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Contribution of macronutrients to
obesity: implications for precision
Rodrigo San-​Cristobal 1, Santiago Navas-​Carretero 2,3,4 ✉,
Miguel Ángel Martínez-​González 3,4,5,6, José María Ordovas 7,8,9

and José Alfredo Martínez1,2,3,4

Abstract | The specific metabolic contribution of consuming different energy-​yielding
macronutrients (namely, carbohydrates, protein and lipids) to obesity is a matter of active
debate. In this Review, we summarize the current research concerning associations between
the intake of different macronutrients and weight gain and adiposity. We discuss insights into
possible differential mechanistic pathways where macronutrients might act on either appetite or
adipogenesis to cause weight gain. We also explore the role of dietary macronutrient distribution
on thermogenesis or energy expenditure for weight loss and maintenance. On the basis of the
data discussed, we describe a novel way to manage excessive body weight; namely, prescribing
personalized diets with different macronutrient compositions according to the individual’s
genotype and/or enterotype. In this context, the interplay of macronutrient consumption with
obesity incidence involves mechanisms that affect appetite, thermogenesis and metabolism,
and the outcomes of these mechanisms are altered by an individual’s genotype and microbiota.
Indeed, the interactions of t­he genetic make-​up and/or microbiota features of a person with
specific macronutrient intakes or dietary pattern consumption help to explain individualized
responses to macronutrients and food patterns, which might represent key factors for
comprehensive precision nutrition recommendations and personalized obesity management.

The increase in the prevalence of obesity is associated suggested that the downward trend in physical activity is
with a concomitant rise in the incidence of metabolic not the only cause of the obesity epidemic. For example,
disorders1. Obesity is defined as an excessive body some individuals with obesity expend similar amounts
weight due to the dysfunctional accumulation of energy of energy from physical activity as lean controls11.
reserves as fat depots2. The expansion of adipose tissue These findings highlight the importance of focusing
in obesity is predominantly caused by a sustained energy on food intake and food composition as well as energy
imbalance owing to elevated calorie intake and/or expenditure from exercise.
a decline in energy expenditure2. A chronic excess of The importance of physical activity and its interac-
body fat promotes unbalanced energy homeostasis as tion with diet in relation to energy balance needs to be
well as the onset of impairments in glucose, lipid and acknowledged in the context of obesity as both contrib-
protein metabolism3 that can trigger chronic low-​grade ute to weight stability12. For example, an individual’s food
inflammation and cardiometabolic diseases4 in addition intake should be assessed in view of their energy expen­
to psychological stress, including low self-​esteem and diture, whereby any increase in physical activity needs
other diverse physiopathological disturbances5. to be matched with a concurrent increase in energy
Present day globalization has resulted in sociocul- intake. Diet and physical activity have inter-​related
tural shifts that have altered dietary and lifestyle habits6, effects on energy balance and body weight manage-
including increases in the consumption of convenience, ment, whereby energy flux, which is defined as the rate
ultraprocessed and fast foods, which are energy-​dense7,8. at which energy from food is used for metabolic pur-
✉e-​mail: In addition, increased urbanization has also promoted poses or stored in tissues12, modifies the dynamic fuel sedentary lifestyles with a subsequent reduction in homeostasis of the organism13. Therefore, variations in
s41574-020-0346-8 energy expenditure9,10. Some authors, however, have the type or intensity of physical activity can modulate

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


the consumption of refined grains and food with added

Key points
sugars, processed meats and saturated fats19. With such
• Body weight and adiposity rely on energy equilibrium driven by energy-​yielding solutions in mind, several governments are implement-
macronutrient intake and energy expenditure under strict neuroendocrine control. ing legislative actions to promote the availability of
• Complex energy homeostasis interactions between carbohydrates, lipids and healthier food products20,21 and the use of taxes to dis-
proteins (dietary quantity and quality) follow the interpretation of their separate roles courage the consumption of simple sugars, saturated fats
on fuel metabolism. and trans fatty acids21.
• The intake of simple sugars and some saturated fatty acids has adverse effects on Current approaches for the prevention and treat-
body adiposity, while protein and fibre consumption seem to beneficially modulate ment of unhealthy weight gain rely on dietary caloric
satiety and energy metabolism-​related processes.
restriction, which is frequently accompanied with a spe-
• Personal genetic background and gut microbiota features contribute to explaining cific physical activity plan22; however, the interactions
some metabolic inter-​individual differences to macronutrient consumption. between dietary intake and physical activity need further
• Advances in understanding metabolism pathways and hormonal control depending study to understand the importance of their interactions
on macronutrient intake involved in energy utilization are needed for precision and for weight management23. In this context, social and cul-
public health nutrition.
tural factors related to consumerism, materialism and
hedonism seem important upstream determinants (that
is, ‘the causes of the causes’) of the global obesity pan-
energy metabolism, not only by a negative energy bal- demic7. In addition, epidemiological studies have shown
ance but by altering substrate utilization14 or by mod- that, aside from accounting for calories, the quality of the
ifying the energy intake signals15. With these data in diet and macronutrient distribution can be important in
mind, some authors, but not all, have hypothesized that the control of obesity24.
sedentarism could have a worse effect on an individual’s Beyond diet, other factors are associated with an
chances of developing obesity than eating large amounts individual’s predisposition to obesity, including genet-
of processed food16. Furthermore, individuals with obe- ics, epigenetics, metagenomics, perinatal feeding, sleep
sity can achieve similar levels of energy expenditure as deprivation, endocrine disruption, adverse effects of
those who are lean through different means (mainly they therapeutics, environment and adiposity-​driven clin-
need less exercise to reach the same energy expenditure), ical history (that is, the conjoint factors that lead to
but still remain obese11. Indeed, this energy expenditure obesity, in which adipose tissue has an essential role)25.
from exercise is not enough to favour adipose tissue Moreover, there are inter-​individual differences related
mobilization and thus weight loss. to the progression of obesity or cardiometabolic dis-
The combination of a sedentary lifestyle and eases that could be a result of differences in genetics, gut
unhealthy dietary habits has been proposed as one of microbiota composition and dietary habits. For exam-
the most important drivers of overweight and obe- ple, some people with obesity have been described as
sity17,18. The unfavourable effects of this adverse milieu ‘metabolically healthy obese’ and some lean individuals
are more apparent and critical in groups with lower have been found to be ‘metabolically unhealthy’25. These
socio­economic status, where the consumption of inex- findings warrant further investigation to individualize
pensive foods, which are typically rich in fats and simple nutritional recommendations and interventions26. In
carbohydrates, is enhanced19. Therefore, it is important this Review, we summarize the process involved in the
to identify dietary-​related solutions in the ‘food system’ metabolism of macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids
that can diminish the prevalence of obesity and related and proteins) with a focus on the physiological and
complications19. Such solutions could include the pro- neuroendocrine aspects. We also discuss the claimed
motion of healthy dietary habits and diets that are rich associations between macronutrients and obesity in the
in whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables and context of factors such as genetics and the microbiome
unsaturated fatty acids, in addition to advising against composition.

