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Labrador, Maui L.

MGT 101 – U1

MGT 101 Feedback

1. Were your expectations in MGT 101 at the start of the semester met?
My expectations in MGT 101 were met at the start of the semester. I expected that
I would learn a lot about management, and I really did. The flow of the lessons was
smooth, and I was able to follow it even though I did not have any deep background about
management. I was also able to appreciate the course and relate it to my program.

2. Which topic(s) in MGT 101 did you enjoy most and why?
The topics in MGT 101 that I enjoyed the most was all those under Module 10:
Directing and Motivating Employees. I enjoyed learning the different concepts of
organizational behavior, theories of motivation, and leadership theories. It was a new
experience for me to know about these theories since I have only heard about Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs theory before. It was interesting to know the different traits and
behavior of leaders. I was able to distinguish various leaders that I have encountered and
categorized them according to the lessons I had learned.

3. Which topic(s) in MGT 101 did you least enjoy and why?
The topic in MGT 101 that I least enjoyed was in Module 4: Forms of Business
Organization. Although it was not given that much focus, there were some laws under this
module that I honestly did not find enjoyable. It was maybe because of my own preference
on how I could not get the kick out of legal topics.

4. What did you like best about MGT 101?

I liked how the case studies were administered. At the start of the semester, I was
actually nervous about case study discussions since I thought it was like a formal
presentation. It worsened when we needed to wear formal attires during discussions.
However, I was glad that what happened was different from what I expected. The
discussions were friendly even for those who was afraid of speaking in front of crowds
since they were still given the chance to express themselves either through the paper or
the group discussions. The case studies that were discussed were interesting and they
were easy to understand.

5. What other improvements can be made (course/topic, teaching, facilities, etc)?

I honestly do not have any suggestions for improvement since how the course was
facilitated was enough for me. The faculty-in-charge was also approachable and had
discussed every topic well. He communicated every requirement well and was able to
give enjoyable lessons.

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