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Rural Sociology

Chapter · January 2018

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.22533-X


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Douglas H. Constance
Sam Houston State University


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Constance D.H. Rural Sociology. In: Neal Van Alfen, editor-in-chief. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems,
Vol. 5, San Diego: Elsevier; 2014. pp. 62-74.

© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Author's personal copy

Rural Sociology
DH Constance, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, USA
r 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Glossary Rural–urban continuum Notion that the nature of social

Adoption–diffusion of technology Process by which structure, social relationships, and values vary systematically
individual farmers (or other prospective users of across rural and urban communities.
technology) make decisions about the use or nonuse of a Sociology of agricultural science Study of the process
new technology. through which scientists and scientific institutions discover
Land grant universities Integrated system of teaching, new knowledge.
research, and outreach created to modernize agriculture. Sociology of agrifood studies Study of the sociology of
New Rural Sociology Conceptual approach to the agriculture and food that links agricultural production and
sociology of agriculture that embraced critical perspectives food consumption to globalization and commodity
of rural development. systems.

Introduction (1855–1936) viewed urbanization and industrial capitalism

that characterized gesellschaft societies as leading to the de-
Rural sociology is historically defined as the sociological study cline of the pastoral virtues and intimate communal bonds of
of social organization and processes that are characteristic of rural gemeinschaft societies that are necessary for healthy so-
rural societies and geographical areas where population cial life. For Töennies and many early rural sociologists, the
densities are relatively low. In practice, modern rural sociology cities and social relations of industrial capitalism represented
is considerably more comprehensive than the study of rural the degradation of civilization. Although Max Weber (1864–
societies. As rural societies do not exist in isolation, rural 1920) recognized the dynamism of the social forces of bur-
sociology increasingly addresses the relationships between eaucratization, industrialization, and urbanization that were
rural society and society as a whole and within the global marginalizing traditional rural societies, he thought that bur-
economy and society. Vertical linkages to the macrosystem eaucratization and the industrial revolution, which he referred
integrate rural areas into national and global social processes to as an iron cage, would lead to social movements, political
(Bonanno et al., 1994; Warren, 1963). ideologies, and other forms of resistance to these forces of
Although rural sociology as a discipline originated in the rationalization and uniformity.
United States in the early twentieth century, as part of deco- Throughout its history, rural sociology has engaged in these
lonialization and modernization projects after World War II, it nineteenth-century debates over the desirability and resilience
has diffused around the world where it is more often referred of traditional rural social organization. Two general positions
to as peasant studies, development studies, or village studies have alternated over time and still exist: (1) the view that rural
instead of rural sociology (Newby, 1980). Additionally, many society, owing to its more intimate social bonds, lower inci-
of the foci of rural sociology are related closely to other social dence of social pathologies, and stronger religious institutions,
science disciplines including cultural geography, social an- is socially and morally superior to urban society and therefore
thropology, and agricultural economics. deserves to be preserved and (2) the view that traditional rural
beliefs, social structures, technologies, practices, and insti-
tutions are nostalgic anachronisms of the past and must be
The Roots of American Rural Sociology modernized for the quality of rural life to be enhanced. Both
positions are embedded deeply in Western social thought and
Although the field of rural sociology has made major strides in continue to inform the discipline and discourses of rural
understanding rural social processes, like the parent discipline sociology.
of sociology, it still has strong roots in the nineteenth-century The historical roots of rural sociology in America reside in
social thought. A central concern of nineteenth-century the- the economic, political, and economic transformation brought
orists was whether village and farm life was morally and so- about by the industrial revolution that occurred after the Civil
cially superior to metropolitan life, and whether rural life War. Though the surge of industrial capitalism brought afflu-
would be resilient in the face of urban industrialism. Informed ence to many regions in the United States, it also created
by the Enlightenment and Western rationalism, the classical poverty and inequality in many rural areas. A benchmark
sociologists Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) and Karl Marx publication in the debate between these two views of rural
(1818–83) both argued that urban–industrial capitalism and society was Sorokin and Zimmerman’s (1929) Principles of
modern technologies and organizational practices were un- Rural–Urban Sociology, which synthesized rural sociological
avoidable and progressive social forces would eventually thought of the time and was the summative treatise in the
supplant the residual remnants of backward, preindustrial field. Sorokin and Zimmerman’s ‘rural–urban continuum’
rural social forms. In contrast, Ferdinand Töennies perspective drew primarily on Töennies’ analysis of how

62 Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Volume 5 doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52512-3.00253-9

