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Cloze test 1 Read the text below and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer which best fits each space from 1 to 10 (5 points)
The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci have always attracted controversy. Only 14 works have ever been attributed
to him and experts have (1)……..the authenticity of several . Not even the Mona Lisa is above (2)…….. . The
painting is neither signed nor dated and no (3)…….. of payment to Leonardo has ever been found . Believed to
be the portrait of the wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giaconda dating from 1502, it has been on
public display in the Louvre since 1804 . Now housed in a bullet- (4)…… case , it has always been
surrounded by (5)…… .
Even so, on 24th August 1911 , it was stolen. Initial leads came to nothing and no (6)…….. to the thief's
motives or the whereabouts of the picture materialized for 15 months . In November 1913, Florentine art dealer
Alfredo Geri received a letter from someone (7)……..they had the Mona Lisa and were prepared to sell it back
to Italy for 500,000 lire . Geri contacted the director of the Uffizi museum who arranged a meeting with the
alleged vendor.
He turned out to be an Italian carpenter Vicenza Perugia , who made the painting's protective wooden box for
the Louvre and was able to steal it because he knew the museum's (8)……... The Mona Lisa he produced was
proclaimed genuine by the Uffizi and sent back to Paris . But a British con man, Jack Dean , later insisted that
he had helped Peruggia steal the painting but (9)……..a copy before Peruggia took it to Italy . Could it be that
the painting seen by thousands of visitors every day in the Louvre museum is a total (10)……..?
Question 1: A. asked B. questioned C. wondered D. enquired
Question 2: A. query B. question C. suspicion D. doubt
Question 3: A. bill B. document C. record D. receipt
Question 4: A. proof B. secure C. guard D. strong
Question 5: A. tight B. safe C. careful D. accurate
Question 6: A. tips B. hints C. clues D. indications
Question 7: A. pretending B. persuading C. claiming D. arguing
Question 8: A. working B. routine C. doors D. security
Question 9: A. copied B. replaced C. taken over D. substituted
Question 10: A. counterfeit B. substitute C. false D. fake
Cloze test 2 (5 points)
Life is a circle- Beginning to end, end to beginning. Take Bob for example. This is Bob five years ago, alone,
shabby flat, no car, no television (1)…… debt. Bob is a mess, barely keeping his head above (2)…… He (3)
……..out a living selling burgers and he is paid a pittance. He is (4)………at the bank and horribly behind with
his rent. His life is a succession of unpaid bills, (5)……..debts and angry exchanges with his bank manager.
Bob needs a plan.
So he asks his parents for money. It’s not a bad plan as plans go. His parents aren’t short of a bob or two. They
could help him to (6)……..his debts and get back on his feet again. “Money doesn’t grow on trees, Bob. We
can’t afford (7)…… that kind of money.” His mother – the woman who spends money like there is no
tomorrow. “Tighten your (8)…….., son. We haven’t got that kind of money.” His father – the man who spent
close (9)……….$4,000 on a set of plastic chairs for the garden, who’s got thousands tucked (10)…… a
Swiss bank. Rejected, dejected. Bob returns to his miserable flat and the ever-shifting mountain of brown
envelopes that are stacked high on his doormat. Despair gathers him in and whispers in his ear – he is doomed
to a life of abject poverty.
Question 1: A. heavily B. strongly C. flatly D. wholly
Question 2: A. heat B. dirt C. gear D. water
Question 3: A. counts B. falls C. ekes D. finds
Question 4: A. overcast B. overtaken C. overdrawn D. overrated
Question 5: A. outstanding B. underpaid C. outdated D. underhand
Question 6: A. pay through B. pay off C. pay up D. pay for
Question 7: A. giving B. to give C. to have given D. given
Question 8: A. fist B. belt C. pocket D. shirt
Question 9: A. at B. about C. on D. by
Question 10: A. in B. around C. off D. away
Cloze Test 1Fill in each numbered blank with ONE appropriate word: ( 10 points)
Throughout the ages, disease has stalked our species. Prehistoric humans must quickly have learnt (1) …it…
could be eaten without danger, and how to avoid plants that could (2) ..bring… about illness. They found
leaves, berries and the bark of different trees that could actually heal wounds and cure the sick, and (3) …it …..
soon became a special skill to understand natural medicine.
