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Proposed NBI Rifle Course for Marksmanship Proficiency

Total Number of Rounds and type of Ammunition: 20 rounds of 5.56

Objective: To demonstrate proper engagement/s of a target behind cover. Afterwards, shooter will
engage target on the move. Finally, shooter will perform a transition from rifle to pistol at the end of
the scenario.

Start: Shooter begins to the side of the Barrier, Rifle in Condition 1 (locked and loaded( with the safety
on. Target is at the end of the target bay (max range, for example, 30 meters). Pistol will also be loaded
with a magazine containing ten (10) rounds:


01. On start (audible), shooter moves behind cover and engage target from either side of the barrier
standing (2 rounds);

02. After, shooter kneels on the same side and again engages the target again with two (2) rounds;

03. Shooter then stands up and repeats the exercise again by engaging the target from the opposite side
for a total of four (4) rounds - 2 rounds standing, 2 rounds kneeling;

04. Afterwards, shooter goes to prone and engages target again for 2 rounds;


05. After engaging from the prone, shooter stands up and performs a magazine change behind cover.
Magazine will contain 10 rounds of 5.56 ammunition. He will also ensure that his pistol is loaded in
Condition and is safely and securely holstered;

06. After reloading, Shooter will then step out from behind the barricade and start moving towards

07. At designated areas or upon instruction from the range officer, the shooter will engage the target
with 2 rounds each as he is approaching towards the target. There will be 5 way points where the
shooter will be allowed to shoot.

Note: All shooting at this stage will be done on the move. At no time will the shooter stop his forward
movement. If at any time shooter stops movement, he is immediately designated “Did Not Qualify”

08. Upon reaching the last marker, shooter is expected to have expended all of his rifle ammo. Upon
lock back of his bolt or otherwise his rifle has run empty, shooter will then perform a rifle to pistol
transition and engage the target with his pistol.

Upon transitioning with the pistol, shooter will engage targets with 5 shots to the body and 5 shots to
the head.

REMINDER: For this exercise, range officers will ensure that proper procedures and techniques -
including admin reloading, target engagement, tactical/speed reloading, and rifle-to-pistol transition will
be followed.

Scoring - Only Center Mass Hits will count - 2 points. Anything outside center mass will be considered a

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