Author's personal copy
Rural Sociology 63

urbanization and industrial capitalism led to the undermining of American rural sociology were framed by the Country Life
of the primary social bonds of community. Accordingly, the Commission Report published in 1909. The report did ac-
rural sociology research carried out before World War II was knowledge many of the social problems of rural America (e.g.,
largely devoted to rural community studies and tended to the inequities of the crop-lien system and widespread share-
present rural life as socially richer and morally superior to cropping), but its dominant message was that an expanded
urban life. effort to modernize rural America technologically and socially
was integral to improving rural society. The Country Life
Commission recommended the establishment of what is now
called the Cooperative Extension Service to speed the modern-
Agrarian Politics and the Country Life Commission
ization of rural America. The Cooperative Extension Service
America’s agrarian politics also significantly shaped the tra- (Smith–Lever Act of 1914) completed the land grant college
jectory of rural sociology. Though the term ‘rural sociology’ modernization triangle of teaching (Morrell Act of 1862) and
was not widely used until the 1920s, the first American rural research (Hatch Act of 1887).
sociological studies were conducted in the 1890s during a The Country Life Commission recommended the harness-
decade of populism and agrarian unrest. These pioneering ing of the social sciences, particularly agricultural economics
rural sociological studies were initiated by DuBois (1898), a and rural sociology, to support the technological modern-
black sociologist on the staff of the US Department of Labor. ization of rural America. Rural sociological studies in land
DuBois’ studies emphasized how the postbellum crop-lien grant colleges of agriculture were critical in helping to remove
system in southern plantation agriculture reinforced black social barriers to technological modernization and stabilize
poverty by tying black farmers to the plantation system and rural communities. The establishment of rural sociology,
subordinating them to the power of the planter class. During however, was slow and uneven, particularly compared with
this time, studies of agricultural communities in the northeast the field of agricultural economics. Only a few land grant
were also undertaken by F.H. Giddings and associates at colleges – generally the larger ones in the Northeast and
Columbia University. In these early days, land grant uni- Midwest – established major rural sociology programs.
versities had little or no presence in the scholarship now called Moreover, it was not until the Purnell Act of 1925 that federal
rural sociology. funds were available to support rural sociological research. For
Although the populist critique of industrial capitalism all practical purposes, the land grant colleges where rural
swept through much of rural America during these years, sociology was present in the 1930s are the same 25 or so
populism did not directly influence early rural sociology. institutions where rural sociology existed in the early 1990s.
During the first full decade of American sociology, there was
widespread suspicion among university administrators and
their patrons that sociology should be scrutinized to ensure
Institutionalizing Rural Sociology
that it concerned itself with empirical research rather than
populist politics. This political environment led most soci- Three other historical factors were crucial in shaping and in-
ologists to distance themselves from radical social theories and stitutionalizing rural sociology. First, the Great Depression and
movements. There is no indication that any American rural the New Deal opened up vast opportunities for rural socio-
sociologists were active supporters of populism. logical scholarship aimed at rural reform and relief. By the
Populism’s indirect influences on rural sociology, however, mid-1930s, sociologists in the United States Department of
were important. The populists’ mostly unsuccessful attempts Agriculture (USDA) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE)
to recruit black farmers into their movement contributed to and other federal agencies had carried out an impressive pro-
the questioning of the sharecropping system, the structure of gram of empirical research on rural communities, rural
agriculture, and southern rural social structure. Populist rad- population, and the structure of agriculture and had linked
icalism was a major source of concern to urban industrialists this research with an agenda for far-reaching rural reforms
who benefited from a socioeconomic system that provided a (e.g., reduction of the power of southern landlords, land
stable supply of cheap food for their workers. Although Wil- tenure reform, and encouragement of cooperative forms of
liam Jennings Bryant’s loss in the 1898 presidential election production). Second, the course of rural sociology was de-
signaled the defeat of populism in electoral politics, fear of a cisively shaped when in 1936–1937 rural sociologists broke
resurgence of populist radicalism remained for more than a from the American Sociological Society (later the American
decade. Sociological Association) to establish the Rural Sociological
The aim of providing a moderate alternative to populism Society and started their own journal Rural Sociology. The or-
was integral to the establishment of the Country Life Movement ganizational break from the larger discipline of sociology led
(Danbom, 1979). Founded by industrial and other elites, the rural sociology to become even more identified with and in-
Country Life Movement maintained that, contrary to populist stitutionalized within the land grant and USDA complex.
assertions, rural social problems were not owing to the negative Third, from the late-1930s through the mid-1940s the pro-
impacts of industrial capitalism, but rather because of a lack of gressive reformism of the New Deal came under attack by
organization, poor infrastructure, and technological backward- conservative members of the Congress. The crackdown on re-
ness in rural areas. In 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt rec- formist rural sociology (and agricultural economics) was
ognized this reform movement by appointing a Presidential completed when the BAE was disbanded in 1944. Seminal
Commission on County Life, chaired by Liberty Hyde Bailey, works on the relationship between the structure of agriculture
dean of Agriculture at Cornell University. The next six decades and quality of life in rural areas carried out by Goldschmidt
Author's personal copy
64 Rural Sociology

(1947) working for the BAE were suppressed. For two decades Jeffersonian agrarian values of community, individualism,
after the dismantlement of the BAE, the new generations of family-based businesses, and grass-roots democracy (Gilbert,
rural sociologists were dissuaded from embracing the scholarly 1982). As noted at the outset of this article, American rural
and political reform orientations of the New Deal rural soci- sociology has oscillated between these polar views and agen-
ologists. They were encouraged to embrace positivist social das of (1) providing uncritical positivist science in support of
science and provide the basic descriptive information about modernizing backward remnants of preindustrial societies and
rural people and rural society to help inform policies targeted (2) preserving the special aspects of rural society that support
to rural modernization. community well-being and enhanced quality of life. Many
As a result of these changes, the Töennies–Sorokin– politicians, land grant university administrators, and advocates
Zimmerman perspective of the rural–urban continuum that of technological innovations still view the preservationist
favored rural over urban social forms declined in prominence agenda as a major barrier to progress for rural societies.
as rural sociology was confronted with the Great Depression Though rural sociological research, teaching, and outreach
and rural squalor, and quickly embraced New Deal reformism. are now undertaken in many nations with rural sociology
During the New Deal period, rural sociology adopted the professional societies on all continents, rural sociology is es-
modernist view that rural society needed the types of legal, sentially an American phenomenon. The disciplinary category
social, and structural reforms that were underway in nonrural ‘rural sociology’ was created in association with the American
arenas, such as labor relations, state regulation of economy land grant university system and even today most professional
and society, old age assistance, and so on. This perspective rural sociologists in the United States are still university faculty
questioned the romantic and nostalgic position that the appointed in land grant colleges of agriculture. The land grant
traditional structures and practices of rural society were university system was created by the federal government to
necessarily socially desirable. The rural–urban continuum modernize agriculture and rural life. Though many other
perspective was also undermined empirically by studies countries have a tradition of scholarship similar to rural
showing that community-like primary social bonds persist sociology, the global spread of rural sociology was due mainly
even within large metropolitan places. to the missionary zeal of rural sociologists from the 1940s
Rural sociology is a disciplinary product of these historical through the 1960s, who embraced the modernization per-
events interpreted from the two contradictory views of rural spective. Mostly funded through the rapid expansion of
society grounded in social theory. The institutional separation American foreign aid in the post-World War II period, many
from the parent discipline of sociology, the institutional famous American rural sociologists traveled extensively and
housing of rural sociology programs in colleges of agriculture, diffused American-style rural sociology across a wide range of
and the structural linkages to the Extension Service shifted countries, often helping to create land grant-style systems. As
rural sociology from its original focus on preserving rural life late as the 1960s, rural sociology in other countries was very
in the face of industrial capitalism to facilitating technologi- similar to the American variety.
cally driven modernization. To survive in the institutional Beginning in the 1970s, rural sociology became increasingly
environment of the times, rural sociology embraced its func- diverse. Today US rural sociology is not nearly so homogeneous
tion within the land grant college system by facilitating the or globally influential as it once was but increasingly borrows
modernization of rural society. As politicians and college of from the ideas of European and developing world scholars.
agriculture administrators pushed rural sociology to be useful Although the modernization perspective is still prominent, the
in solving the practical problems of rural society, it lost its reengagement with critical perspectives has expanded as posi-
preservationist agenda informed by critical social theories. tivist interpretations were found lacking in explaining social
Research that contradicted the prevailing modernist agenda change. Continental and regional professional rural sociology
might threaten its institutional standing. By the 1940s, the societies, such as the Latin American Rural Sociological Associ-
function and practice of rural sociology was clear, to explicitly ation, European Society for Rural Sociology, Australia and
support the social policy of transforming rural society through Oceana Network, and Asia Rural Sociological Association as
enhanced adoption of modern technologies (Newby, 1980). well as the International Rural Sociological Association have
expanded. Rural sociologists are active in many of the research
committees of the International Sociological Association. The
dominance of the land grant university model in the United
Modernist and Preservationist Perspectives
States has also waned. Owing to a combination of budget cuts,
The modernist perspective dominated until the 1960s when mission redefinition, and academic reorganizations, during the
rural sociologists and rural advocates began to document and last two decades several rural sociology programs at land grant
criticize the negative impacts of unquestioned technological universities have closed or merged into broader social science
adoption as the only path that improved the rural quality of programs. As a result, rural sociologists are increasingly em-
life. The rural–urban continuum perspective reappeared as ployed in non-land grant university settings in the public and
advocates of rural society renewed their search for ways to private sectors.
preserve what they perceived to be the superior qualities of
rural life in the face of the continued spread of industrial
capitalism. Their concerns included community disintegration, The Major Foci of Rural Sociology
rural out-migration, loss of local autonomy, family-farm de-
cline, degradation of the rural landscape, and depletion of Modern rural sociology has six major branches of study: rural
natural resources. Rural protagonists were informed by the population, rural community, rural social stratification,
Author's personal copy
Rural Sociology 65

