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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 1

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When I was a child, my grandma used to tell me stories. At the time, I never gave

them much thought. Thinking they were just that… stories. Growing up, I soon

realized that they weren’t lofty fantasies and fairy tales, but memories of her past,

memories of our ancestors before our world turned to shit. You see, what comes

from legend, no matter how exaggerated the story becomes, there is always a sliver

of truth. You just need to weed out the fiction from fact.

My grandmother used to tell me stories of the Chosen One. The one who would save

us all. When I was younger, I used to believe that what she said was true. That

eventually someone would be born, just as the Oracle predicted. Someone who

could save our souls and bind us back to our magic. Once I grew up and saw the

world unfolding around me, I no longer believed in salvation. The chosen one seemed

to be more of a prayer than reality. Some dream we wanted desperately to come

true. Something for which we all prayed and prayed. Something in which we needed

to find hope when there wasn’t any left.

When our ancestors turned their backs on us, how were we expected to believe in

this so-called salvation? Especially when all we witnessed was death and carnage

ever since the great war. Nothing except pain and poverty. I used to believe the

stories, used to pray for the mysterious chosen one that would rid our world of its evil.

Now though, I see it for what it really is, just a dream of hope. Some out of reach

fairy-tale. A story to create hope. Hope is dangerous; it makes you believe things will

get better. I stopped hanging on to hope when I witnessed firsthand that it caused

nothing but heartache.

When the uprising happened twelve years ago, all Fae creatures fought alongside the

elves and the angels trying to right the wrongs of our ancestors from the great war,

trying to restore the balance back to where it was meant to be. My parents were

among those who fought bravely. I was nine at the time. My grandmother hid me in

the bunker under our house, promising to watch over me if they didn’t return.

Only when we came back up, the world had changed, and so did my life. My parents

were gone. Not a single person who fought in the war survived. No Elves, no Fae, no

Angels. Even the humans were mostly wiped out, including the Oracle. Her death

was the biggest blow because with it, we lost not only lives, but our magic.
I was part of a dying species. There were hardly any Fae left. A few hid, but we tried

our best to keep to the shadows, trying to go unnoticed. I had never met another Fae

other than my grandmother, yet I refused to believe we are the only ones left. We

were on the bottom of the food chain now, next to humans. Ruled over by the

Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom was different from any before it, and those that ruled were

merciless and cruel. No one was allowed in or out without their say so. I have never

left the city, forced to hide amongst those that live here, hoping that we remain

unnoticed. Because being Fae was a death sentence. If caught and discovered, you

prayed your death was quick and not the torturous death that so many were forced

to suffer in the uprising.

At the top of the food chain were the Dragons, then the Lycans and Vampires. We

used to be next before the Elves and the Pixies, then the Mermaids. Right at the

bottom were humans. Now we were right beside them, the scavengers of the world,

taking what was left after the rest discarded what they didn’t want. Fae without magic

might as well have been human. We look like humans except our eyes, each unique

to our bloodline. Mine were the color of amethyst, like my mother’s bloodline. My

bloodline was all but eradicated. We used to be among one of the largest Fae

families, helping to rule among our kind. My bloodline was royalty, now gone, just like

our ancestors, leaving only me and my grandmother.

My grandmother said our bloodline used to be among the royal Fae, that our

ancestors achieved great things. Now I was the last one of our bloodline and possibly

the second last Fae. Once I go, that’s it. The survival of my bloodline rests entirely

upon my shoulders. Yep, the future didn’t look great for my family, soon to be snuffed

out of existence.

My twenty-first birthday was coming up. I had been dreading this day for as long as I

could remember, the day when they would hunt me down and drag me to the castle.

There weren’t many job opportunities for Fae, just like the humans. Fae were now
nothing but a distant memory people refuse to believe existed, so we disguise

ourselves by blending in with the humans. Most humans were sold into the sex trade

or into slavery, unless, of course, you were caught and proven to be Fae.

Then you only earned the right to die painfully for the sins of your ancestors. That is

why no Fae exists. That is why my grandmother and I keep to the shadows, blending

in with the humans, so we remain unnoticed.

Turning twenty-one was a significant day for Fae creatures. It is the day when our

magic is supposed to manifest. No Fae have been found since the uprising, at least

not that I know of. It’s believed when we lost the war, then the Oracle it angered the

fates, and they shunned the Fae stripping us of our magic. The ancestors turned their

backs on all of us. My grandmother told me it was to try to stop the extinction of our

kind, yet I believe they just gave up on all of us.

Confined to the shadows, while a hopeless existence, was probably for the best.

Remaining powerless meant that our true abilities could not be yielded by the evil

forces that now plagued our world.

These days, the Dragons and Vampires summon all humans on their birthday.

Humans would line up and stand before the rulers, who would ultimately decide their

fate. If you showed any magical ability, they killed you instantly, whether or not you

were Fae. And if they were unsure? Well, you would die anyway. My grandmother

said it went against everything she believed in. That magic was sacred and meant to

be something celebrated, not condemned to death for having.

In one week, they would summon me. My grandmother and I have remained hidden

in the hopes I go unnoticed. My grandmother refused, point blank, to let them find

me. She could not imagine me being sold off to the highest bidder. Yet, deep down, I

knew she was powerless to stop them. Sure, she had power, the only Fae on earth

with ancient magic still flowing through her veins. The magic that had kept us alive.
Yet her magic was slowly dwindling. It would eventually die out. Then, we would truly

face our demise.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 2

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My grandmother coughs as she comes up behind me, pulling me from my thoughts. I

was lost in thought, reliving the stories of my childhood and the tragic events that

unfolded in the years between. She grabs my hand, making me look at her. Her pale

face holds a knowing look, like she knew what I was thinking. I never doubted her

ability to read people. She often knew me better than I knew myself.

I dry my hands on the towel before letting her drag me to the broken table that sat in

this tiny rundown kitchen, the place is falling apart, the paint peeling on the walls, the

benches made of chipboard were flaking and crumbling, the place falling apart, none

of the appliances worked but the fridge, not that it had much in it. Even the roof was

sloping inward from the water damage caused by the last storm. Rundown was an

understatement, this house was condemned and abandoned a long time before we

stumbled across it, in a search of somewhere semi-dry to sleep.

Sitting in the chair across from my grandmother, the legs wobble and I sigh heavily,

worried about her deteriorating health. Her purple eyes had lost most of their light over

the years. When I was a child, they used to burn brightly, almost glowing.

Now, they look dull and lifeless, almost hollow. Yet also knowing and wise, as she

had seen a lot over the years. I knew her memories haunted her like a bad dream.

We hide our eyes mostly, hoping to blend in with the humans that survived the wars.

Better to be human then hunted down and killed like they did with the Witches.

Her once shiny black hair turned white as snow, hanging to her hips. My grandmother

used to be the strongest person I knew, but years of hardship had taken its toll on

her. She was now frail, barely able to walk without support, her muscles shrinking to

shadows of their former selves, leaving her looking like a skeleton with skin.

“What are you thinking, my child?” she asks, her eyes softening as she looks at me.

“Nothing grandma, but I will go get something for that cough. It has lasted too long,” I

say worriedly. I can’t afford to lose her too. She was all I had left in this world. My

grandmother shook her head, but I stood up, not taking no for an answer.

“Elora, we can’t afford medicine, dear. I will be okay,” she tries to reassure me. She is

right, we can’t afford medicine, but I know I can find a way. I always do. Grandma

must have known what I was thinking as she tries to stand up but sat down quickly,

her coughing taking her breath away as her body heaved with each breath.

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“You can’t, it was your mother’s,” she says, before coughing again. I rub her back,

trying to help before grabbing a glass of water and handing it to her. She sips slowly,

trying to catch her breath.

“Here take this,” she said, pulling her wedding band from her withered old finger, it

slipped off easily, much too big for her frail finger. The ring was one of her most prized

possessions, with intricate vines wrapping around the band.

“I won’t allow you to sell any more of your mother’s things for me.” I hold the gold

band in my hand. It was another family heirloom that was given to her by her late

husband, my pop. Passed down from his mother. I close my hand before dropping it

into the pocket of my jeans.

“I will be as quick as possible, grandma. Try and stay warm,” I tell her, trying to put her

mind at ease.

I grab my coat, throwing it on as I walk outside. The snow is sinking into my holey

shoes, making my toes go numb. Winters were always unforgiving, and this winter felt

extra cold. We lived in the city in an old abandoned shack. It isn’t much, but it at least

keeps us dry and away from the elements. I say shack because it certainly isn’t a

house. One side had collapsed in on itself after a storm, making only half the place

liveable. On the bright side, it has running water and a working toilet, so it is better

than the last place we lived.

We wanted to leave the city, but the Dragon lords refused to let anyone leave. Guards

are stationed at every checkpoint, and in our opinion, it wasn’t worth the risk. The

Dragon Kings had killed off the last two elders when they tried to escape and she

was the closest one to the castle, forcing us to live in rundown abandoned houses.

We have been lucky enough to go unnoticed for as long as we have.

They don’t know of my existence yet, and I prayed it stayed that way. But being a Fae

in the city was hard. I struggled finding work because I couldn’t remain in one place

for too long; anyone looking too hard would be able to tell I was Fae. My

grandmother, who was unable to use magic to disguise herself, could not work either.
So, my options were scavenging and bartering or being forced to steal. I hated being

forced to steal from others and I also hated stealing from humans, like the Fae they

were helpless and dying out. Humans didn’t have much to begin with, not in this city

that was overrun with the homeless. Everyone was forced to live in poverty, unless

you were Dragon, Lycan, or Vampire. There weren’t many Lycans in the city. The

Dragons tolerated them to a certain degree, but they were by no means friendly with

each other. Dragons are territorial creatures and so were Lycan’s making them

unsuited to live close to each other.

Walking up the muddy streets, I retrieve my contact lenses and pop them in, instantly

turning my eyes to a mud brown. I hate wearing them, my vision was enhanced being

Fae, and I could see every line on the thin film irritating my vision. The streets of the

city are littered with rubbish and homeless people. It wasn’t even considered strange

seeing the dead lying on the roads and paths. Famine is the biggest killer to humans

other than the cold.

The homeless are at high risk, if the elements didn’t kill them first, predators did, and

there were plenty in the city, like the vampires, who use humans as their personal

juice box. The Lycans that got into the city or were allowed to reside here which was

very few, Lycans liked to kill for sport, and they loved the chase. The streets weren’t

safe anywhere in the city, the place was overcrowded. Many creatures walked

around doing anything they could to survive the next day.

Growing up, I quickly learned the difference between the various species. Since then,

Elves, Angels, and Witches have become extinct. I had never met a single one of


Dragons had reptilian eyes and were big, brooding, and muscular. Dragons are the

most easily identified. Dragons stood taller than any other supernatural creature in the

city, they also had this air around them that told you they were a predator. Their

godlike appearances made it blatantly obvious what they are. However, only three
Dragons resided in this city. The dragon lords ruled, and the city was their playground

and they only allowed us to merely exist here.

Another strange fact about Dragons was no female dragons had been born since the

war, making the Dragon lords angry, fuelling their hate for the Fae. They too were a

dying species. Although immortal, most have spent their lives alone or chose to take

another male as a mate. I had seen the Dragon lords from afar, but never got close

enough to actually meet one and I prayed I never would. There are three lords and

rumors circulated through the city that when they couldn’t find their mates, they

chose to mate each other, hoping to keep themselves strong enough to rule over the


Sometimes people would be forced into the castle, never to be seen again. That was

particularly true for any woman to pass through those gates. Dragons were insatiable

and impulsive, usually taking a woman before killing her, it didn’t matter what species

or status they held, no one survived them once they stepped through those iron


For the most part, everyone looks human apart from their eyes or the color of their

skin, Vampires are paler than humans, they looked like creatures of the dead and had

blood red eyes and fangs.

Whereas shifters, like the Dragon Kings appeared human besides their eyes which

reminded me of snake eyes. Their skin is said to be harder, thick, and impenetrable.

Lycans also had similarities with dragons; they could also partially shift even in human

form like the dragons could, they didn’t require having to shift completely to suddenly

become the monsters they are. I kept my eyes downcast as I walked through the

streets. Most people would glance at me and assume I was human.

It was safest that way; being Fae was dangerous. My DNA would get me killed if

discovered. My species is hunted down and dragons are our biggest enemies.
Dragons hated Fae for the part we played in the war, so if discovered we would be


Vampires were the easiest to spot with their blood-red eyes and pale skin. Lycans

eyes were black like onyx, tall and extremely muscular. They were temperamental

creatures like the Dragons. I tried to avoid them at all costs; they were merciless, like

the Dragons. Not that many passed through the city, it was no secret they weren’t

liked by the Dragons. The Dragons sometimes gave them permission to come into

the city to look for potential mates. Dragons had mates; most supernatural creatures

had mates.

Not Fae, though. We got to choose our fate, we didn’t have mates like Dragons and

other shifters. No, Fae got to choose who we wanted to be with. Unfortunately, that

didn’t mean we couldn’t be fated mates to each other though. Before the world was

taken over there were plenty of mixed species, and it wasn’t unheard of back then for

another species to claim a Fae was their mate. So I was free to choose who I would


Rounding the corner onto the next street, I glance up to see the dirty wooden sign

that indicated I had arrived at the pharmacist. The man that worked there was a nice

human, and since money was scarce here, he would allow me to barter for what I

needed, gold being one the hardest to come by currencies yet also the most

valuable. I drop my gaze and start walking, trying to blend into the crowds of people.

Making my way into the derelict store, I remove my hood, letting my black hair

cascade down my back like a veil.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 3

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Victor, the store owner, looks up. A smile plays on his lips when he sees me. He

always liked my grandmother. They used to be friends before everything went to shit.

“Elora dear, how is your grandmother?” he asks. Victor appeared concerned at

seeing me this late in the day, he knew I had to try and be home before dark. That’s

when the night creatures like the vamps would come out to hunt down their victims. It

was never safe to be on the street after dark, easy picking for the more malevolent


“Not good, Victor. The cough hasn’t gone away. She is getting worse,” I tell him,

retrieving my grandmother’s wedding band from my pocket.

I drop it on the counter, shooting him a knowing look. He snatches it, placing it in his

pocket, and nods his head before ducking out the back and bringing back a bottle of

liquid. Victor knows what my grandmother is, yet he never mentions it, knowing it is a

death sentence if anyone heard him speak of the Fae.

“Give her this three times a day; I haven’t got anything stronger. Herbs are becoming

harder to find, especially in the winter.” I nod before grabbing the bottle and placing

my hood back over my head.

“Elora stay safe out there,” he warns, following behind me, getting ready to barricade

himself in before those that go bump in the night come out to play.

I stepped into the freezing air. My toes had gone numb already from the mud and

snow sinking into my shoes. Bowing my head against prying eyes, I take off for

home, running. When I reach the corner, I run into someone.

I mutter “Sorry” at them before I go to take off, only for them to grab my arm, ripping

me in front of them. I can see the man’s black boots as my eyes remain fixed to the

ground. His grip on my arm is tight but also warm as I feel his heat seep into my skin

through the jacket.

“Take the hood off,” a man’s deep voice commands. I try to free myself of his grip, yet

he is stronger, his fingers bruising, his grip never wavering. He yanks my hood off,
revealing my black hair. I continue averting my eyes. Anyone could tell I wore contact

lenses if they looked closely. My heart skips a beat when I hear his voice again.

“Look at me, girl,” the voice grumbles.

I shake my head, trying yet again to wriggle out of his grip. He grabs my face, forcing

my eyes to look into his. I can see people watching the scene play out, fear clear on

their faces. I soon figure out why when my eyes dart to his gold reptilian eyes, bearing

into mine. This man is Dragon, I hear him growl lowly; it rumbles through his chest, his

eyes flicker dangerously, eyes that weren’t human, his tan skin is warm even through

my parka. I barely reached the middle of his chest. His hair was dark, almost black in

color but longer on top, he looked like he hadn’t shaved for a couple of days, stubble

lining his face, his features were sharp, high cheekbones and nice full lips, he looked

like a woman’s wet dream. Yet his aura was intimidating, his grip on me unrelenting.

“What are you?” he demands.

One thing I hated about being Fae was our inability to lie. We could beat around the

bush but couldn’t answer a direct question dishonestly. I press my lips into a tight line,

fighting the urge to answer as I stare wide eyed at the man.

A fight between two homeless people breaks out up the street, distracting him for a

second. I don’t waste any time before ripping my parka off and sliding my arms out,

escaping his clutches. I run up an alleyway using the dumpster to jump the fence

before sprinting behind the next building. I feel my muscles seizing in the cold and my

breath leaves clouds in the air with each breath. I hear a mighty roar and know he is

chasing after me. I keep running, refusing to look back.

When I see houses lined up along the street, I dart through their yards, jumping fence

after fence and finally losing him. Though that’s not all I lost. In the jacket was my

grandmother’s medicine. But I don’t have time to turn back. Desperate, I continue to

run until I find our house, bursting through the door and slamming it shut behind me.
My heart was pounding in my chest so hard I could hear its erratic rhythm. That was

close, too close.

“Elora dear, is that you?” I hear my grandma say before she breaks out into a violent

coughing fit. I make my way to her; she is still in the kitchen sitting at the table. She

smiles softly before noticing my jacket is missing.

“What happened?” she asks breathlessly. Worry making her thin brows furrow.

“I ran into a Dragon,” I say, my voice shaking. “He chased me, but I think I lost him.”

My grandmother frowns in mild panic and starts coughing again. I race to her side,

looking on helplessly as the coughing fit racks her slight frame.

“I lost the medicine grandma; it was in the jacket. I will have to try again tomorrow,” I

tell her, tears welling in my eyes.

“It is okay dear, what matters is you are safe now,” she murmurs, though I can sense

the fear of me nearly being caught worrying her. Her hands tremble slightly on the

table as her nails tap with worry.

The night goes quickly. We were asleep when we heard the voices of people out in

the street screaming. I jolt upright, paralysed with fear. Walking over to the window, I

pull the curtain back slightly making sure to not stand where I can be seen. I peer out,

seeing men with torches, some in human form, others not. They were ripping people

into the street, going from door to door. I see a man in armour go to the house next

door to us before I hear the shrill sound of a woman screaming as she is dragged into

the street, her family looking on helplessly as she is dragged by her hair.

My blood runs cold hearing her begging and pleading with them as they drag her

from her house. The entire street is in chaos. I run over to the couch where my

grandmother is sleeping, only she too is now wide awake and looking alert having

heard the cries of everyone on the street.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 4

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“Grandma, get up, we need to leave. They are going door to door,” I whisper, slipping

my holey boots on my feet and quickly doing the laces. I pull my hair into a ponytail,

so it doesn’t get in my face. Slipping my contacts in, I hear more screams coming

from outside and people fighting.

“Come on, grandma get up,” I tell her, pulling on her arm. She shakes her head

before pulling a small knife from the coffee table drawer into her lap. She looks up at

me with a sad look on her face.

“Run, Elora. I won’t allow them to know. I will only slow you down. You need to leave

without me,” she whispers. I looked at her, panicked. What is she talking about?
“No grandma, come on. We need to leave now,” I tell her, trying to get her to her feet.

She shakes me off and shakes her head.

“I promised to keep you safe. I can’t if you don’t go now.”

“What are you talking about, grandma? Promised who?”

“Remember the stories, Elora. You need to remember the stories. Now run.”

“No, I am not leaving without you.” I tell her, feeling tears running down my face.

Before someone bangs on the door so hard, I thought it was going to smash off its


“Please grandma, we have to go.”

“I love you, Elora,” my grandma whispers before raising the knife and slashing her

own throat. I scream and clutch at her neck, trying to stem the bleeding.

“Run,” she gurgles out. Just as they kicked the door in, my hands coated in her

blood. Adrenaline kicks in, and I take off out the back door, through the criss-crossed

streets of the city. I start jumping fences and running up alleyways. My body screams

at me as I throw myself over another fence to land in another alleyway.

I can hear the panicked screeches of people in the neighbouring streets. Running

behind a dumpster, I quickly squat low, listening intently. I can hear a soft sobbing

only to realize it was coming from me as hot tears run down my cheeks at what my

grandmother just did. The images forever burnt into my memory.

I clamp my hand over my mouth, trying to stop the noises I am making, my breathing

erratic. My heart is pounding so hard I can hear it. Looking over the dumpster, I duck

back down behind the dumpster when I hear a man call out, pointing in my direction.

“You there! Stop!” I don’t listen; instead, I take off running. I run to the end of the

alleyway to find it is blocked off by a building and a brick wall making it dead-end. I

see a dumpster and climb up on it, trying to reach the fire escape ladder, my

fingertips gripping the bottom run and I pull it towards me. Hearing someone crying

behind the dumpster, I look down only to notice a little girl dressed in rags. I pull the

ladder down and reach my hand down to her.

“Where is your mother?” I ask, peering down at her tear-stained face.

“They took her,” she sobs.

Without hesitating, I hoist her up so she can climb, and together we race upwards

toward the roof. But not fast enough for the vampire chasing us. A strong hand grips

my ankle, ripping me back down to the ground. I fall painfully on top of a man, my

head smacking the ground with a loud thud as I bite into my tongue. Another man

retrieves the girl, and I hear her scream before a loud SMACK comes from him

slapping her on the face.

Her dirty matted blonde hair is all I see as her head whips to the side, blood trickling

from her lip and the sound of flesh on flesh echoing down the alleyway.

“Leave her, she is just a child!” I scream. The little human girl, who appears to be

maybe nine years old, escapes the man and runs behind me, hiding against my

back. I hold her there, shielding her from their hostile eyes as more men come down
the alleyway. A tall man with black armour walks over his hair down to shoulders and

a huge scar across his face, his crimson eyes reflecting oddly as he stares at us. A


“Hurry up, bring them to the castle with the rest of them,” he yells to the other men.

The man who caught me grabs my hair, the roots painfully tearing from my skull as

my head is yanked back.

“Move,” he screams in my face. I obey, following the Vampire man dressed in black

armour. The little girl hangs onto the back of my shirt. I can feel her hands trembling

when I notice she has no shoes on.

Bending down, I grab her under the arms and pick her up. Her feet like ice as her

legs wrap around my waist. I try to use my body warmth to warm her freezing body.

When we get to the main street, I find a huge line of women being herded to the

castle. They shove us in the line behind more women, all sobbing as they had been

ripped out of their beds in the middle of the night and torn away from their families. I

think of my grandmother and how she killed herself in front of me. I desperately try to

make sense of why she did it. I gulp. It seems pointless now that I had been caught,

soon to be dead along with her. What would she say if she knew?

I can’t imagine my life without her; she has always been by my side. I can’t help but

echo the sadness of the women around me as I feel my tears streaming down my

cheeks. We all stand in the cold for what feels like hours, until my entire body goes

numb. When we finally walk through the high castle gates, I find the group of women

all separated into rows. A man I recognize to be a Dragon standing at the front,

watching everyone be dragged in and lined up. I am in one of the middle rows.

When I see his eyes dart over the crowd, I quickly duck my head down, hoping he

didn’t notice me staring. Another man walks along the first line looking at each person

and grips their faces looking at their eyes. He then dismisses them, and another man
marches them back out the iron gates once they have been cleared and declared not

to be whomever they were looking for.

My feet are numb from the snow sinking into my shoes. The process is long as he

eventually dismisses all the rows before ours. I place the little girl on the ground,

shoving her behind me, trying to shield her from their watchful eyes. I make sure to

keep my head down to avoid making eye contact.

The entire castle ground is dark and eerie. The only light that can be seen is from the

moon and the glow of the malevolent predator eyes that surround us. I resisted the

urge to shiver when I noticed how many dark creatures were watching us, their eyes

searching the crowd, looking for their next victim.

The little girl sobs. The man who brought us in screams at her to shut up, making her

sob harder. I try to calm her, but nothing I do reassures her. Becoming fed up with her

sobs, the vampire stalks over, his red eyes burn brightly with his anger, his pale skin

almost grey looking under the moon’s light. He grabs her by her dirty dress and pulls

her out the front in front of everyone.

I see him raise a whip, intending to strike her with it. I hear the whip swish through the

air before I throw myself over her, screaming as I feel the whip bite into the flesh of my

back. My shirt splits open before I feel my skin being torn away, the snow underneath

my feet sprayed with my blood. I drop over the top of her, trying to protect her when I

hear the man scream angrily for me to move.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 5

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Another voice echoes through the night. “Enough,” bellows the dragon lord who

stood watching over the crowd of women, but he yelled the word too late. I flinch

when I hear the swish of the whip before its crack, bracing myself for the impact. Only

it doesn’t come. I hear the whip cutting through flesh, yet it isn’t mine.

I take a chance and look up when I hear a collective gasp from the crowd. Lifting my

eyes slightly, I find the dragon lord standing beside me and can see his muscular arm

outstretched beside me. The whip is wrapped tightly around his arm. He wraps his

hand around the whip, yanking the man holding it towards him. The man stumbles,

falling at his feet, his terrified eyes peering up at us.

“I’m sorry, my lord. I didn’t hear you,” he sputters out.

I hear a predator’s growl rumbling deep within the dragon lord's chest before I see his

foot come down on the vampire's head. Blood sprays out as his head is crushed into

the ground. I fight the urge to throw up, seeing his brains splattered on the ground at

my feet. I feel the bile burn the back of my throat as I tear my eyes away from him.

Deafening silence falls over the crowd, and I can feel everyone’s eyes on me in shock

at what just happened. The Dragon King turns around and I avert my gaze back to

the ground, I can feel his eye penetrating into me.

His deep husky voice follows. “Look at me,” he demands, and I flinch away from the

anger in his words. He grabs my hair, pulling my head back. I close my eyes

breathing through the pain searing through my skull as I feel my hair being ripped out.

“I said look at me,” he growls again. I feel the little girl shaking, clinging on to my leg. I

slowly open my eyes to be met with the same hypnotic gold snake eyes of the man I

ran into on the street. He scrutinizes my face before letting my hair go. My eyes

instantly snap back to the ground.

“Remove them,” he says, his voice daring me to disobey.

“What?” I whisper, confused.

“The contact lenses; remove them now.” I shake my head in a pleading sort of way,

knowing if I do, I will be killed instantly.

“Remove them or I will,” he grumbles, grabbing my arm. I whimper at his rough voice

echoing into the darkness, making me shiver. I slowly lift my fingers, and one by one, I

took out the contact lenses to reveal my sparkling violet eyes . He grabs my chin,

forcing my eyes to meet his.

I hear everyone gasp before I hear the murmur of whispers throughout the crowd.


“She is a Fae.” Everyone’s eyes on mine, which I know are glowing fluorescently into

the night. Burning brightly like an amethyst beacon.

“Silence,” the man yells out to the crowd. The chatter instantly died down at his


“I knew I sensed a Fae when you bumped into me.” His lips were next to my ear, his

cool breath sending shivers down my spine as he moves closer. He leans in inhaling

my scent and I can feel his lips barely touching the skin in the crook of my neck.

“You’re coming with me,” he whispers, grabbing me and pulling me towards the old

sandstone castle. It was huge, and something right out of a fairy tale, only dark and

covered in snow, the vines growing along the sides looked like snakes, dying from

the cold and the sandstone high walls tarnished from not being maintained properly. I

struggle, trying to free myself from his grip. He looks to one of the guards that we


“Kill the rest,” he commands, and chaos ensues. All the women’s voices start

screaming, echoing through the night at his words. Fear so pungent I could smell and

taste it, as the guards moved closer, circling around and trapping them, and leaving

them nowhere to run.

“No please, they didn’t do anything,” I begged as I fought against him. He stops and

looks down at me and I cower away from his gaze, knowing I shouldn’t speak out of

turn, especially to a Dragon king.

He grabs my face, making me look at him.

“Please, I will do anything you want, just don’t hurt them,” I beg. Tears roll down my

face as I glance at the women behind me, begging for their lives. All staring at me,
fear in their eyes as all the guards freeze waiting for his answer. His thumb rubs over

my bottom lip, and a smirk forms on his lips.

“Anything?” he asks, his thumb pulling on my bottom lip softly. My eyes move back to

the crowd behind him, before looking down at the little girl still clinging onto my shirt.

The fear in their eyes makes a tear slip from mine, all begging me to agree with

whatever it is he wants from me.

“Yes, anything,” I whisper, feeling defeated. He smiles, and I can see all his perfectly

straight pearly white teeth gleaming back at me. I study his face. He has an evil glint

in his eye, like he is looking at his prey. Nice full lips and high cheekbones with a firm

jaw. He looks like the reincarnation of a god, built strong and beautiful, only I know he

is the devil in disguise.

“Let them go,” he commands, raising his voice, his eyes not leaving mine. I shudder

at the thought of being alone with this big brooding man. I hear the little girl sob

beside me, which makes the man focus his gaze on her. Pushing her behind me with

my hand, his eyes snap back to mine, a devious smile playing on his lips.

“She is coming too,” he says, not leaving any room for argument, not that I would

dare argue back. I hear everyone running out of the castle gates before he changes

his mind. Before I hear the metal gates shut loudly, the steel groans as the lock slips

into place. He tugs my arm, pulling me toward the castle. Torches are lit along the

path as we walk toward it. The only light coming from the lanterns next to the huge

heavy double doors leading inside the castle.

Inside differed vastly from the derelict streets outside. The interior is warm and richly

decorated with deep red and gold, the stone walls high. Huge chandeliers hang from

the ceiling, making the room bright. We walk past an enormous room lined with

shelves of books and an enormous fireplace with a desk in the centre. The place
smells of candles and incense, making me scrunch my nose up as it is

unaccustomed to aromatic smells of lavender.

He walks down a hall before leading us up some stairs. My feet make noises on the

stone steps as we climb them. He pulls me to a door and opens it, swinging it open

to reveal a room. A huge four-poster bed sits in the middle with black gauze hanging

from the top.

The room is decorated like the rest of the castle. There are thick, scarlet blankets on

the bed, a black chaise in the corner, and huge black fur rugs cover the stone floor.

He lets me go, leaving me standing in the middle of the room in front of another

fireplace that is taller than me. The warmth is a welcome relief after spending hours in

the cold. However, I feel more terrified than ever. He folds his arms over his bulging,

muscular chest.

Another man enters the room, his skin the color of mocha with dark onyx eyes. His

chest is bare, revealing his muscular body and abs that look like they are carved from

stone, a deep v-line disappearing into the waistband of his pants. He smiles when he

walks in noticing me. I can tell he isn’t a Dragon but Lycan, which leaves me

confused. Only the Dragon Kings live in the castle with their slaves, so why was this

man standing beside a Dragon?

“You found her,” says the Lycan, his voice is silky and deep with a slight accent I do

not recognize. He smiles, revealing his sharp teeth. As his eyes look me up and

down. I take a step back, feeling my heart thumping faster in my chest. He steps

forward, crossing his arms across his chest. Both of them are standing over me.

“Strip,” says the Dragon King. I shake my head, not wanting to remove my clothes in

front of their watchful, lust-filled eyes.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 6

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“I said strip,” he repeats, raising an eyebrow at me, daring me to disobey.

I struggle to remove my shirt, trying to cover my bare chest by turning away from him.

The girl beside me starts to remove her clothes as well.

“Not you, child. I don’t want to see you naked; you’re only here to make sure she

obeys orders,” he says, making me relieved as she pulls her dress strap back up.

I remove my pants, leaving me only in my panties. Using my hands, I cover my

breasts before turning around to face them.

The Lycan man steps forward, he licks his lips approvingly making me flinch.

“Remove them,” he says looking down at my panties.

“Please,” I beg, not wanting to remove them.

“Remove them or I kill the child,” he says tauntingly. I look at the little girl who darted

behind me at his words. I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. This was so

degrading and humiliating. I pull my panties down before placing one hand over my

breasts and the other trying to cover my lady parts. Both men step forward and I step

back, nearly tripping over the girl behind me. The Lycan man grabs my wrist, pulling

my arm away from my chest, my ample breasts on display for them. I feel a tear run

down my cheek as the other man removes my hand from my sensitive parts.

“Why are you crying? You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” says the Dragon.

How didn’t they understand how degrading this is? No one should have to be put

through this humiliation. I had never been naked in front of anyone besides my


“Open your legs,” he growls, stepping closer. The Lycan man peers around me.

“Close your eyes little one,” he whispers to the small girl, and I feel a sob leave my

lips. When the girl does as she is told, he stands upright. He taps my foot with his,

forcing my legs apart. His fingers move to my slit before he shoves his finger inside

me quickly before removing it. I cry out at the sudden intrusion.

“A virgin like I thought,” he murmurs. I watch horrified as he sucks the finger into his

mouth and moans loudly.

“You made me strip to see if I was a virgin? What, asking was too hard?” I ask but

instantly regret it as they both step closer.

“You can put your clothes back on,” he says. The Dragon bent down and picked up

my shoes. He looks at them before tossing them in the fireplace. I quickly get


“Follow us, we will take you to your chambers,” the Lycan man says. We follow

silently. The Lycan leads the way while the Dragon remains behind us. I can feel his

eyes boring into my back, feel the little girl’s arms grip my hips tightly.

We stop outside a door on the bottom floor, he opens the door and reveals a small

room with a single bed and small fireplace. A desk off to the side in a corner and a

round blue rug on the floor. Walking in it seems quite cozy offering warmth and safety

from the cold dark nights outside.

I watch mesmerised as the Dragon man walks in and over to the fireplace, he takes a

breath in then blows it out of his mouth like he's blowing a kiss. Yet I can feel the heat

in the air rising rapidly as the logs start burning catching alight. He turns and winks at


I notice off to the side is a bathroom with a shower and toilet. I don’t move though,

too scared by the men standing in front of me, I don’t want to risk angering them.

“You will stay here for now until Silas comes back and verifies you are who we think

you are,” says the Lycan man, his eyes burning oddly mirroring the flames coming

from the fireplace.

“If you need anything knock on the door, someone will hear you. My name is Matitus,

this is Dragus,” says the man I recognize to be a Dragon. I store their names to
memory, hoping I never have to utter them.

They then walk out, closing the door behind them. The little girl tugs at my shirt

making me look down at her.

“Are they going to kill us?” she asks, concerned. Now that they are gone, I can really

look at her. The poor girl is underweight, not that that is something unheard of in the

city, starvation being the main killer. Her hair which should be blonde is matted and

dirty turning it brown in patches. What I thought was a dress is a man’s undershirt

being worn as a dress, the edges frayed and filthy with holes.

“I don’t think so, well I don’t think they will kill you anyway,” I tell her. Suddenly, there is

a knock on the door, and an old woman who I believe is a human walks in with her

head down carrying towels and a pile of clothes. Yet something seemed off about

her, I just couldn’t put my finger on why I felt that way.

“For you,” she mutters, her eyes never peering up. She thrusts them forward again

and I grab them from her before she hurriedly walks back out. I can sense her fear,

like she was told not to talk to linger too long. It would also make sense why she

didn’t look up and make eye contact. She then shuts the door and I hear the jingle of

keys and I know she locked it. I place the clothes on the bed along with the towels.

“What is your name?” I ask the little girl who comes and stands beside me. “Lilith” she

whispers, looking at the pile.

“My name is Elora,” I tell her.

“Elora?” she repeats, trying out my name and making me smile. I dig through the

clothes and find a pair of blue denim jeans and a white shirt as well as a bra and a

pair of underwear. With the clothes is also a pair of black pants with woollen underlay

and a shirt with a butterfly and a hooded sweater. I know by the size, the black pants

and butterfly shirt and the hooded sweater are for the little girl. She touches the

butterfly and smiles.

“It’s so pretty,” she says, caressing the fabric.

I also found two pairs of socks, something I haven’t held for so long. The only socks I

have held was when I pulled some off a dead man I found in the gutter. I washed

them before giving them to my grandmother, her feet always so cold from the weather

and her old age.

Lilith got up walking over to the small bathroom. “Do you think it has hot water?” she

asked, looking eager to try it.

“Let’s find out,” I tell her, hopping up and walking to the shower. I turn on the taps and

chuckle when I feel the water heat up slowly. I turn to Lilith and pull her makeshift

dress off. I then remove my clothes before adjusting the water temperature and

turning the taps on full force. We both step under the showers spray. I flinch when I

feel the water run over the lashing mark from the whip. The water is burning it making

my skin sting.

Lilith giggles excitedly and it makes me wonder when the last time she felt hot water

was, if ever. I find a bar of soap and a small bottle of shampoo and conditioner on the

sink basin. I hand her the soap, and she excitedly starts lathering up her body with it.

Dirt and grime run down the drain. I put some shampoo in my hands and started

scrubbing her hair and messaging her scalp, feeling her relax slightly.

“This is wonderful,” she exclaims as the room steams up with the smell of strawberry

shampoo and chamomile soap. When I am done washing her hair, I rinse it out letting

her condition her own hair while I wash myself, giving myself a good scrub, blood

from my back turning the floor red, it stings terribly but I ignore it.

I see Lilith reluctantly hop out and grab a towel, wrapping it around her little body. I

quickly wash my hair, scrubbing my scalp as I feel the cleanest I have ever felt in

years. I get out when I feel the water temperature drop slightly. I grab my towel and

follow Lilith out. She sits on the rug in front of the small fireplace. I quickly get dressed
to find the clothes fit perfectly. Despite everything, feeling warm and clean is such a

relief. I then help Lilith get dressed. She smiles brightly back at me.

“They are so warm,” she whispers, running her hands over the soft fabric. Now that

she is clean, her skin is like porcelain, so delicate and pure.

I comb her long blonde hair with my fingers before pulling a hair tie from my wrist. I

then braid her hair so it is out of her face. She touches the braid gently not wanting to

ruin it.

“What about you?” she says when she realizes, I gave her my only hair tie. I shrug. “I

don’t need it,” I tell her, knowing chances are when this Silas person comes, I will

probably be slaughtered. We sit in front of the fire for a while and eventually fall


I am jolted awake when I hear the door swing open creaking loudly. Matitus, one of

the Dragon Kings, is standing in the doorway. I sit up, groggy before recognition hits

me and I become anxious.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 7

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Dropping my gaze to the floor. My long black hair falling to my sides creating a veil. I

see his boots come into my line of vision. He then kneels in front of me and grips my

chin, bringing my gaze to meet his own.

“Why aren’t you sleeping on the bed?” he asks curiously. I look at Lilith, who is still

asleep, and I don’t know when we fell asleep, but we were both warm in front of the

fire and the rug was comfier than any makeshift bed I had slept on.

“We fell asleep,” I tell him. I watch as he cocked his head to the side examining my

face carefully before he lets go of my chin. I see Dragus walk in behind him carrying a

tray with what smells like chicken soup. He sets the tray on the desk.
“Get on the bed,” Dragus says, making me glance at him. I feel sick suddenly, my

blood running cold at his words. He seems to notice what he said before putting his

hands up in mock surrender.

“Not in that way, take the girl with you,” he says, looking down at Lilith laying on the

floor. I place my hand on her back, shaking her softly. Her eyes open before she jolts

upright leaning against me in fear as she tries to get as far away from them as

possible. I stand up to suddenly feel the cut on my back reopen and tear.

I grimace, feeling warm blood running down my spine, but I ignore it. Instead picking

up Lilith and placing her so she is sitting on the edge of the bed. I go to sit beside

her, when I feel hot fingers move across my shoulder brushing my hair out of the way

before lightly tracing the mark running from my left shoulder down to my right hip. I

flinch slightly as it stings. I can feel the singlet sticking to the blood as his fingers run

over it.

“Silas won’t like that” I hear Dragus mutter as I sit next to Lilith on the bed. Dragus

then brings the tray over, sitting it between us both. Lilith looks at me unsure and I

nod my head telling her it’s okay. I hand her a piece of bread and watch as she dips it

in the bowl. Her hands shake as she brings the food to her mouth, and I can tell she

hasn’t eaten for a while. I look at her sadly tugging a piece of hair behind her ear that

escaped the braid.

She must be starving, and when she finishes her piece of bread, I give her mine

before turning to look at the two men standing in the room. They are both still

watching me with indecipherable expressions on their faces.

“What is your name?” Matitus asks. Instead of answering I fight the urge and ask a

question of my own, trying to avoid giving them my name. I know if they ask again, I

won’t be able to help but answer them.

“What do you want with me?” They seem taken aback by my question and I have a

feeling no one who has stepped in this castle has ever spoken out of line, let alone

asked them a question as to their intentions.

“Your name?” Matitus asks his tone telling me to answer or else. I shiver as the urge

to answer honestly takes over; I try to fight against it, sweat beading on my neck.

Trying to ignore a direct question is painful to a Fae, telling a lie is almost impossible.

One of the things I hate about being Fae. Matitus steps closer his hand cupping my


“Fae can’t lie or help but to answer. Why are you fighting against answering me?”

I shake my head and his fingers stroke my cheek softly, I grit my teeth trying to fight

the urge to answer. “Elora” I stammer out breathlessly.

“Good girl,” he says, letting go of my face and stepping back.

“Why didn’t you want to answer?” he asks, cocking his head to the side. I see Dragus

also watching me intently, his face holding some emotion, I don’t recognize. Was it

awe? Wonder? I don’t know but it made me uncomfortable. I grit my teeth at his

question not wanting to answer, but I know the words will come out anyway.

“Elora Aziza.” My words spew out of me in a rush.

Matitus steps back, recognition shining in his eyes, and he looks to Dragus.
Aziza was a known name amongst the Fae, they are direct descendants of the Royal

Fae. My grandmother told me the chosen one would be born of one of the three royal

bloodlines. Aziza, Zana, and Helcate. That was all the Oracle knew, apparently. She

didn’t know which generation but that they would be of Royal Fae blood and be the

Fae’s redemption.

“You’re from a royal bloodline?” I nod my head knowing it is useless trying to fight the

urges to answer. Dragus steps forward. “I haven’t heard that name in decades,” he

says, kneeling in front of me.

“Eat little one, I mean neither of you any harm,” he says turning to Lilith who had

stopped eating and listened intently to their questions. She resumes eating and I rub

her cheek assuredly.

“Silas will want to know for sure,” Dragus says, looking up at Matitus. Matitus looked

a little worried by his words, his lips pursing and his brows furrowed while his eyes

flickered dangerously making my heart beat a little faster. He nodded once before

glancing at me with what appeared to be worry in his eyes.

“Why am I here?” I repeat daringly. They don’t seem bothered by my questions, but I

also know that no one would dare question them, they were known for being

merciless killers.

“All will be revealed when Silas returns, eat and rest for now. Abigail will be by later in

the morning with some chores.”

I nod, glad that they were finally leaving. I watch as they both leave and close the

door, I hear the lock clicking in place and I finally let out the breath I hadn’t realized I

was holding before I turned to Lilith. Her bowl was empty, so I pushed mine towards

“You have it,” I tell her. She was terribly skinny, and she needed it more than I did.

Lilith thanked me before quickly gobbling my soup down. When she finished, I place

the tray on the desk before pulling the blankets and sheets back on the bed. And

climbing in, Lilith curls up beside me and I wrap an arm over her protectively. We both

drift off once again.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 8

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The next morning, I was awakened by someone opening the door. A woman stands

in the doorway. She looks to be around my age, but her skin is chafed like she spent

a lot of time outdoors in the cold. Her blue eyes look at mine with curiosity before

turning away.

“I’m Abigail, follow me please,” she says, looking at me before noticing Lilith who is

also awake and alert to the newcomer. We quickly sit up and walk to the door.

Peering out the door I notice Abigail was waiting at the end of the hall. She waves us

to follow, which we do obligingly. She walks us to a large kitchen area where people

are busy preparing food and cleaning dishes.

One thing I noticed was all their slaves are human or at least appear to be. The room

is huge and modern looking, different from the rest of the castle’s traditional look. It
has stainless steel appliances and black marble bench tops, a huge island bench sat

in the middle with three women standing around it chopping different fruit and


They look up when we enter, their eyes darting away before snapping back to mine. I

see the woman in the middle nudge her friend and her brown eyes dart to mine

widening, a huge grin lighting up her face. She has freckles and red hair that looks

wild and untameable. “A Fae,” she whispers.

At her words, everyone in the room stops to look at Lilith and I. To which, Abigail

clears her throat before speaking, her tone harsh. “Yes, the girl is a Fae, now get

back to work and stop gawking,” she says, dismissing them as they hurriedly resume

their tasks. Abigail hands both of us an apple before telling us to follow. We eat our

apples while following behind her as she stops at the front of a huge cupboard in the

hall. Opening the doors, I can tell it was a cleaning cupboard, with various chemicals

on the shelves and mops and brooms along with a cleaning cart.

“You will both be cleaning the library at the front of the castle, when you're done with

that come and see me for more work” she tells me, pushing a cart with cleaning

supplies toward me and pointing us in the direction of the library.

I walk down the stone corridors towards the front of the castle, stopping when we

finally find the room I noticed yesterday. Pushing the cart to the side, I grab out a cloth

and some polish, as I hand a duster to Lilith and tell her to dust the blinds. I tidy up

the desk surface before polishing the wood, which appears to be oak. Then, silently, I

move to the mantle where I dust and polish. This continues for what feels like forever,

so much wood and so many lamps. Lilith finished doing the blinds and was wiping

over the lamps with a cloth while I started the bookshelves. I can’t help but notice

most of the books were diaries and books on the different sorts of creatures roaming

the earth.
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I continue dusting the shelves Retinlift
before coming to the last one, where I find the entire

bookshelf is full of books on Fae history. Most books on the origins of our people and

our magic were destroyed after the war. Yet, there I stood, amazed at how many

books they had. My grandmother had one book on our history which we always kept

hidden but here, there were hundreds. I let my fingers skim over the leather-bound

books that held the stories of my ancestors, when I hear someone clear their throat.

Turning around I see Matitus standing behind me, making me jump, my backside

brushing up against the bookshelf. He is staring at the book my fingers were

touching. His eyes darken as they move back to mine which makes my heart rate

pick up and a chill crawls up my spine making me fight the urge to shiver under his

deadly gaze.

“What were you doing?” he asks. I wanted to shrink under his hardened gaze.

“I was just looking, I didn’t mean to do anything,” I tell him, my heart skipping a beat.

He nods before sitting at the desk. For the rest of the time, his eyes remain fixed on

me, unmoving. As soon as I am done, Lilith and I rush hurriedly out of the room in

search of Abigail.

Abigail escorts me to a bedroom upstairs while Lilith is left in the kitchen to help clean

up. Abigail opens the door and reveals the same room I was in yesterday. She hands

me a basket with all different cleaning supplies before walking out and retrieving some

new linen and placing it on the chaise.

“Once you’re finished here, you’re done for the day and can go back to your room,”

she says before turning and walking out, without waiting for so much as a nod in


I begin stripping the bed linen off and dumping it next to the basket before remaking

the bed with fresh sheets. I then move to the adjoining bathroom. The bathroom is as
big as the bedroom with three sink basins along one wall and a huge shower on the

other with a toilet. I notice that there are also three shower heads spaced out in the


The bathroom takes the longest as all the fixtures are stainless steel, and the shower

screen glass is huge. I am in the middle of wiping down the sink basin and mirror

when I see Matitus enter the room and lean against the door frame. I can see his

eyes in the mirror watching me, but he doesn’t say anything, just watches.

When I am done, he walks out and takes a seat at the chaise when I notice Dragus

sitting on the edge of the bed. I gulp realising I was in a room with two predators by

myself. I suddenly wish Lilith was with me. Both of them were watching me.

Dragus sniffs the air slightly, a seductive grin forming on his lips.

“She is scared of us,” he tells Matitus, making him sniff the air in the room.

Dragus stands up walking over to me and I take a step back only to bump into

Matitus who had moved with blinding speed to stop me from running for the door. I

feel both their chests press into me, both overly warm. I can smell the masculine

scent on their skin, a fire and smokey scent like burnt sandalwood, strong but I also

found it rather appealing. They were that close.

They both smelled similar, only slight differences considering they were two different

species, before I even realised what I was doing, I breathed in their scent, leaning

toward Dragus. My eyes snap open, awakening me from some kind of trance, when I

feel his body heat sinking into mine, making my breath lodge in my throat. I jumped,

startled at what I did. My heart skips a beat with fear when I realize I just nearly

touched him.

“You don’t need to fear us little one,” Matitus says in my ear, his voice deep and

gravelly as I feel his warm breath on my neck making me shiver. He inhales deeply, a
groan leaving his lips.

“Doesn’t she smell divine Dragus?” he says, lifting his head. I look at Dragus with

what I know to be a gaze full of fear.

He leans forward, pressing his lips to my neck before inhaling deeply, I stand frozen

on the spot, part of me wanting to scream. I wriggle trying to get rid of the feeling

running over my skin heading south. There was no doubt they were both gorgeous,

tall, dark, and handsome, with muscular bodies, but that didn’t make me feel any

better knowing they could rip me to pieces within a blink of an eye and I would be

powerless to stop them.

I try and slide out between them, but I feel Matitus hand fall to my hip gripping the

fabric of my shirt in a fist. Dragus runs his finger down my neck to the top of my

breast, before circling it around my nipple over the fabric. I freeze, panic taking over

as he pinches it between his fingers, making me cry out at the sudden pain.

“So responsive and we have barely touched her yet.” His voice was silky smooth, his

lips barely an inch off mine, making me gulp loudly. I hear Matitus chuckle slightly

before stepping back. The warmth on my back, disappearing. I quickly grab the

basket and run from the room, wanting nothing more than to get away from their

hungry eyes.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 9

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I take the basket back to the cleaning closet and walk fast to the kitchen, only to

notice Lilith is no longer there. Walking over to the woman with red hair and freckles I

ask her.

“The little girl that was with me. Where did she go?”

“The guards came and took her; her mother has been looking for her,” she tells me. I

nod, feeling a little sad, but relieved knowing she is safer out there than in here with

these monsters.

I exit the kitchen and head to the small room where I slept last night. Walking in, I see

a small, dark object sitting atop the bed. It is the book I was looking at earlier in the

library. Matitus’s deep voice behind me makes me jump.

“If you want to read that you should also read this,” he says, holding another book out

toward me as he steps in the room. I take the book from him and look at it. It’s a book

on Dragons and mates. I look up at him.

“Read them. I know Fae have their own stories of the past, but what if they aren’t

correct? What if your ancestors lied?” he says.

“Fae can’t lie,” I whisper, not understanding what he means.

“They can and did long ago, your kind blames the Dragons for the wars and the

blood spilled, yet what they took from us far outweighs anything we could have ever

done to any of you,” he tells me, and I feel anger build up at his words bursting out of


“What have you taken from us? You killed my kind off,” I tell him incredulously. The

nerve he has saying what we did was worse, when they killed every one of my kind.

“Your kind aren’t the only ones forced into extinction, Elora; my kind is nearly extinct

as well because of what they did.”

“And what is that?” I dare to ask, not liking the way he talks about Fae.

“Read the books and you will find out,” he says before walking out and shutting the

door behind him.

I stare at the closed door, when I see that he isn’t going to return, I relax slightly.

Picking up the book on Fae history, I sit back on the bed and start reading. I can’t

remember the last time I actually read a book. Being constantly on the move meant I

didn’t get much time to read and with moving, books would mean more things to


After a few hours of reading, my back aches from being slumped over. The book was

pretty much the same as what my grandmother had already told me. How the war

started after a Dragon killed one of the royal Fae and our kind sought out revenge. If

only they had known this world we currently live in would result from that war, maybe

they wouldn’t have sought revenge. I noticed halfway through that there were pages

torn from the middle.

Sitting up, I make my way into the bathroom. Getting undressed, I place my clothes

on the end of the bed, so they don’t get wet and I am able to put them back on after I

shower. I grab the towel that was hanging on the back of the chair drying, taking it

with me before shutting the bathroom door.

I shower quickly, not wanting the hot water to run out like it did yesterday. The warmth

of the water felt so good on my skin after so long trying to stay warm in the frigid air.

Halfway through washing my hair, I feel a draft blow into the room. Turning around I

look toward the door. Before spinning back around trying to cover myself. Dragus is

standing in the doorway, watching me. He was wearing faded denim jeans and a

black singlet with a devious smile on his lips and I noticed Matitus sitting

expressionless on the end of the bed behind him, also staring at me.

Reaching over to the basin with my back to them, I try to reach for the towel when it

is suddenly gone. I feel Dragus move behind me before I see his arm reach past me

turning off the water. His hot breath on my neck makes me shiver. I freeze, not

wanting to move. Turning would mean they would see a lot more than my behind.
When he doesn’t move, I look over my shoulder and see that he has come even

closer. I feel his fingertips brush my side and I flinch away from his touch.

“Dragus, give the towel to her. You’re scaring her,” Matitus growls. Dragus ignores

him, moving closer, and I can feel his belt buckle press against my back. My heart

hammers in my chest when I feel both his hands on my hips tugging me against him.

“If I wanted to hurt you, I would have by now,” he whispers, his hands trailing up and

over my stomach to the sides of my breasts. His hands are warm, making me shiver

as his body temperature runs a lot hotter than mine. His thumbs brushing the sides of

my breasts.

“Dragus,” Matitus growls, more loudly this time. I hear him huff, annoyed, but I am

grateful when I feel him drape the towel over my shoulders. I grip the towel and wrap

it tightly around my body before turning around and glaring at Dragus. He has a

seductive smile on his lips as his eyes look down, stopping at my legs. I shift

uncomfortably and watch as he licks his bottom lip. I go to step around him, and he

sidesteps blocking me.

“Dragus, you had your fun leave her be. Silas will rip your head off if you touch her

without him,” Matitus warns. My blood runs cold at his words. What did he mean

touch me without him? Dragus growls but steps aside, and I quickly dart past him

and grab my clothes off the end of the bed. I go to turn back into the bathroom and

Dragus huge body is blocking the door.

I wait for him to move but he doesn’t.

I look to Matitus to see if he was going to tell him to move, but he doesn’t, and I

realize they want me to get changed in front of them. I pull my towel tighter, stepping

away from them. I move to the other side of the room, and quickly pull my jeans

underneath the towel, while glaring at them. They both look quite amused at my

discomfort. I feel the denim sticking to me as I pull the pants up from not being able
to dry myself. I then grab my shirt before pulling it over my head and removing the


Matitus picks up the book on the nightstand scanning the last page I was reading. He

chuckles and I raise an eyebrow.

“Fae are such proud creatures, I swear they believe their own lies,” he says when he

reads the page. I bite my tongue knowing that if I speak, I will say something I regret

or will get me killed.

“Come, dinner is ready!” says Matitus, tossing the book on the bed and standing up.

He moves to the door with Dragus and they both step outside waiting for me.

“I don’t like repeating myself, Elora. I suggest you move,” he says, holding his hand


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 10

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I walk closer but don’t take his hand. Instead, I follow, crossing my arms over my

chest. Matitus sighs before walking off. Together, we walk to a part of the castle I

hadn’t seen before. A huge wooden table sits in the middle of the room, Matitus sat

down while Dragus pulled a chair out telling me to sit. I hesitate before finally walking

over and sitting down. Dragus took a seat beside me and turned his chair so he was

half facing me.

A few minutes later, Abigail emerges and places three plates in front of us. I stared at

the plate wishing I could be anywhere else. I would have preferred to sit in the room

alone and eat instead of finding myself stuck between two intimidating men. Dragus

touches my knee beneath the table. I just stare at the plate, feeling uncomfortable.

Dragus runs his hand up my leg, making me jump before I move his hand off me only

for him to place it back on my thigh.

Ignoring his hand, I look over at Matitus. “Eat” he orders, but I suddenly don’t feel like

eating and certainly don’t trust my stomach to keep it down. My hands tremble

slightly as I picked up the fork and pushed the food around the plate. Matitus starts

eating, Dragus using his hand that wasn’t on my leg, picked up a bread roll and bit

into it.

“Why am I here?” I ask cautiously.

Dragus squeezed my thigh making me look at him. “Enough questions eat,” he says

pointing at my plate.

“I’m not hungry, can I just go back to the room?” I say, defiance in my voice.

“Enough questions eat,” he said pointing at my plate.

“I’m not hungry, can I just go back to the room?” I ask again, not liking the way he

was watching me. Dragus sighs and Matitus speaks up.

“Eat Elora, I will answer your questions once that plate is empty,” he says tapping my

plate with his fork. I look at the plate. There was no way I was going to be able to eat

all that, there is way too much roasted vegetables and meat. My grandmother and I

could have made what’s on the plate last three days between us. There was no way I

would be able to eat that in one sitting. I pick up the fork and pick up a piece of

potato, popping it in my mouth and chewing slowly. The entire meal continues in

such a way. They ate theirs and I picked at mine. When they finish they watch me,

making me nervous. I couldn’t stomach anymore and knew if I did continue to eat, I

was going to make myself sick. Them watching me wasn’t helping my sickly feeling.

“You barely touched your food, Elora,” says Dragus.

“I can’t eat that much. It is too much,” I tell him. He growls low, making me shift

“Leave her be Dragus, she can’t eat it. Silas will deal with her when he gets home.

Let it go for now.”

I look up at the mention of Silas’s name. I didn’t like how they kept mentioning him

and it made me curious as to what he wanted with me. Everyone fears the Dragon

Kings for obvious reasons but Silas. No one even liked mentioning his name, I had

heard it whispered over the years, the entire city was aware of who he was. He was

the worst of the three Dragon Kings, known for being the cruelest. He killed without

hesitation just for someone glancing in his direction.

Dragus sighs before squeezing my leg a little too tight. Abigail comes out and looks

between the three of us before dropping her head. She clears the plates, not even

looking back up until she got to the door. Before she left, she shot me a sad smile,

making me worry.

“Do you know about Dragon Mates?” Matitus asks, pulling my attention away from

the door Abigail as she walked out. I nod slowly

“Yes, most creatures have mates except Humans and Fae” I answer. He nodded. I

thought his question was strange until he spoke again, making my blood run cold.

“We believe you are our mate, and we will know for sure once Silas is back. The mate

pull will be stronger when he arrives, and we will know for sure.”
I look between them; knowing my shock must be on display because I see Matitus

smirk cruelly. I shake my head. This can’t be happening. I feel nothing but fear for


“When Silas gets back, we will mark you and start the mating process. Once you're

marked, you will feel the mate bond,” Dragus says beside me, making me jump to my

feet. Dragus growled before reaching over and grabbing my hand and ripping me

back down into my seat.

“You wanted to know why you’re here and we answered. Now stay in your seat, you

haven’t been dismissed yet,” he growls, making goosebumps rise on my skin.

“I will never mate with any of you” I say, my voice shaking with fear at the thought.

“Who said you had choice?” Matitus says raising an eyebrow.

“You will willingly or not but you are ours now,” Matitus says.

Dragus grip on my wrist tightened, and I hissed slightly at the pain shooting through

my wrist and arm.

“Silas will be back in the morning. It would be in your best interest not to provoke

him,” Dragus mutters menacingly. I shake my head, words failing me for a few

moments. I can’t believe the shit show my life has become, surely no one was this

cruel to make me a Dragon's mate let alone three. Now come to think of it, Dragus is

a Werewolf, isn’t he?

“How can I be all three of your mates? You aren’t even a Dragon, are you?” I ask,

looking at Dragus.

“I am a Dragon hybrid. My mother was a wolf, my father a Dragon” he answers, letting

go slightly, making my wrist stop throbbing from his intense grip.

“So, you are both?”

“Yes, I can’t shift into either, but I get some of both their traits” he answers. I tried to

pull my wrist back, but he pulled my hand onto his lap. Not wanting to anger him, I let

my hand rest there and he let me go, nodding approvingly.

“So, all three of you are mates?”

“Yes,” Matitus says watching me carefully.

“Silas will want to mark you as soon as he gets here, we just wanted to warn you first.

I know you are frightened but don’t resist him. I would hate to see you get hurt” he

says warningly.

“Can I go now please?” I want nothing more than to get away from them.

“Dragus will escort you back,” Matitus says, standing up and leaving the room.

Dragus grabs my elbow and pulls me to my feet before walking me back to my

prison. Climbing in bed, I toss and turn, not be able to get rest with my mind racing

the way it was. Eventually succumbing to sleep, I dreamt of the horrors of the night I

found myself brought into the castle.

I wake up to the feeling of somebody touching me.

My eyes snap open and I see Dragus sitting next to me. I freeze, looking at him

before he leans down, a seductive smile playing on his lips. His obsidian eyes boring

into mine. I thought it strange that I didn’t fear him at this moment. He leans closer,

kissing my lips softly at first before his kiss turns more urgent. Suddenly, he plunges

his tongue into my mouth. I pull back slightly, needing air as his lips move to my neck.

His warm hands tug my shirt off and over my head before his lips latched onto my


My body reacts to the feel of him touching me, shocking me further as a moan

escapes my lips. His hot tongue moves south, devouring flesh, my legs becoming

wet with moisture, as I feel my stomach tighten and my walls clench. Dragus moves
lower before I feel him slide my jeans down my legs. I try to ask what he is doing but

the words escape me as I feel his hot breath on my lips before feeling his tongue flick

across my clit.

His hands pull my thighs apart as I tried to close them on his head. My back arches

off the bed, my hands running through his hair as I try to tug his head away from my

sensitive areas. His torture is unrelenting as his tongue flicks across my clit, making

me moan as I feel my orgasm reach its peak, like I was suddenly about to be thrown

over the edge.

A knock sound pulls my attention away, and suddenly, he is gone. The knocking gets

louder, and I look around, but no one is there. When I feel someone touch me, I jolt

upright in my bed. Looking around frantically, drenched in sweat, my hair sticking to

my face. And I relax, it was just a dream. Sitting upright I look toward the door and

Dragus is leaning against it, watching me, a smile playing on his lips. Seeing him

standing there, I nearly jump out of my skin. Suddenly, I feel a blush spread across

my face, remembering the dream I just had. Yet it felt so real.

“You okay, Elora?” he asks, his smile widening and I feel my face heat up with

embarrassment. I know he can smell my arousal but no way was I telling him I dreamt

about him.

“Yeah, fine, just a nightmare,” I tell him.

“Really?” he says, sniffing the air slightly.

“Must have been a nice nightmare then,” he says, making me look away from him.

“Silas will be here in an hour. Abigail has some chores for you until he arrives. So,

shower and get dressed. Abigail will bring you some clothes” he says, turning around

and walking out. I hear him chuckle as he walks away. My heart starts racing at the

thought of Silas arriving back at the castle. I needed to get out of here.
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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 11

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I wait for Abigail to drop the clothes off before having a shower. Using the wooden

chair, I brace it under the door handle. I definitely don’t want a repeat of yesterday

with them invading my personal space. Showering quickly, I dress in the sweater

dress Abigail gave me. It was black and warm, but I didn’t like that it showed off so

much of my legs.

Opening the door, I find Matitus waiting in the corridor.

“Block the door again, I will make you shower with me understood?” he says, not

even trying to hide his anger. But why would he? He was one of the feared Dragon

Kings and used to getting his way. Not wanting to anger him further, I nod before

looking away. Matitus grips my chin, forcing me to look up into his snake-like eyes.
“I said understood?”

I nod my head feverishly.

“Words Elora.”

“Yes, understood,” I whisper, fighting the urge to roll my eyes at him and his tone of

voice. I felt like I was being scolded by a teacher, not that I went to school. My

grandmother schooled me and taught me the basics, like reading and writing and

basic math.

He let go before gripping my elbow and pulling me to the kitchen where Abigail was

waiting. Abigail looked up before turning her attention elsewhere. Matitus walks out,

and I wait for Abigail to finally look up. She lets out a breath, looking relieved that

Matitus was gone.

“Thank the heavens” she whispers when he could no longer hear. “You need to

watch yourself around them, Elora. They may not be that bad now, but once Silas

comes back they won’t be as gentle.”

“Gentle, that’s them being gentle?” I ask incredulously.

She nods before chewing the end of nail nervously.

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“We need to get to work, Silas likes everything a particular way and the last girl I

worked with got killed because she forgot to take a bin out” Abigail says, concern

spreading all over her face.

I couldn’t believe they would kill someone over something so ridiculous. On the plus

side, Abigail is talking more and looks a little more relaxed while no one other than me
is around. Looking around the kitchen, no one was here. Which I thought was odd.

Abigail must have noticed me looking around because she answered my thoughts.

“They left to get supplies. Once Silas comes back, no one may leave the castle until

he goes again. Last time he stayed a month. I didn’t get to see my daughter for an

entire month,” she says sadly. I put a consoling hand on her shoulder.

“Where does he go?” I inquire.

“To find his mate, or the chosen one as they call her,” Abigail mumbles.

“The chosen one?” I ask, wondering if it is the same chosen one my grandmother

used to tell stories about.

“Yes, the one that can carry their children,” she whispers before shutting her mouth

when she hears something fall over in the corridor. We both straighten up as a young

boy, who looked to be about twelve, walks in carrying a bucket and broom.

“Peter, geez you nearly gave me a heart attack,” she says, and I could hear her heart

pounding in her chest before settling, my hearing was heightened significantly more

than a human’s which came in handy but also annoying at times.

“Sorry Abbie,” he says before his gaze turns to me, his brown hair falling over his

brown eyes before he sweeps it aside.

“You’re Fae” he says, eyeing me with a matter-of-fact expression.

“Yes she is. Now stop staring, it's rude,” Abigail scolds him.

“Is she the one, the one they have been looking for” he asks.

“I think so, we will know when Silas gets back” she tells him, and his face drops as he

looks at me nervously.
“I better go, good luck, you’re going to need it. I pray you're not the one they are

looking for,” he says before racing out the back of the kitchen.

“What does he mean?” I ask, turning back to Abigail. She walks to the door peering

out the corridor making sure no one is around.

“He means if you are who they have been looking for,” she says rather abruptly.

“Please, you have to tell me,” I beg.

Abigail looks uncertain and cautious. “If you are, they will make you birth all their heirs,

it's more than that though. Silas hates Fae. I am not sure why, but everyone they have

found has never left alive,” she whispers.

At that moment, I couldn't decide what was more shocking, what they wanted me for

or the fact that they actually found other Fae people. One thing became crystal clear:

I had to get out of the city before Silas came back.

“Please, you have to help me get out of here,” I plead, a note of desperation in my


“I can’t help you, they will kill my daughter, I am sorry Elora,” says Abigail sorrowfully.

I hang my head, knowing there is nothing Abigail can do.

We finish cleaning the kitchen and when we are done, Abigail instructs me to take the

rubbish out. Walking out the back door, I notice a truck and smile, an idea coming to

me like a bolt of lightning. The bin man was coming to collect the dumpster that sat

up out the back of the castle. This would be my only chance. I wonder if this was

Abigail’s way of helping me escape without helping. The timing of me coming out

here was too coincidental. Running to the bin, I quickly climb in and wait for the truck

to lift it. I gag from the smell, but what other option did I have? Suddenly, I feel the bin
move and quickly move to the back before it dumps me into the back of the truck.

The violent motion of falling makes me throw up when bin juice tipped all over me.

Luckily, the truck that picks up the garbage is only a regular dump truck and not one

with the crushing machine in the back. That would have probably killed me. The only

real advantage of this situation is that the disgusting rubbish covers my scent. I let out

a breath when I feel the truck move. It drives for about five minutes before I hear the

brakes screech. The gate, I realize, feeling my heart race. Outside, I hear people

talking and someone climbs up the back. Shit, I think, they’re going to search the

back. Holding my breath and fighting the urge to be sick again, I burrow under the

rubbish, pulling boxes over the top of me.

“Clear,” I hear a man sing out.

When I feel the truck move again, I scramble to the top of the garbage pile and suck

in a lungful of semi putrid fresh air. I wait a few minutes and pray the coast is clear

before looking out the back of the truck, waiting for an opportunity to jump out. I need

to head home first and change my clothes. There was no way I was remaining in this

dress now.

When the truck stops up an alleyway to collect another bin, I quickly scrambled out,

climbing up the side and on to the bin that had been lifted before jumping onto the

retaining wall behind it. Without looking back, I run, jumping fences, and zigzagging

through alleyways. I knew this city like the back of my hand having grown up here and

found my way home easily.

I finally arrive and look upon my front door, taking a deep breath. When I open the

door, the worst smell I’ve ever smelled plagues my nostrils. I nearly threw up again.

Grandma, I realize, her body is still here. Gasping, I peg my nose with my fingers.

Stopping in the hall, I fight the urge to look into the lounge room. I didn’t want to see

her dead body still sitting on the couch. I also didn’t want to relive that night. I needed

to remember her the way she was before all this and right now. At this moment, I
have one task, and that is to find some clothes and the book my grandmother hid

under the floorboards. I then needed to escape the city and find elsewhere to live.

The city had never been safe for me, but with the return of Silas and him knowing of

my existence, it was now a death wish to stay.

I find my room exactly the way I left it the night I was awoken to the screams of our

neighbours. The bed is still a mess, and the lamp is still on. I flick it off and walk to the

corner to rummage through my clothes that were in the basket, grabbing some jeans

and a hoodie. I scrub the garbage juice from my face and get dressed. I didn’t want

to shower because as gross as it is, the rubbish will cloak my scent. Not only that,

but I also didn’t exactly have time.

I run into the hall and use my fingers to pry up the first floorboard, grabbing the book

that was wrapped in white cloth and tucking it inside my hoodie pocket. Looking up

the hall toward my bedroom, I feel a deep sense of sadness knowing I was leaving

my grandmother’s dead body without giving her a proper burial, but I also know she

would’ve wanted me to survive. Once outside, I take one final look at my home

before taking off at a run, towards the forest that lines the edges of the city. As long

as I could get through the thick forest to the fence, I stood a chance of survival. Once

there, I could climb over and escape the confines of the city, into the unknown. While

it may sound easy, I remember the border fence was always under surveillance with

guards everywhere. If I could just find an opportunity, a moment, to climb the barbed

wire fences while they looked the other way… I’d stand a chance.

I spent all day trekking through the rough forest terrain. By the time I am about halfway

through, night began to fall, and the temperature began to drop considerably. Nights

in the city were always unforgiving. I just hope it didn’t snow. The ground is already

cold enough without shoes and only socks. Snow would not only slow me down, but

it might just make me freeze to death.

The night completely sets in, and I can just make out the full moon making me curse.

Full moons supercharged most night creatures, and I knew that Vampires would likely
be guarding the border. When I hit a small clearing, I know I’m not far from the

border’s edge now. Looking out and around the tree line I bee lined straight for the

cover of the trees on the other side of the clearing. Nearly to the tree line, I can hear

howls and wings off in the distance. Looking up, I see a massive Dragon fly over the

clearing. Dropping to the ground I hid amongst the grass praying to the fates they

didn’t see me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 12

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When I am fairly sure the coast is clear, I pop my head up and look around the

clearing. I can hear men shouting in the distance and I remain hidden amongst the

long grass, too scared to move. Too scared to even breathe as I hear them get

nearer to the clearing. Their voices grow louder, lucky for me though they ran that fast

and the snow and grass masked my scent. Sitting upright, I scan my surroundings

once again before running in the direction they came from, hoping they wouldn’t


Once hidden by the high trees, I keep running straight, looking for any sign of the

barbed wire fence that surrounds the entire city. With the trees up above, the dark got

darker to the point, even with my heightened senses and eyesight I struggle to see.

As I run, I can only just make out the trees before I run into them. I keep running.

What I fail to notice is that there is a pond. When it’s far too late, my feet hit air
suddenly before I drop into the icy cold water, breaking through the thin layer of ice. I

flail about, gasping, I didn’t know how to swim. Panic seizes my body as I swallow

mouthfuls of dirty water. I cough and splutter. This is it, I think, I’m going to die.

I reach around for anything, trying to move the water and keep my head above the

water line. My hands come in contact with some sort of vine or tree growth, and I

manage to pull myself out and drag my freezing cold body over the bank. My clothes

are drenched, and the cold air of the night pierces my skin, making me even colder. I

fight against the urge to give up and let myself die. My muscles scream, locking up

from the intense temperature change, my teeth chattering so hard I wonder if they’re

going to break.

I force my legs to move, willing myself to go faster. I don’t know how long I ran for, but

I nearly weep in relief when I see the fence line just on the other side of the trees; I am

nearly there, so close I can almost smell my freedom.

Just as I think I am about to break through the tree line, I run full force into somebody,

bouncing off their chest. I fall back on the ground and feel all breath leave my body.

Scrambling backwards on my hands and knees, I try to get away from the dark figure,

who is now coming even closer to me. I see menacing, snake-like eyes looking down

at me that seem to glow with an evil light, I scramble to get to my feet. Only when I

stand up and turn to run, I run into someone else. Only this person’s glowing eyes

makes my blood run colder than the icy pond. My veins turned to ice as he looks

down at me. Nothing but gold and green glowing orbs staring at me.

I hear nothing except the violent pounding of my heart in my chest. The man with the

evil eyes grips my arms, his hot fingers digging into my arm before I feel his claws

break through my flesh, making me whimper. I suddenly feel air rush around me and

his grip is gone as I am tossed violently into a tree. My back smacks against the tree

trunk, knocking the air from my lungs again. I scream when I land on my side, a stick

stabbing through my palm.

I pull the stick out and I can smell my blood oozing out and running down my hand

and arm. Hearing the crunch of twigs and branches, I look up to see him stalking

toward me again, like a predator about to kill his prey. His aura is menacing, I can

almost feel the rage radiating off him.

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“You dare think you can leave me, that you can run from me,” his voice bellows,

making me flinch.

I jump to my feet. He was faster than me and he reaches to grab my hair, yanking me

towards him. I scream out at the feeling of my hair ripping from my scalp. His hand

wraps around my throat before he flings me, like a ragdoll into the ground, my head

smacking the ground first, making a sickening crack on impact. I fight against the

urge to succumb to the darkness. My head pounding to its own beat, my ears ringing

loudly, and I can’t catch my breath as I feel his foot press onto my chest.

I hear a familiar voice echo in the dark before I feel the weight lift off my chest

suddenly. I hear growls and fighting as I crawl onto my hands and knees. Half

conscious, I try to stand but my head is spinning so fast I couldn’t get my balance,

only stumbling back toward the cold hard earth at each attempt. When I feel hands

grab me again, I scream loudly fearing he would throw me again.

“Shh, Elora, it’s just me,” the familiar voice of Dragus says, pulling me to my feet. I feel

my body go limp as I lean heavily against him. His arm wraps around my waist tightly,

holding me up as my fingers grip his shirt. I hear the fighting get louder before I

suddenly feel myself being ripped away from Dragus. His grip tightens pulling me

back to him.

“Let her go Dragus,” the man yells, and I scream when I realize it’s the same man who

just threw me around like I was nothing.

“Leave her Silas, she is barely conscious.”

“She sounds conscious enough, hand her over.”

I grip onto Dragus, knowing I stand a better chance at survival with him.

Silas grabs my hair, making me scream and I feel tears run down my cheeks.

“Silas, she can’t take anymore, let her go now.”

“She should have thought about that before she ran from us. I will make sure she

doesn’t fucking run again” he bellows, before punching Dragus in the face. Dragus

stumbles backwards before landing on his back. I feel Silas grab me and adrenaline

kicks in as I kick and struggle to get out of his grip. He pulls me closer to his chest,

his arm wrapped around my chest, his hand on my throat tightening like a boa

constrictor while his arm across my chest squeezing the air from my lungs, and

cutting off my air.

“Fucking Aziza’s thinking they can always get away with everything” I hear him growl

into my ear. I claw at his arm, trying to get him to let go. My attempts are getting

weaker as my body slowly becomes deprived of oxygen.

When I am once again thrown to the ground, I gasp for air. My entire body feels limp

and heavy as I lay face down on the dirt. I give up, welcoming death. Please let me

die quickly. I feel his foot come down on the centre of my back.

“Please, just kill me” I breathe. Closing my eyes, waiting for death.

“Silas please no more,” I hear Matitus say, and I realize he was the one that attacked

Silas. He pushes me onto my back and my entire body feels bruised and battered. I

lay there as he continues to look down at me. Kneeling beside me, Silas grips my

face and growls.

“Run again and I will fucking kill you, understood?” he snarled at me.

“I won’t run,” I tell him, my voice barely a whisper as it felt even hard to talk. His arms

go underneath my back and knees and I feel myself being lifted. I brace myself,

waiting to be tossed again only this time he pulls me closer, hugging me tight to his

chest. After a few minutes, I realize he won’t throw me again. I relax, going limp

against him and giving into the darkness that had been trying to envelope me. Praying

to the fates I wouldn’t wake back up to this nightmare that is my life.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 13

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I was off searching other territories and no-man’s-land when my mates contacted me,

telling me they thought they found her. Matitus ran into her on the streets. I had my

doubts, of course. We have searched for her for decades trying to find this Chosen

one the Oracle promised would come. Surely, we weren’t that blind, and she was

under our nose this entire time, living in our city. Yet they were both insistent that she

was the one. They called for all women to be brought to the castle, and that’s where

they captured her. Dragus too confirmed saying he felt a strange pull to her.

I headed home straight away. Flying back was easy for me, yet my mind kept going

back to the great war and the destruction caused ever since. What I wasn’t expecting
when I got home was everyone frantically looking for her. I landed in the back

gardens. Matitus and Dragus ran out to greet me.

“What happened?” I ask as I see convoys loading up and heading out the gates. It

was already dark, and the night was becoming cold.

“We lost her. I think she has run,” Dragus says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Matitus growls low, making me look at him.

“Are you fucking serious, how did she escape the fucking castle with you two here” I


“We don’t know, but we have found where she was living along with another dead

Fae at the house. The elderly woman appears to have slit her own throat. She was

there her scent was faint, but we have sent trackers after her,” Matitus explains.

“Then why are we standing here for, fucking find her?!” I scream before taking off.

There is only one choice for her, she would have to leave the city. So, I head for the

northern border. Guards are everywhere on high alert. When I fly over a small clearing,

though, I get this strange pull to land. Something is tugging at me, telling me she is

somewhere hiding. Landing near the border fence, I make my way into the trees,

Dragus and Matitus not far from me.

I can’t smell anything, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t hiding here. Something is telling

me I am in the right spot. I just need to wait. After a few minutes, I see a figure

amongst the trees. Running straight to the border.

“Dragus, she is heading straight toward you,” I mindlink to Dragus. I catch a glimpse

of her running and my heart nearly stops. Her purple eyes glowing brightly.
“Aziza?” I whisper, shocked. I didn’t think anyone survived from that bloodline. I feel

anger boil inside of me. Of course, what a fucking coincidence that the very bloodline

that started the war was the one meant to end it. I watch her from the trees when she

suddenly slows down, looking around her surroundings.

I look at her angelic face and feel rage burn within. It can’t be, that’s not possible. I

killed her myself, watched that bitch die in my arms. The fates are fucking cruel. I

chuckle to myself. She looks exactly like her, a perfect reincarnation. Her black hair

long like a veil hanging to her waist and then amethyst eyes blazing brightly. Her

plumb pouty lips quivering from the cold and the fact she is wet explains why I

couldn’t pick up her scent.

She keeps running until she suddenly runs straight into Dragus. She bounces off his

chest and hits the ground. She scrambles backwards, trying to get away from him.

Her fear radiates out of her pores before she stands, running into me before taking a

step back. The closer she is, the more I see the similarities. If I didn’t kill her myself, I

would have thought they were the same person. How it angered me that the fates

would mate us to someone who is identical to the one I despise most.

My beast raging within me wanting nothing but to rip her to pieces. She is definitely

the one we have been looking for. I could sense it with every fibre in my body, but that

didn’t stop my burning hatred for her. History seems to be repeating itself, and no

way was I letting her get away this time.

Grabbing her, I throw her, and she hits a tree. My anger fuels my instincts making me

act impulsive. I want blood, and I don't care that she is our mate, I want revenge. For

what she did to us, what she did to the Dragon kingdom.

She screams loudly as a stick goes through her hand. The noise leaving her lips is

melodious and sweet to my ears. I lose control as I advance on her again, grabbing


“You think you can run, think you can fucking leave me,” I scream in her face, and

she cowers away from me. That just angers me more as I wrap my hands around her

throat before slamming her on the ground. She is weak, not at all like her ancestors,

she doesn’t have the same sense of entitlement, the same fighting spirit.

Matitus tackles me to the ground, and I jump to my feet before punching him.

“Silas, stop, you will kill her.”

“That’s the fucking point, Matitus. That bitch destroyed us.”

“It’s not her, they aren’t the same,” he says, kicking me in the stomach. I growl loudly

before kicking him into a tree, the trunk splitting as I throw him against it. I walk back

towards her, only this time she is weakly clutching hold of Dragus.

I grab her, wanting nothing more than to break her like a twig.

“Let her go, Dragus,” I scream as he holds her tighter. I grip her hair, ripping her head

back, making her scream.

“Leave her Silas, she is barely conscious.”

“She sounds conscious enough, hand her over,” I tell him, but he doesn’t let go.

“Silas, she can’t take anymore, let her go now,” he demands.

“She should have thought about that before she ran from us. I will make sure she

doesn’t fucking run again.” I punch him when he doesn’t let go, making him stumble

backwards. She will be lucky if I let her walk again. How dare she think she can run

from me?

I pull her to my chest before wrapping my arm around her neck. Her body is small

against mine, yet so warm as I feel my skin burn from her touch.

“Fucking Aziza’s thinking they can always get away with everything,” I growl to her as

she struggles against my firm grip.

I let her go, and she fell to the ground.

“Please, just kill me” she breathes out. Death would not come easily to her. If I kill her,

it will be slow and painful.

“Silas please no more,” I hear Matitus say, stalking towards me. I can feel their worry

through the bond, they have already grown attached to her. I let their feelings flood

me. Willing myself not to complete the task.

Kneeling beside her, I grip her face, forcing her to meet my eyes. My breath catches

in my throat as I stare at her hypnotic purple eyes. She was just as beautiful as her

too; I loved that woman and she destroyed me, and now the fates were cruel enough

to bring her back. Yet I could sense they weren’t the same. This girl was weaker,

more fragile. There was a sense of purity about her.

“Run again and I will fucking kill you understood?”

“I won’t run,” she whispers, frightened, and I almost feel bad for hurting her. Picking

her up, she goes stiff like a board in my arms, her entire body tense. I pull her closer

and after a few minutes she relaxes, her head falling on my shoulder heavily as she

goes limp in my arms.

“She needs blood Silas, I don’t even know how she is still alive,” Matitus says

brushing her hair from her face. A lump forms in my throat, making it hard to answer,

so I nod. A sudden sense of guilt weighs heavily on me. I had no intentions of hurting

her. I was excited to finally have found her. But I wasn’t prepared for her, wasn’t

prepared for her to have the same face as the woman I despise so much. My hatred

for that wretched woman overpowered my rational thinking. Looking down at her

bruised and battered body in my arms, I know I fucked up.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 14

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My eyes fluttered open to see the ceiling, my entire body was aching, and I knew the

fates didn’t grant my wish of death. No, they once again failed me, painfully proving to

me that they didn’t care for us anymore. My eyes scan the room and I see Dragus to

my side, casually flicking through the page of my grandmother’s book.

Sitting up, I look down to realize I am just in my underwear. I quickly cover myself with

the sheet underneath me before sitting up.

“You’re awake, how do you feel?” Dragus says, dropping the book in my lap. Freeing

my hand, I snatch it away from his sight.

“Like I have been hit by a truck,” I tell him. Every part of my body ached. Especially my

back. Moving even slightly made my breathing wheeze loudly.

“Can honestly say no one has ever referred to me as a truck,” comes a voice I was

sure would haunt me for the rest of my life. Silas walks into the room, his height alone

was intimidating, he was taller than both Dragus and Matitus. His reptilian amber eyes

glared at me, his arms thick and muscular, his veins pushing out of his skin revealed

by his tank top. He had a five o’clock shadow, a strong jaw sharp jawline and high

cheek bones, his hair was jet black, shaved on the sides and thick and longer on top.

He walks in and comes over to stop at the end of the bed. I shuffle back, wanting to

get away from this monster. Only Dragus grips my shoulder, making sure I don’t run.

As I stare down the man that caused all this pain. He leans over trying to grab the

book from my hand, but I pull it back to my chest away from him. He growls

menacingly in warning before reaching over, snatching it from me.

He flicks through it before raising his eyebrow. “What’s so important about an empty

book?” he questions, looking at me.

“It was my grandmother's,” I answers, staring at the book clutched in his hand.

“So, nothing important then?” he questions again, and I fight the urge to answer.

I am not even sure what’s in it, my grandmother only knows. Only a Fae with magic

can read the words inside. He moves to the fireplace and goes to chuck it in the

flames before I scream.

“No, don’t!” I scream to him as I see him about to toss it in the flames. He hesitates,

leaving his hand just above the flames. Dragus grip on me tightens as I was about to

throw myself after it.

“Tell me, now,” Silas demands. I shake my head because I can’t tell him what I don’t

know, but it only angers him. He storms over to the bed and grabs my throat, pulling

me towards him. He is so close we were nose to nose and I find myself staring into
the green and golden eyes of this predator. I feel tears well in my eyes as his grip

tightens restricting my airways.

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“Silas, let her go.” Matitus murmurs.

“Not until she tells me what’s so important about an empty book,” he growls, his eyes

not leaving mine.

“Elora, tell him please,” Dragus pleads. I try to speak but cannot with his grip cutting

off my air.

Silas lets go, and I suck in a breath, my hands clutching the top of the mattress to

remain upright.

“I don’t know,” I tell him, and he rips my head back by my hair. I hiss at the pain

radiating from my scalp.

“You’re lying,” he growls, raising his hand and I know he is going to slap me. I flinch

and brace myself for the impact of his hand on my face. Only after a few seconds

and it doesn’t come. I open my eyes and I can see he is struggling for control. I watch

the muscle in jaws tense as he clenches his teeth. His grip tightening on my hair


“Please, I don’t know. Only a Fae with magic can read it,” I beg.

“Come on, Silas, you know she can’t lie, without Magic,” Dragus pleads.

Silas lets go after examining my face for a few seconds. “Why do you have it then?”
“It was my grandmother’s; she could read it. She wouldn’t tell me what it said though

said it was too dangerous.”

“Why would she say that?” he asks, stepping closer making me lean back. I try to

fight the urge to tell him. But he leans down, placing his hands on either side of my

waist on the bed. Leaning in closer and looking me in the eye.

His breath fans my face, and I involuntarily lean in without realizing, inhaling his

intoxicating scent. He smells manly, a cross between sandalwood and with a hint of


His voice snaps me out of my trance.

“Why would she not tell you?” he asks even slower, like I was mentally challenged. I

fight against the urge to tell him. Sweat beads on my neck and my skin becomes

flushed. My muscles tense as I fight with everything in me not to utter the words. I

clench my eyes tight.

“The pain will stop if you just answer Elora.” His husky voice is now next to my ear.

He runs his nose down the side of my neck, making me shiver and arousal flood me.

How could he possibly have this effect on me after what he did to me? My hands

begin to tremble, and my skin breaks out in goosebump while nausea runs through


“Because it’s about the chosen one,” my words spill out of my life like word vomit, so

fast I wasn’t sure I said it right.

He chuckles softly and I feel his lips move on my neck. “That wasn’t so hard now was


I shake my head.
“So, the fact you can’t read it either means you’re not twenty-one yet or you have no

magic, so which is it?”

Why did I have to be cursed with having to answer honestly?

“Don’t try to lie to me now, Elora.”

“I’m not twenty-one,” I answer, knowing he would find out sooner or later.


“I don’t even know what the date is,” I tell him. He crouches in front of me, putting his

hands on my knees. His hand rubs up my legs sending tingles everywhere he

touches, he smirks before his hands slide up my sides before tugging the sheet away

and exposing my breast to him. He runs the pad of his thumb over my nipple. It

hardens, and my breath hitches. I close my legs as arousal floods through me. What

the fuck is wrong with me, this man is a monster, yet here my body was betraying me

in the worst possible way.

“It’s March 10th,” he says before pulling my legs apart, one of his hands skimming up

the inside of my thigh towards my panties. Not wanting him to go higher, I quickly

answer and attempt to close my legs.

“March 14th,” I all but yell, pushing his hand away from my leg. He growls softly.

“You may think you can escape the mate bond Elora, but you will give in.”

“Fae don’t have mates, and I would never be with a monster like you,” I spit back.

Silas tightens his fists. With a growl, he stands up. “Take her back to her room, leave

her there for a few days till she changes her attitude,” he commands before storming

“Silas, what about her injuries? These will take days to heal weeks even,” Dragus

says, making him stop. I look down at my nearly naked body and am horrified with

what I find. My skin is no longer the beige color, but a mix of blue and purple. Massive

bruises cover my legs and arms, even my ribs. I touch my throat and flinch, which

explains why it hurts so much to speak. And if what I can see is anything to go by, I

know my back is just as bad. My back where I hit the tree is throbbing painfully to its

own beat.

Silas stops at the door. I watch as his back tenses before he suddenly turns around,

heading straight toward me. I scramble backwards on the bed, and he reaches over,

grabbing my wrist and pulling me from the bed. He wraps his arm around my chest,

holding me in place before I watch him bite into his wrist before pressing it against my

lips. I squirm trying to get away from him, but he just pushes harder forcing my lips to

part as his blood runs down my throat.

He lets go and I fall to the floor. I watch as every mark on my body heals miraculously

like they never existed and were a figment of my imagination. He then walks out,

turning his back on us and leaving me with Dragus.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 15

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Dragus grabs my elbow and pulls me down the stairs and all the way to my room. He

says nothing the entire time, but I can tell he is angry. Not like Silas angry, but still his

anger was enough that I can sense it. When we get to the room, he pushes the door

open and shoves me in.

“We told you not to provoke him, we didn’t say it for our benefit but yours. You will

learn Elora he isn’t as forgiving as Matitus and I,” he says, before turning on his heel

and walking out. Sitting on the bed, I look out the small arched window, the open

fireplace cast shadows on the stone walls making this depressive cold room feel

claustrophobic, as if the shadows would come off the walls and transform into more

monsters to haunt me. I had never been scared of the dark but being here I knew I

should fear it more than I had. Only now recognizing the true extent of what lurked in

the shadows, that knowledge made the walls feel like they were closing in on this
already small room. It is dark outside, and it makes me wonder how long I had been

unconscious for before I woke. A few minutes later, Matitus comes in and places a

tray of food on the desk. He says nothing, doesn’t even acknowledge I was there,

just places the tray and walks out, locking the door behind him.

Walking over to the tray, I look down at the food. It was soup, making me think of

Lilith. I smile at the thought of her, wondering if she is okay. My appetite is completely

gone, so I lay on the rug in front of the fireplace. My thoughts are churning in my head

loudly. How my life had changed drastically in a few short days and not for the better.

I miss my old life, I may have been in hiding and constantly on the run but at least my

grandmother was still here, at least I wasn’t alone in this world, alone with these


My birthday is in a few days, and I pray I don’t have magic. They might realize I am

not the chosen one and finally decide to kill me. Death is better than being forced to

live with these monsters, to be tied to them in the worst possible ways.

I don’t know how long I lay on the floor for, but I eventually drift off to sleep. I vaguely

remember dreaming of being in a garden. A garden I had never seen before. It was

overgrown with beautiful wildflowers, and lush green lawns a small cottage off in the

distance. Birds were chirping loudly, and I could hear a stream in the distance. It was

beautiful and serene. The picture started to fade slightly and shudder before I found

myself in the bedchambers with Matitus and Dragus. Sitting upright, I look around

confused. I didn’t remember coming here. Why? When did they move me from my


I have so many questions at the same time, though I felt at peace in their presence,

safe. Which I knew deep down was irrational. They were my captors; they were

monsters, yet in this moment I can’t feel anything, only the feeling of being at ease

with them.

“Why am I here?” I ask, looking toward Matitus.

“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me,” he replies.

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“Is this a dream?” I ask, remembering when I dreamt of Dragus.

“Do you want it to be?” he asks, stepping closer.

“I don’t know,” I say, confused. Matitus moves closer to me. His hand sweeps my hair

off my shoulder. He cups my chin in his hands, making me look up at him. His snake-

like eyes are glowing back at me. His hand slowly trails up my arm, sending

goosebump wherever he touched. My skin becomes ignited in sparks from his touch,

his hand running over my shoulder. I lean into his hand. It feels warm against my skin,

and I can smell his intoxicating scent putting me at ease.

“Does it feel like a dream?” says a voice behind me, making me look over my

shoulder. It was Silas. I know he should scare me, but he doesn’t. He steps closer

until the heat of his chest presses into my back. His warm hand skims over my hips

to my abdomen, light as a feather, making me lean against him. I feel him press

closer, his nose running along my shoulder to my neck inhaling my skin. I become

lost in the feeling of his touch when I see Dragus move from behind Matitus, his

hands running over the Dragon’s bare chest before I see him kiss Matitus’s shoulder.

Silas's Hands caress my stomach, moving lower before I feel him slip his hand inside

the waistband on my pants, making me gasp. His warm fingers caressing my pussy

lips make me moan as he parts my lips. He groans loudly in my ear, and I see Matitus

move his hands over my breast. The pad of his thumb rubs softly over my nipple

through my thin fabric. He squeezes it and I hiss at the sudden pain before he

soothes it, rubbing it in a circular motion. Silas’s finger tease me as he rubs around

my opening, and I can’t help but move my hips against his hand.
“So wet, so warm,” Silas whispers sucking on the skin of my neck. I hear Matitus

groan loudly and I see Dragus has his hand wrapped around Matitus cock through

his pants. Arousal floods into me, the feeling is foreign. I never thought I would enjoy

watching two men like that.

“Do you enjoy watching Dragus touch Matitus?” Silas’s husky voice next to my ear. I

feel his finger slide in me, and my voice comes out as a breathy moan.


I feel him chuckle against my neck before he moves his finger in and out before

adding another. I get lost in the sensation of him touching me. Withdrawing his finger,

he circles my clit, and I moan loudly.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asks.

“No,” I murmur as he moves his fingers back inside me, my juices spilling onto my

thighs. Some part of me was trying to tell me something. Something important.

Matitus steps closer, lifting my shirt and exposing my breasts. He leans down, taking

my nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud. I moan loudly

and feel Silas fingers moving faster. I feel my stomach tighten and my skin heat. The

feeling inside me is building up. The voice gets louder, and I try to ignore it.

But something clicks, and I become painfully aware when the voice’s next words ring

clearly in my head.

“You don’t want this, this is dream Elora fight it.” I know that voice, it was familiar to

me and then I figured out where it came from. It is mine, my subconscious telling me

something wasn’t right. This isn’t real. They are monsters. The picture turns grainy, the

room shakes violently, and something breaks down the walls of the dream, I am

trapped in. I sit bolt upright in bed, panting. My skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat.
It was just a dream, just a dream, I whisper to myself, taking in the familiar

surroundings of my room. Only I am not alone. Sitting in the corner on the chair is

Silas, his lust-filled eyes trained on me. I swallow, my mouth feeling dry and my heart

skips a beat at the sight of him watching me.

Silas stands up, walking toward me, placing his hands on either side of me making

me lean away from him. He sits on the bed. His eyes not leaving mine.

“See how pleasant things can be if you stop fighting against us,” he whispers, moving

his face closer to mine, his breath fanning my face makes me lean in as I get

overwhelmed by his scent. He chuckles softly, making me realize what I just did. I go

to move back but he just moves closer. His lips nearly touching mine.

“A few more minutes and I would have made you come,” he whispers, so close I

could almost feel his lips touching mine. I furrow my brows, confused. “Really, Elora

you couldn’t tell I was in your head?”

My eyes snap to his and then I remember back to the dream of Dragus. I wake up

and he too is in the room and everything becomes startling clear.

“That was you and Dragus?”

“Mmm yes, but what I would like to know is how you pushed us out,” he says. His

eyes are sparkling with mischief. His lips suddenly crash down on mine. I try to push

him off, struggling against him, but he just pushes me back down on the bed. The

bed? I think to myself… No wasn’t I on the floor? He must have moved me. I hear him

groan, but I go stiff underneath him, my entire body tensing at his closeness. He

sighs before sitting up and looking down at me.

“You will give in, Elora. You won’t be able to resist the mate bond for long,” he says

before standing up and walking toward the door. He locks it and I jump straight out of

bed, my heart pounding in my chest. What just happened? Confusion takes. When
he leaves, so does the fog that had a hold of me. Getting up, I walk into the

bathroom suddenly feeling dirty and disgusted with myself. I need to wash myself,

and remove his scent that lingered on my skin.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 16

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Two days, it has been two days since I have seen anyone other than the old woman

who drops off my meals. I am becoming claustrophobic, the walls seem to press

closer and closer the longer they hold me here. I learned the old woman’s name

today. Her name is Marian. So that is something, I guess. She was always on edge

and never looked me in the eye. I can tell she was too scared to, and it made me

wonder what they had done to her in the past that she would only ever have her eyes

glued to the floor. It is nearly dinner time. I can just see out the small window enough

to see that the sun had gone down.

