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; Bakunin on Anarchism __ with an Introduce’ SAM DOLGOFF Covyrah ©1980 by Sazx Dont {Xo pat of thin book may be reproduced of transmitted In any form BP Bee “Secee ot evecmaneal neludig photocooyine and Px es ey a iioration storage or erieval system, without TEitceSermision ftom the publisher. except for brief passages -Reaction in Germany” is reprinted by permissln of Quadranle Peseieoacston Philosophy, eed by James M. Ee, James emtian Mon Barbara, Zeidman George L., Kline, "copyright SURF, Quadrangle Books, In” Beksnins Cate fn'taken from the Doctrine of Anarchism of Michaela wc Pyzut, 1985, 9p, 968" by erosion of Marquette Ut etn Pret, blake BLACK ROSE BOOKS No. ) 56 andeover ISBN: 0919619-067 Pavesnack ISBN; 0919619-08-9 _—_——— ‘CANADIAN CATALOGUING IN PUMLICATION DATA ge, New York, AA. Kp io 972 ‘i.e on amc. 1 Bout Sea, 02 I Te * veou.pia mao mg7 cao BLACK ROSE BOOKS Boa ontevard Se arent, 4h Noor, Monteea Haw 1¥S, Quebec, Canada Printed and bound in Québec, Canada Liberty without soealom is priv, injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality. Macs BAKO Contents Revised Eton Reet a canin: A Biographical Sketchy by James Guillaume ‘The Pre-anarchist Period: Revolutionary Poy-Slaosm 1842 The Reaction in Germany BEE Ort ihe 170m Annicersary ofthe Potish rourection of 1830 1848 Appoot tothe Slows HEE epee he Confesion to Tsar Nicholas I “The Anarchism of Micha Bakunin 1866 Reolutionary Coteckism 1866 National Catechism 1806 Naatism, Soctaism, Anti-Theoloisn, Federale Rousseat’s Theoty of the State) 1869 $e ogame the international Brotkerhoo! 1869 The Policy ofthe International the Branco-Prsslan War and the Paris Comme 1870 Letter to Albert Richard 1D tetera a renclaman om the Present Cris Ci roblems of the Social Revolution Seeerevluionary Tamper and Its Mate 2 Gritique of the German Qyclar Democratic Program seepresentasive Government and Univers ‘Suffrage 1871 God and the State ‘Authority and Science Man, Soviety, and Freedom ort The Progyam af the Altonce Caton Rureaucracy ‘Phe Skructure of the International “The Strweture of the State Contrasted vnith Phat ofthe International vars Po Comma ante nf he 1872 Letter 1 La Liberté 1812 he International and Kart Mare sas [eerie BiseeRerig 1/6 Feleation 351 1876 is ‘Building the New Social Order, ae V_ Supplementary Subjects “ ——- a Centralization : Potent ‘The French Revolution: isond Se 388 7 poressed W amen of Reessia: On Women's s gee Notional, the State ond Federalism pif (Qt oursos dnt Rado Minded Woe oa On the Conditions for United. in the Conditions for Unite Pron Action eth other 409 Qn Gerla ete w On Caer orb the Whole Popsation 412 Qn Diss ipline an instinct ond Conscious z as Orica Como mites Paani HS the Connection Between Repu palitit Miliary Dictatorships ae ae min Refes Peso Sore Fret Sana othe Mars 8 (On Safeguarding Fr " Sweauarding Precdom casinss the Abuse of 438 Workers Selt.Mana ‘Remuneration Preamble and Program ofthe Internat ern a Erma of he nersationsl Alone 426 Nous ‘Select Bibliography 385 eement of Industry and Equal 423 29 49 Prefatory Note Amangiog 2 representative anthology of Bakunin’: writings preents 2 number of ificlt problems. Statism and Anarchy fas the anly major work he ever completed, and even many Short picees temain onfnihed, For Bakunin vas above all aetivst; he would begin to write something, then leave off to fttend to some pressing contingency; or he might complete a fist draft but never nd time to revise and eorect it His work bounds in repetitions andi interspersed with long. digressons, Hs eaxay God and the State, for eaample, began 282 critique of Man’s theory of economic determinism, was sidetracked by Tesetment against the defenders of established religion into an ‘xpastion of idealist philosophy, from which it digresed into 2 profound dsenson ofthe itereationship of seience, authority, the sat, society, and the individual-only to remain unfinished fn the end. in short, Bakunin’ literary output is a bewildering nase of fragments, articles, letters, speeches, esays, pamphlets, Tigh repetitive and full of detours and dead ends, yet ashing ‘sith rosights throughout. To comple a cohercit presentation of his thought ia forbidding task ‘My late friend and mentor, Gregory