natural resources and environment, agriculture and food, and groups and thereby test some of the preservationist prop-
science and technology. Following the dichotomous pattern ositions that population size and density influence social ac-
presented in the Section Modernist and Preservationist Per- tions and organization; the greater the size and density the
spectives, some branches of study emerged and developed lower the social cohesion and quality of life. As noted in the
during the historical periods dominated by modernist per- Section The Roots of American Rural Sociology, this frame was
spectives and other branches during times informed by critical first conceptualized as the Töennies–Sorokin–Zimmerman
perspectives. In this article, principal attention is given to sci- rural–urban continuum and later as the ‘folk-urban con-
ence and technology and agriculture and food. Before doing tinuum’ (Redfield, 1947). The evidence of a linear relationship
so, a brief description of each of the major specialties in that shows decreased quality of life associated with increased
American rural sociology is provided. This section concludes population size and density has been mixed. Gemeinschaft
with a discussion on international rural sociology. relationships were discovered surviving within gesellschaft
communities. As a result, the use of census data to document
rural–urban differences has been discarded by most rural
Population and Community
The rural sociological analysis of communities can be
From the inception of rural sociology, sociological analysis of traced back to Galpin’s (1915, 1918) pioneering holistic
rural population and rural community dynamics through community studies. Galpin is known as the founder of rural
census and social survey data has been central to the field. sociology. At the University of Wisconsin, Galpin initiated
DuBois’ early work on black farming was largely based on rural life studies based on community studies. His study titled
population census data. As will be dealt in more depth later, ‘The Social Anatomy of an Agricultural Community’ was the
the overarching frame of all early rural sociological research is first Experimental Station bulletin in rural sociology. Galpin
the sociology of agriculture. Patterns of farming systems were was also very active in the American Country Life Association,
studied to try to better understand the relationship between and later headed the Division of Farm Population and Rural
types of farming operations and quality of life in rural areas. Life in the BAE/USDA. Rural sociologists have conducted
Recall that DuBois’ early work was on the implications of the thousands of community studies in support of community
Black tenant sharecroppers and planter landlords system of developed policies and programs (Summers, 1986; Wilkinson,
agriculture in the south. The methodology of these early 1991).
studies was usually the community survey, which cemented By the 1960s, the criticisms of the rural–urban continuum
the overlap between population and community studies. The approach for being weak methodologically and excessively
Country Life Commission report noted the lack of and need descriptive had solidified (Bell and Newby, 1972). Com-
for complete and accurate information regarding the con- munity studies suffered from the advance of the mass-society
ditions of rural life. The work of the Division of Farm Popu- thesis, which argued that local communities have been
lation and Rural Life of the BAE provided basic descriptive data eclipsed by the macrosystem forces of industrialization, ur-
about the rural population and established rural population banization, and bureaucratization (Stein, 1964). Through in-
studies as one of the pillars of the field. These early descriptive creased vertical linkages, extralocal forces overwhelmed the
studies generated typologies of farming systems that were used horizontal linkages of local communities and rendered small
to inform modernization programs carried out by the Co- rural communities powerless (Warren, 1963). Later research
operative Extension Service, which had an office in nearly found that increased vertical linkages do not necessarily des-
every rural county in the United States. Major rural sociology troy horizontal linkages, which tempered the macrosystem
programs included a specialist in rural population and rural dominance thesis (Summers, 1986). Much of the community
community studies who analyzed census data for counties and studies work done today employs either the social capital
rural places. Population studies still provide the important perspective (Flora and Flora, 2008) or the interactional field
basic descriptive information used to inform the policies and perspective (Wilkinson, 1991).
programs designed to modernize rural society (Garkovich,
Rural population and community studies have become
Social Stratification
increasingly differentiated so that they are now seen as distinct
specialties. Rural population research has followed dem- Throughout human history, there has been a tendency for
ography in becoming more quantitative and descriptive. poverty, disadvantage, and political subordination to be ex-
Studies that have moved past description into more socio- hibited disproportionately among rural people. Preindustrial
logical investigations tended to be guided by the human rural social structures (e.g., feudalism, the antebellum and
ecology perspective (Hawley, 1950). Although Hawley’s sys- postbellum Southern plantation systems in the United States,
tems model does incorporate the interplay between popu- landlord-dominated rural economies in much of South and
lation, organization, environment, and technology variables Southeast Asia, and the latifundia–minifundia complex of
and therefore allows for a more sophisticated evaluation than Latin America) tended to generate social inequality. In modern
the empirical description of demography, its ability to inte- societies, rural people have tended to be poorer than urban
grate the spatial with the social aspects of rural society is people. The equation of rural with poverty and inequality has
limited. As population studies and demography generated a made analyses of rural social stratification and inequality an
wealth of data on both rural and urban populations, it became important dimension of rural sociology. The substantive area
possible to conduct statistical comparisons between the two of rural social stratification has a long and controversial history
Author's personal copy
66 Rural Sociology