Only when the door opened, it wasn’t Marian. Matitus walks in with my dinner before

placing it on the table. He growls angrily when he sees I haven’t touched my food

once again. I ignore his presence.

“Why aren’t you eating?” he bellows. His anger didn’t bother me, I had become quite

content with the idea of death. At least I would be out of this world, maybe wake up

to a different life other than this hellhole I was currently residing in.

“Answer me,” he says before stomping over and ripping me off the bed by my elbow

and dragging me toward the table in the room’s corner. He drops me in the seat, and

I push the plate away. I am starving, but I knew the pain would go away, knew that

after a few more days I would be too weak to even feel hunger. I have gone longer

without eating before. Nine days, to be exact. Hunger wasn’t something I was

unfamiliar with.

Matitus slid the plate back in front of me. “Please Elora eat, don’t make me have to

bring Silas in here,” he says, picking up the fork with a piece of potato on it and

pressing it against my lips. Pressing my lips together, I turn my face away and he


“You leave me no choice, why do you have to be so difficult?”

“Wrong question, why do you think you get to decide my life. I hate you. Just let me

leave or fucking kill me,” I spit at him.

“Is that your plan? To starve to death, Silas won’t allow that. Either eat or I will bring

him in here and you don’t want that,” he says kneeling beside me and dragging the

plate back in front of me. “Eat.”

“No,” I tell him firmly. He pinches the bridge of his nose and his brows furrow before

he stands back up and walks out. Grabbing the plate, I toss it in the fireplace before

laying back on the bed. A few minutes later the door is thrown open with so much

force the wood splinters off as it hits the stone wall. Silas in all his raging glory walks

in. Matitus by his side. He looks toward the table and growls before reaching me and

ripping me off the bed again, but this time with so much force, I fly into the table and I

bite my lip hard enough that I feel blood dribbling down my chin. Matitus’s eyes widen
as I see fear cross his features and it made me wonder what else he expected from

his monster of a mate.

Matitus grabs his arm and I watch Silas’s breathing slow slightly yet his eyes blazing

as he glares at me.

“You grab her, I might just fucking kill her, and I don’t want to give her what she

wants,” he growls to Matitus. I crawl onto my hands and knees before wiping the

back of my hand across my mouth. Matitus grabs me and tosses me over his

shoulder caveman style and follows Silas.

“Put me down!” I screech but he ignores me, I smack into his back and Matitus

growls before slapping my ass so hard I am quite sure his handprint is now going to

be permanently etched into my skin. I hiss at the pain shooting through my rear

before I am dumped into a chair. My head spinning from being upside down before it

settles, and I find myself in the dining room. Dragus is sitting at the table like this

scenario is normal and nothing is out of place. Abigail walks out and places a plate in

front of me. I push it away and Silas hits the table with his fist.

“Eat Elora,” he warns, and I shake my head. Abigail nudges me with her elbow trying

to warn me to do as they say but I avert my eyes from hers. Silas walks over and

places a knife in my hand and the fork in the other before sliding the plate back in

front of me.

“Eat for god’s sake.”

“No!” I scream, imagining I could stab him. My thoughts turn dark before stabbing the

knife into his hand. I am even shocked I actually did it, I imagined it, didn’t think I

would actually do it. I hear Dragus choke on his drink, coughing and spluttering, and I

instantly let the knife go, my hands trembling at what I just did. Silas goes silent and I

fear his silence more than his anger. The room is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

He pulls the knife out of his hand without even flinching, the wound closing up in front

of my eyes.

I expect him to kill me after that, only he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches over and grabs

Abigail and slams her onto the table beside me. He presses the knife to her neck.

“You do as you’re told, or her death will be on your hands,” he says, pressing the

knife blade into her skin.

“No, please!” I scream, trying to pull his hand away from her throat. Tears spring in

Abigail’s eyes and I am flooded with guilt at seeing her like this. My actions caused

this. I wanted him to kill me, but I didn’t think about the repercussions it would have

on others when he didn’t get his way.

“Please Elora,” she begs.

“Will you behave, or do I have to kill her?” Silas asks, his eyes scrutinizing the panic

on my face at seeing her so defenceless and at his mercy.

“You are a monster,” I whisper.

“That’s not an answer,” he replies through gritted teeth, pressing the blade against her

throat harder.

“Yes, I will do what you want,” I tell him. He removes the knife and I let out a breath.

Abigail gets up, tears rolling down her cheeks as she runs from the room. Silas then

pulls me up before sitting in my seat and pulling me on his lap. I try to get up, but he

just wraps his arm around my waist, holding me in place. He slides the plate back in

front of me.

“Eat,” he says before passing me the fork. I look to Matitus and Dragus, they are just

watching me expressionless. I spear a piece of broccoli before popping it into my

mouth and chewing slowly. Silas’s grip loosens and Dragus hands him his plate, and

Silas eats while watching me. He taps my plate now and then, telling me to eat faster.

We all eat in silence. When we finish, Marian walks in and removes the plates and

cleans the table. I try to remove myself from Silas’s lap, but he growls, making me


“Your birthday is tomorrow, is it not?” Silas asks. I nod my head.

“You will stay with us tonight, don’t even argue it wasn’t a choice.”

“And if I don’t manifest?” I ask.

“Then we keep looking,” he answers.

“What will happen with me then?” I ask hopeful, wanting to be free of them.

“You will remain here with us, where you belong.”

“I don’t belong with anyone.”

“Wrong. Dragons can only procreate with their mates. Even if your magic doesn’t

manifest, you will remain here till we break the curse. So get used to the idea, Elora.

You won’t be leaving us,” Silas says.

I feel tears brim and threaten to spill over.

“Save your tears, they won’t help you here,” Silas says.

Looking toward Dragus, he averts his gaze before swallowing and Matitus's gaze

softens. I swallow the lump forming in my throat and close my eyes, willing myself to

not break before opening them and speaking.

“Can I go now?” I ask. Silas removes his hand from my waist.

“You can go. Leave the castle and I will kill Abigail, but not before I make her watch

me kill her daughter,” he says. I nod before running from the room to go in search of


Running to the kitchen, I find only the cooks and Marian.

“Where is Abigail?” I ask.

One cook looks up. “Follow the hall third door on the left,” a man says before going

back to cutting up meat.

I follow his directions and stop out the front of a heavy door, I hear whispers behind

the door, and it sounds like she is talking to a boy, pushing it open. I gasp at what I

find. Abigail standing holding the boy’s hand. He is clearly in pain. That’s not what

shocked me though it was that her hands were glowing green. She spins around, her

hand instantly stops glowing. The boy pulls his hand from her grasp and I recognize

him. It’s Peter and I can tell he has burns on his flesh. I step forward and Abigail

quickly grabs his hand again when she sees it is just me and I watch his burns heal

until they are just a faint red mark.

Peter doesn’t remove his eyes from me, and I can tell he is scared of me telling on


“Now go,” she whispers to Peter, and he takes off out the door. I stare gobsmacked

at what I just witnessed; the only person I had ever seen do magic was my


“You can’t tell them,” she says with a worried look on her face.

“You’re a Fae?” I question, shocked. Abigail shakes her head.

“Please, if they find out they will kill me and probably Peter too,” she begs.

“You have magic,” I state, excited to have found another Fae.

“I’m not a Fae” she whispers, confusing me.

Abigail walks toward the door, closing it tightly and making sure it is locked. “I am a

Witch” she breathes.

My heart skips a beat at her words, a Witch. I didn’t think it was possible to find a

witch. The Dragon Kings wiped them all out, blaming them along with the Fae for the

war. They literally dragged them from their homes. Women, children, some weren’t

even Witches. They didn’t even care, in their eyes anyone that caused doubt was

killed, murdered just for being near them or speaking to them. The lot of them were

turned to ash by the Dragon lords.

“Please Elora, if they find out they will kill my daughter.”

“I won’t tell them Abigail, your secret is safe with me,” I tell her, although if they asked

it was going to be painful to refuse. I doubt they would though, as long as they notice

nothing off about her.

I didn’t, I thought she was human and never once crossed my mind she was anything


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 17

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Silas POV

Watching as she left, I feel the bond pull me, wanting to go after her. Some invisible

gravitational pull towards her. She infuriated me, yet I couldn’t help the feelings she

awakened within me. The fates really were testing me, and I refuse to let history

repeat itself. This was our last chance, one hundred years waiting for her. One

hundred years of praying to find her. Were they really that cruel to punish us again?

The Oracle gave us hope that finding our mate would restore the balance.

Meeting Elora though, left me unsure. She was determined not to let us have her. It

was foolish of her to think she could escape us. A hundred years and there is no way

I will let her bloodline destroy me again. How Aziza’s thought the first time they would

escape my wrath I didn’t understand, foolish enough to believe that there would be
no retribution over their actions. We could have avoided all this, if they just handed

her over like promised. They made the treaty, and they still broke it, condemning

themselves and cursing us. So many species are extinct or on the brink of extinction

from their selfishness. We were willing to share, willing to let her keep her husband as

much as it pained us to see her with him.

We would have done that for her, she chose him over us, knowing full well the toll it

would have on her own mate’s and that was their downfall.

Our downfall blinded me with rage. I just wanted to hurt her like she hurt us, for her to

feel the same pain she made us endure. There is only one way to escape the mate

bond, and that is by death. The Aziza’s knew that when they refused to hand her

over, when she refused to be ours. They brought it on themselves, and we have paid

the price ever since.

“You need to control yourself around her, Silas. We need her and if you keep this up,

she will refuse,” Matitus speaks, pulling me from my spaced-out thoughts.

“You say that like she has a choice. There is only one choice, Matitus, you know that.

The mate bond is getting stronger. She can feel it, she just refuses to admit it.”

“Whether or not she feels it is not the point. You know Fae are the only ones that can

reject the mate bond, ignore the pull. You need to be gentler with her, we can’t afford
to break her like you did with Blaire.”

Just the mention of her name alone was enough to make my blood boil. They know

better than to mention her name in front of me. They may have forgiven her, but I

never will. What she did is and always will be unforgivable. My hands curl into fists as

I try to stop from jumping over the table and beating him senseless.

Dragus’s eyes are on me as he watches me glare at our mate. They both know the

pain her name causes me, and yet he dared mention it in front of me. The screeching

of his chair as Dragus got up and moved toward me, pulled my gaze from Matitus.

Dragus places his hand on my shoulder, the familiar sensation of his touch calms me

as he leans down wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

“You know he means no harm. We just need you to be gentler, more understanding

of her. She fears us and I don’t want to have to force her. Just think about it, Silas.

We can’t fuck this up again,” Dragus says before sighing.

“We all want the same thing, you know that. We can’t force her, I don’t want to cause

her more pain, she will be ours you just need to be patient,” Matitus says.

“And if she refuses?” I ask, curious to know what their grand plan was because I only

see one way for this to go, and that is by force. Though it would be easier if she were

willing. Just the thought of destroying her, makes my bile rise and my stomach to


“We wait, like you said she already feels the mate bond, the more she is around us,

the more she won’t be able to deny us,” he says.

“And you want to wait?” I ask, looking up at Dragus.

“Yes, I won’t force her. Just try please, if not for her. Do it for us,” he says, leaning

down and kissing my lips. His fiery tongue brushes my lips and I grab him, holding
him there as I groan into his mouth. My cock twitches in my pants at the feel of his

lips on mine. All too soon he pulls away, leaving both of us breathless.

Matitus watches with hungry eyes as his eyes darken, feeling our arousal through the

mate bond.

“Fine, we will try your way for now,” I tell them before standing. Matitus smiles, looking

at Dragus who shares the same excited look.

“Where are you going?” They ask as I head toward the door. “To find our mate,” I tell

them, letting the mate bond pull me in her direction. I follow it all the way to Abigail’s

room. The door is closed but I can smell her mouth-watering scent and I know she is

in there.

Pushing the door open, Abigail’s eyes go wide, and she immediately sits up before

stuffing something under her pillow, Elora looks to me in alarm and I can see the fear

in her eyes, smell it seeping from her pores strengthening her scent, her heart rate

increasing the closer I get.

Both of them tremble under my watchful eye.

Walking in, I hold my hand out for what Abigail tried to hide.

“Hand it over,” I tell her, and she hesitantly reaches under her pillow.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 18

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Elora POV

“Are you the only Witch?” I ask her, stunned.

“No, my daughter is already showing signs and my mother is a Witch too, we have

remained hidden just like you.”

I nod my head in understanding.

“So how old are you, anyway?” she asks curiously.

“I turn twenty-one tomorrow,” I tell her.

She gasps. “So you might be the one they are looking for then, you could save us

all,” she says excitedly. I don’t know how she still has hope for the Chosen One. I
tossed hope out the window years ago.

“Do you know of the book? The one with the prophecy?” she asks.

I shake my head, not knowing what she is talking about. “What book?” I ask.

“The one that only the Fae with magic can read. The one that says how to break the

curse. How have you not heard of it?” she asks incredulously. Her words make me

think of my grandmother’s book, the one Silas took and hasn’t returned.

“We had one book; I don’t know if it is it. But Silas took it. When he opened it, the

pages were blank. I couldn’t read it either, but my grandmother said it was about the

chosen one, she read it,” I tell her.

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Attention: It's Not Age Night!
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“Where is your grandmother?” she asks.

“Dead, she killed herself the night they brought me here, said she would slow me

down and she couldn’t risk them finding out,” I tell her.

Abigail seems to think for a second. “Maybe ask him for it?” she suggests.

I raise an eyebrow at her words.

“No, think about it, they would want to know what is in it, they are your mates and if

you reject them, they won’t be able to procreate when the curse is broken. I am sure

if you asked, he would give it back or let you read their history books they have here.

Then if you are the chosen one, just tell them you can’t read it, but at least you will

know what it says,” she tells me.

I nod thinking over what she said, it might work if only I could lie when they asked but

I know I wouldn’t get away with it, they would know if I tried.

We had been just sitting in her room, talking. Talking about her life, her daughter and

how she came to work for the Dragon Kings. They found her when she was

pregnant. Her husband had angered them, and they killed him, all for mentioning

some Fae’s name. Abigail wouldn’t even repeat the name of which he spoke. She

feared we would be overheard, and they would grant her the same fate her husband

was subjected to, leaving her daughter behind. Abigail told me her daughter is three

now and lives with her mother and she gets to see her when Silas leaves.

She says Matitus and Dragus grant her permission to leave the castle as she

pleases, when he is gone, allowing her to visit her daughter.

Pulling out a photo she had stuffed inside her pillowcase, I look at the angelic face of

her daughter. This was from the last time I visited. “My mother found an old Polaroid

camera in the trash and had one film left in it.”

Her daughter, Claire, was adorable. She had rosy cheeks and pale skin and dazzling

green eyes and black ringlets. Abigail looks down at her daughter, her fingers tracing

over her daughter’s face gently.

The door opening makes us both jump. Abigail shoves the photo under her pillow,

but it is too late. I know Silas had seen it. My heart thumped in my chest against my

ribs, palpitating frantically as he moved closer before holding out his hand wanting to

know what she was hiding from him. Abigail looks at me in panic, and I knew it

worried her that he would destroy the only thing she has of her daughter.

“Hand it over,” he says, and I see tears brim in her eyes and I feel bad for asking what

her daughter looked like. She reaches under the pillow.

“It’s just a photo, it is all she has please,” I plead.

“Show me?” he says, snapping his fingers, his cruel gaze watching and waiting for

her to hand it over. She pulls the photo out, handing it to him.

He plucks it from her fingers and examines the photo, his eyes softening slightly, and I

think I imagined it as he looked down at the little girl in the photo.

“It’s time to go,” he says looking at me.

I stand up, my eyes not leaving Abigail’s who had her eyes trained on the photo in his

hand. He passes it back, and she lets out a breath, taking it and holding it close to

her chest, and I can tell it is her most prized possession. Silas grips my elbow, pulling

me toward the door.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as he pulls me down the corridor.

“It’s late,” is all he states before pulling me up the stairs and I realize he is taking me to

their bedchambers. When I see the door come in sight, I freeze. My feet stop as I

look at the door in horror. He is really going to make me sleep in there with them.

Turning, I try to find some way to escape.

But I only see Dragus walking up the stairs toward us. Silas tugs my elbow again and

I shake my head, refusing to go in that room with them. Silas growls low and

goosebumps rise on my skin, and I step back slightly as I watch his eyes change

before he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated.

“Elora, get in the room.”

“No, I am not sleeping in there. Just let me go back to my room.”

Silas takes a step forward to grab me and I step back out of his reach and his eyes

flicker dangerously. Dragus comes up behind me, placing his hands on my hips,

making me jump at his touch.

“This is your idea; you can deal with her. I may just fucking kill her,” he says glaring at

me, and I shrink back from gaze. Bipolar much. He was fine until I refused to go in the


Dragus pulls me toward the stairs, and I let out the breath I was holding. He steers

me toward my room, and I quickly sit on the bed and pick up the book I was reading.

“Did you read the one about Dragon Mates?” Dragus asks. I shake my head.

“I will let you stay for a bit, but Silas wants you upstairs with us. And before you refuse

it wasn’t a choice.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because the more you are around us, the more pull the mate bond will have on


“Fae don’t have mates,” I tell him. He shakes his head before moving and sitting on

the end of the bed.

“They don’t have mates?” he askes before reaching his hand closer to my face.

Gripping my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. His thumb brushes over my bottom lip

and makes my skin heat up at his touch.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 19

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Elora POV

My heart rate increases as he moves closer, so his lips are barely touching mine, his

breath fanning my face. His scent is strong, and I inhale, deeply loving the smell of

him this close. It is intoxicating and addictive. No one should smell as appealing as he

does at this moment.

Dragus closes the distance before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth and biting

down softly. I shiver and the foreign feelings of arousal hit me, and I moan against his

lips. He chuckles before pulling back and it is like a fog has been lifted.

“Fae still feel the pull, or did that feel like nothing to you?” he asks, and I swallow.

Dragus gets up before walking back to the door and stopping.

“An hour and I will be back to get you.”

I nod because what else could I say, it isn’t like I had a choice in this.

I sit there reading for about forty minutes, finally finishing the book. I pick up both

books and look at the cover of the Dragon book. It looks old, but its size is daunting

as I flick through the pages and the whole idea of being their mate was hard enough

without having to read about it. Picking both books up, I head to the library to see if I

can find another Fae book but on Magic. I place the books back on their shelves. I

scan the other books when something catches my eye. An entire shelf of what

looked like journals. I ran my fingers over the leather spines. Each book had Silas and

the year engraved into it.

Pulling one off the shelves, I read the spine. Silas 1801. I shake my head. “Surely he

isn’t that old,” I whisper to myself.

“He’s older,” comes a voice behind me making me jump and I drop the journal I was

holding. Dragus bends down picking it up. Before placing it on the shelf behind me, I

move out from under his arm. Dragus runs his fingers over the spines of the journals

before pulling one from the shelf. He hands it to me. It is again one of Silas’s journals,

but the year was 1916 instead. Dragus moves closer and I step back, coming in

contact with the desk in the centre of the room. He chuckles before placing his

hands on either side of the desk beside me.

“Always so jumpy, yet your heart doesn’t race like it does around Silas,” he says.

“Maybe because you’re not as homicidal,” I tell him. He hands me the book.

“Won’t Silas be mad you gave me this?” I ask. He shakes his head.

“No, we all want the same thing,” he answers.

“And what is that?” I dare to ask.

“You,” he says before kissing me. His lips are soft yet demanding and I feel his

tongue brush my bottom lip wanting access and I grant it. He presses himself

between my legs before gripping my hips and placing me on the desk. His kiss

deepens as I feel his tongue tasting every inch of my mouth. His hand escape inside

my top and I shiver at his warm hands caressing my skin moving to my breasts.

Arousal floods me and my core aches with anticipation. I kiss him back, my tongue

playing with his and I hear him groan before feeling the bulge in his pants pressing

between my legs. His other hand snakes underneath my thigh as he brings my leg up

against his hip pushing me back onto the table. Dragus lips move to my neck, and I

open my eyes only to see Silas standing behind his desk.

I squeal and jump up. I didn’t even see him come in let alone move behind his desk.

Dragus stops before standing up, a smirk on his face as he looks at Silas.

“You just had to come in and ruin it,” he says.

Embarrassment floods me as I realize, I probably would have let Dragus continue if I

hadn’t realized Silas was there. Hopping off the desk, I turn, and Silas is holding his

journal in his hand. His eyes are watching my blushing face and I can see the hint of
a smile at the corner of his lips like he was enjoying watching, which only made me

blush even more at being caught by him.

“I was wondering what was taking so long, now I know,” he says, and I can tell it

amused him, as he looked at Dragus who had a sheepish grin on his face. Silas

looks down at his journal, opening the cover.

“I didn’t read it,” I blurt out, anything to get the attention away from what we were just

doing. Silas hands me the book and I hesitate before taking it from him.

“Interesting year you gave her Dragus,” he says, raising an eyebrow at his mate.

“Well, if she is going to read it, she might as well read about how it all started,”

Dragus replies.

“Come, I want to go to bed,” Silas says before looking at me. I shake my head and

his eyes blaze angrily at my refusal.

“It wasn’t a choice, Elora.”

“We won’t force you to do anything Elora calm down, I can hear your heart pounding,”

Dragus whispers, stepping behind me, before running his nose from below my ear to

the crook of my neck. His warm hands make me shiver and I feel warmth spread

throughout my body.

Silas walks over and tugs my arm and I move my feet, following him up the stairs and

into their room. Matitus isn’t in the room, but I can hear the shower running in the

adjacent bathroom. Steam wafts out and into the room. I stand in the doorway

looking around the room. Silas walks in the bathroom, and I sit on the armchair in the

corner of the room. Dragus rummages around in the walk-in before coming out in a

pair of boxer shorts, his masculine chest bare and I swallow nervously as he walks

toward me before stopping in front of me. My eyes on the waistband of his pants

where his V-line disappears into. He passes me a shirt.

“Put this on you will be more comfortable, better than sleeping in jeans,” he says

before climbing in the bed. He waits, but I don’t move, frozen under his intense gaze.

“Fine, I will turn around,” he says, turning his back on me. I quickly pull my shirt and

bra off, my eyes on the bathroom door. Pulling the shirt over my head, I then pull my

jeans off underneath the shirt which sits mid-thigh. It is that big. Just as I pull the

pants completely off, Matitus and Silas walk out with towels wrapped around their


My eyes dart to them as I take them in, Silas skin was darker than Matitus’s, water

running down the muscles of his stomach as he moved toward the walk in. Silas is

the biggest of the three of them. Packed with more muscle than both of them, too

much muscle for abs like Matitus who was leaner. His eight-pack rippled with each

movement. Matitus moves to the walk-in and grabs some shorts and pulls them on

before coming out. Silas however just drops his towel; I blush at the sight of him. I

had never seen a man naked in the flesh before. I feel my cheeks heat as I avert my

eyes. I hear Dragus chuckle softly at my embarrassment.

Silas walks over, not even bothering to cover himself and stands in front of me, my

eyes glued to the walk-in door, and I feel my face getting redder with him being so


“Does my nudity bother you, Elora?” he asks, and I press my lips tighter together,

refusing to look at him and knowing if I turn his cock was going to right in my face.

Silas chuckles softly and I feel all their eyes on me.

Matitus stands next to the door watching and I find my eyes trailing over his body. I

feel my stomach tighten at the sight of him as arousal floods into me. My body once

again betrays me, and I see him smile.

Silas bends down, his lips next to my ear. “Do you like what you see?” he asks,

making me look away from ogling Matitus. I press my lips together, refusing to answer

and embarrassing myself further.

“Well, do you?” he asks again, and I feel sweat bead on my neck.

“Please stop,” I grit out, not wanting to answer his humiliating questions. Of course, I

find them attractive. Who wouldn’t with their godlike bodies and sex appeal, a blind

man could tell how gorgeous they were, why humiliate me, when they know the


“Leave her be Silas,” Dragus says.

“You don’t need to answer Elora, your silence is an answer in itself,” Silas chuckles

before turning around and climbing in bed with Dragus. Matitus moves off from the

door and nods toward the bed. I shake my head. No way I was getting in bed with

them. I didn’t trust them, and I didn’t trust myself not to react to them.

“Can I go back to my room?” I ask.

“No, you stay with us from now on, besides if your powers do manifest overnight. I

want to make sure you don’t try to escape again, now come to bed,” Silas says.

“No, I am fine here,” I tell them.

“Suit yourself, but don’t whine when you get a sore back.”

They were right, this armchair is terribly hard. Getting up, I move toward the fireplace

before dropping myself on the rug. I hear the bed squeak before Matitus comes over

to me.

“You can sleep in the bed, none of us will touch you without you saying so Elora.”
I didn’t believe him, not after witnessing how cruel Silas could be. When I don’t move,

he sighs loudly before walking to the bed and grabbing a pillow off it and handing it to

me. He then drops a duvet on top of me and I feel heat rush above me before seeing

heat waves, the fireplace suddenly catching alight from his breath.

Matitus then turns and walks away, climbing in the bed. I yawn suddenly tired, and I

hear someone flick the lamp off beside the bed, plunging the room into darkness.

Halfway through the night, I am awoken.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 20

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I have this strange sensation rush over me, blistering heat consumes every piece of

skin. I feel like I am boiling from the inside out. Sweat coats my skin and my hair is

saturated and stuck to my face. I am so hot I find it difficult to breathe, having to really

focus on each breath I took forcing myself to breathe. Rolling over, I feel delirious, like

I have been drugged as the entire room shakes violently around me.

I look toward the bed, but all three are still sound asleep. My mouth is so dry my

tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth. Getting on my hands and knees, I try to

crawl to the bathroom. My knees getting stuck inside the oversized shirt making me

fall forward with a thump.

My hands are glowing red, so hot I think my skin would melt off at any moment. I grit

my teeth through the pain that is searing throughout my body from my head to my
toes. My entire body becomes consumed with fiery heat. Using the end of the bed, I

pull myself to my feet hanging on to the bedpost. Waiting for the room to settle as I

am hit with the most severe vertigo. The room is slanting and I feel like gravity was

against me.

Looking at the bathroom door, I stagger toward it, hitting the door frame as I try to grip

onto it. My legs feel heavy, forcing myself to remain upright. Suddenly, my feet go out

from underneath me and I feel like I am falling backwards. Only to find Matitus had

grabbed me, cradling me against his chest.

“What’s happening?” I try to ask, but my words don’t sound like my own. Blinding light

makes me squeeze my eyes shut tight as they flick the bathroom light on. I can hear

voices; they are distorted and are hard to understand. Cold water washes over my

skin makes me gasp as my body temperature plummets and my eyes snap open

with shock. My skin cools under the steady stream of water.

I lean heavily against Matitus, and I feel my breathing becoming easier as I feel my

core temperature plummets.

Matitus is sitting on the shower floor with me draped across his lap. All three shower

heads turned, cooling my temperature to bearable levels. Feeling hands grabbing and

pulling at me, I am forced to lean forward as I feel the shirt being lifted off my head.

I try feebly to stop them from stripping me but can’t put up much of a fight when I

can’t feel my limbs.

“It’s just the Dragon heat, Elora. Stop thrashing.”

I wasn’t even aware I was thrashing; I couldn’t feel my body, only the burning as it

consumed me.

“Make it stop, make it stop!” I screamed.

“We can’t unless we mark you, it will stop, you just need to ride it out,” Silas says.

“Do you want us to mark you, to make it stop?”

I shake my head or at least I hope I did and then I feel nothing, absolutely nothing as

darkness wrapped around me taking my sight, my taste and feeling, as the darkness

swallows me.

Waking up, I am still hot only this time it isn’t from the Dragon heat but because of the

two arms and two legs draped over me, lifting my head I see I am now in their bed.

On my left was Dragus and on my right was Silas. I couldn’t see Matitus, but I

assumed he was also in the bed somewhere. Wiggling my arms out, I lift Dragus's

heavy arm off my body before peeling Silas’s off. Using my arms, I pull myself up the

bed and rest my back against the headboard. Noting Matitus is beside Silas, I try to

figure out how to get off the bed without either stepping on one of them or waking

them with the movement. Pulling my knees to my chest, I then attempt to climb over

the top of Dragus. Throwing my leg over him, I try to remove myself from the bed. The

bed is dipping as I shift my weight and Dragus eyes fly open while I am half on the

top of him.

His eyes move from my face down my body before he smirks, making me look down.

They had put a fresh shirt on me but hadn’t replaced my underwear; the shirt hoisted

up from my movement, giving Dragus an unobstructed view of my lady parts.

I quickly slap my knees shut, leaving me sitting on his muscled abdomen.

“Quite the predicament you have found yourself in,” he chuckles as he grips my

knees trying to pull them apart again. I slap his hand.

“What? I was only looking. Next time don’t flash me, and I won’t look. It is hardly my

fault,” he laughs.

Silas stirs beside him. He looks at me and smiles, and I can tell he is enjoying the

position I am stuck in with my legs on either side of Dragus with my knees slammed


“Close your eyes, so I can get off you,” I tell him, and he places his hand over his

eyes looking between the gaps of his fingers, I roll my eyes at his childishness. I place

my hand over his and quickly jump off him.

“Where are you going?” Silas asks.

“Thought it was pretty self-explanatory, seeing as I am walking toward the bathroom,”

I tell him, walking in and closing the door before locking it.

I quickly pee and then wash my hands. I open the door to find all three men are in a

state of undress. Silas was already naked when I woke up, but now all three are as I

watch them putting clothes on. All three pull jeans and shirts over their rippling

muscles. Tugging the shirt down, I look for my jeans, but they are gone.

I feel Matitus touch my shoulder.

“Walk-in,” he says, nodding his head toward it. Walking in, I found two sides to be

men’s clothes, the top shelf held shoes while the third side was women's clothing. I

wonder when they had clothes brought here, but I chose not to ask the question. I

grab the first things I laid my hands on, jeans, shirt and a hoodie. Matitus walks in,

opening the door just as I finished getting dressed before opening a chest of draws in

the corner. He grabs a pair of socks out before grabbing another and tossing them to

me. I caught them before sitting on the floor and putting them on.

“Come on, Silas wants to find out if your magic manifested,” he says tugging me from

the walk in.

Both Dragus and Silas are no longer in the room. I follow Matitus down the staircase

to the library.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 21

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Silas pulled some books off one of the shelves, revealing a safe. He pulled a key from

his pocket and placed the key in the lock before opening it. I watched as he pulled

out my grandmother’s book wrapped in a clean silk cloth.

“You knew what it was didn’t you?” I ask and he turns to look at me.

“I knew the moment I saw the emblem on the front. I have seen this before. Before

the war began, we have been looking for it” he said, opening it.


“Because it is supposed to say how to break the curse,” he says before pulling the

cloth off and revealing my grandmother’s book.

“And If I can’t read it?” I ask.

“We keep looking, we have found you so the chosen one can’t be far,” Dragus says,

coming up behind me and sitting on the edge of the desk.

“How do you know?”

“For someone not wanting to break the curse, you seem to ask a lot of questions,”

Dragus tells me. I was asking questions, but not for the sake of breaking the curse

placed on them. I wanted to know how to restore the fae back to their magic if any

remain, restore the balance.

Silas placed the book in my hand, and I brushed my fingers over the emblem. I

recognised the emblem carved into its leather. My grandmother always hid the book,

so I never got a good look at it. I brushed my fingers over it, and I realised where I had

seen it. My mother’s necklace had the same emblem etched into the stone it held.

“You recognise that?” Silas asked, stepping closer. I nod my head.

“So, have you seen it before?”

“Yes, on my mother’s necklace,” I tell him.

“Do you have it?” I shake my head. I knew where it was, I wasn’t telling them that and

as long as they didn’t ask, I would keep it that way, because something told me her

necklace was linked to the curse on them. I wasn’t sure how I knew, but I had this

strange feeling that both the book and her necklace were connected somehow.
Opening the cover, I turn a few pages before handing it back. “It’s still blank,” I tell

him. He takes it from me and flicks the pages like the words were going to appear.

Silas grips my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye.

“Are you lying to me? Can you read it?” he says emphasising every word.

“No, you know I can’t lie. So why ask?,” I tell him. And it was the truth. I couldn’t read

it. But I knew one thing they obviously didn’t know. It may be my twenty-First birthday,

but fae magic is extremely specific. Magic doesn’t manifest until the exact time you

were born, and I still had until 10. 03pm tonight.

“Because fae with magic can lie” Dragus says. I shake my head, disagreeing with


“No, they can’t, my grandmother would have told me that.”

“Not if she was lying to you, didn’t you say she still had her magic?” I say nothing

because he was right she did still have magic.

“Fae struggle to lie with magic, but it can still be done” Silas growls annoyed.

Silas swears before smashing everything off his desk in a rage. I move away from him

and Matitus comes over and grabs his shoulders, pulling him against him. I watch,

curious about how easily Matitus can calm him. Matitus runs his hands up his arms

and over his broad chest. With each touch, Silas’s breathing slows and his anger

slowly dissipates.

“We will find them; we have our mate. It won’t be long till we find the person the

Oracle spoke of” Silas sighs before leaning into Matitus. I move my gaze away and I

find Dragus with his head cocked to the side, watching me. His eyes sparkling at me

as I observe Matitus and Silas.

Abigail walks in, her head down making everyone look at her. “Breakfast has been

served, my lords,” she says before scurrying out. “Wait,” I tell her, but she takes off.
Turning around, all eyes are on me.

“If you want to go, go. Just make sure you eat, please. We will meet you in the dining

room at lunch. I have things to organise” Silas says. I run from the room before he

changes his mind. Chasing after Abigail, who I find in the kitchen.

“Hey” I say when I catch up to her. “So, what’s the verdict, have you got magic or

not?” she asks curiously.

“No magic” I look around wondering If I could tell her about the fae, but as someone

walks in I decide against it. The woman was Marian. She looks at us both

suspiciously and Abigail mouths to me, to come find her later. I nod my head before

deciding to go upstairs to their room. Eager to read that journal. I didn’t care much for

the whole mates business. I was curious to find out what caused his hatred for my


Walking upstairs, I open the door slowly, popping my head in to see if any of them

were in there. When I see they aren’t I quickly go to the armchair retrieving the journal

before running back out and down to my room. Sitting on my bed, I open the leather-

bound book.

The first thing I notice is that he has beautiful handwriting, making me jealous. My

handwriting was like a child’s. But Silas handwriting looked more like artwork with his

skilled calligraphy. Putting my head down, I read the first page. I felt like I was

snooping; I know he said I could read it, but it also felt very private reading his

thoughts on paper, in a way it almost made him appear normal instead of the monster

I know he is.


Silas Journal
I found her today, I knew instantly from the moment I laid my eyes on her. She felt the

pull too, looking up the moment I stepped into the room. What were the chances of

finding her, I wasn’t even meant to be attending the meeting? Sent in as my father’s

replacement, I was furious. I wanted to spend the day with my mates; he doesn’t

approve of Matitus and I know that’s why he sent me, trying to keep us apart but I

won’t have it, he is mine just like I am his.

Seeing her though, I knew we would be complete. Her shock upon feeling the bond I

wasn’t expecting, she looked up at me with those big doe eyes; her features turning

to shock before she looked away. I didn’t understand at first, thought maybe she was

worried because of what I am. Who I am. I learnt that wasn’t the reason when her

father walked in with another man. His eyes lighting up like mine did when he lays

eyes on her. I watched as he made his way to her and she looked nervously at me,

worried. I didn’t understand her worry. I was no threat to her, no I loved her already,

and I just met her, hadn’t even spoken a word to her beside stare into those beautiful

Amethyst eyes.

She made my heart beat faster, every cell in my body calling out for her. Then I

registered why she was afraid. I watched and clenched my fists tightly as I watched

the man lean down and kiss her lips so softly. Jealousy consumed me instantly. I

wanted to rip the fae bastard to pieces, laying his filthy lips on my mate. The man sat

next to her and she glanced at me nervously again before looking away. My eyes

travelled down her bare neck and down her arm to her left hand. My heart felt like

they crushed it in a vice the moment I saw the wedding band on her finger.

My mate was married, why would the fates mate me with someone who was

married? I thought there must have been a mistake. I couldn’t even pay attention to

the meeting, I don't recall a single thing that was said. When the meeting finished, I

followed her around; she knew I was watching her as she casually strolled to the

back of the fae kingdom, her kingdom. Stopping by the forest edge, she stood with

her back to me.

“I know you’re there, so let’s get this over with” she told me, and I didn’t understand

what she meant at first until I walked over to her. Then I saw it, pure determination in

her eyes, and I knew what she wanted to do. I begged and pleaded with her and she

told me she was happily married, but just to keep her I will share, we could share her.

I just didn’t want to lose her.

Our meeting was cut short though when a little girl came running from the castle,

calling for her mummy. I watched as my mate embraced her, picking her up. She

didn’t want a mate, she had a family already. I couldn’t bear to watch and left. I heard

her call out to me, but I shifted and didn’t look back. My soul felt like it shattered to a

million pieces.

Father was furious when I returned home with no information. Matitus knew the

moment I walked in the door, he felt my pain, shared it, and so did Dragus. Dragus

thinks we can convince her, that the mate bond will sort itself out. He is right, she

won’t be able to resist the mate pull, won’t be able to stop the dragon heat. The more

time I spend with her, the stronger the pull. Once the dragon heat starts, she will beg

us to mark her, she would be ours. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Everyone knows once the dragon heat starts there is no stopping the bond from

forming, and even if she could resist, she would soon be forced to choose us. No

one has survived the past the third dragon heat and she would know this, and I know

that is why she tried to reject me. Little does she know to reject one, she will have to

reject all three.


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 22

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I shook my head at what I just read, anger coursing through me. Dragus said he was

forcing me to sleep up in their room to forge the mate bond, that I wouldn’t be able to

resist the pull. I understood their logic for it. They need their mate to have offspring. I

get it. Not once did they mention that once the third dragon heat hits, I would die.

They know I don’t want this and they’re forcing me to choose, live or die. Well, jokes

on them if dying is what it takes to be free of them. Then I am fine with that.

Out of the three of them I trusted Dragus the most, and I felt a little betrayed that he

wouldn’t warn me that the dragon heat is lethal. No wonder it felt like burning alive.

Exactly how hot did I have to become to die, because if that was the first heat and I

lived, does that mean the second and third will be worse? I wasn’t sure I would

handle the pain. Last time I passed out, will it be like that next time, will it become

worse? Suddenly the door opened and Matitus walked in. He glanced at the journal
in my hand. Anger bubbling violently in my veins. I had never felt anger like this, but

for them to claim they wanted me, they had a funny way of showing it.

“Come Elora, you were supposed to meet us for lunch,” Matitus said, stepping into

my small room. He looked huge standing in here as he crossed his arms over his

chest and looked down at me sitting on the bed.

I folded my arms defiantly, and he raised an eyebrow before reaching forward and

grabbing my wrist, pulling me off the bed. I shook his grip off.

“That’s why he wanted me in the room isn’t it” I spat at him. Matitus lips turned up into

a smirk like he thought my anger was amusing.

He reached forward, trying to grab me again, and I stepped back. He growled low,

stepping forward.

“Take it up with Silas, we need to go before you anger him,” Matitus said lunging

forward and grabbing me around the waist. I kicked him and struggled; I might as well

have been a small child in his impossibly tight grip as he dragged me down the


“Put me down Matitus” I spat, kicking my heel into his leg. He ignored me, and I

decided to hit him where it hurt. Bringing my hand up, I curl it into a fist before hitting

him between the legs. He grunted and stopped, his grip on my waist becoming so

tight I could barely breathe as I gasped for air.

Matitus groaned in pain before a whimper left my lips, my legs losing feeling from his

grip. He loosened his grip slightly, and I took a breath.

“I let you go, will you walk?” he asked, and I nodded. He let me go, my feet touching

the ground, and I placed my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Matitus tugged

on my arm, but I shook him off before storming down the corridor in search of Silas.

Walking into the dining room, he was reading something. He looked up when I

walked in before looking to Matitus when he saw my anger on my face. He stood up,

moving toward me, concern on his face, but I didn’t care. I slapped him and the force

I used as his head whipped to the side shocked me. My hand burning from the sting

of flesh on flesh. I saw Dragus jump up and Matitus gasped behind me. I didn’t let my

eyes stray from Silas’s face.

He rubbed his face where my hand connected, shocked before I saw his eyes glint

dangerously as he glared at me. His jaw clenched tight. He went to say something.

Not giving him a chance, I spoke before he did.

“you knew that putting me in that room with you, I would go into your stupid dragon

heat. That’s why you did it” he smiled cruelly before stepping forward and I took a

step back. I watched as his hands fisted by his sides.

“And what if I did, what are you going to do about it?” he asked, daring me to do

something, anything.

“That’s what I thought now, sit the fuck down before I do something I will regret” he

spat venomously.

“I won’t you know?” he turned back looking at me.

“Won’t what?” he said, cocking his head to the side.

“I won’t let you mark me. I would rather burn alive then be your fucking mate” I spat at


I was suddenly slammed into the wall; it happened so quickly I didn’t even see him

move, only felt the rush of air before feeling something solid hit my back. I clutched at
his hands around my throat, I could feel his entire body shaking with anger. Tears

welled in my eyes as I struggled to breathe.

“Who said anything about you having a choice, you are ours. If you die. It won’t be

because of the dragon heat. It will be by my fucking hands” he said squeezing tighter,

so tight, I thought he would crush my throat. I could feel my face changing colour, my

eyes aching as they pulsed in my head.

“Silas,” Dragus called, Silas ignored him.

“Silas.” Both Matitus and Dragus growled warningly at him and he let go. I dropped to

the floor, gasping for air and clutching my throat. I could still feel his fingers wrapped

tightly on my skin. Matitus kneeled beside me before gripping me under my arms

before he stood up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I didn’t care, instead

slumping against him trying to catch my breath. I see Dragus get up, shoving his chair

back violently.

“Where are you going?” Silas demanded.

“She isn’t just your mate; I am done watching you hurt her when you don’t like what

she says” Matitus growled shoving past Silas. Silas gripped his arm, and I could smell

the coppery scent of his blood and I realise Silas’s claws were in Matitus arm. Dragus

moved behind Matitus and gripped Silas’s wrist, ripping his hand off his mate. Silas

growled before reaching to grab me, but I wrapped my arms around Matitus neck,

refusing to let go. If I had to choose, I would choose them over Silas. At least they

don’t hurt me intentionally. I hear Silas growl before he storms off. I hear one of the

maids scream in the corridor and look up. Marian walks in clutching her chest. She

eyes me in Matitus arms before quickly dropping her gaze to the floor before they

notice her quick glance at me.

Matitus starts walking, and I find myself back in my room. Matitus sits on the bed and

I look up, Dragus standing in the doorway.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 23

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“He will calm down. I will go check on him in a minute. Are you right with Matitus?”

Dragus asks. I look at Matitus and he is watching me, wanting to know my answer. I

nod and Dragus smiles before walking off.

I go to get off his lap, Matitus grabs my hips forcing me to remain on him.

“I won’t do anything, I like it when you're close” he says, his eyes softening as he

leans in, pressing his face into the crook of my neck and inhaling. I flinch when his

nose touches the skin of my neck. He pulls back, worry on his face as he eyes my

neck. I try to say something, opening and closing my mouth, but I feel like something

is lodged painfully in my throat from his vice-like grip. Matitus looks up and watches

me, before biting into his wrist, his eyes not leaving mine. His wrist starts bleeding,
and I can see his teeth marks embedded deeply in his skin. He holds his wrist up


“Here,” he says, and I hesitate, looking at his wrist. Matitus brings his wrist to my lips

and I open my mouth before clamping my mouth over the bite mark and swallowing

his blood. It killed as I swallowed before it quickly stopped, and I felt the lump in my

throat leave and the pain going away. I went to pull back when Matitus spoke.

“Keep going” I looked at him confused before pulling back.

“What?” I ask.

“Trust me, keep going” he said, holding his wrist to my lips. It confused me at first, but

I did as he said. Letting his blood flood into my mouth, it was disgusting, but it didn’t

exactly taste unpleasant either. I felt Matitus pull me to him, forcing my head on his

shoulder and I understood why he did that. After a few seconds, his blood rushed

into my mouth and down my throat. I felt floaty, no that wasn’t an accurate word for it.

I felt high as a kite. The room warped and twisting, and I couldn’t help the giggle that

escaped my lips. My head rolling back heavily. I held my hands up, and it looked like I

had no gaps between my fingers and every time I would move them, funny patterns

followed in the sky.

I felt my head hit something soft, and I realised it was my pillow. “What did you do?” I

asked at least I think I asked, my voice sounded melodious and I giggled at the


Matitus leaned over me, an amused expression on his face. “You look so high” he

stated with a chuckle. I touched his face and watched as he leaned into my hand.

His stubble tickled my palm as he turned his face, kissing the inside of my hand. I felt

the high lifting and my surroundings regaining focus. The effects of his blood wearing

off. I pout when the feeling goes. Matitus leans down, kissing my lips.
“It doesn’t last long but, I thought it might make you feel better,” he says against my

lips. His lips are full and soft. Gentle as they move against mine. I kiss him back and I

feel his tongue slip into my mouth, making me moan loudly. I pull back, embarrassed

by my reaction to him. Matitus laughs and I look at him, having been the first time I

have heard any of them laugh.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Elora that's how you’re meant to feel,” he says leaning down

kissing me, he goes to pull back again when I grab his shirt kissing him harder. I hear

him groan before moving and climbing between my legs. His hands move to either

side of my head on the pillow and he grinds himself into me and I can feel the bulge

in his pants.

“I leave for two minutes and you’re all over him” I hear Dragus' voice say from the door

making me jump. Matitus looks over his shoulder before sitting up. I worry for a

second thinking Dragus is mad that I was kissing him yesterday and now he finds me

with Matitus. My heart starts beating erratically.

“Calm down Elora I was mucking around” he says, his eyes darting to Matitus and a

grin graces his face making him look the most human I have ever seen him.

“You’re meant to want all three of us,” Matitus says, and I shake my head. I didn’t

want Silas he scared me and infuriated me at the same time. As if reading my

thoughts, he spoke.
“You will want Silas too,” he says looking down at me. I go to say no when Dragus

walks over shaking his head.

“Deny it all you want, Lora. But we smelt how aroused you got when you saw him get

out of the shower, last night. It’s okay to hate him and still want him” Dragus says.

Dragus looked to Matitus, and I heard him sigh, making me look at him.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Silas wants to see us, come on” Matitus says, holding his hand out to me.

Hesitating, I felt my heart race at the thought of having to go be in the same room as


‘You will be fine, I promise,” Dragus says, and I nod before placing my hand in


I expected him to let go, but he didn’t even when I tried to pull my hand from his as

we entered the library where Silas was sitting at his desk. His eyes going straight to

our hands and I felt Matitus squeeze my fingers gently.

Silas stood up, grabbing a wooden box off the shelf, and placing it on the desk. He

opened it, pulling out three black spheres. I stared at them, wondering what they


“I want every female brought to the kingdom tomorrow morning,”

“Why, what are they?” I ask looking at the three black balls in his hand, I noticed a

fourth white ball sitting in the box still and I watched as he grabbed it. Holding the

white ball in his other hand away from the black ones.

“These are seer stones, they detect magic” he said before opening both his hands

the white ball zoomed to the other side with the black going to the centre, the three
black balls orbiting around it. I watch as the black balls turn red and flames appear

inside, spinning fast hovering above his hand.

“Why only females?” I ask curious.

“Because the oracle said the chosen one would be a female from one of the royal fae

families,” Matitus answered beside me.

“Why do they do that when you’re holding them?” I ask, staring at the spheres. Did

dragons have magic for them to react like that to him. Silas handed the balls to

Dragus, and they did the same thing. Only with the flames, the balls lit up and a

moon appeared inside them that looked like it was on fire.

“We have dragon magic, not like fae or witch magic, still we have other abilities,”

Dragus answered. His words make my heart rate erratic. Abigail, these stones could

pick up her magic and that of her family. Silas takes the stones from Dragus and I feel

all their eyes on me noticing my reaction. I knew they could hear the change in my

heart rate.

I quickly ask another question, distracting them. “What will you do if you find someone

with magic?” I had a sinking feeling I knew the answer.

“Make them break the curse” Silas states.

“And if they refuse?”

“We will make them, by any means necessary,” Silas answers

I knew if they discovered Abigail was a witch, they would kill her and her entire family. I

prayed there were no Fae in the city to be found.

“I think I am going to go to bed,” I tell them.

I could feel their eyes scrutinising me. I turned to walk to the door.
“It’s not even late” Silas says, making me look at the window. The sun was going

down, but he was right it wasn’t even dark, the sun casting the sky into a beautiful

shade of pink. I stopped realising how suspicious my actions were.

Silas places the balls back in the wooden box, before closing the lid and placing it

back on the shelf.

“How about we go for a walk?” Silas says, looking at the three of us.

“Do you want to go outside?” he asks, making me look toward the window.

“Okay,” I tell him, dragging my eyes back to his.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 24

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I feel Matitus drape his arm over my shoulders, tugging me toward him as we follow

Silas outside. We walk around to the doors and as soon as the doors open up, it

blasts us with cold air. The harsh frosty air makes me shiver before I feel something

heavy draped over my shoulders, making me look over my shoulder. I see Silas had

draped a fur cloak over my shoulders. I grip it, tugging it closer. It was warm and

thick. Silas then moved in front of me and tied a belt around my waist, holding the

cloak closed. He then steps aside and motions for me to step out. I did. The wind

hitting my face harshly and I feel a hood be placed over my head, not realising the

cloak had one. They walked me around the castle grounds. Snow had blown in

overnight leaving a dusting of snow on everything making it colder today.

Looking at the three of them I noticed none of them had coats on, Dragus was

walking around in just a singlet.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked, making them stop.

“We don’t get cold, we breathe fire” Dragus answered laughing. Duh Elora realising

how stupid my question was. As we continue walking around the castle grounds, I

notice the ridiculous amounts of guards watching us, well me. Their red eyes

glistened brightly watching my every move. I step closer to whoever is beside me

bumping into them, trying to get away from the man standing on the brick wall, his

eyes glued to me. I feel an arm go around my shoulder and look up and see that it is


“They won’t hurt you, and I would kill them if they tried” he said before glaring at the

man making him look away.

I see the snow get thicker as we come to the lawns out the front. I bend down and

scoop some up, resisting the urge to drop it as my hands ache from the coldness as

I roll it into a ball. Silas looks down at me and raises an eyebrow. Matitus and Dragus

both had their backs to us as they walked ahead.

Silas bends down doing the same and I see his lips turn up in a smile before I lift my

hand and lob the snowball at Dragus. It hits him in the back, making him freeze. As

he turns around Silas lobs his one hitting Matitus in the face.

“Oh, someone wants to play,” says Matitus, a devious smile lighting up his face. He

bends down, scooping up some snow, and I dart behind Silas just in time for it to

miss me.

“Missed” I said before sticking my head around Silas and sticking my tongue out at

them. They grin, and I heard Silas laugh at them. Bending down, using Silas as a

dragon shield. I scooped up more snow before backing away quickly. This time I

lobbed my snowball at Silas. He froze before turning around and Matitus and Dragus

were in fits of laughter.

“I thought we were on the same side” he called, bending down and scooping up

some snow. I squealed before taking off. He missed, and I laughed running around

the side of the castle scooping up snow as I ran and moulding it into the perfect ball.

Just as I went to turn around the next corner, I stopped and realised no one was

behind me. I peeked around the corner, no one there either. I heard someone whistle,

and I looked around before suddenly they pelted me with multiple snowballs. I

squealed at the coldness making me shiver.

Looking up, I notice all three of them standing on the roof.

“That’s cheating,” I screamed up to them. Dragus dropped off the roof with a soft

thud in front of me.

“Show off,” I muttered as he landed effortlessly. I still had the snowball, and I looked

down at it in my hands.

“Don’t you dare, I came down didn’t I,” he said as I raised the ball before lobbing it

straight at his face. He tried to block it, but it just smashed all over him.

“That's it, you’re gonna get it now,” he said, and I took off running. The cloak

becoming damp, making it heavy and my pace not fast. Not that they couldn’t easily

outrun me.
Silas drops off the roof in front of me and I dart off in another direction, only to run into

Matitus, I run past him and grab the back of his shirt hiding from Dragus and Silas

using him as a shield.

“What are you doing, Little one,” Matitus asked.

“Using you as a shield,” I said.

“And what makes you think I am on your side? You hit us first.”

“Because I said you’re on mine now.” I giggled, manoeuvring as he tried to reach

behind himself to grab me.

Silas lunges for me and I move only to jump back when Dragus does the same.

“If I help you, what do I get?” Matitus asks. I think before answering.

“What do you want?” I squeal as Silas tries again, but Matitus blocks him, making

Silas growl.

“Fine, I want a kiss,” he says, making me laugh and Dragus scoff.

“Of all the things you could ask for, that’s what you ask of her.”

“Deal,” I squeal just as they both lunge for me and I close my eyes, waiting to be

thrown in the snow. Only Matitus moves so quickly, gripping my waist and I feel my

feet leave the ground. Opening my eyes, I find we are on the roof. On the ledge. I

look down and swallow.

“How?” I go to ask when he grabs me tighter before bending his knees and jumping

to the next ledge, answering my question. I can see Dragus and Silas looking up at

us and I flip them the bird before sticking my tongue out.

“I wouldn’t get too cheeky we still have to go back inside,” Matitus murmured next to

my ear before kissing my cheek.

“Now pay up,” Matitus says wiggling his eyebrows and I smile deviously at him. “And

if I don’t?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Matitus lets my arms go and I fall backwards making me scream before his arm

snakes out pulling me back.

“Okay, okay,” I screamed, clutching his shirt. Matitus chuckles and steps off from the

ledge, pulling me with him. Matitus waits expectantly, and I stand on my tippy toes

and peck his lips quickly.

“Ah, that’s not what I had in mind,” he said.

“You said a kiss, next time say what sort,” I tell him before turning and running toward

the edge. I hear him curse and chase after me as I throw myself off the roof. I scream

as air rushes past me. Just as I am halfway down, I suddenly see something gold

rush under me before landing on its back. I close my eyes, expecting the impact to

hurt. It doesn’t. The scales smooth under my hands as he lands on the ground.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 25

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“Are you nuts?” I hear Dragus scream up to me.

“No, I knew he wouldn’t let me die, must say I didn’t expect him to shift though” I said

trying to figure out how to get down. His dragon was magnificent and so large. His

breathing makes me go up and down on his back.

“How do I get down?” I called out looking at the ground, making me gulp. It would

hurt falling from this height. I stroke his large bat-like wings and they move. When I

hear movement behind me, I look over my shoulder. I am shocked to see Matitus

walking along the back of the dragon.

“If you’re here?” I ask.

“Yes, you are on Silas” he says, a grin on his face at my shock. He holds out his hand

to me and I grab it. Instead of showing me how to get down though, he moves me

up higher before sitting between the dragon’s wings draping his leg over each side of

his neck. Suddenly Silas moves before lifting off, and I close my eyes at the speed in

which he took off. Matitus arm securely around my waist.

“Open your eyes, Elora” Matitus says, kissing the side of my face. Opening my eyes, I

see vast lands covered in snow. The dim lights of the city below us look like fairy

lights, and I gasp at the pretty display. Running my hands over his scales, I forget it is

even Silas. Hearing growls and it rumble underneath us as I run my hands over his


“Be careful they don’t feel it or look it, but they are sharp,” Matitus says as little too

late as I feel his scales slice into the palm of my left hand. I hiss at the pain and blood

drips onto his gold scales.

“I’m getting blood all over him” and I am not sure he even heard over the wind as

Silas flew down toward the castle ground. I shiver from the snow coating the cloak.

When I look back at Matitus, his eyes are glazed over and his jaw clenched.

“What is it?” His eyes darted to my hand. I look at it confused. When suddenly I hear

Silas’s voice in my head making me jump.

“Vampires aren’t the only thing that drink blood, we are usually fine but your scent is

becoming stronger the more you are around us” I stare at Matitus in shock, my eyes

widening. And I fist my hand, trying to stop the blood from running down my arm and

dripping over Silas’s back. When we land, Matitus gets up, walking swiftly off Silas’s

back. Dragus is nowhere to be seen.

“Ah Silas, how do I get down?” I ask, looking down at the ground. His voice echoing

in my head as he moves to the brick wall, he moves close enough before opening his

wing. “Walk to the wall” I look at his large wing hesitating.

“You won’t hurt me, Lora” he says, and I actually like the nickname they have been

calling me. I walk to the wall before stepping off. I sit down and watch as he shifts

back, blushing when I see he is completely naked.

“You didn’t expect my clothes to stay on, did you?” he says looking up at me. I notice

all the vampires that were on the wall are long gone. Leaving only Silas and me


“Jump” he says, and I look at the ground knowing if I hit it I will definitely break

something. Deciding he won’t let me fall, I grit my teeth to stop from screaming and I

jump, Silas catches me.

Placing me on my feet before looking at my hand.

“Why doesn’t my blood affect you?” I ask.

“I am a lot older than they are, and like I said we are usually fine around blood, they

haven't had problem with it before but you went into the first heat, makes it harder for

them, makes the urge to mark you stronger” he says simply like that explains

everything. Silas bites his wrist and holds it out to me. I quickly let his blood rush into

my mouth before pulling back and watching my hand heal.

“Come on, you’re shivering let’s get inside, before you catch your death,” he says

tugging me toward the castle. He was right, I hadn’t actually noticed how cold I was,

but I could hear my teeth chattering as we made our way inside.

Once inside, Silas removes my now saturated hood and I keep my eyes on him as

moves around me to do the belt. Feeling my face warm up, seeing him so close to

me naked.

“You get embarrassed too easily,” Silas states, a smile on his lips. Once the cloak is

off, he hangs it on a hook by the door before grabbing my hand and leading me

toward the stairs. I stop at the bottom, making him stop.

“Can I stay in my room please?” I ask, looking down the corridor that ran up the side

of the stairs.

“Why must you be difficult, always one step forward and ten back with you,” he says


“please” I say moving closer and placing my hand on his chest. He looks down at my

hand, shocked, before placing his own over it. His hand is warm over mine and large

as it completely engulfs mine.

“Why?” he asks, making me confused. I look toward the corridor. “I let you sleep in

your room” And I know what he is going to ask as his eyes light up. The same way

Matitus did. Before he can ask, I stand on my toes and pull his face towards mine.

He seems amused and I let my lips smash into his, I go to pull back when the hand

on my lower back tightens holding me in place. I feel his tongue run along my bottom

lip and I freeze before he pulls me closer, and I feel his cock on my leg making me


He chuckles before plunging his tongue into my mouth, his scent mingling with mine

and I moan into his mouth making his grip tighten and I feel his other hand go into my
hair before grabbing a handful. I hiss at the pain before his tongue skilfully plays with

mine and I press myself into him. When he pulls away, I am left gasping for air.

What is wrong with me? One minute I want to kill him, the next I want to touch him.

My own feelings were so confused I was giving myself whiplash. “GO, I will send

Abigail in with your dinner. But one night only,” he says. I nod my head before kissing

his cheek and running toward my room.

Once back in my familiar surroundings I head straight to the shower to warm myself, I

was that cold my muscles were aching.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 26

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Elora’s POV

Showering quickly, I get out and quickly chuck on a shirt and some knickers, waiting

patiently for Abigail to come so I can warn her about the seer stones. So I can tell her

to make sure she remains hidden on the day and to tell her family to go into hiding. I

also didn’t want to stay in their room on the off chance my magic manifests tonight. I

knew the chances were slim, but if they did, I was unaware of what to expect and if

the change would be noticeable.

Around 7PM the door finally opened and in stepped Abigail with a tray of food. She

smiled nervously at me and I jumped up, moving toward the door. I could tell she was

trying to warn me as her eyes darted to mine full of alarm. After a second or two, I

understood why she was so nervous when Silas walked in behind her. I mentally
cursed and hoped he wouldn’t stay long. But when he went and sat at the table, I

realised she had actually brought in two plates and knew he was planning on staying.

Abigail didn’t speak a word, just left the plates and walked out, closing the door

behind her.

Silas sat expectantly at the table, waiting for me to join him. Taking my seat at the

small table, he leans back, watching me. I suddenly felt nervous under his watchful

eyes and I knew he could hear my heart racing, pounding in my chest.

“You’re staying?” I ask, hoping he wouldn’t confirm my fears. He crossed his arms

over his chest.

“That depends,”

“On?” I ask, fidgeting with my fingers under the table.

“How truthful you are being” My eyes dart to his and my heart rate skips a beat, and

his eyes darken and I could tell he heard the change in my heart rate.

“Why are you nervous?” he asks, and I instantly stop fidgeting and go to pick up my

fork, only then realising how bad my hands are trembling.

“Are you going to answer?” he says, raising an eyebrow.

“You may not like my answer”

“Doesn’t matter, I want to hear it,” he says, reaching for his fork and twirling pasta

around it.

“You make me nervous,” I tell him truthfully. He nods in understanding before bringing

his fork to his lips, chewing before speaking.

“Eat,” he says pointing to my plate and I quickly scoop some up, chewing slowly. We

eat in silence and when he is done, he sits back watching me. I go to put my fork

down when I see him shake his head.

“Eat all of it” he says, and I sigh before forcing in another mouthful.

“I have been thinking?” I fight the urge to spit out something sarcastic.


“Why you suddenly changed this afternoon and figured, you had a reason” I shake

my head even though I was actually trying to please them so I could have the

freedom to sleep in my room and be away from them.

“Don’t deny it, this morning you were pissed then you seemed fine. Then When I

walked in with Abigail, I could see you got nervous, your heart rate beating erratically,”

I try to come up with an excuse that he won’t question.

“I want to know what you are hiding,”

“I’m not hiding anything” I answer quickly.

“So, you won’t mind sleeping in our room then” As soon as the words left his lips, my

heart rate spiked. I wouldn’t be able to slip away, they would wake to the slightest of

“So, I will ask you again, what are you hiding, Elora?”

“I’m not hiding anything, I just want to sleep in my room” I bite down on my tongue,

fighting the answer on the tip of my tongue. My mouth filled with the coppery taste of

my blood. I watch his eyes darken and he moves, standing up before placing his

hand on the table beside me, towering over me and bringing his face closer to mine.

“I find out there is an ulterior motive to your actions, you will be punished, Elora. You

won’t like my punishments understood?”

I nod my head looking away but Silas grips my chin forcing me to meet his intense

gaze. His eyes searching my face for any deception. He then takes a deep breath,

moving closer, his lips almost touching mine. His intoxicating scent sweeps over me

and I lean in instinctually when I feel his lips brush mine. My eyes snap open, and I

can feel him smiling against my lips. He kisses me, and I don’t pull back instead,

allowing him to kiss me. Part of me hates him, yet another part of me craves for his

touch. A never-ending war in my head between what I know is rational and what is

the Mate bond. Both blurring to one and creating a war within me.

I kiss him back and he groans before slipping his tongue into my mouth, his tongue

brushing mine softly before he bites my bottom lip making me moan against his lips.

He chuckles at my reaction before pulling me to him and all rational thoughts go out

the window, as I kiss him back harder. His hands go to my arse before he lifts me. My

body doesn’t even feel like my own as I wrap my arms around his neck to stop from

falling before I feel the brick walls against my back. His lips hungrily devouring mine

before moving to my chin and down my neck and I exhaled a breathy moan at the

feel of his hot mouth nipping and tasting my skin.

My fingers tangle in his hair as I pull him closer, lovely the feel of his lips on my skin.

The door suddenly opens, making my eyes dart to it. Abigail walks in before going to
run back out at what she just walked in on and I am grateful that it made him stop. My

body is not willing to listen to the rational part of me. Silas groans against my neck

before releasing me and placing my feet on the floor.

“Remember what I said, Elora. I don’t want to punish you, so if there is anything you

want to confess, you know where our room is,” he says before walking out the door.

A second or so later Abigail walks in and we say nothing for a few seconds, wanting

to make sure he is gone. Abigail walks to the door with the tray in her hand on the off

chance he is waiting and listening outside. She turns to look at me, giving me the nod

to say he has gone.

“So, what happened?” she whispered. Her eyes on the door. I pull her over to me

before going in and turning the shower on just in case they are listening.

“You need to get out of here, you need to tell your mother to take your daughter and

run,” I tell her. She looks at me confused, the tray shaking in her hands from her


“Why? Do they know?”

I shake my head and explain about the seer stones and what they do. Her face

turning from confused to horrified.

“I can’t leave, I am not permitted past the gates while Silas is here.”

“Have you got a phone?” I ask and she shakes her head.

“I might be able to borrow one, but what am I going to do? If they find me, they will

hunt them down anyway,” she says hyperventilating. I rub her back, trying to calm her

as her breathing becomes heavy.

“Did they say what time?” I shake my head. I told her everything I knew, I wished I had

more information to give her but that was everything.

“I need to go, I need to figure something out. Come find me if you hear anything

else,” she says running from the room. I turn the shower off before walking out to my

bedroom, only to find Dragus leaning on the doorframe making me jump in fright.

“Geez, you scared me,” I told him.

“What happened to Abigail, she looked upset?” he says.

“Nothing, she just wants to speak to her family, she misses them and was a little

upset,” I tell him, and I am shocked that I didn’t feel the urge to tell him more,

shocked that I lied and it didn’t cause pain, but more shocked I actually could lie.

Dragus nods before stepping in the room.

“I am just here to see if you will change your mind about staying with us” I shake my

head, and he sighs.

“Tomorrow?” I look away, and he moves forward gripping my arms before gently

rubbing his hands up and down them. “You will stay tomorrow; the dragon heat could

start at any time Lora; you need to think this through. You should be with us,” he tells


“I do not agree to being marked Dragus,” I tell him, moving away from him.

“You don’t have a choice. When will you see that we won’t lose you” I could feel

myself getting angry, they keep trying to force my hand but I don’t want this and why

couldn’t they understand that?

Dragus growls when I don’t answer, storming out of the room and slamming the door

behind him. Ignoring his tantrum I hopped in bed, I climbed under the covers mentally

and physically drained. Sleep comes easy to me but staying asleep not so much

when I am awoken. At first, I thought it was the dragon heat as I felt myself burning
up, yet it wasn’t uncomfortable. More like a light buzz spreading over me. Reaching

for the small clock beside the bed, I look at the time: 10:03 PM and I gasp at the

realisation. I feel a wave of something delightful rush over me, when the room fills with

purple light, blinking like a beacon in the dark. Casting shadows throughout the room.

Sitting up, I stagger to the bathroom, my entire body has pins and needles. An

unnerving feeling takes over me as I move before I am forced to my knees. My legs

go limp under me, my entire body feeling like it is becoming engulfed in the purple

lights, feeling it rushing over my skin making my skin glow subtly. That’s when I realise

the blinking light isn’t a light at all, but my eyes burning brightly.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 27

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My eyes throbbing in my head, making me scratch at the light as it becomes blinding

and all I can focus on. The pulsing moves over my entire body, literally feeling every

cell in my body pulsating to its own beat. The beating gets stronger and stronger and

all-consuming before I feel a shudder that pains me. I bite into my arm to stop from

screaming when suddenly I feel the beating getting stronger and stronger until it

bursts out of me. The entire room blasted with light and I felt it vibrate throughout my

body. I scream before suddenly it is muffled by a hand and I feel cool hands go over

my mouth. Muffling my agonised scream until I feel it burn out and I collapse on the


Waking up, I see Marian kneeling beside me. She brushes my hair from my face,

smiling down at me softly.

“Marian?” I ask, confused. She nods smiling down at me sadly,

“Hello Elora”

“Did they hear?” I ask, panicked but she shakes her head.

“No, I got here in time thank the heavens” Sitting up, my head is pounding. “What


“Take a look for yourself,” she says, and I stand up and look into the mirror, I gasp

when I see my reflexion in the mirror, my eyes glowing brightly look like amethyst

crystals but that isn’t all I notice, it is the purple vines going from my temple to my

cheek, it looks like a tattoo with little purple blossoms.

“Shit, I manifested. I thought it would fizzle out.”

“No, dear. You are the chosen one.” She says softly, gazing at my reflection in the


“How am I going to hide this?,” I tell her, and she shrugs.

“Wait, how did you know?” I ask, confused.

“I knew your grandmother, recognised those eyes the moment you stepped into the

castle. I am also the midwife that helped deliver you, so I knew what time you would

be born,” she says.

“You know about fae magic?”

“Yes, your grandmother was my best friend,” she says, rubbing my cheek with her

calloused hand.

Babae bumata ng 15 taon Do This Before Bed And

sa loob ng 3 araw! Ang The Parasite Will Leave
kanyang lihim Your Body!
Retinlift Organic Teatox
“Now, we haven’t got time. Silas has ordered everyone to be in the front courtyard by

dawn. We need to get Abigail out of here.”

“You know about her too?”

“Not much gets past these eyes, dear,” she says, getting to her feet.

Getting up off the tile floor, Marian sticks her head out the door looking in the

bedroom. I follow her out as she makes her way to the door. Only when she leaves

the room, I find the door quickly slammed in my face. Hearing Marian talking outside

the door. I quickly rush to my bed, chucking myself in and pulling the blanket over

myself and pretending to be asleep. I can hear Matitus outside my door in the

corridor, I intently listen trying to catch their conversation.

“I asked you a question, why are you in this part of the castle and what are you doing

near her door?” he bellows.

“I was just making sure she didn’t need anything” she stutters, and I can smell her

fear seeping under the gap below the door.

“Well, did she?” he asks, and I can almost feel the way he is glaring down at her,

imagine the anger on his face.

“She was asleep,” she murmurs, the sound only just audible to my ears. I hear

silence for a few seconds before I hear him speak.

“Leave, If I catch you near this door again without permission I will have your head”He

tells her and I hear her quickly rush away before I hear the door handle rattle. I close

my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I smell his scent fill the room and I know he is

standing behind me. I breathe deeply through my nose, calming myself so he doesn’t

notice my heart rate. It must have worked because I heard the door shut before I

heard it lock.
Waiting a few minutes, I get up and twist the handle but it doesn’t open. “Shit” I

cursed to myself, how was I supposed to get out and help Abigail. I just have to hope

Marian can get to her. Climbing back in bed, I give into exhaustion.

Around 430 am I am awoken by noise out front of the door. The door unlocks and

opens, and I roll making sure to keep the blanket and my hair over my face. Dragus

walks in and places a plate on the bench, and I can smell steaming hot coffee.

“I brought you your breakfast, meet us in the courtyard when you can” he says, and I

can tell he is in a hurry as he doesn’t even glance in my direction when I hear Silas

yell from the corridor.

“Hurry up, Dragus”Silas calls and I Dragus shut the door behind him as he left. I

sleepily get up rubbing my eyes. Grabbing my coffee, I drink while getting dressed,

when I suddenly hear the horrific sounds of women screaming, completely forgetting

all about the Seer stones. My blood runs cold. Did Marian warn Abigail in time?

Chucking on my flats, I rush to the door before running down the corridors. Just as I

am about to run through the entrance doors, I am ripped to the side.

“You can’t go out there” Marian says, pulling me to the window in the study. I find

heaps of women and children lined up out the front, reminding me of the night I came


“How many so far”?” I ask her.

“This is the last of them,”

“And Abigail?”

“I think she got out” and I let out a sigh of relief praying she is right.

“Well, how do I hide this?” I ask, pointing to my face.

“Only fae can see it unless you let them see it by dropping your guard,” she says,

making my eyes snap to hers.

“You’re a fae” she nods her head with a sad smile on her face, yeah it definitely

wasn’t a blessing to be fae around here. It was more like a curse or punishment that

the fates bestowed upon us.

“Yes, but I don’t have magic and I am not of noble blood so I look human, that’s why

they keep me here and it’s also why I may not talk to you” she tells me. We watch as

Silas walks along the line. When he finishes and the stones do nothing but pick up

his magic, he dismisses the line going to the next. I watch as those cleared run for

the gates fearing for their lives.

He goes through the next line and I watch as they leave only when I look at the new

crowd, he is about to examine, I freeze. Abigail is on the end of the line and I can see

the fear in her eyes, she never got out in time.

“I thought you said she got out?” I tell Marian panicked. Marian looks at me and

follows me to where I point. Silas is halfway down the line already and I turn to run to

the door, unsure of what I can do, but I can’t sit still and do nothing.

“You can’t go out there, they will know you have your magic” Marian says gripping my

arm as I was about to throw the front door open. I shake her off.

“I can’t let them kill her” I say running outside. The cold air whipped my skin harshly.

Silas was nearly all the way to her position. I see Dragus eyes dart to mine, but I don’t

stop as he pulls up in front of Abigail, I throw myself in front of her using myself as a


“Elora, what are you doing?” he says when I shove past him and I feel Abigail grab the

back of my shirt and duck her head behind me. Silas eyes dart to the stones as they
spin at rapid speed. I hold my breath and I know what is about to happen, I know my

secret is out, not that I had to keep it long.

Silas eyes snap to mine and I see the anger burning brightly in them making me step

back and bump into Abigail. Silas grips my arm and yanks me away from Abigail

before yanking my hands forward and dropping the stones in my hands.

Everyone watches as they spin rapidly, glowing the same amethyst colour of my

eyes. I feel my shoulders slump and I give in before I hear everyone gasp and the

stones freeze and start pulsating before they burst in a dust of purple and white. Silas

grips my chin forcing my eyes to meet his and I flinch when I see the furious look on

his face. I feel his fingers brush over the vines on my face and I know he can see

them, no my guards are down.

“I offered you a chance last night to tell me. I told you there would be consequences

for lying to me.”

“I didn’t lie,” I blurted out, but that was a mistake when I felt his palm hit the side of my

face. My head whipping to the side and the noise of his slap makes everyone gasp

collectively. I feel his handprint burning into my face, feel the welts of his fingers rising

on my skin as tears burn my eyes.

“I gave you a fucking out,” he screamed in my face, and I feel hot tears running down

my face as he grips my hair and yanks my head back.

“I didn’t lie, please,” I beg and he rips me against him, making me face the small

crowd that was left.

“My workers inside now,” he bellows, and I watch Abigail and two of the cooks run

into the castle.

All that is left is around twelve teenage girls no older than seventeen. I expected him

to dismiss them as they all stood freezing and shivering in the cold, waiting for orders.
I feel his breath on the side of my neck, making me shiver.

“Now you will see what happens when you disobey me,” he says, his voice cold and

void of all emotion.

“Kill them,” he says with no emotion in his voice at all like he was ordering someone

to do some mundane task, not slaughter a group of people. Silas grips my head and

I realise he wants me to watch.

“No, no, I didn’t lie. Please they didn’t do anything,” I scream and thrash. I feel his

hand wrap around my throat as he pulls me flush against his chest. I look at the girls’

faces and they scream when they see the vampires that guard the perimeter jump

from the ledges they were watching from.

“No, no, no. Please,” I beg him and I try to fight against him yet his grip never waivers.

“Silas, please,” Dragus says, and all the vampires stop at Dragus' words waiting to

see what he says. Silas growls and goosebumps run over my skin. Dragus tries to

reach for me when Silas hand backhands him and he hits into the brick wall behind

us. I see out of the corner of my eye that Dragus gets up to come at him when

Matitus stops him.

“Kill them” he says, and the chaos and screams start again. I close my eyes and

scream as I see the first one get slaughtered. Placing my hands over my ears and the

only thing holding me upright is Silas arm around my waist as my legs give out under

me. I hear people on the other side of the gates screaming for their loved one’s trying

to get past the gates. One growl from Silas and the entire place goes silent except for

the sobs of the people on the other side of the gate and my own hysterical


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 28

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I collapse when I see the aftermath of what was left of them, my legs going out from

under me, and I realise that by saving one, I just signed their death warrants. If only I

told him earlier or when Matitus checked on me last night, they may still be alive. Silas

grips my arm forcing me to my feet and I avert my eyes. I couldn’t see those innocent

girls like that, see the dead look on their faces with their throats ripped out. Silas

drags me toward the castle, my feet barely able to keep moving as the doors open

and I see Abigail standing in the corridor, tears running down her face at what

happened outside. She knew they died because I saved her.

“Get to work” he snaps at her and Abigail and the cooks run off down the corridor.

Silas drags me into the library. Matitus and Dragus follow us in before he lets me go

and I crumble on the ground. Dragus comes over and kneels down beside me.

“Leave her be” Silas growls at him, making him back up.
“That was unnecessary, Silas,” Matitus says angrily at his mate.

“She needs to learn” is all he says as he retrieves my grandmother’s book. “Come

here” Silas says, making my eyes snap to him.

“Don’t make me say it again” he growls and Dragus moves closer before reaching

down and picking me up off the ground and placing me on my feet. I stagger toward

him, gripping the desk for support. My entire body is shaking and numb. Silas

unwraps the cloth around the book and I watch the fire crackle in the fireplace off to

the side of me. Stepping in front of me, Silas hands the book to me.

“Read it, now,” he says, thrusting it in my hands. I grip the book in shaking hands,

letting my thumb run over the leather. Silas watches me expectantly as I open it and

drop my head to examine the first page. The fireplace crackling loudly beside me,

and I feel my eyes dart to it again. Not even hesitating, I toss it in the fireplace. Watch

as the fire licks at the leather binding it. Silas walks over, not even afraid of the flames

as he reaches in picking it up. The cuff of his shirt caught alight and I held my breath,

praying that it was long enough to burn the book. Silas blows off the flame burning

the book and pats his shirt. I am shocked to see it isn’t even marred and still perfectly


“Nice try, but I don’t recommend you do that again,” he says, placing it back in my


“Now read it.”He says his voice held a warning that wouldn’t like what he would do if I

didn’t do what he asked of me.

“No, fuck you, Silas read it yourself” I spit at him. Silas growls low, and it makes my

hair stand on end as he steps closer pressing his chest against mine and forcing me

to lean back. Silas grips my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

“I will burn this entire city and everyone in it to the ground if you don’t tell me what it

says” His voice deadly calm and emotionless making a cold shiver run up my spine.
He lets go of my chin and I open the first page. I see the emblem that’s bound into

the leather, I run my fingers over it.

“What is it?” he asks.

“The emblem on front” I answered before flicking the page over and I almost burst out

laughing when I read it. Of course, why didn’t I realise that.

‘To unlocketh the secrets and breaketh the beshrew. One will first breaketh the

bindings with the key. Only then shall the words appear.”

“What’s so funny?” Silas asks, and I can’t hold in my laughter. I handed him back the


“You need the key to break the binding and read the words,” I tell him tapping the

front cover making him look at it. He growls, yet the smile on my face never waivers. I

see Dragus look at me nervously.

“Do you know where it is?” he asks. I knew exactly where it was, sitting beneath the

floorboards of my bedroom in the house I lived in with my grandmother. That would

explain why she refused to let me sell it for medicine.

“You do know where it is, don’t you?”

“Yes, and burn the city to the ground and I will never break that curse,” I tell him,

challenging him. Silas growls, stepping closer, impossibly close, and I can feel his

anger washing over me in waves.

“You didn’t really expect me to help you after what you just did? I never lied yesterday.

A fae’s magic manifests the exact time they were born. I didn’t lie, I didn’t have my

magic yesterday. But you knew that didn’t you because you showed me the seer

stones. You really are a monster,” I tell him, and he grabs my arm tightly, so tightly I

can feel my arms bruising under his tight grip.

Silas drags me from the room and I let him, not even caring where he was taking me.

When he marches us past my bedroom though, Dragus grabs my other arm.

“Where are you taking her?” he demands.

“The dungeons,” he says, ripping me away from Dragus.

“The dungeons? Silas she will freeze to death down there” he growls at him reaching

for me, but Silas just glares at him pulling me back before he starts walking again. He

opens a door and I see stairs leading underground. I shiver instantly as the freezing

cold draft hits me. I almost stumble down the steps, but Silas's hand on my arm

keeps me upright. Once downstairs I see cells and snow-covered parts of the ground

from the barred windows that look outside, they weren’t very big and I could only see

the wheels of the cars that were above ground level. The snow coming through the

bars and making a pile under each little window. Silas opens up one of the steel cell

doors and tosses me in before closing it.

“Silas, she will fucking die” Dragus says, ripping the cell door open. Silas grabs him,

pinning him against the bars, and Matitus tries stopping him. Silas then opens the cell

next to mine before chucking Dragus in it. “Stay down here with her then,” he says

before locking his cell too.

“Silas, they are our mates, this is wrong. You are risking her life,” Matitus says as Silas

pockets the key. Silas then walks up the stone steps and Matitus steps closer to the

bars before taking his cloak off. He passes it through the bars to me and I quickly put

it on. It has his scent all over it and my body instantly relaxing as it fills my nose.

“I will get you out of here,” he says before walking off in search of Silas.

Sitting down, I lean against the brick wall facing Dragus who does the same from his


“Can’t you break the bars, aren’t dragons all strong and mighty?” Dragus chuckles

and shakes his head.

“No, these bars are blessed and only the key Silas has will open them,” he says

resting his head against the brickwork. I sigh and try to get comfortable. The concrete

flooring was incredibly uncomfortable, and my ass was starting to ache. The day

seemed to drag out. Dragus fell asleep for a few hours while I tried to do the same.

Except it was much too cold. Snow under the barred windows was nearly 3 foot tall,

and I felt like I had been put inside a freezer. My teeth were chattering and my fingers

had gone numb. I breathe on my fingers trying to warm them, my fingertips turning

blue, but even my breath felt cold as I tried to warm them. Tugging the cloak tighter

around me, Dragus opened an eye looking at me. The cold did not even bother him

at all as he sat in just a shirt and jeans.

Dragus seeing me shivering called me over. “Come to the bars” But I was too cold to

even move, and it seemed like too much effort just getting up. Dragus walks over to

the bars before sitting down and placing his denim-clad legs through the bars on my


“Lora, come I can help warm you,” he says again and I force myself off the ground

before walking over to him. He tells me to sit between his legs and I do. Dragus
hisses as he presses his body against the bars and wraps his arms around me. I look

at him and he looks pained. “What?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

“God, your skin is like ice,” he says. Dragus removes his shirt and I lean against him

on the bars. I hear him hiss in pain and flinch behind me.

“Why do you seem like you’re in pain?” I ask, leaning forward and looking back at

him, and I see the burns running across his chest and arms. “Like I said, the bars are

blessed, they burn to touch,” he says, tugging me back against him. I shake my head

and try to shift away from him, but he just wraps his arms around me tighter, his

warmth seeping into me.

“I’m fine. I heal quickly,” he says, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. Dragus

being part dragon definitely has its perks. His skin is toasty warm and after a while I

stop shivering and eventually fall asleep against him.

When I wake though, it’s because I am overheating. Sweat running down my neck.

Dragus had fallen back asleep against me. His heat was becoming unbearable as I

tried to untangle myself from his arms. Dragus stirs when his arms drop to my sides,

he goes to put them back around me when I whimper in pain and shove myself away

from him. Looking at the barred windows, it is pitch black outside and I can’t even

see my hands in front me.

I groan as I lay myself on the concrete, its coldness not offering any relief.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 29

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“Shit,” I hear Dragus murmur, and I can hear him moving around. “I need to call Silas

down here,” he says, and I know he was going to do their weird mind talking.

“No, not Silas,” I gasp between trying to breathe through the pain. My entire body

spasming as heat rushes through my veins and the familiar burning starts consuming

me. It was the sort of pain you could never forget, and I felt like I was boiling, I could

almost feel my blood bubbling in my veins, making me scream as wave after wave

washed over me.

“I have to, he has the key,” Dragus says, and I can hear the worry in his voice as he

watches me writhe in pain on the floor.

“No, no,” I scream breathlessly as I feel it rolling from my toes, wildfire consuming

every inch of me. I claw at my skin, trying to stop it.

“Stop Lora, Matitus is on his way. You’re making yourself bleed,” Dragus’s voice

sounds strangled but I am in too much pain to care as I crawl toward where I think the

pile of snow is, reaching out my fingertips brushing the snow. I force myself to move

before slumping on top of the pile like a lizard sunbathing on a rock. The snow melts

almost instantly when I scream as searing pain consumes me. I can hear the blood in

my body pumping through me, pulsating as I try to find relief. The pain becomes too

much and all I can focus on. Bright light suddenly comes on and I squint, trying to

adjust to the light's brightness when I see Matitus run down the stairs, keys clutched

in his hand.

Silas walking down the stairs behind him, a worried look on his face. Matitus fiddles

with the keys with shaky hands, trying and fumbling to get them in the lock. Silas

takes the keys from him opening the door and Matitus rushes in while Silas unlocks

Dragus’s cell door. I fight against Matitus when he picks me up. The heat from his

body makes it worse, I was thrashing so much he dropped me with a thud.

“Just grab her, Matitus,” Silas growled.

“She won’t stop thrashing; I will hurt her” he spits back at him. But I am too far gone,

the pain all consuming, and it would have been nicer to just kill me, at least the pain

would be gone. Never in my life have I prayed for death to come as much as I did


I hear Silas growl before walking in and grabbing me. I scream as his heat seeps into

me, and I am sure I was going to combust. Air rushes around me before a rapid

temperature change and I can tell I am outside.

“Break the ice” Silas yells and I hear the sound of ice cracking before I feel icy water

around me, easing some pain but not enough for me to stop screaming.

“Let me mark you” I shake my head, words failing me besides the agonised screams

escaping my lips. Silas growls.

“Hold your breath then” I don’t even know how to do that, my brain refusing to

function even for the most basic survival instincts when I am suddenly under water.

My temperature drops and I gasp before choking on water. Silas pulls me back

above the water surface and I choke, coughing on the water that rushed into my


The heat easing before slumping against him, my head on his shoulder and I open

my eyes and see we are in the frozen lake that runs behind the castle. I try to catch

my breath before I feel the heat start growing hotter and I try to slip back under the


“Let me mark you, it will stop. Lora”

“No, kill me. Just kill me please” I beg before screaming after another wave washes

over me making my entire body tense.

“If one of us marks you, it will ease and the third wave won’t be as bad” he says, but I

shake my head. Marking me would mean I am stuck with them forever, and I didn’t
want to be stuck with Silas forever.

“Let Matitus then” he says. Matitus walks into the icy water towards me before

stopping next to me, a worried look on his face. Shaking my head I try to get away

from them, but Silas holds me tighter before he moves my wet hair, revealing my

shoulder and neck.

“No” I gasp, thrashing, I would rather die.

“If you won’t let me mark you, one of them has to” he says. I hear Matitus groan as

Silas grabs his shirt pulling him over and I find myself trapped between them. Silas

hands moving to my ass as he hoists me up higher and I wrap my legs around his

waist, not wanting to be pulled even slightly from the icy water and the relief it offers.

“I won’t let you kill her Matitus,” he says, grabbing his face before kissing his lips. The

sight of them makes arousal flood me, but not long enough as heat wraps itself

around me and I scream in agony again. Matitus kisses my shoulder before I feel his

teeth bite deeply into my shoulder near my neck and I feel his tongue lapping at my

blood. The pain leaves as another feeling rushes over me and I can feel foreign

emotions rush into me. The heat leaving, being replaced with intense pleasure

making me moan loudly. My legs around Silas waist tightening and pleasure makes

my core pulsate and my toes curl.

I can’t help but rub myself against Silas, making him groan, his hands on my ass


I feel his teeth get ripped from my neck painfully and I whimper. Before missing the

feeling of his bite. Opening my eyes. I see Dragus has Matitus by his shoulders and

Silas’s hand on his chest. Looking at Matitus, his eyes are pitch black orbs and I can

see the hunger in his eyes.

Feel it in my bones and I suddenly realise what the feeling I felt coming from him was

hunger and lust. His emotions running through me and igniting my own as arousal
coils within my stomach and I feel my walls clench making me moan breathlessly.

Matitus moves away from me when I see Dragus tug on his shoulders and I can see

that he is fighting with himself, trying not to attack me.

Once out of the water, he takes off with Dragus fast on his heels, leaving me in the

water with Silas. I rest against Silas, the heat dissipating and I shiver at the icy water.

My temperature plummeted and I suddenly felt cold.

“The heat won’t come back now?” I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

“It will until we all mark you but it won’t kill you now,” he says, kissing the side of my

face. I am too exhausted to care about his closeness.

“You said it would stop?” I murmur into his neck.

“It will once we all mark you, then the second heat starts.”

“Second heat?”

“Yeah, the mating heat. It will make you want to mate with us.”

“What?” My voice came out in a squeak, horrified by his words. Silas chuckles. “Let’s

just get through the first heat, then you can worry about the mating heat. It isn’t painful

like the dragon heat” he tells me before gripping me tighter and walking out of the


I cling to him as he walks inside, my body turning cold as he walks up the stairs

towards their bedroom. He places me on the edge of the bath before peeling my wet

clothes off that are sticking to me like a second skin.

When I feel him try to unclasp my bra, I smack his hands away. He raises an eyebrow

at my actions before unclipping it.

“Don’t be shy Lora, I have seen you naked before and you have nothing to be

ashamed about,” he says, pulling my hands away from my breasts. My nipples rock

hard from the cold and I hear Silas’s breath hitch before I feel the pad of his thumb

rub over it. Pushing his hand away, I try to stand, my muscles all locked and aching

from the cold. Silas turns the shower on and helps me stand before placing me under

the water. My body slowly relaxes under its warmth as my body thaws out.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 30

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Silas leans against the counter watching me. I keep my back to him, not liking the

way his eyes are roaming over my body, I can literally feel the intensity of his gaze

boring into my flesh.

“Can you turn around or hop out?” I ask, starting to become creeped out.

“Why? You’re mine, I will look if I want to” he says.

“I’m not yours” I mutter so low, not expecting him to hear. Silas growls low. It vibrates

off the tiled walls.

“Why do you deny it? You know there is no way out of being our mate. So why not

just behave and make things easier for yourself? It doesn’t have to always be

backwards and forwards with us.”

“Probably because I am not a piece of property to be owned, Silas.”

I switch the shower off, and Silas passes me a towel. I quickly wrap it around myself

before stepping out. Silas moves off the sink basin, standing in front of me. His

breathing hard as he stares down at me. He reaches his hand up and I step away

from him, his eyes flashing with anger before he drops his hand and walks out of the

bathroom. I follow him out, stopping when I see Matitus and Dragus lying in bed. I

walk into the walk-in, ignoring their watchful eyes before grabbing a shirt and

underwear and quickly pulling them on before walking out.

I go to walk out and back to my room when Silas’s voice makes me freeze. “You’re

staying with us” he says, stripping off his shirt and pants. Looking to the door, I think

of my chances of actually escaping. This time Matitus speaking.

“I wouldn’t, he will drag you back,” he says, making me look at him. Giving up, I go to

hop on the couch when Silas growls. “In the bed Elora '' I shake my head, looking

over at the bed Matitus moves over patting the bed beside him.

“No, you don’t even wear pants,” I tell him when I realised Silas would be next to me.

Silas walks into the cupboard before coming out with a pair of briefs on. “There

better? now what is your next excuse?” I roll my eyes before climbing on the bed.

Matitus instantly rips me to his side and wraps an arm over my waist. Silas climbs on

the bed, the bed dipping slightly under his weight before he pulls the blanket over us.

I turn away from him, facing Matitus who has a huge grin on his face.

“Can you not smile like that, you look like you're about to take a bite of me,” I tell him

before bringing my hand up and closing his eyes with my fingers, making him

chuckle. Matitus snuggles in closer, pressing his face into my neck and inhaling

deeply. His hand snaked underneath my shirt, brushing my skin softly. I shiver when I

feel sparks wherever he touches, making me gasp. Silas moving closer to me

chuckles before I feel his hand go to my hip.

“Go to sleep, Lora” Silas says, and I feel his nose in my hair.

“I would if you two would stop being so handsy,” I tell them hoping they would move

but they don’t. Eventually succumbing to sleep, I drift off, only to have my dreams


Silas POV

She is by far the worst person to sleep next to. Constantly wriggling and moving. I

didn’t know if it was her or the aftereffects of the dragon heat. Rolling over, I just get

comfortable when she jams her feet into my back, clearly seeking the warmth of my

skin. I grunt before turning on my back. The movement of the blanket makes me get

a waft of her scent and arousal before I hear Dragus chuckle, making me sit up and

glare at him.

He puts his hands up in surrender and I can see Matitus passed out dead to the

world. Elora moves again this time chucking her leg over Matitus a moan escaping

her lips making me raise an eyebrow at Dragus and I know he is meddling in her

dreams. Matitus groans before rolling to face her, his eyes snapping open, before

looking at me.

“What? turn the lamp off,” he says before groaning when Elora grinds herself against

him, making his eyes snap to her angelic sleeping face.

“Dragus stop it, she will be pissed off when she realises” Matitus snaps at Dragus.

Deciding to see her reaction, I run my hand up her thigh that’s draped over Matitus’s

hip. She shivers before pressing closer to Matitus, and I chuckle at her reaction and

his. Matitus freezes, and I move my hand over her hip again to her stomach. My

fingers brushing him and I can feel his erection against the back of my hand. “Silas

stop, you know I haven’t got as much control as you. Please don’t tempt me” he

murmurs as she grinds her hips against him.

“Silas” he warns through gritted teeth, my eyes snapping to Dragus as he sits up and

looks over Matitus shoulder, resting his chin on him, a devilish smile on his face

making me smirk back at him. Matitus groans as Dragus’s hand runs over his bare


The bond was definitely kicking in, Elora feeling his arousal moans softly, her voice

airy and breathless.

“Dragus, stop” Matitus tells him. Dragus puts his hands in the air before I watch his

eyes glaze over as he steps out of her dreams. Only she still reacts, and I know it is

because she can feel Matitus arousal flooding into her. Matitus growls before pushing

her on her back and kissing her. Her eyes flutter open and I watch her reaction,

propping my elbow on the bed and resting my head on my hand. He pulls back and

she watches him and he smiles before lowering his face to hers, kissing her gently. I

feel my cock twitch in my pants at the sight of them. Feel Matitus arousal and hers

through him.

Elora wanted him to touch her, but she also didn’t, trying to deny her own urges.

Moving my hand, I grab her breast, her eyes snapping to mine and I see the fear in

her eyes before it disappears when Matitus kisses his mark on her neck, her eyes

fluttering closed as she moans, her lips parting and I find myself lost in this image of

her. Leaning closer, I kiss her, her eyes instantly snapping open. Her eyes wary of me.

I slip my tongue between her lips and she lets me; I hide my shock before kissing her

deeper and she moans into my mouth, making me groan.

Matitus uses his knee to push her legs apart before moving in between them. I grab

her knee, draping her leg over my hip while Matitus settles himself between her legs.

Running my hand up the inside of her thigh, she shivers under my touch and I hear

Matitus groan as she moves her hips against him. His lips moving down her neck, I

watch as he pushes her shirt up revealing her breasts before taking one of them in
his mouth. Feeling the bed move, I look toward Dragus who moves closer before

gripping her face with his fingers, pulling her lips to his.

Moving my hand higher, my fingers brushing her panties which I find wet with her

arousal. I feel Matitus grind his hips into her, feel his hard cock bump my fingers as I

brush them over the thin material. She gasps, pulling her lips from Dragus and I brush

my fingers over her clit through her panties and she moans. I watch as Matitus bites

down on her nipple making her cry out before watching him suck it into his mouth.

My pants become extremely tight and uncomfortable as my cock strains against the

confines of my pants, watching them.

I tug on the waistband of her panties pulling them down slightly before slipping my

hand between their bodies and pressing my fingers to her slit. She grinds herself

against my hand as I slide my fingers down her slit.

“She’s so wet” I groan before devouring her lips. Her tongue brushes mine before I

take control of the kiss, making her move her hips against my fingers. Teasing her,

moving them slowly before circling her clit. Matitus groans loudly, his lips moving

lower to her ribs as he nips and sucks on her skin. Letting her lips go, Dragus pulls

her face to his, kissing her while I keep up my slow torture before sliding my finger

into her. She hisses slightly, adjusting to the foreign feeling. I slide my finger out and it

is drenched in her juices before sliding in another. She squirms and I can feel her

body trying to stretch around them as her walls clamp down on them. Matitus kisses

her hip before I feel him tug on her panties. Moving my hand, I let him peel them off


Elora’s heart rate increases and I watch her cheeks flush red. Dragus moves closer to

her, pulling her other leg over his hip while I do the same. Her heart rate skips a beat

and I see fear run through her as she pulls away from Dragus, eyeing Matitus warily.

“We won’t do anything you don’t want us to,” I tell her, gripping her chin and making

her look at me. She watches me for a few seconds but doesn’t pull away when I grip
her leg, draping it over my hip again. Matitus leans down, kissing her stomach and

her eyes dart down to him as she squirms under his touch. I run my fingers over her

thigh before slipping them back in her, she moves adjusting herself as I slide them in

and out not taking my eyes off her. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I knew we definitely

wouldn’t be able to fuck her, not now at least she was too tight for us to just ram in

her even though, I wanted nothing more than to sink my cock deep within her heat.

