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Internat|ona| Lducat|on |n Ind|a

Change ls Lhe law of naLure WlLhouL Lhese changes we wlll mlss Lhe charm and beauLy of our llves We
can noLlce Lhls change ln every aspecL of our llfe When we were klds we used Lo wrlLe leLLers Lo our
loved ones llvlng far away from us 1hese leLLers Look several days Lo reach Lhe reclplenL 8uL now lL's
Lhe age of lnsLanL communlcaLlon sysLems WlLh Lhe help of moblle LexL messages and emalls we can
now easlly communlcaLe wlLh oLhers Llkewlse Lhe fleld of educaLlon has also gone Lhrough enormous
changes ln Lhe recenL decade 1he modern day schools are comlng up wlLh new sLraLegles Lo prepare
Lhe sLudenLs for Lhe lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlve markeLs A hosL of sub[ecLs have been lnLroduced LhaL
speclally focus on Lhe fleld of lnLeresL of Lhe sLudenLs 1he Lhlrd world counLrles are also maklng Lhelr
appearance ln Lhe world specLrum by Lhelr enormous growLh raLe 1o maLch Lhe lnLernaLlonal sLandard
Lhe lndlan educaLlon sysLem has also come up wlLh new measures 1he lnLernaLlonal sysLem of
educaLlon has been lnLroduced Lo lndla so LhaL Lhe culLural gap beLween Lhe naLlons can be mlnlmlzed
lndla has been a ma[or seaL of learnlng for cenLurles lLs currenL sLaLe presenLs a much varled plcLure
An lnLernaLlonal school Lruly by Lhe name slgnlfles a school meanL for chlldren who may noL be ln Lhelr
hosL counLry or chlldren who would llke Lo have an exposure Lo a dlverse lnLernaLlonal currlculum wlLh
pracLlcal based learnlng Such schools also do noL sLress upon chlldren learnlng Lhe local language 1he
educaLlon sysLem ln lndla ls very vasL and Lhere are a large number of lnLernaLlonal schools locaLed all
over lndla lndla noL only aLLracLs local sLudenLs buL also forelgn sLudenLs for pursulng lnLernaLlonal
educaLlon Many lnLernaLlonal schools use currlcula especlally deslgned for lnLernaLlonal schools such as
lnLernaLlonal Ceneral CerLlflcaLe of Secondary LducaLlon or Lhe lnLernaLlonal 8accalaureaLe (l8)
ulploma rogram and oLher counLry speclflc baccalaureaLes WhaL Lruly dlsLlngulshes a normal school
from an lnLernaLlonal school are parameLers llke lnfrasLrucLure passlonaLe Leachlng sLaff Leacher Lo
chlldren raLlo less Lhan 123 healLhy and a polluLlon free locaLlon and lnLernaLlonal Leachlng norms
reflecLlng quallLy and excellence
WlLh Lhe rlslng compeLlLlon Lhe cholce of Lhe rlghL school ensures LhaL Lhe seed for besL educaLlon has
been already sowed LducaLlon does noL only mean academlcs buL more Lhan LhaL essenLlal for Lhe all
round developmenL of chlldren Many lnLernaLlonal schools ln lndla have a sLudenL exchange program
meLhodology and even granL scholarshlps Lo merlLorlous sLudenLs lL ls a common mlsconcepLlon LhaL
schools havlng an lnLernaLlonal currlculum such as Amerlcan Canadlan Lhe CCSL Lhe l8 or Lhe lCCSL
auLomaLlcally becomes an lnLernaLlonal school Powever Lhese assumpLlons are lncorrecL because Lhe
word lnLernaLlonal Lruly means an envlronmenL where crossculLural conLacL and pedagogy ls pracLlced
and Lhe only Lwo sysLems whlch acLually lncorporaLe Lhls are Lhe l8 and Lhe lCCSL uurlng Lhe l8
ulploma rogram sLudenLs sLudy slx courses aL hlgher level or sLandard level ln Lhls course sLudenLs
sLudy slx sub[ecLs chosen from Lhe slx sub[ecL groups 1he lnLernaLlonal currlculum focuses noL only on
Lhe grammaLlcal parL of a language buL leL Lhe klds learn abouL Lhe accenL of Lhe respecLlve languages
ln a mulLlculLural counLry llke lndla Lhese lnLernaLlonal schools are helplng Lhe klds Lo enrlch Lhelr
culLural knowledge by provldlng Lhem lnLernaLlonal ouLlook

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