Body weight and macronutrients

Author addresses The identification of the physiological pathways that
Precision Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health, IMDEA-​Food Institute (Madrid Institute control energy metabolism and body weight regulation
for Advanced Studies), Campus of International Excellence (CEI) UAM+CSIC, Spanish has been the subject of extensive research and debate
National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. (Fig. 1) . Several theories that describe the effects of
Centre for Nutrition Research, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. macronutrients or macronutrient-​derived molecules
CIBERobn, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red Area de Fisiologia de la Obesidad (including glucose, amino acids and fatty acids) on
y la Nutricion, Madrid, Spain. body weight regulation have been proposed. These the-
IdisNA, Navarra Institute for Health Research, Pamplona, Spain. ories explain the regulatory elements that are involved
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, University in food intake and the development of obesity27. One
of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. such theory is the glucostatic theory28, which states that
Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
the regulation of hunger and satiety perception depends
Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory, JM-​USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on
Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA. on the glucose availability and utilization in specific
Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Population Genetics, Centro Nacional brain regions. This notion was proposed to under-
de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Spain. lie the short-​term regulation of appetite. Conversely,
Nutritional Genomics of Cardiovascular Disease and Obesity Fundation IMDEA Food, long-​term control of energy balance and body weight
Campus of International Excellence, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. would involve lipostatic mechanisms28. In this context,

the overall quality of carbohydrates, which is defined random­ized nutritional trials29 and epidemiologic stud-
as their solid or liquid status, how processed they are, ies30–33. Additional nutritional investigations have sug-
their fibre content and the glycaemic index is strongly gested that some specific dietary fatty acids and amino
related to sweetness perception, responses of blood lev- acids might have a role in energy balance34–36.
els of glucose and hunger suppression. All these traits Energy homeostasis is integrated into a complex
influence the risk of obesity or cardiometabolic events in gut–neuroendocrine network that diminishes the effect

• NPY and AgRP
• Circadian rhythms
• mTOR and/or AMPK

Efferent signals
• Neuropeptides
• Lipid turnover
• UCP1
• Nervous system

Food Afferent signals

• Gastrointestinal hormones
(PYY, GLP1, CCK, ghrelin,
insulin and leptin)
• Peptides Brown and/or
• Metabolites beige adipocytes
• Nutrients • Thermogenesis



Gut microbiota
• SCFA Intestine

White adipocyte
• Fat and/or
energy storage

Skeletal muscle
• Energy expenditure
• Thermogenesis
Energy expenditure
Physical activity
Energy intake



Lipogenesis Lipolysis


Fig. 1 | Key metabolic mechanisms on body weight regulation. Food intake induces the production of a range of signals,
including gut hormones, peptides, metabolites and the nutrients contained in food, which affect different mechanisms in
the brain for activating processes in the body, such as appetite control, or thermogenesis and vital functions, which are as
simple as breathing, or maintaining the metabolic functions will use the nutrients and food ingested to induce fermentative
processes and synthesize metabolites, such as short-​chain fatty acids (SCFAs). All these processes correspond to the
blue lines, which lead to energy intake. Also, in the brain, efferent signals are produced and sent to different tissues for
promoting thermogenesis and/or energy storage, which correspond to the red lines, and contribute to energy expenditure.
BMR, basal metabolic rate; mTOR, mechanistic target of rapamycin.

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


of short-​term energy balance variations on fat mass37–39. which affects the central nervous system, non-​central
With this in mind, one group has emphasized the impor- nervous system and peripheral organs by altering energy
tance of glucose kinetics in the plasma, which involve status sensors58. This hypothesis is in line with glucostatic
the rise and fall of glucose levels that lead to the regula- theory. Furthermore, a high intake of simple carbohydrates
tion of hunger40. Studies that analysed long-​term body and saturated fatty acids can lead to obesity by disrupt-
weight regulation support this theory as they found asso- ing molecular plasticity and neuro­genesis in the brain
ciations between normal glycaemic control, weight gain regions59 that are involved in the monitoring of stored
and weight regain following energy restriction41. This sugars and fats in the periphery60. The circadian oscilla-
theory remains disputed, however, as other investiga- tions in metabolism are influenced by the daily patterns of
tors have proposed different models to explain energy feeding and energy utilization, which affect the circadian
balance and body weight regulation. For example, the alignment between the endocrine system (leptin, insulin
role of amino acids in the plasma (which are associated or ghrelin secretion) and sleeping patterns58. Similarly,
with anorexigenic hormones that promote satiety and sleep alterations (such as sleep deprivation) can alter the
increase diet-​induced thermogenesis)36 in the regulation endocrine circadian rhythm that affects the satiety and/or
of hunger and satiety has been explored35. hunger sensations as well as other aspects related to sub-
Other research has focused on the role of adipose jective well-​being involving dopamine and other neuro­
tissue reserves in the regulation of body weight42. This transmitters through different macronutrient-​related
notion was supported by the discovery of leptin, which mechanisms61.
provided an endocrine mechanism by which the adipose Furthermore, the extent of metabolic flexibility,
tissue communicates with the hypothalamic regulatory which is the ability to shift fuel selection between glu-
centres of satiation43. Furthermore, it has been hypoth- cose and fatty acids in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue,
esized that body weight and composition result from seems to contribute to fat accumulation in some circum-
interconnected homeostatic pathways44 that involve the stances62. In addition, physical activity has been shown
regulation of energy intake by the central and peripheral to have a key role in improving metabolic flexibility in
nervous system, nutrient turnover and thermogenesis in people with obesity. The authors reported that, follow-
muscle, liver and adipose reserves44. In this context, rele- ing an increase in dietary fat, individuals with obesity
vant afferent signals that arrive at the brainstem, as well had enhanced muscular fatty acid oxidation, which was
as endocrine and nervous efferent signals, are elicited not observed before the commencement of an exercise
to maintain the energy balance for a physiological con- regime period63. In addition, bile acid signalling and gut
trol of the body composition (Fig. 1). In addition to these microbiota composition might have a role64 in weight
and other behavioural models45, new perspectives about management, as might the ileal brake, which effects meta­
body weight regulation have updated the ‘fat-​stat’ theory, b­olic homeostasis and appetite suppression as a result of
which proposes that people are programmed to accu- dietary lipid, carbohydrate and protein consumption65.
mulate a certain amount of body fat and to eat enough Peptides in the gut and vagal afferent neuron signalling
to maintain the level of fat determined by a hypothetical have also been implicated in the regulation of glucose
‘set point’ mechanism46. metabolism and food intake66. Depending on food (that
The feedback control of energy intake and expen­ is, energy) abundance or scarcity, nutrient-​s ensing
diture detailed by the aforementioned theories remains pathways and mitochondrial activity are differently
controversial, as does the involvement of social, environ- influenced by the specific intracellular and extracellular
mental and other hedonistic and learned eating habits47. availability of macronutrients and macronutrient deriv-
The current availability of processed, highly palatable atives (including sugars, lipids and amino acids) through
foods48 (which usually have a high energetic density) hormonal signals that engage anabolism and storage or
might have led to the dysregulation of the food reward catabolism and utilization67. Interestingly, understand-
signal that promotes hyperphagia49 and the homeostatic ing ‘personal’ signatures, such as genetic make-​up and
regulation of energy balance as these process are sus- gut microbiota composition, could help us understand
ceptible to heritable and acquired alterations that mod- the different inter-​individual inputs caused by dietary
ify taste responsiveness, food preferences and reward macronutrient composition on weight gain.
pathways50. As such, the sugar and fat content of foods Indeed, the precise role of dietary lipids and carbo-
seems to have an important role in the modifications hydrates in the obesity epidemic is controversial due to
of the reward network51. However, more studies are inconsistent data that result from the lack of specifically
needed to elucidate the effect of specific sugar compo- designed trials68 and the presence of compensatory inter-
sition and sources52–54. In addition, specific fatty acids actions with regard to the supply of macronutrients69 or
act as precursors of endocannabinoids and related struc- genetic predisposition for obesity in some populations70.
tural derivatives that can contribute to the regulation of Interventional studies have been unable to definitively
eating behaviour through neuroendocrine signalling55, clarify the difference between the effects of lipid or
while protein can participate in satiety and thermogenic carbo­hydrate intake on weight management. While
processing involved in food intake and utilization36,56. some studies suggest that a reduction in dietary fat con-
Ileal brake One further aspect that has scarcely been investigated tent can promote a modest weight reduction71, others
The delay in gastric emptying is the chronobiology of energy homeostasis57. Dietary suggest that low-​carbohydrate diets are more effective
and small intestinal transit
induced by the presence
fats and carbohydrates interact with the circadian clock for body weight reduction with specific benefits on
of certain nutrient solutions system, where specific fatty acids and glucose can influence blood profiles of lipids and glucose72. There are findings,
or products in the ileum. behavioural and molecular circadian chronorhythmicity, however, that suggest that the kilocalories coming from