“Matitus just wants to taste you” Dragus tells her, making her face turn to his. She

doesn’t have time to answer when Dragus tongue slips into her mouth. I feel Matitus

breath on my hand, making me slip my fingers from her. She jumps when he runs his

tongue up her slit.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 31

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Elora POV

Waking, I rolled over; I had the strangest dream. I know it had to be a dream because

no way in hell would I let them touch me like that. Dragus once again plays with my

emotions and senses. You know those dreams where they feel so real when you

wake you still feel like you are trapped in the dream still. Right now, I was getting that

weird sense of Deja vu. Stretching, I notice everything feels different to when I went to

sleep. Rolling over, I come face to face with Silas. He moves, throwing his arm over

me before nestling into my chest. Wait chest, I rhetorically question. Where the fuck is

my shirt. I shove him off, yanking the blanket, trying to cover my exposed breasts.

The breeze that comes with the blanket moving, my ass catches a draft I know I

wouldn’t have felt if I had panties on. Looking under the blanket, I see I am completely

bare. Making me gasp. It was a dream, a dream. I was so sure it was a dream.
Matitus groans before yanking the blanket back. I squeal when he pulls the blanket

down slightly. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles up at me.

His eyes duck down to my hands, which are covering my breasts, a smirk creeping

onto his face. “Good morning, Elora,” he says before tugging me closer, making me

squirm under the blanket when I feel his cock brush my leg. I spring up on the bed,

ripping the blanket completely off them and wrapping it around myself. Matitus seems

alarmed. Silas and Dragus both roll onto their backs before looking up at me groaning

from me waking them. Silas tries to tug the blanket back, but I grip it tightly.

“Why am I naked?” I demand. Please still be dreaming, I would rather this be a

nightmare than reality.

“You don’t remember?” Silas says cocking an eyebrow at me before rolling on his

side and trying to tug me back down onto the bed. I pull away from him.

“No, I was asleep and You” I yelled pointing to Dragus “were meddling in my dreams

again” Dragus chuckles, a grin on his face. “It wasn’t a dream. It may have started out

that way, but you weren’t dreaming, quite willing in fact” he says. I feel the blood drain

from my face before my eyes snap to Matitus, who is also wearing the same

triumphant grin.

“You.. you were” I stuttered looking at him horrified at what I apparently allowed him to


“I what, Elora?” he asked with an amused tone of voice. My face heated up

remembering where he had his face, I felt like I was about to die from

embarrassment. I wouldn’t have minded if a hole opened up in the ground right now

and swallowed me whole. Matitus moved, making me step toward Silas as he

playfully tried to tug the blanket off me.

“Want me to remind you, I enjoy hearing you moan out my name” he purred before

licking his lips. Silas grabs my ass through the blanket, and I jump falling over the top
of him onto the floor with a thump. A squeal leaving my lips at the feeling of falling as I

clutch the blanket to me spilling onto the floor in a not so ladylike manner. Silas leans

over the bed, looking down at me.

“Have a pleasant trip?” he says before laughing at my blushing face. “Argh you said

you wouldn’t touch me” I scream in anger.

“Hey, you started it when you were dry humping my leg,” Matitus says sitting up and

looking over Silas shoulder at me. My face felt like it was on fire and I knew I was red,

I could practically feel the colour staining my cheeks.

Standing up, I walk toward the bathroom. “Don’t be like that Lora you enjoyed it”

Dragus calls, reaching out to me when I walk past his side of the bed. Slamming the

door, I dump the blanket on the floor before looking in the mirror, my body covered in

hickies and bruises. How did I not realise it wasn’t a dream? Turning the shower on, I

try to wash off the evidence of what I stupidly allowed them to do. Scrubbing at my

skin, hoping to erase the dream from my mind. It didn’t work and I could still hear

them laughing to themselves before one of them opened the door. I didn’t bother

locking, seeing as they can just bust it down. Dragus comes in before stripping his

pants off, my eyes roaming his body and taking in his muscular form. He steps in and

I move to the other side. Dragus follows, trapping me against the shower wall as Silas

wanders in naked and hops in behind him and turns the other shower head on.

“Stay on your side, Dragus,” I tell him, pushing on his chest. He chuckles before

leaning his face closer, a seductive smile on his lips and my breath hitches before he

drops his face in my neck inhaling my scent. His hand trailing up the outside of my

thigh to my hip. “Dragus stop, you have humiliated me enough” I snap at him, trying

to shove him away.

“You have three dragons as your mates Elora, I don’t know what you’re so upset

about. We will have to mate with you eventually and if this is how embarrassed you
get over us touching you, I would hate to see how embarrassed you will get when we

fuck you,” Silas says making my face flush again a lovely shade of crimson.

“I am not mating with you, any of you,” I tell him, trying to shove Dragus away.

“Are you sure about that?” Dragus whispers below my ear before sucking on the

mark Matitus left on my neck. Tingles spread all over my body, heading south, my

eyes closing as pleasure rolled over me, a moan escaping my lips as he sucked on

my sensitive skin. The noise leaving my lips startled me, and Dragus pulled his face

away, chuckling to himself.

“It’s the mark, the stupid bond” I stutter in embarrassment at my body’s reaction to

him. Silas smirked at my excuse, a knowing look on his face. Maybe I was kidding

myself, I thought. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are monsters.

“You’re monsters,” Matitus says walking in. I could have sworn I didn’t say that out


“You didn’t, I have marked you therefore can now read your thoughts” Matitus

answers the question I just asked myself. Matitus steps in before reaching for the

soap next to me and sending me a wink. Great, now not only do I have to keep them

away, but I also have to keep them away from my own thoughts.

‘How the fuck was I going to retrieve the necklace now’

Matitus looks at me and panic runs through me, shit. I think about Alphabet reciting it

over and over. Matitus shakes his head and I know he is listening. “The Alphabet,

really?” he asks.

“Stay out of my head” I snap, shoving past them and hopping out. Going into the

bedroom, I rummage through the walk in before finding a pair of jeans and a sweater.

Putting them on, I then look for some socks when I hear Matitus come in behind me,

watching me with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“What do you want to do today?” he asks.

“You’re actually asking? Like I have a choice,” I tell him.

“Well, what did you usually do before all this,” I chuckle to myself, shaking my head.

“I don’t know, I did what everyone else that is forced to live in this city has to do,

barter, find firewood, hide from the Dragon Kings. You know the shit you never have

to worry about,” I tell him. I hear him growl before reaching for me and tugging me

against him.

“I was just asking, no need to be a bitch about it” he says, before letting me go.

Matitus opens the draw next to him before passing me some socks. I eye them

before taking them from him.

“Sorry, I miss home,” I tell him. I do miss being on the run constantly, anything was

better than being stuck here, I never thought I would miss living like that. When living

it, I wished for better. Wished for boiling water or medicine for my grandmother. We

were lucky to have electricity in part of the house; most didn’t even have that. But

most of all, I missed my grandmother.

Matitus watched me for a few seconds but said nothing until I went to walk out.

“I will speak to Silas; I know Abigail wants to visit her daughter. I will see if he will let

you go with her” I nodded eagerly, anything to get out of this castle and the memories

of what Silas did the other day to those poor girls.

“Ask me what?” Silas says.

“She wants to leave the castle and go with Abigail for a few hours,”

“No, not happening,”

“We can send a guard with her” Matitus says, looking at Silas. I stare between them

for a few seconds as they eye each other. My brows furrow, wondering what they are

talking about. “Fine, but you run, and I will tear apart this city looking for you

understood, and you stay with the guard,” Silas tells me.

I nod my head, excited I was going to get out of here, even if it was only for a few


“Go tell Abigail” Silas says, his eyes going to Matitus. Why do I have a strange feeling

it was a little too easy to convince him to let me go? Rushing downstairs, I find Abigail

in the kitchen. She looks up when I come in before dropping her head to go over

some list she was reading.

“I have some good news,” I tell her.

“What, you found out how to break the curse and free every one of the Dragon

Kings?” I shake my head disappointed for a second, if only that were true.

“No, they are letting you visit your daughter, and I am coming with you, I have to take

a guard though,” I tell her, and her eyes light up.

“I can see my baby?” she asks, tears brimming in her eyes. I nod and she hugs me,

shocked I take a few seconds to react before hugging her back.

“Wait, when can we go?”

“I’m not sure, I can ask,”

“You leave in fifteen minutes” Silas says walking into the kitchen. “Eat first though and

don’t forget a jacket. Meet Taylor at the front door when you’re done” I nod. I do not

know who this Taylor person is, but I was excited to leave the castle grounds and

also meet Abigail’s daughter. Silas leaves and Abigail walks over, making sure he is

gone before pulling me over to the tap and turning it on full blast.
“You can escape if you give Taylor the slip,” she whispers to me and I look at her.

“How?” I whisper back.

“Take the tunnels,” she says before we hear footsteps, and she straightens up and

turns the tap off. It was just one of the cooks. The cook eyes us suspiciously and I

grab an apple from the bowl along with Abigail. Walking down the corridor toward the

front door, Dragus is waiting with a jacket and cloak. He helps me put them on and I

sit down placing a pair of boots on that he brought down. Dragus then goes to a

cupboard and grabs another pair when he sees Abigail only has her flats. He hands

them to her, and she looks a little shocked before sitting next to me and putting them


“Stay with Taylor, please don’t wander off. I don’t want you getting in trouble off Silas

Okay” I nod, and he kisses my head before walking off.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 32

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Abigail and I walk out and are greeted by a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair,

her black eyes showing she is a werewolf which I thought was odd. Most of the time

werewolves weren’t permitted in the city unless looking for their mate’s. So, the fact

she was here made me think she must be important to the dragon Kings.

“Hi, I am Taylor,” she says, holding out her hand to me. I quickly shake it, her eyes not

even darting to Abigail, not even acknowledging her existence or the fact she is

standing right beside me. She then turns on her heel and starts heading toward the

gates at the front of the castle. The vampires standing guard open the gates, allowing

us to slip through before closing them behind us. I noticed lots of people staring,

some even ran off as we walked down the streets. Some whispered “a fae” It was

expected, fae were rare creatures, and those that remained if any more remained hid

in the shadows hoping to go unnoticed.

Taylor never stopped or looked back at us. Abigail stayed quiet and I assumed Taylor

must know where we were headed because Abigail never once gave her direction.

When we had walked around four blocks away, we turned up on a desolate street.

Only a few houses were intact, the rest abandoned or destroyed. “That’s my mother’s

place there,” Abigail said, pointing to the last house on the street. It was old and

weathered. The gardens overgrown with exotic looking plants, which was a little odd

because we were in one of the worst snow seasons we had ever suffered through.

Taylor looked back at us but didn’t say a word, just kept walking. When we were

nearly to the end, Abigail nudged me and my eyes looked at her. She stopped

walking and pointed to the gutter. My eyes darted down, she was pointing to a drain.

And I knew she was telling me these were the tunnels she was talking about. I was

familiar with the tunnels for the underground labs but they were on the other side of

town, so I was unfamiliar with this side.

Taylor stopped, obviously not hearing our footfalls on the pavement. We quickly

caught up to her. Walking through the little gate, Abigail walked up the porch steps

and I followed her. She retrieved a key from her pocket and placed it in the door.

“I will wait out here, Silas has given you an hour, Elora” I nod to her before following

Abigail inside. Taylor sits on the porch steps and pulls out her phone. Stepping inside

was vastly different compared to the outside. The walls coloured yellow with white

trims and I could smell lemon and citrus scented candles burning. The house was

warm and had good heating but was scarcely furnished. A little girl comes running out

that I know is her daughter. She runs up, screaming mummy, mummy before jumping

into Abigail’s arms. “My little Princess, this is Elora, the fae girl I told you about.” The

little girl looks up at me from Abigail’s arms shyly.

“Hello,” I whisper to her, giving her a brief wave. She smiles and says Hi before

ducking her face into her mother’s shoulder.

“Where is grandma?” says Abigail.

“Out the back getting firewood” Abigail nods and I follow her down the hall, passing a

lounge room with a fireplace that was crackling and into a yellow kitchen with brown

cupboards. There was a door leading outside and Abigail walked out it and I followed.

Stepping out the back, the lawns were waist high, and I could see an old outhouse

far in the backyard with a concrete path leading to it. Garden beds took up one entire

side of the yard and a shed on the other. I could vaguely hear someone rummaging

around in the shed before a woman with grey hair to her hips walked out with an

armful of firewood. Looking up, she smiles. Before quickly coming over and wrapping

an arm around Abigail.

“You must be Elora?” she asks, looking at me. I nod.

“I am Jackie, it is nice to finally put a face to the name” she chuckles. We follow her

back inside and she closes the door. She turns on some music on the old radio.

Before turning to face Abigail.

“Why can I sense someone else here?”

“There is a guard outside” Jackie nods before turning the jug on. She looks over at

me and smiles softly, her green eyes lighting up.

“I haven’t seen a fae in decades,” she says, gesturing for me to take a seat. Abigail

digs around in her pocket before dumping some cash on the table. “This is all I got

on me, I will try to get more when I can” she tells her mother.

Her mother nods before putting the cash in a cookie jar. It wasn’t much, but I could

tell her mother really appreciated it. She made us both some tea, and we talked for a

while. When Taylor walked in, Jackie glared at her for letting herself in. She held no
fear of the werewolf, yet I could see the alarm in Abigail’s eyes as we looked to the


“We leave in twenty minutes,”

“But you said an hour,” I tell her.

“Well, Silas wants you back” she states before turning and walking out. We listen for

the door to close. Hearing the latch, Abigail lets out a breath.

“Mum, do you know if the tunnels are still accessible?” Abigail asks, looking at her

mother. Jackie nods before putting a finger to her lips. She then stands up and walks

to a door that I actually thought was a pantry. Jackie opened it and I realised it was a

basement. She flicked on a light and we descended the stairs. The basement is filled

with dried herbs hanging from shelves and canned food. Jackie walked to the back

and pointed to a cupboard. Abigail walked over and gripped one side and I the other.

We lifted the cupboard, careful to not make any noise so Taylor wouldn’t hear we

were under the house.

Once moved, I find a metal grate covering a huge square hole in the ground. Jackie

helped Abigail lift it off.

“Follow the tunnels, they lead to an old pharmacy on the main drag.” I nod and jump

in. The drop wasn’t that far, but the stench of stagnant water was putrid. Abigail drops

a torch down to me and I flick it on before looking up at them.

“What about you? They will know you helped me.”

“Don’t worry about us, good luck I hope you make it out.”

“I don’t need to make it out, I just need to head home and retrieve something. I won’t

get past the border guards, but I may be able to hide out till I come up with a plan to

escape,” Abigail nods at my words.

“It was nice meeting you, Elora” Jackie says before helping Abigail lift the grate back

over. Looking down the tunnel with the torch I start walking, I follow the tunnels. I

come to a few intersections and takes me a few seconds each time, trying to decide

which way to go. I should have asked. After about twenty minutes of wandering,

though, I hear lots of voices and noise coming from above. When I see a drain and a

little ladder leading up, I climb up. Peering out the gap that looked onto the road. It

was the main road, letting out a breath of relief. I continue down the tunnel. I followed

it before taking the next left, which I knew was an alleyway. Seeing another ladder, I

climb it before pushing on the grate and sliding it to the side. Sticking my head out, I

was correct: I was in the alleyway behind the Victors pharmacist. I wasn’t far from

home now. Climbing out, I pulled my hood over my head and slipped out of the


My mind raced at how easy this all seemed, some voice nagging me. Telling me it

was too easy and to stay alert. The sky was getting darker, and I looked up, noticing

a snow storm coming in. Picking up my pace, I jog for around ten minutes before I

finally find my old street and house. The door was kicked in still, and I had a sense of

Deja vu wash over me. Walking in, I hold my breath as I look in what used to be the

lounge room. Gasping when I realised my grandmother’s body was gone and I didn’t

know if I felt relieved or worried.

Carefully looking around, I find the place the same. Someone had looted the

cupboards and ransacked the place, leaving only the furniture. Going into my room, I

look under the bed and see the floorboards still intact showing no one bothered to

move the bed or they would have noticed the drag marks of the bed. Pulling the bed

from the wall. I drag it to the other side before counting the floorboards, when I hit

number nine. I push on it, but it doesn’t budge. I use my nails trying to get my fingers

under the edge of it so I can pull it out. After about twenty minutes of fiddling with it

and trying to get a knife down the side of it and becoming annoyed, I hit the floor with

my fist. The entire floor lifted in a wave and the floorboards popped out, making me

gasp. I look at my hands, shocked at what I just did. I wasn’t even sure how I did it.
But one thing I knew was that I just used magic or an element of some sort. Lifting the

board out. I reached in for the box that was hidden underneath, only I felt nothing as I

gripped the floorboard next to it. I feel hands go underneath my arms making me

jump in fright. Hearing someone chuckle and my heart skips a beat as I am lifted and

placed on the bed. An icy shiver running up my spine when I see Silas was the one

that picked me up.

My hands tremble and I wait for his wrath, only it doesn’t come. Instead, he bends

down and rips the floorboard up and reaches in, grabbing the box before sitting next

to me.

“You know you could have just told me; I would have brought you here myself instead

of you sneaking off. Now I have to punish you” I felt tears brim in my eyes at his

words and my mind instantly drifted to Abigail and her family. Would he hurt them? I

could handle him hurting me, but them? That would kill me. Silas grips my chin,

forcing me to look up at him, my tears falling down my face.

“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Because I don’t want to break the curse on you” I see anger flash in his eyes before

he masks it.

“But you want to break the curse on the fae?” I nod, not saying anything and Silas


“What?” I ask, wondering what he found amusing.

“Nothing, I just think it funny that you want to save the fae but not help your own


“I never asked for this Silas, I don’t want to be your mate,” I tell him, waiting for his

anger knowing it is just below the surface of his calm facade.

“Fates decide that, not you. And you were made for us, maybe when you realise that,

you can bind what’s left of the fae back to their magic.”

“What do you mean?”

“To break that curse, you first have to break mine,” he says, letting my face go. Silas

stands up, putting the box in his jacket pocket. He stares down at me.

“Are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to use force,” he says, making

a shiver run up my spine. He extends his hand to me and I look at it before placing

my hand in his. His hand is huge, swallowing mine and warm. I let him pull me to my

feet and we walked out of the place and I find Dragus and Matitus standing out the

front of the house.

“Are you going to hurt Abigail?” I ask, worried that he would. Silas glanced down at

me before pulling me against his side and draping his arm over my shoulder.

He doesn’t answer, instead just pulls me along following Dragus and Matitus.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 33

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When the gates come into view, I stop and so does Silas before looking down at me.

“Keep going Elora, don’t make me hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you” he says, and I

could see the calmness leaving him, his normal angry demeanour slipping back into


“Not until you promise not to hurt Abigail and her family,” I tell him. He growls and I

see Dragus and Matitus stop, looking back at us nervously.

“They knew the consequences of helping you, Elora,” Silas says, letting go of my

hand and gripping my arm just above my elbow.

“You heard me this morning, didn’t you?” I asked, looking at Matitus.

“You told him and that’s why you let me out, isn’t it?” Matitus silence confirming my

assumption. Looking up, the sky was completely grey with clouds and the snow

forming on the ground was becoming thicker. I could see my breath making clouds in

the air as the temperature dropped. I felt tears brimming, knowing the sacrifice I was

about to make in order to fix my mistake of letting Abigail help me. Silas tugs on my

arm harshly, his nails digging into my arm through the layers of clothes. I swallow the

lump that formed in my throat, that was restricting my airways before clearing my

throat. Looking at Matitus, I glare at him and he actually looks like he regrets his


“Lora... I” Matitus says, making Silas glare at him.

“I know Matitus, they’re your mate’s and I am just a tool to be used for your benefit,” I

tell him.

“That’s not it, please just listen” I put my hand up, and he goes quiet before I look at

Silas. His eyes scrutinised my face and for a second I actually thought he cared, that

he was capable of feeling something for me.

Babae bumata ng 15 taon Do This Before Bed And

sa loob ng 3 araw! Ang The Parasite Will Leave
kanyang lihim Your Body!
Retinlift Organic Teatox

“Leave Abigail and her family alone and I will let you mark me” My voice coming out

sounded emotionless and dead. It was inevitable they would do it with or without my

permission anyway, I might as well try to help Abigail.

Silas tugs on my arm, making me look at him. “No!”

“No?” I ask confused, this is what he wanted so why would he say no?

“You want Abigail and her family to live, I want something else with marking you” I

shook my head. I had nothing else to offer, what else could he possibly want.
“I will let them live, if you let Dragus and I mark you and you stop fighting the mate



“You heard me, Elora. Now choose or I will make you watch as I kill them” I look to

Matitus and Dragus, but they look away. They know I don’t want any of this, anything

to do with them. Who in their right mind would after the horrible things they have all


“Fine, but on one condition”

“You don’t get to make conditions Elora”.

“Then you’ll never have me,” I tell him, refusing to drop my gaze from his.

“One condition, no make it two or I will reject you. All of you and accept you killing me

for it. You have my mother’s necklace, you have me. I am allowing you to mark me.

So, what’s one more thing, Silas.”

I hear Matitus chuckle, making my eyes dart to him.

“What do you want?” Silas asks, making me look at him. He crosses his arms across

his chest, making him even more intimidating as he glares down at me.

“You can never threaten or use Abigail or her family against me again no matter what,

and I want you to restore power back to the city,” Silas scoffs.

“You want us to re-power the entire city?”

“Yes, I do. You destroyed it and the entire city is suffering for it, the very people you

dragon kings swore to protect, but you are just letting them freeze to death in the

winters and die from heat stroke in the summers. Turn the power back on. Not

everyone has generators or working heaters. Would it kill you to do your job for once?
Those people are forced to live here, forced to die here, and you continue to force

them to suffer through it all. I know you have the means to do it, you just refuse to”

Silas remains quiet for a second and appears to be thinking.

Silas places his hand on my lower back, pushing me toward the gates. The guards

open the gates quickly and we step through. As we were walking up the stone road, I

saw Abigail out the front. A vampire had hold of her arm as she squirmed trying to get

out of his grip.

I try to run to her, but Silas’s hand on my arm stops me as he tugs me back beside

him. When we get to the castle doors. I notice Abigail’s mother and daughter just

inside the doors, looking petrified. The vampire grips Abigail’s hair, and she cries out,

clutching at their hands.

“Let them go. Taylor, escort them home and don’t lay so much as a finger on them,”

Silas says, and I know he is agreeing to what I want in exchange for what he wants.

Taylor nods and I see Jackie pick up Abbie’s daughter, placing her on her hip. She

runs past Abigail, looking nervous. The vampire still had hold of Abigail in a tight grip.

Shaking Silas hand off, I step forward.

“Let her go now.” My voice never wavering as I glare at him. He smirks and steps

closer, dragging Abigail with him.

“You heard her '' Silas growls behind me and I see the vampire look between us

before he lets Abigail go. He then glares at me and takes a step back. Fucking leech,

I think to myself. Matitus chuckles and I know he was listening in on my thoughts


“You can go home with your family Abigail, come back in a few days” Matitus says,

and she nods before rushing over to me and hugging me. I hugged her back before

shrugging off my cloak. Her daughter only had pants and a shirt on. Silas watches

me but says nothing as I walk over and drape it over Jackie and her granddaughter.
“Elora, inside now” Silas says behind me, making me look at him. Moving past

everyone, I step inside before going to sit and remove my boots when Dragus comes

over to me before kneeling down and untying the laces. I put my hand on his

shoulder as he grabs my foot before removing my shoes, leaving me in my socks.

Silas and Matitus walk in watching us while removing their boots. I wait for them when

Dragus grabs my hand gently.


“A little,” I tell him and let him pull me further into the castle. Silas and Matitus following

closely behind. Looking back at Silas, he is watching me.

“Thank you,” I tell him, and he looks shocked for a second before nodding.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 34

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Walking upstairs, I was hesitant to step in the room. One of the cooks had brought a

platter of food, cheeses, crackers and fresh fruits and some weird round pieces of

meat and what looked like coloured little onions. Dragus plucked a grape off the tray

before popping it in his mouth. I walked into the closet, my clothes were a little damp

from walking in the snow. I slipped on some comfy pajamas before walking back out

to find all of them only in shorts having removed their shirts. My eyes roaming over

each one of them and I felt my stomach tighten at the sight of them before Silas held

out his hand to me, wanting me to come to him.

“Don’t go back on your word Elora or I will” he said.

Placing my hand in his, I let him pull me toward the bed before sitting on the edge.

Reaching over, I took a cube of cheese and a cracker as they were literally the only
thing other than the fruit, I recognised and started eating with them. “Try these,”

Matitus said pointing to the round thing that looked like meat and the little onions. I

watched as he put them on the cracker with the cheese before popping it in his


Picking up the little green onion, it felt slimy. Sniffing it, it didn’t smell like an onion. I

pop it in my mouth and nearly spit it out from its weird tangy taste, it wasn’t horrid but

not what I was expecting. Matitus chuckles before doing the same to another cracker

and handing it to me. “You’re supposed to put cheese and cabanossi with it” he

says, handing it to me.

“Try it now” he said as I placed the cracker with its strange assortment in my mouth

before chewing it slowly and swallowing.

“Taste better?” Silas asks beside me as he lays on his side.

“Yes, better,” I tell him before making another one, copying what Matitus did. When

we finish eating, I suddenly get nervous. Would it hurt being marked by them, in the

dragon heat nothing hurt worse than the burning, so I didn’t even notice Matitus initial


“It will only hurt for a second, then it will feel good” Matitus answers my racing


“Can you not do that; I should be allowed the privacy of my own mind,” I tell him

looking at him annoyed.

“Fine, I will try not to, okay?” he says, reaching for me as Dragus removes the tray

and places it outside the door on the trolley.

“How do I know you will turn the power back on?” I ask, looking at Silas.
Babae bumata ng 15 taon Do This Before Bed And
sa loob ng 3 araw! Ang The Parasite Will Leave
kanyang lihim Your Body!
“You may not trust me, Elora, but I am not a liar. If you want, though, you can let one
Retinlift Organic Teatox

of us mark you then the other after the power is back on.”

“Will you allow that?” I ask incredulously, that one of them will wait. It actually surprised

me he didn’t mark me the moment I said it.

“Yes, so who first? You can decide” Silas says. Looking between both Dragus and

Silas, how do I choose without angering the other. “They won’t be angry,” Matitus

says next to my ear, making me look at him.

“Stay out of my head, Matitus,” I tell him.

“Oh, right forgot.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Anyone got a coin, flip for it?” I suggest not wanting to choose between them. Silas

stands up before digging through his pocket before pulling out a gold coin. He tosses

it to me, and I catch it.

“Fine, heads or tails” I ask looking at them.

“Heads” Silas says. Flipping the coin in the air, I catch it before placing it on my arm

and lifting my hand.

“Tails, that means you Dragus,” I tell him looking at him. Silas didn’t seem fazed as he

sat back down on the bed.

“It won’t hurt for long” Matitus tells me, invading my thoughts again.

“Oh, my bloody god, are you incapable of listening? Stay out of my fucking head

Matitus,” I tell him slapping his arm.

“I find your thoughts entertaining little one, especially your thoughts when I catch you,

perve” Turning around quickly, I place my hand over his lips so he can’t finish what he
was about to say. I can feel him still trying to talk as I press my hand to his mouth,

muffling his voice. Matitus chuckles and my face goes bright red with


Matitus grips me before lifting me on his chest as he lays back on the bed, pulling me

with him. My hands clamped tightly over his full lips.

“Don’t be embarrassed Elora, I would be more worried if you weren’t attracted to us,

because it would mean you don’t feel the bond at all” Silas says.

‘Somehow I don’t think anyone would find them not attractive they basically looked

like sex on legs, with their masculine bodies and godlike looks, oh my god he is

listening,’ I feel Matitus chuckle before trying to pry my hands from his face as he

goes to blab my thoughts to them. “Don’t it’s bad enough you keep invading them” I

tell while I glared down at him.

Moving my hand from his lips, Matitus smirks. “Oh, how will you survive the

embarrassment when we can all hear you” he whispers before gripping my hips as I

go to get off him.

Sitting up, my legs straddle his waist as he holds me in place. I can feel his erection

growing underneath me and I raise an eyebrow at him before I feel Dragus sweep my

hair to the side, exposing my neck where Matitus marked me. I flinch when his fingers

brush the mark and tingles spread down my neck and shoulder, making me shiver.

“Just remember what you also promised Elora, Dragus and Matitus will know if you

resist the mate bond” Silas says rubbing his hand up my thigh. My heart starts

hammering in my chest at his words and the meaning behind them.

“We won’t force you, Elora, just don’t deny what you feel,” Matitus says softly making

me look down at him before looking at Silas and he nods in agreement with Matitus.
“Aren’t they the same thing though the mate bond will make me want to even if

logically I don’t want to,” I tell them, and they shrug.

“Like I said, we won’t force you, but” There is always a but, I think sarcastically.

“We will know if you don’t want to, we just don’t want you to deliberately shove what

you feel aside because you don’t want to be with us. Make sense?”

“Not really,” I tell him, and he chuckles. I feel Dragus move behind me pressing into

my back as he kneels behind me, his knees on either side of mine straddling Matitus.

Fear consumes me when I feel his breath on the back of my neck. I feel his arm

snake around my waist pulling me against him and I suddenly forget how to breathe

as my heart beats erratically in my chest so hard that I can hear it.

Dragus move his hand it goes under my shirt, before I feel Matitus hands run up my

thighs and under the pajama shorts I have on, his hands stopping at the apex of my

legs as he brushes his thumbs against my hips.

“Breathe Elora, it will only hurt for a second. I promise,” Matitus says making my eyes

snap to his and I take a deep breath as I feel the points of his fangs press against my

skin. I notice Silas sits up and places a hand on Dragus shoulder, gripping it tightly.

“Just a precaution” he whispers. Silas has said before that Matitus and Dragus can

sometimes struggle with control, and I know that is why he grabbed him. In case

Dragus loses that control, the thought scared me. But I didn’t have enough time for

that fear to completely register as I felt his teeth break through my skin over Matitus

mark. I scream and squirm for a second and Matitus grip and Dragus holds me in

place as I feel his teeth slice through my skin. It hurt but didn’t last long when I could

feel a sudden pull like an elastic band snapping into place, linking us together before I

felt his tongue roll over my skin and pleasure explodes throughout me as I leaned into

him. A moan escaping my lips and my body relaxes against him as my head rolls

back onto his shoulder.

I feel a little high from his bite when he suddenly pulls back, and I can feel through the

bond the struggle he actually has but forces himself because he doesn’t want to hurt

me. I feel his teeth leave my skin before he runs his tongue over it, making me shiver

as he seals the mark before kissing the side of my face.

Dizziness rushes over me and my head spins as I feel him move away and I slump

against Matitus feeling sleepy and can feel his venom spreading throughout my body.

I don’t remember feeling this when Matitus bit me.

“It’s because Dragus isn’t a pure dragon, one mark has little effect on your body,

Elora. Two will make you feel tired, and Silas may just knock you out for a few days,”

Matitus answers my thoughts as my eyelids flutter closed and I try to nod my head

when sleep consumes me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 35

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Waking up the next morning I stretched, feeling hands grabbing at me. Opening my

eyes, I was between Dragus and Matitus. Their arousal through the bond flooding into

me. Looking at them, they were both asleep. Making me wonder what they were

dreaming about or whether it was just my movement that aroused them. Trying to sit

up, Matitus chucks his arm over me knocking me back down and Dragus chucks his

leg over my abdomen, squishing my bladder even more.

Seriously, they expect me to sleep in their bed, yet I end up squashed and

smothered. Elbowing Matitus he groans, and I think he may wake when he suddenly

pulls me against him. His hot skin makes me feel hot and tingly as his bare skin

brushes mine. Hearing laughter, I lift my head. Silas is sitting in the armchair at the

end of the bed with a newspaper in his hand, looking over the top of it, amused at my

“A little help?” I ask, trying to wriggle out from between them. Only for them to keep

pressing against me. Silas chuckles again before getting up. He lifts Matitus arm off

me before rolling Dragus off me, allowing me to wriggle out and stand on the bed.

Silas grabs my hips, lifting me over the top of Dragus before placing me on my feet.

Looking back at the bed, Matitus pats the bed in his sleep before his hand brushes

Dragus and he rips him closer, crushing him against his chest.

I laugh, watching as they keep wriggling and gripping each other. Silas chuckles and I

see his eyes light up, watching them before he leans down, his voice next to my ear.

“They think each other are you” he chuckles, making me look over my shoulder at

him, but his face was still there barely an inch off mine. Silas smiles and my eyes dart

to his lips, I don’t know what made me do it, whether it was the bond and feeling

Matitus or Dragus arousal or whether I actually wanted to, but I suddenly kissed him,

pressing my lips to his. Silas didn’t hide his shock, not expecting me to kiss him. I

was usually standoffish with him, his lips were warm and after a second I went to pull

away, when his fingers gripped my chin pulling me back.

His tongue brushing my bottom lip wanting access and I grant it; my lips parting and I

feel his tongue slip into my mouth playing with mine. Turning to face him his other

hand goes to my waist bunching my shorts in a fist tugging me closer. I place my

hand on his chest, loving how warm his skin is under my palm before kissing him

harder. He groans into my mouth and I feel my skin heat with arousal as I push myself

closer to him. My arms wrap around his neck and I run my fingers through the hair on

the back of his neck.

Someone clears their throat and I suddenly snap out of the weird trance I was in. My

body felt foreign, and I knew it was the bond. Knew that the arousal wasn’t mine, yet I

couldn’t deny how right it felt. I enjoyed kissing him, liked his hands on my body but

that didn’t change who he was and what he has done. Looking back, I see Dragus

and Matitus sitting up. Dragus yawns, reaching for me but I step back remembering I

need to pee.
“What were you two doing?” Matitus asks a knowing grin on his face and I feel a

blush creep onto my cheeks making him chuckle. Stepping past Silas, I quickly duck

into the bathroom going to the toilet before washing my hands and heading back into

the room. All of them in a state of undress as they get ready for the day. Silas comes

out of the walk-in handing me some clothes and I quickly slip them on, not even

bothering to try to hide from them. Seemed pointless seeing as they have seen me

naked loads of times already. Grabbing my socks, I go to sit on the end of the bed

when I am tugged onto Dragus lap, lifting my foot I place one sock on before doing

the other one.

Every movement made me aware of his erection pressing against my ass. He groans,

gripping my hips when I try to get up. My belly rumbling loudly, and Silas looks over at


“Let her up, she needs to eat” he tells him gently and Dragus sighs before letting me

get up and grabbing my hand. Following Dragus and Matitus into the dining room, I

find breakfast ready and I pinch a sausage off one of the plates, biting into. I was

starving and I don’t remember the last time I was this hungry, my body usually never

gets hungry, I never had much of an appetite before I came here. Silas walks in a few

seconds later and I realised he went and retrieved my grandmother’s book.

Silas then sits done before grabbing the necklace and removing the pendant. I step

closer looking over his shoulder when he tugs me closer making me sit on his lap. He

drags his plate closer before placing the book on the table. I go to reach for it, eager

to see what it says, when Silas arms go around my waist, his hand going inside my

shirt. His fingers running across my abdomen, sparks dancing over my skin wherever

they brushed. “Eat first the book can wait,” he says before stabbing a piece of tomato

and bringing the fork to my lips. I let him feed it to me, before biting into the sausage

in my fingers still.

“God, I love watching you put things in your mouth” Dragus groans, making me look

at him, my face turning red at what he said.

“So innocent,” Silas chuckles, rubbing his thumb over my blushing cheek.

“You two seem cosy” Matitus states.

“Hmm, I feel different besides I am doing what I promised I would” I answer.

“Because Dragus marked you, your body will want you to finish the marking process,

I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually went into the Dragon heat again tonight” Silas

tells me, making me nearly choke on the sausage I was eating. Silas hands me a

glass of water and I drink it down.

“I have something you can choke on'' Dragus says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll

my eyes before grabbing the fork and devouring everything on my plate, when Silas

pushes his towards me. Why am I so hungry? I think to myself.

“Last dragon heat, that’s why. Your body will burn at unimaginable temperatures when

it hits again now that you bare two marks” Matitus answers my thoughts. Fear

consuming me at what he said. Hotter? I thought it wouldn’t kill me now?

“It won’t but you will probably wish for death,” Dragus answers.

“Stop doing that,” I look at the pair of them, annoyed. My heart is pounding in my

chest with fear of what’s coming.

“Both of you stop it, you’re scaring her,” Silas tells them, glaring at them both.

“Since when do you care about scaring her?” Matitus retorts and Silas shrugs.

“If you want, I will make sure the power is restored today even if I have to do it myself,

then I can mark you before it gets too bad,” Silas tells me.

“What about the book?”

“It can wait, I have waited hundreds of years to find you, just over one hundred years

to find that book another day won’t hurt,” he says, and I nod.
“Wait, but if you mark me, won’t I go into the next stage of the heat?” I ask.

Silas nods. “It probably won’t be for a few days after you wake up.”

After breakfast Silas, Dragus and Matitus leave the castle grounds and I wander into

the library and retrieve the journal of Silas’s that I was reading. Skimming through the

pages, I stop when I come to a drawing inside of the book. The woman looks so

similar to me and I stare down at the woman. The only actual differences between us

were, her hair was curly and her face a little fuller but everything else was similar,

including the Aziza eye colouring. On the bottom of the page is the name I am

assuming of the woman. Blaire.

Sitting down at Silas’s desk, I go back a couple of pages before the picture. My mind

is reeling. Is it possible Silas was telling the truth that the Aziza’s started the war, that

my bloodline was the reason for all this destruction, but mostly I wanted to know who

the woman was to Silas. I start reading, completely consumed in Silas’s thoughts. But

the only thing I can figure from his writing is that he loved her, it doesn’t say what

happened to her or where she went placing the journal on the shelf. I look for the next

year hoping to get some answers when Silas walks in.

“There you are? I have been looking for you,” he says, moving to sit on the edge of

his desk. Looking toward the windows, I see the sun going down and hadn’t realised

how long I had actually been sitting reading. The entire day seemed to pass by.

“What are you looking for?” Silas asks, standing behind me. “The next year,” I tell him,

placing the book in its designated spot before going to retrieve the next one when he

stops my hand from grabbing it and I see worry in his eyes as he looks at it.

“What?” I ask. Maybe he changed his mind and didn’t want me to read them

anymore. “Nothing, it didn’t bother me before but there are some things I don’t want

you to know now,” he says looking down at me.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because before I didn’t care if I upset you, that you knew. But now that you're sort of

trying, I don’t want you to change your mind. I don’t want you to hate me more than

you do,” he says before grabbing it from the shelf.

“This wasn’t a good year,” he says, flicking through the pages.


“Because that’s when the war started, when the treaty was broken and when” he

didn't finish. But I know what he didn’t say.

“Blaire?” I ask, looking up at him. He nods before his eyes dart away from mine.

“I won’t read it then,” I tell him when I see how upset he just got over her name. His

jaw was tense and his knuckles white, clutching the journal just at the mention of her

name which confused me.

“I know you loved her,” I tell him, taking the book from him and placing it on the shelf.

Silas doesn’t answer, just stares back at me.

“I also know I look like her, that she was an Aziza,” I tell him, he still says nothing, and I

can see behind his snake-like eyes a storm of emotions is brewing before he shoves

them away and his eyes soften.

“Come on, I want to take you somewhere.”

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 36

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Silas took me to the front of the castle before stopping near the front doors. “Where

are Dragus and Matitus?”

“At the power station” Silas answers before wrapping a cloak around me and handing

me some socks. I go to put some shoes on when Silas shakes his head.

“You don’t need shoes, you won’t be touching the ground,” he says, making me look

at him in confusion. I stood up, wondering what he meant when he grabbed me. I

wrap my legs around his waist, my arms going to his shoulders, which are bare and

very warm under palms like a mini heater. The heat from his chest is the hottest part

of him and I can feel it warming me through the cloak. Silas hands move to my ass as

he walks outside. The freezing icy breeze blowing my hair in my face, and I let go of

his shoulder with one hand brushing it from my lips.

Silas walks onto the gravel area near the stairs. He presses his forehead against mine

and one hand wraps around my waist, holding me tighter against him. “Hold on, I am

about to jump” he whispers before looking up and I grip his shoulders, feeling him

move slightly before springing off the ground effortlessly. “You can open your eyes,

Lora,” he says, brushing his nose across my cheek. I do and see that we are on the

roof. Silas walks to the edge before sitting down and turning me around on his lap, so

my feet dangle off the edge. I look over the edge and feel his grip around my waist

get tighter as I lean forward.

Silas pulls a watch from his pocket checking the time before nestling his face into the

crook of my neck, he kisses it making me shiver and he chuckles. “What are we

doing up here?” I ask, confused, as to why he was making me freeze out here.

“So impatient, do you have any idea how hard it was turning the power on when half

the transformers were blown up?” I shake my head, not even knowing what the hell

he is talking about.

“I can’t even remember the city ever having power, the only time I ever saw electricity

was here and a few places that had solar panels or used generators,” I tell him.

Grandma and I had power at our last place but that was because of the generator we

found on a rubbish heap and still only the kitchen had power and we used it for a

lamp as well sometimes. Fuel was too expensive, so mostly we used the fireplace for

light at night and only turned it on during the day for a few hours to get the old fridge

cold enough to last night.

Silas says nothing but nods against my shoulder. Silas looks at his watch again and

points toward the city. First the streetlights turn on flickering for a few seconds, then

suburb by suburb I watch as lights start turning on. Neon signs I had never seen

before lighting up in the distance and I hear and can just make out people coming out

of the houses and standing in the streets looking at the houses and buildings lit up

like Christmas trees. Voices getting louder and echoing into the night with excitement

that they have power. I know the feeling and can’t help but feel excited for them. I
know exactly how hard living by candlelight is, exactly how hard it is to force yourself

into the freezing water of a shower in the middle of winter, and most of all I know the

feeling of being constantly sick from the cold. Maybe now the winters won’t kill so

many people.

“Look how happy they are,” I whisper, speaking to myself. I can’t remember the last

time I felt happy, in this city there wasn’t much to be happy about but seeing and

hearing everyone in the streets excitedly cheering and running around amazed,

brought a smile to my lips. If only grandma was here to see it, to see the power back

on. I wonder if Lilith and her mother and Abigail and her family would be happy to

have the power restored.

“I enjoy seeing you smile,” Silas says, kissing my cheek making me look at him.

“Thank you,” I whisper, pecking his lips before looking away back toward the cheerful

people in the streets. Hearing the crunch of snow, I feel Silas turn looking behind him

and I look over his shoulder too. Matitus and Dragus walking over to us. Matitus and

Dragus sit next to us, and I notice Matitus is naked.

“Did you fly here?” I ask. He nods before sitting on the roof beside Silas Dragus sitting

next to me. Matitus hisses at his naked skin sitting on the snow. “Well, that’s one way

to get blue balls” I chuckle and so does Dragus beside me.

“hopefully, they don’t freeze to the roof we will need to get spatula to scrape them


“You think you’re funny?” Matitus asks, raising an eyebrow.

“A little,” I chuckle.

“For your information, my balls are still toasty warm, you can come and feel them if

you want” Matitus retorts making me blush at the thought of touching him there. Silas

chuckles before shaking his head at us. We stayed outside watching people for a bit

until I started shivering and my lips turned blue, Silas told me I had to go back inside.

Standing up, I wrap my legs around his waist and watch as he steps off the side, the

ground rushing toward us and I squeeze my eyes shut, my fingers gripping his

shoulders tightly and my body tenses before impact. I barely feel the impact of him

hitting the ground as Dragus opens the castle doors, letting us inside. The

temperature changes dramatically from ice cold to warm. I shrug the cloak off,

hanging it up.

“What do you want to do now?” Silas asks, making me think. I wanted to have a

shower, I was freezing, and all my muscles were locked and aching from the cold.

Matitus answers for me.

“She wants to shower, she is cold” he says, wiggling his eyebrows in my direction.

“I’m sure she meant alone” Dragus tells him and Matitus glares at him. Walking past

them, I wait. Matitus standing there in all his naked glory, and I see one of the maids

come out with some shorts for him and she passed them to him. I watch as he

bends slightly to put them on. Feeling a little devious, I slap his ass hard, making him

jump. I can see my handprint etched into his skin and my hand stung from the

impact. Silas nearly choked on his laugh and I can only imagine it was from the look

on his face. Before he could turn around, I took off running for the stairs.
“Someone wants to play” Matitus sang out to me and I see them shoving each other

over before darting after to me. Running into the room, I try to stifle my laugh

snickering to myself as I try to find somewhere to hide from them before quickly

slipping under the bed. I watch as they walk into the room and can see their feet.

One of them walks out before coming back in and I can hear them sniffing the air

looking for me. One of them opens the cupboard while another walks in the

bathroom. I laugh and accidently snort, trying to stop myself from laughing when I

suddenly feel someone grip my ankles and rip me out, making me squeal. Matitus

lifting me off the ground by my ankles, hanging me upside down. Jiggling me like a

tea bag.

“Don’t you drop me” I screech as I keep seeing the ground get closer and closer to

my face.

Matitus chucks me in the air before catching me against his body, opening my eyes. I

find myself with his crutch next to my face. Using my hands, I push against his thighs

trying to get away from his junk that just touched my face. I feel blood rush to face

embarrassed at the position I got myself into.

“Now Elora, do they look blue?” Ask Matitus, chuckling to himself.

“Matitus put me down” he lets go, making me squeal, catching me before I face plant

the floor. I can hear Dragus and Silas laughing at me.

Matitus manoeuvres me as he sits on the bed with me draped over his knees. I try to

get up and he shoves me back down, pressing his hand on the centre of my back. I

feel his other hand rubbing my ass that is in the air. Before feeling his hands tug my

pants down my legs.

“What are you doing?” I ask, squirming when I realise he is trying to remove them.

“Returning the favour” Matitus chuckles. I try to sit up and I see Dragus and Silas

watching with seductive smiles on their lips, when suddenly I feel Matitus hand come
down on my ass making me jump, my ass cheek burning and I can feel every finger

welting my skin as I hiss at the pain and squirm.

“I’m going to kill you” I screeched at him before feeling his hand biting into the flesh of

my ass making me hiss again at the burning pain radiating from where his hand

slapped. Matitus rubs it, relieving some pain as sparks move over my ass.

I feel his fingers slip under the waistband of my lace panties before he tugs them

down my legs before using his foot to remove them. I squirm and try to get up, but he

holds me in place. I hear Silas growl and it almost sounds like a purr, making me turn

my head to look at him. His eyes turned dark. Suddenly I feel Matitus rub my ass

before his hand comes down on it making me squirm trying to get away from him. His

hand then rubbing the spot and I feel his fingers run down my ass crack to my slit, I

moan before clamping my hand over my mouth in realisation of what I just did.

Matitus runs his fingers through my wet lips, and I realise how wet I actually am.

Matitus hand moves, and I miss the contact of him touching me. When I feel his hand

come down again harder, making me moan when he rubs his hand over my ass

again. I can feel his erection digging into my stomach when he suddenly slides a

finger inside me before slowly removing it.

Matitus groans loudly. “ah she is so wet” he murmurs before sliding his finger out and

adding another, twisting them and curling them inside me making me moan and push

against them. My walls clamp down on his fingers as I feel my stomach tighten. He

pulls them in and out and I become completely lost in the slow torture of fingers

moving inside me. I push against them wanting him to move them faster, but he stills

them inside me making me frustrated. “Do you want me to stop?” he teases.

“No, don’t stop,” I tell him, my voice sounding airy. Matitus chuckles before pulling

them from me and running them down to my clit and rubbing it in a circular motion,

making me exhale.
Just as I am about to come, he stops again before pulling me up, making me sigh

loudly in frustration. When suddenly I feel hands on my hips turning me around before

the back of my knees hit the bed and I am forced to sit. Silas kneels in front of me

before shoving my legs apart, he grips my hips pulling them toward him. My hands

go to the bed to stop from falling backwards as he drapes my legs over his

shoulders. I feel him suck on the inside of my thigh and I throw my head back at the

sensation and I hear him groan before he licks a straight line from my ass to clit

making me moan loudly. He grips my thighs, pulling them further apart before

plunging his hot tongue between my wet folds, making me gasp as he sucks and

licks every piece of me before sucking my clit into his mouth.

I feel the bed dip behind me before feeling lips on my neck as Dragus sits behind me

and I relax against him, letting him support my weight and keep me upright. Dragus

grips my chin, bringing my lips to his, kissing me. His tongue plunges into my mouth

as he tastes every inch, Silas devouring me with his relentless sucking and licking

when I feel hands tugging my shirt up before it is ripped off me, the tearing fabric

stinging my skin before I feel warm lips and tongue wrap around nipple.

Dragus lips moving to my neck as he sucks on my mark, making me roll my hips

against Silas’s face and my hand goes into his hair. He growls the vibration making

my stomach tighten before I feel him slip his tongue inside me tasting me and fucking

me with his tongue.

My grip on his hair tightening and everything feels overstimulated with so many lips

devouring my skin. I moan loudly when I feel my orgasm reaching its peak, and Silas

sucks my clit into his mouth hard, sending me over the edge and I feel my walls

fluttering and pulsating as I come, moaning loudly. Silas licking up all my juices before

kissing my thigh, making my legs tremble. I feel him stand up, my legs sliding off his

shoulders and he pushes me onto the bed before kneeling on the bed, his knee

between my legs and I can’t help grinding against it as it brushes against me. Silas

kisses me forcefully and I can taste myself on his tongue making me breathe into his
mouth, his lips going to my chin, then my neck when I feel Dragus grip my chin

pulling my face to the side kissing me hard and I feel his hand wrap over my chest,

he squeezes my breast making me moan. Silas kisses my neck before licking it.

“I’m going to mark you now, Elora” he whispers, and I feel his fangs brush my neck

making me shiver. Dragus kiss becomes demanding and dominating as he takes

control of the kiss and I feel Silas teeth sink into my neck, feel the pull instantly

snapping into place and I scream as his venom moves through my veins. It burns for

a second but Dragus distracts me and then I feel warmth spread throughout me. My

toes tingling and my entire body buzzing, and I moan loudly as pleasure explodes

through my body making my toes curl before a heaviness washes over me and I feel

my eyes close as darkness takes over and I feel my limbs go limp.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 37

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Abigail’s POV

I returned to find out Silas had marked her; she has been asleep for two days now.

The dragon kings have been on edge and everyone has been walking on eggshells.

The atmosphere has been thick with their anger and I was becoming anxious. I

hoped Elora woke up soon because I had a bad feeling that Silas was about to go on

one of his rampages. One of the cooks told me she sacrificed herself so he wouldn’t

kill me and my family, that she was also the reason the power was back on.

Walking down the corridor to the library, I place the tray of coffee on the end of the

desk while preparing their dinner plates. They had been scouring the books in here

for days, barely leaving except to check on Elora. I usually ignored them when I had

to serve them, but something with the way they were speaking made me tune in.
“She won’t allow it, Silas. She will never forgive you,” Matitus tells him.

“It’s the only way to break the curse unless you have a spare oracle we don’t know


“There has to be a loophole there always is, you know this. You force her hand she

will hate us.”

“She will never know; we can tell her it’s how we break the curse on the fae. And

what does it matter. The only fae other than her is Marian, and she is too old to use

magic” Silas argues.

“So, you expect her to give up her magic, become the sacrifice?”

“Yes, she is our mate, her duty is to carry our children. She doesn’t even know how

to use her magic, she won’t miss it.”

“The book said we just need to find the oracle and reverse the sins of the past to

break the curse, we are already reversing them. We marked her, and she didn’t reject

us. But doing this will make her,” Dragus says siding with Matitus.

“He is right Silas, if they say there is an oracle, we will find them. We found her didn’t


“We killed every fucking witch alive, there are none. So, she is the only way. We need

a magical sacrifice or spill the blood of the oracle. Elora wouldn’t want an innocent

dying for us, I know if she had to choose, she would give her magic up.”
“No, she won’t. You think she will turn her back on the fae. You’re asking her to give

up who she is” Matitus yells.

“No, we will find the Oracle kill them, the curse breaks and we live happily ever after

with our mate” Dragus tells Silas. Silas punches the table and I hear the wood split

and I jump, looking up all their eyes are on me. Like they didn’t realise I was in the

room. Silas eyes flicker like a reptile as he walks around the desk, stopping next to

me. My hands tremble and my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

“You speak one word of what you have overheard to anyone. I will make you watch

as I skin your daughter alive, understood?” I nod, words failing me, and I become

paralysed by fear.

“Get out,” he screams, and I bolt from the room.

Running down the corridor, I head for the kitchens. Peter is sitting there waiting for me

still and I reach into his pocket, finding the castle phone. I know he just used to ring

his brother before running off to my room. Closing the door, my hands tremble as I

punch in the numbers. The phone ringing and I feel my heart thumping against my

ribs painfully. The phone rings out and I hit redial.

“Come on, mum pick up” I mutter in panic when I suddenly hear her voice. She

sounded like I woke her.

“Hello,” she says, and I can hear her yawning.

“Mum, you need to get her out of here.”

“Abigail, is that you dear.”

“Mum, listen to me, you need to get her out, they are looking for the oracle. You need

to get her out now.”

I hear my mother gasp and the phone goes silent.

“How? Do they know it’s her?”

“No, and you need to get her out, promise me you will get her out.”

“I will find a way. I will look after her. I will keep her safe,” she tells me, and I feel tears

brim before rolling down my cheeks.

“Tell her mummy said she loves her,” I tell her trying to not break down. The phone

goes silent, and I can hear her breathing loudly. “I will and I won’t let them find her. I

love you, Abbi.”

“I love you too,” I tell her before clicking the red button on the phone and hanging up.

I may never see her again, never see her bubbly little face, hear her angelic little

voice. I could feel my heart tearing to pieces, each part that is her breaking off and

leaving nothing but a void inside me. I had to do this; I could live with this guilt of

leaving her if it means she can live. That will be my burden to carry, and I know my

mother would give her last breath for my daughter. Pushing my tears aside I scroll

through the phone settings deleting my mother’s mobile number from the call list.

Getting my bearings, I wipe my tears and walk toward the kitchen before handing the

phone back to Peter. He places it on the charging dock. “Everything okay?”

“I’m fine, Peter. You should head to bed,” I tell him. I watch as he leaves before

collapsing on the stool at the bench. My daughter was who they needed to break the

curse, she may be the key, but I wasn’t willing to sacrifice her, not even for the good

of others. She was my baby. Mine to protect. I will die before I let them touch her. I

have always known the risk of being a witch. In my family, Oracles were born every

third generation. My daughter was the third, and she already suffers from nightmares

that I know are our future, her future. So many times, she has dreamt of my death

and now I know that is one that will come true, because I will die just to keep her safe

from them.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear her come in, I wasn't expecting her to wake so


“Abigail, are you alright?” she asks, stepping into the room.

“You’re awake,” I exclaim.

“Yes, I just woke up, is everything alright, you look like you have been crying” she

asks concerned. Silas walks in behind her, my eyes darting over her shoulder. He

glares at me in warning.

“Yes, everything is fine. Only tired,” I tell her. She goes to step closer when Silas grips

her arm and she spins around having not noticed him behind her.

“You’re awake little one” he says, pulling her against him and crushing her against his

chest. His eyes darted to me and I know he is telling me to go. I got up, using the

back exit to leave before she could see me and head to my room. I had to warn her

somehow, but if I do, they will know it was me and I didn’t doubt Silas when he said

he would kill her and right now I need to make sure she is out of the city before I warn


They already took my husband. I won’t let them take my daughter from me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 38

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Elora’s POV

Waking up, I feel well rested, like I have been asleep for days. Walking into the

bathroom, I quickly pee before washing my hands. Looking in the mirror, my skin was

glowing, my eyes vibrant, even my hair looked healthier and had more shine to it, but

the most startling thing was the purple tattoos running down my face. They had

spread down my neck, these differed from my normal fae markings from when I

manifested, they felt different. Touching them they felt warm. Pulling my shirt off, I look

in the mirror. They ran from my temple down the side of my neck to my shoulders and

wrapped down my arm; they looked like purple flames. The ones on my face were

still the flower blossoms but from where my mark sits on my neck, they change to a

swirling pattern of silver, gold and purple then flames bleeding out of my mark running

the rest of the way to my elbow.

The pattern swirling and sparkling under the lights. Pulling my shirt back on, I give up

trying to figure out what it is before walking in the closet and grabbing some tights.

Once I am dressed, I head down the stairs looking for my mates only when I walk

past the kitchen, I notice Abigail.

“Abigail, are you alright?” I ask, stepping into the room. She had tears staining her

cheeks, and she looked sad.

“You’re awake,” she says, looking at me in shock. I nod before stepping a little closer.

“Yes, I just woke up, is everything alright, you look like you have been crying” I ask,

wondering what had her upset.

“Yes, everything is fine. Just tired,” Abigail replies. Just as I am about to go to her, I

feel a hand tug me back, sparks running up my arm, and my heart beats erratically in

my chest at the sight of him.

“You’re awake, little one,” he says before pulling me to him and wrapping his arms

around me. I melt into him, loving the feel of his touch and his warm embrace.

Looking up, he looks down at me, before kissing my lips softly, wrapping my arms

around his neck, I pull him closer, deepening the kiss. If he was surprised, he doesn’t

show it. Silas chuckles against my lips and I pull back, remembering Abigail was in

the room with us. Turning around, she is gone. I look for her and go to walk further

into the kitchen when Silas’s hand on my arm stops me.

“Where did she go?” I ask aloud.

“She has work to do” Silas says but by the tone of his voice he seemed mad at her

which confused me. Silas pulls me against him, wrapping his arm around my
shoulders and walking us into the corridor and pulling me towards the library.

When we enter, Matitus and Dragus lookup, a smile gracing both their faces, and I

can’t help but smile back at them. The mate bond was in full force, I could feel it

making me want to run to them, pulling me towards them. It felt strange, but I also

liked it. Dragus comes to me first, kissing me before picking me up. I wrap my legs

around his waist before I feel Matitus behind me; he kisses my shoulder and I shiver. I

feel him tug the collar of his shirt that I am wearing away, looking at the mark.

“What?” Silas asks when suddenly I feel my shirt being pulled off. I shiver from the

cold draft pressing closer to Dragus and stealing his warmth. I feel fingers tracing my

markings. Feel their shock through the bond.

“Is it bad?” I ask, confused.

“I’m not sure, I think it’s because we marked you,” Silas says.

“I recognise the marking though, they’re fae symbols for dragon” Matitus says. Silas

pulls my shirt over my head, his fingers brushing over my breast and I moan when he

squeezes my harden nipple, making my legs tighten around Dragus waist. Dragus

laughs while Silas tugs my shirt down and I instantly miss his touch.

“Obviously, the bond has kicked in,” Dragus chuckles before leaning in and inhaling

my scent. Dragus turns around, placing me on the edge of the desk. He stands

between my legs and I look down at what they were looking at. I see my

grandmother’s journal open and can see the writing. I go to pick it up when it

vanishes from my hand.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, holding my hand out expectantly. Silas puts it in the safe and I

frown. He was hiding something.

“What did it say? Does it say how to break the curse” Silas is silent for a second

before turning to face me and Dragus moves. Silas takes his place between my legs
and I can feel that Matitus and Dragus are a little uneasy about something.

“It tells you how to break it, doesn’t it?” Silas looks to Matitus over my shoulder and I

look too. Matitus is glaring at Silas, making me frown. What has gotten into them

two? I wondered.

“It does,” Silas says looking down at me and my eyes light up excited to know. If I

break the curse on the Dragon kings means I can break the curse on the fae.

“It doesn’t matter right now, we can discuss it later” Silas tells me, rubbing my cheek

with his thumb before pinching my chin between his fingers and bringing his lips to

mine. Arousal flooding me instantly and I pull him closer, and he groans into my

mouth. My hand went to his side as I pulled him closer to me, my core pulsating in

anticipation and I had never felt this aroused before. The sparks rushed over my skin

threatening to set me on fire.

When suddenly I hear their voices, Matitus speaking to both Silas and Dragus, and I

pull away, looking up at Silas.

“What?” he asks. Did I just imagine it? Did I hear correctly? Silas kissed me and my

eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“She's going to hate us, she will never agree, Silas,” Dragus's voice in my head. Or

maybe I was in his?

Silas growl vibrates through my head like a freight train as he kisses me more fiercely.

“She doesn’t have a choice” he snaps back at Dragus. I pull back. What the fuck are

they talking about? Silas groans, annoyed I stopped kissing him. He reaches for me,

pulling me closer to the edge of the desk. But I don’t answer when he kisses me and

he growls, annoyed.

“What? why are you being like this now?” he whines, making me look at him.
“Why am I going to hate you?” I ask. Silas looks at Dragus and I can feel all their

confusion at my words. “What are you talking about?” Silas asks.

“Dragus said I would hate you, that I will never agree, and you said I have no choice.

Now what the fuck are you talking about?” I demand, Silas anger coming through the

bond and the realisation of what I said coming from Dragus and Matitus.

“You could hear us?” Dragus asks, stepping closer. I nod, confused myself.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 39

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“That’s a dragon trait, not a fae one,” he says looking at Silas.

“Must be her mark” he answers, and it kind of makes sense. Silas pulls on my hand,

wanting me to get up when I shake my head.

“Are you going to answer me?” I ask, looking to Dragus, his eyes instantly snapping

to Silas for permission. Silas growls and I suddenly feel the bond go quiet and I know

they have put their walls up blocking me out. They would not answer.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about right now” Matitus answers, but I knew they

were lying. Silas tugs on my hand and I pull it back. “I’m not going anywhere until you

tell me what’s going on,” I tell them. Silas breathing becomes heavy, and I can feel his
anger radiating out of him, threatening to suffocate us. Standing up, I reach in his

pocket and grab the key to the safe. He grips my wrist tightly.

“It’s the book isn’t it” I ask, looking at Matitus and Dragus when they don’t answer.

“Give me the key,” I tell Silas, but his grip only tightens and for a second I thought he

was going to break it, when Matitus gives in and I am pretty sure it’s because he was

worried Silas was about to hurt me.

“We need a magical sacrifice” My eyes snap to Matitus and Silas growls behind me.

“A magical sacrifice?”

“Yes, only the oracle can break the curse or spirit user” Matitus says. My mind

instantly going to Abigail. She was a witch was she a spirit user though and when

they say sacrifice do they mean to kill them.

“So, you need a witch or an oracle?”

“No, a witch is bound to their element and there are no witches left anyway so a new

oracle can’t exist.”

Babae bumata ng 15 taon Do This Before Bed And

sa loob ng 3 araw! Ang The Parasite Will Leave
kanyang lihim Your Body!
Retinlift Organic Teatox

“So that means?” I ask, confused where he was going with this.

“The book says only the blood sacrifice of the oracle can break the curse or a

powerful magical sacrifice.”

“I still don’t understand, why would I be mad about that?” I ask.

“Because the Oracle doesn’t exist to break the curse, means we would need a fae to

give up their magic, because besides, an oracle. fae are the only spirit users. Dragon
magic can’t be sacrificed because we charge from the fire element, mermaids water,

witches earth. The angel was air. Except the oracle, fae are spirit users. The oracle is

also a spirit user without an oracle that leaves only a fae to break the curse.”

“So, you need my blood? And what else?” I ask, trying to remember how the

pentagram balance worked.

“For the oracle to break the curse, we need her blood sacrifice and the blood of the

night and light, so vampire or werewolf because they are cursed to the moon in a

way and humans are light. It’s the same way they created the balance that created

the treaty. Blood from each element and blood of the moon and sun binding us all to

stick to the treaty.”

“Then how did the treaty break?”

“Because a spirit user broke the balance.”

“How?” I ask looking at Silas who looked extremely uncomfortable, and his aura was


“That doesn’t matter, they broke the treaty, and the kingdoms fell, that’s how the war

started. And that’s how we were cursed and the Fae.”

“I still don’t understand what you need me to do?” I ask, trying to put the pieces


“We need you to give up your magic, sacrifice it. You will become a fae without

magic” Silas growls loudly and Dragus grabs his arm, and I can feel him wanting to

hurt Matitus for what he said.

“I’m not lying to her” Matitus yells at him, Silas rage makes the temperature rise and I

jump as I feel searing heat wash over me making me scream before he stops when

he realises what he did. My skin felt blistered, like a terrible sunburn. Reminding me of

the Dragon heat. I panted trying to catch my breath, Matitus didn’t look affected at all,
Dragus on the other hand was just as affected as me. Probably because he wasn’t a

full dragon.

“Say it?” I scream through gritted teeth.

“Your sacrifice means you can’t bind the fae back to their magic,” Matitus says just

before Silas lunges at him, knocking him into the wall before punching him. Dragus

grips Silas shoulders yanking him back, but Silas throws him sending him into the

desk and falling at my feet. I help him up when Silas grabs him.

“I won’t do it,” I tell them and Silas freezes.

“What did you say?” Silas asks, letting Matitus go, shoving him backwards. Silas

turns on me, stalking towards me like a predator stalking its prey. “I said I won’t do it, I

won’t sacrifice the fae, Silas,” I tell him before moving to the other side of the desk.

The look on his face was like he wanted to rip me apart. The rage coming through the

bond made my blood run cold.

“You don’t have a choice, Elora. You will do it.”

“No, I don’t care what you say, nothing is worth sacrificing an entire species” I yell at

him and he grips the desk, flinging it into the wall barely missing me. I flinch at the

impact as it crashes into the bookshelves, books flying everywhere.

“This is what you exist for, you are the only one that can break the curse on the

Dragon kingdom,” he bellows.

“Not at the sacrifice of my people I won’t.”

“There is no fae left Elora, who are you saving? Marian, she is too old for magic and

you don’t even know how to use it. Your sole purpose as our mate is to bear our

children and to break the curse. That is your duty to us. The entire reason you are

alive” he growls before gripping my arm tightly.

“I will not go against my beliefs just to break a curse on your kind,” I tell him.

“You don’t have a fucking choice. You were made for us, solely to please us and do

as you're told, to break the curse. What purpose do we have for you otherwise?” he

growls. It would have hurt less if he punched me, his words cutting deeply. They

didn’t want me, they just wanted me to break the curse and bear their children, purely

a baby incubator. How could I be so blinded, all because of a bond I never asked for.

I felt stupid to think they actually wanted me. I felt tears brim in my eyes, my heart

hurting. If only I remained cold and distant like I planned. If only the dragon heat killed


“And If I refuse?” I ask, looking at him.

“Then I will burn this kingdom down with you in it” he says, his voice cold and

emotionless. I could feel Dragus and Matitus unease through the bond. They didn’t

agree with him, but his word was law, and I knew they wouldn’t go against their mate,

not even for me.

“Blaire rejected you, didn’t she?” I ask and he freezes, a growl escaping that felt like it

vibrated through the entire room answering my question.

“Now I understand why, you’re a fucking monster. And I will never hand it over. Burn it

down, Silas. Then what? You wait another hundred years for a new fae, sorry to tell

you, but my bloodline ends with me” His hand connected with my face. My head

whips to the side and the sound resonates through the room. My face stinging from

his palm as I clutch my cheek.

“You dare speak her name to me, your great grandmother started the war. She broke

the treaty. She is the reason I hate fae, hate the Aziza family. The reason I fucking hate

you because you look exactly like her and you are exactly like her. You will do it

because if you don’t you will meet the same fate she did. I don’t need you to love me

to bear our children and you will carry them even if I have to hold you down myself”
Silas snaps back at me before turning on his heel and walking out, only stopping

when the next words leave my lips. Fighting back tears and hurt within my chest,

“I Elora Velinia Aziza, direct descendant of the Royal Aziza bloodline reject the dragon

kings of the Opal fire Kingdom Sil” His hands were on my throat in seconds, not

letting me finish. I could feel myself becoming dizzy as I clawed at his hands. Dragus

and Matitus trying to rip him off me and his hands burning into the flesh of my throat

as I struggle to breathe. His hands restricting my airways cutting off all my oxygen and

I see black dots dance before my eyes, growing bigger and bigger until all I see is


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 40

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Silas POV

She collapsed in a heap on the floor, my anger instantly simmering down and for a

second I thought I killed her. The burns etched into the soft skin around her neck

made guilt flood me before I forced it down as a fist connected with the side of my

face. Matitus raining blow after blow and I didn’t even fight back, he knew I could

break him like a twig. I was the mighty Dragon King for a reason. But I could feel his

pent-up rage needing release and I deserved it.

My anger and hate was destroying everything, destroying her as she lay broken and

unconscious on the floor. Matitus weight on my chest made it hard to breathe. I knew

I fucked up, his burning rage eating at me before Dragus rips him off me. My blood

spilling onto the floor and staining the rug, I barely felt it, I was numb to everything.
I hurt my mate’s, the ones I swore I would protect and love above all else. My beast

enraged inside me; he would be content even if we never broke the curse as long as

they remained by our side. Dragus scooped Elora off the floor, tears rolling down his

cheeks as he looked down at her. Their emotions spilled into me. They thought they

failed her, failed to protect her. Who would have thought the one person she needed

protecting from would be those who loved her most? I never thought I would find a

female mate, thought we were doomed to an eternity of misery, until Matitus caught

her scent that day.

If only he didn’t, she would be safe from me. The raging monster that has held the

grudge for so long, I often forgot why I hated the Aziza bloodline. Blaire destroyed us,

what we created, yet the longer I held onto the past, the more I realised I was the one

damaging everything. I knew deep down I truly didn’t hate Blaire, but myself for that

moment of weakness for allowing myself to love her. I was the curse that plagued my

mates for centuries.

One action destroyed everything. I thought threatening to remove him from the

equation would make her see sense, make her accept the bond. If I hadn't

threatened him, she may have never done it. When she rejected the bond. Had the

bond snuffed out in seconds, it showed she loved him more than us and I wanted

her to hurt like I did. So I killed him in front of her. In front of their entire kingdom. I

never should have killed her husband, that was cruel and I could no longer blame her.

I would kill anyone that dared to hurt my mates.

She would have felt the same, I realise that now. Maybe she wouldn’t have rejected

us if I hadn’t threatened him. Maybe she wouldn’t have cursed us to a life of misery

and hell if I hadn’t killed him. The torture I felt in that moment was like no other.

Hearing those words leave her lips as she smiled at me. She knew I was a monster,

knew I was going to kill her and she did it anyway. She welcomed death, stared it

straight in the eye and cursed it. Once again giving into my pain and anger before I
killed her, she died by these hands and it seemed history was doomed to repeat itself

with Elora.

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The way she held my gaze as she tried to reject us, I held no doubt at the strength of

her words that she would go through with it, say the words that severed the bond just

like Blaire did.

Blaire didn’t even scream, never took her eyes from me as I let hellfire consume me.

A knowing glint in her eyes as the flames ravaged her, melting her skin away as

flames consumed her. Not a tear shed, just the sounds of the screams of her

daughter as she watched on helplessly as her mother burned alive before all hell

broke loose. The treaty was broken and the balance between species destroyed. A

balance that was created for us to live harmoniously and fairly. Everyone was equal.

By the laws I had the right to kill her, for rejecting the bond. No bond could be

rejected, and the fae kingdom was supposed to hand any fae over once discovered

as a mate.

Yet Blaire was their next Queen and was married with a daughter. The rule was unfair.

Fae didn’t feel the bond, they chose their mates, their life partners, so I understood

her confusion. She couldn’t rule her people from the Dragon kingdom. She couldn’t

keep her husband even though we would have allowed it just to have her. But she

was loyal to her beliefs, to her people, but most of all to the man she married, the

man she chose. And I was selfish and entitled, thinking the law would protect me.

Instead, it started a feud and broke the treaty when they attacked.

Matitus and Dragus both hated me for decades afterwards for what I did. Even

though they hated me at that moment, they still helped me take down the Fae

Kingdom, turning it to ruin and leaving them with no royals, or so we thought. When
we learned the curse could only be broken by a royal fae or their chosen one, I

thought for sure the curse was unbreakable. Thought we killed every Royal Fae.

Didn’t realise her daughter escaped. Completely forgot to check for sure, thinking it

was impossible for the child to survive the carnage. Now though, looking at Elora I

truly could see my misdoings.

“You destroy everything, fucking everything with no regard for us” Dragus screamed

at me and I swallow the lump down before shoving his feelings away, letting my calm,

cold demeanour slip back in place before I rip her from him. Matitus and Dragus jump

to their feet at her limp body in my arms. Turning on my heel, I leave. Them chasing

after me, ready to attack if I hurt her. I had no intentions of hurting her, but I needed to

fix this and the only way I knew how was by force. She would give in; we would break

her as much as it pained me to do so. I won’t let history repeat itself. Placing her on

the bed, I walk out before heading outside to the garages and retrieving a chain and


Walking back in the room, Matitus and Dragus were watching her unconscious body.

Their eyes snapping to mine when they heard the clink of chains before I secured one

to the end of the bed before padlocking it to her ankle. Matitus hand gripping my wrist

as I lock it in place.

“You insist on making things worse” he spits at me.

“What would you have me do Matitus, she will try to leave the first chance she gets?”

I reply angrily. He knows I am right and her being here trapped with us will make the

bond continue to grow, till eventually she will become consumed with only us, nothing

else will matter and she will eventually forgive. The bond will see to it.

“She won’t care if you kill her as soon as she can talk she will reject us,” Dragus says

looking down at her. I was nearly tempted to cut out her tongue, but I would never

hear her voice again.

“She won’t be able to talk for a few days as long as neither of you give her your


“Then what? Huh. What’s the brilliant plan you have to make her accept us? What are

you going to do when she refuses to hand her magic over? I don’t care if we never

have kids, Silas, as long as I have her. We don’t need heirs, we are immortal. You

only want them now because the choice was taken from you, taken by Blaire.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh in frustration. I don’t have the answers they


“I don’t know, okay. What do you want me to say?” I ask, glaring at them.

“I want you to give her choice back, she won’t be forced. Giving up her magic means

giving up everything she is. Why can’t you see that?”

“Because she needs nothing from the fae, she should only need us. That’s how it is

supposed to work. She was made for us in every way and she won’t submit. So it

leaves only one option, I won’t lose her”

Matitus chuckles, making me turn my attention to him.


“You’re so blinded by your own ego and pride that you can’t even tell you already lost

her.” He shakes his head before shoving past me and leaving me with only Dragus.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 41

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Elora’s POV

My throat felt like it was crushed in vice, groaning, my fingers instantly going to my

neck and I wince in pain as I try to roll onto my back. The skin felt tender, even trying

to breathe hurt as I sucked in air through my lips. Opening my eyes, I find myself on

the bed. Something cold touching my neck relieved the pain, but that was short-lived

when I realised it was Silas holding a wet cloth to my neck. Instantly I pulled away

from him. I tried to tell him not to touch me, but the words wouldn’t come out as I

choked on them, my throat throbbing and I could feel it blistered the skin.

I watched him warily, as he leant over to me before I smacked his hand away and

glared at him.
“I just want to help?” he says, and I can see the guilt behind his eyes as he looks

down at what he did.

“You have done enough” I thought, his eyes snapping to mine and I know he heard

what I thought. He looked at the tattoo running down my neck before escaping under

my shirt.

“You seemed to have picked up a lot of Dragon traits with that mark,” he says looking

thoughtful. Moving off the bed, I walk toward the bathroom. I stop when I feel weight

around my ankle and the clink of the chain. A padlock was holding it in place and I

instantly bent down trying to remove it.

“You won’t get it off,” he says, watching me from his position on the bed.

“Remove it” he shakes his head. And I eye the lock, wishing I could break it. When

Abigail walks in with a tray of food. I was hungry, but I knew it was pointless if I

couldn’t talk. There is no way I could eat. Silas nods, pointing toward the bedside

table. She looks down at me sadly on the floor as she places it down. Her eyes going

to my neck and she bends down like she is in trance and I know instantly she was

going to heal it. I grip her wrist, trying to warn her with my eyes. Silas watched us

intently. Trying to figure out what I am trying to tell her, wondering why I grabbed her

the way I did. My tight grip seems to pull her back as she glances over her shoulder

at Silas, whose eyes are trained on her every movement.

I hear her heart rate pick up and I can sense through the bond that he finds our

exchange strange. But I hold my walls tight, not letting him invade my thoughts.

Abigail nods and her eyes glow a green which I had never seen before. I watch as

her eyes go back to normal before she gets up and hurriedly leaves the room without

saying a word.

I let out the breath I was holding, pulling myself back together, only to find Silas

observing me carefully like he was trying to figure something out. Getting up off the
floor, I quickly duck in the bathroom trying to cool my burning neck under the sink

before washing my face. The skin of my neck was red and angry. I could see every

finger burnt into my flesh. Walking out and sitting on the bed. Silas was still sitting

there watching me when Dragus walked in. I knew instantly it was him because I

could feel him getting closer as he walked up the stairs and his scent drifted to my

nose. He smiles when he sees I am awake before walking over and climbing on the

bed and laying down. I could feel through the bond, he wanted to touch me but was

unsure. Laying down, I put my head on his chest and look up at him. He kisses my

nose and I completely ignore Silas and the jealousy hitting me through the bond.

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I won’t forgive so easily. Not after what he did. Silas growls before storming out and

slamming the door so hard I was sure the entire castle would have heard it. Dragus

places his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing my face sending sparks all over me.

I lean into his touch finding it soothing. Matitus walks in after about five minutes. His

eyes scan the room and I know he is looking for Silas before he smiles and his eyes

land on me.

He steps closer before climbing on the bed next to me. His hand pulling on my

shoulder, making me roll toward him and away from Dragus. I watch as Matitus teeth

extend into sharp points and he bites into his wrist. His blood seeping out and down

his arm.

“Silas will be angry,” Dragus says with a frown, looking down at me. Matitus pulls me

closer so I am sitting between his legs with my back against his chest.

“I don’t care, she isn’t just his mate,” he says before pressing his wrist to my lips.

Opening my mouth, I let his blood flood into my mouth and the pain in my neck
instantly lessens before leaving completely. My body healed and I let him pull his wrist


“Better little one,” he says, making me look up at him. “Much better,” I tell him, and he

grins before kissing me. His hand holding the back of my head as he brings his lips to

mine. His tongue glided along my bottom lip wanting access and I parted my lips for

him before kissing him back. Arousal flooding me instantly through the bond and I

could also feel Silas anger because he could also feel it through the bond.

Dragus grips my chin, pulling my lips from Matitus, and I moan when his tongue

plunges in my mouth before kissing me harder and taking control of the kiss. Matitus

groans before pulling me up higher, his lips going to my neck as he sucks on my

neck and making me moan into Dragus’s mouth. I could feel his erection underneath

me. Wriggling my hips on Matitus, his hands grip my hips holding me in place. Before

Dragus hand moves between my legs rubbing me through my tights and I could feel

myself getting wetter making him chuckle against my lips.

A thunderous growl echoed through the castle, making Dragus pull back and I could

feel Silas’s anger, jealousy and longing through the bond. “We should stop before he

comes up here” I whisper worried.

“Or we could keep going, just to piss him off more” Matitus growls next to my ear

before kissing my shoulder, my eyes closing at the sensation of sparks rushing

through me, making my skin heat and my heart beat quicken. Dragus moves on the

bed dipping between my legs making my eyes snap open as he grips my tights

pulling them down.

Watching him as his eyes never leave mine, waiting to see if I would tell him no. He

kisses my knee before sucking on my thigh, his lips moving closer and closer to the

apex of my legs before I feel him kiss my slit.

Matitus hands move to my hips before he lifts me slightly on his laps pushing his legs

are under mine before bending his knees with my legs draped over his pulling mine

apart and completely exposing me to Dragus. Dragus growls softly before I feel him

lick a straight line up my slit, parting my lips with his tongue and I throw my head back

against Matitus shoulder hearing him chuckle before kissing the side of my face as

Dragus tongue flicks my clit before he sucks it into his mouth making me moan loudly

and move my hips against his face. His hands holding my thighs apart and I feel

Matitus legs tense, stopping me from trying to close mine.

Dragus devouring me with his continuous licking and sucking before I feel him slide a

finger inside me, my walls instantly clamping down around it before he removes it

adding another making pressure inside me build and my stomach tighten, my hand

going to his hair as I try to tug his face away, he growls before sucking harder making

my hips buck as I feel my orgasm about to rush over me.

“Come for him Lora, let him taste you” Matitus husky voice sounds below my ear and

Dragus speeds up his movements, his fingers slipping in out effortlessly the wetter I

get, and I explode into his mouth, making me moan and grind my hips against his

face, his tongue not stopping as he licks up my juices.

I am left panting, Matitus drops his knees letting me slump against him, my legs

trembling as Dragus moves between them bracing his arms on either side of Matitus

and myself. He leans his face closer to mine, kissing my lips before plunging his

tongue into my mouth. A soft moan escapes when I taste myself on his tongue

before Matitus grips his chin. I watch as Matitus kisses him and Dragus groans as

Matitus tongue forcefully moves between his lips. Watching as they kiss, before

Dragus grinds his hips against me and I can feel his erection pressing against me

through his pants.

Making me wriggle at the friction. When Dragus goes to pull away, Matitus grips the

back of his head holding him in place and I feel arousal flood me at the sight of them

kissing and the pure hunger within that one kiss. I could feel Matitus erection digging
into my ass and Dragus against my wet folds. Reaching between my legs, I grab

Dragus through his pants making him groan before pulling back and staring at me.

Matitus watching as Dragus sits back and I squeeze his harden length. Dragus looks

to Matitus and I can feel their hesitation through the bond.

Dragus hops off the bed, moving away from me. “Silas?” I ask and Dragus nods.

“He wouldn’t forgive us if we took you without him here,” Matitus says behind me.

Anger pulsates through me. I was mad that everything has to be run by Silas, needs

his approval. They don’t want me unless Silas is with us. Well, that’s going to be a

problem when I don’t want Silas. Moving from Matitus lap, I pull my tights on before

flopping back on the end of the bed, annoyed.

Dragus runs his hands up my thighs. “He’s our mate, he should be with us.”

“Well, he should have thought about that before he hurt me.”

“Don’t be like that Elora, he loves you just like we do,” Matitus says.

“If that’s love I want no part of it.”

“He doesn’t mean it, you reminded him of.”

I cut him off, not wanting to hear their excuses. Pissed that they were even making

them for him.

“I can’t believe you’re defending him after what he did.”

“He’s our mate, Elora, please understand,” Dragus tries to reason.

“Yeah, and I am supposed to be your mate too,” I tell him. Dragus goes to say

something else but I don’t give him a chance much too angry with them.
“Well go on, run along back to your mate,” I tell them. Dragus eyes shine with hurt but

he reluctantly leaves along with Matitus closing the door behind them. I feel tears

brimming but I hold them back before rolling on my side. Why did I have to be the fae

blessed with magic? It wasn’t a gift but a curse, one I couldn’t escape from.

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 Home / Chosen By The Dragon Kings / Chapter 42

Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 42

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Silas POV

I knew something was up with Abigail, the way she looked at Elora and the panic I felt

coming from my mate confirmed my suspicions. I watched their strange interaction.

Trying to filter through Elora’s thoughts, I felt her shove her walls in place, blocking me

out. It had been playing on my mind all day. What were they hiding? What did Abigail

do that caused the panic in Elora? Abigail has avoided us since the day she

overheard our conversation in the library. Something was definitely going on. Sitting in

the library, I try to figure it out when Dragus and Matitus walk in. I growl at them,

pissed off. I knew what they were doing up there with her. Could feel their arousal

through the bond. It pissed me off, and I could smell her scent all over them.
“What’s wrong?” I ask when Dragus sits in the chair next to the fireplace. He runs his

hand through his hair before sitting back, an annoyed expression on his face.

“You! you need to fix this, Silas'' he sighs before resting his head back on the

headrest. Matitus sits across from him before putting his feet on Dragus’s legs.

“We will, don’t worry about that now.”

“No, you will fix it. She is pissed and we are being punished for it,” Matitus retorts.

“Didn’t feel like you were being punished” I growled back, not even hiding my anger at

what they were doing without me.

“Yeah, until she kicked us out for defending you” Dragus growls at me.

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“Well it can wait, I have something I want to check out first,” I tell them about Abigail

and Elora’s weird interaction in the bedroom.

“Maybe, Abigail was just worried about her, Abbi is her only friend” Matitus says.

“True, but I have a way to find out for sure. I want you to go get her mother and

daughter bring them to the castle,”

“No, you promised Elora no harm would come to them and I know you Silas. If you

want them, go get them yourself” Dragus says. Looking to Matitus, he shrugs before


“I will send Taylor, to get them”

“You’re not seriously entertaining this idea Matitus, what is wrong with you? I won’t be

a part of this” Dragus says, before getting up and storming out.

“Where are you going?” I demand, but Dragus ignores me and keeps walking.

Turning to Matitus, he nods. “Better to know for sure. Your instincts are usually

correct, if something is up we will find out,” he says.

“Good, meet me in the dungeons. I will find Abigail.” Matitus walks out and I follow

him out before turning toward the kitchen while he goes to the front of the castle in

search of Taylor. Checking the kitchens, I find she isn’t in there. Seeing Peter, I pull

him aside. The young boy looks up at me petrified as I drag him into the corridor.

“Where is Abigail, I know you’re close with her,” I ask him. He looks like he is about to

run, and I grip the collar of his shirt pulling him closer and I could feel him shaking

before I let him go. I didn’t want to scare him; he was only a boy. Stepping away, he

relaxes slightly. “Abbi, where is she?” I ask again, trying to not shake the boy.

“She went to check on Elora” he stutters out. I growl. Abigail was warned to keep her

distance from her, and she has disobeyed me. “Go,” I tell him and watch him take off

back toward the kitchen. Turning on my heel, I walked up the stairs and I could hear

them talking in hushed voices. Throwing the door open, they both jump and Abigail’s

eyes go wide. Stepping in, I grab her arm. When Elora jumps to her feet.

“Let her go, what are you doing she wasn’t doing anything wrong Silas,” she says

glaring at me.

“I just need to ask her some questions Lora, if she answers honestly, she has got

nothing to worry about, right Abigail?” I ask, looking down at her. Abigail’s heartbeat

picked up, I could hear it thumping loudly. Smell her fear as she looked back at me

with frightened eyes. Ripping her from the room, Elora tries stopping me. She almost

made it to the door before the chain caught on her leg. It was long enough to reach

the bathroom, but not long enough for her to follow us out. Slamming the door on her

screaming, I drag Abigail down the stairs. She had to jog to keep up and my hand

stopped her from stumbling as we moved down the corridor.

“Where are you taking me to?” she asks.

“The dungeons” she freezes and tries to fight against me.

“Abigail, just because your friends with Elora don’t think I won’t hurt you” I growled at

her before opening the basement door. She stops struggling and I shove her in front

before letting her go so she can walk down the narrow stairs. Abigail walks down

before walking into the cell and sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. She folds

her arms across her chest, trying to warm herself. Hearing footsteps on the stairs, I

look over my shoulder and see Matitus walking down.

“No one is there, and it looks like they left in a hurry” Now that piqued my interest.

Turning, I walk into the cell before closing the door behind me. Abigail jumps to her

feet before moving to the other side, her eyes darting toward the door.

“Where is your family Abbi and why have they left?” Something seems to click in her

head at my words and I hear her heart rate pick up telling me something was

definitely going on with her.

“I don’t know?” she says, but her heart skips a beat and I know she is lying. I cock my

head to the side and can feel my lips tug into a grin. I haven’t tortured someone for

some time, and even I must admit it feels great. I was going to enjoy this. Matitus

steps forward. But I made sure I locked the door when I pulled it shut.

“Silas, no,” Matitus screams trying to rip the cell door open, but I have the key and I

chuckle at his attempt before he jumps back when the bars burn his skin. Abigail’s

fear jumps to magnitude levels and I feel my eyes change as heat takes over, the air

sizzling around me and I can feel heat pulsating out of me making the temperature


“You have three seconds to answer, Abbi” she steps back at my words before glaring

at me.

“Do your fucking worst, Silas” she spits, and I feel the sadistic grin slip into place.

Brave little Abigail wants to play; she must forget she is playing with a beast.

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 Home / Chosen By The Dragon Kings / Chapter 43

Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 43

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Elora’s POV

I watched horrified as he ripped her from the room. I tried to stop him but the chain

around my ankle wouldn’t allow me past the doorway. Screaming for him to stop as

he dragged my friend away. Abigail had come to warn me, but I already knew their

plans, but I could sense she was holding back something, something she wasn’t

even sure she could trust me with. When Silas pulled her from the room, I knew

instantly that he noticed something this morning. Could feel his suspicion rolling off

him in waves, feeling his anger toward her. I already knew their secret, knew what

they needed so I knew Abigail telling me wasn’t what angered him.

I tried ripping on the chain, so much that my ankles were now bleeding and bruised

but nothing I did loosened its grip on me. Dragus comes running into the room and I
guess that he must have felt the pain radiating out of me from my shackles. Felt my

fear for Abigail as he rushed in alarmed, looking for any danger until his eyes rested

on me, my fingers covered in blood as I tried to force the chain down my ankle.

“What are you doing, stop you’re hurting yourself” Dragus yells before gripping my


“He took Abbi, help me get it off” I snapped at him. Dragus stands up, backing away.

Guilt flooding into the bond and I knew he was aware of what Silas had done or was

planning to do.

“You know, don’t you?” I accused. Dragus looks away confirming my suspicions and

goes to leave.

“You walk out that fucking door without removing this chain, I will reject you Dragus” I

scream making him freeze on the spot, his body tensing and I watch his fists clench

at his side before he turns back to me.

“Silas will kill her, help me out of these chains”

“You don’t know that” he replies looking uncertain.

“I do because I know what she is. Now undo these fucking chains and help me” I


“No, I can’t Elora even if you reject us. Do you really think he will let you go? He will

never let you leave; you belong to us. Were made for us. Silas won’t allow you to

walk away from us, he would rather have you prisoner then give you up”

“Then help me please” I beg.

“I’m sorry, Lora,” he says before walking out and shutting the door. I drop to the

ground. He was going to kill her, I knew it. He truly was a monster, and I was
powerless to stop him or so I thought until Marian ran in. Making me look up at the

frightened expression on her face.

“He is torturing her in the dungeon” Marian whispers, and I feel tears burn in my eyes

before spilling over. Marian looks down at the chain, her frail hands trying desperately

to pull it over my foot.

“You can break this Elora, just use your magic,” she says,

“How?” I knew nothing about magic. When Dragus walks back in, a determined look

on his face before shock registers when he finds Marian kneeling next to me.

“He finds you here Marian he will kill you, go,” he says looking at her before gripping

the chain and snapping it next to my ankle. Marian looks at him, shocked before

rushing out. Dragus hauls me to my feet.

“Don’t piss him off, you said you knew what Abigail was hiding?” I nod, and he sighs

before pinching the bridge of his nose.

“You better not make me regret doing this, Elora. You’re not the only one that has to

put up with his wrath”

I race past him running down the stairs; I see Marian moving quickly up the corridor

towards the kitchens. She pauses when she hears me, a look of relief on her face

when she realises Dragus actually lets me go to help Abigail. Running as fast as I can

towards the dungeon when I hear her screams echoing off the stone walls. Throwing

the basement door open, I rush down the stairs. The temperature was extremely hot,

and I could hear Matitus yelling at Silas. Reaching the bottom step, I look towards the
cells and see Abigail on the floor, her skin blistered and the air so hot it was hard to


Silas noticing me opens the cell door before ripping me inside. I instantly rush to


“Who let you out?” he growls at me and Matitus walks into the cell. Abigail looks up at

me, her skin red and raw. But she was alive. Parts of her skin melted off on her hands

and I realised she didn’t fight back. She was going to let him kill her.

“Abbi, please it’s not worth your life,” I tell her, her eyes fluttering open as she fights to

remain conscious.

“She is my life” Abigail whispers so low I know they couldn’t hear her as her voice

barely made it to me.

“One of you will speak, one way or another Elora '' Silas screams, making me flinch. I

feel the air start sizzling, my skin burning, and Abigail screams. Her skin blistering as I

watch her burn. He was raising her core temperature, boiling her from the inside out

as I looked on helplessly. Her agonised scream tearing my soul apart as I turn to look

at Silas. He was actually enjoying watching her writhe in pain, enjoying her screams,

which angered me. I could feel my anger bubbling, boiling like hot lava in my veins

about to erupt. Matitus looks at me and I know he can feel my anger. Silas eyes

trained on Abigail and I can see the fire behind his eyes, feel his hunger to inflict pain

on her and something breaks in me.

I stand, shoving him. Only when my hands connect with his chest, purple light shoots

out of them and he goes flying into the bars. I had no idea what I had done or how I

did it, I just felt it building, my anger becoming blinding as my hands hit the centre of

his chest and I felt my anger erupt out of them.

Matitus shock registers first, and Abigail’s screams of pain die out. Silas thrown

against the metal bars so hard they bend from the impact before he hits the ground.
His rage at what I did nearly knocked me over as he got to his feet and I feel my

anger die down being replaced with fear. Matitus grips his arm trying to yank him

back as he stalks toward us and I step back before tripping over Abigail and landing

on my ass. His eyes blazing as he reaches for me and I know whatever he has

planned, it isn’t anything good.

“She is a fae,” I lie knowing if I say witch, she is as good as dead.

“Please no more, leave her be,” I scream frantically making him freeze. He looks down

at us and Matitus grip on him gets tighter. Silas growls loudly, and sharp pointed teeth

elongate before he reaches for her but I move using my body to shield her

unconscious one. Silas grips my hair, pulling my head back.

“I will do it, just leave her be,” I tell him, “she has done nothing please. You promised

you wouldn’t hurt her”

“That was before I knew what she is Elora,” he growls angrily, making goosebumps

rise on my skin. He lets me go and I cover her, trying to stop him from what he is

about to do. Matitus yanks him back just as he goes to grab her.

“You promised her,” Matitus tells him, but I can see he doesn’t care. Silas shoves him

back before reaching for her again, and I scream before clenching my eyes shut. I

couldn’t witness this, couldn’t watch him kill my friend.

“What if she can help,” Dragus asks, making my eyes fly open. Silas stops, his hand

outstretched, about to grab her. When something seems to register within him. He

stands up, looking toward Dragus.

“What do you mean?”

“Elora doesn’t know how to use her magic, Abigail might be able to help, better

having three fae to help break the curse then Elora and Marian trying to figure it out by

themselves” Dragus argues. Silas looks down at us and I can tell he wants to kill her. I
couldn’t understand what his anger was against the fae, but one thing I knew was he

hated witches more than the fae. Literally burned them alive after the great war. I don’t

understand why but I knew nothing Dragus would have said would have helped if I

blurted out, she was a witch. Knew that’s why Abigail was willing to die, so she could

save her daughter.

“I find out you’re lying Elora, that either of you are lying. I will kill her and make you

watch, then I will make you kill her daughter and mother, understand?” he says, and I

nod my head worried I just dug us a bigger hole.

I could feel their shock at finding another fae. If only they knew the truth, this would

have ended differently.

Matitus steps forward, picking up Abigail and I watch as he bites into his wrist. Silas

growls but doesn’t stop him when he presses his wrist to Abigail’s lips. Abbi heals in

front of my eyes before her flutter open. Racing to her side, I stare at her, her eyes

going to mine.

“I had to tell them Abbi, I had to tell them you’re a fae” Her eyes panicked before it

registers what I told her and she nods and I sigh, relieved she understood despite

nearly dying seconds ago.

“Take her to her room” Silas tells Matitus who nods. I go to follow when Silas grabs

my arm, pulling me back.

“Now which one of our mates healed you, and how did you get out of the chains?”

Matitus stops on the stairs. “She isn’t just your mate, Silas, and I won’t watch her

suffer at your hands anymore” he growls before continuing up the stairs with Abigail.

“Did you break out of them or did Dragus let you out?” he asks before looking at

Dragus. Dragus raises his hand guiltily.

“So, you all think it is okay to go against me?” he questions angrily, his grip tightening.

“No one wants to go against you Silas, we just want her” Dragus answers.

“And you think I don’t?” he asks, glaring at Dragus.

“You have a funny way of showing it” I mutter, making his eyes snap to mine. He pulls

me to him, his face going in the crook of my neck as he inhales my scent.

“If I didn’t want you little one you would have been dead the moment you spoke back

to me” he growls softly before his tongue licks my mark making me moan. Fucking

stupid mate bond, making me all hot and flustered. I don’t know how creatures think

mates are a blessing having unnatural reactions to your mates when you're mad at

them. Silas chuckles before removing his face from neck. His hand grabbing mine

before he jerks it towards his crutch.

