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ame ee) fn ieee ‘Neston separa Cltetzacan Hae tows tee Sones Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers Toe Sata: Ariss Maton oy “hare Selec and Mesene oa son eth Rap THE HAN SWINE FLU PANE ‘Spey Joao: The Asset Prose ie Pe nugn 2008 Sion 001 o Sage Supply Cran neck Siriten Gwen today’s hysteria over a non-existent Swine Flu threat and possible mandating of experimental, untested, tox, and tkely bioengineered vaccines, It's aporopriate to review early fears about thoie dangers — when evidence ist surfaced and concerns ware raised ne Shape of Canad Cove In 1920, Charles Michael Higgins’ *Horors of Vaccination Exposed and strated: Paton tothe Prasident fo Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy’ (now available in a new 2008 edition) issued a (Glan Sache unt Gane an Farsige “Public Challenge to Health Departments" in citing “Deaths from “aio Vaccination Denied and Concealed - More Deaths from Vaccination than from Smallpox then Most Arties continued “i onder that there shal be no misunderstanding about he serous ch against vaceinalon, a= bang now actualy more dangerous fo pubic neath and hurnah GlobalResearch ite tran natural smatpox. and. the equally serous charge, whi | make against vccinatng costars who how conte out Oapatment f Health ana Vial States ot Soryng ane cancesing these far rom tne peop, oa isa ths spel cnalenge 1 A the New Yors ely and Site autores tat wi rove fom the Geath caress and Mal recor, now concealed and wits fom ie puble. that there have been more Seats om vaccination tan rom smalox in every year or ve past Fawn years ne Gig and State otNew Yor” Je whic | bring —_—~ Calling compulsory vaccinations “medical barbarism,” Higgins petitioned President Woodrow Wilson to slop mandating them for army and navy personnel, He cited facts he called shocking, including death The 21° Century CLARITY PRESS « ‘119, only tmree peopteaiea trom smaupox. Higgins bluntly stated that: “Compulsory disease as a conciion for public schooling or for service in amy and navy is rmedkoally barbarous and legal unconsttrional, and should be abolished” They violate the Tight Ife, heath, and education." He asked Wilson to pardon courtmartaled soldiers who refused non-consensual vaccinations, then imprisoned at “hard labor for twenty-five yeer!..or asserting (their) rghit tothe macical sancily of (thoi) own bostes)." He said that in the 1906 - 05 Russo-Japanese War, typhoid vaccinations weren't used. Instead, for almost the fist time, moder, effectve sanitation and hygiene practices were employed, and fow soldiers experienced fypho fever. But in the WO | Galipal campaign, English salciers got ‘yphois ‘vacemnations. Unsanitary conditions prevailed, and many succumbed to typhoid and other infecious ‘diseases. In 1918 under conditions of poor sanitation for US forces, vaccinations proved inefective In preventing “a high death-rate among the wel vaccinated men.” (On March 28, 1919, an official repor rom the Chief Surgeon of the AEF in the US Public Health was tiled, “Typhoid Vaccination na Substitute for Sanitary Precautions,” Higgins quoted medical authortes admiting vaccination dangers and condemning their mandstory Use. The 1813 edton of Osters “Modern Medicine." Volume I stated “With the greatest care, however, certain (vaccination) risks are present and so itis unwise fo th physician to force the operation upon those who are unviling, oo give assurance of absalute harmlessness,” In 1889, the English Commission on Vaccination exhaustively lucied the issue, published is fining in 1896, concluded that vaccinations were dangerous, and said laws making them compulsory should be repealed of modifed. An enacted “conscientious clause” subsequent let parents exempt thei chikren. Yet, contrary to fears atthe ime, smallpox greatly decned because of improved sanitation ‘and good hyolene practices. 'As early 95 the mid-19th century, books about vaccine dangers included Or. Charles Schsferdecker's “Dr. CGE Nitunger’s evis of vaccination” (1856), Willam Tebb's “Sanitaon, not Vaccination the True Protection against Smal-Pox’ (1881), Willam White's "The Story of a Great Delusion” (1885), Alfred Russol Wallace's “Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangerous” (1888), Dr. Tenison Dean's “The Crime of Vaccination’ (1913), and many others. “Ip October, November, and December, 1801, (a tetanus epidemic occurred) after vaccination’: were administered) in Camden, Philadelphia, and to a certain extent in nearby towns” Higgins wrota the Secratary of Wer cling proof that there was distinct modal and logieal relaion between influenza and vaeeraton, and that many serous fiseases, including smallpox and cowpox, commence like influenza." ‘Tho “wholesale and repeated vaccinations in the military camps throughaut the world (suggested) that this vaccine infection had escaped...and was running wild as a world-vide epidemic infection," and to check itrequied al vaccinations be halted, He stzessed what he called “no mere hypathess or theory, but