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| tee) aed ele Determination THE BRAIN i he human brain is an organ inside the OO" [rstitinste 0 tons an trillions of other cells called glia that help us to think, remember, feel, dream, and control our bodies. We cannot live without our brains. One brain has approximately the same number of cells as all the stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. ‘The brain receives information from inside and outside ofthe body. It processes the information and tells the body what todo. Different parts of the brain specialize in different kinds of information. Our brains can also remember and learn from our experiences. Dds | as eer y For an example of physical skills, many babies can make vowel sounds when they are only six weeks old, and most can walk between the ages of eight and eighteen months. ‘most complex organ in the human bod. REA ‘A. The human brains the Children learn other skills, like riding a bicycle or jumping rope, when they are older. Cerebral skills include speaking, counting, and all the subjects that we learn in school. To do these things, the brain has to think, not just coordinate muscles, People learn in different ways. ‘Some people are good at learning by reading or hearing information, but others learn best when they see pictures or touch objects. Most people learn better when they can try an activity for themselves. All people learn best when they use the methods that are best for them. > Ve Are = Size Matters The human brain weighs between 26 and 33 pounds. This is about 2 percent of human body weight, which means that humans have one of the largest brain to body size ratios. My World Reading > The Brain Using Ties for Comprehension Before reading, look atthe ite ofthe text. Ask yourself What isthe text about? What do know about this topic? Wht information does te tte give me? 1 Work in pairs. Look at the title and discuss the questions. a. What do you know about the human brain? . What does the brain do? 2 Read the encyclopedia extract to check your answers. 3 Read the extract again and match the headings to the paragraphs. a. How do people learn? . What types of skills do we have? cc. What is the brain? 4d. What does the brain do? 4 Answer the questions. a. How many neurons do our brains have? . Where does the brain get information? . How are physical and cerebral skills different? d. How do all people learn best? 5 Work in groups. Discuss how you learn best. Vocabulary > Verbs of the Mind ER] and Senses 1 Write the verbs in the correct columns. see think look smell learn hear know remember listen touch count taste eS 2 Use the verbs to complete the classroom expressions, ‘a. Can you repeat, please? | didn’t you. b. Can you to one hundred in English? c at the exercise on page 21 . Doyou the answer to number 3? e,___tothe conversation. Could you move, please? I can’t the board. 3 Work in pairs. Use classroom expressions to make a request, ask a question, and give an instruction. Listening > Brain Training 1. Work in pairs. Describe what you see in the picture. WE Hill 2 Listen §%} to the students discussing the picture. Label the statements R (Rory), J Uoanne), or N (neither), according to what they see first. a. |can see an old woman and a young woman. __ b. I can only see the old woman, _ . Ican only see the young woman.__ 3 Listen again. Mark (v) the features Joanne describes. ©. hair__ d.amouth__ a. alargenose__ b.eyes__ 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. ‘a. Do you find optical illusions easy or difficult? Why? b. Do you like brain training puzzles? Why or why not? Grammar > CaniCan't ER) 4 1 Read the sentences and underline the correct options to complete the rules. | can see a young woman. | can’t see an old woman. Can you do other types of puzzles? ‘Can you see her nose? Yes, | can,/No, | can't. They can be dificult. EE a, We use can or can't + a verb in the base form when we talk about abilty/habits. b. We use/do not use the main verb in short answers. . The form of can is the same/aifferent with singular and plural subjects. 2 Use can or can’t to complete the conversation Saw 1) you swim, Tom? Tox OF course 12) 9 you snorkel? Sau: NO, 1.4) , but my brother 5) Tow: 16) snorkel, but | want to learn. Saws: | hear it's fun. You 7) see colorful fish and coral underwater. Tow: 8) you touch the fish? Sau: don't think you 9) They're too fast! 3 Use the phrases to complete the text. can’t talk can move can hear can jump can't breathe Pere ant aeeld four to five times larger than any other animal of a Pr Leama 1 a. They are entertaining, Marine dolphins ) as high as thirty feet in the ait. b, They ate dynamic. They auickly through the water without using much energy. . They are sensitive. They. sounds ten times better than humans. ae d. They are mammals like humans, so they underwater. 2 €. They ate communicative. They. ‘with words, but they make different sounds ~~~ underwater. Look at the pictures. In your notebook, write about what the person can or can't do. B R “< Work in groups. Use the pictures in activity 4 to ‘guess what your group members can or can’t do. I think Alisha can. ‘No, she can’t, but she can. Speaking > Show me! ") Work in pairs. Ask your partner the questions. if he or she answers yes, say Show me! Give a point for each thing your partner can do. ‘a. Can you say the alphabet in English? b. Can you sing "Happy Birthday” in English? . Can you spell your name backwards? . Can you say yellow leather, red leather three times? . Can you close your eyes, extend your arms, and touch the ends of your index fingers? Work in groups. Tell your group what your partner can and can’t do. Rr Loey Cea Seiad Listening > The Music Show Using Visual Information for