different macronutrients do not count equally towards phase assigned (normal protein or high protein) and
energy management and weight control, but rather consumption was controlled. The high-​protein diet
interactions between fats, carbohydrates and proteins had no carbohydrates at all, while the normal protein
make it difficult to interpret the individual contribution diet had carbohydrates that were either refined or unre-
of each source on energy usage72–74. In any case, aside fined. However, some long-​term longitudinal analyses
from the amount of fat or carbohydrate in the diet, have reported that the intake of animal protein has unfa-
growing evidence suggests that the quality of dietary fat vourable effects on weight maintenance after 5 years
(natural unsaturated fat instead of trans or saturated of follow-​up86. Indeed, consuming 250 g per day of
fat)73 and the quality of dietary carbohydrates (with a meat would produce an additional annual weight gain
preference for solid, high-​fibre, low-​glycaemic index and of 422 g, compared with an isocaloric diet with lower
whole grain foods)33 are stronger determinants of the meat content86. Increasing vegetable protein intake at the
effects of diet on weight maintenance than the amount of expense of animal protein and sugars therefore might be
each macronutrient in the diet74. Researchers generally a method of combating overweight and obesity at the
accept, however, that a diet enriched with high-​quality population level24. These results highlight the impor-
carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index and high fibre tance of the proportions of macronutrients, but fur-
content is associated with a reduced incidence of obe- ther research should focus also on protein sources and
sity74. Conversely, simple carbohydrate-​rich foods (such glycaemic index for weight maintenance87,88.
as sugar-​sweetened beverages) have often been associ- The use of glycaemic index, protein and fat content
ated with increased obesity risk75 due to the potential in weight loss diets has also produced varied results,
effects of sucrose and fructose on leptin synthesis. To where some studies have shown that energy restriction
date, two mechanisms for fructose-​induced obesity have might be the main driver of weight lowering71,89, while
been proposed: some have suggested it occurs via an in others a low fat intake47 or a high protein intake pro-
increase in energy intake and reduced energy expendi- duced more benefits for weight loss or maintenance90.
ture76, whereas others have proposed the existence of a Weight regain after weight loss shows inter-​individual
‘fat switch’, leading to fat storage, insulin resistance and variability and depends on macronutrient intake, where
the metabolic syndrome77. protein and fibre seem to have important roles that affect
The relationship between dietary fat and body fat has inflammatory processes, adipokine secretion, cellular
also been a controversial issue34,78. The higher energy stress, extracellular matrix remodelling and other related
density of fat when compared with other macronutrients phenomena91,92. Indeed, controlled trials and epidemio­
has fuelled the belief that lipid consumption is the major logical analyses suggest a more adverse role for simple
driver of weight gain. There is, however, evidence that sugars than for fats in obesity. However, the specific
the replacement of dietary saturated fats with sugars is involvement of liquid versus solid sugars, the glycaemic
associated with excessive adiposity and some associated load or fructose content and the different implications of
metabolic complications79. In addition, other studies unsaturated and saturated fatty acid intake needs further
have shown that the consumption of unsaturated oils research76,79,93. In particular, research is needed as lauric
might not induce obesity80,81, suggesting that fat qual- acid, myristic acid and other fatty acids might elicit dif-
ity is more important than quantity (for example, as is ferential signals in energy homeostasis as well as some
observed in those who follow Mediterranean dietary specific proteins and amino acids94.
patterns82 or consume tree nuts83). Some have pro-
posed a role for intestinal microbiota colonization that Regulation of homeostasis
is dependent on the make-​up of dietary lipids, proteins Body weight and composition depend on the balance
and carbohydrates to partly explain these outcomes84. between calorie intake from energy-​yielding macro­
The association between macronutrient homeo- nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) and com-
stasis and appetite regulation has an important role in ponents of energy expenditure (basal metabolic rate,
energy expenditure, the different sources of oxidation physical activity and dietary-​induced thermogenesis).
(fat, carbohydrates or protein) and the accumulation of In this balance, dietary macronutrient distribution and
adipose tissue. Furthermore, the proportion of protein physical activity and/or exercise patterns are involved
in the diet affects appetite regulation and satiety induc- (Supplementary Table 1) but so is the unique efficiency
tion. For instance, interventional studies have exhibited of energy metabolism of each individual, which in turn
the dietary effects of high-​protein diets on appetite sup- is controlled by their own genetic and/or epigenetic
pression56,85. Diets that were rich in protein resulted in a make-​up and microbiota-​related mechanisms2,47.
reduction in hunger perception and an increase in energy Weight status and adiposity are also associated with
expenditure and levels of β-​hydroxybutyrate85, which fuel inputs from macronutrients and alcohol, in addi-
could contribute to the appetite decrease56. In addition, tion to the unique nutrient turnover and thermogenic
these authors analysed the joint effect of a high-​protein processes of each person and by individual meta­
diet in the presence or absence of carbo­hydrate in a res- bolic features of energy utilization and homeostasis95.
piratory chamber after a glycogen-​lowering exercise, and Physiological combustion values for proteins, carbo-
found a statistically significant reduction in hunger hydrates and lipids have been conventionally assumed
and respiratory quotient, suggesting an increase in fat as 4 kcal/g, 4 kcal/g and 9 kcal/g, respectively, once the
oxidation. After blood samples were taken, participants pump calorimeter values and the main losses in urine
entered the respiratory chamber, where they were pro- and faeces plus the expenses for urea synthesis are
vided with all necessary food items depending on the accounted for96,97. The ATP efficiency (KJ–ATP) can

