of joystick movements, monkeys that had their sensorimotor
loop disrupted pharmacologically were not impaired in the expression of sequence knowledge and
still executed overlearned sequences faster and more accurately than random control sequences
(Desmurget & Turner 2010). One explanation is that, with extensive practice, habit learning is
consolidated in cortical brain areas (Atallah et al. 2007). This possibility fits Penhune & Steele’s
(2012) conclusion that long-term representations of learned skills are encoded in a network of • Habit 11.11

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motor cortical regions. In their research, delayed recall of a motor sequence engaged not the BG
but rather cortical regions (primary motor and premotor cortices and parietal lobe). This idea is
supported further by the finding that participants who practiced motor sequences for more than
six weeks showed, late in training, neural specialization in cortical motor areas [primary motor
and premotor cortices and the supplementary motor area (SMA)] (Wymbs & Grafton 2014).
In summary, converging evidence implicates the sensorimotor cortico-BG loop as the core
neural substrate of habit learning and performance. Whether the BG is also required for the
long-term retention of habits is a matter of current debate.

Neural Systems that Integrate Habit and Goal-Directed Action Control

Based on computational RL theory, a stream of neuroimaging research has evaluated performance
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in sequential decision tasks that elicit both habit-based (model-free) learning and prospective
planning about outcomes (model based). The results are broadly consistent with the mapping of
habitual and goal-directed control onto the associative and sensorimotor cortico-BG loops. For
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example, Wunderlich et al. (2012) related activity in the posterior putamen to cached action values
(habits) that were acquired through extensive training, and activity in the anterior caudate nucleus
was related to values used in model-based planning. Similarly, Lee et al. (2014) reported that the
posterior putamen, SMA, dorsomedial PFC, and dorsolateral PFC encoded model-free action
values, whereas model-based values were associated with activity in orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
and medial PFC as well as the ACC (see also de Wit et al. 2009, Valentin et al. 2007).
Recent dual-system RL models propose that response selection is based on action values rep-
resented in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) that are jointly determined by a model-free
(habit) and prospective planning controllers (e.g., Daw et al. 2011). This integration of model-
based and model-free value signals is thought to be conducted by an arbitrator associated with
activity in the inferior lateral PFC, frontopolar cortex, and ACC (Lee et al. 2014). How exactly
such an arbitrator regulates the contribution of each system is still largely unknown. According
to one analysis, shifts in response strategy are achieved primarily by strengthening or inhibiting
the influence of the model-free habit system (Lee et al. 2014). Other findings suggest dynamic
changes in both the habit system and the goal system (Gremel & Costa 2013).
Consistent with the idea that habits develop as people pursue goals, recent evidence suggests
that multiple brain regions participate in both goal-directed and habitual control. For exam-
ple, Lee et al. (2014) found with the multi-step decision task that two regions, the SMA and
dmPFC, represented both model-free and model-based values. Similarly, Gremel & Costa (2013)
trained rats to lever press for sucrose using either a habitual or a goal-directed strategy. They
reported that a large proportion of neurons in DLS, DMS, and OFC participated in both ha-
bitual and goal-directed responding, and that the relative engagement of neurons in these areas
depended on the current response strategy.
In summary, research guided by RL theory has identified the neural substrates of model-based
(goal-directed) and model-free (habitual) control. These neural systems are partially overlapping,
and their computations are integrated by brain regions that regulate the relative influence of the
two modes of behavioral control.


Given the cognitive and neural features that differentiate habitual responding from more deliber-
ate pursuit of goals, action control proceeds by balancing these and other processes (e.g., Pavlovian

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Habit slips, or errors of inadvertent habit performance, occur primarily when an intended action and a habit share a
performance context or some action component (Norman 1981). In daily life, people appear to slip up by performing
unwanted habits about six times a week, especially when their attention is diverted from the task at hand (Reason
1979). For example, habit slips underlie errors in responding to innocent-appearing email phishing attacks (Vish-
wanath 2015). In laboratory tests, habits were most likely to be performed inadvertently when goal-directed control
was taxed by, for example, advanced age or performing a secondary task (e.g., de Wit et al. 2014, Ruh et al. 2010).
Moving beyond the truism that people make errors when not attending to what they are doing, research has
identified several sources of habit slips. Slips arising from failures in planning reflect limits in motivation or knowl-
edge about completion of task goals, and they are most likely at decision points such as the end-of-task subroutines
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(Norman 1981, Reason 1979). However, habit slips also emerge from failures in automated, habitual guides to
performance, as when degraded or forgotten representations of task context occur within a sequence of well-
learned actions (Botvinick & Bylsma 2005). In still another analysis, habit slips arise from normal processing,
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especially open-loop action control in which habits are executed ballistically once they are launched, even when
they are not the optimal response (Dezfouli et al. 2014, Orbell & Verplanken 2010). Thus, habit slips reflect
failures to select the correct action through top-down control or bottom-up activation as well as ballistic habit

conditioning; de Wit & Dickinson 2009). Tipping the balance between habits and goal pursuit are
factors such as distraction (see Habit Slips sidebar), time pressure, limited task ability, or limited
willpower (for a review, see Wood et al. 2014). These factors drive action control by pitting effi-
ciency in processing against more effortful reliable processing (Evans & Stanovich 2013). That is,
people act on strong habits when they lack the ability and motivation to engage the central executive
in deliberation or, in RL terminology, when pressured by the time costs of model-based planning.
Considerable research reveals increased habit performance with impaired executive function-
ing. For example, when willpower was reduced by previously performing a taxing decision-making
task, participants did not tailor their responses to their current circumstances but instead fell back
on strongly habitual choices (Neal et al. 2013, Vohs et al. 2005). Also, when distracted by per-
forming a demanding task, participants completing a categorization task increased the use of
stimulus-response strategies over rule-based ones (Foerde et al. 2006), and participants complet-
ing a multistep decision task increased model-free responding (Otto et al. 2013a). Furthermore, in
individual-difference paradigms, older adults and those with lower cognitive-control abilities were
less able to leverage higher-order goal representations for model-based responding in order to
overcome habitual, model-free solutions to a variety of tasks (de Wit et al. 2014, Otto et al. 2015). In
like manner, participants possessing low spatial perspective-taking ability, after practicing navigat-
ing a maze, used more habitual and less goal-directed navigation strategies (Marchette et al. 2011).
Stress and drug addiction are of particular interest because of the multiple routes by which they
tip the balance toward habits and away from deliberate decision making. As we explain in the next
sections, these factors not only impede executive processes but also perhaps promote habit learning.

Acute as well as chronic stress can increase people’s reliance on habits (Schwabe & Wolf 2013). For
example, participants exposed to a combination of physical and psychosocial stressors (immersing a • Habit 11.13

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hand into ice water while being monitored by a stranger and videotaped) after instrumental learning
acted more habitually and were less sensitive to changes in the value of task rewards (Schwabe &
Wolf 2010). This stress-induced shift toward habits is due in part to stress impeding deliberate
action control. At the neural level, the shift toward habitual behavior was accompanied by decreased
activity in OFC and medial PFC, brain regions associated with goal-directed learning (Schwabe
et al. 2012). In sequential decision-making tasks, acute stress selectively attenuated deliberate,
model-based control and promoted habit performance in vulnerable participants—those with low
working-memory capacity (Otto et al. 2013b) or high levels of chronic stress (Radenbach et al.
2015). Similarly, in a study of visual classification learning, stressed participants were biased toward
relying on a habit-linked procedural learning strategy at the expense of explicit learning (Schwabe
& Wolf 2012). These results could reflect simply the breakdown of higher-order decision-making
functions under stress, or stress could lead to a shift in the allocation of cognitive resources so that
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people fall back on habits and other strategies to prevent unreliable performance. From an RL
perspective, stress shifts the balance toward habits over lengthy planning by increasing experienced
time pressure (Doll et al. 2012).
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Along with impeding deliberate thought, stress also might promote habit acquisition. Research
with rodents suggests that stress can, under specific conditions, facilitate habit learning through
mechanisms associated with dorsolateral striatal function (Dias-Ferreira et al. 2009). In humans,
however, stress does not clearly affect habit formation. To isolate stress effects on habit learning,
stress is induced before training, and learning is assessed after acute stress effects have dissipated so
that these do not affect performance. Administering stress hormones led to improved learning in a
simple stimulus-response task but had no effect on habit learning in a virtual radial maze (Guenzel
et al. 2014a). Furthermore, a combination of pretraining physical and psychosocial stressors actu-
ally impaired habitual performance at maze navigation, albeit only in male participants (Guenzel
et al. 2014b).
In summary, neurophysiological responses to stress increase habitual responding by impeding
deliberate action control and, potentially, by promoting habit formation. More generally, stress
research highlights the benefits of habits for rescuing performance. In support of this functional
role, stressed participants’ task performance was impaired to the extent that they attempted to
engage goal-directed neural systems (Schwabe & Wolf 2013). Given the ready acquisition and
performance of habits, they provide a useful default when threat and pressure derail more thought-
ful responding.

From a habit perspective, the path to drug addiction involves not a pathological motivation for
drugs but rather a shift from goal-directed to habitual drug seeking and consumption (Everitt
2014, Hogarth et al. 2013). Initial drug seeking is voluntary and reflects the hedonic value of the
drug. Through instrumental learning with drug rewards, context cues rapidly become associated
with drug use. In addition, Pavlovian mechanisms contribute to the want for drugs and for
cue-evoked cravings (Berridge 2007). These various learning mechanisms are involved in the
cues that come to trigger drug seeking and consumption independently of the drug outcome,
much as people repeat habits with limited sensitivity to goals and outcomes (Zapata et al. 2010).
Phenomenologically, the addict no longer likes the drug yet uses it compulsively, often despite
intentions to quit. Drug-outcome insensitivity is promoted further as repeated exposures build
tolerance to rewarding drug effects.
Drug use promotes habit formation in part by impairing goal-directed control. In illustra-
tion, study participants who had consumed alcohol responded habitually and continued to choose

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chocolate in a repeated food-choice task despite having just eaten three chocolate bars (Hogarth
et al. 2012a). Comparable findings have emerged with chronic addicts abstinent at test. For ex-
ample, participants who were obese, obsessive-compulsive, or dependent on methamphetamine
(abstinent at test) showed compromised goal-directed learning at a decision-making task, along
with a maladaptive reliance on habits (Voon et al. 2015). Furthermore, these responses in chronic
addicts were associated with neural markers of lower gray matter volumes in the caudate, medial
OFC, and lateral PFC. Also, alcohol-dependent participants responded habitually after rewards
had been devalued in an associative learning task, and greater reliance on habits was associated
with reduced engagement of brain areas implicated in goal-directed action (vmPFC) and increased
engagement of areas implicated in habit learning (posterior putamen; Sjoerds et al. 2013). Even
when not under drug influence, simply being in the presence of cues repeatedly associated with
drug exposure can disrupt goal-directed responding (Ostlund et al. 2010). In general, goal-directed
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impairments increasingly narrow addicts’ behavioral repertoires onto drug habits by restricting
their capacity for intentionally selecting alternative actions.
Drug use also promotes habit responding through neurobiological processes that sensitize users
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to the incentive properties of drugs. Drug rewards appear to engage habits more rapidly than other
reinforcers (see review in Everitt 2014). Stimulants in particular accelerate and consolidate the
development of drug use habits, speeding the neural shifts from associative to sensorimotor areas
typically found with habit formation. The accelerated formation of habits hastens the transition
from initial or occasional user to addict.
In summary, drug exposure hijacks the habit learning system by exerting a continuous pressure
in favor of habitual, context-driven behavior and away from the evaluation of the outcomes of
action. As a result of these habitual and deliberative processes, drug use escalates so that people
ultimately seek drugs compulsively (Redish et al. 2008).


People often are aware of their habitual responses although they are largely unaware of the cuing
mechanism that activates habits. Given this limited introspective access, people’s explanations
for their habitual responses are largely post hoc accounts. According to classic social psychology
theories, when internal cues to action are weak, ambiguous, or uninterpretable, people infer
what their motivations must be from observing their behavior and the context in which it occurs
(Bem 1972).
The simple frequency of habit performance plausibly implies strong, consistent underlying
motives. Such inferences could be correct in an historical sense, because people might accurately
remember the goals that initially guided habit formation. However, they will not be correct
concerning current habit performance. In support of such an inference, participants with stronger
habits were more certain about their behavioral intentions and perceived the behavior as guided
more by their goals than were participants with weaker habits, when in fact the opposite was true—
intentions and goals were particularly poor predictors of strongly habitual behaviors ( Ji & Wood
2007, Neal et al. 2012). People infer that goals underlie a range of habitual behaviors, even habits
of compulsive drug seeking and use. Everitt & Robbins (2005) suggested that addicts’ experience
of wanting a drug is not a precursor of consumption but rather a post hoc rationalization of
compulsive drug-use habits. Similarly, obsessive-compulsive disorders may originate in excessive
habit formation, with irrational threat beliefs then inferred to explain the compulsively repeated
behaviors (Gillan & Robbins 2014). Although people infer intentionality for a wide variety of
automatically cued responses, when internal cues are strong and unambiguous, causal inferences • Habit 11.15

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are unnecessary. Then, inconsistencies between habits and goals might just be labeled as such
(e.g., “I can’t help it, it’s a habit”).
The inference of motives behind habit performance is represented in some computational
models as non-goal-mediated routine responding giving rise to goal representations. For example,
in Sun et al.’s (2001) CLARION (Connectionist Learning with Adaptive Rule Induction Online)
model, habitual responses that are controlled through bottom-up procedural knowledge can, over
time, come to be represented in top-down rules via a rule extraction-refinement algorithm. In
Cooper et al.’s (2014) goal circuit model, stimulus-driven habitual responses can activate goal
representations that subsequently provide input to habits. In this way, active goals may be a
consequence, rather than a precursor, of habitual action. From the perspective of RL models, this
inference might occur through the model-based system adopting the values expressed in habit
learning, perhaps to reduce computational overhead (Doll et al. 2012).
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Goal inferences are sparked not only by the simple frequency of habit performance but also by
the positive affect associated with many habits. Habits are likely to be favored due to the ease with
which they can be performed compared with alternatives. Thus, consumers value using existing
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products and services over new ones because of the difficulty of learning new usage behaviors (e.g.,
computer program updates; Murray & Häubl 2007). Habits also are likely to be viewed positively
due to the fluency or speed and ease of processing associated with frequently performed behaviors.
High fluency is experienced as positive in part because it signals familiarity over uncertainty and
success at processing and understanding, and this positive affect generalizes to evaluation of the
activity (Reber et al. 2004). Habit inferences thus exploit a psychological calculus that favors what
feels easy because it is well practiced over what feels more difficult because it is new. Being favorably
disposed toward habits, people may infer that they intended to perform the response.
Although the inferences that follow habit performance may not be accurate descriptions of
the mechanisms actually generating action, such inferences sometimes contribute to well-being.
Repeated behaviors, such as students’ choices of the same seat in a classroom, heighten feelings
of comfort, confidence, and control despite that these choices might initially be random (Avni-
Babad 2011). Furthermore, habit performance may promote coherence or comprehensibility of
experiences and thus enhance meaning in life (S. Heintzelman and L. King, unpublished obser-
vation). However, inferences about habits are not always beneficial, and the transparency of habit
knowledge to introspection can lead people to underestimate its usefulness. For example, when
highly motivated to perform well, participants with good procedural knowledge at a task overrode
their habits and responded thoughtfully, despite that this impaired task performance (L. Carden,
W. Wood, D. Neal, and A. Pascoe, unpublished observation).
In summary, people may explain habit performance, even addictive habits, by inferring relevant
goals and intentions. Despite being largely erroneous, the inference that habits were intended may
seem intuitively plausible given response frequency. Also relevant, switching costs can discourage
deviating from habits, and experienced fluency can increase liking for them.

Unwanted habits are at the root of many failed attempts at behavior change. Evidence comes from
Webb & Sheeran’s (2006) meta-analysis of 47 studies that successfully used persuasive appeals
and other interventions to change participants’ intentions. The changed intentions, however, only
yielded change in behaviors that participants performed sporadically (e.g., course enrollment) and
not in behaviors that could be repeated into habits (e.g., seat belt use). Even the largely effective
implementation intentions, or if-then plans to act on intentions at particular times and places (Goll-
witzer & Sheeran 2006), are not successful at controlling many strong habits (Webb et al. 2009).

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From a habit perspective, difficulties in changing established behavior patterns do not reflect
people’s continuing desire to perform the old behavior or a failure of willpower. The central
challenge is that old habits continue to be activated automatically by recurring environmental
cues ( J. Labrecque and W. Wood, unpublished observation; Walker et al. 2014). Even after new
habits have been learned, old memory traces are not necessarily replaced (Bouton et al. 2011).
Relapse can occur when old habit memories are activated by prior routines and other context cues.
Addressing the role of habit learning is a central challenge for the next generation of behavior
change interventions (Marteau et al. 2012, Rothman et al. 2015). In response to this challenge,
interventions can be designed to (a) impede the automated cueing of old, unwanted habits as well
as (b) promote the repetition of a new, desired behavior into a habit.
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Interventions to Impede Unwanted Habit Performance

To reduce interference from old habits, behavior change interventions can incorporate mecha-
nisms of inhibition. In research investigating the spontaneous inhibition of unwanted habits in
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daily life, the most successful strategy involved thinking, “Don’t do it,” and being mindful of slip-
ups (Quinn et al. 2010). This strategy also successfully controlled habit errors when participants
were instructed to use it in an experimental task. As expected, it worked by enhancing cognitive
control, not by decreasing habit strength (Quinn et al. 2010). Also effective is tying inhibitory
plans to the cues that activate unwanted habits (e.g., “After dinner, I’ll skip dessert as usual and
substitute fruit”; Adriaanse et al. 2010).
Interference from old habits also can be reduced by changing cues in performance environ-
ments. Animal research suggests that habit performance is especially impaired when contexts
shift, with goal-directed responding transferring more successfully across contexts (Thrailkill
& Bouton 2015). One way to change habit cues is through managing exposure. For example,
unhealthy eating habits can be curbed by increasing the salience or accessibility of healthy foods
(Sobal & Wansink 2007). A study illustrated how people do this in daily life: At all-you-can-eat
Chinese buffets, patrons with lower body mass index used chopsticks, chose small plates, put
napkins on their laps, and sat with their sides or backs to the buffet (Wansink & Payne 2012).
Another way that habit cues change is through naturally occurring life transitions, such as when
people switch jobs or move house. Habit discontinuity interventions capitalize on this reduced
exposure to cues that trigger old habits (Thøgersen 2012, Verplanken et al. 2008, Walker et al.
2014). Life transitions that alter habit cues can provide a window of opportunity to act on new
intentions without competition from old habits (Wood et al. 2005).

Interventions to Promote Formation of Desired Habits

By encouraging the formation of new habits, behavior change interventions can be designed
to habitize a new behavior so that it is maintained despite short-term desires and temptations.
In an experiment illustrating how healthy habits can arm people against succumbing to food
temptations (P.-Y. Lin, W. Wood, and J. Monterosso, unpublished data), participants learned
in a computerized task to avoid chocolate (study 1) or to choose carrots (study 2). When later
given options of eating unhealthy treats, participants continued to make habitual choices, at least
when context cues automatically triggered the healthy habit. Also, echoing the factors that balance
habits and goals, participants were most likely to act on their healthy habits when they lacked the
willpower to deliberate about food choices.
Despite the promise of habit formation in maintaining desired behaviors, only a few interven-
tions with nonclinical populations have built on the three pillars of habit formation–repetition in • Habit 11.17

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stable contexts with appropriate reward schedules (see Lally & Gardner 2013, Rünger & Wood
2015). The importance of frequent responding was illustrated in Lally et al.’s (2010) field exper-
iment in which repetitions of a simple health behavior (e.g., walking after dinner) required from
18 days to as many as 254 days in the same context to become habitual and performed without
thinking. For exercise, Kaushal & Rhodes (2015) estimated that going to the gym became
automatic within six weeks, assuming visits of four times per week. Unfortunately, few health
or other behavioral interventions have adapted interval reward schedules to facilitate habit
formation (Burns et al. 2012). However, the importance of stable cues was demonstrated in
interventions using tooth brushing to cue dental flossing and form flossing habits (e.g., Judah
et al. 2013, Orbell & Verplanken 2010). The few interventions built on the three components
of habit formation have yielded promising results for weight loss (Carels et al. 2014, Lally et al.
2008) and consumption of healthy food in families (Gardner et al. 2014).
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Interestingly, in a habit formation intervention, electronic reminders to perform a desired

behavior increased repetition but also impeded automaticity and learning of context-response
associations (Stawarz et al. 2015). Perhaps reminders engaged deliberate decision making that
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impaired learning context–response associations (see Associative and Reward Mechanisms in Habit
Learning section). More passive reminders in the form of physical signs, although helpful in
prompting initial repetition and habit formation, ultimately lost potency over time (Tobias 2009).
Additional evidence of the utility of habit formation comes from interventions that did not
specifically target habits. For example, forming gym-going habits enabled new members of a
health club to sustain working out (Armitage 2005), and forming nonsmoking habits enabled
former smokers to remain abstinent a year after the end of a smoking cessation program (Baldwin
et al. 2006). In a study of regular exercisers, approximately 90% had a location or time cue to
exercise, and exercising was more automatic for those who exercised in a routine way and were
cued by a particular location (Tappe et al. 2013).
Research on self-control also suggests the usefulness of habits for maintaining desired be-
haviors. People with high trait self-control do not appear to attain goals through inhibition of
problematic desires but instead through forming habits that allow them to achieve goals without
experiencing unwanted temptations (Galla & Duckworth 2015, Hofmann et al. 2012). Trait self-
control generally fosters proficiency at performing tasks that require automation (de Ridder et al.
2012). Nonetheless, everyone tends to fall back on performing habits—both good and bad—when
they lack the capacity or motivation to make decisions to act in nonhabitual ways (Neal et al. 2013).
In summary, through combating unwanted habits and ensuring that desired behaviors are
repeated in ways that promote habit formation, interventions can promote adoption of behaviors
that endure over time. These interventions adapt the habit strategies that people with effective
self-control use in their daily lives to ensure successful goal attainment.

The current state of the science on habits has provided the definition that James (1890) requested,
overturned behaviorists’ conceptions of simple stimulus-response associations, and placed habits
within broader models of goal-directed action. Habits reflect associative learning and the formation
of context-response associations in procedural memory. Once habits form, perception of the
context automatically brings the response to mind, and people often carry out that response. As
habits strengthen, they gradually become independent of the incentive value of their consequences,
and neural activation shifts from associative toward sensorimotor cortico-striatal brain regions.
When repeated in a sequence, habitual responses also may be chunked together and activated as a
unit. In short, our review provides a framework for understanding, predicting, and changing that

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common component of everyday life in which behavioral control has been outsourced onto the
context cues contiguous with past performance.
Although habits are largely insensitive to changes in goal structure and value, they interact in
three different ways with deliberate goal pursuit. First, habits form in daily life as people pursue
goals by repeating actions in particular performance contexts. Initially, goals and declarative task
knowledge structure behavior. With repetition, responses and associated context cues are captured
in procedural learning systems. Goals also may contribute to habit formation through heightening
attention to certain stimuli and identifying the value of action outcomes. Given the profusion of
direct and indirect connections between neural circuits underlying goal-directed and habitual
(model-free) behaviors, goals can have a biasing influence on habit formation (Doll et al. 2012).
Cross talk between habit systems and more deliberative action control, especially during habit
formation, is consistent with an evolutionary history in which neural systems supporting more
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sophisticated planning capacities evolved on top of neural mechanisms associated with habits.
A second interface between goals and habits emerges after habits form. That is, habits provide
an efficient baseline response that likely integrates with more effortful goal pursuit only when
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necessary, as when habits prove unreliable in a given context or when people are especially mo-
tivated and able to tailor responses to particular circumstances. Various factors impede people’s
ability to deliberate and thus tip the balance toward relying on habits, including time pressure,
distraction, stress, and addiction. Addictive substances may in addition promote habit responding
by accelerating habit learning.
A third way in which goals integrate with habits is through the explanations that people gen-
erate for their habits. Because habit automaticity is inaccessible to subjective experience, people
must infer the reasons for such responses. A plausible inference for repeated behaviors is strong,
consistent underlying motivations and goals.
The research we reviewed highlights a number of advantages to acting habitually. For example,
habit knowledge is protected from short-term whims and occasional happenings, given that habits
form through incremental experience and do not shift readily with changes in people’s goals and
plans. Also, by outsourcing action control to environmental cues, people have a ready response
when distraction, time pressure, lowered willpower, and stress reduce the capacity to deliberate
about action and tailor responses to current environments. Furthermore, habit systems are smart
in the sense that they enable people to efficiently capitalize on environmental regularities.
As we noted at the end of the present review, understanding habits is important from the applied
perspective of human health and welfare. Drug addictions and other compulsions appear to co-
opt habit processes and reduce people’s capacity to purposively guide their behavior. Lifestyle
habits of poor diet and limited exercise are major contributors to chronic diseases. By building on
an understanding of habit mechanisms, addiction treatments as well as interventions to change
lifestyle behaviors may successfully disrupt these unwanted habits and help people to form more
effective habits that meet their goals for healthy, productive lives.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

The authors thank Peter Dayan, Sanne de Wit, Benjamin Gardner, Barbara Knowlton, David
T. Neal, Yael Niv, Sheina Orbell, A. Ross Otto, Carol Seger, Kyle Smith, and Bas Verplanken • Habit 11.19

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for their thoughtful comments on an earlier version of the article. This article was made possible
through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the Foundation’s views.

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7510 • The Journal of Neuroscience, September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522


Prefrontal Cortex-Driven Dopamine Signals in the Striatum

Show Unique Spatial and Pharmacological Properties
Martín F. Adrover,1* Jung Hoon Shin,1* Cesar Quiroz,2 Sergi Ferré,2 Julia C. Lemos,1 and
Veronica A. Alvarez1,3
Laboratory on Neurobiology of Compulsive Behavior, Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, 2Integrative Neurobiology Section, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program, National
Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Maryland 21224, and 3Center on Compulsive Behaviors, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892

Dopamine (DA) signals in the striatum are critical for a variety of vital processes, including motivation, motor learning, and reinforce-
ment learning. Striatal DA signals can be evoked by direct activation of inputs from midbrain DA neurons (DANs) as well as cortical
and thalamic inputs to the striatum. In this study, we show that in vivo optogenetic stimulation of prelimbic (PrL) and infralimbic
(IL) cortical afferents to the striatum triggers an increase in extracellular DA concentration, which coincides with elevation of striatal
acetylcholine (ACh) levels. This increase is blocked by a nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) antagonist. Using single or dual optogenetic
stimulation in brain slices from male and female mice, we compared the properties of these PrL/IL-evoked DA signals with those
evoked by stimulation from midbrain DAN axonal projections. PrL/IL-evoked DA signals are undistinguishable from DAN evoked DA
signals in their amplitudes and electrochemical properties. However, PrL/IL-evoked DA signals are spatially restricted and preferen-
tially recorded in the dorsomedial striatum. PrL/IL-evoked DA signals also differ in their pharmacological properties, requiring activa-
tion of glutamate and nicotinic ACh receptors. Thus, both in vivo and in vitro results indicate that cortical evoked DA signals rely on
recruitment of cholinergic interneurons, which renders DA signals less able to summate during trains of stimulation and more sensi-
tive to both cholinergic drugs and temperature. In conclusion, cortical and midbrain inputs to the striatum evoke DA signals with
unique spatial and pharmacological properties that likely shape their functional roles and behavioral relevance.
Key words: DA release; dorsomedial striatum; fast-scan cyclic voltammetry; optogenetics; PFC

Significance Statement
Dopamine signals in the striatum play a critical role in basal ganglia function, such as reinforcement and motor learning.
Different afferents to the striatum can trigger dopamine signals, but their release properties are not well understood. Further,
these input-specific dopamine signals have only been studied in separate animals. Here we show that optogenetic stimulation
of cortical glutamatergic afferents to the striatum triggers dopamine signals both in vivo and in vitro. These afferents engage
cholinergic interneurons, which drive dopamine release from dopamine neuron axons by activation of nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors. We also show that cortically evoked dopamine signals have other unique properties, including spatial restriction
and sensitivity to temperature changes than dopamine signals evoked by stimulation of midbrain dopamine neuron axons.

Received May 27, 2020; revised July 22, 2020; accepted Aug. 17, 2020.
Author contributions: M.F.A., J.H.S., and V.A.A. designed research; M.F.A., J.H.S., C.Q., S.F., and J.C.L. performed
research; M.F.A., J.H.S., C.Q., S.F., and J.C.L. analyzed data; M.F.A., J.H.S., and V.A.A. wrote the first draft of the paper; The striatum receives dense innervation from midbrain DA neu-
M.F.A., J.H.S., C.Q., S.F., J.C.L., and V.A.A. edited the paper; M.F.A., J.H.S., and V.A.A. wrote the paper. rons (DANs), which are the main source of DA in the striatum.
*M.F.A. and J.H.S. contributed equally to this work. DA plays a critical neuromodulatory role in regulating striatal
This work was supported by the Intramural Programs of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (ZIA-AA000421), and National Institute on
circuitry and function (Surmeier et al., 2007; Gerfen and
Drug Abuse. We thank Roland Bock (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Surmeier, 2011; Burke et al., 2017). Disruptions in striatal DA
Health) for development of the VIGOR acquisition and analysis software; Drs. Karl Deisseroth (Stanford levels are associated with many neurologic and psychiatric disor-
University) and Ed Boyden for providing the channelrhodopsin-2 and ChrimsonR constructs, respectively; and
ders, such as Parkinson’s disease and substance abuse disorder
members of the A.A.V. laboratory for valuable comments on the manuscript.
M.F. Adrover’s present address: Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular, (Gerfen, 2000; Luscher et al., 2020). DA is released from a frac-
CONICET, Buenos Aires, C1428ADN, Argentina. tion of the varicosities distributed along DAN axons, which con-
J.C. Lemos’ present address: Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. tain specialized active zone-like sites (Sulzer et al., 2016; Liu et
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
al., 2018; Liu and Kaeser, 2019). The axonal arborizations of
Correspondence should be addressed to Veronica A. Alvarez at DANs ramify extensively within the striatum, and a single dopa-
Copyright © 2020 the authors mine axon can spread over a significant area (;3% in average)

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of the striatum (Matsuda et al., 2009). DA released from axonal negative DATIRES-Cre littermates considered as WT mice were used. To
varicosities generates a rapid increase in local extracellular DA fluorescently label CINs, homozygote B6N.129S6(B6)-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/J
concentration. This extracellular increase leads to the activation mice (Rossi et al., 2011) (The Jackson Laboratory, 018957) were crossed
with homozygote B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J mice
of multiple types of DA receptors, which are localized in den-
(Madisen et al., 2010) (The Jackson Laboratory, 007914), and the prog-
drites, somas, and presynaptic terminals. Ultimately, this impacts eny is referred to as CIN-tdTomato mice. For the microdialysis experi-
the network activity of the striatum and drives behavior output ments, male Sprague Dawley albino rats (Charles River Laboratories)
(Tritsch and Sabatini, 2012; Chuhma et al., 2014; Mamaligas et were used. Rats were housed individually for the first week after intracra-
al., 2016; Burke et al., 2017; Shin et al., 2017; Lahiri and Bevan, nial injection, until suture removal, after which the rats were housed 2
2020). This striatal DA signal is known to be triggered by two per cage. All animals were housed on a 12 h light/dark cycle (06:30 to
mechanisms. One mechanism involves action potential firing 18:30 light) with food and water ad libitum.
initiated at midbrain DAN somas, which propagates through Surgery and stereotaxic injection of AAV-ChR2 vectors. Injections
were conducted as described previously (Adrover et al., 2014). Briefly,
dense axonal arborizations to reach active zone-like release sites
mice (5-6 weeks old) were anesthetized by inhalation of isoflurane-oxygen
in the striatum (Matsuda et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2018). In the mixture and placed in a stereotaxic frame (David Kopf). Adeno-associated
other mechanism, DAN axons in the striatum are locally acti- virus (AAV) vectors with Cre recombinase-dependent expression of
vated, independent of the action potential firing at DAN somas. Channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2) protein, AAV5-EF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-
This mode of DA release requires the activation of nAChRs EYFP (4  1012 IU/ml), were bilaterally injected into the VTA/SNc (AP:
expressed on DAN axons and synchronized activation of cholin- 3.30, ML: 60.60, DV: 4.50) of DATIRES-Cre1 mice. The AAV vectors
ergic interneurons (CINs), which is thought to give rise to local AAV5-CaMKII-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP (4  1012 IU/ml) or AAV5-Syn-
release of ACh (Cachope et al., 2012; Threlfell et al., 2012; Wang ChrimsonR-tdTomato (1.7  1013 IU/ml), were injected in the PFC (PrL
cortex, AP: 2.10, ML: 60.35, DV: 2.30; IL cortex, AP: 1.90, ML: 60.30,
et al., 2014; Shin et al., 2015, 2017).
DV: 3.20) of negative littermates or DATIRES-Cre1 mice. All stereotaxic
This local intrastriatal trigger of DA release has only recently coordinates were from bregma (in mm) according to the mouse atlas by
been demonstrated and is gaining attention as it represents a Franklin and Paxinos (2007); 300-500 nl for VTA/SNc and 100-200 nl for
newly discovered means for striatal DA modulation/transmission. PFC were injected at a flow rate of 100 nl/min. Recordings were made after
However, little is known about the differential/unique biophysical a minimum of 4 weeks of incubation. For mice injected in both VTA/SNc
and pharmacological properties of locally evoked versus DAN- (DIO-ChR2-EYFP) and PFC (ChrimsonR-tdTomato), recordings were per-
evoked DA transmission. Recent in vitro studies using optogenetic formed after a minimum of 8 weeks of incubation. Viral vectors were pur-
stimulation and fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) show that chased from Gene Therapy Center Vector Core at University of North
local DA signals can be triggered in the striatum by stimulation of Carolina and Penn Vector Core at University of Pennsylvania.
glutamatergic inputs from thalamus (Threlfell et al., 2012; Kosillo Slice preparation. Mice were anesthetized and rapidly decapitated.
et al., 2016; Johnson et al., 2017; Cover et al., 2019), motor cortex Brains were quickly removed, mounted, and sliced using a vibratome
(VT-1200S, Leica Microsystems) in an ice-cold cutting solution contain-
(Kosillo et al., 2016), or PFC (Mateo et al., 2017). These findings
ing the following (in mM): 225 sucrose, 13.9 NaCl, 26.2 NaHCO3, 1
agree with previous literature showing in vivo DA signals in the NaH2PO4, 1.25 glucose, 2.5 KCl, 0.1 CaCl2, 4.9 MgCl2, and 3 kynurenic
striatum evoked by stimulation of PFC (Taber and Fibiger, 1993; acid. The sagittal slices (240 mm) were incubated for 20 min at 33°C in
Quiroz et al., 2016; Hill et al., 2018), hippocampus (Tritschler et ACSF containing the following (in mM): 124 NaCl, 1 NaH2PO4, 2.5 KCl,
al., 2018), or amygdala (Floresco et al., 1998). Furthermore, in vivo 1.3 MgCl2, 2.5 CaCl2, 20 glucose, 26.2 NaHCO3, and 0.4 ascorbic acid,
intrastriatal administration of glutamate and ACh was also shown and kept in the dark at room temperature before use. Recording cham-
to cause increases in extracellular DA concentration in the rat ber was perfused at 2 ml/min with ACSF heated at 32°C using an inline
striatum (Giorguieff et al., 1976, 1977; Leviel et al., 1990; Shimizu heater (Harvard Apparatus).
et al., 1990). Together, this evidence supports an intrastriatal FSCV and amperometry. FSCV was performed in the dorsal stria-
mechanism for DA signal generation that can be initiated by exci- tum. Carbon-fiber electrodes (CFEs) were prepared with a cylindrical
carbon-fiber (7 mm diameter, ;150 mm of exposed fiber) inserted into a
tatory inputs to the striatum that require glutamate and ACh.
glass pipette. Before use, the CFEs were conditioned with an 8-ms-long
While cortically evoked DA signals in the striatum have been triangular voltage ramp ( 0.4 to 1.2 and back to 0.4 V vs Ag/AgCl ref-
reported, identifying the unique pharmacological and basic prop- erence at 400 V/s) delivered every 15 ms. CFEs showing current .1.8 mA
erties of these input-specific signals will allow us to selectively or ,1.0 mA in response to the voltage ramp at ;0.6 V were discarded.
manipulate and target them, leading to a better understanding of During the recording, the CFEs were held at 0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl,
their functional significance. In this study, we tackle this gap in and the same triangular voltage ramp was delivered every 100 ms. DA
knowledge using both in vivo microdialysis and in vitro FSCV transients were evoked by electrical or optical single pulse, or 5 pulses at
with optogenetic stimulation. Particularly, we set up a novel 20 Hz stimulations. Using the same CFE and location, DA signals were
approach using dual optogenetic stimulation in the same brain sli- evoked by alternating electrical and optical stimulations in some experi-
ces to input-specific evoke DA release and compare the properties ments. These data were combined with results from other experiments
of these DA signals in the striatum. where either electrical or optical stimulation was used to evoke DA sig-
nals. For electrical stimulation, a glass pipette filled with ACSF was
placed near the tip of the carbon fiber and a rectangular pulse (0.2 ms,
Materials and Methods 100 mA) was applied every 2 min. For optogenetic stimulation, a fiber-
Animals. All animals used in the study were maintained in accord- optic (200 mm diameter, 0.22 NA, ThorLabs) connected to a blue LED
ance with the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health Animal (470 nm, 1.8 mW of maximal output power measured at the tip of the
Care, and the animal research procedures were approved by the fiber-optics, ThorLabs) was placed over the carbon fiber and light pulses
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Animal Care and (0.6 ms) were delivered every 2 min. For input-output curves, the widths
Use Committee for mice and by the National Institute on Drug Abuse of light pulse were 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 ms. For dual optogenetic
Intramural Research Program Animal Care and Use Committee for rats. recordings, two fiber-optics connected to a purple LED (420 nm, 3.0
Except for the in vivo microdialysis experiments, all experiments were mW, ThorLabs) and an orange LED (590 nm, 0.7 mW, ThorLabs),
conducted using male and female mice of C57BL/6 background. respectively, were placed over the carbon fiber. Light pulses (0.6 ms for
Heterozygote B6.SJL-Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn/J mice (Backman et al., 2006) 420 nm and 0.6-2 ms for 590 nm) were delivered in an alternating pat-
(The Jackson Laboratory, 006660) referred to as DATIRES-Cre1 mice and tern every 2 min. Data were collected with a retrofit headstage (CB-7B/

