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Câu số 1: Residents made an ------ to the city council to Câu số 111:The responsibilities of each team member

try to get the speed limit lowered in their neighborhood. should be explained as ------ as possible.

A. appealingly A. clearest

B. appealed B. clarity

C. appeal C. clearly

D. appeals D. clearer

Câu số 113: Because checked bags are often stacked up, Câu số 117: The new cooking classes at the Crestline

it is ------ for travelers to put fragile items in their carry- Institute are aimed ------- at young adults living on their

ons. own for the first time.

A. advises A. specify

B. advice B. specificity

C. advising C. specifically

D. advisable D. specific
Câu 118: The journal article states that the research team’s Câu 119: The shopping center project was not as ------ to

------- are confirmation of the medication’s effectiveness. new investors as the planners had expected.

A. finding A. attracts

B. findings B. attract

C. find C. attractive

D. found D. attractively

Câu 101: The national media ------- ignored the report on bridge Câu 106: The mechanic ------- that the tires on the vehicle

safety and recommendations. were heavily worn and in need of replacement.

A. large A. noting

B. largest B. note

C. largely C. noted

D. larger D. to note

Câu 108: Before using any ingredients in his dishes, Chef Câu 119: The company was nominated for several awards in

Montague checks that they are ------- from preservatives. its field, and this has led to increased investor ------- .

A. to free A. enthuse

B. freely B. enthusiastic

C. free C. enthusiasm

D. freedom D. enthusiastically

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