in rural sociology. DuBois’ work on tenancy in the south Natural Resources and Environment
revealed patterns of race-based institutional discrimination.
Populist concerns over the power of the agribusiness trusts There is an established tradition of rural sociological scholar-
triggered a broad-based social movement critical of the impact ship on the relations between people, communities, and natural
of industrial capitalism on rural society. Cognizant of these resources. This scholarship is divided theoretically and meth-
expressed concerns regarding inequality, administrators of odologically into the sociology of natural resources (SNR) and
turn-of-the-century universities steered sociological attention environmental sociology (ES) camps (Buttel, 2002). These
away from controversial class and other inequalities and camps mostly followed the two perspectives noted in the Sec-
toward perspectives, such as population analysis and the tion Modernist and Preservationist Perspectives. The SNR camp
rural–urban continuum. Thirty years later the New Deal cli- is grounded in early twentieth-century discussions regarding
mate of state-led reformism created space for rural sociological conservationist (forester Gifford Pinchot) versus preservationist
attention to social class, race, and poverty, though this space (ecologist John Muir) views of natural resources. It focuses on
shrank as the New Deal was rolled back, the BAE was dis- conservationist approaches regarding efficient management of
mantled, and Cold War intensified. nonrenewable and renewable resources with a strong applied
Rural social stratification and related analyses enjoyed a and empirical orientation (Field and Burch, 1988). By the
renaissance during the Great Society Era and War on Poverty in 1960s, the SNR was an established research area made up of a
the 1960s. The study of rural social stratification continues to combination of (1) social scientists employed in government
be a lively and increasingly more diversified arena of inquiry. natural resource management agencies, such as the US Park
Studies of regional and labor market inequalities, rural gender Service, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and
inequality, and rural racial inequality have enriched the an- Corps of Engineers; (2) scholars working in the areas of leisure
alysis of rural social inequality (Lobao et al., 2007). These and recreation studies; and (3) rural sociologists working on
analyses have been extended to the global level and to met- resource-dependent community issues, such as the boomtown
ropolitan-corporate forces, such as international competition phenomenon of mining and forestry communities. In the
among private multinational agricultural input firms as part of 1970s, the field expanded to include the area of social impact
the globalization of economy and society (Bonanno et al., assessment. Most SNR researchers are employed in private or
1994; McMichael, 1994). public resource management agencies or natural resource-
In the 1980s, rural labor market studies emerged to analyze related academic departments, such as forestry, wildlife and
the changing economic base and employment opportunities range management, fisheries, or international development.
in rural America. Modernization and mechanization of agri- SNR researchers are often members of the International Sym-
culture and other extractive natural resource-based industries posium on Society and Resource Management and publish in
supported the steady decline of employment in the primary the flagship journal, Society and Natural Resources.
sector of the economy. From the modernization perspective, The substantive area of ES emerged in the 1960s and 1970s
rural to urban migration was a natural outcome of the effi- as part of the environmental movement (Buttel, 2002). Most
ciencies gained when capital replaced labor. In the 1970s, rural early environmental sociologists were academics at liberal arts
areas experienced a manufacturing boom as industries mi- institutions with a substantive interest in environmentalism.
grated south from the rust belt in search of cheaper land, lower Although some of the environmental sociologists had back-
taxes, and nonunion workers. Although this trend continues as grounds in natural resource sociology and then expanded their
major manufacturing companies shop for rural locations to research arena as environmental externalities and concerns
site their operations, service industries have emerged as the manifested in the 1960s, most were younger academics with a
major source of employment growth. These shifts have con- strong commitment to environmentalism. The original re-
tributed to uneven employment opportunities, high un- search questions focused on the characteristics of environ-
employment in many rural regions, the growth of temporary, mentalism and the structure of the environmental movement,
part-time, and informal work, and often increases in poverty. then expanded to the areas of pollution and resource scarcity
Much of the research investigates the nature and extent of rural owing to industrial production and consumption (Bell, 1998;
unemployment and underemployment, with a growing focus Buttel, 1978; Catton and Dunlap, 1978; Schnaiberg and
on the linkages of rural labor markets to the macroprocesses of Gould, 1994).
national economic restructuring as part of the globalization of ES approaches tend to be more critical and address the
economy and society (Green, 2007; Tigges and Tootle, 1990). ‘Environmental Question’ regarding the relationship between
Gender studies in rural sociology received little attention modern agriculture and environmental quality. More radical
until the late twentieth century (Haney and Knowles, 1988). neo-Marxist interpretations (O’Connor, 1998) argue that
Since then numerous studies have been carried out that in- capitalism is inherently contradictory with ecological sustain-
vestigate how the institutions of capitalism and patriarchy ability, whereas less radical perspectives such as reflexive
influence the work roles of men and women in the home, on modernization (Beck, 1992) support reformist agendas such as
the farm, and in other rural labor markets. A major dimension green technologies. In the past two decades, the field of pol-
of these studies is the nature of farm women’s household, itical ecology, mostly advanced by critical geographers and
farm, and off-farm work (Sachs, 1996). Recent research has development social scientists, emerged as a complement to ES
revealed the hidden and mostly unreported contributions of (Peet and Watts, 1996). Rural sociology was at the leading
women to rural sociology (Zimmerman and Larson, 2010). edge of the larger subdiscipline of ES and continues to provide
Gender studies have also started to focus on the topic of farm strong leadership in applied areas of ES (Freudenburg, 1986;
men and issues of masculinity (Campbell et al., 2006). Dunlap et al., 2002).
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Rural Sociology 67

International Rural Sociology international development program budgets. Second, a crisis