rather a hard fact” bome out by “fot and mouth dissase" epidemics in eatle and other animals, “some of which originated from two of the largest vaccine factories in this country.” at the tme in Phitacelphia and Detrot He cited US Bureau of Animal Industy and US Department of Agriculture reports that clearly showed ‘vaccine infection as the cause of the 1902 and 1908 epidemics, and the “strong suspicion” that later ‘ones in 1974 and 1915 wore as wol He called forthe abolion of “éangorous medical domination and monopoly which now controls our Departments,” which had long abused public power, that denied “Medical Tath, Freedom ang Progress (and) which should no longer be tolerated." He urged that compulsory army and navy personnel vaccinations be abolished, replaced solely by voluntary ones. He said “the practice of inficing on the human body @ compulsory medical disease, which is dangerous to te health and ife and causes many deaths every year is obviously legal and a medical crime on the people which must be suppressed.” On September 17, 1919, he asked President Wilson to puta stop to "vaccination horrors and medical mendactes.” Vaccinations Given US Military Forces During Major Miltary Conflicts since 1775 From at least the 1770s to the present, inoculations were routinely used. From the American Revolution through the Spanish-American War, smallpox vaccinations were administered. In WW I Iyphoid was added, and in WW Il, shots wore given for smallpox, yphod, typhus, tetanus, cholera, diphtheria influenza, scart fever, plague, paratypholé A and 8, and yellow fever. The Korean War adopted the same regimen. Vietnam added immunizations fo polo, telanus-dipteria toxoids, measies and meningococcal Fer the Gulf War, si more were added for anthrax, botulinum, adenovirus types 4 and 7, hepas measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), and rabies ~ @ virtual toxic stew besides depleted uranium exposure thal combined causec Gull War syndrome, its devastating effects on many thousands of troops, yet the Pentagon denied it existed greater man ever tox prew oF up 10 20 oangeroUus mnoculavOns plus Doster snoIs NcWaINg Tor Siphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis DTaP) that assure damage to (or destruction of) their immune systems folowed by serious healt problems later on In 1019, Higgins called smalpox and typhoid inoculations “medical barbarism.” Today W's at an intolerable level Confessions of a Medical Heretic (On Apri 16, 1988, a portion ofa brief New York Times obituary rad: (On Apri 5, “Dr, Robert S. Mendelsohn, a physician, author and citic of the medical fstablshment, ded ster a bre liness. te was 81 Years ol” Besides teaching athe University of iinois and Nortwestarn University, he was bes! known as "The People's Doctor” and for hs 1979 bestseller “Confessions of a Medical Heretic.” in which he auttoned against the harmful impact upon your ie of doctors, dugs ana hospitals." In @ November 1984 East West Jouinal article, he called immunizations a “medical time bomb,” and (a5 a pacdiatrcian) sais tne “greatest threat fo childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual ffs made to prevent them” He referred to deceptive marketing practices and called paediatricians bjectng to ther “bead and butler the equivalent ofa priest denying the infalibity of the Pope. He urged parents to reject all inoculations for thet chiléren, but explained that in many slates they’ mandatory. He administered them early in his practice, but later stopped “because of the myriad hazards they present” He summarzed his concerns as folows: — no evidence confims that vaccinations eliminate childhood diseases; = the Salk and Sabin polo vaccines don't work and cited Jonas Salk later admitting that mass inoculations caused an epidemic after 196% — smallpox vaccinations are “he only source of smallpox-related deaths for three decades after the isease had disappeared” — signiteant inoculation risks are real; parents should avold them when possible — doctors are derelict for not explaining thei hazards and fr “defend{ing) them tothe death” =a “myod (of known) short-term hazards (exist but) no one knows the long-term consequences of Injecting foreign (substances) ito the bodes) of your child(ren" — even more shocking is that ‘no one is making any structured effort to fd out” yet ‘omnes ranging rom annoying to wat — he asked: "Have we traded mumps and moasles for cancer and leukemia," and blamed vaccinations for their destructive harm, inluding thousands of annual SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) deaths ana — he said the best way to protect chilean is make sure theyre not vaccinated, Doctors Speak Out on Vaccine Dangers The Merck Manual (rst published in 1899, now available in a Home Eaton) wams individuals with B andlor T coll immunodeficionces to avoid Ive-vrus vaccines (Ihe main ingraciant in ones produced by Novarts, GlaxoSmithKline, and perhaps others) due to the risk of severe or fatal infections. Immunodefiencies include common food allergies, inhalant