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


Weende approach
range from 99–153 KJ–ATP for proteins to 96 KJ–ATP different personalized responses to carbohydrates, lipids
The calculation of carbohydrate for some fatty acids or 91 KJ–ATP for glucose, while and protein intake and enable health care professionals
from the known content of fat, the estimated diet-​induced thermogenesis is 20–30%, to provide recommendations for nutritional counsel-
protein and fibre of a food. 5–10% and 0–3% for proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, ling100 (Table 1). Currently, the predictive value of most
respectively96. The determination of the nutritional and of the obesity-​related genetic variants is low by them-
The science that identifies and energy values of food macronutrients relies on proxi- selves. However, synergetic effects between genes and
characterizes gene variants mal methodologies, some of which have been used for their interactions with the environment, such as nutri-
associated with differential a long time such as the Weende approach. Alternative tional intake, have been shown to putatively mediate the
response to nutrients and
approaches involve very specific strategies concerning effect on obesity and related phenotypes, which makes
relates this variation to diverse
disease states.
the chemical analysis of complex or simple sugars and the interpretation difficult in some cases101. Further
individual amino or fatty acids as well as animal trials for research and the application of new omic techniques
assessing biological outcomes such as glycaemic index, are needed to improve our knowledge of phenotypic
protein quality or fat consumption97. nutrient responsiveness102 and allow the use of genetic
The specific macronutrient contribution to weight and combinatory scores103 to screen and cluster the indi-
gain and body fat accumulation has been a matter of viduals who are at risk of developing obesity104. Indeed,
controversy during the past few decades. However, there an individual’s genetic background is recognized as a
are several trials and physiological studies that have driver to explain the inter-​individual differences con-
advanced the evaluation of the quality of macronutri- cerning weight gain and obesity susceptibility as well as
ents and have defined their role in homeostasis main- the weight loss and weight regain after an energy-
tenance, with different involvements of carbohydrate ​restricted intervention. Therefore, despite the need for
(Box 1), lipids (Box 2) and proteins (Box 3). additional validation studies, valuable findings have been
published that describe the interaction of macronutrient
Genetics and nutrient utilization consumption in carriers of diverse single-​nucleotide
Nutrigenetics provides support to the notion of more polymorphisms in genes that regulate processes such as
precise dietary recommendations in clinical practice appetite thermogenesis and lipid metabolism100.
and public health that are based on the unique genetic Investigations that have addressed the relationship
background of the individual98. The implementation between specific polymorphisms and appetite responses
of this knowledge allows for a better understanding of that depend on energy intake in men in the overweight
the differential responses to dietary interventions and BMI category found that variants of LEP and FTO were
is helping to determine population clusters with differ- associated with the perceived feeling of fullness after the
ent nutrient requirements99. Screening and analysing consumption of fat, sugar or protein and therefore could
individuals for specific genetic variants will provide have a role in the control of food and energy intake105.
information on the most suitable macronutrient distri- These results are in line with a study that showed that
bution, which will enable researchers to understand the compared with participants with no risk allele people
who had the risk allele for the FTO variant rs9939609
reported lower subjective fullness, a higher consumption
Box 1 | carbohydrate metabolism
of energy-​dense food and consumed 350 kcal above the
Carbohydrates encompass different types of molecules from complex polysaccharides recommended amounts, suggesting that individuals with
and starches to simple sugars, such as monosaccharides or disaccharides, and diverse genetic risk had impaired central nervous system satiety
fibres with variable energy values and digestibility191. These structural differences result processing106. These data are in contrast with the results
in variations in their physical properties, digestibility and functions97. The influence of of a meta-​analysis that reported a statistically significant
carbohydrates on food intake and satiety is mediated by several pathways related to
reduction in total energy intake for each copy of the FTO
gut–brain neuroendocrine signalling, intestinal fermentation (induced by short-​chain
fatty acids or other metabolites) and the physical and/or chemical properties
risk allele107. Further to these data, some genome-​wide
of carbohydrates (such as bulking and viscosity), as well as insulin sensitivity192–194. association studies found that the rs17782313 and
Appetite and satiety regulation in relation to the maintenance of blood levels rs17700633 variants of MC4R were related to an increased
of glucose is regulated by insulin and glucagon, which are secreted by the pancreas intake of dietary fat and total energy, and carriers had a
and result in glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, respectively. Indeed, the effect higher ten-​year increase in BMI than non-​carriers108.
of carbohydrates, including fibre, on the postprandial release of satiety-​related Together these studies provide important insights
gastrointestinal peptides (CCK, ghrelin, GLP1, PYY and GIP) has been demonstrated38. into the genetic effects on energy intake. However, a
Monosaccharides and disaccharides, such as sucrose, fructose and lactose, are the review reported a lack of consistency concerning the
most common sugars consumed by humans and their role in appetite and food reward association between the FTO and MC4R genotypes
is associated with sweet taste receptors195,196. Fibre and starch are the most complex
with specific macronutrients (carbohydrate or fat) and
carbohydrate structures present in the diet. The role of fibre in satiation and appetite
in relation to weight maintenance has been thoroughly investigated due to its low
total energy intake for weight management109, which
energetic density (2 kcal/g) and satiating effects derived from hydration capacity, highlights the need for further research.
which provide viscosity and bulking that affect mechanoreceptors in the gut, increasing Indeed, some inter-​personal differences in the adipos-
motility and acting as the main substrate for gut microbiota161,193,194,197. Researchers ity response to carbohydrate consumption are genotype-
have also described a role for high sugar consumption on reduced insulin sensitivity76, ​dependent and might be affected by the type and quality
while the influence of low carbohydrate intake on energy expenditure remains of consumed sugars. Therefore, a high intake of carbo­
controversial47. However, in the past few years, glycaemic index and/or load has been hydrates (>49% of total daily food intake) in carriers
used to determine the quality of carbohydrate intake and induced effects on insulin of the rs1042714 variant was associated with increased
response30, expounding the involvement of the food glycaemic index on food intake BMI110. Another study that investigated carbohydrate
and the regulation of body weight198–200.
consumption found that the risk of obesity was associated