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7512 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals

EC with 5 MX resistor) using a Multiclamp 700B amplifier (Molecular glutamate contents were measured by HPLC coupled to an ACh oxidase
Devices) after low-pass filter at 3 kHz and digitized at 100 kHz using a and glutamate oxidase enzyme reactors, respectively, and electrochemi-
DA board (NI USB-6229 BNC, National Instruments). Data acquisition cal detection (Eicom). DA was measured by HPLC coupled with a coulo-
and analysis were performed using a custom-written software, VIGOR, metric detector (5200a Coulochem III, ESA). At the end of the
in Igor Pro (Wavemetrics) using mafPC (courtesy of MA Xu-Friedman). microdialysis experiment, animals were deeply anesthetized with
The current peak amplitudes of the evoked DA transients were con- Equithesin and perfused transcardially with 0.1 M PBS, followed by 4%
verted to DA concentration according to the postexperimental calibra- formaldehyde in 0.1 M PBS, pH 7.4. Brains were postfixed in the same
tion using 1-3 mM DA. Amperometric recordings were performed using fixative for 2 h and immersed in 20% sucrose/0.1 M PBS, pH 7.4, solution
the same carbon-fiber electrodes held at 0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl and a for 48 h at 4°C. Forty-micron-thick coronal sections were cut in a Leica
30-s-long step to 0.6 V was applied. Single pulse or 5 pulses at 20 Hz Microsystems CM3050S cryostat at 20°C, collected in PBS, and stored
stimulation were delivered at 20 s after switching to 0.6 V. Since we did in antifreeze-buffered solution (20% ethylene glycol, 10% glycerol, and
not find major differences between PrL and IL in evoking DA transients, 10% sucrose in PBS) at 80°C until processing. Sections were then eval-
we combined the data obtained from two groups to represent DA transi- uated for localization of implanted probes and ChR2-EYFP expression.
ents evoked by PFC inputs (PFC-oDA). Wide-field images were acquired with a Typhoon laser scanner (GE
Cell-attached recordings. Striatal CINs from CIN-TdTomato mice Healthcare). Confocal fluorescence microscopy images were acquired
injected with ChR2-EYFP in the PFC were identified by fluorescence with an Examiner Z1 microscope (Carl Zeiss) fitted with a confocal laser
and confirmed by their characteristic spontaneous firing pattern. Cell- module (LSM-710, Carl Zeiss).
attached recordings were performed from CINs in the striatum using Drugs. Dihydro- b -erythroidine hydrobromide (DH b E) was pur-
glass pipette electrodes with a resistance of ;3-4 MV, filled with an inter- chased from Tocris. Kynurenic acid (sodium salt), NBQX, and 3-((R)-2-
nal solution containing the following (in mM): 120 cesium methanesulfo- carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) were purchased
nate, 20 CsCl, 10 HEPES, 0.2 EGTA, 10 sodium phosphocreatine, 4 from Abcam. All other chemicals were purchased from Sigma Millipore.
Na2-ATP, and 0.4 Na-GTP, pH, 7.25 (290-310 mOsm), at a holding Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was performed with Prism
potential of 0 mV. To estimate the strength of connectivity to CINs, the (GraphPad). One-sample t test, two-tailed paired t test, repeated-
lowest light intensity needed to reliably evoke action potentials in CINs measures one-way ANOVA with or without mixed-effects models, or
was determined, ranging from 0.4 mW for “high” connectivity to 2.1 two-way ANOVA was used as specified. Tukey’s or Dunnett’s multi-
mW for “low” connectivity. The data were collected using a Multiclamp ple comparisons test was used for post hoc analysis as specified. The
700B amplifier after low-pass filter at 1 kHz and digitized at 5 kHz, using number of experiments, n, was expressed as the number of slices or
pClamp10 software (Molecular Devices). Spike fidelity was calculated as cells/the number of mice or number of rats for the in vivo microdialy-
percentages of the number of AP evoked from five trials for both single sis experiments.
pulse and trains stimulation.
In vivo microdialysis and optogenetic stimulation of the cortical
inputs. Rats (80-90 g) received unilateral intracranial injection of
AAV-CaMKIIa-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP (titer: 1012 IU/ml; Gene Therapy In vivo stimulation of PrL/IL inputs increases striatal ACh
Center Vector Core at University of North Carolina) in the PrL and IL and DA concentration, and the increase in DA requires
cortex (AP: 3.0 mm, ML: 0.5 mm, DV: 3.5 and 5 mm with respect to nAChR activation
bregma). Two injection sites per hemisphere were used, and 300 nl of vi- Published work in vivo shows that optogenetic stimulation of
ral vector solution was delivered per site via a 105-mm-thick silica tubing cortical inputs to the striatum can evoke DA release (Quiroz et
injector coupled directly to a 1 ml syringe driven by an infusion pump al., 2016). However, this study provides no evidence that activa-
(rate = 50 nl/min) during 10 min. The injector was left in place for an tion of these cortical inputs recruits striatal CINs or that the
additional 10 min following each injection to allow for diffusion of the cortically evoked DA release in vivo requires activation of striatal
suspension. Ten weeks after viral vector injection, rats (350-400 g)
nAChRs. To assess these matters, we used in vivo microdialysis
underwent surgery for probe implantation according to previously pub-
lished procedures (Quiroz et al., 2016). Briefly, a modified microdialysis combined with optogenetic stimulation, as previously described
probe with an embedded light-guiding optic fiber was implanted into (Quiroz et al., 2016), and measured extracellular levels of ACh
the NAc shell (AP: 1.2 mm, ML: 0.5 mm, DV: 8.0 mm with respect to and DA in response to optogenetic stimulation of cortical inputs.
bregma). The probe was fixed to the skull with a stainless-steel screw A modified microdialysis probe with an embedded light-guiding
and glass-ionomer dental cement. All surgical procedures were per- optic fiber was implanted into the striatum of rats expressing
formed under anesthesia with 3 ml/kg of Equithesin (4.44  g of chloral- ChR2-EYFP in the PrL/IL cortex (Fig. 1A,B). On the experiment
hydrate, 0.972  g of Na pentobarbital, 2.124  g of MgSO4, 44.4 ml of day, dialysate samples were collected at baseline for 80 min
propylene glycol, 12 ml of ethanol, and distilled H2O up to 100 ml of before stimulation started. Optogenetic stimulation of cortical
final solution; National Institute on Drug Abuse Pharmacy). To build axons within the striatum was delivered around the microdialysis
the microdialysis probe with embedded optic fiber, the tip of an optic
probe as trains of light pulses (16 pulses at 100 Hz every 1 s for
fiber (105 mm diameter core, 0.22 NA) was sculpted into a conical shape
using a Flaming-Brown pipette puller fitted with a custom platinum 20 min). Samples were collected for an additional 80 min after
heating filament (Sutter Instruments) to allow for a larger area of stimu- stimulation and were split and analyzed separately for DA and
lation. The conical optic fiber tip was embedded inside the microdialysis ACh content or DA and glutamate. This long train of in vivo
probe and implanted. Microdialysis experiments were performed in optogenetic stimulation of PrL/IL cortical axon fibers within the
freely moving rats 24 h after probe implantation. Optical fiber was striatum produced an increase in extracellular concentration of
coupled to a 473 nm solid-state laser module and light stimulation was DA in the striatal dialysate (185.1 6 44.0% of baseline, n = 7;
driven by a Grass S88 stimulator. Light stimulation was delivered for 20 F = 5.27, p = 0.0002, repeated-measures one-way ANOVA; p =
min as trains of light pulses (2 ms pulse duration; at 100 Hz for 160 ms; 0.0002 for 60 min vs 80 min; Dunnett’s multiple comparisons
trains repeats once per second; intensity = 5-8 mW at probe tip). ACSF test; Fig. 1C), which coincided with an increase of extracellular
containing (in mM) 144 NaCl, 4.8 KCl, 1.7 CaCl2, and 1.2 MgCl2 was
ACh concentration (196.7 6 36.6% of baseline, n = 7; F = 3.00,
pumped through the optogenetic-microdialysis probe (rate = 1.25 ml/
min). After a washout period of 90 min, dialysate samples were collected p = 0.0002, repeated-measures one-way ANOVA; p = 0.004 for
at 20 min intervals. After 80 min of baseline sampling, optogenetic stim- 60 min vs 80 min; Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test; Fig. 1D).
ulation was applied for 20 min, and samples were collected for 80 addi- These in vivo microdialysis findings support the hypothesis that
tional minutes after the end of the stimulation. Samples were split and cortical stimulation recruits CINs. In addition, when the in vivo
analyzed separately for glutamate, DA, and ACh content. ACh and optogenetic stimulation was performed in constant perfusion of

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A dialysate samples B a d



250 * 250
200 200
% of baseline

% of baseline
150 150

100 100

50 50
0 0
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
Time (min) Time (min)
250 250
200 200
% of baseline

% of baseline

150 150

100 100

50 50
DA Glu
+ DHβE + DHβE
0 0
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 1. Effect of the nAChR antagonist DHb E on the extracellular DA level evoked by local optogenetic stimulation of PFC fibers in vivo. A, Diagram showing the injection of ChR2-EYFP in
the PrL and IL cortices (green circle) and projection to the striatum with the microdialysis-optogenetics probe in a sagittal brain view. B, Left, Optogenetic-microdialysis probe schematics: a, liq-
uid inlet; b, dialysis membrane; c, liquid outlet; d, sculpted optic fiber. Middle, Probe tip detail. Scale bar, 0.2 mm. Right, Picture of the optogenetic-microdialysis probe showing light spread
pattern at the probe tip. Scale bar, 1 mm. C, D, Time course of extracellular concentrations of (C) DA (red) and (D) ACh (black) in the NAc. E, F, Time course of extracellular concentrations of
(E) DA (red) and (F) glutamate (Glu, green) in the NAc with constant perfusion (reverse dialysis) of the nAChR antagonist DHb E (10 mM). Time 0-60 represents the values of samples before
stimulation. Blue vertical lines indicate the period of optogenetic stimulation (20 min). Results are expressed as mean 6 SEM of percentage of the average of three values before stimulation.
*p , 0.05, **p , 0.01, ***p , 0.001.

the nAChR antagonist DH b E (10 mM) delivered locally via ANOVA with mixed-effects model; p = 0.0006 for 60 min vs
reverse dialysis, the same stimulation protocol did not cause any 80 min; Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test; Fig. 1F).
change in extracellular DA concentration in the striatal dialysates
(96.5 6 11.6% of baseline, n = 9; F = 0.64, p = 0.70, repeated- Stimulation of PrL/IL inputs to striatum is sufficient to
measures one-way ANOVA; Fig. 1E), indicating that activation evoke local DA signals in brain slices
of nAChRs in the striatum is required for the cortically evoked In order to precisely access the specific inputs and apply pharma-
DA release in vivo. As a control, we measured glutamate concen- cological agents, we used transgenic mice with combination of
tration in these same dialysates, which showed increased gluta- optogenetic stimulation. DA signals were recorded in the stria-
mate levels and confirmed the delivery of cortical stimulation in tum using FSCV in mouse brain slice preparations. Release of
the presence of the nAChR antagonist (184.3 6 27.3% of base- DA from axonal projections within the striatum was evoked by
line, n = 9; F(6,45) = 4.01, p = 0.003, repeated-measures one-way electrical stimulation and compared with DA signals evoked by

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7514 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals


DATires/cre+ mice C57Bl6/J mice


Tu 1 mm


ac ac SNC
ac SNR
VP VP 1.0 mm
AcSh SNR 1.0 mm

C eDA DAN-oDA PFC-oDA D PrL cortex

15 15 15 IL cortex
Current (nA)

Current (nA)

Current (nA)
10 10 10
5 5 5

-5 1.2 -5 1.2 1.2

Voltage (V) Voltage (V) -5 Voltage (V)

-0.4 -0.4 -0.4

Voltage (V)

1.2 1.2 1.2
-0.4 -0.4 -0.4 nA
0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Lateral 1.20 mm

E oxidation
F DA concentration G Decay time constant
0.8 n. s. 0.5
*** **
** **
DA amplitude (μM)

0.6 1.0 0.4

Decay tau (s)
Voltage (V)

0.2 n. s.
0.5 0.2
-0.2 0.1

-0.4 0.0 0.0

E-stim DAN PFC E-stim DAN PFC E-stim DAN PFC

Figure 2. Striatal DA signals evoked by midbrain and cortical inputs. A, Example of the fluorescence pattern (bottom) observed in a sagittal brain slice from a DATIRES-Cre1 mouse injected
with DIO-ChR2-EYFP in the midbrain (top). B, Example of the fluorescence pattern (bottom) observed in a sagittal brain slice from a C57Bl6/J (DATIRES-Cre–) mouse injected with ChR2-EYFP in
the PrL or IL cortex (top). Inset, A more medial slice with the site of injection. C, Representative DA transients, current–voltage (CV) plots, and color voltammograms when evoked by electrical
stimulation (eDA, left), optogenetic stimulation of DAN fibers (DAN-oDA, middle), or optogenetic stimulation of PFC inputs (PFC-oDA, right). All three CV plots show the electrochemical profile
of DA oxidation. Scale bar, 100 nM. D, A sagittal brain section modified from the Mouse Brain Atlas (Franklin and Paxinos, 2007) showing the FSCV recording sites from mice injected with
ChR2-EYFP in the PrL (filled) and IL (empty) cortex. E, The oxidation (top) and reduction (bottom) voltages from the CV plots of eDA (left), DAN-oDA (middle), and PFC-oDA (right) were plotted
as average with SEM. Open and filled circles represent individual values. F, DA peak concentrations and G, decay time constants of eDA (left), DAN-oDA (middle), and PFC-oDA (right) were plot-
ted as average with SEM. Open circles represent individual values. For PFC-oDAs, the same color code was applied as in D for PrL and IL according to injection location. E–G, Data points include
experiments where electrical and optogenetic stimulation was delivered alternatingly in the same slice or in different slices (see Materials and Methods). **p , 0.01, ***p , 0.001. LV, Lateral
ventricle; DS, dorsal striatum; ac, anterior commissure; AcC, accumbens core; AcSh, accumbens shell; VP, ventral pallidum; PBP, parabrachial pigmented nucleus; SNR, substantia nigra reticulata;
Th, thalamus; Tu, olfactory tubercle. n.s., not significant.

input-specific optogenetic stimulation. To achieve input-specific As expected, single brief pulses of electrical stimulation deliv-
stimulation, ChR2-EYFP was expressed in either midbrain ered via an electrode placed within the striatal tissue reliably
DANs and their axonal projections to the striatum using Cre-de- evoked DA (electrically evoked DA transient [eDA]) signals in
pendent viral vector injection in DATIRES-Cre1 mice (Fig. 2A) or striatal brain slices (Fig. 2C). Also, direct optogenetic stimulation
ChR2-EYFP in cortical neurons of the PrL/IL cortex and their of midbrain DAN axonal projections within the striatum also
projections to the striatum using viral injection in Cre-negative evoked DA signals (referred here as DAN-oDA) on delivery of a
littermate mice (Fig. 2B). single brief pulse of blue light (0.6 ms), in agreement with

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Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 • 7515

previous published studies (Adrover et al., 2014; Melchior et al., evoked DA signals could reflect technical differences, such as
2015). Last, similar to the in vivo findings in Figure 1, selective opsin expression levels, or other biological factors, such as the
optogenetic stimulation of axon projections from PrL/IL cortex density of innervation of cortical versus DAN axonal projections,
into the striatum was also sufficient to trigger DA signals difference in the release probability of the DA varicosities that
(referred as PFC-oDA) in the striatum of in slice preparation respond to direct stimulation of DAN axons from those respond-
(Fig. 2C). These PFC-oDA signals were also reliably evoked by ing to cortical inputs, and/or the indirect and polysynaptic na-
brief single pulses of blue light (0.6 ms) in the ventral portion of ture of the cortical-evoked DA signals.
the dorsomedial striatum in sagittal brain slices (Fig. 2D). The vi- To determine whether PrL/IL activation elicits striatal DA
ral expression around injection site was often large enough to release and engages the CIN-dependent mechanism as shown in
include both PrL and IL regions of the cortex. For this reason, we in vivo microdialysis experiment (Fig. 1), we then studied the ba-
combined data from the two regions. It is worth noting that these sic pharmacological characteristic of DA signals evoked by stim-
brain sections mainly contain the axon projections from PrL/IL ulation of PFC inputs and compared them with those evoked by
neurons, but not their cell bodies, which are localized to more electrical and DAN input stimulation. In striatal brain slices,
medial sagittal sections of the brain (Fig. 2B, inset). PFC-oDA signals were completely abolished by a mixture of
The current–voltage plots of DA signals evoked via the three AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists (NBQX/CPP), whereas
different types of stimulation (electrical, optogenetic stimulation eDA and DAN-oDA signals were unaffected (amplitude after the
of DANs, and optogenetic stimulation of PrL/IL) were indistin- antagonists = 0.3 6 1.6% of baseline for PFC-oDA, n = 6/n = 5;
guishable and displayed current peaks at the expected oxidation 107.3 6 3.0% for eDA, n = 6/n = 4; 99.8 6 1.4% for DAN-oDA,
(0.56 6 0.01 V for eDA, n = 15/n = 8; 0.58 6 0.01 V for DAN- n = 6/n = 4; F(2,3) = 694.8, p , 0.0001, repeated-measures one-
oDA, n = 14/n = 6; 0.56 6 0.01 V for PFC-oDA, n = 22/n = 13; way ANOVA with mixed-effects model; p = 0.14 for eDA vs
F = 0.49, p = 0.62, repeated-measures one-way ANOVA with DAN-oDA, p values , 0.0001 for PFC-oDA vs eDA or PFC-
mixed-effects model; Fig. 2E) and reduction voltages ( 0.17 6 oDA vs DAN-oDA; Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; Fig. 3C,
0.01 V for eDA, 0.14 6 0.01 V for DAN-oDA, 0.16 6 0.02 V D). These findings indicate a requirement for ionotropic gluta-
for PFC-oDA; F = 0.76, p = 0.49, repeated-measures one-way mate transmission for PrL/IL inputs to evoke local DA signals,
ANOVA with mixed-effects model; Fig. 2E) for DA. The peak which is in agreement with previous reports on the requirement
amplitude of eDA was significantly higher than DAN-oDA or of glutamate transmission for DA signals evoked by motor cortex
PFC-oDA (556 6 42 nM for eDA; 367 6 58 nM for DAN-oDA; and thalamic inputs to the striatum (Threlfell et al., 2012; Kosillo
325 6 23 nM for PFC-oDA; F(2,12) = 13.430.76, p . 0.05, et al., 2016; Cover et al., 2019). Further, similar to our in vivo
repeated-measures one-way ANOVA with mixed-effects model; data (Fig. 1D), DH b E also abolished PFC-oDA signals, and sig-
p = 0.01 for eDA vs DAN-oDA, p = 0.0005 for eDA vs PFC-oDA, nificantly depressed eDA signals, while having no effect on
and p = 0.99 for DAN-oDA vs PFC-oDA; Tukey’s multiple com- DAN-oDA signals (1.9 6 1.4% of baseline for PFC-oDA, n = 11/
parisons test; Fig. 2F), and the decay time constants (tau) were n = 7; 21 6 3% for eDA, n = 10/n = 5; 99 6 3% for DAN-oDA,
similarly longer with eDA (0.25 6 0.01 s for eDA, 0.22 6 0.01 s n = 5/n = 2; F(2,7) = 395.2, p , 0.0001, repeated-measures one-
for DAN-oDA, 0.23 6 0.01 s for PFC-oDA; F(2,12) = 13.43, way ANOVA with mixed-effects model; p , 0.0001 for eDA vs
p = 0.0009, repeated-measures one-way ANOVA with mixed- DAN-oDA, p = 0.0006 for eDA vs PFC-oDA, and p , 0.0001 for
effects model; p = 0.004 for eDA vs DAN-oDA, p = 0.009 for eDA DAN-oDA vs PFC-oDA; Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; Fig.
vs PFC-oDA, and p = 0.83 for DAN-oDA vs PFC-oDA; Tukey’s 3E,F). Together, the pharmacology results support the hypothesis
multiple comparisons test; Fig. 2G). Thus, we were able to reli- that PFC-oDA signals are mediated by activation of glutamate
ably evoke steady DA signals by selective optogenetic stimulation synapses from PrL/IL cortex to striatal CINs, which excites them
of axon projections from PrL/IL cortex in the ventral portion of to fire and trigger ACh release, thereby driving DA release via
the dorsomedial striatum. The DA signals recorded using FSCV activation of nAChRs on DAN axon fibers within the striatum.
showed indistinguishable chemical and temporal characteristics, ACh is rapidly cleared by enzymatic degradation by AChE
even when evoked by different inputs. (Quinn, 1987). The extremely dense presence of AChE in the
striatum (Zhou et al., 2001) assures the termination of choliner-
Unique physical and pharmacological properties across gic action. We also have previously shown the influence of the
input-specific DA signals AChE on the DA transmission in the striatum (Shin et al., 2015,
We first explored the threshold for triggering the input-specific 2017). As AChE activity shows temperature dependence (Vidal
optogenetically evoked DA signals. The threshold was deter- et al., 1987), we then tested the temperature dependence of the
mined by constructing input-output curves and varying the light input-specific DA transients by varying the temperature of the
pulse durations from 0.1 to 5 ms in brain slices from mice bath solution. The amplitude of both DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA
expressing ChR2 in midbrain DANs or the PrL/IL region (Fig. signals increased linearly as the temperature was lowered from
3A,B). The relative amplitudes of DA transients were overlap- the standard 32°C to 25°C, and both showed a tight negative
ping for pulses of 0.5-5 ms duration, and both DAN-oDA and regression with similar slopes significantly different from zero
PFC-oDA signals showed maximal amplitude with 1-5 ms light ( 10.8 6 0.6% per °C, n = 8/n = 3, for DAN-oDA, and 10.8 6
pulse durations. However, very short light pulses (0.1 ms) evoked 2.0% per °C, n = 6/n = 3, for PFC-oDA; p values , 0.0001; Fig.
measurable DA signals only in slices in which ChR2 was 3G,H). The temperature dependence of the DA signal amplitude
expressed in midbrain DAN projections to the striatum, indicat- likely reflects the change in rate of DA transporter activity with
ing a lower threshold for evoking DA signals with direct stimula- temperature. DA transporter activity was reported to have a tem-
tion of DA neuron axons than with stimulation of cortical inputs perature coefficient Q10 ranging from 1.39 to 2.95 (Zhu and
(duration  input, F(5,90) = 11.58, p , 0.0001, repeated-measures Hexum, 1992), from which we estimate a Q10 of ;2.3 for the DA
two-way ANOVA; post hoc for the duration of 0.1 ms: 33 6 4% transporter for 24°C–37°C range. Our estimate predicts that
for DAN-oDA, n = 12/n = 8, and 1.9 6 0.7% for PFC-oDA, n = 8/ large changes in the rate of DA reuptake by the transporter
n = 5, p , 0.0001; Fig. 3B). A higher threshold for the cortically would be around the tested and physiological temperatures.

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7516 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals

A DAN-oDA PFC-oDA B Input-output


oDA amplitude

(% of max)
0.2 0.5

0.2 DAN
0.1 PFC
2 4 6 8 2 4
0.1 1 Duration (ms)


DA peak after NBQX/CPP

pre post pre post pre post


E-stim DAN PFC

pre post pre post pre post

DA peak after DHβE


*** ###
E-stim DAN PFC

G Temperature H oDA peak I oDA tau

25°C 25°C 200 DAN 0.6 DAN
Decay tau (sec)

oDA amplitude

(% of 32°C)

32°C 32°C
* 0.2

0 0.0

DAN-oDA PFC-oDA 25 30 35 25 30 35
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Figure 3. DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA show different physical and pharmacological properties. A, Representative DAN-oDA (left) and PFC-oDA (right) transients evoked with different light pulse
duration (in ms). Scale bar, 100 nM, 0.5 s. B, oDA amplitudes normalized to their maximum response were averaged and plotted as a function of the stimulus duration. C, Representative traces
of eDA, DAN-oDA, and PFC-oDA transients before and after bath application of the glutamate receptor antagonists, NBQX and CPP (both 5 mM). Dotted line (top) indicates the amplitude of DA
transients before the drugs. Scale bar, 200 nM, 2 s. D, Averages with SEM of DA amplitude after NBQX and CPP were plotted. Open circles represent individual value. E, Representative traces of
eDA, DAN-oDA, and PFC-oDA transients before and after bath application of the b 2-contatining nAChR antagonist, DH b E (1 mM). Scale bar, 200 nM, 2 s. F, Averages with SEM of DA ampli-
tude after DHb E were plotted. Open circles represent individual value. ***Versus DAN-oDA. ###Versus eDA. G, Representative traces of DAN-oDA (left) and PFC-oDA (right) transients at 25°C,
32°C, and 35°C. Dotted line (top) indicates the oDA amplitude at 32°C. Scale bar, 200 nM, 2 s. H, Average oDA peak amplitudes normalized to 32°C. I, Average oDA decay time constants were
plotted as a function of temperature. *p , 0.05, ***p , 0.001, ###p , 0.001, n.s., not significant.

Indeed, the decay of the DA transients, which is a parameter that Vidal et al. (1987) have reported on a high dependence
reflects the clearance of extracellular DA by the transporter, was with temperature of the activity of AChE from rat brain,
also affected as the temperature was lowered. The decay time which reaches maximal rate at ;35°C. Our in vivo and in
constant of both DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA increased linearly vitro pharmacology experiments showed that PFC-oDA sig-
with the decrease of the temperature (DAN-oDA: 0.017 6 nals require activation of nAChR. Therefore, we speculate
0.001 s/°C; PFC-oDA: 0.025 6 0.001 s/°C; Fig. 3I), which corre- that the observed steep temperature dependence of the sig-
sponded with the linear increase in amplitude. However, raising nals is in large part mediated by rate increase in AChE ac-
the temperature from 33°C to 35°C caused a dramatic and selec- tivity. Furthermore, at physiological temperatures, the
tive drop in the amplitude of the PFC-oDA signals, compared PFC-evoked DA signals may be very localized near ACh
with DAN-oDA signals (Fig. 3G,H). The slope for PFC-oDA sig- release sites, presumably overlapping with nAChR expres-
nals increased threefold from 11% to 31% per °C. sion in DAN axons.

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Single vs. train
2.5 ****

oDA ratio (5p/1p)

1 pulse 2.0
5 pulses @20 Hz

C D Cell-attached E
Amperometry 100
from CIN

AP fidelity (%)
1 pulse

5 pulses @20 Hz 20
1p 5p
Figure 4. PFC-oDA shows no summation by train stimulations. A, Representative DA traces of eDA, DAN-oDA, and PFC-oDA transients evoked by single pulse (1p, thin traces) or train of 5
pulses at 20 Hz (5p, thick traces). Scale bar, 200 nM, 2 s. B, Averages with SEM of the DA amplitude ratio (5p/1p) for eDA, DAN-oDA, and PFC-oDA transients were plotted. Open circles repre-
sent individual values. C, Representative amperometric traces for DAN-oDA (left) and PFC-oDA (right) transients evoked by single pulse (gray traces) or train of 5 pulses at 20 Hz (color traces).
PFC-oDA amperometric transients evoked by 50 at 20 Hz were indistinguishable from 1p stimulation, except the large deflection at the stimulation time for 5p pulses. Scale bars: 200 pA,
100 ms. D, Representative cell-attached recordings from CINs with single (top, gray) or train of 5 pulses at 20 Hz (bottom, green). Scale bars: 20 pA, 100 ms. E, Averages with SEM of the action
potential fidelity were plotted for the single pulse and train stimulation. Open circles represent individual values. ****p , 0.0001.

Activity dependent summation of the midbrain and cortical PFC-evoked local DA signals are mediated by synchronized
DA signals action of CINs in response to stimulation of PrL/IL inputs. The
Trains of stimulation pulses have been shown to produce sublin- large transient current deflection in response to each pulse of
ear summation in the amplitude of DA signals evoked by electri- stimulation (n = 5/n = 4; Fig. 4C, right) is suggestive of the action
cal and optogenetic stimulation of DAN axon projections in the potential firing evoked in CINs and other striatal neurons by the
striatum in vitro (Zhang and Sulzer, 2004; Threlfell et al., 2010; optogenetic stimulation of PrL/IL inputs. The fact that every
Melchior et al., 2015; Shin et al., 2017). We then tested the degree pulse of the train stimulation triggers a current deflection reflects
of summation of the DA signals in response to short trains of the ability of PrL/IL inputs to evoke action potentials firing in
stimulation pulses (5 pulses at 20 Hz) and compared it with the downstream neurons and supports the idea that the lack of sum-
transients evoked by a single pulse (Fig. 4A,B). This pattern of mation in DA signals is not likely because of the failure of action
train stimulation was chosen based on burst firing patterns potential firing by CINs. To directly test the contribution of fail-
recorded in vivo for DANs during behavior (Schultz et al., 1993; ure of action potential firing by CINs to the lack of summation
Hyland et al., 2002). Indeed, we found that trains of 5 pulses at in PFC-oDA signals, we conducted cell-attached recordings
20 Hz evoke DA transients 50% larger than those evoked by sin- from CINs and measured action potential fidelity in response to
gle pulse stimulation for eDA signals and almost double for a single pulse and trains of 5 pulses at 20 Hz (single pulse:
DAN-oDA (5p/1p: 1.44 6 0.06, n = 5/n = 3, for eDA; 1.92 6 0.19, 96.5 6 2.7%, n = 23/n = 4, t = 1.28, p = 0.21; trains of 5: 81.5 6
n = 5/n = 2, for DAN-oDA; 1.00 6 0.02, n = 10/n = 7; F(2,2) = 7.7%, n = 10/n = 4, t = 2.42, p = 0.04; both with one-sample t test
110.6, p = 0.009, repeated-measures one-way ANOVA with to 100% value; Fig. 4D,E). Although there was a small but signifi-
mixed-effects model; p = 0.04 for eDA vs DAN-oDA, p = 0.03 for cant percentage of failure, the totality of the data indicates that
eDA vs PFC-oDA, and p = 0.008 for DAN-oDA vs PFC-oDA; the lack of summation is not likely caused by action potential
Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; Fig. 4A,B). On the contrary, failure, but instead can be attributed to other downstream mech-
PFC-oDA transients evoked by this train stimulation had similar anisms, such as desensitization of nAChRs (Threlfell et al., 2012;
amplitudes compared with those evoked by a single pulse, indi- Shin et al., 2017).
cating no summation of DA signals evoked by PrL/IL inputs. In
order to measure DA signals with better temporal resolution, we Input-specific DA signals are evoked by dual optogenetic
performed amperometric recordings and again compared DA stimulation in the same brain slice
signals evoked by single pulse and trains (Fig. 4C). In line with Thus far, DA signals evoked by the different inputs were
the FSCV results, amperometric recordings showed that DAN- recorded in brain slices from different mice that expressed ChR2
oDA signals display sublinear summation, whereas PFC-oDA in either midbrain DANs or in PrL/IL cortex. In order to strictly
signals are indistinguishable between single pulse or trains of 5 test the segregation/distinction of these two pathways, it was im-
pulses at 20 Hz. The lack of summation in the PFC-oDA signals portant to examine these two inputs and compare the input-spe-
in response to trains resembles the findings obtained with DA cific DA signals in the slice preparation from the same mice.
signals evoked by synchronized activation of CINs (Threlfell et We took advantage of opsins activated by different light wave-
al., 2012; Shin et al., 2017) and further supports the idea that the lengths, specifically, ChR2 and the red-shifted opsin ChrimsonR

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7518 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals

1.8 1.2

oDA amplitude (μM)

oDA amplitude (μM)

1.6 1.0

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
420 nm 590 nm 420 nm 590 nm 420 nm 590 nm 420 nm 590 nm

ChR2-EYFP in midbrain DAN + ChrimsonR-TdTomato in PrL/IL cortex IR image of brain slice

DS DS Fiber

ac ac
ac ac

1 mm 200 μm

E DAN-oDA PFC-oDA F oDA peak (nM) oDA tau (sec)

15 15 1500 0.5
Current (nA)

Current (nA)

10 10
5 5
-5 1.2 -5 1.2 1000
Voltage (V) Voltage (V) 0.3
-0.4 -0.4
15 nA 15 nA
Voltage (V)

10 10 500
1.2 1.2
5 5 0.1
0 0
-0.4 -0.4 0 0.0
0 2 4 0 2 4 DAN PFC DAN PFC
Time (s) Time (s)

oDA amplitude (%bsln)

oDA amplitude (%bsln)


100 100

50 PFC 50 PFC

0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 5. Dual-opsin expression to evoke cortical and midbrain DA signals in the same brain slices. A, B, Left, Representative traces of DA signals evoked by either 420 or 590 nm light pulses
from mice expressing (A) only ChR2 in midbrain DANs or (B) only ChrimsonR in PrL/IL cortex. Right, oDA amplitudes were plotted as pairs for each wavelength. Scale bars: 200 nM for A 100
nM for B; 1s C, Example of the fluorescence patterns with filter set for yellow signal (left) or red signal (right) from a sagittal brain slice of a DATIRES-Cre1 mice injected with ChrimsonR-
TdTomato in the PFC and DIO-ChR2-EYFP in the midbrain. D, Configuration to the FSCV DA recording using a carbon fiber and two fiber-optics delivering 420 and 590 nm, respectively.
E, Representative DA transients, CV plots, and color voltammograms of DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA. Scale bar: 100 nM F, Left, Amplitudes were plotted as pairs for DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA recorded
from the same slices. Right, Averages with SEM of decay time constant were plotted for DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA. Dots represent individual values. G, Left, Representative traces of DAN-oDA
(top) and PFC-oDA (bottom) before and after the application of glutamate receptor antagonists NBQX and CPP. Right, Averages with SEM of DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA were plotted as a function
of time as NBQX/CPP was applied. H, Left, Representative traces of DAN-oDA (top) and PFC-oDA (bottom) before and after the application of nAChR antagonists DH b E. Right, Averages with
SEM of DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA were plotted as a function of time as DH b E was applied. Scale bars for G–H: 100 nM; 1 s.

