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Zach 9: 9
Bbbz ygbz z GYbvb hbv bhbvbz hzvbz z bygbvbz GUvbvzbjzvbv zb vz HUz b vhb.v bv]vz vzygvzb bGYvbvbhz b zhv vhv v zhz b ö
Bb v z s Á R b z v z A @v b v z s z v b z [ b z b v b s Þ F T v z b G Y v b v h v v g h Î Í d v d b m v z { b z v z ç D T z H U v z h v z [ b z v b H I z k z v z y g v b g z v v f ß G Y v b ó
3. Magni-fi-cá-te Dó-mi-num me-cum, et ex-altémus no-

Bvbzhbz vz hvbvhvz zb tfvzb zGYvbz gzbv zdtfzfvz}zòxxxxxxbbvz bcvzb


E X-súlta * fí- li- a Si- on, lau-da fí- li- a Je-

BbvzgØYfzb zdtfzfvbvrdbm,zvbz]bv dv z gvz v hv v îuhv JIv vbvHUz^ß%zhvz ygb,.v b[bvzbíygv v vz ìtfv bz GYv vbvfvb ó
men e-jus in id-ípsum. Exsúlta.

rú- sa- lem: ecce Rex tu- us ve- nit sanctus, et Sal- Bbbzygbz bz z GYbvb hbvz bhbvbvbz hv z hvbvz hz zvbz z ygbvbz GUvbz bjb vz HUz b zbhzv v hb.v b]bvbzygvb zbGYzb vbhz b v zhb ö
BvvDRmÃYvbz ygv v v dtfzfv brdbm,vz }böxxxxxxxxzc
vá- tor mun- di.
4. Exqui-sí-vi Dómi-num, et exaudí-vit me

Bvbzhbvz vzb hz vbz hvz bhbv hv v z hv bhv z b hzb z btfvbz GYvbz gz zbv zdtfzfvz}zòxxxc
et ex ómni-

V. Ps 33: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 23] bus terrór-ibus me- is e-rí- pu- it me. Exsúlta.

Bbzb z bygvz b zGYv zbhv zbhv v z bz bhv bzhvzbvzhv v ygvbvz GUvz b vzbjzb zbv HUv vz bhzvzb hb.v zb]bzvzygvz b vbGYvbö
1. Be- ne-dí-cam Dómi-num in omni témpo-re, semper
Bbbz ygbz zGYbvb hbvz hvb z hz bzvhbv zhv v z bhbz z ygbvzb GUvbz jbz bvz HUz b zbhzvbvhb.v bz ]bvbz ygvb zbGYzb bhz b zhvbö
Bvzbhzbv z hbv hv vz hvz bvtfvzb zGYvz bvz gbv zdtfzfvz }zòxxxxxvv v vb
5. Respí-ci-te ad e- um, et il- lumi-námi-ni, et fá-ci- es

laus e-jus in o- re me- o. Exsúlta.

Bvbzhbvz vzb hz vb z bhbv bz bz tfvb z GYvbz bz gb v zdtfzfv}zòxxxcxxcvv
vestræ non confundéntur. Exsúlta.

Bbbz bygv zb z bGYv b hbv zbhv vbz hzvbzhbzvzhv hbv hz vz bygvzb GUv zbjzvb v HUz bvhb.v bz ]bz vz ygvzbvbGYvbvhz b ö
2. In Dómi-no glo-ri- ábi-tur á- nima me- a, áu-di- ant
Bbbz ygzb z GYbvbz b hz bvz hvb vz b zhz bzvhbv zhb.vzb[vbhv v z hv z bhbvbz hv vhvz bygbvzb GUvbz bjbz bvHUz b vhb.vz ]bö
Bvzhbz v hvbvz hvz hz bvbtfvzb z b GYvbz zgzbv zdtfzfvz}zòxxxxxxbbvz b
6. I-ste pauper clamá-vit, et Dómi-nus exau-dí-vit e- um

mansu- é-ti et læ-téntur. Exsúlta.