Box 2 | lipid metabolism the gene variant rs1801282 in PPARG. Specifically, in

homozygous individuals (Pro/Pro) there was a direct
Lipids have a high energy density and their consumption might directly influence food association between fat intake and BMI; meanwhile,
intake and energy expenditure201 as well as energy metabolism via indirect mechanisms, individuals who were 12Ala carriers exhibited no asso-
which has an effect on obesity and associated disorders202. Lipids have a central role in ciation between BMI and fat intake120. In addition, this
fuel accumulation and an important function in the endocrine system203. The role of
study also found an inverse association between mono-
lipids in appetite and satiety regulation involves hedonic processes and palatability
of foods through sensorial receptors and chemoreceptors203. Currently, research is unsaturated fat intake and BMI, highlighting the impor-
focused on associations between fat quality and fatty acid saturation rather than the tance of the fat profile and not only the total amount of
amount of fat consumed82. An increase in the dietary omega-6 fatty acid to omega-3 fat, and the differences in the effects depending on the
fatty acid ratio has been associated with an increased risk of weight gain and adiposity genetic background120. These outcomes were confirmed
through mechanisms of adipogenesis, adipose tissue homeostasis, adipose browning by subsequent studies carried out in a Mediterranean
and inflammation; this increase is mediated by the brain–gut–adipose axis via eicosanoid population, where this inverse correlation with fat
metabolites and hyperactivity of the cannabinoid system204. In this context, modulatory oxidation after fat load was also reported121,122.
roles for high fat consumption on gastrointestinal regulatory feeding pathways related In line with these results, other studies have reported
to fat deposition affects lipid absorption and utilization, blunting satiation signals and that abdominal adiposity becomes aggravated in
promoting excess body weight, where CCK, ghrelin, GLP1 and other neuropeptides
individuals with the risk alleles for the FTO variant
are related to appetite and/or satiation205. Additionally, medium-​chain triglycerides,
conjugated linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids elicit different satiating and rs9939609 who have a high saturated fat intake (and
gastric emptying effects203. Moreover, polyunsaturated fatty acids have an important low polyunsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid
role in the regulation of body composition; they result in directed changes on energy ratio), especially in those who already have the metabolic
intake and expenditure and alterations in lipid turnover and adipogenesis, which are syndrome123. Additional findings further support the
mediated by the neuroendocrine system in addition to appetite and satiation control206. importance of dietary saturated fatty acid on obesity risk,
Furthermore, some dietary lipids might stimulate thermogenic functions by promoting where the presence of risk alleles for APOA2 increase the
brown and beige fat development202. Lipids also play a role in food texture that may risk of obesity in the presence of an elevated saturated
make a food more desirable. However, fats might also display undesirable palatability fatty acid intake by modulating pathways involved in
properties and unpleasant flavours, which may lead to rejection of a food and therefore branched-​chain amino acids and tryptophan metabo-
interfere with energy intake rather than postprandial mechanisms207. The rise in obesity
lism124,125. Moreover, some authors have reported inter-
associated with fat consumption has also been related to induced food preferences208 and
reduced substrate oxidation, ketone bodies sparing glucose metabolism mechanisms actions between fat intake and genetic background based
and shifts in lipolytic and/or lipogenic activities or inflammatory pathways203,209. on a genetic profile risk score on obesity. Specifically,
the authors found variations in obesity risk when indi-
viduals with high and low total saturated fat intake
with the Pro12Ala variation in PPARG111. Furthermore, were compared126, which confirms previous research127.
confirmatory evidence for a genotype–nutrient inter- These studies suggest that dietary fat and the associated
action between fibre intake and the rs1800588 poly­ nutritional profile interacts with genes and pathways
morphism of the gene that encodes hepatic lipase, LIPC, related to fat metabolism due to their energetic density
have been reported112. In addition, another study revealed and their role in the palatability of foods. Furthermore,
an association between a genetic predisposition score genes that are potentially associated with regulation of
computed by 32 BMI-​related loci and body fat mass, satiety modulate the influence of fat intake on obesity
whereby the risk of an increased BMI was associated with development126,127, but this area needs further research.
an increased intake of sugar-​sweetened beverages and Gene–protein intake interactions for obesity traits
increased genetic risk113. By contrast, one study reported have been reported by several investigators. For exam-
an interaction between AMY1 (which encodes amylase), ple, a large-​scale analysis with multiple populations from
copy number and starch intake114, which is opposed to 40 studies found a statistically significant association
previous findings, and investigators have reported that between the FTO obesity-​related variant and increased
a reduced number of copies is associated with increased protein intake; the risk of obesity was increased in indi-
BMI115. These results highlight the importance of assess- viduals with the risk alleles128. The authors suggested a
ing carbohydrate quality and quantity, especially in indi- putative link between the presence of obesity risk alleles in
viduals who are genetically predisposed to obesity for FTO and protein intake for adipose accumulation128.
whom the type of carbohydrate being consumed could In other studies, CTSS, which is associated with fat
exacerbate the obesity risk100. body mass129 and protein levels in blood130, was found to
Different investigations have reported an association interact with the proportion of protein intake, whereby
between total fat proportion and genes related to food a regression analysis showed that people with the risk
intake regulation, such as FTO116,117, genes related to fat allele who had a high intake of protein were at risk of
metabolism, such as APOA5 (refs118,119), and genes asso- weight gain131. Meanwhile, in a cohort of individuals
ciated with adipocyte differentiation, such as PPARG120, from East Asia, FTO risk allele carriers presented with
in different populations. The individuals who have risk increased BMI and waist circumference when they con-
alleles for FTO who also consume an elevated proportion sumed a diet with lower protein intake132. Nonetheless,
of energy as fat showed an exacerbated increase in obesity some authors have highlighted the importance of the
risk compared with those without the risk alleles107,116,117. protein sources in the association with obesity risk and
Conversely, C carriers of the variant rs662799 in APOA5 genetic make-​up. For instance, one group showed dif-
who consumed more fat in their diet were protected ferent interactions with total protein, animal protein
from obesity118,119. Furthermore, research that analysed and vegetable protein when the authors compared indi-
three case–control studies found a modulatory effect of viduals with high and low genetic risk score values for