(Klapoetke et al., 2014). We first set up the conditions for selec- delivering pulses of two different light wavelengths without any
tive stimulation of each opsin without cross-activation. In brain detectable cross-activation.
slices expressing only ChR2 in midbrain DANs, pulses of purple Next, in the same DATIRES-Cre1 mice, ChR2-YFP was
light (420 nm) evoked reliable DA signal, whereas similar and expressed in midbrain DANs with a Cre-dependent expression
longer pulses of orange light (590 nm) did not trigger any detect- vector, and ChrimsonR-TdTomato was expressed in PrL/IL cor-
able signals (Fig. 5A). Conversely, in slices expressing only tex. Figure 5C shows examples of the fluorescent expression pat-
ChrimsonR in the PrL/IL cortex, brief orange light pulses evoked tern of ChR2-YFP (green) and ChrimsonR (red) in the same
DA signal, but not purple light (Fig. 5B). Thus, under these ex- sagittal brain slice from this double-injected mouse. Figure 5D
perimental conditions, ChR2 and ChrimsonR can be used in shows the experimental arrangement for the dual-input record-
combination to selectively stimulate two different inputs by ings with the placement of the carbon fiber and the two fiber-

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Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 • 7519

optics for delivering the purple and orange Sagital slice with dual opsins
light pulses that were used to activate ChR2
and ChrimsonR, respectively. In these slices
A ChR2 in DAN fibers ChrimsonR in PFC fibers B 1.5

Peak Amp (µM)

with dual-opsin expression, brief pulses of ei- 1.0
ther purple or orange light evoked DA signals
with indistinguishable current–voltage plots,
showing the characteristic peaks for DA oxi- 0.0
0 40 80 120
dation and reduction (Fig. 5E). The DA con-
centration transients had comparable peak PFC-oDA

Peak Amp (µM)

amplitudes with means of 407 6 32 nM for
DAN-oDA and 420 6 36 nM for PFC-oDA
(n = 43/n = 13, t = 0.47, df = 42, p = 0.64, paired 0.5
t test; Fig. 5F) and overlapping time courses as 0.0
measured at 10 Hz sample rate of FSCV, in 0 40 80 120
agreement with the results shown in Figure 2. Fluo. intensity (a.u.)
The decay time constant of the DA transients
was similar (0.28 6 0.01 s for DAN-oDA and C PFC-oDA amplitude D PFC input density
0.28 6 0.01 s for PFC-oDA, n = 43/n = 13, t =
0.41, df = 41, p = 0.68 from paired t test; Fig. 5F). 1200 DA transient
800 (nM)
1.0 Fluo. intensity
Then, we tested the pharmacological prop- 400 0.5 (a. u.)
erties of DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA by deliver-
ing alternating purple and orange light pulses
and recording from a single carbon fiber. 152 nM 0.43
Application of the glutamate receptor antago-
200 nM
nists NBQX/CPP (99.2 6 3.1% of the baseline 0.73

for DAN-oDA and 1.6 6 1.1% for PFC-oDA, 8 nM 0.14

n = 5/n = 3; t = 25.3, df = 4, p , 0.0001, two-
tailed paired t test; Fig. 5G) or the nAChR
antagonist DH b E (101.9 6 0.6% of the base-
line for DAN-oDA and 0.8 6 0.8% for PFC-
oDA, n = 5/n = 3; t = 79.13, df = 4, p , 0.0001, E CIN density F PFC-CIN connectivity
two-tailed paired t test; Fig. 5H) completely
abolished PFC-oDA signals while leaving DAN- 6.0 # of CINs per High Probability of
oDA signals in the same location intact. These 5.0 400 x 400 m² Med evoking AP

results confirm the findings from Figure 3, 4.0 Low

which use antagonists and single-input optoge-

netic stimulation to evoke either DAN-oDA or 4.5
PFC-oDA in separate slices/mice. These results
also validate the experimental approach by 5.9
showing input specificity with no apparent
crossover in the optogenetic stimulation of 5.3
ChR2 and ChrimsonR with the described no AP
wavelengths. More importantly, these phar-
macological findings highlight the different
mechanisms and the unique nature of the Figure 6. Cortically evoked DA signals are spatially restricted. A, The locations of carbon fiber and two fiber-optics
input-specific DA signals evoked by PFC and were adjusted to measure DAN-oDA (left) and PFC-oDA (right) from each location where the corresponding oDAs were
midbrain inputs. superimposed on the fluorescence patterns. Scale bars, 500 mm. B, Peak amplitudes of DAN-oDA (top) and PFC-oDA
(bottom) were plotted as a function of florescence intensity at each location shown in A. Dotted lines indicate linear
Cortically evoked signals are spatially regression between the oDA amplitudes and the fluorescence intensities. C, PFC-oDAs were measured from 74 loca-
tions (between ;1.0 and 1.2 mm in mediolateral coordinate) of mice injected with ChR2-EYFP in PrL/IL cortex and
color-coded according to their peak DA concentrations. The average PFC-oDA amplitudes were calculated and color-
As shown in Figure 2D, DA signals evoked by coded for the three subregions. D, The PFC input fluorescence intensities were color-coded for the same 74 locations
selective stimulation of PrL/IL inputs were in C. The averages from the three subregions were calculated and color-coded. E, Left, Fluorescence image of striatal
preferentially detected between the NAc core CINs labeled with td-Tomato. Inset, Examples of identified CINs (red) from the area with the dotted yellow line. Right,
and dorsal striatum. We then set out to inves- The average numbers of CINs per 400  400 mm2 (area as shown in the inset) were calculated and shown for the
tigate in more detail the spatial distribution of three subregions. F, Using cell-attached patch recording, action potentials evoked by PFC stimulation were observed
the input-specific DA signals using the dual- from a total of 46 CINs. For each CIN, a minimum light intensity to evoke action potentials was determined to score
opsin expression approach by sampling the the connectivity. White circles with a thicker line represent CINs which did not show any evoked action potentials
amplitude of DA signals across 18 different even with the maximum light intensity.
striatal areas of the sagittal brain slice while
evoking responses with purple and orange correlations with the fluorescent intensity of the projections
light. While DAN-oDA signals were detected throughout the (p = 0.03 and r2 = 0.28 for DAN-oDA; p = 0.01, r2 = 0.37 for
whole striatum, PFC-oDA signals were spatially restricted (Fig. PFC-oDA; Fig. 6B). However, the slope of the linear regression
6A,B). Both DAN-oDA and PFC-oDA signals showed significant was larger for DAN-oDA signals than PFC-oDA signals (10 vs 6

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7520 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals

nM/AU, respectively; Fig. 6B). Thus, the intensity of the DAN-la- activation. This study further reveals the spatial localization of
beled fibers was a good predictor of the magnitude of DAN-oDA the DA signals evoked by PFC inputs.
signals. On the other hand, the presence of cortical axon fluores- We showed that the PrL/IL-evoked DA signals require activa-
cence was not always a predictor of PFC-oDA signals, likely tion of glutamate and nicotinic ACh receptors, in line of a series
because of the larger density of passing cortical axons that are of elegant published work. Using in vitro radioactive assays and
not synaptic terminal run through the striatum. in vivo microdialysis, it was first shown that locally administered
Averaging the area responses in 5 brain slices from 3 mice, we ACh and glutamate can trigger DA release in the striatum
found that the mean amplitude of the PFC-oDA signals was larg- (Giorguieff et al., 1976, 1977). Giorguieff et al. (1976) showed
est in the ventral part of the dorsal striatum, which again maps in that an nAChR antagonist blocked ACh-evoked DA signals, and
gross terms with the location of the brightest intensity of ChR2- speculated that “. . . the release of DA from dopaminergic termi-
EYFP-labeled projections from PrL/IL cortex (Fig. 6C,D). nals can be regulated by cholinergic presynaptic receptors exhib-
However, the correlation between fluorescence intensity and am- iting nicotinic characteristics.” To their credit, their conclusions
plitude of PFC-oDA signals is not always strong; for example, agree with our interpretations of the findings from the current
the more intensely labeled caudal areas near the globus pallidus study as well as other recent optogenetic studies where it was
show almost no PFC-oDA signal (Fig. 6C,D). The evidence of shown that selective stimulation of CINs is sufficient to evoke
small or no PFC-oDA signals in the more caudal striatum could DA signals (Cachope et al., 2012; Threlfell et al., 2012; Wang et
possibly reflect greater fiber density rather than innervation of al., 2014; Shin et al., 2017). The involvement of CINs in the gluta-
the caudal portion of the striatum by the axonal projections from mate-dependent DA signals was also suggested by early work by
PrL/IL cortex. Taber and Fibiger (1994) who showed that electrical stimulation
The number of CINs is ,1% of the total striatal neurons, and of PFC can increase levels of ACh in the striatum and further
they are sparsely distributed throughout the striatum (Burke et supported by more recent optogenetic studies (Threlfell et al.,
al., 2017). We then quantified the density of CINs from the same 2012; Kosillo et al., 2016; Johnson et al., 2017; Mateo et al., 2017;
area to further determine whether the distribution of CINs con- Cover et al., 2019).
tribute to the spatial restriction of PFC-oDA signals. For this Here, our experiments confirmed the requirement for iono-
purpose, we took advantage of CIN-tdTomato mouse line, which tropic glutamate receptor activation in the PFC-evoked DA sig-
fluorescently labels CINs throughout the striatal slices (Fig. 6E). nals as previously shown (Mateo et al., 2017). We also show that
The quantification analysis of cell numbers in 400  400 mm2 nAChRs are required for the PrL/IL-evoked DA signals in vitro,
showed that the density of CINs was also highest in the middle similar to other findings when stimulating inputs from other
part of the dorsomedial striatum (6 slices from 3 mice), suggest- cortical (Kosillo et al., 2016) and thalamic areas (Threlfell et al.,
ing that an uneven distribution of CINs could also contribute to 2012; Kosillo et al., 2016; Cover et al., 2019) and indirectly in
the spatial restriction of the local DA signals evoked by PrL/IL vivo (Mateo et al., 2017). Our results from the in vivo microdialy-
cortical inputs to the ventral portion of the dorsomedial striatum. sis experiments reproduce the original findings from Quiroz et
To further test whether the spatial profile of PFC-oDA signals is al. (2016) showing that optogenetic stimulation of PFC inputs
in part determined by the strength of the innervation of CINs by increases striatal levels of DA in vivo (and glutamate, as expected;
PrL/IL cortical neurons, we performed cell-attached recordings Fig. 1). More importantly, we showed that stimulation of PrL/IL
from the same CINs of CIN-TdTomato mice and measured the inputs to the striatum also elevates striatal levels of ACh in vivo
ability of PFC optogenetic stimulation to evoke action potentials and that this cortically evoked DA signals are blocked when a
in CINs throughout the striatum (46 CINs from 3 mice). We nAChR antagonist is perfused (Fig. 1C,D). Thus, these findings
found that the connectivity followed a similar pattern to the support that idea PrL/IL inputs form excitatory synapses on
PFC-oDA profile, and the probability that CINs will fire an striatal CINs and can activate then to evoke ACh release (Fig.
1C). In agreement with this conclusion, recent work showed that
action potential in response to PFC stimulation was higher in the
optogenetic stimulation of either M1 motor cortex or parafascic-
central part of the striatum than in the NAc and dorsal regions
ular nucleus of the thalamus can induce release of ACh that was
of the dorsal striatum (Fig. 6F).
detected using exogenous G-protein-coupled inward rectifying
In conclusion, this study offers a series of in vitro and in vivo
K-current expressed in medium spiny neurons (Mamaligas et al.,
evidence that stimulation of cortical inputs from the PrL/IL cor-
2019). Together, our findings from both in vitro and in vivo
tex can evoke DA release in the striatum via a local mechanism
strongly support the hypothesis of a local mechanism for evoking
that recruits CINs and requires activation of nAChRs. Since
DA release in the striatum, in addition to the more conventional
these cortically evoked DA signals are spatially restricted and
mechanism based on midbrain DAN firing. This local mecha-
have different properties, we speculate that they are engaged in
nism engages striatal CINs, the targets of inputs from PFC,
distinctive striatal functions from those assigned for DA signals
which have an essential role in evoking DA release from DAN
evoked by midbrain DANs.
DA signals evoked by PrL/IL inputs and those evoked by
DAN fibers stimulation share common properties, such as over-
Discussion lapping electrochemical profiles of the voltammetric currents
This study provides strong evidence that DA signals in the stria- and similar concentration range, time course, and decay time
tum can occur both in vivo and in vitro in response to stimula- constant of the signals (Figs. 2, 5E,F). However, there are also
tion of PrL/IL cortical inputs. These PrL/IL-evoked DA signals several differences between the input-specific DA signals. First,
have distinctive pharmacological and physiological properties, DAN-evoked DA signals do not require activation of either iono-
compared with the DA signals evoked by DAN inputs. The in tropic glutamate receptors or nAChRs (Figs. 3C–F, 5G,H), con-
vitro experiments also introduce a dual optogenetic stimulation firming the direct nature of this mechanism that is triggered by
approach with which we can activate two different inputs to the ChR2-evoked action potentials in DAN axon fibers. Second,
striatum in the same brain slice, without apparent cross- PrL/IL-evoked DA signals display different temperature

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Adrover, Shin et al. · PFC-Driven Striatal Dopamine Signals J. Neurosci., September 23, 2020 • 40(39):7510–7522 • 7521

sensitivity and a higher threshold compared with DAN-oDA, reliable in the ventral DS (Fig. 6), recordings were performed in
requiring a longer duration of light stimulation as determined in this area. Together, these findings suggest that PrL/IL inputs and
the input-output relationship (Figs. 3, 4). This finding may the synaptic innervation to CINs are preferentially localized to
reflect the polysynaptic nature of the cortically evoked signals the dorsomedial subregion, giving rise to the largest cortically
and the requirement of synchronized activation of CINs to trig- evoked DA signals.
ger DA release by this local mechanism (Threlfell et al., 2012; From the mechanism described here for this PrL/IL-evoked
Kosillo et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2018). Third, the amplitude of DA signals, we propose that any input to the striatum that
DAN-evoked DA signals increases as the number of stimulation strongly activates CINs (cortical, thalamic, or any other brain
pulses increases, indicating some summation in the DA signals region) can in theory evoke local DA signals in the striatum. We
evoked by a train of stimulation pulses (Fig. 4A,B). In contrast, also speculate, based on ours and other groups’ works, that these
the amplitude of DA signals in response to a train of pulses of glutamate-driven DA signals can similarly happen in other stria-
cortical input stimulation is similar to the amplitudes obtained tal subregions. The selective localization of PrL/IL-evoked DA
in response to a single pulse of stimulation, indicating no sum- signals suggests the existence of a “topographic map” for the
mation under this condition for the local mechanism (Fig. 4A,B). local DA signals where inputs from different cortical subregions
ChR2 displays use-dependent inactivation when stimulated at can trigger local DA signals at the striatal subregion which they
high frequency (Hass and Glickfeld, 2016). However, the lack of innervate. Spatial segregation of input-specific DA signals in the
summation by the train stimulation is unlikely because of this striatum is a new concept introduced here that is rarely consid-
use-dependent inactivation of ChR2 since 20 Hz train stimulation ered in the field. This concept may become helpful in under-
was still able to evoke action potentials in CINs recorded in cell- standing how DA signals in the striatum can be involved in so
attached mode (Fig. 4D,E) and amperometry recording showed many diverse processes ranging from reinforcement learning
large deflections in response to train stimulation (Fig. 4C). and motivation to motor output and action selection.
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NMDA Receptors in Dopaminergic Neurons

Are Crucial for Habit Learning
Lei Phillip Wang,1 Fei Li,1,2 Dong Wang,1 Kun Xie,1 Deheng Wang,1 Xiaoming Shen,2 and Joe Z. Tsien1,*
1Brainand Behavior Discovery Institute and Department of Neurology, Georgia Health Sciences University, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
2Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center & Shanghai Key Laboratory of Children’s
Environmental Health, XinHua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.10.019

SUMMARY Despite this importance, the mechanisms modulating dopamine

during habit learning have yet to be fully investigated. Studies
Dopamine is crucial for habit learning. Activities of have shown that habit-learning deficits caused by dopamine
midbrain dopaminergic neurons are regulated by deafferentation could not be rescued by simple intrastriatal
the cortical and subcortical signals among which glu- injections of DA agonists (Faure et al., 2010). These observations
tamatergic afferents provide excitatory inputs. suggested that dopamine, the modulator itself, might need to be
Cognitive implications of glutamatergic afferents in regulated during normal habit learning. Anatomically, along with
cholinergic inputs, glutamatergic afferents from brain structures
regulating and engaging dopamine signals during
such as pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg), subthala-
habit learning, however, remain unclear. Here, we
mic nucleus (STN), and prefrontal cortex (PFC) provide main
show that mice with dopaminergic neuron-specific forms of excitatory inputs to the midbrain DA neurons (Grace
NMDAR1 deletion are impaired in a variety of et al., 2007). NMDA receptors (NMDARs), members of the iono-
habit-learning tasks, while normal in some other tropic glutamate receptor family, are important regulators of DA
dopamine-modulated functions such as locomotor neuron activity. First, synaptic plasticity in the glutamatergic
activities, goal-directed learning, and spatial refer- afferents to DA neurons depends on NMDARs (Bonci and Mal-
ence memories. In vivo neural recording revealed enka, 1999; Overton et al., 1999; Ungless et al., 2001). This plas-
that dopaminergic neurons in these mutant mice ticity can be modulated by experiences, environmental factors,
could still develop the cue-reward association res- and psychostimulant drugs (Bonci and Malenka, 1999; Kauer
ponses; however, their conditioned response robust- and Malenka, 2007; Saal et al., 2003). Second, iontophoretic
administration of NMDAR antagonists, but not AMPAR-selective
ness was drastically blunted. Our results suggest that
antagonists, attenuated phasic firing of DA neurons, an activity
integration of glutamatergic inputs to DA neurons by linked to reward/incentive salience (Schultz, 1998), without
NMDA receptors, likely by regulating associative changing the frequency of tonic firing (Overton and Clark,
activity patterns, is a crucial part of the cellular mech- 1992). Third, in drug addiction studies, NMDARs in DA neurons
anism underpinning habit learning. are essential for developing nicotine-conditioned place prefer-
ence (Wang et al., 2010) and likely also involved in cocaine-
conditioned place preference (Engblom et al., 2008; Zweifel
INTRODUCTION et al., 2008). Thus, we postulated that modulation of DA neurons
by NMDARs might be important in engaging DA neurons in the
Many acts, after repetitive practice, would transform from being habit learning. Here, we set out to examine the roles of NMDARs
goal-directed to automated habits, which can be carried out effi- in DA neurons, by generating DA neuron-specific NR1 knockout
ciently and subconsciously. Habits help to free up the cognitive mice and testing them in a variety of habit-learning paradigms
loads on routine procedures and allow us to focus on new situa- (Devan and White, 1999; Dickinson et al., 1983; Packard et al.,
tions and tasks. Despite breakthroughs unveiling participation of 1989; Packard and McGaugh, 1996). In order to understand
different anatomical structures in habit formation (Knowlton the cellular mechanisms, we also recorded the DA neurons in
et al., 1996; Yin and Knowlton, 2006), the underpinning physio- these mice using multielectrode in vivo neural-recording tech-
logical mechanisms and how different network circuitries inte- niques (Wang and Tsien, 2011).
grate relevant information remain unclear.
Dopamine (DA) is an important regulator of synaptic plasticity,
especially in the basal ganglia, a structure essential for habit RESULTS
learning. In both human patients (Fama et al., 2000; Knowlton
et al., 1996) and rodents (Faure et al., 2005), habit learning is Production and Basic Characterization of DA
often found impaired following dopaminergic neuron degenera- Neuron-Selective NR1 Knockout Mice
tion. Dopamine has thus been postulated as a main modulator in These mice, named ‘‘DA-NR1-KO,’’ were produced by crossing
the mechanisms subserving habit learning (Ashby et al., 2010). floxed NR1 (fNR1) mice (Tsien et al., 1996) with Slc6a3+/Cre

Neuron 72, 1055–1066, December 22, 2011 ª2011 Elsevier Inc. 1055
Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:
NMDAR Engages DA Neurons in Habit Learning

A B Figure 1. Generation and Characterization

of DA-NR1-KO Mice
(A) Breeding scheme for making DA-NR1-KO mice
and for DAT-Cre/rosa-stop-lacZ mice.
(B) PCR genotyping of DA-NR1-KO (Cre, fNR1/
fNR1) mice and their littermates.
(C) Immunofluorescent staining of DAT-Cre/Rosa-
Stop-lacZ mouse brain with lacZ antibody, with
anti-TH antibody and overlay of the two stainings.
(D) Immunofluorescent staining of DA-NR1-KO and
C D wild-type control brain with anti-NR1 antibody,
anti-TH antibodies and overlay of both stainings.
Arrowheads indicate position of some TH-positive
neurons. TH signals colocalize with NR1 in the
control brain, but not in the DA-NR1-KO brains.
Pictures in the larger boxes are the 3-fold enlarge-
ment of the pictures shown in the respective small

transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under DA trans- the DA-NR1-KO neurons. The observed median frequency of
porter promoter (Zhuang et al., 2005) (Figures 1A and 1B). The phasic firing decreased from 0.78 ± 0.09 Hz in the control DA
DA neuron-specific deletion of the NR1 gene was confirmed by neurons to 0.36 ± 0.09 Hz in KO DA neurons. (Mann-Whitney U
both the reporter gene method (Figure 1C) and immunohisto- test, p < 0.01) (Figure 3E). A significant reduction was also
chemistry (Figure 1D), which showed that the gene deletion observed in the percentages of spikes fired in phasic activities
was restricted to the dopaminergic neurons in regions such as (34.7% in the controls versus 21.2% in the DA-NR1-KO;
the VTA and the substantia nigra. No obvious changes were Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.01) (Figure 3F). The total firing rate
observed in the expression pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase was also reduced in the mutant DA neurons. This appeared to
(TH), the catecholamine neuronal marker, suggesting that there be correlated with reduced burst set rate (5.18 ± 0.59 Hz, control,
was no obvious loss of dopaminergic neurons (see Figure S1 versus 3.85 ± 0.38 Hz, KO; r = 0.7719, Mann-Whitney U test,
available online). p < 0.01) (Figure 3G). No significant difference was observed
DA-NR1-KO mice were born in the expected Mendelian ratios in the tonic firing between the mutant and control groups.
and visually indistinguishable from the controls. Additionally, (4.42 ± 0.44 Hz in control, versus 3.29 ± 0.36 Hz in KO; Mann-
they were normal in locomotor activities in a novel open field (Fig- Whitney U test, p > 0.05) (Figure 3H).
ure 2A), in learning the rotarod tests (Figure 2B), in an anxiety test To further evaluate the response of DA neurons in a learning
using the elevated plus maze (Figure 2C), and in the novel object task, mice were trained 40 trials per day in a Pavlovian-condi-
recognition tests (Figure 2D). These results showed that many of tioning paradigm in which a 5 KHz tone that lasted 1 s proceeded
the behavioral functions that were sensitive to dopamine immediately before the delivery of a food pellet. DA neurons from
dysfunctions were preserved in the DA-NR1-KO mice. both genotypes were able to associate the tone with phasic
firing, but the conditioned responses were much weaker in the
DA Neurons in the DA-NR1-KO Showed Normal Tonic DA-NR1-KO group (Figure 4A). Although DA-NR1-KO neurons
Firing, Reduced Phasic Firing, and Reduced Responses showed increased firing over the days during the training, their
to the Reward-Predicting Cue responses were significantly reduced compared with the
In order to investigate the impact of NR1 deletion on the cellular controls on day 1 (19.21 ± 3.24 Hz, control, versus 9.74 ±
properties of DA neurons, we recorded the activities of these 0.30 Hz, KO; p < 0.01), day 2 (36.33 ± 4.39 Hz, control, versus
neurons in both the DA-NR1-KO mice and wild-type control litter- 16.43 ± 4.01 Hz, KO; p < 0.01), and day 3 (59.38 ± 3.82 Hz,
mates. Movable bundles of 8 tetrodes (32 channels) were im- control, versus 33.88 ± 4.30 Hz, KO; p < 0.01) (Figure 4B). These
planted into the ventral midbrain, primarily the VTA. The putative data suggested that while NMDAR1 deletion did not completely
DA neurons were identified based on their firing patterns and their prevent DA neurons from developing conditioned responses
sensitivity to dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine (1 mg/kg, (bursting) toward reward-predicting cues, it did, however,
i.p.) at the end of each recording session (Figures 3A–3D). greatly lower the robustness of the bursting response,
A total of 14 putative DA neurons from 4 mutant mice and 16 a phenomena that we call DA neuron blunting.
from 6 wild-type controls were recorded and analyzed. Phasic-
firing activities or bursting was defined as a spike train beginning Habit Learning, but Not Goal-Directed Learning,
with an interspike interval (ISI) smaller than 80 ms and termi- Was Impaired in the Operant Appetitive Conditioning
nating with an ISI greater than 160 ms. Compared with the To assess habit learning, we first tested the mice in a lever-
control neurons, phasic-firing activities were greatly reduced in pressing operant-conditioning task. In this task an instrumental

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NMDAR Engages DA Neurons in Habit Learning



Figure 2. Basic Behavioral Characterization of DA-NR-KO Mice

(A) Locomotor activity tests in a novel environment. Fine movements, ambulatory movements, total movements (total of fine plus ambulatory movements), and
rearing were scored. Post hoc comparisons revealed no differences among the mutant and the three control groups.
(B) Rotarod test. Mice were tested 1 and 24 hr after initial training. All mice performed better (as shown by extended latencies) at 24 hr. Post hoc comparisons
showed no differences among the mutant and control groups at either time points.
(C) Anxiety level tested using elevated plus maze. Percentages of time spent in each arms were calculated. Post hoc comparisons showed no differences among
the genotypes. *p < 0.05, Student’s t test.
(D) Novel object recognition test. At ‘‘24 hour,’’ Time % = time spent exploring novel object/(time spent exploring familiar object + time spent exploring novel
object). At ‘‘Training,’’ Time % = time spent exploring one object/total time spent exploring both objects. All mice spent more time on the novel object at 24th hr
(p < 0.01), with post hoc comparisons revealing no differences among the groups tested. Error bars represent SEM. *p < 0.05, Student’s t test.

action, pressing lever to obtain food, can transform from a goal- condition/control), or purified high-energy pellets that are iden-
directed to a habitual response after extensive training and tical to the rewards earned during lever-press sessions (deval-
become progressively less sensitive to devaluation of outcome ued condition). Feeding with mouse chow was used as a control
(Dickinson et al., 1983). The decreased sensitivity can thus be for the overall level of satiety, causing little reduction in the
measured as a behavioral readout of habit learning (Figure 5A). rewarding value of the purified high-energy pellets. Levers
Both mutant and control mice learned to press the lever on an were inserted in the 5 min long probe test that immediately fol-
extensive training protocol consisting of 4 days of continuous lowed the 1 hr unlimited food exposure (pellets or chow). No
reinforcement (CRF), 2 days of random interval (RI) 30 s, and pellets were given during the tests. Comparing numbers of lever
6 days of RI 60 s schedules (Dickinson et al., 1983). Mice in press during the tests showed that, while no differences were
both groups increased lever-press rates during the training found between the mutant and the control mice on nondevalued
(CRF days 1–4, RI 30 s days 5 and 6, RI 60 s days 7–12) (Fig- condition (p = 0.94) or between the devalued and nondevalued
ure 5B). A two-way ANOVA of repeated measures, with days conditions (p = 0.153) in the control group, there was a significant
and genotype as factors, showed no effect of genotype difference in the mutant mice between devalued and non-
(F(1, 231) = 0.07), a main effect of days (F(11, 231) = 51.4; p < devalued conditions (p < 0.01). Furthermore, there was also
0.01), and no interaction between these factors (F(11, 231) = a significant difference between the mutant and control mice
0.269). This result suggested that the DA-NR1-KO mice have on devalued condition (p < 0.05). A two-way ANOVA of repeated
normal wanting of the pellet reward and exhibited normal goal- measures, with treatment and genotype as factors, showed an
directed learning. interaction between the two factors (F(1, 21) = 4.98; p < 0.05) (Fig-
Lever pressing was then tested after the outcome devaluation. ure 5C). These suggested that the conditional knockout mice
Mice were prefed with either regular mouse chow to which they failed to develop the lever-pressing habit despite extensive
had been exposed in their regular home cages (nondevalued training, and their action stayed goal directed.

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Figure 3. Burst Firing by DA Neurons Is

Impaired in KO Mice
(A and B) Sample waveform of a DA neuron re-
corded from a control (A) and a KO (B) mouse, and
corresponding ISI histogram (10 ms bins).
(C and D) Cumulative spike activity of an example
of a putative DA neuron from the control (C) and
KO (D) mouse in response to the dopamine
receptor agonist apomorphine (1 mg/kg, i.p.).
(E) Burst set rate by DA neurons from control and
KO mice.
(F) Percent spikes fired in bursts by DA neurons
from control and KO mice.
(G) Correlation between burst set rate and firing
(H) Frequency of nonbursting spikes. See text for
all the statistics.

‘‘east’’ arm) (Training I in Figure 6A). In

order to facilitate developing habit-based
navigation, the north and the west arms
were both closed. It has been shown
that under this paradigm, normal mice
would learn to search the target using
spatial reference memory after moderate
training but would switch to habitual
navigation after extensive training (Pack-
ard and McGaugh, 1996). Probe trials,
during which the start location switched
from the ‘‘south’’ arm to the ‘‘north’’
arm, were given at different time points
to allow dissociation of the spatial and
habitual strategies. Thus, mice using the
‘‘habit strategy’’ were predicted to turn
right (into the ‘‘west’’ arm), whereas the
‘‘spatial’’ mice, guided by distal spatial
cues, were predicted to go to the ‘‘east’’
arm, where the target resided during
All mice were trained in ten trials per
day for 5 consecutive days before the first
probe trial on day 6 (Probe 1 in Figure 6A).
During this probe trial the DA-NR1-KO
group and control mice showed similar
preferences (c2 [3, n = 43] = 0.346; p =
0.951) for the ‘‘spatial’’ strategy, opting
Spatial Navigation Habit, but Not Spatial Memory, to turn left toward the ‘‘east’’ arm (Figure 6B), suggesting that
Was Impaired in the Positively Reinforced Plus Maze they had similarly acquired the spatial memory and that they
Habit learning was then assessed in a navigation-based para- shared comparable motivation. All mice were then trained for
digm using plus maze place/response-learning tasks (Devan 10 additional days before the second probe trial (Probe 2 in
and White, 1999; Packard, 1999; Packard and McGaugh, Figure 6A) on day 17. During this probe trial no significant differ-
1996). Littermates in genotypes Slc6a3+/Cre; fNR1/+, Slc6a3+/ ences were found among the three control groups (c2 [2, n =
Cre, and wild-type served as three control groups for the DA- 29] = 0.499; p = 0.779). As a group, control mice opted to ‘‘turn
NR1-KO mice. The maze was built with transparent walls and right’’ (and into the ‘‘west’’ arm) significantly more on day 17
placed in a room furnished with spatial cues. The schematic than on day 6 (c2 [1, n = 29] = 22.587; p = 0.00000201), indicating
training and testing schedules are shown in Figure 6A. Naive a learned ‘‘habit’’-based searching strategy. In contrast, less
animals, always starting from the same location in the maze than 10% of the DA-NR1-KO mice (compared with 80% of
(the ‘‘south’’ arm), were trained to find a fixed target site (in the control mice) (mutants versus controls: c2 = 7.244; p = 0.007)

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Figure 4. Responses of Putative Dopamine Neurons in 3 Day Reward

(A) Peri-event histograms of an example DA neuron recorded from control and
KO mouse in response to the same conditioned tone (5 kHz, 1 s) that predicted
a sugar pellet delivery in a 3 day session.
(B) Excitation peak firing rate of DA neurons from control (red line, n = 16) and
KO (blue line, n = 14) in response to reward during these 3 days. Error bars
represent SD. **p < 0.01, excitation peak rate in KO versus control DA neurons, Figure 5. Habit and Goal-Directed Learning Test with Operant Appe-
in day 1, 2, and 3. titive Conditioning
(A) Paradigm for the training and test.
(B) Lever-pressing speed during training days. No significant difference was
opted to turn ‘‘right’’ on day 17 (Figure 6B), suggesting that they discovered at any day of the training between the mutant and control groups.
failed to learn the ‘‘habit’’-based strategies and, instead, kept (C) Lever pressing in the 5 min extinction test after devaluation of outcome and
using the ‘‘spatial’’ strategy. nondevaluation of outcome. Mutant mice showed significantly reduced lever
To confirm that the deficits in the plus maze tasks were pressing at the devalued condition versus both control mice at devalued
indeed from habit learning, right after the second probe trial, condition and mutants at nondevalued condition. No significant reduction was
detected for the control mice between the devalued and nondevalued
mice were further challenged in a ‘‘relearn after 90 rotation’’
conditions. (See text for all the statistics.) Error bars represent SEM. *p < 0.01,
procedure (Training II, Figure 6A), three trials a day for 2 days lever presses by the DA-NR1-KO mice during nondevalued versus devalued
within the exact same maze and surrounding cues. During tests; **p < 0.05, lever presses during devalued test by DA-NR1-KO versus by
the training, both the west and south arms were blocked. The control.
start box was placed in the ‘‘east’’ arm, and the food rewards
were in the ‘‘north’’ arm. Mice were tested in a rotation test
on day 19, and accuracies to locate the food were scored. with the previously learned spatial relationship and, thus, was
Mice started from the ‘‘east’’ arm with all arms open during predicted to inhibit new learning. As in Figure 6C, the mutants
the test (Figure 6A). For ‘‘habit’’ mice who had learned to showed significantly less success (turning ‘‘right’’ or into the
‘‘turn right’’ during previous training sessions (days 1–16), this ‘‘north’’ arm) (c2 [3, n = 42] = 11.667; p = 0.0006), whereas
new learning was simply a retraining, in which the same habit no difference was found (c2 [3, n = 42] = 0.73; p = 0.694) among
response (turning ‘‘right’’) would lead them to the new food the three control groups. This supported the notion that mutant
location. However, for the ‘‘spatial’’ mice, switching of target mice failed to learn the habit strategy, even after the extensive
location from the ‘‘east’’ arm to the ‘‘north’’ arm conflicted training.