Bbbygvb zbGYzb bhz v z bhbvzb hz zvbz bhbvz hv hv bhbv hzvz hv hb z vhv zhv vz hvzvbtfvb zGYbvbz bgvzb dtfzfb }zbò
et de ómnibus tribu-la-ti- ónibus e-jus salvá- vit e- um.
Bbb z ygb zb zGYbvb hb vz hvbz b zhzb vhbv zvz bvzbhv z hzbvz bhzb zb z hvbvz vz hv zbhbv bhz vzbhzbvb vygb vzb GUvbz zjb zbö
Rejoice, O daughter of Sion, sing praise, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold thy
King will come to thee, the Holy One, the Savior of the world. 1. I will bless
the Lord at all times, his praise shall be always in my mouth. 2. In the Lord
shall my soul be praised; let the meek hear and rejoice. 3. O magnify the Lord
7. Val- lá-bit ánge-lus Dómi-ni in circú- i-tu ti-méntes with me; and let us extol his name together. 4. I sought the Lord, and he heard

Bbbz HUz b vhb.vz b ]bzvb ygvb z bGYzvb hbz b tfvbz GYvbz bzgb vzdtfzfvb}zòxxxxxc
e- um et e-rí-pi- et e- os. Exsúlta.
me: and he delivered me from all my troubles. 5. Come ye to him and be en-
lightened: and your faces shall not be confounded. 6. This poor man cried, and
the Lord heard him: and saved him out of all his troubles. 7. The angel of the
Lord shall encamp round about them that fear him: and shall deliver them.
8. O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet: blessed is the man that hopeth in

Bbb z ygbz b z GYbvb hb bz hvbz b zhz bz hbz vhzb z bz z hvbz hbzvzbhbv bz vzbhzb bz ygb zb GUvb z jb zbv vbvHUz b vbhv zhb.vz ]bö
him. 9. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart: and he will
save the humble of spirit. 10. The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants:
and none of them that trust in him shall offend.

8. Gu-stá-te et vidé-te quóni- am su- á- vis est Dómi-nus; SOLLEMNITAS SANCTÆ DEI GENETRICIS MARIÆ

Bbbz bygvbz bGYzvb hv vz bhv v v bhvbv vhzb zb tfvb z GYvbz bgb vzdtfzfvb }zòxcxxcvv V. Ps 44: 2ab, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

be- á-tus vir, qui spe-rat in e- o. Exsúlta.

Bbbz bygb bz GYb zb z hzb z hz b bz zhzb vbz z bhvb zygvz b bz GUvz zbjbv zvz z HUz vbz hb.vz b z]b vz ygvbz bGYvz b bhz vz bhb z bö
Bbbz bygbz b z GYb vb zbhbz zvz bz b zhzb z hzb z hzbvbz hb zvzbhb.v b[z vzbhzbv hv z b bzygb bz GUvz b zjv bv vz HUz vz bzhb.vz b]bö 1. E- ructá-vit cor me- um verbum bo-num, di- co e-go

9. Ju-xta est Dómi-nus i- is, qui contrí- to sunt corde,

Bvbhvbvhv zhv v z tfvb z GYvzb zbgb vzdtfzfvb }zòxcvvxxxxxbb
Bbbzygb bz bGYvz b vb hv bzhv v vb hvbvhzb btfbvb z GYvbz bgb bvzdtfzfvb }zòxcxxxb ópe-ra me- a re-gi. Exsúlta.

et confráctos spí-ri-tu salvá-bit. Exsúlta.

Bbbz ygbz b bz GYbz bz hzb z hz b z hzbvz hv bhv vzhv zhbv hv zhv v zhz b z bhvb z hv zygz b zGUvz zjz b z HUz b z hb.vzb]zö
Bbbz bygb bz GYb b zbhbz vz bz b zhzb z hzb z hzb vbz hbz vzbhzbv hv z bhvzb bzygb bz GUvz b zv zbjbv z HUz vbzhb.vz b z]b vz ygvbõ 2. Myrrha et á-lo- e et cá-si- a ómni- a vesti-ménta tu- a;