of confidence in the ability of development intervention pro-
As noted earlier, many of the prominent American rural soci- grams, such as the World Bank (WB), the International
ologists of the post-World War II period encouraged the global Monetary Fund (IMF), and the US Agency for International
diffusion of rural sociology, particularly in the developing Development to make positive differences in the developing
world. The impulse for diffusing international rural sociology world ensued as the global recession of the 1980s, inter-
(or the sociology of development) was partly the desire to national mobility of finance and industry linked to the glob-
promote a comparative approach to understanding rural social alization of economy and society, and imposition of structural
organization, but more importantly the post-War period was adjustment programs on debtor countries threatened the
an emerging era of ‘developmentalism,’ based on a faith in the possibility of balanced growth in the developing world. The
efficacy of scientifically planned social change and technolo- 1990s was the ‘postdevelopmentalist’ era in which the faith
gical development in the decolonizing world. Rural soci- that meaningful planned development based on positivist
ologists thought they had a great deal to offer for improving approaches could occur waned as the harsh realities of glob-
the quality of life in the developing world. Rural sociologists alization and fiscal austerity associated with the late twentieth
trained in the adoption and diffusion of agricultural technol- century political economy became apparent. Third, the fiscal
ogy (see Section Rural Sociology and the Diffusion Era) were crisis of the state combined with the demise of the USSR as a
well represented among these early international rural soci- global threat created a significant decline in the US develop-
ologists. The Cold War dynamic accelerated the push to diffuse ment assistance programs, which had traditionally been the
the technological answer to hunger and development and major source of funding for international development soci-
combat the spread of communism. Food aid such as PL480 ology (McMichael, 1996).
was a major dimension of these development assistance pro-
grams. Modernizationist interpretations of PL480 viewed it as
improving the Third World’s diets, whereas critical interpret- Rural Sociology and the Diffusion Era
ations viewed it as neocolonialism and cultural imperialism of
Western diets (McMichael, 1996). Embracing the adoption and diffusion of technology per-
This modernizationist/developmentalist tradition of rural spective was a pivotal turn in the development of rural soci-
sociology held firm for nearly three decades, but ultimately ology (Fliegel, 1993). It dominated the rural sociological
was displaced intellectually by critiques for its lack of efficacy scholarship during the 1950s and 1960s. Before this shift the
and of having ignored how development is constrained and rural population, community studies, and rural–urban con-
blocked by the global and national dynamics of the inter- tinuum traditions prevailed. Attention to technological change
national political economy, as well as the ethnocentrist im- had been confined to a few studies, such as Williams’ (1939)
position of one culture upon another. This early tradition of work on the impact of the mechanization of cotton pro-
international rural sociology would be undermined, in par- duction on field labor in the plantation systems of the south.
ticular, through critical assessments by rural sociologists re- Even during the height of diffusion research in rural sociology,
garding their participation and the role of rural sociology in the labor dislocations caused by mechanization of southern
the Green Revolution (Flora, 1990; Havens and Flinn, 1975). agriculture led many rural sociologists in the region to ques-
The sociology of international rural development has tion the implications of new technologies.
contributed substantially to the development of rural soci- The adoption–diffusion perspective is a social–psycho-
ology as a whole. International rural sociological studies have logical approach that explains why farmers adopt new tech-
helped to temper the tendency for this discipline embedded in nologies (Rogers, 1962). Farmers are social actors with
the land grant system to become parochial. International rural different cognitive states due to variation in education and
sociology scholarship has also contributed to important the- other factors and various value orientations, such as different
oretical trends in the field. For example, the late 1970s is re- levels of modernity, innovativeness, and risk-taking. Farmers
garded as a period of ascendance of the ‘New Rural Sociology,’ respond to stimuli, such as the characteristics of new agri-
whose principal theoretical underpinnings were grounded in cultural technologies, mass media messages, and influences
the critique of international development programs and the from reference groups. Unlike the earlier traditions in which
role of developmentalist/modernizationist rural sociology in community was stressed, the adoption–diffusion perspective
contributing to these programs (Buttle and Newby, 1980). deemphasized the spatial aspect of rural society and focused
This critical literature became known as the dependency theory on particular psychological traits of individuals (Fliegel,
(dependista) critique (Gunder Frank, 1969; Wallerstein, 1974) 1993).
of the great modernization project (Parsons, 1966; Rostow, The rise of the adoption–diffusion perspective was an
1960). In the 1990s, the Wageningen School (Long and Long, outcome of many trends of the time. The rural–urban con-
1992; Van der Ploeg, 1992) introduced actor–network theory tinuum perspective was exhausted and its role in data re-
(ANT) and a social anthropology approach to rural lifestyle connaissance to support New Deal reforms had waned. In the
studies. ANT provided an interpretive alternative to political 1940s, there was much excitement about hybrid corn and the
economy perspectives, which dominated the New Rural Soci- pioneering adoption studies focused on this technology. It
ology in the United States. identified which farmers had the highest rates of adoption of
In the early 1990s, three major social forces combined to hybrid corn and how the innovation was diffused to other
alter the future of international rural sociology. First, land farmers. The social climate of the time was conducive to
grant universities faced with growing fiscal pressures cut their shifting rural sociology to a focus on technologically driven
Author's personal copy
68 Rural Sociology