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A Figure 6. Habit Learning Analyzed Using Plus

(A) Training and testing schedule for both food reward-
based and water-based plus maze.
(B and C) Plus maze positively reinforced with food
(D and E) Plus maze negatively reinforced with water.
(B and D) Probe trials on days 6 and 17. Significant
differences were found between days 17 and 6 in the
control mice. Significant differences were also found on
day 17 between the mutant and control groups.
(C and E) Rotation test after 2 days of ‘‘relearn after 90
rotation’’ training. Significant differences were found
between the mutant and control groups. (See text for all
the statistics.) *p < 0.01, mutant versus the controls on day
B C 17 and day 19; **p < 0.01, day 17 versus day 6 in the
control groups.

p = 0.951). The second probe trial showed that

over 80% of the control mice had adopted the
‘‘habit’’ strategy, whereas the mutant mice re-
mained strongly ‘‘spatial’’ (Figure 6D). No differ-
ences were found among the three control
groups (c2 [2, n = 29] = 0.499; p = 0.779). As
a group, the control mice opted for the ‘‘habit’’
strategy significantly more on day 17 than
on day 6 (c2 [1, n = 29] = 22.587; p =
D E 0.00000201). A significantly lower percentage
of DA-NR1-KO mice opted to ‘‘turn right’’
(7.14% versus 80% in the control mice; c2 [1,
n = 43] = 20.904; p = 0.00000483). The deficits
in habit learning were further confirmed in the
rotation test given after 2 days of the ‘‘relearn
after 90 rotation’’ challenge task (Training II,
Figure 6A). A significantly smaller proportion
of the mutant mice (28.6%) in contrast to 80%
of the controls were able to successfully locate
the new platform position (one-tailed proba-
bility = 0.000388, Fisher’s exact test). These
data thus agreed with the findings from the
Spatial Navigational Habit Learning, but Not Spatial above food-rewarded tasks suggesting that the learning deficits
Memory, Was Impaired in the Negatively Reinforced were unlikely contingent on the types of reinforcement employed
Plus Maze in the training process.
Because many studies suggested that dopamine is important Due to the significant involvement of spatial learning in the plus
for reward pathways, we asked whether habit-learning deficits maze task, mice were tested in a spatial version of the plus maze
seen in the DA-NR1-KO mice hinged on the nature of the rein- (Figure 7A). They were trained six trials per day for 6 days to find
forcement. The aforementioned experiments were replicated in a hidden platform in the water-filled plus maze. With all four arms
a water-based plus maze, in which the sole escape from the open, starting points switched between trials in each day
water was for mice to locate and climb onto a hidden platform rotating among the distal ends of three arms that did not contain
in the end of one arm. This water-based plus maze behavior the platform, following a semi-random order. The platform loca-
was driven by the desire to escape from the negative environ- tion remained fixed throughout. A probe test was given on day
ment and offered an additional opportunity to compare with 10, 3 days after the training session ended. During the test,
habit learning based on positive reinforcement such as the with the platform removed, mice were released to the center of
seeking of a food reward. All parameters such as maze dimen- the maze and allowed to search for 60 s. Durations spent by
sions, cues used, starting and target locations, number of trials each mouse in each arm were recorded (Figure 7B). Mice from
per day, and numbers of days in training remained the same as all four groups spent significantly more time searching in the
those in the previous food-rewarded experiments (Figure 6A). target arm (mutants, F(3,32) = 101.292, p < 0.001; Cre, fNR1/+,
The first probe trial revealed no significant differences F(3,28) = 134.996, p < 0.001; Cre, F(3,36) = 147.806, p < 0.001;
between any two of the four genotypes (c2 [3, n = 43] = 0.346; wild-type, F(3, 36) = 294.358, p < 0.001; Newman-Keuls post

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Figure 7. Spatial Memory Test Using Plus Maze

(A) Training and testing paradigms.
(B) Probe trial test. All mice spent more time searching in the target arm. No difference was detected between the mutant and control groups. *p < 0.01, time spent
in the target arm versus in the other three arms. Error bars represent SEM. (See text for all the statistics.)

hoc comparison [the target arm compared to all the other arms], recording techniques. Behavioral analysis revealed that the DA-
p < 0.01 for all genotypes). No differences were found between NR1-KO mice were impaired in several forms of habit learning.
the mutant and any control groups, suggesting that spatial In an operant task where both the mutant and control mice
learning abilities were unlikely a factor causing the habit-learning learned a goal-directed action in the initial training, extensive
deficits observed in the DA-NR1-KO mice. training shifted, but only in the control mice, the learned action
from goal directed to habitual. In the mutant mice, this action
Habit Learning in a Nonspatial Zigzag Maze-Based Habit remained goal directed and, thus, sensitive to reward devalua-
Task Was Impaired tion. Similarly, in plus maze tasks, whereas both mutants and
Instead of compromising habit learning per se, DA-specific NR1 the controls learned to navigate based on spatial cues in initial
deletion could have skewed the competition between ‘‘spatial’’ training, extensive training shifted navigation from spatial into
and ‘‘habit’’ memory systems in the plus maze task. In order to habitual also only in the controls, while the mutants’ navigation re-
investigate this possibility, we designed a nonspatial ‘‘zigzag mained spatially oriented. Such deficits in habit learning were
maze’’ task as a more direct measurement of habit learning. As observed in both positively reinforced and negatively reinforced
shown in Figure 8A, the water-filled zigzag maze consisted of tasks. This is consistent with our recent recordings showing
eight arms similar in length. Mice were trained to escape onto that DA neurons employ a convergent encoding strategy for
a hidden platform. Six different starting points were chosen, processing both positive and negative values (Wang and Tsien,
each paired with its own location of the hidden platform. The plat- 2011). One notable finding of those in vivo recording experiments
form locations were chosen so that they would be reached after was that some DA neurons exhibit a stimulus-suppression-then-
two consecutive right turns from the start point. All mice were rebound-excitation type firing pattern in response to negative
trained 12 trials per day for 10 days. To facilitate developing experiences (Wang and Tsien, 2011). This offset-rebound excita-
the turning habits, some arms were blocked (red lines) so that tion may encode information reflecting not only a relief at the
mice were only allowed the correct turn at each intersection. A termination of such fearful events but, perhaps, provide some
probe test was given on day 11 in which mice were placed at sort of motivational signals (e.g., motivation to escape).
a random start location. Some arms in the maze remained Therefore, our data strongly suggested that NMDAR functions
blocked (red lines), but unlike in training, mice were allowed to in DA neuron be essential for habit learning. A previous study by
choose between turning ‘‘left’’ or ‘‘right’’ at two intersections Zweifel et al. (2009) reported that the DA neuronal-selective NR1
(Figure 8A). Mice were scored for whether they finished the two KO mice were impaired in learning a water maze task and also
consecutive right turns (counted as ‘‘successful’’). No differ- impaired in learning a conditioned response in an appetitive T
ences were found among the three control genotypes (all maze task, seemingly in disagreement with our results of normal
between 90% and 100%, c2 [2, n = 29] = 1.968; p = 0.374) (Fig- spatial learning and goal-directed learning. The experimental
ure 8B), and they were pooled. The conditional knockout mice conditions used in their studies were, however, quite different
showed a significantly lower successful rate in making the two from those in ours. The water maze deficit was transient and
consecutive right turns (one-tailed probability = 0.000196, detectable only during the very early part (day 2 in a 5 day
Fisher’s exact test), again suggesting that the DA-NR1-KO session) of their training sessions. The T maze was a goal-
mice are defective in developing the navigation habit. directed paradigm that likely also involved mice learning context
association between landmarks and rewards. Additionally, the
DISCUSSION action-reward contingency was also different than that in the
operant paradigm that we used. It is very likely that factors
Here, we studied mutant mice with DA neuron-selective NR1 such as task difficulties, amount of training, cue saliencies,
deletion using a set of behavioral tasks as well as in vivo neural- temporal and spatial contingencies between the CS, and the

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A Figure 8. Habit-Learning Test Using Zigzag Maze

(A) Training and testing paradigms. Red lines indicate
blocked entrances, arrows starting points, and black
circles target locations.
(B) Turning test. Mutant mice showed a significantly
reduced rate of success versus the controls. *p < 0.001,
mutant versus control groups. (See text for all the statis-

the mutants to learn goal-directed and spatial

learning normally and indistinguishably. After
extensive training under these conditions, the
mutant mice could not develop the habit
learning, whereas the controls clearly did.
Dopamine is an important modulator for the
habit learning (Wickens et al., 2007; Yin and
Knowlton, 2006). Most of the current under-
standing of its involvement in the habit learning
has so far centered on the downstream path-
ways and structures such as the dorsal striatum
and more recently the PFC (Wickens et al., 2007;
Yin and Knowlton, 2006). Our finding here high-
B lighted the importance of glutamatergic modula-
tions of the DA neuron circuitry itself, in this case
mediated by NMDARs, and suggested that this
upstream pathway should be considered an
integral part of the habit-learning networks.
With perception of the environmental stimuli
likely carried out by glutamatergic signals, it is
conceivable that NMDARs in dopaminergic
neurons participate in the controlling and fine-
tuning of dopaminergic neuron activity patterns
during habit formation. An important part of
this regulation is perhaps to create the cue-rein-
forcement association at an appropriate level in
terms of response robustness and overall DA
neuron network patterns so that DA neurons
would respond accordingly to procedures and
cues with higher incentive salience. NMDARs
are required in mediating synaptic plasticity in
glutamatergic synapses onto DA neurons (Bonci
and Malenka, 1999). Our results showed that
modulation by NMDARs facilitates bursting of
DA neurons toward the learned reward-predict-
rewards can affect the type and amount of involvement by DA ing cues. It is conceivable that the function of NMDARs in regu-
neurons. Using in vivo neural recordings, we observed that lating phasic firing may be closely linked to its roles in regulating
although the response to cue-reward association is much atten- synaptic plasticity. In fact, studies have shown that enhanced
uated in DA-NR1-KO neurons in term of both response peak synaptic strength onto dopamine neurons may act to facilitate
amplitude and duration, these DA neurons, nonetheless, still their phasic firing (Stuber et al., 2008).
could form the cue-reward association. Interaction between The blunting of the phasic firing of DA neuron in the mutant
the blunted responsiveness of DA and test conditions may leave mice can contribute or even result in the habit-learning deficits.
some goal-directed learning impaired by the NR1 deletion, There are several brain regions involved in habit learning that
whereas spare some others. A good example is that in a report can be affected by this blunting. The most intuitive one is the
published later by the same group, the authors reported that striatum. Dopamine signaling has been postulated as the mech-
the NR1 KO mice were normal in a goal-directed learning para- anism that trains the striatum, which in turn trains the cortex to
digm (Parker et al., 2010). In our study the test conditions and establish the appropriate sensorimotor associations required
amount of trainings we used allowed the controls as well as for developing habits (Ashby et al., 2010; Wickens et al., 2007).

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Dopamine modulates the plasticity in the corticostriatal Cre transgene and for the floxed NMDAR1 (fNR1) locus. Mice used in these
synapses, facilitating induction of LTP in conditions that would experiments have been bred for at least five generations onto the C57/BL6
background. Animals were maintained on a 12 hr light/dark cycle in the Geor-
otherwise induce LTD. This facilitation requires dopamine D1
gia Health Sciences University animal care facility. Except for when specified
receptor (Calabresi et al., 2000). The low affinity of D1 receptors in experiment, such as when food pellets were used as rewards, food and
toward dopamine coupled with the fast dopamine reuptake water were given ad libitum. All procedures relating to animal care and treat-
(Cragg et al., 1997) in the striatum likely makes the dopamine ment conform to the Institutional and NIH guidelines. For behavioral tests in
modulation sensitive to the blunting of phasic release. From the study, we used male mice around 1 year old in age. These animals have
a network point of view, it has been reported that dopamine been prescreened to make sure that they have normal vision and hearing
can cause changes in the coordinated activity of neuronal
ensembles in corticostriatal circuits and by doing so ‘‘gate’’ the
inputs in those downstream regions (Costa et al., 2006). Thus,
Mice were perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in
when dopamine level is low, such as when bursting activities 13 PBS followed by a postfixation in 4% PFA overnight. Coronal sections
are insufficient, it fails to produce and reinforce these networks’ (50 mm thick) were cut on a vibratome and collected in 0.5% PFA in
connectivity underlying habit formation. Other than the striatum, 13 PBS and stored at 4 C before use. For double-immunofluorescent staining
reduced bursting of DA neurons may also affect activities of of b-galactosidase and TH, sections were incubated at 4 C overnight with
structures such as the PFC of which lesion of the medial infralim- gentle shaking in primary antibody (anti-b-galactosidase [pAb] 1/5,000, Invi-
trogen; anti-TH [monoclonal antibody] 1/1,000) in a buffer containing 0.05%
bic area was reported to impair expression of a learned habit
Tween 20, 10% normal goat serum, and 13 PBS following preincubation in
(Coutureau and Killcross, 2003). Studies have shown that tonic 10% normal goat serum and 13 PBS at room temperature for 2 hr. The
dopamine concentration in the prefrontal area, likely due to the sections were then incubated with Alexa-conjugated secondary antibodies
relatively slower dopamine reuptake (Seamans and Yang, (1/200; Invitrogen) at room temperature for 2 hr. b-Galactosidase IR was
2004), may be affected by previous phasic dopamine release visualized by Alexa 568 and TH IR by Alexa 488. A similar procedure was
(Matsuda et al., 2006). The presence of background dopamine employed to double stain NMDAR1 and TH except that anti-NR1 (polyclonal
signal converts LTD to potentiation. This ‘‘priming’’ requires antibody 1:100; Chemicon, Temecula, CA, USA) was used as the primary anti-
body for NMDAR1. The sections were incubated with Alexa-conjugated
time to develop and requires D1 and D2 receptors, both of which
secondary antibodies (1/200; Invitrogen) at room temperature for 2 hr.
have low affinity to dopamine. It is very likely that this phasic NMDAR1 was visualized by Alexa 488 and TH IR by Alexa 594. Fluorescent
release-induced ‘‘priming’’ could also be affected by the amount images were captured with a confocal laser-scanning microscope and an
of DA neurons bursting, thus, by blunting of DA response. It will epifluorescence microscope.
be of great interest to dissect the various roles of those different
brain regions in habit formation in future studies. Elevated Plus Maze
It is also important for future research to further analyze the This apparatus consists of a center platform (5 3 5 cm) 37 cm off the ground
with four branching arms (30 cm long and 5 cm wide). Two of the four arms are
contributions of NMDARs within different dopamine subpopula-
open, and the other two arms are enclosed by black walls (20 cm high). Testing
tions, and temporally within different phases of habit learning.
was performed during light phase in a dimly lit room (50 lux). Animals were
The potential subregional circuitry within the DA neuron popula- placed on the center platform and scored for arm entries and time spent in
tions in the VTA and SNr regions can be highly crucial for inte- each arm. Percentages of time animals spent in the open arms were calculated
grating distinct cortical and subcortical inputs (Grace et al., as the final readout of anxiety. Unpaired t tests were used to compare the
2007; Lammel et al., 2011; Lisman and Grace, 2005). Thus, it is significance between the different genotypes.
conceivable that additional subregional-specific manipulations
and analyses could further elucidate how the glutamatergic Rotarod
RotaRod analysis was performed using the mouse version of ROTA-ROD
regulation of DA neurons, as revealed by our current study,
manufactured by San Diego Instruments (San Diego, CA, USA). Mice were
modulates habit formation. trained by allowing them to run on a rotarod rotating at 30 rpm for a total
In summary our study has provided several important insights time span of 5 min. (Time counting was stopped when mice dropped until
about NMDAR in DA neurons and habit learning. First, NMDARs they were put back onto the rotarod again.) During the tests mice were again
in DA neurons are required for learning habits, including appetitive placed on top of the rotarod, which rotated at 30 rpm. Durations of each mouse
lever pressing and spatial navigational habits. Second, the that stayed on the rotarod (latency to fall) were recorded. Any mice remaining
on the apparatus 300 s after the starts were removed, and the time was scored
dependence of habit learning on NMDARs in DA neurons was
as 300 s. Unpaired t tests were used to compare the significance between the
observed in both positively and negatively reinforced trainings.
latencies in different genotypes.
Third, DA neurons lacking the NMDARs can still form the cue-
reward association but with greatly reduced phasic activity as Open-Field Activity Test
well as conditioned response robustness. Taken together, our Locomotor activity was measured by scoring beam breaks in activity cham-
results suggest that the NMDARs in DA neurons are an important bers (San Diego Instruments). Prior to open-field tests, animals were handled
modulator of DA neurons’ response robustness in cue-reward for 2 consecutive days. Standard rat cages were used as the novel open field
association and an essential element underpinning habit learning. for the mice tested. Locomotor activities were recorded for 1 hr and scored for
both 5 min and 1 hr. Unpaired t tests were used to compare the significance in
fine movements, ambulatory movements, and rearing between the different

Subjects Instrumental Training

Mice carrying alleles of NMDAR1 flanked by loxP sites (fNR1) were bred with Mice were placed on a food-deprivation schedule to reduce their weight to
Slc63a Cre transgenic mice. Offspring were genotyped by PCR for both the 80%–85% of their baseline weight. They were fed for 2 hr with mouse chow

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NMDAR Engages DA Neurons in Habit Learning

in their home cages each day after training. Water was available at all times in was placed at a designed location 1 inch under the water surface. Training
the home cages. and tests were done as described in the text. The chi-square test and Fisher’s
Training and testing took place in eight Med Associates operant chambers exact test were used to compare the performance of mice from different
(21.6 cm length 3 17.8 cm width 3 12.7 cm height) housed in boxes with genotypes.
sound-attenuating walls. Each chamber was equipped with a food magazine,
two retractable levers, one on each side of the magazine, and a 3 W, 24V house Surgeries
light mounted on the same wall, but above the food magazine. Bio-Serv 20 mg A 32-channel (a bundle of 8 tetrodes), ultralight (weight <1 g), movable
pellets from a dispenser into the magazine were used as reward. The software (screw-driven) electrode array was constructed similar to that described
Med-PC-IV from Med Associates was used for equipment control and previously (Lin et al., 2006; Wang and Tsien, 2011). Each tetrode consisted
behavior recording. of four 13 mm diameter Fe-Ni-Cr wires (Stablohm 675, California Fine Wire;
with impedances of typically 2–4 MU for each wire) or 17 mm diameter Plat-
Lever-Press Training inum wires (90% Platinum 10% Iridium, California Fine Wire; with imped-
At the beginning of each session, the house light was turned on and the ances of typically 1–2 MU for each wire). One week before surgery, mice
lever inserted. At the end of each session, the light was turned off and (3–6 months old) were removed from the standard cage and housed in
the lever retracted. Mice were trained in an initial lever-press training con- customized home cages (40 3 20 3 25 cm). On the day of surgery, mice
sisting of 4 consecutive days of CRF, during which the mice received were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine (80/12 mg/kg, i.p.); the electrode
a pellet for each lever press. A session would end after 60 min or after array was then implanted toward the VTA in the right hemisphere (3.4 mm
the mouse had collected 30 rewards, whichever came first. After CRF, posterior to bregma, 0.5 mm lateral and 3.8–4.0 mm ventral to the brain
mice were trained with RI schedules to generate habitual lever pressing surface) and secured with dental cement.
(Dickinson et al., 1983). The training started with 2 days on RI 30 s, with
a 0.1 probability of reward availability every 3 s contingent on lever press,
and followed by 6 days on the 60 s interval schedule, with a 0.1 probability Tetrode Recording and Unit Isolation
of reward availability every 6 s contingent on lever pressing. Repeated- Two or three days after surgery, electrodes were screened daily for neural
measures ANOVA was used to compare lever press between the different activity. If no dopamine neurons were detected, the electrode array was
genotypes. advanced 40–100 mm daily, until we could record from a putative dopamine
neuron. Multichannel extracellular recording was similar to that described
previously (Lin et al., 2006; Wang and Tsien, 2011). In brief, spikes (filtered
Devaluation Tests
at 250–8000 Hz; digitized at 40 kHz) were recorded during the whole experi-
A specific satiety procedure was used for outcome devaluation. Mice were
mental process using the Plexon Multichannel Acquisition Processor System.
given unlimited access within a fixed duration to either the mouse chow to
Mice behaviors were simultaneously recorded using the Plexon CinePlex
which they had been exposed in their home cages (nondevalued condition/
tracking system. Recorded spikes were isolated using the Plexon Offline
control), or the purified pellets they normally earned during lever-press
Sorter software: multiple spike sorting parameters (e.g., principle component
sessions (devalued condition). The mouse chow served as a control for overall
analysis, energy analysis) were used for the best isolation of the tetrode-re-
level of satiety. This procedure controls the overall level of satiety and motiva-
corded spike waveforms. Combining the stability of multi-tetrode recording
tional state, while altering the current value of a specific reward. Immediately
and multiple unit-isolation techniques available in Offline Sorter (e.g., principle
after 1 hr of unlimited exposure to the pellets or chow, the mice were subjected
component analysis, energy analysis), individual VTA neurons can be studied
to a 5 min long probe test. During the probe test the lever was inserted, but no
in great detail, in many cases for days.
pellet would be delivered in response to lever pressing. This brief extinction
test was designed to test whether the acquired lever pressing of the mice
was controlled by the action-outcome instrumental contingency or habit Reward Conditioning of DA Neurons
(e.g., in response to a antecedent stimuli). On the second day of outcome Mice were slightly food restricted before reward association training. In
devaluation, the same procedure was used, except that those animals that reward conditioning, mice were placed in the reward chamber (45 cm in
received mouse chow on day 1 received pellets on day 2, and vice versa. diameter, 40 cm in height). Mice were trained to a tone (5 kHz, 1 s) with
When grouping, mice were counterbalanced between genotypes and subsequent sugar pellet delivery for at least 3 days (40 trials per day;
treatment. Repeated-measures ANOVA and unpaired Student’s t test were with an interval of 1–2 min between trials). The tone was generated by the
used to compare lever press between the different genotypes as specified in A12-33 audio signal generator (5 ms shaped rise and fall; about 80 dB at
the text. the center of the chamber) (Coulbourn Instruments). A sugar pellet (14 mg)
was delivered by a food dispenser (ENV-203-14P; Med. Associates) and
Plus Maze dropped into one of two receptacles (12 3 7 3 3 cm) at the termination of
The maze consisted of four arms measuring 35 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 35 cm the tone (the other receptacle was used as control, where a sugar pellet
deep, with transparent high walls made of clear Plexiglas. For training posi- was never received).
tively reinforced with food pellets (20 mg per pellet), animals were maintained
at 80%–75% of their free-feeding weight throughout the experiment. For Analysis of In Vivo Recording Data
training negatively reinforced with water, water was stained opaque and white Sorted neural spikes were processed and analyzed in NeuroExplorer (Nex
with titanium dioxide. A hidden platform was placed 1 inch under the water Technologies) and MATLAB. Dopamine neurons were classified based on
surface. The training and testing were as described in the text. For plus the following three criteria.
maze assays, littermates in Slc6a3+/Cre, fNR1/+ (control), Slc6a3+/Cre (Cre
control), and wild-type genotypes were chosen as three control groups. (1) Low baseline firing rate (0.5–10 Hz).
Turning of mice in different tests was compared using chi-square tests, as (2) Relatively long ISI (all the classified putative dopamine neurons are with
specified in the text, to evaluate the performance of mice from different geno- ISIs >4 ms within a R99.8% confidence level). The shortest ISI we re-
types. Additionally, repeated-measures ANOVA and unpaired Student’s t test, corded was 4.1 ms under any conditions in our experiment (only well-
as specified in the text, were used to compare time spent in different arms isolated units with amplitude R0.4mV were used for calculation of the
among mice from the different genotypes. shortest ISI). The averaged shortest ISI was 6.8 ± 2.2 ms (mean ± SD;
n = 36). In contrast the ISI for nondopamine neurons can be as short as
Zigzag Maze 1.1 ms.
The shape of the zigzag maze is illustrated in Figure 8A. Each arm measures (3) Regular firing pattern when mice were freely behaving (fluctuation
about 30 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 35 cm deep. The maze was filled with water <3 Hz). Here, fluctuation represents the SD of the firing rate histogram
that was stained opaque and white with titanium dioxide. A hidden platform bar values (bin = 1 s; recorded for at least 600 s).

1064 Neuron 72, 1055–1066, December 22, 2011 ª2011 Elsevier Inc.
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NMDAR Engages DA Neurons in Habit Learning

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Grace, A.A., Floresco, S.B., Goto, Y., and Lodge, D.J. (2007). Regulation of
firing of dopaminergic neurons and control of goal-directed behaviors.
Supplemental Information includes one figure and Supplemental Experimental Trends Neurosci. 30, 220–227.
Procedures and can be found with this article online at doi:10.1016/j.neuron. Kauer, J.A., and Malenka, R.C. (2007). Synaptic plasticity and addiction. Nat.
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Lammel, S., Ion, D.I., Roeper, J., and Malenka, R.C. (2011). Projection-specific
We thank Fengying Huang and Brianna Klein for technical assistance. This modulation of dopamine neuron synapses by aversive and rewarding stimuli.
work was supported by funds from NIMH, NIA, and Georgia Research Alliance Neuron 70, 855–862.
(all to J.Z.T.). L.P.W., F.L., X.S., and J.Z.T. conceived and designed the exper-
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Personality and Social Psychology

The Pull of the Past: When Do Habits Persist Despite Conflict With Motives?
David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, Mengju Wu and David Kurlander
Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2011 37: 1428 originally published online 22 August 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0146167211419863

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This version has been modified from the original version, which was included in the print issue of
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et al.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

The Pull of the Past: When Do Habits 37(11) 1428–1437

© 2011 by the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, Inc
Persist Despite Conflict With Motives? Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0146167211419863

David T. Neal1, Wendy Wood1, Mengju Wu2,

and David Kurlander3

To identify the factors that disrupt and maintain habit performance, two field experiments tested the conditions under which
people eat out of habit, leading them to resist motivational influences. Habitual popcorn eaters at a cinema were minimally
influenced by their hunger or how much they liked the food, and they ate equal amounts of stale and fresh popcorn. Yet,
mechanisms of automaticity influenced habit performance: Participants ate out of habit, regardless of freshness, only when
currently in the context associated with past performance (i.e., a cinema; Study 1) and only when eating in a way that allowed
them to automatically execute the response cued by that context (i.e., eating with their dominant hand; Study 2). Across all
conditions, participants with weaker cinema-popcorn-eating habits ate because of motivations such as liking for the popcorn.
The findings reveal how habits resist conflicting motives and provide insight into promising mechanisms of habit change.

attitudes, automatic processes, health, self-regulation

Received August 27, 2010; revision accepted April 10, 2011

Habits develop when people give a response repeatedly in a toward stale food against established habits to eat in a given
particular context and thereby form associations in memory context. If people continue to perform habits despite this
between the response and recurring context cues. Theories of substantial conflicting motive, then habits are resistant to
automaticity illuminate the cognitive mechanisms behind hab- changes in attitudes and goals. Although habits may not be
its. When people have a strong habit, perception of recurring easily influenced by motives, their dependence on context
context cues activates the response in memory and may addi- cues should make them vulnerable to disruptions in automa-
tionally deactivate alternative responses (Danner, Aarts, & ticity. That is, habits should not be activated automatically
de Vries, 2008; Neal, Labrecque, Wood, & Lally, 2011). For outside of their typical performance context and should not
example, when habitual runners were subliminally primed be executed automatically when responses are performed in
with words relating to the contexts in which they ran (e.g., novel ways (e.g., using the nondominant hand). By manipu-
gym, forest), the act of running became strongly accessible in lating the factors that do and do not control habits, we can
thought (Neal et al., 2011). Suggesting that this context cuing test whether strong habits become responsive to current
process may be minimally influenced by motivations, sub- motivations when automaticity is disrupted.
liminally priming participants’ personal goals for running
did not make running habits more accessible.
Habits initially are likely to form through goal pursuit— Evidence of the Automaticity
as people repeatedly perform actions that yield desired Guiding Habitual Behavior
outcomes. However, once habits have developed, they are Social psychological experiments have largely focused on
performed with only limited influence from supporting moti- types of automaticity that flexibly accommodate to current
vations (Triandis, 1977, 1979). Nonetheless, experimental
tests of how these mechanisms play out with real-world 1
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
behaviors have not yet been provided. The present research University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
provides these tests by independently manipulating motiva- Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
tional and contextual factors across two field experiments
Corresponding Authors:
with a socially significant behavior, habitual eating. David T. Neal or Wendy Wood, Department of Psychology, University of
The basic question in our experiments is: What disrupts Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90086
habit performance? The design pitted negative attitudes Email: or

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Neal et al. 1429

goals and attitudes (Kruglanski et al., 2002). Yet, research in actions) associated with prior performance. Then, through
neuroscience, animal learning, and correlational studies of ideomotor processes, people may act on the accessible
everyday behavior has focused primarily on cued actions behavior in mind (Bargh, 1994). According to this view, for
that are not influenced by current motives (reviewed in example, a person’s habit to snack on crackers at night may
Wood & Neal, 2007, 2009). come to be directly cued by sitting in front of the TV, and
In neuroscience research on the brain systems activated changes in motivational states of hunger and liking for food
during behavioral tasks, performance of stimulus–response may have little influence on how much the person eats.
habits is localized in the basal ganglia, especially the puta-
men, whereas control of goal-directed actions is localized in
other brain regions, often involving the prefrontal cortex Attitudes and Goals Flexibly Guide Behavior
(Balleine & O’Doherty, 2010; Yin & Knowlton, 2006). Thus, The insensitivity of habit performance to current motives
habit formation involves neural shifts from “largely evalua- outlined in the preceding research might seem surprising to
tion-driven circuits to those engaged in performance” social psychologists given the field’s focus on the flexible
(Graybiel, 2008, p. 362). Furthermore, the different brain sys- operation of attitudes and goals. Although strong goals and
tems controlling habits and goal-directed behavior often attitudes are known to have enduring influence, they usually
compete in guiding action such that activity associated with guide responding in a given context depending on the
goal-directed control may be actively suppressed during per- expected outcomes of an action and the value placed on
formance of habitual behavior (Balleine & O’Doherty, 2010; those outcomes (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). Thus, people act
Poldrack et al., 2001). Animal learning research also differen- on strong food preferences in a given context depending on
tiates habits from goal-directed actions, primarily in terms of what food is available and how tasty it is. Even automatic
behavioral reactions to rewards. Specifically, extended train- goal pursuit—in which goals are activated and guide respond-
ing at a task such as lever pressing for a food reward produces ing outside of awareness—yields “not a static behavioral
habitual, continued responding to the lever cue even after the response, but an automated strategy for dealing with the
reward is devalued (e.g., the animal is sated, the food has environment” (Bargh & Barndollar, 1996, p. 461, italics in
been associated with a toxin; Dickinson & Balleine, 1995). original). Similarly, automatically activated attitudes often
The minimal influence of motivations on habit perfor- are malleable and context dependent (Dijksterhuis, Smith,
mance also is a central finding of correlational studies of van Baaren, & Wigboldus, 2005).
everyday behavior, including behavior prediction (Triandis, The flexible influence of implicit goals and attitudes is
1977) and habit discontinuity (Verplanken, Walker, Davis, evident in research that opposes implicit against explicit
& Jurasek, 2008). Across a range of everyday behaviors— motives. For example, Macrae and Johnston’s (1998) par-
from bus travel, to fast food consumption, to exercise— ticipants responded to implicit priming of a helping goal by
motivational factors (e.g., attitudes, intentions, self-concept, offering assistance to someone in need, except when the
attitude accessibility) predicted future performance for implicit helping goal was inconsistent with their explicit
nonhabitual behaviors but had limited predictive power for goal of being on time. In other research, participants carried
strong habits (Ouellette & Wood, 1998). Furthermore, out implementation intentions to study—a form of auto-
consistent with the idea that habits are cognitively repre- matic goal pursuit in which people plan to perform a par-
sented as context–response associations, habit strength had ticular response upon encountering a particular cue—only
these effects only when habits were assessed from frequent when they held the explicit goal of studying (Sheeran,
performance in stable contexts—the specific conditions that Webb, & Gollwitzer, 2005). In an experiment related to our
enable the formation of habit associations in memory present focus on eating habits, implicit goals relevant to
(Aldrich, Montgomery, & Wood, in press; Danner et al., thirst increased the amount that participants drank during a
2008). Discontinuity studies that assess naturally occurring beverage taste test, but only when they were thirsty (Strahan,
context changes find that participants continue to perform Spencer, & Zanna, 2002). Nonetheless, conflicts between
habits with minimal influence from goals, but only so long as explicit and implicit goals are not always resolved in favor
they continue to live in the same context (Verplanken et al., of explicit ones (Shah & Kruglanski, 2002). Instead, these
2008; Wood, Tam, & Witt, 2005). When participants move dispositions combine in dynamic ways to shape responding
house to a new location without cues to habit performance, in goal pursuit.
they apparently are freed to act on their goals. Habits contrast with the flexible pattern of responding char-
The findings from neuroscience, animal learning, and acteristic of motives. Unlike automatic goals and attitudes,
correlational research on everyday behavior suggest that, performance of strong habits may not be dynamically
once developed, habits are performed with limited influence responsive to current motives. Thus, a strong habit to eat a
from motivations. It may be that strong habits are directly particular food in a given context may be insensitive to cur-
brought to mind by the context cues (e.g., settings, preceding rent hunger levels or the palatability of the food.