“Does that feel like I don’t want you?” he questions, as I feel his erection under my

hand. I jerk my hand back before turning on my heel and stomping up the steps. I

could hear Silas laughing. The only thing coming to mind is that he is a psychopath,

one minute he is nice and playful, the next angry and homicidal.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 44

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Chasing after Matitus, I watch as he places Abigail on her bed. Walking down the

corridor, I go into the kitchen and retrieve some leftover soup from the fridge. Matitus

walks in while I place it in a Pot on the stove.

“Hungry Little one?” he asks, but I shake my head.

“No, I am making it for Abigail,” I tell him before grabbing a tray out and a bowl. I sit on

the bench waiting for the pot to heat up. Matitus moves between my legs. “Thank you

for helping Abigail,” I tell him, and he looks away guiltily.

“What?” I ask, confused by his reaction.

“I went to Abigail’s to find her family for Silas” he says, and I shove him away.
“You were going to help him, and what would you have done if they were home?” I

ask, disgusted that he would use her family against her after promising he wouldn’t.

“I wouldn’t have let him hurt them,” he says.

“No, just Abbie, right? Get away from me Matitus you're just as bad as him,” I tell him

before getting up and checking the soup. I hear Matitus growl before walking out.

Pouring the soup in the bowl, I grab a spoon and a bottle of water before walking

toward Abigail’s room. Using my hips, I nudge the door open and find Marian sitting

next to her, her head in hands as she stares down at Abigail worriedly. Placing the

tray on her bedside table. I brush Abigail’s hair from her face. Her eyes snap open,

and Marian looks relieved. “My Claire,” she whispers tears in her eyes.

“Claire is fine, I promise I won’t let them harm her.”

“No, Elora, you don’t understand,” she gasps before sitting up.

“Understand what?” I ask, looking back at the door.

“I promise Abigail, I won’t let them take her from you.”

Abigail went to say something else before her eyes darted over my shoulder and I felt

his presence before I even turned around.

Silas was leaning against the doorframe, watching us, I turned back to Abigail

ignoring him.

“Come Elora, Marian will look after Abigail.”

“I am not going anywhere with you,” I tell him, not even trying to hold the venom from

my voice. Silas growls before stepping into the room. Abigail’s eyes go wide and

Marian nudges me with her arm, and I know Silas is directly behind me. Feeling him

lean down next to me, daring me to go against him.

“Go, I will stay with her” Marian says, looking up at Silas nervously. Leaning over the

bed, I kiss Abigail on the cheek. “I will come back in the morning, I promise,” I tell her

before turning around. Silas steps to the side motioning to the door with his hand and

I walk out. I can feel him following behind me and goosebumps rise on my skin. I go

to walk towards the office when I feel Silas grip my arm, making me stop.

“What?” I ask, confused. “Matitus and Dragus are upstairs, dinner is ready. You need

to eat.”

“I’m not hungry,” I tell him before shaking his arm off. Silas crosses his arms across

his chest, staring at me, making me groan before I walk past him and up the stairs.

“Good” Silas mutters and I fight the urge to smack him. Walking in the bedroom, I see

the chain on the floor still attached to the bed. Stopping, Silas walks into me. Turning

around, I pull on his pants.

“Little early for that isn’t it” he says, a smile on his face. I roll my eyes, digging through

his pocket and finding a little silver key. I then march over to the bed and undo the

lock attached to the end of the chain holding it to the bed before picking up the

chain. Walking over to the window, I shove it up, opening it. Matitus and Dragus

watching me with silly grins on their faces. I then look out the window and see a

couple of guards below, annoyed I grab the chain before singing out the window.

“Watch your heads” And I turf it out, watching as they quickly sidestep, and it lands in

the snow. I hear them growl, but they say nothing. Shutting the window, I turn around

and Silas is shaking his head and Matitus laughs before looking down at the floor.

“What?” I ask, crossing my arms across my chest. Silas steps forward and I watch


“You just threw the key out the window with the chain,” he says.
“So?” I ask. Silas looks down at my ankle, making me look down. Argh I groaned,

realising Dragus only broke the chain, not the padlock, and it was still attached to my

ankle like an anklet. Great, now I am going to have to walk all the way down there. I

go to move toward the door before Silas arm wraps around my waist before he

places me on the end of the bed. “And where are you going?”

“To get the bloody key,” I tell him. Silas raises an eyebrow at my tone of voice before

grabbing my ankle, making me fall backwards at the force. Silas grips the chain

twisting it and I scream out at it pinching my skin. “Stay still,” he says before hooking

his finger under enough to get his other finger on his other hand under it. He quickly

yanks it and the chain snaps but also sends me flying off the bed, making me land on

the floor. I glare up at him and he has a smirk on his face.

“Asshole, you didn’t need to yank it like that” I snapped at him. Feeling hands under

my arms, I look up as Dragus leans over the bed before picking me up and placing

me back on it next to him. Silas grabs a cheese cube before sitting on the bed next

to me. I shuffle closer to Dragus and lean against him.

“So, you will sit with him, but not me?” Silas asks.

“He didn’t help torture my friend,” I tell him, Dragus hands me something that

resembles snot in a shell. “Try that?” he says.

“What is it?” I ask, looking at it disgusted.

“An Oyster, I promise they taste better than they look” I sniff it before placing it in my

mouth. Nearly throwing up at the texture. Not only did it look like snot, but it also felt

like snot. I swallow the slimy sucker down and Dragus offers me another.

“No thanks,” I tell him, pushing his hand away. He shrugs before eating it. My

stomach turned while remembering how slimy it felt going down my throat. I

wondered who the hell cracked one of them open and thought it looked good
enough to eat. Or were they so hungry that they ate the gross-looking thing out of


Laying down on the bed, Silas, Dragus and Matitus keep trying to get me to try

things, but I refuse not hungry. All I could think about was what Abigail said about me

not understanding something.

“What’s on your mind?” Silas asks, lying next to me. I ignore him, keeping my walls up

so he doesn’t get in my head. Dragus hops off the bed, putting the tray outside the

door on the trolley before walking in. He climbs back on the bed before pushing my

legs apart and resting his head and arms on my lower abdomen, looking up at me.

Silas rolls on his side, looking at me, and so does Matitus.

“Can you not stare at me like that? You’re creeping me out,” I tell them, looking up at

the ceiling and ignoring them. Dragus lifts himself before pushing my shirt up and

kissing my stomach. I gasp at the sparks before pushing him away.

“Elora you said you wouldn’t fight against the bond” Silas warns but I move forcing

Dragus to hop up before I knee him in the face. I hear Silas sigh before I feel Dragus

squeeze in beside me. “How many fae are alive?” I ask. The room goes completely

silent as everyone stops moving.

“Why?” Silas asks.

“I want to know,” I tell him, wondering how many they have come across.

“Besides you?” Silas asks.

“Well, obviously” I mutter.

“Four then” Silas answers.

“What do you mean only four?” I ask, sitting up and looking over Dragus' shoulder at

“Well Marian, Abigail and her family” Well technically two because they weren’t really

Fae, I thought to myself.

“You said you have come across them before, how can there be only four?”

Silas looks at me and for a second I thought I saw guilt flash across his eyes before

he pressed his lips together.

“You killed every single one you found, didn’t you?”

“Does it matter? It is done now; I can’t change what I already did” Silas states.

“Can I ask what you have against witches?” I ask curiously. Silas eyes snap to me

and I can feel Matitus eyes boring into my back. Dragus tugs me back down,

wrapping his arm across my waist.

“Why do you want to know about witches?” Dragus asks.

“I don’t, I just want to know why you hate them” I lie, one thing I liked about having

magic was that I could now keep things from them. It was such a struggle to grow up

without the ability to lie or always trying to answer without lying and also without

answering if that makes sense.

“Witches were the ones that helped Blaire find the curse, it was one of their spells”

Silas tells me.

“You blame them for what a fae did?” I ask.

“Yes, they knew what she wanted it for, and they still gave it to her” Silas says.

Yawning, I ask another.

“So, Blaire was my great grandmother, and she cursed you for being her Mates?”

“No, she cursed us because I killed her husband” Silas says with a growl.

“Because she rejected us, Elora. Okay now, drop the subject”

“So, because she didn’t want to give up her husband for you, you killed her” I ask

shocked. That’s horrible. It's one thing to have a mate let alone three and to top it off

to already have a family with someone else and be expected to just throw them away

because some strangers claim to be your mates.

“So, what happened to Blaire?”

Silas doesn’t answer, just rolls over, ignoring my question. Yawning, I close my eyes,

giving up on getting answers, and I feel Dragus pull the blanket up. Finally, giving into


Tossing and turning all night until something wakes me, heat pulling me from my

slumber as I toss the blanket off.

“Stop moving” Dragus growls half asleep. My entire body feels restless, and I can’t

stop wriggling. I feel my entire body heating from my toes, creeping up my legs

making me kick them, my clothes feeling uncomfortable as I try to remove them.

Matitus moves rolling into me and sparks fly over my body in a wave, making me

moan loudly and my toes curl. I feel him freeze before hearing Dragus sniff the air and

freeze as well.

“Get them off, get them off” I scream, clawing at my shirt that felt like it was

suffocating me. Silas groans before flicking the light on and I squint, the light burning

my eyes as I rub them trying to stop the blinding light that was irritating them. Silas

dims the light by chucking a shirt over the lamp beside him.

Both Matitus and Dragus frozen still before Silas looks over worried before growling.

Just the sound of it washing over me makes arousal flood me, confusing me. “Shit” I
hear him snap. Making my eyes dart to him. Everything feels heightened and my skin

feels so sensitive to touch.

“Don’t move, Elora” Silas says, making me confused. Looking at Dragus his eyes are

pitch black and I gasp turning my head I noticed Matitus eyes glowing dangerously,

and I feel sick to my stomach with dread. Just as another wave of whatever this weird

heat is washes over me. I moan loudly as tingles spread over my body before I am

suddenly yanked from the bed. Dragus growls loudly, but all I can think of is Silas skin

touching me, relieving the sensation. Wrapping my legs around him, I press closer to

him, sighing in relief from the feel of his skin.

Feeling him move, I moan rubbing myself against him making him groan loudly. “Elora

stop or they may attack you” Silas growls at me, his grip tightening.

“What?” I murmur, confused but also not caring because all I can think about is

touching him.

“You are in heat, so I suggest you stop rubbing against me” Silas says before walking

into the bathroom, he locks the door before flicking the shower on when I hear

growling in the bedroom before the sounds of moaning which make me moan.

Feeling their arousal wash over me, I try to get down from Silas, wanting to go to

them. Silas grip tightens on me.

“You are making this harder on me Little one, stop wiggling, my self-control ain’t that


“Let me go,” I tell him when suddenly I feel his lips smash into mine hungrily, I kiss him

back forcefully, gripping onto him and devouring his lips. Silas chuckles before

suddenly I am under cold water making me gasp. Silas sits on the shower floor with

my legs straddled around him. I try to stand when he yanks me back down.

“Stay in here, you’re safe in here,” he says before kissing me and I clutch his

shoulders, my fingernails digging into him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “You’re a
virgin Elora, in mating heat and they won’t be gentle. They will hurt you by accident”

His whispers between kissing me and I move my hips and feel his erection pressing

against my tights. Silas groans and I feel my core throb, I feel crazed as I move my

hips against him. Silas grips my hips, holding me in place before growling.

“Elora, stop” he shudders but I can’t help it. I need his touch, need something before I


“God you smell good” he groans before kissing me, his tongue fighting mine for


“I can make it stop, I can give you what you want,” he says as I try to move my hips

against him.

“Elora, do you want me to make it stop for now” he asks. Right now, I would have let

him do anything as long as his body was touching mine.

“Yes” I moaned before gripping his shoulder and digging my nails in as another wave

washes over me, making my toes curl from the intense pleasure but it wasn’t enough.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 45

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Silas gets up placing me on my feet and I shudder from the loss of contact before he

pushes me under the water letting me go. “Stay there, while I make them go

somewhere” he goes to walk out when I grab his hand needing contact, any contact

my entire body craving their touch to the point everything was irritating my skin except

them, like they were antidote to my problem, every part of me calling to them and

them me. All rational thought went out the window, and I utterly understood what they

meant about mating heat, making you do things you know you normally wouldn’t.

“Elora, I take you in there I can’t promise they won’t hurt you” he says, pushing me

under the water again. Silas walks out and I hear banging around and loud growling,

their scent wafting into the room making me feel rabid as it hits my nose. My eyes

glowing impossibly bright, and the bathroom takes on a purple tinge. The toe-curling

tingling heat rushing over my skin so hard my legs go weak and I am forced on my
hands and knees waiting for it to leave, only it doesn’t, instead spreading throughout

my entire body. The pleasurable tingles building up and then dying done so fast it

leaves me panting, the room becoming hotter and hotter with each wave and the

overwhelming feeling becomes almost unbearable.

Never in my life have I been so sexually frustrated, building up to never get relief.

Suddenly I feel hands reach under my arms before lifting me to my feet. Silas growls

and I can feel through the bond that he is struggling within himself not to hurt me, that

his self-control was teetering dangerously on the edge. He turns the water off before

pulling my wet clothes off me. Silas lifts me and I wrap my legs around him pulling him

closer needing the contact of his skin as I melt against him before attacking his neck,

sucking, and licking his skin. Silas’s grip on me gets tighter before he walks out of the

bathroom, and I feel the bed under my back as he places me down. His arms on

either side of my head as he holds his weight off me. Silas hand moving between my

legs before he shoves a finger inside me making me roll my hips and moan into the

crook of his neck.

“You’re so wet Elora” he growls before sliding another inside, my body responding to

his touch as I rock my hips against them needing more friction when he slides his

fingers out before adding a third making me gasp as my body tried to get used the

feeling, trying to stretch around his fingers. Heat washing over me again, making me

moan and my body pulsate, Silas making me frustrated as he slides his fingers out


“I need to stretch you, or I will hurt you” he whispers next to my ear before kissing me,

his tongue fighting mine for dominance and for once he actually lets me win, my nails

digging into his side tugging him closer and I roll my hips riding his fingers, needing

release. I was so close, so close, but it wasn’t enough, it was never enough. Silas

breaks the kiss, pulling his fingers from me. Making me groan in frustration as he

stands up, and I sit up on my elbows watching him while fighting the urge to jump
him. Silas pulls his boxers down, letting them drop to the floor and his hard length

springs free.

Horrified by it yet also wanting nothing more than for him to sink it into my wet heat.

Silas shoves me back down before crawling onto the bed between my legs, I try to

grab him when he grips my hands, shoving them above my head before holding

them in one of his. His lips go to mine as he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. I try

to get my hands free wanting to touch him, but he only holds them tighter pushing

them into the bed with his vice grip. Silas kisses the side of my mouth before nipping

at my chin while he positions himself and I feel his cock slide through my wet folds to

my clit making me move my hips trying to get more friction. Silas positions himself at

my entrance before pushing the tip in.

“This may hurt” he whispers before pushing in and I clench my teeth, not expecting

the burning pain before he stills for a second kissing my lips, his tongue running

across my bottom lip. Silas pulls my leg placing my knee against his ribs using his

arm to hold it in place. “Not much more,” he says, putting his face into my neck.

“What?” I squeak, wondering what he means when with one hard thrust, he pushes

all the way in, and I suddenly forget how to breathe as I feel my insides tearing. My

eyes fill with tears as I choke on a gasp. Silas doesn’t move, letting me adjust to his

gigantic size, though I can feel through the bond he really wanted too. “Breathe Lora”

he whispers before kissing me and I take a breath feeling my body relax before the

next wave washes over me and I move my hips against him feeling him move slightly

from my motion. Silas groans next to my ear but holds still, letting me move to get

used to the feel of him.

Silas kisses me, his tongue moving between my parted lips as I pant through the

wave before I feel him move, pulling out before he thrust in hard, making me moan

loudly. He lets go of my hands and I grip his shoulder, moving my hips to meet his

thrusts. My nails are digging into him and I can smell the coppery scent of his blood.
Feeling my stomach tighten and my orgasm building up as he pounds into me before

I push on his shoulder wanting him to lay on his back. Silas, realising this, rolls, pulling

me on top of him. My hands on his chest before realising I don’t know what I am

supposed to do. Silas grips my hips moving them against him and I feel full to the

brim from this position, I roll my hips following his rhythm before he lets go, letting me

set the pace. His hand moving up my body as he squeezes my breast before rolling

my nipple between his fingers, gripping the headboard. Silas moves up the bed

slightly so I can reach it better before he grips my hips and slams me down on him,

making me cry out in pleasure. My walls clench around his cock and I feel like I am

high on drugs as I ride him, feeling my orgasm build until I am on the edge just waiting

to be pushed over.

Silas grips my hips tightly and I know he isn’t going to last much longer, feel him

building up through the bond which only arouses me more and I move my hips faster

before getting an overwhelming urge, I was foreign to. Silas tugs me closer, kissing

me before thrusting into me hard and fast making me bounce on him from his erratic

movements, my walls tighten around him and I drop my face into the crook of his

neck. The urge becomes worse and I bite into him, his blood flooding into my mouth

and it sends me over the edge, my pussy clenching around him milking his cock as I

feel his seed spill into me. The heat died down and I let his neck go, slumping against

him breathless. The coppery taste of his blood is still in my mouth.

“You okay?” Silas asks as I try to sit up, but all I am left with now is complete

exhaustion and I cannot move. Silas realises this and moves before placing me on

my back, his cock sliding out of me. He kisses my forehead before looking down at


“You marked me,” he says, not even hiding his shock. I try to tell him sorry, but it

comes out slurred. I feel the bed dip and he hops off and walks away before feeling

something cold press between my legs making my eyes flutter open. Silas leaning

over me.
“Where are they?” I murmur.

“Your old room, they are fine,” Silas says, laying beside me.

“They will be here when you wake up, I promise,” he says, tugging me onto his chest

before pulling the blanket over me. My body relaxes and my eyes feel heavy as I am

forced into the darkness of sleep.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 46

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Waking up to lips pressing against my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open to Matitus

laying next to me. “Good morning,” I mutter half asleep, rolling away only for his hand

to roll me back toward him. I groan, annoyed before I feel him plunge his tongue into

my mouth.

“Let me sleep” I mumble around his assault on my mouth. He chuckles before his

hand moves between my legs, rubbing the inside of my thigh to the apex of my legs.

“Matitus stop, I am tired,” I tell him rolling onto my stomach. He doesn’t stop instead

pushing his knee between my legs before sliding between them, his lips going to my

mark sucking on it making me moan.

“Matitus,” I warn but he just chuckles able to smell my arousal as his lips latch onto

my nipple as he sucks it onto his mouth. His lips moving lower, and I try to roll over to

go back to the sleep I was awoken from. Matitus ignores my attempts instead moving

lower and pushing his face between my legs.

His tongue moving between my wet folds makes me moan loudly before I feel lips on

my neck again making my eyes flutter back open to see Dragus hovering above me.

He kisses me softly and I answer his kiss as he rolls my nipple between his fingers.

Matitus tongue flicking over my clit making me moan loudly. Feeling the bed dip on

the other side of me I turn and see Silas.

“Morning Lora,” he says with a smirk on his face before seizing my lips.

Giving up on sleep I give into them. Matitus devouring me making my hips buck

against his face when I feel him grip my thighs holding me in place. His tongue giving

me no rest as I feel my stomach tighten. I can think of worse ways to wake up, I think

to myself. My skin becoming flushed before I feel Matitus stop, moving up and laying

next to me. He did not just wake me to rile me up, did he? I groan annoyed before

hearing him chuckle.

I smack his chest with my hand at being awoken only for him to stop. “What?’ He


“You don’t just force me awake then stop” I groaned before I felt Silas move, flipping

me on my side with one hand to face Matitus. His hand moving between my legs as

he rubs my sensitive bundles of nerves. Matitus moves closer, lifting my leg over his

hip. Bringing me closer to him and I can feel his erection against my wet folds making

me move my hips against it.

“You seem more eager now” he states before gripping my hips and tugging me on

top of him.
“Fine you want it, help yourself,” he says, placing his hands above his head as I sit up

with my hands on his chest. I saw Dragus had moved to the armchair and was

watching with hungry eyes. A devious smile on my lips as I raise an eyebrow at him

before climbing off him.

“Where are you going?” he says, trying to grab me.

“Help yourself,” I tell him as I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I hear

Dragus and Silas laughing at Matitus from having his own words thrown back at him.

Stepping in the shower I feel warmth seep into me before feeling hands run up my

sides before spinning me around. Dragus stepped in behind me as I stepped under

the water. Turning around, I wrap my arms around his neck.

Dragus leans down kissing me before gripping my hips and lifting me so I have to

wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes me against the cold tiles making me

shriek. He chuckles before turning around and I feel a rush of tingles move up my

back before a hand moves across my ass as they slide their fingers in me. My walls

clench around his fingers as I look up and see Matitus. I lean my head on his

shoulder, his other hand going to my neck squeezing but not enough to cut off my air

as he slides his fingers inside me. Dragus lips moving to my shoulder and collarbone

and I can feel his erection against the inside of my thigh pressing against my clit

making me moan.

I wiggle my hips rubbing myself against him and he groans as Matitus removes his

fingers before I slammed pushed against Matitus who was against the shower wall.

Dragus lips devouring mine before I feel him move slightly adjusting himself. His cock

sliding into me making me moan loudly just as Silas steps in before kissing me

swallowing my moans as I move my hips wanting Dragus to fuck me. He thrusts into

me, his hands grips my ass tightly and I feel Matitus erection against my back.

My moans echoing off the shower walls as Dragus slams into me, his cock stretching

me before I feel Matitus hands move to my breasts pinching my nipples between his
fingers making me hiss at the sudden pain. His lips nipping at my mark and I feel my

stomach tighten and as arousal floods into me and I move my hips before Dragus

grips them tighter slamming me down on his hard length.

Lost in the feel of him inside me until I feel Matitus hand move between my ass

cheeks, his fingers pressing against the tight muscles of ass making me tense. His

husky voice just below my ear.

“Relax Elora, it's just my fingers” he says, and my eyes snap to Silas over Dragus'

shoulder with worry. Silas steps closer before kissing me, my body relaxing and I feel

Matitus slide a finger in my ass.

“Ah” I groan, pulling away at the sudden burning pain, but Silas hand moves between

mine and Dragus’s body as Dragus stills for a second and Silas rolls my clit between

fingers making me moan and move my hips against them. Dragus groans loudly and I

can feel myself getting wetter as my walls flutter around his cock. Matitus slides his

finger out before sliding it back in and move my hips against Silas fingers needing the

friction as a distraction.

“That’s it, keep moving, Elora. It won’t hurt for long,” Matitus says before sliding his

finger out and adding another just as Silas moves his hand and Dragus thrusts into

me. Gripping Dragus shoulders tighter as I move my hips meeting his thrusts while

Matitus moves fingers in and out making me moan loudly and I feel my orgasm

building as Dragus speeds up his movements thrusting into me harder, his grip on my

hips getting tighter as Silas plunges his tongue in my mouth.

My legs trembling as I fell my pussy start pulsating as I reach my climax, my toes

curling as it ripples over me in waves. I feel Dragus movements become erratic before

he groans ramming his cock into me before stilling, my walls gripping his cock as I

milk him feeling his seed spill into me leaving us both breathless. Dragus kisses me

and I feel Matitus pulls his fingers from me before Dragus pulls his now flaccid cock

from me and lets me stand.

Matitus turns me around to face him and I wonder if he is going to do anything

because I was much too sore now. He kisses me softly and I rub my hand over his

cock when he pulls back.

“I know you're sore, Elora, another time” he mumbles against my lips before pulling

me closer and grabbing the soap. Matitus helps wash me and I don’t feel any upset

from him through the bond. When we are finished, we hop out and get dressed. I

really wanted to go check up on Abigail but when I went to walk out the door Silas

grips my arm tugging me against him.

“She is fine, you need to eat first,” he says, grabbing my hand in his vice-like grip.

“I won’t be long; I just want to check on her,” I tell him.

“Later,” he says, brushing his fingers across my cheek.

“We have something to do first.”

“Like what?” I ask pissed off that he wouldn’t let me see her.

“Find out what is needed to hand your magic over,” he says watching me and I rip my

hand from his.

“Why, why is this so fucking important to you, Silas?” I snap storming out of the room.

“Elora'' he bellows, and I can feel his anger through the bond at me walking away

from him. Matitus and Dragus walk out just as Silas wraps his arm around my waist

picking me up effortlessly before shoving me against the bannister of the stairs.

“Don’t walk away from me” he growls, and I roll my eyes at his tone. Only making him

angrier as he growled menacingly. Matitus and Dragus walk down the stairs and

Matitus places his hand on Silas shoulder.

“Silas enough” he warns him, and I feel Silas’s grip tighten, his eyes darkening in

anger before he steps back and yanks me down the stairs.

“Silas let go, you're hurting me,” I tell him, making him stop and look down at me. I

see Marian down the hall watching with a concerned look on her face before Silas

glares at her making her dart back into the kitchen.

“Do you want me to kill her?” he snaps gripping my chin forcing me to look up at him.

I glare at him before he lets go, yanking me toward the library and I have to jog to

keep up with him. He pushes me into the armchair with so much force it almost tips


“Stay,” he says when I go to get up. “I’m not a fucking dog Silas” I snap at him before

he towers over me both hands on either side of the arm rest. He growls at me before

dipping his face in my neck and I can feel his hot breath on my skin making me


“You are lucky you are our mate; I don’t like disrespect, Elora” he snaps before

pushing off his arms and turning towards the bookshelf.

“Respect is earnt not just fucking given out on a silver platter Silas” I snap. I watch as

his back tenses and he spins around my heart skipping a beat as dread floods into

me. He stalks toward me but Matitus steps in his way blocking him. Silas growls

before turning back to the bookshelf.

He grabs a book off the shelf before throwing it at me. Dragus hand reaches out at

blinding speed catching it before it hits me.

“Fucking read it,” Silas spits at me making me flinch before he walks out. Dragus

sighs before passing me the book. My hands shake as I clutch it before reading the


Guide to fae magic.

Matitus looks down at the title before opening the first page and reading the index, his

finger running down the page. Stopping for a second before he flicks through the

pages of the book in my lap, turning it to a page and I read the title. It was how to

place magic into a foreign object.

He was really going to make me do it, really making me give up my magic. I feel a tear

slip down my cheek and I stand up throwing the book on the desk and walking out to

go see Abbi. Dragus chasing after me grabbing my hand.

“Elora, please don’t anger him,” he says, placing the book in my hand. I snatched it

away from him.

“So, what did you have to give up huh?,” I tell him, and he looks down at me sadly.

Matitus watching me, a grim expression on his face.

“What’s next you want me to kill myself for the sake of some curse, because it seems

like I am the only one around here expected to make sacrifices” They say nothing,

and I turn on my heel heading toward Abbie’s room. I hear one of them punch the

wall in anger, but I don’t care instead walking straight to Abbie’s room and walking in

locking the door behind me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 47

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Elora’s POV

As soon as I walked in, Abbie's eyes flew open in alarm, relaxing when she realized it

was just me. Abbie sits up making room next to her and I lay beside her, placing the

book in my lap annoyed.

“What’s wrong?” she asks before picking up the book.

“Silas wants my magic and apparently he wants it now. He gave me this so I can read

how to put my magic in something,” I tell her. She nods, flicking through the pages.

“You don’t want to?” she asks.

“Of course not, I only just got it besides I am fae. What fae hasn’t wished for their

magic at some stage,” I tell her, and she nods.

Abigail was reading the page Matitus flicked to.

“You don’t need this book. fae magic isn’t much different from witch magic, it is easy

to transfer your magic. I will show you” she tells me, and I nod before sighing.

“It says here stripping a fae of her magic removes all magical properties leaving them


“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask curious, and she shrugs.

“God knows, I am assuming you won’t be able to get it back once it has been used

up, whereas with witch's magic we can regenerate it from pulling on the elements. I’m

guessing fae can’t”

I nod when Marian walks in, a sombre expression on her face when she sees the

book Abigail is holding.

“I knew he wanted your magic first thing this morning, I saw him reading that before

you woke up. He spent all morning in the library” she tells us.

“What are you going to do?” she asks, sitting in the desk chair.

“Hand it over, I won’t let anyone else die. It isn’t worth someone’s life,” I tell her. She

nods before looking at Abigail sadly.

“Fae have gone without their magic for this long, not like we can’t live without it. He

will regret it though that I can assure you”

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“You will find out, not necessarily a bad thing for you but for Silas it will be”
“So, what do you want to put it in?” Abigail asks.

“I have no idea, what do you think?” I ask and she shrugs.

“I have something perfect” Marian tells me,

“I just need to duck in town. Be back in half an hour,” she says a devious smile on her

face like whatever she thought of was funny. Abigail looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

“I wonder what she thought of?”

“Beats me but I have a funny feeling it isn’t anything good,” I tell her. One thing about

Marian after being here for the last few weeks is, she has a strange sense of humour.

Shaking my head, I get up.

“Where are you going?”

“To get breakfast before Silas kicks the door down and force feeds me,” I tell her. She

swings her legs off the bed getting up after me.

“Good idea, I am starving” she tells me before pulling a woollen jumper on. We both

walk to the kitchens and make cereal when Silas and Matitus walk in. Proving my

theory right that he would have kicked the door in looking for me.

“Good, you’re eating,” Matitus says looking relieved. Making me wonder exactly how

accurate my thought was of Silas force feeding me.

I ignore them as they walk in. I can feel Silas’s anger through the bond which hadn’t

died down. When they didn’t leave, I saw Abigail sending them nervous glances.

Tipping my bowl in the sink. Silas growls.

“What?” I snap, glaring at him.

He says nothing, just folds his arms across his chest and the room goes up in

temperature letting me know how angry he is.

Matitus steps forward, rubbing my arms. “Elora just don’t please. Why do you have to

challenge him on everything?” he says, pushing me back in the seat. Silas walks out

and I can hear his growl as he walks up the corridor. Matitus pinches the bridge of his

nose frustrated.

“Did you read it?”

“Yes, Matitus I read the fucking book, just let Abbie finish and I will bring it to you

when I am done,” I tell him, shooing him away. Matitus reluctantly leaves. Just as

Abbie nearly finishes eating Marian runs in with a box, her hair a mess like she ran all

the way here.

I go to open the box, but Marian shakes her head before laughing, holding the lid

shut. Abigail and I raise an eyebrow at her blushing face.

“Not here” she snorts, holding her laugh, “I would love to be a fly on the wall when

you give this to them” she tells us, and Abbi shovels her food down wanting to know

what it is Marian has in the box.

“It’s too perfect, especially once you hand it over because that is what they will have

to do,” she says hysterically laughing again to the point she had tears rolling down her


Abigail stands up dumping her bowl in the sink. “You got me curious now old lady”

she states before walking out the kitchen door.

Following her back to Abigail’s room, Marian locks the door behind her before setting

the box on the table. At this moment she looked younger carefree as she opened the

box, which had a smaller box inside about the length of my forearm.
Abigail picks it up, turning it over to read what is inside. Abigail also starts giggling, her

face flushing red before she jams it back in the box closing the lid, like she was

embarrassed for even holding it. “Oh my god Marian you are terrible, where did you

even get this?”

“The warehouse down the road has all sorts of weird things in it” she states before

laughing again.

“Ok what is it?” I ask, opening the box. I pull the smaller box out and turn it over to

see a picture of a penis. “It isn’t? Please tell me this is a joke?,” I tell her, and she

starts laughing again.

“I can already picture their faces,” she snorts. Opening the box, I pull it out, taking the

protective sleeve off it.

“Man, I might go buy myself one of those,” Abigail says, feeling the tip of it.

“You really expect me to give them a rubber penis,” I tell her, the thing floppy to the

side in my hand.

“It’s called a dildo and Yes, Tell Silas to go fuck himself” Marian says trying not to

laugh but not succeeding.

“And I can really transfer my magic into this?” I asked confused, thinking I would need

some kind of Talisman.

“Yep, you could put it in a stuffed teddy, in a room, wherever you want. The object

becomes magic once you send your magic to it'' Marian answers. I wobble it back

and forth trying not to laugh. Abigail pulls me over to the bed and sits down. I place

the pink silicone dildo on the bed shaking my head at what I am about to do.

“Okay, so what do I do?” I ask, watching Abigail.

“Easy, close your eyes and feel for your magic. Once you have it, push it, concentrate

on what it is you’re trying to put it into, picture it in your head and then let it go” she

tells me showing me with a book. I watch amazed as her hands glow green and

watch the magic leave her fingertips turning the book a glowing green before it goes

back to its normal brown leather colour. She then draws it back out. The book

glowing again, and it looks like mist travelling back through her hands and up her


“See?” she says, and I nod.

“Now you try, just feel for your magic” she tells me. I close my eyes feeling when she

turns my palms up, dropping the dildo in it making my eyes snap open at the thought

of it and I chuckle.

“I can’t picture it without laughing,” I tell her, and she giggles.

“Try Elora breathe, get your serious face on” Marian says snickering behind me.

Making my lips twitch as I fight the urge to laugh.

Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I felt for my magic, at first there was nothing. I

felt like I was trying to grasp the air. Relaxing my shoulders and I take some deep

breaths concentrating and I feel a sliver and I smile.

Concentrating on the warm feeling I pull on it, it tickles as I feel it rushing from my toes

up my body, like a strange current, rippling and slipping through every cell making

goosebumps rise on my body the more I draw on it. My mark on my neck starts

tingling and I fight the urge to shiver as a cold feeling consumes me. Focusing, I push

it through my fingertips and open my eyes. Purple mist covered my hands glowing

brighter, and I forced it out, letting it go and concentrating on the object itself. The

pink Dildo glows and trembles in my hands and it was like a vacuum once the first

trickle of my magic touched it, sucking it up instantly. The dildo dropped in my hand
and turned back pink instead of purple. I could feel my magic trapped within its

confines when Abigail gasps, making my eyes dart to hers.

“What?” I whisper and she shakes her head pointing to her mirror. Getting up, I walk

over to the mirror, my Fae tattoos gone but that’s not all, my mark disappeared. I try

feeling through the bond but get nothing but radio silence. I felt empty, no foreign

feelings rippling through me. Nothing indicating we are mates anymore. I gasp

rubbing my neck seeing if it was a trick.

Turning around, I see Marian with a knowing look on her face. “You knew?” I ask and

she nods.

“Yep, mate marks have magical properties, you didn’t just put your magic in that, you

also put the mate bond,” she says smiling. I was free of them, I felt nothing for them

besides my own feelings.

“That’s why you wanted the dildo, because I wouldn’t feel the pull to mate with them

now” I state shocked but also relieved no more mating heat, or invasions of my

thoughts nothing. I was simply me.

“They aren’t going to like that, dragons can only mate with their mates and unless

Dragus or Matitus are willing to switch sides,” Abigail says worriedly, and I have to

agree with her. I knew they would be angry when they found out. That was karma,

they could have my magic but not me.

“They wanted your magic; it came at a price,” Marian says, dumping the Dildo in my

hand. I look down at it. Now seeing why, she thought it was so funny and for once I

didn’t fear his reaction because I simply didn’t care.

Walking out, I put it in my back pocket. Marian is laughing behind me as she watches

me move down the corridor. I brush my hair over my neck, so they can’t see my

missing mark. They would be expecting the Fae marking gone but not their mark.
I felt a little sad that the only thing I had I was giving up, felt it tug something inside

me. The ultimate sacrifice and I was the one making it, for a curse I didn’t make yet it

was my responsibility to break it. It didn’t seem fair, like I was being punished. So,

walking into the library, I could feel my anger boiling inside me with nowhere to go.

They look up as I enter.

Matitus walks over but I wave him off, not wanting them near me. Silas looks up from

what he was doing and watches me as I approach. Reaching in my back pocket, I

grab the dildo and drop it on his desk making him sit back with an angry look on his


“What the fuck is this Elora?” he asks, picking it up with two fingers.

“My magic, so you can go fuck yourself with it,” I tell him giving him a smile. Silas

growls angrily.

“Really Elora, why did you give me this and where did you get it?” he snaps, dropping

it on the table. It glows purple and his eyes snap to it.

“You put your magic in this?” he asks incredulously. I nod trying not to laugh as I pinch

my lips back together. Matitus steps forward, cocking his head to the side.

“Why can’t I feel you?” he says, staring at me.

“Everything comes at a price Matitus,” I tell him, flicking my hair over my shoulder and

I see Silas jump to his feet and Dragus.

“What did you do?” Silas growls gripping my arm.

“Stripping a Fae of their magic, leaves them bare of all magical properties, your mark

is magical therefore it is in that, with my magic” I snap at him. Silas growls tugging me

to him, and I pull away.

“You wanted my magic, now you have it, you could have had me, but you wanted to

break that damn curse so badly and at what cost Silas. You can’t have both. You

made your decision, live with it,” I tell him before walking away.

“Elora don’t you walk away from me” Silas bellows, trudging after me. He grabs my

arm pulling me back into the library.

“Fix it, now” he screams enraged.

“To do that I have to take my magic back, so which is it Silas, me or my magic?” I


He says nothing and I feel tears brim, he didn’t care for me. He just wanted the curse

broken; I was merely a pawn in his grand plan. A child incubator nothing more to him,

nothing less but something to be used and thrown away.

“Lora,” Matitus says stepping forward. I wipe my tears knowing Silas made his


“Don’t Matitus, you all made your decision. Now I know where I stand. I am nothing to

you and now you’re nothing to me,” I tell them before running out, so they don’t see

me break.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 48

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Elora POV

Running down the corridor I could hear them arguing before they abruptly stopped,

tears burning my eyes as they spilled over.

“Elora stop” Silas angry voice coming to my ears, I kept running toward my old room

when suddenly I felt myself get ripped back by my waist. Silas arm wrapped around

me as he started dragging back down the hall. He places me on the desk, his strong

grip holding me in place, he picks up my magic and shoves it in my hand. Before

handing me my mother’s necklace. At first, I thought he was giving it back to me,

choosing me over the curse.

“Transfer it, now I am not walking around with it in that” he states, eyeing the dildo like

it was a poisonous snake.

“No,” I tell him, shaking my head.

“Now. I won’t ask again, Elora. Your childish games need to stop,” he snarls, his grip


“Silas, let her go,” Matitus growls, stepping forward.

“Not until she transfers it,” he snaps at him. Matitus grabs him, ripping him away from

me. Silas goes to throw him off when Matitus slams him against the bookshelf with so

much anger that Silas looks shocked. Silas regains himself before pushing him away

when Matitus punches him. Making me gasp and Dragus rips me off the desk just in

time for Matitus to be slammed on it. The table collapsed under the force. Silas grips

the collar of his shirt and goes to punch him when Dragus tackles Silas.

An all-out brawl starting in the library as Silas fights both of them, I hear him growl

loudly. And not wanting Matitus and Dragus to get hurt, I seized my magic letting it

travel up my arm holding the dildo and moving across my chest, it felt warm and fuzzy

like a warm breeze moving over my skin as I transferred it to my mother’s necklace.

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Looking up, Silas tossed Matitus into Dragus, their feral growls deafening, and Silas’s

entire body was vibrating on the verge of shifting which would destroy the entire place

with his enormous beast. Silas starts stalking towards their fallen forms in front of the

fireplace. Rushing over, I hit him full force knocking the air out of my lungs, but he

wasn’t expecting it and was knocked off balance and I landed heavily on top of him.
He growls at me, his green and gold reptilian eyes burning into me as I sit up, shaking

my head. My hands on his chest as I pushed myself up on my knees. The necklace

in my hand I hit his chest, before losing my temper.

“Here! Fucking have it you asshole. I hate you. I fucking hate you, Silas,” I scream

smacking his chest with my hands until my hands hurt, and I felt out breath. I knew I

didn’t hurt him; knew nothing I could do would hurt him. Feeling hands grab me, I

smack them away.

“Don’t touch me, please don’t touch me” I scream before breaking down, sobbing. I

look up at Silas watching me like he thought I lost the plot and after weeks of his shit I

finally had. I had enough, I was done. “Kill me, I can’t do this anymore. I won’t do this”

I whisper, and Silas sits up grabbing my arms.

“Don’t ever say that again, Elora.” His hands were shaking with anger. My eyes

snapped to him, he didn’t look angry, maybe I read him wrong.

“You have taken everything from me, everything. My entire life was ruined because

you. My grandmother died to protect my magic when I didn’t even know about it. She

died because you were hunting fae. My entire family died at your hands. Then you

took my magic. The only thing that I have left, and you took it too. What have you

sacrificed Silas? What am I to you?” I ask.

Silas shakes his head confused, I don’t know what he was thinking anymore, just

another thing he took from me, our bond. The one thing I thought I hated, when in

reality now that it was gone, I have never felt so empty. When he doesn’t answer, I

close my eyes, willing the tears to stop before taking a breath and going to get up,

when Silas rips me back down on the floor with him.

“I don’t want to take anything from you. I have no choice.”

“There is always a choice, Silas. You just didn’t choose me. You choose this over the

mate bond,” I tell him pointing to my mother’s necklace. Silas looked hurt by my
words, but I got up anyway, he knew I was right. How could he not? Everything came

down to a stupid curse. Matitus and Dragus watching us before I turned on my heel

walking out. I go back to my old room. Laying on the bed, I tug the blanket up and roll

so I am facing the wall. A few minutes later I hear the door open, and I look over my

shoulder, Abigail walks in. Rolling over she sits beside me, and I place my head in her

lap, wrapping my arms around her waist hugging her.

“I have something I should tell you?” she says, brushing my hair from my face making

me look up at her.

“I should have told you, but I was scared of what they would do if they knew” I already

knew, I had an inkling when she freaked out about them knowing she was a witch.

About her sending her mother away with her daughter.

“I know already Abigail; you don’t have to say it. I know what Claire is” I whisper, and

she stops looking down at me.

“Don’t say it because if they ever asked, I won’t be able to lie now without my magic”

she nods her head in understanding.

“I can feel it, you know. The bond breaking. It feels like I have lost a limb, a piece of

myself,” I tell her.

Suddenly the door opens, Dragus and Matitus walking in. Abigail gets up before

looking at me alarmed.

“It is okay Abbie, just go I will see you later,” I tell her, and she nods before walking

out, Matitus steps aside letting her pass.

Matitus closes the door before walking over and sitting on the bed.

“Bond or not Elora you’re still ours,” he says, reaching for me. I move further up the

bed trying to get away from them, but he pulls me onto his lap.
“I don’t need the bond to love you” he whispers into my neck. Dragus sits on the

other side of me, his hand on my knee.

“You should go, I want to go to sleep,” I tell them knowing if they stay Silas might

come looking for them. He may not have a bond with me anymore, but he does with

them. To him I might as well be a stranger now.

I hop off Matitus lap climbing behind Dragus before slipping under the covers. They

don’t leave though, instead remain sitting on the bed.

“Go, Silas will come looking for you,” I tell them. They reluctantly leave and I spend

the afternoon staring mostly at the ceiling not wanting to leave the room. Marian

comes in with Abigail at dinner time and we sit on the floor in front of the fireplace

eating ravioli before they eventually have to leave to do whatever chores they had left.

When they leave, I have a shower, before slipping my shirt and panties on. All my

clothes were upstairs, but I didn’t feel like running into Silas so hopped in bed. All

night I tossed and turned my sleep restless. I couldn’t get comfortable, like something

was missing and I knew that something was the three dragon kings asleep upstairs.

Getting up, I walk into the bathroom and get a drink from the tap, flicking the

bathroom light off. I walk back to my bed only to sit down and see green and gold

eyes reflecting oddly from the chair near the fireplace. I jump startled when I realised

Silas was just sitting on the chair, his arms braced on his legs as he leant forward

watching me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 49

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My heart rate picked up when he moved. He stood up moving in front of me before

kneeling down. His hands go to my knees, but I shove them off and he runs his hand

through his hair. He looked tired.

“What do you want, Silas?” I ask climbing back in bed and pulling the covers up. He

gets up sitting on the bed beside me. “My mates hate me,” he says, placing his head

in his hands. I almost felt bad for him, almost. He looked defeated, but he did it to

himself and would get no sympathy from me.

Rolling over, I turn my back on him, intending to ignore him. Like what did he expect?

For me to feel sorry for him.

“Elora, please don’t turn away from me,” he says, rolling me onto my back.
“Why are you here? If it is to make me feel bad for you. I don’t,” I tell him.

“I want things to go back to how they were”

“Are you going to give my magic back?” I ask.

“No, you know I can’t.”

“Then get out. You made your decision, which in turn makes mine.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean, Silas. I won’t be with you” A growl erupts from him

before he grabs me.

“You are ours Elora, this doesn’t change that,” he says, yanking me onto his lap. I

push off his chest, but his grip only tightens. Silas grabs my hair, ripping my head

back a menacing growl escaping him before he sinks his teeth into my neck making

me scream. His bite hurt, blood running down my neck and over my shoulder as his

teeth razored through my flesh.

Pulling back, I was left shaken as I stumbled off his lap, my legs shaking as I tried to

create some distance between us, my entire body burning from his bite, making me
feel sick. Silas gets up off the bed stalking towards me before roughly pulling me

forward and swiping my hair off my shoulder which was now drenched in my blood.

“I don’t understand, why didn’t it work?” he growls.

I couldn’t feel anything but pain radiating through my neck from his bite.

“You actually thought you could remark me?” I scoff. Silas grip tightening as he glares

down at me before I find myself slammed against the wall, his hands around my

throat in warning but not tight enough to affect my breathing. I could see him trying to

regain control of himself, trying not to kill me.

“Go on, do it, do it Silas. Kill me at least I will be rid of you,” I spit at him, no longer

afraid of death. If it were my only chance at freedom, I would take it. He has proven to

me time and time again he doesn’t care for me, only cares for what I can do for him.

Silas lets go, stepping back his eyes softening, and I wondered what he was thinking

when he suddenly dropped to the ground leaning against the side of my bed placing

his head in his hands.

“I don’t know what to do” I hear him whisper and if it weren’t for my heightened

hearing, I wouldn’t have heard him.

“Do you feel nothing for us?” he asks, and I bite down on my tongue, willing myself

not to answer. Sweat beading on my neck and I feel my nausea build in my stomach.

Silas looks up when I don’t answer.

“You can’t lie?” he says, cocking his head to the side, watching me struggle with not

answering when he suddenly gets up moving toward me. He grips my chin forcing

me to look up at him.

“Do you feel nothing for me?” he asks again, watching me carefully.
“I feel a lot of things for you Silas, all of you” I answered feeling the urge lift once the

words left my lips like I could finally breathe again.

“Do you love me?” he asks, the urge rolling over me again. Did I? After everything he

has done it seemed unreasonable that I would, yet I was lying to myself thinking I


“Yes, despite everything you have done I still fucking love you, but I hate you just as


He kisses me, his lips crashing against mine urgently, but I use all my strength to

shove him off. Silas steps forward trying to reach for me, but I step away from him.

“No, you don’t get to destroy me then keep me. That’s not what love is Silas” I snap

at him. His eyes go to the ceiling as he looks up, running his hands through his hair

before gripping his hair in what I assume is frustration.

Suddenly the door opens and Matitus rushes in before freezing. “Silas,” he says,

making him look at him. Silas doesn’t say a word, just walks out. Matitus looks over at

me, before biting into his wrist and offering it to me. I shake my head and Matitus

steps forward.

“No, I am fine. Just get out,” I tell him.


“No Matitus just leave, please I am tired. I don’t want to deal with this shit right now”

Matitus looks hurt but nods before leaving. Walking into the bathroom, I grab a face

washer and wet it before cleaning the blood off my neck. My hands shaking and I

flinch, the skin red and tender to touch. Once I am done, I climb in bed. I knew I

couldn’t stay here anymore and first chance I get I am leaving. Rather be on the run

then stuck here, forced to live like this. Forced to endure him.
Falling into a dreamless sleep, I wake early from an overwhelming urge coiling in my

stomach. Ripping the blanket back, I run for the bathroom but barely make it in time

as I puke. Spew going half in the toilet and the rest on the floor. I continued throwing

up violently. My entire body retching until my stomach was completely empty. Getting

up, I flush the toilet before grabbing a towel and cleaning up the mess on the floor.

Stripping my clothes off, I step under the shower while grabbing my toothbrush so I

could rid the taste from my mouth.

The shower helped a little, but I felt weird today. Different, my entire body felt

exhausted. Every muscle ached like I ran a marathon. Washing my hair soap got on

my bite mark from Silas making it burn badly. Hopping out of the shower, I wrapped a

fresh towel around myself before looking in the mirror, my entire neck had turned

black where he bit me. Black like tar spreading down my neck and across my

shoulder, the veins clearly visible under my skin which was oddly pale almost see

through. Black veins spread from his bite like I had been poisoned from it.

Even turning my neck hurt. Chucking some clothes on, I go in search of Abbie and

Marian finding them in the kitchen. They take one look at me before rushing over


“What the hell happened to you? What happened to your neck?” Abigail asks


“Silas tried to remark me, I think it is making me sick,” I tell her, suddenly feeling

lightheaded just from walking the short distance from my room to the kitchen.

“Let me try to heal you,” she says, dragging me into the pantry and closing the door. I

could see the concentration on her face as she placed her hand against my neck

and shoulder.

Abigail pulls her hands back looking at them. “Why isn’t it working?” she asks, looking

at Marian.
“Fucking stupid oversized fire breathing lizard” Marian spits angrily.

I sat down on the floor not able to stand anymore. My entire body felt hot like I was

running a fever. The room was warping and pulsating and even though I was on the

ground, I felt like I was falling. My head became heavy and each time I blink the

darkness on the edge of my vision slowly consumed me.

“Abbie, I don’t feel good” I tried to say but I wasn’t sure she heard me when I

suddenly lost all feeling and consciousness.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 50

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Silas POV

Matitus and I had just gone to her room, but she wasn’t there. We knew she couldn’t

have gotten far because the guards would have alerted us if she tried to leave.

Heading toward the library we could hear frantic voices coming from the kitchen.

Matitus raising an eyebrow at me when Abigail’s voice hit my ears.

“I’m trying, I am fucking trying Marian; I can’t heal her”

“Heal who?” Matitus asked before I rushed into the kitchen. Matitus and I both nearly

knocking each other over as we barrelled into the kitchen. Only no one was there.
“Marian, you need to get them. '' I heard Abigail’s voice coming from the pantry before

the pantry door opened, making both of us turn our attention to it. Abigail was

hovering over Elora’s collapsed body, her hands bright green and gold as she held

them on Elora’s chest. Marian froze before Matitus pulled her out of the way before

scooping up Elora off the floor. Abigail froze in place as I stared at her, but I didn’t

have time to deal with what we just witnessed, when our mate was unconscious.

Swiping everything off the counter Matitus placed her on it. Her skin is pale and

ghostly white, black veins moving under her skin coming from her neck. Matitus

swiped her hair away and I felt bile rise in my throat. Where I tried to mark her was

black, black as coal, the veins leading up to it black beneath her skin.

“She is still breathing but her heartbeat is slowing down” I tell Matitus, biting into my

wrist Matitus holds her mouth open and I let my blood drain down her throat. Nothing

happens and Matitus growls loudly and I can feel his burning anger smashing into me

through the bond. Panic seizing me when she doesn’t heal. Nothing made sense until

Marian’s words hit me.

“You did this, she is dying because you took her magic” I think for a few seconds, her

words making sense, maybe if she had her magic, it would undo what I have done.

Her magic, I bolted out the door crashing into the walls and skidding along the floor.

Fear consuming me as I rip the draws out from under the bookshelves trying to find

the necklace. My mind went completely blank as to where I put it.

Matitus comes in carrying her before laying her on the ground, Dragus runs in and

starts ripping draws out with me, Matitus must have mind-linked him because in my

panic, I completely forgot about telling him she was hurt. Draws crashing to the

ground before I finally pull one out and I see her necklace. Snatching it from the draw,

I raced over to her.

Scooping her up, her head falls forward limply, and I place the necklace in her limp

hand. Abigail comes rushing in.

“It doesn’t work like that because she needs to be awake,” she says.

“Come on Lora, you need to wake up,” I tell her, shaking her but she doesn’t

respond. Please, please wake up, I can’t lose you, I think, as I rock her trying to rouse

her awake but nothing we do ignites any sign of life from her. She was dying in my

arms. Matitus collapses on the ground beside me and Dragus had his head in his

hands pacing back and forth. Tears ran down my face as I realised I killed her, she

was going to die because I was selfish, and angry. My anger once again killing

someone I love. I loved her and I killed her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” I tell them, my mates sadness seeping into me,

eating away at me along with my own guilt. Abigail looks down at her, tears flowing

from her eyes before she suddenly stops sobbing and rips Elora from me. Placing her

on the ground, I go to reach for her and take her back when I see Abigail’s eyes glow

fluorescent green. What the hell is she?

She places her hands-on Elora’s chest. “Abigail no, it could kill you” Marian screams

running in and trying to rip Abigail away, but Abigail shakes her off before placing her

hands back on Elora’s chest.

“She saved me once I am just returning the favour”

“Abbie no, Elora will hate herself if you die” Marian tries to reason with her. Matitus

and Dragus heads snap towards them as we watch frozen on the spot as Abigail's

skin starts rippling.

“We just need to wake her long enough to absorb her magic” Marian runs over

ripping the necklace from my hands and I let her, praying to the fates these two

women can save her.

“When Abigail absorbs whatever this is, we need to wake her, enough to absorb her

magic. Abbie holds it too long it could kill her, and Elora will die with her” Marian says,

her words not absorbing and I stare at her blankly.

Marian slaps me hard across the face. “Silas do you understand you buffoon”

Nodding, I look down at Elora. Abigail starts muttering under her breath when nothing

happens though she looks around frantically, her entire body was throwing off a

strange energy, the air even changing scent to a smell of earth, like mud and leaves.

She starts muttering some foreign language when her hand suddenly snakes out

gripping mine tightly. I go to rip my arm from her when I feel it. Heat rushed under my

skin from everywhere in my body racing towards the place her hand was. Her hand

glowing red and I suddenly felt exhaustion hitting me like a wave, washing over me

taking my breath, Abigail was channelling my magic.

Blinking a couple of times forcing my eyes open, I watch as the black veins move

towards Abigail’s hand that was on Elora’s chest just above her bra. The black veins

wriggled under her skin before bleeding into Abigail’s hand making her scream loudly.

Marian shakes Elora's shoulders, at first there was no response.

“Come on baby, wake up,” I tell her tapping the side of her face when her eyes flutter

open and she takes a breath. “Silas,” she mutters, her head going to the side as she

closes her eyes. I tap her face “Elora you need to take your magic back,” I tell her.

Marian lifted her hand, placing the necklace in it and closing Elora’s hand around it.

“Come on Lora, you need to take the magic before it kills Abbie,” I tell her.

“Abbie” she breathes. Looking to Abigail she starts chanting louder her voice

sounded pained and she was starting to sway before Dragus rushes over to her
placing his hands on her shoulders keeping her upright. Abigail’s eye flying open

turning red and I can feel Dragus being hit with the same wave I was, as Abigail starts

channelling him.

“Abbie you can’t hold that much power” Marian screams frantically to her, the black

wounds of my bite losing colour and Elora’s eyes fly open.

“Abbie” she gasps, and Marian shakes her hand, Elora opens it seeing her mother’s

necklace before I watch her hand glow purple and eyes start burning brightly, her skin

regaining colour. Abigail on the other hand was sweating profusely when Elora

suddenly sits up gripping Abigail tightly, absorbing back what Abigail took from her.

Abigail fighting against her not realising Elora was conscious and had absorbed her


“Abigail let it go” Elora screams to her.

“Elora” Abigail gasps before I feel her suddenly stop channelling us, and it was like a

vacuum suddenly got turned on and Elora was knocked back with the force as the

black veins that were running up Abigail’s arms suddenly zapped back into Elora so

fast like the flick of a rubber band. Abigail collapses on top of Elora and they both lay

there panting trying to catch their breaths.

Marian sits back, relieved and I feel relief flood into me from Dragus and Matitus.

Grabbing Abigail, she freezes as I pick her up, moving her off to the side of me and

leaning her against Dragus. Abigail looks a little shocked for some reason. I am more

shocked at what she did, she saved my mate.

Grabbing Elora, I pull her breathless body onto my lap. Biting into my wrist I offer it to

Abigail. She stares at me like I am deranged.

“What? It will heal you”

“Please Abbie, let him help,” breathes Elora. She looks at me warily before shaking

her head, when Matitus grabs the glass of scotch I was drinking earlier that I left on

the hall stand, he grabs my wrist before biting into it again after it healed before

turning it and letting my blood drip into the glass. He hands it to Abigail. Her skin was

white as snow and her hair damp with sweat.

“Drink it” Marian urges, Abigail looks at the glass disgusted.

“For god’s sake, Abbie, drink it. It won’t hurt you” Elora says, grabbing my wrist

between her shaky hands showing Abigail before she bites into my wrist her teeth

biting into my flesh and Elora’s neck suddenly closes completely. Her skin glowing

subtly, and her hands stop shaking. Elora’s tattoo’s and her mark slowly reforming

across her face burning brighter the way they were before I took her magic. She lets

go. My wrist heals her almost instantly and Abigail brings the cup to her lips before

Marian tips it up further, forcing her to drink it down.

When she drops the cup, she starts coughing and spluttering on the alcohol making

me wonder if she has ever drank before. “God that shit burns” she chokes out.

“Thank you” Elora says to her and I look at her. I could tell how much Elora deeply

cared for her. Abigail nods before Marian helps her up. They both hesitate, looking

toward the door. And I realise they were waiting to see if I was going to let them leave.

“You can go” Matitus tells them and they both head for the door. Elora shifts off trying

to get off my lap, but I pull her back down. My hands still trembling slightly at almost

losing her.

“Abigail” I call out just as she goes to walk out the door. She freezes and I can smell

her fear filling the air. Abigail looks back at me nervously and Marian eyes dart to


“Thank you,” I tell her. The words sounded strange rolling off my tongue, but I truly

meant them. She saved her, saved my mate and I would never be able to pay back
what she just did. Elora looks up at me, her shock hitting me. Abigail nods before

ducking out of the room leaving us.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 51

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Elora’s POV

Abigail saved me, she saved my life knowing she would expose herself, expose her

family. She nearly died to save me. And I feared what Silas was going to do to her. I

could feel the bond, feel them and right now they were all in shock. But what

happens after the shock wears off, what happens when Silas wants to break the

curse again? I try to hop off Silas’s lap, but his grip just gets tighter Matitus and

Dragus both sitting on the floor with us.

“I’m sorry, Elora. I don’t care about the curse; I just need you, please forgive me” Silas

whispers into my neck, clutching onto me like I am his lifeline.

“Let me up please Silas” I ask, and he reluctantly let’s go allowing me to stand.

Turning around and looking down at him. I could tell he had been crying, it looked

strange to see someone so cruel as him to have tears stains on his cheeks.

“Are you going to leave us?” Silas says, looking up at me. I don’t know what to say, I

love them. Even when the bond was gone, I still loved them. But this was toxic, Silas

was toxic.

Instead of answering I walked away, I could feel their eyes on me as I turned on my

heel and walked out. Feel their worry through the bond. I couldn’t allow them to have

this much control over me. It was annoying and couldn’t be helped but I had to draw

a line somewhere. They needed to learn to compromise. I knew Dragus would follow

me blindly, maybe even Matitus if I left. But I didn’t want it to come to that. As much

as I hated him, I still couldn’t bring myself to leave him.

Walking into the kitchen I look for Abigail and Marian. They weren’t there but one of

the cooks told me they went outside so I decided to see if I could find them. Walking

past the library to the front door, I was stopped by Dragus.

“Where are you going?” he asks, and I could feel his unease through the bond like I

was walking out on them.

“Abbie and Marian went outside, I am looking for them,” I tell him, and he lets out a

breath. I go to open the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder, sparks bursting

across my skin and I look over my shoulder to see Silas. He places a cloak over me.

“Don’t stay out there too long, it is especially cold today,” he says before tugging on

the cloak and turning me to face him. He ties it closed before letting me go and I

open the door and walk out. I see Abigail and Marian by the gates and head over to

them. Abigail was arguing with one of the guards wanting permission to leave.

Abigail seemed distraught as I approached her, screaming hysterically for the guard to

open the gate. Marian was trying to calm her down but failing as Abigail grew more

“Abbie what’s going on?”

“I found a text my mother couldn’t get out, they were captured at the eastern wall,

they have Claire” she sobs.

“It’s alright Abbie calm down, I will speak to Matitus”

“No, no. You know why you can’t Elora. I can collect my daughter, but mum has to

stay till she is granted clemency” she pleads, grabbing my hand. Looking at the guard

I can tell he is a vampire by the crimson colour of his eyes, he folds his arms across

his chest refusing to step aside.

“Move, let her out now,” I tell him. He smirks at me, stepping forward menacingly.

“You don’t give me orders woman, now get back inside to your owners,” he says

before spitting next to my feet.

“I said let her out, now step aside leech” I yelled at him. He grabs my arm, yanking

me to him. Enraged that he thinks he can touch me. I palm him in the face, only I

wasn’t expecting the blow to actually hurt him. He starts screaming in agony when I

feel energy burst from my palm as it connects with his face. Blinding white light

spurting from my hands and I wasn’t even sure what I did, but he started screaming.

“My eyes, my fucking eyes” he screeches, he pulls his hands away from face and I

could see I had blinded him. His eyes turned milking white. He growls lunging at me,

my shock making me slow to react as he knocks me to the ground. Abigail screams

and Marian tries to pull him off me only to be shoved to the ground.

Babae bumata ng 15 taon Do This Before Bed And

sa loob ng 3 araw! Ang The Parasite Will Leave
kanyang lihim Your Body!
Retinlift Organic Teatox
“You’re dead now bitch” he growls his fangs protruding, I struggle to get him off, fear

consuming me as I see his fangs so close to my face. Abigail screams before

blasting him with her powers, green light shooting from her and the smell of leaves

hitting my senses before vines shoot from the ground and pull him off, wrapping

around him and pinning him to the ground. They only hold him down long enough for

me to get up when I see more jump from the brick walls to help their fallen friend. The

man gets up lunging toward me but before he attacks, only he is blocked when Silas

hand wraps around his throat. I could hear the snapping of his bones, the wheezing

as he tried to breath around his crushed windpipe when he let him go. The vampire

drops to the ground clutching his neck. Silas growls loudly and I see Matitus and

Dragus stalking towards us, feeling their anger vibrate through me.

“That bitch blinded me” The vampire screeched, having healed from Silas crushing

his neck.

“That bitch, is my mate” Silas growls before kicking him in the face. The other vamps

put up their hands in surrender, backing away from us and the three dragon kings.

The man on the ground coughs on his blood. Silas glaring down at him before he

reaches down grabbing him. Matitus walks over pulling me into his chest, I go to turn

back to Silas when Matitus pushes my face into his chest, just as I hear it. The sound

of flesh tearing. The sound was sickening before Abigail threw up next to me. Matitus

lets my face go and I turn to see Silas holding the man’s head by his hair, his body on

the ground at his feet, with blood pooling around it and I fight the urge to throw up.

Marian is white as a sheet. Matitus and Dragus however are unfazed by the gory

scene before them.

“Now, what happened?” Silas says, turning to me.

“He wouldn’t let Abigail out to retrieve her daughter,” I tell him, and he looks to Abigail.

“Where is she?” He asks, watching her, his eyes glinting oddly more like a snake than

a human as they flicker.

Abigail shakes her head and I hear Silas growl when she refuses to answer. I grab his

arm making his eyes dart down to my hand.

“She is at the eastern border, they were caught trying to leave,” I tell him, and he

furrowed his eyebrows.

“Why was your daughter and mother leaving the city?” he asks, turning his gaze on

Abigail. I could hear her heart start beating erratically in her chest.

“Silas please” I beg knowing Abigail would rather die than answer.

Silas grips my hand pulling me to him. He grips my chin forcing me to look into his

snake-like eyes. Abigail’s heart rate beating so hard I was surprised she didn’t faint in

her panic.

“You lied to me, you said she was Fae,” he says, gripping my chin tighter between his


“You would have killed her and her family.”

“What makes you think I still won’t?” he says, his eyes darting to my lips. His arm

wrapping around my waist pulling me closer, my body now flush against his.

“Because you don’t need to Silas, she is no threat to anyone” I whisper. He growls

softly before tugging my face closer, I could feel his breath move across my lips. His

scent overwhelms me before he kisses me softly. His tongue ran across my bottom

lip wanting access. My lips parted and he groaned before plunging his tongue into

my mouth, tasting every inch of it before pulling away leaving me breathless.

“Open the gates,” he says, turning to another guard who nods his head and obeys

his command. The gates open and Abigail rushes out.

“Matitus will go with you, so your mother can get out?” he says. Abigail nods.
“Get her mother out,” he says to Matitus. Matitus nods following Abigail.

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing Elora, you said they weren't a threat. So, I am trusting you,” he says,

pecking my lips. Dragus steps closer to me, his fingers brushing the back of neck

making me look at him over my shoulder.

“Come on, it's cold,” Dragus says, looking towards the castle. Marian was already

walking ahead and was nearly at the doors. When I went to follow her, I heard

someone call out my name. Turning around, I see Lilith by herself standing across the

road. I smile before rushing over to her.

“Lilith, where is your mother?” I ask looking around for anyone that resembles her.

Lilith was shaking from the cold and I pulled off the cloak I was wearing before

draping it over her.

“Where is your mum?” I ask her, hugging her and trying to warm her. Lilith shakes her

head, making me pull back.

“She died, she got sick, and I couldn’t find medicine” Lilith says, tears running down

her cheeks.

“What about the rest of your family, your dad?” she shakes her head.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to find someone she might have been with.

“I was looking for food, the dumpsters over here sometimes have good things in

them” she tells me. I feel a hand on my back intuitively knowing it is Dragus. I look up

at him. Lilith does too, before stepping back. I scoop her up not wanting to leave her

out in the elements alone and hungry. Turning around I look at Dragus, but he says

nothing, just looks over his shoulder at Silas who was watching us. He turns around

and starts walking inside but he didn’t say I couldn’t bring her, so I start following after

him. Walking across the road when Dragus takes her from me. I looked up at him
worried he was going to make me leave her, but he kept walking with Lilith in his


Lilith looks unsure in his arms and fearful but says nothing. Walking inside Silas is

waiting by the door. Dragus places Lilith on the ground and she rushes over to me,

grabbing my shirt and looking up at Silas. He stares back at her like he doesn’t know

what to do with her.

“Where have you been staying?” I ask looking down at her. She takes her eyes from

Silas looking up at me.

“With some other kids in the fabric warehouse, it has power there, the entire city has

power now,” she says excitedly. I smile down at her.

“So, there are more kids there” she nods her head and my heart clenches at her

words. Dragus holds his hand out to her, she hesitates before placing her tiny hand in

his. One of the maids comes out and Silas calls out to her. I watch as the woman

walks over nervously.

“Find her some clean clothes and set up a room for the girl” he tells her, and she

nods before smiling down at Lilith.

“Come let’s make you something to eat,” Dragus says to her and I watch them walk

off toward the kitchen, Lilith looking over her shoulder at me and I nod encouragingly

to her.

Turning to look at Silas, he is watching me silently. My thoughts going to the other

children Lilith mentioned.

Silas cups my cheek, his thumb brushing my cheek bone.

“Say it,” he says, his eyes carefully watching me.

“The other kids” I start to say but know he won’t agree.

“You want to help them?” he says, making my eyes dart to his and I nod. Silas kisses

me softly before turning and grabbing another cloak and draping it over my shoulders.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“You need to come too; they will run from me,” he says, opening the door and

motioning for me to go out. I dart out the door, and Silas grabs my hand, holding it in


“Why are you doing this?”

“Because you want me to,” he answers. “Besides, there is plenty of room till we figure

out what to do with them,” he says, tugging me against his side.

I stop, wondering if he would do something else. Silas stops but is still holding my


“What is it?” he asks. I hesitate before asking.

“Will you open the gates?”

“Well yeah we kind of have to, to find them,” he says but I shake my head.

“No, the border gates.” Silas scrunches up his face.

“You want me to open the borders? You don’t know what you’re asking, Lora.”

“Yes, I do, people want to leave the city and you should let them,” I tell him, he tugs

my hand, and we keep walking.

“You think we have the borders closed because we don’t want anyone let out?” I nod

at his words.
“There are worse things out there, than in here that’s why the borders are so heavily

guarded that’s why no one leaves Elora”

“What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t matter right now, let’s find these kids you want to help,” he says, draping

his arm across my shoulders.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 52

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Elora’s POV

It took us around twenty minutes to find the fabric warehouse. As soon as I stepped

in, I found children from the ages of five all the way to teens. They were all

underweight, not clothed for the weather but yet had managed to make beds out of

leftover cuts of fabric. They showed the resourcefulness you needed to be able to

survive in this city, the same street smarts I was forced to endure growing up here.

You made do with what you had or could make yourself. It hit home a little with me.

Silas however looked shocked, like he never really paid attention to what the people

of this city were suffering. As soon as he stepped into the warehouse behind me,

they all took off running for their lives.

“Wait, wait please don’t run. He won’t hurt you,” I started calling out, but they still hid.

A couple of the teens grabbed the smaller kids and took off, all except one which as I

approached was only about three and definitely the youngest. I picked her up and

placed her on my hip. She was freezing cold even with the makeshift blanket

wrapped around her and had a terrible cough.

“Please don’t let him eat my sister,” a little boy with the same dark hair as the girl,

called out rushing into the warehouse. The little girl held her arms out for him, scared

of us so I passed her to him.

He went to run off when I grabbed his arm, making him stop. “We want to help,” I tell

him. The boy looked toward Silas.

“We don’t need any help, especially from the Dragon King,” he said. I will give him

one thing: he was brave to say those words in front of him. Silas wasn’t a forgiving

person, but I was shocked by his reaction, he turned around and walked out. Leaving

me here with them.

“Silas,” I yelled to him, but he ignored me and kept walking. Should I chase after him?

I didn’t know what to do. He just left me here. The kids started coming out once he

was gone and I could feel Silas anger through the bond. I waited but after half an hour

he hadn’t returned. I tried to do what I could to help make them a little more


“You’re the Fae?” One girl walked up to me and said. She had black curly hair and

pale skin, around the age of twelve. I nodded not really knowing what to say.

“So, you can save us?” she said, making me confused.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I tell her, and she looks confused.

“You have magic?” she asks.

“Yes, but I don’t know how to use it yet” she nods in understanding.
“So, you’re going to rid the Kingdom of the Dragon Kings?” she asks, her words

shocking me.

“No, they are my mates,”

“So, you’re one of them?” she asks, stepping away from me.

“No, I just want to help,” I tell her, reaching my hand out to her wondering what stories

they had been told. I knew humans had their own stories and legends, but did they

really think I was granted magic to kill the dragon kings?

A group of kids were trying to light a fire with a flint. Walking over I could tell they were

wary of me but they didn’t run off.

“Let me try,” I tell them, and a boy hands me the flint. I get it to light the kindle, but it

goes out almost instantly. I try again when suddenly all the kids take off running,

making me look up and I see Dragus, Matitus and Silas as well as Marian come in. All

of them carrying boxes and bags. Matitus walks over and blows, and I can instantly

feel the temperature change, the logs catching alight. I turn and see Silas do the

same with a barrel and Dragus to an old fire pit the kids had rustled up.

Marian rushes over to me with five big black bags. Placing them at my feet before

turning and looking at all the petrified kids and screaming out to them.
She places her fingers in mouth whistling loudly, so loud I had to place my hands over

my ears with my heightened hearing. Matitus rubbing his ear too.

“Right, all of you listen up. They mean no harm. They wanted to help but seeing as

you won’t come to the castle, we brought some things to you” Suddenly I saw the

cooks walking in with the cleaning trolleys and could smell hot soup and they had

loaves of bread and plastic bowls. The kids all looking out from their hiding places


“We brought food, blankets, and clothes. Now don’t be afraid come over and stop

being stupid if they wanted to kill you, they would have already” Marian yells. The kids

were all staring at her. Once the first one comes forward and the others see he lived,

the rest slowly make their way over to us.

The Dragon kings coming over to me and staying away not wanting to scare them.

The little girl I held earlier walked over shyly, looking up at them. I know just the look of

them was intimidating, but I could see her curiosity and she reminded me a lot of her

brother with her bravery. He walked over to her, placing a beanie on her head from

one of the bags Marian had.

Silas walks over grabbing the bag. The little girl only had an oversized jumper on and

dirty socks. Silas rummaged through the bag before pulling out a onesie that was a

little two big but would fit her, if I rolled the sleeves and some socks and mittens.

“Where did you get this stuff?” I asked curious.

“I flew to the next city over, Lycan territory” he said, handing me the stuff for her. I pull

the jumper off her revealing dirty singlet and knickers. Helping her into the onesie she

then sat down and Matitus put her socks on. Her brother was eyeing him and so did

she, as she looked up at him. Her dark ringlets falling in her eyes. Matitus smiled at

her and she smiled back. The cook brought a bowl of soup over for her and I placed
her next to her brother closer to the fire pit so she would stay warm while he helped

her hold her spoon.

“What are we going to do with them?” I ask Silas.

“They are too scared to come back with us, but I will speak to some people and see

if we can fix a place up for them, get some people to look over them and organise

food and clothing to be dropped off.

“They need medicine,” I tell him, and he nods, “I will see what I can get from

somewhere, I doubt they would accept our blood even if we offered it to them” he

tells me. I nod in agreement, these kids were petrified of them and wanted nothing to

do with them.

“I know a pharmacist who can make medicine, he just needs herbs,” I tell him, and

Silas looks over at me furrowing his eyebrows. Dragus doing the same. Once the

kids were settled Marian told them people would be back tomorrow to bring more

food, the cooks left a few drums of water and loaves of bread until someone could

come in the morning.

Walking out of the warehouse, I detoured going in the opposite direction of the castle.

“Where are you going Lora?” Matitus asked.

“To see if Victor survived the winter so far”

“Victor, who’s victor?”

“Someone that can help them,” I tell them, walking toward the old derelict store. The

shudders were down as it was getting late in the afternoon. I bang on the shutters.

“Closed for the night” I hear Victor’s voice sing out from inside.

“Victor it’s me, Elora”

“Elora?” he says, and I see him open the peephole on the roller shutter. He then rolls

it up.

“How is your grandmother dear?” he says, opening the door, before freezing and

stepping back about to close the door.

“Victor they won’t hurt you, I just need your help” Victor opens the door allowing me to

enter but steps further into the shop warily and I could hear his heart rate increase.

“How’s your grandmother dear,” he says but I could hear the shakiness in his voice at

three dragons being in his store.

“She died Vick,” Victor stumbled back, and I grabbed his arm to steady him before he

sat down behind the register.

“I always loved her, you know, such a lovely lady. Did the medicine not help?” he

asked and I shook my head.

“No, she killed herself,” I tell him, swallowing down the lump that formed in my throat.

He nodded in understanding suicide wasn’t a big deal here, a lot of people saw it as

an out even though that’s not why grandma did it.

Victor runs his hands through his greying hair. “So, what do you need?”

“Medicine, cough medicine, antibiotics.” Victor shakes his head.

“I have none. I have been cleaned out and haven’t had the funds to buy more from

underground or find any herbs. Everything is frozen”

I take off my mother’s necklace and hand it to him.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 53

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“I can try Elora, but how much do you need?”

“A lot” Silas looks at me, before staring at my necklace I handed him. It was gold so it

had value to the underground dealers that grew stuff in the old tunnels but even I

knew it wouldn’t be enough.

“When do you need it, I can’t head to the tunnels now, it is getting dark, it’s not safe

out there of a night”

“Which tunnels?” I ask.

“They moved to breach tunnels” I nod. Silas and Matitus watching our exchange

The underground tunnels were moved and kept hidden so they wouldn’t be found

easily if the Dragon kings found out about it and put a stop to the operations

underground, unfortunately those that did know like myself and Victor it cost a lot to

get herbs from them. Medication being an expensive and valuable trade to those that

had a green thumb.

“How much?” Silas asks.

“Depends how much you want. This would buy maybe three herbs, enough to make

two bottles” he said holding up my necklace. Silas digs in his pocket before taking

my necklace and handing it back to me. He pulls out a handful of gold coins and so

does Matitus and Dragus.

“This?” Silas asks. Victor’s mouth falls open before he grabs one biting into it. “Solid?”

he asks and Silas nods.

“Well, you could buy the entire place with what you have there,” he says, nodding to

the handful of coins.

“I can’t go now; the vamps will be out hunting and the rest of the creatures” Victors


“I will go, if you can make it” he nods before realising what I said and shaking his


“Elora, it is dangerous at night,” he tells me. I shake my head, no one would mess

with me while I have these three with me.

“Just listen out for my knock,” I tell him walking out. Victor follows behind us, locking

back up. The dragon kings watching me before following as I turn down a dark alley.

“How do you know where you’re going, and why would you give him your mother’s

necklace?” Dragus asks.

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“You don’t have the luxury of keeping things in this city, Dragus, you barter to get

what you need. Come on,” I tell them, walking up another alleyway before stopping at

a drain. I lift the grate before using the ladder to climb down. Silas follows first then

the others.

“Have you been down here before?” Silas asks.

“Yes, I have come here before with Victor, they move so they aren’t discovered. But

yes, I have been here, even lived in these tunnels when I was younger,” I tell him while

navigating through the tunnels. I could feel their shock through the bond and guilt. But

I paid no mind to them, instead looking for the ribbon markers that were set high on

the walls to show the way. This was life for so many it was about time they realised

the hardships their people went through. After about twenty minutes, the tunnels

started widening and opening up and I could see light up ahead. Before hearing a

voice sing out.

“Password or I shoot”

“Aloe vera” I called out hoping they still used the same one.


“Yep” I called out before recognising the voice.

“Max?” I ask walking forward and stepping into the light. Under the lights, plants grew

even drugs, but that’s not what I was here for.

“Elora, what are you doing bringing them here?” Max says, raising his gun. I grab the

barrel pointing it at the floor. Max used to work for Victor, so I have known him for a

while, but I honestly thought he was dead.

“We need medicine, I have money,” I tell him before the clear film curtain opens up

and a man walks out to see what’s going on, instantly raising his gun.

I put my hands up and Silas growls loudly at the gun being pointed at me. “We mean

no harm, just need herbs,” I tell him. He had dark skin the colour of mocha and green

eyes with a shaved head. He lowers his gun but eyes the dragon kings. I hold my

hand out to Silas.

“Give me the coins” Silas hands them over.

“Her only,” the man says, and all three dragon kings growl. He raises the gun again. It

wouldn’t kill them, but I knew it would hurt and probably get everyone here killed if he

fired it. Realising that himself he lowered it. I stepped forward walking through the

curtain, the entire place looked like a greenhouse inside. Lights ran off a generator

hanging above the pots of plants and the smell of herbs strong enough to drown out

the pungent smells of the tunnel.

“I need medicinal herbs.” The man nods before showing me what he had left.

“All of them, I can get more if needed,” I tell him, showing him the coins, his eyes

going wide. He nods and helps me wrap them in paper. Walking out. I see my

dragons waiting, leaning against the wall except Silas who was glaring as I walked


He tugs me to him as soon as I am in reach. Max and the other man stepped back

with their hands up. Silas growls, before stepping forward.

“I want you to move this above ground, If I have a place set up can you move it above

ground and supply the pharmacies and the people?” he asks. Both men looked

shocked for a second.

“I will be open to being robbed above ground, and this costs money, and I need the

lights to grow. It is too cold” he tells him.

“Power is on and I will cover any costs, just move it above ground and as for security

we can make the place secure”

The man seems to think for a second before nodding.

“I can try. I need to organise people to move it, that takes time.”

“I will send help,” The man nods before holding out his hand. “Deal” Silas grabs his

hand, shaking it before putting his hand on my back and pushing me towards the

way we came. All of them followed me through the maze of tunnels.

“How do you know where you’re going?” Matitus asks.

I point to the bricks, “every intersecting tunnel will have a ribbon showing the way,” I

tell them by showing them at the next one and pointing to the corner above our


When we find the tunnel we came out of, I climb the ladder. Hopping out, I am

yanked by someone. A menacing growl comes from behind me as I feel an arm rip

me from the drain and toss me. Dragus jumped out and tackled the man, which was

actually a human man. Dragus claws cutting through his neck as he swiped at him. I

stand up before running over trying to stem the man’s bleeding.

“What are you doing?” Dragus yells at me for trying to help the man.

“He would have been trying to rob me not kill me, he is human” I yell but it is too late,

the man gurgling and choking on his own blood before he stops breathing. I shake

my head standing up.

“But he was going to rob you?” Dragus says, and I can feel their eyes on me.

“Yes, because they are forced too, this is what happens when there isn’t enough to

go around. He isn’t the monster here. The vamps are. He would have robbed me;
vamps would have killed me or the lycans would, that break into the city, not the

humans” I tell him and Dragus looks to his mates.

“That’s why everyone goes into lockdown after dark, this man must have been

desperate, believe me no one likes to be out after dark here,” I tell them.

Silas helps me up before we start making our way to Victor’s shop. I knock three

times and he opens the door ushering us in. I hand him the rolled-up paper full of


“Yes, I can make a bit with this,” he says, sorting the herbs. “I can have it done by

morning” I nod, and Victor shows us out. The night was extra cold tonight and by the

time we got back to the castle, I was shivering and my hands aching from the cold,

my teeth chattering loudly. The gates open and Matitus tugs me against him lending

me his warmth. I press my hands under his shirt and onto his hot skin.

“Geez your hands are like ice,” he says before grabbing them and blowing on them.

My fingers warm before I rip them away when they become too hot. “Ow”

“Sorry,” he says as Silas opens the front door.

“Come, a shower should warm you up” Silas says, and I follow them before turning to



“She is at her house with her mother and daughter” I nod, relief flooding me that she

is ok.

“Lilith” I ask Dragus.

“Marian gave her your room” Dragus answers. Silas had been pretty much silent the

entire trip home and I could tell he was thinking, and I had also found him invading my
thoughts a few times but instead I let him. Walking into the bedroom, I rush to the

bathroom, turning the shower on.

Stripping off, I step under the showers spray. The hot water burning my skin made

me flinch till my skin heated enough for it to stop.

Matitus stepping in with me and Dragus. “Where is Silas?”

“Thinking, he didn’t realise things were so bad out there, none of us did” Dragus

answers guiltily. I say nothing, instead showering quickly before hopping out. When I

walked out Silas was walking in with a tray of soup and bread like we gave the kids. I

get dressed and he hands me a bowl and some bread as I sit at the desk. My belly

rumbling from not eating all day.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 54

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Elora’s POV

The next morning, I woke early eager to get back to the children in the warehouse,

my back was killing from sleeping on the couch in the room. I refused to sleep in the

bed, just because they helped the kids yesterday didn’t mean I was forgiving of

everything. One thing I was aware of though was that halfway through the night Silas

got up and walked out of the room. The shutting of the bedroom door woke me and

when I got up this morning his scent was only faint, indicating he didn’t come back

once he left. Getting up, the first thing I did was get dressed and race downstairs and

check on Lilith. I couldn’t find her in my old room but found her eating breakfast with

Dragus in the dining room. Silas walked in behind me as I walked over to her. Lilith

eyes Silas warily but didn’t move, she seemed to have become quite comfortable

around Dragus and was smiling when I walked in.

Sitting next to her, I stole a piece of toast off Dragus’s plate making him smirk. “Did

you sleep well?” I asked Lilith and she nodded while eating her pancake before


“Yes, it is warmer here than out there” I nodded in agreement when Silas walked over,

placing his hands on the back of my chair looking down at me and making me look

up at his closeness.

“I need to speak to you” he whispered below my ear, making me shiver. There was

something about the way he spoke that had worry eating at me. Pushing my chair

out, I got up following him out of the room. Matitus seeing us walk toward the library

followed making me wonder what it was he wanted to speak about.

Matitus sat down on the armchair and I sat at the end of the desk. Silas stood silently

watching me and I could feel anger through the bond that he was trying to mask, if it

weren’t for the bond, I wouldn’t have even been able to read the cold expression on

his face.

“What did you want to speak about?” I ask, my heart skipping a beat when I saw the

corners of his lips tug up, like he was enjoying the fear in me.

Silas stepped closer, making my heart rate spike as he stopped in front of me.

“You’re nervous” he stated as he braced his hands on either side of my waist on the


“Should I be?” I ask, wondering what he wants.

“Yes, I don’t like liars and you lied to me again” he answers, and I see Matitus out of

the corner of my eye giving me a worried look. I swallow my mouth suddenly feeling

dry. Silas smiled seeing how nervous I had become at his accusation, but it just

made me more curious as to what he was referring to.

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“I don’t know what you are talking about” I answer honestly. Silas smiles sadistically,

his face moving closer to mine.

“I will only ask you once and if you lie to me, I won’t be held responsible for what I do

next” he whispers against my lips before biting down on my bottom lip. Silas pushes

my knees apart and moves between my legs trapping me between him and the desk

giving me no opportunity to get out of this situation.

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking toward Matitus who shrugs clearly not

understanding where Silas was going with this either. Silas grips my chin, forcing me

to look back at him.

“I was up all night wondering why Abigail would let her daughter leave without her,

now why would a mother let daughter go unless she was scared of something

happening to her?” Silas said, watching my face carefully. I felt the blood drain right

out of me at his words.

“And I gather by your reaction, you know exactly what I am talking about and why

Abigail would rather take the risk of her daughter escaping the kingdom then remain

within the safety of the borders”

I look away. I knew exactly why Abigail did what she did. I understood her need to

protect her daughter especially from someone like Silas.

“So, my question is Elora. Why would Abigail tell her mother to take her daughter and

run?” I open my mouth to answer when he speaks again. My heart beats erratically in

my chest as his hands go to my thighs gripping them tightly.

“Now Don’t lie to me Elora” he whispers, and I feel my blood run cold.
“What will you do?” I ask worried if I tell him, yet by the look he is giving me, he is

daring me to lie to him because he knows the answer already.

Silas looks to Matitus who was watching intently trying to figure out what Silas knew.

“I want you to go get Abigail’s family and bring them here, '' he tells Matitus.

“Silas what is this about?” Matitus asks standing up. Silas looks at me and smiles his

sharp teeth gleaming in the light.

“Why would I want Claire, Elora?” he asks, his grip on my thighs tightening making me


“Elora?” Matitus asks looking at me worriedly.

I shake my head when Silas growls before gripping my chin tightly between his

fingers. I feel tears brim in my eyes.

“She is just a child,” I tell him.

“Answer him?” Silas growls and goosebumps rise all over my body and a tear slips

down my cheek.

“She is the oracle” I whisper and Matitus gasps, Silas however smiles sadistically

before kissing my lips and I pull away. Silas steps away, turning to Matitus.

“Bring her to the castle” he tells Matitus but Matitus steps back shaking his head. I

grip Silas’s arm and he looks back at me.

“You shouldn’t have lied to me, you knew all along what she was, what Abigail was,

and you still chose to lie to me”

“She is a child Silas” I snapped at him.

“I am well aware of that” he growls.

“I want Abigail’s daughter here; you have an hour, or I kill her mother, understand?” he


“You’re a monster,” I tell him getting off the desk. Silas grips my arm tightly tugging me

to him.

“You knew that already so don’t act surprised, Elora”

I went to walk out when Silas pointed to the armchair.

“Sit, I don’t need you warning Abigail” he says, and I do as I am told.

“Abigail’s here?” Silas nods, not adding anything. Matitus still hadn’t moved, and I

could feel his hesitation through the bond. I pleaded with my eyes for him not to do

what Silas asked but the next words that left Silas’s lips, I knew he would do anything

Silas asked.

“Don’t make me tell you again Matitus or would you like me to show Elora what I did

to you, last time you lied to me” Matitus fear filled eyes dart to mine before he turns

on his heel and walks out. Making wonder what Matitus lied to him about and what

Silas did to instil the amount terror I could see in his eyes.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 55

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Elora’s POV

Silas and I waited in silence, he didn’t utter a word, yet I could feel him watching me.

Dragus obviously realising something was up when I never returned walked in,

stopping and leaning on the doorframe.

“Why are you holding her here?” he asked Silas. Silas looked up at him, his eyes

scanning over Dragus. “You know why?” he simply says. So Dragus knew and never

warned me.

“Come Elora,” Dragus said, making Silas growl and stand up. Dragus ignored him,

holding out his hand. I looked at Silas, but he didn’t say anything when I stood and
walked over to him, grabbing his hand. Silas was angry about me keeping it from him,

yet I could feel something else, uncertainty.

“Bring her back when Matitus returns” Silas said, running a hand through his hair.

Dragus nodded to him, pulling me from the room.

Dragus took me to the dining room and Abigail was sitting there with Lilith completely

unaware of what Silas had planned. She looked up and smiled at me as I walked in

and I went to go to her when Dragus pulled me against him.

“Have some faith in Silas, he may be a monster but that’s because you refuse to see

him as anything else” Dragus whispered. Looking at him Dragus gripped my hand

tightly refusing to let me go to Abigail. Abigail was going to be angry if I didn't warn her

as it is. I didn’t have to wait long, after about twenty minutes I heard the phone ring. I

looked over toward the door when Marian walked in holding it with a worried look on

her face.

“Abigail, it is your mother,” she says her hands trembling and I know what is about to

happen. Hopping up, I get ready for Abigail’s wrath. Abigail answers the call and I

watch as all the blood drains from her face, the phone dropping from her hand before

she spins around and glares at Dragus and I.

“Where is my daughter?” she spits at him. Dragus holds up his hand telling her to


“Silas has been scouring that library all night and there is no other way to break the

curse, Abigail,” Dragus says, and Abigail takes off running toward the library and I

chase after her.

“Abbie wait,” I called out to her, knowing if she ticks off Silas, she will feel his wrath.

Abigail runs to the front door before stopping and stepping back as she turns to face

the library. Matitus walks toward her and Dragus never said anything to me about
Matitus returning. Abigail shoves past him into the room and I run toward her, freezing

next to her as I walk into the Library.

Claire looked up when we entered, she was sitting on the floor with Silas in front of

the fireplace. Silas had my grandmothers’ book in his lap. Abigail’s voice stuttered as

she called for Claire.

“Claire, come here.” Claire looks up unaware of what is going on. Claire goes to get

up off the floor when Silas grabs her tiny hand and I see Abigail take a step forward,

her hands glowing green.

“Sit Claire” Silas says to her but there was no anger in voice, he spoke softly looking

up at her. Claire smiled before flopping back down on the rug.

Moving into the room, I step next to Silas, Abigail following me. Lilith walks in and see

Claire waving to her. Silas looks up when Claire waves back to her.

“Claire, go play with Lilith so I can speak to your mother” Claire nods before hopping

up off the floor and running towards Lilith and they both run off and I notice Dragus

follow after them to keep an eye on them.

“How dare you take my daughter” Abigail spits, her anger making her hands glow

“I mean your daughter no harm, Abigail. I am just pissed off you both lied to me” Silas

said standing before leaning against his desk. He had my grandmother’s book in his

hand scrolling through the pages not even fazed by Abigail’s magic. He flicks to a

page before turning the book around holding it toward us. I step forward taking it from

him. Abigail looks down at the page, worry crossing her features before she turns her

glare back to Silas. He folds his arms across his chest. Waiting for us to say


“I will not sacrifice my daughter for a curse” Abigail says, her hands glowing brighter.

“Read it again” Silas says, and she looks at the page and so do I. Silas steps forward

stopping in front of us pointing to the page.

“It says you need the blood sacrifice of the Oracle. I won’t let you kill my daughter,


Silas shakes his head before taking the book from my hands and closing it.

“Says we need the blood sacrifice of the Oracle or a magical sacrifice, it never says I

need to kill your daughter, just that I need her blood and only your daughter and Elora

need to read the incantation to break the curse.” Abigail thinks over his words before

grabbing the book from him and flicking through the pages to the page he was on.

“Says you need a powerful magical sacrifice or the blood of the Oracle as well as the

blood of the sun and moon, to right the wrongs of the past and restore the balance to

where it once was. Are you sure this is for the curse on the Dragons?” Abigail says

looking up at Silas.

Silas nods. “Yes, before the Oracle died, she said. To break the curse, we had to find

the Fae’s book of spells that was with one of the royal families along with the chosen

one, the fae with magic,” he says pointing to me. Abigail nods her head.
“Well for starters we need a full moon and exactly where are you going to get the

blood of the moon and sun”

“Taylor, and a human” Abigail nods in understanding from my knowledge humans

were supposed to represent the sun because they had an impending life force,

whereas creature of the moon like vampire and werewolves were cursed by the

moon, making them strongest during the full moon but weaker during the day to

create a balance between and give the humans a fighting chance. Every creature has

a weakness. Vampires were weakened by the sun. Werewolves by wolfsbane.

Humans by their mortality. fae were weakened because we weren’t granted

immortality, fae had magic which gave us a form of immortality as long as we weren’t

injured, we could technically live forever as long as no harm came to us. Dragons

though, I was unsure what they were weakened by.

“The next full moon is in three days time; we will break the curse and you will allow

your daughter to help”

“And if I say no?” Abigail asks.

“I will do it anyway, best to keep your family alive Abigail, I have waited a hundred

years to break this curse, a hundred years for her. I won’t let anyone stand in my way

of breaking it, no matter what you mean to my mate,” he says looking over at me.

“As for you two,” he says, looking between both Abigail and I.

“You will not lie to me again,” Abigail nods and Silas looks at me, but I turn my face

away. I hear Silas growl before I hear him speak. “Abigail you’re free to go, you may

take your daughter home and return in three days” Abigail nods and runs from the

room to collect her daughter leaving me with an angry Silas.

“You think I am that cruel to kill a child?” Silas says, stepping toward me. I turn to look

at him and he steps forward making me step back.

“It wouldn’t be the first time you have killed children Silas, those girls you had

slaughtered were still children in my eyes”

“I promised I would not kill Abigail and her family. Have I done that?” I say nothing.

“Have I done that”

“No, not yet,” I tell him. Silas nods before dipping his face in my neck inhaling my


“After everything you have done I am supposed to trust you blindly now?” I ask and

he pulls his face from my neck before gripping my face with both his hands.

“Yes because I am your mate, I won’t lose you again. If anything, trust that,” he says

before storming off leaving me with Matitus still standing near the bookshelf watching

me. I let out a breath.

“Come Elora.”

“No, I need to check on the children at the warehouse,” I tell him about to walk off

when he grabs my arm.

“Silas already did that while you were sleeping, he has made arrangements with

people in the city and hired people to watch them. He also saw your friend Victor and

retrieved the medicine for them. He is trying to change for you maybe give him a

chance Elora”

“Give him a chance? He has had every chance to make things right Matitus.”

“Yes, and every time you have been fighting against him every step of the way. He is

doing all this for you, why can’t you see that?”

“Because forgiveness is earned and even if I did forgive, I will never forget what he

has done. Not only to me but every goddamn person in this city Matitus. He wants
my forgiveness he better well fucking earn it”

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 56

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Elora’s Pov

The day passed by quickly and it was good actually having things to do other than

remain in the castle under lock and key. Silas and Matitus allowed me to go help with

the children in the afternoon, although they refused to just let me be on my own,

instead following me everywhere I went.

Silas also refused to allow me my own room again even though there were plenty of

spare rooms throughout the castle. After dinner and a shower, I lay on the floor in

front of the fireplace with a book in hand, yet I couldn’t concentrate on the words.

Instead, I found myself pondering what that human girl had said a couple days before

about humans believing I was to kill the dragon kings and save them.
“What are you thinking about?” Asked Silas leaning over the side of the bed looking

down at me. I had intentionally kept my walls up not wanting them to invade my

thoughts, yet I kept feeling them probing trying to get in my head. Giving up I knew I

wasn’t going to get any sleep without asking.

“Something one of the children said to me the other day,” I tell him.

“And what is that?” Silas asks.

“Did you know humans have stories and legends of their own about the fae with

magic, about me?” Silas seemed deep in thought for a second.

“I was aware but what did they say?”

“That the chosen one would rid the world of the Dragon kings,” I tell him. He growls

softly and I see Matitus sit up behind him.

“That’s what you have been thinking about? Do I need to sleep with a towel wrapped

around my neck to stop you from cutting it in my sleep?” Matitus asks raising an

eyebrow at me.

“No, of course not,” I tell him, appalled at him even thinking I would actually try to kill


“Then why are you thinking about it?” Silas asks.

“Everything has balance right, a loophole to take down the other species” Silas turns

to me looking over at me curiously, wondering where I was going with this. I felt

Matitus looking at me too.

“Human mortality, vampires, the sunlight, werewolves, wolfsbane and fae were only

given one life force meaning we could die the same way as a human. So, it evened

the playing field but what is your weakness, we know witches it is their magic, use

too much it will kill them but what about dragons” I asked confused, trying to figure

out how exactly they were going to restore the balance.

Everything was meant to have a weakness, yet I had never heard of the dragons

having one, either it means they kept it secret, or they were the superior species.

Silas chuckles at my question and I can’t believe I never asked before.