modernization of rural society as the best path to improved explain why the public policies and programs of the federally
quality of life. Adoption–diffusion studies were also a strategic sponsored land grant university system which claimed to be
way to make rural sociological research useful to experiment improving the quality of life for rural people was working well
station directors in the post-BAE climate. And in sociology at for some groups but marginalizing other groups. This shift in
large, the 1940s was a period of increased emphasis on social theoretical focus generated what is called The New Rural
psychology and survey research, which were integral to Sociology (Buttle and Newby, 1980).
adoption–diffusion research. Adoption–diffusion advocates It was noted at the outset of this article that rural sociology’s
believed they had the answer to humanity’s ills and the sci- history has been one of alternating between opposing views
entific method to diffuse the answer. In agriculture, the regarding the distinctiveness of traditional rural social struc-
promise was to end hunger and generate development. tures. Rural sociology came into its own during the post-World
The adoption tradition produced a number of general- War II era. Post-War rural sociology tended to reject the rural
izations about the process of agricultural technology diffusion. romanticism of the 1920s and embraced the technological-
For example, it was repeatedly found that plots of cumulative modernizationist paradigm that traditional rural social struc-
adoption over time took the form of a logistical growth (or ‘S’) tures were destined to disappear, that there was nothing
curve where adoption by the innovators proceeded slowly, intrinsic to rural America that was sufficiently socially or mor-
then accelerated through the early and late adopters, then ally superior to make it worthy of preservation, and that tech-
decelerated again as some of the laggards finally adopted. nological modernization was the most desirable future for rural
Earlier adopters of new technology tended to be younger, have America. In the 1970s and early 1980s, the pendulum began to
higher levels of education, and to have more ‘modern’ value swing back toward the rural preservationist perspective. Emer-
orientations than do later or nonadopters. Research also re- ging controversies over agricultural technologies and their social
vealed that correlations between farm size and farm household and environmental impacts tarnished the luster from the tech-
wealth and adoption of new commercial innovations tended nological-modernizationist view. The 1970s were a period of
to increase over time. Soon adoption–diffusion research ‘rural renaissance’ because of metro-to-nonmetro migration and
spread to other innovations and countries as part of the a stabilization of the declines in farm numbers that character-
modernization era (Fliegel, 1993). ized the post-War period.
Critics stressed that a shortcoming of adoption–diffusion The New Rural Sociology that emerged during the 1970s
was that it viewed new technologies as unambiguous im- and 1980s was decisively shaped by several phenomena in the
provements. Farmers who did not adopt were referred to as larger society. Five interrelated social movements are note-
‘laggards.’ Adoption researchers seldom considered how tech- worthy: Hightower’s (1973) critique of the land grant uni-
nologies might affect the structure of agriculture or the en- versity system linked to mechanization technologies; the
vironment. Despite the utility of the adoption–diffusion 1970s critique of the Green Revolution; public resistance to
perspective, its influence began to decline in the late 1960s and the rise of biotechnology in the 1980s; the sustainable agri-
early 1970s in tandem with a growing skepticism toward culture movement in the 1980s; and the rise of global en-
modern agricultural technologies among sociologists and so- vironmentalism in the 1980s. Social scientists placed emphasis
ciety at large. Although adoption–diffusion research no longer on explaining the origins of these movements and how they
has the prominent position it once enjoyed, modified dif- shaped research policies and the content of new technologies.
fusion theories and methodologies still enhance the under- Most importantly, disagreements over new technologies in
standing of the processes of technological change. society at large prompted social scientists to ponder whether
there are intellectually rigorous and socially constructive ways
to take a neutral and detached position toward the practice of
The New Rural Sociology science and the development of new technologies.
These new realities of rural America combined with the
By the 1960s, the critique of positivist frameworks that sup- growing popularity in sociology of critical theories led to the
ported the unquestioned adoption of technology as the New Rural Sociology. Adoption–diffusion approaches groun-
panacea for rural society was well established. Critical rural ded in positivistic assumptions of social change did not
sociologists were concerned that social theory and research explain well the societal conflict in the times. These new theo-
had been decoupled and that the uncritical empiricism of ries ranged from various forms of neo-Marxism and neo-
adoption–diffusion approaches generated unacceptable ex- Weberianism to critical theories drawn from hermeneutics and
ternalities for rural environments and rural people. Several related traditions. The coherence among these theories was
rural sociologists with experience in adoption–diffusion pro- their common critique of modernizationist rural sociology.
grams internationally challenged the Western orthodoxy of the The dominant theoretical underpinning of the New Rural
technological panacea by arguing that modernization served Sociology drew heavily on neo-Marxist interpretations of the
the interests of the wealthy elites and business interests to the social differentiation in agriculture, including the central role
detriment of peasants and poor people (Havens, 1972). In of the state and powerful interest groups in maintaining the
North America and Europe similar discontents emerged as political-economic system. The farm/debt crisis of the 1980s
social movements claimed that environmental degradation provided the empirical setting to apply the New Rural Soci-
and institutional discrimination persisted. The normative and ology framework. ‘Save the Family Farm’ was a familiar rally-
positivist conceptual frameworks that dominated for the pre- ing cry for populist movements, such as Prairie Fire, the
vious 20 years could not explain the social unrest of the time. American Agriculture Movement, the Center for Rural Affairs
Rural social scientists turned to critical perspectives to better (CRA, 2013), and the National Farmers’ Union (NFU, 2013).
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Rural Sociology 69

The critical New Rural Sociology first focused on the benefits of new technologies to become capitalized in the farm
paradox of the persistence of a majority of small family-based asset values of the surviving large landowners.
producers that produced a small percentage of farm output Rural sociologists appropriated Cochrane’s account of
combined with the growth of large, capitalist operations that technological change but soon found it to be lacking for a
accounted for large shares of production. The ‘Agrarian number of reasons. The treadmill theory is more valid when
Question’ was rediscovered as rural sociologists asked, ‘What is analyzing family farming systems compared with large-scale
the relationship between the structure of agriculture and the industrial agriculture. It also exaggerates the structural nature
quality of life in rural communities?’ Goldschmidt’s (1947) of technological change in family-farm agricultures. As most
work from California on the negative relationship between family farmers have significant off-farm work, they have more
community quality of life and industrial agriculture was re- autonomy concerning adoption decisions. The technology
discovered. The early discussions centered on how capitalist treadmill perspective’s focus on mechanization technology
relations of production penetrated agriculture, including the applied better to the 1950s than the 1980s agriculture. Fur-
barriers to agricultural industrialization. The sociology of thermore, treadmill of technology reasoning does not address
agriculture emerged as a distinct substantive area within rural the origins of new technologies, a limitation that was ad-
sociology (Buttel et al., 1990). dressed by the development of a rural sociology of agricultural
At the international level, the New Rural Sociology repre- science.
sented a major shift away from positivist adoption–diffusion As noted in the Section Agrarian Politics and the Country
approaches to critical world systems and dependency con- Life Commission, there were significant studies of technolo-
ceptual frames. Much of the critique of adoption–diffusion gical change and labor displacement in southern plantation
came from those international rural social scientists who did agriculture. The sociological study of the diffusion of agri-
research in the developing world and who realized its faults as cultural innovations began during World War II. Until the late
a tool for understanding agricultural change in rural areas 1960s, the adoption–diffusion perspective was the most im-
(Havens and Flinn, 1975; George, 1976; Lipton, 1977). Dis- portant area of rural sociological research. However, the dif-
cussion centered on terms, such as Gunde Frank’s (1969) ‘the fusion tradition tended to ignore the social origins of science
development of underdevelopment’ and Wallerstein’s (1974) and technology and the social consequences of technology.
‘world system’ of core, semiperiphery, and periphery counties The functionalist assumptions of adoption–diffusion ap-
structured in unequal exchange relationships as a remnant of proaches minimized the political–economic dimension of
colonialism. In the 1990s, the New Rural Sociology combined rural sociological research. Serious study of the processes by
the domestic and international foci to incorporate commodity which agricultural science is practiced and new agricultural
systems (Friedland, 1984) and commodity chain analysis technologies are developed did not emerge until Lawrence
(Hopkins and Wallerstein, 1986), which documented the Busch and William Lacy began to draw from the sociology of
political-economic dimensions of globalization of agriculture science to develop the field of the sociology of agricultural
and food systems (Bonanno et al., 1994; McMichael, 1994; science. During the 1980s, a prominent group of rural
Goodman and Watts, 1997). Though the New Rural Sociology sociologists, including Busch and Lacy (1983), Friedland
was most prominent in the sociology of agriculture literature (Friedland et al., 1981), Geisler (Berardi and Geisler, 1984),
(see Section Sociology of Agriculture and Food Studies), it had and others created the sociological study of the social con-
a major influence on the rural sociological study of agricultural sequences of agricultural technology.
science and technology as well. An important breakthrough in rural sociological thought
occurred when Busch and Lacy grappled with how rural soci-
ology could meaningfully engage public debates over agri-
cultural research and technology. They recognized that
The Sociology of Agricultural Science critiques of technology needed to demonstrate that there are
meaningful technological alternatives and that a change in the
In the post-Hightower period rural sociologists were unable to structure of research institutions or research policy can affect
develop a distinctly sociological theory of technological the content and impacts of new technology. To understand
change, so they build upon the ‘treadmill of technology’ whether there are alternatives to existing or emerging tech-
concept from agricultural economist Cochrane (1979). Pro- nologies, science and research needs to be studied rather than
ceeding from an adoption–diffusion perspective, Cochrane’s just the social impacts of technology. Busch and Lacy pion-
theory noted that earlier adopters received innovator’s rents eered the field of the sociology of agricultural science with
because of increased production combined with lower per unit their theoretical critique of the implicit sociology of science
production costs. However, because new technologies increase and knowledge within the adoption–diffusion tradition and
production and agricultural commodities have low price and the application of the sociological theory of influence on the
income elasticities of demand, overproduction and declining research of agricultural scientists. Their seminal book, Science,
commodity prices ensue. Depressed prices negate innovator’s Agriculture, and the Politics of Research (Busch and Lacy,
rent and force nonadopters to adopt, get on the treadmill, or 1983), demonstrated the important impacts that scientists’
go out of business. Nonadopter’s lands were then consolidated social backgrounds (e.g., farm vs. nonfarm) and institutional
into the early adopter’s operations (cannibalism), increasing nexus (State Agricultural Experiment Stations vs. Agricultural
farm size. Cochrane commented that the treadmill was sub- Research Service) have on the research goals of scientists. It
sidized by government commodity programs, which placed a documented the fact that science is a social product, and that
floor under commodity prices. These subsidies caused the social factors help to determine which of the several alternative
Author's personal copy
70 Rural Sociology