Comprehension Before ‘Ask Yoursal: What isthe topic of te text am going to hear? ning, look for sual clues that wil help you predict content 1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of the girl anc discuss the questions. ‘a. How old do you think she is? b. What do you think her interests are? ¢. What do you think is special about her? 2 Listen 69} to a radio interview with the girl to check your answers, 3 Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Alexia is ten years old, Her parents gave her a guitar when she was four. _ She spends eight hours a day practicing. _ a b. c d. She loves writing music. _ €. Her favorite subjects are English and geography, f She wants to be a biologist when she grows up. _ 4 Work in pairs. Use the prompts to discuss how Alexia is, similar to or different from you. + Alexia's age * her favorite subjects ‘her school « the things she likes to do Pronunciation > Sentence Stress 1 Listen ¢/} to how the speaker stresses the underlined content words in each sentence. a. Welome to The Music Show b, Alexia Grant is only fourteen years old, ¢. She isa talented musician. d. | enjoy playing video games. 2 Underline the correct option. Content words carry/do not carry the meaning in a sentence, 3 Say the sentences aloud and underline the content words. fa. She plays the guitar and the piano. b. She also composes her own music. «. She likes science d. She is a normal kid, 4 Listen to check. Then repeat the sentences. Vocabulary > School Subjects ©SER) > Match the school subjects to the related Phrases, a. history dart g. literature b. science 8 PE h. geography ©. music f. math play instruments aint pictures talk about the past study different places around the world study quantity and shapes read and discuss books and authors do experiments play sports Speaking > Favorite Subjects 1. Work in groups. Discuss the questions, a, Which days do you study the school subjects, above? . Which is your favorite subject? cy easy for you? d. Do you prefer arts or sciences ich subject Why? 2 List the most popular subjects for your group. Reading > Different Types of Thinkers 1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures in the article and discuss which qualities you need for each job. Use the ideas in the box. creative logical analytical ar The left and right sides of our brains control different types of thinking. People with a dominant left side are more analytical and logical. They love doing math and are also good at solving problems. They prefer reading realistic stories to fantasy stories. They need to plan things because they like to have structure, and they hate being late. Right- brained people are more creative and artistic. They enjoy telling stories, and they also like acting. They are not interested in listening to classical music, but prefer to listen to popular music. They hate to plan things. Right-brained people often want to be actors or artists when they finish school. They love to be creative. Are you right-brained or left-brained? Some people are both. If you want to see which you are, take our quiz. 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 2. Read the introduction to the quiz and label the jobs L (left-brain dominant) or R (right-brain dominant), as b. musician Take the quiz and score your answers. a. What type of learner are you? . Do you think the result of the quiz de: 8H ? ribes you 1. What are you good at? Solving math problems. Painting and making things in art class. Both. 2. What is your favorite free-time activity? Working on a computer. Reading stories. Both. 3. How do you like studying? ike studying in silence. Like listening to music when | study. I can study in silence or with music. 4. Which of these jobs would you like to do when you finish school? Scientist. Artist or musician Teacher, You are a left-brained person. You are probably good at learning languages and thinking logically. You may also be good at math. You are a right-brained person You are intuitive, and you are good at expressing your emotions. You also remember people's faces and enjoy music. You imagine becoming an actor or artist. Congratulations! You have characteristics of both left-brained and right-brained people. You enjoy the best of both worlds! Grammer > Gerunds and lafinitives SE) 1 Read the sentences. Underline the gerunds and circle the infinitives, Follow the examples. They love doing math. They love(@ ba creative. They prefer reading realistic stories. They prefer to listen to popular music. You are probably good at learning languages. Right-brained people often want to be actors. ‘See Grammar Reference, page 130. 2 Work in pairs. Find other words and phrases in the text on page 10. Identify what follows them (a gerund or an infinitive) 3 Write the words and phrases from activities 1 and 2 in the correct columns. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Some have more than one correct answer. a. lenjoy (listen) to pop music, but | hate (ance). b. Nove (eat) chocolate, but | don’t like (rink) soda. «. Imnot interested in (speak) French \ prefer (learn) English. | want (traven to the US next year, e. I'm good at (play) the guitar. f. Ineed (08ss) all my exams this year. 5. Use the prompts to write questions. you/enjoy/play/sports? Do you enjoy playing sports? ‘+ what sports/yourlke/play? + you/enjoy/watchysports on TV? ‘+ what other things/you/like/dovin your free time? + yousinterested invlisten/to music? ‘+ what/school subjects/you/good at? 6 Work in pairs. Use the questions to interview each ather. Arenlor) CO nT Ce cd ees Wating > Study Buddy 1 Use the prompts to interview other students to find a "study buddy” for the school year. ‘Ate you good at ...? + Do you prefer... oF...? ‘+ What do you hate ... in class? ‘+ What do you lke ... during recess? ‘+ What do you want ... this year? + Are you interested in ...? 