ones, eczema, dermatts, neurological deterioration and heart disease. Vaccines may be lethal for people with these conditions because thar immune systems can't produce a healiny reaction to the vial assault on them. Geltng it may induce inesses thy're intended to prevent and many other potentially deadly ones, Its no surprise that many doctors, earlier and now, share Mendelsohn's concerns and slate them (On Apr 2, 2002 in the London Telegraph, autism specialist Dr. Kenneth Aiken said: "When | was in traning, one in 2.800 (children were autistic). Now it fs ore in 280. At the moment, the anly logical ‘explanation for this is MMR" immunizations On Apri 27, 1979, atthe American Sociaty of Micrabclogy mesting, a paper by Ors. Anthony Merts, John Criss, ané BG Young tiled, “Occurrence of Measles in Previously Vaccinated Individuals” Concluded that “By the (US) government's own admission, tere has been a 41% face rate in persons who were previously vaccinated against the (measles) vrs.” ‘A.1993 Brish Medical Journal article stated: “In 1993 a high court judge inthe UK decided that twas. impossible to know the exact contents of vaccines and that science had no idea what the cocktalls of chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals contained in vaccines could do tothe human body, or why they would work to prevent disease” Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former FDA Vaccine Control head sai “There isa great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good” He concluded that “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any stack of influenza. The producers ofthese vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on sling them anyway. have shown tha the lerge-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement ofthe diseases against which they wore supposed to provide protection * ‘The National Institute of Healy's (NIH) Dr. James A. Shannon sald that “The only wholly safe vaccine Is vaceine that is never used.” Professor Ari Zukerman of the World Health Organization (WHO) stated: "Immunization against smallpox more hazardous than the disease itso” Dr, Paul Frame in the Journal of Family Practoe belleves “There is insufcient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age. Dr. John B. Classen stated that his “data proves thatthe tudes used to support immunization are so ‘Nawed that iis impossible to say If immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general” Dr. Gerhard Buchwald conchied from the results of 150 trials that “Vaccination is not necessary, not Useful, (and) dows not protect. There are twice 2s many casualtes from vaccination as from AIDS.” The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons stated that “Public poley regarding vaccines is fundamentally tawod. tis permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scintic methodology (and is) insulated from independent erticsm In his book, “Health and Nutrition Secrets.” Dr. Russell L. Blaylock wrote: “Multiple vaccinations, especially In newooms, are another major source of childhood mercury exposure because of the ‘mercury-containing thimerosal preservative. Over twenty-two vaccinations are now recommended for children before the age of two! Effects of exposure can vary from subtle to major malformations but even minor degrees of maHlevelopment can have unacceptable consequences.” Blaylock called flu vaccinations, especialy for the elderly, “criminal” because of known substance dangers in thom, including methylmercury, phenyimercury, ethylmercury, and aluminum that remain in the nervous system for ecades and damage i ‘According to the WHO, “The bost vaccine against common infectious diseases ((s) and adequate dit along wih good sanitation and hygiene practices. Dr. Rebecca Carley calls vaccinations "The True Weapons of Mass Destruction Causing VIDS, Vaccine Induced Diseases.” tman omers receiving two or rewer snots. le otea cangerous mercy ana atuminum ingrearents tnat accumulate in the brain causing cognitive dysfunction, Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One microgram i¢ considered toxic, By age two, most US children have received around 237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone, ‘Vaccines contain the folowing toxic and others substances: — twimerosal (mercury) — aluminum hydroxide and phosphate; ammonium sulfate; — amphotericin 8, — animal tissues and ‘uid, including horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey Kldnoy, chick tembryo, chicken egg, duck egg, pig blood, and porcine (pig) proteiissue;, — calf serum and fetal bovine serum — betapropiciactone, — macerated cancer cols — formaldehyde: = formalin — symete pheno: — aviatin an hyrotyze gelatin — alycorot — human ciploi cls tom aborted human fetal tissue) ase; — the ant-biotics neomycin and neomycin sulfate; — phonol red indiator disinfectant aye —polymyxin 8: — polysorbate 20 and 80; = residual MRCS proteins; = sorbet = tripjbutyphosphate — VERO cells, 2 continous ine of monkey kidney cells linked to the SV-40 virus known to cause leukemia; and — washed sheep red blood cal One or a combinations of theses substances can play havoc wth the human immune and neurological systems and cause deadly autoimmune and other diseases. On August 15, 2 UK Mall Online article ned Swine Flu vaccines to a deadly nerve disorder called Guillan-Barte Syndrome (GBS). It cited a leaked letter from Brtain's Heath Protection Agency ahead of planned mass-vaccinaions in the country. Sent to about 800 neurdlogists on July 28, it referred to America’s 1976 kilor vius Swine Flu scare, the urging then that everyone be vaccinated, and the millons who de with these resus: — people die from the vaccine (rom respiratory failure after severe paralysis, not Swine Flu — 500 GBS cases were detected — experts said the vaccine increased the GAS risk lave sight fle — once the lnk was established, vaccinations were halleg, but the damage was done after about 10 |weeks of inoculations; and = the US govemment pal hundreds of millions of dollars to settle damage claims from thausands of victims. UK press coverage curently describes concer aver the government releasing a vaccine “of unknown safely" yet plans remain to proceed. According to Jacke Fletcher, feunder of the vaccine support In a July 26 arte tiled, “Slaring Now Eviance That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man: Made," Dr. A. Tue Ot cited evidence showing that Novartis Pharmaceuticals “conspired wih corrupt ‘scientists’ at te US Amy Institute of Pathology, Ft, Detrck, Maryland, to create a ‘novel strain of weaponized‘iviuenza’ virus by... reverse engineering’ the deadly 1918 killer strain (hen) maliciously and surreptitiously releasing it globally) In March and Apel 2008 forthe primary purpose of creating @ panic-strickan world-wide demand for Novalis vaccine material.” tt claims the vaccine will unleash “lethal waves of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and limi the existing outbreak" for huge profits and “a massive and sudden (worldwide) depopulation’ agenda, He called the scheme mich greater than Henry Kissinger's 1974 NSSM-200 alabolial plan for the Immediate reduction of wold population’ in the hundreds of mions. In 1987, Dr, Maurce Hilerman, prominent vaccine expert and head of Merck's vaccine division Aadmited that mass inoculations in the 1950s and 1950s Ikely caused thousands of annual cancer deaths because the SV4O virus (rom dead monkeys) contaminated the frst polio vaccine. “According to hillerman, MERCK KNEW THE VACCINES WERE INFECTED WITH SV0, but distributed them anyway” Many other examples show that “lve viruses in vaccines SPREAD...isease very effectively. When combined witn SQUALENE ADJUVANT the virus becomes many times more potent and etna.” Ott claims Novaris’ patent application reveals “smoking gun evidence. The company admitled that “thoi ‘invented’ vaccine wil be effective because of ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING THE ORIGINS OF THE PANDEMIC FLU STRAIN THAT WAS REVERSE ENGINEERED’...Clearly the pandemic virus was not an act of nature. (I's) a conspiracy to commit mass murder fr prof. \Wrting for Ctizens for Legitimate Goverment (CLG), Or Andrew Bosworth sounded the alarm about “The Swine Flu Hoax." admitted its mysterious origins, expressed concem that t might be lethal, and suggested that it was either acciderly or éliberatly released by corporate or government sources to cause global epidemic for proft ans power. He cited suspicions of doctors and scientists that Swine Flu was man-made because af ts unique combination of viruses from diferent parts of the world. He mentioned spurious media and offcial reports of Swine Flu deaths, perhaps from conventional fa, another cause, of an unrelated medical condition. He called the US government's pandemic policy ridiculous” and repugnant. leaving people tered and uninformed enough to react adversely to thelr own well-being, ‘Avie Green Hils Biotechnology AG “Yor producing and dstibuting contaminated bird fu matoral tis ‘inter, alleging that this was a daliberato act to cause a pandemic, and also to profit” frm i, In addition, she accused Austian Health and other Ministry officials of knowledge and support of tis practice, nen later named Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi Aventis, world agencies (inluding the WHO, UN, and CDC), and high 1evel oficial in Austria, other European countries, and America of conspiratorial involvement, Her wob ste features the following recent reports: — on August 25, the UK Dally Mall said “Up to half of (British) family doctors do not want to be Vaccinated against swine fi” and one-third of them said the vaccine was inadequately tested — in Australia, “Leasing infectious disease experts have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-fu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread blood-borne diseases —In Jacobson v. Commonweatth of Massachusetis (1905), the US Supreme Court ruled thatthe state could require poopie to be vaccinated for te common good: in Apri 2008, reported that a possible new Massachusetts law (Bil 