“What’s so funny?” I ask. Silas doesn’t answer but I am surprised when Dragus does.

“Dragons can only procreate with their mates, their fated mates” he answers so, that’s

why they were a dying species, mates were hard to come by, but yet I didn’t really

see that as a weakness.

“But how do you kill a dragon?” I ask knowing they were immortal but surely there had

to be away, otherwise the entire place would be run solely by dragons. Silas growls

and Dragus answers again when Silas doesn’t.

“You have to kill their mate”

“But that makes no sense, Blaire died. Silas killed her yet you are all still alive”
“Yes, because we never marked her, she rejected us and didn’t bare our marks”

But that left another question, the girl from the warehouse. Her words about the

chosen fae killing the dragon kings. Did the humans really believe I would kill myself to

save them?

“So, we break this curse, and the treaty is restored and the curse on the dragons is

lifted?” Silas nods,

“That’s how it's supposed to work. The treaty was broken when Blaire rejected us.

Part of the treaty was that no person can be denied their true mate so when Blaire

rejected us, she broke the treaty. Which was able to start the war. I never would have

been able to kill her unless she broke the treaty. The treaty was bound by blood

making it impossible for us to kill each other. When she broke the treaty, I killed her

husband as punishment for breaking our bond. Then Blaire cursed us, and I lost

control and killed her which started the war between the Dragons and the fae

because Blaire was next to rule” Silas said

“Then how do we break the curse on the Fae?” I ask wondering how any of this

restores the balance because how can the balance be restored if the fae have no


“We don't,” Silas says.

“That doesn’t make sense, you said to break the curse on the fae I had to break the

curse on the dragons”

“You and Marian are all that is left, no other fae exist Elora”

I had a feeling he was wrong, surely two people can’t be the only fae left in existence

otherwise what would be the point of trying to break the curse.

“What about Dragon’s then, how many are left?” I ask curious to know exactly how

close to extinction they were.

“You’re looking at them,” Silas growls.

“So, you guys are all that’s left?” he nods, looking down sadly.

“How is that possible?”

“Because when Blaire cursed us a lot of the female dragons who found their mates

killed themselves. Didn’t see any reason to live on without being able to carry their

children. Effectively killing off their mates” Matitus growled, and I could feel his anger

like the female dragons betrayed them.

“What about the male dragon that didn’t have mates?”

“They took anyone they could and marked them and killed them to end their lives”

“So why didn’t you do that?” I ask wondering why they saw any point in existence if

they shared the same beliefs.

“Because I trusted the Oracle.”

“Is that why you three took Male mates?”

“No, we are true mates just like you are ours,” Silas answers. I nod thinking it was

strange maybe the fates tied them together to stop the eradication of their kind like

our ancestors did to the fae, removing our magic so we blended in and remained

hidden, but that left more questions because did that mean the Fates knew all along

the treaty was going to be broken? That a war would start? I suppose we will never

know those answers and just have to trust blindly that there is a bigger picture, just

like humans believe blindly of their own gods. Hope, that one word so many people

cling to, what a dangerous thing to have it either destroys us or makes us.

“What are you thinking about now?”

“You said earlier that Matitus lied, and you had to punish him, what did he lie about?”
Silas looked at Matitus, yet I could feel he forgave him for whatever he did already

and Matitus forgave Silas for what he forced him to endure.

“When I met Blaire, I thought it was the first time any of us had met her. I was wrong?

Matitus met her first, he knew of Blaire’s existence and kept it from me to protect her.

He knew she was married and didn’t want to disturb her peace; he knew I wouldn’t

care that she was married, and he was worried I would hurt her '' Silas says, laying

back down and looking at the ceiling.

“Well turns out he was right I ended up killing her, but it pissed me off when I found

out. I felt betrayed by him so he was punished, I wish I could take back what I did but

I can’t”

“And I have forgiven him so just leave it at that” Matitus answers effectively dropping

the subject.

“We should get some sleep; we have to be up early,” Dragus says.

“Will you please sleep in the bed?” Matitus asks and I shake my head, I didn’t even

want to be in the room so they will have to settle for me sleeping on the rug or the

lounge, though the rug was more comfortable. Matitus sighs before hopping up and

grabbing a duvet and pillow and tossing it to me. He then chucks another log on the

fire before climbing back in bed.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 57

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Elora’s POV

Sleep came easy, I still hadn’t forgiven Silas for what he did and eventually through

the night I got off the floor and slept on the couch refusing to get into the bed with

them. Halfway through the night though, I woke to my temperature rising, my skin

burning and my clothes feeling like they were suffocating me. Rolling on my back, I

tug my shirt off before stripping my shorts off leaving me only in my underwear.

Tossing and turning, even the couch was irritating my skin, every nerve ending felt like

it had been set alight, my entire body itching before I felt it. Heat washing over me,

making my toes curl and I tried to hold my breath so I wouldn’t wake them. My entire

being calling out to them, needing them. Rolling off the couch and landing on my
hands and knees. I tried to stop from moaning as burning sparks rushed over me


Hearing Matitus groaning made me look up, his arousal hitting me through the bond

as he rolled and so did Dragus, reacting to me. I watch enthralled by the sight of

them searching for each other even while asleep. Silas sits up rubbing his eyes

before flicking on the lamp. He sniffs the air before looking at Dragus and Matitus

becoming tangled in the blanket, his eyes snapping to me where I was frozen on the

ground, trying to fight the urge to go to them, my entire body craving them. Craving

their touch.

“Elora what do you want me to do?” he asks, and I look up at him, panting. I didn’t

care what he did, I just needed them, wanted them near. Silas eyes flicker, reflecting

back at me. This was stronger than the last mating heat, more intense and I know if I

move even an inch, I will attack them.

The next wave washing over me, makes me shiver as tingles rush over my skin and

my walls clench spilling my juices onto my thighs, my core pulsating, needing release.

Silas gets up walking over to me and I could tell he was really struggling this time.

Dragus sits upright, a growl escaping his lips when his eyes fall on me, waking

Matitus. Matitus sits up and Silas spins around watching them. They truly looked like

predators at this moment, making my heat even worse as I felt their intense gaze on

me. Watching every move I make. My nails digging into the rug as the next wave

washes over me.

” I can’t,” I tell Silas through gritted teeth as I fight the urge to go to them. The feelings

through the bond only intensify my own and I break, giving into the urges consuming


Silas grips me around the waist tugging me against him as I get up and lunge at

them, his entire body trembling while he fights with himself and me.
“Elora, they could hurt you” he growls, and I melt against him. Grabbing his hand and

forcing it between my legs before throwing my head back as his warm fingers move

against my slit making me moan.

“I don’t care” I whisper between panting, as long as they are touching me, I don’t care

what they do, all I know is I wanted them.

Dragus turns his head to the side watching as Silas fingers move inside my panties

between my lips before he shoves a finger inside me, making me moan and move

my hips against him. Matitus sits up and a look of pure desire rolls over him before I

hear Silas snap at him when he tries to reach for me.

“Matitus wait,” he says and Matitus shivers at the command behind his voice.

“You sure Lora?” Silas asks, his voice sending thrills through me.

“Yes” I breathe moaning as he slides another finger into me. Dragus climbs off the

bed quickly rushing to me and Silas places his hand on his shoulder holding him


“Gentle Dragus,” he says as Dragus palms my breast and I watch his eyes flicker as

Dragus tries holding himself back. I rip him towards me, my lips smashing into his and

Silas pulls his fingers from me and I shove Dragus, and he falls on top of Matitus, who

quickly moves as I crawl on top of Dragus sucking and nipping at his skin hungrily. I

felt possessed as I clawed at his pants. Dragus groaned when I bit his bottom lip,

and I could feel his erection pressing against my panties which were soaked from

Silas playing with me. I feel warm hands move to my panties before I feel them being

torn off me.

The burning from the fabric tearing only makes me moan before I feel the bed dip

behind me and Silas kneels on the bed behind me, he shoves his fingers in me and I

push back against them moaning louder. Dragus devouring my skin while Matitus

moves and I could feel he was uncomfortable, he wanted to touch me but was too
scared to. I grip his arm pulling him towards me and smashing my lips against his,

moaning into his mouth when Silas moves his fingers inside me. Dragus bites down

on my breast making me moan before I hear him growl when he draws blood. His

tongue running over it and I feel his cock twitch underneath me. Matitus moving

closer bites into my neck and I move crawling on top of him, his teeth embedded in

my neck making me moan as I straddle him, his tongue lapping at my skin and he


I feel Dragus move behind me and I feel Silas’s worry hit me. Reaching between

Matitus and myself I grab his hard length, running my hand along his shaft before

positioning him at my entrance and sinking down on him. Feeling my walls stretching

around him making me moan loudly at the full feeling. Matitus grips my hips tightly

and groans, his teeth leaving my neck as his head goes back.

“Easy Elora '' Silas says, making my eyes snap open to a demonic look on Matitus’s

face. He growls low and deep before kissing me. His hand gripping my breast so

hard his claws were digging in, but it didn’t hurt only aroused me more as I rolled my

hips against him, my head rolling back against Dragus who I forgot was behind me.

His hand goes to my throat as he pulls my head back, kissing me roughly, bruising

my lips. Matitus thrusts into me hard, making me gasp while Dragus' hand around my

throat gets tighter, cutting off my air. Silas moves beside Matitus before reaching

forward his hand grips Dragus' wrist forcing him to let go of my throat.

Dragus growls before Silas pulls Dragus toward him, kissing him roughly. Arousal

flooding me when I see Silas grip his cock, stroking him. Dragus groans before

thrusting into Silas hand.

“Patience Dragus, you don’t want to hurt her '' Silas growls against his lips. Matitus

grips my hips tighter moving them to his own rhythm, his cock sliding in and out of

me making me cry out, but it wasn’t enough. Wave after wave just building, only to

die down at the last second. Matitus speeds up his movements and I ride him,

meeting his thrusts becoming frustrated that I can’t get release when I feel Silas shift
on the bed, grabbing something from the bedside drawer and handing it to Dragus.

Dragus grips my chin, kissing me as Silas swaps places with Dragus his legs

straddling Dragus to hold him down. Matitus is pounding into me, roughly licking and

sucking my breasts.

Leaning down and over Dragus I Reach down and grab his cock, Dragus moves,

gripping the back of my head and bringing his lips to mine, he bites down on my lip

roughly making it bleed. Silas moves behind me and I feel his hand move over my

skin before feeling something cold and wet move between my cheeks, his fingers

pressing against the tight muscles of my ass.

Matitus grips my hips slamming me down on his cock, just as I feel Silas slip his

finger in my ass making me tense and my hand squeezes Dragus hard length making

him groan, his tongue slipping into my mouth before I feel Silas other hand move

between my legs rubbing my clit, making me relax as he slides his finger out before

adding another. I move my hips against his fingers circling my clit.

“That’s it, focus on my fingers,” he whispers against my shoulder, before rolling my clit

between fingers making me gasp. My juices coating Matitus length as my walls

clench around him.

Silas slides his fingers in and out just as another wave of heat rolls over me making

me pant and my toes curl.

“What do you need, Elora” Silas asks, seeing my frustration.

“All of you” I breathe and Silas chuckles before grabbing Dragus and kissing him

forcing him to kneel next to me. Silas fingers sliding from me and I instantly miss the

contact. Silas moves up the bed before Dragus moves behind me, he kisses my

shoulder, his teeth grazing my skin making me shiver. Silas grips my chin forcing his

tongue between my lips tasting every inch of my mouth when I feel Dragus position
himself behind me and my nails dig into Matitus as I tense. Silas hand moving

between my legs as he rubs my clit making me moan.

I feel Dragus hands pull my hips toward him before feeling him push inside me, it

burned and I tensed before Silas kisses me forcefully distracting me, his fingers

rubbing my sensitive bundle of nerves making me grind my hips against them.

Matitus I noticed stopped moving, though his grip on my hips tightened when I felt

Dragus push all the way in, making me try to jerk away from him but he holds me in


“Breathe Elora, the pain will stop” Silas whispers against my lips just as I feel heat roll

over me making me grind my hips against Matitus. I moan loudly, moving my hips

against them and I can feel them both sliding in and out of me. My orgasm builds up

when I feel them both thrust into me. The feeling of both of them inside me was

foreign and I felt over full, yet oddly aroused as I felt them both sliding in and out of

me making me moan as I feel my orgasm build, my stomach tightening and my walls

clenching around Matitus and I get the same urge I did with Silas, my nails digging

into his shoulders and Matitus pulls my face to his, his lips crashing into mine and I

moan into his mouth as they both pound into me. I feel Dragus movement has

become erratic.

My orgasm building when Matitus scent hits me and a primal urge takes over as I rip

his head to the side sinking my teeth into his neck where his mark is, his emotions

flooding into me and I finally climax, wave after wave rolls over me and I feel Dragus

still inside me and Matitus as I roll my hips against him riding out my orgasm, my

entire body pulsating. Pulling my teeth from his neck, Matitus kisses me, his blood

staining my lips. Dragus flops on the bed next to me and I feel the heat die down

making me slump against Matitus.

Silas pulls me onto his chest, his fingers running up and down my spine as I give into

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 58

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Elora’s POV

The next morning, I wake in their bed. Matitus tugging me closer in his sleep as I

stretch. Silas rolls over facing me, his hand going to my hip before moving to cup my


“How do you feel?” he whispers before leaning over me and kissing my lips, his

fingertips circling around my areola making my nipple harden under his touch.

“Good,” I tell him, and his lips come crashing down on my own. I kiss him back, his

hand palming my breast as his kisses become more urgent. He pulls me toward him,

forcing Matitus to let go before climbing between my legs, his lips going to my neck
as he nips and sucks on my skin. His teeth grazed my skin which was actually

burning making me flinch.

“Sorry, Matitus fed on you,” he said, running his tongue over it and it stopped aching.

I move my hips under him before wrapping my legs around his waist. Tugging him

closer and feeling Silas position himself before sinking into me. He groans before

stilling and I wiggle my hips and grip his arm next to my face wanting him to move.

Silas chuckles, kissing my lips but still not moving. “So eager now” he whispers

against my lips and I move my hips making him groan before he pulls out and thrusts

back into me. His hands gripping mine as he forces them above my head holding

them in one his while his other hand hangs onto the headboard. Silas thrusts into me

harder and faster and I try to move my hips meeting his thrusts as he pounds into me

making me a moaning mess underneath him. Matitus rolls over and grabs my face,

kissing me before hopping off the bed and walking into the bathroom.

Dragus I notice is already out of bed and god knows where. Silas leans down kissing

my chin and nipping at my neck before pulling out of me, making me frown. He

chuckles before moving back.

“Roll onto your belly”

“What?” I ask, he doesn’t answer, just uses his arm to flip me over before pulling my

hips towards him leaving my ass in the air. He puts his hand on the centre of back

pushing me down before I feel him position himself and he slams into me making me

cry out. This position felt different; he was so much deeper, and I felt my walls

instantly grip him. Silas hands go to my hips and he pounds into me making the

headboard hit against the wall.

My stomach was tightening at the full feeling and his hard length hitting my cervix. I

feel my skin heat as he speeds up his movements and I feel my toes curl, my orgasm

building fast before he shoves me over the edge. I moan loudly, my juices spilling
onto my thighs and I feel his grip tighten and his movements become erratic as he

slams into me one last time before stilling and I feel his cock twitch inside me as his

seed spills into me.

Silas stills his hands rubbing my ass and thighs before he pulls out of me and I slump

on the bed panting. Silas kisses my shoulder before tugging on my hand when he

steps off the bed.

“Come on we need to shower and go find a place to put those kids permanently” he

says, and I groan not wanting to get up but knowing I have to. Standing up, I follow

him into the bathroom where Matitus is having a shower. I Stepin behind him and turn

the other shower head on.

Matitus kisses me before stepping back under his shower head as Silas steps in.

“Where did Dragus go?” I ask.

“To help Marian take food over for the kids in the fabric warehouse” Mastitis answers.

I nod before grabbing the shampoo and washing my hair.

“We also need to prepare for the full moon tomorrow night and double check what is

needed to break the curse” Silas says watching my reaction to his words.

“You won’t hurt Claire?” I ask, concerned. Silas shakes his head.

“No Elora, I won’t hurt her we just need a little bit of her blood”

“You promise?” I ask and Silas steps forward caging me between his arms and

pressing me against the shower wall.

His eyes held mine. “I promise,” he whispers.

“What if it doesn’t break the curse?” Silas looks at the tiles above my head before

looking down at me.

“What do you want me to do?” he asks, and I could feel uncertainty hit me through

the bond from him.

“I want you to stop. I don’t want to continue to chase something that is out of reach”

Silas seems to think for a second before he presses his forehead against mine. I can

feel Matitus watching us curiously.

“On one condition” Silas says, pulling away and gripping my chin with his fingers, his

eyes searching my face.

“What’s the condition?” I ask.

“You forgive me, and you never leave us,” he whispers, his intense gaze watching my

reaction. Could I forgive him, was that even a rational thing to do?

“I’m not asking you to forget, just forgive and start over Elora”

“And what if you break your word? I am not going to spend my life trying to break a

curse that can’t be broken Silas” I ask, knowing Silas doesn’t like being given

conditions that aren’t his own.

“I won’t as long you promise to be ours, promise to be mine.”

I go to answer when Matitus slides over next to us leaning against the wall.

“I would have just settled for her sleeping in the bed again, but this implies she will

have to,” Matitus says a cheeky grin on his face making me shake my head and


“Fine, I will forgive you, but I want this sealed,” I tell him, holding out my hand. One

thing I did know was that Dragons can’t go back on a blood promise.

Silas stares at my hand for a second and I almost thought he was going to say no

when he turned his hand over showing me his palm. I place my hand in his. Silas
runs his nail across my palm, slicing the inside of my palm. “You promise to forgive

and remain by our sides and be ours”


Matitus grabs Silas palm, slicing his nail across it, his palm pooling with blood.

“And you promise to stop trying to break the curse if we can’t break it on the full

moon tomorrow night” I ask.

“Yes” he says, and I could feel through the bond he never wanted to stop looking but

would for me. Silas grips my hand and I feel a cold rush move up my arm binding our

word before my hand starts tingling as our blood mingles sealing the promise. Silas

smashes his lips against my own, kissing me before pulling back. Matitus grips the

back of his neck kissing him, I watch as his tongue runs across Silas’s bottom lip,

arousal flooding me. Matitus pulls back his thumb rubbing over the side of his neck.

“Thank you” Matitus whispers and I could tell he honestly thought Silas would never

give up on the curse. Matitus turns looking at me before kissing me softly before

pulling both of us against him. I wrap my arms around him and realise Dragus was

sitting on the sink basin.

“When did you come back?” I questioned. Dragus smiles before grabbing a towel

and I step out letting him wrap the towel around me before standing between his


“Matitus mind linked telling me you two were making a blood promise, I came to see if

Silas would actually go through with it”

“He did,” I tell him, holding up my hand which still had a cut across it. Dragus grabs

my hand before running his tongue across my palm. His eyes darkened slightly

before he bites into the side of his hand offering it to me. I press my lips against it

letting his blood fill my mouth, watching as my hand closes before pulling away.
Dragus pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around me, his face going to my

neck as he bites into my skin making me flinch slightly. I feel his tongue lapping at my

neck before he pulls away, his lips stained with my blood as he licks his lips.

I raise an eyebrow at him, “What I don’t taste as good as I smell?” I ask.

“No, you taste better, your blood doesn’t affect us a bad since Silas marked you.

Your blood usually only affects us if we are thrown off guard, like with Matitus” he

answers, and I nod. Which made sense because my blood has been spilt so many

times and I had wondered how sometimes they didn’t seem affected and other times

they did.

“Come we need to get dressed, I want to show you something” Silas says stepping

out of the shower and we all follow him into the bedroom.

“How were the kids this morning?” I ask Dragus.

“They’re okay, some refused to go to the safe house, some have remained, but we

need to find something more permanent. Maybe you can convince the ones that

won’t leave to join the others” Dragus comments. I could only try.

Slipping on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt and jacket, I turned to Silas

wondering what he wanted to show me.

“So, what do you want to show me?”

“Remember that man from the tunnels?” he asks, and I nod.

“Well last night we got people to help him move to the old green houses on the

border of the forest. Today we are going to rejuvenate the soil to create more grow

houses, Abigail is going to meet us there”

“How though? The ground is frozen and covered in snow?”

“You’ll see, we have builders ready on site. Everything is ready to go, we just need to

build a few more green houses and fix the ones that remain” he says. The task

sounded impossible even if it weren’t too cold and the ground frozen, we had no way

of digging through the frozen ground to put posts in to build more greenhouse and I

don’t remembering seeing any machinery around, but I also knew the city needed this

and if Silas said they could do it, I wasn’t going to doubt them, they clearly had some

plan and for once things were looking up. The Dragon kings seemed to be trying and

right now that’s all I could ask for and expect.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Fifty Nine

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Elora’s POV

Silas lead us to the border edge, it wasn’t to far from the castle, I thought for sure we

would be trekking to the other side of the city, so I was a little shocked to find it was

on the other side of the castle, on castle grounds. So, did that mean he was allowing

entry through the gates to the general public now, because the only way to this side

of the border was to go through the front gates.

Stopping at another gate Silas pushes it open before we walk through the trees

following at track that had recently been put in. Stopping at the end, I see open fields.

Also, two run down green houses and an open paddock that was covered in snow.

The ground frozen solid. I noticed about twenty workers fixing to restore the roof on

one of the green houses.

Abbie comes racing over as soon as she spots me. “Isn’t this great, they are building

more green houses to hold fresh fruit and veg and that one there will be for medicinal

herbs” She said pointing out the one people were currently working on. I noticed they

kept sending nervous glances toward the three dragon kings, picking up their pace to

show they weren’t slacking, not that the dragon kings gave them much of a glance

instead their eyes were focused on the empty paddock.

Silas began stripping off his clothes and so did Matitus making me look at them.

Abigail’s eyes darting to the ground and a blush creeping up onto her face, but they

didn’t seem to notice. They were completely comfortable in the nude although,

looking at them standing in the snow naked was making me cold.

“Ah why are you getting naked?” I ask them my eyes trailing down their sculptured


“Like what you see little one?” Matitus says a smirk on his face. Poor Abigail didn’t

know where to look as they casually walked into the paddock.

“What are they doing?” I ask Dragus.

“Shifting” He says making my eyes snap back to them. Just the sight of them walking

away was enough to make my panties wet. Dragus raising an eyebrow at my

blushing face, I know he can feel my arousal through the bond.

“Elora stop it, or I will take you in this field in front of everyone” He growls below my

ear before wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me back against his


“Argh you smell so good” He groans, his tongue licking below my ear making me

shiver. Silas and Matitus shift, and it was the first time I had saw Matitus in dragon

form. They were both gigantic majestic looking creatures. Silas’s scales gold while

Matitus’s were black as onyx. Abigail gasped and I noticed the entire place went eerily

silent. Looking toward the greenhouses everyone was frozen watching them. Fear
evident on their faces, they looked like they wanted to run but were paralysed on the


I watched Matitus slowly turn around, his tail moving across the snow acting like a

bulldozer as he stalked towards me.

“Nope I am done, you’re on your own Elora” Abigail said before running toward the


“Chicken” I screamed at her retreating form as she hastily walked off toward the

greenhouses. Dragus and I still standing in the same spot. I didn’t want to move in

case Matitus stepped on me. Matitus stops in front of me, dropping his big scaled

and nudging me with his nose. I lift my hand, running it up the scales between his

eyes, he makes a purring noise and I chuckle at his reaction.

Silas walks over behind him, he was a lot bigger then Matitus, he snaps his teeth at

Matitus who growls at him playfully.

The ground shaking under their huge, clawed feet with their movement, claws digging

into the earth effortlessly and I see the snow melting underneath them from there

body heat. Matitus nudges me before his voice echoes in my head.

“Hop on” He says but I shake my head, he nudges me with his nose and Silas cocks

his head to the side growling softly at me when Matitus suddenly licks straight up the

front of me, his tongue felt like a cats tongue prickly and oh so gross leaving drool all

over me.

“Get on or I will do it again” His voice echoes and he growls which more sounded like

he was laughing at my grossed-out expression. Silas shoves forward knocking

Matitus to the side with his big body. Silas grabs my side with his huge teeth but not

hard enough to hurt me, but they were sharp enough to slice through my clothes as

he uses them like a net leaving me dangling from his mouth. I squeal when he grabs

me before throwing me on top of Matitus. Dragus laughing and I see one of the

maids who was watching, faint. She must have thought he was going to eat me.

Abigail staring wide eyed from where she stood as I draped my legs over either side

of his huge neck. He suddenly stands completely upright making me look down. My

stomach turning when I see how high up I am. Dragus walks over to Silas and climbs

up his tail effortlessly before standing on his back.

Matitus takes off running across the paddock and I nearly fall backward before

squeezing my legs tight my heels digging into his scales. They were sharp but it was

kind of like sitting on an oversized snake he felt smooth, but I knew those scales

could slice through paper they were that sharp. His wings spreading out before he

takes off soaring through the air high above the trees.

I shiver from the wind before I see him do a circle of the paddock. Silas following

behind before Matitus dives fast heading toward the ground at an alarming speed

before pulling up slightly. I hear him growl and his chest vibrates before he roars,

flames erupting from his mouth, burning the ground. Everyone below starts running

away screaming before stopping when they realise, they weren’t about to burn them

alive and they watched amazed, the snow melting. Silas does the same behind us

and after a few more circles the snow was completely melted and the earth charred

from the flames.

Silas fly’s over falling in line with us. Dragus was still standing on his back. “How can

you stand?” I scream to him over the wind. Dragus laughs. “I’m used to it and

besides, I have excellent balance” I roll my eyes at him. Matitus throws his head

toward Silas snapping his teeth and Silas does the same making Matitus veer off

slightly. Suddenly Dragus drops and sits down.

“What?” I scream to him and he shakes head. Before Matitus and Silas suddenly

shoot off, climbing higher and higher smashing through the clouds. My skin being

coated in mist and the temperature dropping. They were racing each other, and I

clenched my eyes shut before suddenly Matitus spun in a circle. A scream leaving

my lips as I fell, falling toward the earth. Silas roars loudly and Matitus dives. I clench

my eyes shut before I feel claws wrap around my body and I gasp. Matitus tosses me

in the air making me scream before I land on his back. I hit him and I feel his chest

vibrate. He was laughing at me, the idiot did it deliberately.

They head back to the ground and I see a couple of vampires running onto the now

snow free paddock with huge baskets.

Matitus stops his feet landing on the scorched earth next to one of the baskets and

the vampire man chucks me up a rope. I grab it before it slides back down wondering

what I am meant to do with it. Matitus starts flapping his wings before gripping the

basket with his claws lifting it off the ground.

“What’s with the rope?” I ask Dragus who was perched on top of Silas holding one

too. They are going to fly over different sections of the paddock you need to yank the

rope just as he drops, we are spreading seeds” He yells over to me and I nod. Not

only were they ice melters, they were now seed spreaders.

Matitus does a loop not going to quickly before slowly descending. “Now” He says

through the mind link, just as we get low enough and I yank on the rope and I watch

the seeds fall in a line making a row. Silas does the same a few metres away making

another row up the paddock.

“How is it going to grow, its too cold” I say out loud. Matitus voice echoing through

my head. We are building a green house around the paddock” We end up making all

up twelve rows of seeds. Before we finally go back down landing next to the green

houses. Dragus hops off first and Silas shifts back both of them coming over to

“Jump Lora” Dragus says holding out his arms and I jump letting him catch me.

“Have fun?”

“Yes, so much fun besides Matitus dropping me” I tell him wrapping my arms around

his neck, letting him cradle me against his chest. Matitus and Silas put on their

clothes and Dragus lets me down and I turn to look at the paddock.

“What seeds are they?” I ask. Silas walks over draping his arm over my shoulders

tugging me to him pointing out the different rows.

“Fruit and those ones are vegetables” He says. Suddenly heaps of vampires come

out carry massive logs dragging them to different areas along the edges of the

paddock, I watch as a few of them start lifting them like they weighed nothing

dropping them into what must have been holes making them stand upright in the air

as high as the castle.

“How did you get so many people to help?” I ask noticing people coming from

everywhere carrying materials. I was sceptical that they could turn the paddock into a

greenhouse but with Vampires and even a few brave humans they made it look likes

child play.

“Easy told them to help, most were too scared to say no” Matitus chuckles nudging

Silas with his elbow. I had no doubt by the end of the day that it would be complete.

Abigail wanders over, her cheeks burning red when she looks at Silas and Matitus.

“I will never be able to look them in the eyes again” She states.

“Like you did anyway” I tell her, and she chuckles.

“I can’t believe it though, this is fantastic” She says looking at the seeded paddock.

“Well, you girls are up” Silas says giving my shoulder a squeeze.
“What do you mean?” I ask wondering what Abigail and I were supposed to do.

Abigail bounces on the spot excitedly next to me before grabbing my hand and

tugging me toward the field.

“Go to the next row” She tells me, and I nod walking over to it. Abigail drops to her

knees before digging her hands into the earth. Her eyes glowing green when

suddenly roots and grass and the seeds start sprouting up the line, growing

alarmingly fast, my mouth falling open amazed at what I was witnessing.

Abigail jumps up before walking over and squatting next to me. “Dig your hands into

the dirt, feel the vibration?” I nod doing as she says. I could feel the earth alive under

my hands feel its energy radiating out from the soil like a current.

“Now enhance it, picture the seeds growing, picture the soil coming alive and yield

your magic, let it flow into the ground awakening it” She says. I stare at my hands

letting my magic flood down my arms, feel the tingling sensation rush into my palms

before I let it build then released it through my fingertips.

Potatoes start sprouting along the long line. My skin tingling delightfully, giving me a

buzz as excitement ran through me.

“You are a natural” She says doing the next row. Abigail gets up and stops staring at

me, her eyes running over my entire body.

“You’re aura is glowing so brightly” She says a smile lighting up her face. Maybe it

was because I was actually having fun, was enjoying the day.

“Lets see what you got then” She says a smirk slipping onto her face.

I raise an eyebrow at her challenge. I knew I could do it, feel my magic wrapping

around me like a muscle waiting to be used. I felt recharged and excited to use it.

Walking off, Abigail calls out to me as I walk toward the centre of the paddock.
“Where are you going?”

“To see what I got” I tease, and she laughs before chasing after me. I reach the

centre of the paddock and look around. It was huge and I actually had doubt creep in

before Abigail nudged me.

“Ha don’t bite off more than you can chew” She taunts, and I nudge her back.

“Seems like you have the attention of everyone, they want to see what the Fae girl

can do” Abigail says before smiling at me.

“You can do this Elora, your magic has no limits, just picture what you need it to do”

She tells me, and I look toward the people all lined up to watch. Even my three kings

standing their watching, Their eyes boring into me. Taking a deep breath in. I drop to

the ground digging my hands into the earth feeling the vibration and drawing it toward

me. The ground starts to tremble as I feel it under my palms.

I let my magic build but this time it is quicker, rushing over me my hands glowing

purple and I can feel my skin start to glow brighter like a beacon. I let it rush over me,

loving the feel of its purity, it felt like everything good in the world was now engrained

within me. I let it go, the ground rumbling beneath us plants bursting from the ground.

Erupting plants everywhere. Abigail gasps and so do I when I see what I was just did.

Every row sprouting and growing and grass grew between the rows lush and green

shaping each row. I let them grow just enough before pulling my hands from the

earth. A smile creeping onto my face.

“Easy peesy” I tell her, and she laughs. Getting up I dust my hands off which were

covered in dirt. Abigail and I walking between the rows making out way off the

paddock toward the three Dragon kings.

“That was amazing” Dragus tells us, and we look back to inspect our handy work. I

had to agree, it was now a well-established paddock even a few fruit trees erupted

which I know weren’t part of seeds. Oranges and Apples sitting off the furthest row.
“We didn’t plant fruit trees, did we?” Asked Silas.

“No, just ground dwelling plants not trees”

“My bad, I was actually thinking about them didn’t think some would grow though”

“You mean we just planted seeds for no reason, you could just magic them into

existence” Matitus said looking at me. I shrug.

“How was I supposed to know I could do that” I tell him.

“Come on, let’s go inside for lunch and check back this afternoon we have a curse to

break tonight” Silas says, grabbing my hand. I let him tug me along when Silas stops

turning to look back Abigail.

‘I meant you too Abbie” He says, and she looks a little shocked before nodding and

catching up to us.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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Elora’s POV

After lunch Silas went to prepare for the ceremony, to break the curse. We had to

wait for the moon to be at its highest in the sky. So, we still had a few hours to kill and

decided to check the greenhouses. To my astonishment everything was finished, the

paddock was completely enclosed and the plants within it were now safe from the

elements. Victor was helping in the greenhouse and they were now setting up lights

and a workstation for drying out the medicinal herbs. Everything had come together,

and Silas managed to do exactly what they said they would. Victor had enough stock

to medicate half the City and Silas even gave him a few vials of blood to add to the

mix. Victor was busy compounding medicines while Abigail was helping bottle and

label them.
A few volunteers were even helping write down the medicinal properties of each plant

so Victor could start teaching a few apprentices. For once the people of the city

looked alive, smiles on their faces and things looked like they were changing for the

better. Silas was also in an exceptionally good mood and excited for the curse to be


I felt nervous, nervous that we were missing something. It just seemed a little too

easy, say a chant and drink some blood. I wasn’t sure how curses worked, they were

more personal not something that requires spells and enchantments. Everything

seemed to be going perfectly and maybe it was because I have only grown used to

disappointment, but I know something has got to give, in my experience for

everything that goes right ten things go wrong, so tonight I was little worried, some

nagging voice in my head telling me this spell wasn’t for the dragon kings but

something else. Even Abigail had her doubts, but she too didn’t voice them after the

other day. Even she questioned the spell itself.

When the night started to fall, we all went inside. Dragus pulling me up to the

bedroom so we could get ready. It was now 11:40 pm and we had twenty minutes to

before the Moon was at it’s highest. After getting ready and grabbing my

grandmothers book from the library I met Abigail and Claire at the front door. Claire

smiling brightly up at me, her eyes shining with knowledge a child of her age

shouldn’t harbour. Claire without hesitation grabbed my hand and I watch the Three

Dragon kings walk toward us. Silas holding a gold goblet with rubies around the base

of it.

“Ready” I ask Claire looking down at her. She nods but the words that next leave her

mouth shock not only me but Abigail and the three kings standing near us. Her voice

not even her own but morphed into something otherworldly.

“Shall rise the Queen Aziza of the Draquin kingdom” Her voice sounded melodic, and

her words startled me, yet the look on her angelic face held no doubt behind her

words and that scared me. What could she possibly mean?
Shaking off her words, Silas opens the door staring down at her just as confused by

what she said. I was no Queen, and this was not my kingdom. Walking outside, I

gasp and take a step back bumping into Matitus.

“You okay?” He whispers my mouth falling open at the amount of people standing

within the gates. Thousands of people stood watching as we walked out.

“Why is everyone here?” I whisper to him.

“Probably curious to see if you can break the curse, I left the gates open for people to

enter. I didn’t think people would come to watch though” Silas answers but I can see

he is also a little shocked, walking out, Silas grabs my hand walking us through the

crowds, I watch as the crowd parts allowing us to move through easily as we walk to

the centre where the moon is most visible. The silence falling over everyone was eery

the only sounds were of the breeze and our footsteps as we made our way to the

centre of the court. I looked nervously at the crowd all their eyes watching us.

A vampire with long hair tied at the back of his neck came and placed a round table

next to me, Silas opening the passage of the book, I had to read from. Claire, I knew

wouldn’t be able to read it given her age and would need to recite after me.

Looking down at Claire Abigail kneels beside her and touches her little face and I

could see the concern on her face. Suddenly Claire’s eyes turned white, white as
snow her pupils bleeding in her sclera’s. Her eyes taking on more of storm like

blizzard caught within her.

“Claire?” Abigail asks panicked and I could see Silas step closer concerned for the

little girl standing before him.

“Do you hear them Mama?” Claire asks her voice strong and unafraid.

“hear what Claire bear?” Abigail says looking up at me.

“The whispers, they have arrived”

“Who has arrived?” Silas asks his eyes darting to the crowd nervously.

“Those of the past they have come to give their blessing” Claire says turning to me,

her eyes scared me, they were vacant, not a look you expect to see in a little girl who

was just shy of four years old. Right now, she was no child but something else,

something not of this world.

Claire reached out, grabbing my hands with her tiny ones and I gasped at her touch,

lightning shooting through her palms through me. The whispers she was talking about

filling my ears and tears fill my eyes when I heard her.

“I can hear them” I whisper lost and only able to focus on her voice as it filled me with

happiness and the sadness of her loss. A voice I never thought I would hear again,

one I longed for.

“This is what you were made for, don’t fear it my child. You were born to rule, don’t

forget who you are” My grandmothers voice echoing through me and I feel my tears


“What did you do?” I hear Silas ask looking to Claire, her eyes solely on me, her eery

gaze steady.
“The chosen one was never me, it was always you” I tell her, and she smiles.

“You are the chosen one, I am just the guide that shows you where you belong” She

answers, I shake my head, this little girl held power and knowledge that only she

could understand, and I knew I was right this was my destiny, but Claire was the

chosen one, the only one that could restore the balance, the one everyone had been

waiting for.

Claire lets go, the whispers of my ancestors remain filling me with their wisdom,

echoing around me and filling my mind with their knowledge. That's when I realise this

would not break the curse on the dragons, that was never my sacrifice to make, no

this was to bless the Fae with their magic. Looking up at the sky, the moon was

nearly at its peak. Claire reaches for the goblet, taking it from Silas. Abigail steps

away, and so do the Dragon kings leaving only Claire and I in the centre.

Claire grabs the dagger on the table before gripping my hand, our ancestors

whispering to us what needed to be done, we didn’t need my grandmothers book

with our guide standing with us. Claire slices my palm before holding it over the

goblet my blood running into the cup.

“The Blood of spirit and the blood of our ancestors, the blood of the Moon” And I see

Taylor step forward, I hadn’t even noticed her amongst the crowd. Claire slices her

palm and lets her blood run into the goblet. “Child of the Moon cursed to the night”

Claire and I whisper at the same time.

Claire then turns and waves to a woman in the front row who was human. Claire

didn’t even have to ask, she willingly stepped forward holding out her palm.

“The Blood of the sun and the child blessed to the light” Claire says as she slices the

human woman’s hand her blood running into the goblet.

Claire then slices her own palm without even flinching like she didn’t even register the

pain at all letting it bleed into the goblet, Abigail I noticed out of the corner of my

flinched as she watched her daughter bravely slice her tiny palm, but remained still

and I could see she had faith in her daughter, just as she pulls her hand away the

moon reaches its peak the goblet starts shaking slightly and I watch as Claire grabs

the goblet holding it above her head, the moonlight moving up her little body to rest

on the goblet.

I watch amazed before I hear Claire’s voice echo though the knight “Don’t fear for the

balance to be restored a sacrifice must be made, and the Queen reborn” Her words

confusing me before I watch her drink from the goblet, then it dawns on me.

We are the sacrifice, yet I felt no fear of death, felt nothing but complete faith in her

words and a strong urge to fulfil the prophecy, my grandmothers reassuring voice in

my head, feel the whispers of my ancestors washing over me like a breeze, the

voices carried with it growing stronger, and louder filling me and giving me, a sense of

calm and I drop to my knees in front of her. She tips the goblet to my lips and I drink

from it, feel the magic in the blood bleeding into my soul changing it.

Claire places the goblet down on the small tablet before grabbing the dagger, I reach

for her as she slits her own throat, the dagger falling from her little hands as her body

falls on top of me, Abigail’s blood curdling scream full anguish and heartache filling

the night. And I whisper the last be piece

“I Elora Aziza forgive the sins and right the wrongs of the past, for I shall fall, for the

balance to be restored, for we are reborn, and we shall rise” Grabbing the dagger, I

feel the coldness of the blade as it runs across my skin as cut my throat, my life’s

blood spilling out of me. The screams of everybody surrounding us, my eyes dart to

Claire on my lap and the last sounds, I remember were the screams of our loved

ones, the whispers of our ancestors and my last dying breath.

**Author Note**
Let me know your thoughts, I will try and update again tonight

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty One

  

Elora’s POV

We are the sacrifice, yet I felt no fear of death, felt nothing but complete faith in her

words and a strong urge to fulfil the prophecy, my grandmothers reassuring voice in

my head, feel the whispers of my ancestors washing over me like a breeze, the

voices carried with it growing stronger, and louder filling me and giving me, a sense of

calm and I drop to my knees in front of her. She tips the goblet to my lips and I drink

from it, feel the magic in the blood bleeding into my soul changing it.

Claire places the goblet down on the small table before grabbing the dagger, I reach

for her as she slits her own throat, the dagger falling from her little hands as her body

falls on top of me, Abigail’s blood curdling scream, full of anguish and heartache filling

the night. And I whisper the last be piece

“I Elora Aziza forgive the sins and right the wrongs of the past, for I shall fall, for the

balance to be restored, for we are reborn, and we shall rise” Grabbing the dagger, I

feel the coldness of the blade as it runs across my skin as cut my throat, my life’s

blood spilling out of me. The screams of everybody surrounding us, my eyes dart to

Claire on my lap and the last sounds, I remember were the screams of our loved

ones, the whispers of our ancestors and my last dying breath.

Abigail’s POV

I watched horrified as my daughter slashed her throat, Elora watching, and I couldn’t

decipher her expression. Her life bleeding out of her and I scream. My soul shattering

watching my precious little girl so full of life just sacrifice herself without hesitation.

Heart shattering and soul crushing pain destroying me as I watch her skin pale,

everything happening in the blink of an eye. Silas agonised scream and I see the

Dragon kings run toward them, Elora sacrificing herself, running the blade tarnished

with my daughters blood across her throat.

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One by one the Dragon Kings fall to their knees, horrified at what she had done. I

watch each one of them fall, a deafening scream leaving each of them as they clutch

theirs chests dropping dead along with her. Murmurs from the crowd of shocked

onlookers. None of the legends I had heard were like this to break the curse on the

Dragons. I should have known better, should have seen this, should have went with

my gut. This wasn’t the spell to break the curse on the Dragon’s. This was the spell to

break the curse on Fae.

Rushing to my daughter, I cradle her to my chest. My mother’s tormented scream

coming from the crowd as I hold her limp body in my arms. “Mama” I sob tears rolling

down my face as she rushes over clutching us. My little girl was gone, but why
couldn’t I feel her death. I could see her dead in my arms, yet I could still feel her

energy with me. Still feel Elora’s and that of the dragon kings. The crowd goes silent.

Nobody knows what to do, or what they just witnessed.

We just watched the fall of the Dragon kings, the fall of a kingdom of horror. That’s

when I first noticed them. People in crowd dropping like flies, collapsing amongst

those watching. Was this the end. Were we all destined to die? My mother brushes

my daughter’s hair from her face. The face of angel though she didn’t look dead

despite the blood covering her, no she looked at peace, asleep.

My mother gets up, turning Elora’s face toward her and I notice her Fae markings

changing to a deeper purple, blossoms spreading across her cheek and down her

neck. Magic running rampant in her veins, feel it growing stronger and I watch as the

cut on her neck heals.

My mother rushes over to the Dragon kings kneeling next to them, they to were

changing, the same marking spreading like wildfire across their bare chests only red

and angry.

“They are still warm,” My mother gasps.

“They’re not dead?” I whisper looking down at my daughter, shaking her slightly and

rubbing her cheek, the wound healing across her neck but not waking.

“Come on baby girl, come back to me. Come back to your mummy” I cry, praying to

the fates that they let her live. Suddenly I hear a gasp and watch as Elora snaps

upright. Her eyes burning brightly, brighter than any jewel I had ever seen. The crowd

shocked at what they are witnessing before Elora screams in agony. Clawing at her

back, her skin gleaming and shimmering as she moves. Her screams of agony

moving through the crowd as they clutch their ears trying to drown the noise.

“Mum you need to remove her cloak” I tell her as I watch as Elora desperately tries

but fails. My mother moving toward Elora and removing it while Elora flailed around
her nails digging into her back digging at something she could only feel, her skin

bleeding from her nails tearing her flesh. When I hear groaning my eyes snapping in

the direction of the dragon kings as they get to hands and knees before their eyes

dart to her.

“Elora” Silas breathes before stumbling over himself to get to her, only for him to be

pulled back by Matitus and Dragus just in time for everyone to be hit with a wave of

power, Elora’s scream of agony knocking the breath out of everyone as we are

swallowed by blinding light.

My eyes burning in my head, forcing me to close my eyes under its harshness before

the darkness returns and I hear voices of shock and awe making my eyes open.

Elora doubled over on the ground panting blood pouring from her back but that

wasn’t why everyone was amazed. It was the wings; Fae haven’t had wings since

before the war. Only the true heir of the thrown and those of the royal bloodline had

wings. They were magnificent, crystal clear, the moonlight making them shimmer, like

trying to look at the rainbow within a bubble. Elora stands up and I can see the shock

on her face, she doesn’t understand what is going on, doesn’t understand how she

is alive as she looks out at the crowd.

“Mummy” I hear the softest of murmurs and my heart swells as I look down and see

my angel, looking back up me.

“Yes, baby I am here, mummy is here” I tell her and her eyes flutter before turning

white, a sight I know is her visions, her seeing the future. One I would never become

familiar with seeing. My daughter was not just blessed with the visions but cursed,

and over the three years of her life they have made her have many sleepless nights

tormented her dreams.

“The Queen of Draquin has been reborn” She whispers before passing out in my

arms, the rise and fall of her chest reminding me she was alive, she would live but it
was to much on her little body.

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Let me know what you think. What the Dragon Kings do when they realise the curse

hasn't been broken.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Two

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Elora’s POV

It worked, the curse on the Fae was broken. What I wasn’t prepared for was the

searing pain radiating through my back when I woke. My death was peaceful and

with it, I felt my mates drop, their link to me severing only to renewed stronger. I could

feel them on an entirely different level, Matitus and Silas stronger though. It is hard to

explain but maybe it was because they already bare my mark.

Waking up, was a strange feeling like I had been holding breath, and I suddenly had

to force myself to breathe. But the pain in my lungs was nothing compared to the

pain radiating from between my shoulder blades. The sort of pain where you would

rather death, my spine felt like it was be rearranged. It was all I could focus on as I

clawed at it trying to get it stop. When I felt something within me snap, like when an
elastic band reaches it limit, the force of my magic bursting made me scream before I

felt a violent rush leave me, the pain in my back leaving me breathless before it

suddenly stopped. I could feel the warmth of my blood trickling down my back and

something else, something I had never felt before. Looking over my shoulder I gasp at

what I see. I had wings.

Fae used to have wings, my grandmother didn’t even have wings, but I heard stories

of what they represent from her. Only the blessed were granted them. Those that

possessed them, were considered gifted or had made our gods proud through a

good deed. Only those blessed by the fates and of a royal blood line carried wings.

The last Fae on record to possess wings was the king of Fae. My grandmothers great

grandfather was the last known royal to be granted wings by our ancestors.

So, it was shocking to me that I was blessed with them. I had done nothing

remarkable I didn’t think. They were beautiful and, crystal-like and light but so strong. I

could feel my magic flowing within them, feel the power I possessed. I was so awe

struck by them I hadn’t realised what was going on around me until I heard Claire’s

little voice. “The Queen of Draquin has been reborn”

That’s when I noticed them, looking out at the crowd I almost cried at the sight before

me, glowing brightly back at me were my people, Fae the silver light in their eyes left

no doubt. We weren’t extinct, Fae survived just like I believed, hiding in the shadows

like had. We had survived. The crowd moving, letting them through. Around a

hundred Fae moved forward out of the crowd stepping before me.

Silver eyes glowing with excitement and also another set of eyes, ones I had only

heard of because they were the eyes only given to those of noble blood. Dazzling

Aqua eyes stepped forward and I knew instantly that some of the royal families

survived, those my family ruled alongside of.

The man stepped forward and I got to my feet, his blonde hair tied into a ponytail.

Looking at him he carried himself a certain way that oozed authority, even after
decades of failure he was proud to be Fae, proud to be royal. What shocked me was

when he stepped forward and dropped in front me on one knee.

The Dragon kings stepping beside me, although they looked like they were still

recovering from what happened yet that didn’t stop their jealousy of a man being near

what is theirs.

“My queen, I am Aldrin of the Royal bloodline of Helcate” He says bowing his head


“I know my lord; please rise you don’t need to bow for me” I tell him a little

embarrassed that he did. He shakes his head.

“Our families have ruled beside each other before the war, we all owe you a great

amount for what you have just blessed us with, for what you have returned to us” He


Silas growled stepping forward at his words. Aldrin puts up his hands in surrender

and I could tell he meant no harm, no insult to the Kings I just hoped Silas could see


“Forgive me my lords, I am not here to take your mate. This isn’t me coming forward

and asking her hand, I know she has mates and I have my own” He says and Silas

growls before Matitus steps forward.

“Then what are you doing then Fae” He asks looking out at the crowd I could feel their

shock, they truly felt they eradicated my kind.

Another Fae steps forward with a child. The woman was a common Fae but the child

in her arms was no doubt of the royal blood of Helcate.

“This is my wife, Talia and my son Aldo” I nod when suddenly she drops to one knee,

I try to get her to stand embarrassed that everyone thought they need to bow to me,

we are the same.

“Please don’t bow” I tell her, but she shakes her head when suddenly everyone takes

a knee, like wave the entire crowd even the humans bow down making me gasp.

When I hear Aldrin voice echo through the night, his voice melodious and clear.

“I Aldrin royal blood Of Helcate, pledge allegiance, to Elora Aziza Queen of the

Draquin kingdom and Queen of the Fae” He says making me stumble back slightly


The entire crowd in a collective murmur speaking. “We pledge Alliance to our Queen

Elora Aziza Queen of the Draquin kingdom.

“You want me to rule?” I asked shocked.

“You are the rightful heir those wings on your back prove it, you were born for this.

Blessed with gifts bestowed by our ancestors, you blessed us and who better to

know the struggle of the kingdom better than a Queen who lived through it” Aldrin tells


“But this isn’t my kingdom, this kingdom belongs to the Dragon kings” I tell him.

“Where ever you go we will follow my Queen, whether it be here or somewhere else,

we promise to remain loyal to the Aziza bloodline. You sacrificed your life for your

people and the people of this kingdom” He says and I see the entire crowd agree.
Silas growls but no one moves.

“I will not hand my kingdom over to the Fae, this is my kingdom. Fae started the war”

He says stepping forward when Matitus grabs his arm.

“You’re right my king but she ended it” Aldrin tells him, “either way she is your mate is

she not, or were you keeping her against her will?”

I had to give Aldrin one thing he was brave standing up to a Dragon, yet his stare was

unwavering, he held no fear and had faith that I wouldn’t allow Silas to kill him for

speaking out. He was right I wasn’t going to let my people down even if it is against

my own mates. I have sacrificed enough and so have the Fae, so has this kingdom.

Dragus walks over to Aldrin and I thought at first, he was going to do something, and I

stepped forward my magic on ready on the surface, I was willing to protect Aldrin and

the rest if needed. But Dragus didn’t do anything. Instead, he dropped to his knee

alongside him before suddenly Matitus joined him. Two majestic Dragons bowing for

a Fae, for someone lower on the food chain.

“I king of Draquin pledge allegiance to my Queen, Elora Aziza the Queen of Draquin

and promise to rule alongside her for as long as she will have me” Dragus spoke, his

eyes not leaving mine before Matitus announced the same thing. Tears springing in

my eyes, they would give up their kingdom for me, just to keep me by their side, they

would sacrifice their kingdom for me and the people in it.

Everyone looked to Silas and I could feel his burning anger through the bond, he felt

betrayed. Felt like I took his kingdom from him. That betrayal only worsened when he

felt Matitus and Dragus agree to it.

“You would hand our kingdom over to the FAE” He bellowed.

“No, I hand our kingdom over to our mate” Matitus answers.

Silas roars the dragon part of him coming forward, his entire body trembling. Yet I

remain calm turning toward him. “This was supposed to break the curse on the

Dragons, not turn my mates against me, not bring about all this” He yells at me.

“This is my kingdom. I will not bow down to the Fae”

When I say nothing, he turns on his heels storming away.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Three

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Matitus POV

I follow after Silas, his burning rage radiating out of him as he storms into the castle

heading for the library. When I approach, he had upturned the entire room in a matter

of seconds, once again I would have to clean up his mess, his anger always getting

the better of him.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I demand making him turn around and glare at me.

“I will not give the Fae our kingdom” He argues.

“Is this what your so pissed off about? Because she is Fae, what did you expect her

to be, a bedroom toy? We are kings either way she would be our Queen”
“That’s exactly what I expect, she is Fae. This is my kingdom, we built it. I won’t just

hand it over to the Fae to do as they please”

“What are you talking about? You’re not giving the Fae our kingdom, you are just

agreeing to let Elora rule alongside us, they listen to her. This is a good thing Silas”

“You blinded by her; you don’t even see what is happening” Silas retorts. I did see,

clearly saw what is happening, change was happening, and he couldn’t handle it, his

ego getting in the way, his burning hatred for the Fae consuming his head.

“So, what you expected Elora, just to remain by side and have no say in anything?” I


“Yes, she is ours, she shouldn’t be challenging us, challenging our titles, she is to be

seen not heard” Silas screams at me before throwing a chair against the wall. I laugh I

can’t help it. He really expects a woman like her to be stuck in a corner and do as

she is told.

“I can’t believe your laughing, there is nothing funny about this, this goes against

everything. She is going against us” Silas yells the temperature rising with his anger.

“Is this about Elora or the Fae?”

“The Fae, what else would it be about?”

“Well sorry to break it to you Silas, Elora is Fae. She can’t change who she is”

‘I won’t hand my kingdom over to the Fae, I don’t care what she is to us. This was

supposed to break the curse on the Dragon’s not the Fae, her sacrifice was wasted

and then this bullshit threatening to take our kingdom”

Do This Before Bed And The Prostate Has Reduced

The Parasite Will Leave By 3 Times! Do This Every
Your Body! Night!
Organic Teatox Vitaman Plus
“She isn’t taking anything, why can’t you see that? You are right she made a sacrifice

so did Claire, the curse on the dragons? Fuck the curse Silas, I don’t give a damn

about the curse with her by our side” I scream back at him.

“Maybe the curse on the dragon’s wasn’t a sacrifice she is supposed to make”

Dragus says overhearing the conversation as he walked in.

“What are you talking about, the book said the chosen one had to make the sacrifice”

He argues back against Dragus.

“Think about it Silas, why would a Fae have to make a sacrifice for the Dragons. Elora

doesn’t owe us anything. If anything, you owe her a fucking apology, you just

denounced her in front of the entire kingdom all because she is Fae. Her being Fae

does not affect her ability to rule alongside us” Dragus tells him.

“She is not our equal” He screams back at him. His entire body trembling and I could

see scales rippling up his arms as he fought to not shift where we stood.

“Maybe that’s the problem, you two have been fighting against each other the

moment she got here. You want her to be our mate, yet she is to sit below us. That’s

not how it is supposed to be, she is to stand beside us, not behind us, equal’s Silas”

“Fae will never be equal to the Dragons” He says turning away.

Dragus and I both stare at him, nothing we say was getting through to him. What I

didn’t realise was that Elora had heard everything, didn’t realise she was watching

from the doorway, she remained silent, if it weren’t for the hurt hitting me through the

bond, I wouldn’t have even noticed she was there. What Silas said hurt her.

“If that’s how you feel Silas, I will take my people and leave” Her voice strong, yet I

could feel how much she was struggling to remain that way, not wanting him to see

how deeply his words cut her, she felt rejected by him, by us.
Silas spins around at the sound of her voice, I could tell he didn’t mean for her to

overhear, yet she had, and he was to stubborn to admit he was wrong, to stubborn

to give into her.

“And go where Elora, you’re not leaving this kingdom?”

“If you don’t want the Fae here means you don’t want me here” She tells him.

“That’s not what I said” He says stepping forward, but she puts up her hand warding

him off and he stops, regret shining in his eyes.

“I am Fae, Silas. I can’t change and I wouldn’t even if I could. My people will follow

me. Your kingdom means that much to you? have it. I never asked for this. You

brought me here. I didn’t want to rule, I didn’t ask for this, it just happened. Either let

me in or let me go. I will not turn my back on my people” She tells him before walking


“She won’t go, there is no where to go. She will get over it” He says before sighing. I

shake my head; I know Elora enough to know she will do as she says.

“You’re really going to let her leave?” I ask incredulous. Dragus thinking the same


“She can’t leave, there is nothing out the there. Everyone know not to cross the


“So, you told her what’s out there then?” I ask folding my arms across my chest. His

head snapping toward me and I knew he hadn’t. No one knows except the Lycans

and us.

“She knows it’s not safe” He says sitting down on the ground, placing his arms on his

knees. I nod well that’s one thing I suppose. Elora won’t risk the Fae, not when she

only just found them.

“So, what next then, this is your plan?” I ask.

“We show them who has control, we don’t need another rebellion from them. Either

Fae fall in line or we get rid of them” He states. This shit again, this grudge against the

Fae needs to end.

“Elora won’t allow that; she won’t bow down to you again Silas, why can’t you see

that?” Dragus tells him.

“She won’t have a choice; she belongs to us. This is our kingdom, our home. She will

see it as a good thing, the bond will make sure of it” He says. I am done, he honestly

believes she will stand idly by and allow him to control her, control everything.

Not able to handle any more of his nonsense I leave. I won’t lose my mate again;

won’t lose her over a hundred-year-old grudge he can’t seem to drop.

Heading upstairs, I walk to our bedroom. I could hear her sobbing behind the door. I

hesitated what if she hated us now because of him? Taking a deep breath, I enter to

find her rummaging in the cupboard for some clothes after hers were torn from her


“What’s wrong?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know Matitus” She says. I wanted to go to her, but I could

tell she was mad, hurt by what happened with Silas. I watch as she strips what’s left

of her clothes off and gasp at what I see. She was magnificent. Her skin was

gorgeous, etched with the markings of the Fae. Elora looks down when she notices

my stare and I feel her shock hit me, the violet markings spreading from her temple

down her cheek and across one entire side of her body, the markings of her magic,

our mate markings but there was more, I know the more markings a fae has, mean

the more powerful they are, but this was something else. These weren’t just Fae

markings but the markings I had only seen in books. Dragon books.
Something changed when she came back or was reborn as Claire had said. Running

down her side were violet swirls, swirls I realised were mine and Dragus markings

spreading across her ribs to the side of her stomach, they were mesmerising, and I

never liked tattoo’s, especially on woman but on her, they were beautiful like a part of

her, they enhanced her beauty, and I was in awe of her.

“I wonder what they mean?” She asks softly tracing her fingers down her side of the

blossoms and flames.

“May I” I ask, and she looks up at me. Her eyebrows furrowing before she nods.

Kneeling in front her I trace my fingers over the new markings, they glow under my

touch, reacting to me. I knew it. These were our markings, she had been blessed

with our magic, when we pledged our loyalty to her it sealed us to her, giving her a

piece of us, though I could tell it wasn’t complete because of the way it suddenly cut

off. She was missing one piece. That piece was Silas.

“It’s our magic” I tell her, looking up at her. She stared back down not understanding.

“When we stood before you pledging ourselves to you, it gave you a part of us” I tell


“But I am Fae, not Dragon?” She says.

“I doesn’t matter, you’re our mate we are part of you and you us” I tell her.

“So, you sacrificed a piece of your magic and gave it to me?” She asks. Her words

hitting me like a tonne of bricks and Dragus’s words earlier, that he said to Silas. It

finally made sense.

I knew he was right. It was never Elora who had to make the sacrifice, it was us. Only

we could break the curse. We had to surrender to her, give ourselves wholly to her.

Yet I knew the curse would never be broken because I know Silas would never

surrender to a Fae, even if she is our mate. Even if it meant breaking the curse.
I laugh at my newfound knowledge, Blaire was cunning, she knew he would never

submit to the Fae; therefore, the curse would never be broken. She knew he would

kill them off, yet she must have misunderstood the Fae’s ability to survive, or she

knew they would, but his stubbornness would see to the curse never being broken.

Blaire knew, no matter what Silas would be his own downfall, the ultimate revenge.

We could have broken the curse all along we just didn’t see it.

“What’s so funny?” She asks staring down at me. I kiss her hip and she shivers; I love

how reactive she is to us, love how her body reacts even when she doesn’t want to.

“Nothing little one, nothing you need to worry about”

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Four

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Elora’s POV

Silas words were on repeat in my head. I was nothing to him, after everything he still

thought so little of me, of my kind. How his hatred for what I am can override the mate

bond is unfathomable to me. After everything he has done, I found a way to forgive

him, to try and see from his point of view. Yet he couldn’t do the same, everything felt

one sided.

I won’t stand in the corner and look pretty, an arm ornament? I think not. I was

capable of so much more and I knew that now. After everything he couldn’t break me

and my will to live now was not just my own, it was for our people. There is

something extremely dangerous when you finally figure out what your capable of,

what you expect. There is a truly clear line drawn now for me.
The mate bond made me believe I couldn’t live without them, that they were an

attachment to my soul, and they are. But there is a difference between want and

need. I didn’t need them, I wanted them, but I didn’t need them. I survived this city for

twenty-one years without them and I knew I could live forever without them. Leaving

two options now, they either needed to step up or step out. None of this in between

shit, I am not a yoyo to be played with and for once I saw clearly, my mind clear for

the first time in ages. This was only the beginning of something that was far bigger

than me and I could feel it with every fibre of my being. Something greater than I ever

envisioned my life to become.

Silas was convinced I needed them and would fall in line like a good little submissive

mate. That the bond would force me to comply. Little did he know I found myself,

found a part of me I was excited to explore, like I said clarity was dangerous, knowing

you self-worth was dangerous because now it put an expectation to be met and I

wouldn’t let him bring me down, not like he did. It is dangerous because you no

longer feel the ties that bind you once you realise you don’t need anyone, that you

can go it alone, it is empowering when you realise you don’t need someone to have

your back because you have your own. He showed me what he was capable of, the

mate he was capable of being, the king he could be and now I expected nothing

less. So, it made my next decision easy. I wasn’t going to wait around for him to

figure that out anymore. I was done waiting for people, done letting people decide

what I was capable of.

My magic was stronger than ever, stronger than them. My ancestors voices always

there guiding me, encouraging, and the most important voice of all. My own for once I

had a voice, I intended for it to be heard even if it comes at the cost of my own heart,

for once my mind was crystal clear and was overriding everything telling me to give in

to them, I was done bowing down, either they let me in to walk alongside them or I

walk alone.
“What are you thinking?” Matitus asks, as he walks in while I was getting changed for

bed. Turning to look at him he was regarding me carefully.

“What makes you think I am thinking anything?” I ask.

“I don’t know, you keep blocking us out, I feel weird not knowing what you are

thinking. You seem different, stronger”

“That’s because I am Matitus” He nods in agreeance when Dragus walks in but no

Silas. I didn’t care though right now his presence would have infuriated me.

Dragus steps past Matitus his hands going to my hips, I can’t help the smile that

spreads onto my face, his emotions flooding into me and I welcome them. They were

mine; I was never theirs, yet I am willing to be theirs but not unconditionally. I knew

they would follow me blindly but if I couldn’t have them all, then they couldn’t have

me. But this moment I would let them have that I wanted the same thing so yes, I

would let them have this moment before it goes and along with it, me.

Turning around, I wrap my arms around his neck, a smile on his lips as I move my

face closer to his kissing his lips softly. His hand going to the back of my neck

deepening the kiss. I could feel his fingers moving through my hair as he pulled me

flush against him. Feel his need pressed against my belly.

Matitus steps closer, his lips going to my neck and down my shoulder. His hands

travelling over my skin leaving goosebumps in their wake. Dragus groans against my

lips and I tug at his shirt before removing it, my fingers moving over the tight muscle of

his chest and abdomen. I loved the way his warm skin felt beneath my fingers, loved

the way I effected them as they did me. Placing my hand on his chest I push him
toward the bed. His knees hitting the bed making him fall back as I reach for his belt

buckle undoing it and I feel Matitus lifting the silk slip I was wearing.

Lifting my arms, I let him peel it off and Dragus removes his pants before I crawl up

him. His erection standing tall. My lips going to his chest as I nip and suck on his

skin, my lips trailing down his abdomen as I reach between his legs grasping him

tightly in my hand, his hips jerking against me before I run my tongue around the head

of his cock, tasting him before I taking his large size in my mouth, loving the control I

had over him in this moment, the way his hands went into my hair and the sound of

his moans as I ran my tongue along his shaft as I found my rhythm taking him deeper.

Loved the way his body shudder underneath me.

Matitus hand runs across my ass, before his fingers find their way to my slit, teasing.

His fingers skilfully moving inside me, and I moan around Dragus, his grip on my hair

tightening as I work his length inside my mouth. Dragus thrusts into my mouth once

before ripping me up his body and bringing my lips to his. I moan into his mouth as I

sink my wet heat down on him, his length filling me. Matitus hands moving to my

breast as he moves behind me his other hand on my hip as I sit up slightly, moving

my hips and building up the friction. Dragus cock hitting that sweet spot inside me, as

I moved my hips against him. Feeling Matitus length pressing against my ass, I

wriggle my hips against it. Matitus groans, his lips going to my neck as he sucks on

my mark making me moan loudly.

I would miss this, miss the feelings the bond could only make me feel, what only they

could make me feel.

My body wanting them, calling out to them and I could feel my orgasm building, I was

close, so close and brought to the brink of my climax as Matitus pushed inside me.

One arm wrapped around my waist pulling me flush against him, his hand around my

throat as he sucked and nipped at my skin. The feeling inside me building higher,

climbing higher than ever before as I moved my hips against them.

Matitus lets me go, my hands going to Dragus chest as I let them fuck me, let the

sensation build, leaving me a moaning mess. Teetering on the edge as I brought my

lips to Dragus’s neck sucking on his skin. He shudders beneath me as my teeth sink

into his neck. His blood rushing into my mouth as I mark him, and my orgasm washes

over me and I move my hips riding it out. His grip on my hips tightening before he

stills and so does Matitus as we all reach our release. I slump against Dragus, his

fingers running up my spine and I could see he was fighting to stay awake.

Matitus pulls out of me, dropping on the bed beside us before pulling me on his


I rest for a bit and no I will miss being like this with them, but I was no longer thinking

for myself, I had to think for my people and until Silas sorts out his own problems, I

won’t be back. I know there has to be something beyond those borders, something

marvellous. I could feel it and I was going to find it.

Author Note

Elora's found herself and won't back down now and Dragus has been marked, what

do you think will happen when Silas relizes she is leaving? Twist coming up will try

and update again tonight.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Five

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Elora’s POV

They took ages to fall asleep, and Silas never came to bed at all, still obviously in one

of his moods. I couldn’t wait any longer though. It was five 5AM and the Fae were

meeting in the centre of town. Yesterday Aldrin said they would follow, so now we

would see if that were true. He told everyone to pack light and only bring essentials.

Getting up, I rummage through the walk-in looking for a bag when Abigail walks in

nearly making me jump out of my skin in fright. My heart pounding and I heard Dragus

and Matitus stir in their sleep. Abigail places a finger to her lips before holding up a

black bag. She hands it to me, and I quickly stuff it full of clothes fit for the cold winter.

Once that was done, I quickly get changed into jeans, boots, long sleeved shirt and
parker. Handing one of the parkers to Abigail she quickly puts it on, and I hand her a

pair of spare boots.

Abigail wanted to come but was leaving Claire behind with her mother until we found

somewhere safe to call home. Claire told us going outside was dangerous, that the

broken ones were on the other side but wouldn’t tell Abigail anymore when she took

her home. So, to be on the safe side we were leaving her behind until we were sure it

was safe. Walking out, I look to my mates sleeping soundly in bed. I knew they would

follow me blindly, but I didn’t want to put them in a position to choose, that wasn’t fair

on them. As much as they disagreed with Silas, I knew they loved him, and he them

so instead I chose for them.

Just as I walk toward the door, I notice my mothers necklace sitting on the dresser

and quickly pocket it, something was urging me to take it, telling me I would need it

although I wasn’t sure for what besides being past down from generation to

generation it was only a necklace. The urge was something else like it was calling to

me and me it. Shaking off the weird sensation that rolled over me, I follow Abigail

downstairs. Marian was staying behind to watch over Lilith and would come once we

found pout whether or not it was safe. We quickly creep to the front door passing the

study, Silas was asleep in the armchair next to the fireplace. His arms folded across

his broad chest and his head slumped forward.

Abigail and I grab a cloak each wrapping it around us before cracking the door open.

My heart pounds in my chest when the heavy door creaks and Abigail freezes looking

for any sign, we may have woke Silas. When we hear no movement, we duck out.

The wind blasting us, and I shiver from its icy coldness. The sky completely white and

the snow was thick on the ground.

We make our way to the centre of town, only Aldrin and his wife were there waiting,

an I figured that must be all who decided to come with us. Aldrin and his wife’s face

lighting up when they see me and Aldrin turns toward me when I notice an enchanted
whip wrapping around his arm, feel the energy coming of it, cerulean blue and strong.

I had no doubt in my mind that Helcate Magic was running through it. “Your child?”

“With my wife’s father till we know it is safe” Aldrin says, and I nod.

“What’s that”

“Family Heirloom, first time I have been able to use it, wouldn’t unlock without magic” I

nod wondering what he meant.

“Where’s yours?” He asks.

“Where my what?” I ask wondering what he meant.

“The Aziza sword,”

“Aziza sword? Never heard of it” I answer unsure. He looks me over and I wondered

what he was looking for.

“You don’t have anything from your bloodline, a bracelet?” He asks and I shake my


“No, only my mother’s necklace” I tell him pulling it from my pocket and showing him.

He takes it from me shaking his head a smile on his face.

“Hold out your arm” He says, and I do as he tells me.

“He pushes my sleeve up and I watched mesmerised as he runs the chain over the

pattern of my markings before I feel the Zap, my magic absorbed the necklace,

wrapping around my arm becoming attached my skin, the pendant bleeding into my

palm and the rest of the chain slivering around my fingers. It wasn’t tight but the

Necklace changed becoming embedded in my skin and glowed the same colour of

my markings.

“Huh” I tell him shocked, I always thought it was a necklace and key to the book.

“How do I use it?”

“It will sense when you are in danger. Never take it off my Queen” He says bowing

slightly and I look to his, and realise he too has the Fae markings. Though his were

blue and slightly different instead of blossoms and flames like I had, his were leaves

and vines.

Noticing my stare, he points to them “Helcate markings. Zane had suns, yours a

different because your mates are fire creatures.”

“So, if I have the Aziza sword and you have a whip, what did Zana have?” I ask


“Time ring, Zana bloodline was eradicated that much I do know, nobody has seen the

ring. Not that it matters only Zana can yield it. Each are forged by the bloodlines and

their magic, only those of the bloodline can yield them” Aldrin says, and I knew I

would have fun picking his brain about Fae. It actually made me think he would be

better to rule, he had the knowledge of the Fae so having him on my side was going

to be a huge help.

“We should head off; this snowstorm looks like it’s going to be a doozy and we need

to get to the caves before it hits” His wife tells me, and I look up at the sky. We start
heading toward the main gates when people start coming from the streets and

houses. All falling behind us, each with bags and I recognise the Fae people, but that

isn’t what shocked me. It was the humans. Hundreds of people following creating an

army. All dressed and eager to leave the city, eager to come with us. I thought only

the Fae would come but even I had my doubts when I only saw Aldrin and his wife

only standing in the town centre. Abigail nudges me with her elbow and I could tell by

the look on her face she was just as shocked. I didn’t know how to feel about it. But

the further we walked through the city, the more people came out and joined us.

By the time we got to the gates the sky had darkened from the brewing storm.

Stopping at the heavily guarded gates. Vampires surround us but even they seemed

weary by the overwhelming number of us, they were definitely worried about the silver

eyes glowing back at them, Fae with magic weren’t be messed with but if this turned

into a bloodbath, I didn’t know how we would fair considering no one knew how to

use their magic. Though I was quite certain Aldrin did, his knowledge was

unbelievable, and I too knew I could trust my guides to help me and show me.

Stepping forward when he approaches, the humans cringe back but Aldrin steps

forward with me.

“Do your owners know you’re out” The vampire sneered. His red eyes glowing brightly

against his pale skin and black hair.

“My owners?” I ask,

“Yes, girl you’re the dragon kings pet, now get back home before I send word to

them” He says, but he suddenly steps, back all of them do. Looking over my

shoulder Abigail’s hands were glowing green, and all the Fae had stepped forward

moving to the front their silver eyes glowing brightly.

“Step aside leech” Aldrin warns him, and the vampire looks uncertain, looking to his

comrades who also looked just as confused.

“You don’t know what you’re asking, you can’t go out there. What lies beyond these

gates isn’t safe” He tells us.

“Well, that is for us to decide, so step aside and let us through. We won’t ask again” I

warn him. He stares at me and I could tell he didn’t like taking orders from a Fae, let

alone a woman.

“Your funeral” He says before nodding to the men by the gates. Motioning with his

hand toward them. They press some buttons and the gates slowing start to open.

We all start walking toward them.

“You’re going to die, you just killed everyone here by leaving the safety of the City”

“We are no safer out there than we are in here” Aldrin tells him and the vampire glares

at him. We march through the gates to the other side. I could feel everyone’s

excitement about breaking out of the City, but I was to nervous to feel excited along

with them. All I could see was white, a sea of white everything dusted in snow.

“Stay alert” I yell to everyone and they fall silent. We continue walking toward the

mountain knowing there must be caves in them. We walk for hours and I never let my

guard down, too many people had given warning about leaving the confines of the

castle so obviously there was something that had them worried.

Suddenly out of nowhere, I hear a thunderous roar coming from the direction of the

castle. They were awake and I was actually surprised the vampire didn’t warn them

earlier about us leaving maybe he was hoping we all died. Everyone picked up pace.

It was freezing and I could tell the humans were really struggling with icy blast of the

wind, hear their teeth chattering. The snowstorm becoming so bad it started to get

hard to see what was directly in front of us, like walking into a wall of snow, you

couldn’t tell where the ground ended, and the sky started. All you could see was

Everyone holding hands so no one drifted off or got lost. That’s when I saw

something. I stop, Aldrin’s wife bumping into my back.

” What is it?” She asks as I squint, trying to see anything through the wind. Even with

my enhanced eyesight I could hardly see anything, but I swear I saw something dark

move and what ever it was, was huge. Blinking, I strain my eyes looking for

movement when I feel a cold sensation rush down my arm, feel my magic seeping

into my fingertips, feeling something wrap around my hand before feeling the

coldness of steel pressed in my palm. Looking down, I see the Aziza sword and

gasp, it looked crystalline like my wings but felt hard as steel, purple veins of my

magic woven and intertwined in it.

That’s when the awe of it shattered into a million pieces. Aldrin said the sword would

come forward when danger was lurking so as much as I was amazed by it, it

frightened me. Aldrin rushes over and I see his whip in his hand spiralling to the


“Well, whatever is out here, we just found it” He whispers looking down at my sword.

“Can you see anything?” I ask

“Not a god damn thing” He says, squinting through the wind.

“Human’s move to the centre, those who know how to use magic form a perimeter

around them, we are not alone out here anymore” I call over the wind unsure if

everyone heard but I feel movement on the ground and through the tugging of hands

and clothes. Abigail’s hand glows subtly, her eyes searching, looking for any danger.

That’s when I see it out of the corner of my eye, and I whirl around trying to catch a

glimpse of it, but it once again disappeared.

Everyone on edge and alert. The wind dying down slightly making it a little easier to

see before we notice it. Scales. Though it didn’t look like a Dragon, it was grotesque

and bigger than human, yet have a long-barbed tail, talons but stood on two feet.
Everyone holding their breath when the too notice it in the distance. It turns around its

face morphed reptilian coldblooded eyes staring back at us and I could just make out

its features.

He looked like a half-shifted Dragon, stuck in an unnatural form between shifts. It

doesn’t move for a second just staring like it was shocked to see anyone out here,

then suddenly it roared which more sounded like a wail, my ears ringing but I refuse

to take my eyes off it. The broken one's, I now understood what Claire meant by the

broken ones, what I was most shocked by was the fact that the broken ones are


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Six

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Elora’s POV

Aldrin takes a stance in front me, his whip in hand. I feel my magic flow, as it charges

at us. But I wasn’t even sure what I was doing and would need to rely heavily on

instinct. Abigail blasts it with her magic making it hit the ground. The half Dragon

shifter gets to his feet before whipping his tail at us knocking me off my feet before I

could react. Beside the scales and tail he looked like a man.

He roars loudly before lunging, just as I lifted my sword, he lands on me, the blade

slicing through his torso, and his face twisted in pain on top of me before Aldrin kicks

him off, my sword ripping from his chest spraying the snow in blood, when we start to

hear the echo of roars all around us. We were surrounded. Worst part was we

couldn’t see them. Looking down at the Dragon slumped on his side I notice
something strange my sword wasn’t enough to kill him, but he started changing,

changing back to man before more eyes. I didn’t get a chance to figure out what was

going on with him before another attacked.

Taking out Aldrin and biting into his arm. Aldrin was quick though and I could tell he

was trained as he moved his body, making me wonder what it was he did all these

years in hiding. We fight them off holding them back, but we weren’t a match for

Dragon’s or even these half Dragons. I see a big ball of red and orange heading my

way and I raise my sword on instinct the blade cutting through the flames, before

purple light engulfed us. Looking up, I see that the sword acted as a shield blocking

the fireball aimed at us.

Aldrin was using his whip expertly. The whip wrapping around another beasts neck

and I don’t hesitate plunging the sword into its chest. The beast shriek falling to the

ground but not before its teeth sink into my leg. I scream out in pain when suddenly

they stop advancing, and I figure this one we took down must be the leader. The

other three stop there advance staring at the Dragon fallen.

The beast screaming on the ground my legs bleeding profusely into the snow staining

it red.

When something remarkable happens, it shifted back into human form, the man had

skin the colour of Mocha, pitch black curly hair and dark brown reptilian eyes as his

head snapped up. His scales disappearing and he looked normal, like any normal

shifter man.

The other beasts start attacking again, and we use everything to keep them back but

nothing we do kills them, I notice the other man I stabbed in the chest was now back

in human form, he had looked familiar to me, yet I couldn’t understand why. The curly

haired dark man that bit me screamed loudly above the wind.
“Grab the Fae woman” What the hell was going on. I see a few of the humans drop

when they try to stop them turning for me. My heart clenching at the sight of my fallen

people. I swing my sword at the man who gave the order slicing him down the chest.

He shrieks when the other man tackles Aldrin, punching him in the face. I go to help

him when I feel myself get yanked back by my hair.

“You’re coming with me pretty” He growls, and I throw my head back connecting with

his face, just when we hear the mightiest of roars and I see fire rain down from the

sky, Silas and Matitus dragons above us. Relief flooding me although I know I am in

some deep shit when I get home. Matitus black dragon dives down grabbing one the

mutated Dragons and picking him up with his talons before flying high and dropping


The ground shaking as the Dragon hits the ground. Shrieks from the other two as

Silas drops in front of us blocking them from attacking.

For the first time ever, I see human’s run behind him, shielding themselves from the

dragon’s, they felt safer with Silas the dragons they knew, then the ones trying to kill


A scream leaving my lips when I feel claws bite into my arm, pivoting I swing my

sword. The man’s arm slicing off at the wrist like a hot knife through butter. He

screams loudly and I Duck just in time as Silas tail whips through the air hitting him in

the chest and sending him flying.

Silas growls menacingly at me and I could tell he was pissed off. Matitus lands on the

other side of me on the snow. Everyone trapped between the two dragons and their

wall of scales.

Aldrin shrieks, and I jump over Matitus tail ripping the man off him who was raining

blow after blow down on him. He almost looked frenzied with the way he was
punching Aldrin. We hit the snow and I get to my feet and raise my sword about to

use it when Matitus voice cuts through the air.

“Dakari?” Matitus says making me look over my shoulder and I see he had shifted

back. The man I was straddling with my sword above his head sits up, looking

around my side at the name.

“Matitus is that you?” He asks in a deep voice that was hoarse like he hadn’t used it

in years. I stand up and the man sits up. It was clear they knew each other. Matitus

steps forward and I feel Silas move closer, wrapping his tail around my body like a

snake and moving me underneath him between his front legs. He looks down at me,

the hot air of his breath warming me slightly under his huge, scaled head.

“Aldrin” I call to him when Silas grabs his clothes with his sharp teeth lifting him off the


Aldrin’s wife screams thinking Silas was about to eat him, but he doesn’t just places

him on the ground next to her and she clutches his clothes shaking him. When his

eyes flutter open, I let out the breath I was holding. His face swollen from the

relentless blows this Dakari inflicted, but otherwise he was okay.

My eyes snap to Matitus and the man who were both staring at each other like they

couldn’t believe their eyes, before Matitus grabs the man crushing him in a hug. The
other man pats his back and I see a tear slip down his face.

“Brother” He says, and I look up at Silas gold dragon confused. I didn’t know they

had siblings.

Abigail climbs over Silas big tail that was still trapping me. He growls at her but

doesn’t do anything else. I assume she too, is also in trouble when he forces us

home. I had no doubt he would make everyone turn around. But after what

happened It wouldn’t be smart to continue.

Matitus turns around his arm wrapped around the mans, shoulder as he squeezes it.

Matitus was completely naked standing in the snow. Abigail averts her eyes from

Matitus, but I notice she openly stares at the other man who was also regarding her,

an interested look in his eye.

“Elora, this is my brother Dakari, Dakari this is my mate Elora” He introduces us.

Silas growls and Dakari looks up at him before clearing his throat and I could see the

fear in his eyes as Silas reptilian eyes watched him.

“Silas, I am sorry, but I didn’t know she was your mate” He defends himself. Silas

growls his tail wrapping around me before he places me on his back away from the

man. I walk along his scales sitting between his shoulders. I press my hands on his

scales which were warm.

Matitus Shifts back and I see his brother climb up on him before he reaches a hand

down to Abigail. She shakes her head and Matitus voice flits through my head.

“He won’t hurt her, tell her to climb up”

“Won’t hurt her he just tried to kill us” I tell him. Dakari looks over at me hearing what I

“I’m sorry, you have no idea what it is like being stuck like that. I should say thank you,

your magic saved me I have been like that for over 70 years” He tells me, but I don’t

trust him, and I am shocked at how easily Matitus just forgave him.

“What do you mean?” I ask. I stabbed him, I would hardly call that saving him.

“Your magic when you stabbed me. I will explain when we get home. We need to

leave before they come back, they will come back Silas” He says looking at him. Silas

head turning toward him, and he growls.

Silas angry voice runs through my head. “Tell your people to climb up, we need to

leave” He growls at me. I flinch away from the anger in his words as they echo in my


I stand up walking along his back and down his tail.

“We are heading back, climb up on them they will take us home” I tell them. They all

look uncertain but once Abigail took Dakari’s hand and let him pull her up the rest

followed. Silas flew slowly, those that didn’t fit on them Matitus and Silas grabbed in

their talons caging them in. We trekked hours to get to where we were but were back

at the castle in minutes. Silas and Matitus landed next to the green houses letting the

people stuck in their talons out before landing.

A few threw up and I felt bad, this wasn’t how I planned this to be. Matitus landing

next to us and I see Abigail talking enthusiastically with Dakari. He helped her down

and remained near her. I helped Aldrin off with his wife’s help. Silas shifting back as

soon as everyone was off before grabbing me.

Everyone taking off when he growls. Aldrin looks to me panicked but I shake my

head. I knew as soon as I got back, I was going to pay for leaving them.

Silas drags me toward the castle by one arm, and I had to jog to keep up with him.

When I see the castle come into view. I watch Dragus run over, and Silas tosses me
at him before stalking inside. Marian was waiting with a pair of pants and he quickly

put them on. Dragus grabs me pulling me inside after Silas.

Dragus dumps me in the armchair in the study next to the fireplace. “Do you have any

idea how fucking stupid that was?” Dragus yells at me. Dragus never got angry at

me, or hardly ever and not like this. His arms on either side of armchair caging me in,

his entire body trembling in anger.

“You could have killed everyone with you, you could have fucking died” Dragus spat

at me. His anger pissing me off.

“How the fuck was I supposed to know there were Dragons out there, none of you

tell me anything” I argue back. Silas growls behind him.

“I fucking told you it wasn’t safe, and you still went, you want to run things around

here with us you need to think things through before acting on impulse” Silas bellows

at me. Suddenly the front door opens and Dragus looks to the entry way.

“Dakari?” He says shocked as Matitus walks in with brother.

“Dragus” Dakari exclaims embracing him in a hug and patting his back in that manly

way men do.

Silas leans next me his voice below my ear. “You are in so much trouble love, I am

going to turn that ass red” He growls below my ear, his hot breath on my neck

making me shiver. His warm fingers brushing the back of my neck.

“You are lucky one good thing came out of this because you risked not only your life

but everyone else’s” Silas says, before standing upright and looking towards our

mates. Silas was right what I did was reckless. His words hitting me hard.

“What? How? I don’t understand” Dragus stutters. Drawing my attention back to him.
Dakari points to me, a smile on his face. She slashed me with her sword, the magic

in it turned me back. Enzo bit her and he turned back too. Must be her Fae blood” He

states, his eyes darting to my leg which I completely forgot was injured. Looking

down, I could see it bleeding onto the rug. Silas bites his wrist offering it to me.

I push his hand away. “Do you want me to make a scene Elora” Silas says, and I roll

my eyes before grabbing his wrist and running my tongue over his bite mark.

“There happy?” I ask but he ignores me, instead peeling my pant leg up and looking

at my wound which was now healing.

“I am now, but don’t piss me off Elora. I am already in a bad enough mood. Without

your attitude”

“Since when aren’t you in a bad mood?” I retort. Everyone walks down the corridor

out of sight, and I go to follow them. Standing up, Silas grabs my wrist before sitting

and yanking me, so I fall over his knees.

I try to get up, but his arm in the centre of my back holds me down.

“Silas let me up, what if someone walks in” I shriek as his hand rubs over my ass.

“I can’t believe you are actually giving me attitude when you nearly just got yourself

killed, if anything you should be thankful, we showed up, instead of acting like a brat”

He says.

“I’m not, it’s your fault. If you told me there were dragons out there, I wouldn’t have left

the city” I argue. He growls lowly.

“Please Silas, don’t do this here, this is embarrassing” I tell him. He squeezes my ass

hard, and I jump.

“Fine but tonight you are mine, understood” He tells me, and I nod anything to get out

of this awkward position before someone walks in. Didn’t exactly look very Queenly

bent over the knee of someone with my ass in the air.

He lets me up but pulls me toward him, forcing me to straddle him. He grips my chin

forcing me to meet his eyes.

“Why did you leave?” He asks.

“Because you didn’t want me, because you don’t want the Fae here”

“I never said I didn’t want you Elora”

“But you don’t want the Fae, it’s the same thing” I tell him trying to get up, but he

doesn’t let go.

“I am sorry you felt that way, but I will always want you. Even if it means I have to put

up with your people” He tells me. Silas pulls my face closer, his lips crashing into my

own and I can’t help the noise that leaves me, loving the warmth of his tongue playing

with mine. He pulls back letting me go.

“Don’t ever leave me again” He says, his intense gaze watching me, I try to look

away, but he pulls my face back.

“Elora promise me” He says when I don’t say anything.

“I promise” I tell him. He sighs before standing up.

Silas grabs my hand bringing it to his lips kissing my knuckles.

“Let go see this brother in-law of mine” He says tugging me out of the room.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Seven

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Elora’s POV

We found everyone in the dining room. They were all excitedly chatting away

reminiscing old times, that Abigail and I weren’t alive for. Abigail had a huge grin on

her face as she watched and listen, and I noticed no matter how many times Dakari

would have his attention drawn away by Matitus or Dragus, his eyes would always go

wandering back to her. Silas steps closer, his lips below my ear.

“I think something might be going on with them two”

“Dakari and Abigail?” I ask. Silas kisses my shoulder.

“Lets test that theory huh” He says making me look back at him over my shoulder, he

had a silly grin on his face, and I could see he was enjoying Abigail’s and Dakari’s
reaction to each other.

“Who do you think you are cupid?” I ask him. Silas laughs, shaking his head before


“Abigail” Silas says in a stern voice. Making me wonder what he was playing at.

Dakari eyes go to Silas before darting to Abigail. While poor Abigail pales thinking she

is in trouble. Everyone staring at Silas wondering what he is going to do, while my

eyes were on Dakari who looked like he was about to jump over the table and throw

himself in front of her to protect her.

“How is Claire?” Silas asks no anger in his voice turning all sweet all of a sudden.

Abigail blushes before fumbling over her words.

“Right, I should get back to my daughter, if you’ll excuse me” She says about to leave

the room. Dakari stands up, a panicked look on his face as she goes to leave.

“You have a daughter?” he asks curiously, and Abigail stops, turning back around to

face him. I actually started to panic wondering if that would create a problem that she

had a daughter.

Abigail nods. He seems to think for a second. “I can walk you home” Dakari says

pushing his chair in and walking over to her. Abigail stares up at his tall frame before

looking to me nervously, all while Silas thinks what is happening is hilarious and can’t

seem to wipe the grin off his face.

“Wait you don’t have a husband, do you?” He asks and I could tell he just realised if

she had a kid that could mean she had a husband too.
“No, he passed away” She said her eyes going to Silas making me wonder why they

darted to him. I knew the dragon kings had something to do with her husband’s

death, but I thought it was strange how her eyes went directly to him. Dakari loops his

arm through hers like they are some married couple walking toward the door.

“Dakari are you forgetting something?” Silas asks and he turns around looking at him

questionably. Silas looks down at him my eyes following Silas’s and I feel my face

heat when I realised Dakari was still completely naked.

“Oh right, can I borrow some clothes?” Dakari says pulling Abigail in front of him like a

shield, her face turning crimson at having a naked man’s junk pressing against her


“I can get you some” Abigail says looking up at him over her shoulder. He nods once

before turning her with him and following her down the corridor. I shake my head.

“Give Abigail till morning before she comes back marked and mated” Silas says, and I

turn to Dragus and Matitus. Now that they were gone all attention was back on me

and I could feel their scrutinizing gazes on me, the earlier excitement long forgotten. I

was hoping with the distraction it would have gave them plenty of time to forget my

Matitus folds his arms across his chest glaring down at me. I hear Silas move behind

me and panic runs through me when I watch him walk over to the double doors in the

dining room, closing them and locking them. My heart rate skipping a beat as I face


“Do you have any idea the stupidity of what you did?” Matitus yells at me.

I flinch back at his anger. “Two people died because of you; you realise that?” Silas

asks walking over to me. I suddenly felt cornered.

“You think I don’t know that? I watched them fucking die, if you three had of told me

what’s out there I never would have left” I argue back.

“We agreed to let you run things then the first chance you get you ran. You want to

rule means you have to think before you act Elora.”

“I know that Matitus geez”

“You knew that? Okay then, where were you going?”

“I…I don’t know exactly, the caves under the mountains” I force out before sighing

even my answer sounded ridiculous. We didn’t have plan only to get away from the

dragon kings, and those frightened jumped at the idea.

Dragus scoffs making me look at him.

“The mountains really, you would have been walking straight into their den. I can’t

believe you did this. And what about us? Were you just going to leave and never

return?” Dragus asks.

“I didn’t want to make you choose” I yell at him.

“Choose what? you belong here with us” Dragus retorts. My eyes dart to Silas before

going to the roof.

“You thought we wouldn’t choose you?” Matitus asks.

“No, I just didn’t want to put you in a position to choose”

“We wouldn’t have had to because you wouldn’t have been allowed to leave” Matitus

yells, his eyes flickering dangerously. I could feel his rage through the bond. Matitus

was never angry like this, not at me. I could feel his hurt like I betrayed him by leaving,

and Dragus was the same. The one that seemed almost calm was Silas. Probably

because he had already scolded me.

“Argh” Matitus screams his fist clenching like he wants to punch something.

“Get her out of my sight I can’t fucking deal with her right now”

“You can’t deal with me?” I scoff.

“No Elora, because I now have to notify the fucking families of the people you just got

killed” He bellows. I didn’t see why he was acting like this when they have killed

hundreds of people before.

“Your pissed off because two people died by my hands, yet how many have died by

yours?” I ask.

“You wanted us to fix the city, wanted us to change things and we did. No one has

died since your manifestation. No one, that didn’t deserve it. You are in charge for not

even twenty-four hours, and you kill two people, you broke your own fucking rule”

Dragus says.

I was done arguing, we were never getting anywhere. I fucked up, but how many

times have they fucked up and I was the one that copped the consequences then

forgave them?”
“So, it’s okay for you to fuck up, but not me huh” I ask. Matitus growls but I don’t wait

to hear their answers instead, walking to the door. I pull on the handle but its locked

remembering that Silas locked it.

“Don’t walk away Elora” Silas says, but I was done listening to them.

“Elora” Silas warns when I don’t turn around to face him, two seconds ago Matitus

wants me gone, now I try to leave, I being told to stay. Enraged, I smacked the door

with my palms in frustration not expecting to blow the door to smithereens. The wood

splintering off as they ripped off the hinges.

“Elora” Silas bellows.

“Woops” I mutter ignoring them and walking out of the room. I hear things being

broken behind me but don’t even bother looking back instead heading for our room.

Walking up the stairs I walk in and shut the door. Now I was doubting everything

including myself. I knew I fucked up, knew the moment I first laid eyes on the broken

one which turned out to be Matitus brother.

But I couldn’t help but feel we learnt a lot by my mistake, that without me messing up,

we wouldn’t have known the Broken ones could actually be fixed, that they actually

aren’t broken that beneath the beast is still a man or woman trapped in the confines

of themselves, just a little warped and twisted, but not truly broken.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Eight

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Elora POV

I remained in the room; I didn’t want to argue, hadn’t this day been bad enough

without us at each other’s throat trying to shift the blame. I couldn’t face them, not if I

were just going to be ridiculed over one mistake. They made their fair share of

mistakes and yet I make one and they give up on me. I wasn’t sure how long I was in

the room, but I eventually fell asleep everything becoming to much. I was mentally

drained, I had enough. It was late in the night when I woke to the door creaking open.

Light from outside creeping into the room making my eyes flutter open before feeling

the bed dip beside me.

Warmth enveloping me as his arms wrapped around me pulling me flush against him.

Hearing him sigh before pressing his face into my shoulder. “I know you’re awake” His
voice rough next to my ear.

“Yeah, because you woke me” I mumble.

“Why are you hiding in here away from us” Silas questioned. I didn’t bother

answering. He knew exactly why I was in here.

“Where is Matitus?” I ask.

“Talking to his brother, trying to figure out a plan”


“Yes Elora, figure out how to bring them back, we always thought they were dead,

that their human counterpart was gone once they become what they are”

“How come they are like that?” I ask curious as to why they were different, how they

managed to keep themselves from turning out the way the rest did.

“Because we didn’t lose our mates, Dakari lost his first mate and left, we never saw

him again after that. Slowly one by one we lost all of them, well we thought we did”

“Have you got any siblings?”

“No, Elora. I was an only child” Silas answers.

“Well that explains a lot then” I tell him. Silas huffs.

“Explains what?” He asks.

“Why you don’t play well with others. Why you don’t like to share”
“I share you and you are an only child too, Elora”

“Different upbringing Silas, when you have nothing, you expect nothing, therefore can

give everything because you realise you don’t need anything”

“So, you think I am selfish?” He asks, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

“No, I am just saying you have a sense of entitlement. Ownership if you will”

“Hmm, you have an interesting mind, but your wrong I would give up everything in a

heartbeat to have you”

“Except your kingdom, you said it yourself I am just a bed toy” I tell him, his words

coming back to me, and the way he said it.

Silas rolls me with one hand to face him but instead, I sit up leaning against the

headboard and flicking on the lamp. He runs his hand down his face.

“You’re angry because of what I said? I was angry Elora; I say shit I don’t mean when I

am angry”

“Sometimes its not what you say Silas but how you say it, that speaks volumes on

how you feel,” Silas shakes his head before climbing between my legs resting his

head on his hand that were braced on my legs. He kisses my belly, running his nose

along it before looking up at me.

“I didn’t mean what I said”

“You are just saying that because you want to fuck me” I tell him, feeling his arousal

through the bond. He chuckles,

“No, I don’t have to say anything to get in your pants little one, your body will react

anyway” He says before biting the inside of my thigh making me jump. Arousal

flooding me from having him so close.

He laughs before doing it again. “Stop, point taken” I tell him, pulling his face away.

He runs his nose across my belly, his hands pushing my shirt up before he moves so

quickly, and I actually feel nauseas from the movement before I find him leaning

against the headboard and I was now straddling his lap.