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The Present Research popcorn habits should be guided by the action in mind and
eat similar amounts of fresh and stale popcorn. In contrast,
To test the factors that can alter habit performance, we con- participants with weak or moderate habits should eat more of
ducted two field experiments varying the conditions under the fresh popcorn that they like. Alternatively, when auto-
which people consume popcorn at a movie cinema. Some matic cuing is disrupted by eating in a novel context or eat-
participants in our research had strong habits to eat popcorn ing in a cinema but in a novel manner, then even strong-habit
at the cinema (i.e., a history of frequent popcorn consump- participants are likely to fall back on their attitudes and con-
tion in that setting), whereas others had weaker habits. We sume more fresh than stale popcorn.
chose to study eating behavior in part because it is a signifi-
cant social problem and in part because eating provides a
strong test of the sensitivity of habits to changes in motiva- Study 1
tions. People believe that their eating behavior is largely a Method
motivated activity in response to the way food tastes (e.g.,
Vartanian, Herman, & Wansink, 2008). Indeed, 17 of 22 Design and participants. Study 1 used a Context (cinema vs.
participants in a pilot study provided “tastes good” or a close meeting room) × Food Attitudes (fresh vs. stale) between-
synonym when asked why they ate popcorn at the cinema. participants design. Habit strength for eating popcorn at the
Thus, in the present experiments, we manipulated attitudes movies was an additional, continuous predictor. For the
toward the food through its palatability. For some partici- cinema context, 98 participants (57 males) were recruited
pants, the popcorn was fresh, whereas for others it was 7 days immediately before the showing of a regularly scheduled
old and stale (adapted from Wansink & Kim, 2005). feature film at a campus cinema. For the meeting room con-
To test the effects of changes in motivations, we first text, 60 participants (35 males) were recruited through flyers
assessed whether participants with strong and weak habits and participated in a campus meeting room near the cinema.
evaluated the popcorn in the same way. It is possible that Participants were paid $6 for completing the study.1
strong-habit participants would report more favorable atti-
tudes even toward stale popcorn. By assessing attitudes
toward the specific popcorn served and not toward popcorn Procedure
in general, we evaluated the immediate, proximal attitude Participants in the cinema setting were told that the study
relevant to participants’ eating. We also assessed partici- examined personality differences in movie interests and that
pants’ reported hunger and, in Study 2, their perceptions of they would rate a series of movie trailers. Sessions were
social norms. Our second test of the susceptibility of habits conducted in groups of around 15. Before entering the the-
to shifts in motivations involved assessing how much pop- ater, participants rated their current feelings (hunger, time
corn participants ate. Specifically, we evaluated whether since last meal, several filler items) and were given a 591-ml
participants with strong habits ate more of the liked, fresh bottle of water and a box of popcorn. Participants were ran-
popcorn than the disliked, stale popcorn and ate more when domly assigned to receive popcorn that was either fresh
they were hungry. (popped 1 hr before the session) or stale (popped 7 days
Even if habits are not responsive to changes in motives, before the session). Each box was discretely numbered so
they should be disrupted by challenges to habit cuing. In that it could be matched to participants’ survey responses.
Study 1, participants were tested either in the context rele- Boxes were weighed before and after distribution on a digi-
vant to their habit (watching movies in a cinema) or in a tal scale, with initial amount averaging 61.73 g (SD = 6.74).
novel context (watching music videos in a conference room). Participants entered the theater with their popcorn and
We anticipated that habits would be automatically brought to water and, to reduce potential social influence, sat as far as
mind only in the cinema context. In Study 2, all participants possible from other participants. The lights immediately
ate in the habit-related context of a cinema, and we manipu- dimmed, and a series of six movie trailers for unreleased
lated whether they ate in their typical way (with their domi- films was shown, totaling 15 min of viewing time. All pop-
nant hand) or in a novel way (using their nondominant hand). corn boxes and water containers were collected immediately
Using one’s nondominant hand has been shown to impede after the final trailer. Participants then moved to the cinema
the automatic, smooth performance of habitual responses foyer and completed the survey, which, to maintain the cover
(Sakai, Kitaguchi, & Hikosaka, 2003), presumably because story, first assessed their interest in seeing each film and then
it brings the action under intentional control. Thus, eating included a personality inventory and the liking and habit
habits should be automatically executed only when eating strength measures (see below).
with the dominant hand. Participants in the meeting room condition followed a
If habits resist changes in motives but can be disrupted by similar procedure with one critical modification. The study
changes in automatic cuing, then we anticipate the following was conducted in a campus meeting room and involved
three-way interaction: Participants at the cinema with strong watching and rating music videos, a novel setting not associated

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Table 1. Mean Liking of Popcorn Received in Studies 1 and 2 as a Thus, participants in the meeting room had similar levels of
Function of Experimental Condition hunger to those in the cinema, t(144) = 1.57, SE = 0.16,
p = .117. Furthermore, the comparable ratings of popcorn in
Fresh Stale
both contexts suggests that participants in the meeting room
Habit cuing manipulation M SD M SD did not pay any closer attention to the popcorn than those at
Study 1 the cinema, t(144) = 1.30, SE = 0.18, p = .194.
Cinema 3.51 (0.93) 2.60 (1.16) Factors influencing performance of eating habits. The per-
Meeting room 3.60 (0.96) 3.03 (0.89) centage of popcorn participants consumed was then analyzed
Study 2 with the regression model. Significant main effects emerged
Eating with dominant hand 4.18 (1.42) 3.10 (1.42) for gender (men ate more), B = 14.37, t(142) = 3.32, SE = 4.32,
Eating with nondominant hand 4.50 (1.31) 2.72 (1.36) p = .001; context, B = 27.20, t(142) = 4.53, SE = 6.00,
p = .001; and freshness, B = 15.96, t(142) = 2.27, SE = 7.05,
Higher numbers reflect more positive ratings of the popcorn on a 7-point
scale ranging from very bad (1) to very good (7). p = .025. The latter two effects were qualified by the pre-
dicted three-way interaction between habit strength, context,
and freshness, B = 11.36, t(142) = 2.04, SE = 5.56, p = .043,
with prior popcorn eating. A pilot test (N = 22) confirmed and no other effects were significant. To test whether strong-
that the music videos were equivalent to the movie trailers habit participants’ eating was activated automatically in the
in terms of their interest value and attentional involvement cinema context with little regard for freshness, we calculated
(ts < 1). Instead of rating their interest in watching each simple regression slopes between percent of popcorn con-
movie, participants rated their interest in owning each music sumed and freshness of the popcorn separately for partici-
video. All other aspects of the design were identical to pants with weak, moderate, and strong consumption habits in
the cinema setting (e.g., lighting levels, popcorn boxes, time the cinema (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; see Figure 1).
since last major meal, number and visibility of other In the cinema context, participants with weak habits—who
participants). infrequently ate popcorn at cinemas—ate significantly less
Hunger ratings. Before watching the videos, participants popcorn in the stale than in the fresh conditions, B = –30.03,
rated their current hunger on a 5-point scale (anchors not at t(90) = 4.28, SE = 7.01, p = .001. Those with moderate pop-
all to extremely). corn eating habits also ate less stale than fresh popcorn,
Ratings of popcorn attitude. On a 7-point scale, participants B = –19.87, t(90) = 4.94, SE = 4.02, p = .001. Importantly,
rated their liking for the popcorn they received (anchors very as predicted, those with strong popcorn eating habits ate the
bad to very good). same percentage of stale as fresh popcorn when located in
Habit strength. On a 7-point scale, participants indicated the cinema environment, B = –9.72, t(90) = 1.41, SE = 6.89,
how frequently in the past they ate popcorn in movie theaters p = .162.
(anchors always to never, reverse scored). In the meeting room context, an effect of freshness was
evident at every level of habit strength. Specifically, people
ate (at least marginally) less stale than fresh popcorn, whether
Results and Discussion they had weak habits, B = –11.24, t(90) = 1.86, SE = 6.04,
Our primary hypotheses were tested via regression models p = .074; moderate habits, B = –17.21, t(90) = 4.09, SE = 4.21,
with the following predictors: context (cinema vs. meeting p = 0.001; or strong habits, B = –23.17, t(90) = 3.03, SE = 7.65,
room), popcorn freshness (stale vs. fresh), habit strength to p = .001. Critically, this pattern demonstrates that when
eat popcorn in theaters, and all two- and three-way interac- tested in a novel environment, participants with strong
tions. Gender was a control variable in all analyses. popcorn consumption habits ate less stale than fresh
Reported attitudes and hunger. To establish that the experi- popcorn.
ment was constructed appropriately to test our hypotheses, Habit performance did not depend on motives. We con-
we first used the regression model to predict participants’ ducted separate analyses to evaluate directly whether habit
liking of the popcorn they received. As expected, the model performance depended on participants’ hunger and liking for
yielded only a main effect of the freshness manipulation, the popcorn. To evaluate hunger as a moderator, we included
B = 0.54, t(141) = 1.98, SE = 0.27, p = .05, establishing that this factor as a predictor in the model. Although hungrier
fresh popcorn was liked significantly more than stale. Impor- participants ate marginally more in general, B = 4.01,
tantly, this effect was not qualified by any interactions with t(142) = 1.7, SE = 2.36, p = .092, the critical interaction
context or habit strength.2 Mean liking of fresh popcorn was between hunger and habit strength was not significant (t < 1),
close to the scale midpoint (M = 3.56, SD = 1.23), and mean suggesting that habit effects did not depend on this motive.
liking of stale popcorn was below the midpoint (M = 2.72, Even more importantly, after including hunger and the
SD = 0.91), demonstrating that participants decidedly dis- Hunger × Habit Strength interaction, the predicted three-way
liked the stale popcorn (see Table 1). No other differences in interaction maintained between habit strength, context, and
liking or in self-reported hunger emerged across conditions. freshness, B = 12.27, t(142) = 2.17, SE = 5.66, p = .032.

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1432 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37(11)

70 70

Percent of popcorn box consumed

Percent of popcorn box consumed
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30
Low habit

20 Moderate habit 20
High habit
10 10

Stale Fresh Stale Fresh

Meeting room context
Cinema context

Figure 1. Percentage of popcorn eaten during 15 min of movie trailers in the cinema and 15 min of music videos in the meeting room
(Study 1)
Simple slopes depict percent consumed of stale and fresh popcorn for those with strong (mean + 1 SD), moderate (mean), and weak (mean – 1 SD) habits
for eating popcorn at cinemas.

We then conducted analyses evaluating liking as a mod- compared with fresh popcorn. Thus, participants’ habitual
erator. Again, this motivation had a main effect, with partici- eating was resistant to changes in motivational states but
pants eating more popcorn when they liked it more, B = 8.32, influenced by variations in habit automaticity.
t(142) = 3.95, SE = 2.11, p < .001, but the interaction between
liking and habit strength was not significant (t < 1), sug-
gesting that habit effects did not depend on this attitude. Study 2
Furthermore, the three-way interaction between habit strength, Study 2 replicated the test of insensitivity of habit perfor-
context, and freshness remained close to significant after mance to motivational states and tested an additional disrup-
including these effects in the model, B = 9.69, t(142) = 1.80, tion of habit automaticity—whether the response could be
SE = 5.35, p = .07. repeated as in the past or had to be performed in a novel
In general, the overall pattern suggests that habit perfor- way. We anticipated that participants performing the
mance resists shifts in attitudes but can be disrupted by shifts response in a novel way would be unable to act automati-
in habit cuing. It is important to note that strong-habit par- cally on any habitual response triggered by the cinema con-
ticipants experienced the shift in motivation as a function of text. To test this idea, half of the participants were instructed
the food’s freshness. They rated the fresh popcorn as more to use their nondominant hand to eat. This disruption in the
likable than the stale, and thus they did not value the popcorn fluid execution of habitual eaters’ consumption should not
more than those with weak habits. Because we assessed lik- affect their judgments of the popcorn. Instead, the manipula-
ing for the specific popcorn in the experiment and not pop- tion should hinder the automatic execution of the habitual
corn in general, we evaluated the attitude toward the object response and bring behavior under intentional control—so
most closely linked to consumption of this particular food. that participants can be guided by their motivations and eat
Although strong-habit participants experienced this motiva- more fresh than stale popcorn. Thus, we tested whether par-
tional shift, their eating was not guided by it. That is, when ticipants with strong cinema-popcorn habits, when eating
in the cinema so that eating was activated automatically by with their nondominant hand at the cinema, would be hin-
the context, these participants consumed about 63% of the dered in automatically repeating their past behavior and
popcorn regardless of its palatability. Furthermore, tests of instead would become responsive to food freshness, con-
whether the habit effects depended on liking for the popcorn suming only popcorn they liked.
or current hunger revealed that these factors did not moder- The study also assessed several potential alternative
ate the effects of habit strength on eating. explanations for the predicted effects. To see whether the
The eating behavior of strong-habit participants was, hand manipulation affected consumption by prompting peo-
however, disrupted by features associated with automatic ple to attend more to the popcorn’s freshness (and perhaps
cuing. When in the meeting room watching movie videos, especially so for those with strong habits), we tested people’s
cinema-popcorn habits were not automatically activated, and recall for specific details of the movie trailers. We reasoned
strong-habit participants’ behavior was brought under inten- that participants attending closely to the popcorn would, by
tional control. Then, like the weak-habit participants in all definition, be attending less to the trailers and thus would
conditions, they ate about half as much stale popcorn recall fewer specific details. Also, based on prior work in

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action identification theory (Vallacher & Wegner, 1989) and “other people important to them think that it’s normal to
construal level theory (Trope & Liberman, 2010), we tested eat popcorn at the cinema” (anchors strongly disagree to
whether the hand manipulation encouraged people to con- strongly agree). Because this item was not a close-to-significant
strue popcorn consumption at a lower, more concrete level, predictor of consumption, it is not discussed further.
thereby highlighting lower level, immediate outcomes such Attention to the trailers. To assess how much attention par-
as taste. Finally, we assessed participants’ perceived norms ticipants paid to the movie trailers, they answered nine dif-
to eat popcorn and tested whether variation in normative ficult questions about the trailers (e.g., “What color did the
beliefs could explain the effects of habit. Thus, Study 2 main character in ‘Whip It’ dye her hair?”). The only close-
tested for changes in attention, construal level, and perceived to-significant effect in the analyses on factual recall was a
norms as possible explanations for the predicted effects. trend for slightly worse recall among strong-habit partici-
pants, B = –0.41, t(80) = 1.78, SE = 0.23, p = .07. This pattern
counters the possibility that strong-habit participants were
Method not attending to the popcorn and were able to attend more
Design and participants. The design of Study 2 was identi- closely to the movie trailers.
cal to Study 1 except that the context manipulation was Level of construal of popcorn eating. Three questions
replaced by a manipulation to eat with a particular hand. assessed whether people construed the act of eating popcorn
Thus, the design was a Hand Used to Eat (dominant vs. in the study at a higher, more abstract level versus a lower,
nondominant) × Food Freshness (fresh vs. stale) between- more concrete level. Modeled after Vallacher and Wegner’s
participants design. Eighty-nine participants (47 males) were (1989) research, each question involved choosing between a
paid $6 for completing the study.3 more concrete description of eating popcorn (i.e., chewing,
holding a box, placing food in your mouth) and a more
abstract one (i.e., part of the movie experience, sharing
Procedure something with other people, a healthful snack). The sum of
Participants were recruited and participated just before the abstract choices (range = 0-3) served as the measure of con-
showing of a feature film at a campus cinema. Procedural strual level. Consistent with action identification theory and
details mirrored the cinema condition of Study 1, with the construal level theory, more habitual eaters preferred more
exception of the manipulation of the hand participants used abstract descriptions of popcorn consumption, B = 0.14,
to eat. For this manipulation, we designed a modified t(81) = 2.51, SE = 0.07, p = .036. However, the interaction
popcorn box with a vertically aligned handle on one side. between habit strength and hand used to eat did not signifi-
Participants were instructed to slide one hand in-between the cantly predict construal (t > 1.2). Thus, the predicted effects
handle and the box and hold the box in that manner through- of the manipulation cannot be explained by changes in con-
out the session. This instruction was embedded in several strual level.
other methodological details and framed as necessary for
experimental control. Testing sessions were randomly
assigned such that, in half, participants were instructed to Results and Discussion
hold the box in their left (vs. right) hand. The hypotheses were tested using a regression model with
In the follow-up survey, participants completed the the following predictors: hand used to eat, popcorn fresh-
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971). This ness, habit strength to eat popcorn in theaters, and all two-
enabled us to code participants according to whether they and three-way interactions. Gender was a control variable in
had eaten with their typical, dominant hand or their atypical, all analyses.
nondominant hand. Ambidextrous participants (N = 4) were Reported attitudes and hunger. The model predicting par-
coded as dominant hand eaters, but excluding this group did ticipants’ liking of the popcorn they received yielded only a
not alter the results reported below. At the study conclusion, main effect, reflecting that participants disliked the stale
participants were asked for an anonymous, honest estimate popcorn (M = 3.43, SD = 1.59) more than the fresh (M = 4.35,
regarding the percentage of eating time in which they had SD = 1.59), B = 1.02, t(81) = 3.44, SE = 0.30, p = .001.
actually used the instructed hand to eat. Estimates were made Importantly, this effect was not qualified by any interactions
on an 11-point scale (0% of the time to 100% of the time). with context or habit strength.4 As can be seen from the lik-
Compliance with the hand manipulation was good. Ninety ing means in Table 1, no other differences emerged across
percent of the sample reported complying 100% of the time. conditions. Thus, mean liking did not vary with the hand
Those who deviated did so an average of only 10% of the used to eat, t(85) = 0.78, SE = 0.33, p = .44. Prestudy hunger
time. Excluding these participants or including compliance levels also were identical among those eating with their
as a control variable did not alter the reported results. dominant versus nondominant hand, t(85) = 000, SE = 0.26,
Normative beliefs. To evaluate the extent to which habit p = 1.00.
performance depends on social norms, in the final survey Factors influencing performance of eating habits. The model
participants rated on a 7-point scale the extent to which predicting percentage of popcorn consumed yielded a main

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Low habit

Percent of popcorn box consumed

Moderate habit
Percent of popcorn box consumed
40 High habit


20 20

10 10
Stale Fresh Stale Fresh
Ate with dominant hand Ate with non-dominant hand

Figure 2. Percentage of popcorn eaten during 15 min of movie trailers in the cinema when participants were eating with their typical,
dominant hand or atypical, nondominant hand (Study 2)
Simple slopes depict percent consumed of stale and fresh popcorn for those with strong (mean + 1 SD), moderate (mean), and weak (mean – 1 SD) habits
for eating popcorn at cinemas.

effect of habit strength, B = 6.74, t(81) = 2.55, SE = 2.64, rates for this group suggests a floor effect, such that eating
p = .013, and a marginal effect of hand used to eat, B = 8.27, with the nondominant hand was at such a low rate among
t(81) = 1.67, SE = 4.95, p = .094. These main effects were these individuals that the stale popcorn could not induce fur-
qualified by the predicted three-way interaction between ther declines.
habit strength, hand used to eat, and freshness, B = 8.52, Habit performance did not depend on motives. As in Study1,
t(81) = 2.22, SE = 3.84, p = .029. To test whether strong hab- we tested directly whether habit performance depended on
its were executed automatically— regardless of freshness— participants’ hunger and liking for popcorn. Although hun-
only when participants used their dominant hand, we grier participants ate marginally more in general, B = 2.72,
calculated simple regression slopes between percent of pop- t(79) = 1.76, SE = 1.55, p = .08, the critical interaction
corn consumed and freshness of the popcorn separately for between hunger and habit strength was not significant (t < 1),
participants with weak, moderate, and strong consumption hab- suggesting that habit effects did not depend on this motive.
its as a function of the hand they used to eat (Cohen et al., 2003). Even more importantly, after including hunger and the
As predicted (see Figure 2), using the dominant versus Hunger × Habit Strength interaction in the model, the predicted
nondominant hand to eat popcorn apparently enabled or dis- three-way interaction maintained between habit strength, con-
rupted habit cuing. That is, habitual eaters using their domi- text, and freshness, B = 7.75, t(79) = 2.01, SE = 3.86, p = .048.
nant hand automatically executed the response activated in In the analyses on liking as a moderator, this motivation
the cinema context. The same amount of fresh and stale yielded a main effect, with participants eating more popcorn
popcorn was eaten by participants with moderate habits, if they liked it more, B = 3.90, t(79) = 2.52, SE = 1.34,
B = –1.41, t(81) = 0.46, SE = 3.07, p = .647, and strong hab- p = .014. However, the interaction between liking and habit
its, B = 8.81, t(81) = 1.55, SE = 5.68, p = .13. Only partici- strength was not significant (t < 1), suggesting that the habit
pants with weak habits ate significantly less stale than fresh effects did not depend on this attitude. After adding these
popcorn when eating with the dominant hand, B = –11.64, additional terms to the model, the critical three-way interac-
t(81) = 1.99, SE = 5.84, p = .053. tion between habit strength, context, and freshness dropped
Participants eating with their nondominant hand, in con- below significance, B = 5.54, t(79) = 1.50, SE = 3.69, p = .13.
trast, did not respond habitually to the cinema context and However, the low power to detect effects in this model may
were influenced by popcorn freshness. Specifically, those have contributed to this nonsignificant finding.
with moderate habits ate significantly less stale than fresh In general, just like Study 1, habitual cinema-popcorn eat-
popcorn, B = –6.44, t(81) = 2.04, SE = 3.16, p = .048, and ers did not like the popcorn any more or less than nonhabit-
those with strong habits ate marginally less, B = –12.89, ual eaters. Everyone disliked the stale popcorn and expressed
t(81) = 1.91, SE = 6.75, p = .063. Unexpectedly, those with neutral attitudes toward the fresh. It is also interesting that
weak habits did not eat less stale than fresh popcorn when strong-habit participants expressed the same normative
eating with their nondominant hand, B = 0.02, t(81) = 0.01, beliefs about eating popcorn in the cinema as weak-habit
SE = 2.00, p = .998. However, inspection of the consumption participants. Also, the slightly lower recall of the movie

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trailers among strong-habit participants suggests that their Importantly, the different eating patterns of strong- and
attention was not unduly captured by these presentations, weak-habit participants could not be explained by differ-
and thus they could attend to the quality of the popcorn as ences in the subjective evaluation of the popcorn. Habitual
much as weak-habit participants. Finally, although strong- eaters recognized that the stale popcorn was not palatable,
habit participants did favor more abstract descriptions of and they reported disliking it just as extremely as did nonha-
popcorn consumption, this tendency was not altered by the bitual eaters. It is striking, then, that these negative attitudes
hand use manipulation, making changes in construal level an only curtailed habitual eaters’ consumption when habit auto-
unlikely explanation for the results. maticity was disrupted. At the process level, the results do
Despite the comparable subjective judgments of partici- not appear to be due to changes in attention, social norms, or
pants with strong and weak habits, striking differences construal level across experimental conditions. Our check on
emerged in their eating patterns. Strong-habit participants, recall of the details of the movie trailers in Study 2 revealed
when they could eat automatically with their dominant hand, that the hand use manipulation did not change how much
repeated their past responses regardless of the palatability of attention people paid to the popcorn, either as a main effect
the food. However, when strong-habit participants were or through an interaction with habit strength. Also, all par-
forced to eat in an atypical way, their behavior was brought ticipants held similar norms to eat popcorn in the cinema.
under intentional control, and—like the weak-habit partici- Finally, the hand use manipulation did not alter whether
pants in all conditions—they ate little of the stale popcorn. people thought about their popcorn consumption at a more
abstract versus a more concrete level. Thus, it appears
unlikely that the manipulation to disrupt habit automaticity
General Discussion worked through these alternative mechanisms.
Two field experiments tested the factors controlling a The present study contributes to growing evidence that
socially significant habit, eating behavior. In both experi- performance settings can serve as direct cues to habitual
ments, participants’ eating habits were resistant to changes behavior. Habitual runners have been found to have strong
in attitudes and goals. Strong habits persisted regardless of cognitive associations between the location in which they
whether participants were hungry and whether the popcorn typically trained and mental representations of running (Neal
was fresh and palatable or stale and distasteful. Thus, when et al., 2011). Similarly, in behavior prediction studies, strong-
in the context associated with frequent past consumption, habit participants tend to repeat responses independently of
strong-habit participants rigidly carried out their past intentions when they are in familiar performance contexts (Ji
responses. Unlike the motivated types of automaticity stud- & Wood, 2007). Based on this earlier research, we anticipated
ied most often in social psychology, habit responses were that the actual location of the theater might serve as a trigger
not sensitive to participants’ current motivational states. to habit performance. Yet, the actual triggers might include a
Instead, strong-habit participants acted on habitual responses variety of aspects of the cinema setting and the evening show
in memory to such an extent that they ate even food they time. Because we had participants sit some distance from each
disliked. other in the cinema, we doubt that movie companions were
Habitual eating, although not influenced by motivations, triggers for consumption in the present studies. Furthermore,
was disrupted by factors that we anticipated would block the because we used the same popcorn and the same bags in the
processes of habit automaticity. That is, participants in an cinema and meeting rooms, these features cannot have trig-
environment not associated with past consumption (a meet- gered habit performance. However, the exact nature of the
ing room) should not have the habitual response automati- triggering cues is a question for future research.
cally brought to mind. Also, participants at the cinema eating In general, our findings expand on work conducted by
in a novel way (with their nondominant hand) should not Wansink and colleagues in which the quantity of food people
have been able to automatically carry out the response in consume is influenced by simple manipulations of environ-
mind. Our experiments thus directly manipulated the critical mental cues such as plate and serving size (e.g., Sobal &
mechanisms that enable habit performance. When habit Wansink, 2007; Wansink & Kim, 2005). Our results suggest
automaticity was apparently disrupted, participants’ eating that such environmental cues are likely to be most influential
came under intentional control. That is, participants ate more when people have developed habits to respond in particular
when they were hungry and when they liked the popcorn— ways to the cue. The current results also suggest a possible
yielding greater consumption of fresh than stale popcorn. role for eating habits in Schachter’s (1968) externality
The findings thus echo prior research showing that people hypothesis, which stipulated that obese individuals are more
relying on their habits were less responsive to the outcomes driven by external cues and less by internal cues than are
of their behavior (Ji & Wood, 2007; Verplanken, Aarts, & nonobese individuals (see also Wansink, Payne, & Chandon,
van Knippenberg, 1997). By disrupting habitual eaters’ auto- 2007). Obesity has been linked to eating patterns such as
matic activation and execution of their past behavior, the nocturnal snacking that are repeated consistently at particu-
present research reveals further that responsiveness to out- lar times of day (Berg et al., 2009). Thus, obese individuals
comes can be restored. may rely less than nonobese people on internal cues partly

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1436 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37(11)

because their eating behavior is more habitual, leading them ticipants also liked the fresh popcorn (M = 4.25, SD = 1.12) more
to respond as cued by environments of past consumption. than the stale popcorn (M = 2.84, SD = 1.18). An ANOVA on
Finally, our findings suggest ways to gain traction on the this dichotomous measure of habit strength yielded only a main
difficult problem of habit change (see Rothman, Sheeran, effect of freshness, F(1, 83) = 19.16, p < .001, and the habit and
& Wood, 2009; Verplanken & Wood, 2006). Consistent Habit × Freshness interaction terms were not significant (Fs > 1).
with the idea that habits are a form of non-goal-dependent
automaticity (see Bargh, 1994; Moors & De Houwer, 2006), References
habits may not be especially sensitive to alterations in moti-
vational states but instead may best be disrupted by changes Aldrich, J. H., Montgomery, J., & Wood, W. (in press). Turnout as
in triggering contexts. Habit change may thus require a habit. Political Behavior.
impeding habit activation or interrupting fluid habit execu- Balleine B. W., & O’Doherty, J .P. (2010). Human and rodent
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The authors are grateful to Meredith McAdams, Connie Wang, and action (pp. 457-471). New York, NY: Guilford.
Fade Eadeh for their help with data collection. Berg, C., Lappas, G., Wolk, A., Strandhagen, E., Tóren, K.,
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Declaration of Conflicting Interests portion size associated with obesity in a Swedish population.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to Appetite, 52, 21-26. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.07.008
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied
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Funding ences. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
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2. To further test for possible effects of habit strength on liking, Dijksterhuis, A., Smith, P. K., van Baaren, R. B., & Wigboldus, D. H. J.
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SD = 1.14) more than the stale popcorn (M = 2.83, SD = 1.05). An Graybiel, A. M. (2008). Habits, rituals, and the evaluative brain.
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Debate & Analysis
Making health habitual:
the psychology of ‘habit-formation’ and general practice

MAKING HEALTH HABITUAL cues that have been associated with their 10 simple diet and activity behaviours and
The Secretary of State recently proposed performance:5,6 for example, automatically encouraging context-dependent repetition,
that the NHS: washing hands (action) after using the toilet or a no-treatment waiting list control. After
(contextual cue), or putting on a seatbelt 8 weeks, the intervention group had lost
‘... take every opportunity to prevent poor (action) after getting into the car (contextual 2 kg compared with 0.4 kg in the control
health and promote healthy living by making cue). Decades of psychological research group. At 32 weeks, completers in the
the most of healthcare professionals’ consistently show that mere repetition of intervention group had lost an average of
contact with individual patients.’ 1 a simple action in a consistent context 3.8 kg.14 Qualitative interview data indicated
leads, through associative learning, to the that automaticity had developed: behaviours
Patients trust health professionals as action being activated upon subsequent became ‘second nature’, ‘worming their
a source of advice on ‘lifestyle’ (that is, exposure to those contextual cues (that is, way into your brain’ so that participants
behaviour) change, and brief opportunistic habitually).7–9 Once initiation of the action is ‘felt quite strange’ if they did not do
advice can be effective.2 However, many ‘transferred’ to external cues, dependence them.10 Actions that were initially difficult
health professionals shy away from giving on conscious attention or motivational to stick to became easier to maintain. A
advice on modifying behaviour because they processes is reduced.10 Therefore habits randomised controlled trial is underway to
find traditional behaviour change strategies are likely to persist even after conscious test the efficacy of this intervention where
time-consuming to explain and difficult for motivation or interest dissipates.11 Habits delivered in a primary care setting to a
the patient to implement.2 Furthermore, are also cognitively efficient, because larger sample, over a 24-month follow-up
even when patients successfully initiate the the automation of common actions frees period.16 Nonetheless, these early results
recommended changes, the gains are often mental resources for other tasks. indicate that habit-forming processes
transient3 because few of the traditional A growing literature demonstrates the transfer to the everyday environment, and
behaviour change strategies have built-in relevance of habit-formation principles suggest that habit-formation advice offers
mechanisms for maintenance. to health.12,13 Participants in one study an innovative technique for promoting long-
Brief advice is usually based on repeated a self-chosen health-promoting term behaviour change.13
advising patients on what to change and behaviour (for example, eat fruit, go for a
why (for example, reducing saturated fat walk) in response to a single, once-daily MAKING HEALTHY HABITS
intake to reduce the risk of heart attack). cue in their own environment (such as, after We suggest that professionals could
Psychologically, such advice is designed to breakfast). Daily ratings of the subjective consider providing habit-formation advice
engage conscious deliberative motivational automaticity of the behaviour (that is, habit as a way to promote long-term behaviour
processes, which Kahneman terms ‘slow’ strength) showed an asymptotic increase, change among patients. Habit-formation
or ‘System 2’ processes.4 However, the with an initial acceleration that slowed to a advice is ultimately simple — repeat an
effects are typically short-lived because plateau after an average of 66 days.9 Missing action consistently in the same context.12
motivation and attention wane. Brief advice the occasional opportunity to perform the The habit formation attempt begins at the
on how to change, engaging automatic behaviour did not seriously impair the habit ‘initiation phase’, during which the new
(‘System 1’) processes, may offer a valuable formation process: automaticity gains soon behaviour and the context in which it will be
alternative with potential for long-term resumed after one missed performance.9 done are selected. Automaticity develops
impact. Automaticity strength peaked more quickly in the subsequent ‘learning phase’, during
Opportunistic health behaviour advice for simple actions (for example, drinking which the behaviour is repeated in the
must be easy for health professionals to give water) than for more elaborate routines (for chosen context to strengthen the context-
and easy for patients to implement to fit into example, doing 50 sit-ups). behaviour association (here a simple
routine health care. We propose that simple Habit-formation advice, paired with ticksheet for self-monitoring performance
advice on how to make healthy actions into a ‘small changes’ approach, has been may help; Box 1). Habit-formation
habits — externally-triggered automatic tested as a behaviour change strategy.14,15 culminates in the ‘stability phase’, at which
responses to frequently encountered In one study, volunteers wanting to lose the habit has formed and its strength has
contexts — offers a useful option in the weight were randomised to a habit-based plateaued, so that it persists over time with
behaviour change toolkit. Advice for creating intervention, based on a brief leaflet listing minimal effort or deliberation.
habits is easy for clinicians to deliver and
easy for patients to implement: repeat a
chosen behaviour in the same context, until
it becomes automatic and effortless.
“Advice for creating habits is easy for clinicians to
HABIT FORMATION AND HEALTH deliver and easy for patients to implement: repeat
While often used as a synonym for frequent
or customary behaviour in everyday a chosen behaviour in the same context, until it
parlance, within psychology, ‘habits’ are becomes automatic and effortless.”
defined as actions that are triggered
automatically in response to contextual

664 British Journal of General Practice, December 2012

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and settings to maintain interest (trying
different fruits with or between different
“... typical [behaviour change] advice ... emphasises meals). Variation may stave off boredom,
variation in behaviours and settings ... . Variation may but is effortful and depends on maintaining
stave off boredom, but is effortful and ... incompatible motivation, and is incompatible with
development of automaticity.6
with development of automaticity.” Patients should choose the target
behaviour themselves. Progress towards a
self-determined behavioural goal supports
patients’ sense of autonomy and sustains
Initiation requires the patient to be located within an existing daily routine (for interest,17 and there is evidence that a
sufficiently motivated to begin a habit- example, ‘when I go on my lunch break’) behaviour change selected on the basis of
formation attempt, but many patients would provides a convenient and stable starting its personal value, rather than to satisfy
like to eat healthier diets or take more point.10 external demands such as physicians’
exercise, for example, if doing so were Keeping going during the learning recommendations, is an easier habit
easy. Patients must choose an appropriate phase is crucial. The idea of repeating a target.18 Patients need to select a new
context in which to perform the action. The single specific action (for example, eating behaviour (for example, eat an apple) rather
‘context’ can be any cue, for example, an a banana) in a consistent context (with than give up an existing behaviour (do not
event (‘when I get to work’) or a time of cereal at breakfast) is very different from eat fried snacks) because it is not possible
day (‘after breakfast’), that is sufficiently typical advice given to people trying to to form a habit for not doing something. The
salient in daily life that it is encountered and take up new healthy behaviours, which automaticity of habit means that breaking
detected frequently and consistently. A cue often emphasises variation in behaviours existing habits requires different and
altogether more effortful strategies than
making new habits.12
Patients should be encouraged to aim for
small and manageable behaviour changes,
Box 1. A tool for patients because failure can be discouraging. A
Make a new healthy habit sedentary person, for example, would be
1. Decide on a goal that you would like to achieve for your health. more appropriately advised to walk one or
2. Choose a simple action that will get you towards your goal which you can do on a daily basis. two stops more before getting on the bus
3. Plan when and where you will do your chosen action. Be consistent: choose a time and place that you
than to walk the entire route — at least
encounter every day of the week.
4. Every time you encounter that time and place, do the action. for their first habit goal. Small changes
5. It will get easier with time, and within 10 weeks you should find you are doing it automatically without can benefit health: slight adjustments to
even having to think about it. dietary intake can aid long-term weight
6. Congratulations, you’ve made a healthy habit!
management,19 and small amounts of light
My goal (e.g. ‘to eat more fruit and vegetables’) _________________________________________________ physical activity are more beneficial than
none.20 Moreover, simpler actions become
My plan (e.g. ‘after I have lunch at home I will have a piece of fruit’) habitual more quickly.9 Additionally,
(When and where) ___________________________ I will ___________________________ behaviour change achievements, however
Some people find it helpful to keep a record while they are forming a new habit. This daily tick-sheet can be small, can increase self-efficacy, which
used until your new habit becomes automatic. You can rate how automatic it feels at the end of each week, can in turn stimulate pursuit of further
to watch it getting easier. changes.21 Forming one ‘small’ healthy
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 habit may thereby increase self-confidence
for working towards other health-promoting
Unrealistic expectations of the duration
Wednesday of the habit formation process can lead
Thursday the patient to give up during the learning
Friday phase. Some patients may have heard that
habits take 21 days to form. This myth
appears to have originated from anecdotal
evidence of patients who had received
Done on plastic surgery treatment and typically
>5 days, adjusted psychologically to their new
yes or no
appearance within 21 days.22 More relevant
How research found that automaticity plateaued
automatic on average around 66 days after the first
does it feel?
daily performance,9 although there was
Rate from
considerable variation across participants
1 (not at all)
and behaviours. Therefore, it may be helpful
(completely) to tell patients to expect habit formation
(based on daily repetition) to take around

British Journal of General Practice, December 2012 665

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Benjamin Gardner 1. Lansley A. Response to NHS Future Forum’s 12. Lally P, Gardner B. Promoting habit
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dh_132088.pdf (accessed 16 Oct 2012). and automatic processes in the initiation and
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only have to maintain their motivation until weight loss: current status. Health Psychol 2000; formation as a novel theoretical framework for
the habit forms. Working effortfully on a 19(Suppl1): 5–S16. dietary change in pre-schoolers. Psychol Health
new behaviour for 2–3 months may be an 4. Kahneman D. A perspective on judgment and 2012; 27(Suppl1): 89.
attractive offer if it has a chance of making choice. Am Psychol 2003; 58(9): 697–720. 16. Beeken RJ, Croker H, Morris S, et al. Study
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CONCLUSION triggers of habits in daily life. J Exp Soc Psychol advice for weight control in general practice.
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sustainable behaviour change advice. We 7. Bayley PJ, Frascino JC, Squire LR. Robust 18. Gardner B, Lally P. Does intrinsic motivation
acknowledge that health professionals do habit learning in the absence of awareness strengthen physical activity habit? Modeling
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11. Gardner B, de Bruijn GJ, Lally P. A systematic
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has realistic potential for long-term impact. Self-Report Habit Index to nutrition and physical 22. Maltz M. Psycho-cybernetics. New York, NY:
It offers health professionals a useful tool activity behaviours. Ann Behav Med 2011; 42(2): Prentice Hall, 1960.
for incorporating evidence-based health 174–187.
promotion into encounters with patients. A
sample tool for health professionals to use
with patients to encourage habit formation
is provided in Box 1.

Benjamin Gardner,
Lecturer in Health Psychology, Health Behaviour
Research Centre, Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health, University College London, London.

Phillippa Lally,
ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Health
Behaviour Research Centre, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health, University College
London, London.

Jane Wardle,
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Health Behaviour
Research Centre, Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health, University College London, London.

Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed.