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


obesity103. Therefore, protein and specific amino acids The gut microbiome seems to reflect the lifestyle of the
interact with regard to body weight regulation, where person; however, whether changes to it are a cause or a
the genetic background could explain the different consequence of obesity needs deeper study. Interestingly,
inter-​individual outcomes related to adiposity133. carbohydrates (that is, fibre), protein and lipid intake
Genetic information could help to determine the affect faecal microorganisms, whereby macronutrients
most appropriate dietary intervention for the prevention interact with the microbiota144. Despite these data, the
and treatment of obesity, as well as the development of composition of an individual’s microbiota is unique and
comorbidities100. Further research should be conducted is a representative feature of an individual’s metabolic
to obtain more information on gene–nutrient interac- and body weight status144,145.
tions and on the interconnections (epistasis) presented Pioneering studies have described associations
in a different cluster of the population. Knowledge from between microbiota populations with the presence of
this research could then be integrated into clinical prac- obesity. Specifically, data show an increase in Firmicutes
tice and inform prescriptions where different macro­ and a decrease in Bacteroidetes in obese mice, which
nutrient distributions could be administered depending suggests a putative effect of these microorganisms on
on the individual genetic make-​up134–136. In addition, host metabolism146. These results were subsequently
there has been an increase in research investigating the confirmed in human studies in which investigators
effect of macronutrient distribution, calorie restriction compared samples from individuals who were lean or
or the intake of specific foods on specific epigenetic had obesity145.
markers, and how they modify metabolic pathways that Some authors have described an increase in the
are related to macronutrient metabolism or to the risk amount of energy gained from food in individuals with
of obesity137–139. obesity and have identified increases in Prevotellaceae
and Archaea in stool samples from these individuals147.
Effect of gut microbiota on obesity Furthermore, bacterial richness and variety has been
Throughout life the gut microbiota is affected by the type inversely associated with adiposity, whereby individ-
of birth (vaginal or caesarean section), perinatal and uals with a low bacterial richness have elevated adi-
early life feeding, antibiotic use140 and dietary intake141 posity, insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia, as well as
(Table 2) , which supports a ‘personalized’ medicine low-​grade systemic inflammation144. Other reports also
app­roach for every individual, as is the case with genetics. revealed the effects of gut bacteria, such as Akkermansia
These factors act by modulating the composition of the muciniphila, in the modulation of the endocannabinoid
bacterial population that colonizes the intestinal tract142. system, and in body weight and food intake regulation148.
At the same time, the gut microbiota has been described The gut microbiota characteristics of individuals with
by some authors as an additional environmental feature, obesity, however, have shown a wide variability, which
which is intimate with the host metabolism143. Despite is modulated by several factors including macronutrient
this evidence, the role of the gut microbiome in obe- dietary intake. For example, sex-​specific differences in
sity is still a fairly novel concept and further research gut microbiota populations that are associated with obe-
is needed to identify a role for the gut microbiome in sity were reported in a human study149. In addition, other
the development of obesity and in treatment strategies. researchers have suggested that the differences in the
populations of gut microbiota depend on genetic varia-
tions150. The proportions of bacterial populations, how-
Box 3 | Protein metabolism ever, have been shown to be mainly modulated by the
nutritional composition (Table 2) of the diet151. With this
The main function of proteins (which are nitrogenous macronutrients) is structural, but
in mind, the identification of individual clusters of bac-
they are also responsible for enzymatic functions and have endocrine regulatory roles97.
Dietary protein and protein-​derived molecules exhibit orexigenic and anorexigenic
terial populations (named enterotypes) and their asso-
effects that are mediated by different neuropeptides and gut hormones, such as ciations with health and disease suggests an important
ghrelin, CCK, GLP1, PYY, leptin, insulin and specific amino acids210. In addition, protein role for their use in clinical routines. By studying these
helps preserve fat-​free mass and skeletal muscle, which promotes the maintenance of characteristics, investigators could better understand the
energy expenditure211. In addition, protein has well defined thermogenic properties different roles of sugar and fibres (as well as fatty acids
that are mediated by oxidative phosphorylation processes, urea synthesis, and proteins) in eubiosis and dysbiosis, and how these
gluconeogenesis and energy-​yielding intermediate metabolism pathways96,212. roles affect patient outcomes and the functionalities of
However, distinctive effects have also been reported for specific proteins, such as the microbiota152.
gelatin, in appetite suppression213. Individual amino acids214 might also have specific The differences in energy harvesting seem to be
roles. For instance, leucine might have a role in mechanistic target of rapamycin–AMPK
caused by the bacterial production of short-​chain fatty
signalling, opioid–GABAergic receptor activity and adrenergic and/or noradrenergic
neurons associated with energy balance215. Furthermore, mechanisms related to
acids, which improves energy utilization of digestion dis-
protein-​induced satiation have been attributed to calcium-​sensing receptors linked to cards (the remains of habitual digestion)153. Likewise, the
amino acids (such as tyrosine, tryptophan or histidine)216, umami substances (including effects of short-​chain fatty acids on the host have been
monosodium glutamate) that affect gastric vagal afferents217 or the aspartame (Asp–Phe) associated with energy expenditure via the regulation of
amino acid derived from sweeteners, which modulates appetite and postprandial the expression of genes related to thermogenesis, such
thermogenesis218. For this reason, the evaluation of dietary protein content has been as PPARG or UCP2, and with an increase in lipid oxi-
widely studied quantitatively (by urinary nitrogen, ketogenic state or amino acids in dation154. In addition, short-​chain fatty acids also affect
plasma) and qualitatively (by biological value of proteins, essential amino acids or the modulation of short-​term pathways that are linked to
vegetable and/or animal protein) to better understand its potential involvement appetite and food intake in people who are overweight;
in energy homeostasis36.
the colonic infusion of a short-​chain fatty acid mixture

Table 1 | Associations between genetic background, macronutrient intake and obesity traits
dietary genes Population characteristics n reported outcome and/or traits ref.
components relationship
Energy FTO, LEP and LEPR Men in the overweight BMI category 40 + Appetite or feeling of fullness 105

Energy MC4R US women 5,724 + Body weight 108

Energy FTO and MC4R Heterogeneous Review None Weight maintenance 109

(39 articles) reported

Energy FTO US adult twins 114 + Feeling of fullness 106

Total fat FTO From 56 studies 213,173 – Obesity risk 107

Carbohydrates ADBR2 Spanish 313 + BMI 110

Carbohydrates PPARG Spanish 313 + Obesity risk 111

Fibre LIPC European women with obesity 549 – Obesity risk 112

Fibre GRS (16 SNPs) Spanish adults 711 – Adiposity markers 103

Starch AMY1 (CNV) Swedish population 4,800 – BMI 114

SSB GRS (32 SNPs) US population >32,000 + BMI 113

Total fat FTO Saudi Arabian individuals 240 + Early onset of obesity 116

Total fat FTO Spanish adolescents 652 + Adiposity 117

Total fat APOA5 US adults 2,280 – BMI 118

Total fat APOA5 Mediterranean adults 1,465 + BMI 119

Total fat PPARG Three case–control studies 2,141 + Obesity risk 120

Total fat and SFA GRS (63 SNPs) Two US studies 2,818 + BMI 127

Total fat and SFA GRS (95 SNPs) White European adults 48,170 – BMI and waist circumference 126

SFA FTO French adults 1,754 + BMI and waist circumference 123

SFA APOA2 European and Asian individuals 4,602 + BMI 125

MUFA PPARG Spanish men and women 60 – BMI and fat oxidation 121

MUFA PPARG Mediterranean population 1,465 – BMI and body fat 122

Protein FTO 9939609 Heterogeneous 177,330 + BMI 128

Protein CTSS (3 SNPs) European adults 11,091 + Obesity risk 131

Protein (animal FTO Adolescents of several ethnicities 1,491 Ethnic BMI, waist circumference and 132

and/or plant) differences food intake

Vegetable protein GRS (16 SNPs) Spanish adults 711 – Adiposity markers 103

+, positive association between the SNP (or SNPs); –, negative association between the SNP (or SNPs); CNV, copy number variation; MUFA , monounsaturated fatty
acid; SFA , saturated fatty acid; SNP, single-​nucleotide polymorphism; SSB, sugar-​sweetened beverage.

increased plasma levels of PYY, which is triggered by the gastrointestinal transit, glucose absorption and fae-
the activation of epithelial G-​protein-​coupled recep- cal bulking, which affects the glycaemic response and
tors (GPR41 and GPR43)155. However, the association satiety signals161,162. In addition, fermentable dietary
between short-​chain fatty acid richness and bacte- fibre has a key function in the regulation of microbial
rial abundance in faeces remains unclear156,157. Future intestinal populations158. The effect of prebiotics, such
human intervention studies should help determine the as fructo-​oligosaccharides, on gut microbiota has been
long-​term benefits for the control of body weight and proven by several studies, as fructo-​oligosaccharides
adiposity that depend on microbiota fermentation modulate the abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii,
and energy utilization. among other bacteria, and correlate with the produc-
The effect of metabolites that result from the fer- tion of butyrate, which contributes to the reduction of
mentation of dietary macronutrients on obesity and food intake through the decrease of neuropeptide Y
accompanying comorbidities have been widely inves- expression in the hypothalamus163.
tigated158. Furthermore, carbohydrate intake has been Studies have also investigated the effect of the ‘west-
described as the principal element in the modulation ern’ diet, which is rich in sugar and artificial sweeten-
of the gut microbiota159,160. Fibre acts by modulating ers7, on gut microbiota composition. Unfortunately, the