“That’s better” He states kissing my chin, his hands tugging the bottom of my shirt

before he peels it off me. Silas stares at the markings travelling across my body,

being that this was the first time, he had actually seen them. His fingers burning my

skin as he traced them with his fingertips before his hand went behind my neck

bringing me closer before crashing his lips against mine, I push on his shoulder sitting

back up and pulling away from him.

“What” He pouts, his hand trailing up my waist to palm my breast before he nips at

my chin, my traitorous body not even fighting against him, as he sucks and nips at

my skin. I hear him laugh knowing full well I didn’t want him to stop.

“I Silas Draquin” He says between kissing my skin. I freeze pulling his face away from

my neck. “What are you doing Silas, that isn’t funny. Don’t do that if you don’t mean

it” I tell him.

“You should know by now I don’t do anything I don’t want to do, lora” He says

gripping my face and bringing us almost nose to nose. “But I messed up?” I admit.

“You did, but you learnt from it, took me a century to realise my mistakes and I won’t

make them again” He whispers against my lips before kissing me, his tongue tasting

every inch of my mouth hungrily before he pulls back, his hands holding my face

making me look at him before a serious expression crosses his features.

“I Silas Draquin king of the Draquin kingdom, pledge my allegiance, to my Queen and

mate, to rule alongside her as equals for as long I live” He states, his eyes watching

me and I gasp as I feel my magic burning in me, my ribs tingling and Silas looks down

feeling the sensation rolling over me through the bond, letting go of my face, his
fingertips brushing my marking as they grow, moving down to my hip and running

across my stomach, stopping just above the waist band of my panties. He looks

confused before looking up at me.

“The same thing happened when Dragus and Matitus gave themselves to me, they

gave me some of their magic” I tell him, and his eyes snap to mine.

He traces his marking, tingles rushing everywhere he touched. Silas smirks before

pulling me against him, his hands going to my hair as he tugs it, making my head

snap back as his lips trailed down my neck, his other hand squeezes my ass as he

presses his erection against me.

“I did say I was going to turn that ass red” He says smacking it. My panties

dampening with my arousal when the door suddenly opens making me jump and

climb off his lap.

“If anyone is smacking that ass I am, though I don’t think that is really a punishment

for her” Matitus growls.

“You two always walk in at the worst times” Silas tells them. I try to pull the blanket

around me as Matitus climbs on the bed before tugging it down taking it from me.

Dragus leaning against the door frame but neither of them looked angry. Matitus

kneels on the end of the bed before his eyes dart down to stomach and he gasps a

crooked grin turning up his lips, Dragus steps closer and I can feel both their shock

through the bond. Dragus eyes going to me, making me feel a little exposed with their

intent gazes.

“You pledged to her?” Dragus murmurs.

“Well let’s not make a big deal out it”- Silas waves them off before suddenly Matitus

launched himself at him, his lips smashing into Silas who seemed shocked by his

reaction. While I felt confused, Dragus was smiling from ear to ear as he walks toward
me. I hear Silas groan making me look at them as Matitus assaulted his mouth,

arousal flooding me when Matitus lips move to his neck and across his chest.

“I fucking love you, you stubborn ass dragon” Matitus tells him, and I could feel Silas

trying to figure out what was going on, but at the same time loving his mates

attention. Dragus climbs onto the bed between my legs before leaning over me and

grabbing the back of Silas’s head, kissing him just as harshly. I shake my head giving

up on trying to figure out whatever has made them so excited so suddenly. Figuring I

will leave them to it. I wriggle out from under Dragus intending to go shower since I

was now up. When suddenly Dragus arm snakes around my waist.

“And where do you think you're going love?” He says ripping me back on the bed,

before climbing on top of me, kissing me with the same hunger he had with Silas. I

moan as his tongue slips in my mouth before Matitus grips my chin pulling my face in

his direction, his lips moulding around mine.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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Silas POV

Waking to find her gone my heart was pounding in my chest, my eyes instantly going

to my hand and looking at the promise mark, my skin charred and black from where

she broke the blood promise. I still remember when she stepped out of the borders,

the tingling sensation that moved over my palm. I initially thought I slept on it funny

and gave myself pins and needles until it started burning and I knew she left me. Left

the safety of the kingdom never have I felt fear like that. She was completely unaware

of what resided beyond those gates.

Looking at my hand though, I felt no pain. So, I knew she was in the castle

somewhere or at least within the kingdom. Matitus rolling into me, his hand searching
for something as he threw it over me before pulling me against him and realising my

skin is a lot hotter than hers. Matitus sits up in one swift motion instantly alert.

“Where is she?” He says, looking around the room.

“She is still here” I tell him. One thing Elora doesn’t realise, is she made a blood

promise which won’t go away for as long as we live, it will just inflict pain on the one

they promised to, every time they break it.

Matitus wriggles closer putting his head on my chest, Dragus snoring beside him so

loudly I was almost tempted to smother him just to shut him up. Instead, I relish my

time with my mate, running my fingers through his hair. They hardly let me touch them

anymore, and I know its because of what I did, what I put her through, so for now I

would just enjoy my time with them.

“You did the right thing” Matitus tells me.

“you should have done it earlier, but you eventually did it” He says, sitting up on his

elbow and looking at me. I could see something behind his eyes as they reflected

back at me. He almost looked happy for once, instead of his mind clouded with the

shadows of the past.

“You and Dragus were in a good mood last night considering everything that

happened” I tell him. His lips turn up in a smile.

“Because we are now, now that you have accepted her”

“I never didn’t accept her, she is just-” Matitus scoffs, his eyebrow raising at my

words and I can’t help the corners of my lips turning up slightly trying to repress

myself from smiling.

“Stubborn like you” Matitus offers. I shake my head.

“So, are you going to tell me what got you two into such a good mood?” I ask

ignoring his statement.

“You’ll find out soon enough”

“What did you do?” I ask.

“Nothing, it’s what you did, and I am not giving away anything, not until I am positive”

Dragus suddenly moves yawning and sitting up, I feel alarm hit me when he looks

across at us.

“She is still here” I tell him knowing that is what he was about to ask, and he lets out a

breath before flopping back down on the bed again and chucking and arm across his

face blocking out the light.

“Ah I don’t want to get up” Dragus groans. I chuckle at him.

“We have work to do, besides it’s your own fault you shouldn’t have been up all-night

fornicating” I tell him.

Do This Before Bed And The Prostate Has Reduced

The Parasite Will Leave By 3 Times! Do This Every
Your Body! Night!
Organic Teatox Vitaman Plus

“Like you didn’t enjoy it” He retorts. Suddenly I get hit with Elora’s feelings,

embarrassment hitting me before I hear what sounds like someone squeal and

laughter. Getting up, I walk outside the door peering over the landing to the floor

below. To see Dakari running down the corridor with Elora and Abigail chasing after

him in fits of giggles. Matitus comes over leaning over and looking too.

“What’s happening?” He asks, just as Marian comes rushing out from god knows

where a tea towel in hand chasing after them yelling profanities telling them what

rotten girls are.

I laugh making Marian look up before she averts her eyes stopping. “Sorry my lords”

She calls out but Matitus chuckles. “I don’t know what you have been up to but its

good to hear laughter in this dark place” Matitus answers.

“Sorry, my lord” She answers but not looking up. Elora suddenly walks out from

underneath the landing we are on looking up at us, Abigail too before she snorts her

face turning crimson. Elora elbows her.

“It’s alright Marian, I know you haven’t seen one in a while” Abigail chuckles and

Marian smacks both of them with the tea towel making them laugh. Dakari walks out

and Matitus and I look at each other trying to figure out what’s so funny.

“Free balling it now bro, watch out you will give some of these old birds a heart

attack” He says before we realise our mistake. Elora places her hand over Abigail’s

eyes before we look down to realise, we were still naked. Completely forgetting when

we walked out to see what was going on.

Matitus chuckles not caring in the least instead jiggling his bits. “Oh, for Pete’s sake

as everyone around here lost their marbles” Marian says, turning and walking off. I

quickly duck into the room chucking on some shorts. Matitus walks in behind me

doing the same, while Dragus remained in bed.

“Get up” I tell him, and he rolls over onto his stomach pulling the pillow over his head

drowning us out. Matitus chuckles walking over and ripping the covers off him, and

he mutters some curses at him.

“Now Dragus” Matitus warns him.

“And what are you going to do spank me like Elora” He spits at him. Matitus makes a

noise in the back of his throat.

“What is it with everyone today, starting to think Elora becoming a bad influence on

everyone, talking back, People making eye contact and now even Dragus has an
attitude” Matitus says shaking his head.

“Things are definitely changing around here, and I am not sure I like it” I mutter with a


Dakari suddenly walks in the room sniffing the air slightly and wrinkly his nose. “The

girls want to know if they can go to the greenhouses and help someone named

Victor” Dakari announces.

“They sent you to ask permission” I ask.

“No, pretty sure they sent me as a distraction, I heard them duck out the moment I

stepped foot on the stairs”

“See bad influence” Matitus mutters.

‘So, what happened with you and Abigail?” Matitus asks wriggling his eyebrows.

“I marked her; her daughter is a little strange, cute but strange”

Elora’s POV

Abigail and I managed to escape the castle to the greenhouses, using Dakari as a

distraction. One of the cooks said that Victor needed help so we thought we would

go offer a helping hand. We spent most of the morning hanging herbs to dry out.

Victor was busying compounding ingredients and bottling them to stock the


I was just getting ready to pull down some dried herbs using the step ladder when I

felt hands move over my hips and under my shirt. Looking down, I see Matitus

standing behind me a devilish grin on his face.

“Are you hiding from us little one” He says.

“No, just helping Victor” I tell him grabbing down the bundle of dried plants and

dropping them in the basket on the bench.

“Victor said he doesn’t need you anymore” Matitus says, his hands sliding up higher

brushing my stomach. I look over my shoulder and Victor gives me a nod and I go to

step down off the ladder only for Matitus to pull me against him and scooping my legs

out from under me.

“Put me down” I whisper yell.

“Not a chance” He says, turning on heels and carrying me from the greenhouse.

“People are staring Matitus” I argue but he ignores me instead spinning me in his

arms to face him and wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Where are you taking me?” I groan, just as I see Dakari walk out of the castle

heading toward the greenhouses where Abigail was left behind.

“Abbie out there still?”

“Yes, third greenhouse” I tell him, and he rushes off to find her.

“Can you put me down please” I ask again when I see the castle doors getting closer.

Matitus doesn’t put me down instead opening the door and walking into the library,

using his foot to kick the door closed behind him.

“What are we-” I don’t get to finish when his lips were suddenly on mine and I find

myself on top of the new desk which was still covered in plastic.

“Matitus” I screech, when his lips leave mine, going to my neck.

“Matitus someone will walk in” Geez what has got into him? I wonder, as he ignores

me peeling my coat off and pushing my pants down. His lips going to my mark as he
sucks on it while undressing me until I was only left in my bra the rest of me

completely bare.

Matitus suddenly drops to his knees in front of the desk. I try to hop up, to escape

when his hand pushes me back down before I feel his breath on my core as he pulls

me to the end of the desk pushing my legs further apart before feeling his tongue flick

out, licking my slit before he sucks my clit into his mouth.

“Still want me to stop little one” He asks, as I grip his hair. I grind my hips against his

face, and he chuckles before continuing, after a few minutes I no longer care if

anyone walks in because all I can think about his where his face currently is, and the

feeling building inside me.

My stomach tightening as he shoves his fingers inside me, I hiss at the burning pain. I

was still sore, very sore but the pain becoming forgotten as he sped up, and I could

feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. My grip on his hair tightening as I

move my hips against his hot mouth before crashing over, my walls fluttering around

his fingers as I ride out my orgasm, leaving me breathless and my heart racing.

Matitus stands up undoing his belt a wicked smile creeping onto his face as he leans

over the desk, kissing me. I could taste myself on his tongue as our tongues collided

before he suddenly pulled me towards him letting me stand, only to spin me around

and bend me over the desk. His hands going to my hips as he pulls me towards him

before he positions himself at my entrance.

Sliding in effortlessly, from the moisture of my orgasm a few seconds ago. He buries

his cock in me before pulling out and slamming back in, my hips hitting the edge of

the desk painfully as he pounds into me when I hear the door click and try to stand.

Matitus hand goes to my shoulder shoving me back down.

“It’s only Dragus” He says before I feel fingertips under my chin, pulling my face up. I

see Dragus, his face inches from mine before he kisses me, his tongue hungrily

devouring every inch of my mouth, Matitus movements becoming jerky as he thrusts

in harder making me gasp before stilling, he slaps my ass before pulling my head

back by my ponytail wrapping it around his hand, his lips below my ear.

“Dragus turn now” He says, kissing my cheek before I feel him pull out of me. Dragus

undoes his belt using it to tie my hands before securing it to the front of the desk,

making me have to stretch to relieve the pressure on my shoulders before he walks

around the desk. I feel his hands trail across my back making me shiver.

I twist, trying to look behind me when I feel warm fingers move into my bra and twist

my nipple harshly making me cry out, rolling it between their fingers only to look up

and see it was Matitus who was watching.

“Stay still” He says, and I huff turning back my hands going purple from the loss of

circulation to my hands. Dragus uses his foot tapping my feet which were barely on

the ground.

“Legs apart” and I wriggle as much as I can from this position before feeling his hand

come down on my ass hard, the stinging slap making me shudder and hiss.

“God, I love the sounds she makes” Dragus murmurs, before moving between my

legs and I feel the head of his cock as he lines it up with my throbbing core before

thrusting in. His hands gripping my ass as he pulls my cheeks apart watching himself

slip in and out of me, making me moan loudly from the friction building up as he

thrusts become more urgent. I feel his fingers tracing my ass crack before I feel his

thumb shove inside me, making me squirm before relaxing.

My orgasm building as he continues to hit that spot inside me making my toes curl

when I feel myself hit my brink, before exploding around his cock. My walls clenching

him, and his movements become jerky before he stills, my pussy milking his cock as

it spasms around him while I ride out my own orgasm leaving me covered in a sheen

of sweat and breathless. I feel Matitus fiddling with the belt around my wrists just as I

feel Dragus pull out of me and can hear him pulling up his pants.
If I wasn’t sore before I definitely am now, my inside feeling like they have been

rubbed raw. My wrists killing as I feel my blood rush to them regaining circulation.

Turning around, Dragus was picking up my clothes before Matitus kneels in front of

me helping me step into my pants.

Dragus hands me my shirt before kissing my swollen lips. I get dressed just as the

door opens and Silas pops his head in.

“Damn missed all the fun” He says sniffing the air.

“Come on, lunch is done and after we are going flying” He says.


“Don’t you think it’s about time you try out those new wings?” He asks. I shake my

head worried, and not only that I didn’t know how to make them come out again or if I


“Stop stressing, eat first, worry later” He says, giving me a wink and reaching his

hand out to me. I place mine in his, letting him drag me out. I just wanted to go take a

nap but food sounds better, I was starving.

Author Note

Let me know what you think of this chapter. Sorry about not posting yesterday was

too tired after work.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy One

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Elora’s POV

We had lunch then Silas lead me outside with Matitus and Dragus. Silas and Matitus

started stripping off their clothes and I pulled my coat off, the winter chill making me

shiver, Dragus rubbed my arms trying to warm me up. I only had a singlet on

underneath and even though the sun was out, the breeze was ice cold.

Matitus walks over to me butt naked the air around me, suddenly heating up and I

know he is manipulating the heat in the air.

“So, lets see them” Matitus says, looking at me expectantly.

“Um, I… Ah how?” I ask, not knowing what I am asking, which kind of sounds silly

asking a dragon how a Fae uses her wings. I didn’t do anything last time, the wings
just happened and before I knew it they were gone.

“You don’t know how to use them?” Matitus says with a chuckle. I shake my head

was I expected to know everything instantly, Sure they were apart of me. But this was

a new to me as it was to them.

“Fine, fine we will just go and figure it out later” Matitus says before moving away from

us and shifting. Dragus walks up Matitus’s tail climbing between his big shoulders.

Silas golden Dragon nudges me in the belly with his snout playfully wanting me to

climb on. Walking to his side, he drops to the ground and I use his leg to climb up

before sitting in between his shoulders. Both take off running before spreading their

batlike wings and jumping, their wings carrying them higher and higher towards the

clouds. I should have grabbed my cloak; I was covered in goosebumps by the time

we got to the top my teeth chattering loudly. They soar through the sky, their wings

slicing through the clouds, as they race and taunt each other, Dragus standing

between Matitus shoulders looking quite content before he suddenly looks at me a

devious smile on his face. Both Silas and Matitus flying side by side and slowing


“You want to know how I learnt to swim, Elora?” Dragus called over to me. My head

snaps to him wondering why he was talking about swimming; I feel Silas chest

rumble like he is laughing.

“Yeah sure” I tell him.

“My father chucked me in the deep end and told me to kick”

“Okay? why are you telling me this?” I ask confused.

“Because that’s how where going to teach you to fly” Dragus says with a laugh. I

stare at him wondering what he meant when suddenly Silas spins so fast and I have

nothing to hang onto.

I hear Dragus scream out to me. “Fly love, flap those wings” The air rushing past me

as I plunge toward the ground, the air whipping my skin as I scream. If I survive, I am

going to fucking kill them.

Dragus Pov

Silas turns and I can’t help the laugh escaping me at her horrified face as she starts

to fall. What better way to learn then to fly then to fall? “Fly love, flap those wings” I call

out to her as she screams. Matitus chuckling underneath me. We watch as she

continues to fall, falling through the clouds tumbling towards the ground below.

“Any minute now” I tell them and Matitus chuckles underneath me. Silas eyes trained

on her and he starts dropping height.

“You sure this was a good idea?” Silas voice flitting through my head.

“She will be fine, what Fae can’t fly when they have wings” I tell him and his golden

eyes flick to me. She continued to fall at an alarming speed. I was quite impressed

with her lung capacity; she could really scream her heart out.

“She is still falling” Matitus says alarmed.

“Shit go get her, and we will try again” I scream over to Silas who dives down toward

the ground.
“Going to be cutting it pretty close” Matitus says, his voice echoing in my head. I can’t

watch my heart pounding in my chest as she gets closer to the ground.

“He got her” Matitus says, and I let out a breath of relief, then hear her hoarse voice

yelling profanities.

“Oh, she going to kill you” Matitus sings out through the link. Silas moving through the

air back toward us. Elora was ghostly pale almost green in colour.

“I’m going to fucking murder you, that wasn’t funny I could have fucking died”

“You’re alive” I announce before cringing away at the evil look she gave me.

“Practise makes perfect” I tell her.

“Don’t you fucking dare-” her words being cut off as Silas spins again, only this time

she grabs hold of his scales, digging her feet in.

“Nice try” Elora says triumphantly. Silas growls playfully throwing his head toward

Matitus who nips his neck.

Elora sticks her tongue out at me.

“Hey Silas” I call his head snapping to me, I smirk and Elora’s face snaps to mine and

the look she gave me, I was actually scared now to go back to the ground she was

going eat me alive. Although I wouldn’t mind the eating part.

“Torpedo” I say, and I can’t help the grin from ear to ear. Yep, she was going to kill

me, I could think of worse ways to go, I thought to myself. Silas chest rumbles and I

could hear him laughing through the mind link before he suddenly starts spinning

really fast. Elora flying off through the air as she screams before free falling toward the

ground again.

“We are going to hell” Silas says with a chuckle.

“We are immortal” I remind him calling out to him over the wind.

“Yeah, but hell might be better then her wrath” Matitus retorts. He does have point,

but I am her favourite she won’t hate me long, I think to myself. I hear Matitus huff

reading my thoughts.

Elora’s scream dying out suddenly and we all look down panicked before we notice

her. Her wings like a rainbow, the light glimmering through them as they spread out

around her. Each one as long as her body and truly magnificent, she was

magnificent. She seems stunned just hovering in the air staring at them amazed, she

didn’t even get halfway this time. They remind me of looking through crystal,

completely clear with veins of purple like her magic, slivering through them. We all

watch in awe, amazed not believing she could be anymore beautiful. Well, until she

looked up her eyes narrowing and her lips pressing in a line.

“Does she look mad” I ask.

“She looks fucking pissed” Silas replies. She looked like the avenging angel of death.

Her wings moving alarmingly fast, so fast they resembled a rainbow around her.

“You’re on your own” Matitus says, his voice alarmed through the link.

“You can out fly her, she is newbie” I tell him.

“Yeah, doesn’t mean I want to cop it when we go home though” Silas growls ducking

out of the way as she burst through the cloud beneath us, her eyes on me. Matitus

using his wings to hover in the same spot, and I could feel his amusement through

the bond.

“Hey Dragus, want to learn how to fly” She calls out.

“I’m good, I don’t have wings” I tell her, as she lands on Matitus, her wings folding

behind her and moving over his scales lightly as she stalks toward me. She truly
looked beautiful even on a war path. I walk step back and look over my shoulder and

see Silas staring watching her. Her eyes goes to him before flicking back to me her

lips turning upwards and I could see she was quite amused at the position I put

myself in.

“It worked didn’t it, like you can fly now. No harm done” Her eyes burn purple

flickering with her magic, before she charges at me, I gasp as her arms wrap around

my waist knocking me back with nothing to land on but air. Wind rushing around me.

“Elora!!” I screech as I fall backwards. I hear her laugh and my heart pounds in my

chest. She really did it, she really tossed me off. Silas roars loudly, my arms flailing in

the air as I scream falling to my death. Relief hitting me when I see her dive down

towards me, her wings tucked close to her body as she dives, I reach my hand out

toward her but instead she grabs my foot with both hands and her wings open

flapping fast while I remained dangled upside down.

“Don’t you drop me” I scream to her and she smiles letting go. I scream only to fall

onto something hard and scaled. Rolling over, I see Silas golden scales.

“She got you good” He says, and I could hear him laughing at me while I am trying to

get my heart to beat normally.

She leaves me alone after that, flying beside them or around them effortlessly like she

always had wings. Matitus and Silas chasing after her as she played with them,

moving around them and ducking underneath them as they tried to grab her with their


The sun started going down, the temperature dropping further. Elora pouting when

Silas tells her we need to head back before she catches a cold. She was having to

much fun to realise; how much she was shivering and how cold her skin was. Silas

lands and I jump off before he shifts back. Elora dropping next to me, her wings

folding and moving back into her skin.

She slaps me playfully and I wrap my arms around. “You’re freezing” I tell her kissing

her shoulder, she shivers at the contrast of her frozen skin and my hot body heat.

Silas walking over and taking her from me scooping her up, cradling her against his

bare chest trying to warm her as we walked toward the castle.

“We should have a talk about what to do with the dragon situation” Matitus says only

loud enough for me to hear as he falls into step with me. I nod, but first we need to

know if it was her magic or her blood, because If it was her blood. There was no way

we are letting them near her and we sure as hell ain’t letting her near them.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Two

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Elora’s POV

The next two weeks passed by quickly, Silas and Dakari had been busy trying to

figure out what to do about the other dragon’s that had been lost to the curse upon

them. Dakari seems to think that when their mates died part of them died with them

and that’s how they became the monsters they turned into. Dakari also seemed to

think that it wasn’t my magic at all that changed them, it was my blood which at first

didn’t make sense because only one of the two dragons bit me, the other bit Aldrin

which has now lead to the theory, that it is Fae royal blood that changes them. Either

way Aldrin and I weren’t willing to go out and taunt them just to be bitten so, now we

were trying to come up with ways to inject them without getting to close. The

dragon’s can’t fly so that gives us an advantage, but the problem is one of them
knows Fae blood is the cure, so Silas is now worried we may have a war on our

hands soon.

Matitus and Dragus have also been busy when they aren’t seeking me out, they have

been helping with repairing the city. We now had three orphanages and two

homeless shelters. The city was actually starting to resemble an actual township now.

The place was flourishing, and the people were happy, giving me hope that our future

is bright.

Walking through the castle, I was on the hunt for Abigail. I had to tell her Victor had

finally made a sleeping remedy for Claire. Claire has been suffering terrible nightmares

and Dakari came to ask if there was anyway, we could help her, so I sent him to

Victor. He was as close to a doctor we were going to get, although victor to had been

rather busy training those who were willing to learn how to make medicine and what

they were used for. He had so far 9 apprentices all eager to learn.

Walking into the kitchen I spot Abigail helping Marian sort vegetables they picked this


“Hey Abbie, Victor wants you to go see him, he made something to help Claire sleep”

Abigail looked up excitedly, she looked exhausted from the sleepless nights spent

with her daughter. We tried to insist she take some time off, but she refused wanting

to help where she can.

“Oh, thank the heavens, I hope it works. I don’t think I can go much longer without

sleep” She says.

“Go home, we don’t need you here. Get some sleep and spend time with Claire” I tell

her. She shakes her head.

“Go on love, you need it” Marian try’s to tell her.

“I will make Silas fire you if I have to” I warn her. She hangs her head.
“Fine, but only a day or two. Okay” I nod anything was better then nothing. I watch

Abigail duck out of the kitchen going to See victor.

“How are you feeling, you don’t look any better. Still been feeling crook” Marian asks. I

was also exhausted. I dreaded night. I had nowhere to hide and the lack of sleep

from the past week was starting to show. Matitus and Dragus never leave me alone.

Not that I am complaining but they have been insatiable.

Marian opens up the fridge, a foul odour wafting to my nose. “What is that?” I ask

pinching my nose.

“What’s is what?” Marian asks, looking over her shoulder at me.

“That smell” It was making my stomach turn violently.

“I can’t smell anything” Marian says, sniffing the air. I unpeg my nose taking a whiff.

The smell making me dry retch and I pinch my nose again.

Walking over to the fridge, I peer inside. All that was in there was fruits and vegetable

and cheese in this one. I unpeg my nose again sniffing the fridge before grabbing

some cheese off the shelf and smelling it. Worst Idea the odour was the cheese and I

instantly feel bile rise. I drop it running for the sink only just making it before I empty

my stomach. Marian squeals rushing over.

“Shit love, are you alright?”

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“The cheese its off” I gasp, and she picks it up sniffing it, while I continue to spew.

“Smells fine to me” She says, and I look up as she breaks a piece off and pops it in

her mouth. The sight of her eating the curdled cheese makes me throw up again.
“Tastes fine too, maybe your coming down with something” She says, putting the

cheese in the fridge and closing the door. I wet my face and drink water straight from

the tap to rinse my mouth out. I felt hot , really hot and start pulling off my coat.

“Elora its freezing in here, leave it on” Marian argues, trying to push it back up on my


“No, I am hot, I need it off” I tell her, and she reluctantly removes it for me while I

remain over the sink worried about throwing up again. When the urge left, I finally

stood up.

“Maybe you should go lay down” She says worriedly touching my head.

“You do feel a little warm” Marian muses.

“I’m fine I just need some sleep, maybe a shower first”

“I will go see if I can find the kings-”

“No, no I am fine” I spit out quickly, knowing I will just end up underneath one of them

and I really didn’t feel like sex right now. That was the last thing I wanted. Marian helps

me to the room and I quickly race to the shower, stripping off and hopping in. The

water was soothing and now I was out of the kitchen, my stomach was starting to


Hopping out I wrap myself in a towel. I groan when I see Dragus and Matitus sitting in

the room. I quickly shut the bathroom door locking it before one of them knocks on it.

“Go away my muffin shop is closed” I tell them. I hear them chuckle and knock again.

“You can’t hide in there forever little one” Dragus voice rings out on the other side of

the door before I hear him laugh.

“I’m not coming out, I’m sore, I feel sick and-” I ran out of excuses, but they seem

good enough to me.

“I can make you feel better” Matitus says. I groan they were impossible. Suddenly I

feel arousal through the bond.

“What are you doing?” I ask, as another wave hits me.

“Come out and you can see” Dragus says, and I hear Matitus moan. I hear something

hit the door before overwhelming sparks rush south from whatever Dragus is doing to

Matitus. I moan involuntarily before covering my mouth with my hand.

“Silas!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs and I hear Matitus laugh.

“You want all three of us Love” He taunts.

I huff, I was not walking out the door until they leave. I hear the door burst open and

know Silas ran in.

“What, what’s going on?” I hear before I hear him groan at whatever he just walked in

on. His arousal hitting me making mine ten times worse.

“Make them leave” I tell him, but my voice comes out like breathy moan.

I hear a crash before hearing a laugh coming from Dragus.

“Silas?” I call out.

“He is a little preoccupied” Dragus says.

“You’re meant to be on my side” I whine as the feelings through the bond get

stronger. My skin tingling and burning.

“Knock knock” Dragus calls.

“Go away” I tell him sitting on the floor. Suddenly the door handle breaks, and I jump

back up about to dart away when arms snake around my waist. Silas grabbing me

and I can feel his erection digging into my back.

“You’re meant to be helping me, not fucking me” I tell him.

“Change of plans” He says before tossing me on the bed. His lips going to my neck,

nipping, and sucking on my mark. My traitorous body reacting like a hussy. I press my

lips into a line, trying to fight the urge rolling over me as he peels my towel off. He

bites down on my breast and my back arches off the bed, his lips continuing to nip

and suck down my body to my hips before he suddenly stops, sitting up on his

elbows. He runs his nose across my belly making me shiver. He continues sniffing

me making me confused, I just showered. I look over to Dragus and Matitus who had

huge grins on their faces staring at Silas.

“What?” I ask confused. Silas runs his nose down my hip to the apex of my legs.

“What are you doing, stopping sniffing me, do I stink? I just showered” I tell him

appalled at his strange actions.

“You never stink” Dragus chuckles when Silas pushes his nose into my belly button

inhaling deeply. His head snapping up and eyes going wide before they dart to mine

and I see how watery his are. Is he crying? I wonder, confused he seemed frozen a

silly grin slowly creeping onto his face before he sniffs my stomach again.

“Okay get off me, you are creepy me the fuck out” I tell him trying to push him off with

his strange sniffing fetish he has going on right now.

“Please tell me you smell it too” He says, looking to Matitus and Dragus.

“She is also warm, very warm” Silas says before I see a tear roll down his cheek.

“Why are you crying, what is wrong with you?” I tell him, he has lost the plot, the man

has finally gone insane.

“Smell her” He says and Matitus leans over, and I squirm trying to get away from him.

“Get away with your sniffing” I screech. Dragus had a grin on face watching.

“She smells really good doesn’t she Silas?” Matitus says a strange smirk on his face. I

furrow my brows looking to Silas.

“You knew already, I am not imagining it?” Matitus shakes his head.

“You’re not imagining it Silas” He says, and he looks to Dragus who nods. Am I the

only one, that has no idea what’s going on here?

A strangled noise leaves silas’s lips and I feel overwhelming happiness hit me through

the bond and he starts sobbing. His head against my stomach his arms wrapping

around my hips. Matitus rubs his back and I see Dragus look away teary eyed. I sit up

alarmed when I feel his hot tears run over my skin.

“What’s wrong, why is he crying, why are you crying” I ask looking at Dragus. No one


“What did you do to him?” I ask, confused. Has everyone lost the plot?

I brush Silas hair with my fingers before he suddenly starts kissing my stomach and

my hips hungrily.

“What’s going on” I try to ask before Silas sits up, plunging his tongue in mouth

making me moan into his before he suddenly pulls back, gripping my face with both

his hands. He stares at me and I wipe his tears that were on his cheeks.

“What is it?” I ask, starting to worry.

I am hit with a tidal wave of emotions from them. All of them staring at me.

“You’re pregnant” Silas whispers.

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Seventy three

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Elora’s POV

“How is that even possible we didn’t break the curse?” I ask confused.

“It was never your curse to break, only Silas could break it by righting the wrongs of

the past, him accepting you, broke the curse” Matitus answers. Silas didn’t say

anything, he was too busy with his head in my lap. While I was in shock, I was

carrying a baby, something I never pictured myself having, I never wanted to bring a

child into this world, but things have changed.

Looking at them, I realised they have changed. Everything has changed so maybe

now it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

“You don’t want kids?” Dragus asks meddling in my thoughts. I shake my head, Silas

sitting up staring at me.

“No, it’s not that, I am just shocked. I never wanted kids not with the way the kingdom

was but it’s different now” I answer honestly.

“So, you’re happy about it?” Silas asks and I could feel he was deeply concerned I

didn’t want to keep it.

“Yes Silas, just shocked that’s all” I tell him. His lips crash against my own before

shoving me flat on the bed, his lips attacking mine with need. When another thought

hits me making me sit up on my elbows and look at Dragus and Matitus.

“Wait is this why you haven’t left me alone? How long have you known?” Matitus

laughs before Dragus steps closer.

“Yes, and also because we like fucking you” Dragus answers.

“I figured it out when we pledged to you and your markings changed” Matitus

answers, all while Silas lips moved to my neck ignoring what we were talking about,

his grip tightening on my hips as he rips me back down underneath him before

latching onto my nipple with his teeth, making me hiss.

I wrap my legs around his waist tugging him closer. I was sore but I didn’t want to ruin

his good mood and he also had no intentions of stopping as his lips kept attacking

my skin. I hear the door open and close.

“Where are they going?” I murmur between his love bites. He shrugs not caring

before his lips find mine again. His hot tongue playing with mine fighting for
dominance. I tug at his pants wanting him to remove them as arousal washes over

me. He uses his hand pushing them down before running the head of his cock

through my wet folds teasing me before positioning himself. Silas thrusting in with one

movement making me gasp, his hands moving up my arms as he forces them above

my head holding them in one of his. I wriggle my hips wanting him to move but he

was too busy tasting my skin, devouring it as he nipped and sucked on my neck and


Using my legs, I pull him tighter against me and he groans before pulling out and

slamming back in, before moving at slow rhythm making me frustrated. “Silas” I snap

at him when he doesn’t speed up. He chuckles before picking up speed, the friction

slowly building up but still not enough, and definitely not getting anywhere when I was

used to their rough ways. Moving my hips Silas grabs my hip with one hand, holding

me and preventing me from moving them against him.

“So impatient” He mutters before sucking on my mark hard, sparks rushing over my

body as his teeth graze it.

“Then move faster, what’s with the old man slow stuff” I whine at him. He huffs angrily

at being called old, before sitting up and flipping me with one hand onto my stomach

before gripping my hips and pulling my ass into the air. I feel his hand come down on

my ass hard, my juices spilling onto my thighs at the sudden pain. I would be lying if I

said I didn’t like when the were rough, had grown used to it and now needed it.

“I’m not old” He says before slamming into me making me jerk forward. He fists my

hair yanking my head back before leaning over and kissing me awkwardly before

biting my lip and letting go. He pulls out before thrusting back in harshly, his hands

going to my hips as he pounds into me finding his own rhythm, my hands clutching

the sheets as his pace picks up and I can hear his skin hitting mine.
I feel his hand come down on my ass, the burning sting making me wetter and

arousal coilin within me as my walls clench around him and I let out a breathy moan.

“Hmm is that what my little vixen wants?” He asks, bringing his hand down on the

side my ass while he is fucking me making me moan as I feel my skin heat and his

fingers burn into my skin. My breath becoming faster and my skin tingling, when I feel

myself getting closer to the edge, teetering on it dangerously as euphoria kicks slowly

builds. I feel his hand move over my ass before feeling his thumb press against the

tight muscles of my ass before he shoves his thumb in me, his pace picking up and I

feel myself getting wetter with each second, my juices coating his hard length as he

buried himself inside me. The only sounds were my moans and his heavy breathing

and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, as I become lost in the feel of him deep inside


My walls fluttering around him and the pulsating gets worse, my skin burning and my

toes curling as I reach my climax. My walls clenching around him and I hear him

groan his movements slowing before stilling as he finds his own release. Sweat

coating my skin and my face flushed as he pulls out of me and drops beside me on

the bed. I drop my head on his chest trying to catch my breath. His fingers lazily

drawing circles on my back before he kisses the top of my head.

“I love you Elora Aziza” He says.

“And I love you Silas Draquin” I chuckle, just as I feel my eyes flutter closed. I feel him

move tugging the blanket up just before I become lost in sleep.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy four

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Waking up, it was dark and Matitus and Dragus were now fast asleep beside me.

Silas however was no where to be seen, yet I could tell he was awake. Getting up, I

pull the covers back up over Matitus before finding some clothes and chucking on a

dressing gown. The stone floors cold under my feet as I walked around the castle in

search of him only to find him staring at the shelves of books in his office.

Walking in, I walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He

jumps startled lost in thought and not expecting someone to creep up on him.

“What are you doing up, It’s 4AM” He says turning around in my arms.

“Looking for you, and I shouldn’t feel asleep so early in the day, I’m wide awake now” I

tell him, and he nods.

“What are you doing?” I ask looking toward the bookshelves he was staring at.

“Nothing, just thinking” He says.

“About?” I ask.

“How to make the city better, safer for everyone” He says.

“What do you mean, its pretty safe now” I tell him. He shakes his head, grabbing a

book off the shelf and opening it. He hands it to me, and I see it contained old photos

of the city in a time when things were different. Before the war, everything looked new

and fresh. Turning the page, I see a map of the area and notice their were actually

other kingdoms in the area. I grew up here and never saw or knew how close the

other kingdoms were.

“That’s used to be the Fae kingdom, where your people originated from” Silas says

pointing to a kingdom on the other side of the mountains.

“Is it still there?” He shakes his head.

“No, I destroyed it, all that is left is ruins now” He says, and I could tell he genuinely

felt bad about what he did.

“Do you miss her?” I ask, his eyes snapping to mine.

“Blaire?” He asks and he seems to think for a second, his emotions everywhere and I

wasn’t able to pinpoint one.

“No, I miss what could have been, what the world could have been if she just

accepted the mate bond and if I didn’t ruin everything” He tells me.

“Now I need to figure out how to fix it”

“You can only do so much, things will change over time Silas, it doesn’t have to be

right away. Look at what we have already accomplished in such a short time. It will
happen” I tell him. He nods pulling another book off the shelf and sitting down. Stress

on his face, and I could see his past was eating at him.

“What’s the biggest issue right now?” He leans forward putting his elbows on the


“The vampires, they are struggling with the no kill orders and having to leave the city

to meet dietary requirements” He says.

“What about a blood bank?”

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“Why would anyone donate blood for them, they are hated by the entire kingdom?”

“I think they might surprise you, people want things to change and if it means less

lives lost and a chance to live amicably they will do it Silas” I tell him walking over and

climbing on his lap.

“Next one?” I ask and he smirks.

“The Dragons, we need to help them especially if there is a chance, they can all

come back” He says yet I could feel something else, some underlying reason as to

why he wanted to save them, guilt eating at him.

“Who are you trying to find?” I ask and his eyes snap to mine.

“How do you know I am looking for someone?” He asks curiously.

“Your guilt, through the bond” I tell him. His hand goes to my flat stomach.

“My father” He says.

“You think he could be one of them?” He shrugs,

“I’m not sure but I need to know”

“What happened to him?”

“My mother killed herself when she found out I couldn’t produce any heirs, I thought

when he left, he killed himself. We have always known those mutations were out

there, their dragons driven to insanity, but I always thought the human part of them

died, didn’t know it could be recovered” He says.

“I still don’t understand, why the females killed themselves off, I thought you were all


“Everything has a loophole, Lora. That’s why I killed off the witches, it wasn’t just that

they helped Blaire, but they helped them kill themselves, my mother said there was

no point living without something to live for and I guess I wasn’t enough, forever is a

long time Elora, forever becomes lonely when you have nothing to look forward to”

“Well, what about”- He cuts me off grabbing my face.

“Nothing that puts you at risk Elora, especially now” He says.

“I know that, I am just thinking what if we come up with some way to shoot them”

“Shoot them?”

“Yeah well, I am not going to go around asking them to bite me, and I am sure Aldrin

wont be down for that either. So, what if we shoot them with something containing

mine and Aldrin’s blood. Like tranquiliser darts”

“Yes, but we don’t know how many out there or how much blood they actually require

to change back and there are only three royal Fae and one is a child. I won’t have you

become a dragon blood bag”

“Then we catch one” I tell him. He seems to think before kissing my head.

“We will figure something out” I nod.

“First we will see if this blood bank idea works first”

Silas taps my leg and I hop up letting him up, he chucks another log in the fireplace

before turning to look at me.

“Hungry?” He asks.

“No one is up, and I can’t cook very well?” I tell him.

“You can’t but I can” He says, holding his hand out to me. I place mine in his, letting

him pull me to my feet.


“Anything as long as it doesn’t have cheese” He looks at me funny.

“I can’t handle the smell of it, made me sick yesterday”

“Nothing with cheese” He says, pulling me toward the kitchen. The lights were off in

the kitchen, but Silas seemed to find the lights and seemed to actually know his way

around the kitchen considering, I never saw him use before. Silas shows me how to

make the batter and we make enough to feed the castle we putting them in the bain-

marie as we cook them.

“So, who taught you how to cook?’ I ask curious that a king has ever had to cook.

“A fae actually” He says, and he laughs at my shock.

“Before the war, she was a stern woman. She liked this kingdom and asked to work

here. She had a mate that worked here”

“You know her granddaughter” He says shocking me.

“Who?” I only knew Marian other then the new Fae we discovered who were younger.

“Marian, her grandmother was lovely, that’s why I kept Marian around she reminds me

of her”

“Does Marian know?” Silas nods, well that explains why he tolerates her better then


“Then why is she scared of you guys; she wouldn’t even look up at you, when I first

come here”

“Because she follows orders and no eye contact was one of them, but now things

have changed. I actually like seeing the castle happy, our people happy. My second

biggest regret is ruining what my father built. He was hard man and didn’t approve of

my mates, but he was good father and great king. I ruined what he built”

“Marian knew my grandmother, she helped deliver me” I tell him, now Silas seemed

shocked looking at me.

“Huh, small world” He says. I agree, how strange we were all connected in some way

without knowing it.

“So, what’s your biggest regret then?” I ask curious if that was his second biggest, I

was expecting him to say the war and killing Blaire.

“What I have done to you” He says looking at me before looking back at the


“I was actually expecting you to say the war” I tell him shocked. He shakes his head.
“I regret that, but without it, I never would have found you” He says.

Our conversation cutting off when some cooks walk in, they stop at the door, shock

evident on their faces at seeing Silas standing over the hot stove flipping pancakes

while I cooked bacon and fried a heap of tomato’s.

No one more shocked the Marian as she steps in, her mouth almost hitting the floor.

“Did you shit the bed or something?” She asks, shaking her head. Silas laughs a

throaty laugh before shaking his head. The cooks stepping in nervously wondering

what to do.

We finish cooking turning everything off. “Help yourselves there is plenty here,” Silas

says pointing to the bain-marie.

“You made everyone breakfast?” Marian says eyeing him.

“What’s the catch, why are you in a good mood” She questions.

Silas lips turn up, “I can be nice Marian I’m not a complete jerk” he says, and she

scoffs muttering something. Silas obviously heard because he chuckled at whatever

she said.

I grab the platter we made for Matitus and Dragus. Silas follows me upstairs.

Author note

Let me know what you think, also I may not be able to post tomorrow because I go in

for surgery, but will hopefully be able to update on thursday.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Five

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Silas POV

After we finished breakfast, Elora went to have a shower while we cleaned up quickly.

Matitus and Dragus watching me yet, they were pretending not to which after about

an hour of them following me around like lost puppies, I became annoyed.

“What? What are you following me around for, don’t you have things to do?” I ask as

they follow me into the library.

“Can’t think of anything, can you Dragus?” Matitus says, a smile from ear to ear. They

were definitely up to something or about to be anyway.

“Nope can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be” Dragus says, and I roll my eyes

at their childish behaviour. Sitting at my desk I pull some old scrolls out the draw,
Matitus and Dragus both step closer peering over my shoulder. I let out a breath, they

were really getting on my last damn nerve.

“Personal space” I mutter opening the first one.

“Since when do you have a problem getting in others personal space, you were all up

in Elora’s last night, oh and Mine” Matitus retorts making me elbow him.

“Because I know you’re up to something or know something” I spit at them dropping

a paperweight on the end of the scroll while holding the other end.

“Why are you looking at the old Fae ruins?” Dragus asks curiously as he leans over

my shoulder.

“Because I want to do something with it” I tell them, I was just unsure what it is, I

wanted to do exactly.

“You want to rebuild it?” Matitus asks. I say nothing I knew that would be impossible.

It would be impossible to rebuild a 500-year-old castle to the way it were.

“Then tell us what you are thinking, and we may be able to help” Dragus says

grabbing a seat a dragging it over.

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“Since when do you want to help voluntarily?” I ask him.

“Well first I know what ever your wanting to do has something to do with our little Fae

mate, and because I actually like helping and you hardly let us get involved well until

Elora came into the picture” I nod yet had no idea where to start.
“So, are you going to tell us or do you want us to guess?” Matitus asks perching

himself on the end of the desk.

“Rewrite the past” I tell them.

“Pretty sure we did that when you broke curse” Matitus says. I shake my head and

Dragus leans back looking at me in that way does when he figures something out.

“He wants to do something in their memory, right?” I nod, I spent so much time hating

Fae that I forgot what a big part of our history they were. For centuries, all

supernatural creature stood as one, those that were spread through the four

kingdoms in our area would come together, have each other’s backs, we were

united. I want to bring that back for her, for our children a piece of their past they

could be proud of and not just their dragon side.

“Why not just ask Elora, what she wants” Matitus asks.

“Well, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I ask her now would it” I tell him. He scratches his

head he really wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes.

“Does it have to be where the castle was? Why not just use the ruins, bring them

here and make something out them, most of the rock over there is sandstone”

Dragus says.

“You want to haul what’s left of that castle over here?” Matitus says shaking his head.

“Why? Not up for the challenge, afraid your little wings won’t be able to take the

weight” I taunt him, he huffs loudly. He was strongest out the two of us not that I

would tell him that, got to keep up appearances but I also knew he wouldn’t back

down that he would go out of his way to prove a point.

“Fine, I will move your stupid rocks, and Dragus and you can do something with

them” Matitus says stalking off out of the room.

I laugh once he leaves and so does Dragus, Matitus now just to prove a point was

going to move them himself I was willing to help but now saves me the journey and

the back ache.

“So, what now?” Dragus asks.

“Can you help me find Aldrin?” I ask, just as I feel something that can only be

described as sneakiness through the bond. My eyes darting toward the library door

when Dragus jumps up, as I go to get out of my seat.

“Silas” Dragus warns. I ignore him instead going to hunt for my mate who I know is up

to no good and trying to sneak out.

“Silas” Dragus says, grabbing my arm and making me look back at him.

“Let her go she wants to help; she knows your worried about everything and she

wants to help. Let her”

“She can’t go out there by herself Dragus she is carry our child” I tell him about to

head for the door when he grabs me again this time spinning me around.

“Is this why you and Matitus were smothering me, to be a distraction?” I ask my voice

coming off harsher than I expected.

“You want her to be our equal that means letting her do what she can, she isn’t alone

Dakari and Marian are with her okay. Just chill let her do her thing and we will go hunt

down the Helcate fae for your memorial thing” He tells me. I feel her moving away,

getting further from me. The anxiety I feel with her not within arm’s reach eating at me.

‘She won’t leave, I promise” Dragus says yet the feeling doesn’t go. I growl not able to

stand knowing she is out there wandering around the streets for some unknown

reason when Dragus kisses me completely throwing me off guard.

I grip his arm about to throw him off when he grabs my cock through my pants.

“Let her go Silas she is safe, and I can think of a few things I can do to entertain you”

Dragus says nipping at my chin, his teeth like razors as he nips at me making me

shudder. His warm hand stroking the length of my cock through my pants as it

hardens under his touch.

His lips capturing mine and I kick the door shut, letting him have his way, letting her

leave, trusting them to keep her safe.

“Well, that was easy” Dragus says pulling back, I raise an eyebrow at him.

“I thought you were going to entertain me?” I ask raising an eyebrow at him and

walking toward my desk and leaning against it.

‘Entertain away Dragus” I challenge. His lips turn up into a smirk before he steps

closer his lips crashing against mine hungrily, as his tongue fights mine for

dominance. His hot tongue and lips moving to my neck as he undoes my pants

letting them drop to the floor before he drops to his knees and I feel his hot breath

move over my shaft as he grabs it, bringing it to his lips. His tongue snaking out and

running around the head of my cock, as he tastes me.

I fist his hair as I feel his lips wrap around me forcing more of myself into his mouth,

my balls tightening at the warmth of his mouth and his tongue gliding over my cock

as he speeds up his movements, his other hand squeezing my balls and tugging on

them as I thrust into his mouth and I come completely lost in the feel of his mouth

taking all of me, I didn’t need to hold back with him. Dragus was used to my rough

ways as I fucked his mouth, his other hand braced on my thigh holding himself up as

I continue to thrust my length into him, feel my cock slipping down the back of his


My muscles tightening as I feel myself reaching my climax before feeling my cock

twitch, my seed spilling into his mouth as I reach my climax, a groan escaping my lips
and my body relaxing as I let him go.

Dragus stands up, pecking my lips a triumphant smile on his face.

“What?” He asks when I smile at him, my eyes flickering as arousal consumes me.

“Oh, we’re not done yet” I tell him, grabbing him, I hear him chuckles as I spin us

around bending him over my desk and tugging his pants down.

“So insatiable” He mutters as I reach around grabbing his hardened length. He

groans thrusting into my hand as I push inside him.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Six

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Elora’s POV

I organised with Dragus and Matitus to distract Silas so, I could go see if people

would be interested in donating blood for a blood bank. I knew with Silas loitering

around they would feel obligated to do as I ask and I really wanted to build trust with

our people, let them decide for themselves without the pressures of the three dragon

kings standing over them and intimidating them.

We went door to door knocking and stopped in at all the shops we walked by. The

store owners said they would let people know and send them to the castle. Aldrin

also thought it was a good idea and spoke to a few people he knew to help move

fridges and freezes to one of the greenhouses. Not Ideal but would do until we had a
proper facility. Victor and two apprentices were on hand to take the blood donations if

anyone was willing to help provide blood.

We asked everyone who was above 16 years old and able, excluding the elderly

seeing as most of them were in poor health or just not suitable without risk to

themselves. Walking through the streets though I could sense things had changed,

people weren’t running scared or had their heads hung anymore, people were

actually enjoying the sunlight and had come out of their homes to enjoy the nice

weather for once. When we finished walking around the main streets and the closest

streets to the centre, we decided to check on the kids in the orphanage.

Walking up to the brick building, I found people willingly helping and volunteering their

time. A few kids in their late teens were painting the outside of the building. A few

elderly people were actually helping in the gardens with some of the children, pulling

weeds out and cleaning off the concrete stairs.

“Do all these people work here?” I ask turning to Marian. She shakes her head.

“No, a lot are volunteers that wanted to help, a lot of people didn’t know how to help

them but now that the dragon kings have organised food and shelter, they want to

make it homely for them, a safe place for them to be kids” Marian answers.

“They have been fixing up the two homeless centres too” Dakari added behind me. A

lot of people who noticed him recognised him as dragon, yet they didn’t fear him like

they did the dragon kings, probably to do with his charismatic nature and happy go

lucky attitude. I also noticed he was willing to pitch in not afraid of hard work back at

the castle I caught him yesterday helping haul firewood in with the stable hand.

“As I stepped inside the orphanage the first person, I noticed was Lilith, she was

playing checkers on the step with another girl. She beamed up at me, her blonde

locks had been cut and she had bob cut which actually suited her made her look like

a porcelain doll.
“Hey Lilith” I say as she jumps off the step and runs toward me and wraps her arms

around me. The little girl with her had, red hair and freckles, she looked delicate and a

little scared but happy to see new faces.

“This is Millie, my friend and this is Elora” She tells Millie.

“Hi Millie” I tell her giving her wave, she shyly hides behind Lilith though, I could see

the curious look in her eyes as she stared between Dakari and myself.

“Do you know where Patricia is Lilith?” Marian asks her. Lilith points to the stairs and

Marian leads the way as I follow her, curious to meet the woman who has been

watching over the children. What I wasn’t prepared for was, how young she was.

Walking into one of the bedrooms, there are 8 bunk beds lined against the walls each

separated by a chest of draws for the children to share.

A girl about the age of 17 with dark curly hair to her shoulders was sitting on the end

of one of the beds with three little boys no older then three and a little girl. She looks

up when we enter a smile lighting up her face as her brown eyes scanned over us.

“Abbie didn’t come?” She asks looking behind us. Marian shakes her head. “Not

today she isn’t feeling well” Marian answers making me look to Dakari who had found

a spot on the ceiling that became suddenly fascinating, nudging him.

“My lips are sealed” He states.

“You knocked her up didn’t you” I whisper to him so no one could hear. He places his

fingers to his lips pretending to lock them and throw away the key. I roll my eyes at

him before turning to Patricia who was talking to Marian.

“We could really use some more fabric; a lot of the kids clothes are too small, and we

haven’t got enough towels and blankets” I overhear her telling Marian.

“Anything you need just tell us, don’t ask. Tell us” I tell her trying to encourage her to

say what they really need and not pick what they can and can’t go without.

“Write out a list, I will send Dakari back to pick it up later, anything you need, that the

kids need. No request is to big okay, we will make it work. Do you look after all these

children by yourself?’ I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, there are five of us and we take shifts but I am here all the

time” She answers.

“I will find more people and I will speak to the kings about organising an income for

those working here. You can’t be expected to do all this for free”

“Really we don’t mind, we are just happy to have somewhere warm to sleep and food

to eat” She says, but I wave her off.

“No, its not good enough. I will speak to them and we will organise some form of

payment or allowances. How is the food situation?” I ask her.

“Fine now that we have Fae and Abigail growing crops constantly, the castle cooks

have been bringing meals down every day mainly soups and stews because there

are so many mouths to feed, the main issue is formula we have had some babies

come in over the last couple of days, their parents dropping them off, knowing there

is food here, a lot of them using this place as a last resort” She answers. The thought

of parents feeling there is no hope but to give their kids over to strangers for the sake

of them not being able to provide for them saddened me.

“Do you know their parents?” She nods.

“Yes they stop by every day, there simply isn’t enough beds or enough work for them

to provide for their kids” She says.

“Find them, make room for them. I will organise something we need workers in the

greenhouses, when you see them send them to the castle, assure them they are not

in trouble. I will find work for them so they can keep their children. We will also have to

organise some sort of childcare arrangements for those parents who are working” I

tell Marian who nods her head in agreeance.

“There is an old school down the end of the street hasn’t been used in well forever,

but could make a good childcare centre and school it just needs a clean-up, the

building is solid and has working plumbing” Patricia answers. This girl was smart

incredibly so, the sort of smarts you only get from living the way we have, with

experience on finding ways to survive and learning the City of the back of your hand.

“Okay, I wonder if some of the older generation would be willing to help teach” I say

allowed but to myself.

“We have a heap of elderly people who stop by, they mainly help with cleaning, but

most are trained in different areas and have skills that could be helpful to learn and to

teach us. I will ask around” Patricia says blowing me away yet again with how willing

to help she is.

“You should start a committee you seem to know what your doing more so then me

and know a lot of people” I tell her. She blushes.

“I wasn’t joking, we will eventually need to come up with some governing body, this

place is going to take a lot of people to get this city going and we need those with a

voice and willing to speak up around here for the people. A government is only as

strong as the legs it stands on, without people there would be no one to govern, to fix

this city we will need others to stand up and help. A lot of trust has been lost over the

decades and it’s about time we find ways to build it back up. This kingdom once

flourished under the dragons it can again, so something to think about if you’re

interested, you are part of this kingdom and if you can run an orphanage with over a
hundred kids, I would be interested to see exactly what your capable of, if given the

opportunity to do something great” I tell her.

She seems stunned and I let her think about it instead turning to Dakari.

“We need to head back can you come back and pick up the list tonight of Patricia?”

He nods once.

“Dakari will be back to grab your supplies list and anything else you may want or need

make sure you put it on the list. Also anyone that wants to work here fulltime take their

names and we will start doing interviews just to be safe. I don’t want anyone working

with the children, only those that can be trusted”

“Yes Ma’am” Patricia says.

“Elora, not highness, not ma’am, we are the same. I have been where you are, and

the streets of this city will always be home to me. I am not your superior you have

seen as much as I have so please call me by my name” I tell her. She nods and I give

her hug, she seemed frozen for a second before hugging me back.

We say our goodbyes and I promise to come back and see her in a couple of days

to interview potential people to help her, a girl her age shouldn’t be expected to run

this on her own. Even though she said there were five of them Marian assured me,

she mainly works here because the others have homes to go back to, while she

takes on everything including rationing of food and clothes etc. One girl looking after

105 children and still willing to take on more, she was truly remarkable. The people of

this city were really rallying together, and it showed as we headed home.

Walking toward the castle gates I notice a large line all the way to the road out the


Walking in the gates, I walk toward the start of the line and find Victor taking peoples

“You did it Elora” Victor states. I look along the line that was growing bigger.

“At this rate we are going to have to start turning people away” Victor says.

“Are all these people here to donate blood?” I ask. Victor nods excitedly.

“Yes, and we will also have enough to stock the medical practise” He says making

me look at him.

“The underground one, which I have been meaning to ask the kings about moving it

above ground” Victor says.

“I thought that place shut down years ago” I ask him.

“It did but Seamus has decided to open another, but hopefully above ground. He is

getting to old to travel the tunnels” Victor states. Seamus was Victors older brother

the man was wheelchair bound but used to be a doctor. I hadn’t seen him in years

and assumed he died. Appears with everything going on in the city people were really

willing to step out of the shadows to improve things.

“I will tell Silas; you will have your practise Victor, tell Seamus I happy to learn he is still

alive” I chuckle. Victor laughs.

“Fussy old fool, but with all the apprentices willing to learn medicine he has decided

to come out of hiding and retirement to teach them” Victor says. Seamus was also in

his seventies like Victor a little older and would be a valuable asset to the city

especially with Victor and his help, we could have some doctors in training which

would be a great help to the city.

I had been chatting away to Victor helping take peoples names when I feel arms wrap

around my waist. “You are in some serious trouble” I hear him growl below my ear.

Silas warm breath moving across my neck.

“And why is that?” I ask him as Dragus moves me over and starts helping Victor write

peoples names down and get there blood type, off those that actually knew theirs.

“Because you snuck out”

“Seems like Dragus had you pretty distracted though” I tell him, turning in his arms.

Silas staring down at me before looking at all the crowd lined up.

“So many people” He mutters under his breath.

“Yes, and I have been thinking, I want to start a committee, or board some governing

body where everyone can have a say and pitch in”

“Are you asking or telling me” He says a smile playing on his lips.

“hmm Telling you, we have a lot of people here, who are willing to help if you let them,

a lot of people capable of doing good things for this city” I tell him.

‘Fine, but I will leave that for you to organise. I am doing something else. Whatever

you need just see Matitus and Dakari” Silas says.

“Why not Dragus?” I ask wondering what he was going to be doing that was going to

have him so willing to let me have control.

“I need Dragus, also we have come up with a plan for the dragons. I will be going out

tonight with a few vampires to catch one” He tells me. I feel fear bubble up in me, not

liking the idea of him putting himself in danger yet I know we have no other choice.

“Hey Aldrin” Silas calls making me look over my shoulder to see Aldrin carrying a bag

of medicinal herbs to the storage sheds behind the castle. Aldrin stops when he

hears his name being called before freezing. His eyes darting to me before going to

Silas who had taken off to speak to him. I go to follow him when Dragus stops me.
“Leave him Lora, he means your friend no harm, just wants his help with something” I

nod wondering what it is Silas would want with him, though by the looks of their body

language they were having some discussion Aldrin seemed to be quite interested in,

as they walk off like they are buddies. I shake my head at the strange situation not

giving it much thought and turning back to help Dragus.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Seven

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Elora’s POV

Silas didn’t come in for dinner. I hadn’t seen him since he walked off with Aldrin. Fear

kicking in, worried he may have hurt Aldrin, his dislike for Fae was definitely no secret

and the worry was starting to eat at me.

Dragus trying to distract me, keeping me busy and following me around everywhere I

went when I run into Matitus, he was walking down the corridor muttering to himself.

He was covered in white dust and completely naked as he stalked toward the

bedroom. Dragus chuckling beside me as I chase after him.

“Matitus” I call, and he stops, he smiles before his eyes goes to Dragus and he

“Where is Silas, tell me, I have little wings the bastard” He says making Dragus laugh.

“Why are you covered in dust?” I ask wiping it off his chest when he turns stomping

up the stairs toward the bedroom.

“Geez does everyone have to walk around naked, we have clothes you know” Marian

calls out as she walks past the stairs making me laugh.

“So, you’re not going to tell me where you have been?” I ask, Matitus mutters

something about rocks and being set up making me confused. All while Dragus finds

his attitude quite entertaining. Walking in the room Matitus stops grabbing me,

crushing me against him before he kisses me. I push on his shoulders pulling away.

“You’re covered in dust” I squeak as his tongue snakes into my mouth and I nearly

bite it off when I sneeze. He doesn’t seem to care instead tucking me under his arm

like a football and stalking off into the bathroom. My arms and legs dangling when he

puts me down turning the shower on.

“You have no idea the things I had to do today, fucking broke a claw moving that shit”

He snaps pointing at Dragus and poking him in the chest.

“Aw poor baby broke a nail” Dragus taunts.

“Hey that shit hurts, and it’s a talon not a fucking nail” Matitus spits at him.

“Its okay have a shower we can do pedicures and manicures, fix you right up” Dragus

mocks making Matitus growl at him before slapping at him. Dragus jumps out of the

way while I shake my head about to walk out on their bickering, when I feel Matitus

arm go around my waist.

“Not you, you’re staying” He says tugging on my shirt and pulling it off, stripping me

bare in two seconds.

“No, I need to find Silas” I tell him, but he ignores me picking me up and placing me in

the shower and blocking the door. I huff folding my arms across my chest as he

steps in. Matitus turns the shower on blasting me with cold water making me squeal.

“See your nips are already hard for me” He chuckles pinching one. I slap his hand


“I’m fucking cold idiot, turn the heat up” I screech at him, trying to get away from the

stream of water. Matitus turns the heat up, before stepping under the other shower

head rinsing the dust off himself.

“Better?” He asks reaching for me and pulling me against him.

“You really going to make me watch?” Dragus whines from outside the shower screen

that Matitus had his hand on holding it closed. He lets it go allowing Dragus to enter

the shower. Dragus strips off, climbing in behind him and I turn to grab the soap.

“Turn around” I tell Matitus before running the soap over his back and washing all the

dirt and crud off him, having to stand on my tippy toes to reach his shoulders and

neck. When I am done, I hand him the soap. He faces me before washing the rest of

himself while Dragus scoots past him and behind me, kissing my shoulder.

“You still didn’t answer?’ I tell Matitus.

“And I am not going to” He says dropping the soap in the holder and rinsing himself

off before gripping my hips and lifting me. I quickly grab his shoulders to stop from

falling backwards, not that I would have hit the ground Dragus was that close. Matitus

kisses me demandingly, his tongue tasting every inch of my mouth as his grip on my

hips tightened. I feel Dragus hands move over my thighs to the sides of my ass

before I feel his fingers move to slit before he slides them between my lips, thrusting

them into me, making me pull away from Matitus as he slides them in and out making

me moan, my walls clenching his fingers. Matitus lips moving to my neck, nipping at

my chin and neck. My nails digging into his shoulders, Matitus hoists me up higher

and I feel his hardened length press against my folds making me wriggle my hips.

He positions himself at my entrance before letting me slide down on it, feel it move

between my slick folds filling and stretching me, as my legs tighten around his waist,

a satisfied noise leaving my lips making him laugh quietly at my reaction. Matitus grips

my hips rolling them and moving me up and down his shaft, my lips going to his

chest as I kiss and suck on it.

Dragus fingertips moving between my cheeks rubbing the tight muscles off my ass

and I feel him step closer biting into my shoulder. His erection pressing against my

ass, teasing me as I move trying to get him to move closer.

“Dragus” I whine when he doesn’t do anything. Reaching behind me I grab his shaft

stroking it and he steps closer before I move him where I want him. Matitus presses

me against him, and I feel Dragus grab my cheeks spreading them apart before

thrusting into me making me gasp. My stomach tightening at the overfull feeling when

they start to move. My skin heating up and my breathing getting heavier as they thrust

into me, my arousal deepening at the different sensations.

I move my hips, meeting their thrusts, my orgasm peaking before I feels my walls

flutter around Matitus and making him find his own release. Dragus movement

becoming jerky and harder before stilling as I breath through my own orgasm.
I feel Dragus now flaccid cock leave me before Matitus places me back on my feet.

My legs feeling like jelly underneath me and I lean against Dragus while I catch my


Grabbing the soap, I wash myself, strange feelings hitting me through the bond and I

suddenly feel exhausted.

“What is Silas doing?” I ask knowing the feelings are his.

“No idea but he is over-exerting himself” Matitus says also feeling suddenly drained.

“We probably didn’t help” I mutter and Dragus bends down kissing my shoulder

before hopping out.

“Where are you going?” I ask, as he wraps a towel around his waist.

“To help, you’re forgetting he was going Dragon catching tonight” Dragus says

making me remember, I was so worried about him being with Aldrin, it completely

slipped my mind. I wash quickly before jumping out and grabbing my own towel and

chucking it on.

“You’re not going out there Elora” Matitus says grabbing my wrist.

“Yes, I am” I tell him jerking my wrist away, but he doesn’t let go, his grip only


“No, you’re not. Silas will come see you when he’s done. You are not putting yourself

in front of a dangerous dragon carrying my child” He says his eyes darkening.

“Exactly how are we going to test this theory, if I can’t even get close to one?” I snap

at him.

“You’re not going and that’s final, don’t make me tie you to the bed” He threatens. I

huff waiting for him to let go. Matitus lets go, grabbing his towel and I stalk off into the
room grabbing some clothes and quickly slipping them on. Matitus walks into the

wardrobe for some pants while I make a run for the door only for it to be shut in my


“Always the hard way with you” He states before grabbing my waist and tossing me

on the bed. He climbs up the bed before reaching into the draw beside the bed and

grabbing a Tye. He holds my hands above my head, tying them to the bed frame

while I try and kick him off. He rolls me on my stomach before slapping my ass

making me squirm, as the heat from his hand sears my ass through my tights.

“I warned you, now behave” He says before flopping on the bed next to me and

placing his arms under his head. Suddenly the door opens Abigail walking in, and I try

and sit up. She brings a tray in before looking up and laughing at me tied to the bed.

“What did you do?” She asks and I hear Matitus chuckle.

“Tried to go check on Silas”

“Yeah, best stay away, he has the biggest burn up his side and a bite mark on his

leg” Abigail says making alarm hit me.

“What? How come I didn’t feel it” I ask looking to Matitus.

“That explains why he is overexerting himself, he is blocking the bond” Matitus says

sitting up.

“Untie me Matitus so I can go see him” I snap at him and Abigail puts up her hands in


“Abbie?” I screech as she runs from the room. Fear setting in and I become angry

with Matitus from not letting me go, burning hot rage washing over me and I could

smell something burning before my restraints suddenly snap. I look at my hands just
as Matitus sniff the air, picking up on the burning fabric. I go to leap off the bed when I

find myself face down before I even make it an inch.

“Matitus get off me, let me check on him”

“No, and Silas wouldn’t want you down there”

“He is hurt” I scream at him.

“He will heal, he is a dragon, fire won’t hurt him long” Matitus says pulling me back

and draping his arm across my shoulders.

“Stay Lora, Silas won’t let it hurt him and Dragus is down there and probably Dakari

too” Matitus says his arm tugging me closer.

“Eat now” He says dragging the tray over and I roll my eyes at him.

“Please eat, you need to eat. I promise Silas is fine” He says gripping my chin and

forcing me to look at him. He lets me go and I sag, giving up, knowing it’s pointless.

“I already ate” I tell him.

“And you are eating for two now, so eat” He says tapping the plate. I pick up a piece

of peanut butter toast tearing off the corner, glaring at the door waiting for it to open.

Matitus relaxing, his grip loosening as he leans back against headboard.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Eight

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Elora’s POV

I ended up falling asleep, only waking up in a panic when I roll over to find Silas and

Dragus still weren’t back and in bed. Sitting up, I look to Matitus who was snoring

beside me. Quietly hopping of the bed, I head for the door and sneak down the

stairs. The entire castle was quiet, all the lights off and the heavy drapes closed in

every room. The stone floor cold under my feet as I head to the front of castle.

Walking to the door, I find no shoes when I remember I left them in the bedroom. Not

wanting to risk going back to the room and being caught, I pull on the door handle.

The heavy doors creaking as I sneak through. My feet sinking in an inch of snow and

my toes instantly aching, as I peer out to find overnight heavy snow had fallen coating

everything white.
Rubbing my arms, I look around making sure the coast is clear before darting around

the side of the huge building towards the stable knowing that is the only place big

enough to contain a dragon, causing the least amount of structural damage if one

were to suddenly shift. My teeth chattering as the snow seeps into my clothes

drenching me. Getting to the stables, I could hear growling, almost like a purr. Yet

through the bond I felt only peace, like they were all asleep and still unaware of my

escape. Pushing on the solid wooden door, I make a gap big enough to slip through.

I notice no horses in the stable but see the stalls they would be kept in. Walking along

and peering in each one I see no one, making me wonder if I imagined the growling I

heard outside or if it was just the sounds of the strong wind gusts. Moving toward the

back of the stable, I notice it opened up into one large room before going off in

another direction.

A fire pit smouldering in the middle as the flames slowly die. Turning to my left the

place seemed never-ending when I see Dragus and Silas slumped against the wall,

Silas arms folded against his chest while Dragus was leaning his head on his

shoulder. Any other time I would have found it cute them snuggled up together, but It

was clear they were exhausted, Silas jeans had burn holes in them and so did

Dragus’s. Silas was bare chested, and I shuddered knowing how cold it is, yet I also

know they don’t feel the cold like I do. My gazing was cut short when I hear a

ferocious growl resonate from behind me making me jump, Silas eyes flying open

before he screams and I realise my mistake walking in here, I just followed the path

leading to them with out checking what was on the right, my focus solely on finding


“Elora, no” Silas screams jumping to his feet. I spin around to find an almost fully

shifted beast towering over me, a wall of green scales coming into view. This one was

more dragon then man, not like the others I encountered outside the borders. The

ground rumbling under its feet as it moved toward me. A menacing growl escaping its

mouth, as its teeth gleamed in the dimly lit area. It lunges at me and I scream falling

back on my ass only for it to stop inches off me and jerk backwards, I notice the
chain around its neck. It struggles trying to free itself when I feel the temperature rise

suddenly and before I know it, I see a fire heading directly toward me. I put my arm

bracing for its fiery heat to engulf me when I hear a grunt before it turns into a terrifying

growl sending goosebumps all over my body.

Opening my eyes, Silas was suddenly in front of me, his face contorted in pain and I

realise he took the hit the flames hitting his back and diverting around him, smell his

flesh sizzling under the intense heat, feel his pain but his burning anger was ten times

worse as it made me gasp. Panic hitting me and I throw my hands out, purple light

shooting from my fingers and I hear a whimper the room suddenly going cold, and

Silas drops to his knees in front of me. His gaze burning holes in me, he was pissed.

His deadly glare aimed at me as his eye flickered like a reptile dangerously. His hands

gripping my arms so tightly, I yelp as his claws dig in.

“What are you fucking doing down here” He screams at me before standing and

ripping me to my feet. I notice the charred marks on his shoulders bleeding onto his

chest. The skin healing quickly before my eyes. Dragus voice sounding behind me.

“Silas let her go” He says worry lacing his words, and I feel my blood trickle down my

arms warm and thick from his grip.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Matitus warned you Elora” Silas screams at me,

making me flinch away from his anger.

“Silas” Dragus yells to him before ripping me away from him. His claws slicing through

my arms making my eyes water as they cut through the flesh on my arms.

Silas takes a step forward and I step back closer to Dragus. A cold shiver running up

my spine, at seeing him so angry. My skin becoming itching as fear floods me.

Silas hands clench at his sides and I gulp. I hadn’t seen him this angry since the first

night I met him, his jaw clicking as he grits his teeth.

The dragon whimpers making him freeze as he goes to step toward me, his eyes

flicking to the dragon curled into a ball in the corner. I gasp when I see flowery vines

wrapped around his body restricting his movement. Looking down, my fingertips

were still glowing subtly, and I realise I hadn’t let go of the magic which would have

freed him. Silas anger diffuses for a second and I walk past him toward wall of scales.

Silas grips my arm as I walk past him, yanking me toward him. But I rip my arm from

him, glaring at him, fighting back the urge to run as his deadly glare penetrated me.

“I was looking for you, you hurt me once I won’t allow you to do it again” I tell him

ripping my arm from his iron grip. He lets go and I am flooded with guilt coming from

him. Turning to the dragon, it lifts its big head and growls, its wings were mangled and

not formed as the vines wrapped around its body.

“Elora!” Dragus warns as it lifts its head and opens its mouth and I realise it was about

to breath fire again. I smack its nose with my fist, the dragon seemed shocked

shaking its head before recoiling away from me.

“It’s scared” I tell them, realising it thought I was coming in to attack it, no doubt like

Silas did when he captured it. I reach my hand out to it, the dragon flinching when it

huffs hot air out its nose before I touch its scaled head. Its eyes flickering as my hand

comes in contact with its unusually cold scales. Silas and Matitus always felt hot, this

dragon felt cold, yet it the heat coming from its breath was enough to cause steam in
the air every time it breathed. It flinches and I leave my hand between its eyes on his

head, and he remains still.

“Elora!” Silas says stepping closer the dragons eyes going to him and I can feel its

aura change it was scared of them, scared they were going to hurt it.

“Stay there” I tell them putting my hand up behind me. I stroke between its eyes, the

yellow snake like eyes flicking back to me. Its green scales rippling in a wave and

standing on end before settling against its skin. I run my palm over its scales and hiss

as I feel it slice through it. My hand dripping with blood.

“Are you nuts?” Dragus says as my blood drips onto the ground. The dragon sniffs it

and I let my magic move over my skin, bracing myself and getting ready to put up a

wall if it suddenly goes berserk but it doesn’t. Instead, it licks the blood that drips on

the ground. I hold my hand to its nose as it sniffed the ground before feeling its

tongue snake out between its pointed teeth. Its tongue running along my palm and

up half my arm, it felt scratchy like a cats tongue and yet so slimy as it ran up my arm.

I prayed it would work not wanting to have to stab the scared beast with my sword.

The thought sickened me seeing it so vulnerable like it was. I take a step back when I

feel hands grab my arms ripping me backwards against them.

“That was the stupidest thing, I have seen you do” Silas growls next to my ear.

“It’s scared, I can feel its aura Silas. He thought I was going to hurt him like you did” I

tell him, and he looks back at the dragon when it starts shuddering, its scales rippling

violently, and I could hear the tearing of flesh, the dragon shudders its tiny, mangled

wings stretching, but they weren’t like a bats wings more like two weird flaps on its

back as it started writhing, its size getting smaller, and the vines start dropping from

around him as he shrinks.

He lets out a bloodcurdling screech that’s sounds pained and I close my eyes tight,

covering my ears with my hands at the noise. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard

making my teeth ache.

The noise suddenly stops, and I see a filthy dirt covered man, his hair hanging to his

waist was all matted as he crouched on the ground. His entire body shaking as he

stared at his hand in disbelief. He starts sobbing touching his chest and looking at his

skin amazed. I gasp and he looks over at me before trying to stand only to fall as he

crawled on his knees so fast before wrapping his arms around my legs sobbing

against me. Silas growls menacingly and I feel his body tense. I brush his hair back

and he looks up and I realise he only looks to be in his early twenties. His golden hair

covered in grime and he smelt terrible.

“Thank you, thank you” He sobs his voice rough and raspy like he was chain smoker,

sounding similar to Dakari’s when he first changed back. Silas pulls me back, the

man dropping on all fours in front of him and I elbow him pissed off.

“Mine” He tells the man. He looks down and away from Silas’s piercing glare. Dragus

moves toward him. Crouching beside him. I notice the man sniffed the air when he

approached probably realising Dragus was only part Dragon.

“What’s your name?” Dragus asks. The man seems to think like he was trying to

remember what his name actually was.

“Pluto” The man says trying out his name like it was weird using it.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Nine

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Elora’s POV

Dragus moves helping him stand, he looks around frantically as Dragus grabs his arm

holding him steady. Silas growls when the man reaches for me, scared out of his

mind by them. He starts hyperventilating and I grasp his face between my hands.

Silas rips my hands away from him and was starting to anger me with his


“Dragus is just going to take you, to get some clothes and something to eat maybe a

shower too” I tell him looking to Dragus who nods. I could feel through the bond he

held no ill will towards him though Silas was a different story.
He wanted to kill him for some unknown reason. The man looks between Dragus and

I before nodding and dropping his head.

“I will come see you in the morning and we will talk, I want to know about the others

out there”

“Yes, my Queen” He says.

“You can call me Elora, no need for titles” I tell him.

“No, he can’t. He will address you properly” Silas snaps at me. I glare at him before

nodding to Dragus to take him because I knew things were about to turn ugly

between Silas and myself.

I watch as Dragus leaves, he stops at the stable door looking back at me worriedly,

like he didn’t want to leave me with Silas, when Matitus suddenly barges through the

door in panic, having woken up. Great now I had to deal with his wrath too. I pinch

the bridge of my nose already exhausted, and we hadn’t even argued yet, but I knew

it was coming because Silas anger was festering and building into a storm within him,

so hot I was surprised he didn’t combust and having steam blowing out his ears.

Matitus was no better as he stalked towards me before pouncing on me, grabbing

my arm, and ripping me toward him.

“What the fuck Elora, I told you not to come down here and you fucking disobeyed

me” Matitus yells in my face, his grip burning into my skin as the room heats. What is

it with them and grabbing me, for weeks we have been good and now they think they

can lay their hands on me in anger? My own rage building at the way they were

scolding me, and I let my magic loose, letting the current run over my skin. Matitus

shrieking as its zaps him forcing him to let go.

“You don’t get to touch me like that, not anymore. I am not some thing to be handled

by you” I snap, stepping forward and pointing my finger in his face, he grabs my

“Fucking try it Matitus, I fucking dare you” I tell him, warning him. His eyes flickering as

his dragon wanted to take control. He growls the temperature rising as he takes a

step forward.

“Enough Elora, you don’t speak to us like that” Silas snaps at me. I scoff at his words.

“But it’s okay for you to talk to me like that?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

“I just got burned because of you, how else am I supposed to react, you put our child

at risk coming here, put yourself at fucking risk”

“Exactly how were you planning on changing him if I am not allowed near him?” I


“With Aldrin, now I need to catch another one” Silas snaps at me before stepping


“You are not catching anymore of them, he was petrified of you, what the fuck did

you do to him that had him that scared. They aren’t monsters Silas, they are dragons

like you, real people under all that, whatever it is” I yell at him.
“He fucking bit me, so I tore what was left of his wings off” He says, and my mouth

falls open at his barbaric torture to get the man to comply.

“Don’t look at me like that, they will grow back after few years, fucker shouldn’t have

bit me when I grabbed him”

“That’s fucking disgusting you can’t do that”-

“We are running out of time, they will come for you and Aldrin, in that state they don’t

think, their dragon does, they aren’t even remotely human in that state Elora and you

need to start doing as your told, I am sick of you defying us, sick of you choosing

everyone else over us” Silas screams the logs in the firepit catching alight from rise in


“You don’t get to decide what I do, not anymore, not now. Why can’t you see that?” I

tell him.

“This is my kingdom, you are mine. You need to learn your fucking place,”

“And where is that? Beneath you?” I ask.

“No, that’s not what I am saying”

“You sure because that’s exactly how it came out. You think you are any better at

least when I do something my intentions are pure, yours they are fucking sinister just

like you” I tell him before walking off not wanting to hear anymore of his bullshit.

“Don’t walk away from us” Matitus bellows before he suddenly materialises in front me

at blindly speed making me run into him.

“Move Matitus” I tell him, stepping around him.

“No, you will listen”

“No, I am done listening, done with all of you” I tell him. Pushing past him before he

grabs my hand.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He snaps pulling me backwards and I see Silas

walking over to us or more like a stalking us like a predator, his eyes blazing in fury.

“It means I don’t fucking need you, I never did”

“We are your mates Lora, of course you need us” Matitus says.

“No, I don’t. There is a difference between needing something and wanting

something Matitus. I may want you but that doesn’t fucking mean I need you. Its

about time you realise that because if this is how its going to be every time, I do

something you don’t agree with then I am gone, you can have your kingdom, shove it

right up your ass because I will walk” I tell him, ripping my hand from his.

I didn’t even make it one step before I find myself pushed against the wall, Silas hand

around my throat, not tight he wasn’t harming me, but warning me. I was in no mood

to put up with this shit anymore.

“Do it, go on Silas, do it and I will gladly show you, where your place is” I tell him my

gaze unwavering. He growls next to my ear, his nose running along my jaw.

“Silas, she is pregnant” Matitus tells him. He doesn’t let go instead stepping closer

pressing his body against mine.

“Silas” Matitus growls my eyes darting to him behind Silas as he steps forward. Silas

runs his nose down the side of my neck before kissing my mark. A deep throaty

noise rumbling from chest before he lets go, stepping back. Yet I could feel through

the bond he was still raging. He was angry but didn’t want to hurt me but at the same

time that’s all he knew how to do, to get his way.

He walks out the stable doors, not looking back heading toward the castle. I see

burns covering his entire back slowly healing but still visible.

“You need to get inside before you get sick” Matitus says with a sigh running his hand

through his hair. He offers me his hand, but I ignore it and walk outside heading for

the castle, the snow making my toes numb as I trudge through it. The snow so much

thicker and higher, as it continued to fall some part up to my knees and my bones

were starting to ache and my muscles lock up. Matitus watching me struggle, walks

over grabbing me, pulling me against his hot chest. I press my fingers against him,

and he flinches from how cold they are.

“You are freezing” He says kissing my cheek before wrapping my legs around him

and pulling me against him, lending me his body heat. I place my chest against his

and my face trying to warm myself. Now that my own anger had diffused, I felt like a

bitch, especially seeing Matitus trying to keep me warm even after I yelled at him.

He walks upstairs to our room before walking into the bathroom where I could here,

the shower running already. Silas was standing under the water, his back to us before

turning around. My teeth were chattering my feet had no feeling and I wouldn’t be

surprised if they changed colour. Matitus places me on my feet, and I strip my clothes

off when Silas reaches out the door grabbing me, pulling me under the water.

The rapid temperature change burning my skin making me cry out, he adjusts the

temperature letting the water cool slightly, before wrapping his arms around me, his

hands rubbing up down my sides warming my skin. Matitus slowly adjusting the

water temp till it was eventually hot and I could stand the heat. My body feeling like it

was thawing out. Silas kisses my temple before kissing the side of my mouth.

“I’m sorry,” He whispers against my lips.

“I’m sorry too” I tell him kissing him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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Elora’s POV

The next morning, I wake and head downstairs, I had a list of things that needed

doing today but the first thing on that list was speaking to Pluto. Dragus never came

to bed so I assumed Silas told him to stay with the man overnight till he could be


Wandering around the castle though, I couldn’t find him anywhere, so decided to

check the stables. The sun was already up, the snow outside slowly starting to melt

as I trudged to the back of the castle. When it wasn’t snowing, I would have to

remember to ask Silas if he could take me flying again. Wings and snow just don’t

mix, and I sure as hell didn’t feel like freezing from having to wear a singlet in the cold

to use my wings.
As I approached the stables, I noticed the door was wide open smoke billowing out

the door, my heart skipping a beat as nervousness crept in. Silas didn’t really force

the man to sleep outside in the elements, did he? As I stepped in though, I find

Dragus asleep just inside the door, while Pluto was tending to the horses that had

been returned to stables at some point, it actually made me wonder where they were

put, one of them had dragged the fire pit toward the entryway which was burning

making the place quite warm.

Stepping inside, I lean over the back of the chair Dragus was in kissing his lips softly,

his eyes instantly opening before a smile creeps onto his face.

“Morning” He says.

“Morning, did Silas make you and Pluto stay outside all night?” I ask

Pluto comes out of the stall which had a brown horse in it,

“Don’t worry miss I don’t feel the cold, and I like being outside with the horses, been

awhile since I have been able to pat one, marvellous creatures they are” He says

walking over to me, Dragus watching his every move carefully as he approached but

didn’t say anything.

Pluto looked quite different compared to last night, he had cut his hair which was now

shaved close to his head, Dragus had given him some clothes which I recognised as

his own, having seen him in the same blue shirt and also a pair of jeans. Pluto was

small compared to the dragon kings, who were all muscle on muscle. I suppose

being a cast away would do that though.

“Are you hungry?” I ask and he nods.

“I will go get you something to eat” I tell him when Dragus stands up.

“I will go, will you be right here by yourself, or I can wait and get Matitus to come out?”

Dragus asks stretching his arms above his head, I hear his back crack like he had

been in the same position for an extended amount of time.

“I will be fine, but Silas might get angry” I warn him, and he shrugs.

“I can handle Silas wrath, it’s yours I am more worried about” He tells me before

looking to Pluto who was watching our exchange.

“I am trusting you not to touch my mate, I mean it, I come back here you won’t just

lose your wings, I will take your life” He warns him, and Pluto puts his head down

nodding. Dragus seeming satisfied walks out leaving me with the man.

Pluto instantly relaxing when he goes out of view.

“They seem very protective of you, so Dragus is your mate?” He asks curiously.

“All three of them are” I tell him, and he seems a little shocked making me chuckle.

“I was wondering why you smelt so strongly of them, and they you. Interesting” He

ponders looking back at the horse.

“You like horses?” I ask, and he nods.

“Yes, grew up around them, though they tend to not like my dragon side which is to

be expected. But in this form, I can get close to them” He says picking up a brush

and brushing the horse. I sit on the seat Dragus was in next to the fire.

“Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

“No, you can ask me anything” He replies, I nod warming my hands on the fire.

“How long were you like that, stuck in that form?”

“I don’t know, a long time. I think just after the war so however long ago that was” He


“So, a hundred years ago?” I ask and he seems shocked.

“Its been a hundred years already?” He asks and I nod sadly to him.

“So, you lost your mate?” He nods,

“Yes, killed in the war, she was a Fae like yourself, not a royal one, but I recognise

those eyes, you’re an Aziza” He says staring at me. I nod, it felt weird my bloodline

being recognised just by the colour of my eyes.

“Aziza’s were amongst the most powerful Fae, had gifts of healing, just like the

Helcate bloodline. My mate used to work for Helcates in their castle” He tells me.

“Healing abilities?” I ask and he nods.

“Yes, how do you think you changed me back” He asks cocking his head to the side.

“What about Zena bloodline, weren’t they the same?” I ask wondering exactly how

much he knows about Fae.

He shakes his head, no they had other abilities, a little darker then the Helcate and

Aziza bloodline, they specialised in the darker arts, Dark Fae if you will” He says

making me wonder what he meant.

This was the first I have heard of this, I thought the royal families were the same,

“How so?” I ask curiously.

“Well Helcate’s were the first royal family known to exist, they had healing abilities but

eventually when the oracle came into the picture she spoke of two other Fae

kingdoms, back then Fae never wandered from their kingdom, so when the oracle

came she mentioned another kingdom she had visited, the Aziza kingdom, just

beyond the mountains, Helcates didn’t know of them, so became curious and

travelled across the mountain and discovered their existence along with the dragon

kingdom, they noticed how much their kingdom was flourishing, the Aziza’s were

responsible for bringing peace and a treaty agreement amongst the different species

and took the Helcates under their protection forming an alliance. The Zena kingdom

wasn’t found yet, but as the Fae population grew the kingdoms became too small so

they went seeking out new places and stumbled across the Zena kingdom, which

was in the forests north of here, they were different though, lived back then the old

ways it wasn’t kingdom more of a tribe, but their magic stemmed from darker

elements, everything has a balance, they’re magic stemmed from taking life in

exchange for power, kind of like the grim reapers of Fae if you will. Their ability was to

manipulate the elements, the weather patterns etc, they also had the ability to take

immortal life”

His story was riveting, I could have listened to him talk all day about the Fae, our

history but it just left more questions.

“So if they had that ability how did the Fae lose the war?”
“Because their entire life force was connected to their Queen, once she went the

entire bloodline died with her”

“The Zena Queen died in the war?” I ask confused.

“No, Queen Maira killed herself when king Darius Helcate had the Dragons kill her

mate, Helcates became jealous of the Aziza Kingdom’s growing bond with them,

Blaire Aziza the kings daughter she was married to a Helcate as part of an arranged

marriage, but originally she was to be married to the Zena bloodline, when the

Helcates interfered with the marriage, it was rumoured that Helcates told the Dragon

kingdom that Zenas wanted to start a war. Helcate’s refused to let them marry, so

Blaire married a Helcate eventually falling in love with him and having a child. But that

wasn’t enough for the Helcates they wanted the Zena bloodline out of the picture so

the Dragon king at the time killed Maira’s mate as warning, not knowing that it was a

set up by the Helcate’s, Maira told Blaire about the Dragons killing her mate, and she

felt loyalty to Maira because they were best friends so when the dragon kings

discovered her, she rejected them and cursed them, Aziza were merely pawns in a

war they knew nothing about till it got them killed”

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Eighty One

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“So the Aziza’s never started the war?” Pluto shakes his head,

“No, the Helcates and the Dragons did, the Aziza bloodline was collateral damage in

a war they knew nothing about till it started, Helcate’s jealousy started the war,

Dragon’s were told of Zena’s alleged betrayal and struck a deal with the Helcates,

they would kill the Queens mate as warning to back off from the Aziza’s in exchange

for the oracle”

“Why did the Dragon’s want the Oracle?”

“Because she could see the future, they wanted her as a tool to be used, why do

you think the Dragon empire thrived and was the wealthiest kingdom, it was because

of the oracle, she had control over the witches,”

“But in the Dragon history books its says the Aziza’s started the war when Blaire

cursed them” I tell him.

Pluto shakes his head,

“The war started many years before that, just the Aziza’s were unaware of Helcates


“How do you know all this?” I ask because this was vastly different from the stories

everyone was told.

“My mate was one the Helcates advisors, she never agreed to what they were doing,

we planned to run away together, she knew of their plots to take over and told me, I

tried to warn the dragon king at the time, but he cast me out as a traitor and then

Blaire was killed and the war started and my mate was killed, leaving me stuck in that


“Well, that was an interesting story” Matitus says from behind me making me and

Pluto jump. I look to him and Pluto puts his head down looking away.

Ignoring Matitus, I get back to the task at hand and what I originally came here for.

Matitus taps my shoulder wanting me to hop up before sitting back down and pulling

me on his lap.

“So back to the dragon’s, how many of them are in the caves in the mountains”

“I can’t be sure maybe thirty at most it depends, a lot of them are too weak to move

desiccated in a paralytic state, unable to move because the mutated form won’t allow


“Can you communicate with each other in that form?”

“Kind of, its hard to explain, it like being stuck in two mindsets, human and dragon,

more instinctual, a lot of them have gone crazy and I am afraid even if you bring them
back, they won’t be able to function. Only those of us that could get around have

managed to keep their marbles sort of”

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“What do you mean sort of” Matitus asks.

“For the most part we coexisted together, flocked together. But a lot of them have

been driven mad from the loss of our mates, I don’t think it would be advisable to shift

for me anymore, my dragon isn’t exactly sane without my mate anymore, I am but I

think that side of me is damaged beyond repair lost without her”

I nod trying to understand, “But you can communicate with each other?”

“Sort of on a basic level, to hunt together like a pack, but other than that not much,

well not until Lincoln came back, he was in human form returned a few weeks ago, I

am assuming that is because of you or the Helcate he spoke of” Pluto asks.

“So this Lincoln told you about us?”

“Yes, he wants to capture you and the Helcate for the Dragons to feed on, bring them

back and start his own kingdom, he knows the Helcates are responsible for the war

and he wants revenge” Pluto says. Matitus growls but not before we hear a roar from

outside that leaves Pluto shaking as Silas storms into the barn, his body barely fit as

he shifted, he lunges straight for Pluto, but I throw myself in front of him, Silas talon

stopping just before it come down on me.

“Stop that shift back, now Silas” I yell at him. Pluto was hiding behind me terrified.

“I mean her no harm, I can help…. Please my king I would never hurt her, I owe her

my life” Pluto begs.

“And your life is what you will pay with, if any harm comes to her” Matitus warns him.

Dragus walks in underneath Silas not all fazed that he was walking under our very

pissed of mate. He hands me a tray, before retrieving a wooden box, and placing it

next to the fire before taking the tray and putting it on it as makeshift table.

“Settle down Silas, I have been with him all night, all he has done is speak of owing

his life to her, he hasn’t once mentioned harming her” Dragus says ignoring him, Silas

sticks his head out the door and I hear the cracking of his bones as he shifts back

before walking into the barn.

“You left her with him” Silas accuses,

“She would be fine, when are you going to realise, Elora can handle herself?” Dragus

tells him pouring some tea in cups before handing one to Pluto and myself.

Pluto relaxes sitting on another box and I pat his shoulder letting him know he was

safe with me, he looks up at me grateful but Silas growls at him before pulling me

away making me sit on his lap. Matitus was watching Pluto with curiosity.

“Would you pledge to her, to us?” He asks Pluto, making him look up at him.

“Of course I owe her everything, I am now bound to her, I can feel her magic,

strengthening me, I don’t know its hard to explain, I don’t think I can ever leave your

kingdom, like I am now tied to her”

Now all three of them growl and Pluto puts up his hands in surrender, spilling his tea.

“No, no, not like that, I don’t know its hard to explain. I owe her, sort of like my loyalty

can only be hers if that makes sense”

“So what about Lincoln?” I ask.

“Lincoln is not one of the good ones, he was crazy long before he got stuck like that,

he killed his mate when he found out she couldn’t bare him children. Didn’t realise he

was dooming himself when he did” Pluto says.

“Then why would they follow him?”

“Because they fear him, he has killed a few of the ones desiccated, we were starving.

I refused but the others were to scared too, they ate them” He says scrunching his

face up in disgust.

“Like cannibalism?” Silas asks and I could feel his disgust. Pluto nods,

”yes he is the strongest out of us. I was stuck pretty much in a full dragon form, the

others not so lucky, he didn’t really mess with me, because I could put up a fight”

Pluto says and Dragus nods in understanding.

‘Okay so can Pluto come in the castle now?” I ask looking to Silas, he grips my face

before sighing pressing his forehead against mine.

“What about a place in the city” He compromises but Pluto speaks up instead.

“Actually, is it alright if I stay in the stables, I like it here with the horses” He asks

looking to the three dragon kings.

“I don’t have problem with it as long as he doesn’t eat my horses” Says Matitus

making me look at him.

“What you know how long it took me to get them horses to trust me, they’re my

babies” He says as the brown horse leans over nibbling on Matitus’s hair, he reaches

up patting its face.

‘No, not that I am shocked they are yours, didn’t picture you for one that liked pets” I

tell him.
“Nothing else to do around here, beside I was raised around them” He says looking

up the horse, the horses nose nuzzling his face as Matitus kissed.

“Isn’t that right pebbles” He says to the horse.


“It’s her name” He says simply. I shake my head, but Pluto was watching him with the

horse in awe.

“I am fine with it, Pluto likes the horses, was brushing them all night so you don’t have

to worry about him eating them Matitus” Matitus looks at Pluto giving him a nod and

Pluto looks hopeful before we all turn to Silas.

“Fine, don’t make me regret this” He says looking at Pluto,

“Never my king” Pluto tells him.

“Are you going to Aldrin about the Helcates” Matitus asks. I shake my head.

“No, what good would come of it right now, maybe later Pluto can tell him, but at the

end of the day he is the same as me, blamed for something his ancestors did. We

never made the mistakes, I don’t see why we should be punished for something that

happened before we were even born” I tell Matitus.

Guilt hits me through the bond making me look at Silas, his arms tightening around

my waist.

“I swear I never knew what my father did, Elora”

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Eighty Two

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Elora’s POV

We organise a bed and a few things for Pluto to make him more comfortable in the

stables, Silas had been following me around all morning, and even helped me take

everything that was on the Patricia’s list over to the orphanage. She nearly tripped

over her own feet when we she greeted us, not expecting Silas to be with me,

people were still wary of him.

Untrusting, but it was to expected and Silas never took insult from it. He actually

apologised for scaring her when he grabbed her, steadying her on her feet. Silas

even helped clean out the rain gutters and fixed the swing sets out the back for the

children, by the time I was done talking with Patricia he came back inside covered in

dirt and mud and smelling of stagnant water from the blocked gutters.
“Can we head home, I need to shower unless you have anything else on that list for

me to do” He asks, wrapping his arms around me and covering me in dirt.

“Silas your filthy” I screech at him as he presses his face into my neck.