DOI: 10.3399/bjgp12X659466

666 British Journal of General Practice, December 2012

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Novelty-Seeking DRD4 Polymorphisms are Associated

with Human Migration Distance Out-of-Africa After
Controlling for Neutral Population Gene Structure
Luke J. Matthews1* and Paul M. Butler2
Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, 72 East Concord St., 5th Floor, B528, Boston, MA 02118

KEY WORDS functional polymorphisms; novelty-seeking trait (NS), natural selection; cultural
neuroscience; human variation

ABSTRACT Numerous lines of evidence suggest that and the seven-repeat (7R) VNTR DRD4 allele at exon 3 for
Homo sapiens evolved as a distinct species in Africa by human populations. This study, however, failed to account
150,000 years before the present (BP) and began major for neutral genetic processes (drift and admixture) that
migrations out-of-Africa 50,000 BP. By 20,000 BP, our might create such a correlation in the absence of natural
species had effectively colonized the entire Old World, and selection. Furthermore, additional loci surrounding DRD4
by 12,000 BP H. sapiens had a global distribution. We pro- are now recognized to influence NS. Herein we account for
pose that this rapid migration into new habitats selected neutral genetic structure by modeling the nonindepend-
for individuals with low reactivity to novel stressors. Cer- ence of neutral allele frequencies between human popula-
tain dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) polymorphisms are tions. We retest the DRD4 exon 3 alleles, and also test
associated with low neuronal reactivity and increased ex- two other loci near DRD4 that are associated with NS. We
ploratory behavior, novelty seeking, and risk taking, collec- conclude there is an association between migratory dis-
tively considered novelty-seeking trait (NS). One previous tance and DRD4 exon 3 2R and 7R alleles that cannot be
report (Chen et al.: Evol Hum Behav 20 (1999) 309–324) accounted for by neutral genetic processes alone. Am J
demonstrated a correlation between migratory distance Phys Anthropol 145:382–389, 2011. V 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Dopamine neurotransmission is fundamental to human 2004). There is a well-supported correlation between the
appetitive and reward-seeking behaviors, movement, cog- DRD4 7R, 2R, 120-bp promoter duplication, and 2521
nition, and sociability. DRD4 is a metabotropic inhibitory C/T SNP and the personality trait novelty seeking (NS)
receptor, which acts to decrease intracellular adenylyl (Tomitaka et al., 1999; Tsai et al., 2004; Reist et al., 2007;
cyclase production following dopamine binding (Van Tol Munafò et al., 2008). High NS individuals are considered
et al., 1991; Oldenhof et al., 1998). Neuroanatomically, exploratory, impulsive, excitable, quick-tempered, and
DRD4 is differentially expressed, with the prefrontal cor- extravagant, whereas low NS individuals tend to be rigid,
tex containing the highest density of receptors that act to prudent, stoic, reflective, staid, and slow-tempered (Clo-
inhibit downstream neural firing (Dulawa et al., 1999). ninger et al., 1991; Ebstein et al., 1996).
Humans exhibit several DRD4 polymorphisms, which Chen et al. (1999) suggested that global population
include a well-described 48 base-pair (bp) variable num- patterning of 4R and 7R frequency variation can be
ber tandem repeat (VNTR) in exon 3 (Ding et al., 2002; explained by increased migratory distances of NS indi-
Grady et al., 2003). The most common VNTR alleles are viduals (7R variant) compared with that of low NS indi-
2-, 4-, and 7-repeats (2R, 4R, 7R), which together viduals (4R variant). They proposed NS individuals rep-
account for over 90% of all variation at this locus (Chang resented a behavioral phenotype that functioned better
et al., 1996; Ding et al., 2002). Across all human popula- under the novel ecological and social circumstances
tions 4R allele frequencies are highest, 2R is common in imposed during migration such that migration effectively
Asians but rare in Native Americans, and 7R is common
in the Americans but rare in Asians and Africans
(Chang et al., 1996; Wang et al., 2004). 7R and 2R alleles
Grant sponsors: Department of Neurology and Program in Behav-
are associated with a partial loss of DRD4-mediated pre-
ioral Neuroscience, Boston University School of Medicine, Depart-
frontal inhibition because of blunted second messenger ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.
response. Compared with the 4R, the 2R and 7R alleles
result in 40 and 80% reduction in intracellular second *Correspondence to: Luke Matthews, Department of Human Evo-
messenger response, respectively (Asghari et al., 1995; lutionary Biology, Harvard University, 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge,
Wang et al., 2004). MA 02138. E-mail:
Promoter polymorphisms, including a 2521 C/T single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and a 120-bp tandem Received 27 August 2010; accepted 11 January 2011
duplication located 1.2 kilo-bp upstream of the initiation
codon, are associated with similar neurophysiologic DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21507
downstream effects as 2R and 7R exon 3 VNTR alleles Published online 5 April 2011 in Wiley Online Library
(Kamakura et al., 1997; Seaman et al., 1999; Lowe et al., (

C 2011

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:


Fig. 1. (Redrawn from Coop et al., Genetics 2010, 185:1411–1423) The effect of statistical nonindependence of population genetic
data. The frequencies shown are for a single SNP allele, AGT M235T, in various populations plotted against latitude. Note how popula-
tions from the same region frequently cluster on the same side of the regression line, which indicates their statistical nonindependence.
Independent data points would scatter randomly across the regression line. The situation is highly analogous to the more well-character-
ized nonindependence that arises at the species level in a phylogenetic context (Rendall and Di Fiore, 1995; Rohlf, 2006).

selected for NS alleles. They found no association We controlled for neutral genetic processes by using
between 7R frequencies and recent migration to the the results of a major recent global genetic survey
United States by Europeans and East Asians, suggesting (Tishkoff et al., 2009) to construct a correlation structure
that 7R carriers are not prone to migrate, but that they that expressed the correlations expected to arise by drift
may experience higher fitness in response to many gen- and admixture in gene frequencies among human popu-
erations of migration. This selection hypothesis proposes lations. Because the out-of-Africa migration proceeded
that migration presents novel ecological and social cir- though a process of serial colonization, significant popu-
cumstances which NS individuals deal with more effec- lation size bottlenecks have occurred throughout the his-
tively, with less stress response, and thereby experience tory of human migration across the globe (Ramachan-
greater fitness relative to low NS individuals. dran et al., 2005; Li et al., 2008; DeGiorgio et al., 2009;
Alternatively, if decisions by individuals in recent Deshpande et al., 2009; Hunley et al., 2009). Thus,
migrations are fundamentally different from those in an- observed associations of migratory distance and particu-
cient migrations, then it could be that NS individuals lar allelic frequencies may result simply from cumulative
during ancient migrations were actually more prone to effects of genetic drift that skew allele frequencies more
migrate. This nonselection hypothesis still specifies a cor- dramatically with increasing distance from Africa (Klopf-
relation between migration distance and NS alleles, but stein et al., 2006). This problem exists for any associa-
the correlation comes about through genetically based tion of a particular allele frequency and an ecological
tendencies in the decisions of NS individuals. trait, not just migratory distance (Coop et al., 2010; Han-
In this study, we do not attempt to distinguish cock et al., 2010). In particular, Coop et al., (2010) have
between these alternative processes (selection or biased proposed that because drift does not systematically affect
decisions based on genotype) that would result in a cor- the frequency of any particular allele, human popula-
relation of NS alleles and migratory distance. Instead, tions out of Africa only show shared patterns of allelic
we seek to determine if the correlation itself can be differentiation because they share the same stochastic
accounted for by neutral genetic processes alone; that is, drift events. This renders human populations as statisti-
is it necessary to invoke one of the above non-neutral cally nonindependent (see Fig. 1). We return to this
processes patterning variation in NS alleles? We retested point in more detail in the Discussion. As pursued by
Chen et al.’s (1999) findings for the 7R allele in conjunc- other authors (Coop et al., 2010; Hancock et al., 2010)
tion with three other alleles (exon 3 VNTR 2R allele, we attempted to control for neutral genetic processes by
2521 C/T SNP, 120-bp duplication), while controlling for attacking the fundamental problem of data point nonin-
the effects of population history and admixture. dependence with a correlation structure in a generalized

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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linear model. The correlation structure expressed the Neutral genetic structure
expected correlations among population data points
under a model of neutral genetic change, and trans- We controlled for neutral genetic processes of drift,
formed the DRD4 data to remove neutral genetic effects admixture, and the history of population separations by
through a likelihood-based linear regression model. We incorporating published D2 genetic distances into a gen-
assessed the performance of our correlation structure eralized least squares linear model (see Comparative
with a set of previously published neutral loci. Analyses below). The D2 expresses the expected allele
We also used the same neutral loci in an alternative frequency differentiation between two populations under
test of the specific association of migratory distance and an evolutionary model with no selection or mutation
NS alleles by assessing whether the residual variation of (Reynolds et al., 1983). We obtained distances from a
migratory distance regressed on DRD4 alleles was less recent global study of human genetic differentiation that
than exhibited by similar regressions with neutral used data from 1327 polymorphic and neutrally evolving
genetic loci. We asked if frequencies of NS alleles at loci from 3945 individuals (Tishkoff et al., 2009).
DRD4 showed a tighter increase with migratory distance
than we would expect by chance, chance being reflected Comparative analyses
in this case by neutrally evolving loci.
We constructed a generalized least squares (gls) statis-
tical model with migratory distance as the dependent
variable and with three independent variables (imple-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mented in R, package ‘‘nlme’’, Pinheiro et al., 2009). One
independent variable was the summed frequency for
Functional gene data DRD4 2R and 7R alleles, because higher frequencies of
We searched the published literature for loci surround- either allele should produce similar phenotypic effects in
ing DRD4 with well-characterized in vitro effects on the form of increased NS behavior. The other two inde-
expression or binding, well-characterized effects on person- pendent variables were the frequencies of the T SNP at
ality traits, and with population level sampling from position 2521, and the frequencies of the promoter region
groups whose neutral genetic structure was known. We 120-bp duplication. All independent variables were coded
found 3 loci that were available across 15 or more human as fixed effects, with the prediction that higher frequen-
populations (Chang et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1999; Osier cies of each would be associated with greater migratory
et al., 2002; Rajeevan et al., 2003; ALFRED, http://alfred. distance. Because the variance distribution of frequency These loci were DRD4 exon 3 VNTRs, 2521 data rarely conform to assumptions of linear modeling,
C/T SNP, and the promoter region 120-bp duplication. we arcsine transformed the raw frequency data for subse-
quent analysis (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995, pp 419–422).
We included a correlation structure in our model to
control for the nonindependence of data points in this
Migratory distance study (Dow et al., 1984; Pinheiro and Bates, 2000; Rohlf,
2006; Dow, 2007; Coop et al., 2010; Hancock et al. 2010).
We derived population locations from the midpoint of The allele frequencies of human populations are ren-
the geographic range reported in ALFRED (http://alfred. dered statistically nonindependent because they share; midpoint calculations–http://www.movable- complex histories of drift and admixture that stochasti- We calculated the migra- cally alter the frequencies of all alleles, including those
tory distance of each population in our study as the that are selectively neutral. Chen et al., (1999)
great circle distances connecting them across the globe recognized this nonindependence, but dealt with it insuf-
and along known routes of human migration out-of- ficiently by simply scoring whether pairs of populations
Africa (Prugnolle et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006, Mellars, participated in the same migration routes. Here, we
2006; Long et al., 2009; calculations performed in Google account for the nonindependence with robust measures
Earth). We set the San as migratory point zero because of genetic distance between populations from neutrally
they were the most anciently diverged population of evolving loci. We converted the D2 distances into
those included in our study and because they are geneti- expected correlations within the study sample by apply-
cally close to the origin within Africa of human genetic ing the linear transformation:
diversity as inferred through coalescent models (Tishkoff
et al., 2009). Thus, within Africa we constructed the ðmaxðD2 Þ  D2 ij Þ= maxðD2 Þ
following routes (San ? Mbuti, San ? Bantu ? Hausa/
Biaka). All routes out of Africa went through the Mbuti where max(D2) is the maximum distance in the matrix
in central Africa, and then the Druze in the Levant. and D2ij is the observed distance between a given pair i,
European and Near Eastern routes led from the Druze j. This transformation produced a matrix of expected cor-
directly to Sardinian and Adygei. We constructed a south- relations among data points ranging from 0 for the two
ern route through Asia as Druze ? Cambodian ? Pap- most divergent populations to 1 for each population to
uan ? Melanesian. A more Northern route through Asia itself. This correlation matrix is thus directly analogous
led to the Han followed by the Japanese. The route to the in its range of expected correlations to the matrices used
Americans went through the Han and then direct to the in phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses
Yakut, followed by the New World populations in a North between species (Pagel, 1999; Garland and Ives, 2000;
to South sequence. These migration values thus attempt Rohlf, 2006; Coop et al., 2010), but it does not presume
to capture the minimum migratory distance of popula- bifurcating relationships among the study taxa.
tions from the origins of our species to their present loca- Using our correlation structure to control for neutral
tions, relative to the other populations in the study. They population genetic processes, we constructed least squares
may underestimate the actual distances that populations regression models from each possible combination of the
have migrated since their inception as distinct demes. three independent variables, and used Akaike Information

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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TABLE 1. Allele frequencies as percentages and migratory distance out of Africa
Population exon 3 R2 1 R7a 120 duplicationb T SNPb Migratory Distance (km) N-exon 3 N - 120 dup. & T SNP
Adygei 17 74 57 7524 104 108
Bantu 24 NA NA 2431 80 NA
Biaka 14 41 66 2692 124 140
Cambodian 32 87 74 13540 50 46
Columbian 62 NA NA 29997 26 NA
Druze 12 69 60 6235 50 140
Han 18 68 66 13123 182 94
Hausa NA 75 67 3792 NA 72
Japanese 18 71 53 15774 102 100
Karitiana 60 79 95 31751 108 102
Maya 40 52 86 27593 100 102
Mbuti 16 46 53 2627 74 68
Melanesian 30 43 57 19602 46 44
Papuan 25 NA NA 17682 40 NA
Pima 23 28 94 24824 70 100
San 0 NA NA 0 44 NA
Sardinian 15 NA NA 8746 26 NA
Surui 83 70 89 32124 90 92
Yakut 10 59 70 17728 78 102
Yoruba NA 60 61 3950 NA 152

NA 5 missing data point.

From Chang et al., 1996.
From ALFRED. Sample size, N, given as total chromosomes sampled (2X individuals).

Criterion (AIC) and likelihood ratio tests (LRT) to select of NS allele frequencies and migratory distance were no
the best model. We then assessed the significance of the different than that expected under neutral evolution, then
remaining independent variables through t-tests of the on average about half of the neutral loci would have
slope residuals. larger residuals and half would have smaller residuals
To assess how well our D2-derived correlation matrix than from the NS allele frequencies. If the association of
controlled for neutral genetic processes in our final NS allele frequencies and migratory distance is more than
model, we also ran our model with a subset of the neu- expected to arise from neutral processes, then the differ-
tral alleles used by Tishkoff et al., (2009) to calculate ence in residuals should be significantly negative, as the
genetic distances. We used the 405 microsatellite and NS residuals should be much smaller than typical of a
duplication loci provided online by Tishkoff et al., (2009) neutral allele—indicative of a tighter than expected asso-
that were variable for the populations in our study. The ciation with migratory distance. We tested whether the
full data set used by Tishkoff et al., (2009) for the D2 cal- calculated differences in residuals were significantly nega-
culation includes all alleles at 1327 loci. For each of the tive with a one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test.
405 loci, we selected one allele at random from individu-
als in the populations of our final model. We calculated
the frequency of these random alleles within each popu- RESULTS
lation, applied the arcsine transform to the frequencies,
and then ran the same gls analyses for each allele both We assessed which independent variables should be
with and without our correlation structure. When using included in the model for migratory distance through a
our correlation structure to control for neutral genetic likelihood analysis of all the data points without any
processes, ideally only 5% of these neutral loci would missing values (Table 1). The best-supported model to
show a significant association with migratory distance at explain out-of-Africa migratory distance included the
the 0.05 nominal level for significance. Because the composite 2R/7R DRD4 allele frequencies (Table 2). The
human populations are nonindependent data points, we model with this single predictor variable had a better
expected much higher rates of type 1 error (false posi- AIC value than all other models. The next most complex
tives) when the correlation structure was not used. models that additionally included either the 120-bp
We also conducted an alternative test of NS alleles that duplication, or the 2521 T SNP (see Table 2), did not
were deemed significant in our linear model with a corre- sufficiently improve the likelihood of the data under the
lation structure. In this test, we ran a standard least likelihood ratio test (P 5 0.193). Within the most com-
squares regression of migratory distance on the NS allele plex model that included all three predictor variables,
frequency. If the observed association in fact arose by neu- variance inflation factors for colinearity among the inde-
tral evolutionary processes, then the goodness of fit pendent variables were low (2R/7R 5 1.4, 120-bp dupli-
between increases in migratory distance and NS allele fre- cation 5 1.3, 2521 T SNP 5 1.3; R package ‘‘Design’’,
quencies should be no stronger than that observed Harrel, 2009). This indicates that allele frequencies at
between migratory distance and each of the 405 neutral the loci are largely independent of one another and the
loci. One standard measure of goodness of fit in a regres- alleles at alternative loci can be regarded as unlinked.
sion model is the residual variation from the best fit The t-test of slope residuals in our best model showed a
regression line. We calculated the residual variation for significant positive relationship between the DRD4 2 1 7
the best fit model of each of the 405 neutral loci and mi- repeat elements and migratory distance (b 5 18687, P 5
gratory distance. We subtracted the absolute residual 0.018, two-tailed, 16 df; Fig. 2). Thus, the summed fre-
deviations of each of the 405 neutral loci from the absolute quency of 2 and 7 repeat element alleles was more associ-
residuals from the NS allele frequencies. If the association ated with migratory distance than expected by chance.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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TABLE 2. Models ordered by AIC value
Model AIC log Likelihood
r 265.0 2129.5
r,d 265.3 2128.7
r,s 265.3 2128.7
r,s,d 266.3 2128.1
s 266.6 2130.3
d,s 268.6 2130.3
d 269.7 2131.9

r 5 DRD4 2 1 7 repeat frequency; d 5 120-bp duplication fre-

quency; s 5 2521 T SNP frequency.

Our tests of 405 neutral markers from Tishkoff et al.,

(2009) revealed that Type I error rates (false positives)
were somewhat elevated under the assumption that the
these markers were neutral with respect to selection pres-
sures correlated with migratory distance (observed error 5
0.12, expected error 5 0.05, z-test of proportions, P \
0.001). However, the slope estimates for the neutral loci
were not biased up or down, rather they were centered on
zero (mean b 5 99.3, t-test for difference from 0, P 5 0.833,
two-tailed). The correlation structure, however, greatly
improved the error rate when compared with gls models of Fig. 2. Migratory distance out-of-Africa versus summed 2R
the neutral markers that lacked any correction for the non- and 7R DRD4 exon 3 alleles.
independence of the data points (observed error 5 0.457).
Although the mean of slope estimates from these reduced
gls models was more extreme (mean b 5 2241) than in the explain the association between higher frequencies of NS
models that included a correlation structure, the estimated alleles in DRD4 exon 3 and migration distance.
slopes again were not significantly different from zero The gls statistical model with a correlation structure
(P 5 0.84, two-tailed t-test). This can occur because the var- to remove the effects of shared genetic ancestry, admix-
iance of the slopes across the models without a correlation ture, and drift was largely successful. The low variance
structure (r2 5 6.05 3 108) was an order of magnitude inflation factors indicate that, with respect to the associa-
greater than the variance from slope estimates that used a tion with migratory distance, the loci we tested can be
correlation structure (r2 5 8.94 3 107, Fig. 3). regarded as statistically unlinked. Although the correla-
Given this evidence for slightly inflated Type I error tion structure we used did not reduce the rate of Type I
(0.118 instead of 0.05), we corrected the P-value for the errors (false positive results) to their expected value of
significant 2R/7R result based on the observed inflation 0.05, it did substantially improve the Type I error rate.
of error in the neutral loci (a factor of 2.36). The 2R/7R This marked improvement of the error rate strongly sug-
result remained significant after this correction (cor- gests, as proposed recently by other researchers, that sta-
rected P 5 0.042, two-tailed). tistical associations of allelic frequencies and ecological
The residual variation migratory distance and the traits caused by neutral evolution arise primarily from
DRD4 2 1 7 allele frequency was significantly less than the statistical nonindependence of human populations as
that observed at the 405 neutral loci (median difference data points (Coop et al., 2010; Hancock et al., 2010).
in NS and neutral residuals 5 23040 km, Wilcoxon Although derived alleles may show a tendency for higher
signed rank test, P \ 0.001) frequency outside Africa as a result of range expansion
(Klopfstein et al., 2006), the association in a linear model
of the frequencies of neutral alleles and distance from
DISCUSSION Africa is not biased, as is reflected by the slopes of the
neutral loci being centered on zero. As shown in Figure 3,
This study supports that higher frequencies of novelty even when we did not control for neutral population
seeking (NS) 2 and 7 R alleles at DRD4 exon 3 are asso- structure, the estimated slopes were centered on zero.
ciated with population histories of migration, which con- The fact that using the correlation structure reduced the
firms previous findings specific to the 7R alleles (Chen et slope variance while keeping it centered on zero shows
al., 1999). Because the out-of-Africa migration proceeded that the statistical nonindependence of intraspecific popu-
though a process of serial colonization, significant and lations behaves much the same as the nonindependence
demographically shared population size bottlenecks have of interspecific datapoints in a phylogenetic context (Mar-
occurred throughout the history of human migration tins and Garland, 1991; Rendall and Di Fiore, 1995; Gar-
across the globe (Ramachandran et al., 2005; Li et al., land et al., 2005; Rohlf, 2006; see also Coop et al., 2010).
2008; DeGiorgio et al., 2009; Deshpande et al., 2009; Phylogenetic nonindependence is well-known to increase
Hunley et al., 2009). Thus, observed associations of mi- the variance of slope estimates and thus inflate Type I
gratory distance and allelic frequencies may result sim- error, but it does not systematically bias these estimates;
ply from cumulative effects of genetic drift that skew they remain centered on zero (Rohlf, 2006).
allele frequencies more dramatically with increasing This being said, our correlation structure did not
distance from Africa (Klopfstein et al., 2006). Our study reduce the Type I error to its expected level. This can
is the first to demonstrate that neutral genetic processes occur if the correlation structure is somewhat miss-speci-
of drift and/or admixture, which produce statistical non- fied, in that it does not fully reflect the true process that
independence among population data points, cannot generated the nonindependence of the data (Martins and

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Fig. 3. Histograms of the slope estimates from migratory distance regressed on each of the 405 neutral alleles. The right panel
shows the estimates from a least squares model without any adjustment for population data point nonindependence. The left panel
shows slopes from the same loci from a model that used our correlation structure to control for the nonindependence that arises
from drift and admixture. Note that all estimates are centered on zero (i.e., they are neutral), and that the use of the correlation
structure greatly reduces the variance of the estimated slopes.

Garland, 1991; Rohlf, 2006). For example, one factor that effects of neutral genetic processes. One example, pub-
may have contributed to miss-specification could be that lished recently in AJPA, purported to find evidence of
the D2 distance does not allow for frequency differences NS alleles of DRD4 being linked to hunter-gatherer life-
to arise from mutation or from types of selection that styles among Native South Americans (Tovo-Rodrigues
may be difficult to detect within the largely neutral et al., 2010). We agree that such a research program,
markers (e.g., purifying and balancing selection). We properly conducted, will yield important scientific
expect that future research will enable such miss-specifi- insights. None of these studies, however, have accounted
cations to be corrected by using optimizing transforma- adequately for the nonindependence of human popula-
tions of the correlation structure based on the dependant tions. Tovo-Rodrigues et al. (2010) made no accommoda-
and independent variables used in the linear model. Such tion for the role of neutral evolution of allele frequencies.
procedures have recently become routine in the context of Both Chiao and Blizinsky (2009) and Way and Lieber-
phylogenetic generalized least squares (Garland et al., man (2010) attempted to deal with nonindependence by
2005). Some common transformations of the phylogenetic lumping data points into similar cultural regions.
correlation structure to reflect the inferred evolutionary Anthropologists have demonstrated, however, that such
process include the multiplier lambda and the exponen- approaches fail to remove the nonindependence that still
tial transform rho, both of which control for reduced exists among the lumped cultural regions (Dow, 1984;
phylogenetic signal, as well as the exponential transform Mace and Pagel, 1994; Eff, 2004; Dow, 2007). Cultural
kappa that reflects speciational evolution (Grafen, 1989; regions, furthermore, express cultural and linguistic
Pagel, 1999). The inflation of Type I error in our study is linkages among people and are not designed to reflect
only slightly greater than observed in phylogenetic simu- the population genetic structure that determines the
lations before the implementation of such transformations nonindependence of allele frequencies.
of correlation structures (Martins and Garland, 1991). In short, treating human populations as statistically
Developing appropriate transformations for intraspecific independent treats them as something that profoundly
correlation structures is beyond the scope of this study. they are not. Populations exhibit complex histories of
Thus, we elected to correct the P-value from the DRD4 2R/ separation, drift, and admixture, and ignoring this is a
7R result by the inflation of Type I error observed among serious methodological error that will inflate Type I
the neutral loci. The 2R/7R result remained significant af- error, reduce statistical power, and thereby produce
ter this correction. The residual variation from a least many erroneous conclusions.
squares regression of migratory distance on DRD4 2 1 7 We found no support for an association between migra-
repeat allele frequency was also significantly less than the tory distance and two promoter region loci at DRD4 that
residual variation observed among neutral loci. alter the expression levels of this gene and mediate NS
These results also suggest a strong warning to recent as measured through psychological surveys. Although
publications by psychologists and others that have her- the inclusion of more data points may change this result,
alded the advent of a new ‘‘cultural neuroscience’’ these negative results are not likely the product of low
research program (Chiao and Blizinsky, 2009; Chiao et power, as the power to detect the observed simple Pear-
al., 2010; Goldman et al., 2010; Kitayama and Park, son correlation of the 2R/7R frequencies and migratory
2010; Kitayama and Tompson, 2010; Way and Lieber- distance was 0.96 (R package ‘‘pwr’’, Champely, 2009).
man, 2010). This program is based on finding associa- These promoter loci may not, in fact, correlate with dis-
tions of gene frequencies with behavioral and ecological persal distance if their phenotypic effects are more
traits across human groups but does not incorporate the greatly influenced by gene X gene and gene X environ-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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ment interactions than are the effects of the 2R/7R allele the Associate Editor, and the two anonymous reviewers for
located within exon 3. Given that convergent phenotypic their helpful comments on the manuscript.
change can often reflect nonconvergent underlying
genetic changes (Tishkoff et al., 2006), studies like ours
may be able to detect only those loci with highly robust LITERATURE CITED
phenotypic effects. Though few, such loci are important
to medical intervention, because doctors in their clinical Asghari V, Sanyal S, Buchwaldt S, Paterson A, Jovanovic V,
Van Tol HH. 1995. Modulation of intercellular cyclic AMP
practice are able at present to test for genetic variation
levels by different human dopamine D4 receptor variants.
at target alleles, whereas diagnoses based on complete J Neurochem 65:1157–1165.
individual genotyping may still lie far in the future. Canli T, Lesch K-P. 2007. Long story short: the serotonin trans-
We hope our positive results for DRD4 exon 3 will mo- porter in emotion regulation and social cognition. Nat Neuro-
tivate more research on this topic that will include sam- sci 10:1103–1109.
pling of both functional and neutral markers from human Caspi A, McClay J, Moffitt TE, Mill J, Martin J, Braithwaite A,
populations of known provenience. Unfortunately, no Poulton R. 2003. Influence of life stress on depression: modera-
such sample exists at present for DRD4 alleles nor for tion by a polymorphism in the 5-HTT gene. Science 80:504–517.
other loci that would be good candidates for selection by Champely, S. 2009. pwr: Basic functions for power analysis. R
migration effects, specifically the serotonin transporter 5- package version 1.1.1. Available at:
HTT and monoamine oxidase A (Nakamura et al., 2000;
Chang FM, Kidd JR, Livak KJ, Pakstis AJ, Kidd KK. 1996. The
Lea and Chambers, 2007). The paucity of data has health worldwide distribution of allele frequencies at the human
consequences because all these loci are linked to a variety dopamine D4 receptor locus. Hum Genet 98:91–101.
of psychopathologies (Caspi et al., 2003; Canli and Lesch, Chen C, Burton M, Greenberger E, Dmitrieva J. 1999. Popula-
2007; Guo et al., 2008). Population-level sampling and tion migration and the variation of dopamine D4 receptor
the resultant better understanding of the functionality of (DRD4) allele frequencies around the globe. Evol Hum Behav
these loci would likely result in better treatment out- 20:309–324.
comes for patients than do the current common practices Chiao JY, Blizinsky KD. 2009. Culture-gene coevolution of indi-
of genetic profiling based on broad ethnic labels. Such vidualism-collectivism and the serotonin transporter gene.
Proc R Soc B 277:529–537.
labels confound genetic and cultural forms of variation
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Richard Wrangham, and especially Amanda Lobell for help- netic comparative methods. Am Nat 155:346–364.
ful discussions on this research. Amanda Lobell and Jason Goldman N, Glei DA, Lin Y-H, Weinstein M. 2010. The sero-
Hodgson provided helpful comments on the manuscript and tonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR): allelic variation
analysis. The authors also thank Sarah Tishkoff for provid- and links with depressive symptoms. Depress Anxiety
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American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Addiction: Beyond dopamine reward circuitry
Nora D. Volkowa,b,1, Gene-Jack Wangc, Joanna S. Fowlerc, Dardo Tomasib, and Frank Telangb
National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892; bNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892; and cMedical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973

Edited by Donald W. Pfaff, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, and approved November 9, 2010 (received for review August 31, 2010)

Dopamine (DA) is considered crucial for the rewarding effects of drugs of abuse, but its role in addiction is much less clear. This review
focuses on studies that used PET to characterize the brain DA system in addicted subjects. These studies have corroborated in humans the
relevance of drug-induced fast DA increases in striatum [including nucleus accumbens (NAc)] in their rewarding effects but have
unexpectedly shown that in addicted subjects, drug-induced DA increases (as well as their subjective reinforcing effects) are markedly
blunted compared with controls. In contrast, addicted subjects show significant DA increases in striatum in response to drug-conditioned
cues that are associated with self-reports of drug craving and appear to be of a greater magnitude than the DA responses to the drug. We
postulate that the discrepancy between the expectation for the drug effects (conditioned responses) and the blunted pharmacological
effects maintains drug taking in an attempt to achieve the expected reward. Also, whether tested during early or protracted withdrawal,
addicted subjects show lower levels of D2 receptors in striatum (including NAc), which are associated with decreases in baseline activity in
frontal brain regions implicated in salience attribution (orbitofrontal cortex) and inhibitory control (anterior cingulate gyrus), whose
disruption results in compulsivity and impulsivity. These results point to an imbalance between dopaminergic circuits that underlie reward
and conditioning and those that underlie executive function (emotional control and decision making), which we postulate contributes to the
compulsive drug use and loss of control in addiction.

prefrontal cortex | dorsal striatum | substance use disorders | stimulant drugs | brain imaging

rugs of abuse (including alco- roadaptations from repeated drug use elicited a more intense high than when it
hol) are inherently rewarding, (i.e., glutamate, opioids, GABA, cortico- entered the brain more slowly (snorted)
which is why they are consumed tropic-releasing factor). These are not (14). This is consistent with preclinical
by humans or self-administered discussed here (except for glutamate), but studies showing that the faster the drug’s
by laboratory animals (1). Only a small several reviews address them (5, 6). entry into the brain, the stronger are its
percentage of individuals exposed to drugs reinforcing effects (15). This probably re-
will become addicted, that is, shift from DA and Acute Drug Reward flects the fact that abrupt and large DA
controlled drug use to compulsive drug All drugs that can lead to addiction in- increases triggered by drugs mimic the fast
use with loss of control over intake despite crease DA in NAc, which is achieved and large DA increases associated with
adverse consequences, however (2). Fac- through their interaction with different phasic DA firing that are associated in the
tors that determine who becomes addicted molecular targets by the various drug brain with conveying information about
include genetic (50% of risk), develop- classes (6) (Table 1). In humans, PET reward and saliency (16).
mental (risk is higher in adolescence), and studies have shown that several drugs Drug-induced DA increases in NAc
environmental (e.g., drug access, stress) [stimulants (7, 8), nicotine (9), alcohol occur in nonaddicted as well as addicted
factors (2). (10), and marijuana (11)] increase DA in subjects, which raises the question of how
The mesolimbic dopamine (DA) path- dorsal and ventral striatum (where NAc is they relate to addiction.
way [DA cells in ventral tegmental area located). These studies used a radiotracer To start with, there is increasing evidence
(VTA) projecting into nucleus accumbens that binds to DA D2 receptors (D2Rs) that DA’s role in reinforcement is more
(NAc)] seems to be crucial for drug reward but only when these are not occupied by complex than just coding for reward per se
(1). Other DA pathways [mesostriatal DA (i.e., [11C]raclopride). By comparing (hedonic pleasure) and that stimuli that
(DA cells in substantia nigra {SN} pro- binding after placebo and after the drug, induce fast and large DA increases also
jecting into dorsal striatum) and meso- these studies estimate the decreases in D2R trigger conditioned responses and elicit in-
cortical (DA cells in VTA projecting into availability induced by the drug, which are centive motivation to procure them (17).
frontal cortex)] are now also recognized to proportional to DA increases (12). Most Through conditioning, a neutral stimulus
contribute to drug reward and addiction studies have reported that participants who that is linked with the reinforcer (i.e., nat-
(1). The mode of DA cell firing also dif- display the greatest DA increases with the ural reinforcer, drug) acquires the ability by
ferently modulates the rewarding and drug also report the most intense “high”
conditioning effects, of drugs (predomi- or “euphoria” (reviewed ref. 13).
nantly phasic DA cell firing) vs. the PET studies have also shown that the This article arises from the Sackler Lecture, “Addiction:
changes in executive function that occur in speed with which a drug enters and leaves Conflict Between Brain Circuits,” presented by Nora Volkow
on June 11 at the AAAS Auditorium in Washington, DC.
addiction (predominantly tonic DA cell the brain (pharmacokinetic profile) is The lecture opened the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium of
firing) (3, 4). crucial for its reinforcing effects. Specifi- the National Academy of Sciences, on “Quantification of
This review summarizes studies that cally, PET studies of brain pharmacoki- Behavior.” The complete program and audio files of most
used PET to evaluate DA’s role in drug netics of drugs labeled with positron presentations are available on the NAS Web site at www.
reward and addiction. These findings show emitters show that peak levels in human See all papers from this col-
loquium in supplement 3 of volume 108.
that addiction affects not only the DA brain are reached within 10 min after i.v.
Author contributions: N.D.V., G.-J.W., and J.S.F. designed
reward circuit but circuits involved with administration and that this fast drug research; N.D.V., G.-J.W., J.S.F., D.T., and F.T. performed
conditioning/habits, motivation, and exec- uptake is associated with the high (13) research; N.D.V., G.-J.W., J.S.F., D.T., and F.T. analyzed data;
utive functions (inhibitory control, sa- (Fig. 1). Indeed, for an equivalent level of and N.D.V. wrote the paper.
lience attribution, and decision making). cocaine reaching the brain (assessed as The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Other neurotransmitters (and neuropep- equivalent level of DA transporter block-
Downloaded by guest on February 17, 2022

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

tides) are involved with drug reward (i.e., ade), when cocaine entered the brain 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
cannabinoids, opioids) and with the neu- rapidly (smoked and i.v. administration), it PNAS | September 13, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 37 | 15037–15042

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

Table 1. Main classes of drugs of abuse, their main molecular targets, and some of the mechanism(s) by which they increase DA in NAc (44)
Drug Target Mechanism for DA increases

Stimulant drugs (cocaine, DAT Blocks DAT on the terminals of DA projecting neurons from VTA to NAc
amphetamine, (cocaine) or releases DA from the vesicles of DA terminals
methamphetamine) (methamphetamine, amphetamine)
Opioids (heroin, opioid MOR Disinhibits VTA DA neurons by inhibiting GABA interneurons that contain MOR
analgesics) in the VTA or directly activates NAc neurons that contain MOR
Nicotine (cigarettes and other Nicotinic receptors Directly activates VTA DA neurons by stimulating their nicotine receptors and
tobacco products) (predominantly α4β2 subtype) indirectly activates them by stimulating the nicotine receptors in
glutamatergic terminals to VTA DA neurons
Alcohol and inhalants Multiple targets, including Facilitates GABAergic neurotransmission, which may disinhibit VTA DA neurons
GABA and glutamate from GABA interneurons or may inhibit glutamate terminals that regulate
receptors DA release in Nac
Cannabinoids (marihuana) Cannabinoid CB1 receptors Regulates dopaminergic signaling through CB1R in NAc neurons and in GABA
and glutamate terminals to NAc

DAT, DA transporter; MOR, μ-opioid receptor.

itself to increase DA in striatum (including inforcer (food) when exposed to a condi- to which a similar process occurs in response
NAc) in anticipation of the reward, and tioned stimulus (CS), the DA neurons stop to drugs of abuse is unclear, however, be-
this is associated with drug seeking (17). responding to the primary reinforcer and, cause drugs, through their pharmacological
In animals trained to expect a natural re- instead, respond to the CS (16). The extent actions, can directly activate DA neurons

Fig. 1. Pharmacokinetics of stimulant drugs in the human

brain and relationship to the “high.” (A) Axial brain im-
ages of the distribution of [11C]cocaine, [11C]MP, and [11C]
methamphetamine at different times (minutes) after its
administration. (B) Time activity curve for the concentra-
tion of [11C]cocaine, [11C]MP, and [11C]methamphetamine
in striatum alongside the temporal course for the high
experienced after i.v. administration of these drugs. Note
that the fast brain uptake for these drugs corresponds
to the temporal course of the high, which suggests that
the high is associated with the “rate of DA increases.” In
contrast, their clearance shows a correspondence with the
high for cocaine and for methamphetamine but not for
MP. The difference between MP and cocaine may reflect
the differences in their rate of clearance and that between
MP and methamphetamine may reflect their different
mechanisms of action. Specifically, because MP and co-
caine increase DA by blocking DA transporters, the DA
increases are terminated by autoreceptor activation,
which inhibits DA release. For cocaine, its fast rate of
clearance (20-min half-life in brain) results in short-lasting
autoreceptor activation, whereas for MP, its slower clear-
ance (60-min half-life) results in long-lasting inhibition of
DA release by autoreceptors, which terminates the high
even though the drug is still in the brain. In contrast,
methamphetamine, which is a DA releaser, is not sensitive
to autoreceptor activation; thus, DA increases are not
terminated by this mechanism, accounting for the longer
lasting duration of the high. Modified from ref. 18.
Downloaded by guest on February 17, 2022

Copyright (1995) American Medical Association. All rights

reserved. Reprinted from ref. 43. Copyright (2008), with
permission from Elsevier.