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


association between sweeteners and gut microbiota in with increased expression of mouse genes related to
human obesity remains poorly understood. One such fructose and mannose metabolism, glycolysis and glu-
study, which was carried out in mice, demonstrated that coneogenesis164. An observational study in humans
a western dietary pattern was preferred by Firmicutes, demonstrated the presence of small intestinal bacterial

Table 2 | Associations between macronutrient intake, gut microbiota and obesity in humans
dietary Effect on gut microbiota Associationa outcome and/or rationale Putative metabolic ref.
substrate functionalities mechanisms
concerning obesity
(host metabolism)
Total energy ↑ Firmicutes to + Increased energy harvest Greater fractional Efficiency of nutrient 185

intake Bacteroidetes ratio of ≈150 kcal, overfeeding decrease in stool absorption

in lean individuals energy loss
Caloric ↑ Akkermansia muciniphila, + Healthier fasting plasma A. muciniphila SCFAs presented an 186

restriction ↑ gene richness levels of glucose, plasma produces SCFAs (such anorectic effect and
levels of triglycerides as acetate) displayed greater
and body fat distribution improvement in insulin
sensitivity and other
clinical parameters
Total ↓ Roseburia spp., + Reduction in faecal Association of Butyrate-​induced 160

carbohydrates Eubacterium rectale butyrate supply to the butyrate-​producing suppression of

and Bifidobacteria with colonic mucosa, which bacteria with the orexigenic neuron
carbohydrate reduction affected gut health faecal butyrate activity that expresses
neuropeptide Y in the
Fibre ↑ Diversity, + Long weight The fermentation Appetite reduction by 187

↓ Bacteroidetes, ↑ Firmicutes maintenance with of fermentable PYY and GLP1; energy

(Ruminococcaceae and reduced weight gain carbohydrates yields expenditure increase
Lachnospiraceae) independently of energy the increase of SCFAs by thermogenesis
intake through the expression
of the genes encoding
PPARγ and UCP1
Fibre ↑ Gemmiger, Dorea, + Differences in gut Microbiota from lean Butyrate products 188

(arabinogalactan Roseburia, Alistipes, microbiota and individuals presents can reduce levels of
and inulin) Lactobacillus and metabolites between more n-​butyrate from neuropeptide Y in the
Bifidobacterium lean individuals and the fermentation of hypothalamus
(lean participants), those with obesity both substrates than
↑ Bifidobacterium the microbiota from
adolescentis, Bifidobacterium those with obesity
and Faecalibacterium
prausnitzii (lean participants
and those with obesity)
Prebiotics ↑ Bifidobacterium spp., + Body weight z-​score, NA NA 189

(inulin) ↓ Bacteroides vulgatus body fat and truncal fat

Total fat and SFA ↑ Bacteroidetes and +/– BMI and enterotypes Firmicutes and Promotion of 172

Actinobacteria, ↓ Firmicutes remained stable during Actinobacteria are pro-​inflammatory

and Proteobacteria 10 days of intervention associated with pathways associated
obesity-​enriched with obesity
genes and reduced
functional diversity
Unsaturated ↑ Bifidobacterium longum + Higher B. longum Unsaturated fats affect Promotion of 190

fatty acids abundance in lean the cell membrane membrane integrity

participants, possible fluidity, regulate and pro-​inflammatory
interaction with fibre neurotransmitter pathways associated
function and reduce with obesity
cytokine production
Total protein ↓ Total bacteria, ↓ Roseburia – Increase of Increase in isovalerate The pH increase might 169

and/or E. rectale and branched-​chain fatty and isobutyrate induce the reduction
Bacteroidetes acids, pH, phenylacetic concentrations reflect of butyrate-​producing
acid and N-​nitroso the increase in amino bacteria
compounds in faeces acid (valine and
leucine) fermentation
↑, increase; ↓, decrease; NA , not available; SCFA , short-​chain fatty acid; SFA , saturated fatty acid. aAssociation between nutrient and/or dietary substrate and
gut microbiota.

growth in people with obesity who also had a diet metabolic disturbances. As a result, more researchers
that was rich in carbohydrates and refined sugar and are becoming interested in dietary patterns to investi-
deficient in fibre165. gate the role of the complex interactions between food
Dietary protein and the modulatory effects of carbo­ nutrients, gut microbiota composition and the genetic
hydrates on the gut microbiota166 alter the derivatives background176. A controlled-​feeding trial that included a
of protein digestion. These derivatives affect energy cohort of healthy people who were eating a high fat–low
metabolism by altering fermentation of aromatic and fibre diet or a low fat–high fibre diet found changes in
branched-​chain amino acids and by acting as precursors gut microbiota composition after 24 h of dietary interven-
of short-​chain fatty acids167. For instance, the gut bacteria tion and these changes remained stable during 10 days
can shift the source of fermentation when dietary carbo­ of study172. The investigators also reported associations
hydrate levels in the gut are low168. This situation pro- between long-​term dietary pattern and bacterial popu-
motes the catabolism of proteins for fermentation, which lations. More specifically, they reported a relationship
alters intestinal pH, transit times (time between the between Bacteroidetes with protein and animal fat and
entry of the food bulk into the bowel until excretion) and Prevotella with carbohydrates172. Similarly, other nutri-
microbiota communities168. In this context, a trial that tional interventions found a decrease in bacterial diversity
included individuals with obesity showed that following after a high fat–high sugar and low fat–high sugar diet in
a diet that was rich in protein resulted in a reduction in rats. These diets were associated with an increase in intes-
the concentration of short-​chain fatty acids in the gut and tinal inflammation and shifts in vagal gut–brain links that
in the abundance of Roseburia and Eubacterium rectale, relate to incremental body fat deposition177.
together with an increase in branched-​chain amino Some authors have highlighted the promise of using
acids, phenylacetic acid and N-​nitroso compounds, an integrative analysis of gut microbial populations,
which might have deleterious effects on host health169. together with metabolomics analyses, to objectively
By contrast, a review highlighted the anti-​inflammatory evaluate the adherence to healthier dietary patterns and
effects of specific amino acids, which enhance gut bar- to help clarify the explicit dietary components of these
rier function through tryptophan gut microbiota metab- patterns, such as the Mediterranean dietary pattern, and
olites170. In addition, the authors of this review reported their putative role in the complex interactions regard-
a GLP1 modulatory effect on host metabolism and per- ing the development of cardiometabolic disorders178.
ception of satiety caused by indole, which is a bacterial For instance, a trial has reported differences in gut
metabolite of tryptophan170. microbiota composition associated with a healthier diet­
Furthermore, other investigators have suggested ary profile in people with obesity179. More specifically,
that the involvement of dietary fat intake on weight gain individuals who had a healthier dietary intake had ele-
is caused by other effects aside from the positive fuel vated microbial richness and reduced concentrations of
balance171. Diets that are rich in fat could affect the gut inflammatory markers179. Similarly, some authors high-
microbiota through an antimicrobial activity, which lighted the need for further investigation to determine
promotes the development of dysbiosis associated with the bacterial response to specific dietary interventions
the systemic pro-​inflammatory status related to obe- and the beneficial effects on the host metabolism180,181.
sity171. Cross-​sectional research in healthy individuals However, novel metabolic markers or new technologies
found a positive association between Bacteroidetes and that can help clarify the nutritional intake of specific
Actinobacteria with fat intake in the habitual diet172. In diets are needed to develop more specific nutritional
addition, this research revealed that the existing taxa assessments and determine how they affect gut micro-
associated with BMI were also correlated with calorie biota and genetic interactions. Such technologies would
intake from saturated fatty acids172. Another study that allow a more accurate determination of the specific effect
investigated the quality of fat intake in monozygotic of macronutrients on metabolic pathways and endocrine
twin pairs found a positive association of monounsatu- signals that are related to the development of obesity.
rated fatty acids with an abundance of Bifidobacterium Indeed, some research has confirmed previous associ-
and Bacteroidetes and between n-3 polyunsaturated ations between the host genotype and gut microbiota
fatty acids and Lactobacillus, while the association was in relation to visceral adiposity39,182. More specifically,
inverse between n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and one group described the beneficial effect of a low-​calorie
Bifidobacterium173. Nevertheless, some authors sug- diet high in protein on individuals in the overweight
gested that the inclusion of probiotics in the diet could BMI category who had a Bifidobacterium-​related LCT
mitigate the detrimental effect of dietary fats on weight genotype variation (LCT encodes lactase)150.
maintenance and fat accumulation174,175. Further to these studies, data suggest that interac-
tions between dietary factors, such as macronutrient
Integrative studies in obesity distribution, gut microbiota composition and genetic
Precision nutrition and precision medicine are becom- background, are associated with the metabolic impair-
ing important issues with regard to body weight mainte- ments found in obesity25. The holistic study of individual
nance and obesity management. Personalization in these features and the associated sensibility to gut micro­
instances is not only based on the metabolic phenotype, biota metabolites could help to develop new strategies in
food preferences, clinical history or lifestyle patterns, but is nutritional assessment that improve the efficacy of the
rooted in the emerging criteria of individualization, where prevention and treatment of obesity183. Further research
genotype and the composition of gut microbiota are the on this topic should be designed to determine screen-
basis for tailor-​made disease treatment, particularly for ing and detection tools that rely on specific enterotypes,