“Hmm now you can shower with me” He says below my ear. Patricia chuckles at him,

shaking her head as she went to find the new people that had been hired to help her.

Turning around, I wrap my arms around his neck pecking his lips before stepping


I take off my cloak. He raises an eyebrow at me wondering what I am doing, when I

toss it at him, hitting him in the face with it and running out the doors heading outside.

“I’ll race you” I yell back at him before letting my wings free and springing off my feet,

letting them carry me through the air. Lilith and a few others come rushing out looking

up at me.

“I can’t shift here without destroying something” Silas calls up to me.

“Well, you better run fast” I tell him. Silas huffs staring up at me, his hand on his hips.

“What not up for the challenge Silas?” I taunt him.

“What do I get if I win?” He calls back, Patricia walks out looking up at me a smile on

her face.

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“That’s so cool” I hear her say next to Silas. Silas hands her my cloak and she takes


“What do you want?” I ask him.

“I have a few things in mind” He answers mysteriously.

“Fine but if I win, you have to help me fix the backyard up on the orphanage, it’s a

forest out there”

“Deal” He says before he takes off, I turn heading for the castle thinking it will be an

easy win as I fly over the houses and a large park, I head up higher the breeze

making me shiver looking for any sign of him when I see him run through the park, I

could just make out his laugh before he suddenly shifts.

“Shit!” I didn’t think of him finding some where he could shift. His golden dragon

gleaming under the light as he fly towards me and I take off, my wings cutting through

the air easily as he chased after me. He fly’s directly under me, before rolling in the air,

his wings making a gust of wind pushing me back as he heads toward the castle. I

hear his chest rumble and know he is laughing at me.

Seeing the castle come in to view, I force my wings to go faster but the wind gust

from his wings was making me fly all over the place and I realise that’s why he keeps

flying in my path, I see the stables and dart beneath him, heading down and I hear

him growl. Darting after me, before I shriek when his talons touch my wings and I

have to drop them, letting them bleed back into my skin as he cages me in his

gigantic claws, he lands on one foot before opening his Talons letting me fall on my

butt. He shifts back and I turn on him.

“I win” He announces.

“You cheated” I accuse, slapping his bare chest. He wraps his arms around my waist

pulling me to him.

“You never said I couldn’t” He smiles before pecking my lips. He growls, nipping my

neck and I grab his face pulling it away as his stubble scratches my skin.

“You need to shave” I tell him, and he rubs my cheek with his.
“Silas, its scratchy” I tell him, and he chuckles lifting me and forcing my legs around

his waist as he walks toward the castle doors. Matitus and Dragus were hauling

some giant rocks into the stables as we went past with Pluto.

“What are they doing?” I ask as Aldrin runs after them.

“Aldrin” I call but he just waves ducking inside the stables.

“Let me down I want to see what they are up to”

“Not a chance you have a bet to pay up” He says continuing to walk toward the


Dragus and Matitus come out noticing us as we walk past.

“What’s the bet and can we watch” Dragus says walking over and slapping my ass, a

devious smile on his lips.

“You can always join us” Silas says as he opens the doors.

“So I take it you lost?” Matitus asks me before he chuckles.

“Is it really losing though if it involves you three?” I ask in return and his lips tug at the


“She bet I wouldn’t beat her home and she wanted me to help her with the backyard

at the orphanage” Silas tells him.

“Like we would let you clean that jungle by yourself” Silas says.

“What you’re still going to help?” I ask.

“Yes, I won’t be letting my pregnant mate, haul all that crap out” Silas answers as he

walks up the stairs toward our room.

“So, what were you two doing with Aldrin and Pluto?”

“Nothing just cleaning up” Dragus answers and I could tell he was lying, my eyes

narrowing at him.

“It’s a surprise just stay out of the stables please” Matitus tells me.

“Promise you wont go in there” Silas says pulling back and looking at me.

I roll my eyes at him.

“Fine I promise” I tell him kissing him, his tongue running along my bottom lip before

he sucks it into his mouth. He sits me on the sink basin and Matitus turns the shower

on behind him.

Silas reaches under the counter grabbing some shaving soap and cutthroat razor. I

jump off the basin stripping the rest of my clothes off and hopping in with Matitus. I

watch Silas shave before Dragus takes the razor from him and Silas sits on the

counter facing us. Dragus moves between his legs before kissing him, grabbing his

face, and turning it, shaving his face for him.

So sweet watching them with each other thought, I would have been petrified of

cutting him if I tried to do that. Matitus chest presses against my back his hands

going to my hips.

“You like watching us don’t you” He states, before sucking on the skin below my ear,

one hand moving to my breast as he plucks my nipple rolling it between his fingers,

the other rubbing my little bump. I look up at him and he kisses my lips, his tongue

moving between my lips as it brushes mine and I breathe into his mouth, arousal

flooding me.

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Eighty Three

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Matitus squeezes my breast, his other hand moving to my neck as he kisses me,

deepening the kiss. I feel hands run up my thighs pushing them apart, before feeling

my leg lifted making me pull away from Matitus to see Dragus, lift my leg draping it

over his shoulder before his warm mouth kissing my pussy lips before I feel his

tongue move between my folds, I moan loudly as he sucks my clit into his mouth,

Matitus erection digging into my back when Silas steps in the shower, his face freshly

shaven and I reach my hands out to him while leaning on Matitus. Silas smiles, as I

run my hands over clean-shaven face, his skin soft beneath my palms as he leans

over kissing me. Dragus grip on my thigh tightens as he devours my pussy with his

relentless sucking, my hips moving as I grind my core against his lips, loving the

warm feeling building in my stomach as it tightens.

Dragus slips his finger between my lips before thrusting it into me and my legs jolt,

Matitus wraps his arm around my waist to stop them from giving out under me. Silas

lips going to my nipple as he nips at the hardened bud sucking it in his mouth.

Dragus pulls his finger out before adding another, twisting them as he slides them in

while sucking on my sensitive bundle of nervous, my skin becoming flushed as I pant,

my orgasm washing over me and my toes curl, as I explode in his mouth, he slows,

letting me ride out my orgasm licking up my juices leaving me breathless, Matitus the

only reason I am remaining up right when Dragus stands kissing me, and I can taste

my arousal on his tongue as he forces it my mouth tasting every inch of it.

His erection pressing into my stomach and I wrap my arms around his neck before he

grips my hips lifting me and taking my weight, his hands squeezing my arse as he

rolls my hips against his, his cock moving between folds making me gasp.

Silas cuts the shower off and they step out. Dragus places me back on my feet

before handing me my towel and I wrap it around myself following them into the

bedroom. Silas dry’s himself before climbing on the bed, Matitus following him as he

moves between his legs hovering over the top of him, his arms braced on either side

of Silas’s head as he kisses him. Dragus hands running over my towel before he

drops it at my feet, his hands going to my breasts, as he sucks on my mark.

Matitus kissing Silas’s chest before grabbing his cock, arousal flooding me as I watch

Matitus take Silas in his mouth, sucking his cock and squeezing his balls with his

other hand, my breathing becoming harder just at the sight of them. Dragus hand

runs down my side before pushing me toward the bed. He sits in the end of it, pulling

me toward him, so I straddle him, he moves backwards so my knees sit on the bed

before adjusting himself and I sink down on his hardened length, letting it fill and

stretch me as I ride him, his hands gripping my ass as he pulls my cheeks apart

before slamming me down on his cock.

My eyes on Matitus as he continues to suck on Silas. Silas hand in his hair as he

writhes beneath him, and I feel arousal spreading on my thighs at watching them.
Dragus grip tightening before he holds me still.

“Go hop on Silas” Dragus says nipping at my chin and neck before lifting me off him.

Matitus moves and I straddle Silas, leaning down and kissing him as I press down on


“She is so wet” Silas says gripping my hips as I grind them on him. I feel Matitus slip

his fingers in me and Silas groans and his cock twitches inside me as Matitus forces

his fingers into my soaking wet heat before withdrawing them pressing them between

my cheeks and against the tight muscles of my ass. He slides them in, pulling them

in and out of my ass, drawing a moan out of me. I watch Dragus kneel on the bed,

and I lean forward my lips wrapping around his cock as I suck on it, I can taste my

juices coating it as he fists my hair forcing more of himself into my mouth as he

thrusts into it. I moan around his cock, when I feel Matitus press his tip to my ass

before sliding it in, Silas sit up on his elbows biting and sucking on my breasts while

Dragus fucks my mouth. I feel Matitus fingers slide into me, stretching me more

around his length and I push against his fingers as he slides his cock in and out my

ass while I grind my hips on Silas hard length, my stomach tightening at the overfull

feeling as I feel more juices spilling onto my thighs and coating Silas hard length.

Dragus pulls his cock from my lips and Matitus adds another finger, Dragus moves on

the bed, moving toward Matitus. Silas grips my face between his hands pulling me

closer, his tongue moving between my lips and he groans into my mouth.

I feel Matitus pull my cheeks apart watching himself slip in and out my ass while his

fingers continue to stretch me. Dragus moves off the bed and I pull back from Silas,

his lips going to my neck as I watch Dragus grab a bottle of lube before walking back

to the bed, I feel the bed dip behind me, Matitus pulls his fingers from before

readding them, this time coated in the lubricant and I moan at the feeling. Silas hand

going between us, as his thumb rubs my clit and I move my hips faster, loving the

Dragus hand goes to my ass and I feel Matitus shift moving over, his hand pulling my

cheek apart as he slides his length into me. Silas nips my chin, before kissing my lips.

“Your going to take all three of us now” He says, my pussy clenching his cock at his

words, his thumb moves rubbing my clit.

“Is that a yes?” He asks a smile on his lips, and I kiss him forcing my tongue into his

mouth, his other hand going to my breast rolling my nipple between his thumb and

finger. Dragus positions himself, I jump as he pushes the tip in and both Matitus and

Dragus grip on me tightens holding me still, Silas fingers moving faster, distracting me

from the slight burning sensation, Dragus pushes in alongside Matitus, stretching me

before stilling, letting me get used to the feeling of the three of them inside me. I

wriggle my hips and Silas moans at the movement. I move needing the stimulation,

and I feel all three slipping in and out of me, letting me get used to the feeling.

“That’s it, ride our cocks baby” Silas whispers before sucking on my neck.

I reach behind me gripping Dragus hip, letting him know they can move before feeling

him pull out before thrusting in, all three them moving in and out, filling me and

building up the friction, my skin heating and all I can do is moan and breathe as they

fill me, fucking me. My body becoming coated in a sheen of sweat as my skin heats

as they pound into me. The only sounds are the wet slapping sounds of our skin and

our breathy moans filling the air when I feel my orgasm build, my walls tightening

around them as I feel my orgasm ripple throughout my body, my muscles tensing as

each wave washes over me, making my toes curl their movements becoming erratic

before they all still their grip tightening as they fill me with their hot seeds, leaving me

breathless and panting as I slump on top of Silas.

I feel Matitus and Dragus gently pull out of me, Silas fingers trailing up my back as I try

to catch my breath, he kisses my head before I feel something cold and wet move
between my legs making me jump as everything feels sore and over sensitive, the

coolness soothing.

“Matitus is just cleaning you” Silas breathes, his hands trailing up my side. I let my

eyes flutter shut, sleep trying to take over and I feel Silas pull the blanket up as I come

down from my high, goosebumps covering my skin as I shiver from the cold as my

body temperature returns to normal and my breathing evens out, I fall asleep on his

chest, happy and content, my entire body going off into blissful sleep.

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Eighty Four

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Elora’s POV

We were awoken by screams, I sat upright in bed thinking at first, I Imagined it, that is

was all a figment of my imagination. But the bloodcurdling sounds coming from

outside could not be mistaken for anything else, but pure horror and carnage that

awaited us outside. Silas and Matitus took off in a blur, I went to chase after them, to

find out what the hell was going on when Dragus arms wrapped around me tossing

me back on the bed.

“Wait here” He screamed rushing out after them. Running for the door, I quickly threw

on the first thing I laid my hands on, jeans and one of their shirts. Running for the

door, only to open and find Marian rushing towards me and shoving me backwards

into the room.

“They took him, they took Aldrin” Marian says frantically locking the door.

My heart was hammering in my chest so hard I thought it was going to explode,

when pain ripped through me, bringing me to my knees, Dragus pain smashing into

me and taking my breath away, as red-hot pain tore through my back.

I stagger trying to get my footing as I rush for the door, Marian grabbing my wrist.

“You can’t go out there, there are more than we first thought” She says, her hands

visibly shaking a she tugs on me.

“We have to help them, we can’t just sit here Marian pull yourself together, where is


“She is, she was”-

“She was what, Marian?”

“She was trying to get to Claire” Marian breathes, and I throw the door open, rushing

down the stairs, Marian hot my heels as she chased after me, trying to keep up. My

sword slipping between my fingers as I raced toward the front of the castle, that can’t

be a good thing, it means danger is close, I thought to myself as I looked down at the

sword now in my hand, smooth and cold to touch as it glowed subtly like a beacon in

the night, illuminating everything in front of me in the darkened castle. The floors cold

under my feet as I see the doors.

Orange lights flicking in the dining room, the sort of light that left shadows as it burnt

its way through everything, fire. The castle was on fire, black smoke billowing out the

archway toward us, slowly consuming everything in its path. Marian throws her hands

for, silver light, so bright I had to squint to stop it hurting my eyes, before my feet

feeling wet and I realise she put out the flames, now white and black smoke as the

fire dies.
I look back at Marian and she had her hands braced on her knees trying to catch her

breath. Rushing over to her, I grab her arm pulling her against me as we continue for

the doors.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, as she pants, her hair turning white in patches.

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“I’m old dear magic, is hard for me to use now, that’s why I don’t use it” She says

before coughing. I take her to the Library sitting her down on the chair looking toward

the front.

“Stay here” I tell her, running toward the doors leading outside when I hear her

staggering after me.

“Marian stay” I tell her, but she ignores me following me anyway.

“Marian” I snap at her.

“I am not letting you go out there by yourself” She gasps out. Stubborn old woman,

but I knew there was no stopping her as I shoved open the doors. What I was not

expecting was to run out and see the entire city on fire, the sound of the panicked

screams echoing through night, made my heart rate spike. Werewolves and vampires

fighting everywhere, as the tore each other apart.

“oh no” Marian gasped as we both stared around in panic.

“Werewolves were attacking our men, alongside the half beasts. Buildings caught

alight everywhere when I see a green dragon thrown into the side of the castle beside

us, narrowly missing us as its body hit the stone walls. Pluto rushing over and shoving

us toward the doors.

His body littered in burns.

“Get inside my Queen” He says, as the dragon finds its feet, shaking itself off, its

scales gleaming though, most of its scales were missing like it had the mange, it

roared breathing fire directly at us and I raise my sword.

My sword cutting straight through the flames diverting them away from us as my

magic flared to life. The thing charged at us, Pluto ripping me out of the way, but

Marian was to slow as its tail whipped through the air smacking her in the chest and

sending her flying through the air.

I scream as I watch her body hit the ground with a sickening thud as it advanced on

her, my sword cutting through its tail as I yielded it, making it pivot and bare its teeth

snapping in mine and Pluto’s direction. I hear another menacing roar coming from

behind me, but I don’t look, trusting that Pluto would have to deal with it, while I kept

my eyes on this one.

Moving just in time as it teeth snapped toward my face, my sword biting into its neck

as it come down before I am thrown as Pluto fly’s into me, I brace myself for impact

when I see his hand reach out ripping me toward him before he pivots taking the

brunt of the impact as we smash against the ground. I hear the air leave his lungs,

before his eyes snap open panic coursing through him as his eyes dart behind me

and he rolls with me on top of him, just in time to see a foot come down where we

once were, I jump off him scrambling to my feet, when pain tears through my

shoulder, the green monster sinking its teeth into my shoulder and I see my sword

flicker, the light dying out for a second as my blood oozed down my arm, its teeth

embedded in my flesh at is flings me into the water fountain in the middle of

courtyard, my head smacking the ground so hard I see black dots dance before my


My head felt like it was exploding, thumping to its own beat and I find my sword

gone, no longer clutched in my hand as my magic fizzled, the green beast stalking
towards me before it suddenly drops writhing and shrinking as it started changing

back to its human form, I didn’t have time to watch when I feel claws biting into my

flesh making me cry out, a black wolf tackling me as I try and holds its head away

from my face as it snapped its jaw dangerously close. I use my legs trying to throw it

off when its weight suddenly disappears all together. Dragus ripping it away, and I see

his skin is littered in burns, onyx eyes burning back at me, as he tosses the werewolf

into the fountain.

It jumps up attacking biting anything it could, as Dragus held it, I watch its claws slash

across his stomach, the pain dropping me like a sack of potatoes.

I try and breathe through it as my eyes find Marian’s limp body still laying on the frozen

ground, I hear growling and the sound of ice cracking making me look at Dragus in

the fountain as he held the werewolf under the water, it thrashed as he drowned it,

the wolfs thrashing stopping.

I rush toward Marian, shaking her shoulders when Pluto suddenly throws himself over

the top of me, dropping me to ground, I land heavily on my hip, just as flames rush

above me and a mighty roar cuts through the night, the gold glint off its scales from

the moonlight reflecting on the ground as it flew above us. Flames decimating the

earth around us, before I hear howling screams making me look up to realise, we

were completely surrounded by wolves before they were burnt alive by Silas.

“Pluto get her out of here” Dragus bellows before I feel myself being ripped to my feet,

his huge hand clutching mine as I try to pull away, try to get to Marian’s crumpled

form on the floor.

“No, I need to help Marian” I scream trying to get out of his iron grip before he tosses

me over his shoulder,

“She is dead my Queen, I am sorry, but she died the moment she hit the ground I

heard her heart stop” Pluto says as he takes off in a run, heading for the cover of the
forest and away from the city and the castle.

“No, I can help her, stop put me down” I scream, tears pouring from my eyes as I

thrash on his shoulder.

“I need to get you out of here, get you and your baby to safety” He says refusing to

let me go as he ran, the scenery around me blurring black as I felt air rush around me

at his intense speed. I feel myself becoming woozy from the motion before I am

suddenly placed on my feet, feel the frozen ground on which I stood.

Pluto bites into his wrist, offering it to me.

“Your mates won’t like it but if that wound doesn’t stop bleeding, I am afraid you may

lose that arm, please my Queen” He says thrusting his wrist toward me, before

wrapping his arm around my waist when I refuse. He presses his wrist to my lips

forcing his blood down my throat, my shoulder healing where the beast teeth sunk in,

the claws marks down my back healing before I rip his hand away. Pluto steps back

watching me.

“I’m sorry but at least my scent will mask you for a bit” He says before grabbing my

wrist and pulling me into the trees.

“We need to go back, we can’t just leave” I tell him as he continues pulling me,

dragging me through the forest.

“I’m sorry but I can’t risk it, I promised your mate, I would keep you safe and that’s

what I intend to do”

I feel my magic surge, I wasn’t leaving them behind before it suddenly dies out, fizzles

out like water to a flame. I stare at my hands trying to figure out why I have no magic

“Your magic is weak because you got injured, don’t worry my Queen it will come

back when it recharges”


“Yes, you are Fae, a creature of light, it is now dark” He says making me confused.


“You still have magic, but you have exerted yourself, kind of like what Marian did,

usually your magic would be infinite, but you exerted yourself each time you got hurt,

your magic was not only protecting you but the baby you carry in your womb, at the

moment its left you to protect your little one, you have taken a few blows, yet your

babies heart beat is strong, yours erratic, didn’t you know when a Fae is pregnant, its

magic is shared to protect their young” I shake my head, I didn’t know that but that

would explain why every time I got hurt I could feel my magic flickering it wasn’t

cutting out it was diverting it to protect my child.

We stop, hiding amongst the trees, as Pluto tells me to sit on a log. I do, my entire

body shivering from the cold and my own shock. Marian was dead, she died and yet

it didn’t feel real, like nightmare I just hoped I could wake from.

Abigail on my mind as I think of what Marian said that she took off to get Claire, I hope

they were okay. I felt stupid sitting here and hiding amongst the forest while a war

broke out at home.

I could feel all their pain, Dragus was injured that much I knew for sure because he

was on the ground, Silas and Matitus were burnt as I feel my skin burn, but nothing

compared to the ache in my heart, the pain of so many lives lost all because of my

blood and Aldrin’s. Being Fae was everything magical, and terrible, truly a curse for

anyone forced to be around us.

The screams start to die down, Pluto watching with eagle eyes as he looked back on

our burning City. I hear the sound the wings in the air, wishing I could use mine, even

just to fly up and see, to make sure they were okay, yet I couldn’t feel anything,

couldn’t feel my magic, I felt as bare as the day I was brought to castle.

The sounds of wings up above making me look up and seeing a black shadow fly

above us, my mind going to Matitus and his black dragon ”Matitus” I breathe running

for the clearing we just ran through, Pluto screaming at me to stop and I realise my

mistake, I assumed it was Matitus or Silas, I thought they were the only ones that

could fly, thought the black shadow was my mate, when I see the dark green beast

above me, I freeze spinning on my heel, rushing back toward the tree line as Pluto ran

toward me, how was it possible, that’s when I see him. The man from outside the

borders sitting atop the Dragon my blood healed in the courtyard. Its talons wrapping

around my body before I feel my feet leave the ground. Pluto narrowly missing me as

he tried to grab me, but it was to late as I felt myself going higher, the temperature

dropping and the menacing laugh of a man before his words made my blood run


“Burn the city down” He said, I feel the rumble as his Talons caged me in, before I see

red and orange flames below me as the flames flew from its chest and out its mouth,

setting the buildings of the city alight below us. My scream dying out when its claws

tightened restricting the air in my lungs, suffocating me in its tight grip, I feel the

pressure in my chest tighten as I tried to suck in much needed air, my vision blurring

as they water, my mouth falling open as I tried to get air. The last thing I remember

before darkness sucked me under was the deep voice of a man.

“Not too tightly she is no good to us dead Malika”

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Eighty Five

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Elora’s POV

I woke to being shaken, cold wet hands gripped my shoulder before I feel myself

being pulled upright into a sitting position, my eyes felt like sandpaper as I forced

them open to see my surroundings. Aldrin was holding me up, he was drenched in

blood, as his pale face watched me worriedly.

“Elora you need to stay awake” He whispers. I felt like I had been hit by a truck, as I

looked around. I gasp when I see we were both sitting on a huge rock within a cave,

completely surrounded by hundreds of Dragons, or half dragons. All screeching,

some rambling in foreign tongue.

“Don’t move to fast” Aldrin whispers, not like I could anyway, everything was aching,

my head was pounding. The cave was huge, the ceiling so high before it opened at a

point and I could just make out the night sky, a huge fire was burning in the middle

and I realise we were at the back of the cave, furthest from the caves opening.

Flaming torches were thrown on the rocky surface at random lighting the cave.

I notice the man from atop the dragon, his muscular frame moving between the

Dragons in their weird forms. Another man was with him also holding some bucket

dripping of red liquid and I gasp when I realise it was Aldrin’s blood. I noticed a few

men standing around to the side of us rambling, they were in human form but by the

way they were moving and chattering they weren’t of sound mind but were clearly

human again.

Both men look up, a huge smile splitting onto his face, “Malika she has awoken” He

says looking at the other man. He had a huge scar that went from his eye all the way

down his neck, his face contorting as he smiled and licked his lips.

They both turn toward us about to head over, I feel Aldrin tense beside me before

their attention was diverted when a Pack of werewolves walk into the caves opening,

growling, teeth bared. The black one walking ahead of them all, shifts into a man with

shoulder length hair, his eyes pitch black as he stepped over the dragons. One of

them tried to bite him but he swiftly kicked it in the head stepping over it as he made

his way to the centre.

“We did what you asked Jed, hand over our mates and we will be on our way” The

man says.

I watch as the rest of the wolves shift into human form, their eyes looking around the

huge cage.

“Settle down Madok you will get your mates, but she stays. I can’t have her running

back to the castle and telling them where we are”

I gasp when she steps forward, completely horrified. Is she the reason they were able

to get into the castle all this time?

“The kings know where you are, they always have known you hide in these caves,”

Taylor tells him, her eyes dart to me and I see her swallow before giving her attention

back to Jed.

“Very well, bring them out” Jed yells. I hear shuffling off to the side for notice a crack

in the cave wall that must have been used as a makeshift prison. Woman rushing out

of it, completely naked as they run towards their mates.

“I’m sorry Elora, I had no other choice” Taylor calls to me. I only met her a couple

times she was Dragus friend and escorted me to Abbie’s a few times, so I was

shocked to see that she was behind this.

“Don’t talk to her” Jed snaps and she turns her glare back to him.

“Our Alpha will come for her, not even the fates will save you when he does” She

spits at him while the wolves rush their mates out of the cave.

“Is that so and who is this mysterious Alpha if you don’t answer to Madok then little


“King Dragus of Draquin, you fool, you just took his Queen” She says before turning

on her heel and walking out of the cave.

“Well, that was certainly entertaining now wasn’t it children?” Jed says turning back to

us and walking up the rocks toward us.

“Well seems I now have a deadline, looks like I have no time to waste” He says

reaching for me. I smack his hand away and Aldrin also struggles when he puts a

blade to my throat.
“Don’t fight me, it will just make your death faster” he says. Aldrin freezes as the cold

steel of the blade presses tightly against my throat.

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“Now get up, Fae boys blood works but is a lot slower, and now that I have a time

limit, I need to speed things up a bit”

He grips my arm hauling me to my feet. Aldrin tries to get up, but I shake my head, he

doesn’t need to get himself killed for me. He already looked weak enough with the

slices down his arms.

The man grabs my arm before pressing the blade to the inside of my elbow and

running it down to my wrist. My blood pouring out and down my arm while he caught

it in his bowl. I see the other man Malika approach when he suddenly bites his wrist,

and grips my hair forcing his blood down my throat, healing the wounds before he

tosses me on the ground back toward Aldrin. I watch as they walk around giving the

Dragons my blood, they were right, Aldrin’s blood take a longer to work some still not

having changed back, where as mine works almost instantly.

‘They have been draining me for hours, my magic is weak now, not working as


“I can’t even feel mine” I whisper back to him and his eyes dart to my stomach.

“You need blood lots of it, or you need daylight, we are creature of the light” He say

looking to the ceiling above where the roof opened up. Dragons shifting before our

eyes, Pluto was right, a lot weren’t mentally stable, some even trying to attack Jed

and Malika even after they were changed back.

Malika chaining them to the rock walls, and I noticed a few of the mutated dragons

were also chained down. Aldrin noticing my stare as I looked at the half man half

dragon beside us.

“Don’t move to close to that one, he nearly ripped off my arm” He says, and I nod.

“Pluto told me some of them weren’t of sound mind”

“Yeah, those ones over there” He nods to his side where there were a group of them

huddle together rambling nonsense.

“They have been like that since they changed back, talking about the curse needs to

be broken and wrongs righted, or they will change back or some shit” Aldrin says

shaking his head.

“Did you say Pluto?” I hear a soft voice come from behind me, I jump when I see the

naked man, he was skinny and frail, and covered in dirt.

“Please miss, my brother Pluto do you know him” His gravelly voice asks.

“He is my friend” I tell him, and he nods before darting off and I see Jed walking back

up towards me, he rips me to my feet repeating the process. I cry out when he

presses the blade deeper this time, my blood running out faster filling the two bowls. I

feel on the verge of passing out when I am force fed Malika’s blood again. Aldrin

grabbing me and pulling me against him as I sway.

“We just need to hang on my Queen, your kings will come for us” He whispers as I

pass out again.

I woke in a castle, in our castle, I knew I was dreaming stuck in a state of between

what was going on in the real world and this one that my mind had conjured up. I look

around and I can see a man and a woman arguing, the woman was beautiful with hair

so long it reached the back of her knees, as she fought with a man that had a striking

resemblance to Silas.
Looking around the room, everything was different, the furniture was outdated but I

had no doubt this was our bedroom, sitting up I watch the man and woman fight,

their voices slowly coming into focus.

“I warned you this was a bad idea, I warned you and you still did it anyway. I can’t

believe you Darshan, why couldn’t you listen for once in your life?”

“They were planning to go to war with us, I never expected this to happen, you can’t

blame me, I had to take action.” The man snaps at her tossing his crown on the bed.

“You didn’t just kill her, you wiped out the entire bloodline, you have doomed us all,

you need to fix it, beg the Fates for forgiveness. Blaire will retaliate and when she

does it will destroy him, it will fucking destroy everything we have built” She screams

at him.

“You dare to talk to me like that, talk to your king this way, I did what I had to do, for

this kingdom, for us”

“ I am not talking down to you, you are my husband, not my king, No, you did this,

you did it because you were scared, I knew that Helcate was up to no good the

moment he walked in here”

“It’s done it cannot be undone, I can’t bring the woman back from the dead, Laine. It

will work out, we stopped a war, this is a good thing, why can’t you see that?”

“Because she fucking cursed us, you think you ended a war Darshan , you didn’t you

just started a new one” She screams at him.

“The curse won’t withstand my love, she is dead, all curses die out when the one that

bestowed it dies you know this”

“You fool, Blaire won’t stand for this, the Oracle won’t stand for this, forty years we

have lived in peace with them, forty years and you ruined everything. Silas wont’

forgive you for this, you took his only chance at happiness, Blaire will reject him for
sure now and then what happens? when their a no heirs to take over, the kingdom

will fall”

“He can take another woman, he will understand in time my love”

“No, we can only procreate with our mates” She argues.

“And he has two already, surely one of them would be able to knock up some whore”

She slaps him, the sound echoed of the wall and I held my breath.

His chest rises and falls heavily as he growls at her.

“You dare speak of a woman in such a way, I won’t stand for it. You cursed us,

doomed us all” She spits at him turning away and walking toward the window and

looking out. The man stood there watching his wife, a troubled expression on his


“The Oracle said all we need to do is rewrite the wrongs of the past, I will speak to

Blaire’s father, tell him what happened, admit my guilt, it will work out my love”

“How can you say that? the Oracle warned you, I warned you and now she has left

us. Our son will hate you for this, he will hate you for taking her from him, for forcing

her hand”

“She will accept the mating; she has to, it’s in the treaty” He says pinching the bridge

of his nose. The woman laughs and his head snaps up to look at her.

“You old fool, you broke the treaty the moment you killed her, now Blaire will make us

pay, make us pay for killing her, no one meant more Blaire then that woman and you

know it Darshan, she loved her long before she married that Helcate idiot, they have

always loved each other, Silas was willing to share her with them, they have been

sorting things for weeks and you do this, do this a week before they are supposed to

“She won’t go back on her word; won’t go back on the treaty” He argues.

“Yeah, and what about the witches, you think the treaty can’t be broken, you forget

the Oracle created it, she can also break it, the Oracle hates us for what you did, we

all know when she picks sides who’s side, she will be on, all because you were to

blinded to see”

I watch the woman sit on a chair, her head in her hands as she sobbed, he walks

over placing his hand on her shoulder.

“I can’t lose you” She cries,

“You won’t?”

“But blood must be spilled, yours must be spilled to right the wrongs or the curse on

the Dragons won’t break, it’s already happening, they are changing, growing weaker”

She whispers looking up at him tears streaking her beautiful face as her snake like

eyes stared back at him.

“We will find another way, I will ask King Aziza for his help”

“And if he says no, if Blaire says no?” He pauses, looking out the window.

“Then I will pay for my sins” He says, and she starts sobbing again.

“Silas must never know, he won’t find out my love everything will work out, you’ll see,

Blaire will accept the bond, she will accept him”

The dream fizzles and warps light shining behind my eyelids, beaming down on me

brightly from the hole in the roof. Aldrin’s pale face leaning over me causing a shadow

to fall over me.

“You okay, you were muttering in you sleep”

“I think I know how to break the curse” I whisper.

“The curse is broken” Aldrin says looking at me before helping me sit up. I see naked

men everywhere, men all pulling on cloth trying to cover their naked bodies.

“They have been taking blood from us all night” Aldrin says, and I look at his arms

multiple scars littered his skin the same with mine.

I shake my head “They will change back” I whisper, and he looks at me confused.

“Elora are you okay?”

“No listen Aldrin, they showed me, the fates showed me, the curse isn’t broken, only

the curse on the Fae, and the fertility one, the dragons though their curse was

different, it was never our sacrifice to make, our blood won’t keep them here forever

they will change back if they don’t have their mates”

“Elora your not making sense, look they are fine and Dakari is fine he been like it for

weeks now” Aldrin says pointing to the hundreds of men.

“Yes, but he found a mate, to ground him, he has Abbie” Aldrin shakes his head not

understanding, I barely understood it myself, but I knew after what I saw that the

curse wasn’t broken, the balance needs to be restored for the Dragons to remain, a

life for a life. Blood for blood. I just hoped Silas would forgive me, if he is even here.

“I need to find him” I tell Aldrin.

“Find who?”

“King Darshan Silas’s father”

Author Note

Let me know what you think of this chapter. This are getting interesting.
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2 months ago Reply


Amazing! I love this book. Please update, I need more!

2 months ago Reply

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Eighty Six

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We waited, I told Aldrin what he looked like, which was easy because King Darshan

and his son looked exactly alike, his father though was a little more brooding not that

it mattered with the amount of people in this cave, it was literally a sea of men and we

couldn’t exactly go wandering to find them. I could feel my magic getting stronger,

Aldrin was right the sun was recharging us even Aldrin didn’t look so deathly pale. His

skin regaining colour as we both tried not to move, letting the sun beam down on our

legs, the warmth of it creating a warmth inside us both.

Jed had busily still been taking blood but he was becoming frustrated, because our

magic dwindling through out the night the process had slowed dramatically almost to

a standstill, it wasn’t until Malika screeched that they realised the curse was coming

back which made me wonder how Pluto was fairing back at the castle, if he to was

reverting back to the way he was.

Jed however didn’t realise the scales returning on his back though we could clearly

see them as they started to return, and it wasn’t until Malika pointed them out when

Jed raced to his side. He screech as his tail returned that when they realised the

curse wasn’t broken. That our blood wasn’t working the way it should.

His anger was like a red hot poker as he stalked toward us, he grips my shoulders

shaking me.

“What did you do?” I shake my head, nothing I say will make him believe me, he will

just assume it was the Fae doing like for the last hundred years they blamed us,

blamed us for their own sins.

“Fix it” He screams before sinking his teeth into my shoulder, my magic faltering for a

second. He drops me to the ground and I don’t move thankful to be under the sun

again, this time completely though. I was bleeding profusely from my shoulder as my

blood coated my skin. Aldrin tries stemming the bleeding as my life’s blood leaves

me. Jed gasps as my magic runs through him, the scales disappearing as he looks

up at the sun.

“Malika drink from her, we need to keep them alive if it is to remain” He says just as

Malika storms over to me his teeth sinking into the same spot making me scream as

his teeth slice through my skin. Aldrin pulling on me trying to get me out of his grasp

as he drinks deeply, so much I felt the blood leaving my body as I became crumpling

heap on the floor as he drops me. Aldrin pulls me to a sitting position his arms

holding me up as I leaned on him.

More men stepping forward in panic reaching for me, reaching for Aldrin as they try to

get our blood. “It’s the curse, it isn’t broken, we can’t break the curse only King

Darshan can” Aldrin yells at them. Jed freezes looking around before his eyes go to

“What do you mean?” He demands as the dragons suddenly step aside letting him

walk back through to us.

“The curse was caused because of the dragons, you cursed yourselves only his

sacrifice will end it” Aldrin tells him, I could barely sit up my body going limp from the

blood loss.

“You’re lying the curse was caused by that Fae bitch Blaire, everyone knows that” Jed

says punching him and knocking him to the ground. My head smacks the rock on

which we lay,

“Give her blood we need her, we can’t let her die” Jed says and Malika shoves past

the three dragons that were about to attack us. He bites his wrist before grabbing my

hair forcing my head back, his blood filling my mouth healing the wound, when I grab

his wrist, he seems amused for a second. Little does he know his blood was

strengthening me, giving me power the more I drink from him.

“Dragon whores” Malika says.

“She is pregnant you fool, your slowly killing her and their baby” Aldrin says getting on

his hands and knees. Jed stops sniffing the air and so does Malika.

He storms back over ripping me to my feet before tugging up my lose shirt which

belonged to one of my mates. He gasps before dropping me.

“You’re pregnant?” He says before pacing back and forth.

“They are going to kill us, how did you not know she was carrying their young” Malika

says but he still hadn’t moved his wrist away instead he bit his other wrist as his fear
took over. He hands it to me and I lock eyes with Aldrin who nods looking to his wrist.

I grab it biting down and Malika groans, I could taste his fear in his blood, it was

disgusting, and I wanted to pull my lips away, my gag reflex kicking in from the now

foul taste of his fear. I pull away knowing if I don’t I will bring it back up.

“We leave on dusk we will have to sneak her out, they have been circling for hours

already trying to find a way in, but this makes sense now, why they haven’t entered

they probably worried we are going to kill her if they burst in” Jed says looking to the


Malika nods leaving me on the ground at his feet, when I see the Dragon chained to

wall watching me, curiously. His eyes inquisitive.

“We will take her through the back of the cave as soon as the sun goes down” Jed

says looking behind us and I see a crack through the wall.

“We will need a distraction though” He says looking back around the castle at all the

men. Malika and Jed walking off when the dragons come closer again. I scream

pushing back forgetting the dragon chained to wall and so does Aldrin, I scream

when one reaches for me.

The dragon against the wall lunges to attack us only he doesn’t instead his talon

piercing through the chest of the man that reached for me ripping him closer before

he bites into him, half his arm being ripped off, the noise was sickening, his blood

spraying everywhere while he screamed the other men jump back and Jed rushes

forward just in time to see the Dragon eat him in another bite before I feel heat rush

past me, the dragon throwing fire toward those that approached us, his tail wrapping

around Aldrin and I pulling us back and out of the way of the flames.

Jed looks to us in panic as the Dragon shields us from him and by the look on his

face, he looked like he thought the Dragon was going to kill us too.
“Don’t move” He says his eyes darting to us. The Dragon roars loudly the noise

reverberating of the cave walls. Before a roar from outside answers, it making

everyone look up, Aldrin and I look to each other.

“Is that your kings?” Aldrin whispers before I hear a voice flit through my head.

“My son is coming for you” I look to the dragon he looked exhausted as his head

slumps, Aldrin presses his hand on the dragon trying to get up and away from him,

while Jed and Malika and the rest all start rushing around panicked, Malika shifting his

eyes going to the cave entrance.

I stare at Aldrin and see a grin split onto his face, while I look at his hands covered in


“Aldrin” I call just as I look down and notice the smallest fleck of gold on the dragons

scales. I wipe my hands over his scales the soot coming off revealing his scales

weren’t black but gold, gold Silas, gold of the king.

The frail man who asked about Pluto hisses at us trying to get our attention. The

Dragon looks up growling at him, but he puts up his hands in surrender.

“I mean her no harm crazy one” He says, and I realise none them knew who he was,

no one had recognised the dragon chained to the wall much to weak to do anything,

“I help you; can you take me to my brother?” He asks. I nod but he was already

turning back, scales appearing on his face.

“Quick come, come, there is a back entrance” He says waving us forward. Aldrin

gets up trusting him, like what choice did we have but to follow. When suddenly all

hell breaks loose, the entire mountain shaking rocks and dust falling from the roof

covering everyone and everything as it shook violently. Aldrin grabs my arm and we

both make a run for it when the kings tail wraps around me pulling me back to his

“Go Aldrin, run” He hesitates when the dragon throws fire at him, giving him no


The dragon lifts his head pressing it to my stomach and his eyes looked sad.

“You’re king Darshan, my father-in-law, aren’t you?” He nods his big dragon head.

Looking to the exit when I see Jed rushing toward us while the other dragons start

shifting, fighting the kings that were ripping them out of the cave, and I see Dragus

run through the entrance, his eyes instantly finding mine. I feel my magic surge as Jed

growls intending to retrieve me before I feel the cold smooth handle of my sword slip

through my fingers, my magic coming back to life. Darshan lets me go just in time for

me to Pivot my sword cutting straight down his chest making him jump back, rage

consuming him as he jumps back, before I see him suck in a breath, my eyes going

to Dragus and Silas as they hear the screech from the dragon behind me as he rips

himself from his chains. Red hot heat surging towards me before it is suddenly

blocked by scales.

King Darshan blocking the flames as they hurdled towards me, a roar leaving him as

he spins around chomping Jed in half before eating him.

Everything happening so quickly, and I see what’s left of the Dragons make a run for

it. He was huge, curled up on the ground he looked like the rest until he stood taking

up half the cave, but I could feel he was weak, feel his aura dim he should have been

gold like Silas, but his aura was grey, the grey of death.

Dragons start attacking him, while I see Matitus and Silas trying to get to us and I

could feel Silas excitement through the bond recognising his father instantly. His tail

swinging and I duck out the way before climbing up on the rock we were perched on

letting my wings free. My magic fizzling slightly before surging like it was trying to build

itself up. I look to the ceiling wondering if I would make it when a fireball erupts the

deafening noise of Dragons screaming as Silas breathes hell fire through the cave,
his father blocking it from touching me. The cave goes silent beside the moaning and

groaning of the beasts burning on the ground.

“Father” Silas calls out to him, the dragons head whips in his direction and he

whimpers before turning to me, his eyes going to the blade in my hand, I step back.

“No” I gasp knowing what he wants me to do.

“Please it’s the only way, I need to pay for my sins little Aziza, I won’t have my

grandchild pay them for me” His voice flicking in my head like a whisper as his power

starts to fizzle.

I feel tears slip down my face a tortured look in his eyes as they flicker losing their


“Please” he gasps out in my head, I could hear them getting closer running toward

us, feel Silas relief at seeing I am fine and excitement at finding his father.

I raise my sword. Silas scream breaking my heart as he screams “Elora no” I plunge

my sword into his chest, he grunts before a sigh leaves him, his body transforming to

man as he stumbles into me so quickly, I almost lose my footing as he leans his

weight onto me. His arms draped over my shoulders heavily.

“Thank you” He gasps before I watch his Aura go white, his life leaving this world and

going to the next. I feel silas’s pain smash into me, hitting me like a wave of pure

anguish as he roars. My legs giving out from under me at his fathers weight, just as

Silas reached us ripping his father off the blade. My sword retracting as my magic

fizzles out having used it to kill his father.

Silas clutches his fathers frail dead body before his eyes snap to me. Burning hatred

shining back at me, he growls dropping his father before stalking towards me as I

scramble backwards on my hands and knees, I see Matitus rushing over.

“Did you know who he was?” Silas asks and I feel tears brim, I look to King Darshan

tears welling in my eyes. “He told”- My words get cut off as he grabs me, his entire

body trembling, his fist raising when suddenly Matitus and Dragus grab him ripping

him away.

“She fucking knew” He screams fighting against them.

“Silas she is our mate” Matitus tell him.

“I don’t fucking care, I have lost everything because her, fucking everything, I gave up

everything and she fucking killed him” he bellows tossing them off like they are


I scream trying to get up and make a run for it when he rips me back by my hair. I

clutch his hand trying to free myself as I feel my hair being ripped from my scalp.

“Silas she is pregnant” Dragus screams, his fear hitting me. When Silas lets go, his

rage burning hotter than anything I have ever felt before, his hatred seeping into me

so cold it chilled my bones.

He steps forward, his hand grabbing my throat.

“After our child is born, you leave and I never want to see you again”

“Silas!” I cry

“No, you have taken everything from me. You leave Elora, but you won’t be leaving

with my child” He says before turning on his heel and walking out of the cave.

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Eighty Seven

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Elora’s POV

Just as he neared the entrance of the cave stepping into the light outside I spoke.

“He told me to Silas, told me he wouldn’t let our child pay for his sins” I screamed to

him as he went to walk out of the cave, he froze for a second before turning on us.

Matitus and Dragus both walk toward me when his voice calls out. Both covered in

the blood of the Dragon’s they killed and their own.

“You mean the Fae’s sins, everything has and always will come back to the Fae” I

shake my head.
“That’s not true Silas, we never killed her that was your father, your father did it and

caused the war”

“Yeah, but it started with a fucking Helcate” He screamed before shifting and flying


“Come Elora” Matitus says.

“You’re really not going to say anything, anything at all?” I ask has he holds out his

hand toward me expecting me to take it.

“He is right, the Fae started it, and if his father asked for death, you should have let

him do it. His father didn’t need to die by your hand, you took his only chance to say

goodbye.” Matitus answers.

Yet I know he never would have went through with it, his father also must have known

that too.

“He will calm down Elora, he just needs time, time to wrap around the fact he had his

father for a few minutes and lost him again” Dragus tells me also stepping forward. I

look at both their hands, they genuinely believe he would calm down, yet I could feel

his hatred, it was hotter than the day he met me, hotter than anything I have ever felt.

If it weren’t for the child I carry he would have killed me that I also knew without a

doubt, he wanted me dead even if it meant killing him in the process, killing our
mates, history with the Dragon’s always seemed to doomed to repeat itself and never

ending cycle of anguish between to species destined to never quite be together.

Looking around the Cave those that remained and weren’t dead, were standing

around awkwardly like they were to scared to move in the presence of the kings. Too

scared to move and draw attention to themselves, the air in here so thick with death

and bloodshed. His father’s body lying on the rocks below unmoving, a reminder of

what I had done, what he made me do, yet I knew his intentions were good, I also

feared that he doomed us to repeat the past again.

“And if he doesn’t?”

“He will, he loves you Lora. He is just upset” Dragus says reaching for me but I step

back. I wasn’t willing to take that bet, I have taken that bet more times than I can

count now and only just narrowly won. I won’t bet again, not when it comes to our


I get up shoving between them walking for the cave entrance as soon as I step out, I

let my wings free, before letting them carry me, take my weight as I get higher. I look

around and see the castle, see Aldrin trudging through the snow back toward the

castle with Pluto’s brother, I let out a sigh of relief when I realise he is okay before

looking toward the mountains. Without a second thought I take off. Silas was nearly

all the way home already so I had time or so I thought. Matitus shifts giving chase but

it wasn’t him that caught me, Silas new instantly I was intending to leave by the stupid

blood promise I foolishly made. I heard his roar of anger blast over me as I flitted over

the mountain heading for the trees on the other side to offer coverage what I wasn’t

expecting was for his anger to fuel him, he swept past me effortlessly knocking me

with his wing, I felt the brute force of it hit mine, the searing pain that radiated through

my back made me screech in agony before I was falling, toward the trees, toward my

He broke my wings, broke my chance for freedom, but with it he broke me. I heard

him growl as his talons caged me in just before I hit into the trees below, the force of

my landing knocking the air out of me my scream dying out as pain ravished my

body. My wings forced to close but not before I saw the damage, one wing looked

like it was snapped in half, the veins of magic no longer purple but black as the light

in them faltered before being snuffed out completely.

He grunts when Matitus collides with him, I could hardly see anything from outside my

cage of claws but I saw the black of his scales as he lunged and attacked Silas, felt

Silas’s pain as Matitus bit into him before hitting him with his tail. The force sending us

spiralling toward the earth, Silas spinning at rapid speeds and I scream, my stomach

turning just as he does, hitting the earth I thought for sure he would let go but his grip

just got stronger as he turned hitting the ground on his back before rolling as he let

me go. Matitus black dragon colliding with him as they tore shreds off each other.

Gaining my footing I ran trying to feel for my magic, that was fizzling, trying to force it

to heal me instead I only felt it move lower to where our child was, my blood running

down my back as I tore off on foot. I could hear their snarls and fighting, the sound of

flesh being torn before I see Aldrin who had stopped to watch the fight along with

Pluto’s brother. I didn’t even make it halfway before I felt pain radiate everywhere,

Matitus pain as Silas bit into him, injuring him. Forcing him to shift before I find my feet

leaving the air, caged once again by the man I love.

“How many times do you think you can escape me and get away with it Elora” Silas

furious voice flits through my head.

“You broke them” I scream hitting and kicking but his grip just tightened as he flew

towards the castle leaving our mates behind.

“They will mend, but after our baby you won’t” his voice echoed angrily through my

skull, the venom behind his words made my blood run colder then ice.
He lands in the paddocks by the green house, as soon as his grip loosened, I ran

trying to escape. He shifts before grabbing me, his arms securing around my chest in

a vice like grip as I kicked and screamed, trying to fight him off. My magic surging but

not enough to do anything with it, besides making me glow like a beacon in the night.

Abigail’s shocked scream as she rushes towards us as the castle gates come into

view. Silas growls at her making her freeze. Dakari and Pluto rushing toward us. I felt

relief seeing Pluto was still fine, fine like the rest of the Dragon’s but that was short

lived when Abigail tried to speak to us, tried to find out what was going on.

My panicked expression must have been enough when I see her hands glow green. I

scream knowing he would no doubt kill her if she tried. Dakari grabbing her hands just

before she unleashed on him, making her drop her magic or risk hurting her mate.

“Silas what’s going on?” I hear Dakari call to him.

“Worry about your own mate, I will worry about mine” He snaps coldly as he kicks the

castle doors open so hard, they smash into the walls on either side. People coming

out to see what the commotion is before I watch as the chefs dart off back into the

kitchen not wanting to become victim to his wrath as he storms up the corridor.

I thought he was taking me to the dungeons again, panic seizing me, and I start

thrashing wildly, he continues past the door leading to them before I am shoved into

the room. The very same room I was in when I arrived. I stumble onto the rug as he

steps toward me. Scrambling back on my hands and feet trying to get away from his

blazing eyes. His hand reaching for me before he grabs my chin as I come in contact

with bed stopping me from going any further.

“You try and run, try and leave before that child is born, I will kill Abigail and her entire

family, then I will burn the entire city to the ground but not before you watched me rip

her to pieces” He says before getting up and walking out, the door slamming before I

hear him lock it.

A sense of Déjà vu settling over me as I look around at the familiar surroundings, it felt

like a lifetime ago that I came here, though then I wished for death, prayed for it as my

life changed at their hands. Now I look around and wish nothing more than to live, to

watch my child grow. No this time I had a reason to live but after his words, after

feeling the hatred burning inside him, I had the feeling death was all I was going to

find in this prison.

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Eighty Eight

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Silas POV

She killed him, I had just told her a few weeks ago that I wanted to find him, and she

takes him from me the first chance she got. She took my choice, I would have done

the right thing, I would have done it for her, but she didn’t even give me the chance.

She took the only chance I had at saying goodbye to him. I have done everything for

her, yet she couldn’t grant me five fucking minutes with my father. I knew he was alive

the moment I heard his beast roar, feel the power radiating behind it, he was a good

king, not the best father but I respected him, he was tough but I knew my mother and

I were everything to him never doubted his love for us.

Walking out on her, I could see I broke her this time. My beasts fury taking over once

again, this red-hot temper I always struggled to control. Abigail comes rushing down
the corridor, Dakari hot on her heels as she ran toward me before stopping when she

catches sight of me.

“What did you fucking do?” She yells at me, my temper flaring that she thinks she can

talk to me this way, talk to her king like this. The disrespect as she glared at me. I

growl at her, but her gaze remains steadying the smell of her magic rippling inside her.

Dakari grabs her shielding her away from me, protecting his mate. The action not

going unseen.

“Tell me Silas, is she okay or not you fucking monster” Abigail spits at me, I glare at

her taking a step forward, how dare she speak to me like this.

“Control your woman Dakari or she will find herself in my dungeons” I tell him walking

away before I hurt the little witch. Matitus comes crashing through the doors, Dragus

behind him. Matitus covered in his own blood and my guilt consumes me, but he

was only consumed with pure rage at me hurting her. He lunges at me knocking me

to the ground before pummelling me with his fists,

“I have warned you so many times about fucking hurting her” He says punching me in

the jaw.

“Fight back you fucking coward” He bellows kicking me in the ribs. I growl at him

shoving him off.

“Stop” I tell him trying to think, I loved her by but god I fucking hated her, hated what

she is, hated what she represented. My hate for her overshadowing my love. We

always seemed to be stuck in the same love and hate relationship but this time she

went too far.

“What did you, what did he do?” Abigail screams before hitting me in the chest, he

palms glowing green before I find myself hurdling into the wall. As soon as I am on my

feet, I lunge for her, fucking bitch. Dakari and Matitus grabbing me tossing me back
before I feel Dakari’s fist connect with the side of my face. I growl grabbing his fist

when he raises it again, before snapping his arm. He groans before headbutting me.

Matitus getting caught in the middle as we land blow after blow while he tries to stop

me beating his brother senseless.

“Enough this is ridiculous” Dragus snaps making us look at him as he stalks off

toward the room, she is in.

Do This Before Bed And Woman With Baby Face.

The Parasite Will Leave See What She Does! She
Your Body! Is Old Now!
Organic Teatox Vichen

“Dragus!” I warn when I see him going to her, they always choose fucking her.

“Do your worst Silas, you can’t keep me from my mate” He says not even turning to

look back at me.

“She won’t forgive you this time” Matitus says following after him, leaving me with the

witch and Dakari.

“Well go on you might as well fuck off with them” I tell her, but I was also hoping she

might be able to heal her if she did, Abigail was good at healing, and I know she

would without hesitation though I also know Elora would be reluctant to let her, now

that she too was carrying a dragon in her womb.

Abigail chases after them, Dakari staying in the corridor watching me.

“What’s wrong with you, are you really that fucked over Blaire that you would risk

losing another mate?”

“Worry about your own mate Dakari, my relationship has nothing to do with you” I

warn him.
“Yes, it does when it involves my brother and mate, you think your punishing her only

effects her, but it doesn’t. You were fine yesterday what could possible happen that

warrants you treating her like that?”

“She fucking killed my father” I roar at him.

“And how many of her family have died by your hands?” he says calmly, it almost

irritates me more than if he were yelling. Spinning around I glare at him.

“That’s different, and they didn’t die by my actual hand”

“No just from the actions you took, at least her intentions wouldn’t have been out of

revenge or to just hurt you” He says walking off.

“You weren’t there Dakari; don’t think you know anything now stay out of it”

“One day Silas your are going to wake up and find yourself alone and you won’t have

anyone to blame but yourself, my brother won’t watch you continue hurting her, and

when he leaves Dragus will follow, then what you become the king of loneliness?” I

laugh there is no escaping a mate bond no matter how much you try.

“They won’t leave me Dakari, they can’t. The bond won’t allow it”

“You say that, but they have reason to now, something worth fighting for worth more

than a bond” He says.

“Nothing is worth more than a mate bond”

“Yeah, tell that to the woman carrying your child, because I can tell you right now,

nothing is stronger than a bond between a mother and her child”

“She isn’t taking the child Dakari; she will go but the child remains”

“Over her dead body Silas”

“If that is what it comes to, then that’s on her” I tell him walking out the door.

I sit in my office losing track of time, dark swallowing the castle as the fire starts to

smoulder going out in the fireplace, getting up I grab another log placing it the fire

before setting it alight.

My mind going to Elora wondering if she is cold, I hesitate before bending down and

grabbing some logs and walking to her room, the door creaking slightly as I open it,

her fireplace was out. I stack the wood setting the wood a blaze before looking at her

to find Matitus curled up on the bed with her, Dragus asleep in the chair beside her,

the bed not offering enough room.

She rolls her shirt lifting revealing the bump that is our child, bending down I reach my

hand out when Dragus suddenly grabs my wrist, my eyes darting to him not realising

he had woken. He lets go and I rub my hand over her hard belly, she moves in her

sleep reacting to my touch before I pull away tugging her shirt down. Dragus eyes not

leaving me as he watches me.

I stand up heading for the door.

“You touch her again in anger I will kill you in your sleep” Dragus says behind me. I

turn to face him but he was watching her as she rolls into Matitus warmth.

The motion sends jealousy coursing through me, why is it so easy for them, loving

her is easy for them and her loving them back while it leaves me tormented.

“Don’t make me choose Silas, because she has already won” Dragus says picking

up my emotions through the bond, I look to him to find him watching me again, his

jaw clenched tightly.

“You would turn your back on me after all this time?” I ask.

“Yes like I would expect you to if our roles were reversed, now get out” He says, it

angered me. But I leave closing the door behind me.

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Eighty Nine

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Silas POV

I tried to sleep, but without them the bed felt empty cold, I could feel the anger

radiating off Dragus in waves making me uncomfortable. I had no doubt he would

choose her, they both would. I always knew that but hearing them say that was

something else entirely. Giving up on sleep I walk into the bathroom deciding to

shower, but even the water was not enough to wash away the guilt I felt.

I broke her, broke us all because I flew to close. I never intended to hurt her, only grab

her but she moved at the wrong second, pivoted in the air. I never intended to break

her wing, only to stop her from leaving, I should have known better then to allow mine

to get that close to hers, I would never intentionally hurt her like that, yet I did. I only

meant to cage her when I spun, I never could have predicted she would choose that
moment to try to duck under me. The moment I clipped her I knew I fucked up, by

the energy that zapped me making my heart jolt, then she was falling, falling toward

the trees, I panicked grabbing her only causing more damage.

Hopping out I retrieve some clothes, their scents were strong in here, from it being

closed. My heart squeezing painfully with longing. Yet how could I face her after what I

did, how could I face her and not hate her for killing him? Walking downstairs, I walk

toward her room. I could hear they were awake now, hear the shower running when

suddenly the door opens Matitus walking directly into me.

He doesn’t say anything just pulls the door closed behind him and shoving past me,

heading upstairs to our room. I follow after him wanting to know if she was alright.

“Just go Silas, you have done enough” He says not stopping as he climbed the stairs

ignoring my presence behind him.

“Is she alright?” I ask following after him.

“Don’t pretend to care Silas, I can feel how much you hate her”

“Just because I hate her doesn’t mean I don’t love her or still care for her” I tell him as

he walks into the walk in.

“Yeah, but your hate always wins Silas” He says looking around for something. He

grabs clothes for him and Dragus before rummaging through the drawers.

I reach up grabbing her fluffy cloak Marian made her, knowing that was what he was

looking for, I hand it to him, and he snatches it off me before shoving past me and

going back to her.

“Stop following me Silas you aren’t seeing her” He says walking down the corridor

back to her.
Dragus walks out of the room, grabbing his clothes from Matitus as Matitus goes into


“Leave” He says pulling his shirt on just as I see Abigail walking towards us. She slips

past Dragus and goes into the room and I hear her lock it.

“So Abigail has more right to see her than I do?” I ask pissed off that he let her walk in

there to see her but was refusing to move for me to check on her.

“Abigail didn’t hurt her, you did” He says barging past me and walking toward the

palace doors. He pops his head into the kitchen speaking to one of the chefs.

“I will send Peter down with breakfast soon” I hear one of them reply to Dragus. He

nods before continuing toward the doors.

“Where are you going?” I ask following after him.

“To help organise funeral arrangements” He says making me stop.

“Stay with her I can organise some of the humans to do it Dragus” I tell him.

“No Elora asked me to do it she doesn’t want humans or the Fae going to retrieve

your father” He says, slipping his boots on.

“My father?” I ask him.

“Yes, because even after everything you have done, she still loves you enough to give

your father a proper burial” He says walking out and slamming the door behind him

leaving me standing there.

I go to help, seeing as he is my father. Opening the door though Dragus was no

where to be seen, Dakari walks towards the castle with Pluto and another man I had

never seen before. Pluto looks up and Dakari stops a piece of paper in his hand. I

walk toward them wondering who the stranger is, I could smell he was Dragon yet I

had never seen him before.

“Silas this Ares my brother” Pluto says the man holds his hand out, but I ignore it and

he drops it looking nervously to his brother. “What’s that?” I ask turning to Dakari who

was reading the piece of paper in his hand.

“to do list for the orphanage, Elora asked me to get it the other day but seeing as she

can no longer do it because my brother won’t let her out of his sight, Abbie asked me

to take care of it” He says before turning toward Pluto and Ares.

“Can you grab the shovels from the stables” Pluto nods before walking off, his brother

chasing after him. Dakari walks around the castle and I keep in step with him before

grabbing the note from his hand and reading it. The orphanage needed lots of work,

a few of the heaters weren’t working, only one hot water system that was to small for

the amount of people staying there, the backyard needing tidying up, the roof needed

mending. I sigh seeing how long the list is. Then was a list of stuff they needed mainly

blankets and clothes for the children and a few medicinal products.

Dakari and I walk to the greenhouses where we are greeted by one of the medical

apprentices, he had a box in his arms. He looks at me nervously though smiles when

Dakari holds his arms out before taking the box from him. The kids wasn’t that old

maybe Elora’s age, with his brown hair hanging to his shoulders, his eyes not leaving

Dakari and I could smell his fear of me being this close to him.
“That’s all we have left in stock, can you get Abbie to come up later to see if she can

help us grow some of the herbs the stocks need replenishing” He asks Dakari.

“I will ask her, but she can’t keep using her magic, it has been draining her. I will ask

Jackie her mother if she can come up and help” The kid nods before walking inside.

“How have they run out of stock already?” I ask before Dakari points to the far

greenhouse that I now realise was burnt down from the attack.

“Fuck sake” I groan before whistling to the Vampires standing guard around the tree

line and waving one forward.

“What’s wrong my lord” He asks approaching.

“Organise some of your men to clean that and start rebuilding” He nods before calling

some of them over.

“Right away my king” He says bowing his head slightly, turning around I find Dakari

walking off back towards the castle. I jog over to catch up with him.

“Silas, I know your mates aren’t talking to you right now, but I don’t need a shadow”

He says as I see Pluto and Ares walk out with wheelbarrows carry gardening tools.

“I’m not, I coming to help” I tell Dakari who stops for a second before nodding.

I follow them toward the orphanage people cleaning up the carnage that was left,

nearly the entire main street was burnt down, people cleaning up the debris even the

vampires were helping without having been asked, I was surprised how many people

were out trying to restore the city.

“Did you organise this?” I ask Dakari. He shakes his head.

“No, but everyone has been banding together trying to restore everything, things have

changed Silas the entire city has been working since the attack, now that the
vampires have seen that the humans have been helping them, they are returning the

favour, its not just your city anymore, it belongs to the people. Relationships have

been growing now that the city for once has had some peace, kind of reminds me of

when your father was still king” Dakari says.

He was right even with the destruction this is first time decades I have seen humans

and supernatural’s working together so closing, Elora really had been turning

everything around, trust amongst the people has been steadily growing and I may

have just ruined it all.

“What is in the box?” I ask as we near the orphanage.

“Antibiotics and vitamins” He answers as we walk up the steps. I could see why the

roof needed fixing; half the roof torn off in the attack.

I follow Pluto out the back to help them, needing the distraction this place was

offering, needing to do something other than feed my own guilt.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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Elora’s POV

1 month later

I hadn’t seen him in a month, I barely left the room. I couldn’t stand the thought of

crossing his path. Couldn’t bare to look at him. Abigail offered to try and fix my wings,

constantly offering, knowing it caused me pain. But as I watched her belly grow more

and more each day, I couldn’t ask that of her, she was tired enough just like me.

Exhaustion beyond anything I could imagine, the nights growing longer with every day

that passed as I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, trying to forget

everything that was Silas.

The bond truly was a curse and if I could make it end, I would have in my weakest

moments but then thinking of Matitus and Dragus knowing how much it would hurt

them if I did, I couldn’t bring myself to do it, couldn’t bring myself to give up my magic

and save myself from the destruction that he is.

We held funerals for the dead, I even asked Dragus to retrieve his father, I never went.

The only one I went to was Marian’s. I still couldn’t believe she was dead, I was just

glad she got to see the kingdom coming together before she died. Thankful to have

been granted the memories of knowing her.

Matitus barely leaves my side and if he does Dragus is here, memories of everything

he has ever done haunting me. I knew he felt guilty, yet I couldn’t bring myself to

forgive him not this time, how do you forgive someone that threatened to take your

child away and throw you away like you meant nothing to them. Sitting up when the

door opens, I look nervously to it, fearful he was going to come in. Letting out the

breath I was holding when I see Matitus walk in, he was only gone for a few minutes

but it was long enough for my mind to scare me into thinking her was going to come

and rip my baby from my womb.

That fear keeps Dragus awake of a night, I can’t sleep knowing he could walk in at

anytime, Dragus can’t sleep because he can feel my anxiety of it, though he assures

me Silas wouldn’t after everything, I wouldn’t put it past him.

“I brought you some tea” Matitus says placing the cup down on the bedside table

before helping me sit up better, I only had a few weeks to go, the baby inside me

rapidly growing more each day sucking the energy I do muster right out me.

Matitus hands me the cup before laying beside me on the cramped bed. Silas told

them we could have the bedroom upstairs, but I refused, I didn’t expect them to stay

with me, but they still did. I know they were as uncomfortable as I am in this room.

But knowing Silas would be walking in out randomly made me refuse the offer.
“We should go for a walk” Matitus says staring at the ceiling. I shake my head sitting

against the headboard.

“Please Love, I can’t keep sitting in this room doing nothing” He says rolling on his

side and rubbing my huge belly.

“I won’t let him touch you, he won’t even see you, he is doing stuff in the city, just one

lap around the castle grounds” he says.

I sip my tea, outside would be good, would help my magic heal me but the idea of

going out there in the cold also didn’t seem to be all that appealing either, this baby

sitting on my bladder constantly giving me the urge to pee, was bad enough without

the cold making that urge worse.

“Where is Dragus?” I ask changing the topic. He sighs rolling back on his back while

playing with a piece of my hair that fell on him, twirling it around his finger.

“He is with Pluto in the stables” He answers.

“What is he doing in there?” I ask.

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“Building a crib, well making one anyway” He answers looking up at me. Building a

crib for the baby I don’t get to keep, the baby he will take when Its born.

“Don’t think like that Elora, I don’t think he will go through with it” Matitus says.

“Well then you don’t know him, do you?” I retort. They think I am blinded to the hate I

feel through the bond, he hates me, though I can tell he loves me, his hate is what he

hangs onto, his hate is what will make him do it.

“We can go look at it, Dragus said it was nearly done” He says looking up at me,


“You’re sure he isn’t on the castle grounds?”

“Positive Dakari is with him”

“One lap then we come back” I tell him. He nods getting off the bed and pulling me

up, getting off the bed was hardest, I looked like an old lady swinging my legs trying

to get up a enough momentum to push my weight up.

“You should put something warm on, it’s cold out today” He hands me my jump I tug

it on over my head and it wont go past my boobs, I huff while Matitus looks amused

as I try pulling it off only to get stuck. He chuckles before pulling it off.

“Wait here I will go get one of mine” He says darting out of the room and closing the

door. I waddle over to my slippers, sliding my feet in them just as Matitus returns with

one of his jumpers. I chuck it on before following him out the door. My heart racing in

my chest as I walk down the corridor.

“Calm down, he isn’t here Love” He says pulling on my hand gently toward the front

door. We stop at the doors and I sit on the bench seat. Matitus placing some socks

on my feet from the basket on the shelf above my head. I then stuff my feet in my

boots trying to reach the laces before Matitus does them up. Getting up he opens

the door, the light making me squint as I wait for my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Not much light comes in the room, in the room I feel like I am in my own little bubble,

nestled away with just the fireplace and my books to keep me sane.

The air instantly making me shiver as I walk down the few steps in front of it.

“Ah I need to pee, see exactly why this was a bad idea” I tell him about to turn back

“Hold it, I know as soon as you go back in you will refuse to come back out” He says

tugging my hand. I could see the city through the gates, the street directly in front the

castle was the worst hit in the attack, but looking at it now, you would never have

though just a month ago it was destroyed, looking better than it ever has now with its

fresh rooftops on the building and fresh paint, the signs on the business been

replaced with new ones.

“Dakari has been busy with Pluto and Dragus” I state looking through the gates.

“Mostly Silas and Dakari, every morning Silas hauls him out to do stuff, Abigail has

been getting quite angry about it because he can never spend time with her” Matitus

tells me. I wondered why Abbie didn’t tell me herself.

“She didn’t want you to worry” Matitus says answering my thoughts.

“Come you should see the stables, Pluto cleaned them right up, he also caught and

broke in three more” He says excitedly tugging me toward them.

Matitus opens the huge doors letting me squeeze inside. The smell of hay and dirt

hitting my nose along with the smell of lacquered wood.

Matitus was right, there were more horses, all in there nice clean stalls, I walk past a

black one and find Pluto brushing it. He looks up a smile gracing his face that now

didn’t look so gaunt, his eyes no longer sunken into his face as he had gained weight

and looked healthier than he had when I last saw him.

“My Queen” He says bowing his head.

“you don’t need to call me that” I tell him. He shakes his head.

“You will always be my Queen, I will only take a knee for you” He says.

Matitus hand touches the back of my neck making me look up and he nods toward

the back. I follow him to find Dragus completely covered in saw dust, the ground
coated in it as well, it was sticking in his hair which had turned the same colour.

He looks up as we enter before doing a double take.

“You got her out of the room” He says smiling at Matitus putting done some tool he

had in his hand and hopping up from his chair.

He goes to hug me but then stop realising he is coated in dust instead pecking my

head softly before stepping back and I look at the table he was working at, finding

little wooden figurines. I pick one up it was a fairy.

“What this?” I ask wondering why he was making Fairy ornaments when I notice

another three ornaments, but they were 2 dragons and a werewolf instead, they were

incredibly detailed they even had eyes and facial features, the werewolf even had fur

detail it in it.

“Did you make all these?” I ask looking up at him, he nods.

“I was making a mobile to hang above the cradle, wanna see it?” He asks and I could

feel his excitement of showing me. I nod following him over to the far wall, he

removes a sheet and I see a Cradle, the top of the cradle had blossoms carved into

the wood the sides instead of straight wood were twisted and carved like vines just

like my Fae marking that covered my side.

“You did all this by yourself?” I ask shocked at the craftmanship.

“You like it?” He asks and I could tell now he was worried I didn’t. I smile.

“Love it, I just can’t believe you made it” I tell him, running my fingers over the wood

which was smooth.

“It should be finished in a few more days” He says covering it back over.
“I would hug you but your covered in dust” I tell him, the particles in the air making me

want to sneeze.

The doors open at the front of the stables making me look down toward the front,

Silas walks in with Dakari carrying tools, they were talking before he looks up seeing


“You said he wouldn’t be here” I tell Matitus looking up at him when Silas starts

walking down toward us, the feeling through the bond of his had made me nervous

when I realise it wasn’t my nerves but his. He stops staring down at me, his eyes

trailing over my body stopping on my belly. He steps forward and I step back away

from him and he drops his hand. His jaw clenching before his eyes dart to mine.

“You look good” He says but I look away moving over to Dragus and away from him.

“Elora” he says making me look at him.

“Save it Silas I don’t want to hear it, just leave please” I tell him. His eyes flicker before

he looks to Matitus who nods toward the door. Silas looks back at me before turning

on his heel and walking out. Matitus walks over draping his arm over my shoulder

before kissing my head.

“He meant you no harm Lora”

“I don’t care I hate him” I tell him, saying the words stung, hearing them out loud. But I

did. I hated him for everything he has done.

“I want to go back” I tell them before walking toward the doors heading back to the


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety One

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Silas POV

How was I supposed to speak to her when she wouldn’t even give me a chance to

talk to her, always hiding away from me, and they help her. Never leaving her alone,

one of them is always with her and every time I have even come close to her door I

am told to leave.

She looked good, though I could tell she was getting weaker, our child taking her

energy the bigger it grows. I had just come in with Dakari after fixing the old school.

When I notice her, it was the first time I had seen her leave the confines of her room. I

could feel her panic when she saw me enter making my stomach twist painfully.
“Don’t Silas” I hear Matitus mutter under his breath to low for her to pick up even with

her heightened hearing I could tell she never heard his words.

I ignore him continuing to walk toward them hoping she would at least let me

apologise, she looked beautiful she always does, even when I first met her, scrawny

and broken she still looked beautiful. My eyes going to her bump which was well

rounded and huge and looked heavy on her petite frame. I step forward wanting to

touch her when she steps back.

I haven’t seen her face in a month and yet she still denies me, it hurt but also pissed

me off. I clench my teeth to resist from snapping at her.

“You look good” I tell her truthfully, she steps away going to Dragus who was

watching me carefully, out of both Matitus and Dragus he barely speaks to me unless

it is to warn me away from her, his anger towards me the strongest. Turning back to

her I go to beg her to at least let me talk to her.

“Elora” I call to her and she turns facing me, yet the anger in her eyes and through the

bond makes me stop.

“Save it Silas I don’t want to hear it, just leave please” She says turning away. I look to

Matitus hoping he might step in, but he just nods toward the door wanting me to do

what she said. I bite my tongue holding back the words I want to scream at them.

She was my mate too, carrying my child as well, it wasn’t just their baby that was

safely tucked in her womb.

I stalk off a growl escaping me that I hope she didn’t hear, the horse Pluto was

brushing becoming spooked in its stall.

“Sorry” I mutter to him as he calms it down. He nods but says nothing as I walk out

shifting to get away from her.

3 days Later
Another sleepless night, another night with out them. Matitus walking in getting

changed before he heads back down to her.

“Why won’t she sleep up here, you three not getting sleep is giving me none” I


“Because she knows you will be in and out of the room, if she is here” Matitus


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“I’m not going to do anything, she would be more comfortable in our bed, you and

Dragus can’t keep taking turns sleeping on that chair all the time, you can’t tell me

you are comfortable” I tell him.

He shrugs not caring what I have to say. I toss the blanket off hopping out of bed

before walking toward the walk in, he walks out and I grab his wrist. His eyes darting

to mine.

“Please just let me see her, let me apologise or something” I beg him, his hand going

to my face and I lean into his touch loving the warmth of his skin.

“You hurt her, and honestly I don’t think she will forgive you this time. You blew it Silas”

He says before letting go and stepping past me.

“What about you though, do you forgive me?” I ask. He stops, his hand on the door.

“I’m not the one who has to Silas,” He says walking out the door. I chuck some

clothes on before walking downstairs and to the kitchens to make coffee. The cooks

have become used to me helping myself in here now, I was rarely home at dinner

now and always left before breakfast. They had steadily got used to me coming and

going, no longer running for the door when I enter.

Peter the young boy that works in the stables mostly, walks in.

“Morning” He says looking in the fridge.

“Milk is over here” I tell him passing it to him. He was a good kid, quiet but never been

a problem and I actually enjoyed his company when he was around, always so


“Can you pass me the tea bags down?” He asks looking above my head. I grab them

off the shelf handing them to him.

“Why are you so nervous this morning?” I ask him. He looks up before looking at the


“Storms coming need to prepare the horses” he says.

“Want a hand?” I ask him and he looks up.

“If you’re not too busy my lord” he says looking back down pouring the water in his


“Silas” I tell him and his eyes dart to mine.

“You can call me by my name most do, my lord sounds so old” I tell him. He laughs

and I can’t help but smile at him.

“You are old though,” I hear one of the cooks gasp, at his words. But I was used to

his sarcasm, though the lord thing hearing it from him was getting on my nerves a bit.

I liked the kid always helpful and a good worker. He had been helping around the city

when I needed an extra set of hands.

Dragus walks in. He nods to Peter before the chef hands him a tray. I stand up and

Dragus notices me before turning on his heel and walking out ignoring me.

“I’ll be back in a minute” I tell Peter walking out after him.

“No, Silas don’t even ask” He says continuing down the hall.

“Dragus stop please” he slows before stopping and turning to face me.

“She doesn’t want to see you, you make her nervous Silas”

“She won’t forgive me if I can’t talk or see her” I argue.

“You don’t deserve her forgiveness, and I am not going to tell her she should forgive

you, it will just upset her you going in there”

“I won’t do anything, I just want to speak to her” I tell him looking toward her door.

“No, you will make her panic, she is convinced you are going to rip our baby from her

and take it”

“I would never do that”

“Try convincing her of that, she is petrified of you. She can feel it you know, what do


“I will never stop hating the Fae, but that doesn’t mean I hate her”

“She is Fae, our child will be part Fae Silas, you going to hate your own child too” He

says turning back to walk toward her door. I grab his arm stopping him.

“Please” I beg. He looks toward the door before looking at me.

“She isn’t even awake yet”

“I will wait till she does” I tell him taking the tray from him. He hesitates before letting

me take it.

“You try anything Silas”-

“I won’t” I tell him, and he watches me, I feel him tug on the bond letting him invade

my thoughts and feelings.

“See?” he sighs.

“Make sure she takes those and eats all of it, she didn’t eat last night, the morning

sickness has come back again” He says pointing at the little white pills on the tray.

“What are they?” I ask picking one up concerned.

“nausea tablets, victor said they are safe, and won’t hurt the baby, though why she is

worried when it’s immortal is beyond me” he says. He looked tired extremely tired.

“I will be back soon, don’t make me regret this” He says, I grab his face with one

hand. I kiss him and he seems shocked at first and I thought he was going to push

me away when he suddenly grabs the back of my neck kissing me back. His guilt

hitting me that he kissed me back, feel his mixed emotions through the bond like he

thought kissing me was betraying her.

“I should go, I won’t be long” He says walking off down the hall.

Walking in she is still asleep laying on her side. I place the tray on the side table

before sitting on the chair beside her. I watch her sleep before noticing her belly

move, seeing her skin tighten as the baby shifted within her. I tug up her shirt gently

so I could see better. Moving in a wave like it had rolled over, hear its heart beating

softly inside her when it kicks, her skin pushing outward, I watch amazed before

looking at her and reaching my hand out hoping she doesn’t wake.

I place my hand where it is kicking. Her skin soft but tight when I feel it bump my

palm, I was so absorbed watching, that I hadn’t noticed her waking until she jumped

slightly making my eyes dart to hers, her heart beating erratically in her chest in fright.
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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Two

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Elora’s POV

I wake with a jump when I realise who is in the room, my worst nightmare coming

true, he was here to take my baby. His hand moves over my bump and I jump, the

muscles in my belly stretching from moving so quickly as I sit up in my bed against

the headboard. My heart pounding in my chest so hard I could hear it.

“Calm down, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” He says grabbing my arms while I

frantically looked around praying Dragus would come back. I move away from his

touch ignoring the sparks moving over my skin from the mate bond. The movement

cost me my stomach contents as I scramble trying to get off the bed but being so

round and being tangled in the blankets, made my stomach contents spew onto the
blanket before I could even make it off the bed. My face heating with embarrassment

as I cover not only the bed and myself but also Silas from being so close.

“Sorry” I blurt before rushing to the bathroom as I feel more coming up, only just

making the toilet in time. I flush the toilet before washing my mouth out with water and

wetting my face trying to cool down.

“Dragus said you were sick he wasn’t joking” I roll my eyes at his comment. Looking

down at my shirt and pants I am covered in it. Walking into the room, I find Silas

shirtless and the bed stripped as he rolls the blankets up before walking to the door

and placing them in the hall. He turns around before stopping looking down at my

shirt, he steps forward about to peel it off me when I step back.

“I’m just trying to help Lora”

“Want to help, then leave” I tell him turning away from him and moving to my drawers

in search of another shirt.

“Dragus will be here soon” He says.

“Then leave, I don’t need you here Silas get out”

“I am not leaving; I will wait for Dragus to return then I will go” He says.

I grab some clothes before walking into the bathroom. He follows and I turn on him

again when he tries touching me.

“Out now” I warn him, but he doesn’t listen, completely ignoring my request.

“Just let me help you, I am not going to do anything to you geez” He says reaching

for my shirt again. I slap his hands way when he steps closer.

“Dragus!” I scream panic consuming me as I begin to feel caged in this small

bathroom, my lungs restricting from feeling suddenly claustrophobic.

“It’s fine Lora calm”- He says reaching for me when I slap him. My own anger getting

the better of me, my hand connecting with the side of his face with an audible flesh

on flesh sound. My hands shaking when I realise what I had done as his head snaps

to the side from the force. His jaw clenches and unclenches.

“I’m sorry, just don’t be grabbing and touching me like that” I stammer out as his eyes

start flickering before he closes them, his chest rising and falling rapidly and my blood

runs cold. Panic hitting me when I realise Dragus must not be in the castle because

he would have smashed the door down by now.

He rubs his cheek his eyes opening. He reaches his hands towards and I put mine

which were trembling horrifically up ready to defend myself from him, stepping back.

When he grabs them.

“Just let me help” I look to the door willing one of them to come in, surely the could

feel me by now.

“I won’t hurt you” He says making my eyes dart back to him, his thumb rubbing my

palms as he grips my shaking hands. He steps closer his hands rung down my arms

to my shirt before he pulls it up and over my head, his eyes going to my bump for

second before he reaches behind me turning the shower on making me flinch away

from him. He adjusts the taps before leaning back away from me. He reaches for the

waistband of my pants.

“I can undress myself” I tell him, and he steps away putting his hands up in surrender.

“I will wait out there for you to hop out” He says turning away before walking into the

bedroom. I hear the bedroom door fly open smashing into the wall before seeing

Matitus grab Silas slamming him into the wall pinning him. Dragus racing into the

bathroom nearly running straight into me as I go dart out.

“I didn’t touch her” Silas says his hands up. Matitus growls his eyes looking for me.
“Wait he didn’t do anything” I tell Matitus, he lets him go and Dragus grabs me.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left” he says.

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“She threw up, that’s it” Silas says looking at me along with Matitus. I give a nod and

Matitus lets out a breath.

“It’s fine I will go, I promised to help Peter anyway” He says walking out.

Dragus lets me go and I walk into the bathroom stripping my pants before hopping in

the shower.

Silas POV

I just wanted to help her, why can’t she see that? I never meant her any harm even

after she slapped me. I shouldn’t have been so handsy, yet the disappointment that

flooded me when my mates ran in assuming I was attacking her, hurt the most. They

really think that little of me to hurt her again especially while she is this far along

carrying our child.

Walking out, I go to the stables the storm raging outside as I see him trying to shut

the stable doors which had blown open with Pluto. The wind moving so quickly it was

bending the trees, leaves and debris flying everywhere, as the storm picked up in


Shutting the doors. I step inside. “Storm came out of no where was fine a few

minutes ago” Pluto says. The horses all spooked in their stalls.

“You can stay in the castle tonight Pluto, where is your brother?” I ask him.
“Out in that” He says worriedly.

“I will have a room set up for you both, what needs doing?” I tell them and he nods.

“Nothing now Pluto and I got it all sorted”

“Sorry I was a little distracted” I tell them.

“Well I am going to head home” Peter says.

“Not in that you’re not. Come, you can stay in the castle tonight” I tell him.

“No, it’s fine Silas it’s not that far” I shake my head.

“No, you’re staying you will blow away in the wind out there you’re too scrawny” I tell

him. Pluto chuckles as Peter looks down at himself before sighing.

“Fine, I will tell Abbie” He says walking toward the back of the stables.

“Abbie is here?” I ask following after him.

“Yeah, her and Claire ducked in here when the rain started to come down on their

way back from the greenhouses, they are near the fire heater up the back” He says.

Following him, I find Abbie sitting on a chair, Claire on her lap trying to warm up

around the fire.

“Have you seen Dakari?” She asks looking up as we turn around the corner.

“He was at the orphanage, he will be back soon” I tell her. She nods looking back at

the flames. Claire looking over her shoulder at me, watching me in that weird eerie

way she does sometimes.

“Come on it is freezing out here, come inside” I tell her.

“No, I will wait for Dakari the wind is terrible” She admits. I walk over putting out the fire

pit before turning around and reaching for Claire.

“No, it’s fine Silas we can wait”

“Stop being stubborn come on” I tell her grabbing Claire from her before grabbing her

hand and hauling her to her feet. Her belly was nearly as big as Lora’s. I let her go

once she is standing but continue to carry Claire.

Walking to the front of the stables Pluto stands up.

“Did you put the fire out?” I nod.

“Keep a grip on Peter don’t want him to fly off in the wind” I tell him, and he grabs

Peter’s hand.

“Really I’m not a baby” He says shaking him off. I open the door the wind gust

pushing the door in nearly as I hold it.

“On second thoughts” Peter says grabbing Pluto’s hand making me chuckle. I turn

shielding Claire from the wind.

Hang on to Pluto till I close the door” I tell Abbie. Pluto grabs her hand, and we all

step out. I force the door shut before bracing it with some wood. Turning around I

grab Abbie’s other hand and we run for the castle. This was by far the biggest storm

we have had in years, as I watch branches break off the trees. Making it to the castle

doors I pull them open Abbie taking Claire from me as I step inside pulling the door


“Hate to see the damage tomorrow” Peter says, and I agree this storm was going to

wreck havoc.

“Can I borrow the phone to ring my mum” Peter asks.

“Of course, if you are worried I can go get her” I tell him.

“No offense but I think she would rather take her chances” Peter says.

“None taken, go ring your mum” I tell him walking into the study. Pluto following me as

I sit in front of the fire.

“Can you watch her for a second, I just want to go find us some dry clothes”

“Sure, come here Claire the fire is warm” I tell her, and she rushes over plopping

down on the mat.

“Where do you want me” Pluto asks.

“Anywhere, plenty of rooms on the bottom floor just pick one, the last one is where

Elora is though” I tell him. He nods walking off. Claire watching our exchange. Getting

up I grab the throw blanket off the couch before wrapping it around her.

“Better?’ I ask and she nods.

“You scare her” She says making me look at her.

“Who?” I ask wondering who she is talking about, Abbie didn’t seemed scared, she

was used to me now.

“Aunty Elora” Claire says. I sigh that I did know already.

“How is your grandma?” I ask changing the topic. Her eyes glazing over for a second.

“I can show” She says and I furrow my brows, Claire was five now but watching her,

her eyes were that of someone much older, almost ancient. Wise and knowing it

creeped me out, but I know she doesn’t mean it.

“Show me what?”
“Why she is scared”

“I know why she is scared” I tell her, and she nods.

“Aunty Elora scared is you will take your son off her; she will leave she will swing from

the roof” Claire says.

“What do you mean?”

“I can show you” She says getting up and walking toward me.

“She swings so high” Claire says making my heart skip a beat.

“Let me show you what scares her, so you can stop her from swinging from the roof,

it makes mummy cry. I don’t like it when mummy cries” She says looking down.

“Is this what you dream about?” I ask her.

“Yes, but if you know it will change, you won’t make my mummy cry”

“And if I don’t, see?” I ask not wanting to know what tortures this poor child’s mind,

she was blessed with sight but also cursed with it too, I would hate to see the things

she probably does.

“You live in the castle, but I don’t get to see Aunty Elora again Uncle Dragus and

Matitus and mummy cries”

“Can you show me something else?”

“I can show you lots, mummy is having a girl, you having a boy”

“I’m having a boy?” I ask her.

“Yep, he is different”

“Different how?”
“He is special” She says.

“So, what did you want to show me then”

“Everything, all of it so you don’t make aunty lora swing from the roof, I like Dakari but

not even he can stop making mummy cry, but you can, so please don’t make my

mummy cry” She says her little hand reaching toward my face. She places her hand

on my cheek, I place mine over hers, the room disappearing disintegrating around


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Ninety Three

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“Everything, all of it so you don’t make aunty lora swing from the roof, I like Dakari but

not even he can stop mummy from crying, but you can, so please don’t make

mummy cry” She says her little hand reaching toward my face. She places her hand

on my cheek, I place mine over hers. The room disappearing disintegrating around

me and changing.

“First you must see how it started” I hear her whimsical voice echo around me as the

room shifted and I was in a house I had never seen before, it was dark as I walked

through it, stopping when I walk past a mirror and I realise, I am not me but my father

as he moves through a hallway, a brown door appearing as he looks over his

shoulder and I recognise the man instantly as my father’s best friend Alfred, he died in

the war.
They stop before cracking the door open wider and peering into the room. A man

and woman were sleeping in a bed together. My father walks around one side of the

bed they were in before reaching down and lighting the candle illuminating the room. I

notice my father’s friend on the other side next to the woman. Alfred grabs the

woman by her hair waking her up, she screams clutching at his hands, and I realise

the woman it Maira the Queen Zena.

My father then says something to her that I can’t hear, and I watch as Alfred pulls her

from the bed crying and screaming and I notice the bump, her tiny little baby bump

before Alfred plunges his knife into her stomach and twisting. Watching this through

my fathers eyes sickened me, the man she lay with screaming and fighting against

my father, but it was no use. Maira was injured, and he was a normal Fae, no fight for

a dragon as my father ran the blade across his throat in front of her and killing him.

Maira was on the ground, I couldn’t hear what she was saying but the look of pure

rage on her face before she laughs, the room being plunged into darkness as the

candles go out. My father turns them on, and she is gone.

The vision crumbles, disintegrating before morphing into a new one. This time I

recognised the room I was in. It was in our kingdom my parents were sleeping when

they were awoken by something, I didn’t understand until I saw the tendrils of

darkness, black fog floating across the floor before Maira appears in the room, she

was carrying a blade in her hands. My mother jumps from bed frightened while Maira

stands at the end of the bed, she twirls the blade between her fingers saying

something to my mother who then looks toward my father in disgust before breaking


My father jumping to his feet, then freezes a pained looked on his face. Maira pointing

at him and my mother screaming as she curses him, before turning the blade on

herself. My father tries to stop her grabbing the blade, he nearly succeeds before she

throws herself on the blade in his hands killing herself as it pierces her chest, she

kisses him, sealing the curse as black tendrils moves across his skin, she chuckles
letting his face go, blood pouring out her mouth as she grabs him ripping him forward

pulling the blade deeper into her chest, my father letting the handle of the blade go

and she drops on the ground dead at his feet.

The room fizzles and crumbles the pictures moving rapidly as time slips by to the

moment, I kill Blaire. My anger becoming too much as I kill her and Matitus and

Dragus trying to stop me. Then it fasts forward again but like the first time it wasn’t my

memory I was seeing. Instead, it was Elora’s.

I watch the little girl I know is her, holding her grandmothers hand as they run through

the sewers, hiding from something, the picture skipping through her memories

quickly. I watch how she grew up, digging through garbage for food, running and

hiding from the horrors of her life. Watch as she watches kids play outside while she

cares for her sick grandma, her selling her possessions to make ends meet. I watch

every struggle she ever faced, her life of never-ending torment. It skips again to her

grandma cutting her throat, while she clutches her neck trying to stem the bleeding

before looking over her shoulder at something and running, leaving her behind.

The Main Cause Of The Prostate Has Reduced

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Attention: It's Not Age Night!
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The vision blurring past then stopping and I hear Claire’s voice echo around me as

the frame freezes.

“Of everything that haunts her, plagues her mind, this is what haunts her most”

The vision plays and it was the night I met her, the fearful look in her eyes as I stalked

her, inflicting pain before begging me to kill her. Then it was every moment I had ever

hurt, there were good memories of us but mostly every time she had hope I tainted it,

ruined it. Each time losing her more and more until the day in the cave. I watch my

father protect her, protect my child before asking her to kill him, I watch as tears slip

down her face as she kills him, feel it in every cell in my body that she never wanted
to kill him, that she did it to save everyone and save me from myself. She didn’t think I

would be able to do it. Then I watch as I once again hurt her, no destroyed her using

the only thing she had left, our child.

“Now you will see what your hatred will do, what loving you takes from her” I hear

Claire’s voices ring out around me and I feel myself gasp in the real world.

The vision moves, we are in our room and I had just delivered our son, I am holding

our son when she holds her arms out saying something that angers me. The vision

had no sound, so I didn’t understand what she said but it angered me, I watch her

hands turn purple before walking over to her. My hand connecting with her face, my

son screaming in my arms yet why weren’t our mates with us, why weren’t they here I

couldn’t understand. I say something to her, and she tries to get up her eyes blazing

as she tries to take my son from me, I become enraged and shove her, her head

smacking the corner of the bed frame, her blood running down and coating the floor

and I simply walk out leaving her there by herself.

The picture changes again to Matitus and Dragus walking in and finding her hanging

above the dining room table, them cutting her down and screaming out for me as

they try to revive her, try to bring her back when Abbie walks into the room. She

screams crying hysterically as she tries to heal her, tries to heal Elora before the floor

turns red underneath Abbie, her pants staining red.

The picture flashes skipping forward to a funeral, I see Elora in her coffin. A smaller

coffin beside her that Abbie kneels next to sobbing, clutching onto the small pink box,

Dakari trying to sooth her. Two lives gone, yet where was I?

I get my answer when I see myself sitting alone on my thrown Dragus and Matitus

walking out of the room with my son clutched in their arms turning their back on me

as they leave.
I feel my tears running down my face, the vision crumbling and dying out and I find

myself back in the room with Claire watching me. The visions felt like an entire lifetime

but looking around the room I know they have only been minutes. Yet I felt like I lived a

lifetime of torture, a lifetime of pain and I was the one that caused it, caused it all not

just destroying myself but everyone around me.

“Does your mother know what you see?” I whisper. Claire shakes her head.

“Are you going to make my mummy cry uncle Silas, will you take my sister from me

too?” She asks just as Abbie walks into the room with some towels in her hands and

a change of clothes, she was dressed in some of Elora’s maternity clothes.

“Everything okay?” She asks looking between us both, her eyes going to her

daughter worriedly. My eyes go to her bump and I get up walking out. How was I

supposed to fix it when I don’t even know what happened to cause it? What did she

say that angered me that much that I took our son from her, and made her kill herself?

I just don’t see how things could change when I have been trying my hardest to repair


I was about to leave the castle, my head spinning with the different scenes I just

witnessed when I heard a loud crash the castle shaking violently, before I hear her

scream. My heart pounding at the strangled sound. Looking toward her room I see

the chefs and castle personnel run towards her room making me also run. Ripping

the door open I see the tree outside had crashed through the wall above her bed.

Matitus and her pinned beneath it. Dragus and I waste no time ripping the tree apart

to free them to find a branch had torn through Matitus’s shoulder. Dragus breaks the

branch freeing him and allowing him to stand. I see Elora was beneath him as Matitus

had thrown himself over her protecting her from harm.

Grabbing her I crush her against my chest, relief flooding me when I see she is

unscathed. Matitus however had part of the branch still protruding through his

shoulder. Elora crying at the sight.

“Grab him” Dragus says to me. I grip his shoulders holding him still as Dragus rips the

branch from him, Elora instantly throwing up at the sight while Matitus gasps at the

sudden pain.

“He is okay Elora” I tell her watching as his shoulder starts healing. She needs her

face tear stricken as she now looks at the huge hole in the wall. Grabbing her I pull

her to my side and the shock of everything, she doesn’t even realise she is allowing

me to hold her instead leaning into me and I kiss her head.

“We will have to find another room, one where there are no trees outside of” Matitus

says looking at the tree.

“Come before the wind blows debris in” I tell her, and she looks up at me before

stepping back realising I was touching her. She was covered in leaves and dirt from

the tree.

“Come you need to shower” I tell her offering her my hand which she just looks at.

“You need to go with Silas Love, while we clean this” Dragus says.

“No, I will stay” She says, and I hear her heart rate rise.

“Elora please, just go with Silas we are right here” Matitus tells her, and I grip her

elbow softly making her look at me, she didn’t want to go anywhere with me that

much was clear on her face.

“Please” I ask her, and she looks at Dragus who nods before stepping closer. I lift her

over the tree helping her climb over before grabbing her, so she doesn’t need to jump

down. She tries to get down from my arms, but I pull her closer scooping her legs out

from under her.

“Just let me hold you, you never let me touch you” I tell her pressing my head against

hers. Sher gives in giving me what I want but not relaxing, her body tense in my arms
as I take her up the stairs to our room.

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Ninety Four

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Elora’s POV

“Just let me hold you, you never let me touch you” Silas whispers next to my ear, his

face so close as he breathed in my scent, yet I couldn’t relax not in his arms, not near

him at all. My body craved his touch, craved the feelings of the bond, yet my mind

screamed that he would take my baby, that it was all a trick and would soon take the

one thing that was truly mine, a literal piece of me and he would soon take that as


Silas walked up the stairs toward our bedroom the sight of the door coming into view

made panic rise deep within my chest as my breathing increased, my chest rising

and falling quicker.

“I won’t hurt you,” Silas tells me, and I pull my face back looking up at him, his face so

close I become mesmerised by his beauty, the sharp line of his face, the way his jaw

clenched and unclenched, the colour of his eyes though frightening cold most of the

time, to me they looked beautiful with the way the gold sparkled throughout them,

though behind all that was a monster. Even though I deny him, I couldn’t help but still

love him even if he were a monster, even if it meant my death.

My mind keeping me wary while my body yearned for him. A torture, I was sure would

kill me, two parts of me at war with each, pushing and pulling to see which part would


I hadn’t even realised we had stopped not until he cleared his throat making my face

heat when I realise, I was staring at him trapped in the confines of my own mind. He

made no move to put me down and part of me didn’t want him to, though the rational

part of me had me wriggling to get out his grip.

He places me on my feet with a sigh, before turning and walking out, I thought he

was leaving so stripped off and hopped into the shower, leaves stuck in my hair as I

tried to pull them out of the tangled mess. Rinsing my face and hair I run my fingers

through it, my fingers getting knotted and tangled in my hair as I try to rid it of the

leaves and twigs when I feel hands run across the bottom of my stomach making

eyes snap open, to find Silas in the shower, his eyes downcast as his hands glided

over my stomach.

