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Internet Security.

Internet gives people huge amount of opportunities for everything but it also has
dark side. Hackers, thieves and other criminals who want to steal your money or
spoil your data or to commit a fraud. Exist three types of hackers:
• Hackers who tell about the flaw to the vendor are called White hat hackers.
It’s a good type of them.
• Another type are Black hat hackers are the most popular. They usually steal
data, erase files, deface websites. Their aim is to make some harm.
• And Gray hat hackers are between black and white hat hackers
There are plenty types of malware. //Hackers use the following types of malware//
Here are some examples of malware:
• Viruses. Infected program or email spread the virus by itself. It can be
attached to all types of files
• Worms. Are independent self-moving programs uses exploiting security
flaws in computer networks
• Trojan horses. Innocent-looking files after the activation become annoying
and ominous.
• Spyware. A software designed to collect information from other computers
for commercial or criminal purposes.
But there are plenty ways to protect your computer. Here are some tips how to
protect your digital activity:
• Install security software such as antivirus and set it to automatic update.
• Use pop up blocker
• Don’t click on attachments in emails from unknown senders
• Download only from verified websites
Also even if you take precautions, malware can find another way onto your
computer. If your computer runs slowly, drains its battery quickly, or displays
unexpected errors or crashes is meats you have any type of malware on your

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