10. Ré- dimet Dómi-nus á-nimas servó- rum su- ó-rum; et

Bvbygv zbGYv zb hvb vhv z hvbvhv vbhv bhv v z hv z hbvbvz tfvbz GYvzb zbgv z b vzdtfzfvb}zòxv vb
Bbbz bGYvz b vb hvz bhb vb hv bvhv z hv v z hv v v bhvbv vhzb zb tfvz b z GYvbz bgb vzdtfzfvb }zòxcvv
non puni- éntur omnes, qui spe-rant in e- o. Exsúlta.
e dómi-bus ebúrne- is chordæ de- léctant te. Exsúlta.
Bbbz bygb bz GYb z b zhzb zb zhbz zhz bz z bhv v vzhb zb ygb zb GUvz bjvz bz HUz b z hb.vz b ]b vz ygvbz GYvb hbz vz bhbz bvhbvz hb ö
Fí- li- æ regum in pre-ti- ó-sis tu- is; ásti-tit re-gína
Bbbz ygb bz GYb z bhvbz bhv z hv z hv bz hvbvhv bhzb vzbygb bz GUvbvbjv zb z HUz b bzhvzb zhb.vz bz]bzvbz ygzb z GYv zhvö
7. Glo- ri- ó-sa nimis fí- li- a re- gis intrínse-cus, textú-ris

Bvzhvz bvhv vbhv bvzbhvz hvzb z hbvbzvzhv z hvzb vhvzb ztfvzb zGYvzb zb gvz b vzdtfzfvb}zòxv vbv v vb
a dextris tu- is orná-ta au-ro ex Ophir. Exsúlta.
Bbbz hvb z bhvz vhbvzvzbhvz b tfbz b zb GYvbvzgb vzdtfzfb z b}zòxxxbbxxcvvbv z b
áu-re- is circum-amícta. Exsúlta.

Bbzb ygb b z GYb z b zhz b z hb z zhz z bhv vz hv z hvz bhv z hv vz bhzbvzb ygb bz GUvz b jvzvzb z HUz b z hb.vz b ]bvbz ygzb õ
1. My heart hath uttered a good word, I speak my works to the king. 2. Myrrh
and stacte and cassia perfume thy garments, for the ivory houses; out of which
the daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory. 3. The daughters of
kings are among your loved ones; on your right stands the queen in gold of
4. Au-di, fí- li- a, et vi-de et inclí-na au-rem tu- am et Ophir. 4. Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear; and forget thy

BbvzGYvbvbhv bhv zbhvzb hvzb zbhbzvbhbv hvzb vzvhvzb zbhv vz bhv vbvhv z bhv vz vztfbz b zGYvbz bz gb vzdtfzfb }zò
obli-vísce-re pópu-lum tu- um et domum pa-tris tu- i.
people and thy father’s house. 5. And the king shall greatly desire thy beauty:
for he is the Lord thy God, and him they shall adore. 6. And the daughters of
Tyre with gifts, yea, all the rich among the people, shall entreat thy counte-
nance. 7. The daughter of the king is clothed with splendor, her robes embroi-
dered with pearls set in gold.

Bbzb ygb bz zGYb zb z hz zbhvb z bhz v z hvz vz z b ygb bz GUvz bjvzvzb z HUz b z hb.vz b vz]bv bz ygzb z GYvz hv zb hvbz hb ö
Et concupíscet rex spé- ci- em tu- am. Quó-ni- am ipse

Bbvbhv zbvzb hvzb zbhbz vbhbv z vhbvzb zhv vzbhv vbhvz vztfbz b zGYvbz zgb vzdtfzfb z }zòxxxbb
est dómi-nus tu- us, et a-dó- ra e- um. Exsúlta.

Bbbz ygb bz GYb z bhvb z bhzbvz ygb bz GUvzv v z bjvbz HUz b zhvzb hb.vz bz]bzvbz ygzb z GYv vzb zhv zbhv z vbz hb v zhvbö
Fí- li- a Ty-ri cum muné-ri-bus; vultum tu- um depre-

Bbvbhvz bhzb bzvbhbv z vhbvzb tfbz b zGYvbvz b z gb bvzdtfzfb z b}zòxxxbbxxcvvb

cabúntur dí-vi- tes ple-bis. Exsúlta.

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