I could feel our baby moving before kicking my side, Silas eyes watching my belly

move and moving his hand only to feel our baby roll, Silas once again missing the

movement he was intent on feeling as he watched my stomach ripple.

Sighing, he went to pull his hand away giving up on trying to catch its kicks when I

grabbed his hand moving it lower to where I knew the baby shifted. His eyes

snapping to mine while I held his hand there before our baby kicked, from the

pressure of his hand.

Silas lips tugged in the corners as he tried to suppress his smile his eyes sparkling

making me wonder what he was thinking, yet also to scared to prod into his mind,

worried at what I may find, what malicious intent was behind his change in behaviour.

“I mean you know harm Elora; I just want you to let me love you” He says making me

look up from his hands on my stomach. He was watching me waiting for me to

answer when I see Matitus step into the bathroom, his shoulder and bare chest

drenched in his blood.

“Everything alright?” He asks looking down at Silas hands making me realise how

close I was to him, not realising I had stepped closer to him, or maybe he stepped

closer I was unsure. Matitus steps in behind me forcing me closer to Silas his abs

brushing my belly and I turn around to face Matitus though Silas hands remain just

moving to my hips instead when I feel his lips go to my shoulder making me jump


Matitus watching me and Silas yet through the bond I could feel he was calm, he

didn’t have the same tormented feelings I had for Silas, he accepted him for

everything he was and right now Silas was calm, relaxed even, as he tugged me

closer waiting to see what I would do and if I would pull away from him.

I was about to and Matitus seeing that stepped closer to me forcing me back as he

leant down kissing me softly, my back pressing against Silas front and I was very

aware of the reaction he was having to me being so close, could feel it pressed

against back before I feel him shiver behind me.

Matitus pulls back a small smile on his lips and I realise he intended to force me

closer to Silas, wanting me to allow him to touch me. Silas stayed still though, I could
feel the longing through the bond when I feel Matitus hands move to underneath my

belly, his hands gliding to my hips before he places them over Silas’s, moving Silas’s

hands lower to underneath my stomach his hands brushing my pubic bone.

Arousal flooding me at having both their hands on me, watching as I see Matitus eyes

flicker dangerously as he breathed in my scent perfuming the steamed-up bathroom

before leaning over me. his lips going to my mark and I shudder as I feel the sparks of

the mate bond erupt over my skin making me relax as he ran his tongue over my

mark, nipping at it as I press myself closer to Silas, his hand moving lower before I

feel his fingertips brush over my slit and I gasp, coming to my senses.

Matitus stops stepping away before looking down at me, his eyes then moving to

Silas and I feel his hands move away going back to my hips. “He isn’t going to do

anything” Matitus says but I move removing myself from the shower and grabbing a

towel. Just because right now he has no ill will, doesn’t mean, that won’t change like

a flick of switch.

One thing I have grown accustomed to is the way he can go from calm to a raging

storm within seconds and I should have known better then to let my guard down, let

him in. Matitus feelings for Silas clouding my own yet I can’t let feeling overrule rational

thought, he will do what he said and now it was a matter of time, waiting for him to

destroy the last piece of me.

Walking into the room, Dragus walks in covered in debris. I walk into the cupboard

grabbing some of his clothes and slipping them on about to leave and find another

room to stay in when Dragus hand grips my wrist softly.

“Where are you going?” He asks.

“To find another room” Dragus shakes his head.

“We will stay in our room with our mates Elora” Dragus says, and I rip my hand away

from him. He wants me to stay in a room shared with the man who wants to take our
baby from me. Silas and Matitus walk out watching as Dragus and I stand off, his

words lingering in the air and I could feel his frustration. Turning on my heel, I head for

the door.

“We are staying in here Elora, the other beds are to small, and I am sick of not getting

any sleep” Matitus says making my hand stop as it held the cool metal of the

doorknob. I nod opening it and walking out, heading down the stairs.

“Elora!” I hear Dragus call to me a growl escaping him, but I ignore him instead

walking downstairs. They can sleep where they want, I didn’t care but I was not

sleeping in a room with Silas, I won’t allow him to be that close while I try to sleep.

All the rooms were occupied. I sigh after opening the last one to discover Pluto and

his brother sharing a room, closing the door mumbling my apology before turning on

my heel and walking toward the front of the castle. I stop at the office eyeing the

armchair in front of the fireplace before my eyes dart down to the thick rug in front of

the fireplace. Lightening streaking the sky outside the window illuminating the night in

brief glimpses, it was peaceful here. I could sleep here; it would be comfortable

though, getting up in the middle of the night to pee would be a task in itself.

I walk over grabbing the cushion and throw blanket off the armchair before laying on

the soft mat, the fire warming the room and was soothing as it crackled and popped

burning through the logs of wood.

Sleep taking over as I felt my body relax into the softness and warmth of the rug on

which I lay. Halfway through the night though I was woken to the need to pee. Rolling

on my back I look up at the ceiling with a groan, I was comfortable and didn’t want to

move away from the fire and the warmth it offered. Chucking the blanket off, I grip the

armchair hauling my body up to a sitting position before placing my knees under me

and using the armchair to pull myself up. Easier than I thought. I think to myself,

stepping off the rug my feet coming in contact with the cold ground. The urge to pee

becoming worse and I had to make it to the other side of the castle to the bathroom. I
walk out, the cold seeping into me as I shiver, goosebumps rising on my skin when I

hear a noise.

I continue walking only to stop at the dining room, the noise appearing to come from

inside. Opening the door, I find Silas standing on the dining table as he fiddle with the

chandelier. Curiosity getting the better of me and I find myself asking what he is


“What are you doing?” I ask looking up at him as he pulled the chandelier down. He

looks down at me completely engrossed in what he was doing, he hadn’t noticed I

had walked in. He looks at me nervously while I peer up at him.

“Replacing the chandelier for normal lights” He said staring at the chandelier in his


“Why?” I ask confused, I know there was nothing wrong with it, it worked perfectly

fine. He scratches the back of his neck.

“It’s old” Is all he says though the way he looked at it and the strange feeling coming

through the bond I had a feeling he was removing it for another reason though I

couldn’t work out why.

“Everything in here is old, what did the chandelier do?” I ask curious, out of the

outdated antique furniture he could replace he chooses a perfectly good chandelier.

He says nothing instead looking up at the ceiling, his eyes darkening slightly as they

flicker. He mutters something to low for me to hear before jumping off the table and

walking to the corner of the room where I notice nearly every chandelier in the castle

was placed.

“Did you take them all down?” I ask looking to the ceiling and realising he had in fact

taken the other two down and replaced them with normal ceiling lights. I look behind

me and realise the hallway one was gone to.

“Why are you awake?” He asks changing the subject on his midnight renovations and

making me realise where I was going in the first place.

“to use the bathroom” I tell him about turn around and walk out.

“Wait I will come with you”

“I don’t need you to hold my hand to pee, been toilet trained since I was child” I tell

him. His lips tug up slightly before he shakes his head walking over to me.

“It’s dark and I haven’t replaced some the lights yet especially on the stairs” He says

grabbing my hand. I stare at his hand holding mine before he raises it kissing my


“Just let me walk you upstairs” He says. My brows furrow before I give in, nodding.

We walk out of the dining room when he suddenly stops looking up at the ceiling his

grip on my hand tightening slightly.

“What is it?” I ask looking at the ceiling to where he just removed the chandelier. He

shakes his head snapping himself out of wherever his mind took him too.

“Nothing, come on” He says leading the way upstairs. I walk into the bedroom before

ducking in the bathroom to relieve my bladder that was screaming at me. Washing

my hands, I walk out and find Silas waiting for me, sitting on the end of the bed. He

looks to Matitus and Dragus who were sleeping in the bed peacefully.

“You can sleep in here Lora, I will sleep somewhere else” He says getting up and

pulling the blanket back. He nods toward the bed. Guilt hitting me when I could feel

he wanted to be in bed with them.

“It’s fine I liked where I was” I tell him.

“Elora please I will be busy all night anyway” He says, and I see Matitus stir in his

sleep behind him. I look to the door when he moves stepping closer before gripping

my face and making me meet his gaze.

“Stay” he whispers, he looked exhausted how hadn’t I noticed how tired he looked,

was his sleep as restless as ours is? I nod and he lets go stepping aside and I climb

in the bed. Silas moves the blanket over me about to turn away when I grab his hand,

he stops looking down at me and I wriggle over he looks at me questionably. I pull the

blanket back and he looks to the door now confused.

I was just as confused, I wanted him to stay yet part of me was scared if he did,

though I know I always sleep better with them beside me and we hadn’t all been in

the same bed in ages, now looking at Silas I could see how lonely it must have been

in this room by himself.

“Come to bed” I tell him, he looks at me shocked by what I said when I tug his hand.

He waits to see if I will change my mind.

“You won’t be angry, in the morning when you wake up beside me?” He asks and I

could tell he was confused by my actions and wondering if me being tired was

making me act this way.

“No Silas just come to bed, you look as tired as I feel” I tell him, and he nods before

pulling his shirt over his head and climbing in next to me and laying as far way as the

bed would allow. I move closer putting my head on his warm chest, breathing in his

calming scent. I felt for the first time in ages I was home, comfortably home though I

knew it wouldn’t last, but for now I would enjoy this moment and let sleep take me. I

feel his lips press to my head before feeling his arm wrap around me pulling me

closer before letting sleep take me.

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Ninety Five

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Matitus POV

I was a little startled to wake up and find Silas in bed with us and Elora. Hopping up, I

notice Dragus was already awake and had gone somewhere. Looking over at Silas

he was already awake, just not willing to move to wake her as she slept half across

him, I chuckle when I notice she was also drooling on him she was that deeply


“Might have to get a tarp for the bed” I tell him as he wipes the drool off his chest with

his hand.

“She is asleep, I sure as hell ain’t waking her, besides I don’t mind least she is letting

me near her” Silas whispers back. I nod, for once she is getting decent sleep.
Hopping up I chuck a shirt on, Silas watching me as I walk back out of the walk in.

“What time is it?” I ask him and he turns the alarm clock on the bedside table around.


“What time did Dragus leave?”

“About an hour ago, went to the caves to check on the Dragons, they refuse to leave


“Probably best that way, some aren’t to stable” I tell him and he nods in agreeance.

“Are you right with her?”

“Dragus won’t like you leaving me with her” He says,

“Yeah but I am sick of being stuck in the castle” I tell him tired of this entire situation. I

know Elora is scared of him, but he can’t earn that trust back if she isn’t around him.

“You alright with her or not?” I ask.

“Yes of course, but she probably won’t like it, how long will you be gone?” He asks.

“Two days, we were planning on doing this after she is has the baby, but I would

rather do it before hand” He nods.

“You sure that wise, she hasn’t got long left” He says brushing her hair off her face. I

know he loves her but he needs to get his temper in check, unfortunately Elora is just

as strong headed as he is making them clash constantly, though I don’t blame her, it’s

still no excuse for the things he has done.

“I am going to go before she brings on the waterworks and guilts me into staying” I tell

him grabbing my shoes.

“What do I tell her?” he asks, and I could feel his worry about her reaction to him

being left with her.

“Tell her we went to the caves and will be back when we can, if you need us send

Dakari” I tell him and he nods.

Grabbing a bag, I chuck a change of clothes in it before walking over and bending

down kissing her head. She shifts and I hold my breath hoping she doesn’t wake

before I leave. When she doesn’t, I kiss Silas goodbye, leaving him with our mate.

God, I hope I am not making a bad decision with trusting him with her, but to gain

trust you need to give a little. His actions over the last month show he is trying, and

something has changed in the last few days, something was different with him.

Like he was battling his own demons that torment him, he still hates Fae, but

yesterday I noticed something scared him and I have this nagging feeling it has

something to do with Elora, he is scared for her. I tried to pry into his head but

whatever it is, he doesn’t want us to know because he has kept his walls up tighter

than before.

Walking outside, I run into my brother walking out of the stables as I go past heading

to the greenhouses so I can shift.

“Where are you coming back from?” I ask him.

“Them damn bloody rocks Silas had moved here from the ruins, heavy bloody things.

He has done alright with them though, Aldrin was excited when he saw them


“Why he move them again?” I ask.

“They are nearly done, he wants to replace the fountain out the front, you will be

shocked when you see what he did with them, I am little shocked myself considering

how much he hates everyone” Dakari says and I nod.

“Where are you off to?”

“Caves, hey do me a favour and keep an eye on Silas, I won’t be back for a couple


“What about Dragus?”

“He is already over there”

“You sure that is wise, leaving her with him I mean”

“He won’t hurt her, at least not intentionally”

“Yeah, intentional, or not probably best he doesn’t hurt her, especially given she can

give birth any day now”

“Are you going to do it or just give me a lecture”

“Both, I will keep an eye on her, but he touches her you will be coming home to one

mate not two” He warns me. I nod, I knew I could trust him with Elora and Silas and

one plus side was out of everyone, Dakari doesn’t fear him so wouldn’t hesitate to

step in if needed.

“Enjoy, try get some sleep there baby bro, you look like shit” He says patting me on

the back.

“Yeah impossible to sleep with her, seriously who has anxiety while asleep” I ask

shaking my head, her nightmares and panic even while sleeping made it near

impossible to get unbroken sleep.

“Come get us if she needs anything, or anything happens”

“You know I will” Dakari says walking toward the front of the castle while I walk toward

the greenhouses out back in the far paddocks. Now to find Dragus and hope he

doesn’t kill me for leaving her with him.

Elora POV

Waking up, I find I am still in the same position I fell asleep in. My face heating when I

realised I drooled him.

“Sorry” I mutter, and Silas laughs softly as he wipes my drool off.

“Why didn’t you wake me, I would have moved?” I ask him sitting up and stretching

only to notice Dragus and Matitus weren’t in the bed still. Looking over at the clock on

the nightstand my eyes bulge, it was 10:30. I was little shocked I slept that long and

in the same position.

“Where did they go?” I ask in panic, they left me with him, left me in bed with him


“They went to the caves, they will be back before you know it” He says sitting up and

putting his legs over the side of the bed before standing up. I watch as the his

muscles in his back move as he stretches, his back cracking loudly making me


“Next time wake me” I tell him.

“You mean you will let me sleep in here again?” He asks looking down at me making

me realise what I just said. I say nothing realising how stupid that was to say.

“It’s fine Lora, come on you must be hungry” He says holding out his hand. I was

hungry but first I needed to pee. Climbing off the bed, he sighs when I don’t take his

hand before walking into the walk in. I waddle off to the bathroom to pee. When I

finish, I come out and find him gone, but he had laid my dressing gown on the bed

and my slippers. I put them on deciding to go make something to eat and hoping I

can keep it down today.

It was always an odd feeling walking into the kitchen and expecting to see Marian

scolding everyone, or busily rushing around the kitchen. I missed her and this place

didn’t feel the same without her. What was more shocking though was finding no

cooks in the kitchen, only Silas as he rummaged through the fridge.

“Where is everyone?” I ask looking around.

“I told them they can have time off till after the baby, they left this morning after the

storm” Silas answers when suddenly Peter walks on in behind me.

“Hey Silas, Elora” He says giving me a nod. I watch as Silas passes him the teabags

down off the shelf and Peter makes himself a cup of tea.

“Didn’t know you drink tea Peter” I tell him walking over to him.

“I used to drink coffee, but Silas reckons I talk to much when I do. So, tea it is” He

says and I see Silas smirk at what he said. I was more shocked to find out they

actually have spent time together and how comfortable Peter seemed to be around

him, because when I first come here Peter would run at the mere sight of him.

“Can you help me with stables, doors blew open overnight one is broken, and hay is

everywhere?” Peter tells him.

“Yep, need to remove the tree from the back rooms too” Silas tells him, and Peter

shakes his head.

“Na Pluto and Ares did it this morning and put some boards up” Peter answers him.

“Okay I will finish up here and come over, you eaten this morning?” Silas asks him.

Peter nods.

“Yep, Pluto made damper on the fire was so good, although I feel like shit now after

eating too much” He says sipping his tea while walking out. I go to follow him out and

go in search of something to do when Silas stops me.

“Breakfast first” Silas says making me turn around to look at him. Silas walks over and

I step back worried with how quick he moved. He grabs my hips putting me on the

counter he is doing something at.

“You like omelette?”

“Yes, but”

“But no cheese” He says with a chuckle and I nod. I watch as he cooks, he isn’t a

man of many words unless we are arguing so the quiet was nice, even if it was a

tense at first.

Silas walks over to a kitchen cupboard before grabbing something down and

grabbing a cup and filling it with orange juice, he hands me the glass before handing

me two white pills.

“Your nausea tablets Victor gave you” He says before flipping the omelette. I take the

pills before drinking the juice. Silas finishes cooking before grabbing me off the bench

and placing me on my feet he nods to the little table in the corner. I go sit at it and he

brings our plates over before sitting down himself. We ate in silence, awkward silence

while I looked everywhere but at him who was watching me.

“What are you doing today?” He asks as I pick my now empty plate up and take it to

the sink. I shrug, “maybe go see if the cradle is done, probably read, not much else

to do” Silas nods.

“How long will Matitus and Dragus be gone for” He becomes a little nervous before

washing his plate while I watch him which made me nervous.

“They will be back when they can” He says turning the tap off and facing me.


“A couple days Lora, then they will be back”

“A couple of days” I ask, and I feel myself start to panic, they left me with him?

“It will be fine you have me here” He says reaching forward but I step back. He drops

his hand with a sigh.

“It will be fine, you will be fine” He says as I shake my head feeling tears well up.

“Lora?” He asks as I turn around leaving and heading for my room seeing as it now

boarded up.

I was pissed off, I couldn’t believe they would abandon me like that, leave me when I

was this far along, and with Silas of all people. Walking into the room, huge wooden

board blocked the hole the tree left behind. Rocks form the stones walls scattered all

over the floor. Walking back out, I go find a bucket and broom, noticing Silas leave

out through the front doors as I go to the cleaning cupboard. Finding a bucket and

the dust pan I grab a broom before going back to the room.

It took a couple hours and never to clean up the mess the tree made and running the

bucket back and forth to outside to discard of the rocks. When I finished I go find

some logs for the fire place. Stacking them in, I then change the bed linen. The day

passing by quickly when I decide to go look for something to read. Walking in the
study, I freeze when I see Silas sitting at his desk. He looks up when he notices me

walk in.

“Where have you been?” He asks watching as I rummage through the bookshelf for

something I haven’t read yet.

“In the room” I tell him. Grabbing one off the shelf I walk out heading back when he

calls out to me.

“Have you had lunch?” He asks.

“Yep” I lie quickly walking off before he realises, I wasn’t telling the truth, honestly I

was afraid of eating my stomach had been doing backflips all day.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Six

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Silas POV

She had been hiding from me all day, it was really starting to piss me. Why couldn’t

she just be in the same room as me. When dinner time came, I walk upstairs to the

room only to find her not there. Where did she go? I swore she said she had been in

the room, though her scent wasn’t that strong like she hadn’t been in here since this

morning. Walking back out I look for her only to run into Pluto.

“Have you seen Elora?” I ask him. He nods.

“Yeah in her room” He says pointing down the corridor. I turn on my heel going to her

old room, pissed off. She knows this room isn’t fixed yet. Pushing the door open I

was a little shocked to find it cleaned up, though there was a terrible draft, the wood
not sealing completely closed against the stone walls. She looks up as I enter, she

was next to the fireplace trying to get the kindle to catch a light with a lighter.

“You can’t stay in here you will freeze” I tell her stepping in.

“I will be fine, you can go” She says, and I could feel how pissed off she was with our

mates for ditching her. Jealousy hitting me at her only ever wanting them near. I watch

her struggle with the kindle, which was too wet to light with the lighter, I was nearly

tempted to leave her with it just to force her out of this room.

“Just sleep in the room, I will sleep in the study” I tell her. She shakes her head


“Elora!” I call out to her and she looks up at me.

“Just leave I don’t want you in here” She snaps, and I growl low at her tone, her eyes

snapping to me filled with worry. Just walk away, walk away. I tell myself when I want

nothing more then to drag her out kicking and screaming to where I know she will be

warmer and my son not freezing solid inside her overnight.

I turn about to leave when I stop turning around and walking over to her before

bending down, I suck in a breath before blowing it out, the room heating instantly, and

she jumps back as the logs catch alight. I then walk out leaving her like she wanted.

Trying to remember she is pregnant and hormonal, and not realising how rude she

just came off.

Walking off, I go make dinner slamming the pots and pans around a little too loudly in

my anger while I try and find the frypan I like using. Pluto walking in to see what the

commotion is.

“You right buddy” He asks, and I glare at him not meaning to. He puts his hands up.

“Hey just checking on you” He says.

“I’m fine Elora is just being difficult” I tell him and he steps into the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t take it personally I have seen her snap at Dragus a few times” He says

which actually shocked me they always seem so cosy around each other.

“Well for me it is personal because the woman hates me”

“She will come around, Elora is forgiving” I nod not really believing him.

“Want some help?”

“If you want, where is your brother?” I ask him.

“In the city with his girlfriend”

“He has a girlfriend already?” I ask.

“Yeah, not a mate though just some bird he likes” Pluto tells me.

“What are we making?” Pluto asks.

“Hamburgers, you can butter the buns when they come out of the grill”

Pluto nods placing the buns in while I start frying onion and the patties.

Elora’s POV
Silas was right this room was freezing, I could tell he was angry with the way I spoke

to him and I felt guilty for snapping at him. He came in and placed dinner on the table

telling me to eat before walking out.

I didn’t even have a chance to thank him he left as soon as he came in. Laying in bed

I froze. The draft was awful and made a horrid whistling noise as it came through the

gaps. Getting up. I stoke the fire warming hands on it. The logs were nearly gone and

it was starting to go out. Grabbing my dressing gown, I put my slippers on, going to

get more. Walking outside, it was snowing. I hated the weather here, one minute it

was fine the next it snowed never an in between. I can’t wait for summer at least then

the days were longer and a little warmer though not much with the mountains

surrounding the place blocking the sun most of the time, the nights were usually cold


Walking outside my feet froze instantly, painfully so as the snow went straight through

the fabric. I could barely see in front of my face as I walked toward the stables in

search of wood. Most of the logs were wet still from the storm and I needed to get

back before the fire went completely out.

No such luck as I walk in and find it only glowing red as it smothered itself in the ash. I

drop the logs in and wait seeing if anything catches alight. Thinking of asking Pluto, I

walk out but could hear him snoring when I open the door. I pop my head in and

catch him talking in his sleep making me chuckle. Nothing of what he said making


Closing the door, I walk back to my room, the draft hitting me instantly making me

shiver. I hesitate before walking upstairs to Silas to see if he would relight it for me,

though with the way I spoke to him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he said no. Walking in,

he was sitting in bed. Shock hitting me when I see him reading a baby book. He puts

the book down looking over at me. The sight of him reading it worried me, like he was

planning on taking my baby.

“What’s wrong?” He asks looking at me.

“The fire went out and the wood is wet” I tell him. He nods getting up off the bed.

“What are reading?” I ask already knowing.

“Some baby book I saw Matitus reading,” He answers looking down at me as he

approaches, he doesn’t say anything else.

“You want me to light the fire or are you coming to sleep in here?” He asks when I just

stand there like an idiot staring at him.

“Right” I tell him turning around to walk back downstairs.

“Where did your mind just go?” He asks making me stop and look back at him.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Nothing don’t worry about it” He says giving me a strange look.

“You can always sleep in here with me” He says but I shake my head walking down

the stairs. Walking into the room, Silas follows before growling behind me.

“It’s freezing in here, you’re not sleeping in here” He says grabbing my hand pulling

me back.

“Your fucking hands are freezing” He says when I pull my hand from his grip.

“Can you just light the damn fire please” I ask him. He folds his arms across his


“No, sleep in the room”

“It’s fine when the fire is going, please I don’t want to wake Pluto” I tell him climbing in

the bed.
“No you’re being stupid, just come upstairs”

“No” I tell him, and he glares at me. I return his glare pissed off, its easy for him to light

the damn thing and he is refusing all because I won’t sleep in the room. He mutters

something under his breath before suddenly turning and walking out.


“Wake Pluto then” He calls back.

“Fucking stupid ass tree, breaking the wall” I mutter before wriggling down under the

blanket and pulling it over my head to keep warm. The longer the night was the

colder it got, the snow wet the ply wood covering the hole, and even snow managed

to get into the room making it like a freezer inside. My teeth chattering, and I my body

shivered freezing. Tossing the blanket off I go to wake Pluto or find another room, the

cooks aren’t here so maybe I can stay in one of their rooms.

Walking out, I go to the one closest to the kitchen next to the stairs, opening the door

I stop feeling like I was invading someone’s privacy, when I notice the pictures on the

wall. Closing the door, I look to the stairs debating whether or not to go climb in bed

with him. My teeth chattering so loudly I could hear it.

I walk up the stairs, giving up and not wanting to wake Pluto though I know he

wouldn’t mind if I did. Walking in the lights were off and I look at the fireplace burning

in the corner nice and warm. I walk over to it warming my hands when I hear

movement behind me making me look over my shoulder. Silas tosses the blanket

back before tapping the bed and I look back at the fire.

“You would be warmer in here with me once you get over your tantrum” He says, and

I roll my eyes pressing my lips into a line. Turning around I climb in the bed he chucks

the covers over me and I press my feet against his bare legs making him jump from

how cold they were.

“Bloody freezing” He shrieks making me smile.

“Should have lit the fire then” I tell him. He mumbles something before pulling me

closer and rolling me and pulling my back against his chest.

“Put your feet between my legs till they warm up” He says.

“You have no pants on” I tell him feeling his rod digging into my back.

“How can you even be hard when its freezing, shouldn’t you get shrinkage” I tell him

moving away only for him to pull me back.

“My cock isn’t cold feel free to warm your hands on it” He says with a chuckle. I press

my cold feet on him, and he jumps slightly before opening his legs and I jam them

between them letting them warm.

“See isn’t this better than the cold room downstairs?” He asks. I say nothing because

it was better but I didn’t want to admit that to him. The sparks rushing across my skin

also warming me. When my feet warm up I wriggle my feet out before rolling on my

back, Silas hand rubbing my belly when he tugs my hip wanting me to face him.

“What Silas?” I ask when he does it again.

“Nothing I just want you closer” He says, and I roll facing him.

I try and sleep his hand rubbing the side of my belly that was pressed against his

rock-hard abdomen.

“Have you picked any names yet?” He asked. My eyes snapping open to find his

watching me.

“No and aren’t you planning on taking the baby, so wouldn’t you pick its name” I tell

him. I know it was petty to say, yet his question angered me. His brows furrow and I

could feel his confusion through the bond.

“You still think I would take our son from you?” He asks.

“You think it’s a boy?” I ask.

“I know it is” He says.


“Claire told me”

“What else did Claire say?”

“It doesn’t matter, just that it was a boy and Abbie is having a girl” I nod liking the

thought of having a son.

“I won’t take him from you lora, I never should have said that” I nod but not really

believing him, he says that now, but what happens when he gets angry again, he

now has the perfect ammunition to hurt me, use our son against me.

“Don’t think that, I won’t take him from you” He says moving my hair from my face

before he pulls me closer.

“I know you don’t believe me, but you’ll trust me eventually” He says kissing my head

before rolling on his back pulling me closer, I put my head on his chest my hand

moving down his abs when he grabs it.

“Probably not a good idea doing that I am uncomfortable enough” He says, and I stop

putting my hand on his chest.

“Sorry” I mutter closing my eyes.

Author Note

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Seven

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Elora POV

Waking in the early morning, to terrible back pain, my lower back killing, my hips killing

like they were out of place. As I roll trying to get comfortable the pressure becomes

more intense to the point where even breathing deeply hurt, taking my breath away

leaving me panting.

I sit up with a groan, Silas rolling before waking. His hand going to my lower back as

he rubs it obviously feeling the pain I am in, through the bond. His thumbs digging

into my lower back as he messages the area where the pain was radiating from.

I look out the window to only see darkness before looking at the clock it was only

4AM. I yawn before even that catches in my throat as pain ripples through my lower

“Maybe have a shower it might help with the discomfort” He says while still rubbing

my back in circles. I nod my belly going hard as the pain intensifies and I watch my

round belly tense, feel it under my hand.

“Labour?” asks Silas.

“No, it is in my back, probably Branxton hicks” I tell him though, this was more painful,

but shouldn’t it be in the front not the back? I wondered, everything I read said it was

like having terrible period pain, saying that I didn’t read many books some of it

horrified me so mainly read the ones about after baby is born.

“I will send Dakari to go get them” Silas says but I wave him off, the pain suddenly

leaving as quickly as it started.

“No, its fine, see it’s going now” I tell finally catching a breath as the pain subsides.

“Maybe I should just in case” He says.

“No because then they will have to leave again. They should be back tomorrow, I’m

not due yet I still have a week” I tell him.

“You know you can go early?” He says and I nod.

“Yeah, but I am fine now” I tell him, and he sighs before leaning over and kissing my

belly, I let him and he places his head on my knee mumbling something I can’t

understand as he presses his lips against my stomach. I run my fingers through his

hair which was getting longer making his eyes snap to me before he leans on one

elbow looking back up at me.

“Sorry, I got carried away” He says his hand rubbing over my bump softly.
He then hops up walking into bathroom and I hear the shower turn on before he

walks out holding his hand out to me. His naked body standing in front me with no

care in the world that his junk is eye level with me.

I roll my eyes while smirks at my now blushing face being caught staring. “My eyes

are up here love” He says a smirk on his face, taking his hand letting him haul me to

my feet.

I hop in the shower, Silas hopping in behind me starting the other shower head, the

warm helping the back pain that instantly started to return as I stood up. Silas

adjusting his shower head so it hits my back as well.

“I think I should send for Matitus and Dragus” He says and I shake my head.

“No, I must have slept funny, it’s in my back not my front” I tell him.

“I read in that baby book there is a thing called back labour” He says and I raise an

eyebrow at him.

“You better hope this kid is small, cause it gonna tear you from asshole to navel” He


“Was that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No, I was just telling you, I seen pictures that book is very detailed, you know some

women shit during labour?”

“Oh my god stop Silas you’re not helping”

“What I am just saying”

“Well, I don’t want to know, and stop reading whatever that book is, you’re grossing

me out” I tell him.

“You’re grossed out someone took a picture of a woman crowning, I thought she had

a major bush turns out that was the head, and it had a lot of hair” He says with a

chuckle making me laugh.

“Ah don’t make me laugh it hurts” I whine clutching my belly.

“I should get Victor to check you out” He muses while my mouth falls open horrified at

the thought.

“No definitely not” I tell him.

“How else are we supposed to know if you’re in labour or not?” He asks.

“I am not spreading my legs in front of Victor”

“Why you spread them for us all the time” He says, and I slap him.

“No, we will know when my waters break, how long does it take for them to get back

from the caves?” I ask him.

“Flying half an hour” He says, and I nod the pain easing off again.

“See Branxton hicks” I tell him.

“Want me to check” He says wriggling his fingers in front of my face.

“No and stop being annoying” I tell him grabbing his fingers with a chuckle.

“See laughter is the best medicine”

“Says you”

“No, I didn’t come up with that saying I stole it, sounds legit though” He says before

lacing his fingers through mine and stepping closer making me look up at him. He lets

go his hands rubbing the sides of my belly.

“You’re fascinated by it aren’t you, you keep rubbing it”

“Well, this is the closest you have let me get, and the longest you have been in a

room with me in months” he says and I feel his sadness through the bond, guilt hitting


“Don’t feel guilty, I made some bad choices Lora” He says his hand cupping my


“I shouldn’t have killed your father, I’m sorry” I admit, knowing that was something I

should have let him do.

I see his eyes flicker with some strange emotion I couldn’t identify through the bond it

was so fleeting.

“I should go make breakfast” He says stepping out of the shower and wrapping a

towel around his waist before walking out, I try feel him through the bond when I feel

myself suddenly shoved out making my stomach drop. Was it something I said? I

didn’t understand, his sudden mood change or the emotion behind it, felt foreign, felt


Hopping out, I wrap a towel around me and walking into the room. Silas walks out of

the walk in with a pair of shorts on.

“I didn’t mean to upset you” I tell him trying to pull some pyjama pants on.

“Just argh just why mention it, you didn’t have to mention it” He says.

“What you can apologise, and I am expected to accept it right off the bat because we

are mates, but when I do you carry on. I don’t understand you sometimes you’re

such a hypocrite” I tell him.

“Don’t Elora, just stop. Everything was fine then you have to open your mouth and

mention my father” He snaps.

“Why do I even bother” I mutter pulling on my shirt as pain starts moving across my

back again making me clutch the nightstand.

“What? Speak up Lora didn’t catch that” He snaps at me and I watch him step


“Nothing Silas” I tell him, not willing to argue with him while I am in pain. He growls

before suddenly walking out and slamming the door making me jump.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Eight

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Elora’s POV

I remain in the room, the pain coming and going and I didn’t think I would make it

down the stairs even if I wanted to. Getting up, I head for the shower, the pain

intensifying and now spreading around my entire lower belly. My mind only able to

focus on the pain as I try and breathe through it as I clutch on to the taps, making me

cry out as an agonised noise rips from my lips.

Silas walks in staring at me from next to the sink basin. “I am sending for them,

hopefully they are already on the way” He says, and I nod. He walks out and I hear

the door shut as the pain subsides and I get out again intending to go ask Silas to get

Abbie. Silas walking in, as I am trying to get my shirt on as pain has he me doubling
over clutching onto the side of the bed to stop my legs from going out from under


“Pluto is going to get them” I nod not able to form words threw my gritted teeth when I

feel it. My legs becoming drenched, and I feel like I wet myself. Looking down I see

water running down my legs and onto the floor.

“My waters broke” I tell him, and I feel his hand rubbing my back as I try and breathe

through the next contraction as I feel my belly tighten, the first give away is the

niggling tightening before pain moves throughout me, my stomach contracting

making me forget how to breathe. Silas grabbing me before laying me on the bed,

the pressure in my back intensifying as I roll on my side trying to relieve the pressure

building up making me feel like I need to go to the bathroom.

Silas POV

I knew I should have sent for them earlier, as she lay writhing in pain. I clench my

teeth as I feel her pain though I only receive a lesser dose of it, it was still enough to

make me squirm.

“Just breathe” I tell her not knowing what else to say or do.

“You fucking breathe” She snaps at me as she makes a pained groaning noise. Just

as one contraction lets off another comes, and I sit on the bed beside her rubbing her


“I need to go to the toilet” She says making me furrow my brows.

“What now?”

“Yes” She groans the sound guttural and deep as she clutches the sheets, her teeth

clenched so tightly I was sure they were going to break when I see her face turning

red a grunting noise escaping her lips.

I push her legs apart and nearly faint, she tries slapping my hands away when I force

her legs back open.

“I don’t think you need to go to the toilet” I tell her as I watch her face as she turns red

again and I realise she is actually pushing.

“I need to push” She groans as I watch her stomach tighten.

“Push then” I tell her and her eyes snap open. “Get Abbie” She cries.

“I don’t think we have time for that, just push with the contractions” I tell her.

“I am” She snaps at me. She pushes with the next one and I see the head and nearly

throw up, I should have got Abbie I think to myself, so much blood, I feel my face

drain of colour.

“Don’t you fucking faint” She screams at me.

“So much blood” I squirm at the sight.

“You kidding right? you have killed people and you are worried about blood?” She

says before groaning and pushing again.

“It’s different” I tell her as I watch catching a glimpse of something before it goes. I

push her legs apart further as she pushes again to see the baby’s head crowning.
“I can’t, I can’t” She cries sobbing as she waits for the next contraction. I watch her

belly tense and she holds her breath.

“Push Lora he is right there”

“I can’t, I can’t, you fucking push” She cries. I grab her hand placing her hand

between her legs.

“Feel that, that’s the baby, push love” I try to encourage her, her fingers barely

touching the top of its head before she suddenly pushes again more determined

while screaming. Sweat coating her skin before suddenly the head pops out so

quickly and she stops catching her breath. Getting up, I rush into the bathroom

grabbing some towels making it back in time as she starts pushing again. The slimy

sucker spilling into my hands as I grab him at the back of the neck, cupping his head

while the rest of his little body glides through my hands, his arms splayed out in the

air like he thought, he was falling as he scream like he is being murdered. His eyes

clenched shut tightly while he cries.

Elora sits up on her elbows looking down at him in my hands while I watch our

screaming pink little bundle in awe. She holds her hands out for him.

“Hang on” I tell her using the towel to get the gunk of him and clean him a bit when I

notice the cord. I place him on her chest and place a towel over him to keep him

warm. Elora clutches him cooing softly drenched in her sweat. As she stares at him

just as amazed as I was. Getting up, I find some ribbon that Elora puts in her hair

sometimes before coming back and slicing the cord letting my claws out before tying

the ribbon next to his belly button.

“We had boy” She says looking down at him and I lean over pecking her lips softly.

“I need to push” She says before pushing again.

“Placenta?” I ask.
“Yeah, unless there is another one” She says, and I tug on the cord as she pushes.

The placenta coming out looking like an oversized blood clot but harder. I wrap it in a

towel before looking around to find some where to put it, settling on the bin in the


“That was nasty”


“Placenta, looked like brisket”

“Well good, keep it will cook it later” and I nearly chunder at her words.

“I’m joking Silas, though some people, do eat them” She says shaking her head and I

feel myself pale at the thought.

Moving closer, I look down at our boy in her arms reaching down I hold his little hand,

his hand wrapping around my finger as he clutches it. She looks up at me worried for

a second making me furrow my brows at the look she gave me.

“Can I hold him?” I ask and she looks at him before looking at me nervously but

hands him over. I take him from her rocking him.

“He is so little” I tell her, smelling his head and I could smell all our scents on him, but

also something else, something different, he smelt like a dragon but when his eyes

open they were the Purple colour of the Aziza bloodline, the same as Elora’s,

sparkling brightly as he opened his eyes seeing but not really seeing. I hear the castle

doors burst open making me look toward the door and can hear murmurs and go to

walk to the door to open it when her voices sounds out behind me.

“Give him back Silas” She says making me look over my shoulder at her. Huh?
“Now, I won’t let you take him” She says her voice harsh as she stands on shaky legs

and I growl from the angry look on her face.

“I’m not I..”

“Give him to me” She says stepping forward and I watch horrified as her hands start

to glow.

“You would really risk hurting our son”

“Give him to me Silas, you’re not taking him”

“I’m not…I”-

“Give me my son” Her eyes sparkling with anger as they turn fluorescent and I growl

stepping toward her and I see her magic building.

“I have our baby in our arms stop it, he isn’t just yours” I snap at her when I am

suddenly hit with Déjà vu, my mind going to the vision Claire showed me, me hitting

her and her falling and smacking her head before I walk out with our son. She thought

I was taking him from her, this was what we argued about, this is what started the

events that took place afterwards.

“Silas!” She screams just as I hear footsteps on the stairs. I look down at him in my

arms not wanting to give him to her, but knowing what Claire showed me, it was the

only way to stop it coming true, stop it from destroying us all.

“Sit down and I will give him to you, you’re bleeding on the floor” I tell her my voice

slightly harsher than I hoped, she seems shocked for a second and I see her magic

drop as she sits on the bed. I kiss the top of his head before handing him back to

her, before putting my hands under her back and legs putting her in the centre of the

bed so she doesn’t fall off the side.

“I was just opening the door our mates are here” I tell her before walking out, knowing

my temper was on the verge of breaking. I open the door to see Dragus and Matitus

rushing up the stairs toward me. I open the door wider before stepping out.

“hey” Dragus says blocking me with his arm. “Where are you going?” He asks.

“I need to go” I tell him, and he looks at me confused but I won’t risk it, risk her as I

walk off and away from the bedroom.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Nine

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Silas POV

I nearly ruined everything, and now I can’t face her. Too scared to even go near them

so instead I go to the stables to finish the cradle Dragus had made. Putting another

coat of lacquer on it, by the time the sun was up I was finished, and Peter was

walking in to tend to the horses. Peter noticing me walks over to see what I am doing.

“Congrats daddio” He says smacking my back.

“Thanks” I tell him though I don’t know much else to say when I can’t even be in the

same room as them.

“What’s up?” He asks.

“Nothing, can you grab the other end so we can put it out in the sun to kill the fumes”

Peter nods walking to the other end and carefully grabbing. I could have carried it but

was worried I would break it if I just picked it up. Dragus had really done a good job

on it, it looked amazing, the little mobile was the perfect little touch, I know Elora will

love it, I just hope she likes what I did with the ruins that were nearly finished. Though

the ruins aren’t just for her but to represent what I hope the future holds.

Placing it on the tarp out front of the stable door in the sun we set it down.

“I saw the ruins the other day, Dakari showed me. Looks great but where are you

going to put it it’s huge” He asks.

“Where the water fountain is, have to smash it and remove if you want to help” I tell

him, his face lighting up.

“yes I have always wanted to break that ugly fountain” he says making me chuckle.

“It’s not that ugly” I tell him and he scoffs.

“What fountain has gargoyles watching everyone beady eyes, it was once pretty, its

now decrepit looking”

“Fair enough” I tell him, it was ugly.

“You are all good with your hands, the detail is unbelievable he says holding the little

dragon figurine gently between his fingers.

“Yeah, well back when I was younger besides kicking stones the only thing to do was

whittle” I tell him.

“Yeah, must suck being as old as dirt” He replies.

“I’m not that god damn old” I tell him roughing his hair.
“No just old enough where you played with rocks and sticks like it was prime

entertainment” He says with laugh. I like Peter he was good kid, and his father should

be proud of the young man he was turning into.

“How is your family?” I ask him.

“Good grandma is sick with the flu, I actually need to see Victor if that’s alright later”

“I actually just saw him, we can go see him now if you want. Cough medicine?” I ask

him and he nods.

“Yeah and antibiotics if he has any, my grandmother was helping mum in the garden

she cut her leg up on some steel I think its infected” He says.

“Come then we can go see Victor and take the stuff to her” I tell him.

“No, I can do it later the walk back home will take forty minutes” He says.

“Not if we fly?” I tell him and he suddenly stops.

“What you aren’t scared of heights now are you Peter”

“No, more worried you will eat me” He says

“No, you’re to scrawny not enough meat on your bones, need to fatten you up before

I do that”

“Should I be worried about all that candy you keep sending me home with?” He

wonders as I drape my arm across his shoulder forcing him to walk to the green


Victor was busily compounding medication when we walked in, no matter how old he

gets and how cold it gets he always shows, his dedication to the people and the

apprentices he was teaching was admirable.

“Hey Silas, Peter” He says acknowledging us as we walk in.

“What can I do for you?”

“Peter needs antibiotics and flu medicine if you have any”

“Yes have both, but what’s the antibiotics for”

“Grandma cut her leg open think its infected”

“Geez how did lucy do that?” He asks rummaging for what Peter came in for.

“In the garden” Peter tells him.

“How long ago”

“Couple of weeks ago, it won’t heal and he leg is turning black” Peter says, and Victor

drops the bottle in his hands looking to me. Yeah, that wasn’t a good sign.

“Peter if the infection got that bad antibiotics may not even help her” Victor tells him


“But she will be alright though?” Peter asks and Victor looks to me.

“I’m sure she will be fine” He says though it was obvious he thought it was going to kill

the old woman.

Peter takes the medicine, oblivious to what Victor was trying to tell him, and Victor I

could tell didn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise. “Can you check on my son and

Elora later please”

“He has been born, I thought I heard the sound of a baby crying, how exciting. Of

course I will head up straight away”

“Thank you” I tell him.

“You know I watched that girl grow up, I was neighbours with her grandmother, loved

that woman stubborn. I guess that’s where Elora gets that strong will of hers from. I

can’t believe I lived long enough to see her have her own child” Victor beams unable

to hide his excitement. I smile his excitement contagious.

When Peter tries to walk back toward the castle, I grab his shoulder.

“Ah ah, nope I will walk” He says.

“Here hold these” I tell him as I start stripping off my clothes. Peter looking anywhere

but at me.

“What I can’t rock up to your house naked”

“I don’t think mum would mind but you might give my grandmother a heart attack” He

says before laughing.

I shift and Peter covers his ears not liking the sound before turning around to look, he

takes a step back.

“Nope I am good” He says making me laugh my chest rumbling. I step forward

towards him and he bolts.

“Hell no” He says his little legs taking off through the paddock while I chase him

before scooping him up, he squeals like a little girl high pitched making me laugh as I
clutch him in my talons.

“Chicken” I tell him.

“Wait how did you do that?” He asks when my voice flits through his head as I climb


“Mind control, I could probably make you quack like a duck if I wanted” I tell him. I

could feel his entire body shaking in my claws where I had him caged.

“Wow that’s so high” He says his voice trembling.

“Don’t you drop me, I may just soil myself” He says my chest rumbling with laughter.

“The green roof” He says pointing below as we fly over the city.

I find somewhere to land, plopping him on the grass in the park I picked before

landing. I shift back startling a few people as they avert their gaze.

“Is that the dragon king?” I hear their soft murmurs.

“Oh go he is going to eat the boy” I hear another making me laugh as I slip my pants

on that Peter was clutching so tightly in his frozen hand.

“Come on lets go see your family” I tell him and he nods.

“Just a bit of warning my grandma can be a little rude, she not to fond of dragons” He


“I am sure I can handle the old bat” I tell him, and he laughs leading the way to his

house. The house was weathered and the tiles on the roof had been broken. The

porch steps creaking under my feet as we step on it.

Peter lets himself in, and I see a woman rush down the hall to see who it is. She had

dark hair unlike Peter’s, so I guess he gets the blonde curls from his father. He had
her blue eyes though. She stops freezing completely on the spot when I walk in

behind him. It was clean inside but run down. The doors not sealing properly, paint

peeling off the walls.

“Hi ma” Peter says stopping.

“This is Silas” He tells her.

“Hi” I tell her wondering what her name is and Peter finally realising that Speaks.

“Oh yes Silas this is Wendy my mother, sorry I am used to calling her mum not her

name” I chuckle holding my hand out to her. She hesitantly takes mine squeezing


“Is something wrong, did we do something?” She asks nervously.

“No, I was just giving him a lift home and to check on your mother” I tell her.

“A lift?” She says furrowing her eyebrows.

“We flew here, damn near crapped my pants” Peter says grabbing my arm and

leading me into a kitchen which was run down and missing half the cupboard doors.

His mother following us frantically when I see a woman sitting at the table with white

hair, she looked to be in her sixties, her lips pursed as we walk in and her brown eyes

watching us.

“Hey grandma this is Silas” He tells her pecking her cheek.

“I know who he is son, why is he here?”

“Nice to meet you Lucy” I tell her, and she seems taken aback.

“He brought Peter home” Her daughter tells her.

“Gosh you’re a big brute,” She says looking up at me. Peter pulls her dress up

revealing her leg.

She smacks his hand. “Don’t be undressing me boy” She snaps at him. Swatting his


“I am just looking, I brought antibiotics” He tells her.

“I don’t need none of that witch voodoo, just gotta piss on it. You young ones need to

toughen up” She tells him. Her leg looked like gangrene; he was definitely right about

it being infected.

“Not sure which old wives tales you been reading but that definitely needs more then

piss” I tell her shaking my head at her logic.

“Young ones no idea what they talking about” She mutters.

“Grandma he is older than you” Peter deadpans. She huffs annoyed but allows him to

clean it.

Wendy rummages around in the bottle grabbing the flu medicine before getting a

glass and making juice.

“Those antibiotics won’t work” I tell them looking at her leg as Peter tries to clean it. I

look away toward her daughter who seems to know that already. As she smiles sadly.

“But she will be alright?” Peter says looking at me. I say nothing before going over to

his mother. I grab a knife from the draw.

“Wait you are not cutting off her leg” Peter squeaks.

“You come near me with that knife I will shove it up your ass” His grandma snaps at


“I can help” I tell her.

“I don’t need help from you”

“Your leg says otherwise”

“Nope I am fine, you can go now”

“Please help her” Peter asks, and she smacks him up the back of the head.

“Be quiet boy” She tells him. Wendy squeezes another orange into the glass, and I

turn around my back to Peter before reaching for the glass and taking it from her. I

slice my hand and Wendy looks at me.

“She won’t drink your blood” She says looking at my hand.

“She will if she doesn’t know” I tell her and I see her look over her shoulder at her

mother. I let my blood drip into the glass the juice darkens before I rinse my hand

sliding the glass back to her. I point to the oranges and she squeezes more into the

glass. I turn facing Lucy who has a scowl on her face as Peter fusses over her leg.

“The pills” Wendy asks her son, and he grabs them from his pocket. Wendy reads

the label before taking two out and handing them to her mother along with the juice.

“I don’t need them”

“Grandma Victor made them not Abbie”

“She has a thing against witches?” I ask. Peter shakes his head.

“No just Jackie Abbie’s mum, old grudge” He says with an eyeroll.

“That old wench stole my first husband” Lucy snaps, “I don’t want nothing from her

devil spawn” I chuckle at her words shaking my head.

Wendy and I hold our breath as she tips the glass to her lips before popping the pills

in her mouth. She drinks the juice making a face.

“Something wrong with those oranges bloody foul tasting” She says before Peter

gasps before looking over his shoulder at me.

“What is it boy?” She says before she looks down noticing her leg.

“You! what did you do?” She says her eyes snapping to me as she points her wrinkly

finger at me.

“Dragon voodoo” I tell her, and she presses her lips in a line.

“See all better, you should say thank you” Wendy tells hers and her mother glares at


“Thank you” Says Wendy turning to me when her mother stands up grabbing her

walking stick before she suddenly realises she doesn’t need it, she brandishes it like

a weapon.

“You old dinosaur” She says.

“Dragon” I tell her with a chuckle as she advances toward me. Peter grabs my hand

pulling me from the room as his grandmother follows quite quickly for an old duck

brandishing her weapon like it’s a sword.

“Quick she will actually do what she says, you want that up your ass” Peter says, and

I chuckle, he was truly scared of the old bat. I follow him out the door while Wendy

tries to calm her mother and cops a whack with the walking stick.

“Mum” I hear her sing out as we flee out the door.

We walk back to the castle.

“Thank you for helping her, she can be mean but she is really nice most of the time”

Peters says.

“She is old, she is allowed to be mean. Kind of reminds me Marian” I tell him and he


“Do you miss her, she worked at the castle for years” He asks.

“Yes, she was a good woman” I tell him, and he nods.

“What now?” He asks.

“The ruins, I want to hold a feast for the city, do you think the people would come?” I


“I think so, most people’s views of you have changed and they like Elora” He says.

“When?” He asks.

“Next week the ruins should be done by then” I tell him, and he nods.

“Can we see Elora, I want to meet this baby of yours?” He asks and I sigh.

“If she will let me” I tell him.

“What do you mean?” He asks as we finally hit the castle grounds.

“Doesn’t matter” I tell him walking towards the castle doors.

“So how does it work, is it all your kid or just one you?” Peter asks intrigued by our

relationship and its dynamics.

“All, we have marked her so even if only one of us got her pregnant the child would

still carry all our DNA, because our DNA is in hers”

“So does that make her immortal like you” He asks.

“Yes, kind of, and I am immortal but I can still die”


“Why you planning on knocking me?” I ask my lips turning up.

“No, just find it interesting”

“Well Elora can kill us if she really wanted to, but in turn it could kill her because we

are mated. Elora is immortal because she is ours but normally Fae just live long lives,

so if we hadn’t marked her she would be like an ordinary Fae”

“So she basically she is immortal then?” I nod,

“What about your son?”

“Same deal he is dragon that much I can sense, mine and Matitus’s DNA has over

ridden Dragus werewolf DNA so he should be able to shift, but I think he may have

Fae magic too, his scent is different though, I can tell he will be dragon but his eyes

are hers” I tell him as we walk down the corridor.

Victor walks down the stairs as we get to them. He pats me on the back. “Both are

fine and healthy, kid has a set of lungs on him though, have you picked any names

yet, I forgot to ask her?”

“Not sure yet, what ever she decides I will be happy with” I tell him, and he nods

continueing down the stairs.

“She is awake your mates are with her and Abbie” He says, and I nod walking up the

stairs. I stop at the door.

“Are you coming in?” Peter says looking at me wondering what I am doing.
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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

One Hundred

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Elora’s POV

I hadn’t seen Silas since I gave birth, he had been avoiding me like the plague. Even

to see his son, Matitus has always brought our baby to him then brought him back.

He hasn’t been sleeping in the room, only in the cold room downstairs. Even when he

and Dragus brought the cot in, he only came in while I was in the shower and left

before I got out. It had been a week and I hadn’t laid eyes on him.

Getting ready for bed Dragus and Matitus passed out straight away, they had been

doing all the night feeds using expressed milk. So tonight I decided I would do them,

to let them get some sleep, not that I got much even when they were doing the

feeds, I couldn’t sleep knowing he was awake, couldn’t stay asleep when I could

hear him crying. Then the worst part was getting up panicked just to check he was
still breathing, paranoia keeping me awake constantly making me check his

breathing, even if it was just to get up and place a hand on his chest to make sure I

could feel it rise and fall, or sometimes waiting to feel his breaths on my finger.

I was exhausted, mentally physically, who ever said this was easy was lying. I don’t

know how woman have more then one, one was enough for me and I had two

fathers to help. Two others to share the load and an absentee one who had me

constantly on guard as to why he was hiding from me. Sleep oh how I took that shit

for granted, now I wish I slept my entire pregnancy away because this small little

bundle made sure we never got any.

We still hadn’t picked name, so for now he was baby, I had an idea of what I want to

call him but not sure if they will like it. Baby had been asleep for an hour when I finally

climbed in next to Dragus on the side next to the cradle. I maybe got an hour before

he woke. I sluggishly roll out of bed, my eyes feeling like sandpaper as I stumbled

over grabbing him from the cot rocking him in my arms. He couldn’t be hungry surely;

he only ate two hours. I change his bum before wrapping him in his swaddle and

rocking him. He settles for a minute, the moment I try and put him down he wakes.

Dragus tapping Matitus chest making me look at him.

“Your turn” he says before Matitus also pats the bed beside him. “Get up” He

mumbles patting the imaginary person beside him. I shake my head deciding to go

the study to let them sleep. Holding onto the railing as I walk struggling to see the

steps in the dark. When I get to the corridor, I see the fireplace is burning still in there.

I make way to the study, and see the fire blazing like someone had just put more

wood in. Sitting on the floor and leaning against the armchair in front of the fireplace, I

let my frozen feet warm, while tucking the blanket around him tighter and attempting

to breastfeed. My engorged boobs were nearly bigger than his tiny head, swollen and

sore. He was terrible at latching or maybe I was terrible at getting him to latch. His

cries ringing out but at least down here they won’t hear him, they will finally get some

Yawning, I try get him to calm down enough to try and breastfeed. Nothing I did

worked. He just wouldn’t stop crying, no matter how much I tried to get him to latch

even swapping boobs, changing angles nothing worked and he continued to cry. I

tried burping him, I was at a loss, I was so in over my head and feeling everything

become to much. Bringing me to tears, as I looked down at the tiny human I was not

as prepared for as I thought I was cry in my arms. Knowing that I was responsible for

keeping him alive and I couldn’t even feed him. The one thing mothers are expected

to do is produce milk to feed their hungry babies and even the most basic, the most

maternal thing to do I was failing miserably at. So instead, I cried with him in frustration

not at him but my failure to be able to do anything to stop his cries. Rocking him back

and forth in my arms when I hear Silas behind me.

“You okay?” He asks making my head snap to him and realising he was in the room,

though he looked like he just got out of bed.

“He won’t latch, he won’t stop crying” I say making me cry harder as I speak the


Silas flops down next to me on the mat also leaning back on the armchair. He holds

his arms out wanting to take him. “Your boobs are useless” I tell him.

“Well let me try then” He says kneeling in front of me while I stare at him in shock, do

Male dragons produce milk? I hear him chuckle.

“No we don’t produce milk” He says shaking his head. Yeah that was pretty dumb

thought in my sleep deprived state, I surely would have noticed if they had squirting

jugs suddenly. He reaches down watching me when he grabs my breast, running my

tender sore nipple across the baby’s lips. Baby opening his mouth searching for milk

his mouth opening wide as he turns his face. Before latching on.

“See I’m not completely useless” He says while I stared amazed at a man doing the

one thing I should naturally be able to do.

Grandma Has Changed Her The Prostate Has Reduced
Appearance Beyond By 3 Times! Do This Every
Recognition! Night!
Vichen Vitaman Plus

“You can always formula feed” Silas says.

“I’m meant to be able to do this though” I tell him yawning.

“Just because everyone else says so, doesn’t mean its right for you. As long as his

fed it doesn’t matter if its formula or breast” He says.

“How?” I ask and his brows furrow before he stands up walking to his desk and

coming back in his hand a book. A lactating book.

“Were you hoping to breast feed?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“No, but Dragus was reading it, said you were having trouble getting him to latch” I

nod. Maybe I should read that book, I think with a yawn.

“You can go to sleep if you want” He says.

“Umm kind of can’t, I will drop him” I tell him.

“Scoot forward” He says, and I shuffle forward while using one arm to hold the baby.

Silas moves behind me and I feel his arms go under mine.

“You can lean on me, I will hold him while he feeds and I can wake you when he

finishes” He says.

“I can see him Elora I won’t let him smother in boob” He says reading my thoughts

before I even had chance to fully conjure it. I lean against him but don’t fall asleep,

just enjoying his warmth and his closeness.

“I won’t take him from you love, just sleep”

“Promise” I ask, when I feel his hand move from under mine that was holding his


“Open your hand” He says, and I tuck my legs up letting them support bubs bum. I

hold my hand out wondering what he is doing but also too tired to conjure up a

logical reason.

“Turn it palm up” He says, and I do what he says when I watch his claws slip out. I

pull my hand back wondering what he is doing.

“Just trust me please” I turn my hand over, he runs his claw down my palm slicing it

making me hiss in pain. I watch as he uses his other hand to slice his own before he

grabs my hand holding it in his bleeding one.

“I Silas Draquin promise to never take our son from you, I promise to never hurt you

and I promise to be yours for the rest of my life” He whispers making me shift to look

at him. Our hands warming as our blood mixes sealing the promise he just made.

“Now if I try, I will only cause myself pain and not you” He whispers brushing his nose

against mine.

“But I didn’t feel pain when I left” I tell him.

“Yes but you’re not Dragon, it would have affected you if stayed gone, but for

Dragon’s its different” He says holding out his arm. I can see faint scarring I had never

noticed before like tentacles wrapping up his arm barely visible but there.

“That’s from me?” I ask and he nods before kissing the side of my face. Silas bites his

hand offering it to me.

“You’re still bleeding, and I like this rug” He says making me look at my hand which

was still bleeding and dripping on the rug and my leg. I press my lips to his hand

letting his blood flow into my mouth before opening my hand to see it healed. I wipe

the remaining blood on my pant leg getting rid of it.

“Thank you” I tell him turning in his arms to sit sideways draping my legs over one of

his, our baby neatly tucked in my arms while he suckles.

“Have you thought of any names yet”

“Yes one”

“You going to tell me or we going to call him baby for the rest of his life” He says with

a chuckle.

“You can wait, like Matitus and Dragus. Abbie is getting the forms tomorrow” I tell him.

“You are aware I have to sign said forms to register him”

“You register the births?” I ask confused.

“Yep, always have to keep track of how many people live here, though now I found

out there were a lot of hidden people like the Fae living here not registering births” he

says with a chuckle.

“Well, you can wait till tomorrow” I tell him, and he nods. He kisses my forehead

before gripping my chin hesitating to see if I would pull away when I don’t, he presses

his lips to mine soft but firm when I run my tongue along his lips wanting access, his

lips parting as I deepen the kiss, kissing him back when I feel something wet touch

my face making me pull back.

“Are you crying?” I ask and he shakes his head looking down, but I know he was, the

evidence dripped on my face.

“Liar” I tell him as he looks down.

“He is asleep” Silas says tugging my nipple from his mouth, it lips making a pop

sound. I tuck my boob away before offering him to Silas. Silas pecks my lips before
taking him, placing him on his chest and rubbing his back. I go to get up when he

tugs my shoulder.

“Stay there is plenty of room” He says tapping his chest. I put my head on his chest,

his arm wrapping around me as he rubs baby’s back, and I close my eyes letting

sleep take me.

Author Note

Let me know your thoughts, also hit my 20 days upload for the month, so can post

more then one chapter now so will post more tonight.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Hundred and One

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Elora’s POV

I woke to Matitus picking me up. “Go back to sleep love I got you” He says but I sit

up wide awake from being woken. I looked frantically around for my son only to see

Silas getting up off the floor with him cradle in his arms still asleep.

I slump back against Matitus watching Silas follow us upstairs when I hear the castle

door open, Abbie walking in with the documents she said she would bring. Matitus

sets me down on the ground and Silas continues upstairs.

“I have some things to do but Dragus is in the room waiting for you” Matitus says

pecking my lips and leaving. Abbie follows me upstairs, Silas leaving the room as I

step inside. I grab his arm stopping him.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“To help Matitus with something. I will be back soon” He says kissing me before

walking down the stairs. Dragus sitting on the bed, smiling as he watches us. Our

son tucked in his arms. I walk inside sitting on the bed. Abbigail also doing the same

before holding her arms out for my son. “Come to aunty” She says excitedly stealing

him from Dragus. I chuckle and Dragus moves closer to look at the forms Abigail

passed me.

“You finally have a name” He asks, and I nod wondering if they will like it or hate it.

Dragus hands me a pen before looking over my shoulder as I lean on a book filling it

out when I realise, I actually never knew Matitus or Dragus last names. I stop looking

up at him. “Draquin” Dragus says pointing to both him and Matitus names.

“You’re all married?” I ask and he nods.

“Yep, we just don’t like wearing rings, irritating for Matitus and Silas with shifting and

they irritate my fingers” He says before sitting behind me. I nod filling out the form

when it asks for Baby’s last name making me pause again. I was the last of my blood

line, if I write Draquin my family name will be gone for good.

“Aziza Draquin has a ring to it, they won’t mind you keeping your name on the forms

Elora, you can probably keep it when you marry us if you want” Dragus says making

me look up at him.

“What?” He asks and I shake my head.

“You will be marrying us Elora” Dragus says with a chuckle before kissing the side of

my face.

“What if I say no” I tell him my lips tugging up.

“As if you would turn me down, you don’t need to marry them, but you are definitely

marrying me, no choice I will just pester you till you say yes” He says wrapping his

arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap. I chuckle and so does Abigail who

was watching us. Dragus points to the form wanting to see the name I chose. I fill the

form out handing it to Dragus who reads it.

“I like it” He says before taking the form from me and signing his part.

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“You need to get Matitus to sign it and Silas, then Silas needs to approve it”

“You think he will say no?” I ask and he shakes his head, yet I could feel he was a

little uneasy about it.

Matitus comes in at lunchtime. I was still in the room, I hardly left the room. This was

our little bubble, though Abigail left hours ago, I always found it easier to remain in the

room. When Baby started crying, I tried to get him to latch but once again he wouldn’t

when Silas walks in with Matitus.

“What do you want to do?” Silas asks. Matitus and Dragus also nodding looking at

me struggling to feed him.

“You want the pump?” Dragus asks and I shake my head, tears springing in my eyes

at my complete failure to breastfeed, guilt hitting me.

“Have we got formula?” I ask and Silas nods.

“You want to use formula, it’s completely up to you, it’s your body. If you want to keep

trying, we will try and help but if you want to stop you can” Matitus says. I nod looking

down at my hungry baby.

“We will try the formula” I tell them stroking his cheek. Silas nods walking out to go get


“I hand Matitus the form beside me. He looks at it before smiling and signing it and

tucking it back in the envelope. He kisses my forehead before holding out his arms

for our son.

“What did you do today?” I ask him just as Silas returns with the bottle handing it to


“Nothing much organising a feast for the kingdom?”

“A feast?” I ask having been the first time I have heard of it. Silas nods.

“I have been working on something for awhile and thought it would be good to invite

everyone” He tells me.


“Tomorrow at one o’clock” He says.

“My pack is currently building a Ferris wheel out in paddocks next to the

greenhouses, everyone is preparing as we speak, so don’t worry you don’t have to


“The orphanage kids will love that” I tell them, and he nods.

“It looks a lot like an amusement park out there, there are rides and everything Pluto is

even getting some of the horses ready for pony rides, cotton candy. Should be good”

Matitus says.

“Wait did you say your pack?” I ask looking to Dragus and he nods.

“We are letting them back in the city, things have changed” Dragus says, and I nod.
“Sounds exciting” I tell them. It would be the first since I was alive that anything like

this has happened.

“You think people will come?” I ask looking to Silas.

“Yes, they will for you, Peter has spread word around and so far, everyone intends to

come, have a heap of volunteers to from the vamps and humans. They are setting

things up as we speak” Silas says just as I hear Dakari call out to him from


“I’ll be back” He says walking out.

“So, when are you going to show Silas the name you chose?” Dragus asks.

“I’m worried it will anger him” I tell him honestly.

“He is in the office with Dakari, if you want to go down and see him, Dakari is about to

leave” Matitus says, and I could tell he was listening in on whatever they were talking

about downstairs.

“Will one of you come with me?” I ask a little worried.

“No, you have nothing to worry about Elora” Dragus says looking at my hand where

Silas promised mark is. I sigh getting up and grabbing the envelope.

“You’ll be fine Elora go, be nice to be able to use his name then call him baby”

Matitus says before placing our son over his shoulder and burping him. I nod walking

down the stairs in time to see Dakari leave and go out the castle door. I walk in and

Silas was looking at something on his desk he quickly puts it away before I can see.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing a surprise, you will see it tomorrow” He says a smile on his lips. I could feel

his excitement about tomorrow bleeding into me and I was worried about ruining it.
Chickening out I go to leave.

“Elora hand me the forms, the name can’t be that bad surely” He says, and I look

down at the envelope in my hand. I walk over and hand it to him before sitting on the

desk between his legs as he watches me.

“Why are you scared, I promised I won’t hurt you love. A name won’t change that” He

says softly before leaning over and pecking my lips. He pulls the form out looking at it

while I chew my nail nervously waiting for his wrath. He clears his throat, and I can

feel a mix of emotions run through him.

“We can change it, I just thought because he gave his life for his grandson it was only

fitting, he was named after him” Silas shakes his head looking up at me and I could

see he was crying before he lunges at me, grabbing my waist and ripping me toward

him, his lips crashing down on mine as he hungrily devours them before pulling back

and chuckling.

“I love it” He says pressing his entire body against mine on the desk.

“You’re happy with it?” I ask and he nods.

“Very happy, thank you” he says kissing me, his tongue running a cross my bottom lip

wanting access. I part my lips deepening the kiss and I wrap my legs around his waist

pulling him closer, his hands going underneath my shirt as he cups my breast.

“So what’s the name?” Says Dakari behind me. Silas groans.

“Really you had to choose this moment to come back in” Silas says shaking his head

and making me laugh at his frustration.

“So what is it, what’s my nephews name” He asks a smile on his lips.

“Darshan Aziza Draquin” Silas says looking down at me before kissing my forehead.
“Good name, Strong like his namesake” Dakari says.

Author Note

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 102

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Elora POV

For the first time since he was born, Darshan slept through the night, so waking up

the next morning I felt wide awake for the first time in ages. Getting dressed after

hopping out of the shower I find him gone from his cradle. My heart skipping a beat

as I race downstairs finding no sign of him or my mates. Running into Pluto who was

leaving the castle carrying a huge box of coloured lights I stop him.

“Do you know where everyone went?”

“Greenhouses my Queen” He answers, and I nod following after him. Opening the

castle door and walking out, I find the entire court lined with around ten huge tables

running down toward the gates and one sitting across the front. The tables all
decorated in white linen and rose vases in the middle. People setting up a stage next

to the water fountain that was covered in a huge sheet making me furrow my brows

as I walked over to it, the shape was wrong, and it was bigger. I go tug the sheet

when a hand grabs my extended one making me jump. I turn to see Silas and he

kisses my hand.

“Not yet, it’s a surprise”

“The water fountain?” He nods tugging me away from it.

“You like it?” He says pointing to the tables and decorations, fairy lights attached to

the huge gazebos shielding everything from the sun.

“Yes, it looks lovely” I tell him just as I notice Matitus walk around the side of the

castle, Darshan in his arms as he talks softly to him. My face lighting up at seeing my

son. Silas lets me go and I go over but Matitus doesn’t hand him to me instead

pulling away.

“Go see the greenhouses first then you can have him” He says kissing my head and

walking back into the castle. Turning around I am suddenly chucked over Silas’s

shoulder leaving me dangling upside down before I feel him bite my ass through my

tights. I slap his in return making him laugh.

“Put me down caveman” I tell him, instead he starts jogging making me bounce up

and down, my stomach churning at the motion.

“You’re going to make me sick” I tell him, and he slows before placing me on my feet.

Turning around I see the greenhouses making me gasp at what they had done. Not

to the greenhouses but the spare paddock beside it, it was lined with all different

rides and games. People were buzzing as they set everything up and I was shocked

to see how many people were coming and approaching Silas and Dragus as he

walked over to us, like they were ordinary people not the feared Dragon Kings.
People laughing and mucking around. Children looking around amazed at everything.

My heart swelled with happiness at seeing our people so excited finding joy in today.

I watch as Silas and Dragus help set things up while I walk amongst everyone

watching. My entire body buzzing with my magic under the sun and energy of the

people when I get an intense urge to fly, to see everything from above. I hadn’t even

checked my wings since they broke but I felt good, felt whole for once and

completely at ease. But most of all, I felt strong, Aldrin seeing me walks over a huge

grin on his face.

“Amazing isn’t it?”

“It is” I tell him as he falls in step with me.

“What’s up?” He asks as I look up.

“Nothing, I wanted to see it from up above but not sure if I can fly again”

“Have you tried?” He asks and I shake my head.

“I think you would be surprised, your aura is buzzing, even I can sense your magic”

He says and I nod but not wanting to embarrass myself I wait for him to wander off

before walking toward the farthest corner away from everyone. I strip my jumper and

shirt off leaving me only in my bra and tights.

“Are you planning on doing a nude run?” Silas says and I hadn’t realised he was

coming up behind me. I turn around to face him.

“No actually I was going to see if I could fly” I tell him, and he puts his head down.

“I’m sorry Elora, I truly didn’t mean to hurt you like that I only meant to grab you” He

says stepping forward. I move closer putting my head on his chest, as he wraps his

arms around me.

“Aldrin thinks they might have healed”


“Yes, he said he can sense my magic, I feel stronger” I tell him just as Dragus walks

over stripping his clothes off.

“Ah what are you doing?” I ask looking around Silas.

“What? everyone’s getting naked thought I would join the party” He says.

“Go on then, I bet you won’t run all the way back to the castle naked” Silas dares


“What do I get if I do?” he asks wriggling his eyebrows. Silas chuckles shaking his


“Me” I tell him.

“Tonight?” Dragus asks.

“I’ll think about it” I tell him when suddenly Silas turns to face me.

“Is this challenge only for Dragus?” Silas asks.

“Fine you can both do it but the first one to the castle and back wins oh and you got

to catch me first” I tell them before they both suddenly start stripping and running.

Silas and Dragus white asses running through the paddock knocking each other over

while trying to cover their junk from view. I shake my head deciding to set out and do

what I originally came here to do. Check my wings while trying not to laugh when

suddenly Dragus disappears when Silas shoves him. I wait to see where he went

when I see his head pop up amongst the grass to see him drenched as he takes off

again realising Silas shoved him in the small dam. Shaking my head, I feel for my


Letting it wash over me, as I feel it rise. A tingling sensation wrapping around me,

warming my skin and I notice my markings glowing as they wrap around my body

before feeling my spine tingle as warm shiver runs up my spine. Feeling my magic

and I know I was healed, know my magic was strong enough to heal them as I feel

them slip through my skin between my shoulder blades, my spine shifting slightly as I

feel them erupt out of me strong as I flex them like a muscle. I stretch them out and

feel no pain, feel nothing but how strong they are before letting them fall and tuck

behind me out of view.

I feel tears of happiness slip down my cheek knowing I could still fly, when I see

Dragus dishevelled appearance racing back to me, Silas right on his heel and I can’t

help but laugh as I watch them racing back looking like complete idiots. When they

were only around twenty metres away, I ran towards them as they both tried to reach

me first before unfolding my wings and jumping both of them going face first into the

dirt while I laugh above their naked forms before slapping them both on the ass and

taking off.

“Got to catch me first” I scream down to them.

Both of them roll over, looking up at me.

“Your wings”
“All healed” I tell them.

“I can’t fly” Dragus says.

“No but I can” says Silas before standing and shifting as I take off. Looking over my

shoulder I see Dragus run up his tail while Silas tries to buck him off before giving up

and taking flight, his wings lifting his golden dragon through the air while I climb higher.

I fly above the greenhouses Silas following but not getting to close.

“Hey I don’t want the entire castle seeing you half naked” Silas voice says ringing

through my head making me laugh as I zip between both greenhouses where his

body couldn’t fit before zipping straight up cutting across his path. Dragus jumps

trying to grab my feet but I move just in time deciding to fly onto the castles roof and


I hear Silas shift and Dragus squeal when he falls off him. I turn facing them before

sitting on the roof edge when I feel both their hands touch me at the same time. I look

up at them.

“Got ya” They both say at the same time before bickering over who won.

“You both win” I tell them watching everyone below us.

“This is awesome” I tell them as I people watch.

“And its only the beginning of a great afternoon” Silas says sitting next to me and

pulling me on his lap. He kisses my shoulder softly wrapping his arms securely

around my waist. Dragus hand on my thigh as he pecks my cheek before also

looking out at everyone.

“So you going to tell me what you did to the ugly water fountain”
“Hey gargoyles were very time periodic when that was installed” Silas defends the

hideous thing.

“Doesn’t mean it is any less ugly” I tell him with a chuckle when I can just make out

the cries of Darshan inside the castle. Standing up on the edge between Silas legs

he looks up.

“Where you going?” He asks.

“To get our son” I tell him before falling backwards off the edge with a laugh before

spinning in the air and letting my wings out at the last minute and pulling up. I stick my

tongue out at their horrified faces above me before they both jump down.

“What if your wings suddenly decided not to work” Silas says.

“Well, I would have went splat then wouldn’t I” I tell him, and he shakes his head

following Dragus and I back inside the castle.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 103

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Elora POV

Around 12 o’clock I got dressed, slipping on a gown that Silas had laid out for me.

“Is there a reason I am getting this dressed up?” I ask when I see Silas come out of

the walk-in in a suit making words escape me. Matitus and Dragus also stepping out

in suits.

“Well you are our Queen and it is a formal function so that means the kings and

Queen need to be dressed proper, you only have to wear it till after the ceremony,

then you can put your tights back on” Matitus says.

“Yes Elora, this is a ceremony”

“What sort of ceremony?” when I see Darshan also dressed up as Dragus gets him

from the cot.

“Well it is actually two ceremonies, one was a last minute decision” Dragus says as I

hear a knock on the door. I open the door to see Abbie in a floor length purple gown.

“ooh you look Queenly” She says before stepping in the room. She looks over at my


“Damn you nearly scrub up as nice as Dakari” She says. “Nearly” She adds.

“You have to say that he is your mate” Matitus tells her as she rubs her growing

bump. Abbie only had a week to go at most.

“So everyone ready?” She asks. I nod not really sure what’s going on, but I was

definitely dressed for something as I look down at the white and gold gown corset

style gown, it was so fitting and made my already big boobs bigger. Halfway down

the stairs I stop pulling the heels off and chucking them up the stairs to the bedroom


“Told you shouldn’t wear them” Dragus says making me laugh.

“Queen going barefoot to her own eng”-

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“Shh!” Dragus says nudging Abigail,

“Oh sorry forgot” She says giving me a wink.

I continue down the stairs before Pluto opens the front door.
“You look nice Pluto” I tell him before kissing his cheek.

“As do you my Queen” He says bowing slightly.

“Stop that, don’t embarrass me” I tell him when he bows again with a chuckle.

“You would have to be the only Queen in history that gets embarrassed at people

bowing down to her” He says following me out.

“She doesn’t get embarrassed when we bow down to her, pretty sure she prefers us

on our knees in front of her” Dragus says, and I slap his chest as we walk out.

Hundreds of people sat at the tables watching as we stepped out and I felt my heart

skip a beat having everyone’s attention directly on us making me freeze.

Silas grips my elbow gently walking me to the front table that overlooked everyone. I

notice huge spit roasts turning and cooks filling the Bain-maires. Everyone dressed

up for the feast/ festival. Taking my seat, I look over at Abbie as she sits next to me

Dakari next to her while my kings all took seats along my other side with Pluto and

Ares. Once everyone starts to quiet down the only voices heard were the children

running around and playing up the isles of the tables but being pretty quiet.

Silas and Matitus get up walking toward the stage. Silas tugs his shirts neck

nervously and I could see he was also a little nervous about everything but also

excited. What comes out of his mouth next though shocked me, I had no idea any of

this had been going on while sitting in my little bubble of a room.

“Now if everyone could sit down and remain quiet, we will get started” The entire

place falling silent even the children rushing back toward their parents and taking

seats to see what the dragons kings had to say.

“As you all know, there have been some changes made recently since we found our

Queen, our city is flourishing and after some consideration and hearing what

everyone had to say at the council meeting three days ago, we have decided to go
through with the ballots that were left” Cheers started erupting before Silas waves

them down to quiet to be quiet again while I look to Abigail.

“Ballots?” I whisper.

“Yes, at the meeting Silas asked if anyone would be interested speaking on behalf of

their people as representatives, each faction got to nominate two people to represent

them. Silas was unsure whether or not go ahead, he thought people wouldn’t be

interested because they have run things for so long now or that they would be too

scared to step forward and put their hands up”

“So, they made a council”

“No, a house of representatives” Abbie whispers back.

“So, I will now read the representatives of each faction, I believe with working with

each other we can continue to grow as a kingdom united, a community based on

trust and the wellbeing of everyone. I understand a lot of you were hesitant with what I

asked but I can assure you we have saw the error of our ways and that is why we

asked for you to have input, have your say and to let our community continue to

grow” I continued to watch as he called out a man and woman from each species as

representative for their area, Victor and Patricia were chosen for the human faction,

Aldrin, and his wife for the Fae faction, I was surprised to see Taylor was called for the

werewolves along with another male wolf, and a man and woman for the vampires

and lastly Abigail for the witches, though their weren’t many left.

Silas comes back to the table sitting next to me draping his arm across my table

while people talk amongst themselves excited about a committee being put together.

After a while of people snacking and chatting and drinking Silas turns to me.

“I have a surprise for you and everyone else”

“What is it?” I ask and he looks toward the Fountain.

“I wanted to show that I accept you being Fae, I also wanted to show everyone that

this is a time for change, so remember those rocks you seen Matitus hauling

around?” I nod.

“They are actually ruins of the Fae kingdom, your bloodlines kingdom” He says

standing up grabbing everyone’s attention.

“If everyone would like to follow me, I have something to show you, something to

mark this day in history, a reminder of our past but also our future now that we stand

as one people” Silas says. Silas holds his hand out to me, and I let him pull me to my

feet before following him nervous to see the giant stones.

We waited while everyone gathered around, Matitus hands Darshan to Dakari before

coming over with Dragus and standing beside us.

Everyone eagerly waiting to see what was under the sheet. Silas nods toward me,

“Go on” He says pushing me forward to pull the sheet off. I tug on it, the sheet falling

as I look up at the giant figures standing facing each other against a wall, the wall

behind it was around 5 metres long and had led lights attached illuminating

everything. A gasp, leaving my lips, like the cradle, the stones was carved to

perfection, standing in the middle was a huge Fae with wings looking up at a dragon,

you could even make out its scales, those two standing the tallest as the Fae’s wings

spread out behind her and the dragons as it watched her. Three smaller statues

kneeling on their knees facing the crowd hands joined, easily identifiable as vampire

and human and a witch, along with a werewolf laying on the bottoms of the statue.

Just above the water at their feet.

Murmurs could be heard from the crowd as they looked at the marvellous statue

representing each faction coming together as one, our kingdoms people coming

together a one. Turning around after marvelling at the masterpiece, I look out at the

crowd who all bowed their heads in respect, turning back to the statue. When I notice
the wall behind the statue and the gold plagues attached to it, I walk around the

statue to get a closer look tears slipping down my face as Aldrin steps forward to,

people walking over as they read the names. On each plague when I find Marians

and my grandmothers names along with a plague for each bloodline of each species,

Aziza being at the top centre of the wall along with Helcate and Zena.

People getting up and looking for their families name, to represent all those they lost.

“You like it?” Silas asks behind me, I nod not able to find words.

“Took Aldrin and I hours to find the last name of each family in the kingdom and those

bloodlines gone completely” He says.

“How many plagues?” I ask at the overwhelming number along the wall.

“Just under 5000 plagues representing each family name, plus two special plagues

one for the woman who raised my Queen and one for Marian the woman who died

for her” He says.

“A memorial for all those lost” Matitus says.

I nod, tears springing to in my eyes along with half the crowd when they realise their

families names are on it.

Hours pass and after the feast everyone moves to amusement park that was built,

kids going off to play while everyone mingles. By far one of the happiest days this

kingdom has seen. At the end of the evening fireworks were let off much to the

delight of all the children, even the elderly taking out picnic blankets to watch as the

sky exploded in sparks of colour signalling the nights end.

I was so absorbed watching the fireworks I never saw them leave, only realising when

Abbie taps my shoulder. “Come we should head back to the castle” She says. I nod

following her and Dakari back toward the castle, Silas had Darshan last I saw so I

assume he must be putting him to bed. Only when I come to the front of the castle, I
stop to stare at the statue that sits in the centre near the front gates, the wall behind it

illuminated under the lights along with the statue. Abigail tugs my arm opening the

doors to the castle where I find candles running along floor, I follow them only to turn

around and ask Abbie what’s going on when I notice she is gone, and I was standing

in the corridor by myself.

I follow the candles thinking about the chances of them burning the castle down and

what a bastard it’s going to be to blow them all out. They were even on the stairs

along with rose petals as I reach the bedroom door, I push it open.

“Do you have any idea how long it going to takes to blow those candles out” I tell

them shutting the door only to turn around and find them all on one knee.

“Elora Aziza will you marry us” I stare at them, a grin lighting up my face seeing my

kings on their knees for me.

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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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Elora POV

The next morning, I wake deciding to go have a shower while everyone is still asleep

and finally be able to shave my goddamn legs. I quietly and gently climb over the

limbs that were threatening to trap me in the bed before rushing to the bathroom and

closing the door.

I turn the shower on and strip off before grabbing a razor from under the sink, the ring

on my finger catching the light as I reach for the box. Grabbing the razor, I step in the

shower wishing we had a bathtub in this house. I lather up my leg and start shaving, it

felt like forever ago that I actually had the shower to myself and I enjoyed hogging all

the water. I shave one leg before moving onto the other when I feel hands grip my
hips as someone slides into the shower behind me, their erection pressing against

my ass.

“I was enjoying being in here without having to share the water” I tell Silas as he

presses his erection against my ass nearly knocking me forward as I bend over trying

to shave.

“Hello shaving here, don’t you will make me cut myself” I tell him.

“You still haven’t paid up, you owe me for doing a nudey run across that paddock” He

says bumping me forward again and I stand up having finished my other leg.

“No she owes me, I won” Dragus says stepping into my shower and taking up more

room, seriously can’t even give me five minutes in the shower alone?

“I won” Silas argues and they both start bickering over who won the damn race. I try

to sneakily hop out of the shower when Matitus steps in blocking my escape. “And

where do you think you’re going?” He says pushing me back in to the shower.

“Hopping out” I tell him trying to squeeze around him. Silas arms wrap around my

waist tugging me against him.

“Not so fast. You’re paying up before you can get out”

“What is it with you three and shower sex?” I ask, seriously the shower always turns

into some orgy.

“Your wet, ready, and naked” Silas chuckles out before kissing my shoulder, his

hands trailing up to my breasts as he squeezes them. I hear Darshan start crying and

smile cheekily.

“Saved by the baby” I announce about to step out.

“I will go don’t let her out till I come back” Matitus says wiggling his eyebrows at me

while I glare at his retreating back as he leaves the room.

“Any more excuses? You’re not bleeding, Matitus has the baby, and you owe us”

Silas all but purrs behind me. His tongue moving to my earlobe as he flicks it before

sucking it into his mouth a biting down softly on it.

“Yep, I need to get ready, Abbie will be here soon” I tell him, but his grip tightens, and

I sigh.

“Can’t we do an I owe you?” I tell them hopeful.

“Nice try” Says Dragus stepping forward and capturing my lips with his. He forces me

back against Silas, his arousal pressing tightly against my lower back when I feel his

hand move between my legs, his lips on my neck as he rubs my clit.

I try to escape them wanting to get ready to see Abbie when Dragus suddenly drops

to his knees, Silas hand moving and going to my breast as he pinches my nipple

rolling it between his fingers. I feel Dragus lips kiss my slit before I feel him grab my

leg quickly before I could pull it away and chucking it over his shoulder. “I have to get

ready argh” I sputter over my words when I feel his lips suction around my clit.

“You were saying?” Silas asks.

“Ah just don’t stop” I moan out grabbing Dragus hair holding him there while he swirls

his tongue around my sensitive bundle of nerves while sucking hard. Silas chuckles

behind me his arm around my waist holding me as I feel my legs start to buckle under

me. My skin heating arousal flooding me, and I wasn’t sure if it was mine or theirs,

maybe both.

Dragus grabs my leg draped over his shoulder, his grip tight as I feel my legs begin to

shake, my climax reaching its peak as he devours me, Silas squeezes my breast

hard and Dragus tongue making my eyes roll into the back of my head as I lean back
heavily on Silas, as I am shoved over the edge, my hips moving on their own as I

move my hips against Dragus lips. My orgasm rushing through me in waves my

pussy pulsating as I come undone making me moan loudly.

My leg slides of his shoulder and Dragus rises kissing my lips, and my eyes flutter

back open. I tap him on the shoulder.

“Thanks much more relaxed” I tell him about to step around him and make a run for it.

Dragus chuckles stepping closer gripping my hips.

“You’re not escaping” He says gripping my ass before lifting me, my legs wrapping

around his waist as I grip his shoulders.

“No, I need to get ready” I groan knowing that if one starts there is no escaping them.

“We put a ring on her finger and now she thinks she doesn’t need to put out” Silas


“No sex after marriage” I tell him,

“Good thing we aren’t married yet” He says as I feel Dragus suddenly ram into me, his

cock stretching me, the feeling a little strange since having a baby. His grip on my ass

tightens as his nails dig into me. I feel Silas fingers move between my cheeks as he

slides his fingers into me before withdrawing them slowly, Dragus pulls out slamming

back in, pushing me against Silas. I feel Dragus nip at my neck, his teeth grazing my

skin. I move my hips wanting him to go faster.

“So impatient” Dragus murmurs.

“Well if you’re going to fuck me, fuck me. None of this old man slow shit” I tell him. I

hear Silas laugh before Dragus slams into me making me gasp.

“Yes, just go faster” I tell him.

“She is demanding today” Dragus says deliberately moving slower.

“Stop the chit chat and fuck me” I tell him moving my hips when he suddenly moves,

slamming me against the shower wall making me screech as my back comes in

contact with the cold tiles. Dragus slamming into me, his grip tightening on my hips

as he moves them while pounding into me as he finds his rhythm. My head going

back only to hit the tiles with a thud, my legs wrapping around his waist tighter as he

continues to slam into me before he suddenly stills. I glare at him.

“What? that’s it?” I ask and he smirks.

“Well, you wanted fast, I was fast and besides you haven’t let us touch you in ages”

He says when I see Matitus step in and tap his shoulder.

“swap” he says and Dragus lets me go before stepping out and grabbing a towel. I

go to do the same eager to see my little man. Matitus grabs me pressing me against

Silas before gripping my hips and lifting me. Do they think this is a tag team event? I

think to myself.

“I promise to last longer than Dragus” He says before sliding into me, I wriggle my


“Speak for yourself, my balls are so blue” Silas says stepping closer.

Silas grips my neck turning my face to him as he seizes my lips, his tongue brushing

mine as I kiss him back, before feeling the head of his cock press against the tight

muscles of my ass before sliding into me. Matitus rolling my hips as I grip his

shoulders while Silas pulls away his lips going to my neck before I feel him slide out

before slamming back into me. Everything feeling over full as they slide in and out of

me, my stomach tightening and my nails digging into Matitus shoulders as they fuck

me, my walls fluttering around Matitus hard length deep inside me as he slams into
me, and I find myself climbing higher, chasing my orgasm before being thrown over

the edge violently, as I feel my walls clench Matitus, a breathy moan escaping my lips

and I feel their movements become jerky, before Silas stills, his seed spilling to me,

while Matitus chases his own release before finding it and groaning as his teeth sink

into my shoulder making me shiver.

Matitus lets me go, my feet touching the floor and I quickly wash myself before

hopping out and getting dressed. Seeing the time, I race downstairs. I was supposed

to meet Abbie at ten and it was now quarter past. Rushing to the office I find her not

there. I look around the castle in all the usual spots where I can usually find her, only

for her not to be there either. Deciding to go wait in the study. I sit on the armchair.

Silas brings in Darshan passing him to me with his bottle. I feed him his bottle and

finish burping him just as Dakari comes in a huge grin plastered on his face.

“Abbie can’t come over” He says excitedly before handing me his mobile. I look at the

screen and see a picture of Abbie holding her daughter, she had dark curly hair,

asleep in her mothers arms wrapped in a pink blanket.

“Carly was born at 5AM this morning” Dakari announces almost jumping on the spot

in excitement.

“Congrats oh my god she is beautiful, look at all that hair” I squeal with excitement.

Matitus comes rushing in.

“She had the baby?” He asks excited.

“Yep, little girl” Dakari says and Matitus snatches the phone form him to look, jumping

on the spot. “We have a niece” He says.

Both Matitus and I excitedly bouncing on our heels.

“Go on then” Silas says. Taking Darshan from me.

“I want to go see my niece” I tell Dakari who seemed just as excited, wanting to show

off his new daughter.

“Tell Abbie congrats and I will come see her tomorrow, don’t want to overwhelm her,

you two will harass her enough for one day” Silas says as we leave following after


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Chosen By The Dragon Kings


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4 years later

Sitting on Matitus lap, I watch Dragus, Silas and Dakari chase around after Darshan

and Carly and Claire in the paddock. Darshan chasing after Silas, his silver Dragon

chasing and biting at his father’s ankles has he chased after them.

Abbie sits down next to me rubbing her growing baby bump. Matitus kissing my

shoulder as we sit in the sun.

“One more please just one more and we will stop hounding you, Abbie is having her

third” Matitus says. I shake my head.

“Definitely not” I tell him watching Carly and Darshan play.

“Yeah you need to have another, gotta catch up to me” Says Abbie.

“You would not say that if Carly had a dragon, seriously we have a fire extinguishers in

every room because every time you tell him no, he sets our asses on fire” I tell her.

Darshan first shifted when he was three, we were amazed and also horrified to find

him in his bed in his dragon form, his dragon was cute though, completely silver and

dazzling violet eyes, though when he doesn’t get his way and chucks a tantrum you

run from him, I wasn’t joking about him setting your ass on fire. Though with Silas and

Matitus he doesn’t get away with it, they are quick to scold him for it and use their

own magic to control any potential infernos. There wasn’t a curtain in the castle

without singe marks.

“I hope this one is Dragon then you will understand” I tell her shaking my head.

“Come on one more, just one look how cute he is” Matitus begs.

“No!” I tell him.

“Two more then” Matitus says and my head snaps to the side looking at him.

“What kind of compromise is that?” I ask.

“Three then, besides we all voted and you lost so you need to take one for the team”

Matitus says. Abbie chuckling at him.

“No!” I repeat for the millionth time over the last four years.

“Majority rules”

“And if it was that way you would have me constantly pregnant” I tell him.
“I like you pregnant” He says.

“Well, I don’t and I like being able to see my own vagina” I tell him.

“Oh god I wish I could see mine, I haven’t laid eyes on it in months. I had to do a

touch and feel shave job the other day, probably looks like I have the mange down

there” Abbie says before biting into her apple.

“Tell Dakari to shave you” Matitus says, and Abbie’s face looks toward him.

“What? you would do that for Elora?” She asks. Matitus nods.

“You hear that Dakari, step up your game or I am leaving you for your brother” She

screams out to him.

“I asked him to help, and he whinged and bitched about being all natural” She says

shaking her head. Dakari glares at Matitus and he shrugs.

“Step it up big bro or I am taking your woman” Matitus sings out to him and I chuckle.

“Now back to this discussion four more” He says.

“Go knock up Silas, he is more motherly then me” I tell him.

“He is missing the womb or I would” Matitus says making me laugh.

“Come on Love, I will pay womb rental” He says wiggling his eyebrows.

“Womb rental really?” I shake my head.

“Who votes Elora has another baby?” Abbie screams out to everyone. They all raise

there hands including Abbie.

“Nope, not happening” I tell them. Silas shoulders sag.

“We are knocking you up, its decided we voted you lost and now I get to stick a bun

in the oven again” He says triumphantly. I shake my head, also for the millionth time.

“Please, please pretty please with a cherry on top. I will rub your feet every night, and

your back” Matitus begs, and I roll my eyes while Abbie huffs making me look at her.

“That’s it” She states getting up from her spot and stalking off toward Dakari.

“You, you get here and listen to your brother” She says pointing at him. “Lazy ass

Dragon, how come they do all that for you and yet I ask him to do anything, and he


“I thought Dakari, does do everything”

“He does I just want a foot rub” She says chuckling.

“And I am hormonal don’t judge me, that reminds me I came steal some more

squash, been craving those little yellow bastards like they are going to run out” She

says walking off toward the greenhouse.

Matitus chuckles. Dakari stalking over to him with Carly, Claire chasing to catch up to


“Oi she makes me do enough shit, don’t be giving her more ideas, there are three of

you to slave after Elora, only one of me” Dakari points his finger at Matitus. I shake my

head jumping up to call Darshan over, his little dragon wagging its tails as he runs

circles around me.

“Darshan time to shift back, you need to shower” I tell him as he zips between my

legs while I bend down trying to catch him. His little body heaving as his chest

rumbles laughing.

“Darshan listen to your mother” Silas tells him, and he drops on the ground, his tiny

wings flapping but still not big enough to let him fly thank god.
“Don’t flap those wings at me” I tell him when he takes off again not wanting to come

inside. Silas hot on heels before scooping him up by his tail and holding him upside

down. His little legs kicking before a ball of fire erupts from him.

“What did I say about that” Matitus calls to our son. Darshan whines loudly before

going limp. Letting his father carry him back to me. I hold out my arms for him and

Silas drops his heavy little body in them. His scales smooth like a snake though, I

knew one day they would be sharp like his father’s.

“Come on little man time to wash up” I tell him.

Abbie comes back with an armful of squash. She hands them to Dakari.

“Squash again? I am sick of eating squash. What about Zucchini, lets have zucchini

instead” He groans.

“Nope, I want squash and butter, go pick your own zucchini means more squash for

me” She says before picking up Carly and holding her hand out for Claire.

“Will you be at the council meeting” Silas asks her.

“Of course, haven’t missed one yet” She says.

“Well we need to head home, is the festival still going ahead if weather permits” She

asks excitedly. Every year we have the festival to bring the entire city together. The

entire city looks forward to it each year and I am glad to see how far the city has

come, most were employed, and we now had doctors teachers and nearly 40% of

the children in the orphanage’s had been adopted. Life was good, no that was

understatement it was fantastic.

“Yes, even if we have to move it to the hall” Matitus says.

Claire comes over giving me hug before she gives Darshan a kiss on his silver scaled


“Bye aunty lora” Carly sings out over Abbie’s shoulder.

“Bye sweety” I tell her as I watch them leave.

“Now time to knock you up” Matitus says.

“Nope I have to shower this one” I tell him.

“You’re having another even if I have to use a turkey baster while you are asleep,

come on just two more” Silas says.

“One and that’s it, one more then you leave me alone” I tell them.

“Good we better make it twins” Silas says to Dragus and they high five while Matitus

snatches Darshan from me.

“You two go start and I will wash the squirt” He says before I feel my feet lift off the

ground as I am tossed over Dragus shoulder as he rushes inside.

Author Note

Hey guys, let me know what you thought of Chosen by the Dragon kings, I hope you

all enjoyed it and don't forget to rate it, I am sad to see it finish but all book have to

come to an end and don't forget to follow my facebook page for new books and

paperback release dates. (Jessica hall Author Page)

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I am very pick about the authors that I follow, and this author is one of the best, she has everything I

look for in this book it was absolutely fantastic thank you. I can't wait to read more of her books

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