Ever (4) ……since…. the dawn of history, medicine men and wise women have always been expert in treating
diseases and have dispensed medicine with ritual and magic. (5)…Through.. trial and error they discovered
treatments for almost any affliction prevalent at the time. The precious recipes for preparations which could
relieve pain, stop fits, sedate or stimulate were (6) …passed...down from generation to generation, although
there was (7) …no… exact understanding of the way in which the medicines worked. Nevertheless, (8) …
despite…… the power of these primitive medicines, generations were still ravaged by disease.
During the last 150 years, scientists and doctors, (9) ……whose….. work has focused on these early
medicines, have learnt that their power derived from certain chemicals which were found in herbal remedies or
could be synthesised in the laboratory. In just (10) …such.. a way, advances in modern medicine continue,
aided by the discoveries made centuries ago by our ancestors.
Cloze Test 2Fill in each numbered blank with ONE appropriate word: ( 10 points)
Jon Wynne- Tyson was an original thinker whose best- known book “Food for a Future” was published
in 1975. In this classic work, a case was (1) …put… forward for what can only be described as a more
responsible and humane attitude towards the world’s food resources. It had gradually (2) …become… clear to
Wynne- Tyson that the economics and ecology of meat production did not (3) …make….sense. What
justification was (4) …there……, he argued, for using seven tonnes of cereal to produce one tonne of meat?
Even today, the book’ succinct style makes it compulsively readable. (5) …Although….. his approach
is basically an emotional one, Wynne- Tyson goes to great lengths to back up every statement with considerable
supporting evidence and statistical data. Thus, even those of us who are widely read (6) …in…..the subject of
vegetarianism will gain fresh insights from this book. It is generally agreed that his most skilful achievement is
the slow revelation of his main thesis as the arguments unfold. The book concludes that a move away from an
animal- based diet to (7) …one… which is based on plant sources is inevitable in the long term, in (8) ……
view…. of the fact that there is no sound nutritional, medical or social justification for meat- eating. Regardless
of whether you agree with (9) ……such…… a conclusion or not, the book certainly makes (10) …a…..
fascinating read.
1. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words given (10 points)
1. She is very …photogenic (adj): Ăn ảnh… . She always manages to look good in photographs. (PHOTO)
2. There has been no …continuity (n): Sự tiếp tục… in this class- they have had a succession of different
teacher. (CONTINUE)
3. You shouldn’t interrupt someone in ……mid-sentence……. (SENTENCE)
4. A …domineering (adj): Độc đoán… friend is one who likes power. (DOMINATE)
5. Street- fights are an everyday ...occurrence (n): Sự diễn ra... in this area of the city. ( OCCUR)
6. Her leg has been ...troubled (adj): Phiền phức.. for quite a while, and she’ll probably need surgery on it.
7. You are entitled to receive a government allowance for each ....dependant (n): Người sống dựa.. who is
living with you. (DEPEND)
8. Mrs. Lan shop is ...indistinguishable (adj): Không thể phân biệt.... from the others in the street. It’s hard
to tell the difference. (DISTINGUISH)
9. This brochure will be ready for ......publication (n): Sự xuất bản... in September. (PUBLISH)
10. Originally the builders gave me a price of $2000, but now they say they .......underestimated (v): Đánh giá
thấp........ and it’s going to be at least $3000. (ESTIMATE)
2. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words given ( 10 points)

Thanks to the ubiquitous use of vanilla as a flavouring in ice creams and cakes the world over, its taste is more
(1) …recognisable (adj): Dễ nhận ra.. to the majority of people than the appearance of the plant.
The plant itself is actually a native of the tropical forests of Central America and is the only variety of orchid to
be grown on a commercial scale. Its delicate white flowers open in the early morning and, after pollination by
insects or humming birds, a narrow bean- like pod forms and (2) …ripeness (n): Sự chín…, taking a period of
five to seven months to reach (3) …maturity (n): Sự trưởng thành.. . It is this pod which is harvested to
provide the food crop we know as vanilla.
Despite its American origins, for decades it was only cultivated (4) …extensively (adv): Một cách rộng rãi…..
on the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, where it was introduced at the end of the nineteenth century. It soon
became clear that the vanilla grown there was of a quality (5) …knowledge (n): Kiến thức… in other areas,
and the island quickly became one of the world’s major (6)…supplement (n): Phần bổ sung……..