Nature Reviews | Endocrinology


metabolites in human health, energy balance and weight Excessive body weight and adipose tissue accu-
Encompasses life-​course control158 to enhance the personalization of clinical prac- mulation depend on energy balance, where chronic
environmental exposures tice for the prevention and the treatment of obesity184. energy-​yielding macronutrient intake is higher than
(including lifestyle factors) from With the final aim of studies being the development of energy expenditure, which is under neuroendocrine reg-
the prenatal period onwards,
including the body’s response
sound precision nutrition counselling, further research ulation. Intricate fuel metabolism interactions involving
through different endogenous needs to be undertaken to better understand the complex carbohydrate, lipid and protein utilization complicate
metabolic processes. interactions involved in the development of obesity. This the interpretation of the specific contributions from
research needs to be conducted before the integration of such macronutrients to energy requirements and the
all the individual information on lifestyles and environ- demands of cells. Furthermore, the energy equilibrium
ment, cultural cues, clinical history (including adverse is sustained by complex and inter-​related regulatory
effects of drugs, allergies and intolerances), level of phys- processes that implicate appetite and/or satiety con-
ical activity, sleep and dietary patterns, food preferences trol mediated by neuroendocrine signals, in addition
and behavioural factors (that is, the exposome) with to intermediate metabolic pathways that affect carbo-
biological data including circadian rhythms, genetics, hydrate (glucose) utilization, lipid turnover (lipogene­
epigenetics, metagenomics and metabolomics. sis and lipolysis), protein-​driven thermogenesis and
adipocyte physiology.
Conclusion The frequent consumption of some simple sug-
Macronutrient intake distribution and dietary compo- ars, such as glucose and fructose, as well as the intake
sition are becoming important areas of research with of saturated fat and some specific fatty acids, seem to
regard to understanding body fat deposition and weight be the main contributors to the growing prevalence of
stability. Scientific advances are showing that to com- obesity1. The satiating properties of dietary fibre and
bat the obesity epidemic scientists need to consider the satiety-​promoting properties of dietary protein help with
specific contribution of not only carbohydrates, pro- body weight maintenance and energy intake control in
teins and lipids, but also individual amino acids, fatty long-​term interventions. These positive interactions are
acids and diverse carbohydrate-​derived molecules, as probably induced by fat-​free mass and resting energy
well as the interactions they have with genetic make-​up expenditure preservation, but evidence from the past
and the gut microbiota composition — which is the basis 10 years suggests that specific fatty acids and amino
for precision nutrition and medicine. acids might be involved in the obesogenic state, where
Fat and sugar intake, as energy yielding macronutri- some polymorphisms in FTO and other genes might
ents, have been considered the main drivers of the obe- be involved100. However, there is no general consensus
sity epidemic as both contribute to the energy supply. on whether there is a macronutrient interaction with
However, because they share common metabolic path- this FTO variant109, which therefore warrants further
ways related to energy homeostasis51, it is challenging investigation.
to delineate from the available evidence the individual Overall, current evidence suggests that energy surplus
contribution of each macronutrient to obesity. This is the main driver of overweight and obesity, where the
issue is compounded further due to the complex inter- idea that refined sugars and some fats have complemen-
actions with regard to fuel metabolism and because tary roles in weight gain is still a matter of controversy
the integrative metabolic flexibility of each individual if calories from different macronutrients count as equal.
enables people to adapt energy utilization from different Personal features associated with the genetic make-​up
sources depending on availability and needs62. In other and gut microbiota could explain some inter-​individual
words, it is difficult to ascribe a more deleterious role differences to dietary macronutrient intake that affects
for fat compared with sugars as the whole energy intake body weight-​for-​height and fat mass150. Indeed, further
compared with expenditure could be more important integrative investigations are needed to understand the
than the specific sources of energy concerning weight mechanisms that underlie individualized macronutrient
gain. However, the role of specific fatty acids and sugars metabolic networks for energy thermodynamics and to
might explain some differences in energy efficiency, devise dietary strategies based on the individual’s own
while protein seems to reduce appetite and promote precision nutrition criteria.
thermogenesis with a positive effect on body weight
maintenance56. Published online xx xx xxxx

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214. Mars, M., Stafleu, A. & de Graaf, C. Use of satiety Innovación y Ministerio de Universidades (FJC2018- claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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Physiol. Behav. 105, 483–488 (2012). project Food4Me supported by the European Commission Supplementary information
215. Martinez de Morentin, P. B., Urisarri, A., Couce, M. L. under the Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology Supplementary information is available for this paper at
& Lopez, M. Molecular mechanisms of appetite and Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and
obesity: a role for brain AMPK. Clin. Sci. 130, Technological Development (ID no. 265494). M.A.M.-​G.
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