2028) wil require compulsory vaccinations; those refusing face 51,000 a day fines of 30 days in prison; after the state senate unanimously passed, Catherine Austin Fitts concluded that Boston's maney men must be “very scared aboul something” given that the city is “the capital of equity investment” — on August 25, Heath Minister Ulla Schmidt admitted on German TV thatthe Swine Flu vaccination ‘campaign was a hoax and the largest ever inoculation experiment in history; and = on August 22, Or. Wollgang Wogara, chairman of the health committee in the German pariament and European Counel, warned about potental Swine Flu vaccine safety. He sald Novarts' vaccine contained cancerous animal calls, and emphasized peoples’ fears over the disease from being inoculated. “tis a great business forthe pharmaceutical industry” he told Neven Presse. Swine fu is not vary diferent from conventional flu, Bu the vaccine can have dangerous side eects, Lessons from the 1976 Swine Flu Outbreak Soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ wore affected. About 240 became il. One death was reported, but the ines over spread beyand the base, so I's curious why not. The US Centers for Disease Conttal and Prevention couldnt explain why the disease was contained or how twas inoduced, humans arent uncommon. “every year, you wi nna some pig tarmer somewnere wno gets swine Bat tusually doosr't vans to his family" lt alone tothe surrounding area or beyond. Several years ago, Texas A & M's head of microbial and molecular pathogenesis, John Quarles, Isolated a swine fi virus In a student on campus. He took samples from him and about 100 others close to him. Not a single one of them was affected, and according to Quarles: "Thats prety classic for swine fu.” In research conducted by Dr. Pascal James Imperato, dean at SUNY’s School of Public Health, he repored that "the 2009 HINT virus was less efficient transmitted by droplet infection (inhalation of respatory pathogens exhaled by someone infected) in ferets compared tothe seasonal human HIN virus. This is a significant finding as it indicates that the 2009 swine fu virus might not be as easily transmitted between humans as its seasonal counterpart” ~ unless it's bioengineered to make t contagious and deadly. Conclusion ‘Swing Flu is @ virus-induced respiratory ness in pigs. Few succumb and cio, and humans are raraly infected, except occasional among people having direct contact with infected animals. For most who do, symptoms are generally mild, Medications and other treatments arent essential, The illness usally Iasi fom two to seven days, and most patients recover wel on ther own, Current, no global pandemic or public heath emergency exists, nor does forensic evidence link HINY lo reported deaths. Yel fear-mongering persisis to convince people glabaly to submit volunanly to dangerous, possibly deadly bioengineered, vaccines. I tage numbers of confirmed Swine Flu deaths eccur, contrary to compeling sclentfie reasons why thay should not, then serous investigation is called for to determine i inoculations, not H'N1, caused thom, and whether corporate greed and government complicity are behind a sinister plot to distract ‘world attention from @ deepening global depression, enrich drug companies hugely, and depopulate nations in numbers too horying to Imagine ~ or as some observers put it, “depopulation by inoculation” ‘Stephen Lendman is @ Research Associate ofthe Centre for Research on Globelization. He lives in CChicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog ste at silendman blogspot com and listen fo The Global Research News Hour on RopublicBroadeasting org Mondey - Friday at 1OAM US Cental time fr cuting-odge discussions with distinguished guests on wond and national issues. Al programs are archived for easy listening. The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real “Thrat that Should be a Forgot Treeat 21 June 2015 cooking in orders inprove your rowsing experience. Gy cantnung louse is te you agree tothe use ofcookes. Ok _ acy ply Ww. When Mass Vaccination Mandatory Vaccine Agenda Is Programs Are Mounted in a Hurry, Step-by-Step Repealing Religious Bed Outcomes and Liabily Are & Philosophical Exemptions Invariably Big Issues 4 September 2019 19 Apel 2021 ‘The egal sooo of atte bal Ressarch Copyght© Sashes Lndran, Gb Revere, 2008 ‘Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page Become a Member of Global Research ‘ances or ‘Stephen Lendman ‘Avoutne autor StoperCandman tose Cncega, He canbe ences at londnanaashon seat ret raw oe be ear cnt teiergotn brine US Oren or Pagenny es Iw eprmcotencro tn Vth ge {stud guests on te Pages Rede News Ho" On he Progianive ao Namo tats ree nw way reo Sars a {Pi Convattme pls two proccss rote paren acti hrc of aah ey te son care schon ni ate ‘Stal nesoch Sites on comment see cng sured enya canon ones yet = ‘Sige Goan esna arc Fr cto hn Seeach ane n rte cower cg mmr, ca bbtetonybonrseace Thin wobte uses coin order to prove your browsing experence. 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