In recent year, however, new (7) …competitors (n): Đấu thủ… have entered the vanilla market and, (8) …
consequently (adv): Do đó.., Madagascar’s importance has started to slip. Of course, the (9) ……emergency
(n): Tình trạng khẩn cấp…… of new producers means a smaller market share, whilst the development of
artificial substitutes is (10) …threatening (adj): Đe dọa… to undermine demand for the real thing.
The passage below contains 10 errors, identify and correct them ( 10 points)
Simply be bilingual does not qualify anyone to interpreting. Interpreting does not merely a mechanical
process of converting one sentence in language A into a same sentence in language B. Rather, it is a complex art
in that thoughts and idioms which have no obvious analogues from tongue – or words which have multiple
meanings – most quickly be transformed in many a way that the message is clearly and accurately expressing to
the listener.
There are two kinds of interpreters, simultaneous and consecutive, each requires separate talents. The
former, sitting in an isolated booth, usually at a large multilingual conference, speaks to listeners wearing
headphones, interpreting that a foreign – language speaker says as he says it – actually a sentence afterwards.
Consecutive interpreters are the one most international negotiators use. They are mainly employed for smaller
meetings without sound booths, headphones, and another high – tech gear.
1. ……………………->……………………… 2.……….………->………………….…
3. ……………………->……………………… 4.………………->……………………..
5. ……………………->……………………… 6.………………->………………………
7. ……………………->……………………… 8. ………………->………………..……
9. ……………………->……………………… 10.…………..…->…………………..…
1. The pensioner owned a small vegetable ………………. where he spent most of his days looking after his
carrots and tomatoes.
2. As the …………….…. unfolds, the film gathers pace and the actors can show their full potential.
3. The two generals met in a private house at night to ………………. Against the emperor and to discuss how
to run the empire together after his death.
1. The interrogation officer used less than typical techniques to crack him. Eventually, the spy …………… he
worked for the CIA.
2. He was ……….….. to hospital after an X-ray showed a huge brain tumor in his left hemisphere.
3. I’m afraid, sir, you can’t enter the place. Today only members are ………..….. to the Club.
1. Her car skidded on a slippery road and was about to …….………. into a roadside tree when she managed to
regain control.
2. Nobody denies that he had a checkered ….………….. in business, but now he’s shining as one of the stars in
our department.
3. Being at a crossroads after leaving college he sought some professional advice from a …….…………
1. As your mind works at ………………. mental effectiveness in the morning, set aside some time and do your
studying in the early hours of the day.
2. Only the two surviving mountaineers reached the …………..…. of this large mountain. It looked like a
Pyrrhic victory.
3. The roads were terribly congested at …………….… times and the traffic was often reduced to a crawl.
1. Can you come back later this week? At the moment we haven’t got this model in ……………… . But the
supplier has promised to provide them by Friday.
2. Due to the considerable threat from extremists the officials advised people to ………….….. up on gas masks.
3. The country, a local bully, was notorious for trying to build up a …………..… of biological weapons to
threaten their neighbours.
1. They were concerned that the experiment might …….………. off a series of unexpected changes in the
2. James raised the gun and pulled the ………..….. . The bullet whizzed through the air and hit the padlock. It
dropped on the floor and the door opened wide.
3. The law enforcement agents managed to bring the …….………… man to court, but those who ordered the
assassination slipped through the net.
1. The boxer looks tough and he doesn’t give up easily. He has this ability to pick up the ……………… after
each round.
2. In the American army Forrest used to spend hours taking his machine gun to ……….…………. and
reassembling it again hundreds of times.
3. The table was a mess. It was cluttered with bits and ………….…… scattered all around it.
1. More and more young women want their children to be born by Caesarean ………………….. nowadays.
2. Due to a serious car accident a large ……..…… of the motorway had to be blocked and traffic was diverted.
3. The talented cellist fell in love with a woman from the brass ……………..… in the orchestra.
1. At an open-air rally the controversial politician made a speech from a raised ..……………….. constructed at
the last moment.
2. Don’t be silly, Loraine. ………….…… shoes went out of fashion 3 years ago. Take them off at once.
3. The former president hailed the candidate’s international ……………… and his knowledge of foreign affairs.
1. Joseph picked up a pebble and ……….. it into the lake aiming at the duck. Fortunately, it managed to escape.
2. Most students who have taken part in the CAE exam feel that the reading section was ……………….... at a
very high level.
3. Upon arriving at the campsite, some of us made a big fire while the others .………………… the tent.

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