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Winning The Week

How To Plan The Perfect Week In 30 Minutes Flat

Our mission is to help the busiest people

achieve freedom through discipline and

Winning your week - predictably, every single

week - is the best way to stay on offense and
feel productive. No matter what your week
throws your way, this planning process has
got you covered.

- Demir Bentley

Sign up for a masterclass with Demir Bentley

on Winning The Week.
Click here to learn more

(pg 3) Preparation

(pg 4) Distill lessons from last week

(pg 5) Choose a leveraged weekly goal

(pg 6) Review the next 10 days of your calendar

(pg 7) Prioritize to-do list

(pg 8) Budget all 168 hours of the week

(pg 9) Putting it all together (Checklist)

pg 2
The pre-planning paradox is that preplanning causes
anxiety - and anxiety sabotages pre-planning!

To hack this self-sabotage and get in the pre-

planning spirit, make your planning time a special
event with a unique reward.

Get your favorite beverage, sit in your garden, or go to

your favorite coffee shop to plan your week. Turn on
your favorite playlist and start planning!

Pro Tip:
Carey and I like to plan on Friday or Sunday
afternoons, so that we aren't feeling the pressure of
the week's tasks.

When and where will I plan my week?

How will I make it special?

pg 3
Distill lessons
The first step in your planning is to think over how last
week went, and what lessons you can bring into this

Improving your game every week is a small way to

see exponential improvements in your performance.

Plus, this simple practice keeps you from "stepping

on the rake" over and over - in other words, it keeps
you from making the same mistakes again and again!

Pro Tip:
Rate your performance last week on a scale of 1-10. If
you rate yourself less than a 10, ask yourself what you
need to do differently to close the gap and hit a 10
this week.

5 minutes: What is one thing I learned last week, and

how can I fold that into my process this week?

pg 4
Choose your goal
The second step is to review your monthly goal, and
break off a leveraged weekly goal.

Setting a leveraged goal, versus a regular plain goal,

means choosing something that makes things easier,
faster, more profitable, or saves time down the line.

Make sure your goal is within your control and doesn't

require outside forces to accomplish. And of course,
make sure it is clearly defined without any vagueness.

Pro Tip:
Your goal doesn't have to be the biggest task on your
list. It can be something that takes just 10 minutes to
do, but saves you a lot of time or money in the future.
At the most, it should take you 1-2 days to finish.

5 minutes: What is my leveraged weekly goal?

pg 5
Review your calendar
It's time to review the next 10 days in your calendar, in

War game your week by doing a play-by-play of your

schedule. Cancel unnecessary meetings. Reschedule
calls so you can do them back-to-back. Make sure
time is built in for meals, exercise, commutes, and self

Watch out for grenades (the unnecessary explosions

that could have been avoided with better planning!)

Pro Tip:
Write down additional to-do items that aren't on your
list yet as you do this calendar review.

5 minutes: What changes do I need to make to

optimize my calendar?

pg 6
Prioritize your to-do list
Next, refresh your to-do list. Add tasks, delete low-
priority tasks, and delegate tasks that can be done by
someone else.

Make sure your list only includes tasks that you truly
plan on doing this week. If they're "someday" tasks,
they don't belong on this week's list!

Finally, prioritize your task list in order of importance.

Pro Tip:
Limit yourself to a maximum of 10 tasks per day.
That's 50 tasks a week. Follow the 1-4-5 rule of 1 big
task, 4 medium tasks, and 5 small tasks.

5 minutes: What tasks should I add, delete, and

delegate from my list?

pg 7
Budget your time
The final, and most important step is to budget out all
168 hours of your week.

Calendarize your to-do list and assign a specific block

of time to each item (this is a great way to make sure
you aren't overextending yourself!)

Budget time directly in your calendar for sleep, meals,

exercise, cleaning, childcare, deep work, shallow work,
extra work that might land on your plate, and self

Pro Tip #1:

Budget in time for the fun stuff FIRST. Plan a date
night, a friends get-together, or a family fun weekend
before all your time gets eaten up by work!

Pro Tip #2:

If you're feeling low energy, consider upping your
sleep hours. You may need to shift your schedule and
go to bed earlier to get more sleep!

5 minutes: Calendarize my to-do list and budget how

I'm going to spend all 168 hours this week.

pg 8
Weekly Planning Checklist

( ) Make my planning session special

( ) Distill lessons from last week

( ) Choose my leveraged weekly goal

( ) Review the next 10 days of my calendar

( ) Prioritize my to-do list

( ) Budget all 168 hours of the week

( ) Reward myself!

Sign up for a masterclass with Demir Bentley

on Winning The Week.
Click here to learn more

pg 9

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