2 Write an email to a friend describing your study buddy. Hey James, | want to tell you about Carlos. Carlos is my study buddy. He isn't very good at science, but he is good at math. He... ‘Waiting an email to @ friend » Give an informal greeting: Mi, Hey » Use conractions i, ne’, shes, ete » Use an informal closing: Hugs; Bye; See you soon, et Cee lee Reading > a y aR Cee ego ee eee ua Its written form is thought to have begun to develop in the early second millennium BCE. The Chinese writing PSE esa Se ocr Tad a ec) Ne ee eg es eee Ea oe a aces the sun) with aline in the middle. A treeis a picture of a tree, woodsis two trees, and a forests three. There are over 20,000 characters in Chinese! Chinese grammar is relatively simple. There are no past or future tenses. There are no plural forms of nouns In Chinese, you say one book, two book, a hundred Cee en a ed means both he and she. ‘The pronunciation of Chinese is very complex. Chinese characters have four tones, each with different Dee a ket ee eae ee ne eno De ean ene es as ee learning Chinese! Pes ake ene Lg ee nea a ae ag have one tone for each word. Chinese is one of the pee ata ang haces more and more people who want to learn it. There are now many schools in the US where children study ere ae ee eis Oo \Weting > An International Language > Use the prompts to write a paragraph describing the English language. Use the model text on page 12. * the English alphabet/simpler than Chinese/26 letters + English grammar/not as complex as German + not many different verb forms noun/not have gender + English/a lot of words + some/like Spanish words, but many/different + the pronunciation of English/confusing * to, two, and too/same pronunciation Listening > Learning New Words 1 Work in pairs. Read the methods for learning new ‘words and discuss which pictures they refer to. ‘a. Looking up a word in a dictionary b. writing words in a notebook ¢. Translating words . Drawing a picture of the meaning . Undertining words head. Ithas about 100 billion neurons and trillions of other cells called glia th: us to think, remember, feel, dream, and contro bodies. We cannot live without our brains. ‘One brain has approximately the same number of cells as all the stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. |" human brain isan organ inside (_) 2 Listen 6°} to the tutor and mark (v) the methods in activity 1 that she mentions, 3 Listen again and write other ideas the tutor gives. 4 Work in groups. Discuss the methods that you use to learn new words. Grammar > Relative Pronouns “ER 1. Read the examples from Track 6. Circle the relative pronouns and draw an arrow to the nouns they refer to. 7.OAKS ACADEMY ENGLISH TaN rer orely Buya sr Gotoa Ther 2 Complete the table with the correct relative pronouns. Com the Seven Oaks Academy, 2 ea eens een Underline the correct options to complete the sentences. Special room where/that | study Secor, na al dictionary is a dictionary who/thar gives the {citonany ba ectionany whether ees ey to get to know the local area eee, =e after you at home a. Ihave b. Abiling meanings of words i (0 lang ges. re people who/where 4 Look at the brochure for a language school. Use relative + Friday parties 4) QED = Pronouns to complete it. ee eee er ac 5. Complete the sentences with information about you ey at a. My is the place where PSC eats bine ‘het Re eee ere rani yo 4. My best frends a per ime while you learn! e. lenjoy \ere people can Sd Speaking > Can you say it in English? "J 1 Use the prompts to conduct a survey of your classmates about the things they like or dislike. Ask for details. + weekend activities, * friends ion destinations. ‘+ movies or books * teach S * places f tudying 2 Work in groups. Present your findings. Discuss what types of people, places, and things are popular in your class. > Create your class schedule in English. 2 Work in pairs. Use the prompts to ask your partner about what he or she can do in school * In languages: speak French, English, or another language + In geography: name the capital of Australia * In science: say what H,0 is ‘In PE: jump 1 meter, run 400 meters ‘In music: play the piano, sing well * Inart: draw a face, paint a picture > Think of three more questions to ask your partner about his or her abilities. 3. Underline the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. a. My brother enjoys doing/to do brain teaser puzzles. b. The students in the class hate haverhaving homework on weekends. . My grandmother is interested in read/reading about science. d. | want going/to go out on the weekend, e. My brother prefers stay/staying home. f. enjoy being/to be in PE class. 'm good at running/to run. 4 Use the prompts to ask your classmates for information. Use the information to write sentences, + sport/good at + foodslikes to eat + free-time activty/enjoys doing ‘+ music/hates listening to + something/wants to do in life 5 Read the text and discuss how organization can help you reach your goals. Toke notes! Tf you want +0 cemember things bist you study ot school, take notes. It i in difficult to remember things when you not write them down, You have so ean) ions. Your teachers give yo ee rnaton Your friends want +o tell you their phone numbers or invite br fo a birthday party. Then when you ae Freme, your mom asks you t0 99 stopping For some information, you con use a piece of paper. For other irae, you con use a cell phone or toblet, dust remeber +o look at your notes often so that you don't Forget! prererpree 6 Write notes about what you can do in English, I can say what | like and dislike | can count.

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