Petrovich Masimoff, attempted a sjtematization of Baknin’s writings under the title The Political Philosophy of Bakunin, with the hopeful Subtitle Scientific Anarchiom. Unfortunately, however, there is tno such thing s “scientie” anarchism. Baknnin abbored “sc tentife socialism” and did not himself arrange his ideas within the constricting frsmework of a stem. To cut up and rearrange ‘Bakunio’s writings withost regard forthe context or the period Jn-which they mere writen risks the loss ofa balaneed presents tion in favor of purely pessonal interpretation, Moreover, Bakunin’s vibrant personality, which Tlomines all his writings, oes not come thiough in such a presentation. Tm amy case, “Maximof?s untimely death prevented him from witing an intro- 52 -Mreunet Barus: A Brocnarmcat Sire tinh on she bss ofthe prinipes ofthe Internationa forenlated He yf te revel states adopt a the Geert Congest of sb73 ‘Therefore this asmbly, meting in Ber, calls upon al wot cout fn he vain aed ufortate dseensons ofthe yst and oto he bss of stack adhezence tothe principles enue torre cle ofthe above mentioned atte (aotnony of the ‘ection ‘Do you want to know how this moving appeal to frget pst utr ond to nite in iberty was answered? The Mandst Tag: pact of Zach on aly 8 printed the following: Bakunin was regaed by many feitainded men cod good soca 8 Russian agent. This suspicion, doles roncous, at a bythe fact that Bokunin greatly harmed ee revo Tea ovement as the ection which benefited nest fom ti at, Similar malevolent accusations vented by the Volketaat of ‘eipg and the Rusia language Vpered of London compelled the fends of Bakunin to conclude that his enemits dil not vacsnd te dexst from theic campaign of hatred. Hence the allen nf the Jura Federation on September 10, 2876, faced ‘sth hostile manifestations, declared: ‘We deste, our conduct bas always established the mast complet secon pombe of all soca groups: we te eaP te extend our baod i fends oll hove wto snc a ogc for the emancipation of labo. But we ae a TR ne deermined not to allow anyone to insult ox dead. ‘will the time come when posterity wil assess the person and achievements of Bakunin with the impartiality that we Me sight to expect? Pusther, eam one hope that the wi pened bys fiends on hs freshly covered grave wil somelll be realised? Pre-Anarchist Period Revolutionary Pan-Slavism 1842 The Reaction in Germany “The fist of the following four selections isan extract from akon’ pivotal esey ‘The Reaction in Germany: From the Mosbooks of 2 Frenchman witten in October 1842 under the Jpomym les Elysard Tt marks his emergence ftom purely Dhiovophical studies 10 active participation in revolutionary Merpottial movements, Critciaed by his friends as being t00 Gract, the essay employs Hegelian philosophic language to Hit + concept of permanent social and pois! revoltion Pilined to Bakunia’s temperament. Its polemics are aimed at We "conpromisers,” these who, like the stereotype of today’s |, would take an intermediate position between the on ffer—whom Bakunin called “positists” as opposed to the “egativsts” with regard, of course, to the status quo or Shment-and the radials. The religious tone of some ses ark the esiay as belonging to the period before his {socials ideas, 2 study which Ted to his public advocacy nin 1560, Despite its vagueness and philosophic phras ty isa call fr socal revolution, forthe realization of Aiesdom asthe supreme end of history, and an asertion Tn the revolutionary eapablites of the lowest clases in Yh: poor, ‘Too many people are fond of repeating celebrated phrase “The pasion for destruction is = = fasion, too” without regard forthe social and politcal fe atached tot 56 ‘Tu Pre Axancmst Pra100 Faro, te reization of feed: who can day that i caste agenda of ito? Reston Ss ep wearin of he Cn nan ato th reps 0 eit te coos orn tan the deacon of whan Ha Re We must a oily, Ree gow cy me ee ey i ai pon ji: aa ve. ed of wih hoe aed the ener ofthe Chan ion us lo, we Seeds en ade the hat) fru sone, hgh ommanament of C2 Tardy tote iin: so ene con sy what was ad in enh soon eto ts 0 8 os he RN, ios: Te Fe me ieroud companies tes to A pe Ty mvs awe 3 0605 OH nh, boom te te ad "To a en en ng a, hey, YEH 8 And he ea ai of he Ph Jos ta

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