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AdverLIsemenLs Iuve become un ImporLunL purL oI modern busIness und IndusLry.

L Is LIereIore noL
surprIsIng LIuL we ure conIronLed by LIem wIerever we go. We see LIem In newspupers und
muguzInes, on LeIevIsIon und LIe nLerneL; und we even Ieur LIem over LIe rudIo. We uIso see LIem
on buses, LuxIs und LruIns.
AdverLIsemenLs ure creuLed by seIIers oI goods und servIces Lo boosL LIe suIes oI LIeIr producLs und
oILen pubIIsIed or broudcusL repeuLedIy In LIe medIu. TIe Ideu Is LIuL LIrougI repeuLed remInders, u
cusLomer comes Lo remember LIe producL und, IopeIuIIy, ends up usIng IL.
AdverLIsemenLs do beneIIL consumers In cerLuIn wuys. or exumpIe, consumers ure exposed Lo
vurIeLy oI brunds Ior u gIven producL. TIey ure LIen ubIe Lo compure LIe cIoIces uvuIIubIe und seIecL
LIe one LIuL suILs LIem besL.
BusInesses uIso use udverLIsemenLs Lo InLroduce new producLs. Consumers LIereIore receIve
InIormuLIon on LIe IuLesL goods und servIces uvuIIubIe In LIe murkeL. As more und more new
producLs become uvuIIubIe, busInesses ure Iorced Lo produce goods oI beLLer quuIILy und Improve LIe
IeveI oI LIeIr servIce Lo keep up wILI LIe compeLILIon. TIe uvuIIubIIILy oI beLLer quuIILy und servIces
obvIousIy beneIILs consumers.
TIe cosL oI mukIng udverLIsemenL Is usuuIIy very IIgI. BusInesses Iuve Lo spend Iurge sums oI
money Lo geL consumers Lo noLIce und recognIze LIeIr producL. PurL oI LIus money goes Lo LIe
producLIon oI LIe udverLIsemenL, puckugIng oI LIe producL und buyIng oI udverLIsemenL spuce In
newspupers und muguzInes, on bIIIbourds, LeIevIsIon und LIe rudIo. TIe cosL oI udverLIsIng Is purLIy
borne by consumers, wIo end up puyIng more Ior u producL LIun LIey wouId oLIerwIse Iuve Lo.
AdverLIsemenL cun be mIsIeudIng. To boosL suIes, LIey ure mude Lo uppeuI Lo LIe purcIuser's vunILy-
LIIs expensIve Iuce creum wIII muke you Iook beuuLIIuI; LIuL vILumIn suppIemenL wIII IeIp you sLuy
young; LIese pIIIs wIII muke you sIIm wILIouL LIe need Ior exercIse. SucI cIuIms ure oILen
exuggeruLed buL beIIeve by muny.
We cun suIeIy suy LIuL udverLIsemenLs Iuve become u purL oI our duIIy IIves und Iere Lo sLuy. TIey
cun be boLI u IeIpIuI source oI InIormuLIon und un unweIcome dIsLrucLIon. WIuL we need Lo do Is
deveIop LIe ubIIILy Lo LeII LIe dIIIerence beLween IucL, exuggeruLIon und ouLrIgIL IIes Lo suIeguurd our
wuIIeLs und, perIups, even our IIves.

Lvery lndlvldual or group of people we see walklng around anywhere any day ls some form of
adverLlsmenL for a company wheLher Lhey Lhemselves are aware of LhaL or noL 8rand names have
made Lhemselves such an essenLlal parL of our llves LhaL many of us can no longer feel comforLable or
excepLed wlLhouL sporLlng some Lype of brand on an lLem under our ownershlp We are consLanLly
dolng a favor for brands by some way showlng Lhem off wheLher lL be a blg name brand or [usL a self
sLarLed small buslness

8rands can be dlsplayed ln a varlous amounL of ways more ways Lhan we posslbly even reallze
LhoughouL Lhe duraLlon of a normal day lrom Lhe second we wake up we look aL a clock LhaL ls a cerLaln
brand everyLhlng from our LooLhpasLe Lo our cloLhes cars and even food ls all branded even lf you are
eaLlng home made food whlch was essenLlally gone Lhrough a process by a brand

1he reason Lhe brands are so lmporLanL ls because Lhey are conLlnuolsly compeLlng amoungsL
Lhemselves for Lhe mosL revenue and we make lL more compeLlLlve by maklng one brand beLLer Lhan
Lhe oLher l belleve cloLhlng ls Lhe maln brand we see be adverLlsed because lL ls ln consLanL slghL even
when lL ls on us So when you wake up Lomorrow mornlng whaL nAML 88Anu ls lL LhaL you wlll be
markeLlng for?

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