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Welcome to your FREE YOUR GLUTE COACH workout! This glute workout is just a nice
introduction to what my programs are all about for my clients - programs that consistently
help build some of the best glutes in the world.

When it comes to taking your training to the next level, a lot of it comes down to doing
the basics really well over a LONG period of time. No gimmicky Instagram exercises and
meaningless workouts made only for engagement. Building world-class glutes is about
mastering the basics and doing the hard things that people generally don’t like doing.

This workout is a demonstration of my workout structures and thought processes for helping
women all over the world with my training methods. I have sold over 100,000 programs which
means people have committed to investing into my coaching, training and programs - I’ll take
it as a compliment.

Give this workout a try and experience my programming for yourself! This is just a teaser of
how you build the best glutes possible. This workout is not designed to crush you and destroy
you, it’s designed to show you how to train intelligently!

PA G E 1
If you are new to my programs, you’ll f ind they’re set out a little differently to the generic
f itness programs out there. As a coach who specialises in program design, I want to be
accurate and specif ic with what I want. Let’s cover a few things:

The letters next to the exercises are the order, known as the series.

Your A) Series is the f irst exercise - simple! Next you perform the B) Series - the second

Then we have a C1) and C2) series. This means it’s a partnership or a modif ied superset.
Note the rest periods. You perform C1) and then rest for 15 seconds. After the 15 seconds
you perform C2) and then rest for 120 seconds. That’s one set partnership of each. Then
move back to C1) for the second set.

If the letter has no number attached to it, for example: A) and B) series. This is a straight
set and not a superset.

The exercise name is second, and sets and reps are third. Note the reps are a range, i.e.
8-10 reps and not a f ixed number. This gives you a buffer to work with.

Then we have tempo. Tempo is the speed you lift the weight. You can lift a weight
slowly. You can add pauses. Tempo allows us to be specif ic.
Next is rest periods - hit these!

PA G E 2
Rest Periods
Pretty simple! The rest periods are clearly written in the program, so make sure you follow
them! Weights and resistance training is NOT cardio. To lift as optimally as possible, you
need to recover set to set which we do best through resting.

Use the full rest periods!

Do not get in the habit of thinking about aiming to get the session done as quickly as possible
or that you need to keep your heart rate as high as you can. This is counterproductive! Use
the rest periods between sets to optimise your ability to lift as heavy as you can between

Tempo Guide
Tempo is the speed you lift a weight. We write it with a 4 digit representation:

The f irst number is the eccentric which is when the muscle is lengthening, i.e. lowering
in a squat.

The second number is the pause at the bottom of the eccentric, i.e. the bottom of the

The third number represents the concentric portion of the rep. This is when the muscle
is shortening and performing the most challenging part of the rep, i.e. when you are
driving up the weight f rom the bottom of the squat to the top.

The fourth and f inal number - this is the pause at the top of the concentric before
beginning the next eccentric rep, i.e. this is the top of a squat.

For our Back Extension we have a 2012 tempo, so this means:

2 seconds to lower the weight

0 second pause at the bottom

1 second to drive the weight back up to the top

2 seconds to pause the weight in the shortened position at the top where the glutes are
most challenged

PA G E 3
Adding Weight Each Set
For our exercises in this workout we have either 4 working sets or 3 working sets. What I
want you to do is add weight to each set! Your f inal set should be the heaviest! Set to set,
you should have a small increase in weight. Our goal is to f inish on a heavy set, and then the
following week you have a small increase.

We also want to ensure each set is quality. What I do not want is a huge weight disparity set
to set.

For example, for the Hip Thrust we have 4 sets of 8-10 reps. An example of what I do not want
Set 1 50kg
Set 2 60kg
Set 3 70kg
Set 4 80kg

This is too large of an increase in weight. It means the f irst 1-2 sets were more warm up sets.

Aim for around a 5% weight increase set to set. A better example of adding weight to the
bar would be:

Set 1 60kg
Set 2 62.5kg
Set 3 65kg
Set 4 67.5kg

Small increases set to set is what we want!

PA G E 4
Here’s a simple lower body warm-up you can follow before you begin the workout:

Bird Dog - 1 x 8 Reps Each Side

Side Plank - 2 x 20 Seconds Each Side

Bodyweight Squats - 1 x 12 Reps

Single Leg Glute Bridges - 1 x 12 Reps Each Leg

Proceed with Warming Up with the Hip Thrust

Perform 4 warm up sets with 45 second rests between warm up sets:

Warm Up Set 1 The Bar x 10 Reps

Warm Up Set 2 50% of Working Set 1 weight x 10 Reps
Warm Up Set 3 70% of Working Set 1 weight x 8 Reps
Warm Up Set 4 85% of Working Set 1 weight x 5 Reps
Begin working Set The A) Series
1 of Hip Thrust

PA G E 5


A BB Hip Thrusts - 5 reps with 2 second pause + 5 reps no pause = 1 set

1 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
2 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
3 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
4 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010

B Leg Press - Feet Middle

1 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
2 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
3 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
4 3 8-10 reps 120 3010

C1 DB Deficit Reverse Lunges

1 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
2 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
3 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
4 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010

C2 45° Back Extensions - DB on Chest - Paused at top

1 3 8-10 reps 120 2012
2 3 8-10 reps 120 2012
3 3 8-10 reps 120 2012
4 3 8-10 reps 120 2012

D1 45° Standing Straight Leg Abductions - Cable

1 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
2 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
3 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
4 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010

D2 Standing Straight Leg Kickbacks - Cable

1 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010
2 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010
3 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010
4 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010

E V-Sits
1 4 15 reps 45 2010
2 4 15 reps 45 2010
3 4 15 reps 45 2010
4 4 15 reps 45 2010
PA G E 6
Let’s take a look at how to perform each of the movements optimally in the workout.