15038 | Volkow et al.

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

(i.e., nicotine) or increase DA release (i.e.,
amphetamine) (Table 1).
To answer this, we compared DA in-
creases induced by the stimulant drug
methylphenidate (MP) between cocaine-
addicted subjects and controls. Like co-
caine, MP increases DA by blocking DA
transporters; both drugs have a similar
distribution in human brain and have
similar behavioral effects when given
i.v. (18). In detoxified cocaine-addicted
subjects (n = 20, detoxified 3–6 wk),
we showed marked attenuation of MP-
induced DA increases in striatum (50%
lower) and of the increases in self-reports
of high, compared with non–drug-abusing
controls (n = 23). Similar findings were Fig. 2. DA changes induced by i.v. MP in controls and in active cocaine-addicted subjects. (A) Average
reported after administration of i.v. am- nondisplaceable biding potential (BPND) images of [11C]raclopride in active cocaine-addicted subjects (n =
phetamine (another stimulant drug) in 19) and in controls (n = 24) tested after placebo and after i.v. MP. (B) D2R availability (BPND) in caudate,
putamen, and ventral striatum after placebo (blue) and after MP (red) in controls and in cocaine-
recently detoxified cocaine abusers (de-
addicted subjects. MP reduced D2R in controls but not in cocaine-addicted subjects. Note that cocaine
toxified 2 wk), who also showed decreased abusers show both decreases in baseline striatal D2R availability (placebo measure) and decreases in DA
DA release in striatum and attenuated release when given i.v. MP (measured as decreases in D2R availability from baseline). Although one could
self-reports of euphoria (19). Because question the extent to which the low striatal D2R availability in cocaine-addicted subject limits the ability
a confound in these studies was the pos- to detect further decreases from MP, the fact that cocaine-addicted subjects show reductions in D2R
sibility that drug withdrawal accounted for availability when exposed to cocaine cues (Fig. 3) indicates that the attenuated effects of MP on [11C]
the attenuated DA responses, we repeated raclopride binding reflect decreased DA release.
this study in active cocaine-addicted sub-
jects (n = 19, nondetoxified) (20). In ac- largest cue-induced DA increases in dorsal drug, this suggests that conditioned re-
tive cocaine abusers, MP-induced DA striatum also had the highest scores on sponses may drive the DA signaling that
changes did not differ from placebo and measures of addiction severity. Because triggers and maintains the motivation to
the DA changes were 80% lower than in the dorsal striatum is implicated in habit take the drug. To the extent that the drug
controls (n = 24); the self-reports of high learning, this association is likely to reflect (even when its DA-enhancing effects are
were also attenuated (Fig. 2). Marked the strengthening of habits as chronicity of attenuated) predicts reward, the act of its
blunting of striatal DA increases second- addiction progresses. This suggests that administration (e.g., injection, smoking)
ary to MP or to amphetamine has also a basic disruption in addiction might be may become a conditioned cue and, as
been documented in detoxified alcoholics DA-triggered conditioned responses that such, may increase DA. Thus, although
(reviewed in ref. 13). If, as is currently result in habits leading to compulsive drug drugs may initially lead to DA release in
believed, drug-induced DA increases in consumption. Inasmuch as in cocaine- striatum (signaling reward), with repeated
NAc underlie drug reward, why would addicted subjects, the DA increases trig- administration and as habits develop, there
cocaine-addicted subjects, who show gered by conditioned cues appear to be appears to be a shift in the DA increases
a marked attenuation of drug-induced DA larger than those produced by a stimulant from the drug to the CS, as reported for
increases, compulsively take the drug?

DA and Conditioning to Drug Cues

The explanation may arise from the process
of conditioning, which is one of the initial
neuroadaptations that follow exposure to
drugs and involves DA phasic signaling
(predominantly D1Rs) and synaptic changes
in NMDA and AMPA receptors (modulated
by glutamate) (21, 22). These conditioned
responses are believed to underlie the in-
tense desire for the drug (craving) and the
compulsive use that occurs when addicted
subjects are exposed to drug cues.
To assess if drug conditioned cues would
increase DA in cocaine-addicted subjects,
we tested active cocaine-addicted sub-
jects (n = 18) when subjects watched a
neutral video (nature scenes) vs. when
they watched a cocaine-cue video (scenes
of subjects procuring and smoking co-
Fig. 3. DA changes induced by conditioned cues in active cocaine-addicted subjects. (A) Average non-
caine) (23). Cocaine cues significantly in-
displaceable biding potential (BPND) images of [11C]raclopride in cocaine-addicted subjects (n = 17) tested
creased DA in dorsal striatum, and the while viewing a neutral video (nature scenes) and while viewing a cocaine-cues video (subjects admin-
magnitude of this increase was correlated istering cocaine). (B) D2R availability (BPND) in caudate, putamen, and ventral striatum for the neutral
with the subjective experience of craving
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video (blue) and the cocaine-cues video (red). The cocaine cues decreased D2R in caudate and putamen.
(Fig. 3); similar findings were reported by (C) Correlations between changes in D2R (reflecting DA increases) and self-reports of cocaine craving
another laboratory (24). Subjects with the induced by the cocaine-cues video. Modified from ref. 23.

Volkow et al. PNAS | September 13, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 37 | 15039

Tatiane Bezerra - - IP:

PET studies have shown that addicted
subjects have significant reductions in D2R
availability in striatum that persist months
after protracted detoxification (reviewed
in ref. 13). To investigate the functional
significance of the striatal D2R reductions,
we have assessed their relationship to
baseline measures of brain glucose me-
tabolism (marker of brain function). We
have shown that reductions in striatal D2R
are associated with decreased metabolism
in orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior
cingulate gyrus (ACC), and dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (26–28) (Fig.
4). Because OFC, CG, and DLPFC are
involved with salience attribution, inhi-
bitory control/emotion regulation, and
decision making, we had postulated that
Fig. 4. Correlations between striatal D2R availability and metabolism in prefrontal brain regions. (A) Axial their improper regulation by DA in ad-
brain images for a control and for a cocaine-addicted subject for baseline images of D2R availability in dicted subjects could underlie the en-
striatum (obtained with [11C]raclopride) and of brain glucose metabolism in OFC (obtained with [18F]FDG). hanced motivational value of drugs in their
(B) Correlations between striatal D2R and metabolism in OFC in cocaine-addicted and methamphetamine- behavior and loss of control over drug in-
addicted subjects. Reprinted from ref. 13, Copyright (2009), with permission from Elsevier.
take (29). In addition, because impair-
ments in OFC and ACC are associated
with compulsive behaviors and impulsivity,
natural reinforcers (16). Preclinical studies DA and Inhibitory Control in Addiction we postulated that DA’s impaired modu-
have revealed that glutamatergic projec- The capacity to inhibit prepotent responses lation of these regions could underlie the
tions from prefrontal cortex into VTA/SN is likely to contribute to an individual’s ability compulsive and impulsive drug intake seen
and NAc mediate these conditioned re- to restrain from taking drugs, and thus his or in addiction (30, 31). Indeed, in metham-
sponses (5). her vulnerability to addiction (25). phetamine abusers, low striatal D2R was

Fig. 5. Model proposing a network of interacting circuits underlying addiction: reward (nucleus accumbens, VTA, and ventral pallidum), conditioning/memory
(amygdala, medial OFC for attribution of saliency, hippocampus, and dorsal striatum for habits), executive control (DLPFC, ACC, inferior frontal cortex, and
lateral OFC), and motivation/drive (medial OFC for attribution of saliency, ventral ACC, VTA, SN, dorsal striatum, and motor cortex). Nac, nucleus accumbens.
(A) When these circuits are balanced, this results in proper inhibitory control and decision making. (B) During addiction, when the enhanced expectation value
of the drug in the reward, motivation, and memory circuits overcomes the control circuit, this favors a positive-feedback loop initiated by the consumption of
the drug and perpetuated by the enhanced activation of the motivation/drive and memory circuits. These circuits also interact with circuits involved in mood
regulation, including stress reactivity (which involves the amygdala and hypothalamus) and interoception (which involves the insula and ACC and contributes
Downloaded by guest on February 17, 2022

to awareness of craving). Several neurotransmitters are implicated in these neuroadaptations, including glutamate, GABA, norepinephrine, corticotropic-
releasing factor, and opioid receptors. CRF, corticotropic-releasing factor; NE, norepinephrine. Modified with permission from ref. 35; permission conveyed
through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

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associated with impulsivity (32), and inducing stimuli (either drugs or cues) hanced motivational value of the drug
low striatal D2R was associated with im- (36–39). Similarly, cocaine abusers studied (secondary to learned associations through
pulsivity and predicted compulsive cocaine shortly after an episode of cocaine binging conditioning and habits) at the expense of
administration in rodents (33). showed increased metabolic activity in other reinforcers (secondary to decreased
It is also possible that the initial vulner- OFC and ACC (also dorsal striatum) that sensitivity of the reward circuit) and an
ability for drug use occurs in prefrontal was associated with craving (40). impaired ability to inhibit the intentional
regions and that repeated drug use triggers Moreover, when we compared the actions associated with the strong desire
the decreases in striatal D2R. Indeed, in response to i.v. MP between cocaine- to take the drug (secondary to impaired
a study done in subjects who, despite having addicted and nonaddicted subjects, we executive function) that result in compul-
a high risk for alcoholism (positive family showed that MP increased metabolism in sive drug taking in addiction (35).
history of alcoholism), were not alcoholics, ventral ACC and medial OFC (an effect Although it is likely that DA changes
we showed higher than normal striatal D2R associated with craving) only in addicted underlie some aberrant behaviors in
availability that was associated with normal subjects, whereas it decreased metabolism addiction, it is also possible that some
metabolism in OFC, ACC, and DLPFC in these regions in nonaddicted subjects DA changes may reflect attempts to
(25). We interpreted this to suggest that (41). This suggests that the activation of compensate for deficits in other neuro-
normal prefrontal function may have pro- these prefrontal regions with drug expo- transmitters, particularly because DA is
tected these subjects from alcohol abuse. sure may be specific to addiction and as- modulated by glutamate (GABA has been
sociated with the enhanced desire for the less investigated). Corticostriatal gluta-
DA and Motivation in Addiction drug. Moreover, in a subsequent study matergic terminals are responsible for
in which we prompted cocaine-addicted learning well-established behaviors and
DA is also involved in motivation (i.e., subjects to inhibit craving purposefully for changing these behaviors when they
vigor, persistence, effort toward the pursuit when exposed to drug cues, we showed are no longer adaptive, and neuro-
of reinforcing stimuli) through its regula- that subjects who were successful in in- adaptations in these projections (and in
tion of several target regions, including hibiting craving decreased metabolism amygdalostriatal glutamate pathways)
NAc, ACC, OFC, DLPFC, amygdala, in medial OFC (processes motivational with repeated drug use (including im-
dorsal striatum, and ventral pallidum (34). value of reinforcer) and NAc (predicts paired regulation of glutamate synaptic
The enhanced motivation to procure reward) (42). release) are implicated in the enhanced
drugs is a hallmark of addiction. Drug- These findings corroborate the involve- motivation for drug seeking that occurs in
addicted individuals will go to extreme ment of OFC, ACC, and striatum in the addiction (5). Impairments in glutamate-
behaviors to obtain drugs, even at the ex- enhanced motivation to procure the drug induced neuroplasticity with chronic
pense of seriously adverse consequences in addiction. drug exposure are also likely to be in-
(2). Drug seeking and drug taking become volved in the prefrontal function deficits
their main motivational drives, which dis- reported in addicted individuals that re-
place other activities (35). Thus, the ad- Systems Model of Addiction
sult in impairments in inhibitory control
dicted subject is aroused and motivated As summarized above, several brain cir- and in inability to change maladaptive
when seeking to procure the drug but cuits are relevant in the neurobiology of behaviors and to learn from the adverse
tends to be withdrawn and apathetic when addiction. Here, we highlighted four of consequences of drug use.
exposed to non–drug-related activities. these circuits: reward/saliency, motivation/ This model suggests a multipronged
This shift has been studied by comparing drive, conditioning/habits, and inhibitory therapeutical approach to addiction to
the brain activation patterns occurring control/executive function (Fig. 5). The decrease the reinforcing properties of
with exposure to conditioned cues with mood regulation circuit (contributes to drugs, enhance the rewarding properties of
those occurring without such cues. regulation of stress reactivity) and the in- natural reinforcers, inhibit conditioned-
In contrast to the decreases in prefrontal teroception circuit (contributes to aware- learned associations, enhance motivation
activity reported in detoxified cocaine ness of drug craving and mood) also for non–drug-related activities, and stren-
abusers when not stimulated with drug participate in addiction, but their involve- gthen inhibitory control.
or drug cues (reviewed in ref. 13), these ment in the human brain has been much
prefrontal regions become activated when less investigated. Consequences of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Linda Thomas
cocaine abusers are exposed to craving- disruption of these circuits are an en- for editorial assistance.

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Molecular Psychiatry (2000) 5, 467–475
 2000 Macmillan Publishers Ltd All rights reserved 1359-4184/00 $15.00


Is there an evolutionary mismatch between the normal

physiology of the human dopaminergic system and
current environmental conditions in industrialized
L Pani
CNR Center for Neuropharmacology, ‘BB Brodie’ Department of Neuroscience, University of Cagliari and Neuroscienze
Scarl, Cagliari, Italy

A large body of evidence has recently defined a field theory known as ‘evolutionary mismatch’,
which derives its attributes largely from the fact that current environmental conditions are
completely different from those in which the human central nervous system evolved. Current
views on the evolutionary mismatch theory lack, however, any attempts to define which brain
areas or neuronal circuits should be mostly involved in coding such misevolved traits and to
what extent our neurobiological knowledge can be applied to the topographical localization
of a specific psychopathology. In this respect the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic circuits
have long been misconceptualized as simple reward or reinforcement systems. Instead, they
motivate and coordinate the functions of the higher brain areas that mediate planning and
foresight and direct finalized movement in both animals and humans. These systems make
animals intensely interested in exploring the world around them, but by the same means they
also make them susceptible to the environmental stimuli that have been sought and con-
sumed. It is has been speculated that the cortical dopamine targets that developed most
recently in phylogeny are of particular functional value, and that the mesocorticolimbic dopa-
minergic system is involved in more complex integrative functions than previously assumed.
In the present paper I will argue that some mental disorders may have their deep roots in the
evolutionary mismatch between the normal physiology of the mesocorticolimbic dopami-
nergic system and the current environmental conditions in affluent societies. Molecular Psy-
chiatry (2000) 5, 467–475.
Keywords: evolution; limbic system; dopamine; stress; depression; emotions; Darwinian medicine

Introduction Table 1 Steps in brain evolution with increasing environ-

mental interaction
The essential steps in the evolution of the brain from
early mammals1 to humans2 show an increasing motor3
1. Bipedalism
and cognitive-emotional interaction4 with the external 2. Development of a cooling system
world (Table 1). This ‘environmental pressure’ 3. Trichromatic vision
required the development of a neuronal system which 4. Hemispheric dominance/use of tools
was able to decipher and cope with the signals and 5. Nursing and maternal care
stimuli coming from the brain’s surroundings. 6 Voluntary control of speech
In this sense, the utilization of ‘the principle of 7. Separation call
reward’5 by linking outcomes of behaviors to either 8. Self/other feelings awareness
reinforcing or aversing sensations (and memorizing 9. Development of synthatic ability
them), which is part of the normal physiology of the 10. Pressure to speak
dopaminergic system, was absolutely instrumental in
the course of evolution.
Several authors, however, consider such a view an
also motivate and coordinate the functions of higher
over-simplification of the role of the mesolimbic and
brain areas that mediate planning, foresight and pro-
mesocortical dopamine circuits, which not only direct
mote states of eagerness.6,7 By these functions animals
finalized movement in both animals and humans, but
become intensely interested in exploring the world
around them, but by the same means they are exposed
Correspondence: Dr L Pani, CNR Center for Neuropharmacology, and susceptible to the environmental stimuli that have
Via Porcell, 4, 09124-I, Cagliari, Italy. E-mail: panil얀 been sought and consumed. In mammals, and
Received 3 January 2000; revised and accepted 10 April 2000 especially in primates, the mesocortical dopaminergic

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Evolutionary mismatch of the dopaminergic system
L Pani

system generates and sustains curiosity, and it is quite representatives of the earliest craniates, lamprey and
efficient at facilitating learning. It is particularly effec- hagfish, paralleling a high dopamine and noradrena-
tive in memorizing information about where material line content throughout their brain.16
resources are located and the best way to obtain the
things needed for survival, including food, water, Receptor family
warmth and sex.8 The evolving vertebrate nervous system was always
While telencephalic dopaminergic nuclei, such as accompanied by major gene duplication events which
the nucleus accumbens and the caudate-putamen, have generated novel organs along with a definite sympath-
been conserved in their gross and microscopic struc- etic system which was needed to monitor and control
ture throughout evolution from rodents9 to humans,10 them. Vertebrate neural pathways synthesizing
the structural organization of the cortical dopaminergic monoamine neurotransmitters (mostly dopamine and
circuits, most strictly involved in human pathologies noradrenaline) were subsequently recruited in order to
such as depression and psychosis, shows significant process increased information demands by mediating
differences between rodents and primates.11,12 psychomotor functions, such as selective
Recent data show that the major development of the attention/predictive reward and emotional drive, via
cerebral cortex in primates was accompanied (or the activation of multiple G-protein linked catechola-
produced?) by a similar expansion of the dopaminergic mine receptor subtypes.
input to all cortical layers, with a specific and laminar At least 1000 million years ago (MYA), all the classi-
redistribution of the dopaminergic terminals.11 It has cal transmitter ligand molecules evolved the ability to
been speculated that the cortical dopamine targets that activate a wide range of ion channels, resulting in exci-
developed most recently in phylogeny are to be con- tation, inhibition and biphasic or multiphasic
sidered of particular functional value, and that the responses. In this respect, the invertebrate receptors
mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system is involved in which have so far been cloned show striking hom-
more complex integrative functions than previously ologies with mammalian receptors, indicating that
assumed. many of the basic receptor subtypes evolved at an early
In the present paper I will argue that the evolved period, probably around 800 MYA.17
physiology of the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic sys- The evolution of these receptor-mediated events was
tem may be mismatched with respect to current similarly driven by forces of gene duplication, at the
environmental conditions and may contribute to the cephalochordate/vertebrate transition. In amphioxus, a
precipitation of human psychiatric disorders. single catecholamine receptor gene was found which,
based on molecular phylogeny and functional analysis,
forms a monophyletic group with both vertebrate dopa-
Evolution of the dopaminergic system
mine D1 and beta adrenergic receptor classes.18 These
Enzymes data suggest that a dopamine D1/beta receptor gene
The acquisition of the behaviors modulated by dopami- duplication was required for the elaboration of novel
nergic innervation has been so indispensable in sur- catecholamine psychomotor adaptive responses, and
vival that the enzymatic machinery needed to synthe- that a noradrenergic system specifically emerged at the
size dopamine appeared very early in phylogenesis. origin of vertebrate evolution. Recent investigations
One of the most rudimentary nervous systems, that of have confirmed that the dopamine D1A, D1B, and D1C
the sea pansy Renilla koellikeri (Cnidaria), is able to receptors share molecular, pharmacological, and func-
synthesize dopamine; such synthesis is inhibited by tional attributes that unambiguously allow for their
alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine.13 In this invertebrate, the role evolutionary classification as distinct D1 receptor sub-
of dopamine is that of giving bioluminescence and pro- types of the G-protein linked super-family, in the ver-
ducing muscular contractions, which are most likely to tebrate phylum.18
be used to capture food or avoid danger; insufficient All these receptors conserve a fairly stable secondary
to result in such superior animal characteristics as the structure, a moderate and reasonably steady rate of
ability to feel pleasure and pain. The neurochemical sequence change, and usually lack introns within their
basis of the effects of dopamino-mimetic drugs in other coding sequence. Several results indicate that the first
distant organisms has not been fully elucidated, but the event to occur within this gene family was the diver-
hyperkinesia induced by cocaine, a drug which blocks gence of the catecholamine receptors from the muscar-
the dopamine transporter, in Planaria specimens sug- inic acetylcholine receptors, which occurred prior to
gests that the selective site for pre-synaptic dopamine the divergence of the arthropod and vertebrate lin-
re-uptake is already present in this flatworm.14 Gold- eages. Subsequently, the ability to activate specific
fish show place preference for the water bowls where second-messenger pathways diverged independently
they have received amphetamine, a drug of abuse that in both the muscarinic and the catecholamine recep-
increases dopaminergic transmission.15 In the cephalo- tors. This appears to have occurred after the divergence
chordate amphioxus, a sister group to vertebrates, the of the arthropod and vertebrate lineages, but before the
presence of dopamine (but not of noradrenaline) has divergence of the avian and mammalian lineages. How-
been assayed. In contrast, two distinct genes homolo- ever, the second-messenger pathways activated by
gous to the jawed vertebrate dopamine D1 and beta adrenergic and dopamine receptors did not diverge
adrenergic receptor genes were shown to be extant in independently. Rather, the ability of the catecholamine

Molecular Psychiatry

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Evolutionary mismatch of the dopaminergic system
L Pani

receptors to bind to specific ligands, such as epine- Table 2 Years of significant inventions and technological
phrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, or octopamine, was advancement
repeatedly modified in evolutionary history, and in
some cases was modified after the divergence of the 1550 Screwdriver
second-messenger pathways.19 1690 Steam engine
When the distribution of the dopamine D1 and D2 1770 Electrical battery
receptors in the brain of a mouse, rat, or cat is com- 1853 Hypodermic needle
pared with that of a monkey, similarities are found 1876 Telephone
1885 Gas-engine auto
only in the basal ganglia; the highest density being
1886 Coca-Cola
present in the caudate-putamen, in the nucleus accum- 1903 Airplane
bens, in the olfactory tubercle, and in the substantia 1920 Radio broadcast
nigra. Apart from these nuclei, and particularly in more 1926 Television
recent structures such as the cerebellum and the frontal 1948 Transistors
cortex, the absolute and relative values of the dopa- 1962 Minicomputer
mine receptor subtypes is completely different in pri- 1969 Moon landing
mates, suggesting that the transcriptional control of the 1972 Videogames
gene encoding for the dopaminergic receptors has also 1978 Test tube baby
undergone profound changes throughout evolution.20 1988 Patented animal life
1992 Global internet
2000 Human genome sequenced
The dopaminergic system and the mismatch
Large sets of data (for a review see Nesse and those mechanisms which determine satiety to food,23
Williams)21 have recently allowed the definition of a sex,24 and drugs of abuse.25 In all these conditions, the
field theory called ‘evolutionary mismatch’, which most important dopamine systems involved are that of
derives its attributes largely from the fact that current the terminal fields of the prefrontal cortex,26 and that
environmental conditions in industrialized countries of the nucleus accumbens,27 both originating from neu-
are completely different from those in which the rons located in the ventral tegmental area of the mid-
human central nervous system evolved. The mismatch brain. Whether the stimulation of these neurons
between evolved traits and contemporary lifestyle, the mediates the incentive salience (reviewed in Berridge
presence of evolutionary trade-offs (eg selection of and Robinson),28 or the associative learning29
some traits over others), and historical constraints (eg capacities of an event, is still a matter of intense debate.
how a trait has evolved), has resulted in the poor spe- According to the first hypothesis, rewarding (and thus
cialization of selected traits, as well as a particular sus- also averse) stimuli that have acquired motivational
ceptibility to mental disorders. significance (salience) are part of a phenomenon which
To explain the somatic correlates of such an evo- is neither unitary nor subjective; dopamine-related
lutionary view of diseases, it is assumed that pathogens neural circuits mediating only a specific component of
that attack humans evolve faster than we do. If the reward, ie the attribution of incentive salience to an
ever-mutating environmental conditions, where otherwise neutral event. In contrast, others have argued
change is mostly due to fast technological advance- that mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways do not code
ment (Table 2), could now be assimilated to organic for such an ability, but serve only to respond to specific
pathogens, their rapid rate of evolution and change stimuli which possess high motivational impact, as a
would impose a pressure that is not paralleled by an result of their novelty, unpredictability, specific sen-
evolution of the brain structures which are able to ana- sory modalities, or occurrence under a deprivation
lyze, process, and elaborate on such rapid variations. state;29 in these conditions, dopamine neurons define
For example, a poor fit between strongly evolved traits the substrate for precise associative learning abilities.
(eg dependency) and the current urban social environ- From an evolutionary perspective, the two mech-
ment may account for the increase in frequency of anx- anisms must play an equally important role in the
iety and depressive disorders in modern societies.22 attribution of an incentive value to ethologically
Current views on the evolutionary mismatch theory relevant stimuli, and must facilitate, by means of both
lack, however, a definition of which brain areas or neu- incentive-salience and associative-learning, the selec-
ronal circuits should be involved in coding such mis- tion and the memory of appropriate behavioral
evolved traits, and to what extent our neurobiological responses. The conservation of such principles
knowledge can be applied to the topographical localiz- throughout evolution explains why pharmacological
ation of a specific psychopathology. manipulations of the dopaminergic transmission are
The appetitive and consummatory phases of similarly able to modify basic behaviors in distant
behaviors triggered by environmental cues which are species such as lizards and rats (Table 3). Stimulation
associated with survival properties (whether rewarding of the dopaminergic transmission will increase these
or aversive for the individual) are known to be behaviors, while the blocking of dopaminergic recep-
mediated by sensory-specific dopaminergic neuronal tors or lesions of the dopaminergic pathways will
circuits. These dopaminergic systems are involved in decrease them. This confirms that dopamine is an

Molecular Psychiatry

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Evolutionary mismatch of the dopaminergic system
L Pani

Table 3 Special forms of basic behaviorsa putamen; nucleus accumbens and internal capsule), at
variance with that of the olfactory bulb. Thus, two
1. Establishing a ‘territory’ heavily innervated dopaminergic structures—one
2. Showing place preference coupled to taste related reward and satiety, and the
3. Hunting other to olfactory satiety—seemed to be mutually
4. Greeting exclusive in their development. These complementary
5. Social grouping characteristics have been conserved in modern
6. Feeding and drinking humans.34 The neural mechanisms of sensory-specific
7. Grooming
satiety in primates are implemented in the orbitofron-
8. Courtship
9. Mating tal cortex, which has an important integrative function.
10. Breeding Neurons in this region of the cortex were indeed found
11. Maternal behavior to respond to stimulation of the taste, olfactory, or vis-
12. Play (mammals only) ual systems. In addition, some neurons were found to
possess a bimodal response; responding, for example,
Adapted from Reference 6. to both taste and olfactory, or taste and visual stimuli.
Since these multimodal neurons were found in very
close proximity to unimodal neurons, and since the
important neurotransmitter coding for sensory-specific unimodal sensory neurons were intermingled, it is
responses, in the sense that a perceived environmental possible that the orbitofrontal cortex represents the first
clue is acted on cognitively, either with an increase in cortical area of convergence for these three modalities
exploration (by means of curiosity and reward) or a in primates.35
decrease (through fear and aversion),30 but also show
that the physiological responses of the dopaminergic
Conditions that have changed through evolution
system are strictly ‘environment sensitive’. Electrophy-
and which interfere with the function of the
siological recordings have indicated that key cortical
dopaminergic system
and subcortical dopaminergic regions are involved in
these motivated behaviors. Among these, a particular Empirical data suggest a causal relationship between
role in primates is given to the connections between evolutionary-new environmental factors, specific dys-
the nucleus accumbens and the frontal cortex,31 which regulation of the physiological ability of the dopami-
I will consider as primary sites for the evolutionary nergic system to process environmental stimuli and
mismatch between the dopaminergic system and the specific psychiatric disorders. Accordingly, the use of
ability to process significant environmental-driven psychotropic medication in outpatient medical prac-
change-related information that guides coherent tice rose dramatically during the last 10 years,
behavioral responses. especially in industrialized countries.
Around 10 years ago, Gershon et al showed that the
rates of bipolar, schizoaffective, and unipolar disorders
Expansion and regression of dopaminergic
were higher in the cohorts born after 1940 than in the
cohorts born earlier.36 It was suggested that an ominous
Animals with big brains are scarce, because bigger neu- trend could be present, leading to an increase in preva-
ronal structures are more costly in terms of energy lence of a broad spectrum of familial affective disorders
expenditure, development time, and anatomical com- in the coming decades. This prediction proved to be
plexity. It was always supposed that a much better diet correct and confirmed by more recent reports where
(in terms of caloric value) must have been the starting changes in the prescribing patterns of psychotropic
point for the development of a much larger cerebral medications by office-based United-States physicians
mass. Recently it was described how, about 40 MYA, were examined.37 In the 9 years period between 1985
a duplication of the gene coding for a retinal cone pig- and 1994, the number of visits during which a psycho-
ment in an ancestor of prosimians resulted in the tropic medication was prescribed increased from 32.73
development of trichromatic vision.32 This ability to million to 45.64 million. Antianxiety or hypnotic drug
see in color was instrumental in detecting ripe fruit, visits, previously the largest category, decreased and
and gave an immediate evolutionary advantage over were surpassed by antidepressant visits, which
green-leaf eaters. At about the same time, the system doubled from 10 to 20 million in the last 5 years per-
for emotional communication via facial expression iod; and stimulant drug visits increased more than five-
expanded and the olfactory bulb completed its fold in the same period. These dramatic trends are in
regression in primates. agreement with our findings (Table 4), where we con-
Recently, this hypothesis was confirmed, showing sider the Italian sales of psychotropic medications
that a highly predictable relationship exists between classified into three major categories: anxiolytics, anti-
the relative size of the neocortex and that of the total depressants, and antipsychotics and confirmed a sig-
brain.33 When the sizes of 10 measured brain divisions nificant tendency toward increase for antidepressants
from 131 species are plotted as a function of total brain (+34%) and antipsychotics (+15%) but not for anxio-
size, the two most expanded structures in all species lytics (+4%) in the last 5 years.
are, in fact, the neocortex and the striatum (caudate- Thus, it appears that in current affluent societies the

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Table 4 The Italian market for psychotropic compounds psychological). Drugs of abuse that convey a signal that
falsely indicates the arrival of a huge fitness benefit
Millions of prescriptions per year (much higher than food, water, sex, etc), actively
change behavioral hierarchies. As a consequence, drug-
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 seeking increases in frequency to the point where it
becomes the only dominant behavior, displacing all the
Antipsychotics 11 675 12 432 12468 12 940 13 428 other adaptive traits.39
Antidepressants 16 750 18 275 19413 20 524 22 493
Anxiolytics 33 143 34 589 34093 34 917 34 487 Stress
The definition of the term stress has gone from ‘a non-
specific response of the body to any demands made
upon it’,40 to ‘both a survival mechanism and an indi-
frequency of psychiatric disorders requiring medi- cator of internal and external cues’.41 Both acute and
cations which modulate the function of (and not only chronic stress have a detrimental impact on the normal
of) the dopaminergic system is increasing. In addition, function of the dopaminergic system (for a recent
the outcomes of acute affective disorders are consider- review see Pani et al).42 The response of the dopami-
ably more favorable in developing countries than in nergic system to stress is neither homogenous nor gen-
comparable studies in developed settings38 where at eralized, and numerous results suggest that mesopre-
least four areas of evolutionary novelty can contribute frontal cortex dopaminergic projections are selectively
and will be briefly discussed below. activated by sudden changes in environmental con-
ditions, whether expected or not.43
Drugs of abuse The fine tuning of dopamine extracellular concen-
The ability to extract, purify and lately synthesize psy- tration in the medial prefrontal cortex seems to be
choactive compounds has increased their availability essential for the decision-taking protocols of the medial
to the general population in quantities and qualities prefrontal cortex in the rat and the monkey.44 This sup-
never experienced before in the history of mankind. In ports the idea of a critical range of dopamine turnover
addition, the development of new routes of adminis- for optimal prefrontal cortical cognitive functioning,
tration (eg hypodermic needles, crack smoking, organic with reduced or excessive dopamine turnover leading
solvents) has increased the penetration of drugs of to cognitive impairment. Several data point to ventral
abuse into the brain, and has contributed to a change tegmental area projections,45 dopamine receptors,46
in the traditional relationship between the use of the and a loss of inhibitory tone on ventral tegmental area
natural source of the drug (eg the chewing of coca- dopamine cells47 and lateral-basolateral amygdala (see
leaves) to that of its active component (eg the endoven- below) as important regulatory sites for maintaining
ous injection of cocaine hydrochloride). superior cognitive functions. The increased ability to
Drugs of abuse offer a remarkable example of evo- remove dopamine in chronically stressed animals has
lutionary mismatch at the level of the dopaminergic also indicated that altered dopamine clearance may
system, and help to clarify its role in the general physi- serve as an adaptive mechanism in the medial pre-
ology of the central nervous system. If drugs of abuse frontal cortex.48 It has been further suggested that
that act on the dopaminergic system (that is all of them, increased dopamine D1 receptor stimulation during
directly or indirectly) were used solely for their stress may serve to take the medial prefrontal cortex
hedonic and ‘reward producing’ potential, then this ‘off-line’, in order to allow posterior cortical and sub-
capacity, ie the pure ability to experience pleasure, cortical structures to regulate more ‘primitive’ forms of
would be the only one to be mainly affected by their behavior.49 Since dopaminergic innervation of the
chronic use. Instead, after a variable period of use, all medial prefrontal cortex is able to regulate the activity
drugs which determine a state of dependence interfere of subcortical dopamine innervations, disruption of the
with the global adaptation of an individual to its medial prefrontal cortex dopamine fibers may result in
environment, producing not only an impairment of the altered biochemical responsiveness of the dopa-
his/her hedonic capacities, but also a more disruptive mine subcortical innervations.50
effect on the cognitive and emotional abilities that are In humans, the balance between cortical and subcort-
necessary for an effective interaction with the external ical dopaminergic activity may serve as a protection
world (maladaptation). The limbic portion of the dopa- against psychotic decompensation from chronic
minergic system is essential for the generation of the endogenous or exogenous insult,51 and the failure of
basic emotions that mediate various pro-social this coping mechanism may well contribute to the vul-
behaviors, such as maternal care, playfulness, and nerability of the medial prefrontal cortex in many
friendship, and which have been learned and have neuropsychiatric disorders related to the stress
evolved to influence motivational states and, ulti- response.52
mately, to increase fitness. All these behaviors, along
with the emotions which are related to them and their Chronic emotional reactions
cognitive implications, are profoundly altered in a drug Emotional responses can be difficult to differentiate
addict, much more than just the capacity to experience from generic reactions to stress, in laboratory animals
pleasure or avoid pain (whether physical or as well as in humans. In addition, emotions such as