priorities and approaches are stressed in scientific institutions. has essentially served as a state policy that helped to under-
Their work provided a way for rural sociology to find some write the growth of large-scale capitalist agriculture (Rudy
middle ground between unrealistic Hightower-style criticism et al., 2007).
of new technology on one hand, and uncompromising
defense of land grant technology on the other. They contrib-
uted to a better understanding of how land grant and other Sociology of Agriculture and Food Studies
public agricultural research institutions function and helped to
galvanize rural sociological interest in contributing to public The sociology of agriculture and food is the dominant
research policy. substantive research area in rural sociology. As noted in the
It is notable that their work coincided with the growing Section Modernist and Preservationist Perspectives, all of
interest in the conflict over agricultural biotechnology. They rural sociology can be contexted within the original concerns
provided a general theoretical and empirical template for the with the relationship between the structure of agriculture and
numerous studies that would be done to explain the course of the quality of life in rural communities. The New Rural
the development of agricultural biotechnology. Their own Sociology represented a significant critical departure from the
book on biotechnology provides an innovative theoretical adoption–diffusion models that embraced positivist models
position, which combines the insights of ANT from the soci- of development. The initial and central problematic of the
ology of science and induced innovation theory from eco- New Rural Sociology was the ‘Agrarian Question’ (Buttle and
nomics (Busch et al., 1991). Busch’s work became increasingly Newby, 1980), which centered on the subsumption/survival
informed by science and technology studies (Latour, 1987), debate regarding how capitalism penetrates agriculture and
which investigates the study of how science is made rather the degree of farmer/peasant integration into industrial
than the finished science. These interests led to his creation of agricultural forms. National and international data not only
the Michigan State University School of Agrifood Governance revealed a steady depeasantization of rural areas but also
and Technoscience (Konefal and Hatanaka, 2010), where his showed that family-farm/peasant operations persisted in the
students carried on this research agenda focusing on the sci- face of industrialization. Rural sociologists were interested in
entific production of standards and resulting societal govern- whether family-farm/peasant agriculture would be subsumed
ance by standards. Following the ANT framework, standards into industrial models or if and why it might survive. Three
are nonhuman actors that structure society in nondemocratic perspectives emerged to explain this phenomenon: the sea-
ways. Busch continues to be concerned with the negative im- sonal nature of agriculture and associated biological con-
pacts that scientism, statism, and marketism have for sub- straints created barriers to capitalist penetration (Mann,
stantive forms of democracy (Busch, 2000, 2011). 1990); detours around these barriers, such as debt, contract
Rural sociological studies of biotechnology are wide ran- integration, market concentration, substitutionism, and
ging. Some of these were aimed at placing modern bio- appropriationism provide other avenues of penetration
technology in a historical context of the changing division of (Mooney, 1988; Goodman et al., 1987); and petty-
labor between the state and private capital in developing and commodity producers survive through flexibility and self-
promoting new technology. Other scholars have stressed the exploitation (Friedmann, 1978). The outcome of this debate
new political–economic environment of biotechnology (e.g., revealed that structuralist-Marxist interpretations of the
new intellectual property restrictions, such as patents), the demise of family/peasant agriculture were flawed due to
importance of intellectual competition in biotechnology, and particular configurations of family/peasant farming and that
how modern biotechnology could be expected to alter the historical and spatial contingencies created alternative struc-
dynamics of agrarian change in developed and developing tures of agriculture (Marsden, 1989).
countries (Buttel, 2005; Goodman et al., 1987; Kloppenburg, In the 1990s, the sociology of agriculture and food ex-
1988). The fierce controversy over GMO (genetically modified perienced two significant shifts: agroindustrial globalization
organism) food is a good example of the continuing tension and farming styles. The agroindustrial globalization approach
between positivist and critical theoretical positions of the argues that the primary drivers of agricultural change reside
implications of agricultural technology (see the movie Food outside production agriculture and in the areas of national
Inc. (Kenner, 2009)). political–economic processes, the global economy, and geo-
Rural sociologists have also pioneered in studies of several politics. In particular, the rising power of agribusiness trans-
areas of agricultural science other than biotechnology, such as national corporations (TNCs) and supranational forms of the
developing methodologies for ‘commodity systems analysis’ state (e.g., IMF, WB, World Trade Organization) as major co-
(Friedland, 1984). These studies have demonstrated that the ordinators of the agrifood system became a crucial research
forces that shape public and private agricultural research are, arena. Friedmann and McMichael (1989) introduced the re-
more often than not, relatively specific to the commodity gimes approach from the French Regulationist School to in-
sector involved. Another important area of research has con- terpret broad historical shifts in global agricultural
cerned sustainable agriculture, which has included research arrangements. Regimes analysis looks at clusters of symbiotic
aimed at facilitating agricultural sustainability as well as re- factors that generate stable periods of capital accumulation
search on the origins and implications of the sustainable interspersed with periods of crisis. The settler regime (Frontier)
agriculture movement (Allen, 2005; Buttel, 1997). The soci- of the late 1800s dominated by the British Empire was re-
ology of agricultural science embraced a critical perspective to placed in the 1940s by the agricultural surplus regime (For-
study the social significance of the research apparatus of the dist) dominated by the United States. Institutional crises of the
land grant university system itself, particularly as to whether it 1970s prompted the end of the surplus regime and the nascent
Author's personal copy
Rural Sociology 71