A BB Hip Thrusts - 5 reps with 2 second pause + 5 reps no pause = 1 set

1 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
2 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
3 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010
4 4 5+5 reps 120 2012+2010

Our f irst exercise is a traditional hip thrust. What we will be doing is utilising both a paused
rep, and a rep without a pause in the one working set. The bar does not touch the ground
this entire set till the f inal rep is completed. This means it is a constant tension working set.

The f irst 5 reps I want you to pause at the top of each rep for 2 full seconds and contract your
glutes hard. Then, after the 5th rep, you will lower and drive back up for 5 more reps, but
this time the reps will have no pause at the top. Pausing makes a rep harder. This is why we
f irst begin with the pause. Then when fatigue kicks in, we remove the pause to allow you to
continue the working set with no pause.

5 reps with a 2 second pause + 5 reps with no pause = 10 total reps = 1 working set.

B Leg Press - Feet Middle

1 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
2 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
3 3 8-10 reps 120 3010
4 3 8-10 reps 120 3010

The leg press can be an excellent glute exercise when performed properly.

I want your foot to be in the middle of the plate when driving through it. Too low on the plate
will lead to more quads focused work. We want a nice balance of glutes and quads here. I
want you to slowly lower the weight for a count of 3 seconds.

When you push the weight back up, focus on pushing through your whole foot and heel, not
just the toes. Again, focusing purely on toes will lead to more quads intent.

Perform 8-10 reps. Remember to control the weight down for a count of 3!

PA G E 7
C1 DB Deficit Reverse Lunges
1 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
2 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
3 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010
4 3 8-10 reps Each Leg 15 2010

C2 45° Back Extensions - DB on Chest - Paused at top

1 3 8-10 reps 120 2012

2 3 8-10 reps 120 2012
3 3 8-10 reps 120 2012
4 3 8-10 reps 120 2012

Our “C series” will be a superset method, combining two exercises back to back with minimal

The f irst exercise of the superset will be a dumbbell reverse lunge. I want you to alternate
legs with each rep. For example, lunge backwards for the f irst rep with the left leg, then on
the second rep, lunge backwards with the right leg. I want you to perform 8-10 reps each leg
for the working set, alternating legs each rep.

For the glutes focused lunge, take a large step and maintain a slightly forward leaning torso

Once f inished with the full set of lunges, rest for 15 seconds, then move to the 45° back
extension. Here we will train the glutes through a hip hinge movement.

This superset we are combining training the glutes through an exercise hardest in the
stretch position - the lunge. Then an exercise hardest when the glutes are shortening at the
top of the movement - the 45° back extension.

When performing the 45° back extension, have your toes slightly turned out and ensure
your lower back does not round at the bottom of the movement. When you can lower no
more without rounding your lower back, stop there!

PA G E 8
D1 45° Standing Straight Leg Abductions - Cable
1 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
2 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
3 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010
4 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 5 2010

D2 Standing Straight Leg Kickbacks - Cable

1 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010

2 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010
3 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010
4 2 10-12 reps Each Leg 90 2010

We will f inish the workout with some cable work. I want you to do this superset a little
differently due to it being unilateral focused. Perform one leg f irst for both leg directions of
the cable exercise.

For example, begin with the right leg f irst. Perform the 45° abductions for 10-12 reps. Then
once completed on one leg, stay on this leg and now perform 10-12 reps of the kickbacks.

After the 10-12 reps of kickbacks have been completed, move to the other side for the
abductions. Once the second leg has been completed, rest!

Rest 90 seconds then repeat once more for both sides!

E V-Sits

1 4 15 reps 45 2010
2 4 15 reps 45 2010
3 4 15 reps 45 2010
4 4 15 reps 45 2010

The f inal exercise is a quick bit of abs. I love a v-sit as it trains the abs hard through both
ends of spinal flexion. We simultaneously raise the pelvis up as we are flexing the sternum
down. This gives us a feeling of a double crunch. Hard! A quality abs exercise to f inish the
session off.

PA G E 9

This session should be quite challenging, especially if proper technique is used. Stick to the
rest periods and use a weight which leaves only 1-2 reps left in the tank after each set. What
looks simple on paper, when done well, can actually be one of the most challenging workouts
you will ever do.

This workout is just a taste of what my glute training programs are all about. If you’re ready
to build bigger, rounder glutes, then you need to join my program Your Glute Coach! My
complete guide to building your own set of world-class glutes.

The Your Glute Coach Series is a set of educational guides and training programs with over
7 hours of video education on all aspects of glute building. You also receive 16 weeks of app
access with every training program to track your progress in the gym and calculate your
custom calories and macros.

Now is the time to build the glutes you’ve always dreamed of.


Coach Mark Carroll

PA G E 1 0
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