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empathy seem to be uniquely human, and therefore system in rodents have, however, produced inconsist-
impossible to mimic in animal models. In spite of this, ent data. While some results suggest an important
several animal behaviors such as freezing, self- relationship between social and motor reactivity, as
grooming, exploration and defecation have been con- well as an important, albeit again strain-dependent,
sidered as valid somatic correlates to human emotional role for dopamine D1 receptors in mediating specific
responses in which the dopaminergic system is emotional behaviors,59 others demonstrate that long-
involved. In all the models, the chronic nature of the term administration of low, pre-synaptic doses of the
stimulus is essential to produce a stable change in the dopamine D2 antagonist l-sulpiride is highly effective
normal physiology of the dopaminergic system. In in an animal model of anticipatory anxiety/panic
modern times this can be obtained by generic stress behavior.60 In contrast, recent findings suggest that
due to sleep disruption, time shifts, poor physical quinpirole (a dopamine D2 agonist) decreases fear by
activity, increased physical constraints, and unnatural blocking the retrieval of a learned association between
social rules. In diseases in which dopamine function a conditioned and an unconditioned stimulus.61
is compromised, humans exhibit a constellation of
emotional symptoms, suggesting that the dopamine Chronic sleep deprivation
system plays an important role in the integration of Humans have conserved mechanisms, like those that
superior cortical functions. A dorsal tier of dopamine exist in other animals, which detect changes in day
neurons receives input from the nucleus accumbens length and make corresponding adjustments in the dur-
and from the amygdala, and projects widely through- ation of nocturnal periods. Several studies from Wehr
out the cortex. Through these projections, the dopami- and collaborators62 have suggested that modern men’s
nergic limbic system has an enormous influence on use of artificial light after dark and artificial darkness
cortical output and can therefore affect the emotional during the daytime suppresses responses63 to seasonal
and motivational ‘coloring’ of a wide range of changes in the duration of the natural scoto- and photo-
behaviors.53 period that might otherwise occur at a given latitude,
In this respect, the lateral-basolateral amygdala producing a chronic disturbance in the sleep pattern
receives sensory input from environmental stimuli and decreasing, overall, the total amount of sleep. It is
and, along with the central amygdala, mediates con- difficult to conceive that chronic sleep deprivation in
ditional fear. Through its projections to forebrain, mid- humans could be obtained and maintained without any
brain and hindbrain areas, the central amygdala gov- activation in the stress axis.
erns the behavioral, autonomic, and endocrine Sleep deprivation in rats has been extensively stud-
responses that characterize a central fear state.54 ied as a possible animal model of mania.64 Interest-
Accumulating revelations about the amygdala-based ingly, at the end of the period of sleep deprivation
fear system has led to considerable progress in deline- (approximately 72 h), the rat does not fall asleep as
ating the neural connections and cellular mechanisms soon as it is returned to its home cage, but shows a
that underlie aversive emotionality, and very recently period of wakefulness of about 30 min, during which
electrophysiological evidence has shown that neural the animal presents a cohort of symptoms that appear
discharge in the central amygdala is a consequence of to mimic those present in idiopathic mania. In parti-
repeated low-current, high-frequency electrical stimu- cular, during this period the animal displays a high
lation of dopaminergic nuclei of the ventral tegmen- degree of hyperactivity, irritability, aggressiveness,
tal area.55 hyper-sexuality, and stereotypy. The model allowed
The introduction of Roman high-avoidance (RHA) the discovery of an active role of limbic dopamine in
and Roman low-avoidance (RLA) rats, two selectively the generation of arousal and insomnia related to sleep
bred lines that differ in their level of emotionality, into deprivation-induced stress.65 Accordingly, direct evi-
an unfamiliar environment, the application of a high- dence demonstrates that acute and chronic sleep depri-
intensity loud noise, or immobilization, are all associa- vation may trigger a manic episode in otherwise heal-
ted with an increase in extracellular cortical dopamine thy individuals,66 and that recurrent brief hypomania
metabolite levels in the RHA but not in the RLA line, which lasts 1–3 days and belongs to the bipolar spec-
suggesting that the differently evoked emotional reac- trum, is increasing in young adults.67 These findings
tions may produce a common activation of cognitive are indirectly confirmed by the increased use of neuro-
processes.56 This difference in reaction to a stressful leptics (Table 4) which, although their use has been
stimulus, according to the genetic makeup of an indi- widely discouraged for mood disorders, are still the
vidual, is an essential function of the mesencephalic standard treatment for acute bipolar mania.68
dopaminergic neurons, and of their role in the organi-
zation of behavioral responses which are the reflection
of a heightened attention of the animal attempting to
cope with the stressor.57 The mesocortical dopami- The brain of Homo sapiens sapiens developed on the
nergic innervations seem to facilitate the functions of African plains, in populations of a few hundred thou-
integrative structures, and to have a coordinated role sand individuals; today there are six billion of us
in regulating the information flow between cortical worldwide.
structures.58 It is time to ask ourselves whether the structural
The study of fear and the role of the dopaminergic organization and the neuronal plasticity of the human

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brain are still able to control the evolution of the enhance our ability to cope with stress-related mental
environment he has created. Some influential neuro- disorders in the modern environment, and sharpen our
biologists have expressed strong doubts.69 wisdom in making decisions about the therapeutic use
The dopaminergic innervation to the prefrontal cor- of psychoactive drugs.
tex is essential for processing and elaborating on the
‘expectancy’ of events, and in the working memory Acknowledgements
related to them, in both rats and monkeys.44 Environ-
mentally induced changes in the activity of the dopa- I am grateful to Anna Porcella for her critical comments
minergic system, either by conventional (food, water, and to David Webb for his precise editorial work on the
sex etc) or non-conventional (drugs of abuse, chronic manuscript. This work was supported by a CNR grant.
stress, emotional reactions etc) stimuli could mismatch
the natural codes for reward-aversion, sensory-motor, References
incentive-salience mechanisms which have been con-
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Reviews and Overviews

PET Imaging of Dopamine D2 Receptors

in Monkey Models of Cocaine Abuse:
Genetic Predisposition Versus Environmental Modulation

Michael A. Nader, Ph.D. Objective: Animals self-administer many can increase or decrease D2 receptor bind-
of the drugs that humans abuse, including ing in an orderly fashion, and the resulting
cocaine. This article describes studies using changes in D2 function influence the vul-
Paul W. Czoty, Ph.D.
preclinical animal models to differentiate nerability to abuse cocaine. In mainte-
the influences of neurobiological predis- nance, chronic cocaine exposure produces
position from environmental modulation decreases in D2 receptor binding, which
of cocaine addiction, including studies may be a mechanism that contributes to
from the authors’ laboratory using nonhu- continued drug use. Finally, during absti-
man primates. nence there are individual differences in
Method: Addiction is described in terms rates of recovery of D2 receptor availability.
of vulnerability, maintenance, and absti- Conclusions: The goal of the preclinical
nence. This review focuses on dopamine research described in this review is to
receptor function, in particular that of the achieve a better understanding of individ-
D2-like receptors, as measured by the non- ual differences in susceptibility and vulner-
invasive imaging procedure positron emis- ability to the reinforcing effects of cocaine.
sion tomography. Findings from human It is clear that the development of novel
studies of addiction and animal models animal models will extend our under-
are reviewed. standing of the neurobiological basis of
Results: There appears to be an inverse drug addiction to include a greater appre-
relationship between D2 receptor availabil- ciation of the role of environmental factors
ity and vulnerability to the reinforcing ef- in affecting predisposition, mediating con-
fects of cocaine. Environmental variables tinued drug use, and triggering relapse.

(Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:1473–1482)

R ecent estimates indicate that the number of new co-

caine users per year more than doubled from 1992 (0.5 mil-
solely on the social or criminal justice aspects of drug
use and addiction have been unsuccessful. They are
lion) to 2002 (1.1 million) (1). From 1994 to 2001, visits to missing at least half of the issue. If the brain is the core
of the problem, attending to the brain needs to be a
hospital emergency rooms that involved cocaine increased core part of the solution. (5, p. 47)
by 22% (2). Despite more than three decades of research
into the molecular, cellular, and behavioral effects of co- In response to growing evidence, the World Health Or-
caine, no pharmacotherapy for cocaine abuse has demon- ganization recently issued a report focusing on the role of
strated sufficient safety and effectiveness for widespread the brain in mediating drug dependence (7). The goal of
clinical use (3, 4). As astutely pointed out by Leshner (5), the present review is to highlight some of the brain imag-
most people see drug abuse and addiction as a social prob- ing studies of cocaine abuse with a special emphasis on
lem, and as such, the problem is frequently handled only the use of animal models to help us understand the hu-
with social solutions, in particular through the criminal jus- man condition.
tice system. Recent reports indicate that the 40%–60% of
people seeking treatment are ordered to do so by the courts Use of Brain Imaging Techniques
or corrections system (see reference 6), suggesting that
in Cocaine Abuse Research
treatment does not occur until drug use has led to substan-
tial adverse consequences to the individual. However, if Cocaine is an indirectly acting monoamine agonist, bind-
drug addiction is viewed as a brain disease, then addiction ing to the dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine trans-
should be amenable to treatments, just as depression, porters (8, 9). The majority of research on cocaine has in-
schizophrenia, and anxiety are treatable. As Leshner stated, volved the dopamine system, which will be the focus of this
review. Cocaine binds to the dopamine transporter and
Understanding addiction as a brain disease ex- blocks uptake of dopamine from the synapse. The elevated
plains in part why historic policy strategies focusing levels of dopamine activate two superfamilies of dopamine

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1473

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receptors, D1- and D2-like. This review will focus on D2-like better understand the neurochemical mechanisms medi-
receptors, which have been intimately linked to drug abuse ating the high abuse potential of cocaine. A greater un-
(for instance, see references 10–12). The positron emission derstanding of the neuropharmacology of cocaine will
tomography (PET) studies that we will describe involve ra- ultimately lead to improved treatment for cocaine depen-
diotracers that do not differentiate among subtypes of the dence. Animal models of drug self-administration have
D2 superfamily (i.e., D2, D3, and D4 receptor subtypes). proven to be valid predictors of human drug abuse (3, 16–
To study the brain, powerful imaging techniques have 20). Animals will self-administer most of the drugs that
been developed that allow for the noninvasive exploration humans abuse, including cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, and
of brain function in humans and in animals. In this review, heroin, by the routes (intravenous, inhaled, and oral) used
we will highlight studies utilizing PET. A clear strength of by humans (17). More recently, these models have been
PET is the ability to examine the brain repeatedly in longi- extended to examine behavioral and physiological re-
tudinal studies. PET has been described as a functional sponsiveness to environmental variables as indicators of
measure of brain activity because it records the uptake vulnerability to drug use (21). In one of the earliest studies
and washout of a radioactive marker that competes with on individual differences and vulnerability to drug abuse,
endogenous neurotransmitters (13). For example, the ra- Piazza et al. (22) initially characterized rats’ behavior in an
diotracers [11C]raclopride and [18F]fluoroclebopride bind open-field apparatus on the basis of how much locomotor
to D2-like receptors with similar affinities. The primary activity was observed prior to any drug exposure. They
dependent variable in PET imaging studies is the ratio of found that rats characterized as “high responders” in an
the distribution of radioligand in the region of interest open field had higher basal corticosterone levels and were
compared to its distribution in a region devoid of recep- more likely to self-administer d-amphetamine than rats
tors. This ratio, termed the distribution volume ratio, pro- characterized as “low responders.” Consistent with this
vides a unitless number representing the ratio of receptor characterization, noncontingent electric foot shock, which
density (Bmax) to receptor affinity. In theory, changes in the increased corticosterone levels in rats, facilitated ac-
distribution volume ratio noted in longitudinal studies re- quisition of cocaine self-administration (23). In other ex-
flect changes in Bmax. However, changes in the distribu- periments, bilateral adrenalectomy or administration of
tion volume ratio may also reflect changes in extracellular metyrapone, which blocks corticosterone synthesis, com-
dopamine levels. Increases in extracellular dopamine will pletely abolished the acquisition of cocaine self-adminis-
decrease radioligand binding, whereas decreases in extra- tration (24). Thus, it appears that individual differences in
cellular dopamine will increase radioligand binding (for vulnerability to drug abuse can be observed in animal
example, see references 13–15). Thus, in addition to being models and that these differences may be due, in part, to
affected by the actual number of receptors in the tissue, stress-hormone responsiveness.
the binding of these radioligands is influenced by the In addition, animal models of drug abuse have begun to
amount of dopamine present in the synapse. As a result, incorporate more sophisticated designs, including the in-
when we describe PET data, we use interchangeably clusion of alternative reinforcers and the study of cocaine
“binding” and “availability,” since both are being assessed. choice, that may provide greater validity than models that
In contrast to PET imaging studies, in vitro receptor au- simply examine the reinforcing effects of drugs (see refer-
toradiography provides a measure of receptor density in a ences 25–27). For example, when monkeys are given a
particular brain structure that is not influenced by the lev- choice between food and cocaine, there is a dose-depen-
els of a neurotransmitter. The limitation, however, is that dent relationship between drug dose and preference (see,
the procedures are terminal and, consequently, only one for instance, references 26–28). That is, when low cocaine
time point can be studied. These are important consider- doses are the alternative to food, monkeys choose food; at
ations for longitudinal PET studies because the possibility higher cocaine doses, a monkey’s preference shifts to al-
that changes in PET measures are due to changes in neu- most exclusively cocaine choices. Manipulations of envi-
rotransmitter levels rather than the density of receptors ronmental variables can increase or decrease cocaine
cannot be ruled out unless additional studies are con- choice. For example, increases in the magnitude of the
ducted. In this review, we attempt to address this issue by nondrug alternative (i.e., food reinforcement) decrease
also describing in vitro studies using receptor autoradiog- cocaine choice. Similarly, increases in the response re-
raphy procedures in which circulating dopamine levels quirement for cocaine (analogous to increases in the cost
are not influencing receptor density assessments. of the drug) decrease cocaine choice (26, 27, 29). The con-
verse is also true: increases in the cost of the preferred
Animal Models of Drug Abuse: nondrug alternative increase the frequency with which
cocaine is chosen (26, 27, 29).
One of the Most Powerful Models
These results emphasize that drug reinforcement is not
of Human Disease
simply mediated by actions in the brain but that the envi-
One strategy implemented by the National Institute on ronment can alter drug reinforcement and, as we will
Drug Abuse is the development of novel animal models to show, brain function. A growing body of preclinical re-

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search supports the hypothesis that environmental stres- sections will focus on three phases of drug addiction: vul-
sors can enhance and environmental enrichment can at- nerability, maintenance, and abstinence/relapse.
tenuate the reinforcing effects of drugs. This hypothesis
has clear implications for clinical outcomes. As we will dis- Relation of D2 Receptor Binding
cuss, these environmental stimuli affect brain function, to Vulnerability to Cocaine Abuse
including processes mediated by dopamine receptors.
Compared to enrichment, more work has focused on the Perhaps one of the most challenging issues in drug
role of stress in drug abuse (see reference 30), with stres- abuse research involves understanding the etiology of ad-
sors including foot shock or more ethologically relevant diction. Epidemiological studies suggest that approxi-
variables such as social stress and social defeat. We will de- mately 17% of the people who use cocaine become de-
scribe studies that utilize a novel animal model of drug pendent on the drug (43, 44). Studies in humans can
abuse in which male monkeys live in social groups and generate hypotheses about potential brain markers that
have access to cocaine daily. may indicate a predisposition to become addicted. For
To relate the preclinical findings to a more global goal of example, Volkow et al. (45) studied 23 non-drug-abusing
male subjects and used the dopamine transport inhibitor
translational research, it is important to point out several
methylphenidate as a tool to study stimulant abuse. First,
advantages of the animal models highlighted in this arti-
each subject was scanned with the D2 receptor ligand
cle. First, drugs can have different effects on brain func-
[11C]raclopride. On another day, they were administered
tion depending on whether they are administered by the
0.5 mg/kg of methylphenidate and asked to complete an
investigator or self-administered by the animal (31, 32).
analogue self-rating scale for pleasant drug effects. Ap-
Because we are interested in studying addictive behavior,
proximately one-half (N=12) of the 23 subjects reported
drug self-administration has face validity as an animal
liking the dose of methylphenidate, while nine of them
model of a human condition. Second, in our studies of
described it as “unpleasant” (two were indifferent to the
nonhuman primates we also examine complex social be-
drug effect). Subjects who found methylphenidate “pleas-
haviors and stable individual behavioral characteristics
ant” had significantly lower levels of D2 receptor binding
(e.g., aggressive and affiliative behaviors in particular) that
than subjects who reported the drug as “unpleasant.”
closely model human social interactions (see reference
While these findings suggest an inverse relationship be-
33). In macaque monkeys, the formation of social hierar- tween D2 receptor availability and “vulnerability” to stim-
chies is determined by the outcome of physical confronta- ulant reinforcement, because of ethical concerns humans
tions (i.e., fights). The monkey that wins all of the fights in cannot be studied prior to drug exposure and then al-
the social group is the most dominant, the monkey that lowed to self-administer the drug for an extended period
wins all encounters except with the most dominant ani- of time. Animal models, however, can be used to test hy-
mal is the monkey ranked number 2, and so forth. This potheses generated from studies of human drug abusers.
hierarchy is transitory and linear, such that if number 2 We explored further the relationship between D2 recep-
wins a battle with number 3 and number 3 is ranked above tors and sensitivity to psychostimulants in a novel model
number 4, then number 2 is above number 4. We view the of drug abuse in monkeys housed together (40). Previous
linear hierarchy that forms, with the dominant monkeys at work from our group had shown a relationship between
the top and the subordinate animals at the bottom, as a D2 receptor availability, as measured with PET, and the so-
continuum from environmental enrichment at one end to cial rank of female monkeys (46). Subordinate monkeys
high levels of stress at the other. Socially derived stressors had significantly lower levels of D2 receptor binding than
have high ethological validity with regard to the study of dominant monkeys. This relationship between social rank
human drug abuse. Finally, nonhuman primates have and D2 receptors generated an interesting series of ques-
many advantages over other animal species. There is tions related not only to drug abuse but also to trait theory.
abundant evidence that rodent and primate brains differ Our first question was whether D2 receptor availability in-
in the anatomy, physiology, and neurochemistry of brain fluenced social rank. That is, were monkeys genetically
dopamine systems (34–37). Furthermore, the nonhuman predisposed to a particular position in the social hierarchy
primate brain differs substantially from the rodent brain according to basal D2 receptor availability? To answer this
in terms of cocaine-induced changes in brain metabolism question, we studied 20 individually housed male mon-
(38, 39). Nonhuman primates can be studied in long-term keys by using the D2 receptor ligand [18F]fluoroclebopride
experiments with cocaine self-administration (over years) (47) before the monkeys were housed together. The level
that use within-subject designs, and they are capable of of D2 receptor binding determined during individual
learning complex behaviors in order to obtain drugs. The housing did not predict eventual social rank. That is, D2
use of PET imaging to examine neuroadaptations allows availability was not a trait variable influencing dominance
for longitudinal examination of brain changes due to envi- hierarchies (40).
ronmental and/or pharmacological manipulations (e.g., The next question was whether formation of the social
references 40–42). The studies described in the following hierarchies influenced D2 receptor availability. When

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TABLE 1. Relation of Dopamine D2 Function to Social Rank rats than in the socially reared rats (49). These findings
in Monkeys While Individually Housed and Again After clearly show that environmental variables as seemingly
Social Group Formationa
subtle as housing conditions can produce profound
Distribution Volume Ratio (Bmax/Kd)
From PET Study With [18F]Fluoroclebopride changes in the functional status of dopamine systems.
Individual Social % Overall, the findings in rodents are in the same direction
Housing Housing Change as the effects we observed after formation of social groups
Social Rank Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE by monkeys.
Dominant (N=5) 2.49 0.08 3.04 0.23 22.0 8.8 An important question is whether these environmentally
Subordinate (N=5) 2.40 0.06 2.49 0.10 3.9 5.3
induced brain changes have behavioral consequences. In
The data were originally presented by Morgan et al. (40) in Nature
Neuroscience ( and are reprinted particular, how do these variables influence vulnerability
with permission of Nature Publishing Group. to drug abuse? If, as previously noted in humans, there is a
relationship between D2 receptor availability and stimu-
these animals were rescanned after 3 months of social lant reinforcement, then there should be differences in
housing, there were significant differences between drug reinforcement between dominant and subordinate
groups, with the subordinate monkeys having signifi- monkeys and subordinate animals should be more sensi-
cantly lower D2 receptor binding than the dominant mon- tive to the effects of cocaine. This is, in fact, what we found
(40). When subsequently allowed access to cocaine, sub-
keys (40). This finding replicated our earlier work with fe-
ordinate animals self-administered cocaine at higher rates
male monkeys (46) and extended it to males. However,
and had larger intakes than those for dominant monkeys
when we compared each monkey’s [18F]fluoroclebopride
(Figure 1). Overall, these findings confirmed an inverse re-
distribution volume ratio when they were individually
lationship between D2 receptor availability and cocaine
housed to the new ratio after social group formation, a
reinforcement and suggested that environmental vari-
profound effect was noted: the average distribution vol-
ables could affect brain function and vulnerability to co-
ume ratios for dominant monkeys increased by over 20%,
caine abuse.
while those for the subordinate animals were nearly un-
changed from their original baselines (Table 1). These re-
sults suggest that becoming the dominant monkey in the Decrease of D2 Receptor Binding
social group produced large changes in dopamine recep- With Continued Cocaine Use
tor function.
Human PET imaging studies have shown lower D2 re-
One hypothesis that could account for the observed ceptor availability in cocaine abusers than in age-matched
changes is that being the dominant monkey is analogous comparison subjects (11). However, as already described,
to living in an enriched environment. Dominant animals it is not clear whether the lower D2 receptor binding was a
have access to treats in the pen, they are groomed more predisposing trait or a consequence of cocaine exposure
often than subordinate monkeys, and they move about (see reference 11). Understanding how long-term cocaine
freely (33). Enrichment could affect the PET signal (i.e., exposure affects dopamine receptor function could ulti-
produce increases in the distribution volume ratio) by in- mately lead to better treatment strategies. One hypothesis
creasing D2 receptor densities and/or decreasing levels of is that D2 receptor down-regulation occurs as an adapta-
extracellular dopamine in dominant monkeys. Studies us- tion to the chronic elevation in extracellular dopamine
ing rodents have clearly shown that environmental en- due to chronic blockade of dopamine uptake. A strength of
richment can affect dopamine neurotransmission in an using animal subjects is the ability to study drug-naive
orderly and reliable fashion consistent with both potential subjects and to observe changes in receptor availability
mechanisms. For example, Bowling et al. (48)) examined with exposure to a drug by means of a within-subjects,
the effects of different rearing environments on dopamine longitudinal design (see reference 50, for example).
synthesis and metabolism in rats. The group in the “en- We recently extended our studies of socially housed
riched” condition lived together, with 12 or 13 rats per monkeys to examine the effects of chronic cocaine expo-
cage, and was exposed to novel toys. Another group lived sure in dominant and subordinate monkeys (51). Whereas
under “impoverished” conditions consisting of individual dominant monkeys were initially protected from the re-
housing without toys in the cage. In vitro studies indicated inforcing effects of cocaine by elevated D2 availability,
that the rats in the enriched condition had lower striatal chronic exposure to self-administered cocaine resulted in
concentrations of dopamine than the rats in the impover- D2 measures that were no longer different from those of
ished condition. In another study, Hall et al. (49) used in subordinate monkeys (Figure 2). These findings suggested
vivo microdialysis to compare rats reared in isolation with that exposure to cocaine attenuated or reversed the pow-
socially reared rats, and they found that dopamine levels erful effects of environmental context on dopamine re-
in the nucleus accumbens were higher in the isolation- ceptor availability. Studies utilizing in vitro receptor auto-
reared rats than in the socially reared rats. Furthermore, radiography of D2 receptors have consistently shown
D2 receptor densities were lower in the isolation-reared lower receptor densities in monkeys with long-term his-

1476 Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005

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FIGURE 1. Relationship of Cocaine Self-Administration to Social Rank in Monkeysa

Injections (per session)

Dominant monkeys (N=5) Subordinate monkeys (N=4)

Mean Number of
40 b



Saline 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.10
(mg/kg per session)

Mean Intake



0.003 0.01 0.03 0.10
Dose of Cocaine (mg/kg per injection)
a The values are averages from the last 3 days that each dose was available for self-administration. The data are adapted from an article by
Morgan et al. (40) in Nature Neuroscience ( and are reprinted with permission of Nature Publishing Group.
b Significantly different from value for dominant group (p<0.05).

tories of cocaine self-administration; many of these ef- importance of using contingent drug administration in
fects were directly related to dose and duration of expo- animal models of addiction. Future studies using in vivo
sure (52–54). imaging techniques will better address this extremely im-
A central issue for this phase of addiction is one that was portant question.
raised for the first phase, namely individual differences. As we discussed for the vulnerability phase, an important
For example, one issue to consider in addition to the dose question is whether there are functional consequences to
of a drug taken in the lifetime of the individual is the pat- cocaine-induced changes in D2 receptor binding. Of par-
tern and duration of drug use. Volkow et al. (11) noted that ticular interest are issues related to cognitive function, de-
there was not a relationship between D2 receptor binding cision making, and choice behavior. For example, Grant et
and the dose of cocaine used, but there was a significant al. (56) compared a group of drug abusers (opiate and/or
correlation between D2 binding and duration of cocaine stimulant) and non-drug-abusing comparison subjects on
use. The effects of duration and cocaine intake can be ad- a series of neuropsychological tests to examine the long-
dressed with animal models in which cocaine availability term consequences of drug use on decision making. In
is the primary independent variable. The question could one set of studies, subjects were exposed to the “gambling
be phrased as, Does administering a large amount of co- task” (57), which has strong face validity for evaluating
caine over a short period of time produce greater long- cognitive deficits (56). The task involved four different
term effects on dopamine receptor function than does ad- decks of cards that differed along three dimensions: im-
ministering moderate doses over longer periods? In a mediate gain, long-term expected gain, and schedule of
study not utilizing cocaine self-administration, in vitro re- penalties. Two of the four decks had smaller gains and
ceptor autoradiography was used to assess the conse- punishers but higher overall “yields”; the comparison sub-
quences of chronic cocaine use and abstinence on D2 re- jects chose from those decks most often. In contrast, the
ceptor levels (55). Monkeys were treated four times per majority of the drug abusers chose from the low-yield
day with cocaine for 2 consecutive weeks, followed by a 2- decks, indicating poor decision making. To control for
week withdrawal period. The investigators found no dif- possible differences in IQ, Grant et al. (56) also used the
ferences between cocaine-treated and control monkeys in Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and found no differences be-
D2 receptor densities in the caudate nucleus, prefrontal tween the groups. The authors concluded that impair-
cortex, substantia nigra, and nucleus accumbens. How- ments in decision making could certainly account for con-
ever, this amount of cocaine administered has since been tinued use of drugs in the presence of adverse social and
shown to produce robust decreases in D2 receptor densi- personal consequences.
ties when self-administered over longer periods of time Studies with cocaine abusers cannot clarify whether
(see, for instance, references 52 and 53). Such findings such cognitive impairments are a consequence of exces-
suggest that the duration of exposure is as important as sive cocaine use or reflect preexisting decrements that pre-
the actual dose of drug administered and reinforce the dispose certain individuals to drug abuse. Animal studies

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1477

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FIGURE 2. PET Images of [18F]Fluoroclebopride in Dominant and Subordinate Monkeys With Extensive Histories of Cocaine

C-6528 C-6627

Dominant Subordinate

a The images were coregistered with MRIs from the same monkeys and are shown at the level of the striatum (caudate and putamen). From
experiments described by Czoty et al. (51).

can address this issue. Using our model with group-housed Over a decade ago, Volkow and colleagues (59) reported
monkeys, we studied choice behavior involving cocaine significantly lower D2 receptor binding in cocaine abusers
and a nondrug reinforcer—banana-flavored pellets (27). abstinent from cocaine for up to 4 months. These reduc-
Subordinate monkeys were more sensitive to the reinforc- tions in D2 receptor binding were associated with de-
ing effects of cocaine than were dominant monkeys. That creased glucose utilization in the orbitofrontal cortex and
is, subordinate monkeys chose cocaine over food at a lower with self-ratings of dysphoria (11). Thus, there was an as-
cocaine dose than that for dominant monkeys. Such find- sociation between dopamine receptor availability and
ings suggest that environmental context can substantially negative subjective effects during abstinence. The study
influence the preference to choose drug over nondrug al- ended 4 months after the start of abstinence because all
ternatives even when D2 binding does not differ between subjects had relapsed. Animal models, on the other hand,
groups. can provide valuable insight into the neuropharmacology
of abstinence and relapse because abstinence can be
Variable Recovery of D2 Receptor studied for years.

Binding During Cocaine Abstinence Our first efforts to study D2 receptor function during ab-
stinence involved using PET imaging to compare D2 re-
The final phase of drug addiction to be discussed is ab- ceptor binding in monkeys with extensive histories of co-
stinence and the variables that influence relapse. As with caine self-administration and cocaine-naive comparison
vulnerability and maintenance, we will focus on dopa- monkeys (i.e., a group design). For example, the first mon-
mine D2 receptor availability. From a clinician’s viewpoint, key we studied had self-administered cocaine for over 3
abstinence is the critical phase because the population years and had a lifetime cocaine intake of approximately
seeking professional guidance and treatment are in this 20 g. PET scans were conducted at various time points
phase; it is worth pointing out that this is the phase of drug during abstinence. Differences in [18F]fluoroclebopride
addiction about which we know and understand the least. binding between this cocaine-experienced monkey and a
The preceding issues related to vulnerability (predisposi- cocaine-naive monkey were apparent at all time points
tion) and maintenance (i.e., changes in brain function due and, as shown in Figure 3, did not dissipate even after 7
to chronic drug exposure) are critical in understanding months of abstinence. The image from a comparison
brain changes associated with abstinence. However, un- monkey shows excellent uptake of [18F]fluoroclebopride
derstanding these variables may provide only a glimpse of into D2-rich regions of the basal ganglia. In the abstinent
the complexity involved in brain changes during absti- cocaine-experienced monkey, D2 receptor binding was
nence. Perhaps Childress et al. stated it best: “This search more than 20% lower. While it is possible that the lower D2
[for a cocaine medication] has been complicated by the signal in the cocaine-experienced monkey was due to ele-
heterogenous target: drug desire that emerges during co- vated levels of dopamine, it is unlikely that such an effect
caine cessation…may well have a different brain substrate would persist for 7 months. The other possibility is that
than desire induced by cocaine itself…and the cues that chronic cocaine exposure resulted in persistent reduc-
signal it” (58, p. 11). tions in D2 receptor densities. This hypothesis has been

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FIGURE 3. PET Images of [18F]Fluoroclebopride in Cocaine-Naive and Cocaine-Experienced Monkeysa

Cocaine-experienced monkey
Cocaine-naive monkey
after 227 days of abstinence

a Images are shown at the level of the basal ganglia. From an unpublished study by M.A. Nader and R.H. Mach.

confirmed by means of in vitro receptor autoradiography FIGURE 4. Effect of a Noncontingent Cocaine Injection on
(52, 53; see reference 54 for further discussion). Individual Dominant (D1–D4) and Subordinate (S1–S4)
Monkeys’ Responses on a Lever Previously Associated With
It is necessary to comment on animal models and “crav- Cocaine but Currently Producing Saline Injectionsa
ing.” As defined by Hommer, craving “is a term derived
Dominant Subordinate
from popular psychology that is used to describe one of the Percentage of Cocaine-Lever Responses
mental states—namely, the intense desire for a certain ob-
ject or experience” (60, p. 187). Assessing a mental state in
an animal is not a realistic undertaking. However, we can
measure behavior and hypothesize about mental states.
Describing the multitude of animal models of craving is
beyond the scope of this review. In brief, the strategies can
involve persistence of drug seeking in the presence of stim-
uli that signal no drug is available (61), escalation of drug
seeking with changes in drug availability (62), responding
in the presence of conditioned stimuli (63), or a return of
responding that had been previously extinguished (i.e., re-
instatement) (64).
The reinstatement procedure has been widely used as a After D1 D2 D3 D4 After S1 S2 S3 S4
Noncon- After Noncon- After
model of the ability of priming injections of drugs, drug- tingent Noncontingent tingent Noncontingent
related cues, and stress to precipitate relapse into drug Saline 0.56 mg/kg Saline 0.56 mg/kg
(N=4) Cocaine (N=4) Cocaine
taking (reviewed in reference 65). Although the predictive
and construct validity of the procedure remain to be firmly a The first bar for each group represents the average injection-lever re-
established (66), the ability of noncontingent administra- sponding following noncontingent saline injection. A significant dif-
ference was observed after noncontingent injection of 0.56 mg/kg co-
tion of cocaine to reinstate extinguished responding previ- caine between the dominant and subordinate monkeys. The data are
ously maintained by cocaine has been well established from an unpublished study by P.W. Czoty, C. McCabe, and M.A. Nader.
(65). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that drugs
that directly or indirectly activate the dopamine system monkeys shifted their responses to the food-associated le-
can reinstate cocaine seeking under a food-drug choice ver (Figure 4). We next examined the ability of noncontin-
procedure (67). Thus, the reinstatement procedure al-
gent cocaine to reinstate responses on the cocaine-associ-
lowed us another means to assess potential differences in
ated lever, although these responses continued to produce
dopamine receptor function between dominant and sub-
saline injections. Noncontingent cocaine produced dose-
ordinate monkeys. Socially housed monkeys were allowed
to self-administer cocaine under conditions in which they related increases in responses on the cocaine-associated
also could choose food reinforcement. Under these condi- lever at doses up to 0.30 mg/kg in all monkeys (data not
tions, as the cocaine dose increased, the percentage of to- shown). However, dominant and subordinate monkeys
tal responses involving the cocaine-associated lever in- differed in their responses to a higher cocaine dose (0.56
creased (27). When saline was substituted for cocaine, the mg/kg). All four subordinate monkeys responded prima-

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rily on the injection lever following this dose of cocaine forcers—whether these are better living conditions, jobs,
(Figure 4). Greater variability was observed in the domi- or other activities (68).
nant monkeys’ responses to this dose. These data are con-
sistent with our earlier results demonstrating that subor- Presented at the 157th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, New York, May 1–6, 2004. Received Sept. 15, 2004; revi-
dinate monkeys are, on average, more sensitive to the
sion received Feb. 14, 2005; accepted Feb. 22, 2005. From the Center
reinforcing strength of cocaine and/or less sensitive to the for the Neurobiological Investigation of Drug Abuse, Department of
aversive effects of cocaine than are dominant monkeys. Physiology and Pharmacology and Department of Radiology, Wake
Forest University School of Medicine. Address correspondence and
reprint requests to Dr. Nader, Department of Physiology and Phar-
Conclusions macology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Sa-
lem, NC 27157; (e-mail).
In this review we have attempted to briefly highlight the Supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse grants DA-10584,
DA-14637, DA-09085, and P50 DA-06634.
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