emergence of the neoliberal regime (Post-Fordism) based on The newest focus of agrifood research addresses the
flexible accumulation strategies employed by TNCs who ex- ‘Emancipatory Question.’ It investigates the relationship be-
ercised global sourcing strategies to obtain the best factors of tween the structure of modern agriculture and the quality of
production, often to the detriment of subordinate groups and civil rights for all participants. More specifically, it asks what
substantive forms of democracy (Bonanno and Constance, kind of agrifood system might decrease injustice and in-
2008; Burch and Lawrence, 2007; Campbell and Dixon, 2009; equality for farmers/ranchers/growers, farmworkers, food
Heffernan, 2000; Magdoff et al., 2000). The combination of processing workers, and all consumers? How can we transform
food regimes theory with commodity systems analysis the agrifood system to be more socially, economically, and
(Friedland, 1984) provided the terminology and framework environmentally just (Allen, 2005; Hinrichs and Lyson, 2007;
that informed agrifood theory in the 1990s. Critiques of the Thompson, 2010)? A central dimension of this research
neo-Marxist foundations of the agroindustrialization thesis has been the discussion of the different position producers
(Goodman and Watts, 1994) grounded in social constructivist experience in commodity versus value chains. Commodity
perspectives pushed agrifood theory beyond its structuralist chains tend to be based on indirect sales of undifferentiated
and pessimistic outlook. As a result of these events, the soci- global commodities dominated by agribusiness TNCs, whereas
ology of agriculture expanded beyond production and the value chains tend to be based on value-added dimensions of
farm gate to include the global dimensions of complex com- the chain (such as, organics) and attempts to share the
modity systems that linked global producers and consumers in value more equitably. Fair trade (Fair Trade International,
shifting commodity chains. 2013; Raynolds et al., 2007) has emerged as an attempt to
The farming styles approach is often referred to as the shift some of the profits along the value chain upstream
Wageningen School based at Wageningen University in the toward the producers and avoid the power of the agribusiness
Netherlands. The Wageningen School employs a neo-Weberian TNCs that drive the conventional commodity chains. Agri-
actor-oriented approach, which criticizes both functionalist and culture of the middle (Lyson et al., 2008) has emerged as
Marxist approaches for ignoring the relevance of social agency. an attempt to provide opportunities for those midsized pro-
From this social constructivist view, diverse rural cultures ducers who are too large for direct sales but too small to
interact with diverse national environments and economies to compete in global commodity markets by creating identity-
create diverse farming styles. This diversity of farming styles preserved, value-added products. Food policy councils
based on locale-specific farming structures, technologies, (Winne, 2008) have emerged to bring all stakeholders to the
rationalities, and practices mitigate the homogenizing forces of same table in an effort to create and sustain an equitable
the globalization (Arce and Marsden, 1993; Long and Long, agrifood system. At the international level, organizations, such
1992; Van der Ploeg, 1992, 2009). as La Via Campesina, are pushing back against the corporate
During the late 1990s, the ‘Food Question’ came to the fore domination of the agrifood system, especially regarding GMO
and the substantive research area became known as the soci- foods, and arguing that food is a sovereign right (La Via
ology of agrifood studies. The ‘Food Question’ investigates the Campesina, 2013; Wittman et al., 2010). For many rural
relationship between the modern agrifood system and the sociologists, alternative agriculture movements are viewed as
quality of food. Commodity systems and globalization had the countervailing force to the corporate domination of the
taken the research beyond the farm gate to include how con- global agrifood system based on neoliberal restructuring that
sumers were drivers of the agrifood system. Goodman’s favors market-based governance over democratic institutions
(2003) ‘quality turn’ captured the growing interest in alter- (Morgan et al., 2006).
native agrifood systems, such as food sheds (Kloppenburg
et al., 1996), regional food systems (Garrett and Feenstra,
1999), community-supported agriculture (DeLind, 2002), Summary
slow food (Miele and Murdoch, 2002), organics (Guthman,
2004), civic agriculture (Lyson, 2004), appellations (Barham, Rural sociology continues to be a diverse and vibrant field of
2007), and agriculture of the middle (Lyson et al., 2008). study. Professional rural sociological associations span the
The legitimation crisis regarding both the environmental globe. This article provides an overview of rural sociology with
and socioeconomic externalities of conventional, chemical- particular attention paid to the substantive areas of the soci-
intensive, monoculture agriculture, such as poor nutrition, ology of agricultural science and the sociology of agrifood
obesity, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, pesticide contamination, studies (see RSS (2013) for other historical sources). The so-
confined animal feeding operations, animal welfare, and sys- cial, economic, and environmental implications of the glob-
tematic rural depopulation had reached critical mass (Wright alization of the agrifood system, including the alternative
and Middendorf, 2008). Consumers were driving the agrifood responses to the dominant model, create a rich environment
system toward quality instead of commodity foods and re- for a long and interesting discourse in the field. A diverse array
searchers shifted their energies from the problems to the so- of social scientists including rural sociologists, agricultural
lutions of the agrifood system (Hinrichs and Lyson, 2007; The economists, environmental sociologists, cultural geographers,
Meatrix (Fox and Sachs, 2003); Grocery Store Wars (Organic cultural anthropologists, nutritionists, and others bring their
Trade Association (OTA) (2005)); King Corn (Woolf et al., particular disciplinary conceptual lenses to bear on the topic.
2007); 3 Lies About Food You’re Used to Hearing and Might The Four Questions framework (Constance, 2008) – Agrarian,
Even Believe (Food Mythbusters and Lappe, 2013); Super Size Environmental, Food, and Emancipatory – spans disciplinary
Me (Spurlock, 2004); and Fast Food Nation (Schlosser, boundaries and is useful for organizing the ongoing discourse.
2006)). Current issues, such as climate change, food sovereignty, land
Author's personal copy
72 Rural Sociology

grabs, governance, and genetically modified food occupy the Berardi, G.M., Geisler, C.C. (Eds.), 1984. The Social Consequences and Challenges
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to world hunger, opponents criticize GMOs as yet another agricultural sustainability movements. In: Goodman, D., Watts, M. (Eds.),
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